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PRE-HURRICANE SHELTERS Dominica PUERTO RICO # Emergency Shelter PRE-HURRICANE SHELTERS ± Dominica Kilometers Map Production Date : 21 Sep 2017 1:135,000 1 cm = 1 km 0 1.5 3 6 | Source Data : Government of Dominica (link), Disclaimer : This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries IOM, OCHA, OSM on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. 2 4 1 7 6 8 9 11 10 12 13 14 17 16 20 21 24 26 27 28 31 30 33 34 35 424039 43 44 45 47 49 50 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 61 64 63 65 6867 70 71 74 75 73 76 77 8079 83 84 85 87 88 90 89 91 92 94 95 96 9897 99 102 101 104 109108 110 112 113 114 115117 118 120 123 125 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 135 139 138 140 141 © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA PRE-HURRICANE SHELTER LIST* ID Community Village/Town Emergency Shelter Longitude Latitude 1 Vieille Case Upper Penville SDA Church ‐61.418617 15.630226 2 Cottage Capuchin Capuchin Resource Centre ‐61.46289 15.63021 3 Vieille Case Upper Penville Primary School (Lower Floor) ‐61.42168 15.62929 4 Vieille Case Upper Penville House of Laurel and Lipson Lewis ‐61.42161 15.62875 5 Cottage Clifton Grace Baptiste Church (Upper Floor) ‐61.46417 15.62415 6 Vieille Case Lower Penville Roman Catholic Church ‐61.41044 15.62396 7 Cottage Clifton Clifton Resource Centre ‐61.46325 15.62367 8 Cottage Cottage Community Centre ‐61.46301 15.61596 9 Vieille Case Vieille Case Pentecostal Church ‐61.40407 15.61485 10 Vieille Case Vieille Case Government School ‐61.4109 15.61288 11 Cottage Toucarie Catholic Chapel ‐61.46478 15.61204 12 Vieille Case Gomier Beryl Church (Lower Floor) ‐61.40158 15.60671 13 Cottage Savanne Paille Primary School ‐61.46187 15.60423 14 Vieille Case Thibaud Community Centre ‐61.397035 15.599863 15 Paix Bouche Bense Seventh Day Adventist Church ‐61.411938 15.593476 16 Paix Bouche Calibishie Calibishie Resource Centre ‐61.33782 15.59268 17 Paix Bouche Bourne House of Madonna Charles ‐61.411238 15.5925 18 Paix Bouche Calibishie Methodist Church ‐61.337746 15.590187 19 Paix Bouche Bense Primary School – (Lower floor) ‐61.37627 15.58995 20 Paix Bouche Bense Primary School – (Upper Floor) ‐61.37627 15.58995 21 Paix Bouche Calibishie Baptiste Church (Post) ‐61.337677 15.589849 22 Paix Bouche Paix Bouche Government School – Lower Floor ‐61.40715 15.58961 23 Paix Bouche Paix Bouche Resource Centre ‐61.40524 15.58893 24 Paix Bouche Paix Bouche Baptiste Church – Lower Floor ‐61.40591 15.58802 25 Wesley Woodford Hill Seven Day Adventist Church ‐61.33155 15.5834 26 Wesley Woodford Hill Baptiste Church ‐61.332128 15.582992 27 Portsmouth Portsmouth Portsmouth Secondary School ‐61.45518 15.58091 28 Portsmouth Dos D’ane Government School ‐61.420991 15.579703 29 Wesley Wesley Christian Union Church ‐61.3115 15.56717 30 Wesley Wesley SDA Church (post) ‐61.31175 15.56705 31 Portsmouth Glanvillia SDA Secondary School Dormitory ‐61.455811 15.56667 32 Wesley Wesley Methodist Church ‐61.31165 15.56475 33 Wesley Wesley Pentecostal Church ‐61.3098 15.56425 34 Portsmouth Glanvillia Community Centre ‐61.454801 15.562558 35 Marigot Marigot Concord Primary School ‐61.283404 15.540603 36 Marigot Marigot Roman Catholic Church ‐61.283082 15.539918 37 Marigot Marigot Methodist Church ‐61.282482 15.538616 38 Marigot Marigot Church of Christ ‐61.287585 15.538591 39 Marigot Marigot Council Building ‐61.286444 15.538566 40 Marigot Marigot Wills Strathmore Primary ‐61.27975 15.53852 41 Marigot Marigot Christian Union ‐61.28334 15.538425 42 Marigot Marigot Pentecostal Church ‐61.28207 15.53835 43 Salybia Atkinson Basement of Genevieve Lloyd ‐61.27127 15.51562 44 Salybia Atkinson Atkinson Primary School ‐61.261587 15.51469 45 Colihaut Dublanc Government School (Post) ‐61.468098 15.512545 46 Salybia Atkinson Atkinson