Volume XLII No. November 1987 £2 (to non-members)

this kind. Supported by a small committee, with PAUL BALINT - AJR DAY CENTRE architect Lucas Mellinger, he superintended the work of converting this building to our require­ ments'. The Official Opening Unstinting support (Mr. Marx said) had been given by our staff, all of whom, especially the AJR's Administrator, Mrs. Lydia Lassman, had he new Paul Balint-AJR Day Centre at 15 Centre as 'the biggest project ever undertaken by put in much extra work, well beyond the call of Cleve Road, West , N.W.6, the AJR'. It was something intended to be of duty. Special thanks were due to the Belsize Twas officially opened on 15 September in benefit not only to ourselves and our members Square Synagogue for its generosity in permitting the presence of the Member of Parliament for but also to our environment, the people among us, for a trial run of some ISmonths, the useof its Hampstead, Sir Geoffrey Finsberg; the Deputy whom we live. Our history in this country showed assembly hall. Mayor of Camden, Mr. B. Budd, and other how we had adapted to new surroundings, not representatives of the local community. The just acclimatised but fully integrated into the Finally, we were indebted to the AJR Charit­ premises, formerly the offices of a Trade Union, British way of life, making in the process a able Trust and more especially to the Paul Balint have been substantially refurbished and redecor­ substantial contribution to every aspect ofthe life Charitable Trust whose very substantial contribu­ ated to suit the Centre's special requirements. of the nation of whom we were proud to be a part. tion made it possible for us to acquire this The Centre itself is located on the ground and Mr. Marx stressed the AJR's social welfare building. A warm welcome was extended to Paul lower ground floor of the building, and there is activities where, together with the CBF Residen­ Balint's nephew. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Balint, provision for new sheltered accommodation. tial Care and Housing Association, we had also to Mrs. Mary Garay. another member of the Served by lifts, the upper floors house eight accumulated a great deal of experience in the family. flatlets, each consisting of a bed-sittingroom, administration of old age homes providing either Mr. Ludwig Spiro, in his address, briefly traced bathroom and fully equipped kitchenette, to be full care or sheltered accommodation for more the history of the AJR which was founded as far let at registered "fair rents'. All the flats are than 200 elderly refugees. The new Day Centre back as 1941. It took at first, and as soon as war connected by intercom to the flat of the resident would extend these activities. time conditions permitted, a prominent part in caretaker, who is available to render assistance in Mr. Marx went on to mention those to whom the negotiations with the authorities on such any emergency. Although tenants will normally we owed deep gratitude, foremost among them matters as settlement, naturalisation, restitution look after their own needs, the caretaker's duties Mr. Ludwig Spiro, for many years honorary and taxation. This early period came to an end in include maintenance work and running repairs. treasurer of the AJR: Tt was he who promoted the 1960s. Now the duty arose to provide for those the extension of our activities and undertook the AJR'S 'BIGGEST PROJECT EVER' investigations to confirm the need for a project of Continued on p. 3 The Centre will be open to up to 65 visitors per day. It is hoped that the present two-day week can shortly be extended to three days and eventually to a regular Monday-Thursday service. In fact, the Centre will be open also on Tuesdays as from WE ARE MOVING! 17 November. In addition to such established activities as keep fit classes, cards, chess, bingo, the discussion groups, arts and crafts classes and afternoon entertainment, it is hoped to provide From Monday, 30 November 1987 hairdressing and manicure services, a trolley shop and more frequent tea dances. the AJR offices will be at A key factor in any new developments of course must be the availability of volunteer helpers, and it is hoped that they will come Hannah Karminski House forward in adequate numbers. This is indeed a foremost task. Were it a military undertaking it 9 Adamson Road, NWS 3HX might be given the code name Operation Lifeline, because that is what it is for so many. Our new telephone number will be 01-483 2536 In his speech of welcome, the chairman of the AJR is Mr. C. T. Marx, referred to the Day page 2 AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 WHAT FRANKFURT'S GHETTO RUINS REVEAL police were ordered to remove the occupiers from the site. At the same time, the Mayor warned the public to beware of "excited zeal' (aufgeregte Shadows on Jewish Life Now Beflissenheit) on behalf of the Jews; no useful service was rendered to the Jewish community if The city of Frankfurt has had an embarrassing to be regarded with personal and collective the problem was allowed to be "emotionalised'. encounter with its past. Work on the site for a shame, as a visible sign of Christian anti-Judaism A number of reactions by local Jews were modern municipal office block laid bare the in the Middle Ages, and they were consequently quoted in a feature article of the Frankfurter foundations of the old Ghetto on Borne Square of decisive importance to any living Christian Rundschau. "We slowly come to realise where we which were long neglected and all but forgotten. faith: the issue was essentially Christian identity stand and how the others feel about us', a young The city council saw no need to treat the ground and Christian history. man remarked; others talked of a 'maddening with special care, and when a petition signed by The Mayor, by contrast, took his stand on the fear to look back', or 'are afraid to say, I'll remain scientists and authors urged some respect for the city council's decision arrived at by a "Parliamen­ here'. The writer sums up: 'Living without being historic place, the reply was given that an tary majority' whose will, being the basis of the at home — this is the motto of Jewish post-war appropriate memorial would be devised: the rule of law, had to be respected. Accordingly, the history in Frankfurt'. remains of the ghetto would be "integrated' into the building and plaques would record the his­ torical facts. 9-10 November 1938

This was not however considered sufficient by THE POGROM'S IMPACT ON APPEASEMENT a public opinion now beginning to make itself It is sometimes asked whether the pogrom had an most pro-Germanists from the cause of friendship heard. A demand was made that the building immediate effect on British Appeasement policy. with Germany'. operations be stopped, and among those who Opinions as usual will differ. Pro-German feeling If Ambassador Dirksen's dispatch was a warn­ protested were representatives not only of the in Britain was still strong; on the other hand, the ing it was not the only one. In an editorial entitled Jewish community but also of the Social Demo­ German Ambassador, in a report to Berlin, •'A Black Day for Germany", the Times wrote: cratic opposition (in the Council), the Free stated that the pro-German lobby had 'suffered a 'No foreign propagandist bent upon blackening Democrats, the Greens, as well as the churches severe shock .. . their confidence in the possibility Germany could outdo the tales of burnings and and trade unions. These protests, reinforced by of an Anglo-German understanding is shaken, beatings, of blackguardedly assaults upon de­ an occupation of the site, did not prevail with the their effectiveness is crippled' (which may or may fenceless and innocent people . . . Nations cannot Council's Christian Democratic majority though not have been a veiled warning by the Conserva­ truly be brought to book save by the conse­ certain concessions were not ruled out. and the tive Ambassador). quences of their own excesses'. Mayor, Herr Wolfram Briick, would only pro­ In an opinion poll taken shortly after the Similar warnings were given at the time of the mise to preserve as much of the ruins as was pogrom, 73 per cent of the people agreed that 'the Nuremberg Laws. The Times then wrote: 'The 'practicable'. persecution of the Jews in Germany is an obstacle present persecution is directed with savage fan­ to good understanding between Britain and Ger­ Now a more articulate opposition began to aticism — and this, in unguarded moments, is many'; only 15 per cent disagreed, and 12 had no organise itself. People resented the idea that the frankly admitted - towards the total destruction opinion. On the whole. Professor Richard Grif­ memory of the past should be treated as a ofthe whole Jewish community in Germany. Like fiths, in his book Fellow Travellers of the Right: museum piece, displayed only "under glass'. The so many catchwords, Juda verrecke! was meant British Enthusiasts for Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 Frankfurt ghetto (they argued) was something literally and will literally be brought to pass if the (London, 1980), is probably right: "It was not the that had to be seen by the public with a sorrowful fanatics have their way. A society which is German treatment of Jews, but Germany's per­ awareness of the degrading conditions in which prepared to tolerate evils of this order will fidy in foreign policy, which was finally to detach the Jews had been forced to live, there might also inevitably reap what it sows'. be a feeling of gratitude for what the Jews had done for the city's social and cultural life. The corporate memory must have something tangible on which to focus so as to suffer the necessary THE 40th ANNUAL CHARITY CONCERT shock. Frankfurt (it was said) had an obligation in aid of such as no other German city had. It should never be forgotten that here three big pogroms had SELF AID OF REFUGEES been staged, including that most notorious one of the Nazi'Fettmilch in 1612. The administrative (in collaboration with AJR) offices, others pointed out, could be built any­ where but only here could be the place that held will take place In the Queen Elizabeth Hall on the memory of the history of Frankfurt and the Sunday, 29th November 1987 at 3 p.m. Jews. performed by A very strong protest was lodged by church­ men. While citing the medieval persecutions, they DIVERTIMENTI recalled that "in spite of Auschwitz, anti-Jewish arguments could still be heard in church and with society'. This particular point came up with a RAPHAEL WALLFISCH vengeance after the Prime Minister of Hesse (the Cello region of Frankfurt) had declared that "it is not Christian, medieval antisemitism that is to blame in music by for Auschwitz but the wrong road that has been Britten, C. P. E. Bach, Tchaikovsky and Dvorak followed since the period of Enlightenment'. Herr Walter Wallmann was told by the directors of the Protestant Academy at Arnoldshain that it Tickets £12, £11, £10, £9, £8, £6 and £4 may be obtained from Self Aid of was a fundamental error to deny the link between Refugees, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London NW3 6LA, from 1st September. medieval antisemitism and the Nazi holocaust; Tel: 01-624 9096/7 the remains of the Frankfurt ghetto had therefore AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 pages immediately involved in the running of the Centre THE NEW DAY CENTRE — Mrs. Lydia Lassman, Mrs. Sylvia Matus, Day Centre Organiser with Mrs. Renee Lee, and Mrs. Continued from front page Ruth Anderman who is responsible for the catering service. they would be able to look upon as something hke of our kith and kin who were struggling hard to Mr. Spiro concluded by expressing thanks to home. make ends meet. These needy people had to be the trustees of the Paul Balint Trust and to the As a result a suitable project for a Day Centre assisted, first of all financially, and for this Executive of the AJR, also to the architect, Mr. was designed, and when it was announced some purpose a network of social welfare was estab­ Lucas Mellinger, contractors and suppliers. They 400 requests were received immediately. By 1984 lished. But this could not be confined to finance. all had combined in creating a venue where it was clear that a Day Centre was wanted. Yes, The need was greater: there were the human hundreds could enjoy varied activities, mix with but how was it to be financed? A study group problems caused by loneliness and isolation, the friends and remember the days of old. distress of widows and widowers, of those who produced a very hopeful report which however found it difficult to associate with others by their revealed one major gap, and that's where the Formally opening the Day Centre, Mrs. own efforts, and so it became necessary to create Paul Balint Charitable Trust came in. We were Danielle Balint. in a moving brief speech, opportunities for people to meet in places which extremely fortunate in gaining the interest of Dr. expressed her warm regards for the late Paul Andrew Balint, the late Paul Balint's nephew, Balint, her uncle by marriage. and of Mrs. Mary Garay; they asked for the The Mezuzah was fixed and the building report, and on its basis, they decided to make this blessed by the Minister of the Belsize Square substantial contribution which made it possible Synagogue, Rabbi Rodney Mariner. WHO WAS PAUL BALINT? for us to go ahead. Few of us may have heard of the late Paul Balint. an exceptionally talented business­ This was in November 1985. Work to adapt the man of unusual vision. He was a Hungarian premises to the new requirements was begun at Jew (1900-1978) and by trade a seed once. Now it was a matter of devising the running Day Centre's Programme merchant, continuing a business started by of the Centre, but we had to be patient. In this for November 1987 his father in association with the man who situation, Rabbi Rodney Mariner and the Belsize Square Synagogue Committee came to our assis­ was to become his father-in-law. As the Wednesday 4th Jack Donn — Faith Healer outbreak of World War II became tance by letting us have the use of their Synagogue imminent, he saw to it that his two brothers hall on two days a week, and we thankfully Thursday 5th Alternative Medicine — Jack and brother-in-law came to live and work in remember the happy hours our members spent Goodman there. England, while he stayed with the rest of Wednesday 11th Musical Quiz by Mrs. L. Zacks the family in Hungary, leaving in 1946. In We also received advice from the Sobell Thursday 12th Dorei Duo — Musical Enter­ England he immediately set about rebuild­ Centre, Golders Green, who warned us that it tainment ing and developing the business which soon would take at least a year before our Centre could extended to southern Africa and America, hope to be in operation. By June 1986, the Wednesday 18th A Chanukah Sale including in its range the manufacture of building was completed. Thursday 19th B'nai B'rith Jerusalem electronic sorting machinery used for agri­ Women's Choir cultural products as well as minerals, car We were exceedingly fortunate in finding tuning accessories and scientific instru­ volunteers to look after the people attending on Wednesday 25th Kol Rinah Choir ments. The large group of over 20 com­ Wednesdays and Thursdays. We owe them a Thursday 26th Music Appreciation by Yacov panies became known in England as Agri­ great debt of gratitude, as we do all those Paul cultural Holdings. One of the companies received two Queen's Awards for services to export and one for scientific innovation, while Paul Balint himself received the OBE in 1974.

