Volatility Uncertainty and * the Cross-Section of Option Returns [December 24, 2019] Jie Cao The Chinese University of Hong Kong E-mail:
[email protected] Aurelio Vasquez ITAM E-mail:
[email protected] Xiao Xiao Erasmus University Rotterdam E-mail:
[email protected] Xintong Zhan The Chinese University of Hong Kong E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract This paper studies the relation between the uncertainty of volatility, measured as the volatility of volatility, and future delta-hedged equity option returns. We find that delta-hedged option returns consistently decrease in uncertainty of volatility. Our results hold for different measures of volatility such as implied volatility, EGARCH volatility from daily returns, and realized volatility from high-frequency data. The results are robust to firm characteristics, stock and option liquidity, volatility characteristics, and jump risks, and are not explained by common risk factors. Our findings suggest that option dealers charge a higher premium for single-name options with high uncertainty of volatility, because these stock options are more difficult to hedge. * We thank Peter Christoffersen, Christian Dorion, Bjorn Eraker, Stephen Figlewski, Amit Goyal, Bing Han, Jianfeng Hu, Kris Jacobs, Inmoo Lee, Lei Jiang, Neil Pearson, and seminar participants at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, HEC Montréal, Wilfrid Laurier University, and University of Hong Kong. We have benefited from the comments of participants at the 2018 Canadian Derivatives Institute (CDI) Annual Conference, the 2018 China International Conference in Finance, the 2018 Northern Finance Association Annual Conference, and the 2018 SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific.