Volume XXL No. 7. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO February 13, 1909.



lUIBEII BALLOOIS. 5c. SHOW DON’T PATRONIZE US SOUVENIB BOOBS. if the prices that you paid before we BUBBEB 600DS, SOUVENIRS made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, CUE BACK CANES. Ja|i«ncfi<- ('hiua Wan-, |K-r Ka).$.'i.50 were satisfactory. Remember we are KNIFE BACK KNIVES. Trick Match Itox, imt aroaa .75 m Japaucac Ton Toinha, per Kroaa.75 foroinf Piano Manufacturers to estab¬ Japaucac Zlttcra, |M-r ifross .75 FOB CARNIVAL SALES. Japanese WhlutlcH. i«“r uroai- .75 lish fair prices; if you want to always Japaneae TurtU-a, In (ilaaa liox, |>cr Kroaa.. .75 Fancy colored I(elurueer Krosa.. l.(K) have them, and get music that is supe¬ ,7 f ! ■'■I Fancy coloreer gross. Catalogue FREE. COE, YONGE & CO , and Hotel Cafe 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. U. S. A. 6th and St. Charles St., ST. LOUIS, MO. Slop with us—We Cater to YOl. Writ* for Catalofu*. Open Jan. 1st, liklt* Kuroiiean rates, 5()c to $i.5U; Advantages of the WALDORF; Near all theatrea; central lu<'atlon; all cars at door; all OUTSIDE ROOMS and fire protection; electric Dotilfie Yot/r Income/ lights, elevator and hells; haths and STEAM HEAT. 1‘opular price, up-to-date Cafe. 112-110 operating the quickest money maker of the century South Main, corner (Jayoao Street. lydark post^card Machine 3 PHOTO POSTAL CARDS MADE AND DELIVERED COMPENSARC ON THE SPOT IN 5 MINUTES No dark room necessary—you take, develop and print right in the That's the device that saves Moving ITt- ture Men twn-thlrds on their electric machine in plain sight of the operator. A mint for fairs, street light bills, and yet gives better light. patades, outdoor conventions, where special scenes can be taken Did yon see onr ad last week? Well, don't look it up. Just write for our to suit the customer. Woiks in or outdoors. No experience required. ^ The Circling Wave Amuseient Attraction Why fto to MMi for your heAlth? When a •mall capital Booklet 15013 Light will buy a ••CIRCLING WAVE** of your own. The ride it plcMMing. healthy and eihilaratlng Before In A. and compact. GckhI man reetlng in any other amneement write for deecriptlve /S. make from #10 to $25 a folder, or vUlt onr factory, where you can any time •ee machine teeted. The CHRCLINO WAVE la the PROFIT da> easy. nobbiest novelty and the catchleet riding device in na Up'-rated by gaaolioeengine. Ifuaic by high^laaa Department 0, Catalog and descriptive matter mailed free: organ ARMITAGE A GITI^. Springville. Erie Co- New York. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. DAYDARK SPECIALTY COMPANY 10(15 St. Ange Ave., St. Louis, Mo. CHEAP

ILLER We guarantee to sell any or all of your I moving picture equipment. Sbrr it to us, and we'll do the rest. Something that will Interest the Theatrical Pro¬ Abselutily THE ROYAL THEATRE fession. Felt Applique and Embroidered Banners. Noi-Breakabli The most appropriate and most attractive Novelty Hnitalde for amalt 228 Superior Ave., N.W , CLEVELAND, 0. theatre and moving for Minstrel Shows, Wild West and Tent Shows. picture ahowa. We Will add greatly to the Grandeur of your Parade. carry theee ebaira in aiock and cao abip Write for Catalogue. Our Specialties: Embroid¬ Immediately. Wild West Beivnd hand Chalra. ShootiucGalleR'^^'SSz ered Costumes, Trunks, Table Covers, Chair Cov¬ Also seating for out of door use. ^NovEUTY BallRacks ers, etc., for Artists, Magicians, Jug¬ «fiDWs glers, Instrumentalists, etc. ^ Addrew. DEPT. B. r Send for our Circulars STEEL FURNITURE GO., Braid Rapids, Mich. DIAMOND NOVELTY CO. Offlee, 224 Coongrost 8t., Boston, Mnst. Syracuse . N.Y. t GEO. lAUTERER, Manufacturer, 164-166 E. Madison St., Chicago, III Organ Factory WANTED NEW ORGINS Twenty-four Hour Shipment Reliable Professionals Tuning and Repairing making one-Dlght atands, to rail on • few nirr chants In tbr towns that they arc making ALEX CHRISTMAN 15,000 OPERA CHAIRS IN STOCK 0(K)d rommlssinni.. |iromt.ped, stage, acenery. lights and best folding opera chairs; everything ready to ring up curtain, beating capacity 2.’>0; pop. city lo.OOO. Have 4 year lease on lots at $.500 a year. Buildings comprise theatre and lobby, arcade room, space for bowling or boxball alley, shooting gallery HELLO! nickelodeon, refreshments, etc., all under roof Don't write unless you mean business. THOS. Here We sre at liberty. Something naw D. GARNER, Gen. Del., Ironton, O. erally i>atronized by the heat |>«N)ple of lH>tb sexes. DE IVEY, Oae-legfed King of ths Tight Wlra, slid Ills I’sge. De Ivey walks the wire on a W needed. Ki-eelpts are nearly all profit. Nearly .5.tK»t» peg leg. .\ddresH all letters direct to 101 M. ^ aold to date. We sr-ll on nayiiienta and onr catalog la free. Lbruat Street. Ottawa, Kansas. AMERICAN BOX BALL COMPANY, Just received a consignment of 100 reels Write for Catalog. Patentees, 1260 Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. aad several machiues. Gas Machines, Grapho- FOR SALE—85,000 feet Film, 1(4 to Sc par phones, etc. Biggest bargains ever offered. foot. I’art of this Film Is colored and like Write for list and prlees. for sale, for hew. l^tlson Exhibition Maeblue, electric lamp. rent, for trade. DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE. rhiHistst, take-up and msgsrlnes, like new, $80. Owensboro, Ky. Model R Gas tMitfit, like new, $‘2B. One fine STILES. BATTENS, STRIPS. RAD-S. Stereoptloon, $1,5. Goods sblp|>ed on deismlt or SHOES, PROFILES, STAGE FLOORING, ETO. agent's guarantee of charges. 0. J, MuRPKY, WANTED—At all times. People In the Vaude¬ Bex 171, Moadvilla, Pa. ville Profession who ran |iut on an act and Always on hand for prompt shlpmenL Write for delivered prlcoa. HhipBODts mada make It go. From two to five weeks guaranteed. in any qoantity desired. Photographs awl program must accompany each FOR SALE—TWENTY ROSENFIELD PHONO- letter. The snme will be returned. Also a THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY ORAPHS In good condition, direct carrent, $3fi Good Pnslucer for Stock. Address PALACE Lumber and Seward Atreeta, CHICAGO. ILL. each, F. O. R. New Orleans. U. riCIlTBN THEATRE. Clifton Forge, Va. BERG, 711 Canal Street. Volume XXI. No. 7. CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO MFioNS Of The Stri On ArouseroeDt bife ana ExsvSronn PRIES

When Dan Fiehell, the popular manager of the Garrick Theatre, at When other sources fail. The Stroller can usually get a little amusement St. Louie, wrote a letter to Harry H. Hull, up in Illinoia, telling his long- for himself out of the quaint observations of his waiter at table or the lost brother, Mike, to be sure and take in the Four Huntings, as the show porter in the barber shop he patronizes. One day last summer he went -- was great, he did not think Mike out to the Zoo In Cincinnati, to hear -;-r-—-1 ■ ' I would be benefited to quite such an one of the Sunday afternoon concerts '^ ^ V I extent as he was financially when the given by Kryl’s Band. As everyone ?\l| Vvi* ^ ^ - / V show struck the town. As Mr. Flshell knows, Kr>’l has achieved reputation T'JI^ located in Missouri, his brother for his eccentricity both in the man- yr ^_ places all manner of confidence In his ner of directing his excellent band ^' good advice, and decided to see the and the matter of his personal attire 4 if ^ show or “bust.” As It was Impossible and the style of wearing his hair, a ' I A V~ arrange an audience with Mr. long, yellow mane falling carelessly W I iAa\ -_ Sutherland, who was in Chicago on about his shoulders. l >\ I r- mil business at the time, Mike made a The director was in the midst of ^ ' wvOT /df bee line for the opera house and had the pleasure of doing business with his gymnastics directing the band through a difficult portion of one of the the resident manager. After a short conversation In regard to the weather classics, when someone touched The Stroller on the shoulder and whispered and several other topics fully as interesting, Mike said, “Glm-me a ticket,” familiarly into his ear: which was furnished In less time than It takes to tell it. Mike Informed “Just look at that. And then they say Harry Thaw’s crazy.” the gentleman in the box that he represented a leading publication that covered the entire amusement field and desired to know If he was entitled It was our waiter, attracted to the park, possibly, through the report-* of Kryl’s very eccentricities. to a discount. The resident manager, who has a reputation for being one of the most liberal gentlemen in the business relative to passes, replied: "You bet you are.” Then Mike remarked that he wrote advertisements for Barnum’s Circus during the money panic, and desired to learn if he was Superintendent James Downs, of the Cole Brothers’ Shows, is telling entitled to any di.scount on that. “Sure thing,” remarked the gentleman In the following little story to prove that at least some of the Southern gen¬ authority, for Barnum’s is “the Greatest Show on Earth,” and any one who tlemen have a keen sense of original humor: has ever been connected with that aggregation is entitled to a large discount < • • I wi-T • ' _ -dropped into a restaurant in In front of the large asbestos curtain. X. those little Southern towns, and When Mike made an attempt to “pull a roll” as large as the hind leg V’ c'l the only vacant .seat was at a table of a Sells-Floto elephant, saying, “How much do I owe you?” the man¬ V'l" ^ V occupied by three gentlemen, every ager, who nearly fainted, remarked, "You don't owe me anything, the house JU^||Ei\ >» one of whom was evidently a member owes you sixty cents.” U^ill of an old Southern family. They were _^ J 11 a Jolly trio, and I soon became a list- i-—/ \{-1 n ener to their little stories, which they \\ 11A l\ were telling without the least reserve. Arthur L. Barney, the manager of George M. Cohan’s Eastern company A.'-- I \ I 1 struck me as being of more of Fifty Miles from Boston, relates an amusing incident that happened to his ^\f Ini/ ilU than ordinary Southern richness, wa.s company recently at Union City, Ohio. of two colored brothers, and had a tendency to show how dangerous Is a The show played Union City the ^—Tk little education. One of these colored brothers had been up North and night of December 24, and was booked when he returned to the South, felt that he was just a trifle better than to play at Dayton for a Christmas ^ the colored people who had never been away from their Southern surround- matinee, apd in order to do so a spe- ” i i r ing.s. Like all of his race, he took every opportunity to show it. One day. clal was made up for the run. After J||;fv^,-.lll||lT[rf J 11 f | I at the table in their humble little home, the brother who had not been a delay of several minutes, Mr. Bar- ~ 11—— *"7'_ North, requested the more favored brother to ‘pass der ’la-sses.’ With an ney began to investigate the reason, air of superiority, the better educated brother rebuked him by .saying and leaving his car came across sev- ^ “’Henry, don’ yer know dat aln’ rite, no ’ow? Yer oughter say, pas.- eral men with lanterns going hur- ' rledly by. One of the men had a ll'W'AV ». // der mo-lassea.’ telegram in his hand and Mr. Barney “ ’Humph! Wat I want ter say pass moh lasses ter, wen I aln’ had any?’ asked him for the yardmaster. "Just a twist of Southern dialect, but it made a hit with me, and they “I am the man, what is your trouble?” could tell a story of this kind to perfection.” Mr. Barney replied: “Where is our engine? We have engaged a special and it Is now past time for leaving.’ ' The man .said: W. P Palmer relates an amusing experience that occurred during hi.' “1 am looking for a couple of palace cars and fifty mules from Boston tour through the middle West with a carnival company. The train pulled to be forwarded, then I will attend to you.” Into LeMars, Iowa, on a Sunday afternoon. The carnival paraphernalia wa.- Mr. Barney laughed. “Here are your mules, right here,” he said. loaded Into a couple of box cars and ■’That me.ssage should have read, ’Fifty Miles from Boston.’ not ’fifty mules the people with the company rode In V from Boston.’ ” the regular day coaches. It was a pretty motley-looking bunch at the —LK best, and Palmer says that the con- /tlL>rlr41^*^ i Mason Peters, the well-known theatrical manager who Is the hero of doctor must have had the time of ' > I "nll3 A\l that now classic song. It Looks to Me Like a Big Night To-Night, tells how his life to keep track of the hat the famous song came to be written: checks. When the train pulled into 'T V— —1—IPK-JL. ' “Harry Williams, who wrote it, l.s the destination of the carnival com- o- I ^ al\TL B7 ao old friend of mine, and one night pany, the first question asked of the 1 ^had a big house-party, attended conductor by the people gathered ^ **—- " J Benjamin Hopgood Burt, Andrew at the station was wh<’ther the company carried an elephant. fy [1 iy, r * A Mack. Egbert Van Alstyne, and a few “No,” wa.s the gruff reply of the railroad com{)any’s minion. •‘Bm ^~—'I other actors, singers and song writers. they’ve got a lot of baboons.” U—ii 17 I fellows remarked: ’Boys. Palmer says that while he was with the same aggregatlo.i the manager Irrl l— it looks Uke a big night to-night.’ and joined out with a young Swede known as Oly. Oly had an electric theatre. JliXl ' the phrase was caught up and re- He put up his own tent and front, ran the picture machine, sold the tickets b- peated by several. Williams suddenly and conducted his own ballyhoo. During the second week out his outfit ^ ^ ^^‘ ^ went upstairs, locked himself in a was located directly across the street from the Creation show, for which room alone, wrote the song in less than an hour, came down, hummed over Palmer was doing the openings. After the free act was done. Palmer took ihe tune, and my wife played it on the piano. We all liked It and sang It the first chance at the crowd. His opening spiel ^vas concluded with; “Go ^^itether. Williams wisely got Lew Dockstader to sing it In his minstrel where the crowds go; Creation tickets are twenty-five cents.” show and It has made almost as much money for him as I’m Afraid to Go Much to his disgust and the amusement of the carnival people gathered ijome in the Dark did. There’s a great deal in placing a song. Those two about, the Swede sat calmly in his box across the street, and shouted inces¬ chaps, Williams and Van Alstyne, cleared just 236,000 from their songs last year. And once upon a time, Williams, who Is a college graduate, sang santly: songs for a medicine man’s show moving from town to town.” “Yust the same over hyar—ten cent.s.” 1 rtie Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909

Th*- llalian Trio at thi* ()n>l»'iiDi tlila week la a trio of cultiiroil. hlKli-daaa aiiiccra. <)m- of tlioiii, Sonor Ks|Mmito, waa on tb<- hill wbon tbo THE CLIMAX SILENT MOMENTS IN ACTING Oriiboiim oim-iiimI eleven yeara aRo. The biR Ix-nelit for the Italian eartbonake anf ferera, liehl at tin- Wlllla \Voke to a RatherliiR In New York of are of the very lieat. The property la a part latest can-lldate for favor, waa produced at (he value of allent niouienta In aetlns, taking of the Iiiivls Chiireliill Circuit. Mr. Harry E. Mr. \V. r. Attebery. the well known -sm-lui-tor l*-ena In waking life. A doctor, belna 'o eraae Ita own footate|ia. in love with a young woman, whose beautifu "Yet what struck me about her work In Sal¬ an-l that it Is t-> l>e the largest on the vau-h- voice la likely to lead her to the atage, declde- vation Nell, aa In her earlier playa, waa the TOURNAMENT. ville stage. .lae abe makes of her momenta of utter alienee, Th--re Weis- several features that ma-le I'-ui tu remove the barrier to a life of domestic tran we've all beard a good deal of talk about her vict Ifill). week of 31 at the (lillla Theatre. Int-'r quility wbicb that aame voice preaents. 11. couc-'lves the plan of destroying her voice h) repreaalon.' But I fa not often we atop to aak An international Military tournament, under --sting, an.-mg which was the military -rganiza giving the woman a throat spray, calculatec why the paradox bolda good that when an act- the auspices of the Fencers’ I.eague of California tion. Kelh-y’s Zouaves. The pri-clsion of their reaa ceaaea acting ahe acta hardeat. will take place at the Auditorium. San Fran i-ioveinents an-l the drill, combln-sl with ex- to ruin the vocal chorda. Thereupon her voice “The paychology of tboae momenta when Mra. cisco. Cal.. Thursday. February 11. Among -'-'Il-nt acnibatic work, proved a thoroughly en¬ fails entirely. When about to marry the doctor -Flake dl|>B the pl|ie into the auda and leta the thcaie announced to take part are Major Reed, joyable enti rtainment. h-T v-dee returns to her, due to the fact that of Scotland; Major McOuire, American; Lieut. she, iu the liewUderment of wedding prepara apectator blow bla own bubble of llliialon la Mr. E. \V. Berry has Imo-u leader of the (tlllis very Intereating anil nut eaay to explain. But Hamilton, of London, and si'veral others. Sev¬ tluiu, haa forgotten to take the meolcloe. Of orchestra for nils- y--ars. nr thereab-iuta. His It aeema to me that ahe duea with tlieae paasive eral ladb‘S will also take part. Silver cup coiirac she -llacuvers the trick and aometblng alleucea luat what Itialln la doing with bla un- prizes will be contested for. s<'lectious are always new and ui-to-date. bap|H-ns. likely to terminate cordial relatloua Anlabed line In aculpture, or very much what A confesaion of the doctor helps atralgbten uu< Wblatler did with bla vague yet pregnant matters, after her teacher haa defined tb* passion of her notes aa those of love. Becog (latehea of color on cauvaa. In other worda. LENNA DUER. Mra. Flake, Iluae-llke, artfully compela you to nizing that love la stronger than the appeal of Dniah her picture for her. She liirea you a care-'r of art, abe capitulates and is led tv Hcroaa the footlights to help her auataln the the alter. delicate fabric that aome earlier scene has The play Is by Edward Locke and the prodoc woven before your eyes. She marka out, aa li--n is miiiiag-'-l by J-isepb \V<-I>er. lAwrenc it were, the foundation of the tower of dreams, Evart and A-laline Von Hagen appeared In tb* and then atepa back and makes you rear the b-a-liiig parts. Ktructiire, with nothing more than a breast movement or a hand twitch or an eye glance to help you along in the building. SUCCESS. "In doing this you become an eager co- worker with the actreaa. You complete the ".Ynd h-- has won success,” you lay? idcture, you build the structure, each man af¬ What Is It that vou call succesa? ter Ilia own fashion, and the more Imaginative This thing we all long to possess. your cu-uiieratlun the more absolute your de¬ How do y-HJ measure It, I pray? light. You might explain It by saying your valuty la Haltered by abaring a triumph yon Does h-' love Justice, honor truth. fatuously Imagine is largely your own. And Have trust and faith In fellow-man since you are thus lol into becoming a co- Bring peace and joy where'er be can. worker with the actress who la so gently, yet And still retain the heart of yoatb? .o adroitly, cta-rclng your aaaiatance, you want to see the work well done, you take up the task If thus bla life la rounded ont. with a sense of resitonalblllty that Is almost In harmony with all things tme, (leraonal. You struggle to sustain the Illusion. Tbo’ lowly tasks be still must do. "Aa Mrs. Flake stands or alts oulte motlon- He has succeeded, past all doubt. ii'Sa and without ajieaklng, you will notice you yourself are building up the mood, are anxioua- But It }ou count his wealth or fame. ly completing the unHuiahed line of action, as And judge from them of his success. . It were, until you have made the picture whole Your measure falls, since power’s ezees. * In your mintl’s eye.” T>m> often veils a life of shame.

He wins success, aud only be, KLAW & ERLANGER LEASE THE lY'bose heart is loving, true and pnre. BOSTON THEATRE. YY'bose faith is fixed serene and sure. Whose Ilf-' conforms to Ixwe’s decree.

.V move of more than ordinary tm|.>ortauce was the taking over of the famous Boston Thea¬ J. E. JACKSON, IN ADVANCE OF tre by Klaw A Erlanger, January 2. Formal THE MATINEE GIRL. MYSTER possession will tie given them February 15. For lOUSLY ASSAULTED. a couple of yeara the bouse baa been under lease to B. F. Keith, who held the same with the view of beading off iioasible vaudeville com- Mr. J. E. Jackm-n. advance man of The Matl (•etltion, but stock productions have been made nee lilrl, was mysteriously assaulted and robbad there until recently, when moving pictures were •Miss Lcniia Duet, whose likeness appears above. Is quite a corapanv favorite of the big at Fort Smith. Ark., January 2k. Mr. Jackaoe Installed. I'nder the new order of things the Little Nemo Company. Miss Duer Is the wife of genial ’'Bob” Imng. 'head of the publicity was known to hare bad a large aolltaire diamond playhouse will once more become the home of -lepartment of the New National Theatre at Washington. I). C. Miss Duer will soon enter and nearly $IUti In money on bis person a abon flrat-class productions, and Its old-time prestige one of the b-st dancing aca-'eiiiles wlier-- she w ill put the finishing touches to her lerpstchoreaii time iH-fure he waa discovered in an injured be restored. It Is aupiioaed that Charles Frob- ability when she will enter vaudeville. couditlun. These valuables were mlasing. HU man and BIch and Harris will be associated skull la crushed at the base and fears are eo with Klaw & Erlanger in the benefits of the tertalned that It will result fatally. Hla wift lease. KANSAS CITY, MD. The .Mardi Gras Beauties, at the Majestic, la a member of The Matinee Ulrl Company and week of January 31. had quite an exciting time was Immediately wired for. Meantime he war coming to Kansas CIt.v. ’They left Memphis, a taken to a hospital In charge of the Elks, of ORGANIZE STOCK COMPANIES. And still they crowd the theatres to tin- iil which order he Is a member. most capacity. This is the ai>ex. the climax, of twelve-hours' run fr-ni Kansas CIt.v. at six the theatrical seas-m. o’clock Saturday evening, but were -lelay-sl on The attractions offcremineii.” Whi-ii tin- Pearce A S<-heek, owners of a large numbei edy Company, have formed a partnership and ’Frlsrsi reschi-d Kansas City, the girls were all will put out two strong repertoire companies the theatres since Christmas has b--eii capacity, of moving pictiiri- theatres In Baltimore and in their costumes and were conveyisl thus to with bands and orchestras and vaudeville acts, and then some. the East, ami who are also Interested In tb* Robert Edcsiin and his Comuanv present-'d the thi-atre In ten cabs. It was o'wing to the new Victoria Theatre, Baltimore, have por playing g(X)d time for the bala'nce of the season Ingenuity and resourcefulness of Manager Andy and the summer parka and airdome circuits dur¬ Th- Cai: of tlic North at the WUlls W.hsI week chased the leas-- of the City cipera Hotiae -•f January 31 an-l pleased large Bii-li--iic--s. Lewis, of thi- company, that the show did com Frederick, .Md., from the original lessees. Let- ing the summer. mence exactly on tin- dot. Tin- Big Bi-limaii The companies will be known as the Jefferson Miss Ma.v Buckley, who created the rob- of herz Brothers. Rosalie In Th-- Bight of Way. seen at the Willis Show com<>s to the MaJ«‘stlc Week of 7. anil Is -Stock Company No. 1 and No. 2. Mr. Brott the biggest show of the Majestic’s seasi-n. and .Mr. Evans are now In Cincinnati contract¬ W-Mvl w-‘ek of .Tanuary 24, left the company here ing for special pa|>er, scenery, etc., and they for her home In New Y’ork CIt.v. Miss Buckley I’at White, Ills Gaiety Girls anti their Holngs TD INCREASE CAPITAL STDCK claim there companies will be among the strong- has pla.ved the role of Bosalle ever since the In Muilvllli-. nil-sl the Cenliirv Tlii-atre wi-i-k of 31 WILLIAM \V SIIEI.IEV. *•1 attractions of this class. play was staged, but Miss Grace B-'iiham. who Jake Wells’ Bijou Theatre Co., of Knoxville will take her place, will d-iihtless j-rove effleh-nt. Tenn., has flie-l with the secretary of state, at Rev. William Danforth. author of Tie- Gates .Nashville, sppllcatlon to amend Ita charter THE MAN AHEAD. -if Eden, which haa had such a long stock run REPRESENTS FDREIGN AMUSE¬ which will allow an Increase of the capital in Chicago, was In Kansas City last week and stock to lltItl.lMIti. The Bijou Theatre In KD-t MENTS. ville will open February ‘22. When everything’s rosy, you’re l-erth's wsrin conferred with Manager O. 1). Woodward wltn and cozy H wiew of making this city the pmilucing c-'Uler for his plays. ’The local stock company at the Yonr pockets are lined with the green; William K. Inshaw, of Br-siklya, arrived In You’re ahead of a winner, .vou check up then .Yiiditorlum Theatre will doiihtless put on I'he CASE DECIDED. Gatfs of Ell<11 liefore the si-ason closes. New Y'ork on .Mondav, January 25. on the R. M. have dinner. 8. Liicanla. He had a very rough crossing and You smoke and contentedly dream. Father and the Boys will be at tb-- Willis The case of Cal DIx against the Pst Rooue; W-ssl week of February 7, with William H. saw the Ill-fated Republic In sinking condition For when you’re flush every cloud Is of silver. at 11 A. M., January 24. Company fur breach of contract sf empluymen' Every sign is a bunch that you win; Crane In one of the best j-arts be has ever was tried February 1 before Judge McLaughlla During bis stay In England. Mr. Iiisbaw as Every day la a promise of b-’tter, played. of the Municipal Court, of New York. The com Tbongb a bad stand may put you “all In” Gus Edwerds' musical corn-sly, S-'h-s-l Hays, sisted Frank C. Bostock hy obtaining locations l-lalnt was dismissed. Maurice Harold Rose wa* Be a spender though, pal. wb--n you hare It. was seen wts-k of 31 at the Gran-I Thi-alre a-i-l for skating rinks In which Bostock Is largely the attorney for the Pat Rooney Company I Interested owning at the present time twelve. And when broke do a hike for the bay; I'stritillsh-sl another big rcconl for this (sipiilar l-layliouse. Roller skating Is the craze of Great Britain l.et It rather be said, "there’s a live one that's Tile tilg musical succi-ss. Coming Th-si’ Hu- to-day. Mr. Inshaw met J. Henry Ilea, presl dead" DFFER TDD SMALL. Than be a dead one and living to-day. II.V'*, comes for a week, to the Grand, commenc dent of the L. A. Thompson Continental Scenic Railway Compsn.v, that has Just bi-en formed WATTERSON R. ROTHACKER ing with the Sunday iiiatinei-. Keliruary 7. Ailelaide Thurston. In The Woman’s R-nir. In I,one with Mr. C. S. I.i-eds. st the Hotel Baltimore, Mr. Bostock Is Interested with J. Henry Ilea, In one of the finest vamlevllle theatres In the this cif.v. Thi-re Is quite a j-retly romance con- this venture, as is also Mr. Ferdinand Akoiin. Tile W’ltcliliig Hour, Augustus TUomaa’ play -state of .Michigan, haring all the appointments nectid with .Miss Glose's marriage to .Mr. Is-isls. These gi-ntli-men have appointed W. R. Inshaw Is to be i-roduced In I.oiidoa by Forbes H«b of the m-s-t m-slf-rn plsvli-oises The -tecora -vhlch t-s-k plsee In l"ttitiiirir s v-sr --r —■ sv-i- their sole American agent for this enterprise. erls,m -tiiring lil« season shrotd. FEBRUARY 13, 1909. Xiie Billt>o2ircl ►

alatanta. The Four Slatera Amatl* and tbe Five Juggling Norman* are atrung addition* to tbe BERTHAJCALICH hill and are meeting with big aucceaa. WILLIAM A. KUEPKB. HERNDON UCKAYE AT WORK To Have New Play by MONTREAL, CAN. ON PLAY FOR ADGER WALL Thomas Dickinson. The Merry Widow and her friend. I’rlnce Daiillo, danced their way Into the bearta of the patron* of Ilia Majeaty't on opeuiug night. Thla city la critical at all llmea. but the Title is to be The Unbroken "Widow-' left adverae critic* no gnaiud to Louisville Eagles Preparing Big atand on. The mauagement has struck a card Road and the Play was which would atand a re|H‘tltl<>u. Under Soiitli- ern Sklea, at the Academy, waa well received. The romiiany la giaal and gave an excellent Written to Fit Madam lnten>retatloa of thla mebalrauia. Southern Theatrical Bureau Forms Circuit Embracing Kalich’s Peculiar An exceptional bill i* preaented at Bennett'* thla Week Jiillua Steger aud Co., in the mu Principal Cities of the Southwest—Top 0’ the World alcal drama. The Fifth Conimaniluient; Ladille Endowments. Uliff'a imitation* of Harry Lauder; The Two Sil¬ vas. Kreuika Brotbera, Wilbur Mack and Nellie Artists Thanked for Services in Earthquake Benefit Walker, an animal ahirw. The Noaaoa, and Cook and Steven*; parked matluee and eveoiug Hirrlaon Uivr PlnkF ha* apcnrpd for Mad- house* resulted. .IDF B*Ttha Kallch. a play by Tbomaa Dtckta- Two giaal luirleaquea. well staged, with goml W. Herndon Lackaye la very buay In hla atndy F's. of UlDclDuatl; Dave Gregory, better known .on, FOtllled ThF Cnbrokm Road. The slnglDg by capable artists, far above the av¬ Id I’aducah, Ky.. preiiarliig a beautiful play aa The Si-dideous Kid; Messrs. Weldhaua, Rug ■utiior 1* a literary man of dlatlnriloD, who la erage. la the offering of Scrlbiier'a Show at the entitleil, Sjilldre. in which Adger A. Wall will era aud Happy John Berk. The page* will be a member of the faculty of the I'nlveralty of ifrlDeeas Ibis week. Falardo'a .Muiuuiy was a tie aeen In tbe title role, arrangement* having two of Ixiuisvllle'a juvenile actrease*. Mias WleronalD. The aoenea of tb* play are laid clever piece of work. Rogers, .Maiiasy and Lo been made between tbe author and Mr. Wall. Dorothy Sbiimaker and Mis* Orvllla Welllcgton (n the capital of a State In the .Middle Weat. renza are gutal In the akil*. Tbe play la on tbe rural Hue, a* moat of The show will have a high clasa vaudeville •Dd Itf theme la baaed upon certain cuodltlon* The Follies of the Day ofiened well to parkeil .Mr. Lsekaye's IxiokB are, and la sprlnkleil with olio In four turns with an after-piece. The bead of American life that bare not tieen treated houses. Tbe mauagement of this theatre haa sensational climaxes, presenting Mr. Lsekaye’s liners of tbe MU are Murphy and Herr In their hitherto by the dramatlat. Madame Kallch. always aoiiiethliig extra in store as addeil at¬ race hors,-. Spltdre, which will be carried with original black fare sketch, entitled Coon Opera who haa appeared In Madame de Oreaac'a tractions, In the shape of wn-stllng. Imxlng or the company, also tbe old race track at Lexing¬ There wrtll be two performance*, matinee and Oora alnce the beginning of ber tour, lintabed waltaing contest*. ton. Ky., will be an Interesting scene, as Mr. night, at Marauley'* Theatre, Eaater Sunday. with that play at Cleveland, and baa returned to A|irll II. Further date* for tbe abow wilt b* New York, where llarrtaon Orey Flake la con¬ dxeil later. Tbe show la uuder tbe management ducting rehearaala of The Unbroken Road, The of Mr. I..ee Zweldoff, of laiulavllle Aerl* N«. priductlon will take place In Waabington earir »32. (D February, and It will be aeen In New Y««r* In April. The following are among tbe player* who have been engaged to anpftort Madame Kal- THE SOUTHERN THEATRICAL Ich: Frederick Trueadell. W. II. Turner. Tbomaa BUREAU CIRCUIT. I,. Coleman. Oeorge Wynn. Dean Raymond. Flor- Ine Arnold. Blanche Weaver and May Mailden. Madame Kallch'* genliia wa* fully evident In The SiHitbern Theatrical Bureau, with general Cora, and Madame de Oreaac'a play had a moat headquarters at Cycle I'ark Theatre. Dallaa. pro.perona aerie* of engagement* on tour, but Tex., baa formeil a circuit of the principal cltle* Tile Unbroken Road preaenta auch opportiinltle* In tbe South, Including San Antonio, llouaton to thi* remarkable actresa that It wa* deeroetl Ft. Worth, Dallas. Denison CTexasl; Ardmore. wlae to produce It at once, particularly a* It I* MrAlester, Muskogee, Shawnee, Oklahoma City, • drama In touch with tbe peculiar apirit of Guthrie and Enid (Okla.); Ft. Smith, Hot tbe time In tbia country. Springs and Little Ris-k (Ark.) The critic* In the cltle* of tbe We*t In C. R. McAdams. Jr., of Dallas, has tbe mao which Madame Kallch baa been aeen thI* aea- sgement of tbe Bureau's booking departmeat. aon have re-echoed and emphaalaed their form¬ and Is well known among theatrical managers er enthualaatlc appreciation of her work. 'TTie who tour tbe South. audience wa* wildly enthualaatlc.” aay* the .Mr. McAdams writes that be baa a coay of Cleveland I.e*der of her opening In that city, dee, with a complete aet of "Old Billy Boy” uo "and bad the curtain up half a doaen time* baud, and they are at tbe diapoaal of all com after each act." Victor Slayton. In the New*, panics playing Dallas. commented with pleaanre on the new aapect Besides a summer theatrical circuit, the In which Madame Kallch waa preaented daring Southern Bureau baa tbe sale of opera house sup the progre** of Cora—that of happlnea*. with piles, stage hardware, opera chairs, tickets and related comedy. "Kallch merry wa* a revel*, ticket racks, press cllpidugs and are prepared to tloo." aald be. "and tbe audience liked ber gay offer employment to well versed theatrical mao t* well a* the audience* of other aeaaon* liked 1 agers. as they are leaaeea of several parka lo her aombre.” "The drat night’* audience threw the South. off It* 'Weetern reaerve.’ " aald the Prea*. "and gave Madame Kallch and ber play a reception , mch a* Cleveland aeldom extend*. It wa* a TOP O’ TH’ WORLD ARTISTS tribute to the genlu* of the actre**." The critic of the Plain Dealer aald that "new light THANKED. waa abed on the artlatry of Madame Kallch. Heretofore ahe ha* been all oerlouanea*. In the .Air. Frank M. Willard, of the Kansas City cew offering ahe diveraltlea. Her role I* one ad¬ Star, writes. In behalf of Tbe Bed Cross So mixture of light and ahade that enable* a defy of Kanaa*. desiring that the thanks of tha broad aweep of her art. and ahe atand* forth a society be publicly given to Bailey and Austlo. '-offledlenne a* well a* a player of tragedy.” stars of The Top O’ Tb' World Company, for “Madame Kallch. after the exnnlalte nathoa services rendereii at tbe recent Italian eartb • •f the opening act.” raid tbe Cincinnati 'rlmea- quake benedt, at tbe Wlllls-Wood Tbeatre, Kao Star, "abow* for tbe Aral time her aptitude for aas City, Mo. .Mesart. Bailey and Austin were comedy. It I* a new phaae of thi* gifted called from tbe street, aud on abort notir*. artlat. She alao for the flrat time appear* furnished an hour and a half of eDtertalument In mndlab gown*, and preaenta a rarely beauti¬ to the audience. They were encored eighteen ful picture." "Berth* Kallch I* one of the times during tbe (lerformance. Theae come tew great actreaaea of the day,” aald tbe Poet, dlans have made themselves solid with Kan*** "and anything ahe doe* will alwava command City people. admiration. There I* no denying the power of her acting. The expreaaloo of her feature*, the Intonaticm of her voice and her varlon* MORRIS SIGNS JAMES J. JEFFRIES poatupe* all declare her an actrea* of great Intelligence and force. Tbe voice 1* probably William Morris has signed James J. Jeffrie* her greateat attribute. It 1* an Inatmment for an Eastern engagement to run for twenty from which ahe draw* the mnalc of the paaaing weeks, at tbe rate of f2.d0() per week, or mood. To he able to aee her la a great oppor¬ $50.ISM) total for the eugagement. tunity. and the audience ahowed appreciation The tour opens In , March 8 •n an enthualaatlc manner." Harris and rincus. managers of the Wigwam Theatre lo Ssn Francisco, are Interested In the Iwoklng end. Jeffries will play two weeks oa NEW ORLEANS. LA. the I'acldc Coast before starting East. Mr. Morris Intends to prem-nt Jeffries aa a natloa "Sanduw," with the boxing exhibition as a The paat week ha* aeen big biialneaa at all small portion only of tbe act. a* be believes la ••t the abow houae*. The attraction* offered this manner Jeffries will prove a better draw were all of a high claaa. and with MardI (Ira* Ing cord. Carnival nearing u*. and a line line of attrac¬ tion* booked to play during MardI (Ira* all the manager* can look for rapacity biialnea*. The ONE-TIME FAMOUS VIOLINIST theatrical and amuaement boalneaa here I* on DEAD. the Inrreaae all of the time Manager Them**, C. Campbell, of the Tulane and Crencent Thea¬ Nathan Rallenberg, at one time the moat fa tre*. atate* that hi* hoiiaea are doing Bnely and moua violinist and orchestra leader In Boa with the attraction* that theae two houae* have Francisco, was found asphyxiated In hla ruom^ lieen offering they have been doing a phenomenal that city. January ‘24. Death was caused bM bualnea*. Manager Jule* Blatea. of tbe Orpheum. the Inhalation of gaa escaping from a heaters •late* that hla houae la doing rapacity bnalnea*. used by tbe dead mao to warm bis room. Tb* Since tbe price* of thi* houae have been ad¬ corner believes tbe death to have been accidental. vanced there baa been no falling off In patronage Ballenberg was a native of Germany and aged on the contrary, I* on the Increaae. The seventy years. He came to Ban Francisco abont 'trpheum people are aendlng a higher grade of thirty-dre year* ago. Tbe funeral was beld on vaudeville art* tbi* way. Manager Henry Oreen- der the auapires of Musician*' Mutual Protar wald. of the Qreenwald. where bnrleii()ue la rul¬ tive Cnlou. ing. aay* LI* hoa*e I* doing bigger and better The Montana Express Is the offering st tbe Wall Intends to send a accnlc artist there to be¬ oiialneaa titan ever, and with a line line of clean, Francals. a melialrama with balrbresdtb es- gin work St isice. so as to get It as near exact high rlaa* burleaqne to play hla botine he I* ca|H-s. It was well recelvial by gcaal hiuiaea. as pos..itde. THE GIRL FROM RECTOR’S. looking f,w an Increaae. The atock houae* are Henry LeMarr. a* The Merry Widow. Leonard It is expecteit to mark an epoch In the race doing capacity bualnea*. and Drake In imitations of birds. Mile. Talle- track plays, with this Spltdre aggregation the The Girl From Rector’s wa* given It* drat ryac and Frank .Mochon. tratwie balancers, are comiiany will be cast at thlrty-tbnie peotde with The moving picture and ten and twenty-cent performance on any stage, at the Trent Theatre the giaal offerings at Itennetl's Nouveautea. a carload of beautiful scenery, which will con- vaudeville bualnea* la making a big hit here, aa Trenton, N. J.. Ia»t week. The *1017 of th* With Robertson and Fanchetfe, comeily singing slat of several of Kentucky's thoroughbred*. play I* aald to be very aalaclmi*. and It. there wnie of the houae* prenent very good hill* for The play will lie a novelty aiid a true story w money, eapeclally the New Alamo, Sbiibert, and dancing, Figaro, club and vase manipulator; fore Incurred the dl*|ileaaurr of the good people Crowley, Impi-rsoiiator; .Andy Thompson, comic of the Kentucky track In rei-ciit year*. A well of Trenton. Two performance* only were per Winter Harden. Daiiphlne. Grand, and many oth- known lady star has ts-cn uihlcr the considera¬ •r* too nnmeroua to mention. singer,' and moving pictures, was made up as mitted. when the (loMce awi-oped down on th* neat a bill .is could be offereil at the Casino tion of Mr. I.;irka.ve to sii)>port Mr. Wall. "f- Walter R Brown, aaalatant manager of houae and atopi>ed the show. The management Tb.sire N. W. SHANNON The comiiany will ois-n next Seiitember In nlaney a I.yrlc. wa* preaented with a beantlfiil were evidently not disheartened by tbIa coup, one of the cities for a three months* run. a* a which la In the nature of good advertising, ao fain atick by the Iloo lino'*, for the valuable well known manager Is arranging for same. rendered In getting up a program for PICTURES IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. New York, which la to have the new play next, 'hem for the convention In thi* city. win dnubticaa receive the same with open arm* Mlaa Phyllla Gllmorv- haa been engaged to a* (»ne of Ih* neatest and moat up-to-date van •lime lead* with the new I.yrlc Stock Conrpanv. LOUISVILLE EAGLES Tfi GIVE dcvllle and nootng ideture honae* In Council W. P. READY AS A PROMOTER OF She will make her drat a|>|atlng MINSTREL SHOW. ever too I,ate to Mend, commencing weea of t^ebruary 1. .'niiscit.v of l.'L' •iiid caters to Iboaii who S|> BIG EVENTS. |ircclsii- n.oviiig idcliircs and lilch emss vmiile The rehearsals for the minstrel show of the _ Impreaarlo Jult-a l.ayelle. accompanied tW vilic li I- under the msnagcinent ol Mr. J. J. F. PolliH-k. arrivcl here. January 27, Louisville Aerie of Eagles No. .TKI are proving Mr. W P. Ready, the Naabvtlle tbeatrtcal Klein •nd they are now making preparation* for the a groat siicces*. Tbe show Is under the direc¬ manager has develofW^ Into an amusement pro fining Irench Giiera C4>mpan.v, to open at the tion of the Si-hlllliig Minstrel Syndicate. Jacob mnter of simie magnitude. A few days ago h* eoch Gj^ra Houae aome time In Novemlier. (TeorKe I’n’’ • lui.' oi'cniMl ii nvw J. Schilling Is musical director and stage dl produced a man wbo was willing to back • • •'■Tclle, after making the dnal arrange inudevllle house In Giilf|>ort. Miss., and I* do¬ rector and has the boys down to a stand point. dstic meet between Jim Jeffrie* and Jack Tbe Eagl<“* are very much taken up with the iIT’ K'

THE WEEK'S OFFEKINO ('C)I. Andrew Tandy . William Burreaa THE CAST Feb. 21.—New York Symphony Orchestra. The Third Degree, a drama by ProfesKor Audrey .Malmon ...Dallaa Welford l>hvy Dickerson . ... .\rthur Stanford Carnegie Hall, afternoon; Klein concert. New Cbarlen Klelu, at Itie lludaua Theatre. .\lra. Wlthera|MM»n Copley Klita Pro<'tor Utia WellinKton Heed ...... Sydney Jarvis German Theatre, afternoon. ' EUle Jaoia iu The Fair Co-Ed., a comedy- by Marcia SinKleton .. . Nena Blake Jom-phus Cadwallader Edgar Halstead Feb. 22—.MIsrha Elman, violin recital. Car OeorKe Ade. with Muaic b; Uuatav Ludera, at Anitelica . . Nella Webb Ernest Grubb .. . David Todd negle Hall, afternoon. the Knickerbocker Theatre. Judfte Caperton ...... Herbert Carr Freddie Carrington .. . Lionel Walsh Feb. 23.—Kueisel guartet, Mendelssohn Hall, The Ulrl from Hector'a. a muatcal comedy by Knickebein . ... Max Freeman Bob Chester . __ James Heaney afternoon; Margulles Trio, MendeNsohn Hall, Paul Potter, adapted from the French of Pierre Ileacon WlKKleford ... John .Miiriiby Cai>taln Peacock ...... Donald .McLaren evening; Beebe-Dethler, piano recital. Hotel Veber, at Weber’a Theate. ■Mrs. WlKaleford ... . Mildred .McNeill S<|uab Dingle . . Harry Clarke Plaza, evening. Lincoln at the White House, a play in four •Mrs. Tarbox . Isabel O'Madittan Grouch Hubbard ...... Ix-avitt James Feb. 2r,.—New York Symphony Orchestra. acts by Bciijanilu Chapin, at the Garden The¬ Vera Flower .. Florence M. Constantine A Sergeant . ... Stuart Belknap Carnegie Hall, afternoon; Home Fenton, con atre. Penale Patterson ... . Helena M. Constantine Cynthia Bright . . Elsie Janls cert. Mendelssohn Hall, afternoon. Nannie Hall . Evelyn F. Constantine Angelina Baxter . .lues Bauer Feb. 26.—Eamts-De Gogorra. song recital. Boy from Thorley's .Walter Gresham Haxel PInkbam _ Constanee Kastman Carnegie Hall, afternoon. Byrdle Wheeler . . Marlon Mills Feb. 27.—Young People's Symphony Orcbea Weber’s Theatre was packed on Magnolia Curtis .... . Ellce Steele tra. Carnegie Hall, afternoon. Monday night to witness A. H. Woods' latest Feb. 2S—New German Symphony Orchestra. proiluetlon. The Girl from Hector's. Elsie Janls was nicely received at Carnegie Hall, afternoon; Klein concert. New The Girl, from Hector's has to do principally the Knickerbot'ker on Monday In a frolicking German Theatre, afternoon. with the complications proiluced by haring a play l>y .\de anil Luders. March 2.—New York Symphony Orchestra. Carnegie Hall, evening:‘ "Sam Franks's“ Concert of Old Muaic, Mendelssohn Hall, evening. Manh 3. —Iless-Sehroeder Quartet, Mendels MINNIE A. BARRIE. sohn Hall, evening. March 4.—New York Symphony Orchestra. Carnegie Hall,I, afternoon. .March 8.—IPhilharmonic Orchestra, Carnegie Hall. afteinoon. show! I'oaitively aatouiahlug. Miss Mauhat. i was astonished—It takes that young lady some BILLIE BUBKE ILL time to reconcile anything that amacka of a ten cent price with her Fifth avenue Ideas. The report from Boston that Miss The moving picture has been given an impetus Billie Burke will not fulflll her engagement In that will gather speed along the lane of popu- 1 Love Watches, which was to have been given lar approval, let those most Interested see that i for the flrst time at the Hollis Street Theatre a metamorphosis doesn't take place—dust off the i last Monday night, was con&rmed at the olBces goggles and be alert for the new juggernaut ' of Charles Frobman. that may crush the unworthy theatrical enter- i Monday afternoon Miss Burke telegraphed rTlaes—watch out for moviug pictures—especially ! Charles Frobman as follows: f Lyinau H. Howe spousois them. ' It was .Mr. Howe's introduction to New York | "I feel most terribly at the Inconvenience In a dress suit, and we are mighty glad to i I am causing, but I fear that I must rest an meet him—he'll be here every Sunday for some , other week. BILLIE BCRKB." time, and if he gives entertaiumeuts as he did .Mr. Frobman replied: Suutlay It would not be a fool hardy thought to forecast the gjntleman In a theatre of his ' "That's all right. There are thousands of own. other weeks, but only one Billie Burke." We have had picture shows for some time— ^ "CHARLES FROHMAN." the country is overrun with them—the public I knows what they are—but fiever has there been It Is expected that Miss Burke will be able a moving picture show worthy the name or to act all right next Monday evening. l^bably worthy a better name until Lyman H. Howe came to town. MARK TWAIN—PRESS AGENT Ur. Howe la a showman, that may explain Mark Twain has been asked by part of his success. He puts a showman's in¬ Benjamin Chapin and by the Secretary of the telligence ami experience in his enterprise, he Lincoln Farm Association, to act as the ofliclal wants people to come and see his production, press agent In connection with the performances be wants them to pay for It, and be wants of Mr. Chapin's four-act play, Lincoln at the them to go home satisfied and to come again— White Hotise, which Is presenti-d at the Garden of course, and pay again. And that la the show Theatre. Mark Twain occupied a liox on tbs business, at least the part of it that brings last night the Lincoln play was presented In the emoluments of fame, success and fortune. New York at the Liberty Theatre, two years As good as Mr. Howe was the support given ago. The next day Mr. Chapin's representative him by the Hippodrome management. For In¬ received the following note: stance, a twenty-six piece orchestra kept things In tune. In every department there were sigus "In the beginning of the first act. while Mr. of careful palnatSklug, and this la why New Chapin did seem to me to be a very close and York has the moving picture fad, and has It happy Imitation of Mr. Lincoln, It was only an strong. imitation. Hut at that point the miracle began Included In the list of subjects were The Little by little, step by step, by an Impercep Gorges of Tarn In France, The Brlie Camel, tible evolution, the artificial Lincoln dlsaolv^ Aeroplane Flight of Wilbur Wright; His First away, and the living and real Lincoln was be Expetiment, a comic; Beenes in Cairo and fore my eyes, and remained real until the end. Egypt, Meaaina Before and After the Earth¬ I apply to it that strong word 'miracle' be quake, Hover Outwits the Kidnapper, Hussia cause I think It justified. I think 1 have not and the Moscow Flood, The Juggling Fly, The before seen so Interesting a- spectacle as this Electric Hotel, Water Scenes In Cornwall, steady growth and transformation of an un Feats of Horsemanship, The Hunaway Train, reality Into a reality. and A Bovine Episode. (Signed) "R. L. CLEMENS. "(Mark Twain)" THE THIRD DEGREE FRANCES STARR PRAISED BY LOIHS DETOE HLDSON THEATRE,—The Third Degree a play In four acts, by Charles Klein. IN THE WORLD THE CAST: The effect of the first performance on the sddlence that packeerformanre was Howard Jeffries. Jr. Wallace Eddinger as fertile as ingenious and as deft In handling Captain Clinton . .. Ralph Delmore the mecbanlrs of the stage as the play Itself. Robert Underwood . .. Francis Byrne If David Belasco ever proved himself a wizard Dr. Bernstein . . George Barnum in the mimitic art last night was the time. Mr. Bennington . .. Walter Craven And perhaps bla greatest stroke was the choice Detective-Sergeant Maloney ... .Alfred Moore of Miss Frances Starr for the role of the mis Officer . .... Henry Brown erable heroine, who proved too weak to die— Elevator Attendant . ... William Wray weak enough only to drift to perdition along Jones . . Verner Clarges Miss Barrie is now appearing In the part of Elsa as a member of James D. Barton A (jo.'s the treacherous path of least resistance. Wild Servant at Brewster's .... William Wray Western The Devil Company. Her first appearance on the professional stage was with the applause followed moments during which the -Annie Jeffries . . Helen Ware Sbubert Stock Company in Syracuse and Rochester a dozen years ago, playing juvenile parts. audience sat aghast at the audacity of some of Mrs. Howard Jeffries ...... Grace Fllkins I.ater she bad a prominent part In Klaw A Erlanger’s spectacular production. Jack and the the scenes. The curtain calls could scarcely Beanstalk. She has since ap(>eared In stock at I'hlladelphia and In a number of succesaful be counted. It Is a question whether the crowd Charles Klein is a real hero to-day. productions. Miss Barrie's delightful personality and disposition have won for her many was applauding moat, the play or the manner New York is willing to forget several little friends In the profession. of its performance. things, and comes boldly to the front to say that The Third Degree, bis latest effort. Is even AUTHOR WILL SUE better than The Music Master. There is more (ilot than is usually m>en In a Frederick W. Sperling, counsel for The story, briefly outlined, has to do with a comedy with music, and there are fewer mu¬ two playwrights who collaborated on The Tam young college graduate, the only son of a so¬ sical niimlH>rs. these being made sulvordinate pire, now playing the Hackett Theatre, has cial and financial leader, long Identified with to the action of the comeart of the only girl student left in a col for $100,0(N) damages for libel against Arthur ries, Jr., having contracted a marriage with a lege where formerly the co-ed. flourished. The Stringer, who charged that their play was girl whose father had figured from time to time majority of the boys think themselves In love base

he vampire, at the Grand Opera 8CKNE.S OK the play T Wm. Powers and Seymour Brown. Mile. Daxle able gem of tbe stage. Then we have Maboi House, iDd The Prince of To-NiKht. at the ACT 1.—Courtyard of O'Uay's Bauc b. New and her exquisite dancing, and .Nora Bayeg with Fenton and Charles Foss, two real burlesquert Prlhfvsi, are the two new "openera” of the Mqxleo. (Some years since.) her delightful singing are two of thu best on whose reimtatioo wss so long associates! wltk week. Tile Vampire cornea to ua with a wake ACT II.—An iDfUan Village. (The next day.) Hie program of '•hits,'' and the Society Prize the Weber and Flelils shows. .A particularly of comment and discuaalon following In Its AIT III.—The Post. (A month later.) Fight Is the “best ever.” timely sketch, Lincoln at the White House, Is trail and a promlae that we will haee aome- ACT IV.--Startled Fawn's I..oresented by the Benjamin Cbapin Playera. thlng to talk about durinf ita enitaccment here. dawn.) THE FOOL HOUSE Juliet, a |iupll of Ad. Newbergs'tf, who la great The Prince of To-Night waa tried out In Mil¬ ly restH>nsible for the flne work of Felix and waukee. amoothed over, curtailed, brightened This is the second week at the Stu¬ The well-known and generally liked Caire, Fred Rivenhal, an all-around entertalnor and Infuaed with additional corned; for the debaker Theatre of Paul Armstrong's play. The Four llmitlngs are this week at the Great from Australia, and tbe perennial favorito, edification of Chicago theatregoera. and now Renegade, and while the press has not been Northern Tlieutre. playing Tbe Fool House. Clarice Vance, are others on the great bill that we have It In good working order of the aort overly enthusiastic over Ita dramatic worth. It 1 he show is replete with laughs and la pleas Ik pulling the crowds and destroying the pops chat makes a fit aucceaaor to ita stubborn pred still is good en|H>rt and encouragement. of theatre aucceas. atres, but this week's program ahows in the story is rather melopera House, Man of the Hour at McVIcker'a, Lloyd Is well known at Chicago's moat beauti and A Broken Idol at the Whltnev. The Fdllles JACK STBAW CAST; ful theatre, and la In great favor with the pa of 190.S returns to us with greater facilities A farcicul comedy In three acts, by W. Som¬ Alw>n Bennett . Cyril Scott trons. who remember her by her excellent work for handling their following, this time being erset .Maiigbatii. when here before. Two more from the Brltlsli housed In the Auditorium. The American Mu¬ Charles Walnwrlght . James E. Wilson Scott It. tiihbs . Edward LeSalnt Isles are also on the bill Ibis week, and The sic Hall, the Majestic, the Olympic THE CAST: McNaiiglitons, la^ndon's foremost eccentric and the Hajmarket make their I'snal Taadevllle Ulebard Horrigan . Kapley Holmes Jack Straw ^. John Brew c-omeady Wan lev . Adelaide Prince Balias M’ainwright . Alma Powell Jack Walkham . Mark Smith ccptlonsi Interest and strength. Rosie .Chbott . Helen Freeman Cynthia Garrison . Marian Chapman Allen Arden .. Katherine Florence Mrs. Withers . Grace Henderson Mrs. Hauser . I.«ulse Dempse.v -Mrs. Bennett . Kate Lester THE MELTING POT Paul Hartlelgh . John E. Rellerd The Chicago Opera House still har¬ Caryl Fielding . John Westley bors that wonderful ZangwIII siiecesa. The Melt Mr. Craig . Richard Baker IN THE RENEGADE, STUDEBAKER THEATRE, CHICAGO. Ing Pot. and Walker Whiteside and Chrystal Wm. McNeil . George Panncefort Herne there continue to add to their laurels snd the pleasure of Chicago's playgoing pop For this week The Vampire will be the at¬ Illation. The regular theatregoer finds It a traction at the Grand Opera House, then on [M-rformance of artiatic worth, a play of purs Sunday. February 14. The Top o' the World merit, meritoriously enacteil; tbe thinker flnda will be at that theatre for two performances, fmsl for his thoughts, for speculation, for dia and then begins the engagement of Mrs. FIske cusslon: It hits home from all directions; It In Salvation Nell. The Vampire Is fresh from a|i|ieala to tbe people It typlflea, tbe wbois a success at the Hackett Theatre, New York, l>eo|de. It ran play to rrowdeil hmisea Juat to where It was well received by the crowds who long as the other cities do not grow too In came to see It but went away with but a cba- sistent in their demands snd take It from os stlc Idea of what It was all about. It la a story well told of a subject rather obscure to THE GOLDEN GIRL the average layman, but withal It Is Intensely The new show. The Golden Girl, will Interesting and |s on a higher plane than the apiicsr St the LaSalle Theatre Fehniary IS average play of the da.v; It la an effort In the right direction. THE GIRLS OF OOTTENBERG THE PRINCE OF TO-MIOHT The pretty little musical comedy ralleil The Girls of Gottenherg. eontinues on The new whow at the Princess has Its siicessfiil way at the Illinois Theatre. Th*- Blade good on the promises of the press agent, company Is of unusual excellence, and tbe play and Is now heralded and accepted as an “on a blithely mehsIliHis, Is a clean, wbolesuine so par" successor to A Stubborn Cinderella, that tertainment during ever.v moment of Its action had such a strong hold on the patrons of the This Is tbe last week, and it la well maintain np Clark street showhonse “rhe Mllwankee Ing It's blgb standing of business. try out showed up the weak spots, which have •Ince been entirely ellmlnateil, until now we OLYMPIC MUSIC HALL have It In Its best and most gorgeous dressing Lust week's bill at tbe Olympic Mu —a Singer success. Henr.v Woodniff. as a sic Hall Included The Hengler Sisters. Silver penniless inllege yonth. wanders down to Palm and .N* Ison. Snyder and Buckley. The Two Beach, and there falls In love with a beautiful Pucks. Lew Sully and bis company In hit heiress (of rniirse). She. after s glance and sketch. Frenzied Frolics. lns|iet|nn a la Bratstreet and Bun. decides that without the “necessary evil" be won't THE HA'YMARKET do. Here enters the old gaislner Into the story, Last week’s bill at the Haymarket who. with a cunning superior to that of Bur¬ Theatre was comprised of Jnlie Ring and Co.. bank. befriends the youth and initiates him Byers and Herman. The Ortisis, .Mabel Malt Into botanical mysteries and secrets that en land. Lavine and I^-onard, Wllsim Bros., Harry able him to have vast wealth at his disposal. AA'ehb. Hallen and Hayes, Eilwsrd Lynch and BEATRICE FORBES ROBERTSON. This has a sort of Cinderella, one-nlght-onlv WM. FARNUM. Comitany, John Baxter, Cook and Oakea. Rarl string tied to It. that Is responsible for the .McClure and Harry Gordon. title and story of the new Princess play. The scenes show a hotel at Palm Beach, a house The second week of John Drew and TIME ANB PIJACE OF ACTION MISS JEANIE FLETCHER host on the Miami river, and a flower garden. Incidental success Is under way at Powers' T'’e ts'rl'sl is the present. The scene la any Last week at Orchestra Hall, Mlw The company Is excellent. Including such well and as this closes tbe engagement In Chicago large city In the I'nitol States. Jeanle Fletcher, the Scottish singer, assistod known people as Hesiry Woodruff. Georgle there will be many dlsap|>olntef idayers with which Brew is aur- ComniuDicating comailttee rooma In City Hall. the patrons of that house. of The So*il K|ss_ the last week of Genee and rmindeil Is even above his well known stand¬ her I>eer1ess dancing, and of Ralph Hers snd ard of selection and render (lerfect siiiqiort to This is the second week at McVlck- hla nstlstlc Mcphlsto It Is the real last chance MERELY MART ANN the star. er's of the return engagement In this city of to aee one of the heat and most entertaining Broadhiirst’s great play. The Man of the Hour, Merely Mary Ann, a play by Israel musical rerlews that has visited Chicago this MLLE. MISCHIEF and the enthusiastic welcome of last week It ZangwIII. la tbe attraction at the Bntb Teihpis Season. Some parts of It are risqne. too mnch extended over this and bids well to be repeated Theatre thii week. Miss Kelm Is seen In tt^ •o In fact, hnf the |>erformance In it's entir¬ The close of the engagement at the with every iierformance. It Is a capital enter role played by Eleanor Robson when tbe plec« ety la an entertainment of high elaaa that |s Garrick Theatre of Lulu Glaser and her com Liinment In every sense, combining as It does wss flrst prodiiceil in this country. The r#^ pleaaing every moment of Its duration, snd Is pany of players Is near at hand, and soon the rJ’al drama ami political conditions with Just mainder of the Thanbouser coirpany sre seep presented by s capable company, who dress well [M’oide of Mile. Mischief will away to another enough comeort of the other inemliers of this Mar remalna hecanae of Ita qnalitv. ; -idwsys are colneldent with the engagement of The 250th performance Is close for vin company present a very onslltable perform I the fascinating I.ulii. The company as \ whoIe Slice. Is excellent and Is betteretl by the w^k of the delightful little musical conceit that baa THE RENEGADE l*een doing such big business st the Whitney Frsnk Farrington as the gruff recruiting ser¬ THE ROYAL CHEF Opera Hotise and hope# sre expressed by Man¬ Sleeping Wolf (John geant, and Roy .Atwell In his portrayal of the Foundl... . Wm. Famnm ager Peers of the Van Buren atreet showhotise A musical comedy, under the title O'Bay . Inane and Insipid Fredd.v Mellne. .Alexander . J. Harry Benrimn that It will successfully round out snother cen of The Royal Chef is the entertainment offered Colonel Williams Clark as Mellne. Is snother brigh s|>ot on the .Charles I.'ndholm lory. 'Piore are rumors of s brief spring tour at the National this week. It Is said to be Captain l.ane . (irograni. snd vied with GIsser as sn encore . Malcolm Williams of .A Broken MolET.AOIN SHRBLlstreas. .Imef the real treat of tbe season for tbe National Captain Mcl,amh _ getter. There are several pretty songa In the . E. T. Backus of the larger cltlea before .A Broken Idol begins lies. Sergeant Hay . show, but one that will be es|>eclally remem¬ . Bwight Bans a summer run In Boston. Private Jones . . Bernard Gifford bered Is Sweetheart. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND Standing Psar . . James Seeley AMERICAN MUSIC HALL The melodramatic offering at the Running Elk _ ” .... Alexandev Kearney FOLLIES OF 1908 •Alhambra Theatre this week In It’s Never Too Thunder Hawk . Thomaa Findlay William Morris, Inc., have not fallen Re

NOTES FROM THE INDEPENDENT The Crystal Palace, at Wilmington. Independent Booking Office a Busy Place—St. Paul to N. C.. ofTcred week of Januarj 25, tbe atrong BOOKING OFFICE, NEW YORK. eat bill of ttie aeaaoD. Tbe acta conatltatlDg tba program were Tbe I’ralrea, Magne and lfagB» Have Big, New Vaudeville House-Great Pure Food and Tbe Gordona. The foMovIng acta open on tbe Moxart Clr- cnlt thla week: Dirk Gorman and Nellie Bell, Show and Exposition at Toledo, 0., with Vaudeville Myers and Garrison are doing a new Tke Lovitta, comedy acrohata; Wataon, llut- llluatrated aoDg act of twelae mlDites, OTtr tbe etainga and Edwards, In tbeir comedy, Tbe Sulllvao and CooKldlne time, wbicb eogagemeni Tandeallle Exchange; William 11. Irvine, Hol¬ Adjuncts—News of the People Who Furnish the Acts tbe)r bare ]uat commenced. They are booked for man Brotbera. triple bar artlsta; Crawford and twenty weeka. Meeker, tbe Fifth avenue fellow and hla pal; Walter Zanfrella Initiated inii* Bvana Lloyd and Gracl.vji Whilebouae, In Va- was rletles; Volta, tbe electrig marvel. Dainty Musical and Juggilug Novelty. Tbe Jaines Sullivan, who la now with tbe myaterlea of tbe White Rata, January 25 Deery and Frances o|>ened at Milton, Pa., Ideas throughout the act are said to be entirely and left with bla wife and daughter for Lon Frltil S<'heff’s Company, will enter vaudeville o<>kiugH until May, 1010. tbe objMtIon to potit-card communications. Tbe stamped envelope overcomes these objections and The Lola Lea Earl Company haw loaures prompt repiys and safe delivery. Just concluded an engagement of eight weeks A good many acta on tbe Moxart Circuit have over the Hiirgert and Greenwood time. Their tbel- time shortened for no other reason than , offerlug was a big success. that they neglect to furnish sufficient photo- graphs of their act. This Is a suggestion to Majorle DeWindt, club juggler, wa- acta applying for time; the more and better taken ill while playing Pltt^on, Pa., last week, the photos, tbe longer tbe time—think It over. and baa gone to her boiro In'Atlantic City "Patrice," the winsome comedienne. In her for a few weeks' rent. latest Buccess, Tbe Lobbyist, supported by Mr. I Cbarles Hutchinson and W. R. Crawford, are Chas. H. Aldrige, The Georgia .\lin Usted to open on tbe Moaart time for an ex¬ strel, has canceled all his time and has returned tended tonr. to his home In L'niontown, Pa., where be will Tbe following acts are likted to open on tbe remain until April 1. Moaart Circuit during the next few weeka: Jane Stuart Company, ’.illlan Murtha, Von Clever Clark, slack wire juggler Uanf, Three Axarda, Four Ylleron Bisters, Seven ‘ opened In Calgary, Alta., Canada, week of Peb Osaka Troupe, Young Americus Quintette, Tbe ruary 1. for three weeks In Canada, with Moo Kratona, boopland; Mlaco's Pantomime Com tana time to follow. pany, eight people; Frederick Esterbrook Com¬ Jules and Marzun have just flnlsherl pany, Tbe Martella, cycle experts: Nellie Burt, a very successful ten weeks’ engagement over kelbon and Govtnl and otbera. tbe .Moxart time, and are now playing over tb> Ed. Moaart and Ralph Alexander are very Morris Circuit. busy lately locating, leasing and arranging new territory. The development of the 1. B. O. The St. Clair Sisters, after playing I time Is going merrily on. twenty-two weeks of Southern time, opened oo a aixte<-D weeks' engagement at C. TOLEDO PURE FOOD SHOW AND ML-Js Leonore l.d*ster resumed her EXPOSITION. vaudeville engagement in Laramie, Wyo., fob ruary I, after a lay off in Spokane, Wash., doe Tbe Pure Food Show and Exposition to be to illness. held at Toledo, O., will be one of tbe biggest aver held In the Central States, and thousands Thus. V. White, well known musi of visitors are expecteil from all parta of Ohio. cal director, baa accepted tbe leadership of tba Michigan and Indiana. A number of novel and .Majestic Theatre drcbestra. CrawfordsvUle original features are being prepared and a big biU of circus and vaudeville acts have been se¬ cured aa free attractions. The first week of the fair will be known aa "week of all nations" and each day will be set aside. In honor of some different flag and Its people. The second week will be fraternity week and each day will Mu.sical Lainoines have been playing be devoted to some different order or lodge. Un over the Sullivan_ and_ Consldlne_ _ Circuit_ for. _ tb* these days there will be conteata for baodsome past six niontbs and ire booked solid until May trophies by tbe various drill teams. Tbe expo¬ sition la under tbe auspices of tbe Toledo Retail Grocers and Butchers and Is being promoted Billy Thompsiin. the Dutch cor by Measrs. I. B. Golden and Francis C. Mc¬ dian. is tilling an Indeflnite engagement at Carthy. Virginia Theatre, Petersburg, Vs. The acts wbicb have been engaged ao far, are: Efltnan and Gaylor opened on Tbe Four Waltons, Blondlne, tbe tight rope Gus Sun time, February 1 at Allegheny, Pa walker; Tbe McClarens, Scottiab dancers, and O’Brien and Rafferty, Irish pipers and dancers. Signor Dlnua^'s Italian Band will furnish tbe mnaic and Jae publicity and press department DRAMATIC. la In tbe bauds of Sydney Wire. The big fair '•pens at the Coliseum, Toledo, February In. Mrs. Helen Florida, wife of Oeo. a Florida claims to be tbe first lady idvano TO BUILD NEW THEATRE AT ST, agent ahead of a circus or theatrical attrnciloa Making her reappearance in vandevllle. During tbe season of 1886 sbe waa doing tba PAUL, MINN. press work ahead of tbe original Irlab romsdians Murray and .Mack, preaentlng FInnIgan'a Ball Mr. J. E. Rogers, owner of tbe Unique Tbes- Iieen engaged by Manager Decker, of tbe Luna the SullDcn snd Consldlne time, and are at while her biiaband. Geo. A. Florida, one of tba ire, Minneapolis. Minn., will build, to be ready Theatre, Akron, O.. where Mr. Fox will pro¬ present playing the Inter-State Circuit, booked most popular agents, was two weeka ahead of for the opening of tbe next aeason, a large duce farce comedies and assume tbe manage¬ through the Western Vaudeville .Managers’ As¬ the same company during the aeatona of INIW' and beautiful vaudeville house in St. Paul, ment of the theatre for tbe coming season. sociation. to 18l»5. Mrs. Florida did the contracting and Minn., tbe plans for wbicb have already been presa work for the Florida Brothers’ Showt prapared and pronounced satisfactory by the St. Frank and Della Williams opened at Jair.ej Thomas, the musical scissor owned by Frank L. and Geo. A. Florida. Mrs Paul building inspector. This new St. Paul the Orpbeum Theatre, Savannah, Ga.. January grinder. Las Just closed fifty three consecutive Florida ia now in vaudeville In France, wbll* thsatre will be tbe first of a chain which Mr. 25, In tbeir lllsb comedy. Are You A I.a>bster, weeks on the Gus Sun Circuit at Lima, U., and Geo. A. Florida la business manager for W. A Rogers is planning bn Instituting, as bouses will scoring a decided success. They are booked has accepted a permanent position at tbe Ma Wbltecar in tbe much talked of play. Married also be constructed In Dulutb and Wlnnl|>eg. solid on the Southern time until May, after Jesfic Tbeatre, Canton. O., managed by M. B. For Money, and U the only agent who travsla In It has been Incorrectly atated that Mr. Rogers which they return East to play a six weeks’ en¬ Hanley. an automobile. would bay or build theatres In Grand Forks gagement on tbe K. A P. Circuit. The Gleesons and Houlihan will Hn- and Fargo, N. D. Tbe facts are, Mr. Rogers Jesse L. Lasky, the weh-known The Kf» eiliu* Bober Stock Co Intends to supply tbe theatres In these towns iab a wason of aixty-flve consecutive weeka gave Its flftletb iierformtnce at tbs Biirtla Ao with acts only aa In bis present arrangement pnslucer of vaudeville offeriugs, will present a through the United Booking OIBcea, May lu, and new sketch, entitled At tbe Waldorf, for the ditorium. Auburn, N. Y., January 80. Each for a chain, he has a long jump to UiHsoola. will rest during Ibe auninier at Atlantic City, lady In tbe audience waa presented with a Moot. Tbe location of tbe St. Paul bouse la first time on March 1. Twenty is'ople will be N. J. They otM-n in Septenils-r on the Orpbeum employed In the ciunpany, wbicb will be beadetl souvenir photograph of .Miss Rober, wblls each not as yet definite, but Mr. Rogers baa options Clreult. child was given a package of candy. opoo several pit-cea of profierty and will decide by Beatrice McKenzie and Walter Shannon. The music is by George Spink. In tbe near future. Thelma D*-Verne and Comj^any have The .M.'ij»-silc Stuck t'o.. niHnaKvd Just completed a very successful season in tbe Murray and Rhodes Is the new name by Itoblln and ilarbiw, o|)ened ao Indeflnita ea South extending Into Cuba. The company la gsgement at tbe Park l)|>era llonae. Braloerd ndopteil liy the act formerly known aa Tbe now In Chlrago, where they will produce their VAUDEVILLE. Nlliio., Fi bruary 8. The mmpauy will preaeni Three Candy Kids. Tbe art has just closed sn new conieily music and singing sketch. engagement In tbe S-d several new aii'l Frankel Bros.’ Clrrulta, o|s-ned on tbe Geo. Harry ICblneaei Walton, liaa returned to vsude Clark's lloniiwsy Girls. Sbe commenced 1. «ncical Instruments, new wardrobe snd stage II. Webster lime In tbe Northwest last week. ville, (qiening at Calgary, A'ta.. Can., Feliruary »i"'ontl wi 4'k JsniiMry 'Jfi and will be held ov*. settings, and tbe act la being bll'ed as a TI'-'" sre hooked solid until Msy I for sixteen wi-eks over the Psntages’ time. for s tblf' seek PEBRUARY 13, 1909. Xtie Billl3oarcl MUSIC AND THE STAGE

ABE HOLZMANN, MAN OF PARTS. Oenevteve Homer baa embelllahed her act AbeHolzmann, Man of Inspiration and Action—New York with the following Koaalter aonga, linrry Back. Gamea of Childhood Daya and l> Mlaa Malinda IVu ago ■ (lark, merry-facrd young and Chicago Send Out a Big List of Music You Will Hear i 4. uian ■polled to 1 music publlsbioit Arno JU4t • « ^ •Mr. Nathaniel Mann, Chicago manager for Te"w“ “ VoSdL” eii«‘S?r".m" ^ Playfaouses and the Homes —Musical Comedy and wumark.'WM’ltmark. la 00 a bualneaa trip In Canada and will he on the road for a week or ao. Operetta Heard at Different Places -Other News %* r-.Hn. then known aa the “profeaalon-.i depart- ! /ttaanf ** Bt dlot of Industry and lolomltable | The‘he weddjngwedding of Mr..Mr. Isadoilaadore WItmark and wrae’veranc^. the light hearted lad won the ----—- Mlaa Viola Cahn at ItmahaUmaha waiwaa the pre-eminent .-.Hindcnee 7*,Tiiofa or'LATce'*air?lanlBt* Alfred Solman’a unanrpaaalng by auch gocal aeta aa The Semon Duo. Nat C. ' the aeaaon ff cHmiLdtlon which haa brought him to-day + 4. Al. Brown threatena again to aprlng aomethlng new very aoon. You can do It Al.. hot why hefore the * /‘JJT- Wedneaday. January 27. 19(». aaw a buay Joaeph Ferrantl’a Band la one of the hig or- (”^’t'^voadon't yon getg^huayT** buayT ** moat Inatnimental nf tk^ morning at Oua Kdwarda’ place, when the Avon ganlaattona that will take the road thla aea leading land •“'*_^**'**^*and ^heatra organiaatbma“*’**"J*J**‘’J’*_|? in ***?tM Comedy(’omedy Four daahed In and grumbled that be- aon under the management of H. tl. Hampton. ~ I'nllcdCnlled Statea. TheTOe firmnrm waa inaithat orof reiyFelat «ft caiweoaiwe every one waa alnglng Suubonnet Sue, Signor Ferranti haa aoine ea|>eclall\ea|>eelall\ attractive MineMlaa Clara Kennedy reporta that the catalog f'rankenthaler. the young planlat “Abe” Hola- they ahould have a aong. tim. numbers In hla repertoire, many of which are of Victor Kremer shows a healthy gain In popn inann. The proaperuyproaperlty ofor theine Armnrm aeeraaawiM 10to ua«have Edwarda, ready to oblige, aent for Ed. of hlahis own composition. larlly and cooaeqnent sales. tH-gun with the Gardenler, Brother l.eo and Felix Arndt. Gas - tn a abortanon rimetime mr.Mr. rrauaeuiu.ier‘^■“•“^“•haler retted fr^lijnu Edwards'Ertwarda' clever little mnalcal protege, and ex-ei- ^ fhe concern with a profltable ha'ai^ " actly at 10:30 the work of writing, composing, Lonely Me, by Louts Slevers and Jessie Car Kd. and May Wixidward are among the many bank bf the new ones that la being put who flud Gamea of Childhood Days sn encore .>f the Arm. remoTed hU busIneM to more tpa- _ . • _ __ Isa OU*K mwxA mHnrtlw th*Mk. •“£1 ...... out by the Thompson Music Co. Slevers Is well winner. qu«rterti In 28th •**^*1^ Wnlle Oftrdenler wai bnillj taking blmaelf kmiwn ■■ an orcheotrt leader around the city '•^***’‘ . *k, I * ™ud plea and aand caatlea In I sod la reaponalble for tome clerer and catchy Weat 37th Street, known aa ^e ^-der to "(lope out " the prota*r lyric. Edwarda I stuff. Sweetheart, from .Mile. Mischief, Is one of Very few persons 59?w dlfflcultlM sur- the^lody to Brother Leo. who waa at A. the best of the numbers of Lulu Glaser's current m.mntlngrtecareer of the ^bao music compos^ vehicle of success.success, e, -To achieve public pstr<>^ and endwmw b.rdenler dictated hla thoughts In verse. Sallle Bandall selected When Ton Dream of ♦ "without * A* 10.bo prccluely, the ■ong wai finlahcd* md ^njconc, and Someone I^imt of Ton «• her q Malinda la being played by Gny and writer as f(W *’ Edwards aent for White, the photographer, and featnre song, while In *i? Graham In a saxophone duet, and makes much tat who wka r^gnltl(>n Jf®*” ■ wifh*no while be waa arranging bis apparatus. Brother James Sumne^ of the Rosalter StalL that It melody, so they say. , roomer harmonised the soSg for the Avon Comedy «• on« of the beat numbers tbs aver used ^ ^ little pride thst Abe Molsmnnn enn onumer poiip sftpp whieb flsftbllffbt nhotoo were tnken A ate bis scores of aucceaaea. Beginning with an it,* number was thoa rompleted tn the half * LIsxle Haly N now dancing to a medlev et apparently trivial work—n queer little charac- U ths*^ Gaiety Theatre, King and Barnett in Harry Newton's comedy Roaalter'a melodies arranged for her eapsclnlly terlatic affair known aa "Smoky Mokes”—the " ^ ”V .V act. Boom IS, are playing Inter-State time and by James Sumner. talented author followed hla brilliant Insplra- Brooklyn, tbs same night, tion with another. Bunch O' Blackberrlea, then atlll acother. Hanky Dory, which waa In tarn , Verdi and Douglas have found la Bow'd you followed by the noted Blase Away! The Cal- HARRY L. NEWTON JAS- SUMNER lAke to Marry Me. a flue number for uielr act vnthe Waltiea, The Symphla Waltses, fflylng .Vrrow Intermeaxo. I'ncle Sammy and Yankee Grit Marches and many otbera of like popular The Creole Slave's Revenge Company's quar character, until np to the present period, when I ' tet are gotng strong with O Mlaa Malinda. Old Faithful stands pre-eminent aa one of the ♦ leading two-atepa of the hour. The proapertty <>f the Pelat catalogue a(^ma to be Identifled Mlaa Sara Egan says that tbe baa her promised with the personality of "Abe” Holsmann. for. New One” nearly ready. besides hla numerous musical contributions to •I* that Arm, Holsmann has for the past six years had complete charge of the band and orchestra Sawtelle Slaters report aucceaa with ((owbof department of that eatabllabment. Lady and other Roaalter hlta. This conslata of an entire floor of the Felat Building, with various rooms and apartments for HOT SPRINGS. ARK. the conducting of this branch alone, to anch vast pro|>ortlona has this portion of the business re- , The .Matln((e Girl played a ancceasfiU engaga cently grown. A staff of typewriters, book¬ keepers. coyplata. mall order clerks, atencllera ment at tbe Auditorium Theatre, week of Jab uarr 24. Dan Ruaaell and Billy Grose are the and general oIBce help are especially engaged entire show. Dan Rnaaell, who portrays tbe role for thU department and a huge vault containing of an Irishman, la very clever and la one big the privato names and adilreaaea of nil the *^ream. Blll.v Groaa, aa Louts Schwarts, scored leading (an well aa mlnorl orcbeatras. banda and mnalclaiw In the t.'nited States and Can¬ ****• *• ■ .roung man who baa a hrilllant future before him and will be heard ada bears mate evidence of the Indefatigable from In tbe future. He Is a very capable actor work of “Abe” Holsmann during the past sev¬ of Dutch parts. enty-two months. Situated In the southeatt cor- Manager Head, of the Grand Opera Honoe. ner of the orchestra and hand department floor, hla dlacontlnued the Caroeranbone tervlce and tn Mr. Hoixmann has a little cosy nook, where he the future will play vaudeville and moving nlc Jots down bis Inspirations when they come to turea. him. And he seems to be a man of Inaplratlooa, Col. Clarence Smith la a late arrival In tba for almost all of hla beat efforta. be asserts, Vapor City. have come to him Impromptn. Even In bis con¬ J. Gilbert Gordon, who haa been here for abont versation he la fee(tnentl.v Inspired with some a month, left recently tor New York City. sudden Idea and )ots It down upon a scrap of Hairy Miller, a vandevllle actor, la visiting paper, upon hla cuff or any convenient place for friends here. early development. The kfanrtce Bath Honae haa been Improved. ".Vhe” Holxmann's acquaintance with the Billy Maurice haa spent considerable money In "profeaslon” la so wide that almost every proml- living np this beantlfnl bath house. The Bill nent band and (ftebestra leader In tbe country hoard Is always on file In the Maurice Bath knows him personally. He poosesaea an en- House. ?aging peraonallty which teems to liivlte good Frank Ritter is alnglng at the Grand Opera ellowtbip, and mnalctana appear only too glad Of tbe Will Bocatter staff. Cblcngo House, a number of tbe latest ballads. Mr. Bit to play bla compotitlona and program them Im- | _ ter la an aceompllahed singer and la one of tba (nedlately upon publication. Personally Mr. Abe- features of this popular theatre, Hoixmann la fa modeat. nnaaaumingnnatsnming yoongyoung fel-rep ■ Utm. ••world” ,, ballad by that trio of report a lu.wt anctiessful trip, both with thee Happy Holmes la learning to skate, and Is oneon* writers**pTr* excellence Ernest R Ball. Dave act and l((elr singing numbers. Drifting and of the regnlar patrons of the BIJoo Skating <'omp«aer. Perhaps, because of hla retiring and R*"™ r***”*™ iineatentatloua demeanor he la the more heart- Knd of t^ M(>rld wltb Ym. Ily endorsed by hla fellow men. butK It la a fact. ^I-lkeui.oS-rTU their other two in-dballad uhits. ,.♦ .jtt,""™; “■•;■« oevertheleM that he la aloo' an Idol of the the World la Mine, and As Long as the World |r|xr Roaslt,-r (oBga are now being sung by neverthelew. that he Is also an Idol of the *1“*,,^I’/*'* leVhe^'^Jh-cL^ oOToIar atre, which thoiild be called (nnalcmoale lovlSi'lovtng eli^munUTcommunity. -fliTThe h^tbeat tribute thet I Ro”*R"”* “>»■ *"“« '• hlgh-claae nSt^oveJpopular williams and Gilbert—ffrerybody'a Happy When The Lyrlc^eatre, which thoiild be called can Lbe extendedtend^ this rising and w^bvworthy-—Ih. Tonng,nnniyonng ) Order,order, above the ordinary ballad, but not over sun Shines. I Didn't Ask. He Dldn^tDidn't Say so ‘^e‘be Magnet Theatre,TbMtre. as It draws the people. I*1* writer Ilea IniS Xthe fartfact thatthaf hlahU workswi^Ta sellsell, Mdand the beads of the masaea. ailed, _ I iK.n't Know; I'onaeqiiencea. Hurry Back and P'oTlng owelty at every performance. Man that such men as Joha PhilipPhllln Hm.a«Sousa. TT. PP. The w.wdaw.jrda are beautiful and'"J reflned. “'‘7,Blled wish Me Giaal I.nck on My Journey. ‘h** beat vaudeville acts he esa Brooke. Victor HerbertHeri^t and others, eagerlyea^eri; with sentientsentiment ®fof tbe kind that appealsthS?'aw^tlv to all —I?:?.'• «>nipoaed of await hla forthcoming prodoctlona for the pnb- claaaea.cIa(woa.''Tta”'mW'ody Its “'•'lody 'la'onela ofo^ Jhtbewe sweetlyJ *•' clever mnsiriana. lie rendition upon their programs. riaaalral. fer which Mr. Ball, who hastXS been . ^ ^ . y , , „ 8*renade Yon la , J,'" termed »he "American Toatl " I. J^en ' mikl];^ g^ with Stutam.n Kr/^t^ aa a whole, the aong la one that mon the Stem catalogue for the JertHDr 11 Remick haa paid $.10,000 In toy- Frank Head enterrriaea. will be In charge of current month. Foremoat among these. Is a altlea to hla aong writers for the last six months Emily Nice, tbe alever alnglng soubrett*. Is Head's AIrdome at Little Rock. Ark., tbit worthy aiiceeasor to late and Mardonald's fa of lOOS Harry Williams and Egbert Van Ala pla.ving Kohl-raatle time and I* making a large coming season. Mr.. Pennel made a aurreas of mona I am Ix>nglng for Someone to I/Ove M*. tvnefvne sniltanllt more than $12,000. William J. Me slacd hit with Cowboy Lady amiand When I g>go the afrdome last anmmer. which the star. Mlaa Clarice Mavne, has made kenna.kenna' who wrote Mandy Lane received $2.mat Marching with 0(K)rgle. two of Rooalter's top- W. H. Fnllewood. In advance of Paid In Full, |s>pnlar In thla country. The new offering I* and Or«Geo. Rotsford delvedrecelvi^ $1,800 for I'rlde of noleh numbers.numbers, spent a few days here. In the Interest «f thla entitled Hold Me Just a Little Bit Tighter, and theth.. Prairie.Pr.rris popular anrwaa. He had an eveellent showing Its melody ts so ratehing and Infections, that tne I rain*. + , In the local papers. even the man who punched tbe plates of the Mias Ella Sherman continiiea to popniarlia Sheppard Friedman, business manager for Mias •ong la said to have gone Into a mild fever from ^The Whitewash .Man ts a new Jerome and ,hp Harris prints wherever she appears and In Blanche Walsh, was a recent visitor. He re trying to obliterate Its strains from hla plate. SelSchwarti song publtBh(Ml by Cohan and liar addlilou anda time to work on componitlona of portg. good h(i*ln(^a for hla star. The ontlook Anotbei big noise |s the famous Anilna Waltaea rlarla. her own that are expected soon to be effered here, for Mlaa W*I«h. looks like capacity. h.v the Indomitable I.Inrke—Paul l.lneke. the for *he edifleatlon of the public. LAWRENCE JEAN BINALDO l>eer cf Berlin writer*. wh(Me Glow-Worm la 4- me greatest riot tn high elaa* nnmhem ever CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES PACIFIC COAST AMUSEMENT written for an American eommnnttv, i Marvest Moon la heard again In The Follies, Still another noteworthy novelty is tbe new till* time In the .kndltorliim. They never can PROMOTER DEAD. '"■rch song hy S. R Henry, known as Cnder Terry Sherman, author of True Blue, made a thoatre large enough to house the num MIC Maples with Molly D, and the aame author's Itvliig visit to Chicago last week and ^l'*’^'r" l»rleas admirers of this beat effort of Jack Nor Ham Daiire to which Jingling words have jn«t to the Chaa K. Ilairla office that all their Charles L. Aekirman. of Hsn Franelaco. a (••en written under the caption of Down at the print* are doing well in and anuind Milwaukee well-known attorney and leading amnaement Hiiakln' Bee. Then, too, Mr. Max S. Witt haa Incidentally Terry showed np with a basketful l>romoter. also legal connael of nninerons theat rleal enterprlsim. died Janiiarv 2S after a •Tltten a heaiitlfiil sacred work which will live of fl*h and the elal-o that "I got 'em all my lingering lllnea*. .Although the Immediate eanae “d'C Ind.'fliilte called The Open IWicr, Mr self.” "r# .kT ru.iK . Vil lingering lllnea*. Although the Immediate canoe gathering of the C.vpher ***waa mitaenlar atrophy, overwork was regarded *J*''ard Macdonald's Garribaldl, or What haa + lilt, althongh he was not re^ much In evidence. eontrlbnfnry. For year* he worked twenty ?"**.'**'' riarrigan Done? and a pollahoratlon ... . « hla work Ixdng done from the wings hours a day. allowing himself bnt three or by the same anihor with Al. Miirphv. known Th..i(ia* Slierldan of me Chiv* K Harris Co., as Bamhoe Baby. The Garribaldl song I* al re|s»rts that ill 'ce till* of tlieir catalogue are foil' hoitra of re«t. nightly. To tlie amnsement world he waa well known j^aily a rage di-aplle H* very recent apt*e*r*nee, doing well and 'iial the new niu«le that tiavine .1 ■ . . .'.1 • ..i-iTi. J i. .1, .. ..r Tl... l•..ll..t. ciei sml The Th*The ThreeTTiree MItebellaxiiteneii* piiyeuplayed methe Haymarkettiaymaraei k**« president orof methe I'nutesChute* tompanv.Company, virepreaivlre preal ."(•ess bv ,.,ch TMI -V,. n,; glv?rgreat 'h- •'f J"n'mry 2.% and made a featnre dent of the Orphenm Ctreult. principal stock Tirt RlnniA ^ rn! '**mi'*" < ■mrr*>n. 1 on T- w in’^towti in li* ral rbirrp of of O MI«* Mnitml*. M««tpr Emin^t An- hoM^r of tho old Ornnd Honno. alno of othic?. ^ ^ lUrcourt ■ml * fhonv liJnKinir It from ■ box. thP Tl votl Opera Ilona... and many amusement A widow and one son survive btin. Of erairw. M,.„r*. J,« \v Stern ft Co., have ^npf Mg niniibfr«. hut thfiM" have alrpiKljr lHH»n ®^iit1onpdApntlonpd Id «>Dronr coinninii;colnmnfi* atllT■till It ?!■■ not'arnUiinot amU* Thai lUII** Italian aong. a by^. M^rla. Harrla and Hilliard arr nalog Roaaltrr'a bif “* 'IT that In their career as aiicceaaful mu.lc l.v \IN. FuHl . tn iresv i- o'c 'f l'i"se «l■'elv hallad. Just for a Day. -They "P^V,, It N rumored that several St. Paul ptibllahpra It b* doubtful whrthrr a grrater aung iin*nl***r“ which no pr«*fp*'*loiial haa hern ceaa with Harry \*»wton • act, A Village Maid capitalist* are planning to erect an np-todata Igb elsss ballatl hit haa ever emanated fivun paid to «itig It la *ald- G(X)d! It la put on en. opera honse In Wblteflah. Moat. 10 X ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.


Usual Modicum of Good Things in Baltimore's Weekly Bill—The Thief Visits Pittsburg in the Form

in Minneapolis Changed to Princess—William Morris Visits San Francisco—

BALTIMORE, MO. prt^sed by the anecdote* of the famous little MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Etta Farnsworth, of this city, is cast (or woman, who has appeared before most of the the role of Jennie Buckthorns in the revival of crowned heads of the world. The President Shenandoah, to be iiriNluceti at the Auditorium Btltlmore Htill enjoy* tbeutrioal proeperity, was particularly Interested in her anecdotes of The name of the new East Minneapolis the- ' Theatre, February 8-El, under the auspice* of a condition that doea not aeem to exist ail the time she was received l>y President Lin¬ atre has l>een changeerformance, Thursday, January 28. in the way of Cameraphone attractions. Cheely other ten-strike. Valeska Suratt, the original It is said that George Beban. of ’The Amer¬ as his guests. and Miller, owner* of the Isis, contemplate Gibson Girl, and Billy Gould head the bill. ican Idea Company, will be starred by Cohan Joseph Callahan, the star feature of the bill eris'ting similar houses at St. Paul and Ihiluth Their work surely merits it. The Planophiends and Harris next year in a dramatisation of at the Princess Theatre, East Minneapolis, last in the near future. have been liere before, but their work is equally Rex Beach's novel. The Barriers. week, originally product this act at the Peo Manager L. E. Lund, of the Novelty and pleasing a* when flrst seen. Ilarrigan, the EMANUEL DANIEL. pie’s Theatre, this city, known today as the Wonderland Electric Theatres, will open Feb tramp Juggler; Angela Dolores and Co, Ida Bijou Opera House, in 1887. He also appeared niary il. his new theatre, 'The Gem. located oo O'Day, Carbrey Bros., The Montrose Troupe, in the oldest theatre in Minneapolis, the Pence Si'venth and Wabash street* in St. Paul. “T^ and pictures of the Italian earthquake are also Opera House, as Sbamiis O’Brien, in 188«. Gem is one of the moat up-to-date motion pic on the bill. PITTSBURG, PA. and was the first character man with the Pence tne houses recently constructed. The necessary repair art the Holliday Street Stock Company, which was composed of such The’ cold weather put something of a crimp Theatre have been completed, and melodrama The Thief is making its Initial l)OW to Pitts- actors as Frederick Bo<-k, John Murray, Edwin in all theatrical business locally during tha again holds forth at the old ulavbouse. In Old Itnrgers at the Nixon this week, and Is meet¬ Barbour and R. Fulton Russell. His many old- past few day*. The motion picture house* Kentucky was the attraction this week. ing with liberal patronage. It must be classed time friends wer glad to welcome him back suffered somewhat from this, ax well as the Moving pictures have opened at Blaney’s. among tlie best we have had this season. once more to the Mill City. larger theatres, Tlie Scenic Theatre, Novelty, Manager Ballauf presented a good hill for an San Toy was hilled to play the Duquesne this Through the courtesy of Manager Ike Speers, .Milo and Majstic all report business as having opener, and a continuation of such pictures and week, but for some reason The Gay Musician of the Miles Theatre, twenty children who live dro|iped somewhat, due to weather condition*. vaudeville means certain success. The busi¬ has been substltnted. However, The Gay Mu¬ at the Sheltering Arms (the orphan home of At the Gem Family Theatre the houses kept ness during the week was all that could be de¬ sician is giving entire satisfaction, is. very North Minneapolis! were entertained at the up well, although Managr A. J. Kavanaugh re sired. tuneful and amusing, and is nlaving to satis¬ flrst matinee performance of the Miles, Satur¬ ported a slight decrease in patronage. The Wliard of Os, with all of its well-known factory business. day. Januarv ,70. The children were rhaperone<1 RODERIC STK. FI-EURE people, was at the Auditorium and had a suc¬ The Alvin is packing them in this week and by Miss Heinz, the matron of tha institution. cessful week’s business. Joseph O’.Mara in Peggv Machree is the cause. Manager Speer* announces that every onihanage Rene Anbre.v, vocalist, topped the bill at the Anything Irish always makes a hit here, and in the city would be extended this same courte¬ BUFFALO, N. Y. Victoria, which is showing Itself to be a ver¬ Peggy .Machree is a play worthy of liberal pat¬ sy, and that next Saturday matinee the chil¬ dren of the Catholic Orphanage would attend itable little gold mine these days. Others on ronage, especially when in such capable hands. Plan* for the new vaudeville theatre, to be In a boe the last for the present season is another star, I* now in vaudeville, playing a sketch in TTie Emigrant, and also later in Edith’s Burg congratulated on making late comers reallie factor in attracting the crowds. The Gardens New York vaudeville house*. lar and Tlie Prodigal Son. they are a decided nuisance. close earlier this season than heretofore, and Among the near future hookings at the .Met¬ Shea still has the run In vaudeville. Crowded Manager Ulrich announces that he will give will shortly be thrown op<-n to automobile en¬ ropolitan 0|K‘ra Hoiise are included I

of the Kyrle Bellew ShoWy and People Willingly Give Up their Money—Name of the Family Theatre New Musical Stock House for St. LouisSicilian Players in Philadelphia.

The (;irl Kehlml the Counter. .Neiirly a Hero. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. that a paratle la beluK planned, with tloata de- PHILADELPHIA, PA. The IteTlI. Claying the ronlea. The Creole - plctlng the foundation of San Franclsro. and rtlave a revenge. The Wlae tluv and The Bowery william .Morrla la in San Franclaro this week; vnrioua ateps In the progreaa of the Mlatlon lu** with a »t*rle8 of crowde^i

R<»hwon. pUy**d utn' of the be*t week * reiM>ril nothinif authentic has been flren out. lie left i - u ««i v«.a Wall. Fred Thoiupaon had two bla winner* nreakera at the Teck the paat week. The tieo^ for Portland and Seattle, nimor aaya. to cloae In Via Wlreleaa and Brewater'a Millions. The pie came |n drovea. and the niece gave the beat aome deal with Ale* Pantages. and will return :ir,,.|n, pxlvilent hn!7Jea The Wolf fnllowa Widow Jammetl the beautiful rorreat of aatlafa^lon. It wa, the talk of the town, here when the real object of bla vlalt will be n^^ M^ndar foUowa. to the doura. Carlottafarlotta NlllsonMllaon bad good busibual The company goe* to Toronto. Cleveland. Cln come known...... ness to This Woman and This Man. Uavana cinnatl and PIttabnrg from here. John B. l>or ’"*1*’^/..*'.* ***? on pHic** P> pleased and tirew much money, and all of the ria. the old clri-ua man. la the liualneaa man- *•** Audltorlnni Theatr^ Angeles. other bouai's bad remarkably good business. Tb* Two day* later. Martin Beck, manager of burleaiiue bouses had a sudden turn of the tide M.ntell will give u» a week of .Shakespeare r and have been selling out at every performance .\iiiufii will K V VincF il.f. Ci*cy and Mark A. Lupacher, the Orphenm** BROOKLYN, N. Y. this week. Business seems to have struck the Vr a'h.ni tteneral pres* agent, paid a flying vlalt to this right gait now, and It looks as If It would coo Maclwth. The I..adT of I.vona. Hamlet. .Merihant city. This^{,1, party Is pipreaumed to be cut on an tinue for the balance of the season. of Venire. I»uIh XI., Komeo and Juliet and .inspectionInspection timrtour of all the Orphenm’s Interest*. tbs.. .M. Cohan and his Itoyal Family in The Richard III. A big aale Is antirinated. _ . __ Yankee Prince will be the attraction at the Mon- The Sicilian Players were brought here with The earlliuuake In Italv pictures are hav R^rt Warwick la wt of the Valencia Thea- taug Theatre week of Feb. 8. and. judging from I but little advance advertising, for the purpose tng a run at two motion picture house* to Stock Company. The manager s side tb« th-- .advance s.ale. rapacity business will prevail of giving Uve matinees at two of our theatres, wow,W houses bicfiire nouse. lo discharged Warwick for failure r.,r the wei k. Mr. ^.han is very popular here, ‘bis week, ao.l they have drawn well. Ibelr Shaw Weatliv tl.eslenough and Barker a •'J «ttend rohearsal* and getting very careless Manager George M. Sammls, of the Grand Gp- artistic work has been warmly praised by th* Kenniore N Y u.iarrerTro making big ^ie *L"* announce* that the German Merfv- Press of the city and while the bouse* have not Kenmore. .N. i uuartei. are making oig pr»p to gU gj, contract, and has *1- widow Company will appear at the Grand crowded, such a good impression has been aratlons for entering hlgh^^class vaiidevllle the engaged by Sherman Brown to go to House week of Feb.*^^, followe,! bv tJIrl* ““lie that they will play to big business on a coming season, and are rehearsing dally for the Milwaukee,Mliwtukr^s and thattbit ManagerMaoiicpr SeelejSeeley of thetb« Val-vii- week of •»2. return date. It Is expected that they will return pQcla took tbli action to it«>t oat or piTiog blm l»*ld In iSill will *fK)n be *ccn it th** .Montink ***‘**‘. ***** >*ea»on wltb regular b04>k The Lyric, with A IMt Off. citc an extra fTui) for two week** aalary. Mace Greenleaf The atre which will be the limt time the attr*c • rich reward, matinee f«v t^he children the oast week Fanny will be the new leading man. „on ha* appeareil In Brooklyn, It is a genuine love-feast at the PhlUdelphU •''^b her miniature theatre, mm h Madame Ine* FabbrI-Muller. I^mou* Th- o|H>nlng attraction at the Grand Op»>ra 0|s-ra House, now. Gscar ilammerstetn has got

The mnsical matinee* at the Teck are plea*- Golden Gate Hall. JsMary J6. the owaalOT be- „„ js last, was John Mason, in Augustus his energy and vim Into conducting the operatic log the musically inclined, and are drawing Ing her seventy-ninth birthday. She has been a yhoma*' play. The Witching Hour. The business performances at that house. In order to again verv well. Ale*. Petschnlkolf. Russian vio- resld^t of Sm Franclwo for forty yearn. She ^,1^ during that engagement that after bring him in close touch with the box-holders. Mnist. appears 3. JNG. S. RlCHARIWnN createdcreaieu methe roierole orof Violetta.vioieya. Inin Travlat*.iryiaia. wnenwhen Mopdav night the orchestra wa* put nmler th- whom he hail a run In with when be wa* In the great 0|>ers wa* *ung for the flrst time— in I siage,,,j,. f(,plor ,.very.'ver.v jierrormance.performance. Thisini* playpiay willwin re I ttnanctsliiiiancisi dltUculties,uimcuiiies, a dinner hasoas been arranged this country. turn to the Grand Opera House for the week of for February 10. Thl* will be a testimonial din Harry Campbell, assistant manager ofor methe p.p s II..V. .._ Princess Theatre, returned from a three months’ ST. LOUIS, MO. ,"i;^H*t!;;%'orrTh:’re^rvisit In New York, where he e'n/s;^engaged several at Toil^cYtV ‘rtr’bJ.\‘^lVer '’/he‘.^'wW

Th M S.d TTLitb h Ve‘"?CorKrD% .gers- ofT^-L AmericanXme;.cln"Xatr’fnd“:Su'burn i^eaire an.i AUPuroan miccessruiISJcr.lfunn^rgre'r engageraeni wuiwill poslt.vel^termlnatep^^ivei, .ym.u.ie Manager I.e« C. Teller =00..announces thattba, CohanCob.n have^*Vnrvel.'';ir^:rh“'\":,.d“"«" given him such solid Hnanclal ‘c**.:. aupport. "I".. iV. aT?r*n^*r?iw'"*It*wllI Harris' .kmerlcan Idea will ap|>ear at the is remarkable how the attendance keeps up at n West Knd Heights Summer Theatre and will company will oKbe It* first ^peamnw. . wis^k of Feb. 1.",. followed by thl- bouse. Capacity bisises are the rule at the varietyV«l‘e"t7 Therethere “‘.hTl'^.^nmlner*'thl* summer. The garden and MacexiVce ‘TnTand Bud Ross.RilT*' MayM^v^BolcT^Slll’be'^he Boley will be the .„.Y!'’*"'- The Talk of New'York Week of notwithstandingfour te rformanccs^ ihe given fact everythat thisweek mean*and yet'',h* 1^7'''!.,’''''.^' *" ”’"’*"'‘1 n"‘’iT' hTTh^'ITartU* n'rtmf*rt™n* Kendall, one of the most Inventive co taking of at least g to.Wl a w4k from our ■1^ attractlTf^n^M to the •niuwomi'nt Darllo^ will *1 •Sa* vth»i non«. no*dl8nH on tb** rmMl«*Tillp apiwariHl nt loriujf th** other theatrical ‘h'lY"’* by the Messrs. Oppin car Walsh *111 be the tenor and mel Hots- Theatre last week with a brand new managers all claim that thevthey can see no visible •"■'“'■f- *»" will J ' h! The monologne Thl* wa* ht* first appearance In .lecrease in their business. I>anBan S..8. KiabellFIsbell baa fH>otsent out **At“.Yt Home**Home” can!?*.cants, ^be •I'!*' ®mniinai rAm*HiA« H^wiklyn In two y«*ara and hl« new ^ayinsr'i William Kee«l baa nurrhHHPit th» a*nrir« •niwmnclna tbe atay of the Newlywi^a and Their of ^n\n Ppkt '**‘*^ made him anch a hie fa ^vguipoient of the PennayiTaola Transfer Com Baby at the Garrick and ha* offered to admit ^rom’^arifb’ IlOTeymOTn Trill! The*^ CnT- i-orlfe In vandevllle before he returned to farre pan/ ,n,i H**cure*i contracts from many of the nvf all couples taklnj; out marriage llcrnasM* 'J’*" J "JJ"* ‘"i.nH •tiH niff Paff Ponf conoMly theatres of Fhlladelnhia to attend to th^ hknillnA February 4, 5 and 6. It la a great adrertiaing ^*71*- ^ ™ *"p«mrtn/iA John rtpida ' Th# After nianr disappointments. .Inllet at last baairaae and acenerr * «tunt, as every one Is joking about It. COTwr*.* MalUa an*?! Ba?t' and* Royil' Mnalcal ' a* tl.e addeil attroctlon. Twl^- wilUam Haversham will open tala sprtug tour The Mayor of St. Ixiula has announce.! a Klve'leH to plav the txv* .kngeles Theatre. Ixis ann-diin-isl for an api,4-aranw at ’bl* houw h r ,( j|,p Lyrje Theatre In this city, February l.'i committee to take charge of the Centennial Cele Angeles.Vngele* ’be fulllllment of her engage will present The World and ilia Wife. Thl* Orationorsllon of the IncorporationInoorporstlon of lh» city of t»t. .Yrmstrong.\rmstrong and Bavls and Be Garmo and uoTt*. .* ,,.e*rei by Chaclea Frederic Nlrdllnger. Ixiiils, to be held Gctolwr next. It Is aimed lo Keongh left for I.o* .Yngele* to play the Walker May Ibir.vea. a .jainty little actres*. api-are.l ^ brother of Samuel F. Mxon. the owner of make this the greatest event in the history of Theatre In . s vket. h entllle,l The n Imposter.__ Seymour number of our theatres. 'be city. Mr and Mrs A. Yonng. Joe Hardman. The ‘I'"-. "X ‘be liveliest acrobatic teams Clara Palmer joined tbe Havana Company, of ..... i- . . L ...H Rnrn* wn direct ot' the stage, offensi a delightfully bw-.-ry fif- BiM Manty. the iMipular troa»un>r of th,' Olym J and Blart^ and BurM go dl ^ mlnub*. and Gertie I>> Clair, wlff, an In which James T. Powers la tbe star, February 1. pIc rheatre. will he lendero.! a benefit February »« S»n r»l'k<’ Queen Th atre. , t,„nrh of pick*, offered «ome llvelv taking tbe rule of Anita, formerly playe.! by l.v Robert Fxleson In The Call of the N.irth the new 8. A C. hmise. moment* Grace Fields. will lie the attraction Alex Pantages’ bookings now playing his clr- m oiieni*.n n...... • Mf- Hsmmersteln 1* still springing surprise* In,.,ru..ri/. t »K k rtilt Include Brown’s Bog*. Montana Jack and lawnnco snd Harrington prewnted a *klt bi« Philadelphia Opera House. Thl* week impresario Ivan Abramson, whose company re The Biimonts. Keongh and Company. <>»n!iy Kaiiic Ht itM* Garrick. \n pri»|K»Hlng to tu- Mitute t m»rl. n of porforniHDceH. May noxt. at tOH iMniar. ’Hie latter place baa paaa*v| iin«!i*r »h*» control of John C. Jannooonlo. l»"tt. Knox Brother* antj Helena. Juggling Tbe Juggler of Notre Dame and ragllacct. It If aatiafactory public aupport la iwimilatNl, Mr. Thome*. Irrlng .lonea. aufl John Heffron and Way Tv>wrn *** •*^J'**'^^* re<|ulred alx montba of labor to have the**** that have i Abrainmm will preaent the prliiclpala who ap- Company. ♦*, r i made thia New Lngiand drama one p*|ntlnga In readineaa. They are now in p

. ‘'wlsro-. . lift of Drnheum bookinga on the week of Feb. Sth there are no leaa than aU Houae. and prevent the production of the I rofeaanr Nai>oleon. an extravaganza, with iielen Grantlev and Companr, Dick plav«ra who were In the mat on the prevloiia Fox The \morona Slatera. Tony 'wma: Klla Hugh Wo«m1. 11 aeaaona: Jane Mil- Society held memorial aervicea. Sunday. Jan Gennaro-a Famoua Band made auch a pro wBaon aiid Mile. Helolae*. Mile. Toona, Clau- lard. 1m a.»aa«ma and E R. Bender, f> m.«aona. uary 3l for Amo Leonhardl. their former pr^ nouneed hit at the Columbia Theatre laat week aiiia and Scarlet Armatrong and Verne. Frank It haa In en deflnitelv ann*>unc»*d that Fr*Ml dent. The ball waa t*o crowded by membera that «hai a iiopular n*queat eauMHl Mr. Frank Tate, st N,.Mon and Company. Jawn T. Echemora AnI- NIMo. traveler explorer hnmorlat. la none of the outalde public were admltte*!. ih»‘ eleventh hmir, to iierauadr them to remain jnut CIrrna. Bertie Fowler. Anna Woodwanl. at th-' Montaiik Tlieatre In a o« ^ The pageant held here during Foundera* Week ?^^.* ** r taking the reaftonalblllty *»f Mark and Marcua and Boranl and Nevaro. ‘^*"1 w auch a aucoeaa that a Pageant Aaaoclatlon h*'lr date canrelliitinn The Grand Theatre, Sacramento, playing the In Ha Talka of Travel, which he calla 7A^ Zag m»awas formed thisthi« week andami article* ntof inrfkrvH'iraiDCortxir* I tiou were drawn up. It was decided to hold a celebration every four years when our mayor* are inaugurated and to give a historical parade of the same kind a* laat October. The .Mayor of the city has been elected to the olBre of preaident. ItV ^V»rn If waa onlv eight Inchea to Tbe .Mpa* Rnaala. from the Blaek 5»ea to The Annadale (N. J.) Fire Company will pre Wolfer.1. New "L'l;!;'''’*standing '’Jo"'i,jMV%ftwn'f'wt'_ ,h« tnn 8lh<>rls'SIN-rls: I.nndon.Ix.nffon. from WindsorWlmlsor CastleCa.tlr to White-White ,,nV^hTc^7iv'rtrami\ Vn" thrShVdWof 7^^ se,-k »•" « visitor In St. I.mil* this there up being one brick, or four n-ornsn of the Blue Ro'’''!*’*.Rockies, InIti the near future.

I an*d, J?’*’'*'' he will remo.leI heldssy'ir;'. next kx'p.'ZJ.ot-"-BctOTer, iin.ier ’"^‘"5""”" r"7’'V’:;L «.T,.ral "nrom'im n't eonmanie*She'ha* a voice tion*sh covercl with live paper, so he finds '.rj.tlms *' the eu. Y"’'- I’orj'”*-, The A*»otI*Got has srram^l f^ «v. rsl and m^H v Sunday In this town tod greet hi* nnmeron* '' 'he city has granted It eonc-sslons that will a Mission day. and Its committee of arrang^ or cxi range ano qnaui.v. friend* -ake mnoh huslness (msslhle at thl* besitflfnl ment* I* •''■'■•‘•r •* .nnmne^ (Contlnned on nage iConlimMsIi(*(infiniHNl on page 4747i1 '-'rt WII.l, J. FAKI KY the proponed celebration. It haa been annOTnccl O(Continued oniinneo on page 4d» 12 Xl^e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

He Is also said to be sending two or three and the management was not quite in a t>usl- English playwrights to the I'nited States, to llon to reidace her with an understudy at the faslilon plays dealing with American customs time. Negotiations were carried on for several and character. The exisTlment is said to l>e days, tile lady meanwhile ap|M‘arlng in tbe knee London meant seriously—Imt I, Dir one, doubt this very high skirts under protest. She wanteil them London Bureau of The Billboard, much. four Inches longer. Later a compromise was Berlin It would. Indeed. I>e a very pleasant trip for arrlvf-d at, and the skirts were let down a 179 Temple Chambers, E. C. the drninstists concernee also a use 11 r George Edwardes now proposes proilucing fid exercise In imiiresslonlst writing. But still at the Gaiety Theatre on Saturday his latest there Is the little uiiestlon of expense to be girl play, which he has now fully chrl«tened The Belle of Brittany Meets considered, for one can't gain sufflclent Impres¬ Our Miss Gibbs. This Miss Gibbs will have for New English Comedy on sions of a new cmintrr to write a play U|>on Its her representative Miss Gertie Millar, whose All Requirements of Mu¬ customs after a kind of Satunlav to Monday chief c-dlesgues will figure thus in the cast: Stage of Royal Schau- visit, and there Is also the small point to tie The Hon. Hughie Plerrepoint (an amateur sical Comedy — Other considen-d. that the dramatists of either conn criminal .. . George Crossmith. Jr. spielkaus—French Farce try ought to be regarded as competent to know Tbe Earl of St. Ives (Lord Eynsford's fatlierl.. s.imethlng atKiiit the manners and character of Events and News their own native place. Resides, an ignorance Slithers (a paofe.vslonal crookl... .Robert Hale at Lessing Theatre of another country is always useful In order -Mr. Toplady (manager at Garmrsl . to put a type of its Inhabitants In a play as a . Arthur Hatberton —usually unintentional—comic figure. No. I'm T Is a Iona time since business has been so laird Eyneford (in love with Marvi . I afraid that though there Is something to be . J. Edward Fraser Anew English comedy, Mrs. Dot, by W Kooil In the theatres as It has ix-en during said In favor of the scheme from the point of Mr. Beavis (tbe Earl's family sollcitori. Huiiierset Maugham, translated by R tbe last week. It has. In fact, been a p<« view of freshness of Ideas. It can only be re- I'ogsun, was offered for tbe first time on itive Joy to s«-e the look on tbe managers' faces . J. A. Evelyn ganbwl. on tbe whole, as imnracticable. A Taxi Cabby . F. Payne tlie stage of the Roval Scbausnlelhaus. Mrs .a they bare looked armind their crondtol Somerset Maugham's plays have set a new Dot. the heroine of the nlvv —Frl. von May houses. Lonilon seems to bare got over tbe ' Mr. A.-naIfy (the Director General of the White , City). H. B. Burcher ,] burg—IS a young, pretty, talented and very atfects of Christnias—ix-rliaps you may not ! fashion In touring. Lady Frederick made her¬ self amazingly at home In half tbe theatrt-s of ' witty widow of a millionaire brewer, and loves quite realise what tbe festive sea^on means to ! Timothy GIbtw (Mary's Yorkshire cousin).| London, and now It would never surprise me . Edmund Payne ’’ a man, who In ti^ii engaged himself to a girl a liondoner—ami the theatres bare got back all to see her bob up serenely again. Now Jack Lady Elizabeth Tbanet (rngagml to Ixird Eyns- ;. he really don't love. This girl does not low ilielr patrons once more. Out of twenty-six ' him either and set h“r c.ip for the young iheatres running, twenty two are doing ex- ‘ Straw Is to offer fresh proof of the fact that a ford) . Denise Orme removal Is not necessarily fatal. When Chas. Madame Jeanne (modiste at Oarrod's). nephew of the rich wlilow. This naves the waj iremely well, and only in one case could one for the latter, and khe sets to work to bring •ay that nioner Is beine lost. And a curious Hawtrey'g health, of which one hears gratify¬ . Jean -Mywln ing reimrts, is sufflclently restored to permit Tlie Duchess of Minster (Lady Tbanet's moth- the young couple together. In order to get thv fact is that in tbe rases where money is not ; man she loves. So tbe |>lay goes on through ttelng made, tbe nieces belong to managements j him to liegin his tenancy of the Royal Theatre, > er) . Gladys Homfrey he will give a few more, perhaps many more. Mrs. Farqubar (an Impecunious .vomsn of fash¬ three acts. While the situations arc sometimes that bare lots of money, so if It be they are . very comical, there is hardly anything In this running tbeir shows for their own oersonal ed , IH-rformances of Jack Straw before proceetllng ion) . Malsle Gay to the production of a new play. Intrinsically Clarita . Kitty Mason comedy which will appeal to tbe theatregoer, Iflcatiou. no one need worry. We don't often . and It Is bard to understand why tbe manage •ee this ktnil of thing in London, so when it excellent as Jack Straw Is, the comedy seeme*! Colleens of the Irish Village at the White City; Incomplete without Mr. Ilawtrey, who Is per¬ ; Nora . Olive May nient of tbe Scbausplelbaus could place an.( toes come one ought not to let It pass without | thing like this before Its natrons. It may Im- remark. ! haps tbe most remarkable Instance extant of Shellah . Adeline Bslfe popular liersonallty. Kathleen . Rosie Begsrrnie said, however, that the actors did their best The past week has seen a second edition of ' ' and ac<]Ultte<) thems.dves sulendidiv throughout The Kelle of Itrlttany, one of tbe brightest and What is known as a "following" Is a curious asset of a performer. There are a certain num The opening art has Its scene laid In Garrod's Emperor William, tbe Empress and Prince Itest all-around muHical comerlles that has ' Stores, rnd the second in the Court of Honor Joachim occupied the royal box during the per iM-en seen In London for manv a long day. Ow¬ l>er of actors and actresses who always draw I to an extent Indenendentiv of their environment; at the Franro-British Exhibition The name of fonuance. and followed tbe nlav with great to ing to pantomime reuuirements Miss Lily Iris I the author is not announced, but the comiiosers terest. is succeeded by .Miss Millie Legard In tbe part ;I and tbe curious thing Is that an experienced ' manager can tell almost to a few shillings what •( are once more Messrs. Lionel Monrkton and Quite a different reception was tendered the of Itenise, and Royston Keith takes up tbe role Ivan Caryll. of Old Jacuiies. in succession to E. W. Royce. ‘ a particular name means at tbe box office. Un¬ . French farce. The King, by Caillavet, Flers til that particular fact of attraction Is ex¬ Tlie feature this week has been the return and Arene, at tbe I..essing Theatre, where It 8r. t}“orge Graves and Ruth Vincent, who hare of Mrs. Patrick Campbell to the Lonilon stage contributed so much to the success of tbe piece, hausted It Is hard to say what a play will do was offered for the first time. At the Iteglnnlng I on Its own account. Forbes Robertson. Lewis in a new iday by Rudolph Besler. called Olive ; of tbe show there was a little oblectlon to the are happily still In their original parts, and Latimer's llusband. This Is tbe cast. the |K>|iular coniee allowe«l on tbe stage of the Leo lea being seemingly Inexhaustible. Miss Ruth Pantomime Is hardly the kind of entertaln- Dorris Mapleeon-Flnch .Dagmar WIehe sing Theatre. Vincent Is singing with all the charm of a ' raent In which you would expect to find sbort- Mrs. O'Connor . Elsie Chester Tbe Parisian farce, which will be enjoyed beautiful voice, admirable pnaiuctlon and |>er- : ness of skirts a ground for an artist's protest. ' Sir Charles Weybiirn . Lyn Harding by Berlin theatregoers during the carnival sea fect intonation, and tbe new song. Ring-ading- { Yet a protest of that nature has been made by Colonel Mapleson-FInch .Wilfred Draycott son. is so gay and new, that .one would think dong, which Miss Marie Horne has written for ; a certain principal girl In one of tbe Liverpool Berkeley Ogden, M. P .Charles Troode politics bad never l>een ridiculed by French her, suits her admirably, though It Is still In 1 productions, and at one time a deadlock was James .Morpeth, M. I). James Hearn mockers. Tlie hero of The King, the socialistic The Dawn of Lore that her really tine vocallxa- I threatened. The lady appeared In the first per Doi-tor Wolfe . Leslie Faber millionaire, Bonrdler, baa two boudoirs, and ttou gets Its best cliance. There sre new num¬ formntice with nothing more strenuous than a has tbe luck that France's guest, tbe King of bers also for Lawrence Res and MaudI Darrell, I muttered complaint about scantiness. Later One can scarcely describe thle play .as any¬ Serdanlen, falls In love with his (Rourdler's< while the cast has bi*en Jolncl by a really clev¬ she Issued an ultimatum to tbe mangement, and thing else but disappointing, and huS for the mistress, and t-lso with his wife. Of «-ours« er dancer Miss Vivian Tallleur. whose pas stated that unless her skirts were lengthene,! fart of the opi-ortunity of seeing Mrs. Pat both women elicit some state secrets from tb> seul in the second act, from music specially ' she Would refuse to appear. It so bapitened composed bv Marie Horne, is one of tbe fea that she was an Immense favorite in tbe town. (Continued on page 48.) (Continued on page 44. i tures of the production. Successful as the run of Henry V. has bc'en at the Lyric—every s.'hoolbov in town seems to Minister Clemencean will, of coorae. In tba end. have been taken to sec It during tbe boiidaya acttla the question. —Lewis Waller is bringing the run to a close •I* on January 30, and on Tuesday. February 2. Paris Week By Week will, by arrangement with Tom B. DavU, pro¬ Onttave Ludera U looking tor a libretto. 80 duce Ronald McDonald's four-act play. Tbe Paris Bureau The Billboard, 121 Rue Montmartre, eager la he to find It he baa come all the way CTIilef of Staff, with a cast Including William to Europe to get on tbe trail of one, and, seen Havlland, A. E. George. Shiel Barry. Evelyn logly unable to strike a scent In Ixindoo, ha D^lroy, Madge TItberadge and Aurlol Lee. ran over to Paris. If be doesn't locate one here, why there are Germany and HoHand left and Henry IV.. Part 1. will also lie r»-vlved at Rida Johnson Young a Visitor on Pleasure and Business surely be ougbt to get pretty moeb anything b*- special Tuesday and Friday matinees. Lewis wants in one country or tbe other. Waller will be HotS|U)r, with Lewos Calvert as Falstaff, Robert Lorraine. Prince Hal: A. E. Bent—Her European Impressions—Andre deLorde Will "I don't understand at all,*' he told me George, Henry IV., and Henry Jarman as Owen "what's the maiter with American libretto Oleiidower. Write a Horror Drama—Gustave Luders Looking for a makers. Tbe musicians over there cosapose guoil Tbe new musical play which Ellaline Terrlss music, but ao few are to be foontl wbo ran write books to go with It. Oiearge Ade bar Is to proiliice at the Hicks Ttieatre on February Libretto—Broussan and Messager Disagree left us, to tour around tbe world, ami my old 17, calleil The Dashing Little Duke, Is being partner. Frank PIxley, Is unavailable, so I greatly lookeent every afternoon and imate stage. The piece will have a particu¬ are mighty few Americana who cannot be per- to tbe French and I like tbe breexy style of nigbt going to theatres. I didn't see a single larly strong cast, for besides herself. Miss aiiaded to do a little bustnesa wherever they tbe American school much better than tbe thing I'd call a remarkable musical success Terrlss has secured Courtice Poumla, bis sister, may be found and whatever the reason may be slower and sedate rooTementa of English actors though tbe music -vas original and gooil. laita Louis Pounds, and Hayden Coffin, who Is at for their being there. ami aerresses. Tlie piece I llketl best In larndon of ilie ;iantoiiilmr music bad lieen taken from present drawing London to see him In the re¬ So Mrs. Young, who wrote Brown of Harvard, was Tls- Passing tif the Third Flisir Back. American pieces. fbe Idea strikes me that we vival of Dorothy. The composer of the piece which served Henry Woodruff so long and so I Forties Robertson and nia charming wife, Ger¬ English and Americans might hit up a trade Is Frank Tours, and the liook Is the story of ' well, may In time see her Glorious Betsy reap¬ trude Elliott, presented tbia play, and right of some kiiiil: In America we'll write tbe here, baring ser-n tbe play myself. I want to A Court Scandal, which was produced at tbe ing applause—and franca—here in France. She niiislc and tbe Englishmen can come over and agre«‘ heartily with Mrs. Young, i iVairt Tiieatre In 188!). tielleves this story of Jerome Bonaparte and Betsy Patteraon, the Baltimore belle, will par Tbe woman dramatic writer will return to (Coutlliiii-d on page 4.s. i Charles Frohman seems to have devised some Europe In A)irll, she says, but is now In Amer¬ ticularly ap|ieal to French |>eopIe. I believe ho thing quite new In plav-wrltlng. He Is said ica again. to be arranging fur different American drama too. I remember seeing Miss Mary Mannerlng tists to come to England, each with Instruc¬ In tbe title part of this play, twice or tbrlce JANE HADING. tions to write a characteristic English play. times and each time gave myself up to tbe siih Beyond a doubt, Falgar Alien Poe has had a tie tendernesa wbicb underlies the n hole fabric. great Infiiience upon the literature of France— And from these "aittlngs through" of Mrs. more |M-rhaps than any other American writer. Young's play. 1, tso, am sure tbe playgoer^ of Til, re was something about bis morhidnesa. his PHYLLIS DARE, France will love Die play. A native aiilDor llv love of mystery, his "nte Morgue" atorlea ing in Paris talked »tth the .Viuerlian soiuan which a|ip<-alcd strongly to the |>eople of France. : almnt tbe proposed translatlr-i lay to the manager and that It was anooii iced I ipilte surprising. Young college lads discussed In the programs of the Vaudeville last sare Kiigllsh university Of course ell the trouble has com* cf m -i-s I life with the American brand which she observed pules and dlffer**nces that exist tw.w—i ll-•ls She appears In tbe title role of La Femme X. St Hart aid when gathering notea for Brown of san and .Messager. They do not G si ,■ ml s French play bought hy Henry Vf, Ssvags. As Cinderella at the Adeipbis. London. (I.irvsrd. make no bom-a of saying so. I'h- h--iI'-ii of recently. » t.5RUARY 13. 19'9. Xlic Blllt>oar<] 13:

blggeat rlrcus«-a of the country, auch aa the In .March and tbat then he will make a mlnnta Uiiigling llrotbers’ Raruum and Ualley, the InsptK-tlon of the whole show Iwfore It Is pn> NEW INDEPENDENT FILM CO. Wallace Show and others. nouiiced In readiness to take to the roail. R,' Hie 10 or I."> women with the show took their le-arsals In winteniuarters will begin one wevk loss plillosophieally and smilingly Ueclareil tbat before the general rehearsal under canvas. there was nothing to be done. It Is not kii<»vvn where the manager went. ORGANIZED IN NEW YORK Some tM-lb‘ved that h,* went to Jackson, Teuii., 101 RANCH WILD WEST NOTES where the company was Iwsiked for the follow¬ ing week. tMh**is th,iught he had gone suf- Freil R,‘<'kiiiaii aiel .1. .MilbT attended the ll> ieiitly far away to prevent any of the troupers meeting of lie- HIIlpu will ni.ik,> his traveling heari range i*,>r ‘‘that rial Wll,l West an unknown ipiahllty ai.o llio work of dltliig Show" le'Xt season. oi:t for tin* coni!ng Mns.pii Is progressing rapblly Win. Th"inps,>n will again Is- in abK,,lnte ami salisfaeiorily. tiiie'ral Snis-rliiteuiiea; las. charg,' of tie- pn-ss departiie-iit this making ill; Inlfcd TTiPstri* .Man.Cfrs' .\I'>vlntf f’lr- held by Chlcsgo eapitallsts. The d-signiug and Iiowns. arrived In w'itenpiarters the latl, .• his tliinl <-.ins,-enliv,' se:is,,n ns the prim'ipa' T lient,-nant •if Kilvvanl .Arlington, not Im'Imllng tiir.' Co. w»« oritanlu-d In Now Yi>rk, Sun tiiruislilng of plans and sis-eillcatloiis Is le-liig pa: I of 1.1st wi-i-k and 1. ainl the wiiiteninart. r the M,‘vlean wliiti-r si’ason making praitically ... 7. IVny WiliHrn*. n 111! run done by Z.irluir;. .S. liavls. -ari-hili-'t lli-urv slip •rliilenilent, E. CimhIoH. a’-‘ keeping things tr-'- * nimil»'r of Taudevlllo tbratrf. In Now Kli-hm. a skiufui hm,!,arrliiteet. Is lit hiistllng at ‘.he -j i.irtiTs, wiiM-, .Mau.ager .\l. f.inr ,,,,li.'a:v , i i-iis «. ;,~.n- i;,.-.- u' li. V : nnil I'.r.ikljn, bo.tla tbo urKi>riiatli>n mill eliarge of ft.- Iai.,lseape fi itiirea of the work. .1. Iiown- ... ral .Ag> nt .I'.i. C. kunpp and } aing no n have 1m-< u ass(s'lat,,il together. Mr iie»’nps,,n i"T,nnni.v"i has n"t d,-,‘ni,',l as t, U . i lalimil tbat five hiinilro)l Or.t clan* rau .Mor'-ls I ■» ft l iiity Itui.diiig, Chicago, hss Harry I’.-tt* r are kn-i Ing lui otlb-e foree on his choice for pr,-ss agi-nt with the sh,>w- si tillr iliratn’!' tliDHixhout tbo ruuiitr; will on general ehsrge of the details The iiian-g-- the jimip In the g,-ner. 1 olliees In Erl,'. llnaigli I’aul AA". Harrell will again pr,-ced* l»t iiiKli-r lh<‘ l>amwr of Ibe luil«-|M-ail)-ota iie Id Inti-m! to maki* this ar-'-eui- nt park the t;ronii,| w IS broken la-l wia-k f,ir .‘he new at'ractlon of tin- Northaesi „f Chleag,. c. -;r show adj.iceiit to the w in.eni'iai lera at him as eontriieting press ag,‘nt. Rollins’ Tralie-,! Animal I-'-vhlbltlrn will he CAMERAPHONE CO. NOT IN. The grounds and surriaiiidings are idi-al for the Ha.'leiri leek. Tiles., shops will bo tSHl feet Ih IIV-v* l,-iig;h iiiiil live traeks will run the entire length the sble show featiir,' ami Mr. Rollins Is now (■'■iilr.ir.v to n |M>rt tilt* ('anirraplionf Comi auT biisllv eiig.igeil will! his trainers in breaking ilii-all.v (h-ny tbat thi-y have »!cri a| tli*» of II'.•Ill. Tliore will be six fisit spare belweeu each track, thus giving ample space to work In a" big leopar,! grouis'. wlileh will, of cmirse. M .1 'll IMrimv ratrnta (.'ompany llcvnao c-rj on the ears nieler repairs. Two traeks will be be indep, mb nt of th,' Ib n. hear niel tigei Till. Mils may bo takon to alitnlfy that lb MRS. LEE WILLIAMS, WIFE OF arrai.gi-.l to run the cars Into the blaeksiiillh groii|M,s emplo.veil In his isTformanee. which will '■ iiii.Taplioiio I'oiiipaiiT will ally Ita fortliuos Tltb PROMINENT MANAGER, DYING. take place iii a steel barr,,,! enelosnre similar 'll.- ••Iioli potiilonla.” shop, when it Is iii'eessary to inako repairs to the Iron work. All the carpeiit'T work will be I,, that eiiipbo,',! by Ilag,iil»-ck: this sleail,! sure COLUMBIA WILL ENTER HELD. Thrown fr,Hn an aiiteni,.*>il- while It w-i- done III the iiiiiiii building. i'ho paint shop, ly be an exceptliaially strong f,'alnre for a side siie.-dliig along a .leisey coi.i.try roml in Hi,- wlileli will be situated directly opposite the show. .\< ojioliialvoly proillotoil In Tho Hlllboaril •lark Sliiiday evening, Fetiruarj 7. .Mrs. Le,- bl.o-ksnillli shop, will lie tracked to accommie 11,'nnv W.'i's will furnish a big drum, flf" •u ral Hi'i'ka uko. It la now prartlrally asaiinal ■ Willlanis. the wife of the iiiaiiiigiT of the tiraiiil d. ite six cars at one time. ami bugle corp. tin- noiniMTs of which will be rhat till' Columbia l’bi>no);rapb Company will ilpera i'mise, I'lilladelphla. Pa., anil bTiiu-r The ear shop will lie all under one roof, and iecrnlt,-,l from th- liilt«',l States forts. s.> that .iiiiT till' motion ploturo tiobl. iiisnager of the /.•sdogieal tiardens at Cl’ieiii the most iiiislern devieos for sliiftlng cars from even this paraib’ D atiir., will la- "real” In kc-p Ing with the balai.. this big show of the PATHE AMERICAN OFFICE NOT AFFECTED, nail. Well know n In the theatrleal worM. is in oil,, deiartniont to iiiiotlier will lie installed. the Jefferson Hospital. Philadelphia, snITer ng From till- front of the building direct trackage west. Jl l> Ktati-il by a n-prowntativo of tho I'atbo will Ih‘ built to the main line of the Lake Shore Kr ■ ' .tuiiTli an otlloo that tho oTKanlratlon from a fraetiired skull ami Injuries which will result In her death. anil Mli'higan S' lithern Railroa,! and from tin' DENMAN THOMPSON CRITICALLY f..riii>.il by Kuro|ioan Klim Matiiifactiirora |n I'arla n-ar of the shops direct trackage to the main ^ . • iilly. nill not atfiK’t tbo Amorlcan branch Her busliand and two other oecnp.xnts of tie- ILL. niai litiie were also liiirlisl out when the big .itie of the Nlekle date Railroad. The shops if till* I'atbo Inatltiitlon. Fuitbor than Ibla aro to be built on prois-rty aoipilred friJm the •llsnisslou of tlio matter waa rofuaod. ear rkiddisl at a tnri: of the road and rras'e-il ‘iilo a telegraph lade, but only the wmiian was Nii'klo date Railroad lying at a lailnt lietw>s-n Denman Thompson, veteran a, tor of The Hid DUTY ON IMPORTED FILMS. Injured. tho two roads and a more doslrable Us'alton H..in.'st,-a,l. In s , rill, ally 111 of pm niuoiila al vvcsihl lie difficult to Iniagine. They will Iw* Mrs. Williams was hurled against the pob-. his hoin,. In W<-st Swaii'ey. N. H. The rharito that tho Motion IMcturo I’atonta about a ipiarler of a mile from the wlntenpiar- Mr. Thompson, who Is 7rt years of age. was and when the other nienihers of the party Conipiti\ baa liiatitutod an effort to ralao tbo lors proper, but nearer to the men'a living taken 111 F,brnarv 4. but was not const.b-re,! duly on lm|iortod flima la ropudlati d by that found oer she was iin,-onse|eus. In the dark¬ ipiarters. They will lie ready for occupancy at serlouslv so until the 7th. He ha,I a bad spell n-icanizatioa. ness it was imiHissIble to determine the extent the close ot next season. The eiilarglug of the about t"»o o’diH-k an,l Ills r.’lativi’s were sum of her Injuries, and there was no place n,’ ir pri'Seiii winteniuarters is going forward rapidly, iiioncil. Franklin Thompson, his son, was soop where meillcal aid could Is* found. aithoiigh the extreme inclenient weather of late at his Inslsble, an.l his two ,laughters. Mrs. H PATENTS CO. TO EXCHANGES. Willie they were In a iiuanfary as to wl1.1t has bad a tendeni'y to delay the masons and .A. McFarlamI anil Mrs. AV. 1. Kilpatrick, ar to do, another aiitomohile came along, liound caris'iiters. The Improvements being made dims Fobriiary 5. 190U. for Pblladelphl.i. The v' tlms of the accident rived that night from Roston. not In the least Interfere with the work being After his Chlblr.'ii were snmmnneil. Mr TO I.ICEXSED EXrilANOES; were loaded Into this machine and bnsight to done, getting ready for the coming ai-aaon. Thompson ha,I another sinking simll. an,l Dr owins to the enorminia clerical dlIBcultlea of the city. Mrs. Wllll.ims’ death la exi>erte,l liver fifty men an* putting In a full day's J H. Hvlaml a diaeontiniied on Saturday. February 13. tration Rureau where, by the payment of a barn Is busy every morning when the animal itoek Is $10.14)0. divided Into ’200 sh.ir.'s at nnb-ia their applleatloa. srcompanlod by a re- nominal f«s*. $:l.0U. such actors and actresses as men hold forth, is-rfoctlng new animal acts, and t.'.O each. The officers are as .ollows; P W inltfancp of $10.00 to cover the license fee, has are out of employment may, by registering, In the afternoon the riders and other perform¬ doffitt. im-sblent . Frank Smith, vie preslden^t; place their wanta In such prominence befon* town forwardi-d to the Patents Company by that ers have full sway. I’rof. Joe Rerrls baa a big ” F. Zimmerman, sts'ivtar.v; I). L. Diehl, eigploylng managera that Idleness can be forc- •lute. We be(t to call your attention to the fol- horse act ready to put on tbat will make them reasiirer; F. K. Cregg. privilege main -Al lowliiK clau«- In your contract with this com¬ stalbil. The venture Is hacked by thg NatPmal ail sit up and take notice. It Is not only one leniingwav. \A’,’«t Hranch. Iowa: AA. L. ( nt pany. which will be rigidly enforced; •Association of Prislnclng Managers, of abotit 2.'iO of colimsal proiiortlon, but entirely new. Mike nil. Tipton, and AVm. I hlcr, Tipton, consll "12. After February 1. ItMKI, the licensee membi-rs. and the Theatrical Managers’ Associa¬ Rixue'v Is leading the ispieatrlins and perfect¬ Hite the siwed committee. •hall not sub-lease any licensed motion pictures tion. the active support of both of which Is ing s.'.iiie new stunts for his own use that will to any exhibitor iinlosa each motion plrtiiie giiarnntceil, Msnagers. generally, all over the go a great way to mislernize bare-back riding. proji-etlng machine on wbleh the llcenaene of the most iHmeBclal re- lip. Ceneral -Agent Ed. C. Kniqip reports that MERSTEIN. OBularly Ibwiisod by the .Motion Picture Patents sulta expectiHl from the bun-aii Is the bringing the a,lvanee Is fully urganlz>-d and that all new . |>)iii.. and tin- liis^tise fin* thorofor have liitether of members of the profusion and man- pa|>er Is being tiirneil out with satisfaction. ts'en paid: and the Ileenaee shall, before snp- ngiTs. b-adiilU to a b<-tter iiiiderst.indlig of He says that there will be no hitch In his de¬ .A testimonial dinner, tendered DM-af erstein bv the Mayor an,l the box holilers of pl>lng such exhibitor with licensed mutton pic- each other and of conditlona of the biialnesa. partment when the day for the flrst car to le I’hlla.lelphla Ois ra Hons,- took plaee Feb lures, mall to the Motion Picture Patents Com- The one feature, no commissions will draw play¬ start awav arrives. Thrtm agents out now look¬ p.iny at its office In New York City, a notice, er pvHiple to the idan. but It la not the design ing over "territory and the re|s>rta he receives irtfv 10 1hI<1 o\*’r ■im le "event w*s of s«ieh nature, following an a'lvtni; the name of the exhibitor, the name and of the fond to Interfere In any manner with from them dally are moat pleasing. The niimlmr nfortnnate misunderstanding over fliinnclal isters were siifflolent to till out the advanre latters. that something of the Mml only, was .bsl to show the b,s.ts and the gnesf that b'v all In a form approve<1 hr the licensor." of a half a ibizen shows. Every man who closul INDOOR CIRCUS STRANDED IN •rgetfiilnes-s Is also one of the divine attrl To avoid any mlaiinderstandlng,, we call yonr with the show last season In the advance, baa Iites! AH Is lovely at Phll.delph a Op-r. attention to the fact tbat any theatre which haa LITTLE ROCK, ARK. sent In his slgneil eontraet for this si'ason. louse quarters. Phllailelphla and Mr Ham applied to this eompany for license Is entltleal Manager .M. .1. Downs has ab,>nt conclude,I to use licensed Him until we advise yon to the his strenuous lalews ami says the show proper Is -•rsteln are to be congratulated. The Indoor CIrena. organized by Harry '•ontrary. The exhibitor's lle*'nse covers sll fully made up and he Is more than pleasi-d with Wright, at .Memphis, Tenn.. some few weeks frojei-tlng machines purchss<>d Iwfore Feb'-usry the program as It will be arrangesl. He la psrs the officisl license sort to the sngg,‘stlve. Ills cirresjiondenee with Plate of the Patents Company. had enough money t<> open his show In Memphis. JIlHNSTONE FREEDMAN Mr. tJe- A riMintlng on the biislnins tlo’re to pay h|s tlrsf with the firm of tent makers who are at work on the new canvas f,,r next season assurv-s him realm; n ami Miss Mamie E. John-ten-. t"’H wei'k’s salarlm, and to move him to I.Ittle EXCHANGE LETTER HEAD. that the n,'W .ontflt. will be ready for delivery ell known In the show bnslim--. w- r.- Rock, wh.-rc he was hoi«ked under the auspices ■Ill llccfsisl exchangea ahoiild arrange at ot^e In Its entirety, b.v the flrst wes-k In March. annarv b. at Nogabs. Arir... by Rev L.-on T o plaee ill a eonspIciKMia imsltlon on their Irt- of the Eagles. Ibiwcver. the last se.as,>n’s tents will be used IcCaln. oT heads, a ref.*r»*nce to the ||eense*'s of the Hut the luislness In Memphis failed to ma tcrlallxe. Th.rc were at least fifty perform¬ until the nns.'ttleil weather of early spring, has AUSTIN RiniARDSON Mr. A R RIehsr I *'"'up»n.v. containing substantially the rm and MF- F.na Austin, l-’th im n.tM rs ,.i • ".I' ers th.it had reiiortisl there f>«r work, and all learn, d to b.-have Itself. '••lloylng Information; Miss .\,l.i Forbes, the mistn-ss of the wan! ;rown and Roberts Th.atre (-o . were marrle. of Ih.-m had workisl consoicniloiisly for the ge has twelve assistants busy under her g-t 1 Quitman. Da.. Janu.r.v ’> Mr. 7, I'llents Company and furnishes sn exclii- of the show. They did not know what the tlnancial affairs of the manigenient were, ami ling reailv the new wardrolH'. but It'a comple¬ llrliardson will spend a f, w w. . k- In FI spe ||e,.ns,.ii MTvIee, using only the (llins made tion Is assur,Hl by the early part of next month. ml rebdn th.* show during H- . nLikeni'nt .' the following licensed maiinfseturers: .Am- they did nal bother with them. It was their duly to go on with their acts to the hest of ET,Ty pb-ce of wardn be both for street parade Initman, March d. •rlcaii Miit.wro|>e A IHogrsph Co., Edison Man- ami entno- will be entirely new. Illiie will b», jiraetiirlng Company, Essanay Film Maniifactur- thclt ahllltv, and this they did. At the end of flie wis'k. they claim, they were tobl that the pievalllng color t>tr the strcH't parade amt K'Wein Company, tieorge Klelne, I.iibln BIRTHS th«* hjii! bml nn^l that th»».T w»hi1«I pink an,l white for the entn-e. These colors Maniifartnrliig Co., Patlie Fren’S, Sel'g Poly- will be p'llevdl bv varicais cdored trappings ano!in lawilyness have Iwen entlndy Ignored and only fl. M«»th**r nnil rhiiil Hi- .lePiillioii of •Teleus.- dav" will h tho verv hest of material used. As In seasons • tier lie conaldensl to he as follows: The make the rallr.^d trip. They arrived minus Horn to Mr. and Mr- Saniwi--. • the hand, an.l with practically no advertising past the paride will b,’ a feature the coming ••ase day of each flim lasiicd by the llceti onnd bahv boy. Fehnnrv I ''■'■J,',,' ' * to draw crowils to the ('idlseum. »hcre l.. .v seas, n sml many n,-w Innovations will be brought mamifacturers Is the flrst day nism which ■■ 1. B‘»th mothor «th1 ' tilM »r** ♦i*'!*’- to show. The result was to he expectel. The ■ >nt. The n,-w "twelve blaek stallions that will I I’l. .prolwrt.v of the exchange, crowilR w**r»* nipRpi'r fnn«N; fin«1 nt th** be fea*,ire,l In a new menage art will be fea- I? . * upon which the lllm may lie m tiir,^ In the parade. Each one of them will be of the with tho It n.'indled. conlrollisl, shlpjied. forwarded or led by a properly costiimcl English grewm and DEATHS. iverisl for use by the exchange receiving Is said that Wright I, ft town. If money, the p«Tfi>rniers have been unable to lo- w'lB be strung out 'n single flIe where they ran 'nmi the maniifactnrer. The release day bc» he sis>n to the- very b,,*t of advantage. They 'KL.-Dr. William E- kl broth, r -f 1 •••p'- cate It. . of Eekl and Diipn-e , ,.m.dy .ketr • am *' nisin the day designateil bv Few of thes,, had any money. Many of them are handsome (spiinWr, and so evenly mateheil 'naniifactiirer as the release dsv for esch tl had oflwr engagements to which they could that It Is difficult to distinguish them apart. In BnH>kl5-n. N- V.. of f MDTION PICTCRE PATENTS C( go. but had no wav of getting there. There Is not one while siwvt on either of them inrj SI. It waa statrti that the Eaglea wonid keep an,1 thi-y an as clean cut as It la ptwsl'.ile for ROSTO.—Charl**^ Fp***?*’. 4»f th** t*' a horse to be. NEW AMUSEMENT PARK. CHI¬ the companv for another week at the Coliseum to nnil W*>.TTn«n. ** Jmm- and that all the menses, They will enloy a spcvlal ear to themaclves I. rblrmfo. Janiiarr ’J*.*. from m Mow whiefc CAGO, ILL. would be devoldl to them. In this manner the on the show train ami will never be left without when h**M up In (lilcago, Ininusllate need* of the eompany wottld be pro¬ at least fivur attenilanfs. Manager Downs, who Ills remains wen* s. nt to his hisne at karl , "V*^ sniiisement park will h<> Inatltnted vided for and they could l)e enabled to get knows all thore Is worth knowing about horses t. Minn., for burial. He b’aves a mother Irving Park llo«i|evard an.1 Fifty sec,mil other eng.igcmenta and have the money to go to savs they are the flnest he has ever seen or sisters an,l two brother-. IJn- of *he si* i'i.i_.•lri»t. ■(> oilhlcsgo. s*o. iiipriie promoti rs are certain whatever plants they wished. ow’ned and those who know him hest know that Is known on the stage a- Mad, lyn Marshall that Is sa.vliig all that can be said. O.J "f” merrhsnts. and a cor|Kiratlnn has lieen A local paiH-r says that the performance waa VF.AD._t’Iar»'nc«, Snead, known as Jean Va. i»rgsnlxeil with a capital atock of I'.im.iatO. one of the best ever bnuight to I.Ittle RiX’k. Manager Downs says that he expe^eta the heads of all the departments to report that they I hlgh-dlver an,I tialloonlsf. dbil at San An Eastern pimfilc, who will llnanee of Its character. The i>erformers are all cIrena o". Tex.. January ‘23. of tnlsrcnlnsls portion of the enterpHae, the balancw to be people and many of them have been with the are In readinesa not later than the' ae^oml week FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

In aililltioL to tno nirkolmloons thomiu'lvoa ilrivlng the boys back to where temptation as thorp are the flim exchanges, (Ie|M>nilent on the sails them on all shbai, the cheap theatres, nickeln>ak, of Danville, Va., who Is well licensed theatre must bear the license plate of no memlM>r shall exhibit or allow to be ex¬ known in the moving |>icture business, has jail “Gradually the troubled waters are the Patents Company. hibited anything offensive to decency, good mor- Hd'l to Thomas A. Eilisosslble accident, any of them ots insist on standing by the helm. hlbltors* Association of San Francisco will fight I can be emptied within two minutes. They con- ADDITIONAL LICENSEES OF MO It is claimed that action w’ill be TION PICTURE PATENTS CO. taken against the Patents Company in several states on the grounds of re¬ JOSEPH LEVI since the Issuance of Its former circular straining trade, monopoly, etc. This letter, detailing the licensees of the Motion Pic talk apparently has no disquieting tnre Patents Com|iany, the following exchange unices have been add<^ to the list, and will •effect on the powers that be. l>e the only other such licensed, for the preaent; Another point that none seem to I.aemmie Film Service, 19d Lake street, Chi note is the interest the dally press is cago. III. taking In the picture warfare. Some I.aemmie Film Service, Main and Sixth street*. Evansville, Ind. go so far as to accuse the press of I.aemmie Film Service, 78 South Front street. having shrewd business managers Memphis, Tenn. who scent a chance for cents. At any Laemmle Film Service, 112128 Lumber Ci- change, Minneapolis, Minn. rate, the press Is taking the Industry Laemmle Film Service. 800 Brandeta Block. seriously. Omaha, Neb. Laemmle Film Service, 410-20 Marqnam Grand Bldg., Portland. Ore. IMPORTANT LETTER, Laemmle Film S<‘rvlce, 141 Main street. Salt Lake City. Utah. Star Film Exchange, 120 Randolph street. Chicago, III.

Following Is a list of late films, by leading manufacturers, for early release: OAUMONT •niE .MINER’S WILL.—A story of thrilling idveiiture, in which the principal character* roam from one hemisphere to the other In qnaai of gold. A SPORTIVE PUPPET.—This snbject poc- Irays In a vivid manner the o|>eratlons of a |iup|iet In his efforts to see the sights. Maay very entertaining and novel productions magic. JONES HAS BOUGHT A PHONOGRAPH.— .\ ripruaring comedy, sure to make a bit. Jobs* liuys a talking machine and soon everything 1* the bouse moves almut in rhythm with the mnal cal strains produced by the machine. Bxcep tlonally novel features are embodied In this subject. THE A.MBAS.SADOR’S DlliSPATCII CAS*.— Newspaper re|H>rters have oftentimes got thing* rather mixed and cauaed endlesa trouble and worry la-eaiiss of their erroneons statement* and misconceptions of facts, ami the preaent series of views serves to illustrate very viv¬ idly bow a bit of Information in the band* of iin overzeakma re|s>rter caused a Hurry In tbo financial worid. Ha|)plly subse<|ueiit Inform* tlon reachbil the re(iurter and enabled him t* remedy mattera. The substance of the story was not (H'rtalning to the poaalblllty of war, as the rejiorter (iresumed, but bad reference to a Milt of clothes. coDcerniag which the Amb** sador complalm^.

URBANECIPSE THE DOUBLE FATE.—Two men of a tow* so closely resemble each other that a cortal* misdeed of one Is accrediteil to the other and Were It not for the testimony of a child wltnea* the Innocent would have suffereil the [lenalty for the crime of the guilty. Strong dramatlr featurea. FOi.LOWI.NO MOTHER’S FOO’TSTEI'S. — A eiHiieily well calcnlated to win the a|>pruval of the must faatidiuus. Two children, brother and alstcr, give a demonstration of houa* keeping as they see It practiced by their par ents. .Many m

taluing no atage or gallery, the additional fire risk caus<>d by those aiiiiurtenances when present KALEM Is entirely eliminated. The o()eratlng rooms are lined In all rases with asbestos and gal¬ THE HIGH DIVER.—One of the few placaa vanised Iron, and all machines are supplied with In tills country where ostriches are successfully flre-proof appliances approved by the Fire Un- , ralseii Is at Jackson) ille, Fla. It Is one of tha biggest attractions of that lively BoutUem city, derwritera. and tlionsamis of tourists Hock to It every These nickelodeons furnish places of recrea¬ tion and relaxation, at amall coat, to all classe*. winter. By (lermlsslun of the owners of tti* The well-to-do there find things Interesting dur¬ Ostrich Farm has been secured a motion pictora ing pissing hours. The wage earner with bia drama of great merit, and at the same tim* to family may there rest and lie amused after hla take some remarkabiy floe viewa of the o* day’s work Is done. The mother with her ba¬ triebts themselves. The hero of the atory It bies (barred iM'canse of her little onea often none other than Thomas Quincy, the world fa from the higher-priced theatres and other (daces ■nous high diver, and the picture* deal with a of amusement) may with those babies enter very romantic episode In bis life. there. And the children, txdter there than on Early one tvlnter when Quincy waa Juat the street; better there than In Idleness, find starting In his career as a high diver, be ap- at all times pleasure, Instnictlon. and freedom IiIUmI to the Ostrich Farm for work. The farm from evil Influence. In this connt'Ctlon one is run ss a (mbllc (lark, with all aorta of pop¬ might well procure and read the letter recently ular attractions. Quincy got a Job as a helper written by the Siifierintenilent of the Roys' and soon lM‘came Intevested In the pretty girl Institute. In New York, In which, among other who wurketl at cashier In the ticket oflice. things, the writer says; Quincy, In the meanwhile, worked ap bis act “I can honestly and conscientiously slate that I and made gtsal, but one night the ticket oIBce the moving picture theatres are a great aid not ' was rrdihe)! and Quincy's girl was an-used of only to the Boys’ Institute, but to every InstI I the tneft. She tried to rommlt suicide by tote or settlement In the Uniti'd Htatea where the morals of the young are lookeil after. ' lumping Into Ihe river, hut Quincy dove In and *’1 have personally made a canvass of the I rescued her. Then he set almnt to catch the East Bide, among the professional men, who I thieves. The pictures tell Just bow succeatfnl are In a (lositlon to know whether these theatres I lie was. are a menace or not, and find that the unanl- i fh-ene 1—(Julncy, tha High Diver, Land* a mona ot>lnton Is that If we do away with moving i Job at the Osirich Farm. Scene 2—Rcenea a? pictures we are depriving the (vmr of their great eat source of recreation and ediiestlon, and ((''•Dtlnned on page 86) FEBRUARY 13, ^909.

JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION bMnd pMTlIIoni*. nuinnnotb open-nlr thentr^ and ntitiieriMiH 4»rli»*r Mttrai’tltmH aii«l cmivt^nlencea. SHOWS AND TRAINED WILD whit'll will b** enlarKrtl iit»on tbia ai«a?«4)U. make ANIMAL EXHIBIT. Ibis park one of tb«* ahow plac«‘a of tb** Nortb* WfHt. It la alao pro|Mm*Ml to tMilarise the Outdoor Amusements irroiimla tlila at^aatm ami leaae mit a larat*r nniiilM*r of coii<*«'aa|i»aa ami amuaenit^nt ilrvlrea. The BU.b«,rrt: Tim park U niiil«*r tbe **lt1cl»*Dt inaoagt'ineut of Mr. H. 11. Kahili, wbo baa ilvmoaatrated a bigb TTih <>|M-iiinK day of the Florida State Fair degree of ablllljr Id the work. fiMind the liiKKe^t llDe-ii|i of abona ever aa- National Fair Association Holds Meeting in Columbus at ■*euil,|.-,l to|t.-iher at one time. Walkln* down the •'Kanite." aa It la ralle,!. one la aurpriaed at tbe number ano*e of giving tbe falt^ ley* Jack and .1111. .Mlll'a Axtec Chlblren. Boyl- all the Iteneflta that can be ilerired through *’on and Stern'* Human l.aundry. Siintlower The manu’.t: turo of carousels will haring aneh an aa*oetat|nn. eapecially the bene- H»*lli», K)it<*or« Orlt’Otal Tb»*itfre, SaiiMmau ami be rnnilnued b.\ tl.e eatate of the late C.uatave flta of the amiiaemeut world. lN*Kr^ko. Tim Worhl In Mt»rlon. Kmo. th** turtle A. Deiilicl at .'MMl tJerinantown avenue. Philadel¬ phia. under tbe *aiue lll>eral policy aa baa made In connection with the aaaorlatlon there will lM>r.K»if«Md a Pl»'a Clmia, Prof. |,4»n Haekenintoe’a that bu*lii<-a* »uch a remarkable aurce>a alnce be a permanent otlre and reprvaentatlre In New fHiiioim home, .\lNzeppe. Jane, the witi'b: 8a!«>me, l.stIT. William II. Dentzel haa a*auuieolnt. Every Im*-ii made with leading parka for tbe ln*talllng care will he taken by the offlcera of the Pnlteil of new uiHChinea and It la expecterl that many Falra Btatklng A*a«<-Utlua In contracting anr more conlracta will be made In tbe near fu¬ attrartlona that are not of a high claaa anil merltorioua onler. ture. It la nmleratood by thia paper'a correapondent I.una Park, Washinsrton, D. P.. "’Ill that at the pre*ent time the I'nlted Falra Book¬ op»-n It* *4‘a*«n early In May and aa It waa one ing Aaaorlatlon ha* over one bnuilred feature of the few parka that made money laal year attraction* iimler tbeJr control that they are the proapect* for thU aer.'on are very bright. now placing In the rarlons atate and county '’hiTlcH J. Cooilfcilow I* the manager of Ibla falra throiighiHit the t'nited Statea and Canada. |>o|iuUr reaort and la aeekliig aome noveltlea In The aaeorlatlon will alao have under Ita own management a complete carnival company. Each and every one of the attractlona will be modern



The directors of the Pelmont Po. Fair Aaaoelatlon held their annual meeting at SI. Clalravllle. O., January .TO. and elected the fidlowlng ottlcera; E. N. Bogg*. of Barton. I>., pr<-aldent: J. Harry Taylor, of St. Clalr*vllle, O.. aecretarv, and Will Judkiiia. «»f St. Clalra¬ vllle. O.. treaanrer. The dales of the fair hava not yet been announced. The annual nieetintf of the directors of the Peterborough liidiiatrlal Exhibition waa held at Peterborough. Out.. Can.. January 22, when offleer* were electeer 10. 17 and 18. Boliert l.eary. i>re»ldent; F. J. A. Hall. a«-ero- tary*trea*urer, were chiau-n to serve during 11)00. A. H. Hendler, novelty kinif. who has been spending the past few weeks In New York, ha* left for Cuba. .Mr. Hendler I* In search of a line of expitaltlon aoiivenlra. and will remain on the Island for a few wt-eka. Mr. Hendler will be In Seattle. Wash., during the Alaskan Yukon-Paclflc Exposition next summer.


Frank L. Albert, chief of tbe publicity depart meat. White City, Chicago.

In every way and be free from all aOggeatlve- Is* a misilcmeanor for anybody to aell tbe aame neaa that haa been aucb a peat to tbe mldwaya outside of the Tampa Fair grounds. of tbe past. (>ov. Gilchrist will ottirially ofs^n tbe fair on It la the opinion of tbe association, after Weilnesday. after the hig parade In which every conidderahle conversation and correapondeni-e organisation In the city takea part. with the fair aecretarlea. that tbe day of using The racep are to he the best ever held there, Exposition Pay Str*‘ak, which will far aurpaaa the mediocre attractlona la past. Fair* are now owing to lUb fact that race bonwa have arrived anvthing yet att*wai>ted in the way of a natlta demamllng aome attraction that not only taken frran Havana. New Orleans. Savannah. West exhibit. np time, b«it one that pleases and proT«*n a Virginia, and several other jsilnta. Evenly- money earner for the box-oWce of the fair. In five additional atalla have been built to ac- Leon W. Marshnll's OM PHnt.Ttlon order that such attractions to be aecureil by commoilate the extra horses, and still there la Show Is now at the Tampa, Fla.. Fair, and la the falra. It b»a become neceaaary for tbia aa- no rm. Arrangements have been made where¬ one of the leading features of the amiiaenient sociatlon to (Itf organized. by several tent* have lieen rented to accommo¬ section A big band of eighteen piece*, under date the horse* for which no atalla have been the direction of Prof. Gene MIckell*. I* with Aa said before, tbe I'nlted Falra Booking Aa- the show and there 1* a crowd of elegantly uni aorlatloo baa. In connection with Ita olDcea In pgovided. With fine weather, Tampa Fair ought to he the biggest yet. I.et’a hope It Is. form^ comedian*. In all there la with the tbe Schiller Bnllding, one apaciotia olllre that show, over thirty people. Tatnpa ha* baa been arranged In detail for the comfort of Wishing you tne beat of luck and regarda to my pals and "Billy Boy.” I n-maln, given Mr. Marshall a cordial reception and this any biialneaa tranaactlona that any fair aecre- Slnceisdy yours. year Indicates that hi* highest expectation* will tary or oIBcer of any state or county fair may uae an their heailquartera while visiting Chicago. HARRY J. FREEMAN. be realized. The following shows .onil attnu'tlons Quite a large number of falra in the Sotith have signed with the Pllbeam Amiiaeiiient Co. and Sonibweat have already placed their con¬ TO DISMANTLE PLANT. tracts for tbe nmnaementa through the I'nlteil for tbe coming season: H. I.- Pllbeam a Talk¬ Falra Booking Association and very encouraging ing Pictures. John RobiTtaon’s Electric pome. correspondence la now being carried on with tbe The old plant of the Georgia Fair at Pied¬ Harry Coptiing’a Ferrta Wheel. Da'bl falra of tbe North and West. mont Park. Atlanta, will be diamantleil tbIa .Merrv go-ronnd and several concession*. me PlIlH-am Company haa contracted b-r tbe er^- The pidlcy of the association la original In spring. The buildings and grounds tielnng to many ways; First, a monthly magazine devoted the city of Atlanta and It baa decldetl to con¬ tl<>n of • n**w hotel car. which will be uacu by exclusively to falra will be laaned. The con¬ vert the grounds Into a rvcn-atlon park. tents of this magazine will be furnished by the St-cn-lary Frank Weldon write* that the aa- different fair a»icretarlca thrraighnut the coun¬ aoclatlon do*-s not expiTt to bold a fair this try. aa well a* tbe secretaries of the State Ag¬ year but it may bare a new plant ready by ricultural Societies and fair ai-oretarlea of the 1910. old countr.r. It I* belleveil by this asaoclallon that In Issuing such a Journal It will b,-comc a fixture of the falra from an educational stand¬ TO OPEN NEW PARK point. It la the first time that an nndertaking of such nature haa be«‘n put Info effiict. The The Beach Amusement Co. will open an amuse¬ reason of the I’nlted Fairs Booking Association ment park, vaudeville and general entertainment CARNIVAL NOTES. laaiilng this Journal la to associate lts»>If eb'ser pavilion In Mineral Wells. Texas, about April to the falra. There la no reason that all news ir>. Geo. W. Weingart la secretary of the pertaining to a fair abotild not he published a* Beach AmuM-ment Co. The Indiana Aimisenunt «'o.. of far aa this aasivciatlon Is concerned. Vincennes, will go out thI* seasen with an cn The aams'latlon haa a hoard of directors, com¬ tlr»dy new proposition In the carnival bualneas. posed of prominent Chicago buaincaa men and FOREST PARK, MINNEAPOLIS. and things are now fast welding Into shape fair a^M-retarles. The first annual mctdlng of at wlnteruuarlcr* for the opening on .March '22. the atate and nmnty falra throughout the coun¬ Forest Park 1* situated in the Northeast G. M. Huds|H-th la now In the South hooking a try will he held In Chicago sometime during section of Minneapolis. Just two blocks outsble good rotite for the show. NEW FAIRS ASSOCIATION the anmmer month*. The wcix'tarles will he the city limit*. In the lM>autlful vlll.ige of Co- The St. James Hipptulrome. at Jtek- notifieil of the exact date through the Journal. lumhla Heights. It will o|)en Ita s<>aaon. .May aonvllle. Fla., nianag**! by th** St. James Amuaa The Pnlled Falra Bkliig Association carn- ;{0. This park became, la*l season, the Mecca nienf Co,, will he open<-d for the season In April. poraOon'lIl!,' htwking Association, i i“*tly aollrlla the coo)MTatlon of all aecretarb-a of Minncaisill* pleastin* seekers and the reflneuTc Fair?,;;!*^ "J ‘h- Birmingham. Al-I out certlileates of iiiemhi'rship ami place the brilliant with light. An electric fiHintaln. the dlrera. will dive from the highest water tank ar.i _r and K. F. Carmthcra. formcriv siMTefarU"* oil the fris- mailing list of the "Fair only one of Its kind In the Northwest, waa, last In Oklahoma at tbe I.awton (Okla.) Carnival. JiHirnal.” wason. a big drawing card. The dancing and III.- ei-ek of February IS. 16 X ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 190

The published object of the National Fair Association is to further per¬ fect this system, as well as to eliminate the factor of graft and hold-up that had inevitably crept in. It will not tolerate the secretary who expects a handout from each attraction he engages. Therefore, if the officers of the National Fair Association themselves, during succeeding electl<>n8, shall be invariably men chosen for their Integrity as well as their ability, the insti¬ tution is going to be of the greatest influence for the good of fairs In general that has ever been witnessed.

The recent meeting of the American Dramatists’ Club of New York was perhaps the most Important, the most significant In the history of that organ- W. H. DONALDSON, , ii’.ation. Augustus Thomas took the chair a.s successor to the late Bronson Howard. Mr. Thoma.'^’ plan of conducting the meeting had ManagiDK Editor. Driiiiialisl.s' been more or less generally advertised prior to th''lr coming PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT Club together and it was here reiterated that his Inten- 416 Elm StreeL Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. .Me«ns. tlon was to mal'e the club something more than a dining Dlalance Telephone, Main 2769. Cable Address (registered) "Billyboj.” league. He explained l: as his opinion that the playwrights of America might accomplish things of more importance than to merely I come together and tell their troubles over the dinner table, NEW YORK. LONDON,.ENGLAND. j To this end he appointed a committee to revise the constitution of the ! club and propose reforms. This was his first step in the way of innovations. Suita D, Holland Bulldlus, 1440 Broadway. 170 Temple Chamber*, E. C. Telephone Central 1030 Bryant. I but others followed rapidly. The name of the club was changed to The ; Society of Dramatic Authors ana '' omposers of the United States, and the PARIS, FRANCE. CHICAGO. i rules relating to eligibility were altered so that women may apply for mem- 907 909 Schiller Bldg.. 103-100 Randolph SI. 121 Rue Montmartre. : bershlp and be accepted into the association on proof of their having quali¬ Telephone Central 0034. fied as playwrights or composers. It is further proposed to affiliate the SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. I club with the National Association of Theatrical Producing Managers, and to Room 2, 1430 Fillmore St. Caledonian Bldf?., Office 264. Boat Office IMace. ! effect an arrangement with that a.ssociation whereby the Interests of both organizations will be mutually protected. It is admitted, however, that the j chief purpose of this affiliation is the agreement upon a standard form of Address all coniinunica ions for the editorial or business departments to I contract between author and producer, fixing the minimum rate of roy- Xlie Billboard Publlsblng Companv* : alties, etc. i From now on until the association acquires the desired stability and Subscription, S4 a year; 6 months, S2; 3 months, $1. Payable in advance. I Independence, It has been voted that each member shall devote one per cent of No extra charge to foreign subscribers. I his royalties to its maintenance. We are glad to say that this proposal wa.>- ADVERTTSINO RATES—Twoaty cents per line, agate measurement. Whole page. 1140; half- \ adopted by unanimous vote. The Society of Dramatic Authors and Com- page. V7U: qua. ter-page |J5. \ posers of the United States now gives promise of becoming a real factor In I American theatrical and musical affairs.

THE BILLBOARD U for mIo on all train* and newt-itand* throughout the United State* and Canada, which ar” *upp1"aaurlng lea* than five line* accepted. tion. As it was, he made her feel good, and no doubt he himself felt equally good for the simple kindness of his act. which might be emulated by some •■ew of our producing managers who regard a contract as a lash with which NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—The Billboard’* advertiaing patron* will greatly oblige by •ending in the copy for their advertisement* a* early a* convenient, inatead of waiting till the to drive those who have signed it. aat moment. All ada received early in the week will receive preference in petition and diapiay.

The LONDON ERA 1* on aale at The Billboard office, Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, ten cent* per copy. The B'Jlboard may be had in London at the office of The Era. Lincoln’s Birthday has been celebrated in America for a number of years, but extra importance shall be given to the event this year because of Its being the centennial of our Civil War President’s birth. It has ever Saturday, February 13, 190». been a source of regret to those whose interests were allied Tlio with the American stage that the hand of the madman who Lincoln fired the fatal shot was also that of an actor. For a long if the avowed plans of the National Fair Association, which held Its Centennial. time it seemed possible that the circumstances might prove meeting in Columbus, Ohio, last week, at the Invitation of the State Board ’ the ruination of the theatrical business in America, but the of Agriculture can be carried out, the institution will work a great benefit prejudice died out. The American people’s bitterness gave way to regret to fairs throughout the country. An organization of and svmpathy. The fact that John Wilkes Booth was an actor is now merely this character, conscientiously directed by men of the noted a.s an Incidental fact of history. It is another Instance of the liberality National highest scruples and ability, can be nothing If not an ; and broad-mindedness of our national ethics. -I'ailr .\Hs-al plane of the fair. They do not disclaim com¬ the respective opening.s militated very materially against the suc- mercial interests. The fair, as every other institution, has to be directed ce.ss of those events during the early days of their progre.se by men of commercial aViillty to be successful. it is the commercially The visitor who .sees scaffolding marring the facades of the exhibition build¬ successful fair that is equally successful in its educational influences. A speaker ' ings, or places where the walks have not yet been completed, or where the before the convention of the Illinois State Fair managers recently stated it was ' process of arranging the flowers and shrubbery is still going on during hts his belief that the show or amusement feature of the fair was being allowe-1 attendance, come.s away and advises his friend.s to wait a few weeks or a to monopolize the interest of tho.«e in attendance. He claimed that the , month until things are ready. This keeps the attendance down, hurts the edu.'’ational purpose was being lost sight of. We contravened this state- '' busine.ss and detracts from the very success of the event. We are not the¬ ment at the time, and we .shall continue to maintain that the amusement orizing. These facts are a matter of record, as shown from the experience feature is necessary to attract those to whom the lessons taught by com¬ I of all our previous big fairs. Let us hope that the claim that the Alaaka- parison of products, etc., must always be incidental. The really enterprising, Yukdn-Paclflc Exposition will be ready, shall be vindicated. Hmh'’ Ious farmer Is, of course, more deeply Interested in the various exhibits. He compares the products of his land with those of his neighbor’s, and with those [roduced by the same Industry In other sections of the country. His Ideas are stimulated, his ambition Is increased; but he doesn’t want exhibits Hs a sole diet. With the members of his family w’'o accompany him to the j San Francisco has been the .scene of several shakings-up of late. Flrsi fair, he enioys the animal show, the balloon ascension and other amusement ' came the earthquake and fire, then the graft Investigation. Now we have the featur->s offered. 1 moving picture war, small in significance as compared with the other two. 1* is therefore essential that the best attractions be obtained, and this 1 but Important as either to those whose Interests are dlrectl> Is on- of the primary objects of the National Fdr As.soclatlon. The mem¬ i Film Involved. The managers of the moving picture theatres bers vlll keep each other mutually advised of the merits and drawing power War charge that managers of the local theatres are using their of the attractions engaged. It has not been many years since the fair man- III ’Frisco. Influence to reduce the number of nickelodeons and to keep age" or secretary, or whoever was responsible for the amusement features, I down the attenaance at all of them. How far these charge* vas glad to take anything he could get in the way of attractions. Neces- 1 are true it is Impossible to estimate, hut we can not believe that San Fran- -avlly, he negotiated first with those who were nearest him, the object ! cisco theatre managers are so short-sighted as to antagonize the motion be'ng to lay out as little money as possible for attractions. Since the amuse¬ i picture theatre as an institution. We have several times given our view of the ment feature has been recognized as one of paramount Importance, this way i motion picture theatre as a training school for the theatre Itself. It Incul- of haphazard engagement has been dropped and fairs have engaged the i cates a taste for the drama and the musical attraction In those who would noi best attraction* they could get, sometimes transporting them from di.stant I habitually attend the theatre otherwise. Having seen the motio i picture parts of the country at enormous expense. The formation of fair circuits exhibition, they go to see the real play and the attendance at the theatre le ha« somewhat roduced this expense and the engagement bureau, where fair I thus augmented rather than reduced. If there Is a deterioration in busines* and honest policy prevailed, has also been effective by means of offering in some classes of shows, it Is because that deterlo-itlon is due, and would s- veral engagements in succession over a circuit, the various events of which 1 come anyhow. It is up to the managers of thea* i to put on the kind of were not removed to any great distance. I attractions that will draw the people to their hoii)i< FEBRUARY 13, 1909. Ttie Oillboard

VAUDEVILLE IN GOTHAM. Eddie Keller, disapproving of the split ecua mission |iro|Misltiuii, will hereafter devote bis REVIEW OF WORK DONE BY energies to the prisluelng and boukiiig of bb Ilehearaala are under way for Dry Spirits, the sketch Lillian Lee will soon present In van- own acta entirely. ilevllle. + Marlon Abbott will appear In vaudeville after + PRODUCING MANAGERS’ ASS’N The Hartford, t'on'n., Diiera House Is now the close of Fluffy itiiMes. She will have a playiiiK vauileville In opiswltiou to IVll’s. sketch by Frank Ferguson, entitled Blocking Ills Game and will carry a|ieclal tcenery. The ItIJou. Ilrooklyn. has tiecome a 10 and + txx«*nty-c«-iit vaudeville bmise, The Independent Btsiklng tlfllee announce* What They Have Accomplished During Year + the early opening of a park department. The Victoria Theatre. Wheeling. W. Va., la ♦ ex|»e<*teil to shift to Morris bookings within a Patrice, In The Isibbylst, will anon rommener few weeks. an extended tour on the .Mozart time. In the Way of Legislation, Railroads, Arbitration of + + AA ill lam Lykens will stkid present In vaude¬ Ella Bradna and Frisl Derrick, etim-siriHUs. ville. Jimmy Sullivan, the comedian now sup¬ have vaudeville tssiking to .March, olitalned li; Differences Between Members and Non-Members, Sup¬ porting Erltzl Scheff AA’esley and Plncus. aher which they Julii th* pression of Graft, Remedy of Abuses, Etc. Bariium & Bailey Show. AA 1‘sley and f'Incu.s, the bcKiklng agenta, with + thT-lr own houses. Savoy. Atlantic City, and Manager Kpstin, of the Colunihla, Bnsiklyn ramll.v, Chi'sti'r. I*a., have a*-vpreil ctinnectlons Is offering an exeelleiit hill this week In .Al Bj HOLLIS E. COOLEY, S«cr. with the I’nlted Booking Office and Joined the Haynes and Julia Kedmond Company In a com .Alorrla forces. edy skit, 'Fho Girl and the Critic; Watts and TIIK work of th«* Natlooiil A*»n. of Thoarlcal mony and with the otuiortunity for graft ao + Gants, singers and dancers; Harry Henry, th* nun xx'ltb the hig baritone voice; the Cycling i'riMlioltiK ManaKor. ttiirlnK Ita firxt yoar great, the pruliirlng manager was eonsldereil 'Tile Grand 0|iera House, Hoboken, has be**n Burnetta. Golden and Hnghea, character come may laritoly la* r»*»iowerea«lou of the country, and It baa ellmlnateil a large ♦ coin Sipiare Theatre every week, commencing .■'lra«y. amount of graft previously aimerl at the pro IK-Imore and I.ss- are now on the Morris time. February l.%. on the plan that has ta-en found KAILBOAOS •liicer. In addition, It has reeentiv provbleil Also the Georgia Cam|iera and the Passlo Trio. so aueeessfiil at the other Morris House, tba for a aiieclal graft committee to have active .American Music Hall. I'n4>.il>ly the ninat Important alnjcle Item ae- •!» eh.irge of these matters, which committee will Ib-lla Eox will amin make a vamlevllle ap- + •iired by the Aasociatlon waa the Inauguration not await rr-iiorts of graft to come In. tint will l•earanoe under the direction of Werley and Through the inability of Harry lauider to ae of a two-rent party rate thriMigliont the ataith- make an exain1natb»n all over the CTHintry anil rincua. cure an extension of time from hi* English em territory. The rate of fare prior to the eliminate same. ♦ managers, the English comedlau baa been obligol - fforta of the A«aoclattun waa three centa p«-r The Land .Agent In I.H-mon City la the title to cut short Ills fan-woll engagement at Blaney’a A miuibs-r of organizations, notably the Inter¬ mile, which even under mileage booka nnibt be of a new act In which Paul Quinn and Joe Lincoln S(|itiire Theatre, three days. It waa blit little reilip'ed, and If waa practically pro- national Alliance of Theatriral Stage Employes Mitchell are appearing. originally (ilanned to have Mr. I.auder’s engage tiltiltlve and In effect removed the South from anil the Theatrical .Mechanics* Asaiwiatlon. have nient terminate on Friday night, February ll». offered to aid anil have eo ofs-rateil with the + the available territory' for the priaiiiclog man- Julian Eltinge aaya he cannot be liirerl back but now If Is announced that hla cbaxliig night Aasiwlatlon for the anppreaalon of Improjwr vk'er. With the two pent rate aecureil, a aav- j to vaudeville after tht^ closing of the Cohan will hi- Tnewlay. February I«. Mr. Lauder will (nc of one rent a mile for each mile traveled practices. These organizations have offered, anil Harris Minstrels. He has pnrchaai'd an sail for England on the following day, wher*. by earh inenitier of a theatrical organization, through their proper offli-ers. to enforce the addition to his country borne at Northisirt, I,. on .Alareb 1. he will opi-n In Llver|s>ol at tUe a n. Europe. On hla n-eent tour of the cotintry Mr. Lauder’* fl\e,l twenty five fare* as a minimum to aecnre ' and by It returned to Its members, in addition advance agent visited Peoria, HI., to arrange + the l'.ii:k’age car eoeentlal to a theatrical move¬ to securing the disclidining of memtiers of for a one nigbt atand. Hunting up the manager other organisations guilty of Improper acts. Eva Tangiiay announces the early publication of the only available hall, the local theatre ment. A large (Mvrtlon of the traveling com- i of a toiok written hv herself but dwilnes to tell having a traveling company bmiked for th# l■.•1nle^. other than mualcal organlzatlona, car ■ BREACHES OF CONTRACT BY EMPLOYES ' Its contents. -led iiinch leaa than twenty five people’, and night desired, he ln<|nlred If the evening waa 'i.'i.xlly nn ler twenty, ao that to aecure a car Prexlolls to the formation of this .Asgivciatinn ♦ open for Harry I.aiider. Nell Rnrgess haa returned to randevllle with "Who?" Interrogated the manager, a llttla th-.v W.re for, ed to pay additional fare, to the there was no niethisl of remerlying a breach a condensisl version tif *1110 Connt.T Fair. In sceptically. ... . iiioHint of twenty the. Thrmigli the effort, of of contract by employes, and It wa* frerpiently whleh an Improvement In the racing scene Is ’•Harrv laiuder—Harry Lauder?” replied the the A«>o<-latlon the minimum limit wa. nducetl a ciistiHii of some employes to obtain a contract presented. The treadmills are now on a clr- advance’agent with the supreme confidence of twinty, making a waving of live fare, to a with St veral managers In order that they might enlar revolving platform b.T means of which one who bellevea further explanations of th* ^reat many companlea. pl»k •>ut at their leisure the b*'st position In the horses are first shown running dlrectlr to¬ eomisllan’* Identity were unnecessary. The A>.nc|atlon. under coiu|d.alnt filed by Ita sight without ritnsbleratlon of the expense ami ward the footlights; they are gradually turned, •’AA’ho Is he 'er going to fight." replied hall general i-iviinael to the Inter.tate Commerce Inconvenience to which the producer was put. ss If ani-glng Info the atreteb. and the audience man of Peoria and lielng mistaken for a pug ' ■tiiml.sb.n. haa secured a number of order, In adilltlon. a manager very freuiiently would obtains a able view. lllst. Mr. Laiider thinks la the best Joke he ha* fercing a change of harah and dlacrliulnatlng get an actor to illsrcgani his contract with a heard In America. tegiilatloni effecting theatrical enteri rlaea aiiil fellow manager In order to get the employe .At the AA’aldorf Is the title of the latest Lasky ♦ th'^e engaged In the buatneaa, aome of the who might be es|«TiaIly fltted to his needs, tin set. It will have a company of twenty people C. H. Packard, the vaudeville and dramatic railroad, having gone ao far aa to decline to the other hand, an employe of one manager with Beatrice McKenzie and Walter Shannon agent of this city, anmatncee that he haa taken b.mi'Ie theatriral movementa on regular trains might get a I'ositlon with another where more featnri-d. The company Includes Bessie Clif¬ lait patents (iroviillng for the conversion of the •n the grounil that the road did not have .uffl salary was offeri'd. and would Jump his con¬ ford. Katharine Kirman. Katharine Peters, fist- dining ears of railroad trains Into theatres la b-nt aei imimoilatlon., refiialng to roaerve ab*ep- tract without a minute’s notice. Now that the fie Lorraine, Grace I.eslle. Clifford Lvman. Ed¬ which he will prewnt vaudeville performance* .r .ovoTnmialatlona for the menilM>ra of a com¬ National Association of Theatrical Producing ward Hall. William Ileldloff. Alfred Hall and "The idea came to me long ago that p*’o pany leH-aiia.' the uaual travel r•• Angells leaves vandevllle March S that iiarticular Idea waa original: I he n gnlar numl.r of farea were paid, making and it Is but a ipiesflon of a short time until to go tiack to mnsleal comedy. Ills part In one who has done any traveling has thmight the inipr -per and exe.>.«|ve charges for handling this form of evil will be wholly rem«i|leDg •lire te.| toward wcurlng adespiate copyright ami town ball, but often In tent shows. Some th*' Oceanic from Oiieenstown Fehrtiary S. op¬ the gi-neral lines of the dining ear. The kitchen prill-i ll,.n In the Cnlti-d Stat)>a and Canada, ob- . flmi-s a pirate boMly prnalnces a play nnder ll« ening with Perev Williams the xveek of March will be the same. All the rami given to the lalnlnL' rea.onalde Import duties and regula- proi-er title, amt In other eases the title and tli-n. ii'i .ceiM-ry and roatumea brought from 1. kitchen Is nested. My plan takes In the rest characters are changerl and occasionally the of the Car. I pro|Ma*e to build floors that will vtir 111 Securing ladicf from the burdensome Mut-s, The .Association has as yet to fall In a ♦ jir iv .|..n. ,.f the Can.idlan lm|M>rt laws and to Pst Casey has had so many goo<| offers for rise In seetlons afsive the regular flisirlng of th* single Instsnie to snii|iress the piracy of a file skilling art of fleyrotds and Donegan. from ear wlieii tle-y are ... They will tie regu •''.In I ni..|ii1c-t|„n of the Child Labor Ijiw. member’s play brmight to Its notice. the London managers, that he will try and ar¬ laled bv inarlilnerv. and wlien not elevatel will «hi h totally forbids the apiiearance of chll- range so as to let this great team play «lx He elcsi- to thi- linttimi lloorlng. *0 there will li* «r--n lip HI the stsg^ In certain states. The memtiers of the .Association. In addition to procecling thrmigh the legal department of xvei-ks diirlnsr the summer. In London, returning a level atreteb. Ml 1 iigh cojiyrlght legislation had tieen under the .Ass,icl.atlon. have determlneil to take s for tfilrtv six wis-ks on the Orpheum Circuit ■y I lie l.erorc CiHigr-ss few more than two •■Tlie iiortliiiis of the tlisir to be ralsisl will still further and more drastic action to seciin- and Western time • nut a single bill at tlie time the .Xssncla- tie In three dlvl.'ons. one rising higher than th* relief from anv theft of a memher's play. They I... -e-gan Its- efforts enntalne.1 .anvthing like ♦ one before It. That, yiai see. will make thr^ have determined hereafter to put the theatres Cessnr. who will be remi-mlH rei| as Bernardo’s dlsllnet Hers and give everylssly a chanc* to t i-piafe protection for the theatrical aiithro and , n|Hin notice giving the names and organizations right hand man. Is (inttlng on an set some- s.-e the stag.'. AA’h.n 1 say stage I mean Jiial pr.'■ At the pn-sent time every bill pend |I of any ps’rsisicnt pirates ofieratlng In the conn fhlng like B- rie-rdo’s act. hut In English. The a little platform, not over a fisit and a halt J'g has new- proxlsloiis b.vklng to 'further and try. and the theatre will bi* warned that ai,) art will las’clve tesiklng through Pat C.ase.T. from the Itu.r and only wide emaigh for two 1 protection to these In j theatre pl.aying such pirate will have Its book ♦ iwrformers. Hur theatrical pristnctlons will • rests Phe law . of Canada make no provis- I Tlie Idll for th's week at the .American Music ; Ings with the legitimate managert caneeleil. never take In more than two is'rformers. n r - c.anad'an copyright. The protection In ; H'll. Inelndi-s K»ra Kendall. Alav Tnlly .ind Comnany, Incognito. D*'tmore and I ee. May "The regular seat* usi'd In the dining ear i.e'i ’’"Vi'’'' *'*" »t''''ired through Eng !i PLAY AGENCY BUREAU will »«• usi'd for the theatre seats. The tall'-* isn.i file last l‘arllamenl. under the efforts I Dnrvca and Coripanv. Quaker City Four, the will be ronstriicted so they mav be converlul s Hi. .\-sivlatlon. tis>k ii|> the ipiestion' and I\ .At the clos.' of Its first year the organiza Georgia CampiTs and Emma Cams. The hns|. tion made provision for the establishment of a o'-ss at this hiHise Is rapaeify every perform¬ Into *»-ata by turning a lever. Thus IT He- next meeting It Is exiweteil that a com , five (lersons may be seated. It will cost about co le < iinadlan copyright will he nsviiresl. The ' play agency for the N'neflt of Its mcmt>ers. for ance. the further and more complete protection of the $;iu,(aai to tnilld the sort of car I have In niln.l. r *’** »ncc**ssfnlly reslatort duties i W*-sfon. A’liitng and Company retiirmat to van- Idea lieeanse 1 will not eharge them snvllilng i proper copyright of all plays snbmitte,!. a fp *o'' ’.'’**‘^1 States, and haa also aeciiresl ' devltle last w>s-k at the .American with their to nsi- the ear for dining piiris'se*. 1 will *np , thing heretofore most frem<-lamatb>n n'lieal ; piT the waiters and they will act as usher*, ; the author and proilncer. It will also attend Ttiere Is little excuse for It. ii.,i' " ,'"’’""1'^ onerous regulations and cnstiMiia ticket takers snd propiTty men for the thj-atre. I to the brokerage of Its memb,“rs’ plays after ■ I •« lieretofon- In effect agalnal the .\mer | •■It will bi' my aim to have only well known ' an Iiristneer. I the personal prislnrtlnn by the niemls-r* has Sniritlsnd. the moat ambitious offering of perfonm'rs appear. A performer finishing aa , ^be .\ssiwlatlon la also activelv engaged In ,' rlosml. and to secure for the nnknown snth-^r a I-oiils AA'erba. Is the herdllne attraction this engagement In New A'ork. we will say. Is to 4 •■•iiring the amendment of the' Child I.abiw '[careful reading and ronslderallon of his w-.rks. week at Keith and Proetor'a Fifth Avenue Thea go to Uhleago. there to fill an engagement. I This bureau. In addition, will keep on flic a fre. It eonslsts of three elshorafe aeenes or will iHs.k him or her to appear In m.v thealr* lo Iappearance of children I complete list of ex-ery play In whleh a memiM'r In many itatcs. Tlie general! fahleans suggested by the works of James Fenl- car on the trip. I will pay Just a little f if . Is Interested In any way. and will itiia-k more Coo|s'r. The act ran almost be said to th-* one dav'a appearance, or p«-rh*p* meren Is •he A.xaoolatlon. Mr. I.lgon Johnson. I! through every posslhle nieillnm of Information th..1tp West In an effort to organize the have been a snee«-ss h»-fore It o|iene<1 and It furnish the aetor’s transportation. the piracy of any play pristnexsl by a memlM'r his eon«l-'erahle tosiklng alresdv. The rest ••Well known actors are always going and com lien •,*'**'• with the Aaaiwlallon to ae- | and left In trust to the ,ig>‘ncy for brokt-rage. of the hin Includes W. C. Fields, the clever Ing, There will be a change of bill each dav '"*» *n«l nl*-' to effect ' oniplele aii|i|ireaaIon of pirac.v. or ownerl or controlled aim listed by any mem titggler: I.ssky’s Country Club; the Musical Be*ld*'s thes«‘ (sTformera there will be moving her of the .Aasor-latlon. ao that It will hanlly Snillers. Howard and North. Ed. Blondell and pictures. I exfsTt to have at least two |**r ARBITRATION he posslhle for a idraey to occur without (iromiit Companv and Siott and Wilson. formers amt then the pictures. I will have a II o'", •''■^■'•fnllon Committee of the Aaa.wla knowledge and action by the .Assordatlon. ♦ pliomtgraph cm hand for talking pictures. .wf,." r ?"* "erv.-d to retain the esprit dn Eva Tangiiay la again proving herself a In. manager*, but MISS BLANCHE SHIRLEY. champion N>x ofliee winner. She Is crowding THE BRITISH CANADIAN CON¬ ssH.f. settle many disputes to the them Into Keith and Proctor’s 12.'Afh Street memlwrl '’h not only between Theatre thl« week, her second there. The rest CERT BAND. of the hill Is good. Ineinding Margan't Moffstf mansv n I"'* between members, actors, theatre (Hie Tltld Page.! have ""'i’. Thniiaanda of dollars and Comnsnv In Si-well Collin’s sketch. Awake trathirJ’*.flndinga of the Arbi .I Alias Slilrle.x Is the |s»iiiilar le.nll'ig lard. Conn •niv hiT! * ' 'leelalon has been protested. Not ' Mlsa Shirley halls from Missouri but she does pire Comedy Four and Martinetfl and S.tI A’ork. The aggregation numbers fifty memlier*. frlendlv m '***l'Utca lieen adjiiate«l In a nat have to be “ahowed.” She la a graitnate veater. Besides the regi^ar band Instruments In the Carlton organization there la a harp aectloB ind sHiwn"""?'^' " •«f(tc amount In coats of Drury College and has had a wide experience *#► I In atock work, having been Ibading lady of Jeff Do .Angells and Company In the mnsleal eomposiMl of lady player*. Scotch dancers also Bush Temple Stork Company of Chicago, the atisnrdltv. *1110 Rehearasl. la the featnre at Ham appear at «ach of th* concerts given by th* ' IIo|ikins Stork Compaii.v of Memphis, and of m.Tsteln’s A’letorts. this week, with Princess band. _ ' the Francals Theatre of Montreal. She was tls1«h. MelvHIe Ellis. Foster snd Foster, Charles The Csrlton British Canadlsn Concert Band Ihla^ A*'s^Il*i"ii*****.'"*^**^ befon* the formation of ; also al one time leading woman for William Kerns. Empire City Qnsrtet. Chsrtes Abeam will appear at the New A’ork Hippodrome dnr * A.s.s.|„|o„ proilneera work In har- ' Beach, Troupe. Hy Gn>enway and the A’ltagraph. Ing May. 18 T ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker ^ o TENT SHOWS Circus and Show Tents ^ L. General Agents Busy Organizing their Staffs and Fram¬ Built to stand the storms ing up for the Season’s Opening which is Rapidly Ap¬ and that is what you want. CQ proaching—Indications are for General Prosperity in Catalogue of Second-Hand Tents Free. the Tent Show Field—Other Circus Notes. Baker & Lockwood Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.

A CLOWN’S ASPIRATIONS. tropical tour, and the lob of anlplog garbage cana In the frozen North, la a dally toidc of ^ Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker converaatlon. In Wlnterqnartera, Feb. 8, 1909. The country teama come In laden with Ina- Dear Bllljr Boy; cloiia oranges. gra|ie fruit, tangerinea and pine Four new 60 ft., 60,000 lbs. capacity. It'a been ao luiiK Hince I touched pen to paper applea, for at every plantation they are Invited to write you a letter, Ibat no doubt you bave to help theniaelvea and to "take all you want.” Flat Cars on hand tor tmmeiUatc realftned me up for duat long aince. Tbe truth It la a iH-cullar fact that tbe heat and aweet- ta I'm very much alive, but been too buay to eat fruit haa no market value, and la left to mt delivery. Painted to suit customer. write a aoclal letter. on the ground. Tlila la tbe fruit that haa I've made my d<'hut in the literary world. rl|iened on the treea. It la only the Inuiiature BUI. been writing for Rome of them 'er high¬ fruit tb.it can be shipped. And auch atrawher Writ!, PhoM or Win. m o.*. falutin’ magHKiiieR of New York City—that'a CARS rlea! We bave them for breakfaat, shortcake the kind of correapondlng I’ve been doing lately. for dtnn<-r, and more strawberries for supper. The etlltora compliment my writing highly, but New beets, onions, lettuce, toinatois pot-i''i'» \IT. VERNON CAR MFG. CO., MT. VERNON, ILL. Ix>rd, they don’t know Ita me. Kill! Between ladlshea and all other kinds of garden tnick la yon and me I think It a good acbeme to keep my on tbe dally menu. It la truly ao Ideal tour Identity aecret until my fame’a made—and then that tbe splendid Sparks' advance car Is making the bomb. Bill, I’ll let yoti throw It. down around the everglades, although the Jan MURRAY TEINT AND AWNING CO. For nigh onto twenty yeara aa you know. Bill, nary aim ahinea a little too hot at times, for Felephone. Haymaraet 819. 1-7 Marldlan Straet. CHICAQO. I’ve been a circua clown, and In my cavorting comfort. But the evenings are delightful and about thia old world I’ve learned a right amart the nights are cool enough for a light blanket. about bow tbinga go on here with the people. CIRCUS, CARNIVAL and BLACK TENTS and BANNERS It’a alwaya been a aaylng that one half of the world don’t know how tother half ^Ivea. Tbe NOTES FROM INTERNATIONAL S^LE 60-ft. Bniind '''''I’-Top. witb 30-ft. middle. 10 ft. wall; $130.00; truth la I know bow both halvea live, and It la iiamths; paraltlneil. thia Information that I am dealroua of Impart¬ ALLIANCE BILLPOSTERS AND ing to tbe world. There la no reaaon why a feller of my wide experience and calibre BILLERS’ UNION, LOCAL ahouldn’t make hla mark in the world, even If NO. 10, MINNEAPOLIS, be ta getting along, aa you will allow to be the case with me. Bill. MINN. UNIFORMS Y’ou know my propenalty or predilection (that aounda more literary I for Inveatigating new For Bands, Military. thinga; well I’ve been reading New 'Thought William Jennings Erickson, advertising agent magaalnea lately, and one of ’em teila me I of the Dewey 'Tbeatre, has quite a fad for TENTS Minstrel First Part, could grow a new aet of teeth If I wanted to keeping programs. He has programs from ev SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL NEW AND SECOND bad enough, and would auto-auggeat faithfully. ery theatre on the tiiirlesipie wheel. Minstrel Parade. HAND TENTS DURING NEXT 60 DATS TO I have freely Imhitied the n'jnvenating apirit Carl Mnneon and William I-onabarger have REDUCE STO'JK. SPECIFY JUST WHAT YOU from tbeae iiingazlnea. Bill, and Itelleve flrml.v signed up with tbe Wallaee Show and some of Ushers, Bell Boys, WANT. that we can lie Jiiat what we will to be. at the l>oys go with tbe lUngling Shows. whatever old age we might undertake the will¬ I.loyd Cronkhite. who was advertising agent Base Ball, Foot Ball, ing buaineaa. There la nothing like feeling. fop E. C. I'rlest. at the new rrlneess Theatre COLIMBUS TENT & AW\1N€ CO. Bill, that .you are a power In youraelf, and In East Minneapolis, has left fop Seattle, where that no outalde force la going to upaet your he takes charge of an advertising crew for Basket Ball, etc., etc. COLUMBUS. OHOB. equilibrium, that every experience that cornea tbe I'nlted States Advertising Company. Sci^hr CA1AL0G. Into your life haa a purpoae in It for your ulti¬ Wilbur "neaeon” Holmes is the new agent at Be Sure and Mention mate goial. although at the time It might aeem the I'rlneess Theatre. evil. Such a way of looking at thinga opena Charles Duffy, who has charge of tbe Snipe Kind of Uniform Wanted, Circus & Juggling Apparatus, Wagon and '’Kid” Riley, from Boston were up a new vlata, ao to apeak, to the aick at Clubs. Bat.ius and Novelties. Stamp for heart. Then. too. I have need of conaolatlon. quite fortiinste one day last week for while I bave had lota of exjierlencea that you know walking from the hotel to the shop they spied Western Uniform Go. ratalogne. EDW. VAN WYCX. Cincinnati. 0. s ten-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Both laid nothing almut. a lot of dlaappointmenta that • 14 s. Clark ST. Chicago nobody realized waa auch. but I knew. Per- off In tbe afternoon! hapa you think I’m growing ploua In my old age. John Carr ami William Lemke go with Goll- Bill, and perhapa that ought to he tnie. hut mar Brothers next season. the atraigbt of the thing la I’ve juat dlacovered The billposters and billers are doing all the what I am pleaaed to term the phlloaopby of posting. Iltho and card work for the T. M. A. TENTS life In the paychology of human experience. benefit to be held Friday afternoon, February The boya are all around the atove telling 5 at the Metropolitan Opera House. Show Tents. Black Tents. Candy Topa Ed. L. Jones, road member, la visiting here, atorlea, but I’ve llatened to ’em nigh onto Merry-Oo-Round Covers, twenty yeara. Bill, and I’m tired. So I ahall looking up all his old pals. now retire to the alienee with m.v aub-conacloiia. Harry Edwards Is handling the anto show pa¬ And everything in Canvas. Send for Catalog. and there meditata upon tbe aiibllmer tbinga of per witb tbe assistance of a number of lotho life. men. DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT & AWNING CO. I expect to clown It another aeaaon. Bill, prac¬ Road members please write. ticing literature aa a aide line, then what I ZACIl I.CCKENSMEYER. 109-11 South Main Street, SL Louia. Mo. don’t know. Treasurer, Local No. 10, Mluneapolls. Youra buoyantly, CIBCUS JOE. MONKEYS. BABOONS, BEARS. Srakes $10 den. 101 RANCH WILD WEST NOTES. Boas $lk. $'JP; Gila Monsters. Mexican l-copanls, I’orciiplncs. Coons $:<..''iO; Wolves $10: NOTES OF THE FLORIDA TOUR OF psir of Bald Eagles. Putnara’a Pet A Wild THE SPARKS ADVERTISING I Charles W. Hayes, who has been re-engaged Mil Fistl Hua, Stuck ur Flat Car. fitr .ale .r Animal Store, 490 Washington St., Buffalo, N. Y‘ I by Edward Arlington, aa general advanee rep- le.ne. Sw«rage .-apactiy •’kai cars. Kejuilr work CAR. I resentative next season, s|>ent January .30 and -.llclt-d. VENlCtE TRANSPORTATION .. ' .31 In New Y'ork. eonferlng on advance matters. 6t. Luaia. Mo. ' "I'lnk'' Is at present business manager with While all tbe other big show, are atoretY ■ Mr. Charles Frobman’s The Thief Company away In their snug w Interquarters, and the , which engagement he will soon terminate to agents and billposters are toasting their sh'ns Join forcea with Mr. Arlington. BARGAIN LIST—Almost new 30x120, 60x90. by the fires, the advertising car of the John n. Hwen Doud. the adjuster with the show. Is fortaklt Grand ■10x00, and 200 smaller tents, for sale cheap. Sparks' Shows, still rolls along and performs . assisting Fred Beckmann at their wlnterquarter. D. M. KERR MFO. CO.. ISiding OircNt Its dally fiinetlon, away down below the frost I in I'onca City. Okla. $78-280 W. Madison Street, • Chicago, ZU. line in Florida. George Arlington is entirely cnvalescent and •a The air Is balmy and laden with the scent of i will leave tbe Marlborough Hotel In New York the orange groves, the flowers bloom In the ' next month, to resume bis position as general warm aunablne and tbe birds sing gaily In tbe I manager. trees. Harry Whiting has l>e<-n engaged by Fred NOTICE to BILLPOSTERS Each morning tbe eonntry teams line up i Beckmann to tak. charge of pa|>er on 101 Raneb ■•riuiro*. Ngw Straight Sora around the car, the lithogl-apher. tbe banner Exeursion Advance Car No. 2. under tbe veteran man and tbe programmer go forth to herald the , ’'AI.'’ Riel’s experienced direction. EXTRA EHRA CIRCUS BRUSH coming of tbe Wg show. It Is a happy bunch Peter Staunton has been re-engaged for his Importwl Qrax Ruselaa Btlatle., (t>p- Of blllpoatera, and the contrast between this old position with tbe Annex. He is resting at p> t MIrwl Llaht Weight Bir^ wttk? « Idtekport. N. Y’. Batatjr Botow. .ad M«tt.l Edg. Pxv>- 3 The first circus railroad contract baa been hertore Billpqatan' HarplTsaaBd Riga PalalM.’ Fhon. Canal $664. Eatabliihad 1866. made wi'b the Sante Fe for 19 runs, by Eddie BmabM Send for PrlM LJM. Arlington. Iiriard'i Brush Dept. Ruder Bldf., ChlMgu Thomson & Vandiveer ACTIVITY AT SELLS-FLOTO MANTTFACTIIHEHS OF HEADQUARTERS. FOR SALE—RIB8I WILD WEST SNOWI Neatest aiHl best two-ear outfit on tbe road. Cab Much activity Is noted at tbe Sell.-FIoto prove It. Two cars »’i6 ft. each, boises, canvas, CIRCUS TENTS wlnl.niuarters. All wagons, poles, etc., are seats, guns, saddles, costumes, wagons, com TFVrS FOR RFXT being repainted and the outfit In general la be plete from end to end, ready to s<‘t up any Ing gone over eonipb-tely. The canvases will day. Sell at a bargain; s<‘parate. or ti>gether. •16 EAST PEARL STREET, CINCINNATI, 0. all be new. and are now being made at Denver Send for Hat. All correspondenoe cheerfully an so when the show leaves Denver the first week swered. C. W, RIQOS, 8t. Louis, Mo. in April, It will present as neat an api>earance THE BEST SCENERY AND as any cirrus on tbe road. Tbe week of March 211. tbe shows o|M-n In Denver, for one week WE HWE FOR LEASE SHOW PAIVTIHO at lowest price in the land. at the big Stock Yards Amphitheatre, which has Hlgh-crade work only. Illustrated catalog to the , 30 TEiHSmrUT/ITION BtCk OF EVERT TENT a seating capacity of nearly 10.000. This show Q p J .lurt. and fiOft. long, for shipping acen profMalon. Tell ns what yon need and we will will be under the anspires of the Shrinera wsd lowest estimate on EKKEBOLL ART •ry, aubMuubIlea. advance, baggage, Some new and difiiciilt pony acts are tM-ing re 00.. $806 Moitb «7th 8t.. Omaha. Neh.. P. 8. A. ^ hearsed for this season and Manager Franklin ■•rivtlege. stock and merry-go-rouuda. Desirable will have a lot of surprises for the public when for ahow and clrcna companies. Reasonable GOSS' SHOW tbe show opens next March. There are quite rates. THE ARMS PALACB HilKSE CAR CO.. nnmN-r of troupers In Denver, anxiously await tug the first call, and no doubt tbe show will I'rji) Monadnock Bldg.. Chicago. Ill CANVAS Circus Tents start out with a full lot of experienced men. LAKOI AND SMALU ALL DESCBIITIONS. TOUR CLOSES. Mannfactnred by Portable Lights BUCK TENTS CIRCUS W. H. LUSHBAUQH, Covinjjton, Ky. After being our twenty-four wt-eks. Dan Cupid Company was com|>olled to close at Brinkley. FOR m BIHrONn BAND TENTS FOR SALE Ark.. January 31. as Drue Avery, late of the team of Avery and Carl, developed a case of ALL PURPOSES FLAGS Waterproof Covers small pox. He Is at pr«*sent at the County SSEIUY IID SHOW PSIITIIIS Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. All time l>ooke«| for SEND FOR NEW CtTtlOG tND SECOND HtNO llSI the Dan Cupid Company will lie filled by The tht Boitt ft Wtytr Co. JOHH HBRPDRTH, Two Merry Tramps Company, both attractions Ihe J. C. GOSS CO.'"m'.VV." being under the direction of tbe same firm, Mc- •IBS Boone Street CincinnAti, 0 Venn and Vetter. 223 Mlohlgao St., ChiMiCi. FEBRUARY 13. 1909. Tl\c Billboard 19

JOHN D. CAREY’S ATTITUDE. 101 Kanrh Wild W.*Ht Show, will In all prob- ability remain in vamlevllle and not take to the i road wJtb a wild west aggregation this sum Til*- lUlllKiiiril. Mr. John D. Ctroy. iner. They are at present on the Kmpire CIr- < Ml*' I 'll*- llroltuTx’ .'wH. dexlr*-* to thank I-Iilt doing their lariat ail. .i«si>t,sl l.\ fharlle i :. ,||...|HII1reseut on their return to New York, they THE BEST FOLDING CHAIRS . cl'* Iinldiiltv to a imlillcatlon utterly uu having alreatly wcureil contracts with one of «..rihi of It. ■ th)' Idg vaudeville elreuils. u|M'iiiiig \a New Moving Picture Men and others using Folding Chairs. If you York City. are In the busim-ss for loiigi-r than tiHlay, you iuui>t buy gissl equip¬ ment hrst so that you will not ii*-*-d to pay out luom-y coutiuuounly notes from greater NORRIS Kuth llohinsoii. whose husband, for new cliaira .Vrchle Itot>lusoii, ill<-d reeently at the home of If you buy (’arnle'(b>iulle Perfected Flat Fobling t'lialrs. you & ROWE CIRCUS. his parents in .Minm‘:iiM)lis. will aia-ml the have the best your iiiouey can g)-t. CIti P. F. F. Chalra wear month of February vlaitlug friemis In Atchison loug,-r ami bM,k b-tt*T than any other chair on the market. Kan. Leter she will Join the A. S. Lewis Big .N..U that the lltlKatlou that has held the This space is too small to tell you all alMiiit them. Just Shows, whieb 0|k>u in Atchison the early part write us how many you can use, ami we’ll send description and i ri-aler Narrla and Kowr C'lreua In Ita meahea of .May. haa h-eu amicably nettled, and II. S. Kowe haa ipiote prices. .npilred the entire prop«*rty, work la being W. E. Holmes, ftvrmerly manager of A full size chair will be sent prepaid aa a sample on receipt ounheil rapidly In the eiiulpnient of the abow th<* Gr*'at Wilke’s Shows, has severed bla con¬ f..r the neaaon which will be Inaugurated at an nection with that firm, ami la now In .Mont¬ e»rlv dale. All of the cars have been ahlppeil gomery, Ala., refitting the Leota’a Wagon Show, to tla- general repair ahopa of the Southern of which he has aasunie*! th** sole luauageiuent. Pacine Co., at Sacramento, where they will be The show will be ready for the road by Feb. CA^IE-GOUDIE MFG. CO. put In llrat-clasB condition. At the winter- ■ IS. luariera two ahifta of men are working a twen- : KAIMS4S CITY, MISSOURI. tv hour day In which to niah the work. Thomaa A. J. Anderson, of the Sparks' Show, Kvan in in charge of the work and with fifty Bill Williams, of King ami Tucker's Show, and Id'aekKinItba, wwalworkera. paintera, etc., “on The la-Verea, were visitors at the Leota’a Show the Jidi,” the proiierty will be In good shape wlnteniuartera in Montgomery, Ala., last w*>ek. They all agr*-*‘d that the la'ota Shows bad some ai the oia-nlng day. of the lM‘st wagons that ever struck the road. lo'ueral .Manager H. S. Rowe, with a corpa of EDW. P. NETTMANN, JR., Pmtt. WALTER F. DRIVER. Vien-PrMt. annlntaiita. la rapidly framing the program, i G. A. Manchester and Geo. H. Irving , JOHN 0. MoCAEFERT, TrMm. EDW. R. LITZINOER, 8m. the ev*'CUllTe and other departments of the ; liavi- aeeur*-)l all the privileges with the W*-Nh Bros.’ Famous Railroad Showa for the coming ^'xiiat the advertlaement In The Billboard. i season. Mr. Manchi'sier will Introduce bis which Mr. Rowe had Inserted a couple of weeks school of highly educati-d |s>nlea in tb*‘ big show n horses (the name of which has not United States Tent li»i letters, making a total of over 1,HW let¬ t)e*‘n divulged I to be lncreaB,-d to seventy-two ters received In which were “we saw your ag and pony The Wel.sh Hrothers ('ircu.s, which will open In or near Philadelphia early In April, and Awning Co. «how. This trttuis- will take the road some¬ time during the ctsiilng season. have rontrarts signed for nineteen weeks so far and the whole season will be contracted for 47-53 South Desplaines Street, within a few weeks. The work of roostructing INCIDENTAL TO THE ALASKA- the abow pro|>erty is practically finished. HEAR MADISON STREET, The Rhoda Royal Circus play*d to YUKON-PACIFIC. big bnslnesa at St. Paul last week. The Ty- Long Distdnee Telephone, bells Jolm-d tbe show there. Dare Devil Ruel, HAYMARKET 444. (ireat Northern Railrttad trsfitr offlclala es- ' rycle act. maile a big hit. Alb*-rt M. Witt, CHICAGO, ILUNOIS. timate that l.tsat.ma) persons will pass through late of the Hagenbm k Wallace Show, Is now the city tif Ht. Paul during the coming summer treasurer of the RboFoot Round Top, with 30-lool middle, 10-loot wall. Onr owB >11 their way to the Alaska-Yukon-I’aclfic Kxpo- sitlon. which o|H-ns in Seattle on June 1. ' Three baggage car consignments of make; used three days. $240. The estimate is divided 4<10.000 to the North- menagerie through llagenl>*-ck. of Germany, .•rn I’aclfic, -Hsi.iaai to the Great Northern an'l reached the wlntenpjarters of the Kiugling . -SEND FOR LIST OF- SiMi.iaai to the Soo and Chicago, Milwaukee and Showa at Bridgeport safely, January 29, to St. Paul. await ami augment Rlngling Brothers’ ots-ning The I'nlon Pacific and Its connections have in New Y'ork City. New and Second-Hand Show Paraphernalia in Stock; not as yet published any estlmatt-a but that Karl C. Milvo. of The Three Mllvos. they will be large Is assured by the several was pr*‘s*-nt*sl with a life menils-rship card by -eo PAGES - unusual attractions which the Northwest will the Cortland IN. Y'.l I^slge No. 74s. B. P. O. have to offer during the summer months. K.. of Vkhich lislge h<> Is a charter inenils'r, f))r During the life of the ex|Kwltion, Portland the assistance n-ndere*! l*y him diirlug their re¬ Is to bold Its annual rose festival, a beautiful cent Elks’ Fair. pageant which never falls to attract from all I H. S. Henson has he. ii |•e-*■ngaged YANKEE ROBINSON SHOWS ovei the country. The Portland festival dates i are June 7 to 12. That many of those who at- II by Klstun Brothers’ I'nlted Shows for the com¬ tend Portland's big show will come on to the ing s«>ason to act In the capacity of general ex|sst|tlun goes without saying. \I agent. The last few months has found him • CIRCUS-MENAGERIE-MUSEUM-WILD WEST ' iloing pn-ss stunts for l,ester Wright's Attrsc- Fnau August 9 to 14 the National Irrigation WANTED—P*s>ple In all blanches of the show hualiieaa; ea|>eelnlly want big abow peopla Congress will be In convention In Spokane and ' tlODS. as It draws tx-sldes delegat«‘a from every state lining two or more acta In big abow that ran double In concert. .Miiat go In leaps ami tumbling. LaBelle Siada. the <*rigitial Girl in YVANTKI*—SIde-ahow freaka, outibair M-naatloiial acta; ran uae ex|ierleneed men In working dw- a host of others Interested in irrigation prol> Black, sensstlonal Moorish ilancer. clos*sl with partmeuta. Thoac d*'airlng eiiKagciiieiita for aiaaoii of I!NI9 ran rummiinirate with tbe following b-ma ami posslhltltlea, the exiiosltlon can count Flake’s Fashion Plate Burl*-sipiera. (Western h>-av||y ui>on Is as a protiucer of patrons. Wheel! at the extra feature attrartion. and ile|>artmeuta: A. L. S.YLVAII.. Mgr. Side alaiw-, rare Saratoga Hotel, Chicago, III.; rll Park, Di-s Moines, la.; ART. EI.DKIDGI, perloil anil each Is counted upon to Increase traf- ji cloa*‘d his season with the Kennedy Brothers’ Su|it. of atiH-k, Iiigeraoll Park, Dea Molima, la.; rhandi-ller men, ORVILLE SPEER, rare BlllhoanI, flc Into Washington. Shows, and after a few weeks In vauilevllle. Clncliinatt, O.; train men, JOHN I’OY D, iElephaiit Fati Iiigeraoll Park. I>*'a .Moltica, la.; arttatn It Is calculated by the fair officials that with returnc*! to his home in St. Joseph, Mo., where fi'r big almw and all othera afbireaa YANKEE ROBINSON SHOWS, Dca Moinoa, In. NOTR the aid of these other attractions traffic over he Is pre|>srlng a new s«'t for the coming sea¬ Howard Gray communicate at oner with Lew F’oater, Iiigeraoll Park, I>ea .Moliiea, la. the Oregon Short Line ami Shasta Route, will son. not be b-ss than another million. The tax asse.ssmt'nt on $7,5.000 of Barnum and Bailey equipment placed by Bridge¬ CIRCUS GOSSIP. port Board of Asses.sors for the first time. Wanted-The Great Holstein & Sangster Shows : amounts to $l.'i0 annually Instead of $tt.%. as Congreit of the World'a Greatest Living Cnrioaities. Curlniia and strange iieople of all was laat w«*ek’8 statement in The Billboard. The UlpiK-l Show will go out next dcaerlptlona, tem.x fide freaka of hiiiiiaiiity, also two dwarfa (man and wife preferredl. State all -esson under the title of the Rippel Brothers’ Mrs. Cora May Hardee, snake and a*‘iiil photo with first btter which will lie retiirm'd. We will pay the money for the beet Circus, Menagerie and Side Show. C. A. Rlp- charmer, for several years a leading attraction pel will be general manager; Jack Rippel, busi¬ with CampN'll Brothers’ Show, was granted a obtainable. S«‘aaon of thirty wveka o|i<'tia May 2tlh; all week atauda. We pay all. Addr*-aa all ness manager; ('has. Rlp|iel, Jr., asalstant man- divorce from her hnsband. In the Superior Court eoiiiiiiimlratioiia to HOLSTEIN A SANGSTER SHOWS. Winter quartora, 200 Georgia at., • ger. The show will carry sixty five p*H>|ile. of Marlon Cminty. Indiana, last week. twentyone wagons; the big toi* will be 60x100 Balfalo, N. T. fi-et. si,!,, abow ."iOxtO feet. Indiana, Michigan Frankie Kershaw, variety perfor¬ • nd Illinois will be covered. The opening date mer, sister of the late Charles and Merrick For Stkiw l*ara«leH, Horn** auet, Chicago, Ill. orse and Pory Plumes SCHAEMBS. 612-614 Metropolitan Art., BrooklTH. N. T. Friends are r*'y Show, local contracting agent; Homer B. Davis, mai I opening In Chicago. ag>T; Walter Hud Rockwell, boos blllj^te f F. D. Whet ton and wife, who are out THE IDEAL PARK OF THE EAST t iirtls It, Graham, lithographer; Newton TIpto at present with their own show, have signeil programer and banners; George Snmervlll, Ia*al with (JoIImar Bros.’ Circus for 11*09 to do their "line. J. It. Wherritt and Dick Ball, billposter nibe, contortion and concert turn. Luna Park Co., LM** PaiiSi France \\lll T. Miller will acain manag I,a Relle Clark, of circus fame, has the Annex with Wheeler’s New Model Shows th I enter*>d vamlevllle now playing N*'w ^ork ^'.is'in. making his fourth year In that c ■ hotises, and Is ojs'n for engagements for the paeliy. Among the features with the Wheeb coming park and fair seas*>n. will be Capt. Snider’s P THE WORLD'S PLEASURE CITY Mmahle Lions. Mme. Burnell, fire queen; Mllle Miss Margurlte Still, snake enchant¬ magician and ventrlbapilst: I.,eMnnde. mechanic ress. last s«>ason with the Cole Bros.’ Shows. doll, ami Mme. Pierce, snake enchantress. , has slgneil with the KIngItng Bros ’ Show for Sunday’s receipts alone should eclipse the entire week’s receipts of the coming season. Kiirnes’ Wild Anlmi any other amusement resort. Ten minutes from the heart of the conclinlHl • two weoku* e The Flying Fl.shers. Sam and Ina, ' are engage*! f**r the coming season with .AI. gayest capital in the world, Paris. Population 3,000.000, More sum¬ K. Whe*>ler’a Showa. their aecond season with diirini ^*,**1?".'?'’"''’ t'tm-away hous • . * I'^V The Barm'S aggregation hi the New Model. mer visitors than any other city known! The above unique amuse¬ diit! i/' *■'^15*1 *^*^*^®*’*’*'”*v rlnk« and armorl Gay Dick, contortionist, has signed ment park is now being constructed and will open for season on the t •'** • ‘hf Close contracts with I,amoot Broa.’ Circus for the tinthif Uat NoTemb«»r. season of 1906. EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL II, 1909. The following great k'**^*^^ Still, the snake enohni attractions have been contracted for and are being installed: The IsHt .-*5* Colo Brothers’ Shot prlnelii.rr"' *"*" rngsged ss one of tl FOR MATX—A tbrselaggMl C«lt. • gennln*- 'reak. eight months i4d; t perfect horse with the (Treat Bostock Arena and Jungle, Snoot the Chutes. L. A. Thompson f .r the‘/n"'‘‘"^J*** Brothers’ Shot f the s.!^"r*’ ?•"* '* “ow haring made o exception of right front leg; owner bos other Scenic Railway, The Mountain Slide, The Rivers of the World, The ' i h •’qnlpmenta ever conatmcted f naedneaa nod can not travel to oxhibit. and ha« decided tn sell. Addreao R. B. HANSON Johnstown Flood, The Haunted Castle,etc..etc. Have limited space n.Sea ev'er.h'own.’''" “*• Sleepy Bye. Minn. _ left for a few good novelties. So, CONCESSIONAIRES, GET haif"‘inl*‘ ^^hweder ha.s purchased oi BEND FOR PRICE LIST OF BUSY, and write quickly to the Sole Agent of the Luna Park Co., «iil t.11 wTth* •‘■r Show a< Mr Schwl-dle'^h **’’* •""'•“or aa managv Ltd., Paris, le-rlem-e In**#*. * “'lo'lter of years’ e SHOW PAINTINGS • 'alTiahle" bualneas. and will l pany of the cm SxlO, fto. 10x12. IIS. 10x20. $2S. A. W. WILLIAM R. INSHAW, 910 Ave. C.. West, Brooklyn, N. Y. MILLARD A CO., 117 Third Ave. (near 14th 8t.) New Tork. Formerly nieuiber of the firm Please do not confound this enterprise with the other European Onv reports from the Sout anil Managing artist of the Studio of E. J. .Amusement Parks. . wradlok and Ploivnoe laaDue, late of t Hayden A Co. 20 T ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Stauntonn, Lola Walker, Adell Dunston St I.a‘slie Holbrock, Gus liorratDe, Fred Pearce, R. Sleluburn, Annette Walton, Lillian |iiil>es, Chas. Holbrook, Tracy Lou. Gilman Pearce, C. D. Sterling. Katberlne Ward, ^issie Duross A Clark Holland, Francis Lovett, Lester Pieso. W. O. Summers, Ua.v Wayne. Tuella Diiiluu. Janies HoKard, ^ H. Lowery, P. G. PeubingloB, Roy Swan, Miss Olive Weltbeim, Sada Earle. Paul Holmes, 'The Lyall A Gifford Percy, Jaek Swarts, Ersiices Williamson, Agnes Earles, Bert liolmes A Oerbyelle I..Miian, Herbo.'t Perry, F'rank L. Tanaca, Mrs. Tara Williams, Mrs. Zen ElH-rhardt. Fred Homewood, Harry I.yncb, Irish J. Pbanton, Joe Taylor, Itollie Williams, .Mai Edscll, Ed. Housier Am. to. I.yue. Jamiw Plillllpa A (Jonlon Tbayne, Nella Willman, Dixie Edwards, Mitten Hu|>e, Wm. Ma Lette, O. L. I’blllliM, S. P. A Wife Tbeo. Mile. Williams, Glace EdwaiUs, Ld. HurnliriHik, A. McAdams, C. R. Pbllli|ia, Augustns We can not cndcrtake to remall PAI’ERS or 1 Tbornton, Curnellta Williams, Mrs. E. C. Edwards, E. J. floss, Chas. McAtee, J, W. Phillips. Chal. packages OB wbicb ta required extra poataxe Tburbes, Leona Edwards, t red Houghton, Frank McCaffrey, Hugble Plekeriug, F'red TIsnIta. J.'nnie Wilson, Gertrude Kggers, Calvin Howard, Earl A Rus MeCl.iiialisn. Frank Plckersl, Ksrl to forward, nnleaa tbe necessary amount of TIets, Lillie Willson, Ella Ehler, Andrew sell McClay, John I’lerce, A. J. postage la paid. At tbs right baud aids of Trnux, .Sarab Wilson, Mrs. Cbas, Ehrlich. Sam Howard, L. \. Met'leiiiiaud, Jas. Pierce, Geo. H. Wilson. Aileen name yon will find tbs amount required. Twinkle, Tillle FJIIis. Wlilti'V Howard. Sam McConnell, John J. Pierce. Jliiimie Epdlke, Alma E. Wilson, Mrs. E. J. Ellisson, Will Hoyt, L. F. Mct'uuuell, James W. Pierson, G. H. Van, Gladys Wincberman, Mrs. Eliiieudarf. Carl J iliigties, Wm. H. McCormick, Hugh Pilgrim. H. It. Wolland, Mrs. Geo. C. Application for mall advertised In tbis list Vasser Girls Family, Colorado Hiilme, F. G. McCormick. Nat Pi Ison, Sidney E. Vennett, Le Ova Woidcott, Annie ninat be signed Individually by addressees Kske, Will Hiiliie. Cain A Hoey McCullough. Paul I’ls<|uall, Col. Verka. Era Wright, Mrs. Harry Essex, Lee Hunt, B. G. McGee, Mike Plank. Wilbur S. Verner, Myrtle Everett. Shirley Hunter, Harry McGee, John I'lunkett, Cye L. I TltANSlK.NTS ARE RE Vernon, Malwl Youmans, Mrs. Adell Evans, Will Huiilley, Geo. A. McGee, Mike Poole ft Lane I\lll II r ^ gi ESTKlI, WIIK.N CO.V Von Lear, .Mellle Young, Lulu Evans, .Murray Hurst, F. G. M* Roy, Hilda Apiileby, E. J. Fowler, .Marvelous Kaue, C. Francis M.irliii. Jaek CI'.ITord. R. C. Reaves, Roy Belly le. Hazel Le Van, Violet Aiqiollu, IMek Clifton, Tom Fox. Bov Kancll. Win. Marlliin. Boy L. Relied A Ilsdiey Benedict, Elorence Langdon, June Argo, Claude W Clifton, Tom Fox A Summers Keasey, Hunter Mascagni, Stephen Ri*ece, Happy Bergere, Valerie Lavelle, Malielle I Arlliig. Gust Clifloii. Jas. D. Fox, Kyle Kiietch, E. U. .\lalsuuio, S. Reed. Perry Bond. Lucy Ijivere, Nellie Armond & Gay Cllftoiis, Three Fox, I’rof. E. Keetcb, Fid. Mattery Wm. Reed and Fiarl Borden, .Mrs. Flo. Lawrence, Tillle Arnold, Great Fraiiconl. Mr. Kefftr, Gi-o. O. Max. Dakoia Coburn, Prof. Earl E. Reed, Francis Bowers. Alice Lee, Madeline , Arnold. (Tias. T. Cole, Tom Franks, Two Keith. Frank C. ^Iaxtms Mislels R.ed. Steve Boyil. f.llllan Lee, Roberta Arno. Joe Cole. John Fraser. Clint Keller, H. IT. Maxwell, Thus. II. Broadwick, Teresa Lee, 1 reue Arriglil, Adolph Collins, La>o F'ranklln, P. C. Fvelly, Jas. T. .Maxwell. J. Wesley Reed, John R. Reelce, Gisj. "Pop” broadwlek, Bessie Lehman, Irma Arthur, professor Collins, Frank Will. Kelly, J. A. MawxeM. John Regan. Jack Brown, .Marian Lida lid. Madam | Atlas Amiisi-mcnt Co. Collins, Chas. E. Freed. G. Kvljy. K- H May, Ed. Brown. Mrs. E. W. l.ester, Leouore Atkinson, Geo. Colton. J. R. F'reemant, J. Blchard Kelly, T, H. Mella, Chss. H. Relbel. Tbeo. Relsner A Gores Browning Sisters Lorenzo, .Mrs. C. W. i Avery, Drew Comte. Joe Fieeinoiit, L H. Kelly, F'rank A Mells. Cbas. 11. Reiss, N. Bnina, Eda laiulse, Mile. i Bacon. Myron Condemisn, Jay G. F'n’nchvllie. Henry A. Ethel Melvin, W. R. Budd, Ruth Love, Eraukle Baderracco, Joe ('onnell, A. G. Frleilman, I.d'O eKelly, Dick T. Mel'Ul.l, J R-Kes. A. W. Remzo A Cvlll* Buerger, Charlotte I-aivergan, .Miss L. Baird & Dunn Cennelly, Lloyd Frosto. Chas. Keltneis. The Meyer A Msson Reno, Dell Bulger, Irene Luther, Madam Baidz. Frank Connera. John F. Fuller, George Kemp. D. Meyers, Clint V. Bulger, Nene Lynn. Jennie Ball. Dr. W. H. Conroy, Sam h Hoil)S*‘r Kpnip, l*rof. J, T. MIek, Hsrry Reno. Fred Renol.ls. .VI. Bunnin, Rose .McC.ine, .Mabel Ball. J. B. Conway, James Gallaway, Tommy Keppler, C. J. Mlldreil A Lester Burke, Bertha McDade, Mrs. David Balouse, Nathan Ciaik. Ted .M. Galloway, Oscar T Kerf sit. W. P. Millards. Mnsculir Renxo. Doc Reynolds, A. W. Burr, Mrs. E. .Melioiiald, Josle Banett. K. L. CiHik. I). William Ganard, Lawrence Kerr. Rcml Miller, Bob Burrow, Leone Leelle .McGee, Mrs. Anna Banvard. Bert CiMik, Dannv ! Gardiner. Will S. Kettler, Fred Miller, Ssm Rheal. Dr. P. R Burt, Roea •McKean, .Mrs. Terry Barnes, W. H. Cornwell, Eddie I Garner, Robert Klchl, Sam .Miller, John Rhodes. W. B. Burton. Cecil Malcolm, Emma B.'.rnell. Eiiw. Costello ft La Croix ; Gasklll, M. L. KUhucbl, H. Miller FYed Bice Bros. Butler. Helen May .Manners, rs. H. E. Barracks, Geo. F. Cousins, Jack ! Gentry, Gus Kllpstrlck. Chas. Mllllo. Bobt. C. Rich. J. A B. Byon, Addle Marshall, Mrs. L. W. Barrett, Frank Cotiray, S. ! Geralds. Musical Klmkle, Barney UKluer, Roselle A Richard, Joe Gain Slaters -Martin. .May llarretl p.ros. Coiiitncy, H. Germain. Carl Kin Tanaka IriMifM- Mlllner Richard. Fearless Campbell, Mrs. R. C. Martyn. Mrs. C. B. Barretts, R. J. Cowles. Al. • I Gibbons, Jas. T. Klucannon. E. C. Mitchell A Hlccim Rlchanls. E. V. Campbell. Marian Mascagni,, Mrs. Karris. Val Cox, W. C. Gilford. C U King, Jack W. Mitchell, Thus. J. Richards A De Win Oapi.s, Mrs. James B Stephen Bartik, Ottokar Cox Family Gilbert. Al. King, J. B. Mitchell, F'red tens , Carey, Miss Victor .Meade, Dwight Baynes. Jas. T. Cox Enter.v (Jill. G. G. King. E. C. Mlzuno, Coe richter. Stump Carter, Mrs. G. K. .Mi-lrose, Edith Bayrooty Bros. Coyne. Jimmy Gillette A Ilallahan Kintzing. F'rank .\loiioliau. Will Riddle, James Cecil, Edith Nelson, Agnes Bear A. s. Crablll, Bert Gllshy„. The Klralfy, Arnold Montgomery, J. D Rledell, Chas. A. Ceireron, Mrs. Amy Melton, Katberyn Beasley, R. C. Craffree. Capt. Carl Glickauf. H. W. Klro's Seriient Show .M.m.ii. G. W. Bigs*. E. •Meredith, Mrs. L. E. , Beatty, Geo. Cramer. Win. Glocer. William Klatt. Wm. Mooney, Wslter 8. Riggs, C. Chapman. Lila .Mlacu. Ma I Berker, Cbas. A. Craver, Billy Godfrey. W. H. Klfln. Mr. Moore, Roht. A. Riley, Henry A. Charter Sisters .Mllbiirn. Eottle Beekman. .Martin Crichton, Geo. Howard Goldin, M. Knalie, Geo. W. .Moredoek A Watson Rising, W. S. Cheffalo, .Mrs. N. 8. Miller, -Mrs. I,eola I Belgard, Jesse Croftord. Guy L. (Joodell, Will R. Knight. William Morley, M. J. Rivers. Sencrits B Chesley, Mrs. Herbert Miller. Della i Bell & Washburn Cullen, J. B. Goodwin. Ben Knowles. Geo Morris,, Tom Robert. P. J- Cbllders, Jlrs. E. M •Miller, Msree i Bell, Cbas ILUIcki CciiiliiT, Jaiu*-8 I Gordon. Billy Knox, Fred B. Morris. 11. L. Roberts, Stanley J Clark, Pearl Mills. Sadie Bell & Braley Shows Curott, Chas. L. ; Graham, Harry Kohler. Harry Slot row, Tom RotiertS. Theodore Clark, Grace Milton, Jean Bellvue, Ed. Curran. Gio. (Red) Graham. Charley Kohler, otto Mosher, L. M. Roberts. I.amls Clark. Pearl Mitchell, Mrs. Geogre Benjamin, E. K. Curran ft De Grey I Grant, Eilwanl Kohlers, Tbe Moiiffet, Chaa. Robinson, Jim tnd Clark, Irene B. I Reno, Ben Curtis. H. S. 1 Grant. FT. H. Kohler, Harry Movllle A Manlotl Sadie Clark. Mabel Mooily, Mrs. Emma ' Benoit. Victor Cutting, Cbas. E. I Grant. Clifford W Kosta, William 8. Mover. Chas Rodgers, Tom C. Clone, Myrtle A. Moore, Alma I Bentley, W. H. ■* De Coiret A Rego Great Eastern Musle Roster. Harry ’ Munson. H. W, Flugers. Fred H. Coleman, Mai Morette Sisters I Bergerman, B. A. De Estang, Marcy I Coiiipan.v Krider, Jack Miirata. TskI Rogers, F'. J. ^nuelly .Mrs. Louise .Morris, Elsie Bcjiiard, Floyd DeKreko, Chas. Great American Shows Krlps. Joe Murphy, Waller T Rogers Brow. Conover, Iva Mortimer, Lilian ••Bernio” DeMarlo, Bell, ft (3o. Greet Northern Am. Kiiegel. Johnnie MurpUy, 'llm Rogers, W. J. Cox, Gussie Mower. Blanche j Berry A Clark De Rouge, Wllliert I Co. I,aBart, Harry Murphy, Tim B.s.e. M (Wndall, Maude Moxon. Grace Bessey, Jack De Siiniiions, Ueuara I Gre<‘n, Ed. D. LaEa Belle.Belle, F.ddle I Muijdiy, A. J. Ross, Walter J. Crawford. Clara L. Nanema, Princess Betzer, GlIS Dll Erayne. Frank I Green A Bussell LaEa Mont, W. E. Miiriihy, Dr. 1). J Ross, W. J, Dale, Allene Nielson. Alice ! Bethel. Arthur DiiRoss. J. Grlttltb, F'rank LaI.a Moss. FM. Murrrfy. F'rank Ross. Thus. W. Dale Sisters Nles, Anniu V. Beverly, Boy Du Russ. Spike Grlsoh. (Jeorge I.a I’earl,Pearl, WestWestley 1 Myers, Fred Rossk ff, Chas. Dale. Dottle Noel, Mrs. Laura I Bevefiy. Roy Dailey Vaudeville Co. I Grojean, P. B. LaI.a Peppes, IT. Is. Myers. Lawrence Roth, A. Danner, Mrs. Roee H. Norton, Nina Bevins. W. J. Daley, Con E. Gross. Will. LaEa Sell-.Sello, Ed. ' Myrtle A Sidden Rowe, R. S Davie. Eliza Nugent, Mra. Ed. Bignall & Logan Damon. Boh : Giiilirie. Tom LaEa Tell Bros. Nads A Co. Roxhury. Mr. Davla, Elorence O’Brien. Kittle Bill, Diamond Daniels St Mack Ilafley, C. F’. LaEa Vlen, Sam Nadell. Prof. BusIdo. j. W. Decker, Amelia J. Olga, Princess Killings, Eiliiiund F. Danker & Cardwell Hiiggertv. Lawrence l,e Call(’all A !,«I..e Call( Nall, Fiugene II. Rubl. W. S. Drayton. Leu a (‘iiiega, .Madam Bird A Vance Dauovas, I.a'S Ilagur, Earl Clair.Clair, Evon Naulon, Frank Rumiiiel. .Albert Saves. Blsucbe Oneill, Mrs. Harry J. itilvek, “Seal Man" Dantell, Eugene H-iines ( Pas. Ee Boy, Eenn Nriiler, V. 11. Riindy. Harry A. Bckbsrt, I'sullne Ortaney, Helena Black, G. Z. Dare. Frank Hall, Frank I.eEe Boy. Leon National Vaud. Co. Russell, B-ekless ■Idon, Mrs. G. H. Ealmer, M'ss Glora I Kliiut, l>oiidon Daugherty, Chas. Hall, K. W. Ee Vonne. WallWalter Neff, Fidward Russell, Musical Blllshon, mile Pavitt. G. Hazel Poeilker, Harry Davenfsirt Bros. Hall, Fiiigene l-eRoy. I’rof. B. Nelson, ('lenient Russell, John Kpiey, Rlsncbe Phillips, Berths { Boggs, Henry Davenport, Li-o F. Hall. H. IE Lain.Enin. C. B. Nelver, Prof. Frank Russell, Dave Eavsr, Margaret Pbipp, Alta L. Poiiuunan, J. W. Di.ventiort. E. L. ' IliTnillon, J. VV. I.atigdon. HarryExrrj Nessi’ii A Nessen Russell, W. S. Pay, Anna Eva I'lelss, Mrs. W. A. Bolaiiche, James Davidson. Taylor Haiiiond. Jack I aniiain.anhain. Ksrl Newman, (liner Russell. J. B. Pitta, Mias Grace Powell, Grace i Bonier, Charley Davidson. Harley Hanson A Drew I.arnmorc.I.arnmore. Guy Newton, ('has. Itussidl A Devlnrw riood. Mrs. Hattie Putman, .Mrs. ! PsHitli, Hsnold Davis. U. I.. Hanson. Harr.v E Larkins.Lark Ins. F. F. Nias, Isasc Bussell. Hhitv Ployd. Susie Ramey, Mra. Geo. O. I Born, J. Davis, Harr.v Harliss, IE R. Eart. sue. llsrrvHam Nldon, C. G. Ruth, Scott W. Pord. Myrtle Raymond, Mattel ' Boyd, Dr. D. B Davis, Claud A. Hari>er. Hriii|i Earghlln, Roht N'les, Harry V. Sakata. S. Porsman. Mrs. .Muriel Ray, Eva ! Poyd. Eddie Davis. Frank Harrell. Paul W. Law A Itol ‘ Noel. Jis- Salter, F>E B. Pranks, Mrs. Ema Redman, Mrs. ; Boyil8, W. Davis, Michael Harrington. Hal Lawrence, DaV“ Nola'i. Andrew Salas. Iten Fralnor, Hattie Rell, Mrs. Walter BosKs'k, Janies W. Davis, W. H. Harris, James A. Eazarre Non res a Hal Samsyra. M. Purgtson. Vera Reilly, Edith I Boswell, Nathaniel Dsvis, Jake Harris, Roliert H I.s'avltt. Nelaon Noxon. Dave Sampson. Dr, 11. Fuller, Mrs. Ered Risjua, Juanita ' Boyd, Cbas. C, Di an, I rails Harrison. H. I,. I.ecall A Lecall Nye. Harry Santell, The Great Eiidge. Mrs. Gertie Richmond. Jesale Boyle, Frauds Deane. Arthur Harry, H. H. Iao’, Frank P. I Nye, It. 11. San ford, K. Gardner.- Gladys Ritchie, Carrie Kozzell. Killy Dean. W. C Hart, Hapfiy I.enhardt W. J. Nygnrd, FTd. F'. Sanger A Ray Am. C« Gasklll, Mrs. Mary L. Rickard, Edna M. : Bracks, J. V. Delaney, J. E. Hartf-tt. Wilt Leo. Arthur tl'PrIen. Dick Sater, Henry Geraldine, Fay Robertson, Lolita Kraiilry, A. T. Derby. Al. Harvel, Geo. W. Leonard, Jimmie Oaks, David Saunders. J. P. Gibbous, Mrs. Robinson, Minnie Bray. Harry Derrill. A. E. Hawes, FJmest Leonard, Jimmie flaster, J. Savaln. W. L Gillette. l,oiilse Roiiiona. Miss Breen, Chas. H. Derrill. Francis H.iyco “Handcutt Issin.srd, Sam IIIhTII, Jack Seimnon, A. D. Grace, Elanor Ross, Bertha Breler, Geo. T. Devak. Ralph King” Eeveek. F'reil Ogden. Chat. T. Schenck. P. S. Gray. Mrs. Bob Bussell, Nellie Brewer, Tlios. E. Devenport. C. M. Hays, Harvey D. l.s‘y|teh. Prof. I. i Odell, Jack SchefU). Chas. Gnice. Mrs. K. Bussell, Laura i Pright, T. L. Devine, Art Ha.ves, Tommy Lew. Ed. I (liilsieiii, .Morris Scbenkle. FM. Halilrldge. Etna Ruth, Scott Brooks, Emory Dimitri, Capt. Heffcr, I.eonard Lewis. Dan R. infers, James Scblnsshiirg, I,ewla Hall, Daisy Rutland, May Brieiks, .Norman Dlprsdl, Great Helkes, Harry Lewis. E OKldiant. At. Schmidt, C. W. Halpurn. .Non St. Leonard. Miss Brown, W. M. Di.\un St Dixon Ilellman. D. A. Lewis. CHIT Onele, Harry Schwartz. Fiarl Harris. Virginia Sallna, Mme. Brown, James J. Dohinson. J. .M. Henderson A STuiheri I,<*wIb. Janies A Wife (liizu. Tom Schoal. C. F'. Hrrvey, Fllleen Sanford, Maud E. Brown, Geo. K. Doild. Jitiimy Hendricks, Oco. Levens. Mr. I Opiienheliner, L. Schofield, Chas. K Hayden, Virginia Satternelil, .Nula I Brown, Jess Dortsnn. Gr-orge 8. Herbert A Vance I Ikes. Allen Orton, Norman Scott, O. M. Hayden, Virginia Savoye, Nellie Brown, John Doherty. Frank J. Herman, R. O. Lincoln. Austin Oshom, AllHTt K. Si'oncs, F'rltz Hayes. Tom A Bessie .Seeguest, Marie j Brown, Bothwell Donaghey, Leslie Herman. Mexican t,lnd. Arthur I Osrado Scuttle A Allen Haywood, Ella Shrewsbury Sisters I Kriindage. k. W. Donalni. W. E. Hirro. Joscfih f.lndell. chsries j Ostetman. Mike Scott. Harry Hiywood. Mrs. J. Smith, Daisy I Rudd, Guy Dougherty, Danny Hester, I,eyl Elnsley, Walter 8. i Oubany, Chas. Si-ott A Rankin RohlsoD Smiickler Sisters Bunker, Great Dorla Opera I rio Hewitt, C. A. f.lofiel, C. J. Padgett, G. M. ^acoaat Vending ('« Hickey, Mrs. Maud Sebam, Gertrude ! Liirgess. Nat Douglas, S. IT. Hlhliarrl. Clarence A Elss. Sam Padgett. Joe Keaton, C. A. Hicks, Madge Scott, Eva ' Burke, Will Downey. C. H. Hlldera, Chas. Littlejohn, Thus. P. : Paka, J. Si-eman. .V. Hight, Miss Scott, Carrie M. i Burke, L. J. Downing. W’m. Hill. Walter K I/Klleton. Wm. j Palmer A Eewlt Scellg A Mayer Holmes, Vera Sellers, Mrs. Mary Burkett, C. J. Drnne, Samuel TTIIl A Riddell t.lzette Panola Family Seellg. ('has. Horner. Mrs. Nannie Shaw. Bessie Burkett. Drew Driimmonrl, J. M. Hinton, E. L. l/oekwooil. Geo. B Parker. Geo. O Sells. Rllly Howard, Edna Shore, Grace Burns, P. H. Drummond, George Hobart, Geo. V f,ogsTl. J W Parmalee, I,ee Sells, Rph Howard. N* llle Small, Rosa F.ums, Billy Dudley Co., Frank Ilialges, Chaa Igihse A Sterling I I'artello, Geo Si-rvlce, R. 8. Hndspetb, Effle Smith. .Mrs C. W. Biisbv. J. M. Dunhar, Emil HorTman, lew I.Oman. John I -sllr Patton. W. .V SeyiBiair. F'. Hiinrinirion. Grace Snyder, Mrs. J. A. Buseb, A. 8. Dunbar Trio Hoffman, Mae Tyong, Karl Paul. W. A. Seymour. Prof. Don Hutchison, Mrs. Sotankl, Madam Caeser’s Dog Circus Dunhaugb, R. H. Hoffman, Ed. B. Ixirenzo. Prof. Chick Pit.xne, Ci. I, Shafer. Billy l/ouise Sklomer, Julia Calme. G. Dunn, Jas. Albert Hoffman, Artbnr tyorettai, F'.nir Pa.vne, n. C. Shandeaiix, Prof FEBRUARY 13, 1909. Xtie Billboard 21

9hiirp, Walter Turpin. Ben Shaw. W. H Tuaka, A. L., Son A Shdilon. <1 t‘- Co. DRESS PLEATINGS Tattle, T. O. Shflilon Stork Cn of all kind., made to order on .hurt notIre. Shrlilon’a ('oinealtlia Twain. Mark l'nderwoo»l. A. W. Send for price lUt. Work ttnUhe*! within <5hli>p»’ Sliowa one day after received. French Dreaa Shive. «)|la I'ncle Sam Trio Cnlted Amute Co. Pleating Co., 106-108 Opera Place, Cincia- Shrola. „ nati Ohio. Shiilta, Wm. O. (Will B. Chambers. FOR SALE^;!^AIRS1IIP sliInrT. J •Mltr. I 81.lDey, I.ee United Amuae. Co., E. as it stands in Dreamland, Coney Island. We are selling to make Sicilenbrr*. H. > L. Mane, Mfr. Slt'itfre,!, Carl Val Pern. H room for a new amusement. This is the finest built machine in this The “NEW WAND”JtW., Van Oarder. R. t<. Sllvrno & Co. Invisible Fortnne Writers. Slnil»*ou. A Van Ilorr.. Walter C. or any other country, and is entirely constructed of steel throughout, Rlma Comedy Artlata Valdes, Frank A handkerchief, atirk, etc., may be Sima, B. „ . Villan. Joe. with large, powerful double set driving gears. The whole thing is (laMed through It while Wand la In Slncanlo. The Oreat Valone. F,. O o|ieratlon. Complete Magic Wand ont Sinclair. Geo. B. Vandereer, Fred constructed and built to¬ Sta, S-'i.lWI up. ’’Gypay Queen" ontOta Slnit Shll. Sheck Mo Van. Ernest at StT.Ol) and rJO.OO. Inrialble Paper. mail Vv.i-ello, C. Bt S'.’.no and S-t.lM) per l.OOO. For earn Slliitieck. Theo. Verdon. F. A. gether so as to permit readily pie. and elmilara addremi B. BOWKR. Slhiratcln. S.amnel Vsn Phillips 117 Harman St. (naar Cantral Aranaa), Slarkey A Newman Vsnshnern. The taking it apart andre-assem- Brooklyn. H. Y. Slaitle. I'are Ilerll Veds A Qiiintsrrow Slater. Geo, A. Velare, Jaek bling in any locality. Will I Small, Harry U Velare. Curtis Smat, Jack Vennett, Le Ors be sold at a great sacrifice to, AT LIBERTY Sml l-ctta. Barnum Venona and Frank Solo Baml of eight piece.. Featured for two Smith. Will a. Vemell, Eddie an immediate purchaser. wawn. at Auditorl.ini Rink, ll.rrl.tiiirg. Pa. Smith. O. II. Verdo. Carl r.n make g'H.t anywhere. Gi>o<| uniform., rea- Smith. K11 A. Vernon. Carl Also the full equipment of woiahle ..ilary, Ail.lrc ANTONY MAROTTA. Smith A Adams VInnInr Amuae. Co. 419 Mnlbeny St.. Harrirburg. Pa. Smith. Ra.Tmond Volfht, Harry at OLDE MILL, the finest Smith. Santos Si. Voliler. Frank H. Smith. Chaa. Waddell, Doc in the United States, with Smith A Walton Waite, Jan. R. THE HE ANGEL Smnller Giyde B'aldo. Frank eight scene rooms, steel driv¬ Snell, Billy Wallace, Jos. K. WILL CUBE YOU OF TOBACCO. Solomon. It. Wallace. K. C. J. Write today to THE HI KO MAN, WiehiU, Soapi-r. Fn-d Wallertla, Tbe ing gears and frame, twenty Kantaa. Sparrow, Cbaa. W’silire, Charles Spencer, Clarence Walters, Geo. boats, carry-over, large mirror and tunnel; also Olde Mill wheel and Sjioooer, J. O. W’annlaon. Bill - WANTED - Stadler. V. T. Ward, Jaa. (Doci gearing. This will also be sold at a great sacrifice to an immediate Second-hand moving picture machine. Stafa Stanlev. J W Ward, Jacob what you bare, loweat ca.h price. DOC JONES, Stapleton A Chaney Ward. E. V. purchaser. Being sold to make room for a new amusement. Can be Hanover, Kama.. Stark. Irwin C. Ward. Ernest stallo, L. J. Ward. Bobble seen at Willow Grove Park. Address 8t( fford, Chaa. Warren. Jack -: WANTED :- Steams. I’rof. Theo. Waters. Geo. Showa for Flrenten’a Free 0|ien Street Fair, Slefann. dementi Dl Waticen, F. W. June 14 to 19 Inclualve. No carnival coropanlea Steiner, A. Q. Wayner, Jack THOMAS J. RYAN, wanted. Adilremi F. J. Ilorrvll. Sec., Box S5. Steotiel, Skip WeaviT. Fred L. KIttannIng. I'a. Stephena. C. D. Weber. Prof. Frank Stern. Frank • Webster. Fred 1028 Und TiUe Building,.PHILADELPHIA. OPERA CHAIRS—OPERA CHAIRS. H. 8. SterllnR, Max Weerer. Edwin ANSI.EY. Tel. «’.*(i:i :ibth. 14(»2 H'way. N. Y, C. .Sterllnx. Kenowned W’ells. Ben L. I carry the beat Hue of OiM-ra Cbalra. Audito¬ Sterena. H. S. Welcher, Jean Stellinx. Freil rium. Portable. Folding anti Outdoor Sealing on Weltch, Ksale the market. My price, are the lowe.l. I can Stewart. B.vron B. Weller. M. J. .are you money on yonr seating. Write, wlra Stewart, Arthor TO BE A West. Dick or telephone before buving. Quick delivery guar¬ Stewart, >1 West, J. A. anteed. St'cond-hantI ehalra alwa.v. on hand. Stlckney. Robert West, Bob Stitb and Stub Westerman. Geo. W. “LEARN TO BE SPIELER"—Earn $29 00 to Stlirel. Clayton Weston, James A Stock, John Successful Streetman $.T(.00 ;>er week. Anyone can learn. Big de Wham, L. E. inaml tbi. aprlng. All ahowa neetl talkera. Stomley and Keenaa Wheelan. Will Slone. I,. B. Every man who iiina a .how, etc., neeila Ihia Wheeler. Punch Hens IndepeadeDce—Alffiys li Masey—Pleity Outdoor Air—Enjoytkli Lift “New Book of Spiel." ami “Dt.tr Talker’s Stone. Geo. Whettens. Tbe Guide.’’ Price 25c. .liver. |io«tpald. “Copy Story, Nelaoa R. B'blie. Master Jack The above should be true, but If It Is not so with you. It’s righted.” WM. H. DUKE, Three Rivere. Mirh. straahliurfer. The Wbite, C. S. Great While. Rolmrt C. your own fault. You got started wrongly. Change It by street, James E. White A WaabiBictoii FOR SALE—Tbe following Mllla Peuny Ma¬ ntxither. Geo. M. Whltecrow, Chaa. getting the chine.. only naetl three DHintb.: .5 Cathetiral Mpreo.copea, “ Qnarto.cu|>e.. 1 hanging Hag Struck. I'rof. Wbitecomb, Hank and Strohel, Chaa. J. Lottie Shure Winner Catalogue and the Shure Winner Sellers Puncher, t Hat Blower, 1 I’nncher. « Scale.; Stuck, Jees L. Wliillnic. KMw. L. mliM'ellaneiiDM .**tereoitcopea. Be.t ca.h offer geta Stuckhardt. Col. W. WhUing, R. P. The largest variety In the country at prices undersold by them. Leo Eiienetein, St. Charlee. Mo. I). Wtillliey, Jack none. All successful and welUto-do streetmen handle our Stultx. Francia L. Whittick, Wiles LAWFUL SLOT MACHINES. Agent, are mak¬ Siiiromotl Wlgsnd, Ed. ing SIO per day o|M-rating our machine.. Aluo lines. They say "our goods sell better and pay bigger .'KNi other legitimate A Gaming Machlnea at bar Surpas, Paul WIbly, John SulllTan, Jaa. F. Wilcox. C. W. profits." Get our "SHURE WINNER" CATALOGUE, and gains. Write for particulars. SI 0.\N MFG. Sullivan, John L. Wllkena. W. T. CO,, 930 North Ninth St., Philadelphia, I’m. Slllllv.in. Giai. F. get next to good sellers. Wilks. Tommie H. WANTED—To bear from Ventrlloqul.ta, .Magi¬ Surrella, John W’llllams, Frank and Sutton. J K. cians and all kliul. of Vamlevllle Performem. Della .State all In Smt letter. Addre.a D. nELDS. Suttons, Tbe Wllllama, Bob N. SHURE COMPANY Swalu, John Mg'. Manhattan Theatre, 136 W. Wash. 81., Williams, Jaek Wholesale Streetmen's SpecialUes IiHlianaiirn In Juno. I.eKltlmatr attraction, of all klutla. Including Chop Suey, Japaneac Tendehoe. Chief North Waterford. Maine. Woodall, Billy Bowling Alley, Cane and Knife Rack., Poker Baw Ball. Sbootlng Gallery. Candy Paddle Wheel, Tenley, Elmer I Woodall. Uarrey I Norelty SbiNvtIng Gallery, Bird Wheel, Peanut aiid Pop Corn StamI, GlaM Blnwcra, Oyp»y Fortune THE PALACE THEATRE. Shelby. N. C. Re Texas Bill’s Wild Wood, W. T. West nm.l Vaudeville ami Moving Ptrtiire.; la hooking W’ood. O. T. Teller., Scenic Hallway, Hell Gale, Big Ell Ferrla Wheel and Riding DerlcM of all kind.. Thaddy, W. M. lnd>‘iieotlent Stock Compaiilea. Comedies and vau W’ren. Jimmy WANn':D TO BUY:—2.(100 Alternating Current Generator, Bowling AUeya, Pnnebing Bags. Weigh¬ devllle: sharing baei. of 35%. Stage IKx.'lO. Tliomaa, 8. R. Wrlgbt, John B. ing Scale, and Caromwl or Merry-Go-Round. Excnrelona dally on 7 railroad, ami 3 different boat ProM^enluni opening 10x18. Tbomaa. Frank Wrisht. I|M-d. ami moat favorably known tented tbeatortum origination In boo. Wis. Torlrt Brvw.’ Show Young. Elmer E. America. CALL—People (In all department.! engage*! for above .bow report In |ierat>n Imme¬ TokI, Murata Younger, Bob diately. .how oi)en8 22 In.t. WANTF.I»—A«.t. P.om Uanva.man and team.ter. Can uw one WANTED TO EXCHANOE—MiihIc Roll, wltb Toman, J. R. Yuma A Co. * or two aober reliable working men. All mu.t be Intelligent and abwdutely «)ber. Week .tand.. osnera of Wiirlitxer No. l.'iO. Fir.t clawi music. Topke, Casper Zeller. Vesa A Zeller B».t accommodation, and pay. W. L 8WAIB SHOW 00., Hattieaborg, Ifisa. A Big Dramatie and Send II. vour Il.t and we will do the .ame Towl, Joe Zemater; Chaa. Muaieal Comedy Show._ WASHINGTON ROLLER RINK. Bay City. IVacy. Chaa. Zermeno, Senora Cs- Wichigan. Tienarl l>. F, sllla Trlbley H. F. Zeva. Edwin CONCESSIONS OPEN and ATTRACTIONS WANTED WANTED SHOWS—Samsonlau Theatre. Jamc. Troao. The Trio Ziegler, Dirk town, Ohio. Wanted to bear from ahowa, can for Suburban Park, the largeat outdoor amnwment few'll In State of Connectirut. Oi>ens May 29, Tucker, Harry Ziegler, M. Davla give show, auiue time. Open time In February Tucker, Charles I. Zlekleke, H. J. 1WI9. Derby Are., Orange, Conn. G<«>d electric car and road .errlce fo Park. What hare you or later. Write or wire at once. DOC SAMSON, nicker. Geo. Zink. Jess 8. to o(Tf>rT We hare apace for Merry-Go Ronml. Scenic Railway, Uklx.KK) feet, Ferrla Wheel or Lessee and Manager. Tumller, W. R ZInka. Panna t'oaater. Boat Chute with iii«e of lake. Wxl.lO feet. Swing., Picture Gallery, Shooting Gallery. Doll Turner, Ilura Zobedie. Fred or fane Hack, Knife Board. Flahlng Poml. ’J.HlxlSO feet. 12.1 feet to rear. Only one cuucenlon THE RIPLEY, OHIO FAIB for 1909, to be held of .ame kind allow«-d In Park. iVee admlsHlon to wvme part*. Spare to let for one wawm or August 3, 4. 5. and 6. Privilege, for sale. Ready three on 25 per c«'nt. ba.I. for n'ace. A.l.lrc. SUBCBBAH PARK. Derby Are., Oranga, Conn. to book shows. Addresa L. H. WILLIAMS. Sec.

FOR SALE—Merry Go Round with large organ. Ilerscbell Spillman make; one striking machine, WANTED NEW AMUSEMENT PARK also ainall Band organ. Address LAWRENCE WRIOHT'S SHOWS. Shepherditown. W, Va. \}i Agent. Mnat be a bn.tler, .trlctly aehor, reliable and Imluktrlon.. to The largest west of Chicago. Opens June Ist. CONCESSIONS ANTED. I riigrammcr. Illllprater and Lllbograp AT LIBERTY—-A 10 or 12 plece Band; every one T « d.T. eland. Addren. at « I IOWA STATE AMUSEMENT COMPANY, a tiyxiper. At. Keym'Id* and Bert Siiaveley L. C. KELLY. Skidmore. Tezae. write. Addrew ROY IIOIHIES. Allegan. .Mich I S06 Utica Building. ... DCS MOINES, IOWA Uat.Ingne of l*rofeaolonal A Amatenr MFRRY-OO ROUND AND SKATING RINK OR¬ Pley., Sketchea, Mooologneo. Mln.trel GANS REPAIRED New uiuale. base and .uart- Jnkea. Recltatlone. Make-np Gooil*. - FOB THE- drunia atlacbetl Cttri e»in'iHlence sollclletl. etr.. nent FREE. DICK A FITZOEB- F. BATH. Ahilcne Kan, _ ALD. t> Ann Street. Hew York. AL G. Field Greater Minstrels FOR SALE-41 vs' fe Phonograph, cheap. A . letter, quirk. FBED MTEBS. Wire Doc. Quiglej as par routa. W. ri-BTCHKK. Grand Junction, Colorado. That Oarloenlat,” oara Billboard. WANTED Skating Rink News Richardson Rollcr SkfttCS “THE GOOD KIND.” ^ Used exclusively in 80% of the Allie Moore Wins Race from Wisconsin Champion at largest and most successful rinks the Hippodrome Rink, Milwaukee—Races at Metro¬ in America, and bv all prominent politan Rink, New York, More than Vindicate all pre¬ skaters of the world. We handle ****** ^ everything pertaining to the rink dictions of Success—Roller Skating increases in Europe If business. Write for catalogue. RICNIRDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO., 501 Wells St., CHICAGO, ILL MOORE BEATS WISCONSIN CHAM- larfte/>t and moat aucceaafiil rlnka are e<]ulpped with tbeae akatea, and they are iiaed and en PION. dorak pliicx In tlilH city at the working overtime. Ht|>p<«lriiinp Kink, laxt Kriilay nittlit, between OUR THREE BEST BETS Allie .MiK)re. the a|iee>l cham|>lon of the world Fred W. Nall, who la aaaoclatetl with the □ on ridler xkateH. and Wtn. Kaninann. who holda Iticbardaon Company, la operating one of the i rfl INDESTRUCTIBLE FOOT-PLATE the rbaniidonxldii for WiaconHln, waa one of the nit aucceaafiil rlnka In Kngland, at Sbeflield. I hp TURN-TABLE ACTION AND] prettleat exhildtiona that haa la-en seen here Harley Davidaon, America'a greateat akater, e tbia year. Koth men were In the heat of condi¬ who sailed o, tlie aieamslilp. Italllc. reieilly. non slip steel rollers tion and the race waa conteated every foot of from New York, will open hla season In England the mile. Kanmann haa heen doInK excellent at the Itlclinrdson .\ >I1 U'n' at She'd -Id on .Mon rink operators are eetting onto the fact work all year and the ahowliiK he made provea day. F'ehriiary 8, after which he will enter all the “WHITE FLYER” is the greatest that the Imy haa laatlni; material In him. Mr. of the racing eveiita scheduled to take place lloore. however, waa fully up to hla old form, in England. Scotland and Ireland. Including the MiAQH improvement in roller skates since the begin- and It aeema true that be alwaya baa a little great tlual event at London, on Februaty 26. ning of the sport, and we are woiking night and day to supply the demand. Before order¬ ing that equipment, or those extra sizes, eet AL. FLATH. our catalog and prices. IT WILL PAY YOU.

PRYOR MFG. CO.. 25 SoDth Jeflerson Street. CHICAGO. ILL HENLEY ROLLER SKATES ^s. I.atcat Mmlcl, Ilall-Boarlng HInk Skate*. I’wd In majority of all Rlnka.

There'is' more real value for the money wrapped up in a pair of RAINBOW ROLLER SKATES

The Western apeed skating promoter whose success In promoting and running off world- than can be obtained in any other make. Prompt cbampionsbtp roller an^ ice races baa been remarkable. Mr. Flatb has been untiring in bis etroris to promote go

extra kink of spt'cd stored away somewhere to METROPOLITAN RINK RACES. let out when hi* opponent provea better than he thinks. The Hippodrome track la one of the RAINBOW AMUSEMENT CO. fastest 17-Iap tracks in the country and >toorc School boys and Y. M. C. A. memhera had a clipped three seconds off the record fot this lively si'sslon last week at the Metropolitan 200 WASHINGTON BLVD., CHICAGO. size track <3:171 winning the race in 3:14 6at. Roller Rink, Broadway and Fifty-second street. with Raumann two-fiflha of a second behind New York. Two races were decided, one of the him. The race was in pursuit style. contests iM'ing Ofien only to the bigh-sebool boys, while the other was limited to Y. M. C. A. members. The hlgh-schooI race was won In flue fashion by Harold Msiley, of Xavier, with E. RICHARDSON SKATES POPULAR Ksthsm, of Morris High Sebool. second. The distance was one mile, and on the seventeen-lsp FULL BAUD CARDBOARD IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. track Katham showed off to disadvantage. He ] fell repeatedly, and bad It not been for the The Richardson Bull Bearing Skate Co.. 1* ground lost during the accident, he would sure- working overtime in an effort to keep pace with ly have beaten out bis O|i|>onent. As It was. he ORGANS the demand for Richardson akatea. During the lost only hy a few yanla. T. Rosso, of Clin- ' past thrt'e month* they have been making semi- ton High School, finished third, with Winters, For Skating Rinki, Showg, Dance Hall , of Stnyvesant High School, fourth. | 'V . -r weekly shipments of all the skates they could Merry-Go-Rouodi. Largest and Finest in produce In addition to those necessary to meet The Y. M. C. A. race was won by Frank . the local demand, shipping to foreign coun¬ Swan, of the West Side Branch, former achool ' the World. Made in Paiis by tries. Including Australia. South .America. Imy champion at one mile. Ills team mates. ' F'rank FImmerIch, and Thomas Coxy, flnisbea : South Africa. England. Ireland and Scotland, second and third, rcstiectlvely. Time—3:58. j and the Continent. They have equipped 28 of the largest rlnka In England. Including GAVIOLI & CO. Earla Court, Ixmdon. and are now negotiating with an English syndicate for the sale of 10.900 SKATING RINK NOTES. New York Office, 31 Bond Street. pairs; only last week a single cable order was LATEST AMERICAN SONGS MADE TO ORDER. received from their English representatives, Messrs J. C. Plimpton & Co., of Llver)>ool. for The Wayne Casino Roller Rink, of 6,000 pairs of skates and tbre<‘ carloads of Detroit, Mich., Is one of the largest and finest . FOR BALE—&IIU pairs almost new Boxwood FOR SALE—.Merry.go-roniMl; sell for S7(HI cash; maple flooring. It is evident that Richardson rinks west of New York. Manager Peter Shea, Keller Skates, $2.00 per jMir. Also $8,000 W«r 24 liorsi-a, 4 chariots, organ aial engine. Her skates are destined to become equally as popu¬ who has conducted the rink for the past five lltser Organ $600. RINK, 810 Bnglswood Ats., schell iiisko. .MRS. JAMFIS MUIJ.IN, 127 Fill lar abroad as In America where many of the seasons. Is considered one of the best np-to-dats Chicago. III. more Ave., St. Paul. Minn. FEBRUARY 13, 1909. Tile Billt>oarcl 23

miiiMitfrs 111 tl»‘ HkatiiiK Hn'*. «nil 1» noft-il for waa the next event and turned out to be a 11,.■ iiiiiii.v iKOfl altrm-lloiiB h*- Iihb orltfliiatoil. ciiniedy of tbe Bm-at sort. Five akatera going Thf Wajin-'a iMipiilarlty haa liicn-aafil tliroiiKb to tue n.a,r and ap1*‘ of th*- Pity, tin pvpry tliipllcate, wbicb made the event liitereatlug and U.-ilin'Mlay anil Saturday niurulai; the nieiulipra laiigbuble. The winner waa John Kluberty. „.d,.|\'a akalliiK pIoI* Itatlifr at tb«* rink. Willie John Cadwell Biilabeil second, and Cat Ill' avoraki' alti-nilaiii-p pacb week la about tt’Keefe iblnl. Tbe time waa ■J..",:! 3 .‘i. After Professional Roller Skaters’ ♦1 (»»). the novice race the akatera that i|Uallflethose who have run at Itradfonl Itrotbpra' Itink, UlaaKuw, Ky., a finished act to otter to Managers seeking £ahibition Skaters—and to Promote Boiler and held |i all the way to the Btilab. Carl Skating in general. K. Nriiary a. CarlMin. of tbe lia-al rink, allpia-d a abort dia (iwinK to the death of J s.s O. laive, tance fioiu tbe tala- at tbe atart and waa alia.e Address SECRETARY EARLE REYKOLDS. 1440 Broadway, care The Billboard. III 'linker and larkpat atork boldpr In tbp Star lutely laat, but maiiageil to get fourth place at Kink Kort S<-ott, Kanaaa, tbp otbpr atockboldpra the flnlab. Ilia up bill work waa one of the All the Stars of the Skating World tiaip dptldod to ap|l tbp rluk. features of tbe race. Ceoige Chapman, of S.ina SoucI. fliilaln-il second, while Stewart Caruer. ABE KEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION. In a mile race between Tiino Waif- also of Sana Souci, flnlahcd third. Tbe time waa nrr, of Ohio, ami llpnry Shadpr. of (Slaagow, 1:3a. Ky.. at tlip latlpr place laat week. Tuno won FRED ROMALO PROF. A. P. DEMERS l.y a rluat uiarKlb- The man wb<> skatca uu Ida bead, on ball- I.aat Friday and Saturday nights, Allle Moore Rndnrihed bj ALL tho LRAOINU hlNK MAN- lu-arliig ndicr skate, dovvu au Ib-ft. lu- AlikHH mm th<* i>licgY-iit L«*adiiue which h»fi and Joe Munch akateil in several events at clluc. tuts Kiguri- Kiglit uu bla bead. Over pl«.Y**d their rinka The artiat M HU pla^a AL. FLATH’S LETTER. Joliet. III. On Friday night Moore Went a half 3 be act that brings tbuiisHiuls tu ndler reiatn eDim«e tn* nia i'ont*Duall> Hank \|wd agalnat time, going the dNlance In 1:3;,; short¬ rinks A.ldress PAUL L. DUPREE, 14*0 A4P*ra who want -kO a^wolat* l> high-cla^a attr r- ly after the exhibition .Miaire skated a mile Broadway. New York, Billboard. tion. write at on(*e forop*«n time. Addreaa. 519 William Kolilnaon. Ampripan Amateur Cbam- match race with Jia- .Munch, of Mluneapolis, Colomhaa Avenue, B« attici. Mmm plon Itidler Skater, «on bia mile match race ami Frial Alien, of Jolb-t. .Miaire wu tiy a BIO DOUBLE ATTRACTION wilb Hob tionlon, of Hay ton. O., at bakpaldp fair margin In 3:tKt3.’>: .Munch flniabed second, THE FAMOUS Kluk. lia.Uun. laat Saturday ulicbl by ten yarda. while Allen flniahed third, Saturday, Moore, Till' tliiip waa 3:14. wbicb la li 3-5 ais-onda faatpr RECKLESS RECKLAW .Mnucb an.l WHaon akat,-il a half mile match TAYLOR TWIN SISTERS tlmn the iniirk ipade by Harry Snyder recently. race, which waa won by Moore, .Muiicb fluiablug Ecceutrlc beiisatloiial t'ycllat. Cordon akated a giaal race, but tbp apeetl poa- second ami Wilson third. The time was 1.37. tiee My ttriglual Race. FANCY AND TRICK SKATORIAL ai'a-i'il by tbp amateur cbamplon waa too much Tbe second event waa a two-mlle handicap. FANNIE LEIGHT. ARTISTS for CordiHi. At tbp crack of tbe piatol. Cordon .M. yiergler. of Joliet, waa given a half lup, Joe That Real bkailiig tilil. Attraction fully Address The Billboard, 1440 Broadway, waa tlr-it away from tbe mark, lie aet a Kiaal Muneb a ouarter lap. while .Moore atartnl from gliaraul,ssl. Address KEt'Kl.AW A CU.. New Yolk City. pan- for dip lapK. after wbleb there waa a lit¬ scratch. 'The race proveil an exciting couteat; care of ISIIIboaid, 1440 liroadway, N. V. C. tle Jia'ke.iliiK. when auddenly Kolilnaon Jumiieil abortly after tbe flrat mile .Moore got the lead to the front and got a ten-yard lead, which be and belli It to the flnlab. The time fur tbe THE LAWLER CHILDREN held until tbe tiniah. two miles waa 6:37 3-3. EL REY SISTERS .'tftpr tbe race. Jamea A. Kirk, proprietor EXPERT SKATORIAL ARTISTS GREATEST JUVENILE GIRL SKATERS of l.akeaide Kink, aald it waa tbe niceat and Waltz. Two-Slep. Jig ami Cake Walk. Dan¬ cleaneal rotler content that baa been held at bla While Al. Flath waa In Dayton, O., last 111** unwt beaiititul lillle Udiei* the cing. .Still and 3'iie Skating. I.illlau Ser- rluk. Tbe crowd, which waa an entbuaiaatic week, where he waa directing the roller racea AuiprU-ttii public loMlay. In au iiUf*urpaiM*«^l, IN'Ulllie Dance. Add. JDHN W. I.AWI.EK, one, waa pulling bard for Cordon, but at tbe Ibat were held at l.akeaide Kluk, be found np-tu-(lat«*, tiu|pb«‘(l act. iif Karle 630 Carroll lou Aveuue, New Grleaua, l.a. flnlab Koldiiaou waa given a good baud which enough spare time to lake a trolley ride to U**yiHtblii; that s all. Addri^pa .M. E. WIL¬ ahowrd giaal a|H>rtaiuanablp of tbe Hayton fana. Richmond, lud., tbe home of tbe famous Henley SON. lul W. uJiwi Street, New York City After a ten niimitp reat Koblnaon again appi-ared roller skates. Mr. Flath called at the Henley BERTHA DOUD MACK on the track to akale bla half tulle eabibltlon. factory, where he purchased three pair of skates JOHN F. DAVIDSON In which be waa to try and lower Cordon'a half which were given as prizes lu tbe novice race Original Anna Held Daneliig Ulil on Roll¬ mile record for the track. Koblnaon aucceeded at l.akeaide Kink. Mr. Flath writes that be met Of the fauiouH OavblMm Kaiully uf Skaters, er?*, i*eaA«»u llKHMUoT. Now playing rliika. In di'lng what be act out to do. for be akateil Mcaara. Ilell, I'sttcraon and Henley, Jr., ami that in UU wumlerfiil eiUII»ltl*»u of Trick and Home adUreap, Slate St., Seneca Ralla, the diatance to I :.'e«Ni Skatlug; altui iuarr«'l«»ua eX- Kiiidnaou a atyle of abating pleated tbe Dayton Flath also states be found the Henley staff a Uii*iti«»u of Stilt Skating. A a«‘Upatlou act Superior Attraction— -—Refined Act fana and be will be teen in another conteat. very congenial lot. from atart to IlnUli. Addreaa Tbe ItUI- which will be a handicap at tbe above rink In Uiard, 1440 Broadv^ay, New York City. MISS JESSIE DARLING the n*ar future. ♦ PEERLESS S&ATIMG ARTIST Tlie abote event and Thuraday nigbt’a event Allle Moore and Joe Munch left Chicago for were handled by Al. Flath. Pittsburg. .Monday evening, where they are to Miss MAY DeMANCOURT Exhibition Imdudea Famoua Cake Walk. I compete In tbe prufeaaluoal chaniplonablp racea. SKATORIAL DANCING QUEEN Addrena ’Jl Feileral St., Dntrbfence, R. 1., ' which are to be held at Ex|nailtlon Rink In or llie HiUtMiaril. 1440 Bruadnay, N. Y. C. One of tbe llneat hour team racea that bat the above city. Moore and Munch Intendeil tak¬ GRACEFUL A FANCY TRICK SKATES been akated in Chicago waa held at Rdgewater ing a noon train and mlaaeil It by one minute. An L'p-to-date Attraction. Peniianent ad¬ Kink laat Wedneadaj night. Tbe crowd that There waa little time lost In deciding what to dress. MISS .MAY Ite.MANCOL’KT, 3U> San MISS GRACE AYER witueaxal tbe conteat waa the largeat Ibat do. Al. Flath and aome lady friends of Munch Jacinto Street, Austiu, Texas. Age 12. The Juvenile Wonder of the High baa turned out to tee a race at tbe Kdgewaler anil Mishv were there to see the skaters off, Rollera. luiru«luclng a u«>velty In akatlug Rink, ttr tbe ten teama entered, eigbt farvn «in regular akalea. Add. cbap. waa flrat to take a whirl at the pare. tion In plenty of time to catch the train to O. L. AYER. 713 Wella St.. ChLago, Ill. The Brat mile there were aeveral falla. tbe Pittsburg. THE GIRL WONDER In her marvelous Faucy ami Trick Skating akatera being too anxioua to get out In front ♦ Exhibition, tsmcludiiig each uiglil with a caiwd imm-cesaary crowding which took aome Race ag.diisl any .Man lu tbe Kluk. Ad¬ H. A. SIMMONS to the tliair. .Mat DulTey, of Madlaoo Oanlen Allle Moore and Joe Munch arrived at Exposi¬ dress 3347 E. tklth Street, Cleveland, O. Exjiert and Specialty Skater. For open Kink. t(H>k a hard fall In tbe fotirtb mile, which tion Rluk. Pittsburg, in giaal time to get u*ed to tbe track and do their flual week’s training time. Sfirtiig and Summer, write now to apolled tbe cbancea of bla team being am'tog the 73 Broad St., N. Y'. Bmik***! a«dld for the winnera; he went to tbe floor heavily, which for tbe champlooahlp contests that are to be held at tbe above rink. The skaters that want PROF. CHAS. L. FRANKS Winter aeaaou. If you are looking for a Jarretl bla atomach and made blot nick, wbicb Cheap Act, aave your poatage. kept bla team mate, Carlaon on tbe llo«>r no long to clean up the above team will have to fairly And BABY LILLIAN. Aged 9. that tbe team waa Anally lap|>ed. When tbe "tty to do it. as Moore has shown tbe Chicago America'! Celebrated Boiler Skateri. The aet that plays returu eugageuienta race waa twu-thirda over, four teama were left followers of the game be still has bia good and DARE DEVIL LEWECK, to Bkht for tbe tlniab, four having tieen calb'd reliable sprint. tsuilliiually. ''Emuigh aald!” Addreaa out for twlng lapfietl three tlniea, which waa a ♦ CHAS. I.. FRANKS, jt'l Wells Street, care COMEDY SKATER K. B. Skate Co., Chicago. 111. rule made before the atart. The flrat live miles Orace Ayer, known as "the wonder of the Fcnttirlng marvcIuuH and death-defying were reeled off In 17 minntet and IS aeconda. high rollera," waa present at the hour race held backwanl Icup uver labl -a and chair*. (Yia-n The ten milea were wbirled In 3'I;.'I7:00 while at Eilgewster Kink, and la-tween tbe music EDWARD W. BASSeW fur rliika. Addrow Al.KKED I’AINTER, the Bfteen miles were akated In 5I:'3.'i:00. Three she gave a few of her spins and eilge-rnlls. Just KIvcrvIcw Kluk, Milwaukee. teama were on even terms throughout the con¬ America’i Oreateat Figure Ice Skater. to keep the crowd giMvil natiireit. Grade la Skating on real Ice ou the stage. Now test, the feature of the race waa the continual well known at Kdgewater Rink, being the first apriniliig of Mp Melzer, the Sana SoucI flyer. plvvliig tbe Keith A I'rva'tor CIreult. Add. CHAS. G. KILPATRICK^ rink at which she gave a public exhibition. BililNiard. 1440 Broadway, New York City. Tbe rare proved a big night for the Sans SoucI THE FAMOUS KILPATRICK akatera. aa the Sana SoucI teams took flrat. sec¬ Cycllat and Skater Extra«»rdinary, In won¬ ond and thlnl place. Nip Melier and Stewart Things must be flourishing In tbe rink line In THE GILMANS derful eibibltloua of oue-leggtil akatliig and • iarn.-r woa the race by ten yards from E. I^mdon. A>. Flath recelveil a telegram from I’r'miere Skaiortal Artists. preM-nting all bicycling. 3daiiagera RlukH and Vaudeville I.Indherg and II. Cllllce, while C. Chapman Earle Reyniuda stating that there was a chance that la new lu Roller Skating. For o(^n write or mire for o|a*u time quick. 1107 and K. Keeil flnNhed third, making a slam for for .Moore to go to l.oodon. Ilia expenses to be dales and teriiia. addreaa HARRY OIL¬ Si-hlller Bldg., Billboard. I’hlcago, Ill. the Sana SoucI akatera. paid both ways, and that tbe purses offered MAN, cara Caaino Roller Rink, Houston, Seventeen iiillea ami H lapa were covered by were tempting. the three leaillng teams, which la a line rec*'rlderltig the race waa akated on a seventeen- DAINTY GLADYS LAMB las track. The Kdgewater track la considered Allle M.xire and Joe Munch proved a good at¬ THE JUVENILE WONDER one of the fastest tracks In the conntry for Its traction and were kept busy, skating matches ALLIE MOORE "lae. The length and width was nicely proiKW- and meeting all comers In many of tbe towns The Speed Wonder of tbe Ago. In .Yrtlatic and Graceful Fancy and Trick tloned. Tbe conteat waa bandied by Al. Flath. close by Chicago, tbe past three weeks. Meets all comers lu a»-rlea of rais-a each Skating, prewutiug iiiaiiy new, urigliial night. A Ireiiieudoiia ilrawing carvl. Ad¬ feat*. Addreaa BICilAKDSON SKATE CO., (Skating Kink News contlnmsl on (lage 4o. i dress Al. natb. Coliseum Roller Kluk, 301 Wella Street, Chicagu, III. One of the moat interesting roller races that Chicago. III. _ ha* been held at the Madison Carden Rink, t Idrago. waa held laat Tneacn, which waa r.*dte, ROLLER SKATES akated In two heats, and a final. Tbe other PREMIER SKATERS AND DANCERS. PLATING UNITED BOOKING TIME. AMCRICAN RINK SUPPLY COx * “•'•‘-mile novice race, without beats. In which eleven skaters llnetl up. The two heats Sandusky. Ohio. of the half uille event were akated before the noviee race. The flr*t beat was won by Carl —AIB DOMES FOR BALE— I arisen, of Madison Carden. In 1:-1«. while the Two In g

For more than half a cen¬ MACHINE to SURFACE FLOORS tury we have becu making EASY TO OPERATE. NO DUST. Dver skates. a>4Mi Amusement i'oiiipftnb'Fi are mtm inting Our 19119 c.atalogucs are our .Mm hlm‘i«. Mad** In two nU**k. We rcaily for vlistribvition. Send mill Hurface your rt*N»r. Mail u>* ;*!2e of loravopv. When wi iling, state whether ttiHtr, uem- or old. and kind of ehK'trlc you are luierestcvl in Ice or Roller Skates. power. In eight boiirit mill Aandpa{K*r 4.»xa» to sq. ft. once «»ver. Write TNf SAMUfl WINSlOW SMTl MfE. CO.. f4»r new pri<*eH. catalog and our FREE Wtacitiia. Mux , U $. ». _ TRIAL proiMiultlou. THE BEST ICE AND ROLLER SKATES M Mcaa«ttfaiii..M«itM. •laaaiaat.t.e .itaflii. M. L SCHLUETER, 38 S. Canal St.. CHICA60. ILL. WURLITZER outomatic musical instruments SELF-PLAYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE.

The l*ianino—The Ton4iph<*ne—The Mandolin Quartette—The Violin Piano—The Mandolin Sextette—The 65-.Note Player Piano —The 88-Nole Player Piano—Pinned Cylinder Band Organs—Paper Roll Military Band Organs—The P*anOrchestra. GREATEST LINE ON EARTH. SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUE. XHE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO., New tORX, 25.Z7 w. 32«d. t.t. grtidwtv »»< 5?> 4»t. - - • CIIICINNXTI. 117-121 E. 4i.. - • • CHIC4G0, 266 268 W«to»ll. 24 X ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

The Billboard wanta a repre»pntatlve In ererj city not already prorIJed for. Only buatlera need a|H>ly. Muat be young man of good pemonal addreaa. permanently located, who ran write a good letter for publication, and who bae a keen eye for newa and buaiueae. A liberal comuilsalun paid on all buHlueaa stK-ured. Terms easy. Write fur iwrtlculars to Correaimndenta' Department

ALABAMA. IbHigla* and Douglas. Bowman and St. Claire, 13; Wright Lorlmer In The Shepherd King 14; Delmalne ami Hamilton, Nettle Strand and Bl The .Mathleus and Billy McDermott week of 8. Ju»t Out of College 15; Polly of the Circus Id ograph pictures week of 1. BIEMINGHAM.—.MAJIZSTIC (O. F. Oould. ' CKYST.AL (Rolit Gardner, mgr.) Maden ami 17; Max Flgman In The Substitute 20. UNDER AURORA.—STAR (Frank Thielen, mgr.) Mo mKr.)Advance. ARC.VDIUM (Kauff ens, mgr.) The Red Mill 20; The Vlrglnlau Feb. Feb. 1. mgr.) Vaudeville. OIll’IlEUM (E. B. Hilliard, Id. Ulan aud Snead, mgr*.) Vauileville and moving mgr.) Moving picture* and vaudeville. ideture* week of 25. PEKKLE.SS (C. .M. Sacre, (Continued on page 28.) GADSDEN.—HAYDE.N-I’AKE (Sam Ro*en TRINIDAD.—WEST (Earl Cooler, mgr.) A Bunch of Keys 24; S<|iiaw Man 3o; The Virgin¬ iiigr. 1 Vaudeville, song* and moving pictures bauni. mgr.) University of Alabama Glee Club 2. i week of 2.’(. TH0Y.—FOI..M Alt’s (W. L. Davis, mgr.). ian 31; The Lion and the Mouse Feb. 7; Faust IS. ( RYSTAL (R. Miller, mgr.) Austin Broth ALBANY,-RAWLIN’S (A. C. Gortatowaky, Uorelock and Wal»ou’» I.ady Minstrel* 30-31. ] I mgr.) Lyman Twins In The Yankee Drummers ers. Wells DeVeaux, Bernier and Strella. mov SIEGMAN & WEIL I Feb. r. “The Cosmu|sditau Shows Feb. I d, bene ARKANSAS. ing pictures and sung* week of 30. dt hospital, children’s ward. 77, 79 and 81 Wooster SI., N. Y. LITLE ROCK.—MAJESTIC. Kathryn Hate* | and Sabel Johnson. Billy .Morris and the Sher- ; CONNECTICUT. ILLINOIS. we we»‘k of 1. mgr.) (Juliicy Adams Siwyer week of 1; The | (Frank Raleigh, mgr.) Classmates 2tt; The Cow- CAl’I’TOl, ((’has. T. Taylor, mgr.) The Devil Haiipv .Marriage 10. POLUS (S. J. Breen, mgr.)"""■ ■ ' txiy aud (he 'Thief ’28; 'The .Man from Home 3(1 80; Blister Brown 31; lexas Cattle King 1; The Star Bout, Coo.nbe and Stone. (Jeo. B. Re .New East Lynue 8; Miss Petticoats 9; Top O’ Gans-Nelsou Fight pictures 2; ’I'he Holy City 4; THEATRICAL no and Co., Ltlllott’s Trio, Shewhrook and Ber (he World 10; Dora Thorne 12; Ki.bt. bleson 13. Blanche Walsh In The Test The District ry. Horton and LaTrlska. Arlington Four and CASTLE (Guy .Martin, mgr.) Lauraut ""rlo, Ar¬ moving (deture* week of 1. thur Y’ule and Co., Kellie aud Dixon, Sallie *'*CAMD*EN.—K. of 1*. OPERA HOU.SE (Wm. HARTFORD.-PARSO.NS’ (H. C. Parson*. Randall, Greve and Green and the Castlescupe Bice, mgr.) Two Merry Tramps 3. GOODS m)D'.) Ha|ipy .Marriage 1-2; A Walta Dream 3 4; w*,-k of 1. CLARKSVILLE. — DUM..AP (Dunlap A 4k>han and Harris Minstrels 5 6. POLUS (G. DECATUR. — POWER’S (Thos. P. Ronan. Hughe*, mgr*.) The Little Prospector Feb. 24; S. Hanecomb, mgr.) Love Walts, Edgar Allen WIGS mgr.) Monte Carlo Girls ’25: Rudolph and A Gtace Cameron Opera Co. March 1. CRYSTAL and Co., Ruby Raymond and Co., Myer* and TIGHTS .Catalogue No. 4. dol|ib 26; Classmate* 27; The CowIhiv and the (Beasley & Perry, mgr*.) LalH-rta Bros, and Rosa, Monle Mine, Melnise and Kenneily and Thief 28; The Flint* week of Feb. 8. BIJOU (A’ HOSIERY moving pictures week of Feb. 1. George Armstrong week of Feb. 1. HARTFORD PINE BLUFF.—ELKS’ (C. F.. Phllpot. mgr.) Slgfrled. mgr.) Dancing DoLacev*. Frankie OPERA HOUSE (H. H. Jennings, mgr. i The SPANGLES Payt-m Sister* 25’JO; Dan Cuiild ’27; Payton Angers, Hughes and I,enton, The Buckh-y* and West. Will J. Harris. Three Dlerlckx Brothers Sister* 28-30; Gans-Nelson Fight Picture* Feh. Walter Stead week of I’eb. 1. FOOT GUARD .Manly and Sterling, Ed Dolan and moving |iir- GOLD A SILVER No. 6. I- Buster Brown 2. THEATORH’.M (Haney & HALL (11. S. Ellsworth, mgr.) Industrial Show- tiires week of 1. BASEBALL CARNIVAL, Dr. TRIMMINGS Jennings, mgra.) Moving picture* and vaude¬ week of Feb. 1. Childs, mgr.; Fred Leslie’s Trained Tnimals, ville. ORPHI» (C. E. Wlllwlte, mgr.) Motlou MERIDEN.—POLUS (W. Slack, mgr.) Ben Rossi, the Juggler and other features. pictures aud vaudeville. STAGE \ m'tt-Moultun StiM-k 0>. week of 25 except 29; SPRINGFIELD.—.MAJESTIC (C. U. Rumser, No. 6. CALIFORNIA. The Time, the Place and the (}lrl 29; Fenberg mgr.) Isle of Spice 28-30; The Time, the Place JEWELRY /. Stock Co. week of Feb. 1; Coban and Harris and the Girl 31-Feb. 8: "The Honeymooners 4-6. SAN FRANCISCO—VAN NESS Minstrels 2. CHATTERTON (Geo. W. Chatterton. nigr.t The INDIAN \ Marx & Co., mgr*.) The Wolf Feb. 1. AMMII- NEW HAVEN.—HYPERION (Sam S. A Lee No. 10. CAN (Abe S. Cohn, mgr.) Corinne In I»lo from Flints week of 24; The Cowboy and the Thief GOODS I. Shiibert, Inc., mgrg.) Paid In Full 1-3; George 31; Elk*’ Minstrels Feb. 1-3. GAIETY (Smith Berlin week of Jan. 31. VALENCIA (W. H. Evans in Cobanlzed minstrelsy 4; A Waltz Hoff mgr.) A Contented W’oman week of Feb. A Burton, mgra.) Vaudeville week of 1. E.M- Dream 5-6. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (James GoI(] and Silver Brocades, Satin and Beads 1. PRINCESS (S. Loverlch, mgr.) Kolb and PIRE (John Connors, mgr.) Walter Saverly, ; Wilke*, mgr.) Gertrude Shipman In The Gin Lowry and Lowry, Vera Hart, The Coynes, 1)111 In Banker* and Brokers weik of Feb. 1. Samples and Catalogues upon request. AIX’AZAK (G. 11. Davis, mgr.) The Crisis wwk , of the Golden West, supported bv the Grand Blanche Gibson, James O’Neill, Belle Folfy, of Feb. 1. ORPHEVM (John Morrlsey, mgr.) I Stoi-k Ck). week of 1. POLUS (Frederick Win Johnnie McVeigh and Co., Frank Byron and Lou¬ disch, mgr.) MN* Nellie Bergen and Ml** Flo ise Langdon, Seldon’s Venus. Charles Wayne ' Irwin, Willie Pantzer Troupe and others week “THE MAN OF THE HOUR” and Girtrude De* Roche*. Paul LaC’rolx, Harvey of Feb. 1. Family and Harrison, Hunter and Co. week of WATERBURY. — POLUS (Harry Parsons, Jan. 31. NATIO. AL (Sid Grauman, mgr.) La¬ mgr.) Imiierlal Pictures 24; Billie Burke 25; mar aud Gabriel Phil Staat* and Emily Bonner. I The Mocking Bird (local) 28-29; The Time, the Carson Brother*, ('etching Brothers, Myrtle Vlc- ' Place and the Girl 30; moving pictures 31; Co¬ torlne and Zolar Sisters and moving picture* han and Harris’ Minstrels Feb. 1; Fanny Ward we«*k of Jan. 31. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.) 4; The Shoemaker 5-6: Imperial Pictures 7: A Happy Marriage 8; Paid In Full 10; Cbas Mack JAMES J. JEFFRIES Mile. Summerville. Weona Francis and Co.. John Birch, Brown and Ilotlge*. Holme* and 111; Imperial Picture* 14. JACOUES OPERA The undisputed Champion of the World Hollister, Payne and Lee and moving pictures HOUSE (D. T. McNamara, mgr.) BIrdland week of Jan. 31. PANTAGES’ EMPIRE (M. Conroy LeMaIre and Co.. Mullen and Corelli, , O. WInstock. mgr.)Bamold’* Dog and Monkey Evan* and Li-e, Three Lelllotta, Great Rlchanl* For 40 Weoks under the Exclusive Management of Actors and other* week of Jan. 31. GAYETY week of 25; Six Musical Cutty*. Laura Burt ' (Geo. L. Clayton, mgr.) Ronoldo Duo, Dow and and other* week of Feb. 1. EMPIRE (Earl Dow, Frank and Irene Maloon, James Poet and Simmons, mgr.) Empire Stock Co. In Lynn- ; Co.. Beauty Chorus and moving pictures week wood week of 25; Parish Priest week of Feb. of Jan. 31. GRAND (Alburn A I.,eahy, mgr*.) I I Hesw' and Rlordlon, Illustrated song* and mov¬ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Inc. ing pictures we«-k of Jan. 31. PEOPLE’S (P. WILLIAM MORRIS Plncu*. mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures WASHINGTON. — COLUMBIA THEATRE , week of Jan. 81. WASHINGTON SQUARE (Fred G. Berger, mgr.) Ro»e Stahl In The (3ior- Executive Offices, 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY (Zach Abrams, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving us Lady Feb. 1: G*^). Cohan’s American Idea pictures week of Jan. 31. VICTORY (Hal Cur¬ Feb. 8. BELASCO THEATRE (L. .Stoddard LONDON CHICAGO BOSTON tis, mgr.) Sam Langford and a Trip to Africa Taylor, mgr.) Mrs. Flske In Salvation Nell Feb. | week of Jan. 31. RUBE COHEN. 1; Julia Ylarlowe In The Geonard DAYTONA.—WILMAN’S (Chaa. Burghman, I Kane and moving picture* week of Jan. 81. mgr.) Lyman Twins Feb. 10. CRY’.STAL (.1. M. i per week from the following manufacturers: STOCKTON.—NOY’BLTY (Alex Kalaer, mgr.) Sargent, mgr.) Moving nlctures and Y’audevllle. I Zello Troupe. Dolph and Susie Levino, Ktkiido. GATER (W. G. Hobbs, mgr.) Moving pictures ' The fj'wlckard*. Bernard and Blossom and mov¬ American Mutoscope and Edison Mfg. Co. and vaudeville. ing picture* week of Jan. 31. FORREST (K. ORLANDO.—OPERA HOUSE Mabel Paige Jone*. mgr.) Sisters Belfonte and other* week Biograph Co. Essanay Co. and Co., 2H-.30: Lvman Twins In The Y’ankee of Jan. 3i. SAN BERNARDINO.—SAN BERNARDINO Dnimmers Feb. 10; Hooligan In New Y’ork 13; Qaumont Co. Kalem Co. OPERA HOUSE (.Martha L. Klpllnger, mgr.) Alkahest, Lyceum attraction. 16; John B. Wills The Wolf 27: Harry BereBford In Who'* Y’our 18-20; Dandy Dixie Minstrels 25: Chlcatauk- S. Lubln Pathe Freres Friend 30. I’NIQUE THEA'TRE (J. W. I,eon- well Company 22 24 and 26 27; Missouri Girl ard. higr.) Week of Jan. 25, Raymond Teal March IS. Selig Polyscope Co. Urban-Eclipse Co. Musical Comedy Co. GEORGIA. TALLEJO.—NOVELTY (Sam Mendelson. SAVANNAH.—ODPHEUM (Ernest L. Bar- Vitagraph Co. mgr.) Joe and M.vra Dowling. Musical LaMolu. hour, mgr.) Chaa. Gaylor, Harrison Sisters, Gnl- George and Lizzie Byrd and moving picture* more and I..emolne, Berllng and Urban, Elsie week of Jan. 81. May Wilson. Bingham and Gable, Summers and A Letter to us Today will enable you COLORADO. Summers. Harry Austin. Illustrated songs and DENVER. — BROADWAY (Peter Mrt’ourt, moving pictures week of 26; John R. Wills Comedy Co. week of Fet). 1. CRITERION mgr.) Girl* week of 8. TABOR GRAND (Peter •.* to Better your Film Service. (Frank A Hnlx-rt Bandy, mgrs.) Ed. Winchester, McConrt. mgr.) The Virginian week of 7. OR- Miles and Hart, Prof. Carl Rettlck and Co., PHEUM (A. C. Carson, mgr.) Zclle De Lus- Jack I^-nny, Illustrated songs and the Randy- san. Four Franklins. Donald and Carson. Una scope week of 25; West Harrison Trio. Gene Clayton and Co.. Matthew* and Reece. Mile. Harrison. Ranzetta and Lyman, moving picture* Toon* and Carroll and Baker week of 8. MA¬ and Illustrated song* we«-k of Feb. 1. GRAND JESTIC (Daniel F. McCoy, mgr.) Sherman and (Arthur M. f.ncas. mgr.) Vaudeville week of 0. T. CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE CO. DeForest Co., Jos. R. Kelter and Co., Y’ardon, Feb. 1. NEW SAVANNAH (W. B. Seesklnd, Perry and Wllbnr. The Pelota. Smith and mgr.) BsIdwIn-.MelvIlIe Stock Co. la tilling a 421 FOURTH AVE., LOUISVILLE. KY. Brown and Herbert Cyril week of 6. CURTIS three-weeks’ engagement at thi* bonae; The Man (Pelton * Smntzer, mgra.) Dandy George Dno, of the Hour follow* 5; Royal Italian Rand 12- FEBRUARY 13, 1909. Ttic Billboaircl 25 NEW mEPEIIIEIII FILM We are taking this space to tell you that you are free—FREE to use new Independent Film—as well as to describe the unprecedented, interesting and crowd-attracting subjects that number among our new films. Each week we will release a number of our new, Independent Films, and every week we will publish and describe them. therefore keep posted and be ready to avail yourself of anything that will help you to MAKE MORE MONEY, as WE ARE THERE WITH THE GOODS! and can furnish you with better and more desirable films than you have ever before been able to obtain—films that will cause comment and fill your house with pleased audiences. ALL ABSOLUTELY NEW SUBJECTS. These Will Be Released Feb. 10, 1909: GUARDIAN OF THE BANK POLLY’S EXCURSION C KK’KS & MAHTIX—SKXSATIONAL. LKX(;TH. .570 FT':KT. FRK'KS & MAHTIX—COMEHY, 1J-:NGTH, 370 FEET. This film possesses the popular merit of holding any audience spell¬ bound. and the entire performance is carried out in a manner that creates This is one of the very finest films ever produced, and will unquestlonal)i> lasting satisfaction to all who see It. It Is the old story of a faithful dog. prove very popular wherever shown. It has all of the characteristics to which, by some act of extraordinary sagacity, clearly proves himself to be render it both pleasing and refreshing to the audience. Man's Best FYiend, as Is the case with the hero of this film. The opening scene shows a beautiful suburban home, for which Eng¬ It is full of excellent acting, beautiful country scenes, and has plenty land Is world renowned, and the household pet, a large white parrot, of life and action; Is clean from start to finish, and Ls as near perfection escapes from its cage, to the con.sternation of all of the family, who Imme¬ photographically as It Is possible to get. diately forget all else In their anxiety to restore the parrot to its cage In their frantic attempts to recapture the parrot, a number of highly amusing scenes are clearly portrayed. All of the characters are high-grade BABY’S EXCITING RIDE actors, and the photographic effect is perfect. A very interesting feature of this film is that, somehow or other, the parrot files away at Ju.st the critical IIKPWOKTH—LENGTH. ;t.>0 H-IET. moment, as though It were trained for this particular act. very laughable subject, and one of those unique films which not only This Is certainly the real thing, and must be seen to be appreciated interests the audience, but causes them to wonder how it is possible to have j such things occur. A part of the film shows a baby earriage automatically propellng Itself when it seriously interferes with lovers on a gate. It ends happily for all concerned with the re-storatlon of the baby safely in its mother's arms and none the worse for its sad experiences. GRANDFATHER’S BIRTHDAY CRICKS & MARTIN—P.XTHETIC. LENGTH, 440 FEI-TT. ECCENTRIC BURGLARS You have In this film a pathetic and deeply interesting subject, of a SCHEFFIELD—SENSATION.AIj. LENGTH, 440 Ff^ET. kind that is seldom shown. The opening scene shows an array of grizzled Keplete with the most thrilling adventures of two acrobatic burglars. and time-worn veterans In full uniform, with expressions of contentment on and two of England's finest “bobbles.” The marvelous feats performed by their faces as having served their country well. The following scenes shoa these splendid actors will hold the audience in breathless suspense from the affection with which one of the number is held by those near and beginning to end. Very comical effects produced on account of certain ' dear to him, and. in his last great battle with the warrior. Death, some very portions of this film being reversed, render It most interesting remarkable vl.sions of his earlier days on the actual field of battle appear Thl.s class of film is always a great favorite. to him.

We can not fully describe here all the new films we are releasing. The above are simply taken at random, and as all of our subjects are exceptionally grand, you can depend upon the following being highly creditable In every detail: Faithless Friends.Length, 525 ft. Sensational Hepworth Artful Dodger .Length. 776 ft. Comic . . Hepworth Sign from Heaven. " 425 “ Dog Outwits Kidnapper. '* 443 “ Pathetic Den of Thievao. " 431 “ " Mission of a Flower. 360 Cricks & Martin Prodigal Son . •' 676 " Religious .. Paul Leap Year or She Would Wed... 345 Comic Oambler’s Wife . *’ 540 " Dramatic . . Grafic Every Film we offer is carefully examined and guaranteed First-Class In every way. They are yet to be seen by motion picture patrons, and you can use them with our assurance of being legally protected against any attempt to interfere with you. - —Read The Following=-- KXHIB1TOK.S: TO REMOVE .\NY LINtiERING DOVRTS as to the correctness of our assertions, we publish the following extract from a Ieit»*» lust Issued by the "licensed” Combine: "Many letters received from exhibitors indicate that they do not understand the conditions of the llcen.se. and it will be well to make clear: ”1, There Is no contract, paper or agreement of any kind to be signed by the exhibitor, and In no way is the exhibitor bound for a longer period than he may elect to stay. “2. The one condition is that the exhibitor shall receive and display our license certificate In his theatre ONLY SO 1X)N<> .\s HE CX>NT1NFFJS TO USE THE IJCENSED SERVICE. .\T .\NY Tl.MF THE EXHIBITOR M.\Y WISH TO STOP FSING THE LICENSED niAIK, HE MAY SFRIU-INDER THE LICENSE.” BEWARE I-DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING PRESENTED BY THE “LICENSED” COMBINE I the L.\W l.S THAT A LICENSEE CAN NOT QFESTION OK ATTACK THE V.\LII)ITY OF THE LICENSOH'S P.XTENTS. If you have signed, immediately demand the return of your "license" application and your money. Send us your name and address, so that we can put you on our mailing list and be sure to mail you our weekly announcements of new film CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE OMAHA, DENVER, NASHVILLE, ATLANTA, WASHINGTON, CHICAGO, SALT LAKE CITY. GLOBE FILM SERVICE COMPANY CHICAGO. DENVER. ROYAL FILM SERVICE COMPANY -5z===CHICAGO^- I

26 X e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Bergere, Valerie iLyrlc): Dayton. O. • Carson Bros. (Bell): Oakland, Cal.; (Wigwam) Bijou Coiinsly Trio (tlrpheumi: Maiisfleld, O. San Francisco. Cal., I.').2(). Burl, Cass and Geo. Kern (Bennett'si: Montreal, Crandell. Hal (Theatorluiu): Lansing. Mich., S- Can. III: (Caaluoi Flint II l.l; tllljoui Ann Arbor Bennington Bros. (.Majestic): St. Paul, Minn.; I.*i-I7: (Bljoiii Albion IS-2o. t Bijou I Eveleth t.'i 2tl. Chaniliers. Lysti r (.Majestic): Chicago, III.; Bayrisity Bros. (Victor): Moldle, Ala. ( Ha.\ Ilia) kel I Chicago I-I'20. Burke. Join A .Mae (.Malestlci: Little Ris'k Clilnk • (.Majestic): Dvs .Moines, la.; (Orpbeum) .\rk.. (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex., L'l'JO. Si.mx City 15 '2o. Burke's Musical Dogs (Lyric): Uliloutowu, Pa.; Ck. Jim-, a Bro. (G. O. ID: Indianapolis, (Stan Donora I.’i'20. Iiid.: (Columbia) Cincinnati. (>., M‘2o. Bell. .Vrtliur H. (Gem): Pittston. Pa. Chassino (Btnneit's); Hamilton. Can.; (Lyric) Blondell. Mable (Sii|HTlia I: Augusta, Ga. lla.Mou. ().. 15'20. Baxter A La Conda (.Majestic): Canton, (). Cahill. Will. (Greeii|Hilnl): Bnsiklyn, N. T.; I'.ranis. Musical (Su|H'rbai: Augusta, Ga.; lEiiipIrei llolioken. .\. J., 15-20. (Criterion) Savann ih 15'20. CtoIIiis. Dick (Orplii'iiin I: San Francisco, Cal.; MKiiagert and performett are reapectfulljr requeited to contribute their dates for tbii depart¬ Blancke. .\nne (Poll's): Hartford, Conn.; (Po (Oriiheuiiii Oaklaiul 15‘2ii. Carters, The ICri scent): Bonham. Tex.. IB-20. ment. Kojtea mutt reach The Billboaid Saturday, to inture publication. ll'si Brldgeisirl 15 20. Conroy, Le .Main A Co. (Pklyn. N. Y.; (.Vrmoryi Binghamton 15 will be forwarded promptly, '20. . Urnily & .Mulioiu-y: Kii nmtt* with Irwin's Bin ‘20. Crane Finlay Co. (Victoria): Wheeling. W. Va., ' Show. Si'o Hiirlcsqiie Uoiitcs. Brahams. The (Family); RiM'k Island, III., 8 to; lolyiiiplc) Bellaire, O., II-I3; (Orpha- IlrlMon, I.. Taiili: Kii roiiii- with the rhuntuiii S'BI: (BijiHii Kankakee 15 2o. unii Canton 15‘2(i. Telepr^rams inquiring for routes not lleteclive. See Druitistic Itoutes. Bolitlsee A Krancoiii (Crjstali: Denver, Col. Cassin. Jack (G. O. ID: Diibuiiue, la.; (O. H.) given in these columns will be ignored Hrowii. .Mill: liii route with the Boundl’p. Bascpie Quartet (l)rphenmi; Sioux City, la. Walerl.s) 1.'t-'27. Bowman A St. Clair (Curtis): Denver. Col. unless answers are prepaid. Si-e llrmiiatle Koines. Carr 'I'rlo (Majestic): Denver, (^olo. Ilinklev's Docs; Havana, Cuba, Keb. 21- Burroughs. C. IL, A Co. (Star): Mo:)e8sen. ClIpIM-r Comedy Four (Empire): Norristown, Pa. Pa. Routes that come in too late for Marih lo. Claire. Ina (Hathaway’s): Lynn. .Mass. classification, can be found on another liiiiliiik, Steve (Itarrisoni: Waukegan, 111., Brockman, Slater (New Robinson): Cincinnati. Clernioiilos. Black Dragiams (Columbia): Brooh- (). page, under “Additional Performers* liulef. lyu. N. Y. Itiilhs'k, Chas. A. (Casino): Elkins, W. Va., Carl A Kheil: En route with the Dan Cupid C)a>k A Stevens iKelth's): Providence. R. I. Co. Si'e Musical Kiaites. Dates.” Jan. 2.',, latlef. Conrad, .\rthur, and Blomle Ty|iewrlters (Ma- ji-stici: Chicago. III. Iturke, John 1’. (I’erslea Oarden): .Memphis. Cuiilna, Leila: En naile with the Buster Brown Teiin., iiiilef. Western Co. See Musical Rmites. Claudius A Scarlet (Uniheum): Salt Lake City, Itiirloii ii r.urton: En route with .\1. Ueeves’ , Cavana: Eu route wltli the Fay Foster Co. See flab. U 20. PERFORMERS’ DATES. Burlesi|ue Routes. Carroll A Brevoort (Stan: McKees Rocks. Pa. Beauty Siiow. S*-e Buries |Ue Koutes. ('hamla-rlaiu A Sterling (Lyric): Springfield. Clayion. Una, A Co. lOrpheunii: Denver, Colo. (Whrn no (l:iie is given February i;<.*.Angeie8. cai.: Colonial Septette (Empire): Sunderland, Eng., ' . (.Majestic) lleuver, Colo.. IJ-JO. Mo., indef. I Chapman Sisters: En route with the Avenue 15 20. ‘ Brandon, Sarah, A Ben S. Meats (.Majestlci: Chi>iulta (Combine): Lynn, Mass. 8-13 is lo be supplied.) ■ Little Risk, Ark.; (Majestic) F'. Worth, Girls. See Burlesiiue Kout<‘S. Chase. J. Percy IBijoui: Oshkosh. Wls., Dec. I Caron A Faruum (Dominion): Winnipeg. Can.. Adams. Eilward B (Palace): Ixrndon, Eng ] Tex., 15 2ij. 15 20. • Butler, Tom (Orpheura): Easton, Pa.; (Urjihe- '27. Iniief. Jau. 18 Peb. '27. Creo A Co. (Wigwam): San Franelaco. Cal. U)UI Hariisburg I5'20. Clarke Viola (Royal): Chicago. HI., Indef. Aldrhige. Chas.: En route with the Round-Up. Barry, Mr. and .Mrs. Jimmie (Trent); Trenton. Coe, Henry: Fn route with W. *A. Mahara's ^*’*,*.**'. ^oe A Boyd (Mala .See llraniatlc Routes. St.): Pi-orla. 111. .N. J.; (Orpheuiii) Allentown, Pa., 15 20. Minstrels. Si-e Minstrel Routes. Connelly A Wet)b (Orpheum): Portland, Ors.; All. (ieorge (Drury l.ane): larndon, Eng., Dec. Birdland (Keith's): Cleveland, U.; (G. U. 11.1 Cogswells. Tlirec Cycling: Touring Mexico, 7 Eeb. 2S. Circo Trevino, Inilef. (Orpheum) Seattle, Wash., 15-'20. I ittsluitg. Pa., 15-2U. Carson. Charles R.; Statbroy, Ont., Can., 8-18; Alvarettas. Tliree: En route with the Jersey Bellclair Bros. (Armory): Binghamton, N. Y.;] Coleman A LaMont (Hli>i)Odrome Rink) Blr Chatban) 1.5'2u. l.llies. See Burlesi|ue Koutes. (Bennett's) .Montreal. Can., 15-‘2ii. I minghani, Ala., Jan. IS, indef. Clark. Marie (BIjou); Bismarck, N. D.; (BIjoa) Alvin A Hendrix: En nnile with Al. G. Field's Browu A llislges (Washington): San Francisco, ; Colunilda Musical Trio: En rs)k'B I). 11.): Rochester, Bradley A Davis (laslno): Flint, Mich.; (Bl-j Carrico, Louise, A Jeannette Dulmage (Majes¬ Callan A Smith (Grand): Vancouver, B. C., N. Y.; (Lyric) Dayton. O., 15 20. join Albion 15-2o \ tic): St. Paul. Minn.; (BIjou) La Crosse. Can.; (Graml) 'Tacoma. Wash.. 15'20. Atlantis A Fisk (BIjoU): Mouse Jaw, Can.; Bruno Kramer TrU (Majestic): Ft. Worth. Tex.; i Wls., 1.5-'2(i. (Slarlanil) Saskatoon l.5-'2u. (Majestic) Dallas 1.5 20. I Ceballos. Helarion A Rosalie (Onibeiim); Kansas Chlmpillla. Princess, A A. Rnn., 1.5- Bateman. Tom ipidt's): S ianton. Pa.; (Poll's) 20. Bridge|H>rt. Conn.. 15-2'J. Abliott, Arthur (Empire): Cincinnati, O.; (Ma- Blessings. The (Orpheioii); Butte, Mont.; (Or- WONDERLAND ELECTRIC MUSEUM, MINNEAPOLIS. jes Id Ashland. Ky,, 15-'2(i. pheiim) Sjsikane. Wash.. 1.520 AIIIslo. Mr. and Mrs. (Orpbeum): Kansas City, ; Bonlsettis. Six (Sh-'a's): B))ffalo. N. V (Shea's) .Mo.. 14'20. Toronto. Can.. 1.' Al'piist A Clayton (Hlpiiodrome): Poughkeep¬ Bergere Sisters iBijoU); Sarinaw, Mich.; (Bl sie. N. Y. : jiMic Bay City 15-'2)). Armoml. Grace (Garrick); Burlington. la. Barrow A Milo (Garrick): Norristown. Pa., Aildlsiui A Livlngslou (Victor): Mobile. Ala. (Blaney's) Baltimore, Md., 15-'2t). I Arnolds. Chas. (G. O. II.): Duhui|ue. la. Bingham A (Jable (Gaton): Daytona. Fla. Allor, Barrington A Co. (La Fayette): La Fay¬ I Bruces, The (Family): Minnea.i>oIls. Minn.; ette, Ind. ; (BIjou) Kankakee, III.. 15 20. Altirlght. Ernest. A (3o. (Lyric); Dyersburg. ' Bean A Hamilton (Orpbeum): Mansfield. O.; ; T)'nn. I (Hip|>odromel Huntington. W. Va., 15-20. Arthur A Jeanet (Lyric): Athens, Ga. I BoMucs. Musical (O. H.): Barre. Vt.; (O. 11.) ^ Adair. Art (Grand): Portland. Ore. Kutlan)! 15-20. ! Adams A Mack (Victoria): Baltimore, Md. Benaus. The (Empire): Cincinnati, O.. 8-10; I Armstrong A Clark (Chase's): Washington, (Dreamland) Reading 1I-i:{; (O. ID Green • I). C. vine 15-17: (BljoU) Piqua 18 20. Amlotts. Three (Academy of Mnaic): Ilallfax, : Blessing. Mr. and Mrs. (Empire): San Diego, N. S.. Can. CaL; Santa Ana 1.5-20. I AIvo A Copeland (Bijou): Superior. Wls. ! Beliout Duo (Majestic): Crawfordsville, Ind.; 1 Armstrong A Verne (On>beumi: Salt Lake City. ! (Auilitorium) Dayton. O., 15‘20. Utah. 14 '20. Boston Fadettes Woman's Orch<*8tra (Majestic): Astaires. The (Orpheura): Oakland. Cal., 7-20. I Chicago. HI.. 8-‘20. | Avolos. Five (Pria'tor's): Newark. N. J. Black A Jones (Olympic); Chicago. Ill., 14-2)). Ailelman's, Joseph. .Musical Ensemble (Poll’s): ■ Bowers, Walti'rs A Crooker (Orpheura): Port- | Scranton, Pa.; (Poll's) New Haven, Conn., | land. Ore., 14 20. i 15 20. I Baker A Corn'dia (Majestic): Galveston. Tex. At the Counfr.v Club (Proctor's .5th Are.): New ^ Bolses. Sensational (Empire): Paterson. N. J. ( 5'ork City: (llammersteln’s) New Y'ork City. Barry. Katie (Dominion): Wlnnli>eg. Can. 1.5-20. Bottomley Trouite (.Masonic Temple): Fort' Adams. William (Princess); St. John, N. B., Wayne. Ind. Can. Brunettes. Cycling iCoIumtila): Brooklyn. N. I Adair. Etidle. and Four Girls (Cooper): Mount Beaudoin. On-at (New Snu): Springfield. O. Vernon, o. Bryant A SavIIlb (Majestto: Cedar Rapids, la. I Alba (Keith's): Philaileipbla. Pa. B.vrni'Golsoic Playi'rs (Majestic): Dallas, 'Tex.: j Armstroi'g. Geo. tSliea’s): Buffalo. N. Y. (Majestic) Houston 1.5-‘20. i Alpha Tr|.> (Family): Risk IsLiml. HI.. 8-10; Bell. C:vstal (Lyric): Brady, Tex. I Family) CI1nt)in. la., ll-l-’l: (Family) Min Brand SIst ts (O. 11." Rutland. 5't. | neap'dia. Min ).. 15 20. Barrett. Marjorie (Grand): Sacramento, CaL, i Augell Sisters (Edisonlai; Johnson Cit.v, Tenn, 8 20. Adams. E. Klr'ae. A Co. (Imbstr Circus): Flint, j Bellows, Temple A Aller (Orpheum); Wichita. Mich.: (C')nton) Canton. ().. 15 20. Kans. Atblani A Rossi ''"rystal): Denver. Col. Buckley. John (BIjou): Esranaba. Mich. Atlantic City Four (Miles): Minneapolis, Minn. Baker. Marvelous (L.vrlc): Dyersburg. Ti'nn. Alton A Oliver (Mary .Vndersoni: Dulsville. Blmbiai. The (Bijou): Bay City. Mich. Ky. Borani A Nevaro (llrph)')im): Portland. Ore. Ballo Bros.; Jacksonville. Fla., Dec. 28, Indef Boyle Bros. (Ostrich Farm): Jacksonville. Fla. Bart'er A PaDner: South ())naha. Neb., Imief. B.vron A Langilon (Orplu'um): San Francisco. Barlows, Breakaway (Exisisltlon): Jackson¬ CaL: (Oriiheun)) Oakland 14‘2(1. ville. Fla.. Jan. 18, Indef. Big City Quartet (G. O. 11.): Svracuse, N. Y., 15 ‘20. Bartee. A. O. (.klhambrai: Houston. Tex., In Boston Comedy Co.: Pembroke. Can., 2.5-Feb. )lcf. 20. Barton Pros.: En route witl) the Bohemian B.onb-n. Zi'no A Ilavnln Bros. (Foll.v): Oklahoma Burlesqucrs. See Burlesque Routes. City. Okla.; (Vamleville) Wichita. Kans., Barto A McCiw En route with the Cozy Cor 15 20. m r Girls. See Burlesipte Routes. Bootblack Quartet (Bi'nnett's); Hamilton. Can.; Beilell Bros.: Fn route with the Myrkle-Ilarder (.5rmor.v) Binghamton. N. 5'.. 1520. Stoi'k Co. See Dr-imatlc Rmites. Barr.v A Wolford (Keith's): Philadelphia, Pa.; Beecher A Mave (Winner): Allegheny, Ba.. (Trent) Tnnton. N. J.. 1.5-?)) Feb. 1. Indef. Bowser. S. M. lOn)l)euml: Montgomery, Ala.; Perrl.an. Steve (Gillette); Findlay. O.. Indef. (.Mamoi Birmingham ’5 20. Blnney A Chapman (New Gem): Tampa, Fla.. Braatx. Selma (Maji'stlo: .Milwaukee, Wls.; Dec. 28. Indef. (Haymarket) Chicago. HI.. 15 2’. BispIng. "Titm (Hippodrome): New 5'ork City, Brenon. Herbert. H'li'n Downing A Co. (Gaiety): Imief. Sprlnglield HI Blanchard. Cliff: En route with A Royal Slave Bertina A Brockway (Family): Pottsville, pa. S)e I)ramatlc Routes. B)dl. Chas. H. (Granit): Fargo N D. Brachard. Paul (Circo Bell); Mexico City. Bernier A S'tella (Cn-stal): St. .Io«eph. Mo. The WondiTland Eli-efrle Miisenin Is located at ‘27 Washington areniie. South, MInneapolla. Mex.. Indi'f. Bimm-Bomm B r-r r (0-i>heum): R)-ai('ng Pa. Minn., and la owm-d and nianaged by F. E. Lund. Tills theatre offera ten iierfonnanrea, Barnes. T.. Roy and Bessie Crawford (Chase's): Borani A Nevaro (()rr>h<'um); Portland. Ore. week days, ami llfte.-n, Siinilays. Tile attriirtloiis are motion plelnrea and lllnatrated songs, Washington. D. C.; (Boll’s) Hartfonl. Conn.. Bryant A SavIHe (Msp-stle); Cedar Raptda, la sn

CnnDlDithiini * Marion (Shulierti; Utlon, N. Ibdl Alice Lyndon (OrpheumI; MlnneapoIU. I .Minn. CtarlKtlr. PIIIlF (Andltnrliiml; rinrlnnatl, O. (lel.naaan. Zelle (Orphenml: Denver. C|iUr 22 27; lllppoilr<>m«*) Pa. Pu*n«*y. March 1-fl. Doiiglaa A Doiiglaa ((’nrtlai: Denver. Col. CliT'oD 4 Urcw 2»». DhI.t. Vlnle (Mary .Amleraoni: l.oulav|||e Ky Spring Clark A Turner (Bijou i: (iraml Porka, N. Doherfy a piaallea (Mlleai: .MInnea|io|ia. Minn l> Davlea’. Tom. Trio (tj. O. H.i: Indlanapolia. Cyril. Herb*-rt (Majealle): IlenTer. Col. lud. Cilvelle »Ori*l"‘U>n •: Kanaaa (’lly. Mo. Davenimrt. Harry. A Pliyllla Rankin (Kelth ai: Carlir-y line*. (.Majealle I: Jobna|i>wn, I’a. | Plilladelfdila. Pa. Carroll A Baker (Orphennil: Henver. ('ol. Emmett A MeN*lll: En mute with the Two CoakleT A McBride K'haae’ai: Waalilngton. | .lohna. S«'e Miialral Itoutea. Special Edition I). (’.: il’oirai Scranlon. I’a.. l.'V UP. Eamerabta Slatera (Olympic I: Kief, Kiiaala. Clacton. I'na. A Co. (Orphenml; llenTer, Col Eeh. t 2'*. m Carlin A (Bto (Orphcnmi; Mlnneapolla. Minn. , F.vana. Plllv (Tivoli I; Sandimlnt. Ida.. Inilef. Hale Bro*.; Kn route with the Two Jolina. Ernie. Eddie A Ma.r (Yalei: Kanaaa City, .Mo.: See Miialcal Roiitea. (Nlrlielaoai Crand Nl-ind. Neb.. 14 20. I Darrell. I.awrence: En route with III Ilenry'a Edinan A Caylor (Crand i: Weat Newton. Pa.. The Billboard Mlnatrela. Si-e Mlnatrel Routea. K-Ki; (St.(r( Jeanette 11-11. D'.krcHle. Irene; En route with .Ma’a New EdwaPla. Fred R. (Stan; Hartford City, Iiid.. iliiahand Central Co. S<-e Mualcal Itoutea. S-IO; (Vauilettei Bba>mlngton tl-l.’l. Dacia Bro* ■ En route with III Ilenry’a Min Eddy Fanitlr (RIveraldei: Saginaw. Mich.: mlm atrela. s..e Mlnatrel Routea. tllijoui Bay City 1.120. DeCleo A l.aVellle (Oramll: Maryacllle, (>.. Ely. J. Frank fShulaTt’ai: I'llca. N. Y.; For 1909 Indef. (Pri>etor'al Alh.iny 1.1 20. Di(}ria,te. Edwanl: En route with Winning a Exp»a.|flon Fiair (.Auditorium I; Lynn. Maaa.; Wife Co See Mualcal Routea. (Ilatbawa.v’ai New Ftolforil 1.1-2(1. DeOnio Broa.: Vienna. .Aiiatrla, Peh. 1 2.'<: Eniniett. Mr. A Mrai Hugh J. (Pennett'al: (It (IHl'Itodromel London. Eng.. March l-.'ll. tawa. Cap.; (Benllett’ai Montreal 1.120. Deltola-o. Count: En route with AV. \. Maha- Eldriit. Cordon. A Co. IPoll'ai; New Haven. ra’a Mlnatrela. See Mlnatrel Routea. Conn.: iPoll’at Springfield. Maaa.. 1,120. Will Appear D*‘Vere Bn>a.: En route with the Coburn Mln¬ Edwarda. Cu». Blonile Typewritera (Majeatle); atrela Sin> Mlnatrel Routea. I Chle igo, III., 14 20. D. Vere A I*eVere: En rotife with the Orace Edwanla, Cua. School Bora and Cirla (llrpb- m Hacwanl Stock Co. See Ornmatle Routea. eiiml: .Salt Lake City. ftah. 14 20. Diamond. Chaa.: En route with Ma’a New Ilua- Edwarda. Ethf’lyne, A Cecil Clarendon (Lyrlcl: baml Central Co. See Mualcal Routea. .Athena. Ca. March 15 th Dove, .lohnny. A Minnie I.ee: En route with , Evan*. Beaale (Natlonall; San Franelaeo. Cal. Wllllama’ linoerlala. See Purleaiue Routea. ^ Evera. C.eo. W. (Majeatlcl: Ft. Wiarth, Tex. Dunbar. lew (CoIiiniMa): Oakland. Cal., Jan. Edmopda. Lee (Lyrlcl; Macon. Ca. ni. Indef. Ellaworth. Eugene. A Edna Earlle LIndon Dunn. Harcec: Fn route with DeRue Bro.’ Min (Stan; Seattle. Waah. atrela. See Mlnatrel Routea. Evana. Mav (llriibenm I; Canton. (I. Dnntalln Troupe: Moaa A Stoll Tour, Eng., In- ' Emerva. The (NoveltyI: Bowling Cr(P*n. Ky. Bearing Date of def. Enlgmarelle. W. W. Shuttb'worth. mgr. iProc- Dutton. KITee; En rotite with Poll.c of the | tor’al; Troy. X. Y. CIrciia EaateiT Co. See Dramatic Routea. Emmett A Lower (.Areadel; Brookfleld, .Mo. Dagneati. Clara. A Boca (EmpInO: San Fran-' Rape. Dutton A Kp*>ka. Kan. c|a.-o. Cal.: (Pantagea’i Oakland 1(120. Ellla Nowlan Trouiie (Majeatlcl; Milwaukee. Du'illle. Frneat A. (Omheuml: Newark. O.: i Wla. March 20th. (lllptioilromel Huntington, W. Va., 1.1-20. Eckert A Berg (Empirel: Pateraon. N. J.: Dunbar A Flatter (I’nliiuel: Dea Molnea. la.; I (OrpheumI Eaaton. Pa.. 1.120. (Maleaticl Waterloo 11-20. Emmett. Cracle. A Co. (Orohenml: Omaha. Dlckliiaon. Rube (Marlon!: Marlon. O.; (Or- Neh. (Maleatlel Chicago. III.. 14 20. pbeiimt Lima 11-20. EckhofT A Ooplop (Temple!: Ft. Wayne. Ind. Dalc’a Country Choir (Orandl: Tacotna. Faladiix. Camille; En route with Riee A Bar- An issue of Waah ; (Orandl Portland. Ore.. 11-20. ton'a Oaiety Cp. See Bnrleauue Routea. Dollc Twin Slatera (Orohenml: Tampa. Fla.; Featliera. I^.alle; En route with the Raya. (Vaudeclllei Jackaoncllle 15 20. See Mualcal Rentim. Dean. Chaa. R. (Orandl: Decatur. 111.: j Flaher. Tom; En route with the Brigaillera. (C.reen’a O. II. I Cedar Rapida. la.. 14 20. ! See Iturleaheuml: Harria De Faye Slatera (OrpheumI: Butte, Mont., 14 hnrg. Pa.: (Colonlall Norfolk. Va.. 1120. 20. Fink. H-nry (Bop Toni: Jeraev City, N. J.; DuBoi, Oreat. A Co. (Puritani; Fall River. , (Columblal Scranton. Pa.. 1120. Maaa. Fern A Mark (Emnlrel: Calgary. .Alta.. Can.: (Emp'rel Edmonton M-20. Illustrations. Donald. Peter, A Meta Caraoo (OrpheumI: Den cer. Col. Fave. Kitty. A Co. (.Arc-h«Mim): Clfv, Mo.; Freeman. Manrlce, A Co. (PoB al; New Haven. (tiridieiimi Omaha. Neb.. 14 20 Cnnn.. 11 20. I'acia Edwanta, A Co. (O. (I. 11.1: Syracuae. Pua.ner Will (Areadel: Totclo. O. N Y. 1120. Pir1ar.leau DoM (Bll.ml; F’D River. Maaa Bahdnh’a. Saad. Renl Murra .Aratia (RHoul; Force. Frclerlek. A Mildred Wllllama (O. 11.1’ 40,000 Copies Jackar.n. Mich. r«'nn. Darrow. Mr. A Mra. Sfnart (AtoliawkI: Sche Flol.u A Ilnnjion (T*'rr*<*o>: nolloTlUe. N. J*. N. Y.; (Empirel Ilohoken. N. J.. S 27 ... F.«rr*Ml nro«. : Prk^yn N. i- BeCraw A Fuller (Royall; Manlatce. MIeh.: Hint. D. A.. A Co. (C O. H I: Puohlo. Col.: II. i Alma 1120. I (Mab'atlei T *neo1p. Neh., 1120. No Advance Deltnaaeli. Mayme. A Co. (Theatorliiml; Ea- : PpHT Ferrv (We.ak’al: Kenalngton. Pa. ton. O. Flelda. Will H (Main St I: Peoria, 111, niainond. tew F. (OrpheumI: Helena. Mont.; Flaher. Mr A M'a. Perkipa fShea’al- Ruffalo. • Stan Poceman 1120. N. Y.; (Sliea’al Toronto. Cat . 1120. Bactell. M,,1b,. (o,.nH; PItfaton. Pa. Darnualc (t’a«ln*l; Memphla. Tenn. Flora A Bahv, Samond (Flndlayl: Findlay, O.: (M’rhml Mirlon i 'O. in Rates either W ; Waabinglon N. ('.. S 10. ‘ i*e|iualn A Harold (New Sunl: Springfleld, O. Frothingham A Dcnhiiu; Slater, Mo. tbd.Ule. Juggling (ArmoryI: Btngh.amton, N. Fletcher Chaa. I eonarti (Marylanill; Ball! nmre.'Md.; (I’oli’al Bridgeport. Conn . 11 I’ai. Emma (Forreat’al: latndon. Eng.. 15-20; 20. . .. Flelda W C (Proctor’a 1th .Ave.l; New pork 1. Ji’iT’ i^X'I'ller’a Wella March 1 «. CItv: il’r.vtor’a rj.1th St I New York City Advertising Ala * (Majeatlcl; Montgiamcry, 11 20 l•■.unette. Iva (RIJou); Duluth. Minn. Fell, Cle.me Pearl (Bljoiii: Kenoaha. Win.: (liarrlaoiH AVaukegan. III.. 1120. Di-t roteaii. Win. K. (Pantagea’i; Portland, Frink’ln Irene 1C. (» HI: PIttaburg. Pa. ii, I Franclaco. Cal.. l:l 2il. Fleiiien A Both (Maleatld: DalUa. Tox.: Iball Bnia., Three iKelth'al; Providence. K. (Majeatlcl Hiuiaton 1120. or in Price DeCo.,*!' ' "'heeling. W. Va.. II’JO. Frier A Wehh (Maleatlel: ll

1 28 X li e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Trio; Julis Ring and Co.. In The Wrong Room; man and Walton, Lavelle and St Clair, Hda ling .Match Feb. 1; Under Southern Skle« 4; CORRESPONDENCE. Two Pucks; Hallen and Ilsyes; Jis* Cook ■ml Schnee. songs and motion pictures. The M.in from Home II; Louis .Msnn 13; Ths Bm. and KIn.sIroiiie. PARK THEATRE (W. T. NEW CASTLE.—ALCAZAR (B. F. Brown, Thief ‘2U. CRYSTAL (J. A. Ammons, mgr.) (Contlnuod from page 24.) Rowlby, mgr.) Willlaiiis and Walker In Ban¬ mgr.) E. Suther.amI Ross and Miss Judith Rae¬ P.-o|,le’s Stock Co. we<‘k of Feb. 1. dana l.and 8-10; Herald Voslte^ Wanti-il hv the burn In At Sunrise 25; Avia Page In East ANGOLA.--CROXTON OPERA HOU8C (B. BEARD8TOWW. — GUAM) OPERA HOISF. I’olice 11-13. .M.4JE.STIC TlIF.ATRE. Fore E. w'lllls. mgr.) The Cow-Puncher Feb. 1; Un (M. H. IlMrrlH, mgr.) Uoiiton Belleg 2; Yankee ^ Lynne ‘29. STAR (Ivan Cramer, mgr.) Luring paugb StiH-k Co In Hie Hi-lr to the lliMirah week •Mobler. eccentric comedian; Sampsell and der SiHithoru Skies 9; W. A. Whitecsr In May- iKXNlIe GIHk :t. ; of 8. EMPIRE THEATRE (W. K. Burton, Carle, musical artists, and moving [dctiires. rled for Money 10; Frsnk Dsvldson 2’2 24. RINK BENTON. — .McFAIX’S AUDITORIUM (G. mgr.) The New Century Girls with Cisicbeeta as THEATORIUM (C. E. Barley, mgr.) Vaude¬ (Ix‘as & Broksn. mgrs.) Roller skating. C. C'ontrell, mgr.) Lena Rivera 20; We Are the attraction week of F'eb. 8. ville and moving pictures. I'ERN (K. H. Frionila F'eh. 2. EVANSVILLE.—THE WELI-S BIJOU (Chas. BLOOMINGTON.—HARRIS GRAND (R. H. Keith, mgr.l Prof, (kirl E. Colvin, boy hypno¬ CHAMPAIGN.—WALKER OPRRA HOUSE (S. ' Sweeton. mgr.l The W’ltching Hour Jan. 27; Harris, mgr.) Orjiheum Stock Co. 2-fl. VAU- tist; Coleman's Minstrel Lads ami Lassies, Kabl. mgr. I Lafayette-Laiiiont Co.. The IIoliU-j Max Rogers in In Panama ’2,8; The Time, the DETTE IE. E. McFerren, mgr.) Vaudeville and singing and talking act; Grace Lamorell. come¬ worths. Jack Sirouse. Carey and Stam|ie, iiiov ' Place and the Girl 31); Uncle "rom’s Cabin Feb. moving picturi'a. dienne. and pictures. COLISEUM (Ward & Ing pictures Feb. I S. CRESCENT (Matt Kna .'> 6; The Hoiieymooners 8; East Lynne It); The BOONVILLE. — MATTHEWSON OPERA Jamison, mgrs.) Roller skating ami league ixilo. Bell. mgr. I Van Dyke and Eaton Co., with Ethel > S<-rvant of the House 11-13; Richard Carle 15; HOUSE (Shafer and Reed, mars.) L. B. Wick- May 2.VFeb. 0. ' The Top o' the World 17; Francis Wilson IS; ANDERSON.—GRAND OPERA HOUSK (Jos. orsliam, ll■oturcr, 2: Misinshlner’a Daughter 17; ELGIN.—ELGIN OPERA HOUSE (Fred W. Wm. H. Crane 20. THE .M.UESTIC (Edw. E. Uenniugs, mgr.) Too Many Wives 20; Wrest¬ Boston Belles March 2; Cow Puhcbar 8. Jencka, mgr. I I>ora Thorne 27; The Girl Qnea , Raymond, mgi.l Week of Feb. 1. I>'on A Ad tion 1«. The Star, Temple and Globe are giv¬ ellne, David Livingstone and Co., Geulve Ho- ing moving pictures and songs. COLISEUM n)ar and Veriie atid Verne Roller Skaiing. Receiving daily all subjects issued by the H00PE8T0N.—NEW McPERRIN’S OPERA FORT WAYNE.—MAJESTIC (Rice & Stair, HOUSE (A. L. Knox. mgr. I Yankee Dotalle mgrs.) Feb. 1-5, Old Hehlelhi'rg; ft. Under Licensed Manufacturers. Best service and Girls 10. ART EMPORIUM (Yonkelowiti Broa.. ' .S. Brown. TEMPLE (F. E. Stoiider. mgr.) High PRINCESS RINK (M. M. I'arks, mgr.) Roller | class vaudeville for we,‘k of Feb. 1. as fol¬ ments. Write at once for service in a class by itself. skating. lows. Eight Vassar Girls, Henri French. Id‘S- JACKSONVILLE. — GRAND OPERA HOUSE ter, vcntrllwiulst; Lizzie Daly, dancer; Bow¬ (E. T. Coyle, mgr. I Classmates 2.S; Rudolph and i LUBIN FILM SERVICE CO., CINCINNATI, 0. Adolph 2!t; Miss Pettleoats Feb. Yankee Doo- ' die Girl (1: Boston Belles 111; Texas 11, BI¬ JOU Pictures and vaudeville. ROLLER RI.NK (A. L. IDsnI. mgr.I Roller skating. KEWANEE.—OPERA HOUSE (K. F. Shulls, mgr.) Dora Thorne »•; Olio .Meyer .">; The First Amusement Investors V’lidln 7. BIJOU (Win. Avery, mgr.) IjiPearl and Bogart, Frank Perry, Seaman and Sarlelle. Your attention Is called to tb« moving pleliires and songs w«*ek of HI. PRIN¬ World’a Greatest Novelty and Money CESS I Ad Funk. mgr. I Dolly I.aTow, luuviug Maker for the wason of ISUO. It la a pictures and songs wi*t‘k of :il. ' unaidmoiia opinion of the leading MT. CARMEL.—THEATRE. Grace Hayward , park managers and amusement bnild- -Slock Co week of 2.'>; Castle Garden F:nterliilu era that our combination Scenic R. R. era, lecture conrsi- nuinlmr, Feb. 2; Real Widow 1 and Figure Eight will be the greateat Brown 4: When We Were Friends 8; A Texas money making device of the aeaaon, Ranger l.'l , „ Is*cnis4> It embracea everything that STREATOR.—PLUMB tlPERA HOUSE IJ. E. a $.'itl.i)0t).00 Scenic R. R. coatalna Williams, mgr.) Dora Thorne Hit; The Merry and with the addition of our new W’ldow Feb. 1: The First Violin 3; Zlnn’s Mu .Novelty ride attached to same will slcal Coinedv Co. 4-tl. MAJESTIC (C. A. Da.v, diiuble the earning |iower at one-tenth mgr.) Ball and Marshall. Dell A-Phone, Stanley ' the coat. Reasona why you abonld Fowler, Graee Annond. Young and Foley. Billy piirchaae one; Wlndom. The R>ibe Trio and the Klnodrome 28- let.—Recanse several were placed 81; Illustrated songs and moving pictures 1-3; on trial last aeaaon and each one Vaudeville -1 7. proved to lie a big aucceaa. TAYLORVILLE.—ELK’S THEATRE. (Jerry 2'id —B«‘eause a portion of the rldo Hogan, mgr. I When we were Friends 20; Kop- la changeable, which makea the pass¬ lln and O’Neill 2!»-3tt; Little Miss Blue Beard engers patronize It agala and again. Feb. 2; The Crv Babv 8. TAYLORVll.LE ROL 3rd.—Because the low price asked LER RINK (Ed. Colegrove, mgr.) Roller skat enables me.lliini and imall-alzed parks Ing 2.'> and week. to luirchaae one and make a sfilendld URBANA.—ILLINOIS (Marcus Ilelman, li'S.; profit In one m-aaon. This price being 8. Kahl, mgr.) School Days 2S; Man from Home only pr>aslble by the great facllltlea Feb. 1; The Merry Widow 3; Miss Petticoats of our building company, which have «; Midnight Flyer 8: The Lion and the Mouse their own Mfg. Plants combined, fl; Isle of Spice 13; The Girl Question 15. which enable them to hnlld these WATSEKA.—FAMILY THEATRE (Jay Fltta. ilevle«>a eonipl-’te. they having paider mgr.l Ed. B and Rolla White, Anna Kamp. niacbe. mechanical departroenta, forg¬ Azeiilea Fontaine and moving pictures week of ing and planing inllla, and also their 25; Alice Tlffee Feb. 1 and week. own scenic engraving and photograph- lo studios (the largest In the world) WAUKEGAN,—SCHWARTZ THEATRE (C. and their own Westera I’nlon Branch R. Mann, mgr.) The Warrens of Virginia Feb. I nd operators In their oflloe. 1; The I’ower of Tnith Feb. 7; Joe Tinker in A Home Rnn Feb. «; The Three Twins Feb. 14. Tlie price of our combined Scenic THE HARRISON (A. A. Freudenfeld. mgr.) It. R. and Flirnre Eight com|ilete Is fl.500.00, f. o. b. Cincinnati. Jan. 28 31, The Lady Barb«-rs. Avery and Seitz, (5ole and Davis, Chas. Marvelle. Feb 1-.3, The Extra car for doubling the can Ing Five Columbians, Pollanl. comedy Juggler; cai>aclty, $.3.50.00. f. o. h. Cincinnati. WbartoB and Moliler and Kay Adams. For partleiilara. terraa and Uliu- "View of Lobliy, or Depot” (Patented). trated catalogue, address INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS.—ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE WORLD'S greatest NOVELTY CO. -OR- RUNEY & ZARRO, (A. F. Miller, mgr.) The Merry W’ldow week J. E. OARBETTE. General Manager. Our Exclusive Contracting Bnlldera. Olflee and Factory; of Feb. 8. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (S. ZIeg ler, ingr.) Gennaro's Band, with twenty-six No. 10 Tompio Court Bulldinf, CHICABO, ILL, oppotHo P. 0. Cor of Hlfhlaiid and Ooroliaolor Avoo., • CINCINNATI, ONIO. Italian Gondoliers In A Night In Venice bead the INCORBOMATEO. S3S.OOO 00- bill; Bessie Wynn, comedienne; Tom Davies


Artists in all lines wanted for our circuit of Parks, Theatres and Fairs. Prepared to arrange the exclusive hookings of headline acts. Bands and Novel Musical Attractions wanted for our Music Department. WANXED-VVANXED_ The following SHOWS, to complete our organization of a cycle of SIXTEEN BIG WEEKS that will play the principal parks in the United States, beginning at Dreamland, Coney Island, and ending at Forest Park, Chicago. Each show to be a feature in every park for one week. Remember, your show will be the only show featured during your week’s engagement. The first time that arrangement has ever been possible, and you know the answer. Can use one more of each of the following shows: Streets of Cairo with Camels (CLEAN. ORIENTAL DANCING GIRLS); Old Plantation (not less that fifty people, brass band] etc.); Trained Wild Animal Show; Wild West Show (with Cowboy Camp); Glass Blowers (from Toronto preferred); A Mamie Show (must be a big one); Kansas Cyclone (or any other spectacle) under canvas; Messina Earthquake; Shields Statue Show; Good Japanese Circus; Hippodrome Water Show with Mermaid Act; Igorrotte Village; Hawaiian Village; Good, Clei'n Dancing Girl Show (Charlie Smith, write); A Big Magical Show, with Houdini Act for feature; Big Musical Congress (like the Willards); Dog, Pony and Monkey Circus. Clan also use any other shows that can make one-week stands and are strong enough to be feature alone. Can use ten real Spielers that are capable of earning S50 per week and over. George Johnson, George Hamilton, George Donovan, Deacon Delmore, Dolly Lyons, Doctor Parks. George Parker, Happy Holmes, Henrv Casey, Claude Bloom and T. New Deal=CAMERAPHONE=New Deal The Only Successful TALKING PICTURE MACHINE on the Market* WE ARE NOW RENTING TALKING PICTURE FILMS. YOU CAN BUY OUR MACHINE. We have made a new deal with the Cameraphone Company, whereby we can offer you Cameraphone Talking; Picture Service on a RENTAL basis at greatly reduced rates. We can also give you ab.solute PROTECTION and EXCLUSIVE rights In the section you desire. VN'e can rive you a THREE-REEL service of talking pictures, also an illustrated SONG service. ^ The picture house that secures our exclusive-right contract In their territory, will make It mighty DISTRESSING to their COMPETITORS. NOW, UNDERSTAND, you can get exclusive right In your town, so do a little HUSTLING and communicate with us at once. Or, better yet, visit us If you possibly can. Demonstration room connected with our office. We’ve got the REELS, we’ve got the PROGRAMS, and every one a HEADL1NE:r. ILUNOIS CAMERAPHONE COMPANY, W. H. McFarland, Mgr., 51 Harrison Sf., CHICAGO, ILL I Town»l«.T. ni»tr.» Tb«* Mon and thp Mmiao fVb. 1. MAJESTIC (O. S. Jarvla. mar. i The IV Androa*. Jamoa Thomas, The Suttons and Ma 2S>-31. On account of an over supply we bought CSOWN POINT.—rE:.\TRAE Ml’SIC lUI.I. an immense quantity of these army hel¬ U. II. I,ehman. mgr.) Vaudeville and moving mets both white and black, from the C, S. plrtnr«>« ireek of 8_ Wat Department at a price which does not CONNEE8VILLE.—THE AmiTORH'M (E. , v-ii represent the cost of the material in E. Kehl. mgr. I East l.j-nne 3<>: The Wolf Fell tiiem to say nothing of the ad.litional cost 1; Under Southern Skle* 2: Florence llavla in . I luanulaciure. Hence our oRenng them Under the (Ireenwood Tree 8; Richard Carle In iv. veu at the unheard of prices of only 30c Mary's Lamb 8: .Marrieil for Money 11; Howe's Pictures 15, AUDITItRIUM RINK (O. 11. An¬ Biitl 4ic each drew. mgT.t Roller skating. ANJCFORT.—111E 111.INN (l.siigi'rbrake anil lliiffonl, nigrs.I A i;..!Knight for a Hay 'J7; Th“ I.lon and the Mouse il; •Marrlisl for .Money Feb. 2; The Cowpiincher 11.-- CRYST.tbURYSTAI, (('has. / WHITE .1 r blackX Welch, mgr.I Mnie. "Pearl ' ~Tangly, —The Uariien ters. W. 11. Girard, Ruth Collins and moving ^ HtLHETS FROM \ pIctiiriMs SM'k of 1 GOSHEN.—JEFT'ERSON (Sommers and Kruti. U.S WAR 1 DEPT. ) mgrs.i file Lion and the Mouse 11; Madam Hut tern V 'JS. ALL NEW KOKOMO.—SIPE (O. W. Slpe, mgr.l Allor Harrington and Co.. The Mellors. James Dunn.. Agnes Holden and the Klnetoscope week of 8. AI.HAMHR.Y (J. W. Harnes, mgr.l The Man from Home 8. I-A PORTE.—HALL'S (H. O. Sommers, mgr.; W. J. H.all. bus. mgr.) Mason Stock Co. Feb. 38: Three Twins 1,5. COLISEUM (Zener A Shafer, mgrs.i Roller skating. WHITE HELMETS RICHMOND.—GEN Mm* (.Mrs. Irs Swisher, .Made of selected long. light cork; cov- mgr.l Otis Skinner 2.": Too Man.v Wives 27: • •-d with fine white drill. Sweat band ven- The Wolf .10; The Witching Hour Feb. 8; Rlch- ti'ator and ventilator in top that can be and Carle H; W. A. Whitecar 10: Uncle Tom's uokcrewrd and gilt spike inserted if desired. Cabin 12: The Man from Home 1.1. NEW PHILLII*S (O. G. Murray, mgr.l Eva Hasid Light, cool and sanitary. Regular retail tine. Nettle Thompson, G. Sweatman. Cayne price. $2.50; our price, only JOceach; $3.00 per and Tomber. Haldwln and Shea a'ld moving pic¬ do'en. BLACK HELMETS tures week of Feb. 1 COLISET'M (Clem Garr, mgr.l Roller skating and polo. Made of same qiiility cork as white BHEIBYVILLE.—CITY OPERA HOUSE (Hen helmets. Covered with finely woven black r.T Friday, mgr.l Florence Davis In Uniler the felt Ventilator sweat band and screw top (ireenwn«rltT wanii one o1 ibe B H ■ Isnd. mgr.) Roller skating. makers, such as Pathe, Selig, Lubin, Essanay, Kalem, Edison, Eicelsior CooMiaafiM Tmnn IOWA CITY.—COLDREN THEATRE (Ray Biograph, Vltagraph, etc. :ii4 Magaitpag filiti B Swan, mgr.l Black Cnsik. Jr.. 2!); Norman —If I were you, if I owned your theatre, I’d hate like the Hackett In Classmates Feb. 8: James J. Cor¬ No My. bat i prxctinllT atrful aitiric H devil to struggle along without these well-known makes of film. (hot U tn-b'rvnubic in trtry kcaurbold. JQ bett In Facing the Music 12; The Flint week I certainly would hate to have some other duffer in my town A [DiWrttul matnilyiDf f laisenlartolbc of 2’J. BIJOU THEATRE (la-Roy Smith, mgr.) .’"'trci the to mm arc to vork on. rrn- Mardo and Hunter. Phillips snd Jones, Jay shouting his head off because he had them and I didn’t. Jrri'.t It rut turxiracifpltntcraor hairs. Paige, Canton and Cnrtls. Nat Baker. The Bra- —Now, then, some of you are afraid of that contract offered hams and moving pictnrea week of Feb. 1. NirkrI ((.iirijand bigbly polithnL Alto by the Patents Company. cll 1^, Ik >■# Mtr., ■ >|M» SIOUX CITY.-NEW GRAND (H. H. Tall WAS of the tint* they offered me. man. mgr I The Woodward SKx-k Co. baa Just —Nevertheless. I signed. coDClnde«l Its fifth week of a ten weeks' en gagement here. Florence Gear app*‘are«l Jan. —Why? 31; W. 11. Crane Feb. 2: The Virginian 10; I.nlu —Because the more I Investigated, the more 1 found it the Olaaer 15: Blanche Walsh. March 10; The Thief sound and sensible thing to do. I’ric)>8 in quantities quoted on application. 22: The Ll.>n and the .Motiae 21. ORPHEUM —You’re In even a better position than 1 was. (David Beehler, mgr.) .Adeline Dunlap and Frank l)ef)osit requireil on all C. O. D. orders. McCormick. Linton and Lawrence. Three Mo- —Why? abera. Keeley Bros.. Basque Grand Opera Quar¬ —Because the Patents Co. now says that by signing their tet. Joe Lafieur. Orpheum Orchestra and Kinno- contract you do not bind yourself to stay with them—that you drome we<-k of Feb. 7. can quit whenever you feel like It. That’s a good thing to con¬ ATIJUUnC.—OPERA HOUSE (D. S. Eld ridge, mgr.l Down Devil’s Canyon 27: The sider. Two Johns Feh. 4; -As Told In the Hills 9: —Lots of lies are being told to you. Down In Mobile 11: Lawrence's Moving Pic —There are rumors that the Motion Picture Patents Company tines 15-18: Edwin Strong Stock Co. week of Intend, eventually, to wipe us all out of business (all renters. I 22. UNIQUE (J. M. Y’oung, mgr.) Moving mean). pictures and yaudevllle. CLINTON_THE CLINTON (C. E. D. lion. —These rumors come from what .str-m to be good, reliable mgr.) The Merry Widow 27; P’ack Crook SO; sources—BUT I DON’T BELIEVE ’EM! ('lassmates Feb. I: The County Sheriff 8. FAM¬ —If I did. I’d rear up on my hind legs and fight the Patents ILY" (O. .A .Paulsen, mgr.) Refin* d vandevllle. Company heart and soul, tooth and toenail, before and behind, MERRY WHK)W RINK (E. S. Arnold, mgr.) Open every afternoon and evenlug; special at¬ up and down and In the middle. tractions each week. —It would be a fight for life—for existent e as a renter. DUBUQUE.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Wra —But I don’t believe the Patents Compaii> ever thought of L. Brsillev, mgr.) Golden Butterfly 27; The any .such damnphool move. AND, WAY DOWN IN YOL’R Merry Widow 29; The County Sheriff Feb. 1; Ulassmates 2: Land of Noil 3; East Lynne 6. HEART. NEITHER DO YOU! BIJOU (Jake Roscnfbal. lugr.) Vaudeville. —Look before you leap and then leap with all your gizzard. FAIRFIELD—THEATRE. MIsa Petticoats —That’s my honest advice and you can take It for what It’s 25: Uncle Tom's Cabin 28; Hortense Xellson worth. Feb. 9; F. (1. Smith, le'-ture. 17: Under South em Skies 19: As Told In the Hills 22; Otto —I’ll promise you this:—That If you do busine.ss with me. Movers, violinist. 21. I’ll protect you to my last dollar and see that you get the best FT. MADISON.-EBINGER GRAND (E. Ehin films and the be.st service on the market and at the lowest pos.sl- ger, mgr.l Yon Yonson 31; Miss Petticoats Feb. ble cost! 1: Hniiisn Hearts 8; W.-allh sl.l lAiverty 7. KEOKUK.—GRAND OPERA lOM SE (D. I.. Hugbea, mgr.) Montana 28: Girls 27: A >u Yoii- son .30; Miss Petticoats Feb. 3; Hiini'ti II irts CARL LAEMMLK. President 5. ROLLAWAY RINK (King A Willmering. mgrs.) Roller skating. t OUR SPECIALTY TIITC NEWTON.—I.ISTER S OPERA HOUSE, ton Yonson 27: UniKT Siaifhern Skies Feh. 10. HI6HC»A0t DtIPLY ETCHED VU I O OTTUMWA—GRAND OPERA Hoi s'.; (J h NATIONAL ENGRAVING CO. , Frank Jenu-y. mgr.) Miss Petticoats 2*’. Mon tana 27; Y’on Yimson '29; Human Hearts :10: Parsifal Feb. 4; Paid In Full 5. GARRICK (Geo. Wohlwcnd. mgr.) Geo. Hillman and h|s Headquarters, 196-198 Lake Street, CHICAGO Reilpath Napani'es. Julian and Dyer, KInker. Hmiston. Chas. Hay. moving picture# and songs MEN—The SImuliDKo, a big mon- week of 25; Msius and Marette. Emmons, Em Big Hustling Offices in: »)(i * tblla. and awcll iwlnllng erson and Emmonds. Bob Pnrvis. Jennings an.l Wa, III). (mainniltW-dl. $.35. Jewel, Wm. Fields. Shas. Hay and moving pic Omaha, lib. Memphis, Tenn. Minneapolis, Mina. Salt Lake City, Utah. «ai Sh.a t.u> . Nalson. I Coga- turea week of Feb. t. No. Cunbridgo. Mass. BED OAK.— RYSEARSON OPERA HOUSE Portland, Ora. Montreal, Quebec. Eyansville, Ind. Winnipeg, Manitoba (U M Beardsley A Son. mgrs.) Mshsra's Min •SOLD EVEBYWHEBE— str.ds 27: Two Johna Fob. 3. COMET (Mr. Prlesaman. mgr.) The Great Renos and Jean I AM A JOBBER OF POWER’S MACHINES.

