VOLUME 27 ISSUE 4 SUMMER 2009 Opinions expressed throughout this journal are the Another View of the Crawford Report 2 contributors own and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of Sports Medicine Australia (SMA). The issue of volunteers in sport and recreation continues to be overlooked Members and readers are advised that SMA cannot Nello Marino be held responsible for the accuracy of statements made in advertisments nor the quality or the goods or services advertised. All materials copyright. The cost of Medicare’s obsession with surgery 5 On acceptance of an article for publication, copyright For the surgeons who haven’t yet choked fully on their cornflakes reading passes to the publisher. Dr J articles, the ante has risen Publisher Dr J Sports Medicine Australia PO Box 78 Mitchell ACT 2911 T (02) 6241 9344 “be active ‘09” Conference Highlights 14 F (02) 6241 1611 E
[email protected] Conference research award winners www.sma.org.au Davina Sanders Circulation: 4000 ISSN No. 1032-5662 Sport and Exercise Medicine – A new medical specialty in Australia 17 Editors John Orchard & Cristina Caperchione At last, Sport and Exercise medicine has moved beyond something seen Managing Editor as a hobby, to a real status within medicine Lesley Crompton Andrew Garnham Chief Executive Officer Nello Marino ‘Bowling Prehab’: an innovative approach to injury prevention 23 Subscription Manager Ken Warwick and rehabilitation for fast bowlers Advertising Manager Bridging the gap between the physio room and the playing field Lesley Crompton Kym