However, business was not Paul Balint's exclusive concern. In 1977 he set up a Charitable Trust for the benefit of deserv­ ing causes. His wife Vilma set down the policy of the Trust before her death in 1985. He was a conscious though not an observ­ ant Jew. but his charity knew no discrimina­ tion. Whilst giving freely to Jewish charities (the Jewish Welfare Board, the Blind Society, Old Age Homes as well as schools and hospitals in Israel) there were also donations to national hospitals, medical research and institutions such as the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Without being a "do-gooder', the Trust sought to promote, as far as it lay within its powers, the welfare and success of people when it could see that their assistance would serve a constructive purpose. A note on the Paid Balint Charitable Trust appeared in our September 1986 issue. Mrs. Andrew Balint and Mr. C. T. Marx, chairman of the AJR, displaying a plaque lo be fixed in the entrance hall of the Day Centre page 4 AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 AT A DOUBLE DISADVANTAGE THINKING OF HEINE Jewesses in early 19th Century Germany Young German's Essays Under the title Denk ich an Heine. Biographisch- One of the many ways in which Germany has words 'the most interesting conversationalist I literarische Facetten (Dusseldorf, 1986), recalling differed historically from England was the rigid have ever heard', one can begin to form an Heine's famous poem Denk ich an Deutschland in separation between Geist and Macht, spirit (or estimate of the influence these three Jewish-born der Nacht, Dr. Joseph A. Kruse, a man of the culture) and power. A novel-writing Prime Minis­ women exerted on German culture — and on West German post-war generation. Director of ter like Disraeli, or a poetry-publishing Field polite society — during the transition from the Dusseldorf s Heinrich Heine Institute since 1975, Marshal like Wavell, would have been inconceiv­ Enlightenment to Romanticism. has pubUshed a number of articles on Heine most of which had previously appeared. The subject- able in Germany. This was not because German It is gratifying to know that there are enlight­ matters vary from new light on Heine's first love society was less cultured than British, but because ened German women such as Renate Heuer at to a biographical sketch of the rather uninspiring society in the English, or French, sense of the work today to keep the memory of their long- period in the 1820s which Heine spent in Liine­ term didn't exist beyond the Rhine. Germany dead three Jewish 'sisters' alive. burg. Without adducing any evidence apart from knew as little of the intermingling of different R.G. elites — political, scholarly, artistic — as it did of some New Year's Greetings, Kruse alleges that aristocrats intermingling with burghers. WOMEN the love for cousins Amalie and Therese which, in in Modern Israeli Fiction the traditional view, inspired Heine's early poetry Things were not always so, however. During a Women in modern Israeli fiction appear to be on unhappy love, really extended to his other brief period in the 180(js Berlin boasted several either marginal or destructive. The reason (some cousins Friederike and Fanny as well. 5 ) salons where men of power — Prince Louis critics believe) is that most of the better known Ferdinand, General Gneisenau — mingled with The most interesting part of this collection are novelists are men to whom women seem to be philosophers and literati like Schleiermacher and two essays on Heine, the 'descendant of those 'never understanding what is going on'. There are Schlegel. These salons were presided over by a martyrs', the Jews and Judaism, and on Heine, of course women soldiers but they are presented trio of remarkable Jewish women: Henriette the German and the Germans. Kruse traces as "sexually promiscuous or disloyal'. Herz, Dorothea Schlegel and Rahel Varnhagen. Heine's Jewish roots from his youth when the A careful study of this subject has been made Jews, freed by the partial emancipation of Nap­ by an Israeli literary scholar, Esther Fuchs (living A Remarkable Trio oleon's times, were eager to assimilate German and teaching in U.S.A.) who has just published a culture, only to be rebuffed in the period of Contemporary research into the — hitherto book (in English) entitled Israeli Mylhogynies: reaction following the 'wars of liberation', a fact frequently undervalued — achievements of Women in Contemporary Hebrew Fiction which made Heine more conscious of his Juda­ women aims both to vindicate the feminist cause ('mysogyny' meaning "hatred of women"). ism. Anti-Jewish pressure then led to Heine's and to redress a historic wrong. Renate Heuer, According to her, the present image of women baptism in 1825 which, according to Kruse, was already known to us through her work on Borne originates from the Bible, and she is in fact due to his 'readiness to compromise'. (AJR INFORMATION, June 1987), has devoting another book to Sexual Politics in the researched the lives of mesdames Herz, Schlegel Biblical Narrative. Her very first book No Licence A Wound beyond Healing and Varnhagen who suffered from the twofold to Die (1982) contained poems and short stories, defect of female and Jewish birth ("Jiidinnen in inspired by her parents' Holocaust experience. Kruse accepts Heine as a 'German author', but Deutschland — Parvenue oder Paria', in Ariadne, believes that what distinguishes him from other Almanach des Archivs der deutschen Frauenbewe­ German writers are 'emotional and ideological gung, No. 7, March 1987). Being a Jewess in 18th- points of dispute', his 'Judaism, his emigration century Germany involved not only near-pariah and his political engagement'. Kruse repeats, in status in gentile eyes, but also a domestic subordi­ relation to Germany, Adorno's words of the nation offensive to the modern sensibility. Hen­ Wunde Heine which as he says 'one might riette Herz for instance married, at 15, a 32-year- diagnose but cannot heal'. Evidently recalHng the old doctor of her father's choosing. holocaust, Kruse adds: 'Moreover this is a wound associates representing many others'. Admittedly her physician father had previously given her the choice between members of his own Chartered surveyors, Kruse does not accept the theory that in the profession and of the rabbinate — and she had, valuers and estate agents 'mattress grave' of his long last illness Heine characteristically, left the decision to him. For all 26 Conduit Street returned to religion. He thinks rightly that while that the fathers concerned had been enlightened London W1R9TA notwithstanding his baptism being and remaining enough to promote their daughters' education — (in the historical sense) proud of his 'Judaism to none more so than Dorethea's father, Moses Telephone 01-409 0771 Telex 8814861 which I have not returned as I have never Mendelssohn. abandoned it', Heine remained fundamentally a We buy sell let value survey and manage freethinker to the last, not attached to any Mendelssohn had pioneered a modernised connmercial property for Clients form of Judaism that aimed to bind Jews more established religion. closely to their religious heritage. Paradoxically, In several of his essays Kruse refers to the his own heirs refused to be so bound. Dorothea, PROFESSOR HEINZ WOLFF tragicomic history of the struggle for a Heine like Henriette and Rahel, converted, she first to Professor Heinz Wolff, director of the Institute monument in Dusseldorf, Heine's native city, the Protestant, then to the Catholic faith. She also of Bioengineering at Brunei University, a son of culminating in the seventeen years of the fight contracted two marriages: the first to the Jewish our member Ilse Wolff, is engaged in research on to name after him the newly founded university in banker Simon Veit. the second to Friedrich microgravity, studying the effects of weightless­ Dusseldorf, a project which was thwarted by Schlegel who fictionalised their extra-marital ness on animals and plants. (He spoke on his Heine's old enemies in the Senate of that Univer­ haison in the "scandalous' novel Lucinde. subject at the AJR's AGM last year.) He is able sity. Those of us who took part in that quixotic If one considers that the Schlegels were leading to finance this research by what he calls his fight may draw some consolation from Kruse's luminaries of the Romantic movement, that "advertising antics on TV', which is important in finding that 'the author and his work have Henriette enjoyed the friendship of Schleier­ view of the present trend of Government spend­ remained alive up to the present as a result of such macher and Humboldt, and that Rahel, a key ing on science. Professor Wolff said these matters disputes'. promoter of the Goethe cult, was in Grillparzer's should not be left to so uncertain a prospect. F. HELLENDALL AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 page 5 Richard Grunberger story of a German-Jewish immigrant to Palestine who, after war service, decides to make his home Arnold Zweig's Centenary among Socialist East Germans rather than nation- ahstic Israelis. HONOURS BUT NO PEACE Despite such public declarations Western com­ mentators suspected that Zweig was troubled by Arnold Zweig was born at Glogau, Silesia, in of a small injustice amid the all-encompassing the vehement anti-Israel polemics of the DDR. November 1887, the son of a master saddler. injustice of war achieved translation into 17 These suppositons seemed confirmed during the When he was a boy, the father tried to enter the languages — and might have made, had it been Six Day War. when his signature was conspicu­ grain and feed business, but a ban on Jews filmed, an impact similar to 'All Quiet on the ously absent from a denunciation of Israeli supplying the armed services forced him back into Western Front.' The success of 'Sergeant Grischa' "aggression' by a handful of prominent East his old profession. The author's early experience prompted Zweig to project an entire cycle of German Jews. of antisemitism was reflected in his prentice novels depicting the last phase of the Kaiserreich A year later, in November 1968, Zweig died at piece. Die Familie Klopfer, whose hero was a on the broadest canvas; by tragic coincidence he Pankow. briefly survived by his painter wife. His Zionist. Although Zweig's subsequent novels embarked on the cycle in the end phase of the name and his work — particularly "The Case of dealt with more general themes, he long Weimar Republic. Sergeant Grischa' — deserve to be rescued from remained preoccupied with the Jewish question. In 1933 he emigrated (accompanied by his wife) the oblivion slowly overtaking them. Just before the Great War he wrote the drama to Palestine, only paying brief visits to Europe to Ritualmord in Ungarn. which received the Kleist consult doctors about his failing eyesight. In Prize. During war service on the Eastern Front he Palestine, where he remained till 1948, he failed got to know the inhabitants of the Pale of to integrate into the life ofthe Yishuv. Frustration Communal Life in Settlement, the teeming reservoir of European at being cut off from his cultural roots was Jewry. Moved by this personal encounter with compounded by hostile reaction to his continued MANNHEIM AND AACHEN Ostjuden. the poor (and often despised) cousins use of German in print and in lectures. "For of acculturated German Jews, he published, in fourteen years,' he subsequently complained," no The opening on 13 September of a new 1920, 'The Face of East European Jewry', with play of mine was put on, and only one novel, ""The communal centre and synagogue in Mannheim illustrations by Hermann Struck. Axe of Wandsbeck", achieved publication in was marked by the appearance of an illustrated After the war he lived in Bavaria as a freelance Hebrew.' 