Appendix Question 12 – Free Text

Agree with the criteria

1 If you could generate an atmosphere where people think - "What's on at the Stray in the next couple of weeks?" it could make the summer season very attractive. Get the Festivals team on it. Make it a focal point, it could be our Central Park, but at the moment it is so big and empty, you feel intimidated waking on it. Don't ever let it be reduced or built on, but for goodness sake let's use what we have.

2 The use of the Stray should be managed by the Council who need to be overseen by "governors". The Council mustn't be allowed to act without restrictions.

3 Limit the change to a 5 year trial. If it works extend the time, if too many complaints or anti social issues, then revert back to the original Act .

4 I feel that providng procedures and policies are in place to charge a fee for recovery and maintenace of the stray area used by events and this money is used to preserve the stray why cant events take place?

5 It is wonderful to have the Stray on our doorstep but there needs to be common sense applied as to its use. The vast majority of the space isn't well used on a consistent basis, however the footways that navigate are. I do believe any events should ensure that footways around the perimeter of the Stray are open for walkers and runners. People need to realise that Local Authorities don't have an endless supply of resources available and events like this can help contribute to ensuring that Harrogate is a place that people continue to want to visit and live.

6 Greater use of the Stray is long overdue, subject to appropriate safeguards, which I'm sure the Duchy and Council would happily oversee

7 Balance and coordination is key. Balance because there will be impacts resulting from any change. Coordination, because the council should not consider events in isolation. The Stray provides us with a massive opportunity to deliver safe cycling provision off of roads. The Stray is a large area and having blanket restrictions is not appropriate, for example, the bonfire only impacts a very small area, as does the Christmas Market. Restrictions could be managed by area (e.g. east, west and centre Stray) with each area having a restriction. Impacts from the use of the Stray are a function of scale and duration. To take both scale and duration into account restrictions could be defined in day-area units (dm2). This would enable small community events to take place and not significantly eat into usage limits so that larger events can still take place.

8 The stray is a wonderful resource. I would like to see it used more often, as long as it is properly controlled.

9 Whilst relaxation of the current restrictions is desirable, new restrictions and regulations would need to be strictly enforced. It would be possible to have two smaller events on at the same time. More events should lead to more visitors to the town which can only be beneficial. The use of park and ride would help reduce traffic and parking problems.

10 Please keep the balance for local residents. I like in hearing distance of the Stray and accept the noise so long as it is controlled and not too frequent. Free for all and a wonderful resource is how I want the Stray to remain.

11 Protect Harrogate; Protect grass, flowers and beuaty; Manage traffic; When doing an event increase size but not as often. 12 There should be more days throughout the entire year in which no events take place, than the number of days on which an event is occurring. Access for local people and communities for "recreation" should remain the primary purpose of the Stray. The park-runners, footballers, dog-walkers, picnickers, boot-campers and so on are as much part of the life of the Stray as events. I think that events should be aligned with the "brand" of the Stray and Harrogate. I would not like to see events with a purely commercial purpose hosted on the Stray. I'd prefer to have the space used for national celebrations, cultural and sporting events. If the council generates income from provision of the Stray to other organisations I'd like to see that income invested in more areas being managed for conservation. My final point is that events generate people and traffic and perhaps it's time for a more structured park-and-ride service, to reduce congestion.

13 After any event all reinstatement costs should be borne by the organisers and not the public nor should Council Tax be increased to accommodate events.

14 *Not to impete to much on day to day life. 15 If the people of Harrogate are happy for change, then so am I. 16 its should be used more but not over development and ruined in the process 17 In favour of larger events but limited as the infrastructure is not designed for major disruption - effects people's daily pattern

18 On map I have marked ABCD - all areas I consider perfect for events. Even if a large event was held each month - 90 days, each area would only need to be used 3 times a year. The other areas would be available for recreation - about 3/4 of the Stray.

19 Whilst we all agree the Stray is a lovely green space that adds to the town, and should never be built on. The use of it more is a positive move that can only add to the town, lets face it.... it's only grass! and for all those who go on about the turf being spoilt... it can be replaced. The enjoyment, jobs and money it can generate has to be a good thing.

20 The Stray must be kept in a pristine condition for the benefit of all. At the same time events bring money into the town and interesting events like the tour de france. I would be content to see some limited increase in use of the Stray as long as we don't see it being turned into a venue for pop concerts and the like.

21 Just that the careful usage of it can only be good for Harrogate and the surrounding area. Any increase in its use must be carefully monitored by a small Committee with common sense.

22 The current restrictions should be amended only to obviate the need for supplemental acts of Parliament for large events and to allow for a small number only of additional small events. The use restrictions should remain largely confined to existing uses with such amendments only to allow a small number of further events outside the existing ones.

23 If the Council get this amendment then a separate Committee would be required to manage these events.

24 A safeguard must be in place to ensure the grass is protected, if there is a risk of it becoming a mud bath, hard standing must be in place. The Stray must quickly be returned to normal and not suffer weeks of repair work following an event.

25 I will keep an open mind on the Council's ideas until more detail proposals are put forward. The amendments should be time limited not set in stone. I suggest the amendments if agreed by the public should be renewed every 5 years if the public agrees this. So that if the Stray is being exploited and damaged by these events then the amendments can be withdrawn.

26 I would not want events on the stray every weekend and VERY careful vetting of the events allowed. The Stray is a very special jewel in Harrogate's crown and many tourists come to enjoy the tranquillity it affords this amazing town. It must be managed extremely carefully if any extension of the Stray Act is to be a benefit to the town and its inhabitants. 27 There needs to be a sensible balance struck in providing an open and free recreational space for Harrogate residents (most of us do not have gardens) and providing opportunities for community events. The former should take precedence and is in line with the spirit of the Act, the latter does provide opportunities for greater community integration Any relaxation of the Act should maintain the principle of all events being open to everyone - this should not be used as an opportunity for private interests to run private events

28 In general I support an extension to the events on the Stray - but to a modest extent, and considering the impact on residents.

29 Keep to a manageable amount of events. 30 Controls have to be included so that the Council can be held to account. 31 I agree the Tour of Britain has great interest nationally. However our open mountainous spaces are less than the French alps even so all the starts have to be staggered and the adjustments made once the "gate" is opened there will be no turning back. Respect and protect what we have. I can understand the frustrations of reapplying to Parliament. I would suggest a special in perpetuity amendment be applied for on such as Tour de Britain/France when this occurs, after all Parliament is elected "by the people for the people". That is not to say a single exception should be precendent. I may have "one foot in the grave" but I am not a "kill" joy. In the early 20th century local authorities provided many recreation grounds and parks for cricket, football, swings, push roundabouts, seesaws and slides and bowling greens. More of these please in addition to the 200 acres. Many have been built on!!

32 We have a great natural asset to the town. Use it sensibly but use it to benefit the town and help support local businesses.

33 The Stray must be protected and any new legislation should be tight leaving no grey areas or room for misinterpretation. I have seen areas of grassland in other towns planted with wild flowers and they look great. Could we not have some wild flower areas, perhaps adjacent to the crocus areas? This would give added visual interest at a different time of year and be good for biodiversity and help with the In Bloom efforts.

34 Events on the stray offer a unique way for the community to come together. It is the responsibility of the council to ensure that if the legislation is amended that events still benefit the community without losing the personality of a unique yorkshire town

35 All in favour of the amendment but agree it has to be done in a considered and controlled manner. Would also like to see further consultation on controlled use of other areas in town e.g. Valley Gardens. I thought Valley Gardens was a superb location for the Street Food Festival this year and the 'grass gate' controversy was unnecessary and only resulted from poor weather and initial poor contingency planning. Why is it acceptable to have a Steam Traction Engine churn up Valley Gardens footpaths (as has often been the case in the past) or a Willys Jeep or Tank park on the grass at the 1940s day but it's not acceptable for a Street Food Van to do the same in inclement weather? Any consultation needs to be not just about the use of the Stray but of the use/re-use/regeneration of our ever decreasing green spaces and parkland across the whole of Harrogate.

36 No camping or caravanning please. I feel this would damage the land too much and be very unsightly. Also hygiene issues could become a problem.

37 I would support the 35 days being increased to a max of 50 days and the space to 5 hectares. I would want them to be community events (for local people) not to be commercial to attract visitors. The events should be free and should promote issues such as 1. The Environment/greening the area of Harrogate. 2. Promote art/craft. Activities and local crafts people. 3. Finally for music and theatre - eg concerts/s. More use should be made of the open space in Valley Gardens - re small events. 38 Obviously, these should be no building development or car parks but the Stray is large enough to hold major events without compromising its unique character. Change is unavoidable especially in this era of austerity in order to maintain and fund the Stray.

39 I think the proposal is a good one in principle, but I would like to see Harrogate doing more to offer unique experiences and conciously supporting local and indepenent businesses. I would also like to believe that these events would be for the whole family.

40 I agree with all the above based on the promise that no buildings (permanent ones) are built, that the Stray is returned to a standard that it is in today. All damage to turf, borders, flower beds etc to be returned to its pristine state that you the Council have always made sure of. You do a fantastic job looking after the Stray and this must always be the case. If any damage is done, the event companies are to clear and replace the Stray to its excellent state and within a set time of one day to return the Stray to its normal high standard on their departure.

41 There would need to be responsibility taken to repair any damage 42 The current restrictions may be problematic, but without offering control to the Harrogate population, the idea of loosening those restrictions is not attractive as it is open to abuse. By removing the need for parliamentary agreement, you need to offer a sensible local alternative so that the local council are not allowed to simply use it as a revenue generator that damages the way of life of the local population. If the controls are in place that mean the local population have real decision making power, then certain amendments may be acceptable.

43 The Stray and Harrogate are unique places in the North. Any additional activities should enhance this facility to further improve the appeal to future organisers. They should favourably consider Harrogate and the Stray, against other venues in the South and London.

44 As a Harrogate resident for the majority of my life I strongly want to retain the stray in it's current format. Impact on the grass itself would need to be considered, parking would need to be considered. Residents access would need to be considered. I would not support any permanent building structures and would make strong note that this the stray is something that makes Harrogate quite unique and should be used to support tourist/residents enjoyment, and not spoilt or removed or reduced in the longer term.

45 Any amendment to the Stray Act should go alongside a commitment for HBC not to use the Valley Gardens for potentially damaging events.

46 The current act works well but is too restrictive in the time and area allowance. These should be relaxed but strict control must be maintained. Purely commercial events must be banned as other venues are available in the region, such as the showground and exhibition halls.

47 The Stray is a very valuable asset for the Town and District of Harrogate, and one that is vastly under used. Having said that any relaxation in the Stray Act leading to further events would need to be carefully monitored to allow the Stray time to recover thereby ensuring that future generations get the same level of enjoyment that we do today.

48 The Stray is a great asset so any amendment to the Act should make sure its unique protection stays in place. But in this day and age there does need to be more flexibility. My preference is to have the capacity to allow only one big new event each year and up to around three new smaller events. For the vast majority of the time the Stray should stay open and unrestricted and clear. As a general principle, community use of the stray should be welcomed and encouraged especially when proposed small events wouldn't require special permission from the Stray Act.

49 the Stray is a large and fundamental part of the make-up of Harrogate and as long as the area is used for the benefit of Harrogate the Stray Act should be amended. 50 I think we need to be careful that the stray is not turned into an outdoor event arena, used every weekend for events, this was not its original purpose, and I see no reason to change that, I think it is acceptable to make some changes, if only to prevent valuable parliamentary time been wasted. However I would like to see some element of independent control over the number and type of events held on the stray, clearly HBC will develop a commercial interest in the stray if the act is amended, and it is with that in mind I feel an independent body should be appointed to have control.

51 We are keen to see the Stray used, but equally for its uniqueness to be preserved. It should not be exploited. As the existing arrangements appear to work, other than applying to Parliament for any exceptions, just retain the existing lits, but with exceptions to be referred to a properly constituted Committee - all the details of which can be documented in a revised Act.

52 I can see the principle for wanting to be able to use the Stray for larger events and longer periods without having to go through Parliament. It should be very closely monitored so as not to damage the environment. The Stray is a beautiful thing it should be preserved.

53 More small-scale events that add to the character of the town and enable younger people and families to enjoy the Stray more would be great. I fully support a larger program of events on the Stray, so long as they are in keeping with Harrogate's high reputation and are of substantial quality to make us stand out from the rest of the country to keep people visiting this beautiful town. I don't think large scale events, such as sports villages, music festivals and the markets we've seen so far do this half as well as the smaller, more unique events that take place.

54 The stray is Harrogates best asset and is protected privately from politicians for good reason. Larger events can bring in revenue but they also cause damage and for that reason going to the time and cost of applying is a good thing because it makes the town consider carefully whether it is worth it. Smaller events causing less damage seem appropriate but strong and clear guidelines need written and maintained for the rules to be relaxed, even a little.

55 The Stray Act is essential to protect The Stray for future generations, but with careful management this principle can sit together with greater use and

56 I fully support use of the Stray for the benefit of the town, however I want individual applications to be made for any events in order to protect the current stray act and protect the Stray.

57 I wonder whether it would be feasible to:- a. Increase the number of days to no more than 40. b. To be very selective as to the activity that is put on to the Stray. The Christmas market is a joke. It is a collection of low quality traders many of which have no connection with Christmas and it is not an event that enhances Harrogate in the slightest. c. To ensure that the Stray is not damaged by the events that take place ec Tour de France was exemplary. 2015 Christmas market was a disaster - a complete mud bath. d. To ensure that activities on the Stray would enhance the profile of Harrogate not detract from it. e. If larger scale events are proposed then they should go through special application.

58 This consultation does not ask about extending the types of event that can be held on the Stray. If this is part of the Council's proposal for amending the Stray Act this should be clearer. I would only support increasing the scale of events and the number of days allocated to events (both small and large) if such events were demonstrably for the benefit of the community, were structured so that disturbance (eg noise) to residents bordering and near the Stray were minimised as far as possble and if the principle of free (as in no entrance fee etc) access to the Stray for all is maintained during all events. 59 I am in favour of some relaxtion of the rules that would allow for larger events in keeping with the ethos of Harrogate and that would attract inward investment to the town. The risk of permanent damage should be avoided. Safeguards to prevent misuse should be very robust.

60 Correspondence between HBC and DCLG indicates that there have always been conditions around protection and reinstatement of The Stray in connection with large scale events has been part of the application under the general rule of competnece and the Localism Act. Any change to The Stray Act must have clear undertakings written into it, in line with those approved by Parliament in the case of both the Tour de France and the Tour de Yorkshire, around protection, reinstatement and the number of aircraft movements and landings. Any extension of the number of days MUST include set up and break down days, which are currently excluded from the provisions of the Stray Act. This will maintain the balance between the open use of The Stray by the people of Harrogate and beyond, which is of course the purpose of the restrictions imposed by the Act, and the opportunities presented to HBC and partners to stage prestigious international, national and countywide events.

61 Absolutely vital that the amendments are very specific about the type of event that is permitted. Must never degrade the peace and tranquility of a very unique town.

62 The triangular area above could be used for the expansion of the Christmas Market - the area at the top is flat enough, though I like its position where it is! I do not want to see any large scale events on the Stray between Road eastwards to the hospital. Is the landing of the Air Ambulance counted as days within the 35 days? I certainly think this should be allowed. I wish this area east of Leeds Road to be left as green grassland, ringed by trees as at present. Based on my observations of residents, passing lorries, services vehicles, storage of building supplies for house alterations parking etc on the grass verges (part of Stray) along Wetherby Road, I do not want the Stray to become a sea of mud, with resulting expenses and work by the gardening staff.

63 I think that so long as the nature of the event is appropriate to being held on the Stray, and any decisions made are purely not income led. Proper plans in place to maintain and preserve the Stray from long lasting damage, and careful consideration and planning and communication with other venues so that too many events are not held on the same days, so chaos is caused getting in and around Harrogate. I would love more events in the town.

64 It is essential that any increased use of the Stray does not result in it being damaged. Even if the Council does not charge for its use there should be an obligation which must be enforceable on event organisers to make good any damage arising from the event. I think also that it might be desirable that there be a limit on the timetabling of events. Perhaps a stipulation that there is a gap of 2-3 weeks between events.

to allow more Flexibility/ reduce impact of applying to parliament

1 It's time to drag Harrogate into the 21st century and make use of the Stray. 2 The Stray Act should be scrapped and under localism legislation fall under the authority of the local council. Or if If the Duchy want to keep it set aside they should take over all arrangements for maintaining it at their expense.

3 Lets move with the times and get the events we need to make this town great. 4 We need to move with the times and explore other uses and enjoyment of the Stray. 5 Very old and needs revision to bring it up to date and user friendly. 6 It is very old fashioned act which definitely needs revisiting but there should still be restrictions in place should it be released. 7 The Stray is a wonderful facility and, as such, I believe that it should be made available more freely for events which appeal to a greater number of people than it does at the moment. A dog walking and picnic area is great but times and tastes change so the Stray should be ready.

8 It's and old out of date act that does not benefit a modern community 9 Its time Harrogate was brought up to date. Events are the perfect way to advertise what a fantastic town we are. I'm all for it.

10 The current restrictions should be amended only to obviate the need for supplemental acts of Parliament for large events and to allow for a small number only of additional small events. The use restrictions should remain largely confined to existing uses with such amendments only to allow a small number of further events outside the existing ones.

11 I'm sure the Council would manage any size of event very effectively. Times have changed and events bring investment and visitors to Harrogate which greatly benefit the local economy.

12 so long as any event is brining money to the town and cleaned up after wards - then flexibility is a good thing

13 It's is fantastic that we have the Stray, and that it has been protected all these years. But times move on. Originally London's parks were barred from "poor, lower classes" and only used for walking. Now they host events including concerts, festivals and shows that benefit and improve the lives of all Londoners. Harrogate is modernising and growing, and our "park" needs to become more accessible and of greater benefit for all. The Valley Gardens or too small and pristine to really lend themselves to modern events. Whereas the Stray is underused as it only really benefits people if they a) walk dogs, b) play junior football, c) attend "army" fitness training or happen to live overlooking it. Make Harrogate a more vibrant place to live - bring us into the 21st century. We can be the envy of Britain.

14 Whilst I agree to the principle of amending the Stray Act in order to utilise the stray more often and for larger events I don't see why this can't be controlled by applications through Parliament. Maybe the application process needs to be addressed if this is the issue, not the Act.

15 I thought the Tour de France 2014 was great, as it promoted cycling and health and Yorkshire and wealth; and - honestly - you can't see any damage to the Stray. Having to go through Parliament for temporary amendments to the Act seems a bit archaic, reminiscent of 19thC divorces. However, if that's what it takes... What is needed is a permissive clause. to be activated as and when. I am a believer in checks and balances and I expect local authorities to stand up for local rights and to be able to do so. Conversely, I am against NIMBY-ism or the rule of local cliques and believe in Parliament as the final source of law.

16 Have flexibility to mvoe existing events, out of Valley Gardens on to Stray proper, and german market also to Stray proper. Use of Stray. No tarmac, no concrete. Consider plastic (green) that allows grass to grow through if a base is required for stalls or food outlets.

17 I am delighted for us to move out of the Victorian Era. I will be more delighted when we can celebrate cycling on the Stray. Without the need for massive investment. Just widen some paths. And pronounce cycling to be marvellous, welcomed, celebrated. Go Cycling. No more negative, Vicorian No Cycling. We can share nicely. 18 We are one of the five families who are still entitled to graze livestock on the Stray: I don't know where I am going to put my sheep next time the Tour de France comes to town. Notwithstanding this huge personal inconvenience, in these uncertain times we need to ensure that Harrogate's name is kept at the forefront. Harrogate must, at all costs, retain and strengthen it's reputation for successfully hosting large scale events like the Tour de France and Tour de Yorkshire, which is shown live on TV in 174 countries. I remember the early 1970's, when Harrogate was known as 'Bath Chair City' on CB radio because of the very high proportion of elderly residents, the lack of commerce and industry and, above all, the lack of ambition. The Stray Act was drafted in a previous century, a time when the world was a very different place and visitors only came here to take the Spa waters. Any town that stands still in a changing world dies. These are landmark international events and Harrogate needs them, and the prosperity that follows them. Change the Act and enable flexibility, not carte blanche.

19 The current act works well but is too restrictive in the time and area allowance. These should be relaxed but strict control must be maintained. Purely commercial events must be banned as other venues are available in the region, such as the showground and exhibition halls.

20 Having lived in Harrogate district and central Harrogate all my life I would love to see the Stray more widely used. Wider footpaths and more cycleways would also be appreciated. The Stray Act needs amending for the extra demand. Harrogate has changed and grown in the last 20 years and the use of the Stray needs to keep up.

21 Harrogate must protect and embrace it's heritage but also be forward thinking and look towards events that bring people and more importantly revenue to the town. The Stray is an un-tapped source of revenue and a slight amendment to the Act to allow other types of events to use the Stray is a good idea. I know that HBC take it's responsibilities of enforcing the Stray Act seriously and would not amend the Act to the point of it being detrimental to the look and feel of the Stray. I am in favour.

22 The Stray is a great asset so any amendment to the Act should make sure its unique protection stays in place. But in this day and age there does need to be more flexibility. My preference is to have the capacity to allow only one big new event each year and up to around three new smaller events. For the vast majority of the time the Stray should stay open and unrestricted and clear. As a general principle, community use of the stray should be welcomed and encouraged especially when proposed small events wouldn't require special permission from the Stray Act.

23 Nothing to be a permanent structure. Diverse events could bring in visitors. Keep set-up and take-down days part of total allowance. Any decision re days or events to be reviewed and reassessed. Extending allowance would keep decisions simpler, more local and easier. The Stray is a unique asset. We need to use it carefully and to the benefit of local people primarily. I used to work with an international airline, it is amazing how the beauty of Harogate is well known in the remotest of places!

24 The Stray is a unique space which, quite rightly, needs protection. However, it is also a community space and the council should be trusted to use its judgement to use it as such.

25 In times of conflicting Local Authorities needs for funding and choices of policies I would seek strong protection of the containment and character of the Stray. If given some flexibility of extra use would be good. 26 Happy for the stray to be used for additional events so long as it is still effectively managed by HBC and any proceeds go into local improvements. I agree it is better not having to go to Parliament but if this is changed it should not be abused (The problem is this will mean different things to different people) The time allocated for an event should include setting up and taking down, the onus, therefore, is on the event organiser to meet the schedule. Fined if over runs, also if does not leave Stray in good condition. Compensation, good will gestures, to business or individuals who will suffer from any changes (Always winners and losers)

27 The Stray Act seems to be overly restrictive (in my understanding) in several other areas which in my view are in keeping with public enjoyment of the space: - cycling paths (or shared use paths) - increasing the width of the narrowest paths to allow safe shared use on all Stray paths would be an enormous benefit to residents by encouraging enjoyment of the fresh air and exercise in a pleasant environment whilst also encouraging alternatives to car traffic for local journeys. - allowing solar panels on buildings overlooking the Stray would not reduce the appeal of the view at all in my opinion. It is just the appearance any town should expect to see in our times where we are looking to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Banning this is cutting our nose off to spite our face if global warming is increased as a result.

28 The stray act as it stands should be maintained the only change been for isolated not annual events and to alleviate the necessity of applications to parliement

29 Small events I think are about the right ratio. Larger scale events would need careful consideration and hope the Council would do this but occasional large events would be acceptable. I do think the Stray Act does need amending, its time consuming and unwieldy at the moment.

Comment about free/open/ recreational use/ principle of the act

1 This survey is slightly flawed, it asks to give days for small events, then large events hoping that you can increase more than 35 days. This is more than enough, the Stray should be kept for free recreation when people like it, mainly at weekends when people are not working. It should not be cluttered with events just to bolster the Council's income streams. Consideration should be given to local residents who like to have the freedom to use the stray as defined in the original act.

2 The Stray was presented to the people of Harrogate by the Duchy of Lancaster - a very precious gift indeed. It is what makes Harrogate and if the beauty and tranquility was taken away by any more events than is currently allowed then Harrogate would just become another Leeds. Certainly not the jewel in the crown it is now.

3 Keep the Stray as it is - open parkland with 24*7*365 access. For the Tour de France visitor parking was at the Yorkshire Showground - the Stray was only used to park "support vehicles". If the Stray is not to be used as a vehicle park why would you ever need 15 hectares.

4 The Stray should be purely maintained for the recreation and enjoyment of residents and public at large and should not be used for commercial profits. It is loved for its natural and open aspect and should not be enclosed and turned into a theme park!

5 The Stray must not become a cash milch cow for the Council. It was given to the people for free and unfettered use, and not to become a cash-generating space for currently fashionable activities. 6 There should be more days throughout the entire year in which no events take place, than the number of days on which an event is occurring. Access for local people and communities for "recreation" should remain the primary purpose of the Stray. The park-runners, footballers, dog-walkers, picnickers, boot-campers and so on are as much part of the life of the Stray as events. I think that events should be aligned with the "brand" of the Stray and Harrogate. I would not like to see events with a purely commercial purpose hosted on the Stray. I'd prefer to have the space used for national celebrations, cultural and sporting events. If the council generates income from provision of the Stray to other organisations I'd like to see that income invested in more areas being managed for conservation. My final point is that events generate people and traffic and perhaps it's time for a more structured park-and-ride service, to reduce congestion.

7 The Stray Act was to protect the rights of the people to have free access to the Stray at all times (except for 35 days of the year). It is a disgrace that you are trying to change this and take away the rights of the people of Harrogate.

8 Leave The Sray act as it is. It was given for the people of Harrogate not the businesse nor the councils.

9 By holding this consultation you are considering taking away the rights of the public to free and open access of the Stray. The purpose of the Act was to protect against this. What you are doing is very wrong.

10 You are suggesting restricting our rights as residents to free access to the Stray - this is unacceptable!

11 The stray should remain for most of the time an open, tranquil space & not be seen as an opportunity for money making. It is one of Harrogate's charms. It creates a good, inviting impression as the town is entered, enticing people to stay & explore & patronise local businesses.

12 Too many events will detract from the joy of the open spaces. The balance of attracting revenue into the town against attracting intrusive noise, mess and (potentially) all "undesirable" element of crowds, must always be considered. This has been possible in the past because of the "Act"

13 Stray should be open access to all at all times 14 The purpose of the Stray is to provide Green space for the residents to enjoy. There is enough going on in and around Harrogate and if you increase events and the area used you will spoil the area for those residents.

15 The Stray is a wonderful facility and, as such, I believe that it should be made available more freely for events which appeal to a greater number of people than it does at the moment. A dog walking and picnic area is great but times and tastes change so the Stray should be ready.

16 Protect our stray - it was clearly left for our free enjoyment not for commercial reasons. Obviously there needs to be some events for our economy but these need to be closely regulated of the place will be taken over & it leaves the door open for other amendments later.

17 "...or use of the Stray" - it's "use" should be for open space enjoyment not turning it into an events venue as standard. Keep Green Space Green.

18 The stray is there for everyone to use not for the council to profit from. let the current legislation stand to stop any abuse and over commercialisation of the Stray. I strongly oppose any changes to the current act

19 The stray should be protected for the sole use of the public and residents of Harrogate. The act was brought in many years ago for a reason and has served both the stray and public alike. There are provisions in the act to assist in holding events and I really do not see any reason to amend or change the act to put at risk such a prized asset to the town of Harrogate. 20 There needs to be a sensible balance struck in providing an open and free recreational space for Harrogate residents (most of us do not have gardens) and providing opportunities for community events. The former should take precedence and is in line with the spirit of the Act, the latter does provide opportunities for greater community integration Any relaxation of the Act should maintain the principle of all events being open to everyone - this should not be used as an opportunity for private interests to run private events

21 This is an open space & should be kept this way & not used for commercial gain. 22 the stray should remain a free and open space for all to enjoy indiscriminately. small scale events should be allowed to take place provided they do not ruin the area, but large scale events will cause to much destruction of the area, and will put a massive strain on local roads.

23 The Stray is for the people of Harrogate to use for recreational purposes, not for the council to use as a cash cow. This Act must NOT be amended.

24 I have lived in Harrogate town centre since October 1959. I have seen many changes in the last 57 years but I feel very strongly. The Stray was given to the people of Harrogate and not an item that our Council can put up for financial gain to hold large or small events as they wish. Please, please leave our wonderful asset as it stands for us, our children and the generations to come.

25 The Stray was given as a green space in perpetuity, what is the Council`s real and ultimate agenda?

26 The Stray is for the use of the people, but it should be used in keeping with the local area - it should not become an area for a series of ropey second class events. Sports events that have a wider context in the local area could be very good to instigate local activity. A music event eg classical, with fireworks and picnics would be good. I am aware that there could be a noise issue with this that would need addressing.

27 The Stray is a remarkable asset for the town of Harrogate which has been passed down over the generations .It must be the envy of many many towns across the UK . Quiet enjoyment of this recreational area should be the prime objective . Widespread commercialisation of this space is in my view not a route that the council should go . The Tour de France in 2014 was a fantastic event , but one of the reasons it was so fantastic was that it doesn't happen every year - it was a special and unique day which will stay in the memory for a long time . Merely repeating similar experiences several times a year will not work in the same way .

28 I do not object to variety or scale (small or large). But frequently is important 35 days pa is sufficient. The Stray is a large, open recreational space for use by all. If more than 35 days pa are used for events it will disturb the amenity the Stray offers, the peace, the freedom and the space for residents to enjoy the outdoors. The Stray is a balance to the constant commercialism and 24 hour entertainment on offer elsewhere in Harrogate. No to plans to extend the number of days.

29 I am strongly against opening up the use of the Stray for commercial ventures. This is a free space for the public and was created for the public use, not commercial events. I can understand the occasional exception such as the Tour de France, but I strongly disagree with relaxing the restriction. The restriction is in place to police against the damaging use of the Stray for events. 30 I strongly believe that the Stray Act should not be amended in any way, in order to protect its original purpose. While events such as the Tour de France may have been successful, they are incredibly disruptive to local residents whose properties surround the entire area of the Stray (example: the sound stage of the Tour de France "fan hub" was literally across the road from the end of my drive. The noise and traffic disruption was horrendous for four days). The Stray should be preserved for the free use of Harrogate's residents, not continually closed off to attract tourists which the Town's infrastructure is ill-equipped to accommodate. I am already dreading next year's Tour de Yorkshire. We are so incredibly lucky to have the Stray. It is beautiful and special and should be protected in every possible way. Please do not cheapen it. It is worth far more than ££££s.


32 The stray is for free access to the people of Harrogate and should nit be used for commercial purposes

33 The Stray is for quiet recreational use by residents & visitors.It is not a privately owned site to be commercially utilised. Harrogate is a very congested large town,this open green area is cherished for just that;it should not be fenced off/exploited by event organisers with sole objective of making money.The event s which currently take place annually are sufficient to meet local needs

34 The Stray exists in the main to offer residents the ability of free recreation. It is not a commercial entity to be exploited by the Council on others .... So with the exception of National Events I do not support extending the type and time for events. Observations would suggest that residents use these parts of the Stray closest to the town centre. These areas should be protected at all costs. The larger areas on the other side of Knaresborough Road, are less used. There perhaps is more scope for extending use and time on these areas only.

35 It is essential that the Stray should remain broadly freely accessibhle to the public. Even if more events, or larger events, are allowed there must always be routes maintained for local people to cross or access the land. As Harrogate relies heavily on tourist income its important that we should be able to offer a broader range of events than originally included in the terms of the Stray Act.

36 I think I have said it all in previous answers, but I would add: the Stray is the people's playground, not the Council's commercial asset. Hands off!

37 The Stray Act should remain in place for perpetuity as was intended when the Stray was gifted to the town.Appying to Parliament for a waiver works and should remain in force.

38 The Stray was a gift to the people of Harrogate and should be left as open access. Damage to the Stray is also a concern.

39 Harrogate Stray was a gift to the people of Harrogate and not a gift to the council. The council manage the space and the result is an open area for all, which we all benefit from and which enhances the area - we all need green spaces. It is important that the council does not use any amendment as an opportunity to raise funds for the council.

40 Harrogate Stray should be available to all residents and visitors. It is what makes the town unique and it should be preserved as it is. Whilst picnicking is to be encouraged or enjoyed there, the use of barbecues and the smoke and fumes produced is not to be encouraged. They can spoil the use of the Stray for other people and should not be allowed.

41 The Stray is there for the use of the harrogte people to enjoy,. It is not to be be fenced off and access limited just so people from outside can make use of our lovely green space, causing damage to the land and grass and of being little our no benefit to Harrogate as a whole. There are already car parks - why turn the Stray into another?! 42 The Stray Act has preserved the guaranteed continuation of public rights – dual ownership shared between the Crown and the people – right of free and unrestricted access. The fact that the local authority have found sections of this legislation to be inconvenient is precisely why the Stray has survived. Without these inconveniences the siren attractions of expediency and financial profitability will be unrestrained. The Stray Act protects the principal of unrestricted and free access to the greater part of the Stray for the greater part of each year. Leave it alone.

43 The stray is common land for recreation. The harrogate Stray Act should remain unchanged.

44 The Stray makes Harrogate a unique and beautiful place. Any event is an imposition on the capacity of the residents of Harrogate to use their open space, the current events are tolerated in a spirit of sociability but this is a resource for people not for commercial interests.

45 The Stray Act states that it is to provide residents the opportunity to enjoy "free recreation" at all times. One of the reasons Harrogate is such a lovely place to live is because we have been able to conserve our heritage - do not destry this concept. With ever increasing building in harrogate we must conserve what we have left.

46 Keep the space open to the public. Wonderful green site that should be cherished 47 The Stray plays a large part in creating the exceptional atmosphere which underpins the unique character of Harrogate. The free and open space provided by the Stray gives peacefulness, fresh air and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors to residents and visitors of Harrogate alike. It is likely that many of the benefits of the Stray are enjoyed subconsciously as people make their way about Harrogate but this does not diminish their import. It is well recorded that open space, greenery and the opportunity to be outdoors enhance and enrich human lives both in work and in leisure. It is for these reasons that the Stray's nature should only be interfered with in as limited a way as possible and, any events which limit, impact and restrict the use of the Stray as it is should not be permitted without careful and cautious consideration nor without exceptional reason. Any of the suggested changes to the Harrogate Stray Act would inevitably lead to less care and consideration being given to any decision on the type and scale of events held on the Stray and would thereby inevitably lead to a dilution and devaluation of the nature of the Stray. Moreover, any inappropriate events which are not in keeping with the nature of Harrogate would denigrate and undermine its spirit and quality. It should not, therefore, be left in the hands of a few, who may or may not appreciate the intricacies of this spirit and quality, to determine the type and extent of events which are carried out on the Stray.

48 The Stray is a very special area for the people of Harrogate and as such should retain its free accessibility. However I do not believe that it should be totally locked into its Victorian past. Harrogate District Council should now be considering the district's contribution to carbon sequestration. As a reasonable gesture to a policy of decarbonisation Harrogate should consider some level of afforestation of the Stray. This can be accomplished by an initial project on the outer edges of the Stray areas and could easily find public approval if the majority of the trees were fruit trees. Essentially these would be linear orchards which would give a delightful display in spring and early summer. The fruits could be contributed to various charitable causes and the whole project be presented as a part of the effort to reduce the district's carbon footprint. I am uncertain how this fits with present designation within the Stray Act. If there is something in the Act which prevents such a change then I suggest that the Act should be adapted to match present circumstances 49 This consultation does not ask about extending the types of event that can be held on the Stray. If this is part of the Council's proposal for amending the Stray Act this should be clearer. I would only support increasing the scale of events and the number of days allocated to events (both small and large) if such events were demonstrably for the benefit of the community, were structured so that disturbance (eg noise) to residents bordering and near the Stray were minimised as far as possble and if the principle of free (as in no entrance fee etc) access to the Stray for all is maintained during all events.

50 Best as a simple open space. 51 The stray is a unique asset to Harrogate and should not be "overused". There is a danger that too many events will damage the structure and leave a muddy mess. This would mean the people of Harrogate would be severely restricted in when they could use it for recreational purposes.

52 I feel that the Stray should remain as an open space to be enjoyed by local people and visitors. The Harrogate Stray Act has, thus far, ensured this is the case and I believe that any amendment to the Act would put this in jeopardy, particularly if at some time in the future Harrogate Borough Council gets swallowed up by a larger council.

53 Refer to Q11 response above. The character of the Stray as a green OPEN space to be used for 'free' recreation - and not restricted by large formal events - should be maintained.

54 Correspondence between HBC and DCLG indicates that there have always been conditions around protection and reinstatement of The Stray in connection with large scale events has been part of the application under the general rule of competnece and the Localism Act. Any change to The Stray Act must have clear undertakings written into it, in line with those approved by Parliament in the case of both the Tour de France and the Tour de Yorkshire, around protection, reinstatement and the number of aircraft movements and landings. Any extension of the number of days MUST include set up and break down days, which are currently excluded from the provisions of the Stray Act. This will maintain the balance between the open use of The Stray by the people of Harrogate and beyond, which is of course the purpose of the restrictions imposed by the Act, and the opportunities presented to HBC and partners to stage prestigious international, national and countywide events. 55 I am a resident of 65 years. I can recall enjoying The Stray with my family from a very early age - childhood - but these memories are not of loud, populated "events"! They are memories of the vast, quiet, gentle expanse of The Stray and being able to go anywhere on it at any time, free of any charges or any hindrance by anyone - just to wander and walk and look and smell the grass!. Its beauty is in the fact that it is large, unfenced, free to all of us and just The Stray - it needs no embellishment and I do not want to see it destroyed just for the sake of what may at the moment seem like desirable events. I would add that if the council wants to hold large events such as Tour de Yorkshire, then I can't see why the current method of having to seek permission should be changed - because it's existence means that no one can change the use of The Stray. I hope the council will listen to the people - I know the Tour was a great success in commercial terms but it was a one off event because of it's unique nature in never having been in before - that cannot be repeated, it can only be the first, once! It certainly is not a valid reason to change the heritage of this town, not at all. If you talk to anyone who has visited or come to live in Harrogate The Stray is the one thing that always gets mentioned - it is so unique - it can never be replaced. I do not want our council to drive this through as they would lose the trust of the people. And I hope the people have responded to make the councillors aware of the strong feelings. Lastly, I do not think that using "heavyweight" opinions of public figures in the local press should be given any preference or say in this as they are merely looking at it in commercial terms - they are thinking of "commercial success" - but this can be had by using other places, not The Stray! The Stray belongs to the people of Harrogate, not to others with vested interests in "events" - this should not and cannot be allowed. s lot eh counjcil d add that if teh council vriable events pt beilfneced uaty The teh eis p eis

56 The Stray is a beautiful open space, unique to the town of Harrogate. The area was gifted to the people of Harrogate for their use and ejoyment. By increasing the number of paid events, one is depriving the very people this area was intended to benefit.

57 The Stray is a lovely open space and this is something both residents and visitors alike find attractive. It is a great place to play sport on for people to take their dog for a walk, to have summer picnics on and sunbathe. Amending the Stray Act would restrict people's enjoyment of these activities. Such pleasures are denied while and where events are taking place.

58 The Harrogate Stray Act is the reason we still have the Stray unenclosed so that the people of Harrogate can take the waters. We mihgt interpret this as use for recreation. So by walking, playing games, sitting etc we use the Stray. Not everything has to earn money. We are a wealthy town, we don't need the extra revenue and further more once the Stray Act has been relaxed I don't trust the Council to care for the Stray.

59 The Stray is a unique feature of Harrogate and I would not like it to fundamentally change. It is common land and therefore should be open and freely accessible to the people of Harrogate for most of the year. Residents should be able to use it for everyday leisure pursits such as dog walking. The number of events should be managed to ensure disruption to the town is kept at a minimum. Would prefer 2/3 major events with a "wow" factor than 4/8 low key. The Tour de France had the wow factor. I really welcome this consultative exercise and perhaps it can be used to form a cross gender//class/expertise/talented think to come up with ideas for future eventsthat will put Harrogate on the map! Many thanks.

60 The Stray is for public use not large of small scale events (especially private ones), there are many other suitable areas in and around Harrogate for these. You can't even police the no cycling parts of the footpaths, let alone the damage due to parking. Its not the Councils land to make money from so stop it now! 61 I think I have said it all to reiterate - take away more days and extend the size of use of the Stray would be the first step in the people of Harrogate losing the Stray. The land was a gift for the people - precious green land to be freely enjoyed by all - not to be covered by marquees and car parking zones for a lot of outsiders who do little to contribute to our town.

62 The Stray is there for the benefit of all residents at all times, not first for commercial enterprise and therefore the current restrictions especially to large events need to be monitored. As we no longer have full democracy in the Council Chamber in that decision by the Cabinet cannot be overturned the restrictions provided by the Stray Act are essential to avoid a select few members making inappropriate decisions. The Stray has been protected for over a hundred years and therefore, provides a unique attraction to residents and visitors. Diluting the restrictions would alter that.

63 I think the Stray should be a green space to be enjoyed by all, not a market place or a fun fair.

64 The Stray is an extremely valuable asset for the community and visitors and it is very well used for the purposes that it was originally intended. It should be protected from damage, and enclosures should not be permitted. In addition, events should not be permitted that put undue strain on the town's infrastructure especially when, as now, the roads and car parks are often operating at or beyond their capacity. The Tour de France is generally considered to have been a success but that is only true if the disruption and costs inflicted on normal business and domestic life are ignored. Perhaps such a thing wil lbe tolerated on an occasional basis such as every five or more years but an annual event such as that would be very damaging. One other point about the Tour de France is that the public were excluded from quite a large area of Stray and this should not be permitted for any event. There should never be a ban on access to any part of the Stray.

Frequency of events

1 I think that public access is of primary importance but the amount of local interest and participation needs to be taken into account. Damage to the Stray, flowers etc should be paid for by the event promoters; Bonfire night and reseeding following events would not apply.

Disagree with principle of amending the Act

1 Changing the use of the Stray will change the character of the town - for the worse 2 Change for change sake does not work. 3 Leave the Stray alone. 4 If the policy becomes a constant (for me, once a month would feel constant) stream of events without bounds then I would,categorically not support the amendment of the bill since the open and relaxed use of the stray by residents is of the highest priority for me.

5 Please do not consider spoiling what is a definitive part of Harrogate. 6 I certainly don't want any public toilets. 7 There are many working to promote the area but it would seem that their ideas lack originality. This is , not some once grimy city trying to appeal to the masses. The area around Harlow Carr is already being nibbled away at despite the huge numbers of visitors it attracts. The independent retailers are finding it more difficult to survive as costs rise. Harrogate is going to end up as Same old Same old unless someone with a broader outlook gets a grip on the situation. 8 I do urge the Council to consider very carefully that by even putting a case for relaxing the Stray Act they are assuming those of us who love, and wish to keep, our beloved Stray exactly it is! Recent letters from the Stray Defence Society and the town's notable historian Malcolm Neesam in the Harrogate Advertiser have made this point very clearly. "Modernising" the Stray Act to increase the varietys frequently and size of events" and the Council's own admission that it received a large number of enquiries?" about such a possible move, really says it all"

9 The Stray Act was put there for a reason - and I believe that reason to be good. I do think the Council have a tough task in many things but I do not think they will gain by amending or changing this Act. I do think there are alternatives that could be used and I hope that will be the case.

10 The stray is the jewel in our crown. I suspect those wishing to wreck it by these proposals have their own agenda. The originators of the Stray Act were clearly made of different stuff. That would turn in their graves.

11 To attempt to change the Stray Act - an Act of Parliament - on the basis of the ''success'' of a cycle race is frankly ludicrous .HBC should be ashamed.

12 The Stray Act shouldn't be weakened. 13 I think I have covered most of what I would like to say but again I reiterate to the council,LEAVE OUR STRAY ALONE!!!!

14 I strongly believe that Harrogate would not benefit if the Stray Act were to be relaxed, 15 Please leave alone 16 Hands off! 17 Please leave the Stray as it is 18 People like the Stray the way it is

Agree with principle of amending the Act

1 When we get together in Harrogate wonderful things happen. We should invest in Harrogate heart and soul not just it's pretty looks.

2 It's a no brainer 3 Use common sense 4 The Stray is a wonderful resource and a major Jewel in Harrogate's crown. Using it more frequently for a range of events/activities will enhance it not spoil it

5 Increase use of events would be great for residents of Harrogate. 6 In light of present and future anticipated usage, the Stray Act definitely needs amendment - otherwise the problem will not be addressed and the situation gets worse. It needs a decision as soon as possible.

7 Agree it should remain a green, open space for public to enjoy most of the time. Agree organised events benefit whole community and add to lovely ambience already found in Harrogate. Agree days should be limited to prevent overcrowding/transport congestion of an already very busy town.

8 Strongly agree; the act needs to be amended to allow the town to attract the type of events which it has done recently e.g Tour De France

9 Good luck. 10 The Stray is a beautiful green space that we all enjoy - formal, walking dog, running etc). But as long as the event organisers leave it as they found it the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

11 The Stray is a tremendous asset to Harrogate and must be strongly protected. It should remain an open green space. But I'm in favour of a moderate increase in the amount of organised use made of this land, provided events are open to the public and have broad public appeal.

Current under use of the Stray /Could be used more 1 I think the Stray is a beautiful and treasured area of Harrogate and one of the many reasons we choose to live in the district. However, I feel it could be better used for a variety of events. The success of the Tour de France showed that it is possible to put on a large scale event and to return the area back to its original state, whilst benefiting the town residents and the visitors alike. I would like to see open air concerts such as proms in the park, music festivals and more events for families and the younger people of the town. I hope you are successful in changing the rules on the use of the stray

2 It's lovely, but a bit Ill used in my opinion. If it's just older people who support doing nothing, tat golden generation gave too much of their own way.dont know tow to the 'entiled' population who feel they know what's best.

3 If you could generate an atmosphere where people think - "What's on at the Stray in the next couple of weeks?" it could make the summer season very attractive. Get the Harrogate Festivals team on it. Make it a focal point, it could be our Central Park, but at the moment it is so big and empty, you feel intimidated waking on it. Don't ever let it be reduced or built on, but for goodness sake let's use what we have.

4 It is wonderful to have the Stray on our doorstep but there needs to be common sense applied as to its use. The vast majority of the space isn't well used on a consistent basis, however the footways that navigate are. I do believe any events should ensure that footways around the perimeter of the Stray are open for walkers and runners. People need to realise that Local Authorities don't have an endless supply of resources available and events like this can help contribute to ensuring that Harrogate is a place that people continue to want to visit and live.

5 Greater use of the Stray is long overdue, subject to appropriate safeguards, which I'm sure the Duchy and Council would happily oversee

6 The council should proceed carefully, the Stray should be used more but in a responsible and well managed way. Events should be timetabled in across the Stray, not just West Park

7 More use of the Stray! 8 To me the Strays and Valley Gardens are the big attractions of Harrogate - these big open spaces contrast favourably with York my nearest town/city. They seem to be increasingly under used. I seem to see less families picnicing or children playing there or even people walking across them - especially those areas by roads to Otley/Wetherby. They are so big they could accommodate (events) and still leave plenty of space.

9 My only reservation is that we wouldn't have another Leeds Festival type event that ruined the fields and the proceeds of which would go in the pockets of god knows who. Other than that I think it is a wonderful idea to do more events! Lets not let the rich people who live around the Stray dictate what we do with our space.

10 First and foremost I am keen that the Stray remain public and for the use of everyone. I would like to see the space used more though!

11 Harrogate is a very special place. You start changing use of the Stray and before long it will lose its appeal. We have managed for years and years without all these extra events. Leave it as it is!

12 Use it, a beautiful place that's under used. Felt that consultation has to wider scale more of residents to be considered.

13 I think it is about time that we started using all the space for organised events. Growing up as teenager in Harrogate was quite boring, events like these could help keep teens off the streets and doing something fun.

14 its should be used more but not over development and ruined in the process 15 It should be utilised more than is at present. 16 think it is a 'no brainer' . HBC needs income and the stray is a great space for events which is currently under used. There will be plenty of space left for quieter activities like dog walking and jogging etc even when an event is on so people could escape the noise and crowd.

17 As a resident who lives within walking distance of the stray, I would welcome a diverse range of events and attractions

18 Whilst we all agree the Stray is a lovely green space that adds to the town, and should never be built on. The use of it more is a positive move that can only add to the town, lets face it.... it's only grass! and for all those who go on about the turf being spoilt... it can be replaced. The enjoyment, jobs and money it can generate has to be a good thing.

19 The Stray is a wonderful facility and, as such, I believe that it should be made available more freely for events which appeal to a greater number of people than it does at the moment. A dog walking and picnic area is great but times and tastes change so the Stray should be ready.

20 I just think it's such a shame that it's not used - maybe have an area just for a quiet area?

21 Its a beautiful green space and should be enjoyed by all but not abused 22 I feel the Stray Act as it is does a good job of controlling use of the area to the benefit of all. Feel that there should be a greater variety of small scale community events from new providers. I disagree with the use of the limited number of days being used by a circus

23 The Stray is a key feature to the town and should be well looked after. However other people could benefit from more events.

24 Too many people will be anti progress and will vote no for the stray act because they see the stray as a private space for Harrogate residents (esp those along the stray edges) as a non Harrogate resident I would be more likely to visit Harrogate at the weekends if there were more events of differing size / spread around the full site.

25 It's is fantastic that we have the Stray, and that it has been protected all these years. But times move on. Originally London's parks were barred from "poor, lower classes" and only used for walking. Now they host events including concerts, festivals and shows that benefit and improve the lives of all Londoners. Harrogate is modernising and growing, and our "park" needs to become more accessible and of greater benefit for all. The Valley Gardens or too small and pristine to really lend themselves to modern events. Whereas the Stray is underused as it only really benefits people if they a) walk dogs, b) play junior football, c) attend "army" fitness training or happen to live overlooking it. Make Harrogate a more vibrant place to live - bring us into the 21st century. We can be the envy of Britain.

26 The Stray is lovely but holding events would be fantastic. It would bring more people to the town and fewer people would leave to go to alternative towns and events.

27 Harrogate is lucky to have such a wide space of land which is well maintained and looked after by those that live here, and it should be made better use of especially during the summer months when more people tend to use it.

28 I think that more use of this asset would be great benefit to residents and businesses. (The Tour de France was a good example).

29 its a 'nice' space, but its vastly underutilised 30 The Harrogate Stray Act is used by unscrupulous and selfish individuals and groups to prevent Council Tax payers from using and enjoying amenities for which they are obliged to pay. The Stray should be, and could be, the greatest asset this town has - but it is a sad empty space - devoid of kids riding bikes, of people having fun. The Parkrun brings a burst of joy and activity for an hour each Saturday - this is the kind of event which happens on the Stray more frequently - bringing people of all ages, and from all parts of the town together as a community. I have also read dim-witted comments about this being a "money-making" activity by the Council - even if true, then good. If the Council can make a way to profit from additional activities on the Stray then it to the good of all taxpayers! The events in Valley Gardens this year show there is huge demand for events among the majority of folk in Harrogate. Go for it!!

31 Obviously, these should be no building development or car parks but the Stray is large enough to hold major events without compromising its unique character. Change is unavoidable especially in this era of austerity in order to maintain and fund the Stray.

32 I strongly believe the use of the Stray should be broadened. It is a marvellous, unique facility which is a wonderful asset to the community which we are lucky to have so if we could increase trade to the area by such events that would also benefit the town.

