Painter Dies Fair, Warmer - IOWA-Fair COda)' ..... io~: " Owen R. Morl'an killed In rau warmer In w l ..... -u. wa)' rrom third story IIC&ffoldin&"...... In ella1 poriiOD io___ aw. (Scc Siory, Pare G) Iowa City's M ornin, Newspaper VOLUME XXXVlIl NillffiER 237 FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDA y,, JUNE SO, 1939

• , Senate Votes Diamond Lil Arrives at 'The Palace' 'Poland To Protect Corridor; Mea ure' Fate 'Mu .. f' Clan e till Uncertain In Neutrality England Again Warn Reich After Struagle • • • • • • • • • • Places Mandatory Embargo on Shipment G. B. Threatens Situation Poll h Lead r t Of 'Lelhal Weapons' Force Against AffiIm Right AtAGlance WASHINGTON, Jun 29 (AP)­ WASlflNGTON, June 29 (AP) -After deaUng a jolting, it per­ To Sea Olltlet The pr ident'l powt'r to devalu. German Moves By The Associated Pretlll the dollar w nt bllck Into tha ad- haps temporary, blow to the' ad­ LONDON - Forell'n Secretar)' mInistration mon tary bill to- flIlIlistration by voting for a man· I.ord Halifax warns Germany that T ' H D! h night und r clrcumst nc which datory embargo on the shipment Halifax Tells World Britain Is re olnd to use force CU810n Ull8 lU~ still It'ft th rutl' ot that bill un- of "lethal weapons" to nations Of British Policies 101 resist any rurther anresalon In Over City of DallZig /'ertaln. at wa'<·, the house knocked ofr urope; Britain' new prOl)08a.... to 0 Stricken trom thf' measure by Should Hitler Strike ovitt Russia for alUanct reported AI! Polf>S Take ath 1'1 coaUllon of h rd-monf'Y rf'pub- work, shortly before midnight to Inolude &,uaranteflB to Latvia, IIcans from th f'B. t nd lilver tnnight, on the hot issue of neu­ LONDON, June 29 (AP) Estonia, Finland, ae_llUIl, 8wll- GDYNTA, Pol nd, Jun 29 (AP) democrats, It WI! rt'ported over trality law revision, Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax 7erialld, Neill rlands, as well -"Poland, through h r pr Ident th Indignant protr t of both fac- For 13 hours, the chamber h~d In a speech plainly meant tor Poland, Rumania, Greect t.Dd and through massed d mon tr _ tlons by th mIght of luperior sat in session, arguing at length G d 1 d to I ht th t 1 urkey. tions ot her ""opl , today affl·rm~" voting strength on n nate-hoUM erman ears ec are n g a l'ARIS-F I I Is .,.. qJ con terence committe. over the best way to slay out "in the event ot further aggr s- . renc I reee ve rellor h r "eternnl right" to a corridor R-mov. Oth.r Prov'.'one or 600,000 G e r m a. n r_rvlsls . ~ ~ ~ "" -- of the wllr so many membt,ts sion we are resolved to use at ca.lled 1.0 color, urI' Poland 0'1to the Balltc sea and expressed In ddlUon, thl' administration fear may break oul abroad. The once the whole of our strength In automatic IlJiSlslance In case or hel· determination to detend the (OJ·c removed from the bill • climax of the voting on II host of fullillment of our pledges" to fighting, one she has. prohibition on fulute pureha 01 amendments came when Rep, Europe's smaller states. GDYN1A, Poland - Poles lake The declarations, In nav/1l week tor Ign silver and reduced, trom h to d t d D 1- d P Ush 77.5 cenls 10 70 c nil, the pric' Vorys (R-Ohio) succeeded in The fOI·eign secretary repented oat e en anz .. an 0 celebrations, came at /1 time when on d me -tIc i1v r wrllt n Into the urrldor which Pre Idenl l&,nace , . getting a favorable vote of 159 again and again that Britain was Masclekl Clllls "the all' IUId lIun IlenslOn rlln high over the fol ot bill by th a low t coal- to 157 on an amendment re­ 'Iprepared to meet force with force of our existence"; reporls head . 0'1 the Free Cily of Dam.!g, which ltion. quiring the president to embargo A numbcr of handsome gentle- we u ed to say) in this street - on a day In which London heard German arUllery muc,led Inw lies lit the head ot the so-called Th conter n r port now will Govern. Both the cafe Dnd the many rumors of an impending 10 to both hou e for ratification. arms and munitions (but not men dressed in their authentic I scene. From left to right the Da.n~I, tor "Free Corps." PoUsh corridor (Pomone). customers are "decked out" tor na~i coup In Danzig this week end. M So The m a ur mu t be pa by '·Implements of wa-r" ) destined best (even to sideburns and whis- group includes Roy Kosa, H. I. 'A C I 0 OW - vlel pro))a,auda zig, which Is within the midnlaht tomorrow, or th -2,000,. the Iowa City centennial celebra- G ermal'l8 Ca II e d ... II or8 chi t, hlnUn, at further )til Ian .. for beiHgerents. kers) greets Diamond Lil (Mrs. Jennings, Carl Strub, L. D, Ware­ Roland Smith) as she arrives at ham, Mrs. Smith, Earl Snyder, J. tion which opens officially Sun- The warning also was voiced os obJecUons to Brill h-Fr ncb pact. customs syslem, and the 000,000 exchongp stablllz tion ~d Asked Freer Ha.nd "The Palace" (Smith's caie, as, Harold Simmen and Terry Mc- diplomatic quarters close to the aY8 negotlallons have ,one Into dor were laken Irom Germany and the devaluation pow rI, th (The neutrality law now on day. French governmen~ reported 600,- "blind alley." and riven to Poland lor a B of which arlO continu!d by the 1he statute books calls for an 000 German reservists had been measur as It now stands, will die embargo on arms, munitions, and called to the colors, while nazi DANZIG-Dansl&, bOWl no sur- outlet after lhe World war. R aut.omatlcaUy. instruments of war. The admin­ party formations and German reg- ru.ce Indlca.tlons ot tension or mU- turn of Dan:tli. to the reach Is Consequ ntly th It ups affect- ulars were infiltrating into Danzig. lta.ry preparations; reporls of Gu- avowed nazi aJm. ed, ani red by th n w d v 100- I~tration desi-red to knock this Wiggalll To Lecture Tonight etT'bargo out of tile law entirely, The French press had printed man tamll-aUoD denied. Ib Reported AnniJI6 m nt a w I) by II V rbal drub- pleading for a freer hand lor the widely a suggestion thllt a British- MEl'Z-I-' rencb observers Dote Reports r ached GdynI from bin, admlnl.t red to th m on ------. French-Polish warning be given Increased German II-oop move- Danzll tl1l1t a Quantity of munt- Tu day by Pr .Id nt R t'velt, ~re6i(.lent in conducting jn~ffi· .. O. K.'S MACI.EISH na ti onal afflli rs). Fugitive Killer Theme of Talk Germany. meDts alon, Sle .. fried line. bons was taken trom eost Prus- were In an ex IIcnt po ltIon to By exempting "implements ot Halifax referred several times BERNE-Swiss IIOOlallst news- sia to the Iree city la t nllht. filibu,ter the mf'lIsure to d tho v. aI'," legislatc,,·s understood 41:1t Senate Approves Poet's to the possibility that Britain's al- paper says empty ltalillon troop The munitions allel dly Included Some lellisiotors cia I' to the sttu- they were exempting such arti­ Shot tQ Death To Be Trends Illude mIght not be understood I oars movln.. iJlto Germany. 