Student Name Class (AM/PM) Accessing the IC Portal: IC username: first initial.last name (for most students) ex: p.vialva password: dateofbirthfirstname ex: 09012017pilar The first time you login you will be required to follow the directions on the page and enter a new password. If in the event a student has locked themselves out (after 5 attempts), their password will need to be reset. If this happens, the student can send an email to: Mrs. Vazquez-Vialva at:
[email protected] Or Mr. King at:
[email protected] Campus Map 2018–2019 Student Handbook Table of Contents Accessing the IC Portal ................................................................ Inside Front Cover Mission, WASC Accreditation, Student Learning Outcomes .................................. 2 Partner Districts ....................................................................................................... 3 CTE = Pathway to Success, What Students Can Expect from SVCTE ................... 4 Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR) ..................................... 4 Administration & Student Services, Phone Numbers, Counselors, Program Representatives ................................................................. 5 Courses and Instructors ........................................................................................ 6–7 Class Schedules, Breaks .......................................................................................... 8 Attendance, Tardies ..........................................................................................