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Abramoff, Jack, 47 Abu Ghraib, 18 state executive scandals in, 31 , 33 , 38 , 74 Accessibility, effect of scandals on, 169 stonewalling in, 51 – 3 Accountability, effect of scandals and, 11 – 12 Ashcroft, John, 21 Accountability, effect of scandals on, 168 – 71 Associated Press, 20 , 57 , 176n. 9 Adegbile, Isaiah O., 146 Admissions. See “Coming clean” Baird, Zoe, 73 Agenda Baker, James, 26 Presidential scandals, effect of, 107 – 8 Basinger, Scott, 6 , 50 state executive scandals, effect of, 99 , 110 , Beach, Eldridge, 48 111 – 12 Behavioral impact of scandals, 3 – 5 Agenda-setting role of scandals, 15 Bernstein, Carl, 91 Agnew, Spiro, 28 – 9 Beyle, Thad L., 55 , 99 Agriculture Department, Offi ce of Inspector Bills introduced and enacted, effect of state General, 147 executive scandals on, 98 , 108 – 9 Alabama Black, Frederick, 47 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Blagojevich, Rod, 28 , 34 , 38 , 67 , 73 , 160 , 173 state executive scandals in, 93 Blunt, Matt, 72 Alaska Book of the States, 98 , 99 , 100 , 122 , impeachment in, 178n. 2 177n. 15 state executive scandals in, 71 , 93 Bourne, Peter, 73 Albright, Madeleine, 172 Bowler, Shaun, 7 Allen, Richard, 28 – 9 Brace, Paul, 98 American National Election Study, 98 Brawner, Larry, 48 American Presidency Project, 9 6 “Bridgegate,” 165 Analysis of scandals, 12 , 37 – 9 . See also Broaddrick, Juanita, 24 Classifi cation of scandals ; Types of Brown, Ron, 28 – 9 scandals Budget of the United States Government, Anderson, James E., 141 Fiscal Year 2012, 148 Anderson, William D., 69 , 117 , 135 Busby, Robert, 5 , 9 , 70 , 138 , 161 Andolina, Molly W., 70 Bush, George H.W. Annual Letters to the President, 147 “coming clean” by, 48 Annual Statistical Report of the United States executive-legislative relations under, 117 Attorneys’ Offi ces, 148 frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 Antitrust Division (DOJ), 141 generally, 17 Apostolidis, Paul, 16 stonewalling by, 50 – 1 Arizona, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 205

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Bush, George W. Watergate scandal, 24 , 26 , 29 , 30 executive action and policy, effect of Clinton, Bill scandals on, 15 “Chinagate” (See “Chinagate” ) frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 economy and, 67 , 70 – 1 generally, 96 as effective leader, 6 investigations of corruption under, 155 executive action and policy, effect of National Guard service, 24 scandals on, 92 party support and, 125 executive-legislative relations and, 117 , 167 party unity and, 182n. 10 forgiveness by public, 166 popularity of during second term, 81 frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 prosecutions of corruption under, 143 fundraising by, 124 , 175n. 3 stonewalling by, 47 , 50 – 1 , 169 generally, 15 , 167 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 investigations of corruption under, 155 Bush, Jeb, 31 legacy of scandals, 5 Lewinsky affair (See Lewinsky affair ) Cabinet members, scandals involving media coverage of scandals under, 6 chief executive scandals compared, 165 party support and, 125 overview, 25 – 6 party unity and, 119 , 182n. 10 survival of scandals, 83 remaining active, 171 – 2 California Rich, pardon of, 17 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 scandals as Governor, 33 state executive scandals in, 31 stonewalling by, 50 – 1 , 82 – 3 , 169 Cameron, Charles M., 2 strategic decisions by, 41 , 176n. 3 , 177n. 6 Canon, David T., 167 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 Carcieri, Donald, 37 Whitewater scandal (See Whitewater Carter, Jimmy scandal ) Bourne and, 73 Clinton, Hillary, 74 , 124 frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 Codifi cation of Presidential Proclamations “good government” platform, Disposition Table, 9 6 effect of, 44 Coffey, Daniel J., 99 Jordan and, 44 Collins, Gail, 31 , 166 Lance affair and, 40 – 1 Colorado stonewalling by, 50 – 1 , 169 executive action and policy in, 100 strategic decisions by, 44 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 “Coming clean” Casey, William, 26 overview, 12 Celeste, Richard, 19 defi ning, 45 – 6 Census Bureau, 146 dichotomous coding and, 47 Chavez, Linda, 28 , 73 by George H.W. Bush, 48 Cheney, Dick, 18 by Obama, 48 Chief of Staff, scandals involving, 26 in Presidential scandals, 48 “Chinagate,” 24 , 29 – 30 , 175n. 3 sources of research regarding, 45 Christie, Chris, 31 , 161 , 165 special investigations, effect of “Circuit breakers,” 112 – 13 requesting, 46 CIS Information to Presidential Executive in state executive scandals, 48 Orders and Proclamations, 9 6 stonewalling compared, 41 – 5 Classifi cation of scandals Commerce Department fi nancial scandals, 28 – 9 generally, 56 multiple targets, scandals with, 29 – 30 Census Bureau, 146 overview, 12 Offi ce of Inspector General, 184n. 13 personal scandals, 28 , 29 Congress political scandals, 28 , 29 effect of scandals on, 6