16 artillery pieces. (In Warsaw sUon thought that might be done. "els where" and declared: I TU:NTSJN - JIlPane e artll.Y ye terday un,conUnned repotts Rllverlte ~Detll cles 8S aIrcraft, trucks and oil, • Appointment a:lhough Vorys himself indicated "The threat of military force is spoke m II sayS little will come of said that Danzll was relnforeln" The conferee's d elslon, how- that the meaning of the phrase Ray Olson Confesses WASH[NGTON, June 29 (AP) In Population holding the world to ransom and nefotlaUons with 8rltlllh to end h r police with recruits reported ever, had Ih effect of "vln, the was not clear. Killing 2 Deputies, -The senate confirmed today our immediate task is to resist ag- to be well·tralned G rmans form- ,Jlv r nd of th coalJtJon an In· Administration forces were con­ the nomination of Archibald Author Will Conduct gresslon. I want to emphasize ...... Ing a " free corp." cr 1\ ot 5.36 nts In th Iver fident that the Vorys embargo Denies Aid ill Flight MacLeish, the Connecticut poet, that tonight with all the strengt.h F J R President Ignace Mo clcld In prl ,as comp r d with th 64 .64 cruld be deleted from the neu­ as librarian of congress. Round.Table Session at my command so that nobody ~ rene 1 eport a speech broadcast from W rsaw cents th tr asury Is now p yin .. trality revision meaSUre before it CABLE, Wis., June 29 (AP)­ The nomination was approved may misunderstand it." declared the corridor and Its SCI1- lind of leavlna the repubU on end c?me to a final vote, tomorrow BuUets from veteran woodsmen's 64 to 8 aHer Senator Austin Tonwrrow Morning Calla Germany 'Isolated' R· h' T coast were "Invaluable" and were of the week's vollna deal complete- (J.. later. hal·d-shooting deer rifles killed (R-Vt), had protested that Emphasizing Britain's I rot elC s roops "the ail· and sun of our existence I)" out In the cold. Give Conrrell8 Power Ray Olson today as the slayer of MacLeish was not qualified as Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam, strides toward preparedness, Hali- as a state." It raised the question at once Another imporlant change made two deputy sheriffs made a last II professional librarian. roted lecturer on the human tax at the same time countered 'On The Move' While Moscicki spoke 80,000 whether the coalitIOn would now in the bill would give congress, mad a ttempt to escape from pos- sciences and their ben·ring upon German charges ot "encirclement" Poles, many of t.hem trom Dan- stick toe ther or be split apart by as well as the president, DU"'''1- semen who lor two weeks had ~ d Ihe making or a happier world, by British alliances by declaring zig, massed at thIs port, near the the sop thrown to the Silveri tea, ority to declare Ulat a state ot trailed him , the wilds 01 necommen s will deliver the second out-of- Getmany was isolating herself. PARIS, Jun 29 (AP)-Ffench free city, and took this Oath: who, many think, could not as- war existed abroad and U111t Ule northern WISCOnsin. doot~ Friday evening lecture to- "Germany is isolating herself diplomatic quarters heard re- Pole. Take sume the position or rJUbusterln. neutrality law pofovisions should As he lay dying, Olson conless- Q · I D f r-ight at 8 o'clock on the west and doing it most successfully ports tonight that 600,000 re- "We swear to defend the eter· an Immediate increa in the pro- be put int.o effect. ed kiWng the deputies and gasped . me (. 'e ense aoproach to Old Capitol. • Bnd completely. She Is isolating servi Is had b en called to duty nal right 01 Poland to the Baltic duct of the sllv r min s of their With the co nsent of the ad- II denial that he was given aid Tomorrow at 9 a.m. in the herself from countries economicnl- in Germany and it was reliably and to protect the maritime future state. mini tration leadership, the house. during his spectacular flight. A1Y31· nf:!t Foes hlluse chamber of Old Capitol, he Iy by her policy of autarchy (self reported FI·ance had assured Po- of our country, to maintain an In- Senotor Adam (D-Col), a I ad. dt'leted a provision enabling l"te The odor of tobacco smoke led ~ ~ will conduct the usual Satltrday sufficiency), poUt\cally by a pol- land or automatic military ilS- vincible guard in the mouth of the er in the sliver Itoup nd one 01 president to keep American ships to the fugitive's undoing. He nJot·ning round table for the dis- icY that causes constant anxiety to sislance in event ot aggression. Vlstula, to increase continually the confer ,wa outright In hi. cllssion of his lecture and re- other nations, and culturally by French agents were said to have achievements on 81'11 and on shore prediction that th bill would not out of combat zones. stole into the fllrm home of WASHINGTON, June 29 (AP) l:Jted themes. her poUcy of racialism." reported Pa-ris that "men and and to defend and protect our pass, but there w:l~ In his accom- The VorY:il embar~o plan was Wheatley Anderson late yesterday, _ On the eve of his -reti rement to In his lecture tonight Dr. Wig- officers of the Germany army" brothers on the other side of the panylna statem nt a malt Indica· approved by Rep. Fish (R-NY), cooked food, changed clothing and a~ the army's chief of staff, Gen­ r;mking minOrity member ot the smoked several cigarets. cral Malin Craig recommended gam will discuss "Who Shall GermanI, Pole. as well as nazi party formations frontiers who are an integral part tion at 1 ast that It would not ~ foreign affaIrs committee, who Members of the Anderson fam- II .hedt America?" He will deal were secretly moving Into Dan- of our naUon. So help us God," blocked by the Ilver people. I ddt d r today that five "small, seasoned, with the great population trends Blame One Another zig, the free city 011 the Baltic The Vistula as It empties Into 'I Am Oppoeed' previously la avoca e con In- lIy noticed the smell ot smoke hard-lhitting" army divisions be in this count, y and consider how FREE CITY OF DANZIG, June which Germans decla-re will "re- the BaUlc runs thrOUlh the cen- "I am opposed to it:' he all8l!ft· ~atiOl~ ~f the embargo contained upon returning Irom a fishing created to strike with lightning In eXisting law. tr' Th t·fled th th i ' we can remedy them to build a 29 (AP) - This picturesque old tllrn home to the reich" nnd ter of Danzig. Similar ceremo- ed Indignantly as he letl the con. Calling the Vorys plan a com- .Ip. ey no 1 e au or - rapidity agaInst invaders. g.eater AmeriCa. tree city slept placidly in the which Polish spokesmen say is nies took pl9ce in all towns ot terence room. "1 think that the promise, Fish asked for and reo lies and a posse sU ITounded the They would be lnIantry-ar- Spea.ker To Confer Baltic bree:ze tonight - guarded rut of "the sun and air ot our Poland. bill should be taken buck