Journal and Conference Notices

Literature & History of the Western Regions Analysis of the Dating Systems of Nestorian Inscriptions 西域文史 from the Yuan Dynasty in China……….………………… Ma Xiaohe

Vol. XII (June 2018) The Turfan Minaret Inscription: A Symbol of Cultural Con - fluence on the Silk Road …………………………...... Mohammad Zhu Yuqi Editor-in-Chief Bagher Vosooghi and Hassan Karimian (tr. Xu Weiyan)

Contents Xu Song Materials in the Imperial Cabinet Archive Housed in Fu Ssu-Nien Library ………...... Zhu Yuqi Development of the Maritime Route from the Northern and Imagined “Golden Horde” and the Muslim Identity for the Southern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty ...... Zhang Qingjie Volga Tatars’ Nationalism in Modern Russia: Ajaz Ischaki Transportation between Xizhou and Yizhou in the Tang Dy - and His Nationalist Historiography ……………… Zhou Sicheng nasty ...... Meng Xianshi On L iu Bannong’s Dealings with the Central Asiatic Expedi - New Perspective on a Poem Titled Guanbing of Du Fu: Stud - tion of the American Museum of Natural History ……………… ies on the Loyalist Reinforcements from the Western Regions ………………………...... Wang Jiqing in the 2nd year of Qianyuan Era ...... Wu Yugui The Fr iendship of Huang Wenbi and Ding Daoheng during Huang Wenbi and the Turfan Documents Preserved in the the Northwestern Scientific Expedition…….... Wu Huafeng & Gansu Museum ...... Rong Xu Yujuan

On the Historical Events concerning the Western Regions Huang Wenbi in around 1949…………………………...... … Liu Zifan Recorded in the Newly Unearthed Epigraph of Liu Wenhui ...... Wang Qingwei Vol. XIII (June 2019) Further Remarks on Official Manuscripts of the Yuan Dy - nasty from Dunhuang ...... Dang Baohai Contents

Early Spread of the Symbol “ 卐” and Its Original Implication The End Result of Sinicization of Foreign Religions Coming ...... Liu Xuetang along the Silk Road ……...... …...... Lin Wushu The Ephedra and Cannabis Discovered in Xinjiang On the Title Holy Spirit of Manicheism ……… Rui Chuanming ...... Liu Wensuo On Chinese Manichaean Pantheon: Study on Dunhuang, Research on Dagger Sheaths with Four-lobed form Found in Xiapu and Pingnan Documents … Ma Xiaohe & Wang Chuan Xinjiang ...... Lin Lingmei The Book of Zambasta , Candragarbha-sutra and Mahab - A Study of the Chin-strap Excavated from the Tomb M33 of harata : One Junction in Khotanese Buddhism………….... Liu Yi Jiulongshan in Guyuan ...... Chen Jingxiu The “Buddha’s Canine Tooth” Brought by F xiàn to China: A Paper Used in the 8th Century Anxi Protectorate, Part I: Reflection on the Respective Records and thǎe Expansion of Some Observations on the Chinese Document Fragments the Hephthalites in the Late 5th Century …………………………… Kept in the Ryukoku University (Japan) Unearthed ………………………………...... Ching Chao-jung from Kucha ...... Ching Chao-jung & Enami Kazuyuki The Evolution of the Southern Route of the Silk Road and Punishment in Kharoshthī Documents found in China and the Development of City : Khotan City's Administrative and its Possible Origin ...... Jiang Yixiu Social Characteristics before the 10th century ………. Yin Qing The Study of the Age of Blanket Standard in the Monetary The Genealogy Issue of the Uighur Kaghans and the Chinese History of District ...... Pei Chengguo Written Sources of the Tang and Song Periods: From Huaixin Yigän and Čïqan: Kök Türk Titles from Kinship Terms to Baoyi ……………………………...... Murai Kyoko ………………………...... … Chen Ken On the Cities along the Southern Slope of the Tianshan On the Title Gür-khan ……………………………………… Bai Yudong Mountain in the Uighur Time …………...... Fu Ma

The Silk Road 17 (2019): 117–121 117 The Basic Characteristic of Tie in the Tang Dynasty: Focus on Before the Silk Road: the Dunhuang and Turfan Documents …………… Guo Guikun Eurasian Interactions in the First Millennium BC

Investigation on the Ancient Documents of the Western Re - Hengstberger International Symposium gions Collected in the Lüshun Museum………………… Ma Junjie Heidelberg A Study on Chen Zhongqi and His Writings on the Western October 28-29, 2019 Regions ……………………...... Wu Huafeng Organized by Dr. Lianming Wang, Institute of East Asian Art A Source Study of Mêng-ku Yu-mu Chi ………………. Xu Weiyan History, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Ten Chinese inscriptions from Central Asia, according to the Monday, October 28 estampages of Mr. Ch.-E. Bonin ……...... Édouard Chavannes (tr. Tang Chaojun) Welcoming remarks Prof. Dr. Peter Comba, Director of IWH, and Mr. Klaus- Central Asia Recorded in the First Volume of Richthofen’s Georg Hengstberger, Sponsor of the Klaus-Georg and Sigrid China …………………...... … Tang Xiaofeng Hengstberger Award Expedition of 1909 Concise Preliminary Keynote speech Report ...... S. F. Oldenburg (tr. Yang Juntao & Li Xindong) The Steppe, the Mountains, the Arc and Central China, In - Language and Ethnicity: A Study of Arbun Saiin’s teractions and Resistance Sibe/Manchu Identity Formation ………………….. Kam Tak-sing Prof. Dr. Dame Jessica Rawson, University of Oxford

Panel I: Connectivity and Interactions

Bulletin of the Asia Institute Chair: Prof. Dr. Enno Giele, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Hei - delberg Vol. 29 (2019) Interaction between China’s Great Wall Area and the Steppe Contents in the First Millennium BC Articles Prof. Dr. Jianhua Yang, Jilin University, Changchun; with Harry Falk English translation by Lokman Yang, Ruprecht-Karls-Univer - Kushan Religion and Politics sität Heidelberg

Phyllis Granoff Inner Asia and China – Tracing Connectivity in the First Mil - The Art of Protecting Children: Early Images of Agni lennium BC Etienne de la Vaissière Dr. Ursula Brosseder, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Uni - The Faith of Wirkak the Denawar , or Manichaeism as Seen versität Bonn from a Zoroastrian Point of View Nomads of the Steppe Zone of Eurasia and Northern China Dieter Weber at the End of the Second and the Beginning of the First Mil - Studies in Some Documents from the “Pahlavi Archive” lennium BC Dr. Konstantin Chugunov, The State Hermitage Museum, St. Liu Wensuo Petersburg; with English translation by Dr. Maxim Korolkov, The Ephedra and Cannabis Discovered in Xinjiang (trans - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg lated by Albert E. Dien) The Southern Contact Zone, Empire-Building, and Economic Anca Dan Change in China’s Early Imperial Era: Some Preliminary Ob - Landmarks of Persian Hegemony between Asia and Europe: servations The Achaemenids in the Black Sea Dr. Maxim Korolkov, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Review Discussant: Prof. Dr. Anke Hein, University of Oxford Un grand-prêtre parsi du 20ème siècle : Dastur Dr. Firouze Panel II: Entangled Materialities and Living Legacies M. Kotwal (Gignoux) Chair: Senior Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose, Ruprecht-Karls- Universität Heidelberg

Ganbei Along the Eastern Rim of the Tibetan Plateau: Dou - ʻ ʼ 118 ble-handled Jars and Their Uses in Bronze Age Western Beasts Made of Gold: The Majiayuan Cemetery and its Cen - China tral Eurasian Context Prof. Dr. Anke Hein, University of Oxford Prof. Dr. Petya Andreeva, Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York The Silk Road Fashion: Cultural Transmission and the Ex - change of Textile Ornaments The Construction and Expansion of Nomadic Kingdoms: The Xuansu Zhang, Freie Universität Berlin Sites of Arzhan and Sandaohaizi Prof. Dr. Wu Guo, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Leather-working in Iron Age China and Inner Asia in Light of Peking; with English translation by Lokman Yang, Ruprecht- the Latest Archaeological Research and the Artificers’ Record Karls-Universit Heidelberg (Kaogong-ji) Dr. Annie Chan, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Horses on a Box. Steppe Motifs on Lacquer Objects from and the Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l'Asie Burials in Chaohu, Anhui Province Orientale, Paris Dr. Margarete Prüch, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Was There A ‘Bamboo Route’ Before Zhang Qian Arrived in Discussant: Prof. Dr. Lukas Nickel, Universität Wien Bactria? Panel IV: China and the Near East: Remote Contacts Dr. Shengguang Tan, Tsinghua University Art Museum, Peking Dr. Annette Kieser, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Mün - ster Metalwork with Fluted Decoration from the Warring States to the Middle Western Han Dynasty The Earliest Use of Greek Letters in China Dr. Jie Yin, Nanjing University Prof. Dr. Lukas Nickel, Universität Wien

Discussant: Prof. Dr. Alain Thote, École pratique des hautes Traces of Artistic Conventions from the Near East and the études, Paris End of discussion & short break Achaemenid Empire in the Art of the Late Bronze Age China Prof. Dr. Alain Thote, École pratique des hautes études, Paris Special Evening Lecture Beyond the Central Plains: Reflections on Dynamics of Chi - Zouyu, the Lion: Animal Encounters in the Warring States nese Civilization Dr. Lianming Wang, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Prof. Dr. LaoZhu (Qingsheng Zhu), ; fol - Non-Chinese Sculpture and Achaemenid Art: A Specific Case lowed by a conversation with Prof. Dr. Sarah E. Fraser, Senior Study of Cross-Cultural Interaction Between Nomads and Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose Sedentary People October 29 Hua Xia, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Panel III: Parallels and Divergences Discussant: Prof. Dr. Jianjun Mei, Needham Research Insti - tute and Churchill College, University of Cambridge Chair: Prof. Dr. Sarah E. Fraser, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Final remarks Prof. Dr. Thomas O. Höllmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univer - Imported or Indigenous? The Earliest Forged Tin Foil Found sität München in China Prof. Dr. Jianjun Mei, Needham Research Institute and ——— Churchill College, University of Cambridge

