Paa-.Paauto R~ (
"""- ~ '- / \ ( ~· ~ ,. < ~ :.; "' '-. - /' - i r '- I 001329 l - -'7. ) I 'PI'Iee ~se .\ ' \.. ··-.~ TheJ I ' ' ' ' ' ·-'< I t ~ -' -, > ' (- )0; .) """' Paa-.PaautO r~ ( ·- \. / :_M~nt_ld~ ;f- ' - c . ' "'). ; ~ ~.j .,.,.., '- ,- ••••-1' Ollieial " O~gaa , ~: · ; ....J ol the- ~..- \,. ' <-- ·Pan•Pacilic 'frade Uaioli ~ ~ Sf•~FetarJat < .... I~ .- / . ' Y,...;y mJififi litAiite tJm\fERstri LIBAARY ., ~" - ~ ,0 - CI- ~_LIST . LMtOR ' I ) ' ' .. .[ :-. .' COllECTION I '- -., / ... I } ~· I .; "' -~ \ / .' "" Published ~t San Francisco, California, U.S. A ~ ' \_I .. P.O. Box 535 "' "-~ Caple Address: "Pa~pamon" \ h I \ I ~an-Pacific Lal?or ~Directory / I - (Including European organizations affiliated t<Y the ~ Pan-Pacific Trade Uruon Jecretariat) ( . AUSTRALIA -;_ " Australasian Councif ' of .Trade Unions; C. Crofts, SecreM. , Trades Hall, Melbourne, Victoria. ~ . - All-China Labor Federation; Hon. Yin, Chairman. ENGLAND '\ r ,_,.;' ( .f -,_ National Minority Movement; Tom Mann, President. /Harry Pollitt, Secretary; 38 Gt. Ormond St., Lon- i ' " r don, W. C. I. , '- i \,l=/ FRANCE' · · Confederation General; du Travail, G. Monmosseau, /, -"" Secretary. 142 Rue Montmartre, Paris; France. INDIA ' _ ; \ AII-India'Trade"Union Congress; N. M. Joshi, Genefal Secretary. ~rvants or ll!_dia Society's Home, Girgaon, Bombay 4, India. / INDONESIA i < Indonesi~h Labor Federation, Batayia, Java. ~I . JAPAN -, "' ., , ' . Nippon Rodokuimai -Zenkoku-- Kyogikai; Shima-ku Mita, Shikokumachi 2-5, Tokyo. Toitsu Domei (Trade Union Unity League.) 18 Nic- ~ome, Minamisakumacho, Shiba, Tokyo.- - . I KOREA u / Korean Labor Federation; SeoUl, Korea. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ~ Katipunan ng mga A,nak-Pawis sa Pilipinas (Philippine " -- . Proletarian Labor Co_ngress, Manila, P. I.; Antonio Ora, Chairman; Cdsanto Evangelista, ·General , Secretary. • - / '- Philippine Confederation of Peasants; J. G. Manahan, President; Emilio Amago, Acting Secretary, 700 Avenue Rizal, or P. 0. Box, 849, Manila, P.
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