HIKE CANCELLED – NO LEADER AVAILABLE Nov. 26 Carolina Mountain Club HALF DAY No. H0604-344 Dec. 3 P.O. Box 68 Pulliam Creek in the Asheville, NC 28802 FOURTH QUARTER 2006 Green River Game Lands 12:30 PM* Quarterly News Bulletin Hike 6.5, Drive 60, 1000 ft. ascent, Return Service Requested Rated B-B and Hike Schedule Nonmembers call leader, Becky Elston, 828-749-1886,
[email protected] *Note early start time. This pretty in-and- P.O. Box 68, Asheville, NC 28802 • www.carolinamtnclub.org • e-mail:
[email protected] out hike goes along Pulliam Creek for part of the way. We may see kayakers on the Green River. Join leader for dinner at Cracker THE PRESIDENT’S Barrel after the hike. *Meet at Westgate CMC needs your help in the at 12:30 PM to form carpools and meet CORNER hike leader at NW corner of parking lot of Cracker Barrel off I-26, Exit 53, at 1 PM. important work of its committees M a n y CMC mem- HALF-DAY No. H0604-102 Dec. 10 *Note early start time. After a gradual Pen parking lot at 2:00 PM (call leader Much of the organizational work that help in any of these activities, please contact bers prob- Coontree Loop 1:00 PM* climb on the Appalachian Trail, we will be if not familiar with second meeting place). keeps CMC running is carried out by its the Committee Chair. ably don’t Hike 3.7, Drive 70, Elevation gain 1200 ft. rewarded with an outstanding view of the This is a nice winter hike, low elevation and committees.