mMk s i a ^ a i B m S k 1-iiiiftroip suBscRipnos. TIRMS o r AWBmSIHO. WoiUKMmo JoruAL te pnMbhnd * ftir f FitdM BMiniiiic, at tha OSee in F tu k lin 6n« Sqnaie (space of IS Uaso) oao Haildioc. WilUnumUo. Conn., Mid (uroiiih«id tioa,witbprivil«|^^;tbre«. . it) •abaeribtn at the following rates, payable ;:; I* A M a m s : Omi Square ijrc a r,...... ChM«o|i«lT«ar...... il One-quartor Colpma S moirfh, : . One copy 6%ionthi...... One-quartvr t'olm sa I year, . . Qm wpT S m ontlu,...... 3ti O ^-hsIf Column 3 moathsk . . . SlaKla«opiM4 omtt, to be obtained at the Une-halfVolua|in lysar...... m M o c or at Malden's bookitore. One Colnma • m o n th o ...... 1 A arpanon lending u t five new rabaeriben OnvColumalyear,...... I for one year, with the monojr, will be enUUed Special Noticeo. W per wnt s id M i^ la toaeopyiccatia. the sbovo.rateo. .. Tearir adveitiacn of not Im than ono>foarth BaeeulQts’ sn4 Ada|i(nfklra(oto' NiHss» 1 «fa eolMnn (ornished the J ocrsai. free. Commissioaent'NMVfo. I » Ouardians' Rotiets aceotding to Ivaflli. A M itm WEAVER &CITKTISS, Tiaasient adveitissnMatato Kr )oM& aifM W


IMPORTANT NOTnCB! FARM FDR SALE. JOURNAL BEADESS A. W: TRACY, S in Toir Dtllan. h e subscriber oflTers forsalo his Farm, sita> NEW GOODS ated in Chaplin, Nortli Windham village, Tconsisting of 110 acres of land, in tiro parcds. Buy your goedaal The home place ccntnini about 25 acres, and atout 80 acres in one body about half a mile distanL On the home lot is a new, \atae, New Geo^* New Goods TAKE jJOTlCE!! nbie house, pleasnntly situated a short dis; NewQood* NewQooda T tfB M O A L ice from Swift's factory, near an excellent NewQooda New Good* i lW lTTB BWCC. school, and but a short distance from the pro- New Goods New Goods Dsed location of the depot of the Boston, New Gooits artford & Erie Raliroad. The land is of an New Q o ^ SUfOULAR AHNOUNCEHERT WE ARK tELLINO GOODS A T O W m C li excellent quality, in a good state of cultivation, NeW Good* NOW NEW STORSi with a suitable variety of mowing, wood and Nkw Good* la th* time to buy yonr Dreai CoMh. OUR PASTIkkBS. pasture, and on the premises is avarie^of New Go«ai New Goods NOW choice fmiL consisting of apples, peats, eher- New Goods New Goods Wonder While Ye ReadI Is tk s time to hny yonr sHIa riet, pinms. &o. New Good* New Goods ASferMik iw kaei. mm W j l r t i aad NOW The home place, with house and 35 arros, NewGbOda New Goods tow eit ptieed MBMtoMal e< is tho time to hny jo m ^ m ee tie i AithakMltMMdykBOwa fartk* alltTteUoB will be sold separately, if desired, or A'I to­ H NOW ofCot^aadaUaSMtioMoftkit tkm t W« gether. The subscrilwr, having engaged in tho time to hny yonr Carpslft other business, offers to sell the above de. CAN IT BS? AND YET IT IS! NOW scrii>ed property at a bargai^ ia th* tin e to buy yonr Oilelotha.! NEW GOODSII Also, two valuable Water rtivileges for sale; EVERY WEEK NOW U F E U M C n. For further particulars inquire of Allen Lin­ ia th* tim* to buy yonr Clotha. coln, at Willimantic. or of the snbscriber at FICTION AT 1 D1SCOVHT NOW Lyon's Mills, in Chaplin. LORIN LINCOLN. Chaplin. Jan. 13.1864.______3 3m lath* tim* to buy your Csaaimam. tMM M r Mm ciliaM w a oOmm tnUfTiag to Every Week Every Week Every Week Every Week PROBATE NOTICES. Every Week Every \ ^ k GLOTHINO tatoaUMTifiiMraad w ter* M i «f «thw S U C T l o M i Every Week Every Wee Truth taking the Lead! lUHitoaivwtiM. Tteptiwit Every Week MARDWABBI Of atery ii*nr*ptttir. y order of the Court of Probate for the dis­ Every Week trict of Lebanon will be sold at public Every Week OHLTl* CENTS. Bauction on Wednesday, the 17th day of Feb- EveiyW eek Conatahtiy making adsitioaa ta *w 1__ . maiy, 1864, at eleven o'clock a. m., on the bwgestiBek. w*eall partietthv aW s«H fla*a# premise.s all the real estate of Betsey Fitch, U alof M tk it M17 «M «•& tiT • 1m>x:MUBf sot S. A. HAMLIN, late of Lebanou, deceased, situated in said 4.TViU:you>IU>»r. me • short aMloiTdM’tbayaMilMr. .a S u w«: apace % .afew_hnuble. Jret Itm st, valuable DRESS GOODd . JfflW OOMS town of Lebanon, viz.; one piece of {woodland BLACK SlLk tfctliA wftw iw U m um tlM M M t bounded northeasterly Inr land of widow sngg^tions. Chaiii as you well know, la Blanchard and the heirs of N. C. Payne and on AT L. H. CLARK’S. inscribwl on everything pertaining to haiaUii- ALPACAS. ALPACAS AtPACAtf all other sides by ladd of Esthef it. Card and ty. Yea. the great gl% itself, bears the im­ SILKLUSTBBEKKS, i rflAMtiSthlfOi^rtanityto infom t]th* contains four and one half acres more or less, press therirat Is it smnge. then, that the fidr SILK t u s r a i M l X MU of Willmiuitie and Tioimity, U uth* also one other lot consisting of pasture and L. ii. Clark's. sex (though nsnally so unchangeable) in POPLINS r O F L I N B _____ L. H. Clark's. formity wfth this geliWkl lfe«r s C iId d del e i ^ kM I«M»d the stoN on llU n strMt, formerljr woodland bounded northeasterly by E. M. a change in . POPLINS rO ffU M Lord, southeasterly by S. O. Hatch and A. N. L. H. Clark's. tw U fettaiiatU ti^ dirwiiiiiMMk ocenptod by De*eon Cnihmtn, which he hM Burgess, westerly by highway and northerly 1 Im* L. n . Clark's. WOOL DeltAINES, CICAIIS * TOBAC66. theronfhly renerated and fitted up in the beet W0!l>!)Def>AIWE3; . by h. M. Card, highiray and said E. M. Card HERINORS', M llU llO ak ; and ia prepared to oflSgr to the puhlie and contains sixfj--livc acres more or less. HOOP Lebanon, Jan. ‘iSth. 1864. Family Bye Colors. EMPRESS C l tOTraorthabwtbruidaofToliMSoW«h»T«Boirlvfu«)M M aadCigm 6 3w .GEO. D. SPENCER, Executor. (Patented Octoblir 13.1163.) PLAIN. STRIPED AND FlGUl CONTfeACtioN is>W tU word. HAN­ of various deacriptiona. ON AND AFTER MONDAT. Auction Sale. OVER. one of the first to hear the call, and y virtue of an order of the Court of Probate with his usual promptitude acted accordingly. for the district of Coventiy. the subscri^ A SPLENDID STOCK o r pMndMM. AM tam^Solm TirtBBrath- The 4th df January, Ber will sell at public auction, (unless previous' SHAWLS, SHAWLS) •n. ft*.. «e.. Mamehnm Ad B w PIpw te ly sold at private sale) on the premises, in the AN ENTIRE CHANGE IN THE FOBM OF grM lw iatjr. C ifu eaMS, Cigmr Haldarm, Jtc THE LARGEST AND BEST SBLECT- town ofCoventry.on the llth day of Kuliruary. HIS SKIRTS HAS BEEN INTRODUCED. KD STOCK OF 1864 at 10 o clock, a. m., all the real and pe'r» Ladies’ and Miase*' belonging to the assigned estate of Jos»h , consisUng of about 10 acres of Mr. Editor, wlukt de yon suppose was the Fancy Furs« D ry Goods land, dwelling house, barn, saw mill and water result It was as might be expected. ever offere •: tbia State, and aa he will darote privilege; also all the stock, tools, utensils, tMr of oxen, two cows, one horse, four year­ hiawholet «aBdatt«ntionezelaiiTel7 to lin g , and one two year old bull. It the day named is stormy, sale next fair HANOVER'HAS NOW A SKIRT OF THE UtSW U. SEDTBt day. ROBERT BROWN, Trustee. Black, Dark Greea, MOST SY3IHETRICAL SHAPE YET SEEN LAZARUS ft MORRIS’ DRY CiOOUs. Coventry, Jan. 28,1804. 5 ihr. Black for iilk . Light Greea; S^Iaa iuia pirieea I ^ . Dark Blue, kye Drops and Salve AT A COURT OF PROBATE holden at Mans­ and whioh is attracting favorable attentionfrom HOUSE TBniMlNGi, field on the 25th day of January, A. D. 1864. Light Blue. the publio. The following are facte, to prove HOOP SKIRTS ~ Frmch Blue. Maroon, which, no scholarly attainmenta are requisite. RAILS, HOOP SKIRTS ...... Whieh he will bay and aeU Present, Oliver B. Griggs. Esq., Judge. Claret Brown. Dark Browa, CUTliltftt OP ALL ktNDS. Weaiewlei^eeto j^ th e abore valoaMe N motion of Harriet O. Palmer, Adminis­ JOlNErs^X^^LS; HbOPSKIRtS ^ Otratrix on the estate of Nathan F Palm­ Dark Brown, Orange, rtii B» eBt in Light Brown. Purple. H O O P S B n ti riBola er late of Mansfield within said District, de­ H aM ver’fl New S k i r t s m te S a u i n i At laaa thaa manufutnT**’* p riM For Cash Only! ceased: This Court doth decree that six months Snuff Brown, Royal Purple. la flM tavarytUagkM lail la M r lito. be allowed and limited for tlin creditors of said Cherry, Salmon, estate to exhibit tbeir claims niiains the same Crimson, Scarlt.t; Hehaano hesitation in aMuring the pnblie to the Administratrix ; and di'fect that public Dark Drak. Slate. noticA be given of this ordor bv advertising in Light Drab, Solferino. IhathewaiaeUDiyOooda of e»ety deserip- Fawn Drab. CkMds cf Evorj DtteripUK a newspaper published in Willimantic and bv Violet. They are of a most elegant shape. for Itoaat postinv a copy thereof on the public sign post Light Fawn Drab’ Yellow- They ar6 of an entirely new form. in said town of Mansfield nearest the place For Dyeing silk. Woolen and mixed goods, They an likde with great cm . ChiM rraa^s Wmura where the deceased dwi>lt. akawli, acarn, dresses, ribbons, gloves, bon* They are remafkably durable , 36 PKR CENT. LESS Certified from Record, ■eta, hate, feathers, kid glovea,elovea, children'a elo* elo' They are cdnsitacted of the best mUeriai. 6 3w* O. B. GRIGGS, Judge. ■ling, and all kinds of wearing apparel. A aa- They are sdrptaingly cheap and above aU ving of 30 per cent. Fdr 25 cente yon can Pol- They suit the Ladies! CLOTIIINO CLOTBIMIB O'TICE.’ or as many gobds u Wohld otherwise coet five TN« Miw PERPUilk, itheyeanpnrchaaediBanTother atorein CLOTHlNtJ . , -AH persons liable by law to pay timea that sum. VarioniahadM can prodile- ctorni5Q CLOTmNo thia aeetion of the oonntiy. Ha teepectfully taxesN in the town of Scotland on list of 18M, ed from the same dye. The process is simple CHRISTMAS BOQUET. aolieita the attention of the pnblie to hia are hereby notified that 1 will be at the store of and any one «an tise the dye with p eH ^t suc­ Bead>,Mad* and to ordar. James Burnett in said town on Saturday, the cess. Directions in Ln^Iish French and Ger- 96th day of February next from 10 o'clock a. inside of each package. For further in dyeing ^tH .\T MOlife NtEB BE SaId ? AGSIcfrLTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. E l c g a a t m u 4 U ariTalM Stock. m. till 3 p. m. to receive town, commutation, and giving a perfect knowledge wliat colon c*naiatlagiapart*f and dog taxes. Those who cannot pay at the are bast adaptop to dye over others, with many PLOWS—th* beat in na*. iatfltlM nciJliit Mir. TMi to W time and wish to avoid expense will do well valuable recipes) purchase Howe & Stevens’ The ciilmtnaiidjt point has been reached, aad CULTlVATORS-below city prieea, G^nts Puriiiehihg OS8 4 i M ir^gM .««)toIttiilnM C lk aUl I _ aad feela eonlldent of hia ability to anpply their to attend and state when they can pay. to ap- treatise on dveing and coloring. Foi sale by sar. will be expected to cliwrfully pav lul he agente., Hannfrctured by HORSE RAKKS. ^ , A new and full a.

