Painter Dies Fair, Warmer - IOWA-Fair COda)' ..... io~: " Owen R. Morl'an killed In rau warmer In w l ..... -u. wa)' rrom third story IIC&ffoldin&". ..... In ella1 poriiOD io___ aw. (Scc Siory, Pare G) Iowa City's M ornin, Newspaper VOLUME XXXVlIl NillffiER 237 FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDA y,, JUNE SO, 1939 • , Senate Votes Diamond Lil Arrives at 'The Palace' 'Poland To Protect Corridor; Mea ure' Fate 'Mu .. f' Clan e till Uncertain In Neutrality England Again Warn Reich After Struagle • • • • • • • • • • Places Mandatory Embargo on Shipment G. B. Threatens Situation Poll h Lead r t Of 'Lelhal Weapons' Force Against AffiIm Right AtAGlance WASHINGTON, Jun 29 (AP)­ WASlflNGTON, June 29 (AP) -After deaUng a jolting, it per­ To Sea Olltlet The pr ident'l powt'r to devalu. German Moves By The Associated Pretlll the dollar w nt bllck Into tha ad- haps temporary, blow to the' ad­ LONDON - Forell'n Secretar)' mInistration mon tary bill to- flIlIlistration by voting for a man· I.ord Halifax warns Germany that T ' H D! h night und r clrcumst nc which datory embargo on the shipment Halifax Tells World Britain Is re olnd to use force CU810n Ull8 lU~ still It'ft th rutl' ot that bill un- of "lethal weapons" to nations Of British Policies 101 resist any rurther anresalon In Over City of DallZig /'ertaln. at wa'<·, the house knocked ofr urope; Britain' new prOl)08a.... to 0 Stricken trom thf' measure by Should Hitler Strike ovitt Russia for alUanct reported AI! Polf>S Take ath 1'1 coaUllon of h rd-monf'Y rf'pub- work, shortly before midnight to Inolude &,uaranteflB to Latvia, IIcans from th f'B. t nd lilver tnnight, on the hot issue of neu­ LONDON, June 29 (AP) Estonia, Finland, ae_llUIl, 8wll- GDYNTA, Pol nd, Jun 29 (AP) democrats, It WI! rt'ported over trality law revision, Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax 7erialld, Neill rlands, as well -"Poland, through h r pr Ident th Indignant protr t of both fac- For 13 hours, the chamber h~d In a speech plainly meant tor Poland, Rumania, Greect t.Dd and through massed d mon tr _ tlons by th mIght of luperior sat in session, arguing at length G d 1 d to I ht th t 1 urkey. tions ot her ""opl , today affl·rm~" voting strength on n nate-hoUM erman ears ec are n g a l'ARIS-F I I Is .,.. qJ con terence committe. over the best way to slay out "in the event ot further aggr s- . renc I reee ve rellor h r "eternnl right" to a corridor R-mov. Oth.r Prov'.'one or 600,000 G e r m a. n r_rvlsls . ~ ~ ~ "" -- of the wllr so many membt,ts sion we are resolved to use at ca.lled 1.0 color, urI' Poland 0'1to the Balltc sea and expressed In ddlUon, thl' administration fear may break oul abroad. The once the whole of our strength In automatic IlJiSlslance In case or hel· determination to detend the (OJ·c removed from the bill • climax of the voting on II host of fullillment of our pledges" to fighting, one she has. prohibition on fulute pureha 01 amendments came when Rep, Europe's smaller states. GDYN1A, Poland - Poles lake The declarations, In nav/1l week tor Ign silver and reduced, trom h to d t d D 1- d P Ush 77.5 cenls 10 70 c nil, the pric' Vorys (R-Ohio) succeeded in The fOI·eign secretary repented oat e en anz .. an 0 celebrations, came at /1 time when on d me -tIc i1v r wrllt n Into the urrldor which Pre Idenl l&,nace , . getting a favorable vote of 159 again and again that Britain was Masclekl Clllls "the all' IUId lIun IlenslOn rlln high over the fol ot bill by th a low t coal- to 157 on an amendment re­ 'Iprepared to meet force with force of our existence"; reporls head . 0'1 the Free Cily of Dam.!g, which ltion. quiring the president to embargo A numbcr of handsome gentle- we u ed to say) in this street - on a day In which London heard German arUllery muc,led Inw lies lit the head ot the so-called Th conter n r port now will Govern. Both the cafe Dnd the many rumors of an impending 10 to both hou e for ratification. arms and munitions (but not men dressed in their authentic I scene. From left to right the Da.n~I, tor "Free Corps." PoUsh corridor (Pomone). customers are "decked out" tor na~i coup In Danzig this week end. M So The m a ur mu t be pa by '·Implements of wa-r" ) destined best (even to sideburns and whis- group includes Roy Kosa, H. I. 