119pp volume Jiidisches Gemeinde-Zentrum, writer. In 1923. year of the Munich putsch, he In Israel's Independence year he returned to published jointly by the Council of Baden Jewry, moved to Berlin and took over the editorship of the Soviet Zone of Germany, where the authori­ the Mannheim Jewish community and the city's the Zionist Jiidische Rundschau. Four years later ties heaped honours on him — from the pre­ municipal archives. The contents include a history he published his magnum opus, 'The Case of Ser­ sidency of the Academy of Arts to the Lenin of Mannheim Jewry from the 17th century down geant Grischa'. (In it the Russian POW Grischa Peace Prize. The 'Axe of Wandsbeck' was publi­ to the Weimar Republic, and again (a) from 1933 becomes the innocent judicial victim of a tussle shed and turned into a film — but Zweig's story to 1945 and (b) since 1945; also a survey of Jewish between a decent Junker officer and his superior. of a struggling butcher who loses all his customers institutions before 1945 and of local Jewish General Ludendorff.) This humanist indictment after deputising for the indiposed public execu­ leaders. tioner to curry favour with the Nazis, was deemed * politically unsound, and the film had only a brief Details of the history of Aachen Jewry were run. Surprisingly the author made no protest, stated in the Rosh haShanah issue of the local although, in the aftermath of Stalin's death, he Jewish journal Die Menorah. Notes on the criticised the political misuse of language in the rabbinate 1848-1938 deal in particular with Rab­ Israel's DDR as "Party Chinese," and complained of bis Dr. Heinrich Jaulus and Dr. Davin Schoen- Very finest Wines regimentation. berger. Other features include extracts from the Party ideologists in turn criticised him for local Gestapo files and an illustrated article, by dwelling on the Imperial past in his novel cycle Professor Julius H. Schoeps. on Max Lieber­ SHIPPED BY 'The Great War of the White Men.' In response mann's relationship to Zionism. Last July a the virtually blind author produced, in 1962, Society of Friends of the Jewish communal centre Traum ist teuer. the autobiographically inspired was founded. HOUSE OF HALLGARTEN THE FRIENDS OF AKIM YARDEN and GAMLA H'IIIV U.K. Charity Commission Registered No. 241 458 AVAILABLE NOW ISRAEL ASSOCIATION FOR THE REHABILITATION OFTHE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED Please write or phone for full information ABEQUESTTOAKIM

Would perpetuate your name in Israel and reduce the tax liability of HOUSE OF HALLGARTEN your estate. AKIM is non-controversial and non sectarian. 100% of 53 HIGHGATE ROAD any bequest goes to Israel: there are no deductions whatsoever. LONDON NWS IRR Details fronn Hon. Treasurer: Leon Gamsa, 45 Brampton Grove, London NW4 4AH 01-267 2041 Telephone: (01)202 4022 (Space donated by Aldersgate Engineering Co. Ltd.) page 6 AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 F.E.F. A Birthday Letter

hese initials will be familiar to all readers of this paper, especially those who have, over DEAR FRANK the years, benefited from advice on matters of tax and finance, particularly in relation to T restitution. Such advice and/or information has always been readily and competently The word dear is not only used as part of a polite available — aus dem FF — and it is no secret that the initials stand for Dr. Frank Edgar Falk. formula at the beginning of letters — the one time Treasurer and Vice-Chairman ofthe AJR, though it may come as a surprise that he has "Oxford' defines it as "beloved, loved and pre­ now reached the age of 80. This of course is no great age these days. What the psalmist once cious in one's regard'. My feelings as a friend thought average — three score and ten — is now four score easily, and Falk proves it as could not be better expressed on the occasion of strikingly as any. Only recently his efforts were rewarded by H.M. Government's tremendous writing a birthday letter. concession of tax relief for German and Austrian pensions. His successful professional career as a Chartered Accountant has at no time prevented him Tribute to your achievements in Jewish affairs from taking afar-ranging interest in Jewish life and he has retained it to this day. He would have has been paid to you on previous occasions. The been with the AJR right from the start (1941) had he not then been on more 'active service' human element, however, the hardly definable elsewhere, for the affairs ofhis brethren were always close to his heart, and he himself may be aura of your personality and character can best be reckoned among the best that stand for the time-honoured traditions of German Jewry. As a appreciated by your close friends. native of Diisseldorf he must often have thought of that famous son ofthe same city, Heine, who also was fated to live far from home, and perhaps he too when he happens to think of it, is We first met in 1939 in Kitchener Camp. overcome by that 'odd sort of feeling' (only more so) that grows from the 'roots'. Richborough, where, despite primitive accom­ We are reminded of them in his cultured home kept so faithfully by his wife Lilo: there are the modation, we still felt the relief granted to us by witnesses of Jewish art and learning, of German-Jewish scholarship in particular as strikingly having escaped from Hitler's Germany. The presented by the complete set ofthe Leo Baeck Yearbooks. But it is not concern with books that drabness of our surroundings, the uprooting from characterises the man (not even the Chartered Accountant), it is the practical application of a bourgeois past, led many to neglect their knowledge and the personal commitment. There is hardly a field of Jewish activity in which he appearance, at least until army service taught has not made his mark, and competent pens have recorded them all. them to smarten up. You were not one of them! I On his 75 th birthday. Dr. Werner Rosenstock spoke of him as a 'servant of German Jewry', was immediately impressed by your desire not to and we can be certain, so long as an ounce of strength is left to him, he will go on serving and let yourself go, and soon found that your turnout maintaining that 'unlimited devotion to Jewish causes'for which he is honoured now that he has only reflected the nobility of your character, your reached the fourth score in the span of man's life. gentle, at times ironical sense of humour, your modesty in never showing off the brilliance of your intellect, and, having joined the army, Servant of the Community accepting the most humble tasks with the same minute attention to detail which you later devoted Among the numerous causes with which Frank problems they have to face. Thus, the servant of to more important tasks in the service to our Falk is associated the AJR has a special place. He the community as a whole is also a helpful friend community. served on its Executive until he had to retire of its individual members. under the '75 year' rule but to our good fortune he There are many things for which we have to be It has been my highly valued privilege to be is still a Trustee of the AJR Charitable Trust in grateful to Frank Falk, and it is our fervent — not connected with you, in a much lower capacity, in charge of the financial implementation of the quite unselfish — wish that he may be able to most spheres of your activities, to mention only AJR's steadily growing constructive welfare carry on for a very long time to come. the AJR, the B'nai B'rith, in particular the Leo schemes. By his expertise, loyalty and human WERNER ROSENSTOCK Baeck Lodge, and the Belsize Square Synagogue. kindness he has endeared himself to all his My admiration concerned not only your achieve­ colleagues. ments devoted to their progress, your success in Frank Falk's unique achievement is the tax improving the material wellbeing of our fellow- exemption of German and Austrian payments to refugees, and your endeavour to maintain the Nazi victims. Year after year he submitted his best traditions of our German-Jewish heritage; pleas, based on well-founded legal and moral even more so I valued the quiet humanity with arguments. He never took 'No' for an answer, The Light of which you coped with your self-imposed tasks, obtaining concessions in instalments. Now, all Jewish knowledge the true spirit of sympathy to any individual categories of payments are tax-free and the member of our community who approached you recipients have the full benefit of them. If you wish to be kept informed of all books either in serious distress, or just troubled by and other publications currently published minor vexations, and your noble, but never Another beneficiary of Frank Falk's devotion condescending bearing. When you enjoyed the to German Jewry is the world-wide Council of on matters of Jewish interest happy company of your