Cake & Cockhorse
CAKE & COCKHORSE BA JBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY SPRING 1984. PRICE fl.OO ISSN 0522-0823 I President: The Lord Saye and Sele Chairman: Mrs. G.W. Brinkworth, Flat 3, Calthorpe Manor, Dashwood Road, Banbury, 0x16, 8HE. Tel: Banbury 3000 Deputy chairman: J . S. W. Gibson, Harts Cottage, Church Hanborough, Oxford. OX7 2AB. Magazine Editor: D.A. Hitchcox, 1 Dorchester Grove, Broughton Road, Banbury. Tel: Banbury 53733 I Hon. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: i Mrs N.M. Clifton, Miss Mary Stanton, Senendone House, 12 Kennedy House, I Shenington, Banbury. Orchard Way, Banbury. (Tel: Edge Hill 262) (Tel: 57754) Hon. Membership Secretary: Records Series Editor: Mrs Sarah Gosling, J.S.W. Gibson, Banbury Museum, Harts Cottage, 8 Horsefair, Banbury. Church Hanborough, Oxford OX7 2AB. (Tel: 59855) (Tel: Freeland (0993)882982) I' Committee Members: 'I Dr E. Asser, Mrs G. Beeston, Mr D.E.M. Fiennes Mrs Clare Jakeman, Mr G. de C. Parmiter, Mr J. F. Roberts Details about the Society's activities and publications can be found on the inside back cover The cover illustration is of a hawking scene taken by R. J. Ivens from a II medieval drawing published in Life and Work of the People of England (Batsford 1928) by D. Hartley and M. M. Elliot. CAKE & COCKHORSE The Magazine of the Banbury Historical Society. Issued three times a year. Volume 9 Number 5 Spring 1984 R.J. Ivens De Arte Venandi cum Avibus 130 Sarah Gosling The Banbury Trades Index 138 I Barbara Adkins The Old Vicarage, Horsefair, Banbury 139 D.E.M. Fiennes The Will of Nathaniel Fiennes 143 C.G.
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