Biculturalism and Identity in Contemporary Gullah Families
BICULTURALISM AND IDENTITY IN CONTEMPORARY GULLAH FAMILIES by Peggy MacLeod Vogel Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in FAMILY AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT APPROVED: Janet K. Sawyers, Chairperson Katherine R. Allen Scott W. Johnson Dallas M. Johnson Michael J. Sporakowski February 25, 2000 Blacksburg, Virginia Key Words: Gullah, Family, Psychological, Bicultural, Symbolic Interaction, Identity Biculturalism and Identity in Contemporary Gullah Families Peggy MacLeod Vogel Abstract A qualitative study, using an oral history method was completed. Seven participants (2 men, 5 women) of Gullah descent from the St. Helena’s Island and Charleston, South Carolina area were extensively interviewed. Symbolic interactionism provided the theoretical framework for the study. Findings included the recognition of the Gullah as a unique cultural group and the possible effects of slavery on identity formation for individuals as well as the Gullah community. Striking differences in physical space utilization between Gullah and non-Gullah residents were suggested. The presence of conflict between African and European beliefs and practices were seen in areas such as religious traditions, child rearing, and language. The pervasive effect of racism on identity and its relationship to biculturalism was discussed. Biculturalism appeared to be strongly related to survival as well as being an integral part of the participants’ identities. ii Dedication To my children, Ricky Zimmermann Sarah Zimmermann Samantha Vogel Adam Vogel Philip Vogel Judy Pearman Wheeler To my husband, Mike Vogel To my parents, Norman and Isadore MacLeod To my brothers and sister, Alex MacLeod, Dan MacLeod and Lynn Strom To my godmother and her brother, Sybel Fellows and Charlie Fellows To my very best friends, Sandi Brenner, Judy Hoffman, Rebecca Lowry, Nancy McGee and Sue Stroman For all your sacrifice, love, and support, I dedicate this work to you.
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