The Antique Silver Spoon Collectors’ Magazine …The Finial… ISSN 1742-156X Volume 28/02 Where Sold £8.50 November/December 2017 ‘The Silver Spoon Club’ OF GREAT BRITAIN ___________________________________________________________________________ 5 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London. WC2N 4EZ V.A.T. No. 658 1470 21 Tel: 020 7240 1766
[email protected] Hon. President: Anthony Dove F.S.A. Editor: Daniel Bexfield Volume 28/02 Photography: Charles Bexfield November/December 2018 CONTENTS Introduction 3 The Ardens of Dorchester by Tim Kent 3 Advertisement – Lawrences Auctioneers 6 Advertisement – Lawrences Auctioneers 7 Advertisement – Lawrences Auctioneers 8 An early marrow spoon by Anthony Dove 9 An exercise in deduction by David McKinley 10 The 9th meeting of the Silver Spoon Club by Michael Baggott 11 Advertisement – Chiswick Auctions 12 A link in a chain – A bond of connection between persons by Carl Belfield 13 Poppy’s pattern: An Albert pattern canteen by Michael Bodden 14 Feedback 16 First Tuesdays 18 Results for the Club Postal Auction – 26th October 2017 19 The Club Postal Auction 16 The next postal auction 39 Postal auction information 39 -o-o-o-o-o-o- COVER A Selection of Georgian Silver Fancy-Front and Picture-back Teaspoons London c.1750-1770 See: The Postal Auction, Lots 197-266 -o-o-o-o-o-o- Yearly Subscription to The Finial UK - £39.00; Europe - £43.00; N. America - £47.00; Australia - £49.00 In PDF format by email - £30.00 (with hardcopy £15.00) -o-o-o-o-o-o- The Finial is the illustrated journal of The Silver Spoon Club of Great Britain Published by Daniel Bexfield 5 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London, WC2N 4EZ.