From the producers of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game 19jrRl\jJg� �f!!}{fJ& ffl 00 ��\lli%\§

Official Game Adventure DAY OF THE OCTOPUS By Bruce Nesmith

This book. Pf'OIechldunde< the copylig�1 laws 01 the United $Ial.... of "'"""icA. Any mprial Of artwofl. Distributed tothe book U"""in the United Slales by Random """'... Inc., aM In Canadaby Random House otCanada. Ltd Game DesignCl1984TSA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. OiSlriDull!<110 u'e loy and hObby "_ by regional distributors. Editor: Curtis mitS h CoverArt: A I Mllgrom �G "�P� h t o I Art S m . .I�'�D�'�'I�'�".'.K.' ty�T .h.o�m.p�o�" .. �"�t;.�ri;O�'� �';;. ,�B;";';';.� ;.� ...... • ...... The o! All Marvel Characters and the distinctive lilte"""", ..... are&Of nlOll\85 characten used t>e<"in a,e t;ct�ious end do trademarks DIllie MaNe! ComicsGroup. MARVEL SUPER not ,ele, anyto per.onliving or do&w. Any do&wiptions it>­ HEROES and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are l,-.narl



Peter, you and your are Steve , you prom ised to attend to a Vet­ Read the following boxe d text to the play­ enjoying an early picnic lunch in the erans Benefit dinner tonight from 6 ers. park. Aunl May is chattering away p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Right now , you and about some new recipes she's tried. your gal, Bernie , are sharing a few Today is a pleasant Monday morning, Sometime today you should go shop­ quiet moments in one of New York's and , Steve Rogers , and ping for a birthday present for your famous parks . Peter Parker have some time off. Coin­ friend, . He's a reporter at Cidentally, they' re all relaxing in the the . Early tomorrow morn­ Te ll the Thing's player to put his counter in Park, ri ght across the street from the ing, the Bugle office is throwing him a any park area that's next to a street area. 25-story-tall Krupp building. Captain surprise birthday party. The stores Read the follow ing boxed text to the Marvel is on duty at the Ave ngers ' Man­ close at 6 p.m. today. player. sion with . Te ll 's player to put his 10 Te ll Spider-Man's player put his counter counter in one of the areas next to the an ywhere in the park, except in areas next fountain. Place a counter for Bernie to the fountain. Put a counter for Aunt May Rosenthal next to his counter. Read the next to his counter. Read the fol lowing following boxe d text to thai player. boxed text to thai player.

page 2 Ben, today is a thoroughly depress ing the purs e snatcher before he runs off the up to the Solectropac k, it can fire indefi­ day. So was yesterday. The last lime map, he gets aw ay. Peter is not carrying nitely. It takes five rounds to connect a you knocked out some creep that tried any spider tracers with him. gauntlet to the Solect ropac k. to waste New York, nobody even said Ask the players what Captain America The Thing thank you. Most people don't even and Captain Marvel are going to do - know they were ev er in danger. They Choose a counter to represent a pretzel you'll need to know to figure out what hap­ probably wouldn't care if they did vendor's cart. Place the counter in the pens . Next round, Grotto shoots at the know . To night, you hav e to be at the park three areas from the Thing. A old nearest hero. If Tu rk is aUac ked, he ceremonial opening of a new hospital man named Aldo makes his living by seil­ defends himself, otherwise he tries to put wing at 5 p.m. The ceremony will prob­ ing pretzels from this cart . on one of the gauntlets. Make an Agility ably be boring, but the rec eption after­ Ben sees four members of a local youth FEAT roll for Tu rk eac h round he tries to ward ought to have some decent food. gang trying to steal Aldo's cart becaus e put on a gauntlet . If the roll is successful It won't be over until at least 8 p.m. Aldo refused to pay them not to hurt him. he gets a gaunllet on and opens fire at the The gangsters hava normal thug abilities. nearest hero. Show Captain Marvel's player the pictures Unless the Thing stops them, they beat up at the beginning of the chapter. The player Aldo for two rounds, then releas e the CAMPAIGN can put her counter anywhere over the brakes on his cart, and shove it dow n a A crowd gathers in front of the Krupp park as Captain Marvel flies in. Read the hill. The cart crashes into a tree three building during the batt le there. Aunt May follow ing boxed text to the player. rounds later. and Bernie are in the crowd. The police The round the Thing arrives to help arrive just as Captain Marvel and Captain Aldo, or the round aft er they push the cart, Captai n Marvel, tomorrow at 10 a.m. America finish with Tu rk and Grotto. The the gangsters scatter in four directions you have an appoint ment to look at a Thing and Spider-Man can join the other and blend into the crowd. If the Thing new hydrofoil boat that's for sale. Your heroes now , if they want to. helps Aldo in any way, Aldo bursts out in appointment is in New Orleans . Right ff Tu rk or Grotto were captured, the praise, crying, "It is a miracle! You have now , you hav e a good view of the park heroes can them. Tu rk and saved me. How can I ever thank you? and the Krupp building from the air. Grotto wanted to steal the Mandroid armor Here, please, take some pretzels - to start their ow n crime wave. BATTLE they're the best in the city." AFTERMATH Captain America and Captain Marvel Use map side one. Peter Parker (Spider­ Man) is picnicking with his Aunt May in Captain America and Captai n Marvel both The heroes do not regain any Health at the any park area not next to the fount ain. two well-know n thugs rushing into the end of this chapter. St eve Rogers (Captain America) and his Krupp building. One of the thugs is hold­ The Campaign book outlines most friend Berni e are in any area next to the ing a gun. Bot h thugs have normal thug Karma awards . Some example Karma fountai n. Ben Grimm (The Thing) is stroll­ abilities. Read the follow ing boxed text to awards for this chapter are listed below . the heroes if they enter the Krupp building. ing through the park in any are.a next to a Splder-Man's Karma street. Captain Marvel is flying in from the Just as you enter the lobby, a Av engers' Mans ion. What He Does Karma Result alarm begins to wail. Potted plants line Three events happen at the same time. the right-hand wall and long wooden Returns Aunt May's purse. +10 A purs e snatcher makes a grab for Aunt benches line the left-hand wall. A bro­ Fails to ret urn Aunt May's purse. - 5 May's purse, while in another part of the ken glass display case stands in the Frightens Aunt May so much she 5 park, near the Thing, a gang attacks a center of the room with a suit of Man­ faints. pretzel vendor. Meanw hile, two thugs try droid battle armor in it! Lying next to Captures purse snatcher. + 5 to steal some Mandroid armor from the the ar mor is a cardboard tube and a Krupp building. small metal box. A well-known thug Captain America's Karma Even though these ev ents take place at named Tu rk is reac hing into the display What He Does Karma Result the same time, it's eas iest to play them case. The other thug, Grotto, stands one-by-one. The heroes can't help eac h Keeps armor from being stolen. -25 near the potted plants, gaping at you in ot her (except Captain America and Cap­ Captures Tu rk and Grotto. -10 shock. tain Marvel) since they're busy with their Damages the lobby. - 5 ow n act ions . Signs autographs aft er the fight. - 1 The cardboard tube contains plans and blueprints for building Mandroid armor. Spider-Man Captain Marvel's Karma Secretly tell the Captain America player Put a thug counter in the same area Peter that Captain America recognizes the What She Does Karma Result and Aunt May are in. Secretly roll an Intui­ metal object next to the armor. It's a Selec­ Keeps armor from being stolen. +25 tion FEAT roll for Spider-Man. If the roll is tropack power , developed by Stark Captures Tu rk and Grotto. +10 successful, his spider-s ense warns him of Internat ional. It is the only power source Damages the lobby. - 5 the thug and they roll for initiative. If Spi­ for the Mandroid armor. Te lls the other heroes about the dey fails the Initiative FEAT roll, the purse The Mandroid armor is made of several radiation she and Thor detected. + 5 snatcher gets one free round of act ion. pieces . Eac h piece protects a part of the Does n't tell the other heroes about The purs e snatcher has the standard body. When it's all on, the wearer has the radiat ion. - 5 thug abilities listed in Ta ble 20 in the Cam­ Amazing protection from any damage. paign Book. He is unarmed. Unless Peter Tw o armor gauntlets are in the case, one The Thing's Karma stops him somehow , he grabs the purse for each hand. Each gauntlet holds a stun­ What He Does Karma Result and takes off running toward Harrison cannon that does Remarkable damage. Street . Aunt May, of course, tries to keep Eac h cannon can fire twice before its bat­ Helps Aldo. -20 Peter from fighting. If Peter does n't stop teries are drained. If a gauntlet is hooked Does n't help Aldo. -20