THE DATS OF MY BOYHOOD. WiLUMANTic B ook S tobb. CHESTER TILDEN, Jr., MBRBICK J0BIV«01«, Friends and Relatives (coi^T-Bion* SBcuBxn.) 1 remenber. I nmember, JAUE8 WALDEN, ATWOOD'S BLOCK, SUNNNY SIDE," Th« Mhool-liouM on the hill. o r THB The Great Indian tm ody tMtKinilt that I then reoeirad, Bookseller and Stationer, W'ilimAntio, Walden’s Brick Block, Post-Office Buildinc. Brave Soldien and Sailors. rOR P^iMALES. liv» in mjr memoiy itUI; DRAL m Awl It remcmtvn me m well. £astRoom. OR. MAniSON SINOMNEMMENEGOGUE. For wh8i« the acholan sat. .ilso, a large assortment of Paper-Hangings GROCERIES. PRU VISIONS. FLOUR. GRAIN. ■ ; naaw npon the bench i« earred. always on hand. TILDES-S BLOCK. OPPOSITB THE MRAL AND FEED, NAILS. FARMING rpHIS celebrated Female Medicine, poa- In letten lafige and lat. TOOLS. WELCH k GKIFFIFTH'S A aeuing virtues unliiownor a»tliing O m c E or Asana EzraBss asd AnaaicAn DEPOT WOOD SAWS. elo of the kind, aad proving rgectual TsuoKAra. Miter all otheni bare bilcd, ia deaigiivd 1 rm m h er, I nnnember. (BE8T.M rSK.) expreaaljr Tnr bntb married and single How at the play-apell hoar. u n ts Axes. Crockery and tilasa Ware. hidlea, and ia the Terr h«'»t thing knowa The Deacon's apples disappaired G eo. W . H anoter, Cutlorr. Stone. Tin and Wooden Ware lar the purpoae, a» it .ill lyring «n th . - »?•* “ 8"*n ««» »onr; H Whipa and l,ashes. Kerosene Oil. Lamp«>, Lamp monthly aicknea., iu cara. ot obatruc- Am how the hay>mow kept them safe. AT THE TEMPLE OF FASHIOIT. tiona from aujr eanae, aadaRer all oth­ *Tul thej were mellow grown. l>BAt>a Iir Glasses. Sbadesand Brushes. Lime. Cement er renwdiea of the kind have been tried General dealer hi Laih. Plastering, Hair. in u in If taken a . directed, it win And fragrant as adewjr rose Fancy and Staple Diy Goods, Millinery Goods, Ac.. &c.. &c. care any caae, no matter how obatinate, That u bat newly blown. Sewing Machines. Mdodeons, amt it ia aho peritatly taf* at all time*. LIME AND CEMENT. I TCmember, I rememhw. Oroeeries, &e.,fte. ROLf.OWAY)!l PIA.LS It ia put np in bottlea of three ililTereBl My precious mother's care. Thomsston Lime for Building and Plaster­ Utrengtha, with full direction, for uaing Row ahe woald aoour my Sunday lace. ALSO, MASn'ACTCaCR OP TBS ing. Cool's Lime for soap and l^per makers, AND OINTMENT. and lent ty expreaa, cloaely aealed. to B05T0» 8KKLET0N SKIRT. all parta of the country. Pairw—full And comb my tangled hair; Groceries A Provisions dyera and for whitewashing, by the cask, ■Ircngth. tlO ; lltiratrength, t5 ;' Quarter strength, S3 And o h ! the pennyroyal tea— bushel or pound. Pereons wishing to purchase All who hftv^Kritendii and Relatives in the limeby the quantity for building, can be sup­ par bottle. N. B.—Some are cured by tbe weaker, irhiW HOBTBTT] Dread colic's antidote! A . W . T b a c t , A»n*jr or Navy should take especial care that other, may re<|nire the stronger preporatfea ; tb« full And all the (>icoi7 she poured plied at all times at a low price. they lie am- ply supplied with these Pills and atrmgth ia alway. the best, nt hy ex| m a. in a seal­ o a c o a A T E D Down my lebeUions throat WIIOUBALB ASIt KBTAIL DBAUn I* FM VR AND FBBD. ed parkage, on receipt of the price by mail. Remember, P1X)WS! PLOWS! PLOWS! Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Thi< medicine ia de.->igned expreaaly for obatinate case., I remember. I remember. HARDWARE, TOOLS, MAHDFACTDRINO Gibb's matchless Cylinder PLOW for sale, Suiora have neglect ed to provide themselves which .ill other renmUea of the kind hate bik and tie d Air n bo*> Block Island CodOsh, Herring, I tions...... will quickly • .— produce ------slthy a healthy action in restorative in Ita nature entera into the eaeit#< /ovmai Mys: The Boston, Hartford and Bcei iJniiiH. both liver and stomach, and as a natural con­ tie of thl« Xew Retn(‘d r, which will not only cure you at Mtionof BOSTKTTER'SSTOMACB BITnUW. sequence a clear head and good appetite. once, b u t at th e Rame time it will cleanse th e nyntem -ErieRailfuad Is now,I presume, a fixed TURK'S ISLAND SALT. FA B.ARRELS lint quality Beef Hams for from th e inJuriouH elTeet4 f>f th e variuuA mixturcn toii This popular pruparaUion oontaina no miaafat fcct. The leadins capitalists of this city, Fine, and Cuaiae Fine S alt |in sacks or by UV aale either by the barrel in pickle, or by WEAKNESS 0R DEBILITY INDUCED BY have been taking «o hwig. U U w ar anted to cure in one of any kind, no deadl.r botankal alament. M tbe measure. half the tinie of any other medicine, or the price will be fiery excitant, but it ia a . combination ofth* in connection with some ot y.iur weallbie»t the pound (dried.) at JOHNSON’S OVER FATIGUE. Mid refunded. Oue bottle often ^uAcient.