Resource Centre ‐61.26294 15.51212 47 Salybia Carib Territory Salybia Primary School ‐61.26287 15.511201 48 Colihaut Bioche Nazarene Church ‐61.46671 15.51068 49 Colihaut Bioche Bioche Fisheries Complex ‐61.46701 15.50948 50 Salybia Carib Territory Gullet River Nazareine Church ‐61.25555 15.49533 51 Salybia Carib Territory Mahaut River Pre School ‐61.249915 15.475178 52 Salybia Carib Territory Church of Jesus Christ Mahaut River ‐61.250681 15.475106 53 Salybia Carib Territory Sineku Primary school ‐61.2501 15.475033 54 Salybia Carib Territory Sineku Pre‐School ‐61.24991 15.47487 55 Salybia Carib Territory Sineku Resource Centre ‐61.2538 15.46589 56 Salisbury Morne Rachette Resource Centre ‐61.4466 15.456852 57 St. Joseph Gleau Gomier Pilgrim Holiness Church ‐61.32975 15.4474 58 Castle Bruce San Sauveur House of Valentine Stoute ‐61.256157 15.446291 59 Salisbury Salisbury Government School (Lower Floor) ‐61.435327 15.442284 60 Salisbury Salisbury Baptiste Church (Downstairs) ‐61.4376 15.44021 61 Castle Bruce (Lower Floor) House of Pierre Joseph ‐61.258875 15.439596 62 Salisbury Salisbury Gospel Mission Church ‐61.43813 15.43906 63 Castle Bruce Castle Bruce Castle Bruce Secondary School ‐61.260741 15.435215 64 St. Joseph Belles Roman Catholic Church ‐61.33198 15.43375 65 Castle Bruce Good Hope Good Hope Resource Centre ‐61.25584 15.41287 St Joseph Primary School East Block 1 (Lower 66 St. Joseph St Joseph ‐61.42204 15.40688 Floor) St Joseph Primary School East Block 1 (Upper 67 St. Joseph St Joseph ‐61.42204 15.40688 Floor) 68 St. Joseph St Joseph First Grace Baptiste Church ‐61.4254 15.404371 69 St. Joseph St Joseph Isaiah Thomas Secondary School ‐61.426167 15.4021 70 St. Joseph Belles Government School ‐61.425794 15.401718 71 Castle Bruce Petite Soufriere House of Alexis Nicholls ‐61.26068 15.39423 72 Castle Bruce Petite Soufriere House of Simon Alie ‐61.2534 15.39294 73 Castle Bruce (Lower Floor) House of Bennet Durand ‐61.25349 15.39147 74 Mahaut Warner Government School ‐61.39365 15.391217 ID Community Village/Town Emergency Shelter Longitude Latitude 75 Castle Bruce Petite Soufriere House of Abner Durand ‐61.25838 15.39113 76 Mahaut Campbell Government School ‐61.37707 15.37476 77 Mahaut Roger Community Centre ‐61.401401 15.371811 78 Mahaut Mahaut Government School – Lower Floor ‐61.39648 15.36416 79 Mahaut Mahaut Gospel Tarbernacle/Emergency Crisis Centre ‐61.394638 15.363366 80 Mahaut Mahaut Berean Church ‐61.396733 15.362906 81 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Grand Fond Roman Catholic Church ‐61.274672 15.36227 82 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Grand Fond Government School (Post) ‐61.27555 15.3611 83 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Grand Fond Community Hall Basement (Post) ‐61.27578 15.3608 84 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Riviere Cyrique Pentecostal Church ‐61.25846 15.36008 85 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Riviere Cyrique Resource Centre ‐61.2537 15.35859 86 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Morne Jaune Primary School Building (Post) ‐61.26167 15.3542 87 Morne Jaune Riviere Cyrique Morne Jaune Catholic Church ‐61.260943 15.354182 88 Mahaut Canefield Gospel Mission Church ‐61.39124 15.33834 89 Roseau Valley Cockrane Government School (Upper Floor) ‐61.36172 15.33706 90 Mahaut Canefield St Martin De Pores Church ‐61.38957 15.33566 91 Roseau Valley Laudat Laudat Government School ‐61.33318 15.33266 92 La Plaine La Plaine Agricultural Training Centre ‐61.247191 15.332532 93 La Plaine La Plaine Jones Beaupierre School ‐61.243014 15.328412 94 La Plaine La Plaine Coutriere’s Hall ‐61.243919 15.327964 95 Roseau Valley Trafalgar Governement School ‐61.34777 15.32443 96 Roseau Valley Wotten Waven Governsment School ‐61.33899 15.31691 97 Roseau North Gutter McDowell (Gutter) Community