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executive scandals compared to legislative Denial. See Stonewalling scandals, 10 Dewan, Torun, 95 hearings on scandals (See Hearings on Dichotomous coding, 47 scandals ) DiLeo, Daniel, 99 interbranch friction and, 122 – 4 Divided government political party, effect of scandal by, 7 executive action and policy, as variable in response to scandals, 166 measuring, 97 , 99 scandals involving, 166 Presidential scandals, effect on, 63 , 97 , 173 Congressional Quarterly Support state executive scandals, effect on, Scores as variable in measuring 59 – 60 , 99 executive-legislative relations, 121 , 182n. 4 stonewalling, effect on, 66 Corruption, scandals and DOJ. See Justice Department overview, 14 , 140 – 1 , 157 – 9 Domke, David, 6 investigations of corruption (See Doss, Marion T., Jr., 137 Investigations of corruption ) Doyle, Jim, 33 prosecutions of corruption (See Duration of scandals Prosecutions of corruption ) effect on survival, 71 – 4 Corzine, John, 32 overview, 162 – 3 Cox proportional hazard model, 74 – 8 , Presidential scandals, effect on survival, 73 178n. 4 – 9 state executive scandals, effect on Cox-Snell residuals, 75 – 8 survival, 71 – 3 Cumulative scandals effect on survival, 83 – 6 Economic variables in analysis of strategic overview, 163 decisions, 56 under Nixon, 163 Economy, importance to survival of scandals under Truman, 163 overview, 67 , 70 – 1 Cuomo, Andrew, 44 , 53 , 93 , 161 in Presidential scandals, 83 in state executive scandals, 80 D’Amato, Alphonse, 124 Education Department, Offi ce of Inspector Daschle, Tom, 48 General, 147 Dash, Abraham, 82 Edwards, Edwin, 49 Dean, John, 44 , 48 , 61 Eisenhower, Dwight, 43 Defense Department Election variables in analysis of strategic Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 decisions, 56 scandals involving, 152 Energy Department, Offi ce of Inspector Defi nition of scandal, 17 – 18 General, 147 corruption, exclusion of, 19 , 21 “Entertainment” value, importance to incompetence or unpopular policies, survival of scandals, 67 exclusion of, 18 , 21 Entman, Robert M., 18 , 119 legal acts, exclusion of, 19 Erlichman, John, 48 mismanagement, exclusion of, 19 Examination of scandals, 9 – 10 negative publicity, exclusion of, 18, 21 Executive action and policy overview, 16 – 17 action versus distraction, 91 – 3 persons involved, 19 , 21 “circuit breakers,” 112 – 13 sex scandals, inclusion of, 18 , 21 under Clinton, 92 unproven connections with wrongdoing, comparison of Presidential scandals and exclusion of, 19 , 21 state executive scandals, 113 – 14 Delaware, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 divided government as variable, 97 , 99 Democratic Party effect of scandals on, 11 , 13 , 90 – 1 , 112 – 14 Congressional scandals, effect of, 7 election year as variable, 97 Presidential scandals, effect of, 13 , 127 – 9 , executive staff as variable, 97 138 , 165 – 6 , 167 – 8 , 173 under George W. Bush, 15

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Executive action and policy (cont.) type of scandal as variable, 120 , 122 institutional power as variable, 99 variables in Presidential scandals, 120 – 1 Iran-Contra scandal, effect of, 91 variables in state executive scandals, 122 measures of, 95 – 6 vetoes and, 13 , 118 – 19 , 121 , 122 , 133 – 7 , 139 new President as variable, 97 Whitewater scandal, effect of, 117 under Nixon, 91 Executive Orders under Obama, 92 Presidential scandals, effect of, 96 , 106 past win percent as variable, 99 state executive scandals, effect of, 98 – 9 , Poisson count models, 100 – 3 , 180n. 9 – 1 , 109t. 4.4. – 10 181n. 10 “Exorcising” scandal, importance of, 172 political scandals, 93 – 5 in Presidential scandals, 91 – 3 , 96 – 8 , 100 – 8 Fan, David P., 6 under Reagan, 6 , 15 , 91 , 92 , 94 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 145 regression analysis of, 100 – 3 , 180n. 9 – 1 , Federal Code, 9 6 181n. 10 Federal Emergency Management second half of term as variable, 98 Agency, 21 in state executive scandals, 93 , 98 – 100 , Federal Register, 9 6 108 – 11 , 113 Ferrell, Fred, 72 state revenue and personnel as variable, 100 Financial scandals statistical analysis of Presidential classifi cation of, 28 – 9 scandals, 100 – 8 Presidential scandals, 81 statistical analysis of state executive survival of scandals, 81 , 87 – 8 scandals, 108 – 11 as variable in analysis of strategic temporal variables, 99 decisions, 55 trust in government as variable, 98 Fiscal Survey of the States, 122 upper level executive offi cials, scandals Fisher, Louis, 82 involving, 