friends, you proved that Jews from Germany, whose Joint Chairman he your tastes also included the "good things in life', has been since 1977. WHV NOT SUBSCRIBE TO the arts, the appreciation of history and intellec­ His further offices encompass a wide range, tual achievements, and holidays devoted to relax­ from several years" membership with the Board of Jewish Book News and Reviews ation as much as to the cultural heritage of places Deputies to the chairmanship of the — now visited. a non-profit-making Newsletter unavoidably depleted — Association of 'New British' (i.e. refugee) Ex-Servicemen. In produced three times yearly between, there is the Leo Baeck Lodge, particu­ May this enjoyment of hfe be granted to you for larly near to his heart, the Theodor Herzl Society ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY £3.00 many more years to come, in the company bf your and the Belsize Square Synagogue. dear (see above!) wife, Lilo, this staunch sup­ porter of your life, your daughter and her Whilst all these activities are open to the public For further information please write to: husband, and your dehghtful and promising eye, one aspect of his work is less conspicuous: his JBNR grandsons, and, last not least, your friends. So, ad care for his clients, especially if they have become meah we-essrim shanah, bis zu hundertzwanzig. old and housebound. He makes his rounds to 138 MIDDLE LANE them and advises them not only on their accoun­ LONDON N8 7JF Yours as ever tancy questions but also on the variety of personal ARNOLD HORWELL AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 page? desperate times. The war seemed to have arrived THE BIRTH OF THE BALFOUR DECLARATION at a stalemate. The French army had mutinied, the Italians were near collapse, America had only Zionism and Antisemitism just begun to take up arms: Britain appeared to be facing defeat. In this situation (writes a historian) This month the Balfour Declaration, announcing antisemitic Russia, and besides, said the All­ "people were engaged in the unpleasant process of Britain's support for a Jewish National Home, is gemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, "we German hardening their hearts', showing thereby (accord­ 70 years old. It is one of the great documents of Jews ought to have no other desire than to remain ing to the Jewish Chronicle) that 'a not unimport­ history which, among Jews must recall the procla­ Jews and be Germans. Our true homeland is the ant section of British opinion remains unemanci- mation. 2,500 years earher, of Cyrus, king of land of Goethe'. On the other hand, Maximilian pated from the rusty fetters of prejudice and Persia, permitting the exiles in Babylon to return Harden, the famous publicist, realised that "for intolerance'. and to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. So too it millions of poor and hundreds of thousands of They had their excuses. They resented the was regarded by the Jews of Britain. A bright light prosperous Jews, the Balfour announcement had Russian Jewish refugees who would not join up to was seen lO have been lit: "For the first time since the serene sound of a long-expected Messianic fight with the allies of their Tsarist persecutors — the days of Cyrus (the Jewish Chronicle message. The day that witnessed Great Britain's a dilemma in which many of us might have found exclaimed) a great Government has hailed the decision to stake the whole ofthe Empire's power themselves in the second war had Britain been Jews as one among the family of nations'. This in the Jewish cause is one that can never be allied to Nazi Germany. Also much mischief was was felt to be "much more than a Jewish triumph. blotted out from the world's history'. created by demagogues who attacked "cosmopoli­ It is a triumph for civilization and for humanity'. This was rather an overstatement, for the tans and moneylenders" whose fathers 'had come The general British press also greeted the British cause was by no means identified with the from Frankfurt on Main'. "epoch-making" Declaration which was at once Jewish one. For one thing, there were quite a Finally, and most absurdly, Balfour himself was seen as a "signpost of destiny', likely to "prove to number of out of sympathy with the not free from a certain ambivalence towards be an event of first importance in the history of Balfour Declaration — the only Jewish member Jews. He believed that antisemitism was 'a great the world". With a touch of foresight, the Daily of the Cabinet, Edwin Montagu, Secretary of evil' and at the same time that what he called the News said: "The promise of the restoration of State for India, strongly opposed it — and Jews" "rigid separation from their fellow-country­ Palestine will count for more in the judgment of besides the general situation ofthe Jews in Britain men" was 'a misfortune for us'. A recent student the world than all the desolation wrought by the then was such as to cast a sad shadow over the of the Edwardian era (Piers Brendon, Eminent German legions among the nations whom they light that was lit. Edwardians. 1979) who examined this "central have trodden underfoot'. To the Observer it On the very day the Declaration was issued (2 paradox of his life", termed it "a conventional seemed "no idle dream that by the close of another November 1917), the Jewish Chronicle com­ prejudice'. Balfour had been critical of alien generation the new Zion may become a State, plained of "an antisemitic campaign sedulously (mainly Jewish) immigration in 1905, and he now including no doubt only a minority of the entire conducted by a section of the press shamelessly appeared as 'an antisemitic Zionist — a Zionist Jewish race, yet numbering from a million to two indifferent to the national interest". Already the because of his antisemitism, not despite it". Of million souls forming a true national people'. campaign had caused outbreaks of violence in the course, the writer in fairness adds, the Declara­ These views were widely shared among Jews in East End of London and in Leeds. The Board of tion was not of one man's making, "it was a all allied and neutral countries — even in hostile Deputies set up a special committee "for dealing Cabinet document, the product of many motives Germany though here opinions were divided. with constant attacks on the Jews' which (said the and many minds: in particular the object was to Some dismissed the Declaration as so much Jewish Chronicle) 'would have been impossible in secure the support of world Jewry at a time when propaganda designed to win back the Jewish normal times'. Germany was apparently winning the war". This sympathies lost through Britain's alliance with But these were not normal times. They were object was triumphantly achieved.

The Balfour Declaration in its Historical Setting Under the headline 'Palestine for the Jews', the Times of 9 November 1917, published the text of the Declaration between the news of Russia's Bolshevik Revolution and the entry of America into world affairs. PALESTINE FOR TEE AMERICA AND fcOUP D'ETAT JEWS. i"- • IN • • THE WAR. PETROGRAD. OFFICIAL SYMPATHY. Mr. Balfour hjis sent tho following letter to Lord Rotiischild in regard to tlie establiahmcnt A 3IOMENTOUS of ft national homo ia Palestine for tho Jewish ^LENIN DEPOSES people :— MISSION. I have much plcasiiro in conveying to you, / KEKENSKY. on belialf of hia Majesty's Government, * the following declaration of s\-nipathy with Je-.vish Zionist aspirations vr^Jch has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:— COL. HOUSE'S ARRIVAL. "PEACE AND BREAD/ His Majesty's Government view with favour the establijhrneni in Pnlostino of a i f The Extreme wing of the Petroarad natioaal Lotne for the Jewish people, and wiii I Soviet, under the leadership of the pacifist use their best endeavours lo facilitate the THE COMING WAR i 'o^tatOT Lenin, announces that it has ochiev^ement of this object, it being clearly •*>dcpos€d the Provisional Government of M. understood that nothing shall be done wluch CONPEllENCE. Kereniky, and that it /MM assumed poicer may prtjudico the civil and reli^ous rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Piles- Two announcements of the ntmost irr.portanco ^'until the creation of a Government of tine, or th<» rights and political status eujoyed are made this morning. J^ovicts," ichose function will be to offer " an by Jews m any other coiuit ry. The lirst is tliat the L'nitcd SUfo-; will tsUo • ynmediatc democratic peace" and to pro- 1 should be grateful if vou would brint; this a dciinito part in the forthconung Intcr-Aliied •hzotc "an honest convocation of the Ccn- deel.iratiou to the knowletlgo of the Zioinst Fcdcratioa. War Conference. The secoud is that Cc!oncI hituent Assembly." Hou.se, the well-known fheiid and arhnscr of i jk J: J. tl .»»».M»AM.«,«,« tilt. «,/,,•*« page 8 AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 \ A WEAKNESS FOR EXTREMIST POSITIONS Erich Fried's Disturbed Balance