BATTLE CAMPAIGN Fixe r is a man who makes extraordi­ The heroes are in front of the Krupp build­ Read the follow ing boxed text to Captain nary gizmos. He has no super powers, ing where a crowd is gathered and two America and Captain MalVe l. but he has a large supply of tricks and police cars just pulled up. Te ll the players deadly gadgets. that two shots ring out from the crowd. Radioactive Man is a living nuclear When the villains attack, the crowd in Heroes who turn to look through crowd This large green man shoots reactor. front of the Krupp building runs tothe park see a small boy in a cowboy suit pointing a intense beams of energy from his large cap pistol al them. The villains for safety, but continues to watch the bat­ hands and can project a force field tle. If the villains take a hostage, they grab choose this moment to attack. strong enough to deflect Thor's ham­ Show the players the three panels May Parker or Bernie Rosenthal, of mer. With his bare hands, he's been course . above . Put counters for Radioactive Man, known to toss a Volkswagen through a Fixer, and Beetle in the Krupp The villains are in the Krupp building to Scorpion, bank window. building lobby, on side two of the map. The steal the Mandroid armor plans and the rest of this battle section explains what Solectropak power source. If they defeat happens in the first round of the attack. Read the following boxed text to Spider­ all the heroes, they steal the armor, too. The villains catch the heroes unaware, Man and Captain America. Unknown to the heroes, the villains and lay into them. In this round, the heroes parked a getaway truck behind the Krupp Building, on 6t h Ave nue. The truck is fac­ (except Spider.Man) cannot take any Scorpion is a man in a green costume ing west. Any hero who looks behind the action or spend Karma. They have to rely with a large tail. He is unnaturally on their thick skins and vitamin pills. If Spi­ Krupp building should make an Intuition strong and fast and his tail packs a der-Man makes a successful Intuition FEAT roll. If the roll is successful, that hero Sunday punch that can smash brick notices the truck, double parked and still FEAT roll, his spider-sense warns him of walls. the attack just in time to react, but he can't running. spend Karma on his actions. is hiding in a basement Read the fol lowing boxed text to Spider­ Radioactive Man fires a blast of radia­ room , watching the fight through a remote Man, Captain MalVel, and Captain Amer­ viewing device. If the heroes startwinning, tion under the Thing, blasting a three-story ica. hate that he might fall into. Fixe r shoots a Doc Ock pushes two tentacles through a ventilator grill under the display cabinet 'aser blast at Captain MalVel while Beetle Beetle is a man who wears green and and grabs the plans and the Solectropak. fires an elect ro-bite at Captain America. purple armor. His helmet and a wing Regardless of where the heroes are, Scorpion charges Spider-Man. If any of case on his back give him the appear­ only Spider-Man has a chance of seeing the heroe s are not in front of the Krupp ance of a beetle. He is super-strong Doc Ock steal the plans. If Spider-Man building, the villains gang up on the oth­ and can with his wings, and stick to makes a successful Intuition FEAT roll, he ers. walls and ceilings with his gloves. sees the tentacles, but not in time to stop Some of the heroes know about these Those gloves also fire super-p owerful them. villains. If your players aren't familiar with electrical blasts. them, use the follow ing campaign section Doctor Octopus will not join the fight before continuing the battle in the next Read the follOWing boxed text to Spider­ under any circumstances. The heroes battle sect ion. This campaign section also Man and the Thing. cannot find him now, even if they rush explains what the villains are after. dow n and search the basement. Doc Ock planned this theft and his escape routes ve ry carefully. Page 4 BATTLE back into her physical form , she destroys wave-dis ruptor cannon faces out the back. the suit, but suffers Excellent damage (20 Each cannon blast causes Amaz ing dam­ The villains' battle tactics are outlined points) and an automatic stun for 1-10 age. The blasts only inflict Excellent dam­ below. Each villain will spend Karm a rou nds. age to Captain Marvel when she is in an points once, if he gets into a desperate sit­ Fixer himself cou ld gel hurt if Captain energy form . The cannon fires with its uation. Marvel blows up his suit while he's in it. gunner's agility. Any villain can shoot it. Scorpion attacks Spider-Man whenever Therefore, if she flies into his suit, he zips Fixer also cut a circular escape hatch in he gets the chance. Scorpion is a wild oul of ii, and leaves it on the floor the very the bottom of the truck. If the heroes chase fi ghter; he leaps right into battles , usually next round. the villains, and the villains can't lose striking with his tail rather than his fis ts. If Fixer's gadgets are described below. them , they stop the truck over a man-hote. he starts losing, he opens fife with the He keeps them all over his body and can In the next round, all of villains in the truck plasma beam in his tai1. get to them wil h or without his black suil leap through the hatch and the man·hole Beetle's tas k is to keep Captain America on. into the the city sewers. When they busy_ Beetle is a cagey fighter; he uses his get into the storm sewers , the heroes can· brain when he fights . His battle com puter WEB BOMBS. Fixer has two web bombs nol find them because there are so many is programmed for Captain America. to throw. Web bombs cover whatever they different tunnels. Therefore, he gets several bonuses when hit with a web of Incredible strength. fighting him (see the Villain Roster) . Bee­ CAMPAIGN tle tries to zap Captain America with an LASER PISTOL This pistol fires laser rays If Radioactive Man sets the building on -bite. If Captain America blocks the of Remarkable damage and never runs fire, the fire department arrives two rounds shots with his , Beetle attacks a dif­ out of energy. If this pistol is knocked out after the battle. The firemen put out the ferent hero while he maneuvers for a bet­ of Fixer's hand, or if he throws ii, it fire in two hours . You can expand this ter shot at Captain America. Beetle will becomes a heal seeking rocket Ihat adventure by as king the heroes help the fight hand to hand, if he has to. Every hero attacks the nearest hero. The rocket firemen put out the fire or res cue trapped who fights Beetle must make an Intuition strikes with Incredible Agilily and causes people. FEAT roll. If the roll is good, that hero Remarkable damage. If any villains are captured and ques­ notices a dark stain on Beetle's boots . The tioned, they readily adm it that Doctor stain is printers ink, but the heroes don't TA NGLER CABLES. This one-shot canis­ Octopus is behind the theft. They also tell know that now. ter throws a mass of steel cables . The the heroes what was stolen. However, Radioactive Man is supremely confident cables trap whatever they hit with Excel­ none of them, except the Fixer, will say of his fighting abilities. However, he lent strength and zap it wil h an electrical why the plans were stolen. The Fixer tells expected the , not this mixture of that causes Good damage (10 points) the heroes that Doctor Octopus is building heroes . He was prepared to fight Thor, each round for three rounds . a giant robot to destroy the city. Fixer does instead he's taking on the Thing. Radioac­ not reveal any other details. tive Man's first attack was to blast a three­ FLASH BOMBS. Fixer has three flas h story-deep hole under the Thing. The bombs . When he throws one onlo the AFTERMATH Thing can climb oul one story each round. ground, il explodes in a bright flas h of While the Thing is climbing out, Radio­ light. Every hero who is looking in the gen­ Each hero regai ns a number of health active Man attacks Captain America or eral direction of Ihe bom b must make an points equal to his Endurance rank num­ Caplain Marvel, whoever is closer. If Cap­ Intuilion FEAT roll. If the roll is successful, ber. Remember, heroes cannot have more lain America throws his shield at him, the hero looks away in time, otherwis e he Health points than they started with. Radioactive Man tries to change his action is blinded for 1-10 rounds . Since the flas h Special Karm a awards are listed·below. and redirect the shield with his force field explodes without warning, heroes cannot Check the guidelines in the rules for gen­ to hit the nearesl hero, other than the spend Karm a on these Intuition FEAT eral Karma awards and losses . Thing. rolls. Spider-Man's spider-sense warns Fixer relies on tricky gadgets when he him in time to spend Karm a, if he wants 10. Heroes' Karma Fixer wears tinted goggles to protect him­ fights and uses a pistol for most attacks . 11 This Each Hero's 10 He is prepared combat Captain Marvel self from the flas hes. Happens Karma Result and . Over his normal green suit, ' Fixer is wearing a black suil that is spe­ Any villain that gets a chance, grabs the Radioactive Man is captured. 75 cially designed to abs orb energy blasts , plans and Soiectropack and runs out the Scor pion is captured. '50 such as Captain Marvel and Iron Man's back door. When that happens , the other Fixer is captured. '40 repuls or beams. The suit contains a maze villains (except Radioactive Man) stop Beetle is captured. '30 of millions of flexible microscopic prisms fighting and das h for the door and their Plans and Solectropack stolen. -25 that continuously split and blend light getaway Iruck. Lobby severely damaged by heroes rays . Any light-based energy that hits the Radioactive Man blocks the door to or villains . -25 suit becomes trapped in it, bouncing cover the other villains ' escape. When All the villains escape. -10 arou nd forever. The suit stops any of Cap­ they get to the truck, he causes a huge tain Marvel's energy bolts up to Monstrous explosion (see the Villain Roster) and AlsO, if any hero steals a gadget from Fixer damage. If an energy bolt hits Fixer, he shouts, "Doctor Octopus will reward me and keeps it for himself, that hero looses pretends that it hurts him, so Caplain Mar­ richly for ridding the world of you." Then 40 karm a points . If Spider-Man somehow vel doesn't guess its real purpose. he races out to the getaway truck. The gets pictures of the battle to sell to the If Captain Marvel launches herself in explos ion sets fire to Ihe first floor of the newspaper, he gains two Karm a points. energy form at Fixer, she, too, becomes building, filling Ihe lobby with flames and trapped in the suit. Captain Marvel takes blinding smoke. Feeble damage (two points) each round Although the getaway truck has normal she spends in the suit. If she changes Iruck abilities , Fixer souped it up. Now, a


