Detecting Abusive Language on Online Platforms: A Critical Analysis Preslav Nakov1,2∗ , Vibha Nayak1 , Kyle Dent1 , Ameya Bhatawdekar3 Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar1,4 , Momchil Hardalov1,5, Yoan Dinkov1 Dimitrina Zlatkova1 , Guillaume Bouchard1 , Isabelle Augenstein1,6 1CheckStep Ltd., 2Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU, 3Microsoft, 4University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 5Sofia University, 6University of Copenhagen {preslav.nakov, vibha, kyle.dent, momchil, yoan.dinkov, didi, guillaume, isabelle},
[email protected],
[email protected], Abstract affect not only user engagement, but can also erode trust in the platform and hurt a company’s brand. Abusive language on online platforms is a major Social platforms have to strike the right balance in terms societal problem, often leading to important soci- of managing a community where users feel empowered to etal problems such as the marginalisation of un- engage while taking steps to effectively mitigate negative ex- derrepresented minorities. There are many differ- periences. They need to ensure that their users feel safe, their ent forms of abusive language such as hate speech, personal privacy and information is protected, and that they profanity, and cyber-bullying, and online platforms do not experience harassment or annoyances, while at the seek to moderate it in order to limit societal harm, same time feeling empowered to share information, experi- to comply with legislation, and to create a more in- ences, and views. Many social platforms institute guidelines