rich Fried is recipient of the Georg Buchner from almost certain death by setting him free after Eprize, the Carl-von-Ossietzky medal, and the a random arrest. state prize for services to Austrian culture While it is true that not all Viennese were abroad; Der Spiegel has dubbed him the most Nazis, or all Nazi Party members murderers, the BELSIZE SQUARE SYNAGOGUE popular contemporary German poet. For a Jew­ composite picture Fried builds up of his former ish refugee from Vienna living in London to enjoy compatriots is thus badly out of focus — how 51 BELSIZE SQUARE, NWS such critical and public acclaim in the German- badly can be gauged by comparing it with George speaking countries would appear a most positive Clare's Last Waltz in Vienna, or the reminis­ development, capable of being construed as a cences of Robert Weltsch. The reader will also invites token of German-Jewish reconciliation. look in vain for a more balanced presentation in Such a reading of the Fried phenomenon is the subsequent sections. On the eve ofthe Second you and your friends open to argument. What endears the writer to his World War, when the most urgent task facing the to come to public goes beyond his poetic sensibility and Anglo-Jewish community was the rescue of their expressiveness. He is not unique among modern European brethren, the author worked for Lon­ Hterati in owing some of his fame to non-literary don-based refugee committees. These, according BAZAAR '87 factors. These non-literary factors can be to him, were staffed by dilatory administrators, gathered from his recent autobiography Mitunter self-important office managers and feather­ sogar Lachen (Wagenbach. Berlin). A key part of brained secretaries. Worse was to come after the Saturday 5 December from 5.00 pm his reminiscences deals with Vienna in the grip of outbreak of war: Sunday 6 December 11.00 am to 6.00 pm the Anschluss. Here one readsof a humane Hitler Youth who volunteered to beat up Jewish school­ / had a trivial quarrel with Captain Davidson, a boys to prevent his more sadistic mates from vain elderly officer, who tried to pressure refugees doing so. Other Hitler Youths arrange a clandes­ into joining the army with the threat of internment Stalls, Restaurant, Children's Bazaar tine farewell for an ex-colleague who turned out or at least withdrawal of their meagre subvention: to be a half-Jew. A Nazi teacher forbears to at the time it was by no means certain whether ENTRANCE SOp BARGAINS GALORE! punish Fried for protesting at his use of an Britain wouldn 't after all join Hitler in making war antisemitic expletive in class, and a Nazi lawyer against the Soviet Union. Captain Davidson was aids his escape by procuring documents for him. angry with me because I had aborted one of his Finally, a middle-aged SS man saves the author shabby recruiting campaigns. CZECH HERITAGE SEMINAR A Czech Heritage Seminar will be held by the Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue, in Anti-Zionism conjunction with the Westminster Synagogue, on In the next chapter Fried demonstrates his The truly bizarre thing about this apostle of Sunday, 8 November, from 3.15 to 5.30 p.m., at prescient understanding of the evils, as he sees forgiveness and compassion is that, whereas he the Westminster Synagogue, Rutland Gardens, them, of Zionism. It is entitled Ldzchen, after the finds it in his heart to extend love to enemies like Knightsbridge, S.W.7. Among those due to nick-name of a fellow refugee encountered in Greese, Kiihnen and Peter, he cannot do the attend this seminar are representatives of syna­ London in the spring of 1940 — a time when same for friends like Churchill and Truman to gogues who (like the two mentioned) have Czech Palestine still offered a potential haven of refuge whom freedom owes its victory — or for that Memorial Scrolls, i.e. scrolls rescued from Prague for a fraction of Europe's Jews. matter Ben Gurion to whom Jewry owes national by and through the Westminster Synagogue survival. which arranged for them to be repaired and We argued fiercely. Unlike the rest of us Ldzchen distributed. First-hand accounts of this rescue and Fried has produced fine translations of lumi­ was a dedicated Zionist, albeit an adherent of restoration will be given. Those interested please naries of English letters from Shakespeare to Martin Buber, who didn't want to expel the get in touch with Rabbi Andrew Goldstein, at the T. S. Eliot. I wonder if he has ever thought of Palestinians or turn them into second class Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue, Oak- doing the same for W. H. Auden who wrote: citizens, but a believer in equality and fraternity. lands Gate, Green Lane, Northwood HA6 3 A A. We tried to make it clear to him that this was an In a modern liberal society the artist, if he is at all illusion and that in reality the Palestinians would successful, is in a peculiar position in that more fare very badly. than anybody else he is free to do what he likes; he is not dictated to either hy the state or an employer. Fried's anti-Zionism has recently made him take ATTENTION! a prominent part in the campaign to stage Perdi­ In some ways that makes him ill-suited to make tion, Jim Allen's controversial play credited with political judgments, because he cannot understand ALL MIGRAINE SUFFERERS! at first hand the problem of political power and the the intention of delegitimizing the State of Israel. QUICK RELIEF IS NOW POSSIBLE In fact the Jewish polity envisaged by Herzl in Der role of force in government. That is why, perhaps, Judenstaat is seen by Fried as an inspiration for he has such a weakness for extremist positions; Hitler, though he does concede that the Israelis why he tends either to become an anarchist or to Keep an 'IZPACK' Migraine Mask have not. as yet. built gas chambers for the Arabs. look for a solution to the evils of society in a Good always handy on the lower shelf of Dictator. your fridge. When you feel a migraine Inasmuch as Fried can be said to be animated RICHARD GRUNBERGER attack is approaching, put it to your by a remarkable degree of Feindesliebe (love of face and you will feel quick relief from one's enemy), this self-imposed categorical pain. imperative has prompted his offer to appear as a character witness at the trial of the militant NOT QUITE KOSHER Reduced price £5.50 as long as stocks Neo-Nazi Michael Kiihnen, and his protest at the The Spiro Institute of Education based in St fast. latter's 4-year jail sentence. Fried has also spoken John's Wood is offering courses on the History of PLASTICAIR (J. Bennett) up for SS veteran Friedrich Peter. Austria's most Jewish Food. Lectures will be given by a Mrs. 54 Denison Close, London N2 controversial politician prior to Waldheim. Bacon. AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 page 9 A film about STATE AND RELIGION HANNAH SENESH IN ISRAEL Over forty years after the event, controversy number of errors in the script, not least this Democracy versus 'Theocracy' rages around the death in action of Hannah attempt to show a relationship between Kastner Senesh, the Hungarian-born Jewish war heroine and the Senesh family, which Golan now says will The question of what it means for Israel to be a in (then) Palestine. The protagonists are be cut. Giora does not object to the choice ofthe Jewish state is increasingly begging an answer: Menahem Golan of Cannon Films, Hannah's Dutch actress Maruschka Detmers — better a how far is the Government a guardian of re­ brother Giora and Reuven Dafni of Yad Vashem, good Gentile actress than a bad Jewish one — ligion — or rather of religion as interpreted by who dropped with her into Yugoslavia and served but is unhappy about Golan as director and is not some of its citizens? According to the Religious with her for three months. Golan is now to begin convinced of the need for a film. However, he Affairs Minister, Zevulun Hammer, considered a filming Hannah's War, a project he has had in feels that minor discrepancies in the story are moderate, individual liberties in the public sphere mind since 1964. The original scheme was aban­ unimportant if the essential truth remains. must not expect to go unrestrained. This applied doned when Katherine Senesh (Hannah's Katherine, now over 90, would not agree and has particularly to the observance of the Sabbath mother) opposed it. claiming that the contract not been told about the film. which in turn is conceived of strictly in accordance forbidding any German involvement had been Reuven Dafni agrees that since this is not a with Halacha, and this the great — secular — violated. The matter went to arbitration, and documentary, some poetic licence is permissible, majority do not recognise as binding. To them the when Golan admitted having approached a Ger­ so long as the sense of Hannah's great determina­ Sabbath is a day of rest and recreation, much as man Jewish director in Berlin, it was ruled that he tion and integrity is preserved. He too has doubts the Sunday is elsewhere; they want it for sports was in breach of contract. Subsequently, a judge about Golan's suitability as director. and enjoyment; they want, for example, to see ruled that Hannah's life-story could be filmed so Golan says the film will have artistic merit and films on Friday nights. To which Mr. Hammer's long as copyright material, e.g. her poems and complains that Cannon's reputation for schlocky friends (and of course less moderates) reply: they letters, was not used. films has been wished upon it by the American must not 'ghettoise' the Jewish State, indulging in Golan stated that he would make a film based media. Hannah's War will be similar in style to his acts of 'Sabbath desecration' which Mr. Hammer on Yoel Palgi's A Great Wind Cometh, and in Entebbe film, which he claims was the most compared to the alleged impact of homosexuality 1971 he was said to be directing a film starring Mia authentic of the three made. Although an Ameri­ on the body's system; seeing films on the Sabbath Farrow, to be shown for Israel's 25th anniversary can citizen, he deplores such American-made appeared, for all intents and purposes, much like celebrations. Hannah's War is expected to be "Israeli" films as Exodus and Golda. He is using injecting AIDS into the body politic. ready for the 40th anniversary in 1988. Golan says no American actors and the film will be shot in his main reason for abandoning the original Hungary and Israel. It must be hoped that it will Since considerable resentment has been project was that he could not do it justice without do justice to Hannah's memory. M.H. aroused, the matter is being examined by a using the poems. He now has the rights to these Government panel as well as a committee appoin­ and to Katherine's On the Threshold of Libera­ ted by Jerusalem's Mayor, Teddy Kollek, to tion and Anthonv Masters' The Summer that consider the cultural and leisure needs of the Bled. city's younger people. The Jerusalem Post warned He feels that in Hannah's life there is a film against any attempt to 'make secular Jews a new comparable to The Diary of Anne Frank. Unfor­ On the site of the Elberfeld synagogue in type of Marrano, free to be free in private but tunately, he proposed linking Hannah's story with Wuppertal, which was destroyed in November bound to theocratic coercion in public'. If this that of Rudolph Kastner. who was involved in 1938, a memorial is to be erected among the were the idea, then "those who are still praying for negotiations with the Nazis to effect the evacua­ surviving ruins. Up to now there had only been a Jerusalem's peace between the secular and the tion of Hungarian Jews. Giora Senesh has found a small tablet. orthodox may be praying in vain'.

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Rosenstock who in spite of threats by the Nazis, refused to leave their Jewish spouses. A special chapter is dedicated to the problem of Jewish resistance. The author assesses the posi­ THE DEAD OF WEISSENSEE tion of the only almost exclusively Jewish group, led by Herbert Baum. Its members however were Monument of Berlin Jewry's History not prompted by their Jewish commitment but first and foremost by their political. Communist, isitors to the Weissensee Jewish cemetery retaining their Jewish identities by symbols such allegiance. In May 1942, they made a bomb attack Vwho passed the mausoleum of the Aschrott as the Magen David. on the anti-Bolshevik exhibition Das Sowjet- family would consider it a symbol of wealth and The controversial situation is reflected in a paradies, resulting in minor injuries to 11 persons security but also a departure from Jewish tradi­ correspondence published in 1919 in the period­ and negligible damage. Presumably betrayed by tion. Passing it again after the war in the company ical Liberales Judentum. The writer protests an informer in their midst, the participants as well of one of the very few survivors of the Herbert against the ostentatious graves in Weissensee as other members of the group were arrested and Baum resistance group, we were told how useful which compare unfavourably with the simple, most of them executed. An obelisk at the such tombs had been for Jews in hiding, who uniform slabs he had seen as a soldier in Polish entrance of the cemetery carries their names. The found shelter under their roofs. This telescopes cemeteries during the war. In his reply, a member plot also resulted in cruel retaliations: several the history of the cemetery which was consecrated of the old established Veit Simon family admits hundred Jews were thrown into Sachsenhausen in 1880 and in which altogether 115,000 Jews lie some distasteful excesses but in principle consid­ concentration camp and killed. It may be argued buried. It was the third cemetery of the Berlin ers the different styles of tombs to be a reflection that by their action the group had inflicted untold Jewish Gemeinde. preceded by the cemeteries of the different strands of German-Jewish society suffering on the Jewish community. There is in the Grosse Hamburger Strasse (opened in as opposed to the poor Eastern Jewish communi­ reason to assume that they were not unaware of 1672), and in the Schonhauser. Allee (opened in ties. this risk; but, rightly or wrongly, their primary 1827). concern was the general political aspect, and Photos of the tombstones of the pediatrician perhaps they also felt that the fate of their In his book Weissensee - Ein Friedhof als Dr. Adolf Baginsky who, like most prominent fellow-Jews was anyhow sealed. Spiegelbild Jiidischer Geschichte in Berlin (Berlin, Jewish medical scientists, was denied an ordinary Haude & Spener. DM 39.80), Peter Melcher, a University chair, of the pubhshers Samuel Fischer The last chapter deals with the post-war situa­ sociologist and historian (born 1942), considers and Rudolf Mosse, and of the department stores tion. About 4,000 graves had been damaged by several aspects of the Jewish past, evoked by the pioneers Tietz and Jandorf, reflect the standard bomb attacks. After the end of hostilities, there monuments and simple graves. He follows up the achieved by German Jews in culture and com­ were desecrations, especially in the years 1950, architectural styles of the tombs. In the light of merce. The tomb of Eugen Fuchs provides the 1959 and 1971. Some are attributed to political increasing assimilation they become more elabor­ author with an opportunity of a brief assessment motives, others to outright hooliganism. Ever ate, often hardly distinguishable from those on of the role of the Central-Verein in which Fuchs since the West-Berlin Gemeinde established a Christian cemeteries, but nevertheless often played a leading part. cemetery of its own, funerals in Weissensee have amounted to no more than 30-40 per year. There were also transfers of the remains of emigrated After 1933 Jews who were re-buried next to the family members. For readers of this journal the chapters dealing there transferred to Berlin's Jewish Hospital, is with the time from 1933 onwards are of special mentioned in connection with his publication Die The book is a valuable source of information interest. The unchanged attachment of many Juden, written shortly before his arrest and for Jews and non-Jews alike. It reminds Jews of German Jews to their country of birth is symbol­ published posthumously in 1984. the history of Germany's largest community and also gives non-Jews a general idea ofthe structure ised by the tombstone of a man who died in May The tragedy of the deportation is also reflected of German Jewry from its peak period down to its 1934; the inscription reads: Ein aufrechter in many stones, where the space left open for the destruction. For many ex-Berliners the Weis­ deutscher Jude edelster Gesinnung. ("An upright surviving spouse is kept blank or engraved in his sensee cemetery is not an extinct institution but a German Jew, one of the noblest"). or her memory after the war. Next to the stone of reminder of their roots. This, albeit on a declining The tombstone of Theodor Wolff, the famous Alex Tucholsky, who died in 1905, is a slab in scale, is likely to persist for several generations editor of the Berliner Tageblatt, who was arrested memory of Doris Tucholsky, who perished in and continue to result in visits to Weissensee. The in Nice in 1943, as a sick man thrown into Theresienstadt in 1943. Sachsenhausen concentration camp and from meticulous index of the tombs is of tremendous Many stones testify to suicides to preempt historical and genealogical importance. deportation: Gemeinsam gestorben im Oktober 1942 reads one photographed inscription. GERMAN-JEWISH PAPER IN ARGENTINA According to the late East Berlin Rabbi Martin Many ex-Berliners will have received, from the Congratulations to the German-Jewish paper in Riesenburger, the total number of suicides from Berlin Informationszentrum, copies of the 'Weis­ Buenos Aires, Semanario Israelita, which 1933 to 1945 is assessed at 1907, the peak period sensee' book, together with a copy o/Weg weiser recently celebrated its 19th birthday with the being the year 1942 with no less than 811. Where durch das judische Berlin which will be reviewed publication of No. 800. Edited by Werner Max­ suicide preparations did not have the expected shortlv. imo Finkelstein, the periodico independiente is result, people were admitted to the Jewish published by the local Theodor Herzl Society and Hospital, and there were discussions among Jewish doctors whether one should try to save the successor of Semana Israelita (Jiidische MAX HERRMANN-NEISSE Wochenschau) which was founded nearly 50 years such patients or make them fulfil their wish. Problems also arose when a Jew in hiding died; ago by Dr. Hardi Swarsensky. The paper is Two volumes have been added to Max Herr- the body had to be taken to the cemetery secretly independent not without impunity: it has to mann-Neisse's Collected Works edited by Klaus during the small hours. struggle for survival, and its only consolation is Volker (Zweitausendeins Versand; Frankfurt am that even the very much older New York Aufhau Often the Churches or authorities of communal Main. 1987). They contain poems which either (founded in 1934), reduced from weekly to cemeteries declined to bury Christians or dis­ had not been published before or were scattered fortnightly publication, has to solicit support — sidents of 'non-Aryan' origin. Thus baptised in magazines, almanacs and anthologies. One, despite its extensive advertising. We wish our Jews, like the industrialist Ludwig Katzenellen- Der 60. Geburtstag (1938), the poet's own birth­ Argentinian friends well and look forward to their bogen, were buried in Weissensee. There are also day, deals with life in his London exile. See our No. 1,000. tombs of non-Jewish partners of mixed marriages notes on Herrmann-Neisse in the July 1986 issue. AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 page 11 NEWS FROM THE HOMES Am haSepher Anniversary at Otto Schiff House LEO BAECK HOUSE THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK Let us sing in Jubilation, Open Day At our Schiff House Celebration, The Open Day at Leo Baeck House on 13 by Evelyn Schiff O how lucky that she came here, September again proved a great success. Though Just twenty years ago. a bazaar was not offered this year many friends of Learning, study, culture, knowledge — all are the Home turned up, lending, as always, their precious words in Jewish Life, and we Jews have On a recent Sunday aftemoon you could hear this support. Even those who were unable to be been called The People of the Book, being the Chorus echoing through the lounges of Otto present generously aided 'the cause' by sending Guardians of the greatest book of all time — the Schiff House, where Hans Freund, who had donations and purchasing raffle tickets. Bible. written the words to the tune of John Brown's Body, led their singing by residents and guests. The House itself looked most attractive, with Learning is predominantly derived from books an abundance of flowers everywhere, beautifully and they are, accordingly, the backbone of our The occasion was the 20th anniversary of the arranged, much to the delight and admiration of heritage. There is evidence today of a return to arrival of the Matron, Miss Loni Rieger, at the the residents as well as the visitors. A special Jewish learning and a revitalisation of interest in Home. She was quite taken by surprise when Mrs. tribute is due to Gertrude Dick, the Matron, and all matters Jewish and spiritual. During the last Susie Horwell, a member of the House Commit­ all her staff who must have worked very hard to few years the educational programmes of Anglo- tee, compHmented her on her achievements, achieve this, with the great number of people Jewry have come to include Study and Cultural particularly on the way in which she had always comfortably accommodated for a most tempting Centres such as Spiro and Yaker. the annual created a spirit of harmony among the residents, tea with a vast selection of home-made cakes Book Weeks, Project Seed, and specialised cul­ quite apart from her wonderful cooking and around tastefully arranged tables throughout the tural programmes in local synagogues and clubs baking. ground floor. — all of which are a source of stimulation and encouragement. It is nevertheless very sad to see Hans Freund's guest artist for the afternoon The chairman, Mr. F. Durst, who organised the so many homes in Anglo-Jewry where material was the Soprano Avril Kaye, who sang three raffle prizes, thanked everyone for their generous comforts abound but where there is a painful lack Schubert songs, followed by some Puccini arias. It support. He announced that the committee was of visible culture in the shape of books. is perhaps worth noting that apart from having a planning to hold next year's Open Day in May lovely voice. Ms. Kaye practises as a dentist. In when a Bazaar would certainly take place. In the course of my experience in book-hunting fact, one of her commitments is to look after the I have come across many different types of homes teeth at Heinrich Stahl House. Wait till the and found that, generally speaking, Jews from residents there find out that their dentist can also Continental backgrounds brought their culture sing! (According to Hans Freund, it is going to with them and their homes contained interesting happen soon.) Remember book collections — albeit mainly of a secular Rosa Butwick at the piano accompanied both Israel nature. As this generation is slowly disappearing, artists, as well as the community singing, which the greater part of their children and grand­ included pieces from Viennese operettas, and children do not appear to have maintained the some of the old folk songs with their happy So Israel may remember you