33 We love The Stray but would like to see it better used. As an older person I would like to see better cycle paths. At the moment it is too dangerous for older people to cycle. You should change all the 'no cycling' paths to 'cyclists give way' paths. Thanks.

34 It's amazing to think that years ago, there was a racecourse on the Stray. Grass always grows back, and it would be a shame for us and future generations not to be able to make use of it because someone else doesn't like change. Opening up the Stray to limited cycling has hardly caused any problems and indeed, has helped encourage cycling and fitness. Let's make the most of what we've got - I'm sure those who originally intended the Stray for recreational use wouldn't have wanted to keep such restrictive practices on it.

35 The Stray as it is is a waste of space and not used properly. When you visit green open spaces (like the Stray) for example, in Cambridge there are large festivals (e.g Strawberry Fair) and in the summer there are lots of people having BBQ's, picnics etc. More events would also bring in more people and money to keep the cafes and restaurants going ... of which there are too many but that's another story!!

36 I am very much in favour of extending the use of the Stray but in a measured way. Too much change would end up with continuous money making events which would ruin the Stray and damage the unique feel. that it gives to Harrogate. events

37 The Stray is a very valuable asset for the Town and District of Harrogate, and one that is vastly under used. Having said that any relaxation in the Stray Act leading to further events would need to be carefully monitored to allow the Stray time to recover thereby ensuring that future generations get the same level of enjoyment that we do today.

38 We need to start using this space for more events, festivals, fayres, markets. Everytime we have hosted things on the Stray I feel they have always been successful and the majority of the people I know have been to visit it and have really good reviews of this. I think this would help boost our economy and tourism as well as making the community come together to enjoy the festivities, it would be a great opportunity for teenagers to get out and do something, it would offer more temporary summer/winter jobs for students/young adults or anyone wanting some extra cash. I can only see positives from relaxing the Stray Act. There will always be people that complain whatever the outcome of this. 39 I believe that if managed properly, greater use of the Stray for events large and small would be to the benefit of all local people as long as events organisers understand that they must leave the areas they use as they found them. Any infringement of rules by any events should incur the wrath of the Council and make sure that they are dealt with accordingly and banned from future events in order to protect this vast asset we have in the Stray.

40 We are keen to see the Stray used, but equally for its uniqueness to be preserved. It should not be exploited. As the existing arrangements appear to work, other than applying to Parliament for any exceptions, just retain the existing lits, but with exceptions to be referred to a properly constituted Committee - all the details of which can be documented in a revised Act.

41 I would be happy to see the stray used for more events. However the balance of large scale to small scale events should be balanced heavily towards small events which could be on different parts of the stray, not just the area on west park or oatlands drive, in order for an damage to the grass to recover.

42 Happy for the stray to be used for additional events so long as it is still effectively managed by HBC and any proceeds go into local improvements. I agree it is better not having to go to Parliament but if this is changed it should not be abused (The problem is this will mean different things to different people) The time allocated for an event should include setting up and taking down, the onus, therefore, is on the event organiser to meet the schedule. Fined if over runs, also if does not leave Stray in good condition. Compensation, good will gestures, to business or individuals who will suffer from any changes (Always winners and losers)

43 The stray is a unique area maintained by the council and should be used more by the people of Harrogate and district for pleasure and leisure.

44 Harrogate was at its very best for the Toure de France - even if like me you had no interest in it as a sporting event. We all felt proud of our town, and it would be great to see the stray used more for days like that.

45 I support increasing the use of this valuable resource, in keeping with the spirit of the Stray Act and preserving the integrity of this jewel in Harrogate's crown. We live next to it and feel it could easily accommodate more activities for the benefit of the community.

46 The Stray is a wonderful resource and we are hugely privileged to be able to enjoy it AND that it attracts visitors who support our town's economy. I would never wish it to be so fully utilised that there were not significant "empty" spaces at all times, for quiet use. However, to leave it under-used when so few places can offer such an amenity is an abdication of responsibility by us all. Let's celebrate this benefit, not over-protect it.

47 I think that the Stray area should be used more widely for public events, rather than the Valley Gardens. The flower beds in the Valley Gardens were damaged during a large event which took place in there during the summber 2016. Surely events on a larger scale could be held on the Stray? The Stray is a great asset to the town - why is use of it so restricted?

48 I think that so long as the nature of the event is appropriate to being held on the Stray, and any decisions made are purely not income led. Proper plans in place to maintain and preserve the Stray from long lasting damage, and careful consideration and planning and communication with other venues so that too many events are not held on the same days, so chaos is caused getting in and around Harrogate. I would love more events in the town. 49 In principle, I agree with a slightly iincreased use of the Stray as I have seen several benefits to the town over the recent years. However I am very concerned that this is the proverbial and thin edge of the wedge and that, as so often happens, a good idea basically is corrupted and cynically used to erode the unique character of the Stray which is an intrinsic part of its attraction for residents and visitors alike. It must maintain, in spirit and in practice, its original purpose. Otherwise Harrogate will be utterly devalued. Once the flood gates are opened they will be impossible to shut.

Wish to retain status quo

1 Harrogate is blessed with many commercial venues that could take most of the additional events that are being proposed, The Act of Parliament ensures that only very special events - occasions take place. I therefore think that the current arrangement is working and should not be changed. This arrangement means that only the very special events get permission.

2 The Stray is what makes Harrogate special and should be retained as a special zone 3 It is important that the stray remains protected and is not used for commercial gain. Events should have to show how they give back to the local community and take steps to be inclusive to socially disadvantaged people. That is why I think there should be an annual bidding system for events with a diverse panel deciding who is awarded event space. They should have to appply and fit certain criteria and then present to the Panay a cas for their event. This should ensure that the community is gaining a diverse program of events.

4 There is nothing wrong with the Stray Act the way it is now 5 The Act has successfully defended The Stray from 'bright ideas' that 'seemed a good idea at the time' but that have subsequently proven not to be so clever. Whilst appreciating that there are limited benefits to the average resident (and some definite disadvantages to some too) it appears that it is the hoteliers and businesses that will gain most from relaxing the constraints of the Act. We have an excellent showground run by YAS and large, particularly commercial, events should perhaps consider using this rather than the Stray

6 The current act has worked well for 40 years - leave it alone 7 There have been plenty of other proposals "for making better use of the Stray" in the past. Many have had "public support". Thankfully none have been implemented and we still have access to this wonderful amenity. We tinker with it at our peril.

8 This survey is slightly flawed, it asks to give days for small events, then large events hoping that you can increase more than 35 days. This is more than enough, the Stray should be kept for free recreation when people like it, mainly at weekends when people are not working. It should not be cluttered with events just to bolster the Council's income streams. Consideration should be given to local residents who like to have the freedom to use the stray as defined in the original act.

9 The Stray is a feature that helps to define Harrogate. The parliamentary protection that has been afforded the Stray over the years has helped to preserve the character of the town. Even if the Council starts off with good intentions and believes that additional use will be a community benefit "mission creep" will invariably set in. 3 events will become 5 events, temporary enclosures will become permanent and we will eventually lose the Stray entirely.

10 I see no reason at all for extending the use of the Stray. There are of course many commercial organisations who would love to profit from an extension to the commercial activity which currently takes place. The Council is guilty of spoiling the Valley Gardens with the food fair. It should not be allowed to do the same to the Stray. Keep it as it is. If an event requires the effort of a variation to the Stray Act then people will think twice before doing it. 11 The Stray Act should be kept inviolable and not tinkered with for short term gain. 12 The various parliamentary measures protecting the Stray have worked effectively. Maintaining the Stray as a open, unexploited town centre green space has played a central role in defining the character of the town. Allowing the Stray to be used for commercial purposes will lead to a change in the character of the Stray and the town. The Yorkshire showground is a stones throw from the town centre - use that for these events.

13 The Stray is just fine as it is thank you. Can the council point to anything they have done to improve the actual town? The disastrous bus station perhaps? The incredibly bland new cinema complex with its coterie of identikit chain restaurants? The conversion of the wonderful Winter Gardens into a beer hall? The soon-to-be-derelict Council offices? Don't let them mess with the Stray!

14 Famously it was once said that politicians were here to day gone tomorrow and this remains true. The Stray Act has protected the space since its inception and can be varied for special occasions. Commercial political movements have no place in trying to amend this situation, not everything can be for profit. We owe it to future generations to ensure the Stray is protected and not exploited by a clique who scent profit and political grandstanding.

15 The Stray act and it predecessors have server both the Stray and the town well up to now. It should not be ammended.

16 Current usage is appropriate - no changes required. 17 Leave it as it is 18 The act works for the residents and visitors of Harrogate. It has been kept beautifully and makes Harrogate the place it is today. Please don't change it.

19 The Stray Act is a perfectly fine piece of legislation. The desire for Harrogate Council to raise more revenue has to be balanced against giving inhabitants of the borough free access.

20 Keep the Stray as it is - open parkland with 24*7*365 access. For the Tour de France visitor parking was at the Yorkshire Showground - the Stray was only used to park "support vehicles". If the Stray is not to be used as a vehicle park why would you ever need 15 hectares.

21 I see no reason to increase usage of the stray it was protected by our forefathers to be used by the public and I feel that we should continue that principle. Any large scale event will increase traffic around the town the Christmas market being a prime example with no parking for exhibitors or the public and the town gridlocked for days..

22 35 days is enough and any other events can still be licenced if necessary. Leave it alone!

23 Please leave the Stray as it is. 24 35 days is enough. Events create noise and mess for residents. Changing an act like this is very costly. The Stray is beautiful and should be left alone. It is a slippery slope!

25 The Stray should be kept and maintained as it is and the current arrangements should be kept in place. I do not wish to see any more small-scale events permitted or any large-scale events at all. It is there for public use and enjoyment of leisure. It is not there to make money.

26 I came to Harrogate in 1981 as a young solider at the AAC Harrogate. The Stray was one of those areas where we could get away from the riggers of our training and experience some peace and local contact. I eventually married a Harrogate 'Lass' and after moving around with our family we cam back to settle in 2003. The tow3n had changed much since then but the Stray was the same peaceful tranquility I remember. Please do not change it!!

27 I don't want the Stray to change. 28 The main attraction of visitors to Harrogate year after year is the stray. The natural beauty of the Stray needs to be kept. Please leave the Stray Act alone.

29 It should remain as it is with 35 days use pa. It is a unique part of Harrogate's heritage and tampering with it will eventually destroy its very special recreational value that has been part of the town since 1774. Hands off.

30 Leave the Stray alone. Is the Yorkshire Events Centre at full capacity? If there is a demand (and I do not believe any such demand has been proven) then hold additional event there. The showground is a commercial venture, the Stray is not.

31 There must have been a reason why the number of days was allocated please keep to them.

32 Leave The Sray act as it is. It was given for the people of Harrogate not the businesse nor the councils.

33 Harrogate is a very special place. You start changing use of the Stray and before long it will lose its appeal. We have managed for years and years without all these extra events. Leave it as it is!

34 Leave the Stray alone. 35 The 1985 Stray Act has proved successful. There is no need to change it because of one event in nearly thirty years. The purpose of the Stray is not to provide an 'event' venue. Whoever has instigated this 'legal amendment' activity clearly does not understand the primary underlying principle of the Stray. There are many other venues within Harrogate that can provide additional space for commercial activities. These other venues have operated successfully for many decades. Not least the Valley Gardens, the Yorkshire Show Ground, the Exhibition Centre, and the many large hotels around Harrogate.

36 Thank God for The Stray Act. Its not all about money, especially as the people wanting to fence it in are no doubt thinking of lining their own pockets. Yes we need to support businesses but my understanding is that the biggest problem st the moment is business rates, not the lack of a once in a blue moon TDF size event.

37 Please do not amend the Stray Act. The Stray is what Harrogate is famous for. It will ultimately lead to the decline of Harrogate.

38 The Open Spaces Society is Britain's oldest national conservation body, founded in 1965. We were involved in the passage of the Stray Act 1985 and would not wish to see any of its provisions weakened. We are sorry that the council did not consult the society before embarking on this exercise.

39 Leave it alone 40 The Stray Act gives Harrogate its special character and should not be changed. 41 The Stray is very unique and the protection act linked to it is there to protect for the future. There are plenty of venues and open spaces where events can take place in and around Harrogate. Amending the Act will in my view weaken the overall, long-term future protection of the land.

42 Protect our stray - it was clearly left for our free enjoyment not for commercial reasons. Obviously there needs to be some events for our economy but these need to be closely regulated of the place will be taken over & it leaves the door open for other amendments later.

43 The current arrangement works with extra large events having to be considered by exception - leave the act alone please.

44 Please leave as it is - it seems to work. 45 Again leave The Stray alone, Harrogate Council can not be trusted. Until they can, Leave The Stray alone or let another organisation decide and not the Duchy of Lancaster, their even worst than HBC. Who know Richard Cooper and his band of nutters might decided to build a new council HQ on the Stray or Big Don might put some pointless traffic lights there. An independent group should be set up to decided this and who will listen to the people of Harrogate, some people from the HBC could even joined the group they might be nutter but a least they are entertaining.

46 In a climate in which those with money have power, I do not want to see such individuals overpower the current status of the Stray. It is not 'for sale'. It is the lungs of the town, a draw to feed its economy and a visual delight because it is unbroken by structures (be they permanent or temporary). No change please.

47 The stray is there for everyone to use not for the council to profit from. let the current legislation stand to stop any abuse and over commercialisation of the Stray. I strongly oppose any changes to the current act

48 The stray should be protected for the sole use of the public and residents of Harrogate. The act was brought in many years ago for a reason and has served both the stray and public alike. There are provisions in the act to assist in holding events and I really do not see any reason to amend or change the act to put at risk such a prized asset to the town of Harrogate.

49 The stray act was put in place all those years ago, to protect the stray from these proposals and should be protected by elected politicians, please respect the stay, and do not go ahead with holding these events!

50 The Act is currently fine. 51 A special application should be made to Parliament for one-off events. 52 I have known Harrogate since 1970 and have fond memories of picnics, walks and games on the stray; these days everything gets more and more developed with the only gain being monetary. It would be nice to think that HBC could leave well alone and protect this precious space.

53 The Stray should be left exactly as it is. 54 Please do not change the Harrogate Stray Act. It deserves to stay as it is for the benefit of future generations.

55 I do not disagree that there may be events we would like to stage in Harrogate in the future but I think it should be planned and applied for as it is at the moment and that things should not become more automatic because the scale and number would escalate and before we know it there would be events all the time which would completely spoil the peaceful open aspect which we all cherish.

56 I feel the Stray Act as it is does a good job of controlling use of the area to the benefit of all. Feel that there should be a greater variety of small scale community events from new providers. I disagree with the use of the limited number of days being used by a circus

57 The Stray is the best feature of Harrogate. The current Stray Act protects the Stray for the use of the community, and I think that any modification of the Act will benefit charities and commercial organisations, but be detrimental for the community and their use of the Stray.

58 The Stray is for the people of Harrogate to use for recreational purposes, not for the council to use as a cash cow. This Act must NOT be amended.

59 I strongly oppose any changes to the Stray Act. I feel the current range of events and size of events is good and am happy that extra large events require special application to Parliament as this will limit the number, and protect residents from excess noise and disruption. If the restrictions are changed, I feel the protection of the Stray will gradually be eroded.

60 The Stray Act was passed for a reason! Leave it as it should be in place protecting the Stray! 61 I have lived in Harrogate town centre since October 1959. I have seen many changes in the last 57 years but I feel very strongly. The Stray was given to the people of Harrogate and not an item that our Council can put up for financial gain to hold large or small events as they wish. Please, please leave our wonderful asset as it stands for us, our children and the generations to come.

62 Am happy with the status quo. 63 No alterations to Harrogate Stray Act! (Next thing you will be wanting to build on Stray land, this must never be done).

64 No change. 65 We are one of the only towns in the country with this facility. It belongs to the people and I see no reason to change the existing arrnagement. The "Tour de France" was a "one off" and should be viewed as such. Tourists come to Harrogate for its open spaces and beautiful views and this should never come under threat. That Council needs to get its money elsewhere! Hands off the Stray!!

66 I have lived overlooking the Stray for 20 years. I enjoy being able to walk on or around the Stray each day. I enjoy the changing seasons and the peacefulness of the green space in our busy town. Harrogate roads are very busy and without a bypass we can't manage the volume of traffic large events in the town centre cause. I don't want the noise of more events on the Stray or the associated traffic. I don't like not having free access to the Stray. I suggest using the Yorkshire Showground for more events as it is underused. Please leave our green space alone so it can be peacefully enjoyed as it always has been.

67 Leave our Stray alone, do not sell out our common land, there is enough land available if the Council wants for commercial activities on the southern bypass, away from all residential areas.

68 keep it as it is no change 69 Please leave the stray alone. It is beautiful as it is and can be enjoyed by all. In an ever population increasing world, it is great to escape to somewhere like the Stray.

70 This land should be kept as it is for the people of Harrogate. It is beautiful at everytime of year - even if you are just driving past. If the council start using the stray for more events it will snowball - and eventually be lost forever. we are extremely lucky to have this land - please leave it alone.

71 I do not wish the Stray to alter at all - it is fine as it is. 72 Preserve the status quo. Bigger, more frequent, does not necessarily equate with better and would contradict with the principles, ethos and purpose intended for the Stray. To subject it to what would be more 'commercialism' will only lead to erosion.

73 As an elderly person who walks to my Church (St Pauls UF) every Sunday and into town several times per week I want the Stray to stay as it was meant to be. Please keep mud off the paths to prevent one falling and becoming disabled. As with the tree leaves which I love to see - please sweep them off Beech Grove and I find it very difficult walking into town this past few weeks. I enjoy seeing School Sports and childrens parties and picnics on the Stray as a resident of Beech Grove. Thank you.

74 I jsut want the Stray left alone! 75 I do have an underlying uneasiness about reducing how the current system works. It does mean it screens out some of the lesser quality events, the Tour de France did get permission to go ahead after all.

76 Leave as is, the Stray as it is what makes Harrogate the best place in the UK to live. 77 The solicitor responsible for the existing Stray Act has already made clear that an proposed changes will be time consuming, unpredictable in duration, and above all expensive. To use the proven Engineering doctrine "If it's not broken then don't fix it"

78 Works perfectly well as it is. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Why destroy its unique charm? We don't need three day pop/rock festivals etc. 79 Awful proposals which will bring problems and issues to all those living in the immediate area, leave it alone.

80 Leave the Stray Act 1985 as it is. 81 There should be no changes to the Stray Act 82 LEAVE THE STRAY ALONE!!!! 83 Keep the Harrogate Stray Act 84 The stray is what makes Harrogate special. Without it , or without the stray that we know and love, smart money will leave the area, the town will change and so will begin its decline

85 Please leave our stray alone 86 Leave the Stray alone! The present Act has served us very well. 87 Our precious and glorious green space should be left alone! 88 Leave the Stray Act as it is. It has served well and exceptions can be dealt on a case by case basis.

89 Please leave Stray Act as is. I can not express how important it is that it remains special.

90 Leave well alone! 91 As already stated the Stray Act is fine as it is. As for use I can find no problem with what there is except for the Pleasure Fairs which we would like to see cease operation. Giving a Council any form of leeway means there will be no doubt overtime, be major events as often as they can get away with for monetary reasons if no other. We do have a Conservative Council after all, which is a bit of a misnomer given the fact they are that interest in conserving anything.

92 Please leave things as they are. We value this green space and since it is, I believe, unique we have a responsibility to make sure it stays unique.

93 The Stray should be protected from more events. I look every day and admire its green beauty and crocus's and daffodils. There are far too many trees being planted turning parts of the Stray into a possible forest! Quite simply the Stray is the jewel in Harrogate's crown, a joy for everybody to walk round and also its Harrogate's lung, offering some protection from traffic fumes. Please leave it alone.

94 I have lived in Harrogate since 1960 and am now in my seventies.Over the years I have witnessed the destruction of our railway and bus stations. The market hall Royal Hall and Sun colonnade. The transformation of the library into an Internet cafe. The one way road system which clearly doesn't work and the white elephant that is the Conference Centre. I have no confidence in the local or county councils therefore. For Gods sake leave the Stray alone. It's about all we've got left.

95 Leave it alone 96 I do not think the Stray Act should be changed, as I think the present use is about right.

97 Let any exceptional use of the Stray be subject to individual applications to Parliament - as at present. Why are "repeated applications" not feasible? Many people over many generations have secured the 200 acres as open "public" land. The Stray is almost unique in the UK. We must not lose it.

98 Leave it alone. 99 Council should not seek to amend the Stray Act in any way. 100 It's fine as it is. If it needs an application for additional use then so be it on an event by event basis. if the council are keen to accommodate these events then they should apply as necessary and not leave it as 'open season'

101 Leave the Stray as it is , no further powers to the council . 102 i cannot stress how important to leave the Stray alone there are plenty of other spaces in Harrogate with a better infrastructure ie the great yorkshire showground and the Harrogate Conference centre both need supporting they both have space for what ever can be done on the stray 103 Using the Stray as a valuable green space for local inhabitants is our right under the Stray Act. We should hold on to that right and not abuse it by tinkering at the edges of well laid out legislation. Leave the Stray Act alone and let the Council seek extra funding from elsewhere. I would gladly pay extra in rates if it saved the Stray from exploitation.

104 I get the impression that changes in the Stray Act are for the purpose of making more money. The Stray wasn't put there for money-making, but for the use and pleasure of the local citizens. That is why I think is should stay as it is.

105 THE STRAY ACT SHOULD REMAIN AS IS. 106 The Stray is a beautiful and eye catching part of Harrogate and one which is not apparent in other areas of Yorkshire. Part of it's beauty is that so far it has remained unspoilt. The crocuses which bloom each year look so pretty and give Harrogate something unique which I have not seen in any other part of Yorkshire. Please leave The Stray as it is.

107 As a local resident I am strongly opposed to any amendment of the stray act and want things to continue as they have done for over 200 years. Harrogate is a special place. Lets keep it that way.

108 The Stray Act was set up to protect the stray. The Stray is for the people of Harrogate's use. It is not a venue! Many houses in town were built without outside space as everyone has the use of the Stray. It is a unique space and protection is paramount. I'm willing for a few more bespoke events but not that it works to a quota. I trust Stray Defence to safeguard the Stray. Events should not be for the Council's commercial gain. Nor any car parking. When the Stray hosts big events such as the Tour De France and the event that followed the year after and the Christmas Market, the town's restaurants and retail struggle. As the visitors do not spend their money in the town with the outlets who pay their rates, their taxes, their insurances!

109 The Stray Act is probably the only reason that we have a Stray today. Given the history all around the country of local planning disasters over time, even if the Council now are well-intentioned and sincere, there is no guarantee that this will be the case in the future. We have something of a responsibility, having 'inherited' the Stray, to treat it responsibly for future generations. In this the Council are being naive and have an ill-considered 'plan'. There are other ways of commercialising the public space in the town without resorting to this. Leave the Stray Act alone - sometimes it takes greater courage to do nothing, but in the long run this is the correct thing to do.

110 The Stray Act is there for a reason. 111 The Stray Act was applied to protect the Harrogate Stray from the short term whims of an opportunist local Council. Once the principle of change is agreed the floodgates will open. Already a suggestion in the local paper is to make part of the Stray into a car park for the Harrogate Hospital! What next? Park, ride, dual carriageway road, large fences with pay as you enter gates? If the Act is changed to allow more flexibility of use, the Town will become an image of towns such as Leeds or Rotherham.

112 The Stray is the best thing Harrogate has. It has - almost uniquely - remained free of develpopment affording us a valuable open green space in the very heart of our town. This has only been the case because of the Stray Act. The Stray is a good thing. The Stray Act protects The Stray from the temptation to "just do one more thing" or "let's make it a little bit bigger..." the Stray Act must therefore be defended.

113 Amending the Stray Act would, in my view, be the thin end of a very large wedge. This document is silent about the type of additional events envisaged, so there is no real basis for agreement in the absence of an induction of the future uses the Council has in mind. The document says repeated applications to Parliament are not 'flexible'. I suspect what is meant is that they are cumbersome and time consuming - not the same thing as unfeasible. Change is not needed. The Council is custodian of the Stray for future generations and should maintain the status quo. 114 Leave the Stray act Alone. 115 I strongly believe that the Stray Act should not be amended in any way, in order to protect its original purpose. While events such as the Tour de France may have been successful, they are incredibly disruptive to local residents whose properties surround the entire area of the Stray (example: the sound stage of the Tour de France "fan hub" was literally across the road from the end of my drive. The noise and traffic disruption was horrendous for four days). The Stray should be preserved for the free use of Harrogate's residents, not continually closed off to attract tourists which the Town's infrastructure is ill-equipped to accommodate. I am already dreading next year's Tour de Yorkshire. We are so incredibly lucky to have the Stray. It is beautiful and special and should be protected in every possible way. Please do not cheapen it. It is worth far more than ££££s.

116 Keep the Stray unique the way it was intended. 117 Leave it as it is, it has served the people who it was intended for well enough up to now, why change...... an act of parliament would give you licence to do as you what of the future?....will our beautiful stray be lost forever..

118 Leave well enough alone or risk losing the jewel in the crown of Yorkshire!!!!! 119 The Stray is special! The number of events at present are acceptable and of course for very, very special events it is then possible to grant permission. I do not believe amending the Stray Act would be beneficial. It should be the thin end of the wedge and the Stray could begin to lose its uniqueness!

120 The Stray is sited on a heavy clay soil which is poorly drained. The long term management of such a risk must be of an appropriate high standard to protect the amenity and prevent potential deterioration. Large scale events raise the greatest risks of physical damage by their nature large scale vehicles/ machinery/equipment plus the impact of large numbers of human feet. The ultimate impact on the Stray could produce adverse criticism from the residents, visitors and ultimately the owner of the land. The Stray Act has protected the land historically and this has been beneficial for the residents of Harrogate and the country.

121 The Stray Act MUST remain in tact as existing and must always require a referral by the Local or any other Authority before any changes are made

122 I do not want the Stray Act to change 123 The Stray is very well used every day by residents & visitors for walking/running /sport- it earns its keep as a much prized green lung.It should be left as it is to fulfil that purpose.

124 Have a long term vision, leave a legacy we can be proud of. Let the cities do the events, they're half an hour away.

125 Given the availability of the Yorkshire Showground and any number of large Hotels with extensive grounds within Harrogate, there is absolutely no need to amend The Stray Act Act whatsoever.

126 What gives the current members of HBC the right to wish to tamper with the Stray Act? The people of Harrogate have not asked them to. They should be focusing on other issues and leave the Stray alone.

127 I'd like the 1985 stray act left alone, its doing a good job. The reason Harrogate is Special is because of our Stray, I think most people feel the same and are a little frightened that if the Council have an outright say as to how the stray is used , just about anything could happen to it in the future.

128 I am strongly against further use of the Stray - the land gets ruined easily by the sport on it now - tyres will churn it up, take a look at Beech Road and how the kerb areas are ruined. There are other ways of bringing income to Harrogate - leave the Stray alone.

129 The Stray Act is there to protect the Stray, what assurances are there to stop the council doing what they like if this is changed? 130 As stated, the long term effects will be devastating for Harrogate. Do NOT amend the Stray Act.

131 The stray act is the guardian of our heritage and as such should be preserved in its entirety.

132 Leave the stray alone! 133 One of the reasons that Harrogate is such a special place is because of the Stray. The Stray Act has protected the Stray from intrusions which would damage its natural beauty. The Stray Act should remain in its present form to prevent what could be a gradual erosion of its protected acreage.

134 The Stray is a unique open space in town. Keep it that way 135 If you agree to this now, in could be the thin edge. Not this council or possibly the next but somewhere along the line in the future somebody could take advantage of this and use Harrogate Stray for the wrong reason and we wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Leave it as is and if something is SO IMPORTANT IT NEEDS MORE SPACE, then apply to Parliament or the Duchy for permission.

136 Leave it as is - the council should be focusing on more important issues 137 The Stray Act should remain in place for perpetuity as was intended when the Stray was gifted to the town.Appying to Parliament for a waiver works and should remain in force.

138 It is important to retain the character of Harrogate - leave the Stray alone! It is what makes Harrogate special - don't ruin it with unecessary events that damage the grass and will ultimately destroy the local community.

139 Please leave MY Stray alone! Stop mowing so much of it too, please. 140 Just heard interviews on BBC radio York. Leave the Stray alone! 141 The Stray Act should remain the same. Your survey at the Christmas Market was no doubt completed by visitors who perhaps know nothing about the Stray Act. Do the visitors really have the interests of this beautiful town and the Stray at heart. They purely seek enjoyment. It appears that the Council wish to change the Act radically. You should be seeking what residents want.

142 Harrogate must protect and embrace it's heritage but also be forward thinking and look towards events that bring people and more importantly revenue to the town. The Stray is an un-tapped source of revenue and a slight amendment to the Act to allow other types of events to use the Stray is a good idea. I know that HBC take it's responsibilities of enforcing the Stray Act seriously and would not amend the Act to the point of it being detrimental to the look and feel of the Stray. I am in favour.

143 The status quo should remain and be protected from there being any further development in contravention of the original rules laid down in the Stray Act

144 I strongly oppose any attempt to vary the Harrogate Stray Act. As stated earlier the Stray must be preserved for future generations and not exploited.

145 Leave it as it is! 146 The Stray Act was introduced to protect the 200 acres of the Stray. Its purpose was specific to the town and had good intent for the residents of Harrogate and visitors to the town. All of whom have benefited since its introduction. The Stray's 200 acres should not be seen as a potential cash cow by the local authority. Decisions regarding the use of the Stray should not be left purely to the local authority. Any future changes to local authority boundaries could result in such decisions being made elsewhere other than Harrogate. This is completely unacceptable and therefore there should be no amendments made to The Stray Act.

147 my family have been resident in Harrogate for over 40 years and we feel any change to the Stray act will be hugely damaging to the permanent residents.

148 Keep the Act in its present form, without amendment. The Stray is special. Leave it as is. 149 As stated at the beginning of this questionnaire the Stray is a unique place, and its use should not be changed in any way. I have lived by the Stray for 20 years and every morning when I open the curtains and look out onto this unique open space it gives me pleasure. I watch the seasons change the look of the trees and habits of the animals and birds that use it, people walking their dogs, children joining in football and running etc. I enjoy the events such as the bonfire and the fairgrounds and do not think we need any more.

150 Leave the Stray alone so that it may be a peaceful and quiet area for us all and more importantly our children

151 Leave Harrogate Stray as it is. 152 The present Stray Act works well, it would be very expensive and time consuming to change it.

153 Leave the Stray in its open, uncluttered beauty. Use the Yorkshire Showground for events both large and small. [Leave Valley Gardens unused also]. Harrogate attracts visitors because of the Stray and its open spaces. It is not a city. Short-term greed to generate revenue must not be allowed to spoil the Stray. Attracting visitors who can only enjoy themselves by buying, spending, eating, drinking - will only put off those visitors wishing to experience something different. Harrogate is already being ruined by too much building on its surrounding green fields. Leave the Stray alone.

154 Please leave this act well alone. This change is just to make money and no thought or appreciation will be given to the quality of life of the people living here. No change!!

155 The Stray Act is the best thing that ever happened to Harrogate. Don't try to find excuses to get round it!! Keep it like it is for future generations!

156 The Stray is unique to Harrogate & there should be no change to the protection afforded by the Stray Act.

157 Leave the Stray alone. 158 Leave it alone. 159 Leave it as it is. 160 The Stray Act is very good as it is - leave well alone. 161 We believe that the present arrangements are satisfactory and that any increase in events, however small, could be "the thin edge of the wedge". The Stray is a fantastic amenity for the town of Harrogate; it should not be regarded as an asset to be exploited for commercial purposes.

162 Leave well alone 163 The Stray Act has preserved the guaranteed continuation of public rights – dual ownership shared between the Crown and the people – right of free and unrestricted access. The fact that the local authority have found sections of this legislation to be inconvenient is precisely why the Stray has survived. Without these inconveniences the siren attractions of expediency and financial profitability will be unrestrained. The Stray Act protects the principal of unrestricted and free access to the greater part of the Stray for the greater part of each year. Leave it alone.

164 The stray is common land for recreation. The harrogate Stray Act should remain unchanged.

165 To repeat: The Tour de France is often quoted as an example of using the stray for a unique event, and quite rightly. If there is another such event offered to Harrogate, we presumably can use the same method to allow it. But please do not change the Act of Parliament.

166 Leave the stray as it is. I think changing the acts puts the stray at risk of disappearing altogether.

167 There are enough events. Leave the stray act alone. This is an act of theft. 168 The Stray Act ought to remain as it is.It protects it from over-use 169 Leave sufficient areas for football and other regular users to continue during events, even if they have to move from usual locations.

170 Leave the Act as it is. Everything is becoming too commercialised. Have Tour de Yorkshire as a one off exception but no market etc

171 Leave it as it is. It works perfectly well. 172 Leave the Stray Act as it is please, please please There may be changes to the council in Harrogate in the future . The Stray is too precious and once further developments are allowed anything could happen.

173 The Stray Act should not be tampered with. 174 the stray is a great atracktion for harrogate leave it as it is 175 The Stray Act should remain as it currently is and any further events should be held elsewhere in Harrogate so that they do not spoil the charm, character and soul of the town. I say NO to events on the Stray!

176 The Stray act currently prevents people in public arena from utilising a public amenity area for the 'betterment' of their own self interests, and takes account of the town resident needing to be able to have a sensible balance between traditional events and being able to go about their live un impeded by shows and the pre and post disruption, therefore the Stray Act should NOT be amended. The 'Tour of Yorkshire' was vastly over rated and caused massive disruption with poorly managed road closures (even contractors undertaking road closures struggled to under take their works due to other contractors closing route and the traffic chaos) Harrogate Borough Council should put it voting resident 1st and Not the councillors ideas of grandure above the lives of resident and their ability to enjoy living in Harrogate and the surrounding region.

177 The Stray Act has demonstrated its worth and stands the test of time. If another TDF comes it can be used, as before, to meet the occasion. There is no need for a change.

178 Leave it alone. 179 Everything has been great since the 1700s. Should not be changed. Thin edge of the wedge.

180 Please leave it as it is 181 I think the Stray should stay a green space. The events that it now hosts are suffcient.

182 Leave it alone! 183 Don't do it! Leave the Act as it stands. 184 Leave our green area alone. The upheaval and clearing up after these events is costly, unsightly and simply no needed.

185 Please leave the Stray alone. 186 The harrogate Stray Act has helped to provide Harrogate with its peaceful and beautiful aspect. It should be resolutely maintained in its present form.

187 Leave it alone!! 188 The Stray needs to be protected at all costs for future generations of residents and visitors to Harrogate. Leave the Stray Act alone!

189 The Stray Act works for the people of Harrogate - leave it alone 190 No benefit will come in the long term from amending the Stray Act. The area will change as the Stray becomes ruined and people will no longer want to visit the area. Harrogate IS the Stray. Without it we are nothing - just like any other miserable, failing, struggling town. Businesses will fail in the long term and will be unlikely to gain in the shorter term.

191 The current Stray act is appropriate; giving a balance between formal and informal usage of the stray whilst maintaining this critical feature of our towns character. The act allows for the Council to seek approval for larger/additional events eg the tour No change is required 192 The Stray was created for the benefit of the people who live in Harrogate and for visitors. It is unique and makes Harrogate special. Tampering with present rules and regulations will not just stop with the present proposal. There is no need to change the situation as it is today.

193 Please leave the stray as it is 194 The Stray Act does not need changing 195 Leave the Stray for the use and pleasure of residents and visitors and let event organisers use HIC instead.

196 If the council takes its responsibility to protect the stray seriously then it should leave the Act as it is.

197 The council should concentrate on more important matters and leave the Stray Act alone

198 The Stray Act gives Harrogate Stray a unique and priceless asset to the town. Why are there those amongst our representatives who wish to destroy this?

199 The council's desire to host large events on the Stray seems to be based on the success of the Tour de France and how Harrogate has gained an ''enviable reputation '' for hosting such events. However , in their application to get the Act suspended for the duration in order to use the Stray wasn't the Tour de France promoted as a 'one-off' by the council? It seems the council will say anything to achieve their ends and to go so far as to actually change the Act to enable more large events to be placed on the Stray. It is only the council that want these events. Not the residents! Leave the Act Alone!!!

200 Just leave it as open space as it was intended 201 Leave the Stray alone. 202 Leave it as it is. 203 Has anyone thought of the residents businesses in Harrogate of which I am one. Having paid rent/rates for the last 40 years and have to close for the likes of Tour de France we have provided over the last years pleasure to visitors who have appreciated what Harrogate was and stillis. Also may I add the food fest in the Valley Gardens was a disgrace - I live on the edge of the gardens - Band playing Will I am on the Sunday morning - damage done - the poor gardeners - the Jewel in our crown! Please leave what is good alone.

204 The council should have no rights to amend the Stray Act in any way! 205 Leave alone. 206 No change! The Stray is a very special place! The Stray Act protects this special area - no amendments are necessary. I am a regular visitor to Harrogate from the South of England. I visit my daughter who is lucky enough to live with her family in Harrogate. What makes Harrogate special? The Stray. It is a peaceful beautiful, open free space for the enjoyment of all. Leave the Stray alone!

207 It is a very good thing that we have to comply with the Stray Act - or there would be a very likely danger of spoiling a facility that makes Harrogate different and attractive. Please do not let the desire for more money for Harrogate tempt the Council to sell out to people who only want their big events and are not interested in keeping the Stray for everyone.

208 Leave the stray alone, the showground is perfect for large events, that way the people who want large scale organised events can go there and those of us who enjoy the peaceful and beautiful expanse of the stray can enjoy that

209 I strongly wish the Stray to remain a unique pleasurable relaxing piece of land - special to Harrogate and its community for the benefit of all - visitors and locals alike. The restrictions ensure it is kept that way.

210 How many towns have such a wonderful open space of green for all to enjoy? How lucky we are. Protection of the Stray is instrumental to the town's survival. 211 The restrictions on how the land can be used in the Stray Act are very sound. The Council should not attempt to amend the Act. The Stray (and the current Act which governs its use) enhances the unique high quality of life offered by Harrogate to its residents. I am quite sure that the Council's proposal to amend the Stray Act will lead to the commercialisation of the Stray and the loss of its beauty and public use. By increasing the number and size of events on the Stray there will probably be short term financial gains for the Council and businesses in the town but this will be at the expense of long term loss of the current unique character of the Stray. The Stray, as it is now, must be preserved for the benefit of the town's residents - not for businesses and occasional visitors. Harrogate's Councillors, officers and businesses come and go but the long term future of the Stray must be for the benefit of its residents so I see no need at all to amend the Stray Act.

212 Leave it alone. 213 Leave well alone going down a new route would ruin the open spaces all residents currently enjoy.

214 How does anyone in the Harrogate Council think its ok to run roughshod over the Stray Act - 100's of years old. Its ok as it is, thank you. The Stray does not belong to any one person to do as they wish. If rules and legacy's are changed, who knows how it would end up. I have lived in Harrogate all my life - 75 years and I still get a buzz when I drive through to see the wonder of the Stray in any weather. So no, no change!

215 How does anyone in Harrogate Council think it is ok to run roughshod over the Stray Act 100's of years old. It is okay as it is thank you. The Stray does not belong to any one person to do as they wish. If rules and legacy's are changed, who knows how it would end up. I have loved our Stray all my life and still get a buzz everytime I drive or walk past. In any weather. So no change! I will add, not a good way to go about getting re-elected next time - Just saying!!

216 The stray act should not be changed. 217 The Stray Act should not be altered any way into perpetuity 218 Please leave our Stray and Valley gardens alone they do not belong to you. 219 I think I have covered most of what I would like to say but again I reiterate to the council,LEAVE OUR STRAY ALONE!!!!

220 I feel that the Stray should remain as an open space to be enjoyed by local people and visitors. The Harrogate Stray Act has, thus far, ensured this is the case and I believe that any amendment to the Act would put this in jeopardy, particularly if at some time in the future Harrogate Borough Council gets swallowed up by a larger council.

221 Having been a resident of Harrogate since 1039 I see no reason to alter the Stray Act 1985

222 Leave the Stray alone, we only have the Valley Gardens for family recreational needs and that is always packed. The lovely Stray which is the only crown that Harrogate can boast of enables people, especially on hot summer days a space to relax in. A space not so safe as it was years ago, the cycle paths have made walking, especially with some children, very dangerous with serious accidents already taking place. Many seating areas have disappeared due to vandalism, these need rebuilding. Bring back some elegance to our endangered town.

223 I think Harrogate Stray Act has got it right and should NOT be tampered with. 224 The Council seems to be immune to the concepts of tightness, and flexibility, however reasonable and attractive this may seem. Also the Idea of asking people for numbers for this and that is disingenuous. It is like pulling them out of a hat. Feels like an old trick. The Duchy is not the strong defence it might appear to be. And there is a very serious danger of of loss of control if a unitary authority comes into being, soon or in the more distant future. And finally, I am afraid that a lack of trust in this Council is about. The best prediction of future behaviour lies in past behaviour. When recent behaviour of this Council is looked at, re. Crescent Gardens and the parking issues, clearly this Council cannot be trusted with the best care of the Stray. Therefore the best "way forward" is "no change".

225 Leave the Stray act as it is otherwise the Stray will cease to exist. 226 The Act has served Harrogate well for a long time. Without it who knows what the Stray would be like now. (even if it would still exist). Leave the Act as it is and the Stray will be o.k.

227 Leave the Stray as it is an attractive amenity for the Town. Every 2 or 3 years a large event such as the Tour de France I am sure would be welcomed.

228 Just because a demand for more events exists, does not mean there is any obligation on the council to meet those demands, no more than it would be right to build endless more apartments on the Stray. the character and nature of the Stray is unique to Harrogate and helps to keep its appeal in the hustle and bustle of an increasingly busy and commercialised world. A past council in Harrogate made the generational error of approving two monstrously high rise buildings which are now forever stuck with on our skyline. Please don't be the council that becomes known for ruining the Stray in perpetuity for all the future generations to come. No, no and no a thousand times is what I feel in response to this awful proposal. Leave our beautiful unspoiled Stray as it is. Please.

229 Stray act should not be changed 230 Refer to Q11 response above. The character of the Stray as a green OPEN space to be used for 'free' recreation - and not restricted by large formal events - should be maintained.

231 Please leave the Stray as it was left to be used in the original giving to Harrogate. 232 The Stray Act as it stands is perfectly adequate. Any increases in time or area will inevitably increase noise, traffic and damage. Additional usage will be concentrated in months from spring to autumn reducing the access for present general use during that period.

233 It was a gift to the people. Leave it alone. It is a wonderful, peaceful, valuable asset. People walk, play, sit on it. Leave it alone. 234 I am a resident of 65 years. I can recall enjoying The Stray with my family from a very early age - childhood - but these memories are not of loud, populated "events"! They are memories of the vast, quiet, gentle expanse of The Stray and being able to go anywhere on it at any time, free of any charges or any hindrance by anyone - just to wander and walk and look and smell the grass!. Its beauty is in the fact that it is large, unfenced, free to all of us and just The Stray - it needs no embellishment and I do not want to see it destroyed just for the sake of what may at the moment seem like desirable events. I would add that if the council wants to hold large events such as Tour de Yorkshire, then I can't see why the current method of having to seek permission should be changed - because it's existence means that no one can change the use of The Stray. I hope the council will listen to the people - I know the Tour was a great success in commercial terms but it was a one off event because of it's unique nature in never having been in England before - that cannot be repeated, it can only be the first, once! It certainly is not a valid reason to change the heritage of this town, not at all. If you talk to anyone who has visited or come to live in Harrogate The Stray is the one thing that always gets mentioned - it is so unique - it can never be replaced. I do not want our council to drive this through as they would lose the trust of the people. And I hope the people have responded to make the councillors aware of the strong feelings. Lastly, I do not think that using "heavyweight" opinions of public figures in the local press should be given any preference or say in this as they are merely looking at it in commercial terms - they are thinking of "commercial success" - but this can be had by using other places, not The Stray! The Stray belongs to the people of Harrogate, not to others with vested interests in "events" - this should not and cannot be allowed. s lot eh counjcil d add that if teh council vriable events pt beilfneced uaty The teh eis p eis

235 No change or amendments to the existing Act or use of the Stray. The Stray has been bequeathed in perpetuity to the people and residents of Harrogate and not for financial gain. The Council performs an excellent job in maintaining this unique and amazing facility which is appreciated by all who enjoy its beauty in its natural form.

236 The current Stray Act is OK and should not be altered. 237 I believe the Stray is an amazing and very valuable amenity to the people of Harrogate and visitors to the town. Very few towns are fortunate enough to have anything similar: it ought to be preserved. There are plenty of other locations within and near to Harrogate which are suitable for events of all sizes. The Stray is already disrespected and abused by some individuals and groups - as witness the mindless, inconsiderate littering which takes place all the time, more so in warm summer weather - this despite the provision of plenty of waste disposal facilities across the Stray and this would only be exacerbated by more, larger scale events on the Stray. The Stray is a beautiful area, unique to Harrogate, and it should stay as it is. Save our Stray!

238 The Stray Act should not be amended. Thiis piece of land was gifted to the people by the crown. Its core principle that the land should be preserved and protected as a public open space should not be underestimated. If this amendment were to go ahead, wht is there to stop a future authority expliting and abusing its additional powers - and ruining the Stray forever?

239 Please leave Stray alone. We do not wish additional events. The Stray Act of 1985 should be upheld. We do not wish the Stray to be lost to posterity.

240 Leave the Act alone 241 Please leave the Stray as it is. 242 The Stray is there for the benefit of all residents at all times, not first for commercial enterprise and therefore the current restrictions especially to large events need to be monitored. As we no longer have full democracy in the Council Chamber in that decision by the Cabinet cannot be overturned the restrictions provided by the Stray Act are essential to avoid a select few members making inappropriate decisions. The Stray has been protected for over a hundred years and therefore, provides a unique attraction to residents and visitors. Diluting the restrictions would alter that.

243 Leave as is for the enjoyment of Harrogate residents/Council tax payer to enjoy in perpetuity.

244 Please leave alone 245 Please leave the Stray as it is

Wish to see no restrictions

1 The restrictions on how the land can be used in the Stray Act are very sound. The Council should not attempt to amend the Act. The Stray (and the current Act which governs its use) enhances the unique high quality of life offered by Harrogate to its residents. I am quite sure that the Council's proposal to amend the Stray Act will lead to the commercialisation of the Stray and the loss of its beauty and public use. By increasing the number and size of events on the Stray there will probably be short term financial gains for the Council and businesses in the town but this will be at the expense of long term loss of the current unique character of the Stray. The Stray, as it is now, must be preserved for the benefit of the town's residents - not for businesses and occasional visitors. Harrogate's Councillors, officers and businesses come and go but the long term future of the Stray must be for the benefit of its residents so I see no need at all to amend the Stray Act.

Support for more small events

1 I think it would be good to allow use of the Stray for some smaller events and have no objection to large events in exceptional circumstances. But it should not be used as a park. Other venues - such as the Valley Gardens - are good for some events. The recent controversy over damage cause by the Food Festival might have been less vocal had there been measures taken to ensure that there were duckboards or something similar for use in wet weather. In my view the Valley Gardens provides a far more atmospheric environment which enhances some events and therefore it should continue to be available for community events, although, again, the number of days could be limited and organisers could be held responsible for putting right any damage etc.

2 I think we in the town are so lucky to have a landmark location. I am happy for a couple more smaller events to open up the area, and one large event each year.

3 View this with some concern - if you change the current principle the danger is it becomes the thin end of a wedge and eventually we'll see permanent construction on the Stray with regular loss of a wonderful amenity. Extend the number of days for small evens is all I would consider as acceptable - nothing else - no more larghe scale events unless they are very special and unique, in which case the current process used for the Tour de France is not a problem. If needs special review and careful consideration and that is what the current system provides.

4 Relies on people coming in, need to have space to host large and small events on the Stray. 5 The current restrictions should be amended only to obviate the need for supplemental acts of Parliament for large events and to allow for a small number only of additional small events. The use restrictions should remain largely confined to existing uses with such amendments only to allow a small number of further events outside the existing ones.

6 I feel the Stray Act as it is does a good job of controlling use of the area to the benefit of all. Feel that there should be a greater variety of small scale community events from new providers. I disagree with the use of the limited number of days being used by a circus

7 I feel that the present level of use is satisfactory. Although I would not be adverse to some small events being held e.g for charitable fundraising, I feel we have not been given enough information to be able to agree to a change in the Stray Act.

8 The Stray is a great asset so any amendment to the Act should make sure its unique protection stays in place. But in this day and age there does need to be more flexibility. My preference is to have the capacity to allow only one big new event each year and up to around three new smaller events. For the vast majority of the time the Stray should stay open and unrestricted and clear. As a general principle, community use of the stray should be welcomed and encouraged especially when proposed small events wouldn't require special permission from the Stray Act.

9 More small-scale events that add to the character of the town and enable younger people and families to enjoy the Stray more would be great. I fully support a larger program of events on the Stray, so long as they are in keeping with Harrogate's high reputation and are of substantial quality to make us stand out from the rest of the country to keep people visiting this beautiful town. I don't think large scale events, such as sports villages, music festivals and the markets we've seen so far do this half as well as the smaller, more unique events that take place.

10 The stray is Harrogates best asset and is protected privately from politicians for good reason. Larger events can bring in revenue but they also cause damage and for that reason going to the time and cost of applying is a good thing because it makes the town consider carefully whether it is worth it. Smaller events causing less damage seem appropriate but strong and clear guidelines need written and maintained for the rules to be relaxed, even a little.

Support for large / one off events

1 I think it would be good to allow use of the Stray for some smaller events and have no objection to large events in exceptional circumstances. But it should not be used as a park. Other venues - such as the Valley Gardens - are good for some events. The recent controversy over damage cause by the Food Festival might have been less vocal had there been measures taken to ensure that there were duckboards or something similar for use in wet weather. In my view the Valley Gardens provides a far more atmospheric environment which enhances some events and therefore it should continue to be available for community events, although, again, the number of days could be limited and organisers could be held responsible for putting right any damage etc.

2 I think we in the town are so lucky to have a landmark location. I am happy for a couple more smaller events to open up the area, and one large event each year.

3 In favour of larger events. 4 Relies on people coming in, need to have space to host large and small events on the Stray. 5 The way the questions are worded make it difficult to convey my actual opinion which is this - it seems appropriate to extend both the number of days and the number of hectares in order to cover large one off events. However I think it would be wrong to allocate on a large/small basis. I would assume that most events would be small and the large ones specific to events such as Tour de France. I do not think it appropriate to open it up to outdoor concerts etc which are more likely to cause damage to the green areas.

6 In favour of larger events but limited as the infrastructure is not designed for major disruption - effects people's daily pattern

7 To use the Stray wisely and not exploit Harogate. Use it for scial one-off bespoke events of great standard keeping up with the reputations of Harrogate.

8 I think it ought to be amended to take into account the changing 21 circumstances. In particular it needs to be amended to facilitate larger events. It could even encourage more larger scale prestigious events.

9 With such a large space it is a waste not to use it for large sporting events and the kind. As someone who lives 100m from the Stray I would love to see it used more for large events.

10 Strongly agree; the act needs to be amended to allow the town to attract the type of events which it has done recently e.g Tour De France

11 The Stray is a great asset so any amendment to the Act should make sure its unique protection stays in place. But in this day and age there does need to be more flexibility. My preference is to have the capacity to allow only one big new event each year and up to around three new smaller events. For the vast majority of the time the Stray should stay open and unrestricted and clear. As a general principle, community use of the stray should be welcomed and encouraged especially when proposed small events wouldn't require special permission from the Stray Act.