Centre ‐61.385368 15.316105 98 Roseau North Fond Cole Community Centre ‐61.3877 15.3148 99 Roseau Valley Morne Proseper Quahal Yawheh Church ‐61.346968 15.31101 100 Roseau Valley Morne Proseper Government School ‐61.34513 15.31098 101 La Plaine Boetica Roman Catholic Church ‐61.250147 15.309014 102 Roseau North Tarish Pit Resource Centre ‐61.385301 15.308606 103 Roseau North Fond Cole Goodwill Pentecostal Church ‐61.38762 15.30621 104 Roseau North Pottersville Seventh Day Adventiste Church ‐61.38673 15.30488 105 Roseau South Bath Estate North Block – (Both Floors) ‐61.38074 15.303546 106 Roseau South Bath Estate Primary School ‐61.38068 15.3034 107 Roseau South Bath Estate South Block – (Upper Floor) ‐61.380749 15.303305 108 Roseau South Elmshall Bath Estate Resource Centre ‐61.379398 15.3032 Roseau Central Dominica Grammar 109 Roseau Central Haxey Emanuel ‐61.383201 15.30182 school 110 Roseau South Kings Hill Kings Hill Youth Centre ‐61.377477 15.296971 111 Roseau South Kings Hill Baptisiste Church ‐61.381302 15.2943 112 Roseau South Newtown Newtown Catholic Church (Basement) ‐61.379025 15.292532 113 Roseau South Silver Lake Silver Lake Apartment Building ‐61.375337 15.289111 114 Roseau South Giraudel Government School ‐61.34895 15.287817 115 La Plaine Delices Catholic Church ‐61.266117 15.287709 116 La Plaine Delices Primary School ‐61.262853 15.286912 117 La Plaine Delices Youth Centre ‐61.26269 15.28687 118 Roseau South Loubiere Loubiere Resource Centre ‐61.37374 15.27566 119 Pettite Savanne Bellevue Chopin Government school ‐61.34713 15.26687 120 Pettite Savanne Bellevue Chopin Baptiste Church ‐61.34724 15.26589 121 Pettite Savanne Pichelin House of Pastor Jack Leatham ‐61.326304 15.264926 122 Pettite Savanne Pichelin New Beginning Church ‐61.325582 15.264523 123 Pettite Savanne Pichelin House of Jachim Pacquette ‐61.325694 15.264272 124 Pettite Savanne Pichelin Community Centre (Post) ‐61.318115 15.260821 125 Soufriere Pointe Michel Community Centre (Lower Floor) ‐61.37442 15.259737 126 Pettite Savanne Bagatelle Baptiste Church ‐61.28483 15.24664 127 Pettite Savanne
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    Union College Union | Digital Works Honors Theses Student Work 6-2014 Correlating monotonous crystal-rich dacitic ignimbrites in Dominica: The Layou and Roseau Ignimbrite Alexandra Flake Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Geophysics and Seismology Commons, and the Volcanology Commons Recommended Citation Flake, Alexandra, "Correlating monotonous crystal-rich dacitic ignimbrites in Dominica: The Layou and Roseau Ignimbrite" (2014). Honors Theses. 519. This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact Correlating monotonous crystal-rich dacitic ignimbrites in Dominica: The Layou and Roseau Ignimbrite ----------------------------------------------------------- by Alexandra Flake Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science Department of Geology UNION COLLEGE June 2014 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor Holli Frey for her guidance, support and wisdom throughout this entire process. She has taught me an incredible amount over the course of this thesis and most importantly has helped me grow as a student, scientist, and individual in and outside of the classroom. It was an amazing opportunity to work with her and made this thesis an incredibly rewarding experience. I would also like to thank Matthew Manon for running the ICP-MS, SEM and helping me throughout summer research, Bill Neubeck for making my sample thin sections, Deborah Klein for helping organize both trips down to Dominica, David Gillikin for inspiring me to become a geology major, and finally, the Union College Geology Department for financially supporting my multiple trips to Dominica to make this thesis possible.
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