SfAA 2021 Session Abstracts ALEXANDER, Sara (Baylor U) Integrating Human Rights and Environmental Security While Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change. Climate change threatens the fundamental interdependence that exists between human rights, environmental quality, and livelihood security. Humanity’s reliance on a healthy resource base makes such a right a prerequisite to the enjoyment of other human rights. Local populations, not always indigenous, are vulnerable because they receive less entitlement to natural resources through international law. Climate change exacerbates challenges to populations who are unable to claim self-determination, autonomy, or traditional land. These papers explore human responses to climate change in terms of shifting value systems, changing worldviews, adjustments in how certain human rights are conceptualized, and redefining goals for the future.
[email protected] (24-9) ANDREATTA, Susan (UNCG) Food, Culture, and Identity: How Food Ties into the Agro-Food System. The papers presented in this session are from research conducted prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and during the pandemic. They examine food production, community connections to local foods and provisioning fresh local produce be it in the United States, France or elsewhere around the world. Through our case studies we explore how food production, distribution and access tie into cultural food identities, equitable food production and food access. Some papers in this session explore how production enable small and medium size farmers persist in unpredictable times, while others explore other challenges in the agro-food system.
[email protected] (PR 26-1) ARCINIEGA, Luzilda (Wayne State U) The Meaningful and Productive Inclusion of Difference. This panel explores how race, gender, sexuality, and other differences are addressed, engaged with, and made legible for the enactment of projects in and beyond various forms of work.