12 It is hard to envisage what other large scale events there can be. The balance must be to allow the uniqueness of the stray to continue whilst allowing some large events to take place in what is, after all, a unique environment, e.g. 'park'/green area close to a town centre.

13 The stray act as it stands should be maintained the only change been for isolated not annual events and to alleviate the necessity of applications to parliement

14 The Tour de France: the Tour de Yorkshire and the world cycling championships are of great benefit to Harrogate. They are non recurring one off events and I think Harrogate should be able to accommodate them. The Stray is unique in protecting Harrogate as a beautiful Town, its functions should not be diminished. It would be disastrous if the Stray became a frequent site for fairs, circus' and markets and out of character for Harrogate as a Spa Town. I would be in favour of the area of use being increased to 15 hectares to accommodate larger events or the maximum number of days increased to 45 days to allow 2 additional larger site events per year @ 5 days each. Small site events are likely to develop over time into a large number and thereby destroy the nature nad purpose of the Stray.

15 I think that the Stray area should be used more widely for public events, rather than the Valley Gardens. The flower beds in the Valley Gardens were damaged during a large event which took place in there during the summber 2016. Surely events on a larger scale could be held on the Stray? The Stray is a great asset to the town - why is use of it so restricted?

16 Small events I think are about the right ratio. Larger scale events would need careful consideration and hope the Council would do this but occasional large events would be acceptable. I do think the Stray Act does need amending, its time consuming and unwieldy at the moment.

17 I think the Stray Act shuold be amended to accommodate Harrogate hosting special one-off bigger events (they don't occur very often). While still keeping it the way it is now. The council do a very good job. Concern about damage to the Stray

1 HBC has not paid sufficient attention to the damage caused to the Stray (or to Valley Gardens) by events held, and it has resulted in significant damage that, in the case of Montpellier Hill, takes a great deal of repair and six months to recover, all at the expense of the people of Harrogate who use the Stray.

2 The Stray is about the only part of Harrogate that HBC and NYCC have not yet managed to despoil. Any changes to the Act will only lead to a loss of this valuable and historic community resource.

3 I value the Stray Act protecting and keeping our Stray for leisure purposes. The bonfire leaves a burned black space for 6 months of the year, the Christmas Market is making that section of Stray into a mud patch too

4 The Council should drop this proposal. They clearly fail to grasp the historic relationship between the Stray and the town. If this goes ahead it will destroy the Stray and whats left of the town that has not already been spoiled by "development" will end up the worse for it

5 The more events there are - the most chance there is that the character of the Stray and the town will change. Why not use the Yorkshir Show Ground.

6 Commercial exploitation of the Stray will end up destroying it. Destroying the Stray will remove the last part of Harrogate's historic character. "Events" may put cash into the hands of a few hotel and restaurant (chain) owners but little of it will trickle down to the general population. All the locals can expect to gain from an increased exploitation of the Stray is further traffic and parking chaos.

7 The only people clamouring for more and more events on our green spaces are the council. Despite what they say this is just a money making scheme at the expense of public amenity. We will end up with 200 acres of mud if the council get their way.

8 The gardeners should not have to put any damage correct or the council have to pay for any damage

9 Careful consideration should be made before any and all events are booked, for noise, damage and traffic disruption.

10 The way the questions are worded make it difficult to convey my actual opinion which is this - it seems appropriate to extend both the number of days and the number of hectares in order to cover large one off events. However I think it would be wrong to allocate on a large/small basis. I would assume that most events would be small and the large ones specific to events such as Tour de France. I do not think it appropriate to open it up to outdoor concerts etc which are more likely to cause damage to the green areas.

11 Event organisers can use existing Exhibition sites which were designed to be so used. Encroachment on Stray is therefore not justified and causes congestion and damage to the town and is a major inconvenience to residents' use of the Stray and near areas.

12 It would be good to be able to use the stray for more events but with traffic/congestion already being a major issue in the town more consideration should be given to this and parking arrangements for large scale events. Consideration also needs to be given to potential damage to the grass, plants and trees.

13 1. The Stray should not become 'commercialised'; 2. Users of the Stray for large events should have to cover the cost of any damage done to the Stray during their event - researching - levelling etc. 3. Charges for local small organisations and charities should be minimal. 4. Only one large area of the Stray should be used on any one day. 14 It is a great idea, will boost income, bring family and friends together, great atmosphere, pretty location for events, as long as it does not destroy the environment, everyone respect the stray, it is beautiful and we do not want any damage to the nature. The area is there, why not use it to benefit the community. life is tough and everyone these days are having to work harder to maintain a home life, living expenses have massively increase, the charges for the stall should not be extreme, reasonable and affordable.

15 The Stray is under increasing pressure. Running is having an effect on verges and illegal parking of cars on the verges and the cycleways is a problem at times. I strongly resent the practice of HBC staff driving on the grass to empty bins. Yesterday (November 28) an HBC vehicle got stuck on Oatlands Stray doing damage and wasting resources.

16 I am not sure why we need Act of Parliament restrictions at all. Is it because we cannot trust the Council to manage its use properly! The Council must know how much demand there is (which is presumably turned away, currently). It would have been useful to know about current demand - how much and type. It is, however, important that the Stray is not overused so as to restrict public access (including existing weekend sports) and cause damage - so there definitely need to be guidelines for the Council to follow.

17 We should avoid events which are maximising profit for private gain. There should be controls to ensure events don't damage the Stray and mechanisms to ensure that any damage is rectified/paid for. The parts of the Stray suit different sorts of events. Large events should not crowd the small district areas e.g Montpellier just because they are attractively near the town centre.

18 A safeguard must be in place to ensure the grass is protected, if there is a risk of it becoming a mud bath, hard standing must be in place. The Stray must quickly be returned to normal and not suffer weeks of repair work following an event.

19 I appreciate that the current restrictions are perhaps overly rigid and that some flexibility would be useful, but I feel that to greatly increase the frequency and size of events permitted would be to go against the spirit of the Act, namely to prevent a precious public resource from being damaged for commercial interests. Overly loosening the restrictions would lead to generally worse decisions being made about exploiting that resource.

20 I will keep an open mind on the Council's ideas until more detail proposals are put forward. The amendments should be time limited not set in stone. I suggest the amendments if agreed by the public should be renewed every 5 years if the public agrees this. So that if the Stray is being exploited and damaged by these events then the amendments can be withdrawn.

21 I travel all over Britain and when people ask where you are from and you say Harrogate two things are mentioned every time - Betty's and The Stray. The Stray is famous for what it is and using it more and more will only damage it just so the Council can make more money. You are in the process of spending £9 million of public money on new offices which according to everything which has been written in the press etc would accommodate all the Council Offices. Why is that not the case now. If you extended the Stray Act you would try and change it again in the future as Council's always want to amend things. If you are so desperate for money there are other ways of raising money for example charge Harrogate Council staff for parking. It is disgusting that private office workers have to pay for parking while council workers do not. Again I strongly am against changing the use of the stray.

22 The use of the Stray is at the maximum that should be allowed. Any more would increase damage to the Stray, and the infrastructure does not fit additional traffic. Much of the Stray adjoins residential property and additional noise and disruption is unacceptable. The Stray should be open to all.

23 To see the Stray maintained in good condition. 24 Could increase vandalism eg destruction of lovely trees (which has happened previously). Could make difficulties for pedestrians.

25 We reluctantly allow increased use of Stray area and duration hoping that Valley Gardens will not be used as it is more easily damaged.

26 Hope that the crocuses and daffodils would be protected. Any event would be liable for damage caused to any part of the land.

27 The STray should not be used as a commercial asset by anybody or organisation. It is for the use of all Harrogate residents and their visitors, we should value our unique open space not seek to destroy or damage it by money- grabbing events.

28 The Council must look seriously at who the changing of the Harrogate Stray Act would benefit - I do not agree with this being a money making exercise for the Council. How would this benefit the people who live here if the Stray is used and our lovely grassed areas are ruined by having too many events (large ones) on our Stray.

29 Damage to the Stray kept to a minimum, events held on metal covers similar to those used for Grand Depart. Adequate parking provided, again use metal covers, no vehicles to be pared or driven on the grass. Restrictions as to noise and time of closing, no later than 10.30 pm. Review damage to the Stray after each event to decide i.e event (or type of event) to be had again. Organisers to be fully held responsible for nay damage and deposit withheld to cover restoration, etc. Events to be held at furthest point away from residential properties. Noise is an issue as we can clearly hear music even though we live half a mile from the band event.

30 Your survey presupposes that large scale events are desirable in themselves. It takes no account of why this might not be the case. This includes (1) damage to the Stray. This is very noticeable for example, i nthe area occupied by the Christmas Fair. (2) the severe traffic problems caused by these events to those, life myself, who live close to the town centre, this restricts or at least causes problems of access. (3) Detracts from the beauty of the Stray and baisic principle of being open/unenclosed. (4) I refer you to the Council's own policy on licensing which gives equal voice to residents alongside commercial/business interests. This, as does our approach to the Valley Gardens is tilting the balance towards commercial at the expense of residents interests.

31 Additional use of the Stray for events will be a good thing, enabling the community to celebrate major occasions and bringing economic benefit to the town's businesses. It cannot however mean compromising on the core principles in the Stray Act, these being to protect the land as open space. Relaxation should not be seen as a licence to allow any commercial activity. There must be a community benefit justification and all events must take steps to make good any damage that they cause.

32 The Stray is a wonderful green space, beautifully kept at all times of the year - the spring flowers being a particular pleasure - it is the envy of many other towns and citiies. Occasional large scale events, such as the Tour de France, are obviously beneficial to the town, and would continue to be possible even if more time consuming legally to authorise. I fear that any change to give the Council more freedom to grant permission could open the flood gates to a wealth of extra events such as pop concerts, fun fairs, car rallies etc which will crease noise, litter and traffic and parking problems. A lot of extra usage would also inevitably damage the grass, and possibly the trees and flowers. Lets keep it a wonderful open space, and for exceptional events, make a separate application to Paliament as is the case now.

33 No camping or caravanning please. I feel this would damage the land too much and be very unsightly. Also hygiene issues could become a problem. 34 One major annoyance to many locals is the aftermath of events held on the Stray. Whilst the clean up in terms of rubbish etc is always done amazingly well the damage to the ground and grass is nto acceptable. Event organises should be charged for, or responsibel for, any immediate remediation to make the ground good followin any event. The Valley Gardens held an event this year. That completely damaged the grounds. I believe the small events are great fo the town but relaxing the Act may, if not actioned and monitored properly, have negative consequences. More information is required and more gravity on the impact of relaxing/amending the Act because further comments cannot be made. Save to say this may escalate in the future to yet further amendments and the Stray will not exist for one of its prime functions.

35 Obviously as I live on West Park I have a somewhat biased view to this proposal. However I would not object to the more out of town parts of the Stray being used providing any event was limited in size and not a nuisance to residents. Main objections: Noise, Trafific upheaval, Crime, Public order disturbances, Damage to Stray and general environment.

36 I noticed that, not just on the Stray, but grassed dges to roads are regularly parked upon causing wheel track damage. People that do this should be finsed as those who overstay parking limits.

37 We visited Edinburgh this weekend and spent some time touring there. Christmas Markets in the Princess Street Gardens. The vast majority of stalls and attractions were situated on hard standing. Could this not be done with the Harrogate Christmas Market, then not leading to damage on Montpellier Stray. Also the Valley Gardens are not an appropriate place to host the Street Food Fair as a great deal of damage was done to the gardens in Summer 2016. Doubtless HBC will have received money from the organisers but how much needed to be spent on making good damaged lawns etc or why not use the hard standing of the street colonnade.

38 Please save our Stray. It's Harrogate's heart. Don't damage it. 39 Groups such as "Park Run" already spoil parts of the Stray by physical damage and by forcing others off the area they wish to use. Amendments to the Stray Act would simply legitimise bully boy tactics by those wishing to financially profit by selfish annexing parts of the Stray for themselves.

40 I have lived in Harrogate on and off most of my life and what I most like about the town is its old buildings and the stray. I have foreign students here to study and they always comment on the stray and the Valley Gardens. Its a place where families can relax and play. people play football and schools have used the stray for sports too. Having the fair twice a year is fine but if the weathers bad it takes a while before the grass has recovered. I live near cold bath road and when the Christmas Fair is on at the bottom its chaos. I have thought why have the council arranged the fair to be staged here. Everything cramped together and that's without the people, I'm not alone thinking this, I went last year and thought what chaos, I walk with a walking stick and there were so many people, dogs and children in pushchairs you couldn't get to a lot of the stalls. I thought why is this here surely there's a better place. The Yorkshire showground, that's built to host both large and small events without the hassle or damage to the wonderful parkland called the stray. So please think not of the money possible events can bring to Harrogate but the legacy we leave to the children of the future. Harrogate is a beautiful place and should remain so for the future.

41 The Act of Parliament has protected the Stray for so many years that it should only be subject to cautious amendments. Modern requirements are different but the preservation of the land, its grass, bulbs, wild flower and trees is paramount. perhaps the emphasis should be on smaller events in summer weather. Prompt repairs to the land have been carried out after this year'sChristmas Market but it is early to assess the extent of long-term damage. Wheelchair users and families with buggies mentioned to me that they have found it difficult to negotiate. 42 It would have been really helpful to know what demand there already is. Are event requests being turned down? Also, it would help to know just how difficult it is to get a temporary amendment to hold a particular event. I am in favour of the Stray being used to suit what people want to do but unfortunately people cannot be trusted if given complete freedom. For example, football clubs play at the weekend even if the weather has been bad and the surface will be damaged.

43 I think the fair on the stray should now be stopped, they make a huge mess/leave the stray muddy and unkempt and makes problems for the traffic, on top of this it is very expensive and most people can't afford to go

44 I agree with all the above based on the promise that no buildings (permanent ones) are built, that the Stray is returned to a standard that it is in today. All damage to turf, borders, flower beds etc to be returned to its pristine state that you the Council have always made sure of. You do a fantastic job looking after the Stray and this must always be the case. If any damage is done, the event companies are to clear and replace the Stray to its excellent state and within a set time of one day to return the Stray to its normal high standard on their departure.

45 The Stray does get damaged by events. Events bring in money for Harrogate which is good. Crime is a big problem with events so this must be considered. (We have had attempted break-ins frequently during May fair).

46 To minimise the damage to the stray I feel that is is best used in the summer months and less so in the winter months.

47 I am strongly against opening up the use of the Stray for commercial ventures. This is a free space for the public and was created for the public use, not commercial events. I can understand the occasional exception such as the Tour de France, but I strongly disagree with relaxing the restriction. The restriction is in place to police against the damaging use of the Stray for events.

48 As a Harrogate resident for the majority of my life I strongly want to retain the stray in it's current format. Impact on the grass itself would need to be considered, parking would need to be considered. Residents access would need to be considered. I would not support any permanent building structures and would make strong note that this the stray is something that makes Harrogate quite unique and should be used to support tourist/residents enjoyment, and not spoilt or removed or reduced in the longer term.

49 The Stray is sited on a heavy clay soil which is poorly drained. The long term management of such a risk must be of an appropriate high standard to protect the amenity and prevent potential deterioration. Large scale events raise the greatest risks of physical damage by their nature large scale vehicles/ machinery/equipment plus the impact of large numbers of human feet. The ultimate impact on the Stray could produce adverse criticism from the residents, visitors and ultimately the owner of the land. The Stray Act has protected the land historically and this has been beneficial for the residents of Harrogate and the country.

50 I like the stray for its tranquility and would not like to see it too over commercialised or damaged, but do think it should be utilised more than it is now.

51 As above, the people overlooking the stray will move. Crime will increase and the stray will be damaged so everyone will want to move from the area. House prices will deflate and it will no longer be such a desirable place to live and shop. My business will suffer as a result. In the short term my business will suffer anyway as people are distracted by the event and away from shopping.

52 The Stray was a gift to the people of Harrogate and should be left as open access. Damage to the Stray is also a concern.

53 It is important to retain the character of Harrogate - leave the Stray alone! It is what makes Harrogate special - don't ruin it with unecessary events that damage the grass and will ultimately destroy the local community. 54 Any change would result in the destruction of the peace and quiet provided by this unique parkland. It sets Harrogate apart from other towns/cities in having such a wonderful feature. Any increased use would destroy this feature. The detrimental effects would include increased traffic, parking, noise and damage to the Stray itself through excessive use. The weekly run on Saturday morning has already damaged the Stray - trampling over where the wonderful crocus beds are located.

55 The Stray is there for the use of the harrogte people to enjoy,. It is not to be be fenced off and access limited just so people from outside can make use of our lovely green space, causing damage to the land and grass and of being little our no benefit to Harrogate as a whole. There are already car parks - why turn the Stray into another?!

56 Events ruin the grass as is seen by the Christmas market. Several months n and the area is still a mud pit. Also I have seen from the plans that you intend to allow cars to park on the green. How could you consider ruining Harrogate in this way. Harrogate IS the stray. Without it we are nothing and you are trying to ruin the gem we have.

57 Events ruin the grass. On top of this your plans show areas for car parking on the stray. It is for this reqson the act is in place. To keep the stray there for generations to come. Your money making ideas are so short term. In the long term the smart money will leave the area and then money won't be spent in the smart ships and it will be like every other failing town with a failing high street. The stray is what makes Harrogate unique. Don't be so ignorant as to take this away.

58 Events ruin the grass. This is our legacy to our children. The stray should be protected not used for commercial purposes

59 Revenue sources for the Council should be sought somewhere else, creatively looking into tourism and services, completely avoiding damage to the stray and other green areas in Harrogate. Please do not destroy the Stray.

60 The beauty of Harrogate is its strays they are stunning to start putting on larger events on them week after week just to bring in extra money is a disgrace councils need to stop ruining our Park lands with big events like concerts festivals vehicle shows these parks take months of maintenance and ground work to recover from the damage from these events witch cost a lot of money to put right especially if the weather is bad with lots of rain stop ruining these strays.

61 Events on the Stray damage the grass and cause mess and clean up charges. Any profits are short term. In the long term you will see the demise of this great town. This must not be allowed to happen.

62 Has anyone thought of the residents businesses in Harrogate of which I am one. Having paid rent/rates for the last 40 years and have to close for the likes of Tour de France we have provided over the last years pleasure to visitors who have appreciated what Harrogate was and stillis. Also may I add the food fest in the Valley Gardens was a disgrace - I live on the edge of the gardens - Band playing Will I am on the Sunday morning - damage done - the poor gardeners - the Jewel in our crown! Please leave what is good alone.

63 There is a question regarding rainwater drainage on the Stray with parts of it already annually flooding. Increased use in the ways suggested would probably result in long term damage to the areas used. The recovery time after the Christmas market is a case in example.

64 We are the envy of the County, the Country and most of the World for our special town and the Stray is an integral part of that. Treasure and protect what we have and use it as it is intended and has been over many years for the people of Harrogate. If we extend the use of the Stray it will become damaged and will take longer to recover. 65 The stray is a unique asset to Harrogate and should not be "overused". There is a danger that too many events will damage the structure and leave a muddy mess. This would mean the people of Harrogate would be severely restricted in when they could use it for recreational purposes.

66 More days of use and greater areas covered by events means that the Stray would overall be less 'open' and more damage would occur that needed repair. A major benefit of the Stray is that it is open space for simple visual and personal enjoyment not to be cluttered by temporary structures, parking and barriers etc.

67 As we all know Harrogate struggles with traffic, therefore any such events need to have clearly defined parking guidelines, park & ride facilities and designated parking areas, preferably on the outskirts of town. As a resident near the stray we already constantly struggle with parking impacting the side streets where we live. Noise levels need to be considered with events ending at non-antisocial hours. Finally damage to the stray it self from the events needs to be considered with suitable recovery time given between events so the stray does not turn into a field of mud.

68 The stray should not be damaged when there is the Yorkshire showground set up for events already

69 The triangular area above could be used for the expansion of the Christmas Market - the area at the top is flat enough, though I like its position where it is! I do not want to see any large scale events on the Stray between Leeds Road eastwards to the hospital. Is the landing of the Air Ambulance counted as days within the 35 days? I certainly think this should be allowed. I wish this area east of Leeds Road to be left as green grassland, ringed by trees as at present. Based on my observations of residents, passing lorries, services vehicles, storage of building supplies for house alterations parking etc on the grass verges (part of Stray) along Wetherby Road, I do not want the Stray to become a sea of mud, with resulting expenses and work by the gardening staff.

70 I think that public access is of primary importance but the amount of local interest and participation needs to be taken into account. Damage to the Stray, flowers etc should be paid for by the event promoters; Bonfire night and reseeding following events would not apply.

71 if you look at a cross section of a professional lawned area - such as a bowling green - it has layers like a cake; sand for drainage, peat for moisture retention without sogginess and soil for grass seed. The Stray drainage is an issue. It would be intelligent and wise to fill in lower pooling areas and generally use peat and sand to create a good footfall even in Harrogate's endless rain. We don't want a Glastonbury (Woodstock) mud fest! To avoid that lower areas need raising with sand and overall a spongy dry grass surface needs creating. Not impossible in a nation proud of its lawns and a town proud of its gardening!

Comments regarding Unique/ Green/ Natural Space

1 Please preserve the unique aspect of Harrogate that is the Stray 2 The Stray is an important, tranquil and vital part of Harrogate and is a huge part of what makes Harrogate so wonderful, so beautiful and so well visited by tourists. To have circus tents covering acres of the Stray every couple of weeks would be hideous and distasteful and would not benefit the town as a whole. There would be a huge strain put on parking and the town would soon gain a reputation as a temporary events centre rather than an established, historical and picturesque spa town. I feel that there should be a review of some of the old, tired events which take place on the Stray, in particular the fair. An examination should also be undertaken of the suitability of some of the newer events such as Fake Fest (loud music and drunken revelry), The Christmas Market (a victim of it's own success - surely it could be better cited elsewhere on the Stray with wider aisles and more space for free flow of shoppers. Many locals believe that the Christmas Market is an accident waiting to happen and do not attend because of the intense, often immovable crowding problem). Other events such as the Park Run and the annual Bonfire are a real credit to the town and it's community spirit. More of these types of events please and less of the tacky money making schemes.

3 HBC should give very careful thought to this - this questionnaire seems rather vague and unfocused. The Stray is unique, and it was given to the town for specific purposes. It has hosted the TdF which was fantastic but I fear that any relaxation of the restrictions will lead to a myriad of tacky commercial events that are just there to make money for the organisers rather than for the benefit of the residents.

4 It is "THE JEWEL" in Harrogates crown and what makes us unique in this modern age . Other cities struggle to provide large open spaces in our crowded world . Why do some Councillors want us to be just like another Leeds , Bradford or Sheffield .

5 Please do not be seduced by pushy event organisers or glamour events. We, the residents of Harrogate, do not live here to satisfy them. We live here (in part) because of the peace and tranquility of the Stray - a unique feature which we love and which should be protected by our Council.

6 Don't spoil a beautiful attraction that many tourist and local appreciate. 7 Stray is a unique feature of Harrogate to be preserved as it is 8 This seems to be all about making more money.and all at the expense of destroying this unique feature that Harrogate has

9 The Stray should be purely maintained for the recreation and enjoyment of residents and public at large and should not be used for commercial profits. It is loved for its natural and open aspect and should not be enclosed and turned into a theme park!

10 I think we in the town are so lucky to have a landmark location. I am happy for a couple more smaller events to open up the area, and one large event each year.

11 I came to Harrogate in 1981 as a young solider at the AAC Harrogate. The Stray was one of those areas where we could get away from the riggers of our training and experience some peace and local contact. I eventually married a Harrogate 'Lass' and after moving around with our family we cam back to settle in 2003. The tow3n had changed much since then but the Stray was the same peaceful tranquility I remember. Please do not change it!!

12 The Stray Act helps to protect Harrogate's green reputation and we should be grateful that the Duchy continues to guard this special place.

13 I have been visiting Harrogate for 10 years and come back time and again because it is a beautiful well kept area - an oasis of peace and tranquillity. Please do not destroy this for its loyal visitors and residents.

14 The main attraction of visitors to Harrogate year after year is the stray. The natural beauty of the Stray needs to be kept. Please leave the Stray Act alone.

15 It should remain as it is with 35 days use pa. It is a unique part of Harrogate's heritage and tampering with it will eventually destroy its very special recreational value that has been part of the town since 1774. Hands off. 16 The Stray is a beautiful open space that people enjoy as it is. HBC ,in the past,have acknowledged this. The current members have no authority to seek to change it on some passing fancy.

17 The Stray is the "Jewel in our Crown" and it is imperative that this unique treasure is protected against commercial pressures and is cherished by today's ????????? for tomorrows. Harrogate Borough Council must be staunch and resist the blandishments of those who might not have Harrogate's future at heart as much as I do!

18 Character of area to be retained. I live here because of its untouched beauty. 19 The Stray is unique. It should be protected from any further commercial ventures. 20 The stray is beautiful and so well kept but its a shame there aren't more people using it. In the summer there should be loads of people sitting on the grass etc... There is a similar open piece of land in Edinburgh that is mobbed with people sitting out on the grass and barbequing etc in the summertime. it would be nice to see the Stray used in a similar way. maybe some food stalls or public barbeque pits would encourage use??

21 The purpose of the Stray is to provide Green space for the residents to enjoy. There is enough going on in and around Harrogate and if you increase events and the area used you will spoil the area for those residents.

22 Harrogate is very lucky to have this open space. To change that unique benefit to all residents of Harrogate is purely for financial gain. The Christmas Market is held in a totally inappropriate place in Montellier and should be relocated to Cambridge Street which is hard standing with the fair rides situated in the Piazza. The 'Farmers Market' (since when did dog biscuits constitute as farm goods?) is held there and is not plagued by mud. Harrogate is a small town. PLEASE keep it that way. That is why we choose to live here.

23 Harrogate and The Stray are indivisible - Harrogate's identity is defined by the 200 acres of Stray which surround it - without The Stray, Harrogate would degenerate into an anonymous urban sprawl called 'anywhere'.

24 Its a beautiful green space and should be enjoyed by all but not abused 25 We strongly disagree with the proposals as they would change the whole character of the Stray. We hope the Duchy of Lancaster will oppose any change. I hope you have also consulted the Harrogate Civic Society and take note of what they say.

26 I would not want events on the stray every weekend and VERY careful vetting of the events allowed. The Stray is a very special jewel in Harrogate's crown and many tourists come to enjoy the tranquillity it affords this amazing town. It must be managed extremely carefully if any extension of the Stray Act is to be a benefit to the town and its inhabitants.

27 I do not disagree that there may be events we would like to stage in Harrogate in the future but I think it should be planned and applied for as it is at the moment and that things should not become more automatic because the scale and number would escalate and before we know it there would be events all the time which would completely spoil the peaceful open aspect which we all cherish.

28 The Stray is a place which is very special in the make up of Harrogates green space. This space must be carefully conserved so we do not loose the benefits for all users but as with any assett its usage and benefits should be considered with a wider audiance in mind

29 The Stray is the best feature of Harrogate. The current Stray Act protects the Stray for the use of the community, and I think that any modification of the Act will benefit charities and commercial organisations, but be detrimental for the community and their use of the Stray.

30 The Stray is a unique facility and should be protected for further generations. 31 Harrogate residents are very lucky to have this land for their use and it should be safeguarded. It is one of the features which make Harrogate unique and envied. 32 The Grand Depart was brilliant. Very well organised but such as Xmas market, far too many coaches - too much convestion. Can't get near the stalls but more than anything I value the piece and transquility of the Stray.

33 Agree it should remain a green, open space for public to enjoy most of the time. Agree organised events benefit whole community and add to lovely ambience already found in Harrogate. Agree days should be limited to prevent overcrowding/transport congestion of an already very busy town.

34 Open space. Quiet. Grass. That's a luxury in a town. 35 We have a great natural asset to the town. Use it sensibly but use it to benefit the town and help support local businesses.

36 The Act was implemented for a purpose which is still relevant today, probably more so, as everying is over commercialised. Harrogate is a Spa Town, famous for its green spaces, nice shops and peaceful environment. That is what attracts most visitors to the town please don't spoil the very essence of Harrogate.

37 Please leave the stray alone. It is beautiful as it is and can be enjoyed by all. In an ever population increasing world, it is great to escape to somewhere like the Stray.

38 The Stray is a beautiful green space that we all enjoy - formal, walking dog, running etc). But as long as the event organisers leave it as they found it the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

39 The Stray Acts exists to protect the Stray and to give Harrogate a green space. How long before it was built on or paved over? The noise generated by the Fireworks Display, Lions Day , Travelling Fair are tolerable, increase the 35 days, add on construction days, upto a week at a time with all the noise and disruption, and the Stray would be a quagmire very quickly. Once the Stray is gone, it is gone for good.

40 Our precious and glorious green space should be left alone! 41 The Stray is an unique asset that the town should treasure and preserve. It is currently used in diverse ways by a lot of people - and many of the "local" activities and the enjoyment of the Stray by Harrogate people would be disrupted by frequent restriction for "events".

42 I strongly believe the use of the Stray should be broadened. It is a marvellous, unique facility which is a wonderful asset to the community which we are lucky to have so if we could increase trade to the area by such events that would also benefit the town.

43 Please leave things as they are. We value this green space and since it is, I believe, unique we have a responsibility to make sure it stays unique.

44 I do not want to be a stick in the mud; the TdF event was a fantastic one off success and great for Harrogate. But it was a one off and not used to seek a process that would fundamentally change the nature of The Stray which is unique to Harrogate.

45 The Harrogate Stray is a unique feature contributing to making Harrogate one of the most desirable places to live in the UK. Opportunities already exist to hold events on the Stray, and additional larger events of national or international significance can be held subject to obtaining permission from Parliament. Any moves to allow more events will only reduce the attractiveness of this unique open space and should not be permitted.

46 Let any exceptional use of the Stray be subject to individual applications to Parliament - as at present. Why are "repeated applications" not feasible? Many people over many generations have secured the 200 acres as open "public" land. The Stray is almost unique in the UK. We must not lose it.

47 The Stray is a tremendous asset to Harrogate and must be strongly protected. It should remain an open green space. But I'm in favour of a moderate increase in the amount of organised use made of this land, provided events are open to the public and have broad public appeal. 48 Using the Stray as a valuable green space for local inhabitants is our right under the Stray Act. We should hold on to that right and not abuse it by tinkering at the edges of well laid out legislation. Leave the Stray Act alone and let the Council seek extra funding from elsewhere. I would gladly pay extra in rates if it saved the Stray from exploitation.

49 The Stray is a 'green lung' and an attraction for visitors to Harrogate. I know that HBC is trying to make all of its assets generate income in order to compensate for the iniquitous cuts imposed by central government but that is no reason to turn a unique feature of the town into a money making quagmire. Permitting an event like Le Tour suited our town and it was right to relax the rules very slightly: exclusivity is a powerful market force.

50 We should respect the Stray and guard it, I understand the will to use it more but unless we have constraints it will lose its unique character

51 The Stray is a beautiful and eye catching part of Harrogate and one which is not apparent in other areas of Yorkshire. Part of it's beauty is that so far it has remained unspoilt. The crocuses which bloom each year look so pretty and give Harrogate something unique which I have not seen in any other part of Yorkshire. Please leave The Stray as it is.

52 We are unique in England in having the beautiful Stray on our doorstep. Please don't destroy it, we all want to enjoy its beau5ty without having all of England trapsing over it.

53 The Stray and Harrogate are unique places in the North. Any additional activities should enhance this facility to further improve the appeal to future organisers. They should favourably consider Harrogate and the Stray, against other venues in the South and London.

54 It is a unique to Harrogate. It would be all too easy to ruin it and become like any other town.

55 It is what makes Harrogate so unique. Do not abuse it but use it wisely. 56 As a Harrogate resident for the majority of my life I strongly want to retain the stray in it's current format. Impact on the grass itself would need to be considered, parking would need to be considered. Residents access would need to be considered. I would not support any permanent building structures and would make strong note that this the stray is something that makes Harrogate quite unique and should be used to support tourist/residents enjoyment, and not spoilt or removed or reduced in the longer term.

57 All the questions to a lesser or greater degree refer to altering the Stay Act, which would be the thin end of the wedge. As you point out in your opening, paragraph the Stray was left to the people of Harrogate to enjoy the wide open spaces. Harrogate must be unique in having such a large unspoilt area so close to the town centre to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike. I have lived all my life in this town and would like to keep the Stray as it is open and unfettered by any restrictions. One amendment to the Stray and would lead to further emanemdnets in the future as any change could be seen as a precedent for further restriction.

58 The Stray is a wonderful asset that sets Harrogate apart from other towns in the country. If you start amending the Stray Act, you are in severe danger of "Killing the goose that laid the golden egg"".

59 THE STRAY IS A UNIQUE, LARGE AREA OF COMMON LAND. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT REMAIN FREE TO ALL AND FREE FROM COMMERCIALISATION. 60 When I was a kid, Harrogate used to be an 'exhibition' town and it failed at that. It then built the Conference Centre and became a 'conference' town and has subsequently all but failed at that. Why should the council be allowed to press-gang the public's gift from The Crown into action to attract more people and revenue into the town when the council cannot even manage the previous resources and initiatives it has tried? Using the Stray in new and untold ways to attract more revenue into Harrogate shows a lazy, inept and unimaginative side to the council. Using the Stray beyond its current legal use is really falling to the lowest common denominator of thinking within the council. I can imagine some bright spark chirping up in the meeting: "Oh, I know! Let's use the Stray! It's sat there doing nothing anyway!" The whole point of the Stray is it is SUPPOSED to be doing nothing! That is what makes it unique and gives Harrogate its charm and character. The whole notion that ALL the residents of Harrogate recognise what a massively valuable asset the Stray is and yet do nothing with it SHOWS we recognise its TRUE value but only if left alone. It is our sleeping green giant that defines us just as much as bagpipes and tartan define Scotland.

61 The Stray is a natural, beautiful feature of Harrogate which should be left as it is and not treated as a commercial enterprise by Conservative councillors from the outlying villages.

62 I like the stray for its tranquility and would not like to see it too over commercialised or damaged, but do think it should be utilised more than it is now.

63 The Stray is for quiet recreational use by residents & visitors.It is not a privately owned site to be commercially utilised. Harrogate is a very congested large town,this open green area is cherished for just that;it should not be fenced off/exploited by event organisers with sole objective of making money.The event s which currently take place annually are sufficient to meet local needs

64 The Stray is very well used every day by residents & visitors for walking/running /sport- it earns its keep as a much prized green lung.It should be left as it is to fulfil that purpose.

65 Don't change one of the unique and beautiful features of Harrogate please. Money for the council and/or the town is not everything; I can't help but think that the council see the Stray as a resource to be monetised; but that's not what it is. It's a fantastic green space for the people of Harrogate, now and in future, and once you start commercialising it further you will begin its slow destruction (whether or not that's what yoou want, it will happen).

66 One of the reasons that Harrogate is such a special place is because of the Stray. The Stray Act has protected the Stray from intrusions which would damage its natural beauty. The Stray Act should remain in its present form to prevent what could be a gradual erosion of its protected acreage.

67 The Stray is a unique open space in town. Keep it that way 68 I am very much in favour of extending the use of the Stray but in a measured way. Too much change would end up with continuous money making events which would ruin the Stray and damage the unique feel. that it gives to Harrogate. events

69 Any change would result in the destruction of the peace and quiet provided by this unique parkland. It sets Harrogate apart from other towns/cities in having such a wonderful feature. Any increased use would destroy this feature. The detrimental effects would include increased traffic, parking, noise and damage to the Stray itself through excessive use. The weekly run on Saturday morning has already damaged the Stray - trampling over where the wonderful crocus beds are located.

70 The Stray is the jewel in the crown of our town. Please do not meddle with it furtherw otherwise this precious and unique inheritance will be lost forever.

71 Harrogate's potential charm and characher is that it is an unique and splendid environment. We do not want to have that unique charm spoilt. 72 The Stray is unique. It is for the residents (to enjoy free recreation). If HBC no longer exists - there will be no local control over use of Stray. Just let residents enjoy it as it is.

73 The Stray is a great asset so any amendment to the Act should make sure its unique protection stays in place. But in this day and age there does need to be more flexibility. My preference is to have the capacity to allow only one big new event each year and up to around three new smaller events. For the vast majority of the time the Stray should stay open and unrestricted and clear. As a general principle, community use of the stray should be welcomed and encouraged especially when proposed small events wouldn't require special permission from the Stray Act.

74 We are keen to see the Stray used, but equally for its uniqueness to be preserved. It should not be exploited. As the existing arrangements appear to work, other than applying to Parliament for any exceptions, just retain the existing lits, but with exceptions to be referred to a properly constituted Committee - all the details of which can be documented in a revised Act.

75 The Stray is a unique part of Harrogate and should be protected at all cost. 76 Nothing to be a permanent structure. Diverse events could bring in visitors. Keep set-up and take-down days part of total allowance. Any decision re days or events to be reviewed and reassessed. Extending allowance would keep decisions simpler, more local and easier. The Stray is a unique asset. We need to use it carefully and to the benefit of local people primarily. I used to work with an international airline, it is amazing how the beauty of Harogate is well known in the remotest of places!

77 As stated at the beginning of this questionnaire the Stray is a unique place, and its use should not be changed in any way. I have lived by the Stray for 20 years and every morning when I open the curtains and look out onto this unique open space it gives me pleasure. I watch the seasons change the look of the trees and habits of the animals and birds that use it, people walking their dogs, children joining in football and running etc. I enjoy the events such as the bonfire and the fairgrounds and do not think we need any more.

78 The Council will face increasing commercial pressures to use the Stay for event purposes. This should be resisted. The Stray is unique and should not be regarded as a resource. There is more potential for commercial activity in the purpose built conference centre. This should be the focus for attracting more large events to Harrogate. Small scale events can be accommodated also in the conference centre and other venue such as hotels. And there are other green spaces that could be utilised for outdoor small scale events.

79 There is a danger that a greater programme of events will destroy the unique character of the Stray and some of the space required when holding large events is simply needed to accomodate the parking of vehicle and the Stray is not and should not be turned regularly into a Car Park - this lovely amenity which is at the heart of Harrogate would be destroyed.

80 The Stray is unique - no other town has anything like it. So in my opinion if it were to be turned into a fairground which is constantly in use would be appalling. We are custodians of something that has existed in its present form for 240 years and we owe it to future generations to preserve this beautiful and tranquil area.

81 This consultation seems to be the thin edge of the wedge. The Stray is a unique characteristic for Harrogate and it seems a shame to put it at risk for what seems to be purely commercial reasons.

82 The Stray is unique to Harrogate & there should be no change to the protection afforded by the Stray Act.

83 The Stray is a unique space which, quite rightly, needs protection. However, it is also a community space and the council should be trusted to use its judgement to use it as such. 84 I can see the principle for wanting to be able to use the Stray for larger events and longer periods without having to go through Parliament. It should be very closely monitored so as not to damage the environment. The Stray is a beautiful thing it should be preserved.

85 This disrespect of the land will result in the loss of the thing that makes Harrogate unique special and highly desired.

86 The Stray makes Harrogate a unique and beautiful place. Any event is an imposition on the capacity of the residents of Harrogate to use their open space, the current events are tolerated in a spirit of sociability but this is a resource for people not for commercial interests.

87 The Stray acts a lung for our town and should be respected as a green open space. Why do you suppose people want to come to live, work and spend time in Harrogate?

88 Events ruin the grass. On top of this your plans show areas for car parking on the stray. It is for this reqson the act is in place. To keep the stray there for generations to come. Your money making ideas are so short term. In the long term the smart money will leave the area and then money won't be spent in the smart ships and it will be like every other failing town with a failing high street. The stray is what makes Harrogate unique. Don't be so ignorant as to take this away.

89 Harrogate is unique because of the stray. If this is ruined Harrogate and its residents and businesses are effectively ruined. You are proposing car parking on the stray. Events with white tents. No one wants to visit and see this, they want to see the stray in all its natural beauty

90 The Stray is a fabulous jewel in Harrogate's crown and valued by many residents and visitors because it is green and quiet and spacious. We must be so careful not to ruin our wonderful asset with commercial considerations.

91 The stray is a unique area maintained by the council and should be used more by the people of Harrogate and district for pleasure and leisure.

92 I think the Stray should stay a green space. The events that it now hosts are suffcient.

93 Leave our green area alone. The upheaval and clearing up after these events is costly, unsightly and simply no needed.

94 Just to add that the stray, being so unique, should remain empty many more times than it is used. Not many towns/cities in the UK have such a place to enjoy.

95 Most people know Harrogate for its green open spaces - but a few events add to tourism eg the Christmas Market.

96 The Stray is Harrogate's jewel and one of its strongest attractions for tourists and potential (and existing) residents. As more green spaces are being put under pressure in Harrogate to be turned into housing, it is important to maintain the size, structure and visual impact of the Stray. Harrogate regularly features as one of the happiest in the country - the Stray, which makes people feel they live in a more rural space, is one of the reasons for this. There is so much job in walking across the Stray and seeing the space used by familities, dog walkers, runners, footballers etc and yes sometimes events. Re the Christmas Market and cconcerns about is current location, I don't see why the town centre couldn't be used as it is for Farmers Market and with more spillage onto the road beside Bettys/Blues Bar. Lets love Harrogate and what it has to offer without succumbing to the commercial green-eyed monster!

97 The harrogate Stray Act has helped to provide Harrogate with its peaceful and beautiful aspect. It should be resolutely maintained in its present form.

98 Keep the space open to the public. Wonderful green site that should be cherished 99 It is hard to envisage what other large scale events there can be. The balance must be to allow the uniqueness of the stray to continue whilst allowing some large events to take place in what is, after all, a unique environment, e.g. 'park'/green area close to a town centre.

100 The Stray was created for the benefit of the people who live in Harrogate and for visitors. It is unique and makes Harrogate special. Tampering with present rules and regulations will not just stop with the present proposal. There is no need to change the situation as it is today.

101 Not everyone enjoys big events, a lot of people find it oppressive. Keep Harrogate and the Stray unique, don't destroy it. You do not realise what you have, treasure it and respect it.

102 The Stray Act gives Harrogate Stray a unique and priceless asset to the town. Why are there those amongst our representatives who wish to destroy this?

103 The very presence of the open space makes Harrogate almost unique, if there are to be , as I suspect there will be , amendments to the principle. Then I would suggest that for the protection of all, these amendments should be for a fixed period following which the original principles return as the default principles for the stray. If the PRINCIPLE is removed it will never be returned which should the amendment turn out to be a mistake would be a cruel fate for the Stray and Harrogate.

104 In principle I am opposed to most proposed changes in the use of the Stray. This is a unique facility which has served the Harrogate community and visitors since its introduction. Any change to its use must be very carefully considered and the phrase "thin end of the wedge" springs to mind.

105 The Stray plays a large part in creating the exceptional atmosphere which underpins the unique character of Harrogate. The free and open space provided by the Stray gives peacefulness, fresh air and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors to residents and visitors of Harrogate alike. It is likely that many of the benefits of the Stray are enjoyed subconsciously as people make their way about Harrogate but this does not diminish their import. It is well recorded that open space, greenery and the opportunity to be outdoors enhance and enrich human lives both in work and in leisure. It is for these reasons that the Stray's nature should only be interfered with in as limited a way as possible and, any events which limit, impact and restrict the use of the Stray as it is should not be permitted without careful and cautious consideration nor without exceptional reason. Any of the suggested changes to the Harrogate Stray Act would inevitably lead to less care and consideration being given to any decision on the type and scale of events held on the Stray and would thereby inevitably lead to a dilution and devaluation of the nature of the Stray. Moreover, any inappropriate events which are not in keeping with the nature of Harrogate would denigrate and undermine its spirit and quality. It should not, therefore, be left in the hands of a few, who may or may not appreciate the intricacies of this spirit and quality, to determine the type and extent of events which are carried out on the Stray.

106 The Stray is unique and what singles out Harrogate for tourists. It should be preserved as it is. If the propose changes are agreed by Parliament this will only be the start of eroding such lovely grassland in the name of tourism

107 The beauty of Harrogate is its strays they are stunning to start putting on larger events on them week after week just to bring in extra money is a disgrace councils need to stop ruining our Park lands with big events like concerts festivals vehicle shows these parks take months of maintenance and ground work to recover from the damage from these events witch cost a lot of money to put right especially if the weather is bad with lots of rain stop ruining these strays. 108 The Stray is a unique area of calm in a bustling town and should be kept as such. Events such as the Tour de France were extremely disruptive to Harrogate residents. I want the Stray to remain as it is. Any advancement of these proposals for the sake of increased revenue is a big mistake. And once you start chipping away at a protective piece of legislation it will be impossible to repair. If you allow more sports matches then they will say they need changing facilities, and toilets and a cafe for spectators and bike racks and etc etc. If you have more events with stands then the delicate ecosystem becomes damaged. Residents who once valued the Stray will see it as a negative. And of course it will be supported by businesses as they may gain from it but they don't have to live with it.

109 Whilst having to apply to Parliament to ask for permission by changing an Act of law to be allowed to put a special occasion on the Stray does seem to be a bit extreme, and expensive, it does seem to provide a safety block on putting whatever and whenever is allowed. The Stray seems to be a unique piece of land that most visitors to Harrogate appreciate and love.

110 No change! The Stray is a very special place! The Stray Act protects this special area - no amendments are necessary. I am a regular visitor to Harrogate from the South of England. I visit my daughter who is lucky enough to live with her family in Harrogate. What makes Harrogate special? The Stray. It is a peaceful beautiful, open free space for the enjoyment of all. Leave the Stray alone!

111 I strongly wish the Stray to remain a unique pleasurable relaxing piece of land - special to Harrogate and its community for the benefit of all - visitors and locals alike. The restrictions ensure it is kept that way.

112 How many towns have such a wonderful open space of green for all to enjoy? How lucky we are. Protection of the Stray is instrumental to the town's survival.

113 The restrictions on how the land can be used in the Stray Act are very sound. The Council should not attempt to amend the Act. The Stray (and the current Act which governs its use) enhances the unique high quality of life offered by Harrogate to its residents. I am quite sure that the Council's proposal to amend the Stray Act will lead to the commercialisation of the Stray and the loss of its beauty and public use. By increasing the number and size of events on the Stray there will probably be short term financial gains for the Council and businesses in the town but this will be at the expense of long term loss of the current unique character of the Stray. The Stray, as it is now, must be preserved for the benefit of the town's residents - not for businesses and occasional visitors. Harrogate's Councillors, officers and businesses come and go but the long term future of the Stray must be for the benefit of its residents so I see no need at all to amend the Stray Act.

114 I appreciate that the Council are under great pressure to deliver services with a diminishing revenue from the Government. Hence the temptation to utilise the Stray as a revenue stream must be very great as they view the problem through a different prism to the local resident. However, I believe to use the Stray in this manner would not only destroy a physical asset (you are reducing budget for Stray maintenance) but would also destroy the character and ambience of the Town. The Stray Act offers protection to the resident, particularly if we become part of a larger unitary authority. I would rather pay more Council Tax - be a rebel.

115 The Stray is both unique and special. Harrogate should treasure and look after it rather than exhibit it.

116 We enjoy regular days out to Harrogate, particularly the calm and civilised ambience of the town centre and its surrounding green spaces. While we appreciate that events of various types add to the town's attractions, we would not agree to any which would detract from Harrogate's distinctive character.

117 The stray remains protected as the Stray act was intended. Stop trying to undermine a beautiful resource enjoyed by all for revenue purposes and to deny Harrogate its Jewel in the crown. You have no right to sell this Stray for Commerce. 118 We are the envy of the County, the Country and most of the World for our special town and the Stray is an integral part of that. Treasure and protect what we have and use it as it is intended and has been over many years for the people of Harrogate. If we extend the use of the Stray it will become damaged and will take longer to recover.

119 The stray is a unique asset to Harrogate and should not be "overused". There is a danger that too many events will damage the structure and leave a muddy mess. This would mean the people of Harrogate would be severely restricted in when they could use it for recreational purposes.

120 The Stray is a valuable resource and should be protected. With more and more open spaces given over to new builds and with more and more pollution we need to preserve such areas.

121 It will be an act of vandalism to allow more events. it is the thin end of the wedge. All towns have events on open spaces - let us keep ours green and unique.

122 The stray is a unique feature to Harrogate and we should be very careful changing or amending any partof our heritage. Our ancestors footsteps are imprinted upon it and it will shape our children's future

123 More days of use and greater areas covered by events means that the Stray would overall be less 'open' and more damage would occur that needed repair. A major benefit of the Stray is that it is open space for simple visual and personal enjoyment not to be cluttered by temporary structures, parking and barriers etc.

124 Clearly the motivation for relaxing the rules regarding events on the Stray is commercial. This is inappropriate for this unique, peaceful area. It is clear, from the spate of letters in the Harrogate Advertiser and from discussions I have had with other residents, that the people of Harrogate do not trust the council as custodians; they do not trust the council to make wise decisions, enforce clean up, control noise and nuisance. The underlying problem seems to be council financing - or lack of - as successive governments have squeezed local budgets. The answer is simple - raise council taxes! The banding system ensures some fairness for income levels but could also be adjusted at the top end so that those in very large properties pay proportionally more than at present.

125 Just because a demand for more events exists, does not mean there is any obligation on the council to meet those demands, no more than it would be right to build endless more apartments on the Stray. the character and nature of the Stray is unique to Harrogate and helps to keep its appeal in the hustle and bustle of an increasingly busy and commercialised world. A past council in Harrogate made the generational error of approving two monstrously high rise buildings which are now forever stuck with on our skyline. Please don't be the council that becomes known for ruining the Stray in perpetuity for all the future generations to come. No, no and no a thousand times is what I feel in response to this awful proposal. Leave our beautiful unspoiled Stray as it is. Please.

126 The present act allows the Stray to be maintained as a unique facility and amenity for the town and its visitors. We do not wish this to be gradually eroded as it would be if the act were to change.

127 Refer to Q11 response above. The character of the Stray as a green OPEN space to be used for 'free' recreation - and not restricted by large formal events - should be maintained.

128 A major concern I have about increasing the use of the Stray is the increased pressure for parking that would ensue. I treasure the Stray as a green space in a built up area. I know that am fortunate in living within easy access to it but it remains one of the very few green and peaceful spaces nearby. There are no parks within easy walking distance. I understand the argument that more events would bring increased trade to the town but would urge alternative sites to be considered. 129 The Stray is a unique asset and selling point for Harrogate and should not be sacrificed for commercial gain. The Stray Act is essential to protect this and prevent 1 generation squandering it, at the cost of future generations. There is talk of commercial benefits but the local shops often suffer during big events and it is external franchises who take the profits out of Harrogate.

130 Read all my previous comments. It is a lovely area and in view of the threats to our other natural green areas it should be left alone for the current individuals and residents to enjoy. There will soon be less such places as the tide of expensive housing creeps across our area.

131 The Stray is a beautiful open space, unique to the town of Harrogate. The area was gifted to the people of Harrogate for their use and ejoyment. By increasing the number of paid events, one is depriving the very people this area was intended to benefit.

