Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-08-05
MIATS, rAT!, .e. ,tam,. Qt 1'.. 01. Z2 ••• A1 Ibr.",11 KI now lood. paOCI8UD 'OODI, ~I .. at.mp. y~ lhroor~ za 0 •• Al lhrou,b TI ••U •• ow . Fair 8UOAR. b'ok I •• r . Iomp 38 ,00. 10. II •• p ..... Ibr.OIh Au,. 31, SHOES, aIr plano .1,,,,,. I, Z, • aDd 4 In boot Ihr•• ar. ,00. Indellallel,. GASOLINE, IOWA: CoD5hlerable c:louc1J 16·" ••• pon, , ••• I.r ,1:1: ,oil...... 111 11·7, II·., C·7 ness wlUl &bowers and ond C·. cou,on. ,ood lor "ve ,ono . ....b. 'UIL ahe f!oupenl DAILY thlUUlerstorms; warmer OIL, period lhroufb rive ,.od '''' •• rh THE IOWAN Au,. 811 p.rlod 0.' ••• po., lor Ih. IIIU·tt •••••n Iowa C ,. t Y , I M 0 r n J n " " e w spa'" • r .r. now ,.oa. La.. , •• r'. p.rl.. I •• r ... II... II' .. 4 ~ .. ••• pon. osp~. ".,. 81. ====~=======.================================~==============~~==~~~~~~~======~~~~~~~~~~~~==============~~==============~==~======~~~:=~~~====~~~~~ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 5,1945 ftD ...om·,...... VOLUME m NUMBER 268 • ore ap ~ities o 01 s MACARTHUR , MOUNTBATTEN MEET • • C-h,iI i'-an-s t-o -Ge-t H- a-If - . Set Procedure Col. James Roosevelt MacArthur ExtendS' Command Of Poultry Serviced 'Bumped' Off Airliner • Death"or Ruin ' • In Iowa After Aug. 13. For'Mass War For Lack of Priority In Preparation f~r Jap Invasion ~ --------------------~ For 1,400,000 WASffiNGTON (AP) - The KANSAS CITY (AP) - CoL armed forces and civilians will James Roosevelt was "bumped Assumes Control of Ryukyu Islands Where get equal shares of all poultry oU" a westbound airliner yester handled in "authorized plants" in Crl'mes Trl'als day, but he flashed a grin when Nips Promised Great Forces Are Being Massed Iowa after Aug.
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