—>rr>ce$3~Two extracts of rare babamit herba i.ndphnla wttfe most pmdent merchant*, completed Will soon disappear by the use c.f these in- bottluH a t one tim e $5. Sent by ijiprc«5 on receipt o f th e the punrat and mUdest of aB diniiaWrftOmm- that Blatter. Tliis nwd wa« chartrrM by 'POTASH, of Srst quality, fer sale at price hy mail. lantt. A JOHNIJOHNSON'S. raluabl.* Pills, and the Soldier will quickly tlie Conpecticut Lcgislatttre in 186.?, with TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. acquire additional strength. Never let the Antl-Syphilltic Syrup. It is well to beforeanhedagainstdiaaaittjM Mpecial privileges—with right to buy, sell, Green Toi. from t l to #1,40. per lb. T e a s! T e a s ! Bowels be either confined or unduly acted so far as the human system Can lm protsated orleMeany road of any coiporation, in ujwn. Itmayseem strange, that Honoway s Fur SeevH(larffSyphUi», Veneral Eruf>tivn» on by human meanaagarnst mwhidieeengendeN* Black Tea. from 83 cents to 1 13 per IK AN be found at all times, at the Skin, Ukers in the Throat, JSfoiUh and by an unwholesome atmoej vhole or part, and to constmct any road J. E . CUSHUAX, A verr nice article of uucolored Japan Tra. Pills should be recommended for Ovsentry and C JOHNSON'S. Sunny Stda. Flux, many persons supposing that they would Nose, Loss of Hair, Old Sure$, SKelU'igs, and other extemalc______s b i t : or roods needful to complete the line to MAKUF.\CTURER AND DEALER. increase the relaxation. TliU U a great mis- Pains iu the Bunts, and all other signs of ThRS may be reliedio on n aaaaa m dtfeguard.dtfegi Waterbnry, Conn, from thence to Fiahkill, Uke. for these Pills will correct the lirerand Sxondari/ Venereal Disease. In districts infested- jd with > (Mr and d W .teni, and lieaUh ami fttren<.{th «re permanently re* MOLASSES of tho very best quality low as a matter of course Nolhing will stop lect to avail theniaelvea of its protactiva miiJ< The road starts at the foot of Sumner street, 8t«>retU Ik I« waa thIa remeily_V ______that cure*l» a lenlleaian - from itiea in advance, are cate# Iw a vaiy brief Sugar House Syrups. the relaxation of the Bowels sosure as this the South, then Htopping at .Newport, and for which he Boston, and runs t« Blackstonr, Williman- famous medicine. preH«nted Dr. M. withth $160 Ntsideb hin biO, after having course of this marvelona Ai^ticfne. Favor and tie, Hartford, Waterbniy, and Danbuiy, ABB been under the treatuM^nt or tlie roo.U eminent phynic''- Ague patienta. after being filed with qwfarin* to Brewster's. Here the road jmns the F r e d e r ic k R o g er s.. !i[. I)., VOLUNTEERS. ATTENTION! INDISCRE­ tan.s in Bilt!m*ref rhiladelphia a»d Xew Yorb, ror live for montha in vain, nntirfcirly satnrated wHIk TIONS OF YOUTH. year^. f)ne bottle Innu » m»nth.^t*rice, tlO. Half Bite that dangeroua alkalaiA are not unfiequ«Mly Hariemfur Xew York, or pushes on to PnTSICIAX A!tO .SURGEOIf. NEW HOSET. NEWHONEV. $r*.50. Sent by £xpre>iit in a neaM pacfcaKe aecure from restared so health within a lew dava W th* Fiahkill to unite with the Erie road for the All^kinds of Fruit and Nuts in their Sfa^on. CLOAKN&Si Sores m d ulcers. Blotches andSwellinra. can ob^rvatinn, on receipt of the price hy mail. Willimsntic. Conn. useufBOSTETTERSBmBRS. ' ^ • weat. The cniporation haa oisantard by a Lorillsrd's Scotch Snuff. with cerUiuty be radically cured, if the Pills Th« weakstomsch is rapidly invigorstedaaB are taken nightand morning, and the Ointment Nerve Invigorator. chmce of a Board of Derectora embracing !• y (Residenes on High Str^.) Black Snuff the appetite reatored hy thia aflrveaUo Toiria. HAVE the latestStyles. and would invite Fjr fferw m IMrility, Ltms of Puvtr, I’mpo­ and hence it worka wondera In cases of Dt»» n«nofw«alth, standing, and position m tency. Cju/iision of Thunght, Loss of JUem- '*fc*eiti«iof New Y o^ H artlb^toton, N . F . P e c k , a caU**** “gowl garment to give me rxpsia and in less conilrmed form* of lavian* 1 dnr . ______ory, h-ritM e Teruper, Gloomy J/tprthev- TKW. Acting aa a gentle and poinlesa aperi- and other cities on the route. The New COFFEE COFFEE. COFFEE. Wiiereas this Ointment will remove the hu- HD Coffee in the Berry. ^ Java, Arabian, sii/ns, Dispjndency and Melauchoty, vhieh ent. as well aa upon the Liver, it a!ko invail. Tork diraetor is one of oir millionwrox, s R STAMPING AND PINKING DONE. - mors from the system and leave the Patient a may and ia Loss of Reason. bly relievea the Coatnpanon anperindiMed whose name I am not permitted to write. A U hxcelaioraud Bye Coffee viKorous and healthy man. It will require a irregular action of the digaati#o andaeeielivo Soapa for Washing and Toilet MRS. A. II. ADAMS. little ptrsererance in bad case: to insure a Uat- Thia new remedy for that fearful train cfnMntal and A contract has been made with the Har­ c o ing cure. physical evib arising from Tenerral exceiwea, and wcret lem road to connect with the Boston, Erie, r 8 Spices ground and in the berry. F int door west ofthe Post Ofico, Williman- habita j f the young, iacompoMd of tii. moat aoothinir. ^rsona of fiieble habit lfaiUlol»jr«PMwd«. a a i New York, and the laying of a doable A T Farina. Shred bingUss, Corn Starch, tlC.