132 The Stray is a unique area - its is agreen belt around the centre of town and its uniqueness is its size, its sense of space and tranquility. Harrogate has a certain style and panache and the stray compliments this. For it to be transformked into a tourist area during the summer months would be detrimental. Common sense tells you that there are only large viable areas to use for large events - West Park, Oatlands Stray and Christ Church. However the latter ones are probably considered too far out of town for events like the Tour de Yorkshire so this would suggest that West Park Stray would see heavy use in the summer months. Though it will not please many, I feel sorry for residents who have paid a premium for a "Stray view" to have it ruined by events with marques, music and people milling around probably drunking. The beauty of the Stray is its feeling of space and quiet - we lose this feeling at our peril - people passing through Harrogate will not be impressed at the sight of a tourist city. I have concentrated on the summer months because it is difficult to imagine outdoor events on grass in the winter months and the damage to the Stray would be quite severe. Obviously there are two events held in the winter months, Bonfire night and the Christmas Market. However I consider the Christmas Market is poorly sighed. In December the grass is wet and boggy and is soon churned up by bootball. The Market would be better sighted on Oxford Street, Cambridge Street, Market Square and if necessary Cambridge Crescent and the lane by Boots. It would be in the centre of town on concrete. There would be no damage to the grass and is a better surface for the stall holders and the public. By over use we lose the uniqueness of the Stray forever and once lost, future generations will not forgive us.

133 As a young person, I value and respect the Stray as it is. I would hate to see the Stray turned into a "Tented City" for events which often I would have no interest in (eg Tour de Yorkshire). I am very annoyed to be told by Councillors, Gary Verity etc that "everyone is looking forward to the Tour de Yorkshire". In my circle of friends and people I know, they are mostly not interested or are against it. Events such as the Tour de Yorkshire also, in my opinion, encourage too many people to drink excessively and so tarnishing our image as a tranquil and repectable town. I fear that if we encourage these events too much, we will lose the uniqueness of the Stray as a tranquil open green space that we are lucky to have.

134 Having lived in the area forr 39 years and more recently near the centre of town, I can see all the benefits of protecting the Stray. I think people come to Harrogate to enjoy the more natural environment. To see the winter spoils and the enjoyment of families having picnics etc in the summer is something no other town can provide. Do people need to be entertained all the time? If the change goes ahead - it is the thin edge of the wedge. 135 No change or amendments to the existing Act or use of the Stray. The Stray has been bequeathed in perpetuity to the people and residents of Harrogate and not for financial gain. The Council performs an excellent job in maintaining this unique and amazing facility which is appreciated by all who enjoy its beauty in its natural form.

136 If you disregard the thoughts of the residents, you will discourage newcomers who will be told - as is law when selling a property - of disruption caused by such events. One off events ie Tour de France was wonderful but would not be so if this sort of event became regular. We are so proud of our green spaces and wish to share them - but not with concerts, circuses or the like. I hope and pray that we are listened to but I fear not! As the Events Coordinator for St Peter's Church I have had difficulty transporting food etc on certain days - road closures due to events, parades etc. Some of us are not just residents but supporting of the community.

137 I fear that making changes to the Stray Act is just the thin edge of the wedge. The idea of living in the centre of Harrogate was for us the convenience to all facilities and a calm green outlook from our apartment. After the hustle bustle of working life we are enjoying a quiet retirmenet in this lovely friendly town.

138 I believe the Stray is an amazing and very valuable amenity to the people of Harrogate and visitors to the town. Very few towns are fortunate enough to have anything similar: it ought to be preserved. There are plenty of other locations within and near to Harrogate which are suitable for events of all sizes. The Stray is already disrespected and abused by some individuals and groups - as witness the mindless, inconsiderate littering which takes place all the time, more so in warm summer weather - this despite the provision of plenty of waste disposal facilities across the Stray and this would only be exacerbated by more, larger scale events on the Stray. The Stray is a beautiful area, unique to Harrogate, and it should stay as it is. Save our Stray!

139 Please please do not allow big business and the prosoect of big money events to snatch away the unique charm that makes Harrogate an individual place to visit and to live. The Stray is the longs of this town and we must protect that wide open space for future generations to see, to walk on, to picnic and to be able to stand and breathe the fresh air without that freedom being eroded - often by those who are not Harrogate born or bred and may not appreciate the deep connection this land has with ordinary people.

140 There is a question that the Council needs to ask is why do so many people from far and wide come to Harrogate, what is the attraction particularly in this day and age, in the past it was to take the waters. I often travel into town by bus and as we approach the Stray and the passengers catch the first glimpse of the Stray they chatter to each other about the view. The green wide open spaces, with long vistas, shaded with avenues of majestic trees, criss- crossed with paths and the abundance of flora - what a wonderful welcome to the delights of our town. Its unique, its like nowhere else and it was gifted to us. Its wonderful to see Harrogate through other people's eyes and catch their enthusiasm and realise how fortunate you are to live in such a beautiful place, and have this green space that nearly encircles the whole town is extremely special and is Harrogate greatest asset - the Stray. Now the Stray is under threat for Harrogate Borough Council want to utilise the Stray for more and larger events to take part of it, therefore ch\anging its whole aspect. This is the last thing the Stray needs and to say that it needs modernisation is not what it wants, in fact its the complete opposite that draws the people to Harrogate, make it look and feel like everywhere else is not the answer, it could do great damage to the town - its being unique that why people visit Harrogate. I suggest that Harrogate Borough Council take a walk, particularly at the weekend and just see how special it is and needs protecting.

141 I think the Stray should be a green space to be enjoyed by all, not a market place or a fun fair. 142 The Stray is very precious to Harrogate, quite unique and a great attraction to visitors. Your proposal to use it for more events without permission is totally unacceptable. You would deny people access to the Stray and cause great disruption to visitors, residents and businesses

143 The Stray is very previous to Harrogate, quite unique and a great attraction o visitors. Your proposal to use it for more events without permission is totally unacceptable.You would deny people access to the Stray and cause great disruption to visitors, accidents and businesses.

Concern about 'creep' of relaxation

1 As I said, relaxing the rules is the thin end of the wedge. 2 A parlimentary amendment gives oversight, may not be convenient but prevents creep of use

3 HBC should give very careful thought to this - this questionnaire seems rather vague and unfocused. The Stray is unique, and it was given to the town for specific purposes. It has hosted the TdF which was fantastic but I fear that any relaxation of the restrictions will lead to a myriad of tacky commercial events that are just there to make money for the organisers rather than for the benefit of the residents.

4 The Stray is a feature that helps to define Harrogate. The parliamentary protection that has been afforded the Stray over the years has helped to preserve the character of the town. Even if the Council starts off with good intentions and believes that additional use will be a community benefit "mission creep" will invariably set in. 3 events will become 5 events, temporary enclosures will become permanent and we will eventually lose the Stray entirely.

5 The Council may be acting with the best of intentions and has convinced itself that it can and will attract high class events that will be of benefit to the town. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Any relaxation will be the start of the end of the Stray as generations of Harrogate residents have known it. Take a look at the Royal Hall - oh that right you can no longer see it because an earlier Council - in its wisdom - decided to enclose it decided top enclose it in a series of aircraft hanger like exhibition halls (and wasn't the exhibition centre supposed to provide space for all these events!)

6 35 days is enough. Events create noise and mess for residents. Changing an act like this is very costly. The Stray is beautiful and should be left alone. It is a slippery slope!

7 View this with some concern - if you change the current principle the danger is it becomes the thin end of a wedge and eventually we'll see permanent construction on the Stray with regular loss of a wonderful amenity. Extend the number of days for small evens is all I would consider as acceptable - nothing else - no more larghe scale events unless they are very special and unique, in which case the current process used for the Tour de France is not a problem. If needs special review and careful consideration and that is what the current system provides.

8 Protect our stray - it was clearly left for our free enjoyment not for commercial reasons. Obviously there needs to be some events for our economy but these need to be closely regulated of the place will be taken over & it leaves the door open for other amendments later.

9 the stray is the jewel in this town and should remain so ,it benefits everyone and to commercialise more is the thin edge of the wedge to spoil it forever.

10 Further to my comments about the current state of the Stray, there appears to be a "creeping" around edges by allowing cycling and turning a blind eye to parking. The Stray should be preserved for our children and any weakening of the Act makes the Stray vulnerable to future development and fashions. 11 You cannot amend the "Stray Act" without knowing exactly what is inteded, with specific events and a plan. This is the 'thin edge of the wedge'. How do we prevent the "amendment" allowing building of houses on the Stray!? This document is meaningless without a firm proposition for people to consider! including the specific type of events to be considered and controlled. I am not prepared to give the Council "open ended powers" to do "as they see fit".

12 This land should be kept as it is for the people of Harrogate. It is beautiful at everytime of year - even if you are just driving past. If the council start using the stray for more events it will snowball - and eventually be lost forever. we are extremely lucky to have this land - please leave it alone.

13 The existing Act was set up to preserve the Stray for the use of residents and visitors for their enjoyment at the time of their choosing. It is both well loved and well regarded for this reason. Allocating parts of the Stray for commercial events will be the thin end of the wedge and will over time change the nature of the Stray and with it, the nature of Harrogate. The people proposing this change are short sighted and only interested in commercial gain and self interest.

14 The Stray is for the use of the people of Harrogate not large commercial oganisations. Beginning to erode its protection with the start of a slippery slope ending is indiscriminate use.

15 The Stray Acts exists to protect the Stray and to give Harrogate a green space. How long before it was built on or paved over? The noise generated by the Fireworks Display, Lions Day , Travelling Fair are tolerable, increase the 35 days, add on construction days, upto a week at a time with all the noise and disruption, and the Stray would be a quagmire very quickly. Once the Stray is gone, it is gone for good.

16 Every precaution must be taken to ensure that change is not the thin end of the wedge. Whilst is is right to consider the needs of the town and its future activities we must always ensure that the council is held to account and does not have the capacity to ignore the views and opinions of the people of Harrogate.

17 I am worried that if the Stray act is amended, then it will become a free for all, frankly Harrogate Councils actions in the past to not lead me to believe that they can be trusted to do what they say. There is also the position of North Yorkshire Council to be taken into account, already anything they touch leads to disaster, ie. traffic management, parking. If we become a unitary authority what would happen then? There is too much at stake to change the safeguards that we already have for the Stray, it should not be used as a money making scheme, the town cannot cope as it is, and the council should be busy occupying their time trying to manage what is already happening and sorting out the long standing problems that we already have. Cars already park on the Stray with impunity are the council planning to do anything about this?

18 We must keep the Stray sacrosanct. Any amendments are just the thin end of the wedge.

19 I think it is wrong to try and amend the regulations already imposed on the Stray. Its a slippery slope to it being incorporated into businesses and housing estates.

20 Unfortunately, myself, and many other people I imagine, think this proposal will be just the thin end of the wedge and if successful Harrogate Council will push for even more control of what can and cannot be held on The Stray. I would rather see more affordable events at the Conference Centre and a more determined effort to build the second half of a bypass.

21 I regard this proposal as "the thin edge of the wedge" Once granted it would give rise to further demands as a precedent had been set. it is a joy to see ordinary people picknicking and young children playing freely ... all races. The Stray provides access to different parts of town and is used by walkers, cyclists and pedestrians. The proposed enclosure would restrict access to a large number of residents and (dare I suggest it) 6 tax payers. It might even affect "passing trade". 22 I can see nothing to be gained by altering the existing Act. Further commercialisation of the Stray will only lead to further limits to access by those seeking the peace of the Sray, but will also lead to damage and further costs to the tax payer. The Stray is one of the only places where you can walk in peace and free from cars, bicycles and fumes. I used to walk with my family along riverside paths and canal towpaths. These were peaceful until the restriction on cycling was relaxed now they are no go areas to all but the bravest of walkers willing to risk being run into by mountain bikes travelling at high speed. Please do not ruin the publics' enjoyment and peace by amending the Stray Act. It was given these restrictions for a very good reason.

23 It is not clear from this document what future events the Council has in mind, or indeed how it proposes to use the Stray if the Act were to be amended. This is worrying. Residents cannot be expected to agree unless they know what is planned. The Council claims to take its powers of management, maintenance and protection of the Stray extremely seriously. Thus the Council can best achieve by maintaining the status quo - the Stray is already protected by the Act and, as far as I can see, no change is necessary, as events can be accommodated elsewhere in the town with a 'park and ride' system operating to bring visitors to the town centre. This would minimise inconvenience to local residents and to through traffic. Alteration to the Stray Act is the thin edge of a very thin wedge, and is not for the benefit of those whom it was intended to benefit.

24 Amending the Stray Act would, in my view, be the thin end of a very large wedge. This document is silent about the type of additional events envisaged, so there is no real basis for agreement in the absence of an induction of the future uses the Council has in mind. The document says repeated applications to Parliament are not 'flexible'. I suspect what is meant is that they are cumbersome and time consuming - not the same thing as unfeasible. Change is not needed. The Council is custodian of the Stray for future generations and should maintain the status quo.

25 All the questions to a lesser or greater degree refer to altering the Stay Act, which would be the thin end of the wedge. As you point out in your opening, paragraph the Stray was left to the people of Harrogate to enjoy the wide open spaces. Harrogate must be unique in having such a large unspoilt area so close to the town centre to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike. I have lived all my life in this town and would like to keep the Stray as it is open and unfettered by any restrictions. One amendment to the Stray and would lead to further emanemdnets in the future as any change could be seen as a precedent for further restriction.

26 Whilst Harrogate Borough Council’s intentions may be honourable in promoting this idea, there is an inherent risk of future councils abusing their new found control over the stray, especially for financial gain, and a potential slippery slope eroding away the fundamental provisions of the Stray for local recreational use. The Harrogate stray is the envy of many towns and attracts many visitors just as it is. It should not be threatened by exploitation of its availability and loss of external accountability. Should an amendment to the existing Harrogate Stray Act 1985 take place then the uncertainty surrounding the precise nature and extent of future events risks strong concern and a potential for the introduction of further amendments to the revised Act that will continue the ‘change of use’ of the stray.

27 In the next round of consultation, the Council needs to say itself, the maximum number of days it can manage for small scale and large scale events, then people might be more reassured this is not a slippery slope to a free for all, open ended cheque. We need to be assured that the Council and event organisers have the capacity to make good grass areas and any damage.

28 Please don't change Harrogate or its Character just for commercial gain, you only get one chance to keep it as it is, once you set it on the slippery slope you can never go back. 29 The Stray is special! The number of events at present are acceptable and of course for very, very special events it is then possible to grant permission. I do not believe amending the Stray Act would be beneficial. It should be the thin end of the wedge and the Stray could begin to lose its uniqueness!

30 I understand the Council's reasoning behind this, it must arduous to gain parliamentary permission for each major event, but as a resident that lives close to the Stray, we need to be consulted specifically on the proposed changes - what events would now be included? How big? How often? It's all too vague at the moment. Events do bring prosperity to Harrogate and certainly puts Yorkshire on the map, but if we give an inch will we loose what makes us unique in the first place?

31 The Stray Acts are there to protect The Stray, why attempt to erode this protection? Keep chipping away and eventually there will be no Stray left for anyone to enjoy.

32 Traffic in HG1 is already a huge problem that puts people off coming here and is increasing from year to year. Why add more? Maintaining the maintenance of the Stray seems increasily difficult for HBC. Paths along the Stray (pedestrian and cycle) were muddy, slippery and dangerous for weeks and were only cleared just before Christmas. Event areas are not maintained anymore in a way that they are recovering before the next event. It is already difficult to cycle on the cycle path on Oatlands Drive as a result of cars parking for regular activities: running - football (Stray Run) on Saturdays. The Stray is used more and more for regular activities and the maintenance has been significantly and very visibly reduced. Harrogate has already to cope with concerences at the conference centre, Yorkshire show and Flower Shows.

33 If you agree to this now, in could be the thin edge. Not this council or possibly the next but somewhere along the line in the future somebody could take advantage of this and use Harrogate Stray for the wrong reason and we wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Leave it as is and if something is SO IMPORTANT IT NEEDS MORE SPACE, then apply to Parliament or the Duchy for permission.

34 To change this Act is creating a thin end of a wedge that could see the Stray being used and abused so the future generations would have nothing to value about Harrogate with all the Stray's open space lost because of greed & commercialisation. Be VERY WISE with what this consultation throws up!!

35 Harrogate Council does not have a good record of preserving Harrogate's unique features and character, e.g. the replacement of the old Market Hall with the doomed Victoria Centre. Interference with the Stray would be a vet slippery slope.

36 The Stray really is important to Harrogate and any relaxation of restrictions of use should not be regarded as the start of the slippery slope. Useage must be tightly defined and rigorously monitored. Whatever we agree now should be covenanted for at least 50 years.

37 This consultation seems to be the thin edge of the wedge. The Stray is a unique characteristic for Harrogate and it seems a shame to put it at risk for what seems to be purely commercial reasons.

38 We believe that the present arrangements are satisfactory and that any increase in events, however small, could be "the thin edge of the wedge". The Stray is a fantastic amenity for the town of Harrogate; it should not be regarded as an asset to be exploited for commercial purposes.

39 Everything has been great since the 1700s. Should not be changed. Thin edge of the wedge. 40 Harrogate is lucky to have the Stray with its carefully drafted laws to protect it. Any permanent change to the laws protecting it could well be perceived as 'the thin edge of the wedge'. It would be very doubtful if any change would in future be reversed. This asset is precious and must be protected. However, if occasional 'Premier Events' are held the organisers must pay a fee in addition to the usual 'delapidations' - which fee should be used exclusively to improve The Stray (eg improved drainage). The Council must not look upon the Stray as an underused asset that should generate revenue either for the Council or for the economy to the town. The Stray as it is with its current protection is already the biggest asset that Harrogate possesses.

41 In spite of denials by HBC I think their proposal is the thin end of the wedge. As someone who walks across West Park most days, it is completely untrue to say that The Stray is underused. It is enjoyed and used daily by people of all ages, both residents and visitors. I also do not think that the Duchy of Lancaster can be relied upon to be a reliable backstop.

42 In principle I am opposed to most proposed changes in the use of the Stray. This is a unique facility which has served the Harrogate community and visitors since its introduction. Any change to its use must be very carefully considered and the phrase "thin end of the wedge" springs to mind.

43 In Harrogate we are privileged to have the stray and are concerned about any relaxation of the stray act may lead to a reduction in access to, or permanent change of use that would be difficult to reverse in the long term.

44 The Stray is unique and what singles out Harrogate for tourists. It should be preserved as it is. If the propose changes are agreed by Parliament this will only be the start of eroding such lovely grassland in the name of tourism

45 The Stray is a unique area of calm in a bustling town and should be kept as such. Events such as the Tour de France were extremely disruptive to Harrogate residents. I want the Stray to remain as it is. Any advancement of these proposals for the sake of increased revenue is a big mistake. And once you start chipping away at a protective piece of legislation it will be impossible to repair. If you allow more sports matches then they will say they need changing facilities, and toilets and a cafe for spectators and bike racks and etc etc. If you have more events with stands then the delicate ecosystem becomes damaged. Residents who once valued the Stray will see it as a negative. And of course it will be supported by businesses as they may gain from it but they don't have to live with it.

46 I feel it would be a slippery slope to extend the area for events and as with the bonfire some people totally disregard the no parking rules and churn up the Stray, spoiling it for everyone.

47 Harrogate Stray is famous. The original Commissioners worked tirelessly to ensure that Harrogate Residents reaped the benefit of this beautiful open space. 200 acres. This will slowly be eroded by the Council. The short end of the wedge. The infrastructure around Harrogate is not capable of holding large scale events on a regular basis. The traffic flow from Skipton to Harrogate, Knaresborough to Harrogate and Leeds to Harrogate is already unable to cope. Traffic jams are no longer confined to morning and tea time rush hour. The roads are busy no matter what time of day or day of the week. So the first thing the Council will do is build a huge Multi Storey Car Park for this extra traffic!

48 Changing the current restrictions is a slippery slope to losing a recognised and valued aspect of Harrogate. Consider how London protects its park space. Or New York protects Central Park. Harrogate attracts residents and visitors because of the stray and this should not be jeopardised in any way. 49 How does anyone in the Harrogate Council think its ok to run roughshod over the Stray Act - 100's of years old. Its ok as it is, thank you. The Stray does not belong to any one person to do as they wish. If rules and legacy's are changed, who knows how it would end up. I have lived in Harrogate all my life - 75 years and I still get a buzz when I drive through to see the wonder of the Stray in any weather. So no, no change!

50 How does anyone in Harrogate Council think it is ok to run roughshod over the Stray Act 100's of years old. It is okay as it is thank you. The Stray does not belong to any one person to do as they wish. If rules and legacy's are changed, who knows how it would end up. I have loved our Stray all my life and still get a buzz everytime I drive or walk past. In any weather. So no change! I will add, not a good way to go about getting re-elected next time - Just saying!!

51 It is the Council's enduring problem that it's credibility is not good. I see this attempt to further use the stray for commercial purposes as the thin edge of a wedge giving future council proposals the abiity to further dilute the effect of the Stray Act.

52 It will be an act of vandalism to allow more events. it is the thin end of the wedge. All towns have events on open spaces - let us keep ours green and unique.

53 Any changes is the thin edge of the wedge. Applications to hold more events will mainly line pockets of none Harrogate residents. If special events are allowed they should be charged such a fee that allows a real difference to the people of Harrogate. I am sure most applicants do not have such amazing events that so many people will tun up and pay to allow the people of Harrogate who have no interest in the events, are able to benefit massively from loosing their rights to the Stray. Charges that allow more public facilities more open spaces more planting with reduced council tax, funded by large scale events would be some small compensation for the loss of our legal rights of every day open use of our Stray.

54 Use existing and totally underused facilities ie The Royal Hall and The HIC. The Tour de France was amazing because it was a 'on-off', so stop trying to recreate this obsession. The current regime at the Council may include clauses etc, but once the ''door has been opened' future administrations will want to remove these. There are no such things as absolute safeguards, as proven by the Council's wish to amend the Stray Act now.

55 The present act allows the Stray to be maintained as a unique facility and amenity for the town and its visitors. We do not wish this to be gradually eroded as it would be if the act were to change.

56 I would like to keep the peace and quiet of Harrogate. If we let the Council change the Stray Act it will open the floodgates.

57 Any amendment is the thin end of the wedge. I do not trust the Council. This consultation is a charade.

58 Having lived in the area forr 39 years and more recently near the centre of town, I can see all the benefits of protecting the Stray. I think people come to Harrogate to enjoy the more natural environment. To see the winter spoils and the enjoyment of families having picnics etc in the summer is something no other town can provide. Do people need to be entertained all the time? If the change goes ahead - it is the thin edge of the wedge.

59 I fear that making changes to the Stray Act is just the thin edge of the wedge. The idea of living in the centre of Harrogate was for us the convenience to all facilities and a calm green outlook from our apartment. After the hustle bustle of working life we are enjoying a quiet retirmenet in this lovely friendly town.

60 The Stray Act should not be amended. Thiis piece of land was gifted to the people by the crown. Its core principle that the land should be preserved and protected as a public open space should not be underestimated. If this amendment were to go ahead, wht is there to stop a future authority expliting and abusing its additional powers - and ruining the Stray forever? 61 In principle, I agree with a slightly iincreased use of the Stray as I have seen several benefits to the town over the recent years. However I am very concerned that this is the proverbial and thin edge of the wedge and that, as so often happens, a good idea basically is corrupted and cynically used to erode the unique character of the Stray which is an intrinsic part of its attraction for residents and visitors alike. It must maintain, in spirit and in practice, its original purpose. Otherwise Harrogate will be utterly devalued. Once the flood gates are opened they will be impossible to shut.

62 I know that visitors to Harrogate are always charmed and some quite environs of the strong area, which gives an aura of calmness around the centre of the town. Once the Corporation requests and receives modernisation of the Stray Act it will inevitably be constrantly under pressure to have more and more events. Some possibly difficult to be refused, and the whole ambience of the town centre with there be runied.

63 I think I have said it all to reiterate - take away more days and extend the size of use of the Stray would be the first step in the people of Harrogate losing the Stray. The land was a gift for the people - precious green land to be freely enjoyed by all - not to be covered by marquees and car parking zones for a lot of outsiders who do little to contribute to our town.

64 Out Stray is unique. Whilst not a temple, we cannot allow the freedom and peace to be excessively destroyed by commercialisation which would undoubtedly be the thin edge of the wedge. Constant impercetible increases would doubtlessly follow.

65 I would like to remind Councillor Richard Cooper of something he wrote (In Touch November 4 2016). I quote "I remember the first time I came to Harrogate. I was amazed by how beautiful it was and the Stray took my breath away. It is important that we protect the Stray for future generations and local residents". He seems to have got his breath back and to hell with future generations. What they are planning is just the thin end of the wedge.

Concern about traffic/ parking

1 The Stray is an important, tranquil and vital part of Harrogate and is a huge part of what makes Harrogate so wonderful, so beautiful and so well visited by tourists. To have circus tents covering acres of the Stray every couple of weeks would be hideous and distasteful and would not benefit the town as a whole. There would be a huge strain put on parking and the town would soon gain a reputation as a temporary events centre rather than an established, historical and picturesque spa town. I feel that there should be a review of some of the old, tired events which take place on the Stray, in particular the fair. An examination should also be undertaken of the suitability of some of the newer events such as Fake Fest (loud music and drunken revelry), The Christmas Market (a victim of it's own success - surely it could be better cited elsewhere on the Stray with wider aisles and more space for free flow of shoppers. Many locals believe that the Christmas Market is an accident waiting to happen and do not attend because of the intense, often immovable crowding problem). Other events such as the Park Run and the annual Bonfire are a real credit to the town and it's community spirit. More of these types of events please and less of the tacky money making schemes.

2 Only concern is increased traffic & potential parking issues - I think larger scale events should include a park & Ride scheme

3 Allow this to happen and it will destroy Harrogate and its history . The town will see less visitors and local traders will close down . You can not rely on special events to keep Harrogate as a town to visit . Example of how Harrogate does not get it right , why is the Christmas market not loved by everyone , answer it is in the wrong part of the stray , traffic congestion is worse when unauthorised people stop traffic . local cafes and shops loose trade why should outside traders come into the town and take trade from local traders. 4 Car parking on Oatlands Drive should be Policed/Stopped 5 Adequate car parking should be made available for projected numbers of visitors and cars should be towed which are parked illegally on the stray.

6 I see no reason to increase usage of the stray it was protected by our forefathers to be used by the public and I feel that we should continue that principle. Any large scale event will increase traffic around the town the Christmas market being a prime example with no parking for exhibitors or the public and the town gridlocked for days..

7 As mentioned in previous section I think events are good for local people, the economy and bringing in additional people and money. Also good to have a variety of events one can walk to in the local town. Makes the town more viable and nice place to live. Do obviously think need to make sure people living near Stray are not inconvenienced and consider parking and traffic issues.

8 Commercial exploitation of the Stray will end up destroying it. Destroying the Stray will remove the last part of Harrogate's historic character. "Events" may put cash into the hands of a few hotel and restaurant (chain) owners but little of it will trickle down to the general population. All the locals can expect to gain from an increased exploitation of the Stray is further traffic and parking chaos.

9 We are really concerned as to how any changes would affect us. Residents close to the stray will be severely impacted and there is nowhere in the councils blurb which states how this would be ameliorated . In filling in this questionnaire we are concerned that the statement given by the council seems biased in favour of expanding use of the stray and the disadvantages to residents such as road closures etc have not been mentioned at all

10 Traffic is the main problem to sort out!! Management of this key to the success of an event and good publicity to inform public in and beyond Harrogate or parking outside town centre and use of a possible park and ride facility.

11 Careful consideration should be made before any and all events are booked, for noise, damage and traffic disruption.

12 Concerned about the effect on residents living directly around the Stray particularly - West area. How will you deal with the increased traffic? The coaches for the Xmas fair are a nightmare and blight the look of the whole event.

13 It would be good to be able to use the stray for more events but with traffic/congestion already being a major issue in the town more consideration should be given to this and parking arrangements for large scale events. Consideration also needs to be given to potential damage to the grass, plants and trees.

14 Given that the success of additional events will bring in people from within and without the area, the effect on traffic flow and parking should be considered. More and more people are parking on the outskirts of the town and taking the bus to get around either finding parking or paying charges. As many trees are within walking distance 1- 2 miles this could be a problem for residents and adequate park and ride options should be provided ie use of the show site with low cost or no parking charges made available. Possibly consider more resident parking restrictions.

15 I think that the 'no cycling' signs should be removed. The stray is an ideal place for families to teach young children to ride bikes safely. There are few other alternatives away from traffic (no biking in most parks including valley gardens and the cycle way to Ripley is inundated with dog walkers making it difficult for cycling with young children). Adults /older children on bikes tend to move off the path to avoid pedestrians. 16 Again leave The Stray alone, Harrogate Council can not be trusted. Until they can, Leave The Stray alone or let another organisation decide and not the Duchy of Lancaster, their even worst than HBC. Who know Richard Cooper and his band of nutters might decided to build a new council HQ on the Stray or Big Don might put some pointless traffic lights there. An independent group should be set up to decided this and who will listen to the people of Harrogate, some people from the HBC could even joined the group they might be nutter but a least they are entertaining.

17 Perhaps sort out the ridiculous road overload before considering inviting more cars and people to Harrogate. Residents have to get to work etc.

18 Ease the traffic congestion. Go dual carriageway along York Place/Leeds Road, Wetherby Road, Skipton Road otherwise Harrogate will grind to a halt.

19 the stray should remain a free and open space for all to enjoy indiscriminately. small scale events should be allowed to take place provided they do not ruin the area, but large scale events will cause to much destruction of the area, and will put a massive strain on local roads.

20 To change would be unfair to the residents who live around the Stray with noise and extra traffic they surely are entitled to peace and quiet. If you must have them put in town centre or the park.

21 They should be held on the least affected part of the Stray and not inconvenience the residents with noise and extra traffic.

22 The use of the Stray is at the maximum that should be allowed. Any more would increase damage to the Stray, and the infrastructure does not fit additional traffic. Much of the Stray adjoins residential property and additional noise and disruption is unacceptable. The Stray should be open to all.

23 Contribute to local economy. Should not be net cost to Council - should pay for self so if some events are prov ided as service/free the other event should provide sufficient fund to cover all years management and services. If going to be regular then the transport infrastructure should also be upgraded to support events. Park and Ride imposed!!

24 Parking in Harrogate is a nightmare as it is. Large scale events would only make it worse. I live on the oval and the roads are permanently parked up for town centre uses as the strees are not restricted.

25 I have lived overlooking the Stray for 20 years. I enjoy being able to walk on or around the Stray each day. I enjoy the changing seasons and the peacefulness of the green space in our busy town. Harrogate roads are very busy and without a bypass we can't manage the volume of traffic large events in the town centre cause. I don't want the noise of more events on the Stray or the associated traffic. I don't like not having free access to the Stray. I suggest using the Yorkshire Showground for more events as it is underused. Please leave our green space alone so it can be peacefully enjoyed as it always has been.

26 With increasing road congestion the question of coach and car parking on the Stray for major events comes to mind. The cost/benefit can only be assessed by Council staff (with the example of the expertise of the Parks and Gardens Depot). I'm sure we would not be overrun with "busy" or quagmires.

27 Little more activity is OK, so long as its not intrusive. Needs proper planning - adequate car parking or temporary park and ride.

28 The food festival in Valley Gardens ruined parts of the grass in Valley Gardens. Parking per visitors to the Stray is a problem already with people illegally parking on the Stray and ruining the borders. There are already numerous events and more commercialisation is not needed. We have a precious area of land that needs preserving in its existing style and further commercialisation risks that.

29 Could do with more trees along Skipton Road Stray. There's only one very sparse row on each side - most roads have two rows lining each side. Nobody wants to see all that traffic every day. 30 Why change a good thing? The Tour de France, for example, created chaos for residents both on the roads and local infrastructure - OK if you like burger vans and tacky gifts. I suspect money is the motivator here.

31 I strongly agree that the basic principles which have kept the Stray intact for so long should be adhered to. I think there is scope for the permitted activities to be increased and that an increase in the days allowed could be beneficial. There is one area which I think could be developed in a sensitive way. I am thinking of the area close to Harrogate District Hospital where there is a dire shortage of parking facilities. Perhaps an underground facility could be built with access via the already existing short road that runs along the boundary at that point.

32 There needs to be better traffic management if the number of events on the Stray were to increase. There is already too much traffic in Harrogate around the Stray and the life of residents may become more difficult if there are more events. Is better public transport and bypassing of traffic being looked into?

33 Harrogate roads are already unable to accomodate existing traffic and anything likely to lead to increased traffic should be strongly resisted. Emergency vehicles already have difficulty in negotiating roads surrounding the Stray and traffic is at a virtual stand-still at regular times of day. Nothing should be allowed to make this situation worse.

34 I would not object to an increased number of events, on the Stray as I believe it would have significant benefits to the local economy. I would object to any part of the Stray being used for associated car parking. Large scale events should only be held in association with a Park and Ride facility (eg at the Showground). I would like to see a limit on the number of events (large sna small) that are primarily amplified music (eg pop concerts) as this can be very intrusive for local residents. On a separate matter I would like to see the development of permanent BBQ facilities on the Stray, and a loan on the use of disposable BBQs. This would stop people burning the grass and reduce the potential fire and safety risks. Reform of the Stray Act should also include allowing cycling on all Stray parties.

35 Would like to be assured that HBC's input maintains viligance on appropriate nature of events. regardless of political colour of any incumbent Council eg presumably car parking will never be allowed?

36 Parking is always a problem when events take place - we live on the Stray - overlooking - and see all too well what happens on say bonfire night etc.

37 Anything would be an improvement on wrecking the Valley Gardens which should continue to be a quiet refuse for visitors, our inhabitants, and those who love gardens. Rules on bicycling should be enforced as this puts the elderly and small children at risk). The Stray is underused (especially and the poorly drained parts!) but increased use should be carefully policed and any event that led to ASB banned. The problem of car parking must be sorted before any more large scale events are allowed. The life of the town must be enhanced not smothered by increased visitors.

38 I think Harrogate Borough Council needs to sort out parking arrangements and the Highways Department needs to sort out the roads in Harrogate before trying to encourage large scale events in the town. It is already hard enough trying to find a parking space outside our house with a residents permit and the roads are gridlocked at peak times.

39 1. Think very seriously about parking issues; 2. Think very seriously about special buses for park and ride; 3. Be sure they won't be massive disruption not just for those overlooking and near to the Stray, but for the whole of Harrogate.

40 The area is pretty but other than football, park run and walking it is significantly under utilised. Cycling restrictions should also be lifted as all forms of exercise should be encouraged. Need to sort out traffic at Empress and Leeds Rd roundabouts though.

41 There are enough events on the Stray. I have concerns about increased traffic and pollution in the town. 42 Traffic management, parking, litter clearing must be managed effectively. I would object to pop concerts - I think there is one already and that is enough. Nor should events be overtly commercial. If an event is held that brings much objection by the local population, then it should not be held again. A delicate balance of types of event is needed and should be decided by a Group that represent all interested parties. I think that a small increase in the number of events is acceptable but above all the management and preservation of the Stray must be at the forefront of everything.

43 Harrogate has a splendid conference centre which is capable of staging sizeable events. This is a year round facility since it is purpose built and not affected by the weather. Greater use of this facility would bring quality (i.e those with a propensity to spend money in the town) visitors to the town and would help fill Council coffers. In addition to the Conference Centre, there is a magnificant showground the Yorkshire Showground. This is unique in that it has all the facilities one could desire to stage huge venues, if desired. This site has ample parking, with ready made support facilities, a superb location and a proven track record of handling lage numbers f visitors in a well controlled and civilised manner. For this reason alone, Harrogate does not need to even consider using the Stray for anything other than the very smallest of events (of up to 3.5 hectares).

44 Use the area, think of parking and local houses, maintain the Stray, family centred days, large events/spaces not to be over crowded like the Christmas Market is as it is a fantastic idea, great stalls, but not enough space.

45 Damage to the Stray kept to a minimum, events held on metal covers similar to those used for Grand Depart. Adequate parking provided, again use metal covers, no vehicles to be pared or driven on the grass. Restrictions as to noise and time of closing, no later than 10.30 pm. Review damage to the Stray after each event to decide i.e event (or type of event) to be had again. Organisers to be fully held responsible for nay damage and deposit withheld to cover restoration, etc. Events to be held at furthest point away from residential properties. Noise is an issue as we can clearly hear music even though we live half a mile from the band event.

46 Your survey presupposes that large scale events are desirable in themselves. It takes no account of why this might not be the case. This includes (1) damage to the Stray. This is very noticeable for example, i nthe area occupied by the Christmas Fair. (2) the severe traffic problems caused by these events to those, life myself, who live close to the town centre, this restricts or at least causes problems of access. (3) Detracts from the beauty of the Stray and baisic principle of being open/unenclosed. (4) I refer you to the Council's own policy on licensing which gives equal voice to residents alongside commercial/business interests. This, as does our approach to the Valley Gardens is tilting the balance towards commercial at the expense of residents interests.

47 My two main issues with changing the Stray Act would be: 1. Do the Council have the resources and skills to successfully manage and schedule larger events on the Stray? If not, then investment in skills and resources should be made, otherwise you run the risk of booking inappropriate events onto the Stray that are badly managed and result in public criticism. 2. Parking and traffic management is a major issue. Unless park and ride schemes are introduced (maybe from Hornbeam Park or the Showground) there is not enough parking in town for major events. Public transport will also need to be improved. 48 The Stray is a wonderful green space, beautifully kept at all times of the year - the spring flowers being a particular pleasure - it is the envy of many other towns and citiies. Occasional large scale events, such as the Tour de France, are obviously beneficial to the town, and would continue to be possible even if more time consuming legally to authorise. I fear that any change to give the Council more freedom to grant permission could open the flood gates to a wealth of extra events such as pop concerts, fun fairs, car rallies etc which will crease noise, litter and traffic and parking problems. A lot of extra usage would also inevitably damage the grass, and possibly the trees and flowers. Lets keep it a wonderful open space, and for exceptional events, make a separate application to Paliament as is the case now.

49 I would not want any permanent buildings. I would not want it used for car parking. I would not want it removed for wider or changed road usage.

50 It is important that the Stray remains as it is. The harm caused to the grass by over-using the area will be noticeable and involve the Council in expensive repair work. There are no parking facilities and parking is already a problem in Harrogate. Extra events, large-scale events would cause enormous parking problems. Noise levels are fine at the moment, with the occasional irritation of music from the two fairs. It is important that events which would have loud music are not allowed. We already have the Yorkshire Showground, the Royal Hall and the International Centre for events. Historically, the Stray has been grazing ground for animals belonging to commoners. Now it is preserved for leisure use and is unique to Harogate. Don't change its use.

51 I have thought about this carefully and feel that Harrogate and its Stray is special and it should stay that way. The events which are held at present are just about the correct number. The Stray is a quiet open space for walking, sitting etc and should stay that way. The town suffers with inadequate parking in the Cnetre and in areas that surround the Stray. As large Villa's and empty commercial buildings have been converted to residential this has put a strain on local parking. Residents need to feel that they are not constantly hassled when it comes to them parking their cars. Extra events held on the Stray would add to residents resentment.

52 We do not need the Stray Act to be amended. The road just cannot take any more traffic. The Roundabout Wetherby Road, Knaresborough Road and Skipton Road is congested at the best of times without having more traffic to contend with. No doubt you have already made up your minds to go ahead with amending the "Stray Act" is just a matter of course.

53 We need to be mindful of the people who live around it, also parking for larger events, there needs to be a strict curfew when events finish in the evening, for example 10:30pm in the summer and no noise after that, there needs to be gaps in events to allow for the grass to recover etc.

54 Harrogate will be unable to cope with the traffic and people of smaller and larger events unles and before the car parking and transport difficulties are settled first. The town will be too crowded to start with once all the proposed new houses are built, nevermind trying to attract more visitors. The residents already suffer. Harrogate Stray is special and an attraction in itself. Visitors come for it.

55 It needs to be considered that extending the act does not extend the towns infrastructure and the roads are already chocked full and parking is often difficult!!

56 We need to iincrease the use of the Stray but be mindful of local residents and prevent crowd chaos such as Tour de France. This was excellent for the town but made every day lift difficult due to number of visitors and traffic. In all fairness, it could have been much worse!

57 Please ensure people can travel to events on The Stray in a sustainable manner. This means more off road bike paths along across The Stray. Otherwise more events will increase traffic problems. 58 I am disappointed at the nature of this survey and the questions asked. You have provided no guidance to help residents provide you with helpful answers. It would have been far more meaningful if you provided illustrative scenarios. You have also not drawn attention to consequential issues that need to be taken into account. You could have sought views on consequential impact such as the town's already inadequate parking provision within walking distance of the Stray. You have not sought views on types of use that might fall within any policy you form in permitting its use. This is a very poor example of survey concerning a matter regulated by Parliamentary Act. You need to try harder.

59 The Stray is the most unique feature of Harrogate and allowing more events could set a precedent for it's gradual decline into just another convenient open space for events staged primarily for commercial gain and adding to the town's traffic and parking problems.

60 Please respect the rules that have preserved the beauty of this town for several generations. The commercial pressures on the council - which are plainly the principal reason behind this - are neither excuse nor defence. The council has plundered the parking spaces for as much revenue as it's possible to extract. Don't extent your recreational 'fracking' any further

61 Obviously as I live on West Park I have a somewhat biased view to this proposal. However I would not object to the more out of town parts of the Stray being used providing any event was limited in size and not a nuisance to residents. Main objections: Noise, Trafific upheaval, Crime, Public order disturbances, Damage to Stray and general environment.

62 These events need to be well organised to minimise the disruption to residents of Harrogate ie car parking, road closures.

63 I noticed that, not just on the Stray, but grassed dges to roads are regularly parked upon causing wheel track damage. People that do this should be finsed as those who overstay parking limits.

64 Harrogate has awful traffic problems that have not been addressed Leeds Road, Skipton roundabout. In any event I came to live in Harrogate because of the tranquility of its setting and more and bigger events would destroy the uniqueness of the town and the very thing that sets Harrogate apart from the rest of Britian. So please I beg you No No No.

65 I am worried that if the Stray act is amended, then it will become a free for all, frankly Harrogate Councils actions in the past to not lead me to believe that they can be trusted to do what they say. There is also the position of North Yorkshire Council to be taken into account, already anything they touch leads to disaster, ie. traffic management, parking. If we become a unitary authority what would happen then? There is too much at stake to change the safeguards that we already have for the Stray, it should not be used as a money making scheme, the town cannot cope as it is, and the council should be busy occupying their time trying to manage what is already happening and sorting out the long standing problems that we already have. Cars already park on the Stray with impunity are the council planning to do anything about this?

66 All in the right type of events like Xmas market and Tour de France are positive for the town. However it will affect the flow of traffic - park and ride - what is happening with this! The right type of events will attract the people we want to spend in our businesses.

67 I feel there should be a park and ride outside the centre - with shuttle buses. I feel the Stray and Harrogate should have better and more cycle friendly routes to reduce traffic volume. The Stray could be modified to accommodate this. 68 I agree that the Stray Act should be amended so big events can be held and more smaller events. I would still live nothing to be a permanent fixtured nor the fantastic planting of the Stray be destroyed. If we are hoping to attract more people to Harrogate. I would also like the Council to think about improving parking and traffic congestion whiile events are being held.

69 It is the best thing that was ever decreed as it thoughts were in advance about the people not about money making schemes. May be more effort and forethought should be put into resolving existing parking problems which have been dismissed out of hand where once independent lliving has become bedsits more than tripling the amount of people and cars so that residents cannot park in their now restricted parking areas. If you can't extend normal parking area to accommodate the changing pace of of conversions from household to bedsits, then what chance if you changed use of the Stray,.

70 The Stray should be protected from more events. I look every day and admire its green beauty and crocus's and daffodils. There are far too many trees being planted turning parts of the Stray into a possible forest! Quite simply the Stray is the jewel in Harrogate's crown, a joy for everybody to walk round and also its Harrogate's lung, offering some protection from traffic fumes. Please leave it alone.

71 Logistics need to be considered especially road access and parking. Also the needs of locals

72 How will disabled access in Harrogate be addressed to the events and also how will this effect disabled people's lives when the traffic is so bad and they don't have the option to walk and roads are shut off? Access for disabled people is a real problem in Harrogate the pavements are not fit and ramps are often clearly designed by a non wheel chair user and are not fit for purpose

73 Use of the stray is not a problem, but the traffic was. The whole of harrogate was at a standstill in the days leading up to TdF, which made life very difficult. Something would need to be put in place to counter this before larger scale events we planned more regularly.

74 The Stray should not be used for large scale events as there is inadequate parking available and large scale events result in too much disruption for the town. In particulare, we are strongly against musical events and consider that noise should be strictly controlled with agreed curfews. Large scale events would be better hosted on farmers fields adjacent to the town.

75 I feel as a resident of Harrogate to alter the Stray Act after all this time, which was given to the people of Harrogate as a gift "a unique piece of open land" and not to be misused damaging the land, holding various events why can't the Yorkshire Showground be used more often and then this would keep the ever increasing traffic away from the town centre.

76 Car parking will be an issue. May need to consider providing an area of "Hard standing" . That will relieve parking in Harrogate when there is no Stray event.

77 I think the fair on the stray should now be stopped, they make a huge mess/leave the stray muddy and unkempt and makes problems for the traffic, on top of this it is very expensive and most people can't afford to go 78 I have been fortunate to live adjoining the Stray for 25 years- it is lovely to observe people of all ages walking for pleasure or to school/work and to see picnicking/sports enjoyed by many It is a precious quiet open space in a crowded town and should be preserved as such .Illegal cycling has adversely affected this previously pedestrian only space with disabled & elderly walkers now having to be on their guard. Cycle tracks across the land are unsightly. Traffic congestion and parking charges have lead motorists to park illegally on verges of Stray or indeed four wheel drives park on the Stray itself. People will always " push it " to achieve their own agenda and this aspect of human nature will be multiplied if the Stray Act is amended. The Council will look to use the space commercially with scant regard to impact on local users of the space it will lead to increased noise/litter/parking on Stray and reduction of space/routes/peace of a beautiful and unique gem of urban life.

79 The Council make a very poor job of monitoring day to day behaviour on the Stray resulting in drinking, bad language, people using throw away barbecues and a huge amount of litter. The litter is moved very quickly but where are the Wardens to prevent these anti-social habits? I am in favour of the Tour de France and increasing our GDP but sort out the traffic. Give us a park and rid. Your survey makes no mention of the problems and possible solutions.

80 PROS: It is advertised far and wide wen an event is being held. An event increases footfall for shops, hotels. It sustains tourism all year round. CONS: Events like Tour de France bring not just people, but their cars, personal needs, noise, litter, roads are closed, residents freedom of movement curtailed. Large numbers of people bring concerns to residents near Stray; burglary, illegal parking, camping and noise, noise, noise. Poor weather means grass is churned up, bulbs in ground damaged and the beauty of Stray marred. NB the Stray floods badly in certain areas. The form askes about large events. No indication given as to the sort of event. Council just want carte blanche. No way 21 century all that. No way. Each event should be considered and regulated by 1985 Stray Act.

81 I strongly disagree that any more large or small events should be held on the Stray. As a resident, I am fed up of noise, parking problems and litter that is let after, during and before every event. We also have dogs and enjoy walking on the Stray. We also are responsible and pick up our dogs waste. But after every event the Stray becomes a minefield for dog owners. Broken bottles, plastic, rotting food waste, cigarette butts. It is not faire. Also these events attract problems. We have had gangs of people drunk or doing drugs outside our house or fighting.

82 The STtray is an oasis in a congested town.hundreds of people walk it each week for relaxation, should remain as it is.relaxation of cycling as led to degradation of the Stray and has removed the traffic free aspect of the STray.

83 The Stray is unique to Harrogate and should always provide a free, un-encumbered open space for the residents of Harrogate. The Great Yorkshire Showground is more than adequate for other commercial events,with much less traffic and noise disruption imposed upon the town centre and residents of Harrogate. I imagine that the Yorkshire Agricultural Society would appreciate the extra income and all on-going commercial benefits. In return, the YAS should make significant financial contributions towards improving much needed improvements on both Skipton and Wetherby roads.

84 Concern that the Stray becomes an extension to the HIC in terms of regular events making it a noisy wasteland. I live on St Winifreds Road, traffic and noise is a problem with the fair and normal use. Changing where the events are may help. The fair can move to replace with something else. Increase number of prestigious events for a time period will achieve the aim. Highlight Tour de France/Yorkshire, Great Yorkshire Run would seem appropriate market. 85 The beauty of the Stray should not be compromised by allowing it to be used for any forms of shows or displays. Also Harrogate traffic congestion is already significant and anyr eductionof the restrictions is only likely to compound the issue. The Stray is an area of beauty and its tranquility should not be interfered with in any way whatsoever.

86 If more events are going to take place on the Stray or larger scale events, parking will have to be improved. On Bonfire Night to name but one event, people are presently parking illegally and in residential areas.

87 The Stray Act was set up to protect the stray. The Stray is for the people of Harrogate's use. It is not a venue! Many houses in town were built without outside space as everyone has the use of the Stray. It is a unique space and protection is paramount. I'm willing for a few more bespoke events but not that it works to a quota. I trust Stray Defence to safeguard the Stray. Events should not be for the Council's commercial gain. Nor any car parking. When the Stray hosts big events such as the Tour De France and the event that followed the year after and the Christmas Market, the town's restaurants and retail struggle. As the visitors do not spend their money in the town with the outlets who pay their rates, their taxes, their insurances!

88 The current infrastructure is not equipped to handle the traffic and increased people numbers. As residents, everywhere we enjoy some of the events, we also need to be able to get around for our daily life and work. Living on the edge of the centre of town means we also have a lot of disruption but also detriment to other priorities and way of life eg rubbish thrown into the gardens, people loitering on the premises. Constant traffic and congestion in front of the door. So while we enjoy some of the events we already have reached a max with which the town and we as residents can cope with small and occasional "large" means exclusivity and not mass market. Keep it that way. The best showcase in the town.

89 It is not clear from this document what future events the Council has in mind, or indeed how it proposes to use the Stray if the Act were to be amended. This is worrying. Residents cannot be expected to agree unless they know what is planned. The Council claims to take its powers of management, maintenance and protection of the Stray extremely seriously. Thus the Council can best achieve by maintaining the status quo - the Stray is already protected by the Act and, as far as I can see, no change is necessary, as events can be accommodated elsewhere in the town with a 'park and ride' system operating to bring visitors to the town centre. This would minimise inconvenience to local residents and to through traffic. Alteration to the Stray Act is the thin edge of a very thin wedge, and is not for the benefit of those whom it was intended to benefit.

90 As a Harrogate resident for the majority of my life I strongly want to retain the stray in it's current format. Impact on the grass itself would need to be considered, parking would need to be considered. Residents access would need to be considered. I would not support any permanent building structures and would make strong note that this the stray is something that makes Harrogate quite unique and should be used to support tourist/residents enjoyment, and not spoilt or removed or reduced in the longer term.

91 I feel that any change to the Stray Act would see the Council using the Stray as a money-making facility, which it is not supposed to be and wasn't given for that purpose. The Council totally disregard the wishes of the residents of Harrogate as is seen with Sunday parking changes to evening proposed parking changes. 92 I strongly believe that the Stray Act should not be amended in any way, in order to protect its original purpose. While events such as the Tour de France may have been successful, they are incredibly disruptive to local residents whose properties surround the entire area of the Stray (example: the sound stage of the Tour de France "fan hub" was literally across the road from the end of my drive. The noise and traffic disruption was horrendous for four days). The Stray should be preserved for the free use of Harrogate's residents, not continually closed off to attract tourists which the Town's infrastructure is ill-equipped to accommodate. I am already dreading next year's Tour de Yorkshire. We are so incredibly lucky to have the Stray. It is beautiful and special and should be protected in every possible way. Please do not cheapen it. It is worth far more than ££££s.