CAMPAIGN party at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. He should bay on the east side of Manhattan. Natu­ also make sure Aunt May gets home and rally, Fixer refuses talk about how it got on Before the heroes leave the Krupp build­ doesn't wo rry about Pete r Parker. Captain his boots. ing area, a policeman runs up to one of Am erica must attend a veterans benefit If Doctor Octopus snatched the plans them. He says, "We've got a radio call dinner at6 p.m. tonight and should let Ber­ and Solectropack, the ventilation grill from Tho r lor Captain Ame rica or Captain nie know what he's dOing. Captain Marvel under the display case is completelyman­ Marvel." Read Thor's message, in the fol­ has an appointment in New Orleans at 10 gled. lowing boxed text, to whoever answers a.m. tomorrow to look at a hydrofo il boat, If none of the villains escaped, their get­ Thor's call. and the Thing is dedicating a new hospital away truck is still behind the Krupp build­ wing at 5 p.m. today. ing. If the heroes search around the If the heroes as k about something or do building, they find it. If they don't search "Thai vile creature who calls himself anything not covered here , make up a logi­ the grounds, a police detective will lell Doctor Octopus hath broadcast an evil cal answer. If the players can't figure out them about the truck. threat from a hidden lair, somewhere in what to do or get stuck somehow, go The truc k is double parked and the Manhattan. He threatens to destroy ahead an d give them a couple hints. engine is running, although nobody is in it. New Yo rk to prove his vile genius. People on the street are staring at it. The The other Ave ngers and members of inside of the truck is described in the battle the are busy elsewhere o section in Chapter 2. Clues at the Krupp Building in the wo rld, and I must depart to aid II any 01 the villains got away, the truck is them. Thus , you four must band Beetle has blac k printer's ink (from the gone and the heroes lind nothing behind to gether to seek out and halt this men· Globe building) on his boots . Oon't tell the the Krupp building. ace before he carries out his threat. I players that, though. They must discover The people who work in the shops along will lend what aid I can when I return. it. Heroes that fo ught Beetle hand-te-hand the street tal k readily, if they're ques­ (in Chapter 2) might have noticed the dark tioned. The first shopkeeper that the stain. II the heroes search the lobby lloor, heroes question says this: Encourage the players to"investigate and and it isn't too dam aged, they discove r lind Doctor Octopus, who is holed up in Beetle's boot-prints. If Beetle is captured, the old Globe printing building. There are "Yeah! I saw a rent-a-truck double park the heroes can also discove r the stain by many clues in this chapte r that can lead ac ross the street, you see, right in bac k searching him. the heroes to him. Tho ugh the heroes of the Krupp building. The n a bunch 01 Of course, Beetle won't telt them what don't know it, unless they put an end to costumed freaks jumped out and the stain is from. The heroes can't be sure Doc Ock's robot, it marches at 1 p.m. headed into the building, knocking We dnesday. of what it is until they have it analyzed by people out of the way. There were four the police or in the lab in the Ave ngers Remember that searching lor clues and of them. One was big and green, and mansion. It takes one hour to analyze the questioning people takes a while. So, anothe r was green too, but he had a stain. keepclose track ol time. By now it's proba­ taill I'm not kidding, a real live tail. I If Fixe r is captured and searChed, the biy early Monday afte rnoon. couldn't believe it! One was wearing a heroes find red mud on his boots. The Belore the heroes charge ofl looking fo r purple suit; he sort-ol loo ked like a bug. mud can also be analyzed. It takes three clues, rem ind them of their other commit­ The lasl guy at least looked norm al. He hours from the time they deliver it to get ments. Sp ider-Man should buy a present wore a blac k uniform , like a janitor's results bac k but don't tell the players how lor Ned Leeds before 6 p.m. and go to his maybe . A few minutes later it was like long it will tak e. The mud is from along the the whole building was coming apart."

