1921-1934, Index
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34- lndex)55 - engl MTERNATIONAL LABOUR, OFFICE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR R INDEX VOLUMES I-XX 1921 - 1929 GENEVA 1930 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW INDEX CONTENTS Page Author Index. 5 Country Index 17 Subject Index 37 Sunimarr of Subject Index Page Page Agriculture 37 Education 42 General 37 Vocational Education and Agrarian Reform, Land Apprenticeship 42 Tenure, and Land Set- Vocational Guidance and tlement 37 Selection 43 Children and Young Per- Workers' Education 43 sons 37 Economic Conditions 38 Employment and Unemploy- Education 38 ment 43 Employment and Unem- General 43 ployment 38 Special Countries 44 Industrial Organisation 38 America 44 Industrial Relations 38 Asia 44 Industrial Safety 38 Australia 44 Inspection 38 Europe 44 Labour Conditions 38 Rural Industries 38 Family Allowances 46 Scientific Management and Labour Cost 39 Guild Movement 46 Social Conditions 39 Women Workers 39 Handicrafts 46 Bibliography 39 Home Work 46 Children and Young Persons 39 Industrial Hygiene 46 Cod 40 General 46 Special Risks 47 Co-operation 40 Pndustrial Organisation 47 Disabled 41 General 47 Employers 47 Economic Conditions 41 Freedom of Association 47 General 41 Intellectual Workers 47 Prices and Cost of Living 42 Salaried Employees 47 Frod~iction 42 Workers 47 Page Page 58 Industrial Relations 48 Labour Legislation Administration 58 General 59 Collective Agreements Legislation Conciliation, Arbitration, 59 and Disputes Maritime Questions AUTHOR INDEX Profit-sharing and Co- 59 partnership Migration Works Councils Native Labour 60 ADLER,Professor Emanuel. Industrial Safety 50 Refugees 60 The Works Councils Act in Austria March 1922 Inspection 51 Salaried Employees and Inventions of Employees and the Austrian Patents Act of 1925 60 General 51 Public Servants Jan. 1926 The Austrian Works Council Act in Practice March-April 1927 Countries (in alphabetical 61 order) 51 Scientific Management AILLAUD,Ulrico. Social Conditions 61 The Growth of the Corporation in Italy May 1928 Intellectual Workers 53 Housing 61 DE ALTZA,Count. Spare Time . 61 National Corporative Organisation in Spanish Industry June 1927 International Labour 0rga- Welfare Work 61 nisation 54~ ANDERSON,Dame Adelaide. General 54 Social Insurance The Recommendations of the Shanghai Labour Commission May lS;?;a Special Questions 54 General ANDR~AD~S,Professor A. International Labour Con- Accident Labour Legislation in Greece Nov. 1922 ference (Reports) 55 Maternity Pensions ARIAS,Gino. Labour Conditions 55 Sickness Trade Union Reform in Italy Sept. 1926 General 55 Statistical Problems ARTUS,Jean. Holidays 56 An Enquiry into the Conditions of Work and Life of Journalists Hours of Work 56 Minimum Wage 57 Women Workers Jan. 1929 AYUSAWA,Iwao F. , Wages (General) 57 Weekly Rest 58 Workmen's Compensation The Population Problem and Industrialisation in Japan Oct. 1927 The Employment of Women in Japanese Industry Feb.