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SPECIAL ISSUE 33 Krryo Goz"tt" Supplr^rrt l6th January,2013 ( Legislative Supplement No. 5 ) o& .l) E LecelNorrcENo. l0 -1() THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND HERITAGE ACT 6z (No.6 of2006) o9<3Er IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 66 () of the u f,'tpd National Museums and Heritage Act, the Minister of State for National Heritage and Culture, in consultation with the National Museums of Kenya makes the following Regulations:- Fr5<"?gs, FJ THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND HERITAGE (ADMISSION t-! FEES) (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS, 20 12 z 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Museums and Citation Heritage (Admission Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 20 1 2. 2. The National Museums and Heritage (Admission Fees) L.N. 167/2m9 Regulations, 2009, in these Regulations referred to as the "principal Regulations", are amended by deleting the First Schedule and substituting therefor the following new Schedule- FIRST SCHEDULE (T.2) ADMISSION FEES FORNON - RESIDENTS (OUTSIDE EAST AFRICA) Historic Sites /Monuments and Class of Visitor Entance fees Museums during weekdays, weekends and public holidays 1. Gede National Monument (a) Forevery person aged 800 sixteen years and over (b) for every child over three and 400 below sixteen years 2. Mnarani and Jumba Ruins (a) For every person aged 800 sixteen years and over (D) for every child over three and 400 below sixteen years 3. Takwa Ruins (a) For every person aged 800 sixteen years and over (D) for every child over three and 400 below sixteen years Kenya Subsidiary Leg islation, 20 I 3 35 (xi) Ololua - Guest House per $100 night (xii) Olorgesailie prchistoric site (a) For every person aged 600 sixteen years and over (D) forevery child over three and 3OO below sixloen years (xiii) Olorgesailie- Campsite (a) For wery person aged 600 sixten yeas and over (D) for every child over three and 300 below sixteen years (xiv) Olorgesailie- Bandas per lg00 night Deluxe Standard twin bed (xv) Olorgesailb- Guide fees 2000 mountain 5 Pax (xvi) Olorgesailie- Guide fees 2000 Baboon Camp 5 Pax (xvii) Olorgesailie-Picnic fee per 1000 Person 2N (xv iii) Ohrgssailie-Camping fees 300 Per p€rson (rix) Uhunr Gardas Vebicle enty fee 200 5. Kiteb, Meru, Narok, Kabarnet (a) Foreveryperson aged 500 & Kapenguria Museums sixteen years and over (b) forevery child over ttree and 250 below six.teen yeaf,s 6. Kisumu Mr.lseurn (a) for every per'son aged 500 sixteen years and over (D) forevery child over three and 250 below sixteen years 7. Malindi Museum (a)Forevery person aged 500 sixteen years and over (D) for every child over three and 250 below sixteen years Kenya Subsidiary Le gislation, 20 I 3 37 (D) forevery child over three and 300 below sixteen years 4. (i) Nairobi National (a) for every person aged sixteen 500 Museum years and over (b) forevery child over three and 4O0 below sixteen years (ii) Nairobi National Museum-Night Tour Per person l00O Per Group 5m0 (iii) Nairobi National Museum- (o) for every person aged sixteen Group Guide Night for years and over 600 Night Tour (D) forevery child over three and 300 below sixteen years (iv) Nairobi Gallery-Night (a) For every person aged sixteen 600 Tour years and over (D) for every child over three and 4m below sixteen years (v) The Snake Park (a) Forevery person aged sixteen 800 years and over (D) for every child over three and 500 below sixteen years (vi)The Snake Park and (a) Forevery person aged sixteen 600 Nairobi National years and over Museum- Combined Ticket (b) for every child over three and 4()0 ' below sixteen years (vii) Karen Blixen Museum (a) Forevery pennn aged sixteen 6m years and over (b) forevery child overthree and 400 below sixteen years (viii) Fort Jesus Museum (a) For every person aged sixteen year 400 sand over (D)foreverychildoverthreeand 2N below sixteen years (ix) Ololua Nature Trail 500 Kenya Suhsidiary lzgislation, 2013 39 7. Malindi Museum (a) for every person aged sixteen 400 years and over (b) for every child over three and 200 below sixteen Years E. Lamu Museum (a) tbr every person aged sixteen 40O years and over (D) for every child over three and 200 below sixteen Years 9. A package for Lamu (a) for every person aged sixteen 1500 Museum, [.amu Fort, Years and over Swatrili House and German Post Office (D) for every child over three and 750 below sixteen Years 10. Kariandusi, Hyrax Hill (o) for every person aged sixteen 400 years and over (D) forevery child over three and 2W below sixteen Years I l. Koobi Fora and Jomo (c) for every person aged sixteen Kenyatta House, Maralal years and over 400 (D) for every child over three and 2OO below sixteen Yeanl 4. The principal Regulations are amended by deleting ttre Third Schedule and substituting therefor the following new Schedule. THIRD SCHEDULE (T.4) ADMISSION FEES FOR RESTDENTS ' Entrance Historic Sites lMonuntents and Chss of Visitor fees Museums f:;ffirr, weekends and public holidays 600 1. Gede National Monument (a)For every person aged sixteen Years and over (D) forevery child overthree and 300 below sixteen Years 600 2. Mnarani and Jumba Ruins (a) For every Person aged sixteen Years and over (b) for every child over tluee and 300 below sixteen Years Kenya Subsidiary Le gislation, 20 I 3 4t (x) Ololua - camping adult 300 (xi) Ololua - Guest House per night 5000 (xii) Olorgesailie prehistoric site (a) for every person aged sixteen years and over 300 (D) for every child over three and below sixteen ycars 150 (xii) Olorgesailie- Campsitc (a) for every person aged sixteen years and over 300 (D) for cvcry child over threc and bclow sixtcen ycars 2s0 (xiii) Olorgcsailie- Bandas pcr night Deluxe Standard twin bed 1200 1500 (xiv) Olorgcsailic- Guide fccs mountain 5 Pax 2000 (xv) Olorgcsailic- Guidc fecs Baboon Camp 5 Pax 1000 (xvi) Olorgcsailic-Picnic fcc pcr POTEOn 200 (xvii) Olorgcoailic-Carnping fecr PGr pcrEon 300 (xix) Uhuru Gardcns Vchiclc 'cntry fcc 200 5. Kitale Muscum (a) For cvcry pcrson ,i**"n 100 ycars and ovcr "g.a (D) for evcry child over thtc and 50 below eixtecn years 6. Kieumu Muscum (a) for cvcry pc$on agcd oixren 100 yoars and ovcr (b) for ovcry child ovcr threc and 50 bclow sixtccn ycars.