to the c.. ived support from both repub- (apm bUildings. tillery divisions, Dnd would be While in [owa City, Dr. Wil~ by what it called an "augmented existence." In Gdynla the crowds shouted hou e for separat votes on the lican and democratic ranks. Shoptly after dawn, Anderson a\ aHable tor inslant dispatch to gnm will seek to confer with Dr. pollce force" but showing on the Some ot the reservists called "We want Danzig," lind as Dan- senllte' amendments. He said specifically it would und a deputy went to an outbuild- seize or hold naval and air bases Harold M. Skeels, Dr. Beth Well- surface no indication it again had l:P, these repot·ts said, were being zig Poles paraded enthusiaam "Do you think tht>re will ~ exempt (rom the embargo evel·y- ing and called upon Olson to sur-! alld to destr~y ene,:"~. bases. IT.un and othe·c membel·s of the become a ward rum In Europe's used to lUI the places of Close mounted and the shouts changed 11enjthy debate In the nat 1" M t'llng "except leUlal weapons." render. He dashed from the: F?ur partial diVISIOns are rhitd welfare station about game of power politics. sent to Danzig. to " We wJLI take Danzil!" I was aaked. lie mentloned as expected oil shack, and as guns blazed sped aVOIlable now for such purposes. whose work he is preparing an "I do," he replied emphatlcalb'. h ucks and nlr~rntt. " 100 yards across a clearing and ITo expand them to full peace- al"licle for the Ladies Home Jour- Louis, iana Swears In New Governor, Earl Long 1"1think the bill will not pall." Forbids Shipment into a patch of cutover timber. time sttengt)1 and create a firth , nal. I He went on to make It c1eer, (Undcl· tile pl·esent law the Then he ruced lOr the shore 01 hp.....I:t:(!ommended that 1,800 of­ When Dr. Wiggam published 1however, t hat he shipmenl or arms, a mmu~ition Lake Namakagol1 and made lor a I ficers and 23,000 men be added "The New Deca logue of Science" I would form no part of any and implements of war to light- rowbout. Possemen stationed at '0 the army. In 1923, he sprang overnight Ibuster. He would explain hi. po- ing nations is fafbidden. The Ilhilt point ended his flight with a N-o-lhl-n-'-C-o-lUI-tr-u-c-t1-ve into world-wide porominence as slUon In 10 minuts, he said, and Vorys plan WOuld forbid the linal blast. I ROM E (AP) _ The official an interpreter of science and as then \Iote a,ainst the conference 6hipment of materials failing into Olson, . known ulso as . Stefani news agency last night /I social and poll tical philosopber. report. thl! fIrst two 0' these catelorles" Buelo, was sentenced to Wtsconsm charllcterized British Foreign Sec­ "The New Decalogue of Scl- "Will the coalitJon .tand to- but not of "implements of war.") state prison in 1933 for burglary retary LOl·d Halifax' speech as ellce" was shortly followed by gether now?" was another q_ The house still had another alld was discharged three years "devoid of any constructive pro- "The Fruit of the Family Tree," tion put to him. ch::lnce to vote the Vor),!! pro- later. posal whatever." o~ which PrOf. Edward Ross or "I had no coalltion with posal down before the final de- ,______aft,. Il,e University of Wisconsin said, one," he answered. ". had DO c).]on on the neutrality -revision "Why read fiction when YOU can occasIon to trade myself oU. But, bill as a whole, rcad Wlggam?" il I were one of the republicaDl, Earlier the chamber, by a Louisiana University Scandal A Distinction I would see that the bill did not whopping majority, decided that These guve him the distinction of being lhe first writer to pass." Ihis country should have sorne Senatol· TowJlllend (R-Del), die sort o! neutrality law. Probe Widens; Involve Others? two non-fiction "best - sellerS" ru nni ng at the same time, and onl,y republican member of the By a vole announced liS 195 to senate conference commUtee. cs.­ 66, it tumed down a proposal BATON ROUCE, La., June 29 funds and lost it in disastrous .. ! once placed him SOlidly and sf·curely among America's lead· elined to say there would be • by Representative ~Ilen ~D-~u) I (AP) _ Loui~iana State univer­ speculatJon. illg men of letters. filibuster, but did assert in em· to wipe all neub·altty legislation phatic tODes that the rep\Jt)I1CaDI df the statute books and "throw sity's mllllon-doll:w scandal soon While the grand jury went into Tn addition, in collaboration a recess that will last until after with MI·s. Wiggarn, who collab­ would "{iaht it t.o the end." this country back on Internationa l may involve several persons as the July 4 holiday, the university's .tates on ull of his books, he The BTTllnaemenl was voted at low." 1,accomplices or the school's lugi- board of supervisors met to ex- writes a dally, illustrated, popular a hurry-call meetina summo.... Allen Offers Repeal . tive former preSIdent, Attorney amine school records which Gov. social science newspaper feature, after it was lellrned that if ac:tioD Allen, a foreign affairs com- General David Ellison hinted Earl Long today said had been "Let's Explore Your Mind," which were to be taken in the hO\.l,lle i9- mittee member, offered his re- strongly today. even more thoroughly "doctored" I.eaches a Circulation of ten mil­ mOrrow. the conference report .... pul bill liS a substitute for the While the police or lwo nations than was first supposed. lion every day throughout the t.o be filed before that bocb'" ad­ udmlnistration's neuh·allty bill hunted loll, bald 01'. James Mon­ U, S. Attorney General Frank l 'niled States and Canada. He is journed tonl'hl which would abolish the existing roe SmIth, lind II special grand ·Murphy announced in Washington n!so a constant contributor to po_ embargo on arms shipmenb to jury cut slowly Inlo the tllngle dis­ Smith's income tax record was un- pular maga~ines , lJelllger nh but would impose closed by hi~ flight, Ellison said: del' examination and dozens of ru- In recognition of his dlstin- cHtain restrictions ot dealing 01 "Every lime we examine u wlt- Dixie Clipper mors on the educator's where- guished achievements a numbf'r Americans Witil bcllJgel·ents. nCbS new numes are brought in for abouts wet·e received while FBI or honorary degrees have been After disposing ot Allen's bill, us to summon," men stood by ready to enter the bestowed upon Dr. Wiggam by Ends Crossing the house agreed on a voice vote rt WIIS indicatcd police already case here when ordered. rolleges and universities, to glve coni':ess, as well a:s the were shlll"ing by with a warrant Latest, and apparently one of , NEW YORK. June 2t- CAP) , pl'l'8ldent. power to declare the for at least one or Smith's tormer the most seriously received, of New Apeementa • -The Dixie Clipper, caJT1iDI ' existence of a .tate of war be- II'Issoci3tes who has been question­ reports on the fugitive was trom ROME (AP) - Several com- "'...... --..