103 – 6 , 104t. 4.2. Fitzwater, Marlin, 48 war as variable, 98 Fletcher, Ernie, 33 Watergate scandal, effect of, 91 Florida Executive-legislative relations “coming clean” in, 48 budget and tax success as variable in state executive scandals in, 31 , 33 , 38 measuring, 122 , 130t. 5.2. Flowers, Gennifer, 33 under Clinton, 117 , 167 Forcehimes, Andrew, 5 Congressional Quarterly Support Scores Ford, Gerald and, 121 , 182n. 4 frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 effect of scandals on, 13 – 14 , 115 , 137 – 9 stonewalling by, 50 – 1 under George H.W. Bush, 117 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 hearings on scandals and, 13 , 120 , 121 Fordice, Kirk, 178n. 3 impacts and implications of scandals Foster, Vince, 124 on, 167 Fousek, John, 15 institutional variables in measuring, 121 Framework for studying scandals, 10 – 11 interbranch friction and, 122 – 4 Frequency of scandals Iran-Contra scandal, effect of, 116 under Carter, 22 – 4 legislative success and, 129 – 31 under Clinton, 22 – 4 legislative support and, 117 – 18 under Ford, 22 – 4 under Nixon, 116 under George H.W. Bush, 22 – 4 party support and, 118 , 125 – 9 , 138 under George W. Bush, 22 – 4 party unity and, 119 , 131 – 3 , 138 under Nixon, 22 – 4 “political capital” and, 116 under Obama, 22 – 4 in Presidential scandals, 115 – 17 , 120 – 1 overview, 16 under Reagan, 116 political party, effect of scandals by, 127 state executive scandals and, 117 , 122 Presidential scandals, 22 – 4

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under Reagan, 22 – 4 , 148 , 158 Housing and Urban Development Department state executive scandals, 31 – 3 investigations of corruption, 144 , 147 Friedman, Kinky, 160 Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 Friends, importance of, 172 scandals involving, 5 , 152 Froomkin, Dan, 92 Housing Authority of , 147 Fundraising, 124 , 175n. 3 Hubbell, Webb, 28 – 9 Hurricane Katrina, 18 , 21 Gallup Poll, 56 Garment, Suzanne, 137 Idaho, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Georgia Identifi cation of scandals, 20 – 1 state executive scandals in, 40 – 1 , state executive scandals in, 5 , 15 , 31 , stonewalling in, 44 33 , 34 , 38 , 73 , 160 Gibbons, Jim, 35 Impeachment, 115 , 178n. 2 Ginsberg, Benjamin, 138 Implications of scandals Ginsburg, Douglas, 28 , 73 on accessibility, 169 Gonzales, Alberto, 47 on accountability, 11 – 12 , 168 – 71 Goodling, Monica, 47 behavioral impact, 3 – 5 Gore, Al, 124 , 175n. 3 on executive-legislative relations, 167 Governors. See State executive scandals forgiveness by public, 166 – 8 Graham, Bob, 48 overview, 14 , 160 – 1 Granholm, Jennifer, 36 institutional impact, 3 – 5 , 173 – 4 Greenblatt, Alan, 117 stonewalling and, 169 – 71 Greenfi eld, Meg, 163 Importance of scandals to politicians, 5 – 7 Groves, Daniel, 33 Independent Counsel effect of appointment on survival of Hager, Gregory L., 97 scandals, 74 Haig, Alexander, 133 naming of as variable in analysis of strategic Haldeman, H.R., 40 , 47 , 48 decisions, 56 Hall, Tom T., 15 Presidential scandals, effect of appointment Harding, Warren, 21 on survival, 82 Harrell’s C statistic, 75 – 8 Public Integrity Section and, 183n. 5 Hart, Gary, 21 Indiana, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Health and Human Services Department, Inman, Bobby Ray, 26 Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 Inouye, Daniel, 122 Hearings on scandals Inspectors General executive-legislative relations and, 13 , 120 , control variables, 148 – 9 121 data regarding investigations, 146 – 7 Iran-Contra scandal, 120 , 122 DOJ and, 146 under Nixon, 122 frequency of investigations, effect of Presidential scandals, 121 scandals on, 154 – 7 , 168 under Reagan, 122 investigations of corruption by, 143 – 4 as variable in measuring investigatory response to scandals, 145 executive-legislative relations, 121 strategy of, 158 Watergate scandal, 120 Inspectors General Act of 1978, 143 , 146 Whitewater scandal, 124 Institutional impact of scandals, 3 – 5 , Himanshi, Raizada, 69 173 – 4 Hinckley, Barbara, 98 Institutional variables in analysis of strategic Hinojosa, Victor J., 70 decisions, 55 Hobbs Act, 183n. 3 Interbranch friction and, 122 – 4 Homeland Security Department, Offi ce of Interior Department Inspector General, 147 Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 House Ethics Committee, 6 scandals involving, 19

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Investigations of corruption, 143 – 4 Labor Department under Clinton, 155 investigations of corruption, 147 control variables, 148 – 9 Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 data regarding, 146 – 7 Lammers, William, 97 frequency, effect of scandals on, 154 – 7 , 168 Lamonica, Ray, 49 under George W. Bush, 155 Lance, Burt, 40 – 1 independent variables, 147 – 8 Law and order issues, effect of state executive by Inspectors General, 143 – 4 scandals on, 111 investigatory response to scandals, 144 Leavitt, Mike, 72 under Obama, 155 Legislative success Investigatory response to scandals, 144 – 5 effect of scandal on, 129 – 31 Iowa, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 executive-legislative relations and, 129 – 31 Iran-Contra scandal state executive scandals, classifi cation of, 24 , 29 executive-legislative relations damage control in, 9 and, 129 – 31 executive action and policy, effect on, 91 Legislative support executive-legislative relations, effect on, 116 effect of scandal on, 117 – 18 generally, 5 , 6 , 15 , 177n. 4 executive-legislative relations and, hearings on scandals, 120 , 122 117 – 18 party support and, 127 importance to survival of scandals, 67 , typicality of, 27 68 – 9 Presidential scandals, importance to Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 18 survival of scandals in, 82 Jones, Paula, 24 state executive scandals, importance to Jordan, Hamilton, 26 , 44 survival of scandals in, 80 Justice Department Lehman, John, Jr., 152 Antitrust Division, 141 Levi, Michael, 141 budget, 148 Lewinsky, Monica, 6 data regarding prosecutions, 145 Lewinsky affair frequency of prosecutions, effect of scandals classifi cation of, 24 , 28 on, 149 – 53 economy and, 67 , 70 – 1 Inspectors General and, 146 forgiveness by public, 166 Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 generally, 160 prosecutions of corruption by, 141 – 3 impacts and implications of, 161 Public Integrity Section, 145 , 148 , 183n. 1 party support and, 138 party unity and, 119 Kaiser, Frederick M., 120 remaining active during, 171 – 2 Kansas, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 stonewalling in, 82 – 3 Karp, Jeffrey A., 7 strategic decisions regarding, 41 , 176n. 3 , Kelley, Clarence, 28 – 9 177n. 6 Kennedy, John F., 21 , 43 typicality of, 27 Kentucky Lexis-Nexis Academic, 20 , 176n. 9 state executive scandals in, 33 Libby, Lewis “Scooter,” 176n. 8 stonewalling in, 51 – 3 Lichter, S. Robert, 163 Kerik, Bernard, 73 , 180n. 13 Light, Paul C., 97 Khrushchev, Nikita, 43 Line-item vetoes, 131 King, Gary, 96 Logue, J., 162 Klarner, Carl E., 55 , 99 Louisiana Kott, Peter, 146 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Kriner, Douglas L., 121 state executive scandals in, 31 , 49 Kumar, Martha Joynt, 97 stonewalling in, 51 – 3 Kurtz, Howard, 92 , 162 , 173 Lowi, Theodore J., 17

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Maine “,” 73 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 National Conference of State Legislatures, state executive scandals in, 31 177n. 14 Mandel, Marvin, 72 National Security Agency wiretapping “Manufactured crises,” 87 scandal, 24 , 29 – 30 Marion, Nancy E., 15 , 17 Nebraska, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Markovits, Andrei S., 2 , 18 Nelken, David, 141 Marx, Groucho, 140 Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard Maryland function, 75 – 8 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Nevada, state executive scandals in, 31 , 35 state executive scandals in, 72 New Jersey stonewalling in, 53 executive action and policy in, 100 Massachusetts, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Mayer, Kenneth R., 167 state executive scandals in, 31 , 32 , 71 , 117 McCall, Carl, 48 stonewalling in, 53 McCord, James, 44 Newman, Brian, 5 McDonnell, Bob, 165 New Mexico McDonough, Denis, 92 state executive scandals in, 32 , 33 , 49 , 117 McDougal, James, 74 stonewalling in, 51 – 3 McDougal, Susan, 74 New York McGreevy, James, 16 , 71 , 117 “coming clean” in, 48 Media coverage of scandals, 37 Offi ce of Inspector General, 48 under Clinton, 6 state executive scandals in, 31 , 32 , 33 , 93 , overview, 163 – 4 117 , 168 prosecutions of corruption, effect stonewalling in, 44 , 53 on, 141 – 2 New York Times, 173 , 176n. 9 as variable in analysis of strategic Nimmo, Robert, 28 – 9 decisions, 57 Nixon, Jay, 72 Meinke, Scott R., 69 , 117 , 135 Nixon, Richard Michigan “bunker mentality” of, 171 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 cumulative scandals and, 163 state executive scandals in, 36 executive action and policy, effect of Miers, Harriet, 47 scandals on, 91 Milbank, Dana, 41 executive-legislative relations under, 116 Minnesota, executive action and policy frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 in, 100 fundraising by, 175n. 3 Mississippi, state executive scandals in, generally, 15 , 40 , 160 178n. 3 hearings on scandals under, 122 Missouri stonewalling by, 44 , 47 – 8 , 50 – 1 , 169 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 strategic decisions by, 44 state executive scandals in, 32 , 72 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 Mitchell, John, 24 , 48 Watergate scandal (See Watergate Montana, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 scandal ) Moor, O.B., Jr., 40 North, Oliver, 24 , 122 , 177n. 4 Moral issues, effect of state executive scandals North Carolina on, 111 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Moreland Commission, 53 state executive scandals in, 32 Morris, Dick, 169 stonewalling in, 51 – 3 Mukasey, Michael, 47 North Dakota Multiple targets, scandals with, 29 – 30 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Murgatroyd, Richard, 33 state executive scandals in, 31 Myatt, David P., 95 Novak, Bob, 24 , 29 – 30

