CORPORATE INFORMATION Corporate Data (As of March 31, 2017) Stock Information (As of March 31, 2017) Head Office: 1-8-3, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Fiscal Year-End: March 31 Tokyo 160-8309, Japan Regular General Meeting Established: June 1, 1948 of Shareholders: Late June Common Stock: ¥60,360 million Authorized Shares: 1,100,000,000 shares Employees: Consolidated: 13,560 Issued Shares: 368,497,717 shares Non-consolidated: 3,637 Shareholders: 51,925 Independent Auditor: Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC Stock Exchange Listing: Tokyo Stock Exchange Inquiries: Investor Relations Office Transfer Agent: Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. 1-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, 1-8-3, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 100-8233, Japan Tokyo 160-8309, Japan Phone: +81-3-3286-1111 Phone: +81-3-3349-2526 Principal Shareholders: Fax: +81-3-3346-1899 Name Number of shares held Percentage E-mail:
[email protected] (thousands) URL: The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 22,523 6.11 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 21,585 5.86 Executives (As of June 29, 2017) Nippon Life Insurance Company 18,626 5.05 Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. Chairman and Audit & Supervisory Board (Trust account) 13,082 3.55 Representative Director Members 43 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 1 Toshimitsu Yamaki* Shunji Takahara (Retirement benefit trust account of Yoshio Ishii Mitsubishi Electric Corporation account) 12,908 3.50 Executive President and Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 7,676 2.08 Representative Director Outside Audit & Supervisory Koji Hoshino*1 Board Members Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.