- ODIII1 ~aatIot I • .. lAacI, reurlDl OoY...... lAdle ... a... ~ ...... the first commercial atrplaDe tween foreign naUons. The re- ed by jurors seeking to learn if­ Detroit, where police were in- mercial agreements between ·Italy While Low.uma officials continu- cused of bilking three big banks Ito right, Mrs. Lone, Supreme passerllers aCTOSll the Atlantic:. .trictlons In the neutrality law and how - the educator, a Huey cUned to believe Smith and his and Bulgaria were al/lJled last eel their hunt tor Jamea Monroe out of $500,000, a new governor, Court Justice John R. Land, retlr­ landed at Usbon, Portugal, at would become .f!lICtive when a Lon, protege, borrowed ,1100,000 wife fled into Canada Tuesday af- night. Their nature Will not d.\I-.lSmlth, reallJ*! prealdent 01 Lou- Earl K. Long, was. sworn in at ing Gov. Richard Uche and the I 2:10 p.m. (EST) today, Pall • tate of war was recoanat4. . from three b~ as univerlitJ ternoon in a newl,y purchued car. closed. .. ______lIia1aa State \lDlverlitJ, who iI &C- Baton ROUIe. Photo ahowl, lett, new lOvunor, Lolli. • . Ameican .~ feput .... ~~~~~~~======~:~~~~~~~~~==~~==~~~~ FRII IOWAN old Massachusetts slogan during TUN I N GIN every morning ex- the opening oC its annual tour- Stewart Says .. 01 "i,~~:~;;~;b~;'YrtA!~Sj~tudent Publica- day convention in San Francisco Ann I at 126 - 130 Monday, 100 years to the day after Llnte Entltuslum , City, Iowa. the beginning of teacher training 18 Shown for New with D. Mac Showers in America. Spendlnlr PrOlrram Dndet And because the N. E. A. will MAlty MARTIN P flRO police forc(' and Alfred t . rededicate itself to the MaSSa­ . By CHARLES P. STEWART Dladc so nluC'h of B hit In Sm ith, nlso of EI PRSO, who saved chusetts ideal, increased signifi­ Congressional comment seems her first BPPI'RI'O Irc as "Girl of each oth (,I's lives unde/' identical Will SUP} cance is given the fact that the to me considerably less than en­ Ule Week " on 'he "Raymond ci rcu mstances. With Lat« 12,000 del ega t e s, representing thusiastic relative to President i Paige, 99 Mell and a Girl " pro­ every degree of educational afflu­ Roosevelt's plan for the federal gram over CBS tlmt she returns ",IOIINNY PRESENT " On Child for another guest ~ hot tonlghi ence from the .lItlle red school­ gturranteeing, up to nearly four .. , offers a nl'w dramatic lerlea, house to the radio-equipped and when the show Is aired at 7 "The Pert('ct. CrIme," when I. Four RadiI billions, of self-liquidating invest­ second class mail streamlined academy, will also u'cluck. chanA'C8 from Us relulu Satur­ courses for If ments in improvement projects postofflce at Iowa devote several convention sessions day nilM spot. 10 F'rldays at 11 :3', nounced und! , under the act of con- throughout thl! United states. It's A Stepi1C'n F(lster mecijey has th first Friday prol"nm beln, at to a discussion of the fundamen­ ship of the 10 ~al'Ch 2, 1879. tals of patriotislh in a democracy. agreed that an Impl"Ovement, which been selected as the "Me lody Hnll 6:30 this evenln .. , ultimately wiU pay for itself and oC F'amc" co ntribution on the starch statlor Ibsl'rit.tio,n rates-By- -mall,-- -$5 America is threatened today by ylet ddividends, while doing so, is Raymond Poigc progrum this The fi rst story, written by Mal( velopment dl by carrier, cents a large number of radical groups State college 15 all right. The question that's evening. Mar in, concerns the murder 01 per year. and organizations. The ideologies State Teache raised is, "Will many such pro­ an CQ ucslrienn by her husband. P--- 01 these groups, for the most part Falls. , AasOC!iated Press Is exc1u­ jects do that?" There are plenty Inl'ludcd In the group will be Music is undf'r the baton of J ohn­ contrary to the traditional CDn­ ny GI' en who introduces hI s new­ The purpo entitled to use for republi­ ot congressional sl:epties, to judge !lOh Susannah," IfSwanee River," ception of patriotism, can be "Old Folks at Home" and "Camp­ est composition, " You and Your to supply par . of all news dlsPitches from what they SAY . material on spread most easily through the na­ For in:stance: tUWII Races." Love," assist d by the Swing to it or not otherwise Fourteen. from the ch in this paper and also tion's 26,500,000 public school Toll roads? It's quite generally ters and to pupils. conceded that they ought to be Other orchestra I numbers arC' , news published herein. "La Rosita," "Vienna Dl'cn ms," PIONEER WOMEN organizing It is therefore desirable, if not profi tabte in the east, where '. The four DEPARTMENT there's lots of traffic. But way "Nola" and "Russinl1 Fantasy." In politiI' and lovernment absolutely necessary, that Amer­ wUl be the theme or the "WOIMD dealing wi Ryan ...... ou t west, w!tel"e t,'affic is skimpy? ing with ica's 870,000 teachers be ground­ A NEWSl'AI'ER In the Makin .. of America" pro­ Sehmldt, Office Mgr. If the westem roads prove to bE; children, ed firmly in the principles of de­ story, "Safe In the Fold," I(ram oller th NB · Blue network h).3ers the eastern ones will have children mocracy so that they can combat will be dramatl~ed over the "First today at 12 noon, to bear their share of the loss. cents. more eifecti vely the subverslve Nighter" drama program tonighl two On an average, will there be any at 7:30. Tht' story was- written by Mrs. Ed na G Ilhorn of the Na­ ideas introduced among their pu­ ma'rgin of proflt? pils. Ralph Hunter and Mickey Davis. tional Lcagu of Women Voters Would-be farmers, who want to will speak, t th co nclusion of the In short, the slogan with which buy farms? Some of them, thrifty NBC's regular behind - the - program from hlcago, the first century o( teacher train­ chaps, will do well, but ot'!1ers scenes fe(l ture, "The ABC's of ing began may weil be paraphras­ witl go broke. How will they NBC," th is evening at 5:45 over The broadcast will dramatlze in­ ed in these words as the second average up? 1he Blue network will spotUghl ciden in the Ilves of Abigail Localities that want to build century begins-"As is the teacher courthouses and city haU,? These tho International scene pickup Adam, wit oC on pr Id ni and so is the nation." conversation featuring Max Jot'­ mothel of anolh r, Anna Dickln­ f'difices are nice to hav!!, but they dan in Switzerland, Fred Bale in son, the (u'st WOlT'an to campaign :l'te not dividend-paying. Neither London, Paul ArciJinal'd in Paris lor th cl ction of public offi­ TO government are 'hospitals and waterworks and More Than and H . R, Baukhage In Wa~hing- cials; Ruth Bryan Owen, first wo­ Frank Murphy of Mich­ '''eball rewers. They're fine to have, but ton. I man Amem:an minister to a for­ A Ba'" are they self-liquidating?