Master Thesis Div. of Engineering Logistics Lund Institute of Technology Lund, Sweden 2005 Tutor Everth Larsson The improvement of a logistics concept Evaluation and development of Schenker’s strategic customer relations Anders Rökaas, I-99
[email protected] Preface This master thesis, written during the summer and autumn of 2005, marks the end of my years at Lund Institute of Technology. Even so, most of the work has been performed in Gothenburg, at Schenker’s SCM Headquarters. For this I send my thanks to Schenker and its personnel, since they are the ones who have made room for me, even though I some- times have found it hard to explain what it is I do, and thereby justifying my work. I hope that the core of the thesis – to improve the SCM Concept, Schenker’s tool for developing relationships with the biggest customers – will be fully explained in this report so that some light can be shed on the mystery. When I began writing this thesis, my hope was to learn as much as possible about Schenker and the logistics market, and to help Schenker become a better logistics partner. This, I feel I have achieved, although it is hard to know to what extent at this early stage. I particularly want to thank Anneli Jigberg and Mats Fransson, two great persons who have been my co-workers and mentors during my time with Schenker. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and explain to me what I did not understand – without you, this thesis would have been shorter, less interesting, and so much less rewarding to write.