Finds from the Burial Site in Nalingaotu and Their Analogies Dunhuang and Cultural Contact along the Silk Road in Altai Prof. Dr. Alexey A. Tishkin, Altai State University, Barnaul; Budapest with English translation by Dr. Maxim Korolkov, Ruprecht- May 2-3, 2019 Karls-Universität Heidelberg Organized by the Oriental Collection of the Library of the Archaeological Evidence of Contacts between Altai Nomads Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the MTA-ELTE-SZTE and China in the First Millennium BC: Results and Prospects Silk Road Research Group of Research Dr. Nikolai Seregin, Altai State University, Barnaul

119 Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3

Keynote speech Keynote speech Dunhuang International The Codex as a New Book Form in Dunhuang Roderick Whitfield, SOAS University of London Imre Galambos, Cambridge University

Panel I: Buddhism and Art Along the Silk Road Panel III: Linguistic and Cultural Contacts along the Silk Road Chair: Neil Schmid, Dunhuang Academy Chair: Imre Galambos, Cambridge University On the Illustrations of the Chapter Devadatta of the Lotus Sūtra in Dunhuang Wall Paintings Khitan, a Language on the Silk Road Zhang Yuanlin, Dunhuang Academy András Róna-Tas, University of Szeged

The Central Asian Influence on the Samantabhadra Visuali - Organizing the Buddhist Doctrine in Conceptual and Physi - sation Sūtra cal Space: Listing, Collecting and Shelving Criteria in Me - Imre Hamar, MTA-ELTE-SZTE Silk Road Research Group; dieval China, with a Focus on Sūtra Catalogs and Dunhuang ELTE University Material Costantino Moretti, École française d’Extrême-Orient Korea and Silk Road: How Silk Road Affected Korean Bud - dhist Art? On the Religious Vocabulary in Turfan and Dunhuang Mon - Youngsook Pak, SOAS University of London golica Ágnes Birtalan, ELTE University The “Sogdian Deities” Twenty Years on: Reconsideration of a Sketch from Dunhuang in the Light of New Research and Yejufu 耶俱孚 in the Dunhuang Hymnscroll and Some Newly Newly Discovered Buddhist and Manichaean Paintings Found Scriptures Lilla Russell-Smith, Berlin State Museums Gábor Kósa, MTA-ELTE-SZTE Silk Road Research Group; The Indian Buddhist Images Introduced to Dunhuang from ELTE University the 10th to 12th Century Notes on Tibetan Paleography: the use of tshegs and double- Zhao Xiaoxing, Dunhuang Academy tshegs in the Old Tibetan Documents from Dunhuang Buddha Images in Dunhuang Caves: Focusing on the Flower- Gergely Orosz, Khyentse Foundation; ELTE Centre for Bud - Shaped Heart of the Buddha dhist Studies Wang Huimin, Dunhuang Academy Applicability of Network Analysis Methods in Silk Road Panel II: Archaeology and the History of Dunhuang Studies: The Case of Old Uyghur Documents Márton Vér, Turfanforschung, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy Chair: Lilla Russell-Smith, Berlin State Museums of Sciences and Humanities

Mogao Miniatures: Dunhuang Caves and the Aesthetics of Sūtra on the Profound Kindness of Parents : Confucian Virtue Scale of Respect in its Buddho-Daoist Style Neil Schmid, Dunhuang Academy Judit Bagi, Oriental Collection, LIC MTA

Documental Research on the Archaeological History of Dun - Panel IV: Historical Changes along the Silk Road huang Zhang Xiaogang, Dunhuang Academy Chair: Gábor Kósa, MTA-ELTE-SZTE Silk Road Research Group; ELTE University From Xiyu to Daqin: Chinese Silk Finds along the Silk Roads Krisztina Hoppál, MTA-ELTE-SZTE Silk Road Research Khitan, a Language on the Silk Road Group; ELTE University András Róna-Tas, University of Szeged

Preservation Status Great Wall of the Han Dynasty in Dun - An Analysis of Modern Chinese Colophons on Manuscripts huang from Dunhuang and Turfan, 1910–1944 Sun Zhijun, Dunhuang Academy Justin Jacobs, American University

The Excavation Methods of Sir Aurel Stein on the Silk Road A Book of Divination from Dunhuang and Old Turkic Szabolcs Felföldi, University of Szeged Mythology: The Word täñri in the Ïrq bitig Edina Dallos, MTA–ELTE–SZTE Silk Road Research Group;

120 University of Szeged

A Traveller from Khanbaliq to the West Szilvia Kovács, MTA–ELTE–SZTE Silk Road Research Group; University of Szeged

The Formation of the North-Western Branch of the Silk Roads and its Historical Consequences István Zimonyi, MTA–ELTE–SZTE Silk Road Research Group; University of Szeged