page 6 If any villains escaped, the shopkeeper out of business a few years ago. Several AFTERMATH continues : recently instal led bolts are on the floorbed of the truck. They appear to have held a The heroes and villains that escaped "Everyt hing happened so fas t. I don't medium-sized piece of machinery. In the should fully recover their health during re member exaclly, but some of them floor of the truck is a circular hatc h. this chapter. ran out with some stuff. They hopped Let the heroes make or keep any dates into the truck and to ok off as if some­ Clues at 's Bar or appointments they want to before one was after them." Squid's bar is open from 4 p.m. until 1 a.m. aw arding Karma. everyday. If the heroes enter the bar Heroes' Karma If the heroes keep questioning the shop­ before it opens (maybe by breaking in), keeper, he re members that the truck was they don't find anything unusual. If This Each Hero's an LGM re nt-a·truck. The license number If the heroes enter the bar in costume, Happens Karma Result was BSN-72a. half ofthe 20or so customers immediately The heroes can as k the pol ice to check run for the door. Eac h hero can easily Heroes followed clues and fou nd DocOck's lair. the license number. If they do, one hour catch a couple, if they want to. II the *25 later, the police report that the truck is not heroes enter in regular clothing, the Thor had to tell the heroes stolen. patrons don't re act at all. where the lair is. • 5 Heroes beat up customers at The heroes can trace the truc k through Jim McGreed always gets to Squid's at Squid's bar. -35 the LGM re ntal agency. There are 23 LGM a p.m. When the heroes arrive, he won't rent- a-truck offices in Manhattan. If the run out of the bar. But if he has an opportu· heroes call them all on the telephone to nity, he walks calmly out the front door Spider-Man'S Karma track down the license number, it takes an without being noticed. What He Does Karma Result hou r to find the right office. If they go from The bartender won't give out any infor­ office to office looking for the one where mation unless he is bribed (with at least Makes it to Ned's party. ·,0 to · the truck came from , it takes six hours $10) or threate ned. II he is paid or threat­ Brings a present to the party. 5 find the prope r office. If the heroes split up ened he points to a table in bac k where Misses Ned's party. ·10 and each check or call different outlets , Jim McGreed is sitting. Visits Aunt May. You decide they should find the office much faster. If he's questioned, Jim McGreed says: "look, I was given money to rent the Captain America's Karma Clues at the lGM Rent-A-Truck Agency truck. I don't know who gave it to me. II What He Does Karma Result The lGM Rent·A-Truck agency where the was just some guy in a trenc h coat that getaway truc k was rented is in a sleazy spoke with an oriental ac cent." If the Attends Veterans benefit dinner. '40 section of town, about three miles from the heroes pressure him, Jim tells them he Misses the benefit dinner. -20 Krupp building. The office is small and dropped the truck off at the Elliot building Visits Bernie Rosenthal. You decide dingy. Most of the trucks in the lot are in on Sunday afte rnoon. The Elliot building is one block down the street from the old poorcondition. The getaway truck is there Captain Marvel's Kanna only if any villains escaped from the Krupp Globe printing building. What She Does Karma Result building. o If the heroes enter the office, they meet If the heroes don't figure out that Doc Ock Checks out the hydrofOil in the clerk, a small man with dark shifty is in the abandoned Globe building by New Orleans . '10 eyes. His name is Rondo. He claims to Wednesday morning, Thor returns to the know noth ing about the rented truck used Ave ngers' mansion and puts the pieces Thing's Kanna in the Krupp building heist. However, if the together. He notifies the heroes as soon as What He Does Karma Result heroes pressure him, he eventually talks , possible. He explains that the Ave ngers' saying: compute r shows the most likely location of Attends the hospital ceremony. *30 Doctor Octopus's lair is the old Globe Misses the ceremony. ·20 "I re nted that truck yesterday to a guy building. named Jim McGreed. It's strange When the heroes know where Doc Ock because Jim rarely has enough money is, and are ready to enter the Globe build­ for cab fare, let alone to re nt a truc k. ing, move on to Chapte r 4. he had the cash yesterday and said But At 1 p.m. Wednesday, if the heroes still that it would be bac k by today." haven't gone to the Globe building, the robot starts its march, and they should find If the heroes ask him, Rondo tells them out about it. They might see a TV report or that Jim McGreed can be found at Squid's hear a radio broadcast about the giant bar on the waterfront. robot destroying the city. Someone on the The heroes can search the truck if it's in street may even tell them about it, but the lot. The truc k is empty. The only thing somehow they find out. When they do, go in it is an old 1979 copy of the Globe news­ to Chap.ter 6. paper. Spider·Man knows the Globe went

page 7 CHAPTER 4:


BATTLE The solar converters serve a dual pur· villain's costume. Only Doc Ock an d Fixe r pose. They charge batteries that supply can turn off the presses with devices they Doctor Octopus and his 30-10 01-1811 Octo­ power for the villains, and they are a trap carry on their belts. droid robot are holed up in the abandoned for Captain Marvel. If Captain Marvel tries Although the presses can't move, they Globe press building. It's only a matter of to go through one in any form 01 energy, it have dozens of mechanical tentacles that lime before Doc Dek unleashes the robot absorbs her and traps her in the storage can. to destroy the city. Only the heroes can batteries as sentient electricity. This slop him. doesn't harm her, but she can't re turn to Presses' AbilitIes Four villains are work ing for Doctor human form until she escapes. Two Fighting Good Octopus: Beetle , Fixer, Scorpion, and rounds af ter she becomes trapped, she Agility Good Radioactive Man. However, some of them may start trying to find a way out through Strength Excellent may have been captured when they the circuits. Each round she tries to Enduran ce Monstrous at tacked the Krupp building (in Chapter2). escape, she should make a Reason FEAT Reason Excellent This chapte r explains what all the villains rolt. When her rolt is successful, she finds Intuition Fe eble do. If you're only playing this batt le, use the lights over the presses. Normal light Psyche Feeble any combination of villains you want. If bulbs convert electricity to light, so she you're playing the whole adventure, only can escape through one an d enter the Health 115 the villains who escaped are in the build­ room in light form. One round af ter her Karma 24 ing with Doc Ock. escape she can join the action. Use map side two. The heroes start out­ Read the following boxed text to the Because they are so large , each press can side the building. JI's their move, so find heroes when they first enter the building. attack several heroes each round. But oul what they want to do. The building and each press can only attack each hero In the center of the huge open room the villain's plans are described below. once each round. Luckily for the heroes, stands a gigantic robot, two stories tall. the presses aren't smart enough to gang Its legs are blocked from view by three The entire building is rigged with silent up on them. printing presses that stand a full story alarms. Nobody can get in or out without The tentacles try to grab heroes whose tall themselves! The robot is an immo­ setting them off and warning the villains. counters are on or lauch the presses. bile gleaming metal replica of Doctor So, the heroes can't sneak up on Doc Ock Some of the arms hold heroes afte r they and his crewl There is an exception , Octopus , right down to his glassesl catch 'em. while the other tentacles keep though. Captain Marvel can pass through fighting. The Octodroid's abilities are explained in the walls as radio waves without setting off The round after a hero is captured, the Villain Roster an d Chapte r 6. The the alarms. The other heroes aren't so the press sprays a sedative gas in his face. isn't turned on yet, but it's ready to lucky. robot This gas ac ts just like the stun darts Several solar converters that look like go. Doc Ock just made the last few adjust· explained below. The hero can change his ments to it. normal skylights are on the roof. Unless action and hold his breath if he makes a Fixer changed the three huge printing the heroes examine them carefUlly, they successful Agility FEAT roll. His enduro shouldn't notice anything unusual. presses into dangerous machines. They ance determines how long he can hold his Heroes who look through them only see a attack an yone near them who is not wear· breath. ing a special disk. The disks are micro­ dark room below. These skylights are a 10 scopic, so they're not visible to the naked Poor material, so even ordinary people can break them easily. eye. A disk is sewn into each

pageS Whenever they're not grabbing some­ Doctor Octopus fights anyone who HEAT SEE KER ROCKETS. These rockets one, the presses make special attacks attacks him. If nobody attacks him, he fly straight at the nearest heat producing against the nearest free hero. They can attacks the heroes in this order: Spider· object (except Fixe r himself) with Amazing make these attacks even while they're Man, Captain America, Thing, and then Agility. They explode with Remarkable holding someone. When a press makes a Captain Marvel. damage. Fixer has two of these rockets. special attack, check the Presses' Special Doc Ock is wearing a suit that gives him Attack Ta ble to find the type of attack it Excellent protection against Captain Mar­ ILLUSION GENE RATOR. This gizmo makes. vel's light and energy blast attacks. If he makes Fixer look like an . must fight her, he tries to use a mirror near Presses' Special Attack Table the robot to bounce her into one of the WE B BOMBS. Fixer is carrying two web Ole Roll Type of A"ack solar conve rters in the skylights. Of bombs. He uses them to block doorways course, there are 'IIavelengths that are not and stop heroes long enough to get away. 1 Stun darts bounced by mirrors . 2 Web bomb Doc Ock really wants to wa it unlill p.m. UNIVERSAL DISSOLVENT. This fluid dis­ 3 Rocket on We dnesday to start the Octodroid. solves Spider·Man's webbing. If the fluid 4 Laser beam However, if he is los ing the battle , at the touches anyone, it does Excellent damage 5 Electrical bolt last possible instant, he turns it on. Even if as acid. Fixer keeps enough dissolvent for 6 Flame thrower he's knocked unconscious, his tentac les three uses in his gloves. 7 Sonic discharge transmit the starting code to the robot. 8 Electronic Jammer CAMPAIGN 9 Nothing Scorpion o Nothing Regardless of the outcome of the battle , Scorpion fights just as he did in Chapter 2. the Octodroid will march. When Doc Ock STUN DARTS. When the presses fire Reread the battle section in Chapter 2, if starts it, the Octodroid crashes thr ough these darts , they penetrate materials of you need his battle strategies. the east wall onto Garfield Street and Good strength or less. They contain a heads south, one area per round. powerful sedative. For three rounds after Beetle If the heroes won the battle, skip Chap­ being hit by one, a hero must make an ter 5 and go to Chapte r 6. If the heroes lost Endurance FEAT roll. If the roll is success­ Beetle takes on the Thing with a neuroly­ the battle and were captured, proceed to ful, the hero fights off the effect of the zer rifle that the Fixer whipped up. If the Chapter 5. drug. If the roll is unsuccessful, he imme­ Thing is not around, Beetle attacks diately falls unconscious for the rest of the another hero. The rifle fires a yellow ray of AFTERMATH chapter. energy. It causes no damage, but anyone it hits must make a successful yellow No one recovers any health at the end of WE B BOMBS. These are just like the web endurance FEAT roll or become para­ this chapter. bombs Fixer used in Chapte r 2. They lyzed! Paralyzed heroes cannot move, ensnare whatever they hit in a web of speak, or spend Ka rma. There are six Heroes' Karma Incredible strength. shots in the rifle. If This Each Hero's Happens Karma ResuH ROCKETS. A hero suffers Remarkable Radioactive Man damage if a rocket strikes him. If it misses, Doctor Octopus is captured. '100 Radioactive Man attacks the heroes in this he only takes Good damage from the Radioactive Man is captured. 75 order: Captain America, Thing, Captain blast. Everybody who is very close to him Scorpion is captured. 50 Marvel, and then Spider·Man. takes Good damage from the explosion Fixer is captured. 40 If he fights Captain Marvel, he uses his regardless of whethe r or not it hits the Beetle is captured. 30 force field to deflect her into the solar con­ hero. A press is destroyed. 40 verters in Ihe ceiling skylights. Building is severely damaged. 15 LASER BEAM, ElECTRICAL BOLT, Fixer FL AME THROWER, AND SONIC DIS­ Each hero that is captured or runs away CHARGE . These weapons all cause Fixe r tries to get out of the battle. If he is looses 10 Karma points . Excellent damage to whatever they hit. pursued, he uses his gadgets to escape. They can reach anything in the building As soon as he gets oul of the building and that is visible from the press. no one can see him, he turns on the illu­ sion generator and flies away on his anti­ ELECTRONIC JAMMING DEVICE. This gravity boots. Heroes must scan the sky device shoots a blue-green colored ray and make a successful lntuilion FEAT roll that stops Iron Man's armor. Other heroes before they notice his escape. All they see aren't affected by the rays, and don't feel is a large owlnot lIying the way it should. anything if one hits them. Fixer's gadgets are listed below.

Doctor Octopus SMOKE GRENADES. Normal Is imposs ible for 10 rounds in the area one 01 Doctor Octopus can start the Octodr oid by these grenades explodes in. The smoke is remote control from anywhere inside the filled with a chemical that dulls Spider­ building. He starts it by willing a transmit· Man's spider-sense. If Spider·Man spends ter in his tentacles to send the proper a round in the smoke, his Intuition drops to code. He doesn't have to move or say any­ Excellent for the next 2-20 rounds. Fixer thing to send the code, so no one can tell has three of these grenades. when he transmits it. Once it's started, the Octodr oid can't be turned off.


CAMPAIGN You are in a 30·foot-square room . Use this chapter only if some of the heroes There's a tiny hatch in the middle of the were capt ured in Chapter 4. Doc Ock put ceiling, 15 feet overhead. The concrete each captured hero in a death trap in the walls look like the painted blue bottom Globe building. Those heroes have been of a swimming pool. unconscious for some time and have A gate in one wal l begins to rise, and recove red a number of healt h points equal hundreds of gallons of sea water pour to their Endurance rank numbers. in. The room is filling quickly. Suddenly, Doc Ock already leM the city. He double­ a long tentacle writhes 10 the surface of crossed the remaining villains and left the water. Attached to the tentacle is them drugged on the floor near the the gray-green body of a giant squid. presses. Only the Fixe r escaped (unless Yo ur spider·sense is screaming dan· he was captured in Chapter 2). The ger! drugged villains stay blacked-out for the rest of the adventure. The water rises three feet each round. The The Oclodroid just started marching squid attacks Spider-Man right away. Start down Garfield Streelloward 7th Avenue. It their combat with a normal initiative roll . moves one area each round. Kee p track of The squid's abilities are listed below. If how far it moves, so you know where it is Spider·Man pounds it down to 40 health when the heroes gel free. points or less, it tries to break away and If the heroes don't free themselves by retreat to a corner to nurse its wounds . It'll the time the Octodroid gets to the intersec· leave Spidey atone after that! tion of Garfield and 7th Avenue, Thor res­ cues them. As soon as the heroes are free, Giant Squid's Abilities summons Thor to As gard. Thor tells Fighting Good the heroes , "You must halt the robot whilst Agility Typical I ans wer my fat her's call." Stren gth Incredible Endurance Incredible BATTLE Reason Feeble Intuition Pom Use map side two. Each captured hero is Psyche Poo' in a trap Doctor Octopus built. The traps are pretty simple, but they are deadly! Health 96 Read the fol lowing boxe d text out loud to Karma 10 all the playe rs. The squid tries to grab Spider·Man with its The first sound you hear as you regain eight tentacles (each tentacle makes a consciousness is Doc Ock's creepy FEAT rOil). If one or two tentacles get a voice . "I'm sorrylhat I couldn't be here hold of him, they squeeze with Incredible to see you all destroyed. Fortunately, I dam age . If three or more tentacles grab have a date to smash New Yo rk. Of him, the SQueeze does Amazing damage . course, it's too bad you can't see my If Spider.Man clings to the ceiling, the Octodroid in act ion , it's rather impres· squid's tentacles reach up to grab him. sive. Don't bot her trying to find me, this The squid can spray a thick black ink is a recording. HAHAHAHA!" into the water, making it impossible to see below the surface . Spider·Man's Fighting The heroes' traps are described sepa· ability drops to Excenent while he fights rately below. under the inky water, because he is disori­ ented. Spider.Man is als o in danger of Spider-Man drown ing (see "Special Environments" in the Campaign Book). Spider·Man is locked in a basement room under the presses. The wal ls are made of Remarkable strength reinforced concrete. There's a hatch in the ceiling, also of Remarkable strength. The first round after he wakes up he's too groggy to do any­ thing. Read the boxed text below.

page 10 Captain America America looks like to the Thing. Captain America cannot do an ything for Doctor Octopus connected the build­ one ro und as he awakes, because he is ing's solar conve rters and giant storage dizzy. Read the boxed text below aloud. batte ries to the grate under the Thing's feet. When the Thing lets go of the Sling­ Yo ur back is pressed against an iron shot, a million volts surge through the beam an d your wrists are tied together grate, causing Amazing damage each behind it. The'ropes aroun d your chest ro und. When he jumps off the grate, he an d arms make it difficult to breath. stops taking dam age. Yo ur shield is loaded in a giant sling· shot pointed right at your chest! Captain Marvel Doctor Octopus locked Captain Marve l in Make sure the player understands that the a large box in the loading docks area. Sev­ shield will kill Captain America if it is fired eral large cables lead into an d out of the from the sling shot. box. Read the following passage out loud. The rope binding him is a nylon of Remarkable strength. Captain America Yo u wake up in total darkness, trapped might not break it by sheer strength (he in a rat her large box. The walls , floor, must make a red strength FEAT rOil). an d ceiling are all made of a very hard, He can kick the shield out of the way smooth metal. There is no apparent afte r it's fired from the slingshot if he exit. makes a successful yellow Fig hting FEAT ro ll. The box is made out of a ·steel If the Thing was also captured, he is alloy that naturally acts as a mirror. It is an holding the slingshot back . Doctor Octo­ Incredibly strong material. A magnetic pus hypnotized the Thing and ordered him field makes it an almost perfect reflector. It to fire the slingshot when he hears a bell. A ref lects all wavelengths, even radiowaves. giant kitchen timer, set for two minutes, Any light or energy beam Captain Marve l sits on the floor near the Thing. Captain produces could bounce aro und forever America has eight rounds before the bell inside the box. Don't tell Captain Marvel rings. how reflective the box is until she makes If the Thing is not a prisoner, a simple some sort of light. trigger device is holding back the sling­ Unfortunately for her, the box is not ven· AFTERMATH shot. Captain America is standing on a tilated. In 10 ro unds she faints from lack of The heroes do not regain any health at the foot pedal connected to the trigger. If he oxygen. In 50 rounds she will be dead. steps off the pedal, the slingshot fires. Since no material is a perfect reflector, end of this chapter. some of her energy, however small, is Individual Karma Rewards The Thing transferred to the walls when she bounces off them in light form. If she concentrates The Hero Who Gets.Thls Doc Ock hypnotized the Thing into believ­ on a single spot for a few ro unds, tell her Does This Karma Award ing he is about to kill that evil arch-villain, that that spot becomes warm . Also tell her Doctor Doom, wit h a giant slingshot! Of +20 that the inside of the box becomes very Escapes without help from an yone. course, Doctor Doom isn't re ally there. brig ht. Concentrated energy on one spot Is res cued or escapes with Read the following boxed text aloud. help from another hero. for three ro unds melts a small hole in the bOx that she can escape through. How· Rescues or helps another hero Yo u wake up holding back a loaded escape. ever, if she doesn't close her eyes, she is + 5 giant slingshot, aimed straight at Doc­ temporarily blinded for 2·20 ro unds af ter tor Doom, who's tied to a post. The she escapes . If Thor has to rescue anyone, the heroes slingshot is hard to hold, but your feet loose five Karm a points apiece. are firmly planted on a metal grate, and Remember, if the heroes don't free them­ that helps. Yo u don't feel in control of selves by the time the Octodroid gets to your mind, but somehow you know that the intersection of Garfield and 7t h Ave ­ you must wait until you hear a bell nue, Thor rescues them, then leaves before you fire the slingshot. immediately for . The heroes cannot find or capture Doc­ The Thing cannot re gain control of his tor Octopus. He left the city, and is watch­ actions until he breaks the hypnotism. ing the final conflict through remote TV Each round, he can make a Psyche FEAT cameras in the Octodroid's eyes. How­ roll. If he gets a yellow result or better, he is ever, he may reappear in other adventures freed from the hypnosis. where the heroes might capture him. A small kitchen timer lies on the floor When the heroes go af ter the Octodroid, near him. The timer's bell will ring in 20 proceed to Chapter 6. Only they can stop ro unds. the Octo droid's path of destruction. If Captain America was also captured, his shield is loaded in the slingshot and he is tied to a beam in front of it! Captain

