8th ASIAN ACADEMIC SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “ASIA Sustainable Innovation: Global Health DiplomaCy, TeChnology and SDGs ACCordanCe” (C-15) INFLUENCE OF THE CAR SHARING SERVICE ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT USAGES Thanaphon Mathuravech1 and Angkee Sripakagorn1* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand.1 *Corresponding author, Email address:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The present study is to study how can Ha:mo usages affect to walking, and public transport by evaluating the autonomy. The study was focused on the long-term users during Oct. to Nov., 2019. Travel distance, velocity, frequency of transport, and fare were collected by exploring the transport situation. The main indicator was the accessibility index calculated by MATLAB. The original mathematical modelling of accessibility index was developed into the implicit function based on travel cost, travel time, and travel modes. The findings showed car sharing service in university could be adopted to connect trips between public transportations. hence, Ha:mo contributed to make more walking, and more convenient transports covering areas. However, still lack of Personal Miles Travel ‘s equations to predict the travel behaviors. The findings can contribute to use car sharing service instead of using public transport. Therefore, this contribution can reduce more traffic congestion, and reduce private cars. Keywords Car sharing service in university, Ha:mo, Long - term users, Accessibility index and Autonomy. INTRODUCTION Car sharing is one of the shared vehicle-use services growing rapidly in popularity, often backed by private partner organizations, such as in universities and in urban areas because car sharing can both reduce in parking demands and traffic congestions as well as is believed to have both social and environmental benefits (Martin et al., 2010; Transportation Research Board, 2005) Carsharing on university campus: subsidies, commuter benefits, and their impacts on carsharing.