E News of Significance


Leonard Peikoff wiLt speak at the Ford Ha11 Forun in Boston on April 24. IIis topic will be "Why Should One Act on Principle?" For further informationr contact the Ford Hall Forum at (617) 338-5350.

A workshop and reception for canpus club members and other students will be held in Boston on Saturday, April 23, the day before the Ford Ha11 Forum. This event is organized and conducted by Kathy Kroeger, ARI Canpus Club Field Representative, and Don Heath, head of ABI's camPus club committee. For detailsf contact Kathy at (313) 747-9805.

Second Renaissance Books and The Intellectual Activist will hoet an infornal social gathering in Boston on Sunday, April 24. Tine: 1-4 p.m. Place: the Reflections Room, Holiday fnn at the Government Centerr 5 Blossom St. at Cambridge St. Books and other literature from Second Renaissance will be available for sale beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the same location.

Debate at Yale: On April 27 , Harry Binswanger and John Ridpath are tentatively scheduled to debate at Yale University against oPponents to be announced. The toplc: nCapltalisn vs. Socialisn: Which is the lloral System?n The event is co- sponsored by the Objecttvist Study Group, the Denocratic SocialisU Alliance, and the Yale Political Union. For detailsr contact Arthur Rubin (of the O.S.G.) at (203) 435-0450 or Kathy Kroeger at (313) 747-9805.

The Binswanger/Ridpath debate team vas in action on March 31 at Indiana U. in B1oomington. The debate, on 'Capitalism vs. The Mixed Econony: Which is the Moral Systen?n uas co-sponsored by the I.U. Students of Objectivisn and the Union Board Lectures Committee. Speaking in favor of the mixed economy were f.U. professors James Hart and Whitney Pope.

Ayn Rand reprinted: Three recently published philosophy textbooks have included excef,pts from The Virtue of Selfishness. They are: The Questions of PhilosoPhy' Frederick E. Sontagt;olil[ail-6d-it'6? Iffi;cffi] Le87)i vlrtueFanffiiffi TAn Introduction to Ethics, Joshua Halberstam, editor (Prentice E7Ii;IgE3.tt@ ]i't-ntroduction to Philosophy, Bowie, Michaets, and Solomon, editors (Harcourt Brace .tovlnoffil-I3E,st

An abridged version of Peter Schwartz's article "Libertarianisn: The Perversion of Liberty" will be inctuded in the forthconing anthologyr The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought.

A one-week conference on phitosophy and related fields, organized by Prof. M. Northrup Buechner, niLt be heLd July 3o-August 7 at l{agner College on Staten Island, New York. Prof. Buechner reports that the conference is not yet ful-l and that there are openings in alnost a1l" the afternoon courses. For further information, write: Conceptual Conferencest 3O5 E. 72nd St., Suite 15G' Nev Yorkr Mf 10021. Students interested in roon-and-board scholarships should contact ARI at (2L3) 306-9232. I The Jefferson School has announced one-day, regional seminars for the fal_l of 1988: September 17 in Los Angeles and October 29 Ln New York City. The speakers wilL be , , Edith Packer, and Peter Schwartz. Further announcementsforthcoming.

I Enployrnent opportunities: The fnstitute is seeking a part-tirne data- entry/eLerical assistant. For details, cal-1 Donna Nloni'rezza it anf at (213) 306-9232. The fntellectual- Activist is seeking a patt-time editorial assistant, and both TfA and GonffiGi.ssance ffitC are seeking p"it-time clerical he1p. r"i J"trLi",-"""f"r-iie (in New York City) at (2L2) 779-LOZ7 and Second Renaissance Books (in Oceanside, California) at (619) 157-6L49.

C'AI'|RISCIUB TALKS: In April-, John Ridpath will- speak at the following California camp,rses: U.C.L.A.' April 13, debatirg Occidental U. history professor l,trormanOohen on "social-ist America: Pro and Con"; CaL. State l"o'4gBeach, April 14, on man's rights; U.C. Santa Barbara, April 16, on man's rights; Stanford, April 18, on Gorbachev's "new" po1-icies; and U.C. Berkeley, April 19, on I'larxisn vs. . At Carnegie-Mellon: Peter Schwartz, ApriJ- 15, on nucl-ear arms; and David Ke11ey, April 22 qr Ayn Rand's theory of concepts. John Ridpath wil-l also address the Southern CaLifornia Objectivist Association on April 15, For details on all Ealks, contact AR[.

Ayn Rand's l.ectures on Fiction Wrtttrg (FW) and leonard Peikoff's courses, I?re philoophy of (PO), Objectivism understandirg Objectivism (l,XC), 0bjective gomr.rnication (0C), Introdtli-r to (IL)' Iognc Arcient Phi-losopry (AP), and lfodern Philoeophy (MP) are srarrirg in the folloring areas: Area Course Contact t'tl Ed Adams Gol-eta rL Dave Harriman 805-68v2274 Los .{rgeles u), AP, MP, IL, 0C PhiL Coates 2L3-478-0577 Pal-o Alto il, PO, uJ, OC Rose Walker 408-996-L444 Redondo Beach m Les Toy 2L3-372-3099 Sacramento IL Daniel Lunsford 9L6-348-L234 @ Denver Lrc Robert Zinser n3-296-L2L2 rN: Indianapolis PO Joseph Rancourt 3L7-848-L687 NC: Fort Bragg AP J. Eliot ]brgan 9t9-396-LO77 NJ: Voorhees rL H. Clarke Gillies 609-772-6076 PA: Philadelphia tl) Philip Baltimore 2L5-969-5366 Warrirgton PO Jim Brown 215-587-1510 TX: Austin ID Mark Murphy 5L2443-L592 W: BarboursvilLe AP. MP Richard Parrish 304-735-4442

fMPACf is publ-ished bi-monthly by Ttre Ayn Rard fnstitute. A11 rights resenred, copyright 19gg.

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