-ex- an address last week at eign !'ourt, and Frances Perkins, Champion cept In the very long ? It will be a. four-way hookup, the {\rl>l wo man to become a mem­ Park, N J ., declared: ANNOUNCEMENT that Lou And Latin All)erican govern- ---- an unusual thlll!: In radio, even ber of the prrsident's cabinet. family income should be ments, already in default on thei'r Gehrig is suffering from chronic ehligations? Well, they already today. . or the public pay roll i d f It D th t k Al\tONO TilE BE T bl! reduced, And at this infantlte paralysis was a crushln/l me n e au. oes a rna e MORE ODDlTIE For Friday blow to American boys. This fact them look like good financial the most immediately riSks? from Bob Rip ley's "Oddi­ tl-CUles ervl e concert., NBC- step SE:ems to be an IS proved by the thousands of A private banker, asked {or an tOl"ium" on the New York world's Red. [air grounds will be described this 6:3O--Johnny Presents. CBS. on the public pay roll." extension of credit, is pretty in­ messages Gehrig has received evening at 8:30 on Bob's regular 7- 1'lantation part , NB -Btlle. lIoveJ~ nnl\erlt employes know from boys since his afflictioll was Q~liiilive. Will the U. S. govern­ ment • be adequately so? Won't weekly broadcast. 7- WaUztlme with Frank MIUYI, pay cuts mean. They have revealed. It is also indicated by NBC-Red. them before. People in pri­ the keen interest youngsters dis­ unreliable folk like me, iHust.·a­ tively, be able to get ourselves A n alleged criminal who was 7- 99 Men and a Olrl, CBS. industry know what happens play in the treatments being taken underwritten by Uncle Sam, pardoned by Lhe governQr when 7 :SO-Death VaUey da.y~ NBC- the go~ernment employes by the Yankee captain. without much investigation?­ A MAN ABOUT MANHATTAN the latter turned out to be t.he one Red. ' reduced. It means they follow Does the feeling boys have for :lnd tl\en die or otherwise dis. By George Tucker· who was the supposed victim Is 7:30-Flrsl 'Nlghter, CB . Gehrig result only from the fact v:;>pear, leaving nothing but a central charac\.er or the dramati­ 8-GUY Lombardo, NBC-1tecL further declared: "In- that he starred at bat and afield finllncial vacuum behJnd? zation on Ripley's sho tonight. 8-Grand Central tallon, CBS. 4,000,000 employes, less while playing in 2,130 consecutive Capitol HIU SkeJMical NEW YORK - That rumbling terrific destruction to a large, :1e lett Broadway for Hollywood 8:30-RolMort L. Rlldey, CD , 3,doo,oOO should be plenty, games over a 15-year period. The These are the queries I hear explOSIOn around Broadway fol' thick steak. was to keep from being typed in Also on the program ~ll be 9 - Dan e musll!, NBC, CBS, instead of $6,000,000,000 per answer of close observers is un­ on C\lpitol Hill. several rccent nights was just * • • Lennie loles <111 the lime. After Capt. A lien G. Fnlby of the El m . a copy less than $5,000,000,000 a nimously and emph'atically, "No!" The Republicans are the most Brodetick Crawford returning "I remember when I was a kid quite a tussle, he thinks he's fin­ selected suffice." youth's concern for Lou Gehrig cutspoken doubter:s, of course. from Hollywood and his actor pals trouping in vaudeville with moth­ ally succeeded. Questions sent their wives home early and er and father," he reminisced. Murphy thinks he can solve results largely from the fact that They're unanimous. Anti-New • * • sent to the !;leal Democrats (like Senators set out to give him an old-fash- "Sophie Tucker was on the same OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN will be g&vernment '~ fin an cia I he has long been a sYmbol to "But, you have 10 take some far Byrd, Glass, Bailey, Clark and ioned home - coming celebration. bill and in one stand we all went Hems In \.h e NIV ER tT Y LEND 1\ an M'.btd. a.t amlthl!r by dismissing a million boys. That symbol embodies good measures to convince them that Tydings), are equally standpat­ The Broadway boys, when they out for dinner together. uled in th(' summer ion olllce, lV-D, East han. P.T.A, . Doesn' t he know an­ you can play a varicty of roles," sportsmanship, clean living, cour­ tcri~h . play, play rough and this marked "I was crazy about these little Ut- IDS Cor the GENERAL NOTI E,' are depolllted the rlub he ~aid. mllllon unemployed will age, hard work, cheerfulness, in But there also are quite a few the lirst time "Brod" had been oystet crackers then, much pre­ with the ca.mpu editor of The Da.Il, Iowan, or fulfilling ma.y be placed In the btlx provided for Lhelr de­ a problem of relief that fact nearly all ot the characteris­ ' emi-aritl-New Deal Democrats back to the Rialto since he scored ferring t hem to condy, When I "In the Goldwyn picture I play units. po ~ i t in thl' offlccs of The Dally Iowan. GINE1IA1- . be a greater problem than tics boys like t(l believe their who ,have their compunctions. such a resounding hlt with hlg. asked for iome Sophie calJed the a big, tough army lieutenant and To meet on the face of it U'e role was very 'O'rI(,E' must be at Tlte Dally Iowan by 4.:31 NIL the countl'Y now faces? heroes possess. They're not quotable. Yet every_ performance of the giant, hulking waiter back. thl' day precedlnt: first J.ubllcatlon; notiCe:! will who cannot much in the same mood as Lennie. doesn't Murphy know that Whether he meant to or not, l·ody knows which side they're Lennie in the drama, "Of Mice "'Waiter,' she said. 'Bring the NOT be accept \AI U y t leDh on, and musl bf\ vidual plan In order to soften the part they "'~lrnl1nerlt employes have always Lou Gehrig has probably had a on. In the last analysis how they and Men." ·little boy some oyster crackers.' 'fVPED or LEGIBLY WRITI'EN and IONED bJ whereby one had me go around picking nuct a. rc pon I bl ~ Der 0 11 . underpaid? Doesn't Murphy grea ter inf luence on youth than will vote is problematic, but they Now he was back after playing "'I can't serve crackers with- ruvidu61 I re no safe betting for the New the army buddy of Gary Cooper out oysters,' the waiter answered. smelling orchids all the time. I that the high efficienc,y i.A any other figure in contemporary VOL. XII, No. 333 Frida , June 30, U39 istration Dee I. in the new Samuel Goldwyn pic- "'There are seven of us here,' could never I'esist an orchid. Well, sired. IIf'lrh'npt,t ranks could never be sports. And now that he has been And there are ultra-Progres_ ture, "The Real Glory." And there Sophie ordered. 