'A C I 0 OW - vlel pro))a,auda zig, which Is within the midnlaht tomorrow, or th -2,000,. the Iowa City centennial celebra- G ermal'l8 Ca II e d ... II or8 chi t, hlnUn, at further )til Ian .. for beiHgerents. kers) greets Diamond Lil (Mrs. Jennings, Carl Strub, L. D, Ware­ Roland Smith) as she arrives at ham, Mrs. Smith, Earl Snyder, J. tion which opens officially Sun- The warning also was voiced os obJecUons to Brill h-Fr ncb pact. customs syslem, and the 000,000 exchongp stablllz tion ~d Asked Freer Ha.nd "The Palace" (Smith's caie, as, Harold Simmen and Terry Mc- diplomatic quarters close to the aY8 negotlallons have ,one Into dor were laken Irom Germany and the devaluation pow rI, th (The neutrality law now on day. French governmen~ reported 600,- "blind alley." and riven to Poland lor a B of which arlO continu!d by the 1he statute books calls for an 000 German reservists had been measur as It now stands, will die embargo on arms, munitions, and called to the colors, while nazi DANZIG-Dansl&, bOWl no sur- outlet after lhe World war. R aut.omatlcaUy. instruments of war. The admin­ party formations and German reg- ru.ce Indlca.tlons ot tension or mU- turn of Dan:tli. to the reach Is Consequ ntly th It ups affect- ulars were infiltrating into Danzig. lta.ry preparations; reporls of Gu- avowed nazi aJm. ed, ani red by th n w d v 100- I~tration desi-red to knock this Wiggalll To Lecture Tonight etT'bargo out of tile law entirely, The French press had printed man tamll-aUoD denied. Ib Reported AnniJI6 m nt a w I) by II V rbal drub- pleading for a freer hand lor the widely a suggestion thllt a British- MEl'Z-I-' rencb observers Dote Reports r ached GdynI from bin, admlnl.t red to th m on -----------------------------------------------. French-Polish warning be given Increased German II-oop move- Danzll tl1l1t a Quantity of munt- Tu day by Pr .Id nt R t'velt, ~re6i(.lent in conducting jn~ffi· .. O. K.'S MACI.EISH na ti onal afflli rs). Fugitive Killer Theme of Talk Germany. meDts alon, Sle .. fried line. bons was taken trom eost Prus- were In an ex IIcnt po ltIon to By exempting "implements ot Halifax referred several times BERNE-Swiss IIOOlallst news- sia to the Iree city la t nllht. filibu,ter the mf'lIsure to d tho v. aI'," legislatc,,·s understood 41:1t Senate Approves Poet's to the possibility that Britain's al- paper says empty ltalillon troop The munitions allel dly Included Some lellisiotors cia I' to the sttu- they were exempting such arti­ Shot tQ Death To Be Trends Illude mIght not be understood I oars movln.. iJlto Germany. 16 artillery pieces. (In Warsaw sUon thought that might be done. "els where" and declared: I TU:NTSJN - JIlPane e artll.Y ye terday un,conUnned repotts Rllverlte ~Detll cles 8S aIrcraft, trucks and oil, • Appointment a:lhough Vorys himself indicated "The threat of military force is spoke m II sayS little will come of said that Danzll was relnforeln" The conferee's d elslon, how- that the meaning of the phrase Ray Olson Confesses WASH[NGTON, June 29 (AP) In Population holding the world to ransom and nefotlaUons with 8rltlllh to end h r police with recruits reported ever, had Ih effect of "vln, the was not clear. Killing 2 Deputies, -The senate confirmed today our immediate task is to resist ag- blocka.de. to be well·tralned G rmans form- ,Jlv r nd of th coalJtJon an In· Administration forces were con­ the nomination of Archibald Author Will Conduct gresslon. I want to emphasize .. .. .. Ing a " free corp." cr 1\ ot 5.36 nts In th Iver fident that the Vorys embargo Denies Aid ill Flight MacLeish, the Connecticut poet, that tonight with all the strengt.h F J R President Ignace Mo clcld In prl ,as comp r d with th 64 .64 cruld be deleted from the neu­ as librarian of congress. Round.Table Session at my command so that nobody ~ rene 1 eport a speech broadcast from W rsaw cents th tr asury Is now p yin .. trality revision meaSUre before it CABLE, Wis., June 29 (AP)­ The nomination was approved may misunderstand it." declared the corridor and Its SCI1- lind of leavlna the repubU on end c?me to a final vote, tomorrow BuUets from veteran woodsmen's 64 to 8 aHer Senator Austin Tonwrrow Morning Calla Germany 'Isolated' R· h' T coast were "Invaluable" and were of the week's vollna deal complete- (J.. later. hal·d-shooting deer rifles killed (R-Vt), had protested that Emphasizing Britain's I rot elC s roops "the ail· and sun of our existence I)" out In the cold.
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