same interests. childhood memories. No Respect Altogether an unusual afternoon, rounded off If you wish Israel and Jewish I have visited homes where I saw books often with a sumptuous tea and cakes, provided by the Organisations to benefit by your relegated to inferior places such as damp garages, indefatigable Matron. Will, why not consult us? lofts, and even outside sheds. I was telephoned We have a special knowledge of one evening to come and view a collection of the problems and needs of Russian books including the 1917 Russian Jewish JACK'S EARLY CAR Jewish Clients, and can help you encyclopaedia which is very scarce today. When I arrived the various volumes were spread out in SERVICE or your Solicitor to carry out your the conservatory drying out after the soaking they 959 6473 intentions. had received in the garage! This also happened For further information and when I was invited to inspect a set of Vilna advice, without obligation and Talmud. It was covered with mildew and damp Heathrow & Luton £13 free of charge, please apply to: and was totally unusable — fit only for the Gatwick & Southend £20 cemetery which in Jewish circles is the final resting place of dead books as well as dead Brighton £30 Mr H. Rothman (Director) Eastbourne £35 humans. K.K.L. Executor & Trustee Co. Ltd. Bournemouth £35 In the last few years we have seen a great Harold Poster House, re-awakening, amongst young people and adults, SPECIAL CARE FOR THE ELDERLY Kingsbury Circle, of interest in obtaining knowledge in all branches EVERYONE LEGALLY FULLY INSURED London, IMW9 9SP. of Jewish culture. Many boys automatically go to Please book in advance Telephone: 01-204 9911, Ext: 36 Yeshivot in England or Israel after leaving school. Young girls from Orthodox backgrounds now go to girls' seminaries as it is accepted that a soundly educated mother is vital to the proper education Mrs. Ethel Mahler, well known to most of our and development of the children. members through her work with URO, was 85 BELSIZE SQUARE SYNAGOGUE It is to be hoped that this interest in education last month. She particularly specialised in matters 51 Belsize Square, London, IM.W.3 will result in more Jewish homes acquiring a basic connected with Austrian pensions but is active Our communal hall Is available for cultural collection of Jewish books resulting in turn in a also in other spheres, wherever she may find an and social functions. For details apply to: more soundly balanced community. opportunity of being of help to others. We send Secretary, Synagogue Office. her our cordial good wishes for continued activity * The writer is the owner of EMS Antiquarian and good health in the years to come. Tel: 01-794 3949 Books. page 12 AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 Art Notes by Alice Schwab Centre for British Art, New Haven. The exhibi­ tion includes 108 works by the leading British artists of the time, including curiously enough ISSAI KULVIANSKI AND LYONEL FEININGER Josef Israels who exhibited in London in the 1860s. The exhibition was selected by Julian Treuherz, Senior Keeper of the Gallery, who also Stars of the Novembergruppe wrote the fully illustrated catalogue. Julian is the son of our members, Mr. & Mrs. W. Treuherz of Many good artists were halted in their careers by made his name as an illustrator and caricaturist in Rochdale. the Nazis and became, as it were, forgotten men. Berlin where he settled after leaving Hamburg. It Sponsorship is playing an increasing role in the Sometimes their merit has been re-acclaimed and was not until 1907 that he began to paint in oils. In arts and it is good to know that the South Bank so it was with Issai Kulvianski (1892-1970) whose 1919 he was invited to join Die Briicke and in 1913 Trust is to spend £25,000 on commissioning ten work will be shown at the Ben Uri (12 November- he showed with Der Blaue Reiter at the instigation British artists to produce large works for exhibi­ 10 December). The son of a prosperous cabinet­ of Franz Marc. The present exhibition concen­ tion in the Hayward Gallery this autumn. The maker, he was born in Janova. Lithuania. trates on his early work from 1889-1919 and artists selected include Kitaj who will produce a Encouraged by his parents to adopt an artistic comprises 69 pieces, including ten watercolours large figurative drawing and Michael Sandle (who career, he studied in Vilna, Berlin and Paris. As a and gouaches. has been living in Karlsruhe since 1980) who will prisoner-of-war in World War I (he joined the produce either a relief or monumental drawing. A Russian army in 1914), he was encouraged by his Portraits and Cartoons major exhibition of Sandle's work is to be held in camp commandant and local residents to pursue the Whitechapel Art Gallery next year. his art. In 1918 he returned to Berlin and studied Those who have had an opportunity to see the under Corinth. Soon he achieved personal recog­ magnificent Winterhalter paintings in Osborne A quick, or even leisurely visit to the National nition as a member of the Novembergruppe and as House, Isle of Wight, will be delighted to see Gallery is worthwhile to see Daniel and Cyrus an exponent of the New Objectivity (Neue more of his work. F. X. Winterhalter and the before the Idol Bel, a little known work by Sachlichkeit) movement. Courts of Europe 1830-1870 is the title of an Rembrandt which has been placed in the gallery exhibition depicting royalty and nobility in 19th on long-term loan from a private collection, and Forced to emigrate in 1933 and to abandon all century Europe, at the National Portrait Gallery also Jacobus Blauw by Jacques-Louis David his paintings and other possessions, he settled in (30 October-10 January 1988), including over a (1784-1825), the first painting by this artist to Palestine where, once again, he achieved a solid dozen pictures lent by Her Majesty the Queen. enter a British public collection. reputation both as a teacher and artist. Indeed, he Winterhalter (1805-1873) was known for his received a prize from the Municipality of Tel Aviv German Drawing and held one-man exhibitions in Tel Aviv and glittering portraiture. His greatest patron was The Goethe Institut is holding the fifth in its series Jerusalem. For health reasons he had to leave Oueen Victoria but he also painted the courts of of exhibitions on the Art of German Drawing, Israel in 1950 and settled first in Nuremberg and Louis-Philippe and Napoleon III. The Winter­ comprising works selected from the major Ger­ then in France, finally moving back to Berlin in halter exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery man museums. This time it is from the Kunsthalle 1969, shortly before his death. is to be followed immediately by Cartoons by Vicky (11 December-March 1988). Vicky (Victor Bremen (until 12 December) and includes 67 Kulvianski was essentially a Jewish artist, Weisz, 1913-1966) was born in Germany of works by such artists as von Menzel, Thoma, deeply imbued with the memories of his child­ Hungarian parentage. He studied at the Berlin Lieberman, Slevogt, Corinth, Barlach, Kollwitz hood in the Lithuanian homeland, but depicting School of Art and published anti-Hitler cartoons. and Modersohn-Becker. these with the forcefulness and style he achieved Not surprisingly he was harassed by the Gestapo Those who did not have an opportunity to see in his training and association in the wider art and escaped to England in 1938. In 1941 he the exhibition of Friedrich Karl Gotsch (1900- community. Major retrospective exhibitions of became staff cartoonist of the News Chronicle and 1984) at Leinster Fine Art, can still do so at the his work were held in Berlin in 1974 and in eventually succeeded David Low as the best Deutsche Bank, London (17 November-15 Janu­ Munich in 1980. cartoonist in Britain, moving to the Daily Mirror ary 1988). in 1954 and to the Evening Standard in 1958. STAMPS In the Tradition of Klee and Gropius Incidentally, the exhibition will include a number of Vicky cartoons lent by the Ben Uri Art Society Collections, individual items Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956), a leading member accumulations, postal history from its permanent collection. of the Novembergruppe which also included BUYING/SELLING Kandinsky, Klee, van der Rohe and Gropius, everything in the way of philately began his association with the Bauhaus in May Photographs of the '80s ERIC ELIAS, 58 GREENACRES, 1919. An important series of exhibitions of his Gemma Levine is an outstanding photographer LONDON N3 (01) 349 1610 works is being mounted by Marlborough Fine and over the past ten years has produced eight Arts, the first 'Lyonel Feininger: The Early books of her work, notably Israel's faces and Henry Mathews Years' is running now, from 23 October to 23 Places and Living with the Bible. The Barbican is November, and will be followed by 'Feininger presenting an exhibition of her work Faces of the An exhibition of his paintings and graphic work and the Sea', 'Feininger and Architecture' and Eighties (10 November-16 December), including will be held, from 30 November until 12 Decem­ "Feininger the Observer.' portraits of such diverse personalities as Margaret ber (except Wednesdays) in the hall of the Feininger was born and died in America. He Thatcher, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir Gayton Road Library, Harrow, by Henry was destined for a musical career and conse­ John Gielgud, Bruce Kent and Arthur Scargill. Mathews, currently President of the Leo Baeck quently enrolled at the Leipzig Music Conserva­ To coincide with the exhibition, a book of the Lodge. It will be his tenth one-man show and its tory in 1887, but instead chose to study at the same title is to be published, all the proceeds of title is 'A New Concert of Pictures', meaning a Hamburg School of Arts and Crafts. At first he which, including those of the exhibition, will go combination of art with themes of music where, in the Sharon Allen Leukaemia Trust. an original manner, the world of the great composers is illustrated by way of appropriate Annely Juda Fine Art stylized figures (in water colours, oils, crayons, Victorian Art 1! Tottenham Mews, London W1P9PJ etc.) conveying the mood of the music. The 01-637 5517 8 Manchester City Gallery is renowned for its exhibition will be opened by the Mayor of CONTEMPORARY PAINTING enterprising exhibitions. It is now mounting Hard Harrow. AND SCULPTURE Times, Social Realism in Victorian Art (14 Mon-Fri: 10 am-6 pm Sat: 10 am-1 pm November-10 January 1988) which will subse­ quently be shown in Amsterdam and at the Yale 5. B. 's Column appears on the back page. AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 page 13 Hugh Rank-Rosenthal

MARLENE DIETRICH'S DRESS DESIGNER John Denham The Career of Ernst Deutsch-Dryden ^Gallery