«|jt« FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY ^ . _ igorating meoial ia a w l to Itt m d y ta t nse whtn th« Boston line C See Advertisement inside. E. Woiceater'a Diy Hop Yeast Cakes. ~ FflO TO ^xbA PH S diatreaaing cla» of m.ikdiea eeer yet discuTered. It haa conclusive, and from both saaao retches BrevsterV. To which every Soldier and Sailorare liable, now been aenl to nearly every Stale In Ih . I'nion, n - The a«my of Biuoca Coue ia hnmediaMy KEROSENE OIL AND FLUID. i u there are no niedicines so safe, sure and con­ lievinglheuntollanlKiriaga arhun>lred4, who have n.v- But two links are needed to eomplete the H o r a c e H a l l , T flO B PSO .V venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment er seen the Inventor, reat.ringtbem to health, strength mnaged by a single dose of tbo sHmalaatjuii ea^road. OnefinMn Putnam. Conn, to T « b a c c o m m A B c ffa ra . and happineaa. O n eb rn b o ttk h u b a momb.—Price by occaaionally resorting to iit t th* rstara at DCAi.Ba in a s been arranging his Photograph Rooms The p«K>r wounded and almost dying suHerer •10. Half aite, W .U Theae four great renwdiea ar* WiUiaaatic, twenty-fimr milea. One from for making might havehis wounds dressed immediately, if the complaint may bepreyente-t'ente-t. •R0CERIE8, niOVISIOKS, FLOUR. GRAIN A nice article of Tobacco in Bulk for chewing H the rtaait of over twenty yeara aludy and pfaetic,aBd a. As^ a general tonic.B — O Hj’BTiKR'SBrmaa nT ll J ^ rk e ry , Conn., to the Hariem railroad, fScents per pound. **Cartca«« Visltca” he would only provide himself with this now prepared Uiey are known to Wthevery beat for the produce elfeeta which mnat U tn p ^ n c a d or and matchless Ointment which should l« thrust reapeittive purptwes. I nn> theiefore iadueed to make 'W M |f-4||ht milea. SeTentr-fiTo continuous Anice article of Tobacco in Bnlk for smoking. AND “VIGNETTES,” into the wound and smeared all round it then them nublie for the mutual beneflt of myaelf aad the witnessed before they ean be fully gyprrtiatait Milos of this road, to Boaton, will be com- MEAL. 30centii per pound. IncaaM 'f ConMilutional WeaanaiL PNM - aftff the style of Boston and New York es­ covered with a piece of linen from his knap­ aick who otherwiae couM never avail Ihemae vea of their ptotod cariy in Jane next. U is claimed A’iSO, sack and compressed with a handkerchief. vLituea. They are all warranted aa repreawted in everv ture Decay and Debility and Oa.rHimda arii. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FARUING tablishments. He u now making some as fine rtapect, or the price win b« refunded. PMoaied aad sold ing froaa Old Age. it exereises the alectrio la. That thia mad is twelremiles nearer Hart- Drags. Medidnea. Dye*Staflii. Pdnta and Oils. specimens aa are produced in those cities, and Taking night and morning 6 or 8 Pills, to cool only at Or. Xattiaon's Remedial Inatitnta far Special INa- liionce. In the eonvaleaewst ataaaa ol aB dia* fcrd finm Boaton than any other. It i« un- Mav Stbbbt, WnuaAKiK. Covjr. TOOLS. far superior to any ever before made in Nor- the system and prevent inflammation. eaaea,Ko.2S Union St., Providence, R.I.. andaeat by Every Soldier’s Knapsack and Seaman’s expreaa, secure from obaervatiun, toall parta of the Uni­ rasn It operatra aa a delighiM invimraat «r«neoot^tion,and the directon and I a full stock of Groceries and Pro­ wich. I W n s iwishing PHOTOGRAPHS, When the powers of nature ate rvlaaed itoa* should not fail to call and secure some of these Chest should be provided with these valua­ ted States, on the receipt of Ibe price by mail. atoekholdrrsareone. It runa thitx^h the Ja m e s O. F itc h , visions mnally kept in a lint class grocery ble Remedies. crates t> re-enforce and ra-est:iMiah thaw. a^popohm s districts in New England. Store, which I will sell as cheap aa can be genu of art Kve^ reasonable nflbrt will be A Word of Caution. U st hnt not least it is the 01 ly sa«P aHmw RESIDENT DENTIST. bought elsewhere, for Cash, Exchange or ap­ made to give satisfaction. Likenesses of de- It la etUm tied that over Three Hundreil Thuuaand Dot- lant being manufactnred from aom daadfa. ‘ ll i |»th«ray is atndded with great manuCtc- ceaa^ rarsons conied. enlaned. and painted in C.AUTION !—None are genuine unless the totioa. Eleven railroads intemcct it from OmcB I* Atwood Btocs, proved credit lara are paid to swindling quack, annually, in New Eng­ nMuoua materiala. and enti>el} free ftooi Ih* Farmer’s Prodnce taken in exchange for the dijrerant sUles to or*r. Please call at words-HotiowAT, Nbw Yobk asv Losdox.” land alone, wbleh ia woraa lhaa throwa awav. ThU ae^ elementa preaant asare o» tesa ia all lb* BoMon to HartCird. When completed there Where he is ready to do all kinds of Dental Coit Block. 19 Shetucket Street Norwich. C t are discemable as a Watet^mart in every leaf of cornea from tmating to the klse aad deceptive advertise- Work, in tbs best manner and with the best goods. * menu of men calling themaclve. doetora, who have a* **»machlca •.ftba day. w>aibe a continuons road fnmi Summer 196ib the book of directions aronnd each pot or Bo fcmily medicine haa l-eea ho nalveiaallw materiala...... CHESTER TILDEN, Jr. box; the same may be plainly seen by /Md- medical ei>«««lMsemuneisa tower of a tie i^ to p«*rieace. ten of which were upent in an extenHivegener* COMPOBBBFUJID BXTBdCT BPCBV. ai ENAMELED BAGS. Ac. ■t«w a Sa««. There is considerable saving in taking al practice, -atil, by reaaon of declining health, he waa niT oorporatkm. He is one of the laicwt the larger sizes. obliged to reliaqulah that, and adopt the apecialty to p a a ^ a a ^ s p e e if c im .^ fer diasaasa altka j*w»m and managers of tbe Hariem road, No.» B,An.A^a^Bn;^„o.o^^^^ thcDe,^. Ma»»boy. Demigros. which for the last ten yeara be haa devote.1 hU whole at­ N. B.—Directions for the gnidance of pa- tention. Ordera by mail pnmiptly attendol to. Write *■ •** no givoa Ua influence and bis money totUs Fine Rap^, Pnre Virginia. C<*rse^pp^ Nachittches, tients in every disorder are aMxed to eafeh box. MATnsOX, plainly, aad direct to DB. jS a wdidn*faiw aasa th* Mrop of di|W> ^ pranonnees it road to Boston, Nash, Bbewstbb A. Co., American Gentleman, Copenhagen. I6 S 0 Iy tton. ^ M e ite i^ aliaorbauta laio healtbyW tlia t cannot Ciil of completioa, and one hon. by which the watery or casareon* depeat Y e ll o w S u v a ; Dealen in my well known medicines can tfcatwill do much toward increosinc the have purchased of H. W. Biige hia entire .have Show Cards. Cireulan. Ac. sent them No, 2B Umon St..Provideiice^.I t ^ . and all unnatural Bnlammentaai* t*> ooMMrdal praapecity of Boston. otockof Honey Dew Scotch. free of expense, by addressing Thomas Hol­ daeed. aa well as Psin and Inibmnuitioa. High Toart Scotch, FreshlHoney Dew Scotch loway, 80 Maiden Lano, N. Y. B iaL U ca. LUMBER AND NAILS. Irish High Toast Fresh Scotch. BELUBOLD-S EXTRACT BCCBIT. ___«r Lundyfoot For Weakness «ri^ing from Rxcesaea. Bahito and will eontinne the bnaincaa recently car* Tlw iwelling hoiue owned and oecupied . t # Attention is called to the largo reduc- NEWPHOTOORAPHGAXiLET a m uLEHmn mTE, ^A ntnstns L. Daggett, of Bolton, was to- ried on by him on Chewing and Sm ol. ii sue KLP fw THE awna. «Mly 4astroyod by fire, on Satnniay fore- CcsTBAt WnAap, Noowkb. Conn. IndispMition to Exertion. Leas ot ?MNr„ *°g^TobaeeoS'which will be found ofatuperior BB«. E.C. JACOBS. Diaealtj- of Braathfai& Mon last. A portkmof the fumitura waa VlT’OULD respwtfully announce to the peo- T hb Sahe i t » vcgetahto piepantbM. hncnt. Weak Merv^ Tremblinf.- Mtoi. Noinsttrance. Mr. Daggett waaab- ..B tk a I k su b a n c e C o m pa k t , T«b«cc*. f v_ pie of^Willimantic. and vicinity that td m the 17th emtnry., by Ihu Wm. Gkacs, Borror of Disease, W akefulne^ osM at thotiaM arthoflre, beins empluyoJ of Harford. Bvonira. nxB err cnxwixa. oaoKnio. she has takenthe suit of ro>nis in anrgeon in King Jamea's army. Through ita Dimness of Vision, Fabi i ^ U Jk d L M tho prison in Wethersfield. Universal ia«utad. *f th»Muamdar S y a ^ Long, P. A. Lm or plain. 8. Jago. ATWOOD'S BLOCK, ageney he curcd thou-sands of iMoaroaATCP nr 1819. CaA nB i PBirETVAt. No. I. and wounds that baffled the skill of the most Bot Bauds. Flushing of tlU Bad*.- Cavendish, or sweet Spanish, Drynesa of the Skia Erupliou oa t b a ^ While oongratolating thoao whoka«« the o o o K z i r a s t o v e i No. 9. Sweet Scented Oronoco. Canaster, oncerly occupied by Mn. Royce. and fltted eminent physicians of hi* day. and waa r«garde4 CASH CAPITAL...... l^...... fi.SMMO ftoa. I A 9 mixed. Tin Foil Cavendish Turkish them up in good style with new sky light and by all who knew hhn aa apiddie beocCMtor. Pallid Countenanot. CsodfiMtnne to be bora beaatifol, wo, on Granulated. is fully prepared to take These ^rmtoma; if allowed to g* oa.wbiak tho o t ^ hand, pity thobowokold who haa As it will bake, broil and roast better «it«n taear* Catoteatod M v* m iw Ban& thia medicine inv«^UyMmovea.aoca fcBair IXStTRB ACAINSr I.OSS AS!> AAMACB BT My other store with a saving ot 26 per cent in . J*;.B —A circular of pricef will bo sent on taMTi CtMtalai M ta m nalM U i. itoaiHh W it aM Vie fiirtiiiie f«i obtais a Mpcr of fuel.onda very large percentage in eouwni- application. n |y Photographs, Carte Oe Vliites, riHK, Oil T.-tRMI APAITCIi TO THK oncf. Ofaiira CHUtt at i i IiIt* O B M llnh W tolib which the |>atient may eapifo. Hentdc Allen'a Sold Medel S a le n S : Go IIAZAIUI AXnC0MSI8TKKT « ITU . te^sCUrttatadlalvaavMCkcM • ^ ,W h o ^ say that th ^ araact flpaaaaati* imwodiatdy to yo^r Onwer and get a pa­ The.v have the following advantacea; J^UMBER FOR and Amhrotfpes THE LAW« o r COMrCVSA* 1st. Tliey are constnictnd with a view „ SALE. OMtatai Idva mMlUtoft followed by thoao -Direful D ise a i-e a .