page 11 CHAPTER 6: WHAT HAS FOUR TENTACLES AND DESTROYS BATTLE NEW YORK CITY? Doc Ock's powerful Octodroid is marching through New Yor k, pounding buildings into rubble, cracking street pavement, and crushing cars. If the heroes don't sl op it, New Yor k is doomed! The Octodroid's abilities are explained in the Villain Aoster. lay map side one up and get out the Octodroid counter. The Oclodroid started on Garfield Str eet, directly east of the Globe Press building. Where it is now depends upon what just happened in your game. If the heroes never went to the Globe building, wherever they are, they hear about the Oclodr oid as soon as it starts mar ching. Place the Oclodr oid counter on the map al the intersect ion 01 Garfield Street and 7th Avenue; the heroes start in any area they want thai is at least two areas away from the Octodr oid. If the heroes went to the globe building and Doc Ock st ar ted the Octodroid early or during the batt le, place the counter right outside the Globe building on Garfield Street. If the heroes wer e capt ured in the Globe building. place the counter a number 01 areas down the road equal to the number of rounds the heroes take to escape and get to it. Remember that Thor will rescue the heroes if they don't escape by the time the Octodroid reaches the intersect ion of Garfield and 7th Avenue. If you're playing this battle by itself, put the counter next to the Globe Press build­ ing. The same challenge repeats ever y third energy beam at that hero. Every round the The Octodroid moves one area south round. The sneering recorded voice Octodroid fights a hero, it does not demol­ down Garfield every round until it reaches sounds just like Doctor Octopus. ish any buildings, and does not move. 7th Avenue. At 7th Avenue it turns east The Octodroid is just a big dumb robot. If a hero clings to the body of the Octo­ and heads toward the Krupp building. It doesn't act with any intel ligence. Doctor droid, the robot does two things. First, it The Octodroid is so big and causes Octopus and Fixer programmed it to follows one of its two basic tactics, such destr uction that it's visible from any­ destroy New Yor k, street by street . Its explained above. Second, its human where on the map, except inside build­ memor y bank contains a complete map of hands try to pluck the pesky hero off its ings. When the heroes get their first the city. It never leaves the street areas. body. The round after it successfully grabs up-close look at it, read the following The Octodroid is also just plain sl ow, so it the hero, it throws him into the nearest boxed text out loud. always loses initiative. But, it never has to building. When that happens, decide what declare its actions. the building is made of because that hero A gigant ic robot copy of Doctor Octo­ The Octodroid has only two basic tac­ takes damage equal to the toughness 01 pus is marching down the street, tics. The one it uses is deter mined by building. For example, if the Octodroid swinging its tentacles with ferocious whether or not it was damaged each throws Spider-Man into a brick building, speed. It's pounding buildings on bot h round. Spider-Man takes Good damage because sides 01 the street into rubble. Each If the Octodr oid was not hurt during the mortared brick is a Good mater ial. If the step it takes sends tremors through the round, it demolishes buildings with its ten­ building was made of steel, Spider-Man ground and breaks up big chunks 01 tacles. The tentacles punch into the first would take Remarkable damage. Ouch! pavement. lloor of a building, then rip up through it. It may appear that the Octodroid is The 3O-loot-tall metal monster bel­ Sometimes it smash es buildings between unstoppable, but it's not. It does have an lows out a challenge: "This is the voice its tentacles. Achilles' heel (act ually an achilles' foot). 01 Doctor Octopus. This city is doomed! If the Octodroid was damaged, it tries to Its weak spot is the bottoms of its feet. Doc I shall crack it open like an egg. If I am knock out the hero who harmed it. If that Ock and Fixer needed a way to get into the not made the ultimate ruler 01 the hero is within reach of a tentacle, it tries to Octodroid to make adjustments, so they United Stat es, my Octodr oid will march punch the daylights out of him. If its tenta­ built a hatch In the bottom of each foot. on Wash ington D.C.!" cles can't reach, the Octodroid lires its The hatch is clearly visible to anyone under the Octodroid. Of course, being page 12 under the Octodroid's foot causes prob­ the Octodroid. help because many fire hydrants are dam­ lems of its own . When the Octodroid reaches the street aged, too. The hatches in its feet are not made of area next to that building, it demolishes the same vibran ium-steel alloy the rest of the building's first floor. The rest of the AFTERMATH the Octodroid is made of. The hatches are building starts to collapse. Unless he's on ly made out of Remarkable strength saved, lance is partly buried in the rubble, The heroes recover their health com­ steeL Many of Captain Marvel's energy knocked unconscious, and stays in a pletely at the end of this chapter. This was forms can penetrate these doors . coma for a week. the last battle in this adventure. let's suppose the Octodroid steps on the Thing (caus ing Unearthly damage) but The Air Force Helps Out Heroes' Karma the Thing sees the hatch an d punches it. If The Air Force dispatched an attack heli­ If This Each Hero's he makes a successful St rength FE AT roll, copter to help the heroes destroy the Octo­ Happens Karma Result the hatch breaks open! droid. The chopper arrives when the There are six areas inside the Octo­ Octodroid is an ywhere between Garfield The heroes defeat the Octodroid droid. Heroes move from one are a to Street and Cleveland Street. without Thor's help. '120 an other inside the robot just like they Eac h round, the chopper flies through The heroes stop the Octodroid move on the map. The six areas are: right the area the robot is in, strafing it. The heli­ with Thor's help. 20 leg, left leg, body, right arm, left arm , and copter's guns cause Amazing damage, The Octodroid destroys only head. Heroes must pass through the body but that isn't enough to hurt the Octodroid. 4 or less building areas . 20 area to move between the other are as . The Octodroid attempts to grab the The Octodroid destroys more The tentacles are completely filled with chopper wit h its human hands. If it's suc­ than 10 building areas 20 hydraulics an d other machinery, so the cessful, it holds the chopper for three The man and the boy in the stalled heroes can't move into them. - 30 roun ds, then throws it into a nearby build­ car are not rescued. The interior of the Octodroid is made of lance Bannon is not rescued. • ing. If the heroes don't rescue the pilot, he 30 a lightweight metal that gives excellent • is burned and hospitalized for many The chopper pilot is not rescued. 30 protection from damage. Therefore, the weeks. Individual Karma Rewards robot is easier to destroy from inside than it is from outside. o The Hero Who Gets This The robot's main computer is in its When the Octodroid's health drops to Does This Karma Award head. The Octodroid takes double dam­ zero, it stops dead in its tracks. The next Saves the man and the boy in age from successful attacks there. round it falls over (you decide which direc­ the stalled car. '30 While the heroes battle the Octodroid, tion), causing Unearthly damage to any­ Saves lance Bannon. '30 you can make life more interesting for thing it lands on and Excellent damage to Saves the jet pilot. '30 them by addin g in one or more of the fot­ an ybody inside it. lowing encounters. If the heroes don't stop the Octodroid You decide what other Karma awards an d before it reaches Harrison Street, Thor penalties to give the heroes. returns from As gard and saves the day. o When the robot steps into the intersection Stalled Car of Harrison and 7th Avenue, Thor swoops Put a car counter on the map, two areas down in front of it and hurls his hammer at ahead of the Octodroid. Read the follow­ its head. The hammer slams into the robot ing boxed text to the players. and damages the main computer. The Octodroid rocks back, an d topples over. A car just stalled in the street, right in Once it's down, Thor points out the trap front of the Octodroid! A man and a doors, and tells the heroes to finish it off young boy are in the car, too panicked from the inside. to move. They need help!

When the Octodroid gets to the car, it kicks it into a nearby building. Unless the CAMPAIGN heroes prevent the car from being kicked or rescue the man and boy in it first, the Atter the Octodroid is destroyed, uncon­ crash severely wounds the two passen­ scious heroes can be taken to the Ave ng­ gers , who fall unconscious. ers' mansion to recover. Seve ral ways to ·expand this adventure are listed below. Lance Bannon Gets More Than He Injured people need to be taken to hos­ Bargained For pitals. Rescue helicopters and ambu­ lance Bannon is a photograp her for the lances can take some of them, but not all. Daily Bugle. He and Peter Parker usually Many citizens and policemen are work­ ing to rescue people trapped in the rubble , compete for pictures of heroes doing but they could really use some help. heroic deeds. To day, lance is determined to outdo Peter Parker. lance is perched on A building that the Octodroid smashed starts burning (you decide which one). The top of a building alon g 7th Avenue, where flames spread rapidly through the dam­ he's snapping pictures of the Octodroid. Not too bright , is he? Put a counter for aged an d destroyed buildings. The fire lance on the roof of any building ahead of department races to the scene, but needs



It's time to lie up loose ends and finish off this adventure. New Yo rk slays pretty qUIet for a couple days after the heroes stop the Octodroid. The days after that last batt le should give the heroes a chance to tully recover, see their friends and family, and catch up on their work and studies Even though this adventure ended, your heroes live onl As long as Villains like Doc Ock inSist on trYing oul their crazy schemes, heroes Will have their hands full. Go ahead and Invent your own adventures to carry on from here - or start a new adventure! VILLAIN ROSTER

..1 I DOCTOR OCTOPUS'· RADIOACTIVE MAN� SCORPION'· Reat Name: Dr. Otto Octavius Real Name: Dr. Chen Lu Real Name: Mac Donald "MAC" Gargan

Abilities Abilities Abilities Fighting Poor Fighting Typical Fighting Remarkable Agility Typical Agility Good Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Strength Remarkable Strength Incredible Endurance Good Endurance Excellent Endurance Incredible Reason Excellent Reason Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Typical Intuition Ty pical Intuition Typical Psyche Excellent Psyche Typical Psyche Good

Health 50 Health 66 Health 150 Karma 46 Karma 32 Karma 22 POWERS POWERS POWERS

Fo ur metal tentacles are attac hed to Doc From his hands, Radioactive Man can pro­ Scorpion can climb any wall that he can Ock's body at his waist, two on each side. ject beams of Gamma rays that do Amaz­ grip ormake a grip in. He can't climb glass The tentacles are made of an Amazingly ing dam age. He can also re lease most of walls , but he can climb smooth concrete n strong material. Remarkably strong pinch­ his ener�y in a devastating explosion. The walls because he can make holes i the ers are fastened to the ends of the tenta­ blast inflict.:: Remarkable damage to eve­ concrete. cles. rything in his drea and an d Excellent dam­ Climbing walls and climbing on ceilings Each tentacle's lifting and damage age to everything in each adjacent area. are two different things. Scorpion only strength is Remarkable. When Doc Ock However, he can only explode like this climbs on ceilings in emergencies. braces himself with two tentac les, the once per day. Scorpion's green costume contains a other two can lift together with Incredible Radioactive Man can project a force steel mesh and a rubbe r underlayer that Strength. His tentacles can extend to any field that gives him Monstrous protection. absorb the first 20 points of damage from part of the area he occupies. This force field is even strong enough to any at tack. That means he has Excellent DocOck can attack twice each round. If repe l Thor's hammerl However, the force protection. The rubbe r underlayer further he attacks the same target with more than field does have a draw back - it works insulates him from electrical shocks, pro­ one tentacle, he only makes one FEAT roll. both ways. So, when he has it on, he can't viding Remarkable protection from electri­ However, his damage goes up one rank for attack. cal damage. each tentacle he uses. One tentacle The force field can re direct any thrown Scorpion has a tail made of an Incredi­ causes Remarkable damage; to gether, all object that might hit Radioactive Man. His ble mate rial . He att ac ks with his tail just four cause Monstrous damage. When he aim for re directing things with his force like he does with his arms and feet. But uses all four, he must make an Endurance field is only Typical though. watch out! Thai lail does Amazing dam­ FEAT roll. If he fails, he can only dodge Unfortunately for him, Radioactive agel and defend himself in the next ro und - he Man's body slowly leaks background radi­ Scorpion's tail also contains a plasma cannot attack. ation all the time. That leak often makes projector that does Remarkable damage . him easy to detect an d find. Most heroes don't know about this recent TA LENTS modification, so Scorpion won't use it right TA LENTS away in battle. He'll save it for a surprise Doctor Octopus is a scientist specializing attack. in mechanics and robotics. Dr. Chen Lu is a nuclear physicist. He has a great understanding of his own powe rs. TA LENTS

MacDonald Gargan has no particular tal­ ents. page 15 { '� l. J

BEETLE'· FIXER'· OCTODROID ROBOT'· Aeal Name: Real Name: Norbert Ebersol

Abilities Abilities Abilities Fighting • Good Fighting Typical Fighting Remarkable Agility • Good Agility Typical Agility Good Strength Excellent Strength Typical Strength Unearthly Endurance Excellent Endurance Typical Endurance Monstrous Reason Excellent Reason Incredible Reason Typical Intuition • Remarkable Intuition Excellent Intuition Feeble Psyche Typical Psyche Good Psyche Poo'

Health 36 Health 2. Health 215 Karma 56 Karma 70 Karma 12 • These abilities can change - read on! POWERS POWERS POWERS Most of Fixer's powers come from the The Octodroid is a 3D-foot-tall robot that Beetle's armor suit gives him Excellent astounding gadgets and weapons he looks just like its inventor, Doctor Octopus. protection. It absorbs the first 20 damage invents and uses. When he appears in this The Octodroid's tooled vibranium-steel points that hit him. His armor also raises adventure, the gadgets he has with him alloy surface is Monstrous protection his Strength and Endurance, which are are explained. Below are the devices he against all physical and energy attacks. normally only Typical. always carries with him. It's almost indestructible. No energy form Beetle's armor suit includes a built-in Fixer's green costume gives him Typical can penetrate it (unless it is powerful battle computer that can be programmed protection from attacks. However, its insu­ enough to destroy the armor). (once per battle) 10 predict the techniques lation provides Good protection from elec· The Octodroid has four tentacles and of a single opponent. When Beetle fights tricity, light, and radiation damage. two humanoid arms, just like Doc Ock. that opponent, some of Beetle's abilities Antigravity disks on the soles of his The humanoid arms are mostly for show, improve - his Fighting and Agility boots enable him to fly with Incredible but have powerful grips and are used become Remarkable and his Intuition speed. when none of the tentacles are free. The becomes Amazing. Remember, these His head gear contains a face plate that tentacles can reach up to two areas away. bonuses only apply to his actions against allows him to breathe without any outside A wave-disruptor cannon similar to the his programmed opponent. air supply for up to three hours. one in the getaway truck in Chapter 2 is Beetle built suction cups into the gloves mounted in each tentacle. Each cannon of his suit so he can stick to most surfaces. TA LENTS can fire twice, and each shot causes He can't stick to wet or very porous sur­ Amazing damage. Captain Marvel only faces, though. When it comes to mechanics, Norbert receives Remarkable damage from a hit Beetle's gloves also contain an electro­ Ebersol is one of the most brilliant and while she's in energy form. bite. To gether, they discharge electric innovative minds on earth. He is capable The robot does not use its tentacles for bolts that inflict Excellent damage. of inventing items of great complexity very movement the way Doctor Octopus does. Mylar wings in his suit give Beetle quickly. It uses its humanoid feet to move one area Excellent flying speed, but they also make per round. It is programmed to destroy the him look like a bug! city of New Yo rk, street by street. See the battle section in Chapter 6 for more details TA LENTS about the Octodroid's programming and weaknesses. Abner Jenkins is a master mechanic. He The Octodroid is not intelligent, so it can adjust his suit in minor ways and build can't be reasoned with, or even talked to! small devices. TSR, Inc. It's just a machine. POB 756 page 16 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 6850XXXl501