93 Whilst I fully support additional and more diverse events taking place on the Stray I also feel that the increase in traffic which will result has to be considered and managed somehow.

94 I feel small events probably cater more for locals/residents and so I prefer to relax the rules for them as they are less likely to congest the roads etc. Events such as the TdY are clearly prestigious and showcase Harrogate and all its charms to the world at large. Essentially this is a good thing - especially for tourism/hotels/shops/restaurants etc but it does have some downsides the traffic/closed roads etc which whilst unavoidable is clearly a bind for all. Any changes to the Act must strike an equitable balance between small and large events for the good of all residents. Harrogate is a special place - lets keep it so!

95 The Stray is for quiet recreational use by residents & visitors.It is not a privately owned site to be commercially utilised. Harrogate is a very congested large town,this open green area is cherished for just that;it should not be fenced off/exploited by event organisers with sole objective of making money.The event s which currently take place annually are sufficient to meet local needs

96 As a long-standing local resident I would like to see a balance struck between the advantages of new events for locals and visitors, weighed against the risks of too much use and excessive strains on already stretched road, rail, and parking infrastructure.

97 The Rate payer would not benefit from further exploitation of the stray Traffic Traffic Traffic

98 Traffic in HG1 is already a huge problem that puts people off coming here and is increasing from year to year. Why add more? Maintaining the maintenance of the Stray seems increasily difficult for HBC. Paths along the Stray (pedestrian and cycle) were muddy, slippery and dangerous for weeks and were only cleared just before Christmas. Event areas are not maintained anymore in a way that they are recovering before the next event. It is already difficult to cycle on the cycle path on Oatlands Drive as a result of cars parking for regular activities: running - football (Stray Run) on Saturdays. The Stray is used more and more for regular activities and the maintenance has been significantly and very visibly reduced. Harrogate has already to cope with concerences at the conference centre, Yorkshire show and Flower Shows.

99 I think its great to use this public space for high profile one off events that really put Harrogate on the map but the Tour de France involved such a disruption to the roads in the area (fine as a one off) and the Tour de Yorkshire the following year impacted so badly on my trading as customers knew they couldn't get to us. We were open but took 1/4 of the usual takings. Fine as a one off but do not want to see road closures like that on a regular basis. For me lower scale culturally enhancing events that don't impact on traffic/road closures are a positive use of public ground, ie Christmas Market and Harrogate Festival. 100 If the Stray is used more often, or for larger scale events, then Harrogate Council need to extend the residents parking bays around the edge of the Stray - eg Park Road/Park Drive to ensure residents are not too unduly affected by the events. Also the enforcement of parking restrictions, such as on double yellow lines, should be prioritised outside of the town centre and into the areas/streets as above.

101 We are very fortunate to have inherited two large central open spaces - the Stray and Valley Gardens. As life becomes even more fanatic and the volume of traffic escalates further, it is vital that the Stray should remain an attractive, calming and unspoilt influence. This can only be achieved by resisting commercial and other pressures to amend the Act. The status quo is in the long term interest of residents and visitors alike. Any amending of the Act will diminish the attractiveness of the town for visitors. Since many of those who gave their views at the Christmas Market are likely to have been from outside Harrogate, thereby skewing the results, they should not be included in the overall analysis.

102 Please give major consideration to the residents of Harrogate and the impact that more frequent large scale events would have on the town and its people. Parking would be a huge impact. More traffic throughout the town. More traffic jams. More road closures, and road damage. More people/visitors to accommodate. More pressure in the infrastructure of the town. More waste will have to be accommodated; Sewerage; Food; Plastics.

103 Large scale events are totally unproven(despite all the claims). All the benefits acrrue mainly to outside bodies. As a local business I along with others had to close for the entire Tour de France! This was due to total lack of consideration of small local businesses by the organisers and the Council in their clamour for publicity and commercial profit. Any concerns or feedback as to the impact on local businesses was dismissed and ignored. We were made to feel like we were 'party poopers' and negative'. One organiser/representative even suggested I should turn my boutique into a champagne/wine bar for the duration and make a killing...... say no more! Many small local food and drink establishments suffered as the stray was opened up for outsiders to take catering pitches. Organisers one yourself! Why should local businesses who already pay high rents and heavy overheads such as business rates have to pay even more to ensure they dont loose out? When the much promoted Christmas Fair event is on in November (now apparently an annual event) most local shops on Cold Bath Road might as well shut for the days it is on. All the local parking is taken up by day trippers coming to the event with little interest in local shopping! Wouldnt it be nice if instead of promoting all these events the Council directed some efforts into supporting the local economy! Please think carefull about the full impacts of proposals before riding roughshod over local residents and businesses. Harrogate is a great place dont turn it into an events capital! The residents, local small independents and local economy will suffer further if the Councils does not take into account thier valid views.....after all it is we that pay for all the services and the ammenity in Harrogate!

104 1. Any change would mean more traffic congestion on roads in Harrogate and leading into Harrogate. 2. There would be more noise and disruption for residents living nearby. The idea of having the Stray is for peaceful recreation. 3. Many businesses in Harrogate town centre do not benefit from events on the Stray.

105 Any change would result in the destruction of the peace and quiet provided by this unique parkland. It sets Harrogate apart from other towns/cities in having such a wonderful feature. Any increased use would destroy this feature. The detrimental effects would include increased traffic, parking, noise and damage to the Stray itself through excessive use. The weekly run on Saturday morning has already damaged the Stray - trampling over where the wonderful crocus beds are located. 106 Noise pollution and litter is a serious consideration around any event and can have a serious impact on the permanent residents lives. It is primarily surrounded by residential properties and there are no facilities available to cope with juge numbers of people desceninding on Harrogate. Serious thought needs to be given to avoid the situations experienced in Roundhay, Leeds where people urinated in gardens, litter caused distress and a very expensive clear up. Traffic flow is also an issue and residents have the right to travel to and from their homes unhindered.

107 I've lived close to the Stray for 10+ years and have felt current arrangements serve Harrogate residents well and respect the lives of those who live nearby. Increased use of the Stray will inevitably produce more noise and more traffic and nothing can/will be done to alleviate this. If it is a question of raising money for HBC use then we are a wealthy enough town for such monies to be raised in other ways, including higher Council Tax if necessary.

108 If genuine debate on the use of the Stray is sought by the local authority then Harrogate Borough Council should be much more open with its true aims regarding future policy on the Stray. It does not say what constitutes public appetite for changing the current legislation. Is it a simple majority of all responses? Do the views of infrequent visitors carry the same weight as residents of the town in making this decision? In its statement regarding this public consultation the Borough Council states that the general public will have further opportunity to air their views prior to any approach to Parliament. Bearing in mind its historical record on public consultation influencing the outcome of council decisions this assurance should be treated with a considerable degree of scepticism. As with many other local issues, Flaxby recycling site, Kirby Misperton fracking site, Sunday parking charges etc etc, our local representatives seem to make their decisions regardless of the wishes of the electorate.

109 although I appreciate that HBC want to bring in more business and events and quite rightly, I also feel that the stray is not the place for this. green open space is a vital requirement in towns and this should be available at all times. Another area such as the Great Yorkshire showground or the area where Tesco would have gone, should be used for events. The stray will be ruined by big events and the area is not well served with parking etc. I don't even think that circuses or fairs should be held there. Money is not always the most important thing.

110 If any events are proposed, don't block footpaths across the Stray and traffic measures would need to be imposed to ensure minimal impact upon daily travel around town.

111 The council should stop people parking on Oatlands Drive, there is no grass left along the edge. There should be a few more seats and a few more cycle paths.

112 For visitors and residents alike, the Stray is a unique and precious open green space; it also acts as something of a green lung in an already traffic-stressed town. Events which entail increased traffic, as well as attendant vehicles, generators, etc. undermine this environmental benefit. What the Council is proposing (according to the Harrogate Advertiser) is contrary to the informality and freedom of public access which has always been a fundamental aspect of the Stray.

113 There is a danger that a greater programme of events will destroy the unique character of the Stray and some of the space required when holding large events is simply needed to accomodate the parking of vehicle and the Stray is not and should not be turned regularly into a Car Park - this lovely amenity which is at the heart of Harrogate would be destroyed.

114 Parking for residents would need to be prioritised. I live centrally and have to pay for residents permits, the disc zone may need to be suspended? 115 I have lived next to the Stray for nearly 20 years, firstly on Slingsby Walk and now on Church Square. I greatly value this beautiful open space - a very special feature of Harrogate. I am happy for the established events to continue - the 2 annual fun fairs, fireworks display and other small scale day events on the Oatlands Drive end of the Stray. I also welcome the regular use by the community for football and the Saturday morning Park Run. However, an increased number or larger scale event would alter the character of the Stray and the local area with possible increased noise and parking issues affecting the quality of life.

116 One of the attractions of visitors to Harrogate is surely the lovely Stray. I would be very disappointed if the Stray was swamped with events week in and week out. The damage to the land is very evident after the Christmas Fair and remains so for many weeks after the event, likewise the fun fair and circus events. Can we please keep Harrogate the lovely town it is, I know a lot of people who come to Harrogate to enjoy certainly the lovely Stray, and feel they would be less inclined to come if it is full of events. Another reason for not wanting the Stray used for all kinds of events is the parking in the streets around the Stray. We have enough problems with traffic parked outside our property as it is.

117 The council should take example from (e.g) York, who encourage visitors but have surrounded the city with park and ride points. We jhave no such facilities but still seem to think we can have large events. This simply annoys Harrogate residents who have to live and work in the town and then spend long periods in traffic queues trying to ger to and from work

118 I really regret to say this, but I do not trust the Council regarding any consultations. They ignored the petitions against the building of new council offices and fudged their own small survey to manipulate the go ahead to build. They ignored the consultations results for increased parking charges i.e. 93% against and went ahead. We are now waiting with baited breath to see if they are to introduce evening parking charges. The town centre plan, after all the consultation did not remove the suggested pedestrian parking on James Street etc which people were against. However, the only suggested development area in the plan i.e. The Odeon Car Park was removed. Why ? Could it be because this area was in the Leader of Council's ward ? The result being that there are now no suggested areas for development. I feel that this very expensive (I would guess over £100,000) report will now just sit on a shelf and not see the light of day again. As regards The Stray Act - no estimated cost has been quoted by the council as to how much it will cost the tax payers for a new act to be produced and go through Parliament. We should be given some idea. I am given to understand that this is not a money making exercise - then why are we doing it when the council keeps saying we have to make revenue due to government cuts ? Infact, it costs the council huge sums of money to get the Tour de France/Yorkshire/World Championships to stage the events in Harrogate i.e. £100,000 to £250,000. Surely that money could be better spent on the town's infrastructure. Does the Council have the staff to run all the new proposed events on the Stray should they succeed in changing the act ? or do they just feed them out to event organisers ? Can the councillors and officers please spend their time utilising the facilities they have got, by promoting events for Harrogate in the venues designed for them which are already constructed. The Conference & Exhibition centre, the Sun Pavilion, the Yorkshire Showground, the Royal Hall. Once again I am sure that the council will ignore those against increasing the number of days and find away to do what they want as usual. 119 Venues for large scale events should take place where is no inconvenience to those just not interested and are always inconvenienced by them - eg transport/or lack of parking problems, mass chaos eg Grand Depart. Please publish dates of these events well in advance as I'd like to leave town instead od being confined to barracks. You are turning Harrogate down market like most other towns in GB. You must own land on the outskirts where you could have better access so why the lovely centre Stray!!

120 The town cannot cope already with traffic and parking. The Stray events would add millions of visitors a year and too much disruption. The town should build a ring road first and then establish an out of town location if it is determined to stage events for commercial/ non resident reasons. The Stray is not, and should never be an amusement park.

121 I believe the Stray Act should be left as it is - it was created for a reason. Larger scale events should only be very occasional. Harrogate is already suffering with traffic flow problems. I live next to the Stray and some of these events cause noise pollution for residents who live close by eg loud music.

122 The Stray like Valley Gardens is basically a park designed for local residents to enjoy as a place of beauty and relaxation. We are fortunate in having the Yorkshire Showground which has good parking on site and a range of facilities suitable for practically any event. More use should be made of the Yorkshire Showground in collaboration with Harrogate Borough Council.

123 The Council need to put up signs on Oatlands Drive to stop people parking there, as they have done near Christ Church.

124 As a keen cyclist, I think cycling should be allowed all over the Stray, and paths should be slightly widened to accommodate that. Harrogate is a difficult town to cycle in, partly due to the hills, but partly because we can't use all of the most obvious cycling asset in the town, the Stray. This would increase cycling to school and work, which would really help alleviate our appalling traffic situation. Of course we would need to better educate both cyclists and pedestrians about their respective rights and responsibilities regarding shared paths. This usually works well on the Greenway, and I don't see why it shouldn't work on the Stray. One thing that really upsets and annoys me is to see the huge amount of rubbish left on the Stray especially in the summer when people are picnicking. There should be more bins, and notices about littering. Also people should not be using barbecues on the Stray which is quite common in summer. THis is clearly against the Bye Laws but there's no point in having laws unless they're enforced. A few stiff fines would get people's attention Also, are drones covered by the rules regarding model planes?

125 I strongly disagree with the "no cycling" signs painted on the Stray paths. I think that the council should be doing everything it can to encourage cycling in Harrogate in order to help reduce traffic congestion - this should include enhancing cycling access on the Stray and improving cycle lanes on our roads. As an aside the Cie Carabosse Fire Festival and Street Food festival were both excellent ways to use the Valley Gardens.

126 Any events on the Stray cause disruption to my life, cars just dumped regardless of parking rules, entrances blocked, extra traffic resulting in late buses. Not a peaceful life.

127 The Stray must be protected from over use also disruption and inconvenience to local residents. The great Yorkshire show already causes considerable traffic inconvenience.

128 Stop people parking on Oatlands Drive 129 I have lived in Harrogate all my life and slowly but surely I have seen an increase in living areas, a reduction in green spaces and more recently the introduction of payment for on street parking in the town center, implemented on no other than REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY when the council knew the town center would be extremely busy and especially with elderly members of the community wanting to pay their respects in church. It is bad enough that we have to accept this change at all when Sunday is a day of worship, and the whole community should be able to access our beautiful church in the town center without having to pay for parking, but to enforce this on Remembrance Sunday of all days is disgusting. Now it appears as though, no matter how much opposition is received, the Stray Act will be amended too. I have two little boys who love to play on the Stray and we enjoy the freedom and peace that this offers all year round. What we have is an extremely rare piece of heritage that should be protected at all costs, not abused as a money making machine. Enough tourists visit our lovely town FOR WHAT IT IS; it does not need changing any more. Please please keep the Harrogate Stray Act as it stands - the stray makes a modest income from the small scale events it already hosts but anything larger will flood our town with yet more traffic congestion and reduce the quality of the Stray even more. The Park Run every Saturday should be a warning of what would happen to our beautiful Stray if larger events were allowed to become common place. Thank you.

130 Events ruin the grass. The stray needs to be protected, it is what makes Harrogate great. Cars must NEVER be allowed to park on the stray and I know that large events will need car parking. It is disgusting that you could even propose this absurd idea.

131 I notice from the plans there are areas allocate for parking on the stray!,, this is totally unacceptable. We don't need more events the stray is perfect as it is thanks !!!

132 Events, particularly large events create noise and mess and congestion. The infrastructure doesn't allow for it. The stray will be ruined and I see you are suggesting car parking areas on the stray....whatever next !!!!

133 You are proposing car parking on the stray which is preposterous. This area is to be protected. Not used for your benefit to make up shortfalls in your financial data. It is a disgrace! Already the Christmas market has ruined the grass and it won't seem to frow back. The Christmas market should be moved into the central walkways between the shops in future. This will free up some days for other events,

134 Events ruin the grass. On top of this your plans show areas for car parking on the stray. It is for this reqson the act is in place. To keep the stray there for generations to come. Your money making ideas are so short term. In the long term the smart money will leave the area and then money won't be spent in the smart ships and it will be like every other failing town with a failing high street. The stray is what makes Harrogate unique. Don't be so ignorant as to take this away.

135 Harrogate is unique because of the stray. If this is ruined Harrogate and its residents and businesses are effectively ruined. You are proposing car parking on the stray. Events with white tents. No one wants to visit and see this, they want to see the stray in all its natural beauty

136 The Stray should be primarily for the residents of Harrogate. Although they are open to others, the needs of residents should be paramount. Problems with parking and closure of roads inevitably result and if current restrictions are lifted the current problems will get worse. The Council needs to be able to demonstrate that any event reduces the cost of rates to residents and doesn't just provide business people with more custom.

137 suggest you put effort into the grid locked traffic before trying to make the stray into an muddy events field 138 Stray is surrounded by residential properties; residents must not be disturbed by noise of events; no more than twelve hours of noise per day and all noise to cease by 2230hrs daily. There is no mention of provision for parking for people attending any additional events; the bonfire event in particular draws vast numbers of cars that are parked indiscriminately on the Stray and surrounding roads. Responses to this consultation from people who visited the Christmas Fair must be discounted because as manhy of these people were from out of the area. What happens if Harrogate BC were to be swallowed up by a more distant and larger local authority? Such a body would not have the interests of Harrogate as its promary focus. At the last 'large event', the Tour de France', the business life of the town was totally stifled for the duration. Businesses and residents were not propoerly warned of the sclae of the shut-down. This must not happen again.

139 The Stray act currently prevents people in public arena from utilising a public amenity area for the 'betterment' of their own self interests, and takes account of the town resident needing to be able to have a sensible balance between traditional events and being able to go about their live un impeded by shows and the pre and post disruption, therefore the Stray Act should NOT be amended. The 'Tour of Yorkshire' was vastly over rated and caused massive disruption with poorly managed road closures (even contractors undertaking road closures struggled to under take their works due to other contractors closing route and the traffic chaos) Harrogate Borough Council should put it voting resident 1st and Not the councillors ideas of grandure above the lives of resident and their ability to enjoy living in Harrogate and the surrounding region.

140 The Stray belongs to us, the residents of Harrogate and therefore the Council should not have control; Our town already has severe and serious traffic issues - we cannot let any event large or small be placed on the Stray without due consideration; Out little country of England, of green and pleasant lands must be maintained and sustained; All usage of the Stray should be strictly controlled and limited in usage. Each usage needs to be individually assessed, even if this seems awkward, at least the Stray can be properly valued and look after; giving it the true respect that it requires; The importance of the Stray (and Gardens) of Harrogate and second to none - they form the character of the spa town and hence attract visitors/tourists - henve financial gina, therefore maintaining the parkland atmosphere most of the year is vital!!

141 Is the preseng round surface suitbale for taking the vehicles required to set up an event? Has the Stray got a Sub Station with enough KVA (Kilovalt Amperes) to support larger events - how much would it cost? Generators could annoy residents. Who would pay for extra Police - Traffic Wardens and Council staff employed for these events? Is the principle to make money? Look what happened to the conference centre. Could we take the Harrogate Flower Show back? Have the Council got some land for Park and Ride facilities? Is traffic planning expensive to implement, if so could there be a place on the outskirts of Harrogate for events threshold economic crowds ie conference centre cannot hold sufficient audience to make it pay for high demand entertainers.

142 All events place a strain on Harrogate - not just the stray itself - because of need for parking, transport (i.e. trains and buses) plus litter and risk of more people in town with drinking and disorder. This hinders townspeople and all events must have a plan in place to help the Borough Council (and police, ambulance, etc) deal with this and indemnify the town financially. 143 We should put cycle paths on the Stray alongside all the major roads so that cyclists don't have to share the roads with motor traffic. Harrogate pretends to be a cycling town but our cycle network is a disgrace. It needs redesigning from scratch so that all parts of town can be safely accessed by bicycle, and junctions and roundabouts should all have lights to ensure safe crossing by cyclists. If it was safe for children to cycle to school and they were encouraged to do so we would have solved most of the town's congestion problems.

144 I would like to see more seats, especially on the South Stray. I am getting too old to sit on the ground, or to remain standing for long periods. If more cycllng is allowed, I would like some separation between pedestrians and cyclists. A deaf person cannot hear the ringing of a bell behind their back. We need more safe spaces to walk, away from traffic fumes.

145 I would like to see the narrower footpaths across the Stray that are currently off limits to bicycles to be widened, with clearly marked cycle and pedestrian lanes, with enough room for cyclists to pass each other, and pedestrians with buggies to pass each other, without encroaching on the other lane, perhaps even parallel paths separated by a moderate grass verge to help separate the flows. This, I feel, would discourage cyclists from breaking the restrictions in place, as they do regularly, or forcing them to make large detours to accepted cycle lanes or facing joining motor traffic lanes.

146 Events to pay HBC for maintenance, re-turf, reinstatement, no flowers or trees to be moved or damaged. Car parking and event vehicle parking to be properly addressed, access paths to be kept open.

147 The Council need to stop people parking on the Stray. Oatlands Drive Stray is a mess, there's always tyre marks all over the grass, or mud, as it mostly is now.

148 Although it is being denied making good the financial pressures placed on the council by the government's policy of taking funds away from authorities cannot be a relevant reason to relax the restrictions on the Stray provided by The Stray Act. The events would only provide limited funds to the authority. The events would bring additional congestion, and only provide income for the hospitality industry which pays low rates of pay in a town where low cost housing is not available. Already such businesses are struggling to get sufficient staff. The council should focus its resource on bringing quality employers to the town rather than continually focussing on hospitality. Large events drawing large crowds will ultimately put visitors off the town. The Tour de France was a wonderful occasion but it was an occasion unlikely to be repeated. Treasurer it for what it was. It demonstrated a professional council, demonstrate again that you are a successful council and don't need to resort to pressure from businesses who contribute little to the District.


150 Stop people parking on the Stray 151 Harrogate Stray is a unique feature and should remain so. Harrogate Stray should not turn into an events field - if Harrogate Borough Council wants to host an event, they should think smart and redirect their ambitions to the Yorkshire Agricultural Showground/Yorkshire Event Centre, a purpose built exhibition space. On a logistical point Harrogate can not accommodate large scale events in the town centre due to parking and traffic congestion. Harrogate needs to remain a Victorian Spa town surrounded by a wide open space and not a central shopping and hotel site surrounded by a swamp of events held in the grassland moat.

152 I feel it would be a slippery slope to extend the area for events and as with the bonfire some people totally disregard the no parking rules and churn up the Stray, spoiling it for everyone. 153 The Council must set strict criteria for the use of the Stray. I would suggest a noise limit, and a ban on sale of alcohol, except from existing licensied premises. Car parking restrictions eased. Shuttle buses arranged. Park and ride schemes organised.

154 Careful monitoring of the Stray should still continue - the types of the events, the organisation of events, and insist all strict rules are adhered to. Car parking should be allocated. Shuttle buses arranged to prevent grid lock. Noise caused by uses should be restricted by monitoring and a fining system put in place for abuse. No pop or music festivals should be allowed - this is not the "Grand and Sedate" change Harrogate has. Carefully managed more use of the Stray would benefit the town.

155 Harrogate Stray is famous. The original Commissioners worked tirelessly to ensure that Harrogate Residents reaped the benefit of this beautiful open space. 200 acres. This will slowly be eroded by the Council. The short end of the wedge. The infrastructure around Harrogate is not capable of holding large scale events on a regular basis. The traffic flow from Skipton to Harrogate, Knaresborough to Harrogate and Leeds to Harrogate is already unable to cope. Traffic jams are no longer confined to morning and tea time rush hour. The roads are busy no matter what time of day or day of the week. So the first thing the Council will do is build a huge Multi Storey Car Park for this extra traffic!

156 I am of the opinion that, before we consider adding to or altering the use of the Stray, we should consider ways to improve the facilities we offer visitors to the town ie better parking arrangements (possible Park and Ride?) and the provision of Public Toilets in accessible places. I am also concerned tht if we become part of a Unitary Authority are there, or will there be, suitable safeguards in place to ensure that Harrogate retains its present control over the Stray.

157 I am a life long Harrogate resident, as were my parents and maternal gradparents. I would prefer not to see any erosion of the present arrangements. Some current events (eg Christmas Market), and simply not suited to being located on the Stray especially at the season it is held. The other point about increasing use of the Stray is traffic congestion, already a major problem in the town.

158 Ihave been a resident of Harrogate for 18 years and my property overlooks the unique and special Stray. I enjoy watching it used to enjoy free recreation by all ages. The permitted programme of annual small scale events are welcome for the town but any more could spoil the popular tourist destination. Traffic into the town is getting busienr, the main York and Leeds Roads are often congested and more than the permitted events will make this a worse problem. Parking has become a problem also. The Tour de France event caused a huge disruption to residents. My road was closed, barriers, loud speakers were used.

159 If the number of events hosted in Harrogate increases so does the chaos! There is already a parking issue such that cars are parking along the paved area of York Place where they should not be!! When events are taking place in and around (Great Yorkshire Show, big exhibitions, flower show etc) others do not want to come here because it is bedlam. Why would any resident welcome that change. Leave Harrogate as a beautiful town with open spaces for residents to enjoy not a circus for others to come, trash, cause chaos and leave!! It would ruin Harrogate.

160 Harrogate can't cope with all the traffic going through it now the roads are full of pot holes, big trucks going through, busines and far too many cars sometimes residents have 2-3 cars per household. In my road if you don't park outside "ones" house mid afternoon, you have no change of parking, not to mention the lights go out at midnight every night, leave the town alone.

161 I don't understand why we don't have double yellow line where parking is prohibited. At the moment we have signs near Christ Church but no yellow lines. Also, I would like to see more visible enforcement of parking restriction on stray especially on cycle lane alongside the road (Stray Reins) 162 I live just near Bettys and although the Christmas Market is enjoyable it is 5 or 7 days of chaos for me. There is noise nuisance, I am unable to park my car, I have rubbish dumped in my bin from passers-by. I can't access paths due to stall holder parking on them and so it goes on. Harrogate is a beautiful town and not a city ... the changes to the Stray Act would make it more like a city. We are already experiencing more and more inner city problems (antisocial behaviour) with a Council who is struggling to deal with these problems. More events would just add to their burden. I am really unhappy with the changing face of Harrogate Over the last few years and all instigated or poorly managed by Harrogate Council. Please put your residents first rather than financial greed. Having lived in Edinburgh, I know exactly how large events can be organised and enjoyed, however, Harrogate Council have no idea how to do this. Please ensure the Council get these skills. In the first instance, please remember to communicate with your residents. On the day of the Tour de France I was unable to cross the road by foot from my house as it was all cordoned off with barriers ... surely some forwarding would have been courteous and good practice? I would also like events to be advertised to local residents for some reason events are only advertised to everyone else but Harrogate residents. I do not feel that Harrogate Council has been 'working for me' for quite some time, ignoring resdients opinions on parking costs at evenings and on Sundays being a case in point.

163 Unfortunately as with most things nowadays, the amendment t the Stray Act smacks of making more money. The original concept is being disregarded for financial gain. Should the Council wish to pursue large scale events then more suitable areas providing better parking and less impact on the local community should be sought.

164 Parking is already a big problem sometimes. At the bonfire cars park on the grass in the dark where there are pedestrians and children. There will be pedestrian accidents or deathly!

165 There is no forecasted plan or list of intentions put forward by the council to justify a change in legislation. If legislation is changed, there is no assurance of an escalation of large scale events and costs would have to be met by residents for repairing damage or clearing debris following a large event. There is no guarantee that noise/traffic pollution will be kept within reasonable limits. There is no guarantee that 'peaceable' enjoyment for residents will be maintained if legislation and restrictions are altered.

166 The comparison for Tour de France/Yorkshire is misleading - this was exceptional and original by a highly qulified team of people with a passion for the subject. This was not opening floodgates to other potentially second rate events. Altering the Stray Act with no clear or specific list of potential events is like local residents signing a blank cheque for a non-specific person. What may seem a populist idea now could leave open many other changes in the future. Retailers of high quality goods can actually suffer from events - adding more pubs/bars/cafes and parking charges does not automatically help local rate payers - even they were to agree to losing the unique value of Stray Land. When a London based company can be taken seriously for putting forward plans to include plastic mushroom seats for picnics then who knows what this could mean. Please in the area need facts on proposed change not 'maybe' 167 The original Stray Act was for public access and enjoyment. So further use for commercial purposes restricts that access. I am concerned that you are asking us to make comments on no precise intention. I can't think the Act will be amended unless you tell us and Parliament exactly what you want. The Council must consider and report how traffic can be handled. Using the Yorkshire Showground as a park and ride is fine for visitors from South and East but not fun for people coming from North and West. The use of the gasworks site would ease this no end. Please try much harder to persuade residents that amendment is a good idea with appropriate facts.

168 I cannot really see any problem. If there may be the chance of seeing some more interesting events staged on the Stray, of interest to my family. As long as the Stray is returned to its previous state after the event. I suppose the only problem would be extra traffic attracted to the town for these events. Build a northern bypass first! But not the bit through Bilton I live there!

169 Please if you ask the people what they think, actually do what is preferred, rather than ignore their views (like the parking ticket fiasco). There's no point consulting if the council is going to act unilaterally. You can't dispense with democracy, even if people don't vote for what you want. As we know.

170 It appears little thought has been given to parking and congestion issues. This is apparent with residential planning where many houses have been built on the north side of Harrogate but since 1986 ( and probably before) only one additional supermarket has opened. I realise that HBC cannot force supermarkets to open but a lot of congestion on the A59 could be prevented if one was encouraged to open. The area is currently served by the Co- op on Jennyfields and Aldi. The location of secondary schools also adds to congestion as does the location of business parks. I agree Hornbeam is well placed.

171 The Stray Act seems to be overly restrictive (in my understanding) in several other areas which in my view are in keeping with public enjoyment of the space: - cycling paths (or shared use paths) - increasing the width of the narrowest paths to allow safe shared use on all Stray paths would be an enormous benefit to residents by encouraging enjoyment of the fresh air and exercise in a pleasant environment whilst also encouraging alternatives to car traffic for local journeys. - allowing solar panels on buildings overlooking the Stray would not reduce the appeal of the view at all in my opinion. It is just the appearance any town should expect to see in our times where we are looking to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Banning this is cutting our nose off to spite our face if global warming is increased as a result.

172 Parking could be an issue so event holder would have to pay to rent car parks in the area so that parking doesn't become a problem for the residents. Events could be subsidised (or free tickets posted) for residents living near the stray, I know they do this with the residents who live near the Great Yorkshire show currently.

173 Please protect The Stray - now! Stop the car parking and abuse of this fantastic space.

174 I would like to see the elimination of grass verges alongside busy roads which make up the 200 acres of Stray. This could be achieved by making Coach Road into a shared use path. Intensive parking along Coah Road is a blot on the Stray. Safe crossings across all sections of the Stray especially Oatlands Drive, Wetherby Road and Knaresborough Road. Widening of some Stray paths especially from Otley Road diagonally across to Victoria Avenue width is barely enough for 2 people to walk side by side. Widen Stray path from Empress to Claro Road crossing. This is a natual extension of the cycle route. Trees have recently been planted. Make significant wild life area especially round Tewit area and sections along railwa side of Stray Rein. help with diversity, wild life, plant orchards. Reduce mowing. 175 The Stray is a fantastic asset to Harrogate, giving large open spaces for people to enjoy in a town that is otherwise drowning in new/applied for housing estates. We have the Yorkshire Show Ground to hold large events including a brand new state of the arts event centre. It is out of town with ample parking. We have Harewood house just outside of the town which could hold these large events. We do not need them to be held on the Stray.

176 Several more cycle routes are needed as the traffic in Harrogate is only getting worse. The Council should convert the routes that people use the most - Stray Rein to Tewit Well and the Prince of Wales, and The Empress to Claro Road crossing.

177 More days of use and greater areas covered by events means that the Stray would overall be less 'open' and more damage would occur that needed repair. A major benefit of the Stray is that it is open space for simple visual and personal enjoyment not to be cluttered by temporary structures, parking and barriers etc.

178 The Council seems to be immune to the concepts of tightness, and flexibility, however reasonable and attractive this may seem. Also the Idea of asking people for numbers for this and that is disingenuous. It is like pulling them out of a hat. Feels like an old trick. The Duchy is not the strong defence it might appear to be. And there is a very serious danger of of loss of control if a unitary authority comes into being, soon or in the more distant future. And finally, I am afraid that a lack of trust in this Council is about. The best prediction of future behaviour lies in past behaviour. When recent behaviour of this Council is looked at, re. Crescent Gardens and the parking issues, clearly this Council cannot be trusted with the best care of the Stray. Therefore the best "way forward" is "no change".

179 There should also be limits on noise levels and latest time in the day an event can run to in order that noise does not become a problem to local residents. There must be strong enforcement of issues such as parking, vehicle access, policing, sanitary facilities and reinstatement in full of the stray after the event. There must be no additional charges to Harrogate Council due to any events. All costs must be covered by the event organisers and a suitable deposit paid against such costs.

180 It causes traffic congestion & chaos for local residents & shops & businesses already benefit financially due to regular tourists & don't require further income & the expense of chaos to the residents. 181 Visitors to Harrogate often remark on the pleasant atmosphere of the town and how luck we are the have the beautiful area of The Stray, as well as the walks in the Valley Gardens and PInewoods. I feel that more large scale events on the Stray will damage that aspect of the Town's ambience as well as damaging the town's reputation, thanks to the work of HIF, as a growing cultural centre. Besides, I have seen suggestions in The Advertiser that this increase in large events would encourage or necessitate the totally unwise development of a large pedestrian area around the top of Parliament Street & the Montpelier area with consequent changes in traffic flow. Such developments bear no relationship to the easy flow of pedestrians (including young families on one hand and slower, more elderly visitors on the other. Furthermore, although the Yorkshire weather may have shone on the Grand Depart, that was a lucky time. In general, the climate of Harrogate is NOT one that encourages out-of-doors events and those councillors or planners who believe it is so should spend more time out of their cars and offices. "Brisk" is often a good description of the weather and that is what should be considered. Moreover, large events do not come for free, so either the people of Harrogate will have to pay to go into such events, or have to pay hidden service & repair costs, when currently, all have free access to the pleasant acres of The Stray. The ordinary people of the town were granted free access to all areas of The Stray, and that should continue in the current manner. The Council seem very keen on pursuing large scale schemes that may appear to bring "importance" to the town, and the council and profit the various business enterprises pushing forward these ideas, but I feel that these attempts at MORE, BIGGER, LOUDER events will spoil and damage the very qualities that still make the Town a fine place to visit, despite the growing number of tea-shops, cafes and restaurant chains etc that are currently wiping out the towns existing small businesses and restaurants. Please attend to such matters, not to unwanted, grandiose schemes for keeping The Stray away from those who regularly use and/or delight in the open space just being there. .

182 As we all know Harrogate struggles with traffic, therefore any such events need to have clearly defined parking guidelines, park & ride facilities and designated parking areas, preferably on the outskirts of town. As a resident near the stray we already constantly struggle with parking impacting the side streets where we live. Noise levels need to be considered with events ending at non-antisocial hours. Finally damage to the stray it self from the events needs to be considered with suitable recovery time given between events so the stray does not turn into a field of mud. 183 As mentioned in Question 2 transitioning to a sustainable low carbon society requires adaptation, even for the Stray. The following changes would assist in reducing the carbon emissions for the town and would have benefits for the welfare of local residents as well: • Additional tree planting either in clusters/groves or in a thicker perimeter belt. Trees absorb pollution, sequest carbon and reduce run off rates. Specifically planting fruit trees would have the benefit of providing a community orchard, flowering and fruiting species for wildlife. Some areas of shrubs and mixed height vegetation would provide a wider range of habitats as well as giving more shelter and interest on the Stray for community use, such as picnicking. • Developing extended areas of long grass as hay meadow for wildlife specifically insects and small mammals. • Adapting the particularly wet areas of the Stray which flood regularly into marsh habitats eg on Oatlands Drive near St Aidan’s School. These areas are difficult to maintain as close cut grass and they could benefit amphibians and absorb more carbon as a marsh habitat. • Allocating small areas for community vegetable beds. Locally grown produce and an improved food awareness help to reduce food miles and health. • Improved path and cycle network across the Stray. The Stray could provide a significant part of an integrated walking and cycle network for the town. Continued creative thinking about how to maintain the 200 acres of land could enable good route ways for non-motorised traffic. (See below) • Returning some roads to open space. For example Stray Rein and Coach Road could be closed and narrowed to cycle/walking paths. These are essentially used as car parking strips at present. On street parking on Beech Grove Regent Parade, Trinity Road etc could be removed and the road narrowed to provide a dedicated cycle route instead. This would visually improve the Stray and encourage alternative transport use. • Provision of cycle parking and electric bike charging points at each section of the Stray. • Bus stop and route provision improvements to the Stray. • Opening an additional rail stop near Tewitt Well for direct access to events hosted on the Stray.

184 The Stray Act as it stands is perfectly adequate. Any increases in time or area will inevitably increase noise, traffic and damage. Additional usage will be concentrated in months from spring to autumn reducing the access for present general use during that period.

185 A major concern I have about increasing the use of the Stray is the increased pressure for parking that would ensue. I treasure the Stray as a green space in a built up area. I know that am fortunate in living within easy access to it but it remains one of the very few green and peaceful spaces nearby. There are no parks within easy walking distance. I understand the argument that more events would bring increased trade to the town but would urge alternative sites to be considered.

186 I want to see real, tangible benefits to Harrogate roads and I mean roads not cycle paths or cycle lanes and better traffic management

187 I do not subscribe to the view that all activities generate further income for the local economy e.g. the majority of shops were closed when the Tour de France took place. The Christmas Fair is predominantly stalls selling food and drink, I cannot see what the benefit is to the cafes and restaurants surrounding the Montpellier/ Cold Bath area. What evidence is there that any of the events proposed by revising the Act would benefit the Harrogate area and more importantly what impact would they have on the unique ambience of the Stray. The Stray is open to all, the vast majority of people come to the Stray for space, light, flowers - not gimmicks. The town is already congested with most side streets full, particularly on weekdays. Again, what impact will there be on pollution, traffic and the unique atmosphere of Harrogate.

188 There need to be posts along Oatlands Drive to stop people parking there, as there are on the Stray in High Harrogate 189 Whilst the stray should be utilised for the benefit of Harrogate and its visitors it is essential that it is used wisely. All events should be responsible for repairs and re-instatements following their event. The Christmas Market siting is totally unsuitable. At that time of year the bottom of Montpellier is a swamp more often than not. It should be moved to a site of hard surface - closing Victoria Avenue for the duration would be the perfect solution - it does not form a unique arterial road to Harrogate's traffic flows and offers easy access to Harrogate's retail area. Any income generated from Stray events should be directed to Harrogate's parks and gardens for improvement works. Better drainage to many parts of the stray is long overdue.

190 The triangular area above could be used for the expansion of the Christmas Market - the area at the top is flat enough, though I like its position where it is! I do not want to see any large scale events on the Stray between Leeds Road eastwards to the hospital. Is the landing of the Air Ambulance counted as days within the 35 days? I certainly think this should be allowed. I wish this area east of Leeds Road to be left as green grassland, ringed by trees as at present. Based on my observations of residents, passing lorries, services vehicles, storage of building supplies for house alterations parking etc on the grass verges (part of Stray) along Wetherby Road, I do not want the Stray to become a sea of mud, with resulting expenses and work by the gardening staff.

191 The Stray is such a unique beautiful public space to be enjoyed by everyone. I do not want to see large parts of it fenced off for what could be long periods (including set up/take down times).Increased traffic/parking around the Stray would also be a likely problem. I love seeing the changing uses and changing beauty of the Stray as the seasons change. Please consider making more tracks available for cycling on the Stray to encourage people to stay out of their cars (along with more cycle lanes to link with it). Please promote other community sporting events such as volleyball and rounders.

192 I have lived in Harrogate all my life (60 odd years) and I have always valued the green open space and tranquility that the Stray offers. This would be destroyed by more frequent tented events with all the upset caused and damage to the Stray. Contrary to the opinions of eg Gary Verity not everyone through the Tour de Yorkshire was the best thing ever to happen in Harrogate (or indeed Yorkshire). It was a "one off" event which is very unlikely to be replicated by the "Tour de Yorkshire" and caused considerable chaos to traffic (roads etc) residents and local shops. To sacrifice the Stray for large events like these is a price too heavy to pay, and often benefits visitors rather than rate paying residents. It would also be a good idea if people followed the rules of the Stray as it is now - too many people cycling on narrow footpaths clearly labelled "no cycling".

193 Three years ago I moved to Harrogate from Cheshire to be near my family. I live in an apartment overlooking the Stray (so I could be majorically affected). My wife is a "welcomer" at St Peter's Church and I pick her up about noon. But so many times site telephones to say not to bother why? Because over and over again the centre of the town is grid locked. Any extension of the use of the Stray will add further traffic congestion to the town. We bought our apartment in a conservation area. The part of Cavendish is for 5 days a week, a public parking place (car parks for commuters and the like). We asked our Local Councillor before the last general election for some action to be taken about parking restrictions on one side or another. What has happened - nothing. We wish we were back in Cheshire. 194 If you disregard the thoughts of the residents, you will discourage newcomers who will be told - as is law when selling a property - of disruption caused by such events. One off events ie Tour de France was wonderful but would not be so if this sort of event became regular. We are so proud of our green spaces and wish to share them - but not with concerts, circuses or the like. I hope and pray that we are listened to but I fear not! As the Events Coordinator for St Peter's Church I have had difficulty transporting food etc on certain days - road closures due to events, parades etc. Some of us are not just residents but supporting of the community.

195 The Stray is for the people of Harrogate and as such they should be allowed to use the facility for anything that is safe and suitable for the public. If the event takes up 15 hectares at least another 15 would be needed for parking.

196 *Again we could attract an event that wanted a base for 5 days - so we need to ensure we think of the future. HBC reinforced an area of the Stray on Oatlands Drive for use by the Fair, the Annual Bonfire and the Vintage Cars. If we are to increase the number of events on the Stray, surely some of these will want to be closer to town than Oatlands Drive. Will the Council consider improving an area of Stray on West Park/Beech Grove which could accommodate events and car parking associated with the event. Will the Council consider the provision of services - electric and water around the Stray - they would be able to recover their costs.

197 I would react strongly to the suggestion that commercial activities on any scale should be permitted on the Stray. It should be remembered strongly that the Stray is a public amenity, to be used for the general well being and recreation of residents and visitors. In a town with relatively little space of public amenity no consideration should be given to commercial interests, or to the well being of local residents which would be affected by increased number of events, especially traffic, parking, noise, and physical damage to the Stray.

198 The events should not disrupt residents near by. Traffic is already bad in Harrogate so need to be managed.

199 Vulnerable people to exploit, parking problems and congestion in already over crowded area. It is for the above reasons that I wouldn't want an increase in both the smaller and larger scale events.

200 Park and ride schemes should be used to help reduce the influx of extra traffic to Harrogate during large Stray events. Using the Great Yorkshire Showground for Park and Ride would be sensible.

201 The Stray is for public use not large of small scale events (especially private ones), there are many other suitable areas in and around Harrogate for these. You can't even police the no cycling parts of the footpaths, let alone the damage due to parking. Its not the Councils land to make money from so stop it now!

202 I think I have said it all to reiterate - take away more days and extend the size of use of the Stray would be the first step in the people of Harrogate losing the Stray. The land was a gift for the people - precious green land to be freely enjoyed by all - not to be covered by marquees and car parking zones for a lot of outsiders who do little to contribute to our town.

203 At the moment the current Stray use makes parking very difficult, see Saturday morning with the Park run plus football matches/parking when the fair is here. Why not make further use of the Yorkshire Show Groud with its parking etc? Slightly out of town but with complimentary transport to and from would be much better for large events.

204 On the extension of parking caharges on a Sunday and the continued persuance of plans to pedestrianise Parliament Street, the council (controlled by Conseratives - and the clue is in the name!!) show that it has no interest in local public opinion, done in their own self serving interests; I hope you pay dear in the next local elections.

205 Stop people parking on the Stray. 206 Move the Christmas Market to the Showground as there is hardstanding ground for cars and coaches also excellent covered areas for stalls. Toilet and washing faciliities which there are non on Low Harrogate Stray that will cope with the supposed 60,000 visitors. I take it that when the Council vacate the municipal offices that the fre car parking for staff will be removed and grass put back.

207 What makes Harrogate unique and a visitor attraction in its own right is the Stray as it is, undisturbed apart from the fair and the Christmas fair. I think this is down to greed from the Council with no consideration for residents who will be severely impacted. We do not have the infrastructure in place to deal with the amount of people they anticipate. Do we have things in place to deal with crowd management and litter.

208 The Stray is an area of Harrogate which needs to be preserved no destroyed. Also we do not have the parking/transport facilities - more traffic = more pollution.

209 The volume of traffic currently entering the town is overwhelming. Driving standards on main roads are poor - Leeds Rd, Otley Rd, West Park Stray, Rd, Wetherby Rd, Knaresborough Rd. More events will add to this. Access to houses in same area during major events has been impossible. Some residents were told to move their cars some 3 or 4 streets away from their homes. Churches have had to cancel their services on Sundays and Sunday parking charges have compounded their problem and caused a loss of income as well as access. I did not move to Harrogate to feel overwhelmed by the results of these events and to feel that what we have valued is being systematically destroyed.

210 The Stray is an extremely valuable asset for the community and visitors and it is very well used for the purposes that it was originally intended. It should be protected from damage, and enclosures should not be permitted. In addition, events should not be permitted that put undue strain on the town's infrastructure especially when, as now, the roads and car parks are often operating at or beyond their capacity. The Tour de France is generally considered to have been a success but that is only true if the disruption and costs inflicted on normal business and domestic life are ignored. Perhaps such a thing wil lbe tolerated on an occasional basis such as every five or more years but an annual event such as that would be very damaging. One other point about the Tour de France is that the public were excluded from quite a large area of Stray and this should not be permitted for any event. There should never be a ban on access to any part of the Stray.

211 People appreciate (still) the beauty of Harrogate. Problems persist however already with no Police in sight around areas in the town centre at night. Bringing more people into Harrogate for events will only add to the chaos and disorder which is already far too prevalent, not to mention the traffic problems which get worse with every change made by our Council

212 The road network around Harrogate is crippled, especially on Wetherby Road. We would only offer our agreement and support if allowing these events results in a major solution being carried out to ease traffic and pollution. We want to be consulted and have acess to information regarding how revenue will be used. Events must be discounted to residents to gain our support.

Concernef about rubbish/litter

1 35 days is enough. Events create noise and mess for residents. Changing an act like this is very costly. The Stray is beautiful and should be left alone. It is a slippery slope! 2 Too many events will detract from the joy of the open spaces. The balance of attracting revenue into the town against attracting intrusive noise, mess and (potentially) all "undesirable" element of crowds, must always be considered. This has been possible in the past because of the "Act"

3 As a business owner, I see short term gain at the expense of long term loss. Longer term Harrogate will no longer be special and will lose its affluent feel. Smart money will sell their homes overlooking the Stray and move back to London for some peace and quiet! I will lose my core market as they leave town in droves. Spend the money on keeping the town special - ensure it is kept looking beautiful, rubbish/litter free with its glorious blooms brought back.

4 Living near the Stray, as we do, we have a great deal of trouble caused by large events. For example large amounts of firework debris end up in our garden during the bonfire, some fireworks (or their spent containers) land on our roof which is a potential fire/damage issue and can be quite frightening. (We have complained lots about this to no avail). Another example is the Fairground which makes a great deal of noise. The commercial vehicle run and its' associated car parks leave lots of litter which blows into our garden. Why should we have to put up with even more hassle from a greater number of events?

5 What makes Harrogate unique and a visitor attraction in its own right is the Stray as it is, undisturbed apart from the fair and the Christmas fair. I think this is down to greed from the Council with no consideration for residents who will be severely impacted. We do not have the infrastructure in place to deal with the amount of people they anticipate. Do we have things in place to deal with crowd management and litter.

Concerned about loud music/noise

1 Please keep the balance for local residents. I like in hearing distance of the Stray and accept the noise so long as it is controlled and not too frequent. Free for all and a wonderful resource is how I want the Stray to remain.

2 35 days is enough. Events create noise and mess for residents. Changing an act like this is very costly. The Stray is beautiful and should be left alone. It is a slippery slope!

3 Careful consideration should be made before any and all events are booked, for noise, damage and traffic disruption.

4 Too many events will detract from the joy of the open spaces. The balance of attracting revenue into the town against attracting intrusive noise, mess and (potentially) all "undesirable" element of crowds, must always be considered. This has been possible in the past because of the "Act"

5 think it is a 'no brainer' . HBC needs income and the stray is a great space for events which is currently under used. There will be plenty of space left for quieter activities like dog walking and jogging etc even when an event is on so people could escape the noise and crowd.

6 I feel very strongly that the council should reconsider what it is proposing, and also make clear what it is proposing. Please show consideration for local residents, when both the fair and the bonfire were on my children couldn't sleep due to the noise, even with the windows fully shut. it is extremely stressful to have the unacceptable noise which you can't get away from in your home even with windows shut. With the fair being on from 2pm until 9pm with loud noise playing we couldn't even sit in our garden as the noise was so loud. 7 My concern here is that there would be constant noise if this act is expanded. Personally, I cannot abide th fair and I would not want the Christmas market on my door step either. It has a knock on problem with security and parking too. The fair is especially invasive as I live in a residential area, so I do not see why you would want to increase these events where people live. Parking is already a significant problem and it is nonsensical to compound that.

8 I strongly oppose any changes to the Stray Act. I feel the current range of events and size of events is good and am happy that extra large events require special application to Parliament as this will limit the number, and protect residents from excess noise and disruption. If the restrictions are changed, I feel the protection of the Stray will gradually be eroded.

9 To change would be unfair to the residents who live around the Stray with noise and extra traffic they surely are entitled to peace and quiet. If you must have them put in town centre or the park.

10 They should be held on the least affected part of the Stray and not inconvenience the residents with noise and extra traffic.

11 I was black and blue from pushchairs being slammed into me. Finally had to beg the man on the crossing to let me cross. He must have seen how upset I was. He did. Then the constant noise up til midnight. Please have some consideration for the people who live near here.

12 The use of the Stray is at the maximum that should be allowed. Any more would increase damage to the Stray, and the infrastructure does not fit additional traffic. Much of the Stray adjoins residential property and additional noise and disruption is unacceptable. The Stray should be open to all.

13 I have lived overlooking the Stray for 20 years. I enjoy being able to walk on or around the Stray each day. I enjoy the changing seasons and the peacefulness of the green space in our busy town. Harrogate roads are very busy and without a bypass we can't manage the volume of traffic large events in the town centre cause. I don't want the noise of more events on the Stray or the associated traffic. I don't like not having free access to the Stray. I suggest using the Yorkshire Showground for more events as it is underused. Please leave our green space alone so it can be peacefully enjoyed as it always has been.

14 Also need to consider the extra evening noise if events are increased. For close residents, it can be noisy - but for a few days only, it is bearable. If these noisy events were increased, it is going to be more difficult (and unfair) on nearby residents who will suffer from the noise.