™ ^ ^ p e r,* ^ onr word ferit, y«»q will never use of 100,000 Pino and Chest- of tho various styles and Rises in the best style Cslilfatad ra tis Ik M a INSANITY ANI> CONSUMPTION. TICK. j ^ t durability, all the plates ex|«aed to nittShini lalva Xtadib aw other. It has been analyi^ by one are made of an extra thicknmi. I oftheart.. A share of public patronage is n- Ota«fa Cjlakntad lahr* a«ha W m Many are aware of fhe cauae o t their aiUbr<' •irtiN mm*. dietingiMied cbemistanithe A. B. ADAMS. »>.Owrfeet white and yellow pine square | pectfuly solicited. 30tf Owee’s CiMcatsd Salva aamOdkaaa*. ing. bnt none will confeai. 9d. The flues are lined with non-eonduetins Therecordaof the I oawMT. and pranenacod periwtly kam- Agent for Willimantic and vicinity. Mment thereby applying the heat directly to timber of all dimensions up to 19 inches a n d ------AroMTa Csloteatol la m «ar« M t Bhsa& ______MITlUltatWrla a ^ a a d bmI- OvncB Float Doon Wbbt of Post-Opticb. .“P*" JHfi’et long sawed to order, anchoty ih^atha by Conanmptioa boor - -ti* t Isa^anA tepiM-Juoe one eighth mni« Brrad the oven, and the oven can be heated and kelft over 18 feet hewed also. T. B . & J . CoMfatol Salva eanaCkilklaiw *»t»esa t*the tm th ** Ih* saaiirtlaa. ^ or BiMrit Irani the aanie terrel offlaurthon in baking ordei with less fuel than any other Snasrs (Mateatad M va (o n ite ra Inaab A. T. COXVEBSB, ctoTe. lOjUOO feet eaym.troiighs sawetl from whole QFEGR to'the Puhlio a good assortment of TheConatituliononreelSwtedwitb Oniaai* CM W praetiredwith any other; beoidea ir “ II M d »«he mills al teMsTa Mskratad flalva MVia l m UMb W eakn^ reouires Ibe aid of medkiM t* ^ y takos about ime^alf tho quantity. A renM ia wiuuM * n omrstss) M. They have a hot ^ r draft which not grana’i Mm aenaBliiCw inniaraa »k«isb is only makes the fuel bum freelv. and last ALLEN. w i i m w i Dopot 113 Uberty Street. ’ '* North Windham. I8tf S to v es, •taoara CsUbrata l lalva i i i i i II BngUdi. Oennan and American ^ffiiis. ““ heating-and baking ftraos's fHIateatad M vs oana V liM H ARDWA RE. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 CaMfotod latw ranaCh^iai IM An old toper was overheard, tbe other 4th. They consiimo all the gases from the of tho beat sfylso and quality. •naara Griakntti lalv* I n m a v aflbctioii* peeaiiarto leaMlca th* 4ay, advising a y.mns man to f^t married; Cutlery. Fire-Arms. Heavy Goods. Lead Pipe. fuel, ttereby adding largely to the amount of Metals. Axt^ CordaK and Ship Chandlrly. Ml Fruit and Oznamental And from Soiea and Wounda o r the IM Ejteact Bnchu ia nn*qw«ledhy aav other sae- boean«e, then, my boy, you’ll have aonebodr I m S o ^ . Keltinc. Mannbeturen' and Ma- i"* farf ow’d.. Co«liiair and Parlor natur^w a to a commoa Pimple. eradi- ^y.M in Chloroaia or R^taatioa. Vfegalon^r 8th ^ Stove b m ^ e , mounted and flnish- It Painfulnesa or anpprawHm of iiaatainaij *«aa« tofril off foar boota yon oooM home chine Bnildm ' Suppliea. WheeU. Spriufia. ed in tbe most Bupenor manner. The oveni< for “ •*» the fiwe. and bmtUfea the Axlva. MalleaUe Iran.lawu* Woodww WOTl Work,TV OtK< andeveryalM large and w«U ventilated. The Stove ia eon- skm. There is no preparation beCm the puhliQ nations, ulcerated orseiirhoua stale of Ihaak ■ ^ « » * * * ' TanmuniB. nuiia. w^enlsnt in ibrai and made foruse ; to adopt WOOD AND COAL. that can equal thia Solve m prompt and enei* erns.Lenchorra!aorwhitea. steriiitv. aad far Adawacaatpapn- tells «fa l»ll that was m ;M d Housek^pingArtieles,and Meehan all complaints incident to tho sn . wbalb«r ica' Tools generally. the Jangnain of some who have used th^ rOR9AlCAT Tin All Stovesaold by us aro gcbc aetion tor the speedy eure of external dia< arising from habiia of diasipatioa or ia th* d*> M tod with the amiles oflair women and Stove ••It will do more work with less fuel eases, as those who haw tried its virtnes tntiiy. cline or change of life Icraaeae faunps. UxcAa H ati Beitmsa.Noawicn. Co»n.. than any other Stove.' In proof we add the W ililaiaB tic Karacry,* W a m a t r d Soldiers. SaUors, and FuheraMn, «iU «ad thia Taho no mure Balsam or merenry. or aa« following testimony: Solve their best friend. pleasant medicine for unpleasant and danaer* Caas._Tn a report of the D a tis o x & M o u lto n , THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. To give entire satisfwtion. or the money will It ^ none of the htrilathig. heating prapcf^ ous diseases. Helmbold’s Extract Biichaaad *’■* TsriU ki far New improved roe* waah curee secret diaaasea ia all an Agiiealtnral meeting at we nRAUIIS IX W bat Rbt. Db. Spbaocb satb or it ■ »rowlh or vpi.lm, Cberrica, Pnni, PIdom. be re-funded. We have also a gooWeTr«e., K«irB«,h.i Erery Cunily, and especially those eontaininf in diet no iiitonvenience. and no expoaai*. CUTLKRY. GBOCERIH8. PIIOVISIONS, »1unnnB^hrub«.kc.,•uebll•llallJr a. .n l6ao4iaa CROCKERY, GLASS, EARTHEN, BRJT- It causes a freaiient desire and give* streagtk ola of Dutt 2 y n n rron bod, •traight *dd Ije h . 