-April 1929 AZNAR,Severino. The Introduction of Maternity Insurance in Spain Aug. 1929 BAADE,Dr. Fritz. Workers' Agricultural Programmes in Austria, England, and Germany May 1929 BAIN,H. Foster. Accident Prevention by the United States Bureau of Mines May 1922 BAUMGART,H. Polish Labour Legislation June 1923 BEER, G. F. Employment-a Problem of Co-ordination July 1922 BELLERBY,J. R. The Evolution of a Wage-Adjustment System July-Sept. 1927 BERGENGREN,Roy F. Credit Co-operation as Adapted to the Needs of the Worker May 1927 BERGER,Dr. A Systematic Scheme for an Employment Policy Nov. 1925 BERNSTEIN,Eduard. The German Works Councils Act and its Significance Feb. 1921 6 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW AUTHOR INDEX 7 BESE~ON,Maurice. CLIFT, Charles E. Labour Legislation in the French Colonies Oct. 1927 Vocational Guidance in Great Britain April 1927 BIONDI,Dr. Cesare. COATS,R. H. Medical Jurisprudence in Social Insurance and the Problem of Uni- The Classification Problem in Statistics April 1925 fication June 1926 COHEN,Joseph L. BOISSARD,A. The Administrative Machinery of Social Insurance April 1925 The Legal Position of Public Servants in France Sept. 1925 The Incidence of the Costs of Social Insurance Dec. I929 BORODAEWSKY,S. W. COLE,G. D. H. Co-operation in Russia during the War The Guild Movement in Great Britain Aug. 1922 BOTTAI,H.E. Giuseppe. COMMONS,John R. Trade Organisation in Italy under the Aet and Regulations on Col- Industrial Government Jan. 1921 lective Relations in connection with Employment June 1927 Tendencies in Trade Union Development in the United States June 1922 BRAUER,Prof. Theodor. CONACHER,H. M. The Minimum Wage May 1925 The Regulation of Agricultural Labour Conditions in Continental Europe Aug. 1923 BRIGDEN,J. B. CONDLIFFE,J. B. State Enterprises in Australia July 1927 Experiments in State Control in New Zealand March 1924 BRODA,Rudolf. COOKE,Morris L. Minimum Wage Legislation in the United States Jan. 1928 Unemployment within Employment Dec. 1921 BULOW,F. W. v. .Cox, Dr. Alfred. Social Aspects of Agrarian Reform in Latvia Jdy 1929 The Medical Profession and Health Insurance in Great Britain BUTLER,H. B. May 1925 CU~IMINS,E. E. Labour Problems in Southern Africa April 1928 Industrial Unionism in the Building Trades of the United States CAILLARD,C. April 1927 Trade Chambers in France Sept. 1921 CUR~IN,G. Economic Questions and the International Labour Organisation CANTWELL,Edward J. Dec. 1928 Employment Administration in the United States Post Office Depart- DALE, J. A. ment July 1923 Labour Problems in Northern Ireland Feb. 1925 CASTBERG,Johan. DERSCH,Hermann. Compulsory Arbitration in Norway Jan. $925 The Legal Nature andEconomicSignificance of the Germanworks Councils CASTRILLI,Vincenzo. Feb. 1925 Intellectual Workers and the Labour Market Sept. 1923 DEVINAT,Paul. The American Labour Movement and Scientific Management CEDERBLAD,Dr. Nils. April '1926 The Swedish Family Budget Enquiry of 1923 Oct. 1926 DEVINE,Edward T. CHAN,C. S.' Production and Labour in United States Coal Mines : The Report of Social Legislation in China under the Nationalist Government the United States Coal Commission of 1922-1923 Nov.-Dee. 1924 Jan. 1929 DOUGLAS,Paul H. CHEN,Ta. Some Precedents for the Family Wage System March 1925 March 1927 The Labour Movement in China . DRURY,Horace B. CHENERY,William E. Labour Shifts in Continuous Ind~istriesin the United States The President's Conference and Unemployment in the United States Feb.