'Bring seven 01'­ that Wi,lS all right until some of which by reducing the staff forced to lay aside his glove his siYe;J who dissent from some de_ was a parade of par ties, fiestas, ders of oysters wilh oyster crack­ my p[lls snw it and now I will reading ? loss is a personal loss to every boy tilils of the Roosevelt lending and "Brod" was pretty sure that ers.' confess 1 have been laking a lot of Univer ity Calendar sent out. interested in the great American nrogram. Sem!tor Johnson of one of the folderols included the "When the waiter served the what I think is very unfunny rib­ MOllday, J Ullp 19 io Ion led by Albl'rt Edward WI,- ual game. California, for one, can Ix World's fair. seven orders, Sophie said, 'Now bing by their yelling 'Flower Boy' Saturday, Jut, 1 gam, hou. h~mber, Old Capitol. with Gehrig may never play again gambled on to oppose loans to "It must have," he deduced. take the oysters away and leave when they sec me." Textbook Exhibit undcr the 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.-All-Univer­ the air in but America's boys will not soon defaulting American go vel' n­ "My feet hurt so." the crackers.' " Crawfol'd has one exacting men­ auspices of Iowa Bookm n's as- sity recreation night, wo men's The first forget him. And the influence he ments. He has a law against it Your correspondent had just "Thal's the way Sophie is. When tor in helping him gel started on socialion, room W-3, west wing, !icld. - a particularly law him. come from Sophie Tucker's party she wants something for some­ his acting coreN'. That is his East hall. l\lond iLY, Jul 3 intends to run for the has had on them will make better pet to "PrOl" and "Antis" when I bumped into Crawford in body she usually gets it." mother, comedienne Helen Brod­ Friday, June 3f) Cia, es su pend d; Ins t ea d o~ vice president next year America's men of tomorrow. Anti-New De'll DemOC'rats are a restaurant where he was doing Crawford's chief trouble when erick. classe will be held on Saturday, ld sing another song in a 10:00 a.m. to 12: 00 m.; 2:00 to as sore as the Republicans are at 4: f)O p.m.- Concert program, Iowa July 8. key. Tuesda , Jul, .. Grand Rapids the presidential introduction of of St. Paul's in the hone of pleas­ Union music room. the self-liquidating issue at the Independence day; cia es sus­ ing the Dean." 4:10 p.m. - Chemistry lecture, pended. And Something present moment. "Problems in Cellulose Chemis­ The Democratic "antis" reckon HEAL TH HINTS For any permanent cure fol' re­ Wednesda." Jul, 5 About Equality try," Prof. E. Heuser, chemistry 3:10 p.m.-C mpus Corum, "The that it was shot in at the last By Logan Clendening, M. D. current fever bUst rs, science has auditol·ium. THIS CAMPUS has asked itself been silent Now, howev r, comes British Empirc and the War minute, with no time to argue it. 8:00 p.m.-Summer session lec­ "What is Americanism?" Their theory is that it was an announcement which seems to Crisis," Prof. W. Ross Livi ngston, ture, Albert Edward Wiggam, As we remember last spring's cto"e deliberately. This column is often, in fact,. cal school or hospital of any rem- have every show o[ authenticity, leader, house chamber, Old CaP­ author oC "Why We Behave Like itol. discussions, no onp. ever complete- The Republicans think so, too. regularly, embarrassed by re- edy (or sweating fect (I know that being vaccinjlted "against Human Beings," West approach, 7 :00 p.m. - P hysics d monstra­ ly decided. We think we've struck The idea is that the thing won't quests which it cannot even at- now) and had never even con-I smallpox will prevent recurrences. Old Capi . ' One patIent thub reported was tol. tion lecture, "Television," by Prot. on something that is self-explana- have had time to fizzte by e8'dy t emp t t 0 answer. And the re- sldered t he subject. tortured with recurrent aUacks o[ aturday , July 1 John Eldridge, physics audJtot­ tory regarding Americanism - )940, that It will look good then, quests seem so simple, too. If we 9:00 a.m.-Round table discus- ium, physies building, room 301. something we are glad happened and that it will make a cleanup were asked to stop the nex t war, As to fever blist rs, we know herpetic eruptions on the lips for and something that shouldn't· have in November, regardless of the we would not be so embarrassed preUy w II that th!'y arc probably five years. AftCI an ordinary tuture. because that is a complicated, due to the severe irritation of a small pox vaccination they stop­ General Notices happened. . That's what the Republicans man-sized job, but we are asked nerve ganglion. Til skin bUst r ped, and have not recurred for Sununer Session Instructional just compleling 44 years of serv­ . The National Conference .of So- ,are afraid of. They have had, in is sim ply an external maniIesta- several years. Ice to the univ rsity, w llt be hi Clal Work chose Grand Rapids for Vlnshington, what was known as to print a cure fOl' fever blisters. tion of th trouble way back be- At any mte, here is a definile Staff Lately we have been deluged by hind. The reasol' they hurt so cU I'e for fever bl tt l the senate chamber of Old Cap­ wlll be its 1940 convention. In chooalng '''rhe Capitol Dally," which has somewhat peremptory demands 'b erg Bugges e(. Kurt Lenser will cond uct u six­ itol, Thursday aflernooll, July «, rung at the Michigan city, however, the ;ust popped. "Lack of working for a cure tor canker sores in the much is that th yare due to And, at any rate, vaccination man footba ll cli nic beginning July at 4: 10. Letters of congratulation .' r athletic social workers struck ' a blow to capital," it announces, "forces mouth. Now that would appear nerve pains. aga inst smallpox will not hurt 5. This clinic is open to all stu ­ will be rend from classical col­ the women's Palliative Remedy you race prejudice. temporary suspension. Meal\­ simple. Canker ~ores are those Of course, I know about usi ng D~ctol's who wish to relieve dents registered in the universiLy leagues i 0 Iowa and th roughoUt Students Two principles govern the choice while helpful suggestions frOlT1 little, white, painful areas that up- camphor ice and c,l mpho-pheni- theil' patients will find the rcfel'­ wi lhout extra fees. Class work the nation. Friends of P rofeJllll" change 01 p Howe-ver if we are to consider of a meeting place for this con- subscribers will be gratefully re­ pear on the tongue and cheek; que, but these arc simply pallia- ence to the original ,1I'licic in wi ll be conducted in the theory Potter and olh 1'5 int r sted are night will gymnasium lime of fistlculfs purely (rom venti on. It plans to meet In a ruf- celved." they come and go, and while they live. Their usc rem inds me of Northwest Medicine 38:15:1939. as well as lhe practi cal cnd of i nvi ted to attend. house 'viewpoint of color, there is terent geographical section eaCh The Democrats. in short, appeal are there they hurt. Now I haven't what Sidnry Smi th said to the six-mil n foo tball ond the work ROY C. FLICKINGER be said about the "Brown year, to give social workers from to the antl-N~ Deal Republi­ the shghtest idea of the cause of little gir l who was patting a turtle. The man nt the n xt desk says will take place in the [j cldhousc Cans. daily at 4 p.m. The fil'st class Field Although Galento was aU parts of the United States an them, nor how to make them go "My dear," remari

~ ARTMENTS* * AND* FLATS li'OR S.ALE* *- *R.A.D1U~ RENT - NEW TWO-ROOM FOR SALE - RADIO-PHONO- apartment. Pri- graph. Many late recordings. bath, gas stove, electric re- Very reasonable. Box 178 Daily frigerator, 324 S. Dubuque. Iowan. - SUB-LET FOR 2 OR 3 MONTHS LOST AND FOUND - 3-room furnished apartment near hospital. Dr. Dean. Dial 3111. LOST - PHI MU DELTA PIN. Reward. Call extension 8401. !'OR RENT - THREE IN ONE unfurnished apartment. Ideal LOST - PARKER ' FOUNTAIN lor one person. Electric refrlger- pen name on barrel. Reward. ator. Dial 4935. DiaL Extension 8435. WA.NTED THESIS SUPPLIES ASHES, RUBBISH, HAULING. APPROVED BOND THESIS PA- Norton. Dial 6687. per. Carbons. Williams Iowa BA'::!E BAlL ------Supply Book Store. LAWN MOWING. DIAL 3001. TODAY MISCELLA.NEOUS WANTED - WORK BY STENO- grapher experienced in research HEATING, ROOFING, SPOUT­ and calculations. Dial 6822. ing. Furnace cLeaning and re­ FOR R E NT _ HOUSES AND pairs of all kinds. Sehuppel't and Koudelka. Dial 4640. apartments. Wilkinson Agency. ______Dla15134. WA..~ED-LAUNDRY WANTED - PAINTING JOBS WANTED-Student Laundry. Dial for afternoons and Saturday. 4632. References. Dial 3512. WANTED STUDENT LAUNDRY. TYPEWRITERS Prompt delivery, p ric e 5 to please. Dial 5529. I TYPEWRITERS- RENTALS, RE- pairs, mimeographing. College WANTED - STUDENT LAUN­ Typewriter and Letter Shop. Next dry. Shirts LOco Free delivery. to Daily Iowan. Di al 5375. Dial 2246. PLUMBING WAN TED - LAUNDRY, REA- I P~L-UMB--IN-G, HE A TIN G, Am sonable. Special on curtains and Conditioning. Dial 5870. Iowa bedding. Dial 5797. City ?lumbing. AWNINGS WANTED - PLUMBING AND IOWA CITY AWNING CO. ESTI- heating. Lurew Co. 227 E. mates free. 110 S. Linn street. Washington. Phone 9681. Dial 3895. ROOMS FOR RENT USED CARS F- O- R- R- E- N-T--O-N-E-R- O-=-O- -:-=M F--=-OR light housekeeping or sleeping. USED CARS 731 Bowery. 1937 Terraplane Coupe FOR RENT - LARGE COOL Terry 1937 Plymouth Coupe Slau­ room. Double or single. Dial 7315. 1937 Terraplane Brougham rd In 1936 Plymouth Coach Larry FOR RENT-ONE DOUBLE, ONE 1935 Terraplane Sedan single room. 259 Woolf Ave. 1935 Graham Sedan FOR RENT-ROOMS WITH OR 1933 Plymouth Sedan without coo k: n g privileges. 1930 Ford Roadster Sleeping porch. Dial 3385. BECK MOTOR COMPANY MEN WANTED 11-13 E. Washington WANTED - MEN TO LEARN tire welding trade. O. K. Tire Shop. 219 S. Linn. Read the Wont Ads Daily Cross Word Puzzle I 2 3 4 ~ 6 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ %~ '1 I 8 q ~ ~:/::; ~ 10 II .- 12

I I , 13 14 15 I I 0 , • ~ ~ T 0 •I 16 BY 0 • 17 18 •I .. m-' ')~ ' AND.BOAR., GENE I • ~ ~ fi " I I •I • AHERN 0 , ,q 20 21 ;.bMROOM n , •, I 0 ~ ~ ~ %:2 0 • Z2 •~ •I •0 I ' 23 24 Z5 t>.NO Tl4E 8Ui WI-I/l-.' , 0 a A14. LAOS ,- t Wt>..S 01.)1 ..... ~ ~ ~ TO Ct.MP PUI=I=LE V'i::STtP'OA.'f PA.iEG A-?E ABOUT il-lE. --n I • 26 27 28 2q 30 ANO II ?EALL'f E'l-CEEOS M.~ 1l'IS A. WEEK'? MOSQUI1'OES 'I~ V; ~ DRE.,D..t.f\S O~ t. "ACt.TlO'" ?ESO'KT! I4M-W. Ai YOU~ 33 ...... I4M- M-A,UNG BLUE MAYBE iL.L." SWA.t-AP 3 ' 32 CA-MP 2- LAo,t,E BEGGING FO? BATI-IE:P.S SWITCI4 MY VACATION OCt,iT ,E.LL 3 4 1- • 35 . AND 'BOt.,EPS,-...... l=IS~ iP.\P ~I ME. ~EV GIVE ~ ~ ~ l.Et:>.PIt--lG IN ANTICIPATION 0'1=- /:>. H\/lSSAGE 36 37 TIO ·BIT 'BA.\T,-.,...... -A COZ'( INtOiEt:>..O OF . CLUeI-lOUSt:: 1'0 WELCOME AND A ~IIE .\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ t RELA)I.. TI4E !-lAPP\' GUESTS ~ t:>..T T\..IE ClOSE: 01= I ACROSS 11 . Pronoun 23 . Closes t Kind of hat animal 12. Attempt 24. One of a DELlGHT~UL • . Imitate 2\. Employ I 16. Reverence people of OA.'AY 3. Chief magi,. 9. DarknellS W/714 A PAIR OF PE~MAN ENT . \ tratc of 10. One Of the aclty strands of SOUVENIRS- FALLEN ARC~e5 , . , Wlde-.~. yam THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY FRIDA Y, JUNE 30, 1939 PAGE SIX City Council Awards Contract Where Painter Met Death 'Birthday Play~ Nine Good M ~ n-and RpflrriP(/ For Iowa City Paving Program Tickets ReadvoJ To Horrabin Contracting Co. Admissions to [, C. - -'---1 Centennial Pageant Three Streets, Alley I Chief Requests , Go on Sale Today Included in Newest id of Improvement Project 1 ~llJtorists I T:ckots f :' "O ld St'me Capitol H (Ire TorllOtTm,v I r:~m' mbel' ~. " the 11 iqtnt'ical cen­ The William Horrabin Contract­ \C' rniol prgeunt. t'1 bl' glvcII . -' . ~ - 'I:ondny niqht on th ~ r !l m::>u ~ . w ill ing Company was awardpd a con­ lown City m l} tori s l ~ Hre asked i)(' ( I RI·' le t'Ii ., mf) l'I1ing at e1e tract to pave three streets and one '.ly Chief of ce Frank BUl'ns I, ·g ' . b;" c€ntpn:1i ,,1 headqUlll"! alley in Iowa City at an adjourned 10t to park 011 Washington s,reet . \H" l nrl Whf" I Jne's l'fJ. I. The meeting of the ci ty councfl last dw'?en Clinton and Dubuque ; • tickf'\s will s(' 11 at 5~ r pl' ~s f I I night. The low bid was for $11 ,'pts a~tt!I' 4 J) m. tomorrow. \ I"dults and 21 l' f' nl~ (11' chlll'f,n. I 071.40. Thl' s!rcel will be blocked off I A 10 cC' nt admi.!·il-l1 will be The Haegg Construction com­ for thc certlenn l ~ I slreel dance I 'I Chl ' gt'd for th o Ci ly park cel e­ pany, Cedar Rapids, made the only to be held during lhe evening. brulion July 4. If arcomp'lDi ed other bid on the undertaking. Motorlsls are asked not to dou­ I 'y p(ll',' nt ~, chil,It·P"l u" tler 12 Work on the projects will be lJ le park on lhe sll'cets or to dou- ' • yeors rId wiJl be admitted fr e. started in sbeut 10 days, Fred E. 'Jle purk and then leave their cars I Pulrl-n tit-ket:, whidl are uVlli l­ Gartzke, city engineer, said. unoccupied lor severnl minutes. I ,.. ble ot Who I lone's and l'l? log Improvements wIll be made on "Street activities due to the cbbin . '!Iii 1 admi ' the [lul'ch;Jser Seventh avenue from the north centennial have caused numerous \ :0 the Centpnninl ball , the pag~ ( ro nt all lnillistrator ~.. espcclively on a shoes. The class will be limited to The 'new schedule leaves Chi-I scaffold about 35 feet in the air 30, Make your re.ervation at the Of PdT . h grade, not be over 45, and for the Hartman who was a baUoon concerning its flight. The pilot's \lund of $5.000, of the state 01 cago at I :5 1 p.m. each Wednes. when the rope came loose, hurl­ ara e Olug 1 assistan~ grade, .35. \ o:,censioni:5 t before the time of seat is in the open between the their father, Mirhnel Paulus. Mr. office of the women's gymnasium dRY, Thursday and Friday and ing Morgan to th e ground. . Full IDformatlOn may be ob- lhe airplane, built the plane prior WlDgS and his feel rest immed- Paulus died in Scott township before Thursday. arrives