100 venting and curiug strictures ol the iu*tbr£id> »illbr.»«hed,5to7f*elbl|[h.:...... 12 i j PLATED WARE, TABLE sirring, and money. AU it wanta is a fiu laying pain ^ iniammalion. so f k e ^ l 4m at the lowest possible prices. tnal to cure old and inveterate Soiea. ComerUnioii and Jackson streets. Willimantie. lte.3]rn>.rr..iabad«ta8tMtbigh...... 2 0 ] C IL L E R Y , this class of dneaaea. and expelling alt aoian* THE WINTER FIRE. isrf.rstf'iaaxi'sarft 4jrr«.rmnibu4 8 to I 0 rcetbTab...... u J aODBBICK DATIEOir. JOUtl n. MOCI.TOR. perfect as to leave nothing to be desired CberrjrXmsSj'n.'rombudTtoSn. bsch »T i of best qualities. M.tIfUFACTtrK£D BT ous and wom-ont diseaard matter. ' ACro's a food compwionaUe friend. Verytruly yours. W. B. HPRAQDE. Thousanda whvhavo bsea Ih. victioM *T A oomfsrtable friend, who mn4ayourfMe SU ntart P « r Tr«t» 2 jn r « 5 to 7 «. biib 25 to M Kerosene Ijamps, WZXaXaZJILXiC O Z tJ^O S, quacks, and who have nai.| heavy feea t» ba With weteoBK gisd. and makea the poorest It-. WoBCWBB, Msm.. Dec. 13th, 1869. l^arrPMrTnci.2jnn4to6leethicb. SS • cured in a short time liavo hmnd they waiwdo- B. e.^W ATBBoFsi Mbbsbb. Shbab. P ackabo & Co. Amral)«ry. Blass. Prici 26 cents. andSO cents, she* ^eunlOra|«Vine< ...... ntoM at all prices. wrbox. A great saving is made by taking ceived.au4 that the poison bsa by the ns*of> ** pliissanTssa palaee. Areyon cold? GenU -The American HotfAir Gas Burning tfortford Prolific GnrcVinec...... 17 toM the larger siZK. powerful astringents, been dried up in thesyo- wormajwu—w«ary ? he nsfrashos you— CwUng Stove, tough^tof you. we put in nw l^bMe»Gr«|>*Vin*ii...... j j Together with many articles usually tem to break out in an aggravatad forai, aa4 16 STATE STREET. HARTFORD. the ^turtey before Thanksgiving. It carried llelawar. Gnp* Vioe*...... '..I! '."."'.. 3S loI.M Each box has a ent and the fac simile of the perhaps after marri.ngn. ■nagnr ? Sm d.«h p r e ^ your food for y o u - The aboTc a n well crowa, the frnit trew beintf found ina kitchen furnishing store. propri«-tor*a si;,>natnre atUche to it, which A rsyoaln darkness* lie gives l^b tto vow— ut through Thanksgiving in sptendid style, la duly copj-nghted. Use Belmboldf’s estract burhu for all afc« inastrange place? be weara a bee that is cooking evefj- part and portion in the very worked 0 0 vigor... ,ee.IIinir .lock., which render.them All in Tin work and Sheet Iron done tiona and diseases or the urinaryorgana whetli beat manner. aU ho^h we had only used it iar .apenm IB all re«|ieet> to tbnwnn aproul.oriiieee. fflHMliar'nwm yonreliildhooO. An> von poor? FALL AKD WINTER of rmiU. ThoM deairing to aeenrr trrca for apring in tfle best manner, at short notice. John Wilson Jr. ACo. er existing in male or female from whatov* What asatters it to him. He knows no diK«- four or Bve days. ^Ve have continued to nse I.Uating can and let them remain nntil apring. 138 Washington street, Boston. Wholi^ale cause originating and no matter how loaM #1100 it every day since, and our Admiration of it pnblir patronage ia reapeetrullj Rags, Iron, Feathers, old Metals, and all agents. standing. IMween an Emperor and the poorest lipgaar! continues to improve dally as we get moie and oolieited. which, bvatrict attention to buaineaa anda GRACE’S SALVE is for sale bv all Dmc* Dheases of these organs requires thoidd o fa WiMK) Is tbefri«nd:tbat boars the name •fm ra E ats and Oaps. moreuaedto it The wanning closet is an ajratrm of (air dealing, I hone to merit. kindsof Peddlers’ Barter taken in Ex­ dinretic. Belmbolrt's E.xtract Bueha ia th* WilldoMmachferyou* admirable arrangement for keeping things J.A.LEWU. change. gesla and dealera in every city and town, ly 64 great diuretic and is certain to have th* d*< warm. Tho hot water tenk is a great con­ Lamps altered to bum Kerosene. sired etffecl m all diseases for which it ia i*«> SPLENDID STOCK OF venience for keeping hot water constantly on WiUimantic Baggage Eipress. RIJBBFall«* nmmendvd Price «l per bottle, or siht fer Whia it a young lady aweotnt 7 When hand. Our Baking of all kinds is done to Willimantic. Ct. 39 tf IWfVere.l to any addreaa seeaiely paebed ftoM ibo is caadi(a)d. h e subscriber having esUblished a Bag' WOMEN’S RUBBERS. perfcetion. and on the fshole we don't see Express to run to and from all I o ^ ^ a tio n . Describe ajtmtoma lb all e o a i i ^ Why is a giri not a noun 7 Because alao Ceats safl flats. how we ean have anything better for a Tat thisDepot Depot, for for Psswnger^' Passengers. Baggai^'or Bteaaa Can be bought at niratinns. Cures guarante^ adrioa gratia. fa lam) is an intaijectiom Cooking Stove. My family say it is the best Freight respectfully soliciu orders, hoping PHOTOGRAPHING! Address letters for luronaation to Why is hne like a dhdc'ii feo tr Becaose 9T0CIB. TIES. SHIRTS. HOSIERY. investment we ever madia in any article of furniture. We ahall take pleasure in explain­ that by strict attention and low prices