15 The Stray is for the use of the people, but it should be used in keeping with the local area - it should not become an area for a series of ropey second class events. Sports events that have a wider context in the local area could be very good to instigate local activity. A music event eg classical, with fireworks and picnics would be good. I am aware that there could be a noise issue with this that would need addressing.

16 Please consider residents living in the centre of town who have busy working lives and require some peace at night. The noise pollution in the town centre is already bad during the early hours of the morning (Friday to Monday) but events encouraging more noise during weekdays after 11 pm should be banned. We love Harrogate and the events on the Stray but there are already plenty. 17 Damage to the Stray kept to a minimum, events held on metal covers similar to those used for Grand Depart. Adequate parking provided, again use metal covers, no vehicles to be pared or driven on the grass. Restrictions as to noise and time of closing, no later than 10.30 pm. Review damage to the Stray after each event to decide i.e event (or type of event) to be had again. Organisers to be fully held responsible for nay damage and deposit withheld to cover restoration, etc. Events to be held at furthest point away from residential properties. Noise is an issue as we can clearly hear music even though we live half a mile from the band event.

18 The Stray is a wonderful green space, beautifully kept at all times of the year - the spring flowers being a particular pleasure - it is the envy of many other towns and citiies. Occasional large scale events, such as the Tour de France, are obviously beneficial to the town, and would continue to be possible even if more time consuming legally to authorise. I fear that any change to give the Council more freedom to grant permission could open the flood gates to a wealth of extra events such as pop concerts, fun fairs, car rallies etc which will crease noise, litter and traffic and parking problems. A lot of extra usage would also inevitably damage the grass, and possibly the trees and flowers. Lets keep it a wonderful open space, and for exceptional events, make a separate application to Paliament as is the case now.

19 Any event organiser must be responsible for bringing the grass and flower beds back to tip top shape as soon as possible. They must pay all reinstatement costs. Should avoid dates that would effect Harrogate in Bloom Judging. Also support events in Valley Gardens. Have real concern for excessive noise.

20 It is important that the Stray remains as it is. The harm caused to the grass by over-using the area will be noticeable and involve the Council in expensive repair work. There are no parking facilities and parking is already a problem in Harrogate. Extra events, large-scale events would cause enormous parking problems. Noise levels are fine at the moment, with the occasional irritation of music from the two fairs. It is important that events which would have loud music are not allowed. We already have the Yorkshire Showground, the Royal Hall and the International Centre for events. Historically, the Stray has been grazing ground for animals belonging to commoners. Now it is preserved for leisure use and is unique to Harogate. Don't change its use.

21 Section 5: The purpose of the Act seems quite clear, to give the inhabitants of the borough free access and a privilege at all times of enjoying recreation upon the Stray without payment. Section 6: The Council's duty is to maintain the Stray free from all encroachments save for ... encroachments include the type of event being held. I believe the Council is failing in this duty by seeking to increase the number, size and type of enchroachment allowed per year. Further, I would question the quality of some of the events staged on the Stray including the rather dog-eared fairs and the tribute band event. Section 7: The Council is also failing in its duties under Section 7(b) in the prevention of nuisance and annoyance in that the fairs continue to create a noise nuisance which is not (or perhaps very infrequently) monitored. Section 4(b) I wonder whether the Council is also at fault in interpreting this section's restriction of five weeks as 35 days. A week is a consecutive period of 7 days starting on a Sunday. If events are held in more than five separate seven consecutive days then I believe the Council is in breach of the Act.

22 We need to be mindful of the people who live around it, also parking for larger events, there needs to be a strict curfew when events finish in the evening, for example 10:30pm in the summer and no noise after that, there needs to be gaps in events to allow for the grass to recover etc.

23 The Stray Acts exists to protect the Stray and to give Harrogate a green space. How long before it was built on or paved over? The noise generated by the Fireworks Display, Lions Day , Travelling Fair are tolerable, increase the 35 days, add on construction days, upto a week at a time with all the noise and disruption, and the Stray would be a quagmire very quickly. Once the Stray is gone, it is gone for good. 24 Obviously as I live on West Park I have a somewhat biased view to this proposal. However I would not object to the more out of town parts of the Stray being used providing any event was limited in size and not a nuisance to residents. Main objections: Noise, Trafific upheaval, Crime, Public order disturbances, Damage to Stray and general environment.

25 Both small and large scale events must not be held back to back in the same area of the Stray so that nearby residents do not have continuous disruption. Events both small and large must not be held on a perimeter of the Stray near to residential buildings. They should be held in the central parts of the Stray so best to minimise noise and other disruption. Events should take place at a reasonable hour - not before 8.00 am and finish no later than 10.30 pm.

26 In short - it would make sense not to have to apply to Parliament for a one-off special event like the Tour de France, but I would not agree with opening the doors to more annual events that could ruin the Stray and cause noise and upheaval. Most events can be accommodated in the conference centre and other halls and showgrounds, we do not need to spoil the Stray with more disruptive events.

27 The Stray should not be used for large scale events as there is inadequate parking available and large scale events result in too much disruption for the town. In particulare, we are strongly against musical events and consider that noise should be strictly controlled with agreed curfews. Large scale events would be better hosted on farmers fields adjacent to the town.

28 I have been fortunate to live adjoining the Stray for 25 years- it is lovely to observe people of all ages walking for pleasure or to school/work and to see picnicking/sports enjoyed by many It is a precious quiet open space in a crowded town and should be preserved as such .Illegal cycling has adversely affected this previously pedestrian only space with disabled & elderly walkers now having to be on their guard. Cycle tracks across the land are unsightly. Traffic congestion and parking charges have lead motorists to park illegally on verges of Stray or indeed four wheel drives park on the Stray itself. People will always " push it " to achieve their own agenda and this aspect of human nature will be multiplied if the Stray Act is amended. The Council will look to use the space commercially with scant regard to impact on local users of the space it will lead to increased noise/litter/parking on Stray and reduction of space/routes/peace of a beautiful and unique gem of urban life.

29 PROS: It is advertised far and wide wen an event is being held. An event increases footfall for shops, hotels. It sustains tourism all year round. CONS: Events like Tour de France bring not just people, but their cars, personal needs, noise, litter, roads are closed, residents freedom of movement curtailed. Large numbers of people bring concerns to residents near Stray; burglary, illegal parking, camping and noise, noise, noise. Poor weather means grass is churned up, bulbs in ground damaged and the beauty of Stray marred. NB the Stray floods badly in certain areas. The form askes about large events. No indication given as to the sort of event. Council just want carte blanche. No way 21 century all that. No way. Each event should be considered and regulated by 1985 Stray Act.

30 I strongly disagree that any more large or small events should be held on the Stray. As a resident, I am fed up of noise, parking problems and litter that is let after, during and before every event. We also have dogs and enjoy walking on the Stray. We also are responsible and pick up our dogs waste. But after every event the Stray becomes a minefield for dog owners. Broken bottles, plastic, rotting food waste, cigarette butts. It is not faire. Also these events attract problems. We have had gangs of people drunk or doing drugs outside our house or fighting. 31 The Stray is unique to Harrogate and should always provide a free, un-encumbered open space for the residents of Harrogate. The Great Yorkshire Showground is more than adequate for other commercial events,with much less traffic and noise disruption imposed upon the town centre and residents of Harrogate. I imagine that the Yorkshire Agricultural Society would appreciate the extra income and all on-going commercial benefits. In return, the YAS should make significant financial contributions towards improving much needed improvements on both Skipton and Wetherby roads.

32 Living near the Stray, as we do, we have a great deal of trouble caused by large events. For example large amounts of firework debris end up in our garden during the bonfire, some fireworks (or their spent containers) land on our roof which is a potential fire/damage issue and can be quite frightening. (We have complained lots about this to no avail). Another example is the Fairground which makes a great deal of noise. The commercial vehicle run and its' associated car parks leave lots of litter which blows into our garden. Why should we have to put up with even more hassle from a greater number of events?

33 Please please consider local residents. The impact of the noise from the Fair and Bonfire is stressful and can be heard in all of our home with windows shut. The Bonfire can be tolerated as this is one night a week (although could still be heard in all of our house) but the Fair ran for 2 weeks during 2016, 7 hours a day and there was no escaping from the very loud and intrusive noise. This is very stressful and I know of some people who actually end up booking their holiday so they don't have to put up with it. There are many elderly people who also live on our road as well and I can imagine this must be very stressful for them too. I urge you to seriously consider the impact on local residents and appreciate the impact that these events held over our garden fences have.

34 Concern that the Stray becomes an extension to the HIC in terms of regular events making it a noisy wasteland. I live on St Winifreds Road, traffic and noise is a problem with the fair and normal use. Changing where the events are may help. The fair can move to replace with something else. Increase number of prestigious events for a time period will achieve the aim. Highlight Tour de France/Yorkshire, Great Yorkshire Run would seem appropriate market.

35 We live adjacent to the Stray and overlook the Christmas Market. We walk through mud and dirt for weeks afterwards. People nowadays expect alcohol at all events and can't be relied upon to drink sensibly. They make unacceptable levels of noise and language can be foul. Cigarette ends are everywhere. We have had to remonstrate with people using our local synagogue as toilets when the Wimbledon final is screened. We can no longer expect people to behave appropriate or reasonably even if they are a minority, they are powerful.

36 Before the war the Stray was used for events such as dog shows, polo matches and children's sports days. Now events held in the Valley Gardens and on the Stray seem to be very noisey and very smelly - the odour of friend onions and burgers coming from the Xmas Fair at 9.30 in the morning was nauseating and the "wonderful" Tour de France caused great disruption, inconvenience and cancellation of bus services to local residents, and I don't consider that most people received great benefits from this event. If the Council had financial gains it certainly hasn't filtered down to local residents. Our street is never swept, or gritted in the winter, the libraries are closed or have their hours curtailed. 37 I strongly believe that the Stray Act should not be amended in any way, in order to protect its original purpose. While events such as the Tour de France may have been successful, they are incredibly disruptive to local residents whose properties surround the entire area of the Stray (example: the sound stage of the Tour de France "fan hub" was literally across the road from the end of my drive. The noise and traffic disruption was horrendous for four days). The Stray should be preserved for the free use of Harrogate's residents, not continually closed off to attract tourists which the Town's infrastructure is ill-equipped to accommodate. I am already dreading next year's Tour de Yorkshire. We are so incredibly lucky to have the Stray. It is beautiful and special and should be protected in every possible way. Please do not cheapen it. It is worth far more than ££££s.

38 1. Any change would mean more traffic congestion on roads in Harrogate and leading into Harrogate. 2. There would be more noise and disruption for residents living nearby. The idea of having the Stray is for peaceful recreation. 3. Many businesses in Harrogate town centre do not benefit from events on the Stray.

39 Any change would result in the destruction of the peace and quiet provided by this unique parkland. It sets Harrogate apart from other towns/cities in having such a wonderful feature. Any increased use would destroy this feature. The detrimental effects would include increased traffic, parking, noise and damage to the Stray itself through excessive use. The weekly run on Saturday morning has already damaged the Stray - trampling over where the wonderful crocus beds are located.

40 Noise pollution and litter is a serious consideration around any event and can have a serious impact on the permanent residents lives. It is primarily surrounded by residential properties and there are no facilities available to cope with juge numbers of people desceninding on Harrogate. Serious thought needs to be given to avoid the situations experienced in Roundhay, Leeds where people urinated in gardens, litter caused distress and a very expensive clear up. Traffic flow is also an issue and residents have the right to travel to and from their homes unhindered.

41 I've lived close to the Stray for 10+ years and have felt current arrangements serve Harrogate residents well and respect the lives of those who live nearby. Increased use of the Stray will inevitably produce more noise and more traffic and nothing can/will be done to alleviate this. If it is a question of raising money for HBC use then we are a wealthy enough town for such monies to be raised in other ways, including higher Council Tax if necessary.

42 The stray is for the use by the residents who own it. We don't want noise and mess just because you need to make up financial shortfalls

43 I have lived next to the Stray for nearly 20 years, firstly on Slingsby Walk and now on Church Square. I greatly value this beautiful open space - a very special feature of Harrogate. I am happy for the established events to continue - the 2 annual fun fairs, fireworks display and other small scale day events on the Oatlands Drive end of the Stray. I also welcome the regular use by the community for football and the Saturday morning Park Run. However, an increased number or larger scale event would alter the character of the Stray and the local area with possible increased noise and parking issues affecting the quality of life.

44 I believe the Stray Act should be left as it is - it was created for a reason. Larger scale events should only be very occasional. Harrogate is already suffering with traffic flow problems. I live next to the Stray and some of these events cause noise pollution for residents who live close by eg loud music. 45 The Stray was provided for the use and enjoyment of the people, and making these events easier to organise this would enhance enjoyment of the amenity. It will also be possible to put semi-permanent arrangements in place for events, including agreements covering H&S provisions, street cleansing & other waste removal provisions, and to set parameters regarding noise etc to lessen any complaints from those local residents who are continuous objectors to any additional use of the Stray.

46 Most of the Stray is surrounded by residential properties. It is therefore inappropriate that commercial events, run by businesses - including mostly from outside the town are held at the expense of the residents of Harrogate whose love the Stray and don't want its vulnerable grass destroyed and their peace destroyed by the noise throughout the day to 11 pm.

47 Events, particularly large events create noise and mess and congestion. The infrastructure doesn't allow for it. The stray will be ruined and I see you are suggesting car parking areas on the stray....whatever next !!!!

48 Stray is surrounded by residential properties; residents must not be disturbed by noise of events; no more than twelve hours of noise per day and all noise to cease by 2230hrs daily. There is no mention of provision for parking for people attending any additional events; the bonfire event in particular draws vast numbers of cars that are parked indiscriminately on the Stray and surrounding roads. Responses to this consultation from people who visited the Christmas Fair must be discounted because as manhy of these people were from out of the area. What happens if Harrogate BC were to be swallowed up by a more distant and larger local authority? Such a body would not have the interests of Harrogate as its promary focus. At the last 'large event', the Tour de France', the business life of the town was totally stifled for the duration. Businesses and residents were not propoerly warned of the sclae of the shut-down. This must not happen again.

49 barriers. Commercial events are inappropriate for the Stray and should not proliferate. Noise and activity is contrary to peaceful enjoyment of the Stray for those using it and for nearby residents. The Tour de France had an unfortunate concequence in that, due to the temporary signage, some people got the impression that the town was closed. The Stray should not be treated as a space that needs to have something happening on it. The above comments are enclosed in printed form. Our membership covers all parts of the town with a small minority of members living in other parts of the District. This request should not be opt8ional. Local views on the matter of the Stray are the ones that are most important.

50 The Council must set strict criteria for the use of the Stray. I would suggest a noise limit, and a ban on sale of alcohol, except from existing licensied premises. Car parking restrictions eased. Shuttle buses arranged. Park and ride schemes organised.

51 Careful monitoring of the Stray should still continue - the types of the events, the organisation of events, and insist all strict rules are adhered to. Car parking should be allocated. Shuttle buses arranged to prevent grid lock. Noise caused by uses should be restricted by monitoring and a fining system put in place for abuse. No pop or music festivals should be allowed - this is not the "Grand and Sedate" change Harrogate has. Carefully managed more use of the Stray would benefit the town.

52 The Stray is famous and popular with residents and tourists - please do not spoil it with excess litter, noise, cars etc 53 I live just near Bettys and although the Christmas Market is enjoyable it is 5 or 7 days of chaos for me. There is noise nuisance, I am unable to park my car, I have rubbish dumped in my bin from passers-by. I can't access paths due to stall holder parking on them and so it goes on. Harrogate is a beautiful town and not a city ... the changes to the Stray Act would make it more like a city. We are already experiencing more and more inner city problems (antisocial behaviour) with a Council who is struggling to deal with these problems. More events would just add to their burden. I am really unhappy with the changing face of Harrogate Over the last few years and all instigated or poorly managed by Harrogate Council. Please put your residents first rather than financial greed. Having lived in Edinburgh, I know exactly how large events can be organised and enjoyed, however, Harrogate Council have no idea how to do this. Please ensure the Council get these skills. In the first instance, please remember to communicate with your residents. On the day of the Tour de France I was unable to cross the road by foot from my house as it was all cordoned off with barriers ... surely some forwarding would have been courteous and good practice? I would also like events to be advertised to local residents for some reason events are only advertised to everyone else but Harrogate residents. I do not feel that Harrogate Council has been 'working for me' for quite some time, ignoring resdients opinions on parking costs at evenings and on Sundays being a case in point.

54 The Stray is a beautiful asset to Harrogate. Changing its purpose would challenge the already overstretched council budget not to mention the emergency services. There are also many elderly residential homes in the vicinity - the noise from larger events may cause distress to residents.

55 There is no forecasted plan or list of intentions put forward by the council to justify a change in legislation. If legislation is changed, there is no assurance of an escalation of large scale events and costs would have to be met by residents for repairing damage or clearing debris following a large event. There is no guarantee that noise/traffic pollution will be kept within reasonable limits. There is no guarantee that 'peaceable' enjoyment for residents will be maintained if legislation and restrictions are altered.

56 This consultation does not ask about extending the types of event that can be held on the Stray. If this is part of the Council's proposal for amending the Stray Act this should be clearer. I would only support increasing the scale of events and the number of days allocated to events (both small and large) if such events were demonstrably for the benefit of the community, were structured so that disturbance (eg noise) to residents bordering and near the Stray were minimised as far as possble and if the principle of free (as in no entrance fee etc) access to the Stray for all is maintained during all events.

57 Clearly the motivation for relaxing the rules regarding events on the Stray is commercial. This is inappropriate for this unique, peaceful area. It is clear, from the spate of letters in the Harrogate Advertiser and from discussions I have had with other residents, that the people of Harrogate do not trust the council as custodians; they do not trust the council to make wise decisions, enforce clean up, control noise and nuisance. The underlying problem seems to be council financing - or lack of - as successive governments have squeezed local budgets. The answer is simple - raise council taxes! The banding system ensures some fairness for income levels but could also be adjusted at the top end so that those in very large properties pay proportionally more than at present.

58 There should also be limits on noise levels and latest time in the day an event can run to in order that noise does not become a problem to local residents. There must be strong enforcement of issues such as parking, vehicle access, policing, sanitary facilities and reinstatement in full of the stray after the event. There must be no additional charges to Harrogate Council due to any events. All costs must be covered by the event organisers and a suitable deposit paid against such costs. 59 As we all know Harrogate struggles with traffic, therefore any such events need to have clearly defined parking guidelines, park & ride facilities and designated parking areas, preferably on the outskirts of town. As a resident near the stray we already constantly struggle with parking impacting the side streets where we live. Noise levels need to be considered with events ending at non-antisocial hours. Finally damage to the stray it self from the events needs to be considered with suitable recovery time given between events so the stray does not turn into a field of mud.

60 The Stray Act as it stands is perfectly adequate. Any increases in time or area will inevitably increase noise, traffic and damage. Additional usage will be concentrated in months from spring to autumn reducing the access for present general use during that period.

61 I would react strongly to the suggestion that commercial activities on any scale should be permitted on the Stray. It should be remembered strongly that the Stray is a public amenity, to be used for the general well being and recreation of residents and visitors. In a town with relatively little space of public amenity no consideration should be given to commercial interests, or to the well being of local residents which would be affected by increased number of events, especially traffic, parking, noise, and physical damage to the Stray.

62 Harrogate has a distinct image, yes, it is old fashioned to some and lacks desire and development. However, this is what the people want and this is why they come to lvie here and return here. There are plenty of places to live with noise, bustle, developing etc,, hence go live there. Tinkering with the Act will allow uncle tom cobbley and all to use it for purely monitoring purposes. Change the Stray into a stage and you changed Harrogate.

Concern about 'type' of event which may take place

1 HBC should give very careful thought to this - this questionnaire seems rather vague and unfocused. The Stray is unique, and it was given to the town for specific purposes. It has hosted the TdF which was fantastic but I fear that any relaxation of the restrictions will lead to a myriad of tacky commercial events that are just there to make money for the organisers rather than for the benefit of the residents.

2 The Stray is not a car or truck park which is virtually all it was used for during the Tour De France. What are these supposed large scale events? It will end up being car boot sales with vehicles all over the Stray and music festivals with people being allowed to camp on the Stray.Even if this is not the current council's intent you can be sure that things will be allowed to slip in exactly the way that restrictions put in place in 1985 are now being questioned.

3 My only reservation is that we wouldn't have another Leeds Festival type event that ruined the fields and the proceeds of which would go in the pockets of god knows who. Other than that I think it is a wonderful idea to do more events! Lets not let the rich people who live around the Stray dictate what we do with our space.

4 To "open up" the Stray too much I feel would encourage lower end exhibitions and booze and burger bars taking over. A certain exclusivity is required to maintain standards that mark Harrogate as a "special" place to live.

5 The way the questions are worded make it difficult to convey my actual opinion which is this - it seems appropriate to extend both the number of days and the number of hectares in order to cover large one off events. However I think it would be wrong to allocate on a large/small basis. I would assume that most events would be small and the large ones specific to events such as Tour de France. I do not think it appropriate to open it up to outdoor concerts etc which are more likely to cause damage to the green areas. 6 Any event must be in keeping with the "Harrogate" image, high class, high calibre, attractions for all to enjoy. I would not like to see the Stray being turned into another Roundhay Park as rock, pop concerts should not be allowed on the stray.

7 To use the Stray wisely and not exploit Harogate. Use it for scial one-off bespoke events of great standard keeping up with the reputations of Harrogate.

8 I think the Council is right to review the use of the Stray in the light of successful events like the Tour de France but I think they need to exercise extreme caution in deciding the type of event and the number of days they would be allowed. The Stray is an essence of Harrogate and gives the town it's foundation and it would be a huge shame and loss to alter that by anything more than a small amount

9 Works perfectly well as it is. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Why destroy its unique charm? We don't need three day pop/rock festivals etc.

10 I have lived in Harrogate on and off most of my life and what I most like about the town is its old buildings and the stray. I have foreign students here to study and they always comment on the stray and the Valley Gardens. Its a place where families can relax and play. people play football and schools have used the stray for sports too. Having the fair twice a year is fine but if the weathers bad it takes a while before the grass has recovered. I live near cold bath road and when the Christmas Fair is on at the bottom its chaos. I have thought why have the council arranged the fair to be staged here. Everything cramped together and that's without the people, I'm not alone thinking this, I went last year and thought what chaos, I walk with a walking stick and there were so many people, dogs and children in pushchairs you couldn't get to a lot of the stalls. I thought why is this here surely there's a better place. The Yorkshire showground, that's built to host both large and small events without the hassle or damage to the wonderful parkland called the stray. So please think not of the money possible events can bring to Harrogate but the legacy we leave to the children of the future. Harrogate is a beautiful place and should remain so for the future.

11 Important to maintain Harrogate's quite unique character and the Stray is a fundamental part of this. Events should be very carefully selected so that nothing purely commercial, tacky or drawing in undesirable clientele is permitted. Family based events, sporting and charitable would be our preference.

12 The Stray plays a large part in creating the exceptional atmosphere which underpins the unique character of Harrogate. The free and open space provided by the Stray gives peacefulness, fresh air and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors to residents and visitors of Harrogate alike. It is likely that many of the benefits of the Stray are enjoyed subconsciously as people make their way about Harrogate but this does not diminish their import. It is well recorded that open space, greenery and the opportunity to be outdoors enhance and enrich human lives both in work and in leisure. It is for these reasons that the Stray's nature should only be interfered with in as limited a way as possible and, any events which limit, impact and restrict the use of the Stray as it is should not be permitted without careful and cautious consideration nor without exceptional reason. Any of the suggested changes to the Harrogate Stray Act would inevitably lead to less care and consideration being given to any decision on the type and scale of events held on the Stray and would thereby inevitably lead to a dilution and devaluation of the nature of the Stray. Moreover, any inappropriate events which are not in keeping with the nature of Harrogate would denigrate and undermine its spirit and quality. It should not, therefore, be left in the hands of a few, who may or may not appreciate the intricacies of this spirit and quality, to determine the type and extent of events which are carried out on the Stray. 13 I wonder whether it would be feasible to:- a. Increase the number of days to no more than 40. b. To be very selective as to the activity that is put on to the Stray. The Christmas market is a joke. It is a collection of low quality traders many of which have no connection with Christmas and it is not an event that enhances Harrogate in the slightest. c. To ensure that the Stray is not damaged by the events that take place ec Tour de France was exemplary. 2015 Christmas market was a disaster - a complete mud bath. d. To ensure that activities on the Stray would enhance the profile of Harrogate not detract from it. e. If larger scale events are proposed then they should go through special application.

14 I think that so long as the nature of the event is appropriate to being held on the Stray, and any decisions made are purely not income led. Proper plans in place to maintain and preserve the Stray from long lasting damage, and careful consideration and planning and communication with other venues so that too many events are not held on the same days, so chaos is caused getting in and around Harrogate. I would love more events in the town.

15 As a young person, I value and respect the Stray as it is. I would hate to see the Stray turned into a "Tented City" for events which often I would have no interest in (eg Tour de Yorkshire). I am very annoyed to be told by Councillors, Gary Verity etc that "everyone is looking forward to the Tour de Yorkshire". In my circle of friends and people I know, they are mostly not interested or are against it. Events such as the Tour de Yorkshire also, in my opinion, encourage too many people to drink excessively and so tarnishing our image as a tranquil and repectable town. I fear that if we encourage these events too much, we will lose the uniqueness of the Stray as a tranquil open green space that we are lucky to have.

16 If you disregard the thoughts of the residents, you will discourage newcomers who will be told - as is law when selling a property - of disruption caused by such events. One off events ie Tour de France was wonderful but would not be so if this sort of event became regular. We are so proud of our green spaces and wish to share them - but not with concerts, circuses or the like. I hope and pray that we are listened to but I fear not! As the Events Coordinator for St Peter's Church I have had difficulty transporting food etc on certain days - road closures due to events, parades etc. Some of us are not just residents but supporting of the community.

17 Outdoor markets are commercial enterprises, and usually a charge is made, therefore they are not permitted under the Act unless they are for charitable purposes. At the present time public entertainment permitted on the Stray such as exhibitions, healthy living events and sporting events are permitted under the Act. Any new event proposed should be in keeping with the area of the Stray provided also that the area is returned to green grass again. As the cost of changing the Act is not known yet, but is likely to be high, who will pay for it?

Concern about commerical use of the Stray

1 It is important that the stray remains protected and is not used for commercial gain. Events should have to show how they give back to the local community and take steps to be inclusive to socially disadvantaged people. That is why I think there should be an annual bidding system for events with a diverse panel deciding who is awarded event space. They should have to appply and fit certain criteria and then present to the Panay a cas for their event. This should ensure that the community is gaining a diverse program of events.

2 The Harrogate Stray is one of the core things that makes our town so special let's not lose it for short term commercial gain. 3 HBC should give very careful thought to this - this questionnaire seems rather vague and unfocused. The Stray is unique, and it was given to the town for specific purposes. It has hosted the TdF which was fantastic but I fear that any relaxation of the restrictions will lead to a myriad of tacky commercial events that are just there to make money for the organisers rather than for the benefit of the residents.

4 An increase in the commercial exploitation of the Stray will inevitably lead to a detrimental change in the character of the Stray

5 This seems to be all about making more money.and all at the expense of destroying this unique feature that Harrogate has

6 I'd like to see The Stray to be used more for public events, however I opposed to the ide of access to the Stray to be restricted to members of public due to commercial, big scale events that public needs to pay for to gain access. The big scale events should be free of charge so they are not restrictive in anyway.

7 The Stray must not become a cash milch cow for the Council. It was given to the people for free and unfettered use, and not to become a cash-generating space for currently fashionable activities.

8 Leave the Stray alone. Is the Yorkshire Events Centre at full capacity? If there is a demand (and I do not believe any such demand has been proven) then hold additional event there. The showground is a commercial venture, the Stray is not.

9 Commercial exploitation of the Stray will end up destroying it. Destroying the Stray will remove the last part of Harrogate's historic character. "Events" may put cash into the hands of a few hotel and restaurant (chain) owners but little of it will trickle down to the general population. All the locals can expect to gain from an increased exploitation of the Stray is further traffic and parking chaos.

10 The Stray is the "Jewel in our Crown" and it is imperative that this unique treasure is protected against commercial pressures and is cherished by today's ????????? for tomorrows. Harrogate Borough Council must be staunch and resist the blandishments of those who might not have Harrogate's future at heart as much as I do!

11 The Stray is unique. It should be protected from any further commercial ventures. 12 The Stray is fantastic, it is only the restrictions which prevent it being destroyed in the name of profit.

13 The Stray needs to be kept for the residents and visitors - not for profiteering. Amendments to the Act will result in the downfall of the area.

14 The reason the Stray Act exists is to prevent bodies using it for the commercial gain of the few at the expense of the enjoyment of the many. I find it extraordinary that the council should have the temerity to think it should attempt to alter the act - and even more extraordinary, and seriously worrying, that it is even possible it could succeed.

15 It is important that the Stay does not become commercialised. To do so would jeopardise the unique offer that Harrogate is able to make to both tourists and conference delegates.

16 1. The Stray should not become 'commercialised'; 2. Users of the Stray for large events should have to cover the cost of any damage done to the Stray during their event - researching - levelling etc. 3. Charges for local small organisations and charities should be minimal. 4. Only one large area of the Stray should be used on any one day.

17 Have the sense to recognise what is of value in this town. Seeing everything in terms of commercial benefits is the approach of the philistine. If it is not possible to approach Government to relax the provisions of the Act on an event by event basis, then so be it. 18 Protect our stray - it was clearly left for our free enjoyment not for commercial reasons. Obviously there needs to be some events for our economy but these need to be closely regulated of the place will be taken over & it leaves the door open for other amendments later.

19 I am very concerned that the changes proposed by HBC are a worrying threat to the future of the Stray. I believe that a desire to raise extra revenue is a key reason for the proposal. I hope that councillors and residents will ensure that the Stray continues to be safeguarded for future generations.

20 There are many pressures from, mainly commercial, interests to spoil the Stray for commercial gain.

21 The excess of building names on our green areas is already ruining our beautiful town. I implore you not to allow the interests of business to spoil Harrogate. * Please note this is a poorly constructed questionnaire clearly designed to promote the change of use of the Stray.

22 The stray is there for everyone to use not for the council to profit from. let the current legislation stand to stop any abuse and over commercialisation of the Stray. I strongly oppose any changes to the current act

23 I think you should still have to apply to parliament for very large events. This would prevent erosion of control by any party. Large scale national/international events would be granted permission by parliament. Large as ale commercial events should not be allowed.

24 This is an open space & should be kept this way & not used for commercial gain. 25 Leave our Stray alone, do not sell out our common land, there is enough land available if the Council wants for commercial activities on the southern bypass, away from all residential areas.

26 The Act was implemented for a purpose which is still relevant today, probably more so, as everying is over commercialised. Harrogate is a Spa Town, famous for its green spaces, nice shops and peaceful environment. That is what attracts most visitors to the town please don't spoil the very essence of Harrogate.

27 Why change a good thing? The Tour de France, for example, created chaos for residents both on the roads and local infrastructure - OK if you like burger vans and tacky gifts. I suspect money is the motivator here.

28 Preserve the status quo. Bigger, more frequent, does not necessarily equate with better and would contradict with the principles, ethos and purpose intended for the Stray. To subject it to what would be more 'commercialism' will only lead to erosion.

29 We must protect the Stray from commercial developments and activity. Just because it is an area of open undeveloped land, does not mean it can be exploited for commercial gain, at the expense of Harrogate residents who will be restricted from accessing the Stray.

30 The Stray is Harrogate's jewel and defines the character of this town. It has done for two centuries. We should value it and not throw that away in the name of populism or commercialism.

31 Additional use of the Stray for events will be a good thing, enabling the community to celebrate major occasions and bringing economic benefit to the town's businesses. It cannot however mean compromising on the core principles in the Stray Act, these being to protect the land as open space. Relaxation should not be seen as a licence to allow any commercial activity. There must be a community benefit justification and all events must take steps to make good any damage that they cause.

32 The existing Act was set up to preserve the Stray for the use of residents and visitors for their enjoyment at the time of their choosing. It is both well loved and well regarded for this reason. Allocating parts of the Stray for commercial events will be the thin end of the wedge and will over time change the nature of the Stray and with it, the nature of Harrogate. The people proposing this change are short sighted and only interested in commercial gain and self interest. 33 Please don't ruin our town by 'selling' the stray, this is what makes Harrogate unique and special a winning feature of the Town. Without it we are just like any other Northern town or city.

34 The Stray is for the use of the people of Harrogate not large commercial oganisations. Beginning to erode its protection with the start of a slippery slope ending is indiscriminate use.

35 I have thought about this carefully and feel that Harrogate and its Stray is special and it should stay that way. The events which are held at present are just about the correct number. The Stray is a quiet open space for walking, sitting etc and should stay that way. The town suffers with inadequate parking in the Cnetre and in areas that surround the Stray. As large Villa's and empty commercial buildings have been converted to residential this has put a strain on local parking. Residents need to feel that they are not constantly hassled when it comes to them parking their cars. Extra events held on the Stray would add to residents resentment.

36 The Stray is the most unique feature of Harrogate and allowing more events could set a precedent for it's gradual decline into just another convenient open space for events staged primarily for commercial gain and adding to the town's traffic and parking problems.

37 Please respect the rules that have preserved the beauty of this town for several generations. The commercial pressures on the council - which are plainly the principal reason behind this - are neither excuse nor defence. The council has plundered the parking spaces for as much revenue as it's possible to extract. Don't extent your recreational 'fracking' any further

38 I would support the 35 days being increased to a max of 50 days and the space to 5 hectares. I would want them to be community events (for local people) not to be commercial to attract visitors. The events should be free and should promote issues such as 1. The Environment/greening the area of Harrogate. 2. Promote art/craft. Activities and local crafts people. 3. Finally for music and theatre - eg concerts/s. More use should be made of the open space in Valley Gardens - re small events.

39 Groups such as "Park Run" already spoil parts of the Stray by physical damage and by forcing others off the area they wish to use. Amendments to the Stray Act would simply legitimise bully boy tactics by those wishing to financially profit by selfish annexing parts of the Stray for themselves.

40 I have been fortunate to live adjoining the Stray for 25 years- it is lovely to observe people of all ages walking for pleasure or to school/work and to see picnicking/sports enjoyed by many It is a precious quiet open space in a crowded town and should be preserved as such .Illegal cycling has adversely affected this previously pedestrian only space with disabled & elderly walkers now having to be on their guard. Cycle tracks across the land are unsightly. Traffic congestion and parking charges have lead motorists to park illegally on verges of Stray or indeed four wheel drives park on the Stray itself. People will always " push it " to achieve their own agenda and this aspect of human nature will be multiplied if the Stray Act is amended. The Council will look to use the space commercially with scant regard to impact on local users of the space it will lead to increased noise/litter/parking on Stray and reduction of space/routes/peace of a beautiful and unique gem of urban life.

41 I can see nothing to be gained by altering the existing Act. Further commercialisation of the Stray will only lead to further limits to access by those seeking the peace of the Sray, but will also lead to damage and further costs to the tax payer. The Stray is one of the only places where you can walk in peace and free from cars, bicycles and fumes. I used to walk with my family along riverside paths and canal towpaths. These were peaceful until the restriction on cycling was relaxed now they are no go areas to all but the bravest of walkers willing to risk being run into by mountain bikes travelling at high speed. Please do not ruin the publics' enjoyment and peace by amending the Stray Act. It was given these restrictions for a very good reason. 42 The Stray is a 'green lung' and an attraction for visitors to Harrogate. I know that HBC is trying to make all of its assets generate income in order to compensate for the iniquitous cuts imposed by central government but that is no reason to turn a unique feature of the town into a money making quagmire. Permitting an event like Le Tour suited our town and it was right to relax the rules very slightly: exclusivity is a powerful market force.

43 The Stray is a remarkable asset for the town of Harrogate which has been passed down over the generations .It must be the envy of many many towns across the UK . Quiet enjoyment of this recreational area should be the prime objective . Widespread commercialisation of this space is in my view not a route that the council should go . The Tour de France in 2014 was a fantastic event , but one of the reasons it was so fantastic was that it doesn't happen every year - it was a special and unique day which will stay in the memory for a long time . Merely repeating similar experiences several times a year will not work in the same way .

44 I am concerned about the lack of clarity over the future use of the Stray and the manner in which the consultation process has been opened to the 'public' rather than limited to residents of Harrogate. This 'skewing' of the consultation process provides the opportunity for commercial interest, particularly those who would gain from any change in the use of the Stray, to be disproportionately represented.

45 The Stray was a major reason for my moving to Harrogate some twelve years ago. I am proud of the way it is looked after by the Council and accept that by ancient right some activities will take place on it (fair, bonfire). I can't help thinking that it would be a dereliction of duty to allow such a remarkable amenity to be turned into a mere commercial space. I couldn't see that happening in the great London parks....

46 The Stray Act was set up to protect the stray. The Stray is for the people of Harrogate's use. It is not a venue! Many houses in town were built without outside space as everyone has the use of the Stray. It is a unique space and protection is paramount. I'm willing for a few more bespoke events but not that it works to a quota. I trust Stray Defence to safeguard the Stray. Events should not be for the Council's commercial gain. Nor any car parking. When the Stray hosts big events such as the Tour De France and the event that followed the year after and the Christmas Market, the town's restaurants and retail struggle. As the visitors do not spend their money in the town with the outlets who pay their rates, their taxes, their insurances!

47 I do not object to variety or scale (small or large). But frequently is important 35 days pa is sufficient. The Stray is a large, open recreational space for use by all. If more than 35 days pa are used for events it will disturb the amenity the Stray offers, the peace, the freedom and the space for residents to enjoy the outdoors. The Stray is a balance to the constant commercialism and 24 hour entertainment on offer elsewhere in Harrogate. No to plans to extend the number of days.

48 As one of the few residents who are privileged to live on the Stray, I would like any change to be specific and not open to commercial activity. If this limits the Council's objectives then I would prefer no change. One of Harrogate's attraction is the Stray as it is, any change to spoil the opening is not required.

49 I am strongly against opening up the use of the Stray for commercial ventures. This is a free space for the public and was created for the public use, not commercial events. I can understand the occasional exception such as the Tour de France, but I strongly disagree with relaxing the restriction. The restriction is in place to police against the damaging use of the Stray for events.

50 Important to maintain Harrogate's quite unique character and the Stray is a fundamental part of this. Events should be very carefully selected so that nothing purely commercial, tacky or drawing in undesirable clientele is permitted. Family based events, sporting and charitable would be our preference. 51 I feel that any change to the Stray Act would see the Council using the Stray as a money-making facility, which it is not supposed to be and wasn't given for that purpose. The Council totally disregard the wishes of the residents of Harrogate as is seen with Sunday parking changes to evening proposed parking changes.

52 Please don't change Harrogate or its Character just for commercial gain, you only get one chance to keep it as it is, once you set it on the slippery slope you can never go back.


54 I do not want to see the Stray exploited for commercial gain. 55 The Stray is a natural, beautiful feature of Harrogate which should be left as it is and not treated as a commercial enterprise by Conservative councillors from the outlying villages.

56 The stray is for free access to the people of Harrogate and should nit be used for commercial purposes

57 I like the stray for its tranquility and would not like to see it too over commercialised or damaged, but do think it should be utilised more than it is now.

58 The Stray is for quiet recreational use by residents & visitors.It is not a privately owned site to be commercially utilised. Harrogate is a very congested large town,this open green area is cherished for just that;it should not be fenced off/exploited by event organisers with sole objective of making money.The event s which currently take place annually are sufficient to meet local needs

59 Don't change one of the unique and beautiful features of Harrogate please. Money for the council and/or the town is not everything; I can't help but think that the council see the Stray as a resource to be monetised; but that's not what it is. It's a fantastic green space for the people of Harrogate, now and in future, and once you start commercialising it further you will begin its slow destruction (whether or not that's what yoou want, it will happen).

60 The Stray is a resource which should remain for use by all members of public and commercial activities of any sort should be strictly limited. There are no reason to changes the historic constraints other than commercial, which is not a sufficient consideration.

61 The Stray exists in the main to offer residents the ability of free recreation. It is not a commercial entity to be exploited by the Council on others .... So with the exception of National Events I do not support extending the type and time for events. Observations would suggest that residents use these parts of the Stray closest to the town centre. These areas should be protected at all costs. The larger areas on the other side of Knaresborough Road, are less used. There perhaps is more scope for extending use and time on these areas only.

62 The Stray should be kept as an attractive public open space for the residents of Harrogate and visitors and not be used as a commercial showground.

63 I think I have said it all in previous answers, but I would add: the Stray is the people's playground, not the Council's commercial asset. Hands off!

64 It is the duty of Harrogate Councillors to protect our green spaces and to widen the commercial use of the stray is not conducive to this

65 Harrogate Stray was a gift to the people of Harrogate and not a gift to the council. The council manage the space and the result is an open area for all, which we all benefit from and which enhances the area - we all need green spaces. It is important that the council does not use any amendment as an opportunity to raise funds for the council.

66 Never for hire, commercial gain or council fund raising 67 The Council will face increasing commercial pressures to use the Stay for event purposes. This should be resisted. The Stray is unique and should not be regarded as a resource. There is more potential for commercial activity in the purpose built conference centre. This should be the focus for attracting more large events to Harrogate. Small scale events can be accommodated also in the conference centre and other venue such as hotels. And there are other green spaces that could be utilised for outdoor small scale events.

68 Why does the council allow the Stray to be used by the same commercial event ( for example the fair) year on year when there is obviously a demand for alternatives that satisfy the current restrictions as regards for example public access? If this is a revenue-driven exercise and the council is looking to raise more from the Stray, then use the competitive tender process and do not allow advance booking more than (say) two years ahead.

69 I hope that this survey shows that the good citizens of Harrogate value The Stray in its current format and would not, like me, wish it to be commercialised into an "Event Venue". Harrogate has variously been voted the most desirable place, the happiest place, the friendliest place to live and The Stray is an important part of that. The Stray does should not be "dumbed down", it should be preserved and cherished.

70 I strongly object to any relaxation of the Stray Act. It should not be up to the Council to use the Stray for commercial gain

71 We need cultural events like the one which took place in the Valley Gardens in the Summer - Carrabosse - not large commercial events which can be attended anywhere in the country ie - Christmas markets. We need more events like the farmers markets.

72 This consultation seems to be the thin edge of the wedge. The Stray is a unique characteristic for Harrogate and it seems a shame to put it at risk for what seems to be purely commercial reasons.

73 The town cannot cope already with traffic and parking. The Stray events would add millions of visitors a year and too much disruption. The town should build a ring road first and then establish an out of town location if it is determined to stage events for commercial/ non resident reasons. The Stray is not, and should never be an amusement park.

74 We believe that the present arrangements are satisfactory and that any increase in events, however small, could be "the thin edge of the wedge". The Stray is a fantastic amenity for the town of Harrogate; it should not be regarded as an asset to be exploited for commercial purposes.

75 The Stray makes Harrogate a unique and beautiful place. Any event is an imposition on the capacity of the residents of Harrogate to use their open space, the current events are tolerated in a spirit of sociability but this is a resource for people not for commercial interests.

76 Leave the Act as it is. Everything is becoming too commercialised. Have Tour de Yorkshire as a one off exception but no market etc

77 Most of the Stray is surrounded by residential properties. It is therefore inappropriate that commercial events, run by businesses - including mostly from outside the town are held at the expense of the residents of Harrogate whose love the Stray and don't want its vulnerable grass destroyed and their peace destroyed by the noise throughout the day to 11 pm.

78 Events ruin the grass. This is our legacy to our children. The stray should be protected not used for commercial purposes

79 the stray should be preserved as it is any not turned in to a commercial extension of facilities we already have at the Yorkshire show Ground With the amount of potential building going on in the district open space will become more important to have open space which is not 'taken over' by money making ventures. 80 The Stray is a fabulous jewel in Harrogate's crown and valued by many residents and visitors because it is green and quiet and spacious. We must be so careful not to ruin our wonderful asset with commercial considerations.

81 We need to protect the integrity of the stray and actually increase maintenance rather than increase usage.. we should not be using it as a commercial tool.

82 The use of the Stray for commercial gain is in my opinion wrong. The money used by the Council to pay to have these events in the town would be better spent on social care. The businesses making extra profit do not pay extra rates. Tourism at its current level, provides adequate income to the town. It is not necessary to host more events to further increase the number of visitors along with the problems and benefits they bring. The Tour de France had an adverse impact on some businesses (eg shops) and caused inconvenience to local residents.

83 The Stray is Harrogate's jewel and one of its strongest attractions for tourists and potential (and existing) residents. As more green spaces are being put under pressure in Harrogate to be turned into housing, it is important to maintain the size, structure and visual impact of the Stray. Harrogate regularly features as one of the happiest in the country - the Stray, which makes people feel they live in a more rural space, is one of the reasons for this. There is so much job in walking across the Stray and seeing the space used by familities, dog walkers, runners, footballers etc and yes sometimes events. Re the Christmas Market and cconcerns about is current location, I don't see why the town centre couldn't be used as it is for Farmers Market and with more spillage onto the road beside Bettys/Blues Bar. Lets love Harrogate and what it has to offer without succumbing to the commercial green-eyed monster!

84 To lose the protection of the Act can only result in the commercialisation of the Stray 85 The use of the Stray should be kept for the people and not for commercial gain. 86 barriers. Commercial events are inappropriate for the Stray and should not proliferate. Noise and activity is contrary to peaceful enjoyment of the Stray for those using it and for nearby residents. The Tour de France had an unfortunate concequence in that, due to the temporary signage, some people got the impression that the town was closed. The Stray should not be treated as a space that needs to have something happening on it. The above comments are enclosed in printed form. Our membership covers all parts of the town with a small minority of members living in other parts of the District. This request should not be opt8ional. Local views on the matter of the Stray are the ones that are most important.

87 I have taken part in park runs - as have several of my family. It is good to see football teams having games and keep fit enthusiasts exercising on the Stray. The Fair and bonfires are long-standing traditions which many enjoy. Let us not over do things - we miust protect the land from commercial interests. It is lovely to walk through or drive past and gives a feeling of serenity and peacefulness.

88 The restrictions on how the land can be used in the Stray Act are very sound. The Council should not attempt to amend the Act. The Stray (and the current Act which governs its use) enhances the unique high quality of life offered by Harrogate to its residents. I am quite sure that the Council's proposal to amend the Stray Act will lead to the commercialisation of the Stray and the loss of its beauty and public use. By increasing the number and size of events on the Stray there will probably be short term financial gains for the Council and businesses in the town but this will be at the expense of long term loss of the current unique character of the Stray. The Stray, as it is now, must be preserved for the benefit of the town's residents - not for businesses and occasional visitors. Harrogate's Councillors, officers and businesses come and go but the long term future of the Stray must be for the benefit of its residents so I see no need at all to amend the Stray Act. 89 It's about time the council took notice of what the people of Harrogate want not just commercial benefits. With power comes responsibility, responsibility to take notice and not pay lip service to the wishes of the people who have to live with the carnage left by large events.

90 Unfortunately as with most things nowadays, the amendment t the Stray Act smacks of making more money. The original concept is being disregarded for financial gain. Should the Council wish to pursue large scale events then more suitable areas providing better parking and less impact on the local community should be sought.

91 Surely the Stray is for the enjoyment of residents, visitors. It is not a commercial venue to be exploited.

92 The Stray Act provides protection from over commercialisation. 93 I do not think the Stray should lose the protection of the current Act of Parliament and I do not think that Harrogate Council should be given the authority (which you do not state to what extent that authority should be) to change the usage of the Stray for commercial gain which is mostly for businesses from outside the town for the type of events proposed.

94 Think it should be used more for community events but not for permanent building and not for lots of commercial events.

95 The original Stray Act was for public access and enjoyment. So further use for commercial purposes restricts that access. I am concerned that you are asking us to make comments on no precise intention. I can't think the Act will be amended unless you tell us and Parliament exactly what you want. The Council must consider and report how traffic can be handled. Using the Yorkshire Showground as a park and ride is fine for visitors from South and East but not fun for people coming from North and West. The use of the gasworks site would ease this no end. Please try much harder to persuade residents that amendment is a good idea with appropriate facts.

96 The stray remains protected as the Stray act was intended. Stop trying to undermine a beautiful resource enjoyed by all for revenue purposes and to deny Harrogate its Jewel in the crown. You have no right to sell this Stray for Commerce.

97 Harrogate is a beautiful town with some great amenities and one of its biggest assets is a well kept Stray, I think the current Stray Act affords it proper protection and I am disappointed that HBC want to turn it into more of a commercial enterprise.

98 It is the Council's enduring problem that it's credibility is not good. I see this attempt to further use the stray for commercial purposes as the thin edge of a wedge giving future council proposals the abiity to further dilute the effect of the Stray Act.

99 Clearly the motivation for relaxing the rules regarding events on the Stray is commercial. This is inappropriate for this unique, peaceful area. It is clear, from the spate of letters in the Harrogate Advertiser and from discussions I have had with other residents, that the people of Harrogate do not trust the council as custodians; they do not trust the council to make wise decisions, enforce clean up, control noise and nuisance. The underlying problem seems to be council financing - or lack of - as successive governments have squeezed local budgets. The answer is simple - raise council taxes! The banding system ensures some fairness for income levels but could also be adjusted at the top end so that those in very large properties pay proportionally more than at present. 100 I would like emphasis placed on events supporting local businesses. e.g . not too many food vendors. This should not be simply for Harrogate Borough Council's profit. Who would have the decision making powers and what happens if Harrogate becomes a unitary authority and we lose control of these decisions? BEFORE increasing the number of events, I would like to see the stray opened up for locals with the introduction of proper cycle lanes into the town to help ease road congestion - and ensure that extra events and stray usage is granted to local groups not just massive outside organisations looking to make money from this protected land. The stray should not be over commercialised but it could be used more often for smaller events for the benefit of the residents. I would like to see a plan of what type of events the Council is thinking of allowing - this is not clear from this survey.

101 The Harrogate Stray is a public amenity that should stay so and not be used for commercial purposes.

102 Just because a demand for more events exists, does not mean there is any obligation on the council to meet those demands, no more than it would be right to build endless more apartments on the Stray. the character and nature of the Stray is unique to Harrogate and helps to keep its appeal in the hustle and bustle of an increasingly busy and commercialised world. A past council in Harrogate made the generational error of approving two monstrously high rise buildings which are now forever stuck with on our skyline. Please don't be the council that becomes known for ruining the Stray in perpetuity for all the future generations to come. No, no and no a thousand times is what I feel in response to this awful proposal. Leave our beautiful unspoiled Stray as it is. Please.

103 I am perfectly happy with how the Stray Act currently works though I recognise we cannot have large events in Harrogate without an amendment to the Harrogate Stray Act. I would not like the principle of the act to continue I would not like a commercialisation of the Stray to take place. I disgree with the use of the Stray for the Christmas market or any other market.

104 The Stray is a unique asset and selling point for Harrogate and should not be sacrificed for commercial gain. The Stray Act is essential to protect this and prevent 1 generation squandering it, at the cost of future generations. There is talk of commercial benefits but the local shops often suffer during big events and it is external franchises who take the profits out of Harrogate.

105 In view of the increasing size and commercialism of any events, we should protect use of the Stray against major inclusions from outside Yorkshire.