rnst Deutsch, Fritz Lang, Oskar Kokoschka, Bazaar, yet creating its own note, published by 50 Mill Lane, West Hampstead E Knize (the still surviving foremost sartorial the Ullstein Verlag (which is now preparing a London NW6 1NJ 01-794 2635 house in the Habsburg empire) who would book on Deutsch-Dryden). It appears tJiat Dry­ believe it possible that they would, metaphoric­ den was still in Paris at the time the Nazis came to I wish to purchase paintings ally, all conglomerate at Walton-on-Thames, power. and drawings by German, Surrey? We are talking about Ernst Deutsch, a After Vienna, Berlin, Paris: Hollywood. Aged Austrian or British Artists, significant but forgotten commercial artist and 50, he arrived there in 1933. In the remaining five pre-war or earlier, also paintings of Jewish interest. fashion designer (not to be mistaken for the years ofhis life he worked on nine films, including famous actor of the same name) who, born in The Garden of Allah and The Prisoner of Zenda. Vienna in 1883, a student at the Wiener Kunst­ and designed costumes for some of the greatest: gewerbeschule and of Gustav Klimt, first special­ Marlene Dietrich, Madeleine Carroll, Grace ized in poster design, a field in which he gained Moore, Tilly Losch, Constance Cummings, Dol­ great prominence. In 1911 he moved to Berlin ores del Rio, Beatrice Lillie, Ronald Coleman. OSCAR SCHINDLER'S WIDOW but, so it appears, accusations of plagiarism made Dryden was rightly proud of this hard-earned Emilie, the widow of the well known Oscar him return to Vienna in 1919 when he changed his achievement. Schindler who saved 1,200 Jews from Nazi name to Dryden. However, he was all but forgotten for almost persecution, was 80 last month. She lives in He must have been 'somebody' for in 1913 the fifty years after his death in 1938, and would Argentina, and it appears that of the survivors entire issue of the Journal of German Reklame- probably have remained so were it not for the only one couple, now in America, is in touch with Fachleute was taken up with reviews of his work, sensibility and vigilance of Anthony Lipmann, her. Those wishing to show their appreciation are and in 1915 Ottokar Mascha (who had been great-nephew of Frau Knize ('Hello'). After asked to write to her c/o B'nai Brith Tradicion, responsible for choosing the exhibits for the first Dryden's death his extant collection — no less Juncal 2573, Buenos Aires 1425. Oscar was the Secession poster exhibition in 1908) wrote in than 4,000 pieces of drawings and designs — was subject of great honours in Germany and Israel; Osterreichische Plakatkunst: 'Ernst Deutsch has sent from Hollywood to Walton-on-Thames he died in 1974. created quite a new, strange female type'. Mascha where Hello then lived. She died there in 1976. credits Deutsch with the introduction ofa 'figura­ Her attic was cleared, some chests were left in the tive rhythm' into poster-art, following the tracks garden overnight for burning next day. A last DR. JAN VAN LOEWEN of Olbrich who had pioneered this innovation in minute glance inside revealed the treasure. other branches of art: 'Deutsch is the master of a Some 300 of the 4,000 pieces were shown in an One would not perhaps suspect behind this Dutch strangely light, graceful line and is a distinctive exhibition at the National Theatre between (indeed double Dutch) name a German Jew but fashion artist". August and October of last year (a number were the fact is the learned doctor, who died in The very latest ladies' fashion of the great sold). How highly regarded they now are emerges Switzerland aged 85, was bom Hans Freund, later studios in the Rue de la Paix found no more from the unwillingness of the Victoria and Albert taking his stepfather's name of Loewenstein. A effective apostle in Berlin than Deutsch', writes Museum, for security reasons, to lend two pieces native of Berlin, he was originally a lawyer who Mascha: "Of course, he is also at home in a in its possession. managed to be at once a singer, actor and literary different field: posters for fashionable night clubs The exhibition was a fitting tribute to a agent. After 1933 he fled first to Italy, then, in of the big city . . . The three female tango remarkable artist who not only illustrated his 1939, to London, where he soon found employ­ dancers, squeezed into one, entice personified times but who can himself serve as a 'figurative' ment with the BBC's German service, acting in Fleurs du Mal of today's Berlin to a journey into a illustration of it. He was found dead from a heart films on his days off (e.g. The Life and Death of night of revelry. Voila. 'Caberet'. attack on 16 March 1938, next to a radio. It is Colonel Blimp). Later he was sent to North Africa where he broadcast to the German army. Dryden had moved to Paris in about 1926 to probable that the news following the Nazi inva­ become director of the German magazine Die sion of Austria on 11 March contributed to his Helped by the many contacts he made at the Dame, comparable to Vogue and Harper's collapse. BBC he started his literary agency after the war Anthony Lipmann now devotes himself and became one of the first to resume business entirely to the preservation of The Ernst Dryden with German theatres and publishers. Amongst Collection as well as to research into the life of the his many prominent clients were Noel Coward, artist. The Collection will be auctioned on 2 Terence Rattigan and the French author Jean December bv Bonham's. Anouilh. Among other memorable achievements of his was a rare production of Mozart's unfin­ 40th ANNUAL CONCERT ished opera L'Oca del Cairo, at Sadler's Wells, in With best wishes from a version he reconstructed with Fritz Redlich. He in aid of also reported Covent Garden and Glyndebourne SELF AID performances for the Neue Ziircher Zeitung. VICTORINOX atthe QUEEN ELIZABETH HALL on Sunday, 29th November at 3pm CAMPS Swiss Knives of Quality Avoid queues in the interval by buying INTERNMENT—P.O.W.— your coffee vouchers before the concert FORCED LABOUR—KZ from the desk in the foyer. Our pro­ I wish to buy cards, envelopes and folded post­ gramme sellers will direct you. marked letters from all camps of both world wars. Please send, registered mail, stating price, to: Please note that the concert will finish 14 Rosslyn Hill, London NWS at approximately 5pm. PETER C. RICKENBACK page 14 AJR INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1987 REFUGEES' ACHIEVEMENT Our member. Professor Dr. Felix Franks, was recently honoured by the University of Regens­ Erich Goeritz was a leading Textile Manufacturer Recently the LUX LUX GROUP of companies burg which conferred on him an honorary doctor­ in Chemnitz and Luebben in Germany. He was taken over by a management buy-out. ate in appreciation of his scholarly research in the emigrated with his family to England in 1935 and sphere of physics, chemistry and biology. As started a small underwear factory in Leek, Staffs. editor and joint author of the standard work Operations had to be suspended during the war, Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, of which, since but from 1946 onwards the firm expanded rapidly 1972, eight volumes have been published, he won and became an important supplier to Marks & A book is due to appear shortly on the world-wide acclaim. Born in Beriin in 1926. Dr. Spencer of various types of Light Clothing and experiences and achievements of Central Franks came to England in the late 1930s, and Knitted Underwear. The manufacturing group European Jewish refugees in the Birmingham having established himself in industrial chemistry, employed over 1,400 people in six factories in a area. The author is Mrs. Zoe Josephs who gave he soon began also to teach at the Universities of radius of 30 miles around Manchester. Erich the news in a letter to The Times (in connection Cambridge. Bradford and Nottingham. He is at Goeritz died in 1955 and his two sons continued to with Mr. F. M. M. Steiner's letter mentioned in present in charge of the new Biopreservation direct and enlarge the successful enterprise. our October issue). Division Laboratories at Cambridge.

FAMILY EVENTS for all the work and care she has put Miscellaneous Adequate remuneration. Swiss Cot­ Entries in this column are free of into our Bazaars. The AJR Club. REVLON MANICURIST. Will visit tage area. 722 3245 (evenings). charge, but voluntary donations your home. Phone 01-445 2915. Deaths Personal would be appreciated. Texts should ELECTRICIAN. City and Guilds Dutch:—The AJR Club mourns the SINGLE WOMAN, 40, 5'7", good reach us by the 10th of the preceding qualified. All domestic work under­ death of its member Mrs. Elisabeth family background, seeks educated month. taken. Y. Steinrich. Tel: 455 5262. Dutch of Heinrich Stahl House. man for serious relationship. Birthdays OLD, BUT STILL passionate collec­ After a long illness, she died peace­ England/USA. Box 1127. Liebmann:—To Erich J. Liebmann fully on 14 September, aged 84. tor and restorer of old carvings, pays many happy and healthy returns on Loewenstein:—Paul Loewenstein decent cash for even fragments. Box Information Required your 80th birthday on 12 November. passed away on 28 August, four days 1128. MAGNUS. Researching descend­ Best wishes from all the family. ants Meier Marcus Magnus 1787- after his 92nd birthday. Mourned by To Let Wilson:—Warmest birthday con­ his wife Rosa, family and friends. 1866; married Rahel Frederike Hey­ FURNISHED LUXURY flat with gratulations to Mrs. Marishka Wil­ Low:—Lotte Low passed away man 1795-1871. Lived Straussberg chairlift to let in Hertfordshire (bed­ son who will be 80 on 18 November. peacefully on 3 July 1987. Sadly near Berlin; 10 children between room, living-room, hall, kitchen and We wish her health, happiness, and a missed by her sons Julian, Peter and 1817-1837. One known — my great­ bathroom). Tenant must have trans­ Happy Birthday, and we thank her family. grandfather Mortier Magnus, a gold­ port. Pets welcome. No smoking. Moses:—Georg Moses, of Heinrich smith. Others, birth dates only. Box 1124. Stahl House, passed away peacefully Enquiries welcome from anyone with after a long illness. He will be greatly Situations Vacant details of other nine children. Grods- LADY speaking German, Polish or r"Wj»;

DAWSON HOUSE HOTEL MAPESBURY LODGE I BUY TORRINGTON HOMES • Free Street Parking in front of the Hotel (Licensed by the Borough of Brenl) • Full Central Heating • Free Laundry for the elderly, convalescent and GERMAN, JEWISH and MRS. PRINGSHEIM, .S.R.N.. • Free Dutch-Style Continental Breakfast partly incapacitated. ENGLISH BOOKS MATRON 72 CANFIELD GARDENS Lift to all floors. For Elderly, Retired and Convalescent Luxurious double and single ' Lid-nutl hi Honiiif;fi i>t Burner I Near Underground Sta. Finchley Rd, rooms. Colour TV, h/c, central MRS. E. M. SCHIFF •Single and Double Rooms. LONDON, N.W.6. heating, private telephones, etc , in *H C Basins and C'H in all rooms. Tel: 01-624 0079 all rooms Excellent kosher cuisine. 'Gardens. TV and reading rooms. Colour TV lounge. Open visiting Tel. 01-205-2905 *Nursc on duty 24 hours. Cultivated Gardens. (Pref. Evenings) *Long and short term, including trial Full 24-hour nursing care period it required. AUDLEY Please telephone From £180 per week REST HOME 01-445 1244 onice hours sister-in-charge, 450 4972 01-455 \},^5 other limes (Hendon) 17 Mapesbury Road, N.W.2 .19 Torrinaton Park. N.12 for Elderly Retired Gentlefolk B. HIRSCHLER— Single and Double Rooms with wash JEWISH BOOKSELLER basins and central heating. TV Jewish Books in any language SMALL, QUIET, RESIDENTIAL lounge and dining-room over­ looking lovely garden. Buecher in deutscher and Hebrew Books COLDWELL HOUSE 24-hour care—long and short term. Sprache, Bilder und Highest prices paid Autographen Licensed by the Borough of Telephone: 01-800 6395 sucht Barnet INDIVIDUAL DIETS Enquiries 202 2773/8967 A. W. MYTZE GERMAN SPOKEN 1 The Riding, London NWll. NURSE ON PREMISES Tel: 586 7546 (nur zwischen 10 und DIN DELIS HOUSE GERMAN BOOKS Tel 01-445 0061 12 morgens) BOUGHT Residential Home for Art, Literature, typography, the Elderly Ich bitte um Angebote. Die Bucher generally pre-war non classical Separate rooms with hot and werden umgehend abgeholt. cold water and telephone Bezahlung sofort. Bitte Telefon "AVENUE LODGE" B. HARRISON Friendly atmosphere angeben The Village Bookshop Registered by the London Botough ol Barnet For information please ring 46 Belsize Lane, N.W.S Golders Green, N.W.11 903 7592 Tel: 01-794 3180 NORTH WEST LONDON S EXCLUSIVE HOME FOR THE ELDERLY AND RETIRED

Luxunous single and double looms with colour ALTERATIONS TV C. H. WILSON Principal rooms with bathroom en suite Carried out efficiently. Also DRESSMAKER Lounges with colour TV Carpenter HIGHLY QUALIFIED Kosher cuisine & special diets customers own material Gardens easy parking Painter and Decorator VIENNA TRAINED made up. Day and night nursing care Krench Polisher St. Johns Wood Area Antique Kurniture Repaired Willesden area Please telephone the Matron Tel: 459 5817 Phone for appointment: Tel: 452 8324 01-328 8718 01 -458 7094

Published by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London NW3 6LA. Phone for Office, Administration and Homes Department: 01-624 9096.7: Social Services Department: 01-624 4449 Printed in Great Britain by Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge