timmmwk mmM Mit$~mm B, No. 9. GAUDAPADA-KARIKA Edited with a complete translation into English, Notes, Introduction and Appendices By Raghunath Damodar Karmarkar Director,, Post-Graduate and Research Department, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute ( Efc-Principal, Sp|§|raj»kurambhau College, Poona ) Published By Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1953 Copies can be had direct from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4 ( India) Price: rs, 5 per copy, exclusive of postage Printed and published by Dr. R. N. Dandekar, M.A„ Ph.D., at the Bhandarkar Institute Press, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona No. 4. J " " U^f^T STTOimidftr: , 3?g^lTTf W 1 4k4W*lR*l ^_ ^ . gr% ?<£«h ^rar ?v*3 iwwi«4 ^rq^[^?R5T: Dedicated to The Sacred Memory of The Late Mahamahopadhyaya VASUDEVA SHASTRI ABHYANKAR [1862-1942] who did his utmost throughout his life to expound and popularise the Philosophy of §ankaracarya PREFACE Prof. Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya published his edition of Gauda- padakankas ( or Agamasastra ) some years ago. A close perusal of that edition clearly showed that Prof. Bhattacharya had allowed himself to be carried a little too far by his leanings towards Buddhism, and hence some of his interpretations appeared clearly to be biassed and forced. While teaching Gaudapadakanka to the M. A. students, I had occasion to criticise Prof. Bhattacharya's interpretations, and I felt that it would be better to present my views in a book-form, before a larger circle of readers so that a balanced view of Gaudapada's philosophy could be taken. The present edition has been brought forth with such a back-ground.
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