Part I Highlights of This Issue
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MONDAY, JULY 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 40 ■ Numb Pages 29531-29700 PART I HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION—ARBA prohibits on basis of religion, sex, age or handicap in federally assisted programs.......................................................... 29536 AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL—ARBA de scribes Bicentennial logo and prescribes regulations July 14, 1975— Pages 29531-29700 for use.............. .................. ...... .............. *...... ......... ..........i 29539 FOOD STAMPS— USDA/FNS requires States to monitor and improve administration of their programs; effec tive 7-1-75........................ 29531 INCOME TAX— 1RS proposes regulations to determine qualification of certain retirement plans; comments by 8-14-75...... 29553 1RS temporary regulations to determine qualification of certain retirement plans............................................... 29535 CORRECTED MEETING— DOD/AIR: Scientific Advisory Board, 7-30 and 7-31-75.. 29558 (Continued inside) PART II: r j NURSING STUDENT LOANS— HEW/HRA list of hospitals qualifying for loan cancellation............. 29631 rem inders (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to F ederal R eg ister users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today This list includes only rules that were published in the F ederal R e g ister after October 1, 1972. DOT/CG— W. Palm Beach Canal, Fla., drawbridge operations.. 25004; 6—12—75 List of Public Laws This is a listing of public bills enacted by Congress and approved by the President, together with the law number, the date of approval, and the U.S. Statute citation. The list is kept current in each issue of the Federal Register and copies of the laws may be obtained from the U.S. Government Printing Office. S. 2003-........... ..................Pub. Law 94-55 International Travel Act of 1961, appro priation authorization (July 9, 1975; 89 Stat. 262) ATTENTION: Questions, corrections, or requests for information regarding the contents of this issue only may be made by dialing 202-523-5284. For information on obtaining extra copies, please call 202-523-5240. To obtain advance information from recorded highlights of selected documents to appear in the next issue, dial 2 0 2-5 2 3 -5 0 2 2 . Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.O. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I ) . Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,-D.C. 20402. The Federal R egister provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notice^ issued bv Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $45 per y^ar, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.O. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal Register. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 40, NO. 135— MONDAY, JULY 14, 1975 HIGHLIGHTS- -Continued MEETINGS— HUD: National Mobile Home Advisory Council, 7-29 DOD/Air: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 7-29 thru thru 7-31-75................................................................... 29561 7-31-75 ...... ......................... ..:.......................... I;;:.. 29558 Navy: Chief Naval Operations Executive Panel, National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities: 7-29-75 ......... ........ 29558 Fellowships Panel, 8-7, 8-11, 8-15, and 8-29-75 ... 29570 HEW/OE: National Advisory Council on Indian Educa NRC: Reactor Safeguards Work Group on Hypothetical tion, 8-1 thru 8-3-75.............................. ...................... 29560 Core Disruptive Accident Advisory Group, 7-29-75 .. 29570 contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Notices Rules See Air Force Department; Navy Common carrier services informa Expenses and rate of assessment: Department. tion; domestic public radio serv Celery grown in Florida_______ 29534 ices applications accepted for EAST-WEST FOREIGN TRADE BOARD filin g --------------- —__________ 29566 Proposed Rules Rules Expenses and rate of assessment: FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Cherries grown in certain Technology exports; reporting re quirements _________ .’ll — 29534 Rules states _____________ 29553 Accidents and incidents; reports, Organization, functions, and au EDUCATION OFFICE classification, and investiga thority delegations: tions ---------------------------------- 29548 Deputy Administrator, Program Notices Operations _______________ 29559 Meeting: FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Indian Education National Ad Notices AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT visory Council___ l_________ 29560 Applications, etc.: See also Agricultural Marketing National Detroit Corp_______ _ 29569 Service; Animal and Plant ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Health Inspection Service; Rules FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Food and Nutrition Service; Air quality implementation plans: Rules Rural Electrification Adminis Kentucky; approval of compli Him ting; tration; Soil Conservation ance schedules____ ________ 29540 Quivira National Wildlife Ref Service. Pesticide chemicals in or on raw uge, Kansas (2 documents)__ 29548, Notices agricultural commodities; 29549 Meat import limitations; third tolerances and exemptions, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION etc.: ¿Rules quarterly estimate___________ 29559 Ethoprop; correction___ —___ 29547 Animal drugs: AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT Notices Procedure; reorganization and Notices Committees; establishments, re republication; correction___ 29535 Meeting: newals, etc. : Food additives: Scientific Advisory Board (2 , . Environmental Health Advisory Styrene block polymers_______ 29534 documents)__ ____________ 29558 Committee —______ 29562 Proposed Rules Pesticide registration; applica AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL tions ____ :__________________ 29563 National Shellfish Safety Pro ADMINISTRATION Pesticides, specific exemptions, gram; correction^______ 29554 Rules and experimental use permits: Notices Nondiscrimination in erfiploy- . Louisiana; DDT formulation on Food additive; petitions filed or ment on basis of religion, sex, cotton —__________________ 29565 withdrawn: age, or handicap___________ 29536 Temporary tolerance: Rohm and Haas Co___________ 29560 Official American Revolution Bi FMC Corp___________________ 29563 Meeting: centennial symbol—__________ 29539 Water pollution; discharge of pol General and Plastic Surgery De lutants: vices, Review Panel on__ __ 29560 ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH Florida_____________________ 29562 INSPECTION SERVICE FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE Rules FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Rules Inspection of meat, poultry, and Rules Food stamp program: products: Airworthiness directives: State agency and eligible house Enforcement of acts; New hold participation_________ 29531 Y ork_______ 29549 Lycoming _______________ 29549 Control zone (4 documents) .29550-19551 FOREST SERVICE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Restricted area._______________ 29552 Notices Notices Transition area (3 documents)__ 29550- Environmental statement: Hearings, etc.: 29551 Deschutes, Fremont, Ochoco and Winema National Forest, Aviación y Comercio, S.A_____ 29562 Proposed Rules Nigeria Airways, Ltd____ .____ 29562 Oregon --------------------------- 29559 Span tax, S.A__________ 29562 Federal airway (2 documents)__ 29554 Mt. Hood National Forest, Restricted area_____ __________ 29554 Oregon ---------- 29559 CUSTOMS SERVICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS-" HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Notices COMMISSION DEPARTMENT Foreign currencies; certification Rules See Education Office; Food of rates_____________________ 29557 and Drug Administration; Trade name recordation; applica FM broadcast stations; table of Health Resources Administra tion: assignments: tion; Social Security Adminis Wembley Industries, Inc______ 29557 T e x a s_____ ________________ 29547 tration. FEDERAL REGISTER, VO L 40, NO. 135— MONDAY, JULY 14, 1975 CONTENTS % HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION General Electric Co (2 docu PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORPORATION Notices ments) ____ _________ 29575-29576 General Motors Corp_____ !------29577 Nursing student loans; list of hos International Shoe Co------------- 29577 Proposed Rules pitals determined as having sub Mavest, Inc_________________ 29577 Pension plan; intent to terminate. 29555 stantial shortage of nurses____ 29631 SKF Industries, Inc__________ 29578 HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT RURAL ELECTRIFICATION DEPARTMENT LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU ADMINISTRATION Notices Notices Notices Oil and gas leasing;