Unconventional gas and oil in North America This publication aims to provide insight into the impacts of the North American 'shale revolution' on US energy markets and global energy flows. The main economic, environmental and climate impacts are highlighted. Although the North American experience can serve as a model for shale gas and tight oil development elsewhere, the document does not explicitly address the potential of other regions. Manuscript completed in June 2014. Disclaimer and copyright This publication does not necessarily represent the views of the author or the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation of this document for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy. © European Union, 2014. Photo credits: © Trueffelpix / Fotolia (cover page), © bilderzwerg / Fotolia (figure 2)
[email protected] http://www.eprs.ep.parl.union.eu (intranet) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank (internet) http://epthinktank.eu (blog) Unconventional gas and oil in North America Page 1 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 'shale revolution' Over the past decade, the United States and Canada have experienced spectacular growth in the production of unconventional fossil fuels, notably shale gas and tight oil, thanks to technological innovations such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Economic impacts This new supply of energy has led to falling gas prices and a reduction of energy imports. Low gas prices have benefitted households and industry, especially steel production, fertilisers, plastics and basic petrochemicals. The production of tight oil is costly, so that a high oil price is required to make it economically viable.