The Westfield Leader
THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CltCULATED WUKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY No.,33 WESTFIELD, NEW JEKSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1949 m May Buy Borough Begins Mayor, Council Mayor Proclmm$ Mutic Week Churches, Schools' Ambulance Survey to Find To Be Honored Mayor Charles P. Bailey, in a '-.•? proclamation calling for commun- §ting School Needs ity-wide observance of National At May 6 Dinner Music Week May 1-7, declared to- day that "Westfield is proud to see Mark Music Week uncil Seto Hearing Board of Education Business Association, the growth of Music Week through- out the nation because it was es- Bill Restricting To Study Data GOP Committee tablished by a Westfield resident, Special Events Scheduled Throughout en Exeavationi Co-Sponsor Affair C. M. Tremaine." Town to Observe Special Occasion In Future Planning "Music Week this year marks new S. * •• Cadillac ambu- MOUNTAINSIDE—The census I Mayor Charles P. Bailey and its 2*,th anniversary. Schools, The celebration of Music Week will begin Sunday with m«y be expected in Westfield of the borough, sponsored by the members of the Town Council will churches ami community organiza- programs in Westfield churches. At the morning warship tarWat bout two monthf, if an ordi- Board of Education, started last be guests of honor at a testimonial the First Methodist Church, the Sanctuary choir, under •UrertifJI 4* t providing for t*s purchase week following a Anal briefing of dinner sponsored jointly by the. the most successful observation yet Richard K. Alford, minister of music, will sing Frani BcfcHbart'aiaV ftoved on final reading at the the committee Thursday night in Town Republican Committee and held here All should receive the them, "The Omnipotence," with the soprano solo part takaa kf 9 meeting of th« Town Coun- the school.
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