-March 1923 March 1922 DULOT,Charles. CHRISTIAENS,A. G. The Present Position in the French Trade Union Movement May 1923 Vocational Guidance in Brussels Sept. 1923 EASTMAN,Mack. CLARK,Lindley D. A Brief Survey of Coal-Crisis Literature May 1926 Collective Bargaining in the United States of America Feb. 1927 The European Coal Crisis, 1926-1927 Feb. 1928 CLEE, Charles R. EDSTROM,J. S. Desertion and the Freedom of the Seaman May-June 4926 The International Labour Conferences March 1922 8 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW AUTHOR INDEX ' 9 BGGFR,A. GAVHXER,E. The- Co-operative Movement and Co-operative Law Nov. 1925 Vocational Guidance and Selection May 1922 ELLINGER,A. GERRITSZ,J. Socialisation Schemes in the German Building Industry March 1921 Measures to Combat Unemployment in the Netherlands June 1923 FAUCHILLE,Paul. GHIULEA,N. The Rights of Emigration and Immigration March 1924 Labour Organisations in Rumania Jan. 1924 FEIG, Dr. Johannes. GIDE, Prof. Charles. The Right of Association among Agricultural Workers in Germany Dec. 1921 The Congress of the International Co-operative Alliance Nov. 1921 The New German Labour Protection Bill Feb. 1927 Grusm, Ugo. FEIS. 'Herbert. Methods of Recording Retail Prices and Measuring the Cost of Living Recent Development in Industrial Rehtions in the United States in Italy Nov. 1921 Dec. 1925 GOLDSCHMIDT,H. International Labour Legislation in the Light of Economic Theory April 1927 The Application in Germany of the Washington Convention con- FERDINAND-DREYFUS,Jacques. cerning the Employment of Women before and after Childbirth Nov. 1927 Financial Systems in Social Insurance Oct. 1924 GORNI,0. EERENCZI,Dr. Imre. o. The Problem of Rural Settlement in Spain June 1929 A Historical Study of Migration Statistics Sept. 1928 GOTTSCHALK,Max. FINDLAY,Sir John. The Problem of Workers' Control in Belgium March 1925 Industrial Peace in New Zealand Oct. 1921 GOUDAL,Jean. FISHER,Prof. Irving. The Questionof Forced Labour beforethe InternationalLabour Conference A Statistical Relation between Unemployment and Price Changes May 1929 June 1926 GRIESER,Andreas. FLORENCE,P. Sargant. The Place of Prevention in Social Insurance June 1927 The Forty-Eight Hour Week and Industrial Efficiency Nov: 1924 GUTTERIDGE,Prof. H. C. FOENANDER,0. de R. The Interpretation and Administration of Labour Laws in England The New Conciliation and Arbitration Act in Australia Feb. 3929 FORCHHEIMER,Dr. Carl. HADFIELD,Sir Robert. Sliding Wages Scale in Austria ' July 1924 The Need for an Industrial Truce July 1925 The Financial Problems of Unenlployment Insurance April 1929 HANNA,Gertrud. FRANCKE,Prof. E. Women in the German Trade Union Movement July 1923 The New Spirit in German Labour Legislation Oct. 1921 The German Exhibition of Home Industries and Its Lessons Oct. 1925 FREDRI~~SSON,Nils. HANSSON,Sigfrid. Vocational Education in Stockholm Jan. 1923 The Trade Union Movement in Sweden April 1923 FREUND,Dr. Richard. HAULTAIN,Elsinore. A Plan for the Reorganisation of Social Insurance in Germany Mothers' Allowances in North America Nov. 1927 Jan. 1925 FREY, John P. HAWELKA,Fritz. A Thirty-Year Experiment in Industrial Democracy April 1922 Workers' Sickness Insurance in Austria Dec. 1923 FUES, Dr. R. HENRY,P. The International Regulation of Hours of Work of Salaried Employees Some Aspects of the Labour Problem in China Jan. '1927 June 1929 Fuss, Henri. HERSCH,L. Unemployment in 1925 Aug. 1926 Seasonal Unemployment in the Building Industry in Certain Euro- Money and Unemployment Nov. 1927 pean Countries Jan.-March 1929 Rationalisation and Unemployment June 1928 HOFFHERR,Red. GARRAUD,P. The Control of Industrial Combinations from the Social Standpoint See LAMBPRT,Edouard. Jan. 1928 10 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW AUTHOR INDEX 11 HOOL,Fritz. LIEDSTRAND,Emil. Compensation for Disablement by Deferred Pensions May 1925 Social Insurance in Sweden Feb.