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Obama, Barack Patterson, David, 44 , 117 Blagojevich and, 73 Pennsylvania, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 “coming clean” by, 48 Perez-Linan, Anibal S., 70 executive action and policy, effect of Perle, Richard N., 152 scandals on, 92 Perry, Rick, 18 frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 Personal scandals investigations of corruption under, 155 classifi cation of, 28 , 29 party unity and, 182n. 10 Presidential scandals, 81 Richardson and, 49 survival of scandals, 81 , 87 – 8 stonewalling by, 50 – 1 as variable in analysis of strategic strategic decisions by, 41 decisions, 55 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 P fi ffner, James P., 17 , 41 , 43 Ohio Plame, Valerie, 15 , 24 , 29 – 30 , 92 , 176n. 8 executive action and policy in, 100 Poindexter, John, 177n. 4 state executive scandals in, 19 Poisson count models Oklahoma executive action and policy, effect of Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 scandals on, 100 – 3 , 180n. 9 – 1 , 181n. 10 state executive scandals in, 48 prosecutions of corruption and, 149 – 52 , OneSearch (software), 20 184n. 18 Oregon, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Polarization, scandals and, 11 Orman, John M., 120 Policy. See Executive action and policy Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center, 147 Policy Agendas Project, 9 7 “Political capital,” 116 Palin, Sarah, 93 Political parties Party support Congressional scandals, effect by party, 7 Clinton and, 125 Presidential scandals, effect by party, 3 , 13 , effect of scandal on, 118 , 125 – 9 , 138 126 , 127 – 9 , 138 , 165 – 6 , 167 – 8 , 173 executive-legislative relations and, 118 , stonewalling, effect of party strength 125 – 9 , 138 on, 53 – 4 George W. Bush and, 125 Political scandals Iran-Contra scandal and, 127 classifi cation of, 28 , 29 Lewinsky affair and, 138 executive action and policy, effect of Presidential scandals, executive-legislative scandals on, 93 – 5 relations and, 125 – 9 , 138 as variable in analysis of strategic Reagan and, 125 decisions, 55 statistical analysis, 128t. 5.1. Political strength Watergate scandal and, 127 importance to survival of scandals, 67 – 71 , Party unity 8 8 – 9 Clinton and, 119 , 182n. 10 overview, 166 effect of scandal on, 119 , 131 – 3 , 138 Presidential scandals, effect on strategic executive-legislative relations and, 119 , decisions, 63 – 5 131 – 3 , 138 state executive scandals, effect on strategic George W. Bush and, 182n. 10 decisions, 59 Lewinsky affair and, 119 Powell, Richard J., 97 Obama and, 182n. 10 Powers, Francis Gary, 43 Presidential scandals, executive-legislative Presidential scandals relations and, 131 – 3 , 138 agenda, effect on, 107 – 8 state executive scandals, Cabinet members, scandals involving, 25 – 6 executive-legislative relations and, 138 “coming clean” in, 48 statistical analysis, 132t. 5.3. Congressional Quarterly Support Watergate scandal and, 119 , 133 Scores as variable in measuring Pataki, George, 32 , 33 , 48 executive-legislative relations, 121 , 182n. 4

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divided government, effect of, 63 , 97 , 173 strategic decisions, analysis of, 61 – 5 duration of scandal, effect on survival, 73 sub-Cabinet-level persons, scandals economy, effect on survival, 83 involving, 26 election year as variable in measuring effect survival of scandals, 80 on executive action and policy, 97 trust in government as variable in executive action and policy, effect of measuring effect on executive action and scandals on, 91 – 3 , 96 – 8 , 100 – 8 policy, 98 executive-legislative relations and, types of scandals, 24 – 31 115 – 17 , 120 – 1 vetoes and, 121 , 134t. 5.4. – 5 , 139 Executive Orders, effect on, 96 , 106 war as variable in measuring effect on executive staff as variable in measuring executive action and policy, 98 effect on executive action and policy, 97 Press conferences, effect of scandals on, 97 fi nancial scandals, 81 Professionalization of legislatures, 131 , 182n. 9 frequency of, 22 – 4 ProQuest Congressional, 121 frequency of prosecutions of corruption, Prosecutions of corruption, 141 – 3 effect on, 151t. 6.1. – 2 , 168 autonomy of prosecutors, 142 hearings on, 121 control variables, 148 – 9 Independent Counsel, effect of correlation with scandals, 149 appointment on survival, 82 data regarding, 145 – 6 institutional factors, effect on survival, 82 discretion of prosecutors, 141 institutional variables in measuring frequency, effect of scandals on, 149 – 53 , 168 executive-legislative relations, 121 under George W. Bush, 143 legislative support, effect on survival, 82 independent variables, 147 – 8 new President as variable in measuring investigatory response to scandals, 144 effect on executive action and policy, 97 by Justice Department, 141 – 3 party support, executive-legislative relations media coverage of scandals, effect of, 141 – 2 and, 125 – 9 , 138 Poisson count models, 149 – 52 , 184n. 18 party unity, executive-legislative relations Presidential scandals, effect of on and, 131 – 3 , 138 frequency, 151t. 6.1. – 2 personal scandals, 81 prioritization of cases, 142 – 3 political effects on strategic decisions, 63 under Reagan, 152 political party, effect of scandals by, 3 , 13 , regression analysis of, 149 – 52 , 184n. 18 126 , 127 – 9 , 138 , 165 – 6 , 167 – 8 , 173 state executive scandals, effect of on political strength, effect on strategic frequency, 153t. 6.2. decisions, 63 – 5 by United States Attorneys, 141 – 3 press conferences, effect on, 97 Public appearances, effect of Presidential public appearances, effect on, 97 , 106 scandals on, 97 , 106 second half of term as variable in Public approval measuring effect on executive action and importance to survival of scandals, 67 , policy, 98 69 – 70 during second term, 26 – 7 , 81 state executive scandals, effect on seriousness of scandal, effect on strategic survival in, 80 decisions, 63 stonewalling, effect on, 43 speeches, effect on, 96 – 7 , 106 as variable in analysis of strategic state executive scandals compared, 164 – 5 decisions, 56 , effect on, 97 , 106 , 107t. Public Integrity Section (DOJ), 145 , 148 , 4.3. , 181n. 14 183n. 1 statistical analysis of effect on executive “Public integrity war,” 68 , 87 action and policy, 100 – 11 Public Papers of the President, 9 6 – 7 statistical analysis of survival, 77t. 3.2. , 84t. 3.3. Questions regarding scandals, 8 – 9 stonewalling in, 47 – 8 , 50 – 1 , 61 – 5 , 82 – 3 Quirk, Paul J., 91

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Racketeer Infl uenced and Corrupt Schickler, Eric, 121 Organizations Act, 183n. 3 Scott, Rick, 31 Ragsdale, Lyn, 96 , 97 Second term Ranney Index, 53 Presidential scandals during, 26 – 7 , 81 Ray, Wayne, 49 state executive scandals during, 78 – 80 Reagan, Nancy, 28 – 9 types of scandals during, 26 – 7 Reagan, Ronald Segal, Eli, 73 damage control by, 9 , 10 Semiannual Reports to Congress, 147 , 184n. 14 executive action and policy, effect of Senate Intergovernmental Affairs scandals on, 6 , 15 , 91 , 92 , 94 Committee, 124 executive-legislative relations under, 116 Senate Select Watergate scandal frequency of scandals under, 22 – 4 , 148 , 158 Committee, 124 generally, 15 Service Employees International Union, 147 hearings on scandals under, 122 Shah, Dhavan V., 6 Iran-Contra scandal (See Iran-Contra Sheffi eld, Bill, 71 scandal ) Shefter, Martin, 138 party support and, 125 Shelby, Richard, 117 prosecutions of corruption under, 152 Shotts, Kenneth W., 141 stonewalling by, 50 – 1 Siegelman, Don, 93 types of scandals under, 24 – 31 Silverstein, Mark, 2 , 18 Regression analysis Smith, Preston, 160 executive action and policy, effect of Somers’ D statistic, 75 – 8 scandals on, 100 – 3 , 180n. 9 – 1 , 181n. 10 Sources of research, 20 prosecutions of corruption and, 149 – 52 , South Carolina 184n. 18 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 stonewalling in state executive scandals, Revenue Department, 19 57 – 9 , 177n. 16 – 8 state executive scandals in, 9 , 19, 38 Remaining active, importance of, 171 – 2 stonewalling in, 53 Republican Party Special investigations, effect of requesting, 46 Congressional scandals, effect of, 7 Special Prosecutors. See Independent Presidential scandals, effect of, 3 , 13 , 126 , Counsel 127 – 9 , 138 , 165 – 6 , 167 – 8 , 173 Speeches, effect of Presidential scandals on, Rhode Island 96 – 7 , 106 Administration Department, 19 Spitzer, Eliot, 16 , 44 , 117 , 168 Ethics Commission, 37 Starr, Kenneth, 92 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 State Department, Offi ce of Inspector state executive scandals in, 19 , 31 , 37 General, 184n. 13 Rich, Marc, 17 State executive scandals Richardson, Bill, 32 , 33 , 49 , 117 agenda, effect on, 99 , 110 , 112t. 4.6. – 11 Richman, Daniel, 152 bills introduced and enacted, effect on, 98 , Roberts, Robert N., 137 108 – 9 Rose Law Firm, 28 – 9 budget and tax success as variable in Rosenthal, Alan, 116 measuring executive-legislative relations, Rottinghaus, Brandon, 50 122 , 130t. 5.2. Rove, Karl, 47 “coming clean” in, 48 Ryan, George, 5 , 34 divided government, effect of, 59 – 60 , 99 duration of scandal, effect on Sabato, Larry J., 18 , 163 survival, 71 – 3 Sanford, Mark, 9 , 10 , 16 , 38 , 175n. 3 economy, effect on survival, 80 Savas, Emanuel S., 152 executive action and policy, effect of Scandal fatigue as variable in analysis of scandals on, 93 , 98 – 100 , 108 – 11 , 113 strategic decisions, 57 executive-legislative relations and, 117 , 122

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Executive Orders, effect on, 98 – 9 , 109t. State of the Union, effect of Presidential 4.4. – 10 scandals on, 97 , 106 , 107t. 4.3. , 164 , frequency of prosecutions of corruption, 181n. 14 effect on, 153t. 6.2. Stencel, Mark, 163 frequency of scandals, 31 – 3 Stonewalling Governors, analysis of survival of by Carter, 50 – 1 , 169 scandals, 78 by Clinton, 50 – 1 , 82 – 3 , 169 institutional and personal power as variable “coming clean” compared, 41 – 5 in analysis of strategic decisions, 55 comparison of Presidential scandals and institutional factors, effect on survival, 80 state executive scandals, 49 – 50 institutional power as variable in measuring defi ning, 46 effect on executive action and policy, 99 dichotomous coding and, 47 institutional strength of Governor, effect on divided government, effect of, 66 strategic decisions, 59 by Ford, 50 – 1 law and order issues, effect on, 111 by George H.W. Bush, 50 – 1 legislative success, executive-legislative by George W. Bush, 47 , 50 – 1 , 169 relations and, 129 – 31 “good government” platform, effect of, 44 – 5 legislative support, effect on survival, 80 implications of scandals and, 169 – 71 line-item vetoes and, 131 legislative support, effect of, 43 moral issues, effect on, 111 in Lewinsky affair, 82 – 3 party unity, executive-legislative relations by Nixon, 44 , 47 – 8 , 50 – 1 , 169 and, 138 by Obama, 50 – 1 past win percent as variable in measuring overview, 12 effect on executive action and policy, 99 personality, effect of, 44 personal strength of Governor, effect on political party strength, effect of, 53 – 4 strategic decisions, 59 political reasons for, 43 political effects on strategic in Presidential scandals, 47 – 8 , 50 – 1 , 61 – 5 , decisions, 59 – 60 82 – 3 political strength of Governor, effect on public approval, effect of, 43 strategic decisions, 59 by Reagan, 50 – 1 Presidential scandals compared, reasons for, 42 – 5 , 65 – 6 164 – 5 regression analysis of, 57 – 9 , 177n. 16 – 8 professionalization of legislatures and, 131 , sources of research regarding, 45 182n. 9 in state executive scandals, 48 – 9 , 51 – 3 , public approval, effect on survival, 80 57 – 61 regression analysis of stonewalling in, 57 – 9 , survival of scandals, effect on, 173 177n. 16 – 8 survival of scandals by, 82 – 3 resiliency of Governors, 131 trends in, 49 – 54 during second term, 78 – 80 type of misconduct, effect of, 43 – 4 seriousness of scandal, effect on strategic in Watergate scandal, 44 , 61 decisions, 60 when acceptable, 173 state revenue and personnel as variable in Strategic decisions measuring effect on executive action and “coming clean” ( See “Coming clean” ) policy, 100 dichotomous coding and, 47 statistical analysis of survival, 76t. 3.1. economic variables, 56 stonewalling in, 48 – 9 , 51 – 3 , 57 – 61 election variables, 56 strategic decisions, analysis of, 57 – 61 Independent Counsel, naming of as survival of scandals, 78 – 80 variable, 56 temporal variables in measuring effect on institutional and personal power of executive action and policy, 99 Governors as variable, 55 types of scandals, 33 – 7 institutional variables, 55 vetoes and, 122 , 135 – 7 , 136t. 5.5. , 139 in Lance affair, 40 – 1

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216 Index

Strategic decisions (cont.) “winnable” issues, focus on, 171 in Lewinsky affair, 41 , 176n. 3 , 177n. 6 measurement of variables in, 55 – 7 Temporal variables in analysis of strategic media coverage as variable, 57 decisions, 56 – 7 overview, 12 , 41 – 2 , 65 – 6 Tennessee, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Presidential scandals, analysis of, 61 – 5 Texas public approval as variable, 56 state executive scandals in, 18 scandal fatigue as variable, 57 stonewalling in, 51 – 3 state executive scandals, analysis of, 57 – 61 Thomas, Clarence, 26 stonewalling (See Stonewalling ) Thompson, Fred, 124 temporal variables, 56 – 7 Thompson, John B., 17 type of scandal as variable, 55 Tiffen, Rodney, 143 , 157 , 160 , 161 , 167 , 177n. 5 Study of scandals, 12 , 37 – 9. See also Timmons, William, 133 Classifi cation of scandals ; Types of