in Iown City at 2:57 p.m. I Calta was able to grab a rope LUCILLE KERBER The costumed centenm al parade, tained from the secretary of the to 1910 just a few years after iutely back of the motor du:dng Saturday. The three - day - a _ week flight on the opposite end of the scaf­ originally ~cheduled for 8 o'clock United Stales civil service board\ the fir ~ t hist('J;'y making flig!1t flJght. The c(.urt admitted to probate c.ontinues to Des Moines, whl;'fe it fold and lower himself to the A.ll-UniversUy Play Night tp.rmin;)tes. ground. Except for a rope burn tomght, WIll start one hOllr later of examiners, at the post office of the Wright brothers in 1903 . The fuselage i ~, uncovered and the will of .Tuhn P. Figg and ap­ The second play night will be The new flight is in addition tQ on his right arm he was unhurt. because of the lec~ure by Dr. AI-I in Washington, D. C., or from the! Arriving here tomorrow after- the plane is braced with many pointed Clenn D. McCarty adrnin­ held on the women's field Satur­ United's regular daily service Neck Btoken bert Edward Wiggam on th.e secretary of the Umted States noon, the plane will make a flight sU'anded cables and wires-nearly i ~ trutol' with will !lnnexed. Bond day, .July 1st, instead of at the tlirough Iowa City with a depar- Morgan was one of a crew west approach 10 Old Capitol, It civil service board of examiners between 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. Sun- twice the number used on mod- \\11;; sc·t Ilt $100. M'. Figg died fieldhouse as stated on the posters. lure to Chlcago at 6:37 p.m. and which . was painting third story has been announced. at the local post office. I clay if weather permits. (',n planes. The plane has both ill I(.\Va City Fd>. I, 1936. The usual program of recreation­ a westbound departure to De! window frames of the building al sports will be conducted out of Moines, Omaha, Neb., and the ; when the accident happened. His doors. This will be followed by Pacific coast at 8:57 p.m. death was caused by a broken square dancing, social dancing, and neck received when his head table games in the women's gym- nasium. o'clock in the morning and I, 2 struck the' edge of a ceme.nt air FLORENCE OWENS and 4 in the afternoon. Entries vent a~ound a basement wmdow, .YRAnl may be plio ned to the women's Iaccordmg to County Coroner Dr. I AIR CONDITIONED Holiday July 3 and 4 I gymnasium, exchange 723, or sig- GeOl·.ge Callahan. There will be no classes Mon- natures placed on the entry chart MIS. Mary McCull~y of East- LAST TIMES day, July 3, and Tuesday, July 4, on the bulletin board at the wo- ~w~ang~ Ma~ke ~. M;~'er, :~o t~' '11 S t d men's gymnasium. as In on s r e, w ness e b u t c I asses WI convene a ur ay, accident Miller who was stand- TODAY July 8, to make up the work mis- MIRIAM TAYLOR lng ben~ath the 'scaffolding when ,ed Monday. . I h d P. C. PACKER Ph.D. Keactlnr In German I~ gave way, saw Morgan fa I ea For the benefit ot graduate first to the ground . Recreational Archery ~tudents in other fields desiring ~rs. McCulley had Jus.t told . the The range will be open for to satisfy the language require- ~~I~~e~' sf i!'~ ~~~~~e t~~e~lg~~e ~!~ shooting from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., ~ent for .the Ph.~. degree, rea~- the end of the scaffolding drop. daily for those who own their 109 ~xamHlatlOns 10 German Will Mrs. McCulley and Miller were own equipment. Others interest­ be g~ven as follows: splashed with paint, spilled Witll ed in shoaling please see Miss FrIday, July 7, 2 p.m.-For the dislodging of the scaffold. Summer Needs Mosbek or Miss Frost at the those who must be ready for the University Employe women's gymnasium. qualifying examination in their Morgan had ben a painter for ELLEN MOSBEK own field early in the summer the grounds and buildings depart­ session. ment of the university for 15 Badminton Tournament Thursday, Aug. 3, 2 p.m.- For years. He had lived in Coralville PRINTED RAYON CRE,PES, Anyone interested in playing all who desire to take the test for the last seven years and was .,ilh tubfast colors, crown test­ Badminton is Invited to sign up for at that time. a resident of Iowa City before . .\0"'" ed, values to 69c, choice, the women's or men's single's Friday, Sept. 22, 3 p.m. that time. yard ...... 3ge WOMEN'S, GIRL' Or BOYS' badminton tournament to be play­ All examinations will be given He is 8urvivied by his widow, ~~i;\\~~' ~~!!l ed off at the women's gymnasium ANRLET'l'BS, in room 104, Schaeffer hall. "'~"\t"'Il' A. B. C· CLIPPER CREPE pair 15c to 25c begJnning July 5. Rackets and H. O. LYTE ._c."'."1 .... ~ shuttle cocks will be provided and PRINTS, former prices to may be checked out for the game ENDS TODAY Plus 79c, choice, yard ...... 49c WOMEN'. from the main office. The courts SHEARER - GABLE In PET~ tORRE will be avaHable for 7, 8 and \I PRINTED BEMBERG "IDIOT'S DELIGHT" in SHE E R S, 9Sc quality, PLUS CO-HIT "MR. MOTO'S yard ...... 6ge SA'rlN STRIPE RA YON "FIGHTING CREPE CAMI OLE TOP LAST WARNING" ANTI CREASE SPUN RAYON NUB SACKING, 9Se SLIPS ...... , ..... 79c THOROUGHBREDS" quality, yard ...... 69c Cedar Park - STARTING ~%., .j DRESS LACES, values to $1.19, choice, yard ...... 79c SALE! BET'l'ER QUAUTY MEN'S PAT'l'ERN Ball Room tli' TOMORROW SANFORIZED IRISH DRESS LINENS, choice, SHIRTS, broken sizes in 1.69 kindH, choice ...... 98e. STARTS TOMORROW yd ...... _.. _...... 59c Cedar Rapids CENTENNIAL by Holeproof, SATURDAY SPUN RAYON SHANTUNGS, solid colors or prints, pair ...... " ...... 25e values to 59c, choice, yard ...... 39c Sat. & Sun., JuIY 'I, 2 3 BIG DAYS SPECIAL I MEN'S SANFORIZED WASH SLACKS ...... 98c Battle of Music Each Night BIGGEST FIGHT New White BAGS ATTRACTION IN SALE! WOMEN'S RUN-RESIST SILK HOSIERY, WIT THOMA WHITE BAG S in SCREEN mSTORY! pair ...... 39t aDd his 11 Prlnce-ToniaD' stunning new styles ...... 9Sc GARY WAYNE Joe Louis SALE I NEW corrON WASH FHOC)(S, stunninl[ Direct from Hotel Tulia new styles ...... 9 e to $1.98 -V•. - WHIT~ BELTS Tu.... Ok~oma ...... 59c to $1.00 SALE! Genii 410 Ladtetl S8c DantliDl 8-1 Tony Galento Odds 'n' Ends Sale! HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT FA B RIC GLOVES, ~ choice, pair ...... 25c TOILETRIES -AND- LUX, LIFEBUOY, or DeRAYMOND'S J SALE! BLOUSES COLOGNES, large lZ, Paychek PALMOLIVE 17 It ''THE FIRST $1.98 Kinds, choice ...... $1.49 SOAP, 3 for ...... C oz. bottles. l\1imzy, Pin ,I Deviltry (di contlnu" TARZAN HIT -VI.- $2.98 Kinds, choice ...... $1.98 IN 3 YEARS" I !!tyle), $1.75 $1 1 KAYSER WHITE value .. • SALEJ JEWELRY F ABRle GLOVES NATIONALLY AI;lVEll· ~ne Group $1.00 Kinds, choice ...... 69c TIS E D TOlLETRIES, See Both Fights Round By $1.00 Kinds ...... 6ge discontinued 1 Round, Blow By Blow SLACK SJrrS $1.50 Kinds ...... 98c packing!