City Pride Public House, 15 Westferry Road, London, E14 8JH Existing
Committee: Date: Classification: Agenda Item Number: [Strategic] 13 th June 2013 Unrestricted Development Report of: Title: Town Planning Application Director of Development and Renewal Ref No: PA/12/03248 Case Officer: Ward: Millwall (February 2002 onwards) Beth Eite 1. APPLICATION DETAILS Location: City Pride Public House, 15 Westferry Road, London, E14 8JH Existing Use: Proposal: Erection of residential (Class C3) led mixed use 75 storey tower (239mAOD) comprising 822 residential units and 162 serviced apartments (Class C1), and associated amenity floors, roof terrace, basement car parking, cycle storage and plant, together with an amenity pavilion including retail (Class A1-A4) and open space. Drawing Nos/Documents: Drawings P-SL-C645-001 rev A, P-S-C645-001 rev B, P-LC-C645-001 rev A, P-L- C645-001 rev A, P-B2-C645-001 rev F, P-B1- C645-001 rev F, P-00-C645-001 rev G, P-01-C645-001 rev F, P-T0A-C645-001 rev D, P-T0B- C645-001 rev D, P-T1A- C645-001 rev B, B-T1B-C645-001 rev B, P-AM1-C645-001 rev E, P-T2-C645-001 rev E, P-T3-C645-001 rev E, P-AM2- C645-001 rev E, P-T4-C645-001 rev E, P-T5-C645-001 rev E, P-T6-C645-001 rev E, P-T7-C645-001 rev E, P-75-C645- 001 rev E, P-R-C645-001 rev E, P-LC-C645-001 rev B, P-L- C645-001 rev B, P_AM_C645_001 rev B, P_AM_C645_002 rev B, P_TY_D811_001 rev A, P-TY-D811-002 rev A E-JA-E-C645-001 rev A, E-JA-N-C645-001 rev A, E-JA-S- C645-001 rev A, E-JA-W-C645-001 rev A, E-01-C645-001 rev A, E-CE-N-645-001 rev A ,E-CE-S-645-001 rev A, E-CE- W-645-001 rev A, E-E-C645-001 rev C, E-N-C645-001 rev C, E-S-C645-001
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