Tower, John, 117 scandals Transportation Department, Offi ce of Sub-Cabinet-level persons, scandals involving Inspector General, 147 overview, 26 Travel Act, 183n. 3 chief executive scandals compared, 165 Treasury Department, Offi ce of Inspector survival of scandals, 83 General, 147 Sullivan, Terry, 97 “Troopergate,” 93 Sununu, John, 5 , 26 , 28 – 9 , 48 Truman, Harry Survey USA, 56 generally, 97 Survival of scandals cumulative scandals under, 163 Cabinet members, scandals involving, 83 Tucker, Jim “Guy,” 33 , 74 comparison of Presidential scandals and Twenty-Second Amendment, 57 state executive scandals, 75 Types of scandals cumulative scandals, effect of, 83 – 6 Cabinet members, scandals involving, 25 – 6 duration of scandal, effect of, 71 – 4 under Carter, 24 – 31 economy, importance of, 67 , 70 – 1 , 80 , 83 under Clinton, 24 – 31 “entertainment” value, importance of, 67 executive-legislative relations, as variable in “exorcising” scandal, importance of, 172 measuring, 120 , 122 fi nancial scandals, 81 , 87 – 8 fi nancial scandals, 28 – 9 friends, importance of, 172 under Ford, 24 – 31 Governors, 78 under George H.W. Bush, 24 – 31 Independent Counsel, effect of under George W. Bush, 24 – 31 appointment, 74 , 82 multiple targets, scandals with, 29 – 30 institutional factors, effect of, 80 , 82 under Nixon, 24 – 31 legislative support, importance of, 67 , 68 – 9 , under Obama, 24 – 31 80 , 82 personal scandals, 28 , 29 lessons for, 171 – 3 political scandals, 28 , 29 overview, 12 , 67 – 8 , 87 – 9 Presidential scandals, 24 – 31 personal scandals, 81 , 87 – 8 under Reagan, 24 – 31 political strength, importance of, 67 – 71 , during second term, 26 – 7 8 8 – 9 state executive scandals, 33 – 7 in Presidential scandals, 80 strategic decisions, as variable in public approval, importance of, 67 , 69 – 70 analysis of, 55 remaining active, importance of, 171 – 2 sub-Cabinet-level persons, scandals in state executive scandals, 78 – 80 involving, 26 stonewalling, effect of, 82 – 3 , 173 sub-Cabinet-level persons, scandals United States Attorneys involving, 83 control variables, 148 vetting and, 171 data regarding prosecutions, 145 , 146

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frequency of prosecutions, effect of scandals Walters, David, 48 on, 149 – 53 Warber, Adam, 96 investigatory response to scandals, 144 Washington, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 prosecutions of corruption by, 141 – 3 Washington Post, 176n. 9 Public Integrity Section and, 145 Wasserman, David, 15 strategy of, 158 Watergate scandal United States Statutes at Large, 9 6 “bunker mentality” during, 171 Upper level executive offi cials, effect of classifi cation of, 24 , 26 , 29 , 30 scandals involving on executive action executive action and policy, effect on, 91 and policy, 103 – 6 , 104t. 4.2. generally, 16 , 124 , 160 U.S. Offi cials’ Job Approval Ratings , 56 hearings on scandals, 120 Utah party support and, 127 Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 party unity and, 119 , 133 state executive scandals in, 31 , 32 , 72 stonewalling in, 44 , 61 typicality of, 27 Vermont, state executive scandals in, 31 Whitewater scandal compared, 167 Veterans Affairs Department Watts, Mark D., 6 investigations of corruption, 147 Webster, William, 116 Offi ce of Inspector General, 147 Weibull regression models, 86 , 86t. 3.4. Vetoes Whitaker, Charles N., 142 overview, 13 “White House coffees,” 21 comparison of Presidential scandals and Whitewater scandal state executive scandals, 137 , 139 classifi cation of, 24 effect of scandal on, 118 – 19 , 139 duration, effect on survival, 74 executive-legislative relations and, 118 – 19 , executive-legislative relations, 133 – 7 , 139 effect on, 117 line-item vetoes, 131 generally, 33 number of scandals and, 133 – 5 hearings on, 124 Presidential scandals, executive-legislative Watergate scandal compared, 167 relations and, 121 , 134t. 5.4. – 5 , 139 Wilcox, Clyde, 70 state executive scandals, Williams, Robert, 1 , 2 , 7 , 9 , 16 , 17 , 140 , 167 executive-legislative relations and, 122 , “Winnable” issues, focus on, 171 135 – 7 , 136t. 5.5. , 139 Wisconsin statistical analysis in Presidential scandals, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 134t. 5.4. State Ethics Board, 33 statistical analysis in state executive state executive scandals in, 33 scandals, 136t. 5.5. Wiseman, Alan, 141 as variable in measuring Witcher, Russ, 15 executive-legislative relations, 121 , 122 Wood, B. Dan, 141 Vetting, 171 Wood, Kimba, 73 Virginia, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9 Woodward, Bob, 44 , 65 , 91 Woolley, John T., 119 “Wagging the dog,” 92 Wright, Jim, 173 Walter Reed Naval Hospital, 18 Wyoming, Executive Orders in, 98 – 9

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