The Healthy Growth of Village JOHN MAXIMEA DIES
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LIBRA RESEARCH INSTITUTE ‘(OR THE STUDY OF MAN 162 EAST 78 STREET _NEW YORK 24, Nos Fiat | Justitia ~ -_ a oh. : The Richest Soil (For the General Welfare of the People of Dominica, the further cdvancement of the West Indies and the Caribbean Area as a whole) ESTABLISHED 1955 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1964. PRICE Io0¢ MILLION DOLLAR POWER STATION FOR DOMINICA Work Starts On Padu River Scheme | Of To St. Vincent} = seariy $6.5 Million Budget Ree a Engineer George Rodham gave details last Child Care Trainees Loblack Asks For Social Security weck of the new million dollar hydro-clectiic power cea on bee Ie. eelival EREMONIAL opening pening of of the th Budget get Session Sessi of f Leg Leg. station to be buile by the Commonwealh Development oa eters C Co. was wached and listened 10 by a sprinkling of Maple on Wednesday were Corporation 450 ft. below the existing Trafaigar Station. spectators, including 12 D.G.S. Seniors aad their Head- Miss Andrea John and Miss master. In the words of the has been designed by the Cynthia Robinson, the two Engincer-in-Charge in Dom- consulting engineers to the Dominican girls who were The Throne Speech was and sixty-two thousand, two inica, Mr. H. B. Eniwistle, C.D.C., Messrs. Ewbank chosen for a one-year course moderate and unexceptional. hundred and _ forty-seven the site is a ‘natural’. Water and Partners Ltd. of Jamaica, of child care training spon- Hurticane damage and reha- dollars ($6, 462,247). is taken just below the con- Londor, Trinidad and sored by the Commonwealth bilitation measures were Other items of interest on fluence of the twin Trafalgar Toronto and fresh capital Save the Children Fund, St. reviewed, as also fishing and the Order of the Day Falls and led by an open invesiment is being used. Vincent heedquarters. Both co-operstives. roads, hotels sncluded legislation to regu, tail- channel to pick up the —— - girls passed through a ques- and social services develop-. late the mining of Pumice in race discharge from the exist- ingrid Sails In -- tionnaire and interview as ments (the last including a Dominica, three Resolutions ing power station from well as a medical examinay future drive to conquer by the Honourable E. C. whence it is p:ped parallel to Flies Out tion. malnutrition). An under- Loblack, Nominated Mem- the road for a mile down to Patt of their travel ex- taking that the Hatton-Gar- ber, urging the introduction the confluence of the Padu Beautiful Nordic film star, penses was defrayed by the cen — Salybia— Castle of a Social Security System, and Roseau Rivers; there the ‘Ingrid Bergman, with her money collected for Youth Bruce road would be tackled the appointment of a° Board Smith new power station will be third husband Lars Trust purposes by Martine during the current develop- to enquire into the working built with two 800 kilowatt and a business manager, came quan students and the Carib- ment period was given. of the Hospital, the Prison turbines. down, the gangway of Swe- Bo Friend of = Fhe WHO integrated health andthe . ulice, aid the sale ~ disit liner Gripsboim (which , > Island Capacity Doubled Martinique; they fe «ui80 scheme has been accepted by to the General public to two- carried 360 U.S. tourists) greatly assisted by the Social Government. New post thirds of the ftesh milk pto- last When the new station shortly before two p. m. League of Catholic Women. offices and schools were duction of the Government comes into operation in Wednesday, just-as the cruise They will be met and wel» enumerated, and the WIBS Stock Farm. (GIS) about two years’ time the liner weighed anchor. The comed at the newly-built substation was a project on Loblack Sur rise generating capacity of the trio ‘went on mountain ex~ centre and clinic by Miss the list of future benefits. : aid 8 p island will have been cursions in Dominica en Monica Green of the Save Forestry and the timber eae is vines ne where a 3 ‘ ) oblack’s motion on Social Security doubled. At te present route to the airport, ‘the Children Fund. industry received hepcful was seconded by the Leader of the time the expansion of the private plane waited to fly mentions. In an_ effort to Opposition. In the debate, Mr. Dominica Electricity Services them back to Barbados. encourage growers not to put Stevens and the Chief Minister spoke all their eggs in one basket, defensively, and when the vote was has bees so rapid that even ' Ushered off the launch by debonair John Chambers of taken all Government members save the capacity of the two new Joshua Upset good prospects of citrus and y obtack abstained: thus the resolu- 260 kw. diesel units installed Rose’s Shipping Dept, By WI3as cocoa were fut forward. tion was passed. last year at Trafalgar has been Ingrid -landed in Roseaw The recent “first time” re- (More on Leg. Co. next week) dressed in yellow pipe-line Conference, Bee nearly taken up. Chief Minister Joshua of gional Labour at the slimjims, a turquoise shirt- DIES Work has started Vincent yesterday made a the healthy growth of village JOHN MAXIMEA there jacket decorated with strips St. foot of the Falls where strong statement against the councils, and the forthcom- SUDDENLY mid- of Scandinavian embroidery, is a small island in the Windward Islands Broad- ing Shakespeare festival wete PWD Storekee iF River: a yellow silk-straw Italian dle of the Roseau casting Service that they have included in the Administra- Maximea, son of Ae haat, dams are being built either hat, and delicate sandals da Maximea of Great Mal- stringed with coral beads. broadcast anti-government tor’s address. side of this island to divert : borough St., died suddenly Her husband wore beige propaganda yet the St. Vin- the water to below the Trafal- $40, mie Detalls __ in the early hours of Friday streamline pants and a simi- cent Government pays gar Station. From then on Appropriation bill morning. His funeral took lar shirt with contrasting 000 in support of WIBS. The the water will be taken by a total expen’ place the same afternoon. ing stripes. Both were happy A St. Vincent commentator provided for the wood stave pipeline 40 inches remarks that this money comes diture of the sum of six after a post-mortem and in diameter to a forebay (on and friendly, and received a from some either from the St. Vincent million, four hundred inquest. warm welcome land owned by Mr. Ayoub taxpayer or the British Tax- ae Karam) from whence it will Canadian and Donsinican be taken to the power station fans who had been tipped paver. The press in St. DOMINICA ELECTRICITY SERVIGES tp their arrival. Vincent, meanwhile, was at the bottom of the hill in off about j Tenders are invited in writing for the purchase HERALD Editor shook unable to obtain any infor- two steel pipes (penstocks). (of the under-mentioned vehicle: Ingrid’s hand and welcomed mation from the Chief All Local Labour Minister or Mrs. Joshua, who | 1)-ton Bedford Truck No. 1056 te? her to Dominica, expressing for inspestion at - In our interview with Mr. was recently forced to resign; The vehicle will be available the hope that her next stay with the Manager, Rodham, he stressed that all and so that the English f C.D.C Goodwill or by arrangement would be a longer one. sp can get } at our Roseau office. local labour will being used “Express” group and Dom- fp on the job and that all pro- Kings Lane S. S. Store firsthand information. Mr. | Tenders will be treated as confidential, reporter for sell to Yesterday, part-time Services are not bound to 9a fits from C. D. C. operation Robin Stafford, foreign cor inica Electricity 6 the HERALD, Collins O’Neill, respondent for the Express the highest bidder. in Dominica have been pla opened a small compact self-service in i ploughed back into the grocery in Kings Lane near River Group, has now arrived Feb. 29 W.S, RICHARDSON, Manager , (eat island. The new installation St the island. oa 5 <6 9a 6 psa 9S an Sf 6 9 tt fn 6 nS 9S 9a 8d PE Pan I OTE IY PAGE TWO DOMINICA HERALD $7.7 GRD. EBRUARY —_—— 29, 1964 en friend), Oe ee ee 0 aap The Ladies’ Man often accompanied 6 P~Maae 6 9S 6 9 ie 6 BE 6 Oa 6 9! 8 her. What a sensation was By Anna Burnette: being caused as a result of THE HARCOURT GARTER 8 In the little town of Fruitful Vale, where I worked as tne affairs in which Robert OPTISAl. GO. LTD. SSeS was indulging! Yet, I re- SS 6 secretary to 2 novelist, I almost felt surprised at the large ft gret to say, that most people cirele of ftiends that I had collected after my brief residence WILL. BE PLAY DNs 98 A VISIT 6 of four years. Among these new fornd acquaintances was treated it as a joke. There Pt FROM MARCH o9TH TO iuTH seemed to be nothing that I 9a a handsome young man named Robert Baines. 6 He had the 8 could do. FOR THE PURPOSES OF SIGHT quality “Ee TESTING of attracting people of both sexes and of all ages. > This was cue partly to the fame and popularity which he Robert’s aunt, with whom AND FURNISHING OF SPECTACLES. Pe pat f she lived, was now over- ALL PERSONS 9a had achieved as leader of an orchestra, and partly to las INTERESTED PLEASE 4 whelmed with displeasure at pe 5 ftiendly disposition.