Founding of the Salvation Army Bingo Myfreebingocards.Com
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Founding of The Salvation Army Bingo Safety First! Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color. Your bingo cards start on Page 3 of this PDF. If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully. If you need to make any changes go to Play Once you've checked they are printing correctly, print off your bingo cards and start playing! On the next page you will find the "Bingo Caller's Card" - this is used to call the bingo and keep track of which words have been called. Your bingo cards start on Page 3. Virtual Bingo Please do not try to split this PDF into individual bingo cards to send out to players. We have tools on our site to send out links to individual bingo cards. For help go to Help If you're having trouble printing your bingo cards or using the bingo card generator then please go to where you will find solutions to most common problems. Share Pin these bingo cards on Pinterest, share on Facebook, or post this link: Edit and Create To add more words or make changes to this set of bingo cards go to Go to to create a new set of bingo cards. Legal The terms of use for these printable bingo cards can be found at Have Fun! If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop us an email on [email protected]. Bingo Caller's Card Use your Bingo Caller's Card to call the bingo and keep track of which words you have already called. Print two copies of the caller's card. Cut one copy up, fold the squares in half, and put them in a hat. To call the bingo, pull a square out of the hat, unfold it and read it out. When you have called a word/number, tick it off on the second copy of the caller's card. You can use the second copy of the caller's card to check if a player has a winning card during a game. Free William Catherine Booth Salvation Army Christian East Mission Destiny Skeleton Soup Soap End London Open England Air Founder 1865 Blood Fire Thunder General Soldier Blind Beggar Bingo Card ID 001 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy SalvFation uBenggadr iFnoungder oBfoo tTh hLoned on Salvation Army England Mission Skeleton General Blood Soap Catherine Soup Army Thunder East Destiny 1865 Fire William End Open Christian Blind Air Free Soldier Bingo Card ID 002 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy SkeFletoon uFrnede iMnissgion oSaflva tioTn hDeset iny Salvation Army Open England Catherine Air Soap Booth East Thunder End Blind Army Fire Blood Beggar Soup 1865 Founder London Christian Soldier General William Bingo Card ID 003 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy OpFeno unding oEfa stT he General Skeleton Fire AiSr alvation AEnrdmy Soldier Booth William Beggar Soup Catherine Free Salvation Army Mission Christian Soap 1865 Destiny Thunder London Founder England Blood Blind Bingo Card ID 004 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy SoFupouFounndder iSnoagp oBflo odThFree e Salvation Army Army General London Thunder Skeleton Open Salvation Air William Catherine Blind East End Destiny Booth Soldier England Mission Beggar Fire 1865 Christian Bingo Card ID 005 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy FouFndoer uBlnoodd iSnougp oCafthe rinTe h18e6 5 Salvation Army Destiny Skeleton Mission Army Soldier William Beggar Thunder England Fire East Booth Blind General End Salvation Open Christian Soap Air Free London Bingo Card ID 006 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy FouFndoer uBenggadr iSanlvagtion oBfoo tTh hWileli am Salvation Army Blind Mission Catherine Free Skeleton Open General 1865 Air London Fire Destiny Soap Soup Thunder England East End Soldier Blood Army Christian Bingo Card ID 007 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy ThuFndoer uBlnindd iLnondgon oSofa pThWileli am Salvation Army Christian Skeleton Mission Booth Fire Open Catherine Air England Army General East Founder Free End 1865 Soup Salvation Destiny Blood Soldier Beggar Bingo Card ID 008 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy ThuFndoer uSalnvatidon iDnestginy oEnfgla nTd h18e6 5 Salvation Army Blind Soup Army Founder Blood Open Skeleton Air General Catherine Booth Soldier Beggar William Fire London East End Christian Mission Free Soap Bingo Card ID 009 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East DesFtinoy undiFnrege oSofa pThArem y SalEvndation Army Founder Blood Booth Fire Salvation Open Air General Thunder Catherine Mission Soldier Christian London Blind England 1865 Skeleton Beggar William Soup Bingo Card ID 010 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy SoFupouSonadp iLnondgon oBefgg aTr hBlein d Salvation Army Mission Christian Catherine Army 1865 East Free William Salvation End Skeleton Fire Thunder Founder Soldier Blood Open England Air Destiny Booth General Bingo Card ID 011 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy BegFgaor uSonldiedr iSanlvagtion oAfrm Ty hBoeo th Salvation Army General Destiny Founder Free Skeleton Christian Thunder London William Fire Open Mission Air Soap Blind Soup East 1865 Catherine Blood England End Bingo Card ID 012 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy MisFsioon uChrnistidan iGnenegral oBefgg aTr hCathee rine Salvation Army East End Free England Soldier Booth Fire Skeleton Army William Thunder Founder Soup Salvation Destiny Blind Open 1865 Air London Soap Blood Bingo Card ID 013 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East SkeFletoon uWinlliadm iBnlogod oDefst inTy he Salvation ArmyEnd Free Blind Booth Thunder General Mission Soap Salvation Catherine Christian 1865 London Army England Soup Open Beggar Fire Founder Soldier Air Bingo Card ID 014 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East FouWinlliadm iBnlogod oFfir eThFree e EnSd alvation Army Open Blind Skeleton Air England General Catherine Soldier Mission 1865 Founder London Army Soup Booth Soap Salvation Thunder Destiny Christian Beggar Bingo Card ID 015 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy ChriFstiaon uDenstindy iFnoungder oMfiss ioTn hBegeg ar Salvation Army Open Air Soup Free Booth Army General Blood Soap Skeleton Salvation William England Catherine Thunder 1865 East Soldier Blind London Fire End Bingo Card ID 016 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy Founding of ThCathee rine Army General Fire Thunder Salvation Army Soup Soldier Skeleton William Free Open East Air London 1865 Founder End Mission Salvation England Destiny Soap Blood Christian Beggar Booth Blind Bingo Card ID 017 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy FouFndoer uGenerdal iBnoogth oThfun deTr hWileli am Salvation Army Blood Christian Beggar Soap Destiny East End Free 1865 England Mission Open Fire Blind Soldier London Air Salvation Soup Army Catherine Skeleton Bingo Card ID 018 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy Founding of The Fire Beggar 1865 Blood Skeleton Salvation Army Open Free Salvation General London Air East Soup Founder England End Destiny Soap Catherine Christian Booth Blind Army Mission Soldier Thunder William Bingo Card ID 019 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East CathFerione uEnnglandd iWnilligam oFfir eThe Salvation ArmyEnd Blind Destiny Blood Free London Open Air Thunder Salvation Booth Soap Mission Christian Skeleton Army 1865 Founder Soldier General Soup Beggar Bingo Card ID 020 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy FrFeoe uSonadp iCnathegrine oGefne raTl h18e6 5 Salvation Army Mission London Christian Founder Beggar William Soldier England Fire Destiny Open Skeleton Blind Soup Thunder Air East Army Booth Blood End Salvation Bingo Card ID 021 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy SoFapouLondodn iGnenegral oChfris tiaTn hSalvea tion Salvation Army Open Air Founder Soup Blood Army East Blind Booth Thunder William End Mission Skeleton 1865 Free Fire Catherine Beggar England Soldier Destiny Bingo Card ID 022 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East FiFreou18n6d5 iBnlogod of ThLoned on Salvation AEnrdmy Founder Mission Beggar Destiny Army Thunder Skeleton Soldier England Salvation Blind Free Soap Booth Christian Open Soup William Air General Catherine Bingo Card ID 023 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East EngFlanod undi1n86g5 oMfiss ioTn hBlein d SalEvndation Army Open Soap Thunder Air Soup Destiny Skeleton Fire Catherine Christian William Free Soldier London General Blood Booth Salvation Army Beggar Founder Bingo Card ID 024 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy Open SolFdieor undiCnathegrine oBefgg aTr hEngela nd SalAviration Army London General William Soup Founder Free Christian Blood Fire Destiny East Mission 1865 Blind End Booth Salvation Soap Army Skeleton Thunder Bingo Card ID 025 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy Open FouFrnede iSnougp oBflo odThBlein d AiSr alvation Army East Destiny Fire 1865 End Thunder England General Beggar Soap Soldier Skeleton William Booth Salvation London Christian Founder Mission Army Catherine Bingo Card ID 026 FFoouunnddiinngg ooff TThhee SSaallvvaattiioonn AArrmmyy East 18F65ouChrnistidan ing oSkfele toTn hCathee rine SalvatiEondn Army Army Thunder Fire Soap England Blood Mission Founder Blind London