Rebecca Langan Youth Guidance Working On Womanhood (WOW) Renewal Grants March 2020 Board Meeting Youth Guidance Ms. Michelle Adler Morrison
[email protected] 1 N LaSalle Street, Suite 900 O: 312-253-4900 Chicago, IL 60602 F: 312-253-4917 Ms. Rebecca Langan 1 N LaSalle Street, Suite 900
[email protected] Chicago, IL 60602 O: 312-994-8151 M: 773 592 4115 Printed On: 13 April 2020 Renewal Grants March 2020 Board Meeting 1 Rebecca Langan Youth Guidance Application Form RENEWAL REQUEST This section is about the program for which you are requesting funding. Project Name* Working On Womanhood (WOW) Project Summary* Please provide a one or two sentence (250 characters maximum) description of the project for which you seek funding. WOW is a school-based group counseling and clinical mentoring program that supports girls from Chicago’s most underserved areas. The trauma-informed counseling fills a need for mental health supports to girls exposed to adverse childhood experiences. Grant Number 20-53 Amount Requested* Please enter a whole dollar amount. If necessary, round up to the nearest dollar. $50,000.00 Project Budget* What is the total budget for this project? $50,000.00 Other Funding* List other private and public funding sources for this renewal request including the sources of funding that have been received to date, the amount and the date received. For pending funding please list the name of the source, amount requested and the anticipated receipt date. Youth Guidance receives grant funding from a City of Chicago contract to help support WOW at eight schools in Chicago, including Corliss High School.