106 I would react strongly to the suggestion that commercial activities on any scale should be permitted on the Stray. It should be remembered strongly that the Stray is a public amenity, to be used for the general well being and recreation of residents and visitors. In a town with relatively little space of public amenity no consideration should be given to commercial interests, or to the well being of local residents which would be affected by increased number of events, especially traffic, parking, noise, and physical damage to the Stray.

107 Please please do not allow big business and the prosoect of big money events to snatch away the unique charm that makes Harrogate an individual place to visit and to live. The Stray is the longs of this town and we must protect that wide open space for future generations to see, to walk on, to picnic and to be able to stand and breathe the fresh air without that freedom being eroded - often by those who are not Harrogate born or bred and may not appreciate the deep connection this land has with ordinary people. 108 Priot to the Tour de France event there was no pressure from the residents of Harrogate for any change to the Stray Act. Even now one gets the impression that the movement for change is motivated by a relatively small body of commercial concerns (do we need to encourage the proliferation of restaurants) and a group of civic dignatories who would enjoy reflected glory and outsiders pleased to use the town then walk away

109 Out Stray is unique. Whilst not a temple, we cannot allow the freedom and peace to be excessively destroyed by commercialisation which would undoubtedly be the thin edge of the wedge. Constant impercetible increases would doubtlessly follow.

Wish to see more commercial events

1 The Stray should be kept and maintained as it is and the current arrangements should be kept in place. I do not wish to see any more small-scale events permitted or any large-scale events at all. It is there for public use and enjoyment of leisure. It is not there to make money.

2 I travel all over Britain and when people ask where you are from and you say Harrogate two things are mentioned every time - Betty's and The Stray. The Stray is famous for what it is and using it more and more will only damage it just so the Council can make more money. You are in the process of spending £9 million of public money on new offices which according to everything which has been written in the press etc would accommodate all the Council Offices. Why is that not the case now. If you extended the Stray Act you would try and change it again in the future as Council's always want to amend things. If you are so desperate for money there are other ways of raising money for example charge Harrogate Council staff for parking. It is disgusting that private office workers have to pay for parking while council workers do not. Again I strongly am against changing the use of the stray.

Suggestion of further restrictions to be put in place should Stray Act be amended

1 The Stray Act ,if it does not already do so, should specifically ban the use and lighting of barbecues.

2 Religious events on the stray should not be allowed, much harm comes from the evils of religion and many "rallies" are just about cash generation

3 I think the default position with the Stray should be that nothing is permitted without an amendment to the Act. The current HBC may be entirely honourable about not exploiting relaxation of the law but how do we know that the Council in five year's time will think the same?

4 Areas of land which are footways / road / hard surfaced and are not bounded by grassed or vegetated areas of the Stray should be removed from being allocated as Stray land. This would include the footways and carriageway along West Park, footways and road at the Crown Roundabout and lengths of footways allocated as Stray along Wetherby Road. These areas would not be expected to be part of the Stray as they are not contiguous to the Stray itself, are hard surfaced and are functioning parts of the highway. They also restrict opportunities for pavement café seating etc. in these locations. 5 The general condition of the Stray has deteriorated over the years, hte grass is badly infected with weeds, especially dandelions and plaintains, and the drainage is largely ineffective, although a drainage system does exist, perhaps it needs cleaning out. The bye-laws governing the use of the Stray need clarification. Bye-laws exist covering such things as flying model aircraft, practising golf and cycling on Stray paths, but are largely ignored. Model aircraft are less dangerous than they were. Kite flying is popular but kites now appear more like parachutes. Happily the 'buggies' have gone away.

6 The byelaws require to be updated in plain English speak from the more legal jargon. 7 Assuming that the Stray Act 1985 is to be re-written, I would like to hope that any old anomalys can be reviewed at the same time and the Act brought fully up to date. In particular, Sections 4.4 (c) and (d) ( no longer appropriate?) and Section 6(d) (review to match current needs with presumeably a total exemption for Air Ambulance requirements). The whole of Section 6.3 requires much greater clarification to aviod legal challenges/queries in the future. Section 9 , if still appropriate, could be expanded to spell out that no building intentions could ever take place. I would also suggest that the sections of the stray which are just effectively narrow strips of highway verge (ie Wetherby Road and parts of Skipton Road north of the railway bridge) should be excluded from the Stray Act. and revert to highway.

8 Correspondence between HBC and DCLG indicates that there have always been conditions around protection and reinstatement of The Stray in connection with large scale events has been part of the application under the general rule of competnece and the Localism Act. Any change to The Stray Act must have clear undertakings written into it, in line with those approved by Parliament in the case of both the Tour de France and the Tour de Yorkshire, around protection, reinstatement and the number of aircraft movements and landings. Any extension of the number of days MUST include set up and break down days, which are currently excluded from the provisions of the Stray Act. This will maintain the balance between the open use of The Stray by the people of Harrogate and beyond, which is of course the purpose of the restrictions imposed by the Act, and the opportunities presented to HBC and partners to stage prestigious international, national and countywide events.

Suggestion of alternative venue for events

1 Why not use the Yorkshire Showground for more events? 2 Harrogate is fortunate to have the Events Center on Wetherby Road - events should be held there.

3 I think it would be good to allow use of the Stray for some smaller events and have no objection to large events in exceptional circumstances. But it should not be used as a park. Other venues - such as the Valley Gardens - are good for some events. The recent controversy over damage cause by the Food Festival might have been less vocal had there been measures taken to ensure that there were duckboards or something similar for use in wet weather. In my view the Valley Gardens provides a far more atmospheric environment which enhances some events and therefore it should continue to be available for community events, although, again, the number of days could be limited and organisers could be held responsible for putting right any damage etc.

4 The various parliamentary measures protecting the Stray have worked effectively. Maintaining the Stray as a open, unexploited town centre green space has played a central role in defining the character of the town. Allowing the Stray to be used for commercial purposes will lead to a change in the character of the Stray and the town. The Yorkshire showground is a stones throw from the town centre - use that for these events. 5 Keep the Stray and the Stray act exactly as they are. If you want a street food festival then have it on a street. If you want a pop concert then have it where pop concerts are normally held - in a muddy farmers field not on well tended grass in the middle of town. If you want an event then have it in an event centre such as the Yorkshire Showground.

6 The more events there are - the most chance there is that the character of the Stray and the town will change. Why not use the Yorkshir Show Ground.

7 Leave the Stray alone. Is the Yorkshire Events Centre at full capacity? If there is a demand (and I do not believe any such demand has been proven) then hold additional event there. The showground is a commercial venture, the Stray is not.

8 Harrogate already has a number of locations for events so using the stray for small scale events will only dilute the demand for the existing venues. The Christmas market is in the wrong place - Why isn't it in the International Centre which the Council already owns.

9 We have the Yorkshire Showground, with plenty of land available for large events. It is enough. So much congestion is caused whenever events are held. Planning permission is granted for so much house building-----of the 'executive' style,which is going to lead, increasingly, to more congestion, as greater numbers of cars invade our roads, potentially two to four cars per new house! We do not have a proper ring road. We do not have a sorely needed park and ride scheme. Does anyone think these things through? We do not want a transitory tent population on our Stray, attracting large and small vehicles to clog our roads and pathways and keep residents from parking places on their own streets, outside their own houses.

10 I have lived overlooking the Stray for 20 years. I enjoy being able to walk on or around the Stray each day. I enjoy the changing seasons and the peacefulness of the green space in our busy town. Harrogate roads are very busy and without a bypass we can't manage the volume of traffic large events in the town centre cause. I don't want the noise of more events on the Stray or the associated traffic. I don't like not having free access to the Stray. I suggest using the Yorkshire Showground for more events as it is underused. Please leave our green space alone so it can be peacefully enjoyed as it always has been.

11 We are lucky in Harrogate to have venues like the Yorkshire Showground or Valley Gardens. The Stray is a wonderful addition, but if used for more events will be spoiled for the regular dog walkers, picnicers etc.

12 The current elected officials have no right to interfere with something that has worked for centuries. Its not a showground but an open space that is there to be enjoyed. This whole exercise is a waste of tax payers money! Those involved should resign.

13 The district hosts at least 3 large scale events on the Showground - two flower shows and the Yorkshire Show. There is capacity and expertise to develop destination large scale events without using the Stray. Large scale events on the Stray will change the nature of the Stray irrevocably. Every time a visitor or visitor passes by the Stray they look at it, when not there , they are reassured by knowing it's there, peaceful and extensive. To lose this unique quality would be a huge loss and would change the nature of the place forever. Harrogate Council are the custodians of the Stray and I would be hugely disappointed if decisions were made to deliver such detrimental "place shaping." 14 I would not object to an increased number of events, on the Stray as I believe it would have significant benefits to the local economy. I would object to any part of the Stray being used for associated car parking. Large scale events should only be held in association with a Park and Ride facility (eg at the Showground). I would like to see a limit on the number of events (large sna small) that are primarily amplified music (eg pop concerts) as this can be very intrusive for local residents. On a separate matter I would like to see the development of permanent BBQ facilities on the Stray, and a loan on the use of disposable BBQs. This would stop people burning the grass and reduce the potential fire and safety risks. Reform of the Stray Act should also include allowing cycling on all Stray parties.

15 Harrogate has a splendid conference centre which is capable of staging sizeable events. This is a year round facility since it is purpose built and not affected by the weather. Greater use of this facility would bring quality (i.e those with a propensity to spend money in the town) visitors to the town and would help fill Council coffers. In addition to the Conference Centre, there is a magnificant showground the Yorkshire Showground. This is unique in that it has all the facilities one could desire to stage huge venues, if desired. This site has ample parking, with ready made support facilities, a superb location and a proven track record of handling lage numbers f visitors in a well controlled and civilised manner. For this reason alone, Harrogate does not need to even consider using the Stray for anything other than the very smallest of events (of up to 3.5 hectares).

16 The Stray is what makes Harrogate special and should remain protected. We have the Great Yorkshire show ground which can be used for events.

17 My two main issues with changing the Stray Act would be: 1. Do the Council have the resources and skills to successfully manage and schedule larger events on the Stray? If not, then investment in skills and resources should be made, otherwise you run the risk of booking inappropriate events onto the Stray that are badly managed and result in public criticism. 2. Parking and traffic management is a major issue. Unless park and ride schemes are introduced (maybe from Hornbeam Park or the Showground) there is not enough parking in town for major events. Public transport will also need to be improved.

18 It is important that the Stray remains as it is. The harm caused to the grass by over-using the area will be noticeable and involve the Council in expensive repair work. There are no parking facilities and parking is already a problem in Harrogate. Extra events, large-scale events would cause enormous parking problems. Noise levels are fine at the moment, with the occasional irritation of music from the two fairs. It is important that events which would have loud music are not allowed. We already have the Yorkshire Showground, the Royal Hall and the International Centre for events. Historically, the Stray has been grazing ground for animals belonging to commoners. Now it is preserved for leisure use and is unique to Harogate. Don't change its use.

19 Why not use the showground. 20 During larger events a park and ride scheme from the yorkshire Showground could be introduced to reduce congestion in the Town.

21 The "Pleasure Fair" is one event that should be discontinued! We are plagued with thumping music for 2 weeks - the road is covered with litter - who is this benefitting? Certainly not residents! The wide point of the Stray is that it is an open area of land for the benefit of all. By putting more events on it will spoil this lovely area. It is a joy to walk over and we appreciate the space. Please don't spoil it by more tacky events! The Yorkshire Showground around is barely used - if the Council are determined to fill our lovely town with "events" -= use should be made of this facility. 22 The Stray gives pleasure to many people, young and old. It is well used by, School children ex-enrolling. Groups young and old enjoying football. People walking their dogs. Many groups of adults exercising and socialising. We need more seats for the ones who just wish to sit and enjoy our beautiful trees, and just enjoying the atmosphere. The showground would be a very good place to hold small and large events. this has been proven by the Great Yorkshire Show.

23 In short - it would make sense not to have to apply to Parliament for a one-off special event like the Tour de France, but I would not agree with opening the doors to more annual events that could ruin the Stray and cause noise and upheaval. Most events can be accommodated in the conference centre and other halls and showgrounds, we do not need to spoil the Stray with more disruptive events.

24 I have lived in Harrogate on and off most of my life and what I most like about the town is its old buildings and the stray. I have foreign students here to study and they always comment on the stray and the Valley Gardens. Its a place where families can relax and play. people play football and schools have used the stray for sports too. Having the fair twice a year is fine but if the weathers bad it takes a while before the grass has recovered. I live near cold bath road and when the Christmas Fair is on at the bottom its chaos. I have thought why have the council arranged the fair to be staged here. Everything cramped together and that's without the people, I'm not alone thinking this, I went last year and thought what chaos, I walk with a walking stick and there were so many people, dogs and children in pushchairs you couldn't get to a lot of the stalls. I thought why is this here surely there's a better place. The Yorkshire showground, that's built to host both large and small events without the hassle or damage to the wonderful parkland called the stray. So please think not of the money possible events can bring to Harrogate but the legacy we leave to the children of the future. Harrogate is a beautiful place and should remain so for the future.

25 I feel as a resident of Harrogate to alter the Stray Act after all this time, which was given to the people of Harrogate as a gift "a unique piece of open land" and not to be misused damaging the land, holding various events why can't the Yorkshire Showground be used more often and then this would keep the ever increasing traffic away from the town centre.

26 i cannot stress how important to leave the Stray alone there are plenty of other spaces in Harrogate with a better infrastructure ie the great yorkshire showground and the Harrogate Conference centre both need supporting they both have space for what ever can be done on the stray

27 The Stray must always be protected for the enjoyment & use by local people. Why can't the Show Ground host more events? It has suitable hard standing & pathways. The Stray is easily damaged by excessive footfall - You only have to look at the damage from cars & people to the Stray after the fair - surely the Show Ground is a more suitable venue.

28 The Stray is unique to Harrogate and should always provide a free, un-encumbered open space for the residents of Harrogate. The Great Yorkshire Showground is more than adequate for other commercial events,with much less traffic and noise disruption imposed upon the town centre and residents of Harrogate. I imagine that the Yorkshire Agricultural Society would appreciate the extra income and all on-going commercial benefits. In return, the YAS should make significant financial contributions towards improving much needed improvements on both Skipton and Wetherby roads.

29 The strays unusual and I and I am sure visitors appreciate the space for walking, children playing and the flowers. We have the Yorkshire Showground for events and the roads into Harrogate often get very congested.

30 I would like to see the showground used more for events rather than the Stray. 31 The Stray should be left as it is. Make more use of the showground. 32 Given the availability of the Yorkshire Showground and any number of large Hotels with extensive grounds within Harrogate, there is absolutely no need to amend The Stray Act Act whatsoever.

33 The current act works well but is too restrictive in the time and area allowance. These should be relaxed but strict control must be maintained. Purely commercial events must be banned as other venues are available in the region, such as the showground and exhibition halls.

34 Why do visitors come to Harrogate now and why do people enjoy living here. This is because of the fact that Harrogate is different from everywhere else. The vast open space of the Stray is part of that difference which exudes a calmness throughout the town which you can't experience elsewhere. Why destroy this unique attraction. The Stray is not a showground for an increasing number of events. The existing rules governing the Stray under the guardianship of the Duchy of Lancaster and Parliament ensure a good case has to be made in support of large scale events. Who would effectively question and veto proposals in the future? This is not a waste of Parliament time when conservation of the Stray as we know it is under threat. The large number of letters published in the Harrogate Advertiser over the last few weeks expressing opposition to any change has my full support.

35 The Stray should be kept as an attractive public open space for the residents of Harrogate and visitors and not be used as a commercial showground.

36 The Stray Act protects this vital part of Harrogate. The Stray is one of the reasons we live in Harrogate. It is the at the heart of the town - "the Jewel in harrogate's Crown". There are plenty of spaces for Commercial activities on the rim of Harrogate - the Yorkshire Showground and adjacent are seem appropriate.

37 although I appreciate that HBC want to bring in more business and events and quite rightly, I also feel that the stray is not the place for this. green open space is a vital requirement in towns and this should be available at all times. Another area such as the Great Yorkshire showground or the area where Tesco would have gone, should be used for events. The stray will be ruined by big events and the area is not well served with parking etc. I don't even think that circuses or fairs should be held there. Money is not always the most important thing.

38 The Stray is a public area used for quiet recreation it should not be fenced, barriers erected. Use the Yorkshire Showground.

39 Why can't all the extra events the Council wants to hold no doubt purely for financial gain, be put on at the Showground which has huge unused areas of space.

40 The Council will face increasing commercial pressures to use the Stay for event purposes. This should be resisted. The Stray is unique and should not be regarded as a resource. There is more potential for commercial activity in the purpose built conference centre. This should be the focus for attracting more large events to Harrogate. Small scale events can be accommodated also in the conference centre and other venue such as hotels. And there are other green spaces that could be utilised for outdoor small scale events.

41 I see no problem with how the current arrangement works. Our primary concern should be to preserve the Stray in its current form. We already have an excellent outdoor venue at the Showground. The Council should seek to build closer links with the Yorkshire Agricultural Society.

42 In the 26 years I have lived and grown up in Harrogate, the fair has been something of a disappointment. I do not believe it enriches the town in anyway. Having spent my childhood attended the school of St Aidans, a large amount of my fellow pupils lived in the local area to the stray. It was no unbeknown for peoples property such as bikes which have been left outside all year round, to be co incidentally stolen whilst the fair was in town. It may seem like a nimby rant, but the crime levels, however unreported, did rise around the area of stray in which the fair operates. Move it down to the Yorkshire Show ground where the circus is usually set up! 43 Leave the Stray in its open, uncluttered beauty. Use the Yorkshire Showground for events both large and small. [Leave Valley Gardens unused also]. Harrogate attracts visitors because of the Stray and its open spaces. It is not a city. Short-term greed to generate revenue must not be allowed to spoil the Stray. Attracting visitors who can only enjoy themselves by buying, spending, eating, drinking - will only put off those visitors wishing to experience something different. Harrogate is already being ruined by too much building on its surrounding green fields. Leave the Stray alone.

44 I really regret to say this, but I do not trust the Council regarding any consultations. They ignored the petitions against the building of new council offices and fudged their own small survey to manipulate the go ahead to build. They ignored the consultations results for increased parking charges i.e. 93% against and went ahead. We are now waiting with baited breath to see if they are to introduce evening parking charges. The town centre plan, after all the consultation did not remove the suggested pedestrian parking on James Street etc which people were against. However, the only suggested development area in the plan i.e. The Odeon Car Park was removed. Why ? Could it be because this area was in the Leader of Council's ward ? The result being that there are now no suggested areas for development. I feel that this very expensive (I would guess over £100,000) report will now just sit on a shelf and not see the light of day again. As regards The Stray Act - no estimated cost has been quoted by the council as to how much it will cost the tax payers for a new act to be produced and go through Parliament. We should be given some idea. I am given to understand that this is not a money making exercise - then why are we doing it when the council keeps saying we have to make revenue due to government cuts ? Infact, it costs the council huge sums of money to get the Tour de France/Yorkshire/World Championships to stage the events in Harrogate i.e. £100,000 to £250,000. Surely that money could be better spent on the town's infrastructure. Does the Council have the staff to run all the new proposed events on the Stray should they succeed in changing the act ? or do they just feed them out to event organisers ? Can the councillors and officers please spend their time utilising the facilities they have got, by promoting events for Harrogate in the venues designed for them which are already constructed. The Conference & Exhibition centre, the Sun Pavilion, the Yorkshire Showground, the Royal Hall. Once again I am sure that the council will ignore those against increasing the number of days and find away to do what they want as usual.

45 The Stray like Valley Gardens is basically a park designed for local residents to enjoy as a place of beauty and relaxation. We are fortunate in having the Yorkshire Showground which has good parking on site and a range of facilities suitable for practically any event. More use should be made of the Yorkshire Showground in collaboration with Harrogate Borough Council.

46 Do not use the Valley Gardens for money making events - the food event is one that could be at the Yorkshire Showground. The determential effect on the gardesn was appalling. Pre 1940 the park wardens protected the gardens!


48 the stray should be preserved as it is any not turned in to a commercial extension of facilities we already have at the Yorkshire show Ground With the amount of potential building going on in the district open space will become more important to have open space which is not 'taken over' by money making ventures.

49 We should make the most of the stray but larger events can be accommodated on the Showground! 50 I think that the Stray should continue to have the highest protection. If more events are wanted, would it be possible to hold them at the Yorkshire Show ground instead?

51 Harrogate Stray is a unique feature and should remain so. Harrogate Stray should not turn into an events field - if Harrogate Borough Council wants to host an event, they should think smart and redirect their ambitions to the Yorkshire Agricultural Showground/Yorkshire Event Centre, a purpose built exhibition space. On a logistical point Harrogate can not accommodate large scale events in the town centre due to parking and traffic congestion. Harrogate needs to remain a Victorian Spa town surrounded by a wide open space and not a central shopping and hotel site surrounded by a swamp of events held in the grassland moat.

52 Leave the stray alone, the showground is perfect for large events, that way the people who want large scale organised events can go there and those of us who enjoy the peaceful and beautiful expanse of the stray can enjoy that

53 Why do we need bigger/more events when the Yorkshire Showground isn't available and Ripley.

54 The original Stray Act was for public access and enjoyment. So further use for commercial purposes restricts that access. I am concerned that you are asking us to make comments on no precise intention. I can't think the Act will be amended unless you tell us and Parliament exactly what you want. The Council must consider and report how traffic can be handled. Using the Yorkshire Showground as a park and ride is fine for visitors from South and East but not fun for people coming from North and West. The use of the gasworks site would ease this no end. Please try much harder to persuade residents that amendment is a good idea with appropriate facts.

55 It's open space for public access. It's not a council run alternative to the Yorkshire show ground.

56 The Stray is a fantastic asset to Harrogate, giving large open spaces for people to enjoy in a town that is otherwise drowning in new/applied for housing estates. We have the Yorkshire Show Ground to hold large events including a brand new state of the arts event centre. It is out of town with ample parking. We have Harewood house just outside of the town which could hold these large events. We do not need them to be held on the Stray.

57 Use existing and totally underused facilities ie The Royal Hall and The HIC. The Tour de France was amazing because it was a 'on-off', so stop trying to recreate this obsession. The current regime at the Council may include clauses etc, but once the ''door has been opened' future administrations will want to remove these. There are no such things as absolute safeguards, as proven by the Council's wish to amend the Stray Act now.

58 There is a perfectly good space at Yorkshire Event Centre - Yorkshire Showground - which is a purpose built facility which needs to be used more

59 During Tour de France, we were in the Fanzone. At then end of the evening we were chatting to friends that we had bumped into. A burly security man from Barnsley told us to leave in a very aggressive tone. We explained to him that the Stray belonged to the people and therefore we were entitled to continue our conversation. He took offense to this remark and literally frogmarched us off the Stray. this was not only humiliating but offensive to us. You would encourage more of this type of behaviour? You should make more use of the Showground and the Hall of the HIC if you want to run more events

60 A major concern I have about increasing the use of the Stray is the increased pressure for parking that would ensue. I treasure the Stray as a green space in a built up area. I know that am fortunate in living within easy access to it but it remains one of the very few green and peaceful spaces nearby. There are no parks within easy walking distance. I understand the argument that more events would bring increased trade to the town but would urge alternative sites to be considered. 61 The stray should not be damaged when there is the Yorkshire showground set up for events already

62 Park and ride schemes should be used to help reduce the influx of extra traffic to Harrogate during large Stray events. Using the Great Yorkshire Showground for Park and Ride would be sensible.

63 Move the Christmas Market to the Showground as there is hardstanding ground for cars and coaches also excellent covered areas for stalls. Toilet and washing faciliities which there are non on Low Harrogate Stray that will cope with the supposed 60,000 visitors. I take it that when the Council vacate the municipal offices that the fre car parking for staff will be removed and grass put back.

64 Smaller scale events should be held in the shopping precincts such as Oxford Street and Cambridge Street on hardstanding as at resent and of course the exhibition centre (HIC) and the Yorkshire Showground, also at present hotels. This is an attempt to turn the Stray into an unofficial camsite for traders overnight and cheapen the town.

65 Harrogate is a popular conference and tourist town. It has won many awards for its floral displays. Coming into the town one can appreciate the open spaces/tress as well as the different flowers on the Stray depending on the time of year. There are also a superb range of restaurants/cafes/bars and hotels in the town. For anymore events there is the Showground. I am at a loss to understand why the Stray cannot be enjoyed as it is for everyone.

Suggestion of relaxation of restrictions for a trial period

1 Limit the change to a 5 year trial. If it works extend the time, if too many complaints or anti social issues, then revert back to the original Act .

2 Can always scale back if it doesn't work out. Don't have to use full allowance. Care of grass etc a condition and clean up.

3 I will keep an open mind on the Council's ideas until more detail proposals are put forward. The amendments should be time limited not set in stone. I suggest the amendments if agreed by the public should be renewed every 5 years if the public agrees this. So that if the Stray is being exploited and damaged by these events then the amendments can be withdrawn.

4 A three year review should be undertaken to ensure stray act to provide public acces to the stray, and continue to be unique to Harrogate

5 The very presence of the open space makes Harrogate almost unique, if there are to be , as I suspect there will be , amendments to the principle. Then I would suggest that for the protection of all, these amendments should be for a fixed period following which the original principles return as the default principles for the stray. If the PRINCIPLE is removed it will never be returned which should the amendment turn out to be a mistake would be a cruel fate for the Stray and Harrogate.

Suggestion that events should be confined to one area of the stray

1 More folk events please.

Suggestion to rotate events around the stray

1 The council should proceed carefully, the Stray should be used more but in a responsible and well managed way. Events should be timetabled in across the Stray, not just West Park 2 Usage of the Stray should be rotated to even out wear and damage. Event organisers should be responsible for reinstatement or at least for larger events. There should be fewer winter events which can cause significant damage. For example a better location for the Christmas Market should be found, the bottom of Montpellier in December is not sensible - Victoria Avenue perhaps? A balance should be maintained between commercial events and those of a community nature. If the Stray is to see an increased usage then parts of it need to have improved drainage installed.

3 I would be happy to see the stray used for more events. However the balance of large scale to small scale events should be balanced heavily towards small events which could be on different parts of the stray, not just the area on west park or oatlands drive, in order for an damage to the grass to recover.

Ideas for events which might take place

1 It is important that the stray remains protected and is not used for commercial gain. Events should have to show how they give back to the local community and take steps to be inclusive to socially disadvantaged people. That is why I think there should be an annual bidding system for events with a diverse panel deciding who is awarded event space. They should have to appply and fit certain criteria and then present to the Panay a cas for their event. This should ensure that the community is gaining a diverse program of events.

2 Putting on a vibrant and diverse set of events helps the prosperity of the area, supporting local businesses with an influx of people both from outside the area and people who live there. Cultural activities bond communities together and can be a positive influence not only on the people attending, but the life of the town too. With careful management the Stray can be both used for cultural enrichment and as an outdoor breathing space for the town.

3 I think the Stray is a beautiful and treasured area of Harrogate and one of the many reasons we choose to live in the district. However, I feel it could be better used for a variety of events. The success of the Tour de France showed that it is possible to put on a large scale event and to return the area back to its original state, whilst benefiting the town residents and the visitors alike. I would like to see open air concerts such as proms in the park, music festivals and more events for families and the younger people of the town. I hope you are successful in changing the rules on the use of the stray

4 A variety of events that suit both the older generation and younger generation, an example would be a music festival which would bring different visitors to the town.

5 If you could generate an atmosphere where people think - "What's on at the Stray in the next couple of weeks?" it could make the summer season very attractive. Get the Harrogate Festivals team on it. Make it a focal point, it could be our Central Park, but at the moment it is so big and empty, you feel intimidated waking on it. Don't ever let it be reduced or built on, but for goodness sake let's use what we have.

6 Balance and coordination is key. Balance because there will be impacts resulting from any change. Coordination, because the council should not consider events in isolation. The Stray provides us with a massive opportunity to deliver safe cycling provision off of roads. The Stray is a large area and having blanket restrictions is not appropriate, for example, the bonfire only impacts a very small area, as does the Christmas Market. Restrictions could be managed by area (e.g. east, west and centre Stray) with each area having a restriction. Impacts from the use of the Stray are a function of scale and duration. To take both scale and duration into account restrictions could be defined in day-area units (dm2). This would enable small community events to take place and not significantly eat into usage limits so that larger events can still take place. 7 To make facilities easy to use for disabled on Stray. Unable to go to Christmas market as not disabled friendly.

8 If anything is to be done with the Stray, you could ask Harlow Carr to plant walk through Garden areas around the perimeter. I`m sure these would be more appreciated than noisy attractions.

9 More folk events please. 10 I am already a little concerned about the way the Christmas Market is going. Too many commercial outlet stalls and far too many food stalls. I would like to see a marque purely for local charitable organisations exhibiting craft items. The stalls should be at a nominal cost for these groups.

11 I hope that any additional events will be fun, but also tasteful. I would prefer for example not to lengthen the fairs, or add more fairs. A larger Christmas market would be wonderful, as well as a few open-air concerts with varied music. The street market would also be better suited food to the Stray, rather than the Valley Gardens.

12 1. Please amend the Stray Act to allow construction of cycle paths (especially along transport routes). 2. Provision for small children's playground should be made on the Stray.

13 I would be keen to see an amendment to the Stray Act to permit the addition of, for example, children's play areas or adults' fitness equipment. I would also be in favour of more cycle paths across the Stray: it seems like an ideal way to access Harrogate town centre (and the hospital) using non-motorised modes.

14 The Stray should have dedicated event space with Parking. 15 The stray is beautiful and so well kept but its a shame there aren't more people using it. In the summer there should be loads of people sitting on the grass etc... There is a similar open piece of land in Edinburgh that is mobbed with people sitting out on the grass and barbequing etc in the summertime. it would be nice to see the Stray used in a similar way. maybe some food stalls or public barbeque pits would encourage use??

16 I just think it's such a shame that it's not used - maybe have an area just for a quiet area?

17 Encourage better use of space for public leisure - Portugal and Span allow barbeques/pic nic etc. Special areas designed for public use with bins/toilets etc.

18 Restoration/antique fairs (like Ripley); Kite flying events; dog shows. 19 The Stray must be protected and any new legislation should be tight leaving no grey areas or room for misinterpretation. I have seen areas of grassland in other towns planted with wild flowers and they look great. Could we not have some wild flower areas, perhaps adjacent to the crocus areas? This would give added visual interest at a different time of year and be good for biodiversity and help with the In Bloom efforts.

20 The Stray is for the use of the people, but it should be used in keeping with the local area - it should not become an area for a series of ropey second class events. Sports events that have a wider context in the local area could be very good to instigate local activity. A music event eg classical, with fireworks and picnics would be good. I am aware that there could be a noise issue with this that would need addressing.

21 There should be no change except an increase in the number of pedestrian crossings on roads adjoining the stray

22 I would support the 35 days being increased to a max of 50 days and the space to 5 hectares. I would want them to be community events (for local people) not to be commercial to attract visitors. The events should be free and should promote issues such as 1. The Environment/greening the area of Harrogate. 2. Promote art/craft. Activities and local crafts people. 3. Finally for music and theatre - eg concerts/s. More use should be made of the open space in Valley Gardens - re small events. 23 The Stray as it is is a waste of space and not used properly. When you visit green open spaces (like the Stray) for example, in Cambridge there are large festivals (e.g Strawberry Fair) and in the summer there are lots of people having BBQ's, picnics etc. More events would also bring in more people and money to keep the cafes and restaurants going ... of which there are too many but that's another story!!

24 I would like to know exactly what the council are proposing as it would be much easier to pass comment. I think that 35 days exc preparation and dismantling would be a good maximum. I think that larger events such as the cycling, Yorkshire 10K are very good for the town and should be encouraged. I would like to see the Streat Food Festival moved from the Valley gardens to the Stray. The council have been very good at managing the road closures and it is not that difficult to find a way around the town when events are on given enough notice.

25 More small-scale events that add to the character of the town and enable younger people and families to enjoy the Stray more would be great. I fully support a larger program of events on the Stray, so long as they are in keeping with Harrogate's high reputation and are of substantial quality to make us stand out from the rest of the country to keep people visiting this beautiful town. I don't think large scale events, such as sports villages, music festivals and the markets we've seen so far do this half as well as the smaller, more unique events that take place.

26 The Stray is a very special area for the people of Harrogate and as such should retain its free accessibility. However I do not believe that it should be totally locked into its Victorian past. Harrogate District Council should now be considering the district's contribution to carbon sequestration. As a reasonable gesture to a policy of decarbonisation Harrogate should consider some level of afforestation of the Stray. This can be accomplished by an initial project on the outer edges of the Stray areas and could easily find public approval if the majority of the trees were fruit trees. Essentially these would be linear orchards which would give a delightful display in spring and early summer. The fruits could be contributed to various charitable causes and the whole project be presented as a part of the effort to reduce the district's carbon footprint. I am uncertain how this fits with present designation within the Stray Act. If there is something in the Act which prevents such a change then I suggest that the Act should be adapted to match present circumstances

Support for community/ cultural/ charity events

1 The Stray is a community resource - it should be used as such! 2 Putting on a vibrant and diverse set of events helps the prosperity of the area, supporting local businesses with an influx of people both from outside the area and people who live there. Cultural activities bond communities together and can be a positive influence not only on the people attending, but the life of the town too. With careful management the Stray can be both used for cultural enrichment and as an outdoor breathing space for the town.

3 too long the strays role has been to provide a nice view for the wealthy people living units periphery. It should be used to the benefit of all the people in Harrogate. It can make money for the town and for local charities . it just takes some imagination and some commitment (plus a willingness to challenge the privileged but powerful few).

4 I am already a little concerned about the way the Christmas Market is going. Too many commercial outlet stalls and far too many food stalls. I would like to see a marque purely for local charitable organisations exhibiting craft items. The stalls should be at a nominal cost for these groups.

5 Harrogate needs to use the space to encourage community life in the town 6 I would not want events on the stray every weekend and VERY careful vetting of the events allowed. The Stray is a very special jewel in Harrogate's crown and many tourists come to enjoy the tranquillity it affords this amazing town. It must be managed extremely carefully if any extension of the Stray Act is to be a benefit to the town and its inhabitants.

7 I feel the Stray Act as it is does a good job of controlling use of the area to the benefit of all. Feel that there should be a greater variety of small scale community events from new providers. I disagree with the use of the limited number of days being used by a circus

8 Events on the stray offer a unique way for the community to come together. It is the responsibility of the council to ensure that if the legislation is amended that events still benefit the community without losing the personality of a unique yorkshire town

9 I feel that the present level of use is satisfactory. Although I would not be adverse to some small events being held e.g for charitable fundraising, I feel we have not been given enough information to be able to agree to a change in the Stray Act.

10 I would support the 35 days being increased to a max of 50 days and the space to 5 hectares. I would want them to be community events (for local people) not to be commercial to attract visitors. The events should be free and should promote issues such as 1. The Environment/greening the area of Harrogate. 2. Promote art/craft. Activities and local crafts people. 3. Finally for music and theatre - eg concerts/s. More use should be made of the open space in Valley Gardens - re small events.

11 Since the Stray belongs to the people of Harrogate, it is important to ensure that events benefit the townspeople. This should enhance the reputation of Harrogate as a centre of artistic/sporting/cultural excellence rather than an opportunity to raise revenue. Having said this, any revenue raised must be used for the benefit of the town rather than profit outside commercial organisations.

12 Usage of the Stray should be rotated to even out wear and damage. Event organisers should be responsible for reinstatement or at least for larger events. There should be fewer winter events which can cause significant damage. For example a better location for the Christmas Market should be found, the bottom of Montpellier in December is not sensible - Victoria Avenue perhaps? A balance should be maintained between commercial events and those of a community nature. If the Stray is to see an increased usage then parts of it need to have improved drainage installed.

13 Important to maintain Harrogate's quite unique character and the Stray is a fundamental part of this. Events should be very carefully selected so that nothing purely commercial, tacky or drawing in undesirable clientele is permitted. Family based events, sporting and charitable would be our preference.

14 The Stray should be used as a sustainable asset for the townsfolk and budinesses. Any event should be considered in relationship to its environmental impact both short and long term. Large events that bring visitors in to town and encourage them to return e.g. TdF and cycling should take precedence over smaller events that do not directly benefit local (Harrogate) businesses e.g. Food fairs using external contractors.

15 However it depends on the type of event. I thought the Tour de France weekend was wonderful for the community. So is the bonfire. The Christmas Market does nothing for the community - it just makes a mess. I would not want more commercial Christmas Market type use of the Stray. Cue de Carabosse in Valley Gardens was wonderful but food 'festival' smelly and tarry Luke the Christmas Market. Use of the Stray must be benefit the community

16 I support increasing the use of this valuable resource, in keeping with the spirit of the Stray Act and preserving the integrity of this jewel in Harrogate's crown. We live next to it and feel it could easily accommodate more activities for the benefit of the community. Distrust in current management of the Stray

1 The Stray is just fine as it is thank you. Can the council point to anything they have done to improve the actual town? The disastrous bus station perhaps? The incredibly bland new cinema complex with its coterie of identikit chain restaurants? The conversion of the wonderful Winter Gardens into a beer hall? The soon-to-be-derelict Council offices? Don't let them mess with the Stray!

2 The Stray is as it is because it is protected. Who is going to ensure that additional events are appropriate and can be limited in number. Once a precedent for additional events is set, it will be difficult to say NO. However, as in other Consultations, the Council will do what it wants regardless of opinion.

3 Stray should be looked after better, cut the grass more often. 4 I think the default position with the Stray should be that nothing is permitted without an amendment to the Act. The current HBC may be entirely honourable about not exploiting relaxation of the law but how do we know that the Council in five year's time will think the same?

5 Harrogate Council can't trusted, until they can leave the Stray alone. 6 I do question the Council's ability to judge and allocate commercial events , as example; the damage cuased to Valley Gardens by the Street Food Festival; the Fake Music Festival organiser broke many of their licence conditions an caused disturbance to local residents.

7 Harrogate Council does not have a good record of preserving Harrogate's unique features and character, e.g. the replacement of the old Market Hall with the doomed Victoria Centre. Interference with the Stray would be a vet slippery slope.

8 Hbc are not the organisation to manage this. 9 We are opposed to change as the proposals do not provide adequate safeguards to preserve the Stray nor is there an independent body to ensure that there is appropriate oversight. Harrogate Borough council are not suitable guardians of the Stray and the conduct of the consulataion evidences this.

10 Clearly the motivation for relaxing the rules regarding events on the Stray is commercial. This is inappropriate for this unique, peaceful area. It is clear, from the spate of letters in the Harrogate Advertiser and from discussions I have had with other residents, that the people of Harrogate do not trust the council as custodians; they do not trust the council to make wise decisions, enforce clean up, control noise and nuisance. The underlying problem seems to be council financing - or lack of - as successive governments have squeezed local budgets. The answer is simple - raise council taxes! The banding system ensures some fairness for income levels but could also be adjusted at the top end so that those in very large properties pay proportionally more than at present.

11 The Harrogate Stray Act is the reason we still have the Stray unenclosed so that the people of Harrogate can take the waters. We mihgt interpret this as use for recreation. So by walking, playing games, sitting etc we use the Stray. Not everything has to earn money. We are a wealthy town, we don't need the extra revenue and further more once the Stray Act has been relaxed I don't trust the Council to care for the Stray.

12 The Stray exists in much the same form as it did 70 years ago. This is despite the changes in fashion and views of the Council. Without the Stray Act this much admired amenity would have been eaten away years ago. I do not trust the Council. This form is pro-amendment of the Act. It uses the Tour de France (a very exceptional event) to persuade people to adopt other changes which are not similar. Council is skilled at manipulating consultation!

Trust the Councils decision 1 I'm sure the Council would manage any size of event very effectively. Times have changed and events bring investment and visitors to Harrogate which greatly benefit the local economy.

2 I would like to know exactly what the council are proposing as it would be much easier to pass comment. I think that 35 days exc preparation and dismantling would be a good maximum. I think that larger events such as the cycling, Yorkshire 10K are very good for the town and should be encouraged. I would like to see the Streat Food Festival moved from the Valley gardens to the Stray. The council have been very good at managing the road closures and it is not that difficult to find a way around the town when events are on given enough notice.

3 The current maintenance of the Stray by HBC is good & adds significantly to the attractive nature of the town and as a result the commercial viability. Any reduction to this attractiveness could have a detrimental on Harrogate's wellbeing!

4 I think the Stray Act shuold be amended to accommodate Harrogate hosting special one-off bigger events (they don't occur very often). While still keeping it the way it is now. The council do a very good job.

Management of events

1 I think it would be good to allow use of the Stray for some smaller events and have no objection to large events in exceptional circumstances. But it should not be used as a park. Other venues - such as the Valley Gardens - are good for some events. The recent controversy over damage cause by the Food Festival might have been less vocal had there been measures taken to ensure that there were duckboards or something similar for use in wet weather. In my view the Valley Gardens provides a far more atmospheric environment which enhances some events and therefore it should continue to be available for community events, although, again, the number of days could be limited and organisers could be held responsible for putting right any damage etc.

2 Better management and control of a minority who wish to abuse this open space. 3 What is key is the event pays the full cost of organising/cleaning and provide a reasonable amount to subsidise the cost of Harrogate - ie keep community tax lower.

4 Events should be: - planned and spaced throughout the calendar to allow recovery of the land - of a high quality, and of interest and benefit to the town and its residents - not overly commercial, or purely for economic gain of a private company - not all cycling based - day-time, family orientated occasions The interests of residents living close to the Stray should be a priority when arranging events.

5 Can always scale back if it doesn't work out. Don't have to use full allowance. Care of grass etc a condition and clean up.

6 1. Only allow the fair to come once a year; 2. Move Xmas Market to larger area; 3. More events from Valley Gardens.

7 After any event all reinstatement costs should be borne by the organisers and not the public nor should Council Tax be increased to accommodate events.

8 Keep Oatlands/Knaresborough Stray protected and open football, exercise camps etc are all very good. West Park Stray much more suitable for twon centre type events.

9 applications should, as now, be made on a case by case basis. 10 Perhaps we should have a "Harrogate Card" (as York) and residents get a discount. 11 events should be free for the people of Harrogate, but attract revenue to Harrogate from Tourists

12 If large scale events were to take place, more bins would need to be placed on the Stray so that rubbish would not be an issue. 13 Section 5: The purpose of the Act seems quite clear, to give the inhabitants of the borough free access and a privilege at all times of enjoying recreation upon the Stray without payment. Section 6: The Council's duty is to maintain the Stray free from all encroachments save for ... encroachments include the type of event being held. I believe the Council is failing in this duty by seeking to increase the number, size and type of enchroachment allowed per year. Further, I would question the quality of some of the events staged on the Stray including the rather dog-eared fairs and the tribute band event. Section 7: The Council is also failing in its duties under Section 7(b) in the prevention of nuisance and annoyance in that the fairs continue to create a noise nuisance which is not (or perhaps very infrequently) monitored. Section 4(b) I wonder whether the Council is also at fault in interpreting this section's restriction of five weeks as 35 days. A week is a consecutive period of 7 days starting on a Sunday. If events are held in more than five separate seven consecutive days then I believe the Council is in breach of the Act.

14 One major annoyance to many locals is the aftermath of events held on the Stray. Whilst the clean up in terms of rubbish etc is always done amazingly well the damage to the ground and grass is nto acceptable. Event organises should be charged for, or responsibel for, any immediate remediation to make the ground good followin any event. The Valley Gardens held an event this year. That completely damaged the grounds. I believe the small events are great fo the town but relaxing the Act may, if not actioned and monitored properly, have negative consequences. More information is required and more gravity on the impact of relaxing/amending the Act because further comments cannot be made. Save to say this may escalate in the future to yet further amendments and the Stray will not exist for one of its prime functions.

15 I agree with all the above based on the promise that no buildings (permanent ones) are built, that the Stray is returned to a standard that it is in today. All damage to turf, borders, flower beds etc to be returned to its pristine state that you the Council have always made sure of. You do a fantastic job looking after the Stray and this must always be the case. If any damage is done, the event companies are to clear and replace the Stray to its excellent state and within a set time of one day to return the Stray to its normal high standard on their departure.

16 Tight contractual agreements. On damage - H&S obligations. Litter - clean up. Ideally where possible to encourage recycling options as much as possible. Biodegradable - options.

17 Orgaiser of event compensates for damage to grass, trees etc; Provides mobile toilets/first aid, policing/security; Waste skips/litter bins. The current 'fun fairs', circuses, penning rally/car ralley, fireworks/bonfires, Christmas fair, Marching bands, are all OK.

18 Terms of commercial use must ensure The Stray is left in the state in which it was before the event. 19 As outlined earlier it is my view that the consultation is too narrow and that if the Council is seeking to change the Stray Act they should carry out a comprehensive review of the Stray management and usage. It would provide and ideal process to review all the variuos issues including reviewing the areas of land covered by the Stray Act and there effective contribution to the use and amenity of the Stray (ie the Wetherby Road grass verges), the potential for improving the pedestrian/cycling usage of the Stray, the improvement of the visual amenity of the Stray (looking at the current roads/paths to reduce car impact) and looking at how the Stray is used in an informal capacity and how that can enhanced. In my view the best way to do that is through a Stray Commission who would have an agreed brief and be supported by Officers/Consultants and would involve groups/organisations who had an interest in the Stray and could also involve expert witnesses to give evidence. In that way the commission can consider any ideas/proposals put forward by various groups individuals and assess them against the criteria currently adopted for the Stray and see if they have merit in being taken further. Once they have reported and their recommendations considered by the Council then that is the time to amend the Stray Act based on a detailed examination of the issues and also having community involvement and support. Whilst it may take longer it would be a more acceptable approach so the impact of changing the current restrictions can be full understood and the type of events that would be targeted are know and their impact understood.

20 Whilst the Stray should be preserved as an open space it should also be used for the benefit of Harrogate and its residents. Income from events should be for the benefit of Harrogate. Events should have to reinstate any damage done to the stray as part of their contract. If there is income from events it should be used to improve drainage and weed control.

21 Provided the events are staged by reputable organisations and have a plausible business plan, I would be happy to see The Stray used far more extensively. Events bring revenue to all areas of the town although any conflicts of interest with existing businesses should be carefully considered. A security bond should be taken in the event that the ground is damaged

22 Events to pay HBC for maintenance, re-turf, reinstatement, no flowers or trees to be moved or damaged. Car parking and event vehicle parking to be properly addressed, access paths to be kept open.

23 I live just near Bettys and although the Christmas Market is enjoyable it is 5 or 7 days of chaos for me. There is noise nuisance, I am unable to park my car, I have rubbish dumped in my bin from passers-by. I can't access paths due to stall holder parking on them and so it goes on. Harrogate is a beautiful town and not a city ... the changes to the Stray Act would make it more like a city. We are already experiencing more and more inner city problems (antisocial behaviour) with a Council who is struggling to deal with these problems. More events would just add to their burden. I am really unhappy with the changing face of Harrogate Over the last few years and all instigated or poorly managed by Harrogate Council. Please put your residents first rather than financial greed. Having lived in Edinburgh, I know exactly how large events can be organised and enjoyed, however, Harrogate Council have no idea how to do this. Please ensure the Council get these skills. In the first instance, please remember to communicate with your residents. On the day of the Tour de France I was unable to cross the road by foot from my house as it was all cordoned off with barriers ... surely some forwarding would have been courteous and good practice? I would also like events to be advertised to local residents for some reason events are only advertised to everyone else but Harrogate residents. I do not feel that Harrogate Council has been 'working for me' for quite some time, ignoring resdients opinions on parking costs at evenings and on Sundays being a case in point. 24 I believe companies which hold vents on the start should be responsible for ensuring the land is returned to its original state. Heavy footfall in wet weather can leave areas of the stray damaged. This should definatly be taken into consideration.

25 Any changes is the thin edge of the wedge. Applications to hold more events will mainly line pockets of none Harrogate residents. If special events are allowed they should be charged such a fee that allows a real difference to the people of Harrogate. I am sure most applicants do not have such amazing events that so many people will tun up and pay to allow the people of Harrogate who have no interest in the events, are able to benefit massively from loosing their rights to the Stray. Charges that allow more public facilities more open spaces more planting with reduced council tax, funded by large scale events would be some small compensation for the loss of our legal rights of every day open use of our Stray.

26 If HBC plans to accommodate more events on the Stray, will there be a need to reinforce, say, West Park Stray in the same way as the Oatlands Drive area was done years ago to prevent too much damage to the Stray by Fun Fairs, the annual Bonfire and the Viltage Vehicle Rally? Will it be necessary for HBC to provide electricity and water to these events, which I assume you would charge you?

27 I think that public access is of primary importance but the amount of local interest and participation needs to be taken into account. Damage to the Stray, flowers etc should be paid for by the event promoters; Bonfire night and reseeding following events would not apply.

28 The Stray is a unique feature of Harrogate and I would not like it to fundamentally change. It is common land and therefore should be open and freely accessible to the people of Harrogate for most of the year. Residents should be able to use it for everyday leisure pursits such as dog walking. The number of events should be managed to ensure disruption to the town is kept at a minimum. Would prefer 2/3 major events with a "wow" factor than 4/8 low key. The Tour de France had the wow factor. I really welcome this consultative exercise and perhaps it can be used to form a cross gender//class/expertise/talented think to come up with ideas for future eventsthat will put Harrogate on the map! Many thanks.

29 It is essential that any increased use of the Stray does not result in it being damaged. Even if the Council does not charge for its use there should be an obligation which must be enforceable on event organisers to make good any damage arising from the event. I think also that it might be desirable that there be a limit on the timetabling of events. Perhaps a stipulation that there is a gap of 2-3 weeks between events.

Economic/ Tourism benefits

1 Keep it local - events should benefit the Harrogate and Yorkshire economy and should promote our local businesses.

2 Whilst relaxation of the current restrictions is desirable, new restrictions and regulations would need to be strictly enforced. It would be possible to have two smaller events on at the same time. More events should lead to more visitors to the town which can only be beneficial. The use of park and ride would help reduce traffic and parking problems.

3 I do feel an amendment to the Stray Act would be beneficial to Harrogate, both locally and from the perspective of tourism. However the nature of the events will make a big difference to how the local public view it.

4 More cycling lanes should be built. Crazy that there are "no cycling" restrictions on certain parts of the Stray. Should be separate cycle paths. The Stray is a resource for everyone and should be used more often to bring trade to the town. Must never be built on. 5 As mentioned in previous section I think events are good for local people, the economy and bringing in additional people and money. Also good to have a variety of events one can walk to in the local town. Makes the town more viable and nice place to live. Do obviously think need to make sure people living near Stray are not inconvenienced and consider parking and traffic issues.

6 With continued investment and support of HBC, events are important for future of generating continued and increased economic impacts for the Borough.

7 Whilst we all agree the Stray is a lovely green space that adds to the town, and should never be built on. The use of it more is a positive move that can only add to the town, lets face it.... it's only grass! and for all those who go on about the turf being spoilt... it can be replaced. The enjoyment, jobs and money it can generate has to be a good thing.

8 I'm sure the Council would manage any size of event very effectively. Times have changed and events bring investment and visitors to Harrogate which greatly benefit the local economy.

9 Contribute to local economy. Should not be net cost to Council - should pay for self so if some events are prov ided as service/free the other event should provide sufficient fund to cover all years management and services. If going to be regular then the transport infrastructure should also be upgraded to support events. Park and Ride imposed!!

