E News of Significance
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E News of Significance JIIfE, 1988 I Leonard Peikoff wi1-L speak at "The Power of Reason" conference, to be held July 30 - August 6 at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY. Dr. Peikoff's l-ecture, "Certainty and Happiness: Achieving Success in Ttrought and Actionr" will be followed by a general question period and wiLl be open onl-y to those enrolled in the conference. For further inforrnation, vrite: Conceptual Conferences, 305 E. 72nd St. Suite 15G, New York, NY 10021 or leave your name and address on the answering ' (2L2) machine at 249-7674 any__{qy_berween!Z noee and lo_,p--.m.-E_.g.T, I The Jefferson School announces one-day, regional seminars for t,he fall- of 19gg: September 17 in Los Angeles and October 29 in New York City. The scheduled speakers peikoff and topics: Leonard ("The Logical Structure of philosophy"); George Rlisman ("Everyone's Stake in CapitaLisrn II"); Edith packer ("Toward a Lasting Romantic Relationship"); and Peter Schwartz ("The 1988 Presidential Carnpaignand Related Issues"). For further information, writ,e: The Jefferson Schooi, p.O. Box 2934, Laguna Hills, CA 92654 I Spectacor Films Ennounces that John HilL has been hired to write the screenpLay for the movie of AtLas Shrugged. HiLL's credits incl-ude a number of television and theatrical movies, including L:lurrfg Nikita and Quigley Down Under. He brings to the task' in his ovn words, "twentlr lreirs of unrere@or Atlas Shrugged. I An Op-Ed article, by Edwin A. Locke, of ARI's Board of Advisors, attacking the "animal rights" movement has been distributed by ARf to the nine!,y highest- circulation newsPapers in the United States. The article has so iar b"en published in the Orange Co:III (C,A) Register and the Chicago Tribune, the latter generating a radio debate on WBBMbet,ween Tioil Locke and aninalEEEts activist Cleveland Amory. Other Op-Ed articles are being readied for distribution. I George Reisman recentLy debated "slow growth" proponents in Qrange County (CA), whefe slow-growth iniEiiiEves fhreaten economic deveLopment. On A-tiif- 21, Dr. Reisman debated Ralph Catalano, a U. of Cal-ifornia (frvine) professor of urban planning and the mayor pro-tem of Irvine. Ofl ltlay 24, he debated Russ Burkett, a leading slow-growth activist. More than 150 people attended each debate. Both events were organized by the UCI Objectivist club and financed by Objectivist businessnen, who are using videotapes and other publ-icity in an attempt to infl-uence upeoming ball_ot initiatives. r Phil-osophical fssues in Aristotl-e's Biology, edited by Allan Gotthelf and James Lennox, has been published in hard-cover and paperback by Cambridge University Press. Professors GottheLf (Trenton State College) and Lennox (U. of pittsburgh) are Aristotelian scholars and recent additions to ARI's CampusClub Speakers Bureau, This coLl-ection of essays is highly technical, intended for advanced students of Aristotle not for a general- audience. Although the book makes no reference ' to Objectivism, it does show the inpact of Objectivism: not only were both editors 1ed to study Aristotle by Ayn Rand's recomnendation of him, but their vork has been aided by their understanding of Objectivism. This book is part of a renewed acadenic interest in Aristotl-e's biology and Aristotl-e in general and represents an encouraging sign for the future. I CampusObjectivist cl-ubs have recently been forned at the following schools: Arizona, Georgia State, Hawaii (Uanoa), Houston, Hichigan State, Oregon, Rice, Southern Mississippi, Tulane, Wayne State, Will-ian and Mary. In Canada: Queens U. and the U. of Victoria. fn Australia: U. of Nev South l{ales. I The Yale University debate, featuring Harry Binswanger and John Ridpath and originally schedul-ed for April 27, vas postponed until- the fall- semester. Details wil-l- be published when available. Ayn Rand's lrctures on Fiction t{ritirg (FW) and leonard Peikoff's courses, the PH.losopty of Objetivism (PO), Llnderstandirg Objetivism ([n), Objective Comunicatian (0C), Irtrodr:ctist to Lognc (IL), Arnient Philosot'ry (AP), and l{odern Ptrilosoflry (}lP) are starting in the fol-lowing areas: Area Course Contact C.A: Los Argeles ALt CoIJR^SES Phil Coates 27.3436-4444 Palo Alto ALL COT'RSBS Rose Walker 408-996-L444 San Ansel-mo Att cotrR.sEs Bobby Sandler 415-459-6680 San Francisco MP Jeff Scott 41.5-851-5108 FL: Tampa Bay --- PO, OC Stuart Daw 813-393-1171" KY: Campbellsville PO Theresa Chambers 502-465-346s MO: Chesterfield oc Ray Perry 3L4-469-Lzr4 Kansas City 0c llichael Conger 816-753-1102 I.IY: New York AP Robin Field 2L2473-738,8 Nev York tD, 0c Liz Caputo 2L2-249-7674 OR,: Eugene MP Ernie Ross 503-34s-9379 PA: Philadelphia m Stuart Feldnan 2L5442-9n5 IX: Beaunont AP lbry Heinking Dixon 409-8664576 Houston MP l{arren Ross 7L3-45U2256 Wf: Madison tr Frank Loreti ffi8-25647L7 CAMDA: il,lfrfF6?ripeg l,{P F'l1sn lbore 234-943-5449 ONT: Kingsto'n FW Rodrny Busch 613-542-8091 Toronto Att @t RSES Dan St. Ammt 4L5-29L-9689 OVERSEAS: AU-ffi Melbourne AtL @TJR^SES John Dawson 03-578-5083 EI.IGLAND:Binnirgham UP Suresh Patel ozL-55L-2208 NORWAY:Oslo Att CCJRSES l0aus Nordby 02.-2LL983 SWEDEI{:Stockholn ALt Co['RSES Henrik Unre 08-913196 IUPACI is prbLished binonthLy by Ttn Ayn Rard fnstitute. 41L rights reserved, copyright 1988. THE AYN RAND INSTITUTE 330Vashington St., Suite509 Marinadel Rey, CA 90292 ADDRESSCORRECTION REQUESTED .