10 The Tour de France is only every 4 years, this could be allowed as it brings income into the town.

11 After reading all the public response to recent events held in Harrogate it is clear that the community want and need diverse and quality events. Harrogate is fast becoming a town of national chains so to provide the community with family events that support many small businesses can only be good for the town.

12 We have a great natural asset to the town. Use it sensibly but use it to benefit the town and help support local businesses.

13 Large and small scale events are crucial to the Districts economy. It also helps raise the profile of the District both nationally and internationally, not to mention the feel good factor for the majority of residents.

14 The Stray is lovely but holding events would be fantastic. It would bring more people to the town and fewer people would leave to go to alternative towns and events.

15 I strongly believe the use of the Stray should be broadened. It is a marvellous, unique facility which is a wonderful asset to the community which we are lucky to have so if we could increase trade to the area by such events that would also benefit the town.

16 The Stray as it is is a waste of space and not used properly. When you visit green open spaces (like the Stray) for example, in Cambridge there are large festivals (e.g Strawberry Fair) and in the summer there are lots of people having BBQ's, picnics etc. More events would also bring in more people and money to keep the cafes and restaurants going ... of which there are too many but that's another story!!

17 The Stray Act was made to provide a community area available to all. A limited extension of appropriate events is acceptable provided that the events do not damage the environment. HBC can site events elsewhere without the damage being done as in the Valley Gardens 2016 e.g. Street Markets on hard surfaces. Harrogate winning the Champion of Champions Award 2017 will also attract visitors to Harrogate to admire the floral displays and gardens, boosting the economy.

18 The Stray does get damaged by events. Events bring in money for Harrogate which is good. Crime is a big problem with events so this must be considered. (We have had attempted break-ins frequently during May fair). 19 As a Harrogate resident for the majority of my life I strongly want to retain the stray in it's current format. Impact on the grass itself would need to be considered, parking would need to be considered. Residents access would need to be considered. I would not support any permanent building structures and would make strong note that this the stray is something that makes Harrogate quite unique and should be used to support tourist/residents enjoyment, and not spoilt or removed or reduced in the longer term.

20 We are one of the five families who are still entitled to graze livestock on the Stray: I don't know where I am going to put my sheep next time the Tour de France comes to town. Notwithstanding this huge personal inconvenience, in these uncertain times we need to ensure that Harrogate's name is kept at the forefront. Harrogate must, at all costs, retain and strengthen it's reputation for successfully hosting large scale events like the Tour de France and Tour de Yorkshire, which is shown live on TV in 174 countries. I remember the early 1970's, when Harrogate was known as 'Bath Chair City' on CB radio because of the very high proportion of elderly residents, the lack of commerce and industry and, above all, the lack of ambition. The Stray Act was drafted in a previous century, a time when the world was a very different place and visitors only came here to take the Spa waters. Any town that stands still in a changing world dies. These are landmark international events and Harrogate needs them, and the prosperity that follows them. Change the Act and enable flexibility, not carte blanche.

21 It is essential that the Stray should remain broadly freely accessibhle to the public. Even if more events, or larger events, are allowed there must always be routes maintained for local people to cross or access the land. As Harrogate relies heavily on tourist income its important that we should be able to offer a broader range of events than originally included in the terms of the Stray Act.

22 I would be pleased to see the Stray in use more often if it is of benefit to the local economy. The criteria for events should still be laid out in advance and only events which meet these should be permitted, but more events like the Christmas market and the StrEat Food Festival could take advantage of the Stray's space and proximity to shops, transport etc. I would not like to see purely commercial events taking place - there must be some community benefit, whether financial (eg funding Christmas lights) or otherwise. I would also strongly oppose the council being able to charge for use of the land, beyond a small amount for the administration of giving permission for the event. As long as the council and event organisers keep in mind that the Stray is there for the community, not for purely commercial activity (though I recognise this will naturally be part of many events), I don't think we will go too far wrong.

23 We need to start using this space for more events, festivals, fayres, markets. Everytime we have hosted things on the Stray I feel they have always been successful and the majority of the people I know have been to visit it and have really good reviews of this. I think this would help boost our economy and tourism as well as making the community come together to enjoy the festivities, it would be a great opportunity for teenagers to get out and do something, it would offer more temporary summer/winter jobs for students/young adults or anyone wanting some extra cash. I can only see positives from relaxing the Stray Act. There will always be people that complain whatever the outcome of this.

24 Provided the events are staged by reputable organisations and have a plausible business plan, I would be happy to see The Stray used far more extensively. Events bring revenue to all areas of the town although any conflicts of interest with existing businesses should be carefully considered. A security bond should be taken in the event that the ground is damaged

25 Most people know Harrogate for its green open spaces - but a few events add to tourism eg the Christmas Market. TdF - Positive

1 HBC should give very careful thought to this - this questionnaire seems rather vague and unfocused. The Stray is unique, and it was given to the town for specific purposes. It has hosted the TdF which was fantastic but I fear that any relaxation of the restrictions will lead to a myriad of tacky commercial events that are just there to make money for the organisers rather than for the benefit of the residents.

2 The Tour de France, Street Food, Carabosse Fire Garden, 1940's day are the best things to hit the town.

3 The Grand Depart was brilliant. Very well organised but such as Xmas market, far too many coaches - too much convestion. Can't get near the stalls but more than anything I value the piece and transquility of the Stray.

4 I do not want to be a stick in the mud; the TdF event was a fantastic one off success and great for Harrogate. But it was a one off and not used to seek a process that would fundamentally change the nature of The Stray which is unique to Harrogate.

5 I thought the Tour de France 2014 was great, as it promoted cycling and health and Yorkshire and wealth; and - honestly - you can't see any damage to the Stray. Having to go through Parliament for temporary amendments to the Act seems a bit archaic, reminiscent of 19thC divorces. However, if that's what it takes... What is needed is a permissive clause. to be activated as and when. I am a believer in checks and balances and I expect local authorities to stand up for local rights and to be able to do so. Conversely, I am against NIMBY-ism or the rule of local cliques and believe in Parliament as the final source of law.

6 The Stray is a remarkable asset for the town of Harrogate which has been passed down over the generations .It must be the envy of many many towns across the UK . Quiet enjoyment of this recreational area should be the prime objective . Widespread commercialisation of this space is in my view not a route that the council should go . The Tour de France in 2014 was a fantastic event , but one of the reasons it was so fantastic was that it doesn't happen every year - it was a special and unique day which will stay in the memory for a long time . Merely repeating similar experiences several times a year will not work in the same way .

7 I appreciate that HBC will still be mindful of The Stray and its environs whilst still being able to use it more. I did not notice any damage after the Tour de France, but I did notice a renewed energy and popularity to the town, we need to keep it as the happiest place to live!

8 I wonder whether it would be feasible to:- a. Increase the number of days to no more than 40. b. To be very selective as to the activity that is put on to the Stray. The Christmas market is a joke. It is a collection of low quality traders many of which have no connection with Christmas and it is not an event that enhances Harrogate in the slightest. c. To ensure that the Stray is not damaged by the events that take place ec Tour de France was exemplary. 2015 Christmas market was a disaster - a complete mud bath. d. To ensure that activities on the Stray would enhance the profile of Harrogate not detract from it. e. If larger scale events are proposed then they should go through special application.

9 Harrogate was at its very best for the Toure de France - even if like me you had no interest in it as a sporting event. We all felt proud of our town, and it would be great to see the stray used more for days like that.

10 However it depends on the type of event. I thought the Tour de France weekend was wonderful for the community. So is the bonfire. The Christmas Market does nothing for the community - it just makes a mess. I would not want more commercial Christmas Market type use of the Stray. Cue de Carabosse in Valley Gardens was wonderful but food 'festival' smelly and tarry Luke the Christmas Market. Use of the Stray must be benefit the community

TdF – Negative

1 Calling Streat a "display" is dishonest. I do not believe the council is being honest with the public about its future plans. If car parking is not part of the "suggested" 15 hectares what possible event could require such a large area of the Stray. Most of the Stray used for the Tour de France was just a lorry park - the same will be true for the Tour de Yorkshire.

2 I was black and blue from pushchairs being slammed into me. Finally had to beg the man on the crossing to let me cross. He must have seen how upset I was. He did. Then the constant noise up til midnight. Please have some consideration for the people who live near here.

3 Please see enclosed letter. In addition to my letter, there is also the important issue that events on the Stray attract crowds and therefore potential for higher crime rates. A girl aged 14 years was chased around the Stray fair, punched and kicked, hit on the head with a bottle and needed hospital treatment when attacked by a group of 14-18 year olds in August 2016 (Stray FM news). A teenage boy was also chased and attacked whilst visiting the Stray fair in May 2016 and punched and kicked by a large group of violent young men and his car extensively damaged. An 18 year old girl was assaulted at the Tour de France in Harrogate in the crwods, she was sexually assaulted for 20 minutes from behind by a 41 year old man who was arrested and put on the sex offenders register and given a community order. These are very serious matters which cannot be overlooked and disregarded.

4 To attempt to change the Stray Act - an Act of Parliament - on the basis of the ''success'' of a cycle race is frankly ludicrous .HBC should be ashamed.

Comments regarding cycling

1 Please add more cycle paths to The Stray 2 Paths should be opened up for cycling as well. 3 More cycling lanes should be built. Crazy that there are "no cycling" restrictions on certain parts of the Stray. Should be separate cycle paths. The Stray is a resource for everyone and should be used more often to bring trade to the town. Must never be built on.

4 1. Please amend the Stray Act to allow construction of cycle paths (especially along transport routes). 2. Provision for small children's playground should be made on the Stray.

5 I would be keen to see an amendment to the Stray Act to permit the addition of, for example, children's play areas or adults' fitness equipment. I would also be in favour of more cycle paths across the Stray: it seems like an ideal way to access Harrogate town centre (and the hospital) using non-motorised modes.

6 Please add more cycle paths to The Stray. This will make it much easier for people to cycle into town. The roads in Harrogate are too busy and we need off road cycle paths!

7 The Stray is under increasing pressure. Running is having an effect on verges and illegal parking of cars on the verges and the cycleways is a problem at times. I strongly resent the practice of HBC staff driving on the grass to empty bins. Yesterday (November 28) an HBC vehicle got stuck on Oatlands Stray doing damage and wasting resources

8 I think that the 'no cycling' signs should be removed. The stray is an ideal place for families to teach young children to ride bikes safely. There are few other alternatives away from traffic (no biking in most parks including valley gardens and the cycle way to Ripley is inundated with dog walkers making it difficult for cycling with young children). Adults /older children on bikes tend to move off the path to avoid pedestrians.

9 The council should stop people parking on the Stray on Oatlands Drive. There are signs up near Christ Church saying this but not Oatlands Drive. A few more cycle routes wouldn't be a bad thing. There are large areas of the Stray (West Park, Tewt Well) that have no cycle paths at all.

10 Why does the Slingsby Walk cycle route end at Stray Rein? It should continue over the railway bridge to the roundabout. This would be very useful. There also needs to be more dog waste bins as there's far too much dog mess on the Stray.

11 I would like to see an area set aside for occasional large event parking - this could use hollow blocks that give hard standing but allow grass to grow through them, as used by the National Trust. Also underground car parks could be built. Please can we have more permitted cycle routes too.

12 Please amend The Stray Act bylaws to specifically include the provision for more bike paths. The children of Harrogate need a place to cycle amd exercise. This is very much in keeping with the original intention of The Stray, as a place to exercise.

13 Further to my comments about the current state of the Stray, there appears to be a "creeping" around edges by allowing cycling and turning a blind eye to parking. The Stray should be preserved for our children and any weakening of the Act makes the Stray vulnerable to future development and fashions.

14 The general condition of the Stray has deteriorated over the years, hte grass is badly infected with weeds, especially dandelions and plaintains, and the drainage is largely ineffective, although a drainage system does exist, perhaps it needs cleaning out. The bye-laws governing the use of the Stray need clarification. Bye-laws exist covering such things as flying model aircraft, practising golf and cycling on Stray paths, but are largely ignored. Model aircraft are less dangerous than they were. Kite flying is popular but kites now appear more like parachutes. Happily the 'buggies' have gone away.

15 I would not object to an increased number of events, on the Stray as I believe it would have significant benefits to the local economy. I would object to any part of the Stray being used for associated car parking. Large scale events should only be held in association with a Park and Ride facility (eg at the Showground). I would like to see a limit on the number of events (large sna small) that are primarily amplified music (eg pop concerts) as this can be very intrusive for local residents. On a separate matter I would like to see the development of permanent BBQ facilities on the Stray, and a loan on the use of disposable BBQs. This would stop people burning the grass and reduce the potential fire and safety risks. Reform of the Stray Act should also include allowing cycling on all Stray parties.

16 Anything would be an improvement on wrecking the Valley Gardens which should continue to be a quiet refuse for visitors, our inhabitants, and those who love gardens. Rules on bicycling should be enforced as this puts the elderly and small children at risk). The Stray is underused (especially and the poorly drained parts!) but increased use should be carefully policed and any event that led to ASB banned. The problem of car parking must be sorted before any more large scale events are allowed. The life of the town must be enhanced not smothered by increased visitors.

17 The area is pretty but other than football, park run and walking it is significantly under utilised. Cycling restrictions should also be lifted as all forms of exercise should be encouraged. Need to sort out traffic at Empress and Leeds Rd roundabouts though. 18 The path from the Empress to the new Claro Rd crossing needs widening - this is the main cycle route between the two crossings, but it is quite narrow. The recently demolished toilet block near Devonshire Place can be used as exchange land

19 My grandson and his friends cycle to school from Otley Rd across the Stray to Tewit Well and over the railway bridge to Slingsby Walk. This should be an official cycle route - I'm surprised it wasn't changed before.

20 There should be better bike paths on the Stray. I want to take my kids cycling there, but there are not enough paths.

21 If a limited number of days were specifically allowed for large events but no large event happened in a given year, would these days be added to the amount for small events? Or would the two totals be treated completely seperately? There should also be a few more cycle paths on the Stray, the roads are getting worse.

22 We really need more cycle paths on The Stray to it is staff for kids and teenagers to cycle to town. There is loads of space, and will really help reduce congestion.

23 There should be more shared use paths are provided for cycling. The paths changed in 2011 are mostly well used, but there are several very well used routes that were not changed: the path from the Empress to Claro Road crossing; the path from Slingsby Walk over Tewit Well Bridge; the path from Tewit Well to the Prince of Wales (plus the short length from the railway bridge to Tewit Well Road that links these last two); and one side of Otley Road pavement. These will provide a more comprehensive cycle network and as many people use them already they would be well supported.

24 We are concerned that cyclists are still cycling on the no cycling paths. Do not think the Stray should be used for helicopter landings. Except air ambulance.

25 I would like to see the Stray being used for cycle paths. The number of cyclists has grown so quickly and can only be encouraged. There is not enough room on the roads for so many cyclists and cars, particularly on York Place. Improving cycle paths would encourage more people to cycle and potentially reduce the number of cars on the road at peak times.

26 I would like to see all bike paths currently marked as 'no cycling' to be changed to 'cycles give way'. It is stupid that there should be restrictions on this. I would also like to see more cycle paths along the main roads for people get around town. I would also like to see a kids playground (and before you say it, this is not 'enclosing' The Stray, so none of the precious 200 acres is lost!). The old people of Harrogate can no longer be allowed to dominate the debate!!

27 I feel there should be a park and ride outside the centre - with shuttle buses. I feel the Stray and Harrogate should have better and more cycle friendly routes to reduce traffic volume. The Stray could be modified to accommodate this.

28 We love The Stray but would like to see it better used. As an older person I would like to see better cycle paths. At the moment it is too dangerous for older people to cycle. You should change all the 'no cycling' paths to 'cyclists give way' paths. Thanks.

29 The use of the Stray should be opened to local groups and charities, not just those with enough money to stage large scale events. It should benefit organisations from Harrogate (unlike the cycle races)

30 It's amazing to think that years ago, there was a racecourse on the Stray. Grass always grows back, and it would be a shame for us and future generations not to be able to make use of it because someone else doesn't like change. Opening up the Stray to limited cycling has hardly caused any problems and indeed, has helped encourage cycling and fitness. Let's make the most of what we've got - I'm sure those who originally intended the Stray for recreational use wouldn't have wanted to keep such restrictive practices on it. 31 I have been fortunate to live adjoining the Stray for 25 years- it is lovely to observe people of all ages walking for pleasure or to school/work and to see picnicking/sports enjoyed by many It is a precious quiet open space in a crowded town and should be preserved as such .Illegal cycling has adversely affected this previously pedestrian only space with disabled & elderly walkers now having to be on their guard. Cycle tracks across the land are unsightly. Traffic congestion and parking charges have lead motorists to park illegally on verges of Stray or indeed four wheel drives park on the Stray itself. People will always " push it " to achieve their own agenda and this aspect of human nature will be multiplied if the Stray Act is amended. The Council will look to use the space commercially with scant regard to impact on local users of the space it will lead to increased noise/litter/parking on Stray and reduction of space/routes/peace of a beautiful and unique gem of urban life.

32 I can see nothing to be gained by altering the existing Act. Further commercialisation of the Stray will only lead to further limits to access by those seeking the peace of the Sray, but will also lead to damage and further costs to the tax payer. The Stray is one of the only places where you can walk in peace and free from cars, bicycles and fumes. I used to walk with my family along riverside paths and canal towpaths. These were peaceful until the restriction on cycling was relaxed now they are no go areas to all but the bravest of walkers willing to risk being run into by mountain bikes travelling at high speed. Please do not ruin the publics' enjoyment and peace by amending the Stray Act. It was given these restrictions for a very good reason.

33 It's underused as it is preserved in aspic time to get some value for all the people of Harrogate out of it. Cycleways would help as would some sculpture

34 The STtray is an oasis in a congested town.hundreds of people walk it each week for relaxation, should remain as it is.relaxation of cycling as led to degradation of the Stray and has removed the traffic free aspect of the STray.

35 As mentioned above, we do not like the 'no cycling' signs which were introduced. We think these should be removed. The council should be encouraging people to cycle into town and ALL The Stray paths should be fine for cyclists. Cyclists have always given way to pedestrians. Remove the clause from the By-laws to make Harrogate more cycle friendly!!!!

36 I am delighted for us to move out of the Victorian Era. I will be more delighted when we can celebrate cycling on the Stray. Without the need for massive investment. Just widen some paths. And pronounce cycling to be marvellous, welcomed, celebrated. Go Cycling. No more negative, Vicorian No Cycling. We can share nicely.

37 A few more official cycle paths would be a good thing. 38 Traffic in HG1 is already a huge problem that puts people off coming here and is increasing from year to year. Why add more? Maintaining the maintenance of the Stray seems increasily difficult for HBC. Paths along the Stray (pedestrian and cycle) were muddy, slippery and dangerous for weeks and were only cleared just before Christmas. Event areas are not maintained anymore in a way that they are recovering before the next event. It is already difficult to cycle on the cycle path on Oatlands Drive as a result of cars parking for regular activities: running - football (Stray Run) on Saturdays. The Stray is used more and more for regular activities and the maintenance has been significantly and very visibly reduced. Harrogate has already to cope with concerences at the conference centre, Yorkshire show and Flower Shows.

39 Converting a few more paths to official cycle routes would be useful 40 Having lived in Harrogate district and central Harrogate all my life I would love to see the Stray more widely used. Wider footpaths and more cycleways would also be appreciated. The Stray Act needs amending for the extra demand. Harrogate has changed and grown in the last 20 years and the use of the Stray needs to keep up. 41 The Stray is a precious resource and should never be used for permanent buildings of any kind - iti s a space which should be used to build a strong community where everyone can interact through different events. At the moment, it is a dog walking area with few other uses - the Ripley Cycle Route has been amazing for bringing walkers, cyclists and dog owners together - why can't bike users use the Stray with some cycle paths! Thank you

42 The council should stop people parking on Oatlands Drive, there is no grass left along the edge. There should be a few more seats and a few more cycle paths.

43 Generally I think we have been a bit too precious about the Stray in the past and I speak as a near resident and a daily user walking, running, cycling (and litter collector!). I would like to see more cycling allowed to get cyclists off the busy roads around the Stray and facilitate family recreation. I would also like to see removal of cycling on the Coach Road. This is a visual blot on the Stray and an encouragement for motorists to do more car commuting instead of using public transport.

44 The Stray should be used as a sustainable asset for the townsfolk and budinesses. Any event should be considered in relationship to its environmental impact both short and long term. Large events that bring visitors in to town and encourage them to return e.g. TdF and cycling should take precedence over smaller events that do not directly benefit local (Harrogate) businesses e.g. Food fairs using external contractors.

45 Cycle paths should be allowed 46 As a keen cyclist, I think cycling should be allowed all over the Stray, and paths should be slightly widened to accommodate that. Harrogate is a difficult town to cycle in, partly due to the hills, but partly because we can't use all of the most obvious cycling asset in the town, the Stray. This would increase cycling to school and work, which would really help alleviate our appalling traffic situation. Of course we would need to better educate both cyclists and pedestrians about their respective rights and responsibilities regarding shared paths. This usually works well on the Greenway, and I don't see why it shouldn't work on the Stray. One thing that really upsets and annoys me is to see the huge amount of rubbish left on the Stray especially in the summer when people are picnicking. There should be more bins, and notices about littering. Also people should not be using barbecues on the Stray which is quite common in summer. THis is clearly against the Bye Laws but there's no point in having laws unless they're enforced. A few stiff fines would get people's attention Also, are drones covered by the rules regarding model planes?

47 I strongly disagree with the "no cycling" signs painted on the Stray paths. I think that the council should be doing everything it can to encourage cycling in Harrogate in order to help reduce traffic congestion - this should include enhancing cycling access on the Stray and improving cycle lanes on our roads. As an aside the Cie Carabosse Fire Festival and Street Food festival were both excellent ways to use the Valley Gardens.

48 Just a comment regarding inconsiderate cyclists - I was bumped into from behid by one while out walking. They rarerly warn pedestrians and they also often cycle on paths marked 'no cyclists'. Would it be possible for wardens to walk on Stray ossasionally?

49 There need to be an increased number of cycle paths on the Stray. Maybe rubber mesh mats with grass seeded in the gaps so that the green space is not lost but cyclists have the ability to get across the Stray safely. Also using the Stray for more tree planting e.g. a linear orchard for sequestration of carbon, providing cleaner air and an opportunity to grow fruit trees so that residents can help themselves to fruit.

50 Possible 'stray wardens' to prevent improper behaviour. Exercise equipment, like you see in London, bikes, running machines, etc, an official 'running path' and cycle track

51 A few more cycle routes across the Stray would be useful, particularly from Otley Rd to Slingsby Walk. 52 We should put cycle paths on the Stray alongside all the major roads so that cyclists don't have to share the roads with motor traffic. Harrogate pretends to be a cycling town but our cycle network is a disgrace. It needs redesigning from scratch so that all parts of town can be safely accessed by bicycle, and junctions and roundabouts should all have lights to ensure safe crossing by cyclists. If it was safe for children to cycle to school and they were encouraged to do so we would have solved most of the town's congestion problems.

53 I would like to see the narrower footpaths across the Stray that are currently off limits to bicycles to be widened, with clearly marked cycle and pedestrian lanes, with enough room for cyclists to pass each other, and pedestrians with buggies to pass each other, without encroaching on the other lane, perhaps even parallel paths separated by a moderate grass verge to help separate the flows. This, I feel, would discourage cyclists from breaking the restrictions in place, as they do regularly, or forcing them to make large detours to accepted cycle lanes or facing joining motor traffic lanes.

54 Several more cycle routes, especially around Tewit Well, would be an important improvement

55 There should be cycle paths on the stray 56 We need to use The Stray a lot more in general. I think more paths should be widened to allow cycling and to connect with existing routes. In particular Milton Way and parallel to Beech Grove. Preferably we should have separate paths to make it good for everyone. This would be very beneficial for buggies and disabled people too. The old people in Harrogate with their dogs cannot be allowed to dominate everything in Harrogate.

57 Could do with a few more cycle routes across the Stray. 58 A few additional cycle paths would be good 59 A cycle route from the Prince of Wales to Slingsby Walk is essential, I'm surprised it wasn't converted when the other paths were done in 2011.

60 I don't understand why we don't have double yellow line where parking is prohibited. At the moment we have signs near Christ Church but no yellow lines. Also, I would like to see more visible enforcement of parking restriction on stray especially on cycle lane alongside the road (Stray Reins)

61 All of the paths should be opened up for the use of bicycles 62 I would like to see more policing of the Stray as there is already an element of anti-social behaviour which goes unchecked (smoking dope, drinking and littering, dog fouling and cycling on paths clearly market 'No Cycling'). This means that for some Harrogate residents, the Stray is a 'no-go' are after dark and I know many people who will not walk across it at night. If the Stray is to be used for events involving alcohol, a greater police presence should be required when planning these.

63 The Stray Act seems to be overly restrictive (in my understanding) in several other areas which in my view are in keeping with public enjoyment of the space: - cycling paths (or shared use paths) - increasing the width of the narrowest paths to allow safe shared use on all Stray paths would be an enormous benefit to residents by encouraging enjoyment of the fresh air and exercise in a pleasant environment whilst also encouraging alternatives to car traffic for local journeys. - allowing solar panels on buildings overlooking the Stray would not reduce the appeal of the view at all in my opinion. It is just the appearance any town should expect to see in our times where we are looking to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Banning this is cutting our nose off to spite our face if global warming is increased as a result. 64 I would like to see the elimination of grass verges alongside busy roads which make up the 200 acres of Stray. This could be achieved by making Coach Road into a shared use path. Intensive parking along Coah Road is a blot on the Stray. Safe crossings across all sections of the Stray especially Oatlands Drive, Wetherby Road and Knaresborough Road. Widening of some Stray paths especially from Otley Road diagonally across to Victoria Avenue width is barely enough for 2 people to walk side by side. Widen Stray path from Empress to Claro Road crossing. This is a natual extension of the cycle route. Trees have recently been planted. Make significant wild life area especially round Tewit area and sections along railwa side of Stray Rein. help with diversity, wild life, plant orchards. Reduce mowing.

65 Leave the Stray alone, we only have the Valley Gardens for family recreational needs and that is always packed. The lovely Stray which is the only crown that Harrogate can boast of enables people, especially on hot summer days a space to relax in. A space not so safe as it was years ago, the cycle paths have made walking, especially with some children, very dangerous with serious accidents already taking place. Many seating areas have disappeared due to vandalism, these need rebuilding. Bring back some elegance to our endangered town.

66 A few more cycle paths would be good. 67 Several more cycle routes are needed as the traffic in Harrogate is only getting worse. The Council should convert the routes that people use the most - Stray Rein to Tewit Well and the Prince of Wales, and The Empress to Claro Road crossing.

68 More cycle paths are needed 69 Add more paths for cycling please. You could widen existing paths like the from Granby to Walkers Passage, loads of people use that now.

70 I would like emphasis placed on events supporting local businesses. e.g . not too many food vendors. This should not be simply for Harrogate Borough Council's profit. Who would have the decision making powers and what happens if Harrogate becomes a unitary authority and we lose control of these decisions? BEFORE increasing the number of events, I would like to see the stray opened up for locals with the introduction of proper cycle lanes into the town to help ease road congestion - and ensure that extra events and stray usage is granted to local groups not just massive outside organisations looking to make money from this protected land. The stray should not be over commercialised but it could be used more often for smaller events for the benefit of the residents. I would like to see a plan of what type of events the Council is thinking of allowing - this is not clear from this survey.

71 I think that the Stray is very well managed, and use it myself for brief periods of recreational cycling. 72 As mentioned in Question 2 transitioning to a sustainable low carbon society requires adaptation, even for the Stray. The following changes would assist in reducing the carbon emissions for the town and would have benefits for the welfare of local residents as well: • Additional tree planting either in clusters/groves or in a thicker perimeter belt. Trees absorb pollution, sequest carbon and reduce run off rates. Specifically planting fruit trees would have the benefit of providing a community orchard, flowering and fruiting species for wildlife. Some areas of shrubs and mixed height vegetation would provide a wider range of habitats as well as giving more shelter and interest on the Stray for community use, such as picnicking. • Developing extended areas of long grass as hay meadow for wildlife specifically insects and small mammals. • Adapting the particularly wet areas of the Stray which flood regularly into marsh habitats eg on Oatlands Drive near St Aidan’s School. These areas are difficult to maintain as close cut grass and they could benefit amphibians and absorb more carbon as a marsh habitat. • Allocating small areas for community vegetable beds. Locally grown produce and an improved food awareness help to reduce food miles and health. • Improved path and cycle network across the Stray. The Stray could provide a significant part of an integrated walking and cycle network for the town. Continued creative thinking about how to maintain the 200 acres of land could enable good route ways for non-motorised traffic. (See below) • Returning some roads to open space. For example Stray Rein and Coach Road could be closed and narrowed to cycle/walking paths. These are essentially used as car parking strips at present. On street parking on Beech Grove Regent Parade, Trinity Road etc could be removed and the road narrowed to provide a dedicated cycle route instead. This would visually improve the Stray and encourage alternative transport use. • Provision of cycle parking and electric bike charging points at each section of the Stray. • Bus stop and route provision improvements to the Stray. • Opening an additional rail stop near Tewitt Well for direct access to events hosted on the Stray.

73 Specifically, I support cycling. Not other uses of the land. 74 More cycle routes would be useful 75 While agreeing to the changes I would not wish to see the Stray used so often that the benefits to local people are lost. Can this be taken as an opportunity to create cycling paths across the Stray with a view to separating pedestrians and cyclists while encouraging cycling and perhaps reducing the use of cars. Divided paths are not the answer

76 A few more cycle paths would be a useful development 77 The Tour de France: the Tour de Yorkshire and the world cycling championships are of great benefit to Harrogate. They are non recurring one off events and I think Harrogate should be able to accommodate them. The Stray is unique in protecting Harrogate as a beautiful Town, its functions should not be diminished. It would be disastrous if the Stray became a frequent site for fairs, circus' and markets and out of character for Harrogate as a Spa Town. I would be in favour of the area of use being increased to 15 hectares to accommodate larger events or the maximum number of days increased to 45 days to allow 2 additional larger site events per year @ 5 days each. Small site events are likely to develop over time into a large number and thereby destroy the nature nad purpose of the Stray.

78 The Stray is such a unique beautiful public space to be enjoyed by everyone. I do not want to see large parts of it fenced off for what could be long periods (including set up/take down times).Increased traffic/parking around the Stray would also be a likely problem. I love seeing the changing uses and changing beauty of the Stray as the seasons change. Please consider making more tracks available for cycling on the Stray to encourage people to stay out of their cars (along with more cycle lanes to link with it). Please promote other community sporting events such as volleyball and rounders. 79 The Stray is for public use not large of small scale events (especially private ones), there are many other suitable areas in and around Harrogate for these. You can't even police the no cycling parts of the footpaths, let alone the damage due to parking. Its not the Councils land to make money from so stop it now!

80 The Stray Act 1985 is adequate. The Council are attempting to use it as an asset. It is for the free recreational use of all - not for regular, large or small events. The change a few years ago regarding cycling on the Stray paths was poorly handled and the Council bowed to pressure from wheel-easy cycling club no change was necessary; children were fine to cycle on the paths without extending the paths. Also no additional lighting on the Stray is required. If someone wishes to walk at night in safety, footpaths alongside roads are available.

Christmas Market - negative

1 The Stray is an important, tranquil and vital part of Harrogate and is a huge part of what makes Harrogate so wonderful, so beautiful and so well visited by tourists. To have circus tents covering acres of the Stray every couple of weeks would be hideous and distasteful and would not benefit the town as a whole. There would be a huge strain put on parking and the town would soon gain a reputation as a temporary events centre rather than an established, historical and picturesque spa town. I feel that there should be a review of some of the old, tired events which take place on the Stray, in particular the fair. An examination should also be undertaken of the suitability of some of the newer events such as Fake Fest (loud music and drunken revelry), The Christmas Market (a victim of it's own success - surely it could be better cited elsewhere on the Stray with wider aisles and more space for free flow of shoppers. Many locals believe that the Christmas Market is an accident waiting to happen and do not attend because of the intense, often immovable crowding problem). Other events such as the Park Run and the annual Bonfire are a real credit to the town and it's community spirit. More of these types of events please and less of the tacky money making schemes.

2 Allow this to happen and it will destroy Harrogate and its history . The town will see less visitors and local traders will close down . You can not rely on special events to keep Harrogate as a town to visit . Example of how Harrogate does not get it right , why is the Christmas market not loved by everyone , answer it is in the wrong part of the stray , traffic congestion is worse when unauthorised people stop traffic . local cafes and shops loose trade why should outside traders come into the town and take trade from local traders.

3 I would like to comment that the use of reindeer at the Harrogate Christmas market is very controversial. Reindeer are semi-wild animals that roam hundreds of kilometres through the arctic tundra, it is not natural for them to be confined in a small space for such long periods of time. Please encourage replacement of this act with a more educational and interactive activity for children.

4 I am already a little concerned about the way the Christmas Market is going. Too many commercial outlet stalls and far too many food stalls. I would like to see a marque purely for local charitable organisations exhibiting craft items. The stalls should be at a nominal cost for these groups.

5 Harrogate already has a number of locations for events so using the stray for small scale events will only dilute the demand for the existing venues. The Christmas market is in the wrong place - Why isn't it in the International Centre which the Council already owns. 6 Harrogate is very lucky to have this open space. To change that unique benefit to all residents of Harrogate is purely for financial gain. The Christmas Market is held in a totally inappropriate place in Montellier and should be relocated to Cambridge Street which is hard standing with the fair rides situated in the Piazza. The 'Farmers Market' (since when did dog biscuits constitute as farm goods?) is held there and is not plagued by mud. Harrogate is a small town. PLEASE keep it that way. That is why we choose to live here.

7 Your survey presupposes that large scale events are desirable in themselves. It takes no account of why this might not be the case. This includes (1) damage to the Stray. This is very noticeable for example, i nthe area occupied by the Christmas Fair. (2) the severe traffic problems caused by these events to those, life myself, who live close to the town centre, this restricts or at least causes problems of access. (3) Detracts from the beauty of the Stray and baisic principle of being open/unenclosed. (4) I refer you to the Council's own policy on licensing which gives equal voice to residents alongside commercial/business interests. This, as does our approach to the Valley Gardens is tilting the balance towards commercial at the expense of residents interests.

8 I have lived in Harrogate on and off most of my life and what I most like about the town is its old buildings and the stray. I have foreign students here to study and they always comment on the stray and the Valley Gardens. Its a place where families can relax and play. people play football and schools have used the stray for sports too. Having the fair twice a year is fine but if the weathers bad it takes a while before the grass has recovered. I live near cold bath road and when the Christmas Fair is on at the bottom its chaos. I have thought why have the council arranged the fair to be staged here. Everything cramped together and that's without the people, I'm not alone thinking this, I went last year and thought what chaos, I walk with a walking stick and there were so many people, dogs and children in pushchairs you couldn't get to a lot of the stalls. I thought why is this here surely there's a better place. The Yorkshire showground, that's built to host both large and small events without the hassle or damage to the wonderful parkland called the stray. So please think not of the money possible events can bring to Harrogate but the legacy we leave to the children of the future. Harrogate is a beautiful place and should remain so for the future.

9 The Christmas market leaves the ground in a mess and the stalls are not of a standard in keeping with the reputation of the town.

10 I wonder whether it would be feasible to:- a. Increase the number of days to no more than 40. b. To be very selective as to the activity that is put on to the Stray. The Christmas market is a joke. It is a collection of low quality traders many of which have no connection with Christmas and it is not an event that enhances Harrogate in the slightest. c. To ensure that the Stray is not damaged by the events that take place ec Tour de France was exemplary. 2015 Christmas market was a disaster - a complete mud bath. d. To ensure that activities on the Stray would enhance the profile of Harrogate not detract from it. e. If larger scale events are proposed then they should go through special application.

11 However it depends on the type of event. I thought the Tour de France weekend was wonderful for the community. So is the bonfire. The Christmas Market does nothing for the community - it just makes a mess. I would not want more commercial Christmas Market type use of the Stray. Cue de Carabosse in Valley Gardens was wonderful but food 'festival' smelly and tarry Luke the Christmas Market. Use of the Stray must be benefit the community

12 I am perfectly happy with how the Stray Act currently works though I recognise we cannot have large events in Harrogate without an amendment to the Harrogate Stray Act. I would not like the principle of the act to continue I would not like a commercialisation of the Stray to take place. I disgree with the use of the Stray for the Christmas market or any other market. Spring and Summer Fairs - negative

1 The Stray is an important, tranquil and vital part of Harrogate and is a huge part of what makes Harrogate so wonderful, so beautiful and so well visited by tourists. To have circus tents covering acres of the Stray every couple of weeks would be hideous and distasteful and would not benefit the town as a whole. There would be a huge strain put on parking and the town would soon gain a reputation as a temporary events centre rather than an established, historical and picturesque spa town. I feel that there should be a review of some of the old, tired events which take place on the Stray, in particular the fair. An examination should also be undertaken of the suitability of some of the newer events such as Fake Fest (loud music and drunken revelry), The Christmas Market (a victim of it's own success - surely it could be better cited elsewhere on the Stray with wider aisles and more space for free flow of shoppers. Many locals believe that the Christmas Market is an accident waiting to happen and do not attend because of the intense, often immovable crowding problem). Other events such as the Park Run and the annual Bonfire are a real credit to the town and it's community spirit. More of these types of events please and less of the tacky money making schemes.

2 1. Only allow the fair to come once a year; 2. Move Xmas Market to larger area; 3. More events from Valley Gardens.

3 I feel very strongly that the council should reconsider what it is proposing, and also make clear what it is proposing. Please show consideration for local residents, when both the fair and the bonfire were on my children couldn't sleep due to the noise, even with the windows fully shut. it is extremely stressful to have the unacceptable noise which you can't get away from in your home even with windows shut. With the fair being on from 2pm until 9pm with loud noise playing we couldn't even sit in our garden as the noise was so loud.

4 My concern here is that there would be constant noise if this act is expanded. Personally, I cannot abide th fair and I would not want the Christmas market on my door step either. It has a knock on problem with security and parking too. The fair is especially invasive as I live in a residential area, so I do not see why you would want to increase these events where people live. Parking is already a significant problem and it is nonsensical to compound that.

5 I would stop the fair from being one of the events. It is outdated, very expensive for what it is and causes anti social behaviour.

6 Section 5: The purpose of the Act seems quite clear, to give the inhabitants of the borough free access and a privilege at all times of enjoying recreation upon the Stray without payment. Section 6: The Council's duty is to maintain the Stray free from all encroachments save for ... encroachments include the type of event being held. I believe the Council is failing in this duty by seeking to increase the number, size and type of enchroachment allowed per year. Further, I would question the quality of some of the events staged on the Stray including the rather dog-eared fairs and the tribute band event. Section 7: The Council is also failing in its duties under Section 7(b) in the prevention of nuisance and annoyance in that the fairs continue to create a noise nuisance which is not (or perhaps very infrequently) monitored. Section 4(b) I wonder whether the Council is also at fault in interpreting this section's restriction of five weeks as 35 days. A week is a consecutive period of 7 days starting on a Sunday. If events are held in more than five separate seven consecutive days then I believe the Council is in breach of the Act. 7 Please see enclosed letter. In addition to my letter, there is also the important issue that events on the Stray attract crowds and therefore potential for higher crime rates. A girl aged 14 years was chased around the Stray fair, punched and kicked, hit on the head with a bottle and needed hospital treatment when attacked by a group of 14-18 year olds in August 2016 (Stray FM news). A teenage boy was also chased and attacked whilst visiting the Stray fair in May 2016 and punched and kicked by a large group of violent young men and his car extensively damaged. An 18 year old girl was assaulted at the Tour de France in Harrogate in the crwods, she was sexually assaulted for 20 minutes from behind by a 41 year old man who was arrested and put on the sex offenders register and given a community order. These are very serious matters which cannot be overlooked and disregarded.

8 We should stop hosting the Stray Fair. It is not well used. The vehicles cause a lot of damage, especially in wet weather.

Park run -negative

1 Groups such as "Park Run" already spoil parts of the Stray by physical damage and by forcing others off the area they wish to use. Amendments to the Stray Act would simply legitimise bully boy tactics by those wishing to financially profit by selfish annexing parts of the Stray for themselves.

2 Any change would result in the destruction of the peace and quiet provided by this unique parkland. It sets Harrogate apart from other towns/cities in having such a wonderful feature. Any increased use would destroy this feature. The detrimental effects would include increased traffic, parking, noise and damage to the Stray itself through excessive use. The weekly run on Saturday morning has already damaged the Stray - trampling over where the wonderful crocus beds are located.

Park run positive

1 The Harrogate Stray Act is used by unscrupulous and selfish individuals and groups to prevent Council Tax payers from using and enjoying amenities for which they are obliged to pay. The Stray should be, and could be, the greatest asset this town has - but it is a sad empty space - devoid of kids riding bikes, of people having fun. The Parkrun brings a burst of joy and activity for an hour each Saturday - this is the kind of event which happens on the Stray more frequently - bringing people of all ages, and from all parts of the town together as a community. I have also read dim-witted comments about this being a "money-making" activity by the Council - even if true, then good. If the Council can make a way to profit from additional activities on the Stray then it to the good of all taxpayers! The events in Valley Gardens this year show there is huge demand for events among the majority of folk in Harrogate. Go for it!!

Comment regarding air ambulance

1 I've heard that the Stray Act includes a restriction on the number of times a helicopter can land in a year. If this is correct, given the necessary use of the Air Ambulance this is a restriction which should be relaxed 2 The triangular area above could be used for the expansion of the Christmas Market - the area at the top is flat enough, though I like its position where it is! I do not want to see any large scale events on the Stray between Leeds Road eastwards to the hospital. Is the landing of the Air Ambulance counted as days within the 35 days? I certainly think this should be allowed. I wish this area east of Leeds Road to be left as green grassland, ringed by trees as at present. Based on my observations of residents, passing lorries, services vehicles, storage of building supplies for house alterations parking etc on the grass verges (part of Stray) along Wetherby Road, I do not want the Stray to become a sea of mud, with resulting expenses and work by the gardening staff.

Comments on the consultation process

1 This survey is slightly flawed, it asks to give days for small events, then large events hoping that you can increase more than 35 days. This is more than enough, the Stray should be kept for free recreation when people like it, mainly at weekends when people are not working. It should not be cluttered with events just to bolster the Council's income streams. Consideration should be given to local residents who like to have the freedom to use the stray as defined in the original act.

2 I think this survey is appalling. It is long winded and repetitive and far from easy to follow for many people. A few simple straightforward questions is all that was necessary.

3 The above question concerns me as I doubt if too many people (myself included) can actuall visualise 15 hectares on the ground.

4 Use it, a beautiful place that's under used. Felt that consultation has to wider scale more of residents to be considered.

5 Your consultation should stipulate just how many events you are proposing. One of the reasons residents are comcerned is that the Stray will be over used with the possibility of future residents having no control over this. You need to be open, honest and clear.

6 I'm sure that a great deal of research is being done behind the scenes. A summary would be useful as part of any further consultation as any action MUST be based on fact and sound principles.

7 The Open Spaces Society is Britain's oldest national conservation body, founded in 1965. We were involved in the passage of the Stray Act 1985 and would not wish to see any of its provisions weakened. We are sorry that the council did not consult the society before embarking on this exercise.

8 The excess of building names on our green areas is already ruining our beautiful town. I implore you not to allow the interests of business to spoil Harrogate. * Please note this is a poorly constructed questionnaire clearly designed to promote the change of use of the Stray.

9 Consultations can always be ignored by those with vested interests. The Council should not be allowed to ride roughshod over the feelings of residents, notwithstanding the need for Parliamentary approval for changes.

10 We strongly disagree with the proposals as they would change the whole character of the Stray. We hope the Duchy of Lancaster will oppose any change. I hope you have also consulted the Harrogate Civic Society and take note of what they say.

11 How is this information being used? Is it already decided and this is consultation? How can I receive feedback from my time given and views?

12 The Act exists to protect the Stray and to allow use at all times. Whilst all these events might benefit business - what costs are there to rate payers? What are the costs to implement this? Council needs to give facts and figures for residents to make informed decisions. This survey is useless. 13 I trust that the Council will not cherry pick the responses to this consultation, for example I would accept one large event per year of more that 15 hectares. This should not be interpreted as a willingness to have events of more than 15 hectares.

14 Only about a third of voters bother to vote in local elections yet 100% are affected by the decisions made by elected councillors. Whilst it is admirable that those elected officials choose to consult on the amendment to The Stray Act this can only be an exercise in “taking the temperature” not a definitive call to action or inaction. Inevitably, the immediate response of those calling for “no change” will be louder than those interested in seeing the council given greater freedom to use the district’s assets. It is also quite a difficult concept for residents to judge in what ways their life and that of the town could be improved from an already very high level of satisfaction. If they are given greater flexibility, councillors will be taking on greater responsibility to use it wisely. I am sure they will rise to the challenge and make bold decisions for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.

15 I am concerned about the lack of clarity over the future use of the Stray and the manner in which the consultation process has been opened to the 'public' rather than limited to residents of Harrogate. This 'skewing' of the consultation process provides the opportunity for commercial interest, particularly those who would gain from any change in the use of the Stray, to be disproportionately represented.

16 In the next round of consultation, the Council needs to say itself, the maximum number of days it can manage for small scale and large scale events, then people might be more reassured this is not a slippery slope to a free for all, open ended cheque. We need to be assured that the Council and event organisers have the capacity to make good grass areas and any damage.

17 If genuine debate on the use of the Stray is sought by the local authority then Harrogate Borough Council should be much more open with its true aims regarding future policy on the Stray. It does not say what constitutes public appetite for changing the current legislation. Is it a simple majority of all responses? Do the views of infrequent visitors carry the same weight as residents of the town in making this decision? In its statement regarding this public consultation the Borough Council states that the general public will have further opportunity to air their views prior to any approach to Parliament. Bearing in mind its historical record on public consultation influencing the outcome of council decisions this assurance should be treated with a considerable degree of scepticism. As with many other local issues, Flaxby recycling site, Kirby Misperton fracking site, Sunday parking charges etc etc, our local representatives seem to make their decisions regardless of the wishes of the electorate.

18 I consider the way this survey has been couched and is designed to make it difficult to express complete disapproval of any changes to the use of The Stray as enshrined in the various historical and the current Stray Acts. Furthermore I am led to believe that at the recent Christmas Fair non residents could (even were encouraged) to submit paper responses with no check either on their residential status or on whether they had submitted multiple surveys. This electronic survey, however, restricts responses to one per device, despite the fact that many houses may have multiple residents with valid and legitimate views and only one device to submit them on. It would lead some to suspect a bias in the Council's attitude. 19 As outlined earlier it is my view that the consultation is too narrow and that if the Council is seeking to change the Stray Act they should carry out a comprehensive review of the Stray management and usage. It would provide and ideal process to review all the variuos issues including reviewing the areas of land covered by the Stray Act and there effective contribution to the use and amenity of the Stray (ie the Wetherby Road grass verges), the potential for improving the pedestrian/cycling usage of the Stray, the improvement of the visual amenity of the Stray (looking at the current roads/paths to reduce car impact) and looking at how the Stray is used in an informal capacity and how that can enhanced. In my view the best way to do that is through a Stray Commission who would have an agreed brief and be supported by Officers/Consultants and would involve groups/organisations who had an interest in the Stray and could also involve expert witnesses to give evidence. In that way the commission can consider any ideas/proposals put forward by various groups individuals and assess them against the criteria currently adopted for the Stray and see if they have merit in being taken further. Once they have reported and their recommendations considered by the Council then that is the time to amend the Stray Act based on a detailed examination of the issues and also having community involvement and support. Whilst it may take longer it would be a more acceptable approach so the impact of changing the current restrictions can be full understood and the type of events that would be targeted are know and their impact understood.

20 Regarding the principle of the Consultation, asking visitors to the town for their opinions on changes to The Stray Act 1985 has no relevance whatsoever and their responses need to be EXCLUDED from the consultation

21 The Stray exists in much the same form as it did 70 years ago. This is despite the changes in fashion and views of the Council. Without the Stray Act this much admired amenity would have been eaten away years ago. I do not trust the Council. This form is pro-amendment of the Act. It uses the Tour de France (a very exceptional event) to persuade people to adopt other changes which are not similar. Council is skilled at manipulating consultation!

Further information needed

1 Could we know what motivated Harrogate Borough Council to begin a discussion on the matter of the Stray Act please?


3 The Act exists to protect the Stray and to allow use at all times. Whilst all these events might benefit business - what costs are there to rate payers? What are the costs to implement this? Council needs to give facts and figures for residents to make informed decisions. This survey is useless.

4 I feel that the present level of use is satisfactory. Although I would not be adverse to some small events being held e.g for charitable fundraising, I feel we have not been given enough information to be able to agree to a change in the Stray Act.

5 The Council need to provide details of exactly what they want before they try to engage with the public on whether or not the Stray Act should be relaxed. Broad, sweeping statements are not sufficient. How many events do you want to hold? What mix of large and small? Over how many days? What safeguards will be put in place? How can you guarantee that there won't be any permanent or semi-permanent structures erected on or on the periphery of the Stray? 6 It would have been really helpful to know what demand there already is. Are event requests being turned down? Also, it would help to know just how difficult it is to get a temporary amendment to hold a particular event. I am in favour of the Stray being used to suit what people want to do but unfortunately people cannot be trusted if given complete freedom. For example, football clubs play at the weekend even if the weather has been bad and the surface will be damaged.

7 It is not clear from this document what future events the Council has in mind, or indeed how it proposes to use the Stray if the Act were to be amended. This is worrying. Residents cannot be expected to agree unless they know what is planned. The Council claims to take its powers of management, maintenance and protection of the Stray extremely seriously. Thus the Council can best achieve by maintaining the status quo - the Stray is already protected by the Act and, as far as I can see, no change is necessary, as events can be accommodated elsewhere in the town with a 'park and ride' system operating to bring visitors to the town centre. This would minimise inconvenience to local residents and to through traffic. Alteration to the Stray Act is the thin edge of a very thin wedge, and is not for the benefit of those whom it was intended to benefit.

8 I understand the Council's reasoning behind this, it must arduous to gain parliamentary permission for each major event, but as a resident that lives close to the Stray, we need to be consulted specifically on the proposed changes - what events would now be included? How big? How often? It's all too vague at the moment. Events do bring prosperity to Harrogate and certainly puts Yorkshire on the map, but if we give an inch will we loose what makes us unique in the first place?

9 The comparison for Tour de France/Yorkshire is misleading - this was exceptional and original by a highly qulified team of people with a passion for the subject. This was not opening floodgates to other potentially second rate events. Altering the Stray Act with no clear or specific list of potential events is like local residents signing a blank cheque for a non-specific person. What may seem a populist idea now could leave open many other changes in the future. Retailers of high quality goods can actually suffer from events - adding more pubs/bars/cafes and parking charges does not automatically help local rate payers - even they were to agree to losing the unique value of Stray Land. When a London based company can be taken seriously for putting forward plans to include plastic mushroom seats for picnics then who knows what this could mean. Please in the area need facts on proposed change not 'maybe'

10 1. What part of the Stray do the Council intend to use for these extra large scale events? eg West Park or Oatlands Drive. 2. Can you tell me what the cost of amending the Stray Act would incur to the Council/Taxpayer.