ABSOLUTELY OUABANTXXD. (Continued on page so Xl^e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Hurrl*. Sum: Kn route with John W. Vogel'ii ■ ROUTES. Mliintreld. Si‘e .Mln»trel Uoiite». Iliiwk. Karl: Kn route with the Carl W. ‘ (Contlnneil from page ‘27.) Cook Stock Co. See Dramatic Koutea. PERFORMERS Ha.rea & (Irahiini: Kii riaite with John W. Vo- Hathaway & Siegel (Orphenm): Mlnneaitolls, (fel’s Minstrels. See .Minstrel Itoiiles. .M Inn. Our Bis Band Catalo( riynn. Karl (Dijon): Muskegon, Mleh., 15- lleal.v. Jeff & Kaverii; Kn rimle with Klee & Hall & Pra.v (ITemler): Xewbnryport. Mass. 17; (Dijtat) Denton Harbor 18-20. Harton'a lienn) t: Denver. Col. Ileaston. Hill.v (Start; Charleroi, I’a.. imlef. Pa. Galloway. Bert (Harris); Draddock, Pa.. Ilecker. Kreil.lie \V. (Parlor); Suue'lor, Wia.. Hamilton. Ollle (Lyric): Macon, Ga. Nov. 2;i, Indef Xov. 2:1, Imlef. Hmtsion, Frits Ryan (Varletlesi: Canton. Ill. Gilman. Harry A. (Casino Rink): Hiaiston. Helre); San Fran¬ Holson. Ceeele, & Boys (Gaiety): SprlngtleM, Tex., Indef. cisco. Ciil., Jan. 2.">, Imlef. III. Henehe.v, Win.: Kn route with I'olly of the \ New Gorilon. Irnia (Kansas City Hi|tpndromc): Kan¬ Hnghea & Cole (Bljont: Reading, Pa. Lyoa sas City. Mo., Imlef. Clnns Kastern Co. Sw Dramatic Uontes. Hialge. Ilobt. Henry (Orphenm i: Fasten, Pa. Ilewlette. Dob & Mae (Stamlanl): Ft. Worth. Harris & Hililanl (I'niipiet; Des Moines, la. A Gosa. John; Kn route with Vogel's Minstrels. ! Haaly See Minstrel Rcaites. Te\.. Indef. Ilerlmrt Sc Vanct‘ (Alamo): Birmingham, Ala.; Hoerlein Illll.-in (Palace): I.omlon, Kiir., Jan. (Orithennt) Montgomery 15-20. Duplex Graham & Dent (Tivoli): .Sydney, Australia. Comet Jan. .'10 May 50. IS Feb. 27. Hunter A Duncan (Lyric); I'niontown. Pa.. Ilolilen A);nes (Sliie's); Kokomo, Iml., In- 8 10. (Family) Draddock ll-l.'l; (iVellaml) lead* all Graham, R. A. (Grami); Pendleton, (Ire., In¬ In popD- def. tlef. Morg.intown. W. Va., 15-17; (Casino) Graf¬ Graydon, Blanche (Fifth Ave.): St. Cloud. Ilowaril, Edna (Crystal): I»f;ans|Hirt. Ind., In¬ ton. Pa., 18 20. Minn., Seiit. 7. Indef. def. Hays. Ed.. & Clarence (Grand): Joliet, 111.; Grlmtn & Satchel: (Emidre); Cheyenne, Wyo.; Hvlands, Three; Caljtary, Alta., Can., Jan. (North Ave.) Chicago 15-20. (Kmidre) Laramie 15-20. 2.' Feb. 27. Heinrich. C. K. (Crystal): Decatur, 111., Olrdeller's Dogs (.National); San Francisco. Ilntchison. Oracle May (Crystal): Frankfort. Hailji, Educated Horse (Casino): Allegheny, L Every Itand will asv* aaoaey Cal.; (FellI Oakland 14'20. Ind.; (CrystalI .\mlerson 15 27. t 'vV and get lietter qoallty Inatra- Hyde. Dob & Dertha (C.em): Ore«‘nsl»oro. N. Hallen & Hayes (G. O. H.); Indianapolis. V yCk. menu Inr sending for a com. Garden City Trio (Powers (). ID; llibhlng. \ ^ FRF.R. Write XodayT^ Minn.: (Family) Superior. Wls., 15-20. C.; (Messenper D. H.) Ooldsboro 1.5-20. Ind. ] Harris Dros., Thn“e (Start: Donora. Pa., 8 >mWh LYON A NCALV Gordon & Marx (Majestic): Lincoln, Xeh.; Hayes. Brent (Star); Monessen. Pa. 9 Adama 8t., CHICacdriLL. (Orphenm) .Sioux City, la., 15 20. Dt; (Start Monessen 11-13: (Star) Charleroi Herman. Prof. (National); Stenltenvllle, O. Gossans. Bobby (Lyceum): Meadvllle, Pa.; 15-t7: (Gem) Mononpabela lS-20. Dies A TakI: Moss & Stoll Tour, Kng., ‘20, In- (Fantlly) Warren 15'20. Hittcbls.ms. Tliree (Crystalt: Frankfort. Ind.; • d.'f. Gabriel. Kid. & Co. (Pantages'l: Seattle. (Crystali Anderson 15 20. Italian Trio (Orphenm): Memphis, Tenn.; (Or Wash.; (Pantages’l Vancouver, B. C., Can., ; Henderson & Thomas (Cniont; Bangor, Me.; plienmi New Orleans, La.. 15-‘20. : (Combine) I.ynn. Ma«s. 15-20. Irvl’ig. Musical (Majestic): Houston. Tex.: Darken Your Gray Hair Galettl’s Monkevs, No. 1 (.Majestic): Houston, 'mu & Ackermann (Family t: Minneapolis. (Malestlel Galveston 15-20. DUBY’S HAIR COLORINQ HERBS Tex.; (lyric) Alton. Ill., 15*20. Minn.: (Grind Family) Fargo. X. D., 15-20. Imiierlal Minstrels (G. O. H.): Grand Rapids. DUBY’S rwwi^r** (riy, eirrAfee^ •r bAir i* li« AAtarB; Hnfford & Chaine (Majestic): Crawfonlsvllle, Mich. brAuiy MfioeM PrcvvBU lb* bAlr rr«A Gllkey, Etbel (Majestic): Birmingham, Ala.; I HAIR ' fftlilDC Attiv prABoit lio grAWib. preYwou dbbdnff (.Majestic) Little Rock. Ark., 1.5 20. Ind.: (Gaiety) Indianapolis 15-20. Jenks * Clifford (Victoria): Wheeling. W. ' Ifobm-s. Seven (Maryland): Baltimore, Md.: HERBS AB'1 lh»- bbtr 4 AAfl. «!•••* bdd b^AJtby bp Grant. D))rt A Bertha (Keith's): Boston, Mass.; Va.: (National) Steubenville. O.. 15-‘20. p'braoeb It will mmi btala MBlp. !• (Keith’s) Portland. Me., 15-20. (Colonial) Xorfolk. Va.. 15-20. Julian A Dyer (Varieties); Canton. 111.; (Star) . Bbd 1« bomTMi*r4 «f rMtd. b»tb«. b«rk« bs-i flowtrt Gocalale. Geo. G. (Arcade): Brownsville, Pa.; Hymaek. Mr. (Poll's): Xew Haven. Conn.; Chicago 1.5-20. PbcWb^ BiBkM plat. It pro'tbC' ib# okmi loiuriaat (.Star) Tarentnm 14-20. (Poll’s) Worcester, Mass.. 15-20. July A Paka (Jacques): Waterbury, Conn.: irr-A^w frwot rirf. «'bf** ab t vtrj bbir. bb«i b'lbg bark ib» bblor |% •rigibAlIv «b« b'fnr# it i«roH| gra?. Pbckaga ^8ipal-l far t5 Gray, Fred. A Nellie Grahani (Orphenm): Hamilton & Ronca (Majestic): Ann Arbor. (Poll’s) Worcestre, Mass., 15-20. Butte. .Mont.: (Orphenm) Spokane, Wash., Mich.; (Start Chicago. III.. 15-20. Jennings A Renfrew (Bennett’s); Hamilton. OZARK HKRBC'O* Desk 5 Ht. I.oala, Jio 15 20. Hughes. Dergere Sisters & Olcott: Montgom Can.: (Dennett's) Ottawa 15-20. Godfrey A Henderson (Dominion): Winni¬ ery. Ala.: Pensacola. Fla., 15 20. Jerge. Abs-ne A Hamilton (Orphenm); Lima, peg. Can. Hamilton Sisters (Drphenm): Kingston. X. Y.: ().; (Phillips) Richmond. Ind., 15-17; (Broad Goldsmith A Hopive (Orphenm): Pordand, Ore. (Xotelty) Brooklyn. 15-20. way) Middletown. O.. 18-20. Gray A Van Lien (Arcade): Toledo. O. Herne. Julie (Orphenm): Oakland, Cal.; Or- Jerome A Hunter (Empire): Indianapolis, Ind.; Gordons, Bounding (Keith’s): Philadelphia, phenm) 1.0S Angeles 14-27. (Ducklnghain) Igmisville, Ky.. 14-20. Pa. Hoffmans. Cycling (Grand Family): Fargo, N. Jules A Marron (Luhin): Philadelphia, Pa.; Oreve A Green (Stone): Flint, Mich. D.: (Dllnn) I.aCrosse, Wis., 15-20. (Victoria) Baltimore. Md., 15-20. Gale. Ernie (FaniUy): Cleveland. O. Harts. The (l.ycenmt: Calgary. Can.; (Lyric) Josettls. The (Bennett’s): Hamilton. Can.; Granville. Taylor, in The Star Bout (Poll's): (Temple) Detroit. Mich.. 15-20. New Haven. Conn. Jerome. Von J.: Indianapolis, Ind.; Louisville, Gardiner A Vincent (Haymarket): Chicago. Kv., 15 20 Vaudeville Show Jolly. Edward. A Winifred Wild (Colonial): Gennaro, and His Venetian Gondoliers’ Band I Norfolk, Va. (G. O. 11.); Indianapolis, Ind.; (Columbia) | Janis A Martyn (Grand): Tacoma. Wash. Cincinnati, O., 14 20. Johnson Bros. A Johnson (Puritan); Fall River, FOR SALE=ANIMALS Gerkcn. Ed. (Sena Soucl): Key West, Ela.;| Johnstown, Mass.; (Star) Westerl.v. R. I., 15-20. 1 Bull Buffalo, flue; 1 pair Elks; 1 female bog (Orphenm) Miami 14-‘20. i Jennings A Jewell (Family); Muscatine. la. De-*)-; 1 Tiger, tliie; 1 female Jaguar; 1 Strl|ied Gardner A Bees (Majestic): Galveston, Tex. Jacolis A Sardel (I.yric); Danville. 111. ■ Hyena; I male Alaskan Wolf; 2 female Coyote#* Glose. Augusta (Orphenm): Memphla, Tenn.; 1 Johnson. Carroll (Empire): Hoboken, N. J.; 1 uinie B'ack Bear; 1 male Cinnamon Ih-ar; 2 (Orphenm) Xew Orleans, La., 15‘20. ! (Empire) Paterson 15-20. Cidlarcd Pt‘<'arrles: I .Moi>s<‘, male; 2 large Goodhue. O. L. (Family): Kane. Pa.; 8-10; .Jefferson. Cecil (I.yric): I’rbana. O., 8-10; Eagles; Owls, Hawks, etc. Will 8»dl ar-parat# (Family) Wawm 11-13: (Orpheum) Frank or as a whole. Iln 15-17: (Orpheum) Oil City 18-20. A. C. HARRAXAN, Springflald, Ohio. Gilroy. Haynes A Montgomery (Orpheum): Reading. Pa., 15 20. Gliden Sisters. Three (Clark’s): Jacksonville, Fla.; (Orpheum) Tampa 15-20. Gould A RIee (Music Halil: Woonsocket, R. I. Gates A Blake (Keith’s): Woonsockett, R. I. WANTED Gllane, Alllc (Keith’s); Columbus, O. Double and Single Musical, Vocal and Inatrn Goforth A Doyle (Bijou): Bayonne, N. J. mental Acta at all timea. COMET AMDSE Gooilman. Joe (Grand); Niagara Falls. N. T., MENT CO.. Red Oak, Iowa. 8-tO; (Family) St. Catherines, Can.. 11-13. Golden Troupe (Gaiety): Washington, D. C. Gabbert A Gabbert (Novelty): W)K)dward. Ok- la.; (Little Page) Anthony, Kan., 14 20. Ooeta. Nat (Lyceum); Cincinnati. O. Gaylor. Charles (Vaudeville): Wilmington, N. Slot Machines C.: (Vaudeville) Charlotte 15-20. Grlgolatl'a Aerial Ballet (Columbia): Cincin¬ Phonographs, Miitoscoirea, Dn>p Picture#. Anto nati, O. inatic Pianos; also 1 Fratl Orchestrion, aod # Gascogne Cadeta (Mary Anderson): LouisTille, great many other slot machines for ssle very Ky. cheap. VAl.KNM, 110 3rd .Xve., New York City. Hall A Harold: Ft. Worth, Tex., Indef. Halperin, Nan: En route with the Raymond Hayter A Janet (Palace); Brandon, Can.; Teal Musical Comedy Co. See Musical Routes. (Cnlque) Regina 15-20. Hamer, Guy, A Co. (Cameraphone): Omaha, Harris, Charley (Majestic): Houston. Tex.; FOR SALE or LEASE Neh., Dec. 7, Indef. (Majestic) Galveston 15-20. Haney, Wm.: En route with the Railroad Jack Hlllyers, Three (Orpheum); Pensacola, Fla., Vaudeville Theitre; seating capacity 450; two Co. See Dramatic Routes. 15 20. •5c Thealrca. seating capacity '2.50 each. In city Harconrt.’ Frank; En route with a Bunch of Haven. Regal, A Baby Kathleen (Casino): Al¬ of IS.CSN) isqiiilatlon; o|)en ever.y night and ar Keys Co. See Musical Ro)itea. toona. Pa.: (Casino): Washington 15-17 (Star) terniMins. If yon doubt the business, come and Harmonious Four (Gem); St. Louis. Mo., In¬ Xew Kensington 18-20. m-e yourself. Everything up-to-ilate and run¬ ning now. Besson for selling, other opportun¬ def. Hlbbert A Warren (Orpheum); Los .Viigeles, ities. C. R. CI.AKK, Ironton, Ohio. Harrison, Al.; En route with Follies of the Cal. Dsy. See Burlesrpie Routes. Hill A Whitaker (Keith’s Hlppwlrome): Cleve Harrison, I.eo F.; En route with the Midnight land. O.; (Majestic) Chicago. III., 15-20. Flyer Co. S*-e Dramatic Routes. Harris, Hattie (Weak’s): Kensington, Pa. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE NEW HOWELL THEATRE, PALATKA, FLA, A MARTELODS SYNCHIROSCOPE. Price. lUO. The tlrst money takes It; good as new ; been used very little; goork City siclaiis, all Hues. wrll>‘. Tom Wbsli'liian. W. A. Kiirtl«-Dii>pse Docs (Grind Etmlly): Fargo, N. Elbr. write. TOM FRANKLIN NYK, San An D.; (Bllnii) B|sm«r' k 15 2ft. toiilo, Texas. Kstifinsn Bros. (Orpheum): .\1Ietitown. Pa.; (Orpheum) Reading 15 2ft. Keegan Sc Nfsek (t’lt' kinehani): Li>nlsvllle. WANTED-A HUSTLER Kv.t (I»i-ot,le’s) CineinnstI O., 15’20. Kean*-. .1. Warren (Poll’s): Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; to manage a Moving Picture house; will sell (I’oli’s) Scranton. 15 2ft. h.alf Interest to right party. State ability and Keene A .(dims (Oriibeum): Oakland. Cal. hal.lts in first letter. W. RAINSFORD, 323 K

Knight. Hsrlan (.Xuditorlum): I.ynn. Mass. WANTED Lady of gisal ap|H>araiir4> I# play or Kennepty Joe (Spinerba): Augusta. Ga. fake piano for traveling picture show. Steady einployiiu'ut; have not riosetl In four years. Krin A Krlus (Eiep-trlei; Falrmp>nt, W. Va., Week staiiila; slate a'l iiml lowest salary. R. 8 tft: (Odeprn) Clsrkstuirg 11 13. I.. HP.SSEI.I., S.vlv.ster, Ga. Krsfft A Mvrtle (O. II,): Rblgwav. Pa.; (Star) I.atrolpe 15 2ft. XERRY-OO-ROUND WANTED—Fine fnilt laml King A Mison (Combiue); Dp'trolf. Mich. or gPHHl resblenee proiapriy to trade fpir merry- KInsons The (Ort>hp>um); Kansas City. Mo. go-rpiiiiipl. Particulars quick. J. H. CIIESSL’T. I/sMase Drrps.. Tliree (Casino); Buenos Ayres, Grarette, Ark. Spsith Amer'ca. Dec. 1. Indef. Thp- Xew Howell Theatre, of Palatka, Fla., iindp-r the management of .Mr. U. C. Howell, f.amrHint, Harry H.r En route with the Merry WANTED Fat Man’s Riihlrer Suit: stale cpimll Is pine of the eogb-st of modern theatres and sp'ats WS) pp-ofde. The above cut sbppws hnt Mabtens. S«*e Diirb'sppie Rpaites. Hon and lowest priee. Answer at oncp-. I,EOS the stage ami a small part of the bouse. In Its apppilntments the theatre has ample dressing I.sneaster. Tran (Orpheum); Savannah. Oa., Alt!) VAN LKEUWE. 287 N. Main St.. Ibis nwma and modern conveniences. The management U now booking the aeaspin of IPiai ttltO. Tan 25 Ep Ip. 27. ware. Ohio. FEBRUARY 13, 1909, Xl\c Billboard

fjin.- Trio. Kn route with John W. VoRel’* Madleon Siuare Fisir: E) nsite with the Stisl \lS»'o .MInxtrol I^>llt^•*. dart Slis k Co. .See Dram.itle Routca. ili'or)!)* (CrjHtiili: Hotifonl. Inil.. Imhf. M.illen. tire.it: Cidon. Patiiina. Nov. I!). |n,lcf. lAT’iir I.ihIIIo: Kn route »llh the John tJrIf Marlon A Tbonipsoii: Kn route with the Bun tltii t'o. S*-f DmuiitU- Uouloe. away Girls. S«-e Bnrl.-s |ue Biiii., Imlef I Mason A Doran (Sheedy'a Pleasant St.): Fall t.r\ t rr Ai I,.-i.ler: New Orleaim. I,a.. Inilef. ' River, .dass., in.lef. L.«l' & la-al ijtton: Kn naile with Wllllania’ May. Gracie. A Little Jack; En route with the 'I'lie large profits secured at small expense induce liiiiierKila. S«'e ftiirleenue Koutea. Peo|de's SitH’k Co. See Dramatic Rtaitcs. C.itlit 1)1* k; Kn route with a Koyal Slave. Melvins. Tliree; Kn route with the Brigadiers. many to take up this form of entertainment. S. e Itraiiiatle Koutea. i See Burlcsipie Ruiiles. Unler. .\l.irKiirlel: Kn route with Hana & Nln . Merrinian Sisters: Kii route with the Bebiuaii .An Kdison Kinetoscofje puts an exhibitor in a // * ^ \\ ('ll Si-e llraiiiatic Kmitea. .Sliow. See I'.urlesipie Routes. Lyr.-i. Three; Kn route with the Kaahluu Mllliril Brin*., Bill A Bob: En route with the class by himself. Its brilliant work, safety, sim- \ V |•|a^eH See IlurleM|iie Koutea. Cracker Jacks. .S.-e BurlesrU, N. 11.# .\musement Co. S*-e Mblway Biaites. MoiiarcU Coiiieily Four: Eu r*mte wltli (lie Girls use it a decidevi 'advantage. If yon are going into lielch Male (I’roetor’a): Albany, N. Y.; (Km fpHi) llaii|i.v laml. .S<-e Biirles.pie Routes. Pricet: iilrei llolMikeii, N J., 1.'» l*tl. Mo’itagiie. Iiiex (rnb|Uet: .Mitiliea|K>lis, .Mlun.. ilie field, start with the best equipment. If yon Pricet: La Tour, lie.ie. & l»o(t Zaia (Bennett'al: llam . Inib-f. From $90 to S22S llton Can.; (Heuuett’al Montreal lo'Jit. Mo ilagiic, Mona (Tbe Clubi :Tuoluiune, Cal.. are in it and want to keep your profits where they Lmmui. Herbert K. (Varletleai: Terre Haute. Dec. 21, Imlef. should he, learn about the Kinetoscope. /Xmong Complips .withwith FireFir* Inil.; (.Majeatlct Kvanavllle 15'JU. Moran A Weisi-r (Winter Garten I: Ib'rlln. M isj. , ^ . T r> RcifulationeHpKUl&tionA of allell (,e('oiii|it, W. S. (L.vrlei: Mobile, Ala.; (Ma- Ger.. FVb. 1 '28; (.kiadloi Nurembiirg March Je'tlei MontKoniery I5TJO. 1 H. • -Mr, Ldison s many recent improvements is a cities. LI'Inioton. Itarhl, & Co. (Granilt: Marlon, Morris. Johnny: Eu rhy A Wlllanl I Bijout: Jackson, Mich.; Are full of life and action. The subjects are well chosen and acted out before th® ll.yeeiimi Clnelnnatl, O., 14-20. iMaJestIci Aiiu Artmr 15-20. Lyrle CiHiieily Kcmr. (Iriginal (Aveniiei: I.oula- .Mortoo-Jewell Trou|)e iTeni|ile); Detroit. Mich.; camera by good talent. New films are issued each week, ranging from thrilling melo¬ Tille. Ky.; (Cievelandl Cleveland. G., 15-20. iCook's (). H.) R.H hcster, N. Y.. 13'20. Loralne (laear (Shea'ai: Toronto, Can.; (Lyr- Melrose A Kenmnly tPoll'si; Bridgeport. Conn.; drama to bright and amusing comedy. The subjects are always clean, giving offense lei llaytoii, (>., 15 20. iPull'si S|irtngtleld. Mass., 15-'2tt. to none. Let us put you on our mailing list for weekly bulletins. l-^laenrlnga. Tliive: .Marion. O., 8-10; Mt. Ver¬ .Mortlock. Alice. A Co. iGrand Family): Far¬ non II 1:1: Siirlngfleld 15-20. go. N. D.: |Or|ibeum) Rca-kford, III., 15-'20. Lloyd. Hugh (Kelth'at: Cleveland. O.; Milton. laila. Trio l.MaJestlo: Birmingham. NEW SUBJECTS NEXT WEEK’S SUBJECTS (Keftb'ai Columbua 15-20. Ala.: (.Majestic) Little Kia'k, Ark.. 15-20. Sbipmvnt, Feb. 9, 1910. LaTeil ItriM. (I'rineeast: Coshocton. O.; (Em- ; .Makarenko's Duo (Gaiety): Washington, D. C.; Shipment. Feb. IS. ItkiS. (ilrei Ironton 15 2(1. iGab-ty) Pitlshurg. Pa., I5-'20. A BACHELOR’S SUPPER Marcello IPoM'bi: Scranton, Pa.; (Poll’s) Wil¬ A DAUGHTER OF THE SUN LaFleiir. Great (iiriiheum): Sioux City, la.; Draiuatic. Dramatic. (oniheumi Omaha, Neb., 14-20. kes-Barre 15-'20. Monroe A M.ick (Shuhert): L'tica, N. Y.; (Proc¬ No. 6420. Code, Veiigefulljr. App. I4{th. 850 ft. No. 6422. Code, Vrngereaae. App. I.*th. 850 ft. LaMolnea. Miiaieal (Noveltyl: Stockton. Cal.; tor's) Albany 15''20. (NationalI San Pranelseo 14-20. Maxim's Misicia iBIJnu); Bay City. Mich.; letflngwell. Nat. A Loulae Myera Bruce Co. (Grand) Crand Raphla 13-'20. Shipment, Feb. 12. 1909. Shipment, Feb. 19. 1900. IGrandi: Tacoma, Wash.; (Grand) l‘ort- McGee. Joe B., May Methane, A Her College land. Ore., 15 20. Girls (Dominion) Winnipeg. Can.; (Majestic) THE SALESLADY’S MATINEE IDOL THE UPLIFTING OF MR. BARKER Love Waltf (Boll't): Worceater, Maas.; Minneapolis. Minn., 15-20. Comedy. Comevly. iKelth'ai |•rovldenee. R. I., 15-20. Moulton. Harry I Family); Cleveland. O.: No. 6421. Code, Bengeona. Ajip. Lgth. 900 ft. No. 642.'L Cvjle, Vengeriona. App. Lgth. 900 ft. Lomlon Johnniea (I'oH'ai: Hartford. Conn.,, lPr)no-ss) Youngstown 15-17; (Lee’s) Rsven- (Shuherti I’tIca, N. Y., 15-20. na 18 20. ALL ORDERS FILLED IH ROTATION LaBonI A Kyeraon (lllppodromet: (.exlngton. Mnokln (OrpheumI: Portland. Ore., 15-20. Kv.; ((Irpheumt Portammith. O., 15-20. Moxarta. I’Vsl A Evs t.MaJestlci: Beaumont. Lawrence. Great. Co. (Bl)oat: Ft. Rldgley, Tex.; (Follyl Oklahoma City. Okla.. 15-20. Can.; (Rl)04 Wabash ATaaaa. laK-laIr .% Samiiaon (Orphenm) Kansas City, ' (Majestic) JMlwaukee. Wla., 15-20. .Mo.; (Oriiheumi Omaha, Neh.. 15-20. .McDonald A Huntington (Orpheum): Butte. Ofllcs for United Kingdom; l.aMnthe Trio (lileai: Fond dn (..ac, Wls. .Mont.: (Orpheum) S|M>kane. Wash.. 15'20. Edison Works, Victoria Road, Willotden, London, N. W,, England. I.yne. James (Lyric): Brady, Tex. Murray Slaters (Onih*'uro(; Oakland. Cal.; (Or¬ pbeumi I.os Augeles 15-27. SFII ING AfiFNTq ’ WATERS, 41 E. 21at St., New Y’ork. lairralne A Howell (Royal); Galveston, Tex. ■ Meluotte Twins A Clay Smith (Orpheum): 70 T)irk St., San Frnncltco, Cnl. laS’lalr. John (Start: Seattle. Wash. Omaha, Neb.; (Orpheum) Sioux City, la., 14- I.onile A Tilly (Trent): Trenton. N. J. DEALERS IN ALL I’RINCH’AL CITIES. 20. lails (El'*ctrlc): Apalachicola, Fla. Mtley. Kathryn (Mohawk): Schenectady, N. Y.: I.nblna. FiHir Dancing (Lyric): Muskogee. Ok- (Armory) Binghamton 15-20. la. .Metnren Sistera. Three (Bijou); Plqua, 0., 8- Lew la A Chapin (Majestic): Lincoln. Neh. 10: )0. ID Greenville 11-1.1. Latell. F.dwin (Orpbeumi: Salt Lake City,' Martinettle A Slyvester (Proctor’s 125th St.): $33.00 Profit rtah. 14 20. New York City; (Keith's) Pblladelphls. Pa.. This Is what one man mavle in a single day l..i('lalr A West: New Orleans, La. 15 20. la Roy. Mlldreal (Bijou); Valley City. N. D. Murphy. Mr. A Mrs. Mark (Majestic): Johna- operating I.aiigdona. The (Majestic): Cedar Rapids, la. town. Pa.: (Shea's) Buffalo, N. Y., 15-20. laa-ih. .41. (Keith's): Providence, K. 1. Myera A Rosa (Proctor’s): Troy, N. Y.; THE “W NDER CANNON” LhFayettel.amont Co. (Main St.): Peoria. III. (Colonial) I.awrence. Mass.; 15-'20. Laalty'a Planophlends (.Majestic): Joltnstown. Merritt Sistera (Majestic): Galveston, Tex.; PHOTO BUTTON MACHINE Pa.; (Keith'S) Philadelphia 15 20. (Majestic) Ft. Worth 15 20. Montambo A Bartelll (Lafayette): Buffalo, N. The only siiereaaful anvl fully guaranteed nia la-w'la A Hehr: South Norwalk, Conn.; Brls- ehiiM* on the market. I’RU'E OF MACHINE, ton 15-20. Y.: (Avenue) Dv'trolt. Mich.. 15-'20. MIett’a Dogs (Majestic); Kalamaim*. Mich.: $15.(i<). Ca|iaolty. ’2.'*0 I'hulua i»t hour. Sv'iai la-vltt A Falls (Orpbeum): Chattanooga.; In your orvler to vlay aiitl start making hig Tern. (Bllon) Battle Creek 15-20. „ , McCl.vuil A Melville (Grand): San Diego, Cal., inoiivy. No exiverleuce requlrevl. Full Instriie- I.onar-I. James A Sadie, A Richard Ander«on (Grand) F.l Paso. Tex., 15-27. tlona with each oiitet. Frlv-e of complete ontllt, which Includes the necessary auppilea for mak • Columbia): Clnclunatl, O.; (Majestic) .Mil .McTlulre. Tutx (Varieties): Canton, Ill.; (Star) ing :tll(l hiiishni photos, >’25.."vU. (I'bvilos sell st lUo and I.5o each, va-llb gobl (ilaied frame). wank.-e. Wls., 15 20. Chicago 15 20. ... Small investment; 4481% profft. Write for particulara. >lti de|s>slt required with order; baJanco ta-w'ls A Green (Orjiheum): New Orleans, La. Marshall Bn>s. (Scenic): Chelsea. Mass., Ia«lle. Geo. W.. A Co.. In The Nake»l Truth (Scenic) Taunton 15-20. . • Orpheum); Butte. Mont., 1.1-20. Mlakcl. Hunt A Miller tVarieties): Terre Haute, Latine. Gen. Ed. (Kmplre): Hoboken, N. J.: Ind.: (Masonic Temide) Ft. V\ a.viie IS W THE CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. (F.)nidret Paterson 15 20. Murrav A Murray (Vandette): Herrin. III.. (Sole owners of patents. Beware of Infringers), Lasky a Military Octette (O. O. ID: Pitts (Caalnol CartervUle 15 20. burg. Pa.; IColonlal) New York City 15-'20. Mosher Br-ui.. Thr.s* (t)rpheum): SKwjx City. Oar New Address: Lailln and Congress Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. la.: (Orpheum) Mlnneai>oIls. Minn.. l4-20 Lavkv's A Night on a Hnuselioat (Maryland): McCormack. Frank. A Co. ((^i-heutn): Slonx Balitninre. Md.; (Keith's) Philadelphia, Pa.. 15 2)) rfty. Is.; (Orpheum! St. I tul. Minn.. »»>• INDEPENDENT SEPVIcZ l.askv'n Dve Walt! (Poll's); Worcester Morris. Felice. A Co. (Orpheum): Mlnn^polls, M"'S..: (Keith's) Providence. R. 1.. 15 20 Minn.; (Dominion) Wlnnlp.‘g. Tan.. 14-20. ^ l.avkv's llotMH-s (Maryland): Baltimore. Md.: Matthews A Harris (Amlltorltim): York, la.. (Cob.ntal) Norfolk. Va.. 15 20. (Family) Shamokin 1.5-20. l.askr's At the Countr.T Club (Proctor's 5th Maitland. M fed (Main St.): Peoria. Ill.; (Tern ACME FILM EXCHANGE Ave,): New York City; (Hammersteln’s) New nh»» Ft. Wurne. 1ml.. 14 20. York City 15 '20. Majestic Singing Three (BIJovO: Dubuque, la.. l.s«kv's t'lrdlaud (Keith's): Cleveland. O.; (Pe.vpie'sl Cellar Kapids 15'20. 605 Smithfield St., Lamed Bide., • G. O. H.) Pittsburg. I*a., 1.5-20. Morris? Billy. A Sh.rwo(). Mvlle A Orth (Auditorium): Cincinnati. O. Jjinder.si Fanillv (Eillsonla): Huntsville, Ala. Mitchell A Grant tTh. atorlum): »’■ Mascagnis. Two i Ma.h-stlci: t velar Uapids la. I Light Globes, all sizes, 12c. each. Send for lists. I ejghs. The (.Vcniei: Goldsboro. N'. C. Merrlhew A Ilanev (G. O. ID' Herrin. III. I.ellli,tts Three (Poll's); New Haven, Conn.; Miller A Snvd.r (I.yceiini); Ogd.n. ' • ('olonlali New York City 15 20. Marco Twins (l’nh)Ue): MlnneaimBs. Minn. (.alettes, Fhe (Dreamland); .\nadarko. Okla McCall Trio (Oriiheumi: Tampa, , •-ruore (Majestic): Colorado Springs. Marshall. Goo. IVndlefon (Lyric): I'"’ FILMS FOR RENT. ("1.: Pueblo 15 20. M.wvltle A Mirrloft (Palace); Meni|>)ils Tenn ' *!'a""' ^ Lawrence (Orpbeum): Sioux City, MeV. Igh. Johnny. A College Girls <<’JJ We have 4(K),(100 feet of film in A-1 (Nindition for quick shipment. San Franclacv. Cal.: (Orpheum) Oakland 1.5 l.amonCs ro<'katoon (New Robinson); ('Incln I 4 films weekly, 2 in each shipment, . - - $10 (K) nitl. (). 2t*. Martin. Vine (Prlnci.ss): Colvtmhus. O. I 0 films weekly, 3 in each shipment, - - - 12 (X) Icmar.l, Grace (Malestlc): Johnstown. Pa. McDonald. Chaa. (Trent): Trenton^ N. .1 .'lcl)on.M)c,i. K.lhel (Ohnipla); Paris, Fnnce. I Mantell’a Marionette Hlppovlrome (Clneograph). 12 films weekly, 6 in each shipment, - - - 24 00 Feb. I os- (Winter Garten) Berlin. Ger. Dwlaton. Ms. One set slolos free with each shipment. Roll tickets, 10c. per thousand Film Mareb 1 51 MIPer. Mad (Star): Roanoke 5 a. McKean. Jimmie (Star): Charleroi. Pa.. Indcf M'Im.irs. The. A Baby June (Eureka), l-eth Cement, 10c. bottle. Condensers, $1.'25 pair. Repairs for all mtichines. *“-,'*‘'vo: En riaite with the Avenue Girls I bridge. Can. „ , , n M^'p ’’"'■'''"'lOe Rmites. ' Miller A Tempest (Grand): Cleveland. O. * Levering: Kn route with the Empire CO-OPERATIVE EXCHANGE, 55 Central Office Building, AKRON, OHIO. ohow. See Burles<|ue Rotites. I (Contlnuevl on page 14.) 32 Xtie Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

CORRESPONDENCE. (Ck>ntinued from page 29. i THE sROLL TICKETS KANSAS. THE BEST STOCK. EVERY ROIL BOARANTEEO WICHITA.—SKW CKAWKORI* (K. L. Mart- lliig, mgr. I I'alil In I>ill 25-29; The Virginian SPECIAL TICKETS: 29; Flaming Arrow Fel). 1; Dr. Newell Dwight, HlllU In WU'hita I.jrreiim 2; 1‘aiil (lllnion* In 50,000, $6 50; 500,000, $35.00; Ro}h of ('otn|iauy K (llrla 4; The Right of - Way 11; Itlanche Walsh In The Teat 12; The 109,C00, $10.00; 1,000,000, $60.00. Cow Ihincher i:i; NR.ntana 17; W. H. I’atton 2i; A Knight for a Day 24; Arizona 25; A Hunch SPECIAL RATES TO LARGE BUYERS. of Key* March 4; Tympeaf and Sunshine 6; , Norman llackett In Clasasmatea 8: Richard HOW CAN WE DO IT? No Rent ami I’rlngle’a Mlnatrcla 9; Florence Rola'rta In HUMAN LAUNDRY In the Ilmiap of Uoodage 12; The Traitor HI, Perfect Machinery. Stock made near¬ Lincoln at the White ilouae 19; Howe's .Mov- | by. Cash with order. No loss. You Ing lictures 20; Field'a .Minstrels 25. NKW i The Most Successfol Device Ever Placed Before the Public. don’t pay the other fellow’s bills AI DITDRII M tJ. A. Wolfe, mgr. I Wolfe Stock That’s how we do It. Stock tickets Co. Ill Ridiert Kmmett week of 2.5; The SIgu i of the Four week of 1. ORl’IIKL'.M (K. (1. D1 six cents. THE t'.XRTKK IMCKSS. son, mgr.) Advanced vaudeville, with Lucas lValH>d.v, >11188. and Garrett, K.ltle Walsh, Harrison Hros., j A Few Features: Fox and F'ox, Illustrated songs and moving pic ; lures week of 25; The Great Martyne, Kim , hall Hros., XL Alvldo and Chick Karie week of 1. Y.XLK (Jake F'rees. mgr.) Vaudeville and Low cost to operate. CS| moving idctiires, witli I.s“Roy and Mapes, The ; •Musical likes and illiistrateil songs. WON ' Moderate price to install. DKRI..\ND RINK (J. T. Nuttle, mgr.) Roller S' mm skating, wrestling match Feb 4. D<).MKST1C Oi lira D. Ilamhrlc, nigr.) Roller gkating. Patented. TOPEKA.— 8-10; .Mary’s Write at once. State lowest salary and send photograph. 1 pay all. Also want partner with Lamb, with Richard Carle 11-13. MASONIC small capital to act as secretary with one nbow, Russiai and Jap Theatre. Gooer Bres., mgrs.) The Kentuckian 8-13; East right party. F'or Sale—One Black Top, 25x90. fair condition. *50.00 complete, one-half cash laid rertsble, i day and Sumlay matinees. for Carnivals, Fairs or Parks. Or will book the two above shows with 20th Century Merry-Go Comedy Musical Act A. WOODWARD HFRR. Ronnd and a Conderman Ferris Wheel with a good company playing the South ontll June 1st. All Strong Cornet In Band; sober and reliable Ad (TYNTHIANA.—ROHS’ OPERA HOUSE (H. of above attractions located at blcComb, bliss. Address all mall to LONG’S ATTRACTIONS, dresa FRANK WEIRZ, of .New Era Floating Ps! \. Kohs, mgr.) Florence Davis In Under the Fort Wayne, Indiana. . ace, Yazmi City, Miss., Feb. 10; Vicksburg Greenwood Tree Fel^L - Miss., F'eb. 14. GLASGOW.—(HM^K_U0USE. SIb Perkins '2.S. BRADFQKH^PV.' RINK. Tuno Wag¬ FEW BARGAINS —Song Slides, good assort ner ment, at $2.60 |ier set; three good Rhooatatn, —^THEATRE. Rodney Stock Eixperienced Vaudeville Pianist 1$4.00 each; one Power No. 2 Lena, like new. ('<>LW^W?(>rlfllth Hypnotic Comedy Co. Feb. $8.00. S.-nd us the money and we do the rest IV Sis Perkins 4; Pair of Country Kids 10; CRESCENT BUPPL'Y CO., Warran, Ohio. vnnniuger Bros. 11-13. AT LIBERTY FEBRUARY 15th. MAYSVILLE.—THE WASHINGTON (Rus¬ Beet of reference. I*refer Southern engagement. Address or wire C. EMMFTTE PARKER, Yazoo Sketches, Plays, Librettos. sell. Dye A Frank, mgrs.l Glrla 29; The Witch¬ City, Miaa., Feb. 0-10; Vicktbnrg, Mita., Feb. l$-20, care New Era Shows. ing Hour Feb. 5; The Wolf 12. PRINCESS A oucceaaful author of plays will accept ■ RIN’K (Brown A Everett, mgra) Lodge K. of limited budiImt of contracts for Sketches, Playe P. Carnival week of Feb. 1. or Booka for 0|>era or .Mualcal Comedy. Addrcae MOROANFIELD.—GRAND (Pedlay A Burch, To Lease Small Z. Y. Z., oara Tha BillbMrd. mgrs.) Xlerry New York Maid 27; Dillingham Stock Co. Feh. 1-3; Sis Perkins 6. MAYFIELD.—UNIQUE (T. L. McNutt, mgr.) WANTED Railroad Show M. W. A. Minstrels (local) 29; The Wayne Co. Mnst be fully equipped and In gos, 8 candle power, voltage TRICK FREE can he changed; price tow, about half coat. Address i DP iDCIndlng Illtistrated Catalog. Send 4c In ataiDpa MAGIC DEPT 2. 270 W 3»tb St.. New York C. SWING, Pentiao Hotel, St. Loula. Mo. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

srvU tlipw rarrell. |>rop.( VaudevtU*- and 'TTTk book of lunch specialties contains recl|)es for iii; |ilctur»«. Tamales (4 kinds). Chill Con Came (4 klmls). Ilmento 'AINCHESTEB.—TIIKATKE. Witching Hour Con Came. Chinese Ch«>(> Siiey. Hamburger Nteak, Hamburger Sausages. Consy I t Florence Davla In I’nder the (ireenwixxl JENNINGS.—THE ARDKMFLS (W. I). Llegon. Island “Red Huts.” Frankfurt Sausages. Rice Jaiiiboll, Pigs In Blankets, and Vr . The Wolf 8; The Uooil Fellow 11; The mgr.) The Glng.rluead .Man 3t); Mahara's .Min 11 other Oyster siwiclaltles. 7 different Waffle reel|ws. Potato Grltldle Cakes. I I, . ni'i.l the Mmiae March ll; Vogel’a Mlnatrela Strels Feb. 1; Emery Cmnclv Co. The Lion 21 different Samlwiches. 11 sugg«‘8tluns fur schisil and factory lunch boxes, ( 11,•• Man of the Hour 8; Strongheart 18. and the .Mouse 25. ORPIIEI M (.Mrs. A. .M 3 genuine .Mexican P,can Candy recl|ies. 2 .Mexican Cake recliies. Honey Owens, mgr.) Vaudeville ami moving pictures. Cakes. I'arche,! Corn. Turkish Coffee. Rosecakes. etc. Send me money order LOUISIANA. SK.ATING RINK (.Mr. Taylor, mgr.) Skating and or stamps for Il.tiO ami I will send you a ropy of this book, together with NEW 0BLEAN8.—Tl'I.ANE (T. C. Campbell, dancing. a rou|s>n entitling you to a reduction of (l.Otl on Tamale Kettles, Sausage .,er The Man of the Hour week of 1; Fifty LAFAYETTE,—JEFFERSON (C. .M. Parker Steamers, Charing Dishes, etc.. If onleri'il within 30 days. This IsMik Is worth hundreds of dollars to roadmen and others following the lunch business ? ^ - from Ih.aton week of 7. CKESW’E.NT IT. son. mgr.) The Lily and the Prince 24; Ginger (• I iini.lH-ll, mgr.I Murray and Mack In The lireail Man 2t). A. T. DIETZ. 127 Michigan St., Toledo, Ohio. Siii.iiv .'tide of Broadway week of 1; Buater MONROE.—srCARS THEATRE (Ed. Gre.n II .»u w.-*k of 7. OKrilEl M (J. Blatea, mgr.i blat. mgr.) Chas Graiiewln Feb. 2; Iler Own V til.loll Eugene and Willie Howard. Alfrwl K. l.o aiitl Co., E'our Slaters Amatla, Fire Jug Great Sin 3; The Banker’s Child 4: Just a Wo- illi.i .N.trniana, Mabel Sinclair, Flo. Adler ami ,nan's Way 7; W. B. PatHm 8. LYRIC THE iindoiiiii Million IMcturea week of 1. OKEEN .\TKE (R L. Butler, mgr.) .Moving pictures \\ \l li 111 IJreenwald, mgr.i Harry Bryant'a and vaudeville. GR.AND STREET THE.ATUE r - >;how week of 1; (Jay .New York Company (J. J. Lamou, mgr.) Moving pictures, llliistrat- ,.“k',>f ’ BLA.NEY’S LYUlC (J. V. MeStea. e,l songs and vaudeville. Daily Profits a,gr New l.yrlc Stock Co. In Ifa Nerer Too I J.. |o Meml, Blaneyacope, llluatrated songs MAINE. Printing Calling and Business ai'.k of 1; A Bagged Hero. Blaneyas, Jimmie 'Ill ItFIlT iJ. .M. Ihibba. mgr.) O. T. Craw- Lucas ami the klneti>graiib week of Feh. 1. r,.r,l'« Moving l’lctur<>s. vaudeville and Ulus ■NK’KEl (W. H. Stevens, mgr.) Marion Allen. trvtisl songs week of 7, AI.AMI) tW. F, J.ick Gurney, Warner and RIestell, Ikihert.v B'....l'‘. mgr.) Mr. Ed. La Verne Miss Belle and Fletcher, Tenny. Miss Dickson, Hughes Ui.ii 1... J Bernard Reilly. Miss Ulada Newton. Bri>a. and moving pictiir<‘s ami serfectly 120 canis |)er U)4nute, any size, from 1x2 Inch calling cards to full A .'ivL'Iiiiry. mgr.) The Gingerbread Mao 28; Mrs. Gardner Crane and Co., Cbaa. Cartmell size iMwt cards Ciait of blank cards averages 5 cents per hundred, sell readily at .'K) ceuit pei Mil Figman H; Charley Gra|>ewln 4; A Bank- ami Laura Harrla. Raven ’Trio, Ella Bradna ami hundred. Net profit on *ach J<>b, las) lo-r cent. »r'« Chll.l 9; Fifty Miles from BixtiKi 14; A Frd Derrick. Ott, Nelson tnd Stdman ami Drug stores, department stores, show windows, strwt carnivals. pa)ks anil fairs all offer Merrry New York .Maid 15; Tlie District I>*ailer Electrograph week of Feb. 1. NEW PARK (I. guo

Don’t Injure Your Hair with Old-Fa«hioaed Irons: U*e ^ The ‘‘DEL” Electric Curling Iron

A few mort good, oImr, ap-ti-daft shows^wltk aftrietlvt frents, |few "more rk <>f any eoneessliRt, wouldj alto Ilka to buy soma ^Mutoscope reels. l«d hair dr««»er > ao old- lioned curliuc Sparta, Ga., Feb, 8 13; Street Fair and Carnival.'I Monroe, Ga., .‘'treet Fair, Feb. 15-20. Carrollton, Ga., Home-Coming Week, F^. 22 27. Columbus, Ga., Eagles’ Spring Carnival, March 1-6. Cedar- town, Ga., Street Fair and Carnival, March 8-13. Rome, Ga., Roll Tickets Spring Festival, March 15-20. Dalton, Ga., Firemen’s Street Fair THE BIG TICKET and Carnival, March 22-27. Atlanta, Ga., will follow, in the heart Full Inch and a Quarter of the city, four blocks from Piedmont Hotel. It will be the biggest Your own special ticket cheaper than stock tickets. carnival ever pulled off. Two weeks. .Athens, Ga., Free Street Fair 6,000-4126 26,000—$ 6.60 and Carnival on the main streets. 10,000— 2.60 60,000— 10 00 20,000- 4.60 100,000— 14.00 WATCH US! LOOK! KEEP YOUR EYES ON US! Accurately numbered, all colors. Quick shipments. Cash with or¬ der. Get the samples. COMING!! NOW BOOKING NATIONAL TICKET CO Shamokin, Penn. Introducing extraordinary, unique and novel innoA’ations, including male choir. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS Carlton’s Canadian Band 143 WERT , NEW YORK._ E. J. Hayden & Co. 106-110 Broadway. .... BROOKLYN. I Fifteen years at one Stand writbout change of management during that time. E. J HAYDEN. Prsraldant and Manager.

( CfTAQiniT A D The Coney laland of the East. Fiw Mon Clowistnd Riding Acts. dlLAolL/lL r AlvN., old orchard beach, me. UHW)—ITS ON—GRE.YTEST BOOM F.VF.R KNOWN AT THIS RESORT—IT’S O.N—lUxl. Wire H. S. ROWE. Santa Crux. California. Insuring the biggest tesson In our history. We don’t require flaming, half page ads! Kiplultlug re|sirts will serceDtag«. Standard Park, commanding long leases. Information aud biHiklet. ...SHIPMENT OF FINE POLAR BEARS. THE MAINE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LTD. At Bargain Price*. XRUIMKS nothing but trunks TRUNKS * I right kind. .1 DR. CECIL FRENCH. Nituraliit, . . - . . WASHINGTON, 0 Special this month, |I5.00 for a Fibre Moving Picture Machine Trunk, alao Fibre One-Veneer Tbcalri- cal Trunk, new and secoxd-band, very cheap. AMUSEMENT PARK TO LET TRUIMKS~1 | XRUNKS A Kentucky Traction t'omiMiny, ofieratliig In a city of 30,(H10 Inhabitants, will leas,* an »imiM.)iient park to a res|s>nsth{e (•arty who will manage same In a manner that will draw car I IIim"*’'''' l'■'’'t haa aeventy live acr»*s, |>artly wissbal, aisl contains a lake for boating, inoig, etc.; equliqw-d with theatre, iianrlitg pavilion, hall park, etc. Address _ ’’TRACTION,” care THE BILLBOARD. EUREKA FUM EXCHANGE 317 Everett Bldg., Akron, Ohio. OETMY* Special Vaudeville Scenic Equipment Proposition fltUl doing a dim renting business at the old stand. Good Film. Ix>w Prices We are Indeveadeui bl'OENE ©OX SCENIC STUDIO, 549 Van Buren St., CHICAGO. aad you will be If yon deal with us Film for sale 8<>nd for list .Ml FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

OutMde Inn: Davenport, la. ROUTES O'Day. Ilia (Keltli'ei: I’liiladelplila. Pa. >54.00 X I’l'ik, liny; Kii nmte witli Jidin W. Vogel'* (Continued from page 31.) Minstrel*. S<‘e Minstrel Kiiiite*. The Record of the PERFORMERS Peerlf!.* yiiartet; Kii riaite with Irwln’a Ma Jestlea. See Iturlesqiie Ituute*. * CAMERA-SCOPE Marriott Twin* (Kenney’*): Brooklyn, N. Y. Perry. Prank I..: Kn route with the Senortta Mann. Billy (Bijou): Flint. Mich. Slierman t'o. See .MI«e Moore, Ueo. Austin (Majestic): UalreBton, Tex. Price. Harry .M.- Kn route with Barney (Jll- It. Aliyoue can McDowell. John & Alice Klrand): Canton, O. ' ninre. See Dramatic Itoiite*. oiH'rate It. Makes Muneta, Five (Bijou): Wiuni|H-g, ^'an. , Patton*. Three (Orpheuml: Newark, O., 8 10; 6 tliiished button Mack, Wilbur (Bennett’s): >. ..lutilun. Can.; ; (Orphenni) Mansheld ll'l.l; Itlrpbeunil Bell- pbidograph* s iiilu (Teniplei Detroit, .Mich., IS-lkl. alre 1517; (Victoria) Wheeling. W. Va.,' IS- jte. I’l-h-e of Cam¬ Miller k Egan: Toledo. O. era-Scope, with Mlacoa In Funlaiid (Savoy): Atlantic City, N. Phillips A Bergen (Family): Buffalo, N. Y.; supplies for mak¬ J.; (Mozart) Lancaster. Pa.. 15‘JO. (Lyric) Binghamton 15-20. ing 300 pictures McDonald & Carlyle (Kin|iire): Aberdeen, Wash.; Pearce Sister*. Three (Orpheum): Helena, (enough to pay for (Empire) Hoqulam 15-JU. Mont.; (Park) Butte 14-20. the complete out Hurray, Elizabeth M. (.Mary Anderson): I.K>ul*- Princes* Trixie. W. H. Barnes, owner (Or- fit.) ville, Ky.; (Columbia) Cincinnati, U., 14- phenml: Brooklyn, N. Y.; (Empire) Hoboken, —$25.00— 20. N. J., 15-20. Mack, Bobble (Majestic): Milwaukee, WIs. Primrose Q)iartet (G. O. II.): Grand Rapids, Extra biittous $1 McAllister. Hall, & Co. (.Majestic): Chicago, Mich.; (Bijou) Flint 15-2(1. per huudreil; extra III.: (Columbia) St. Louis, Mo., 15-‘J0. Payton A WilHon 10r|)lieum); Beading, Pa.; Rb'liardson*. Thn-e (Oniheiim): Ruck Island, frames $l..->0 per Mills & Morris (Pull's): Springfield, Mass.; (Orpheum) Easton 16-'J0. III.; Ottumwa, la., 15-20. gross. Be ludeia'U- (Poll’s) Worcester 15‘J0. Piauopbleuds (Majestic); Johnstown, Pa.; Itiva l.arM-n Troui>e: Nashville, Tenn.; Chat- ' deut and make Mlllman Trio (Dominion): Winnipeg, Can.; (Keith's) Philadelphia 15-20. tanooga 15-20. money for your (Majestic) Chicago, HI., 15-20. Pucka. Two (G. O. IL): Indianapolis, Ind.; Rawls A Von Kaufman (Majestic): BIrmIng- . •elf. Write to-day. Malcolm, Emma & Peter (O. O. ID: Hender¬ (Columbia) Cincinnati, O., 15-20. ham, Ala.; (Majestic) Little Rock, Ark., 15- W, 8. Mountford. son. N. C.; (ons Smith. Cecil (Crystal): Oklahoma City, Okla., —Bsnda and Orchoatns of Indef. every description Smith. Joe Potter (Family); Mahanoy City, I Pa., Jan. 2.N, indef. Smith*. Great Aerial (Scala): Coi>enhagan. Denmark. Feb. 1-28: (Hansa) Hamburg, Ger., March 1-31. Spangler, Harry H. (Auditorium): Latrobe, Pa., Indef. Spencer, Hugh (Castle): Bloomington. 111.. In def. Spimeer. Walter: En route with the People's Stock Co. See Dramatic Routes. ; S|)N*ell Bros. A .Mack (Ai»ollo); Nuremburg. I Ger., Feb. I-28. I Stewart. Comedy (Orpheum i; Cambridge, O.. Indef. Only Still City Quartet: En route with -Mlsa .New York, Jr. See Burles

3’he Bucklen Theatre, Elkhart, Ind., Is under the management of Mr. IL O. Sommera. the lessee, and being a thoroughly modern theatre. a<-atlng l.O'JS i>eopIe, la playing some of the best attractions on the road. Mr. F. 8. Timmins, the l

k OoulJ (Alh»nibr«): Now York City: j Valdare. Beadle. Troi)i>i (Kelth'a): Cleveland. Wnchlmtl.m. I». C.. 15 20. ().; (Kelth'a) Columbna Iff-'JO. Sll'-an. Tlio (Honuetl'm: Ottawa, Can.; (Hon- Veronica A Hurl Falla (Bennett'a): MontrejI. . ifHi llainlltun 15 20. Can.; (Trent) Trentfsi. N. J., 1.5-20. itwUkiril*. Hio (Novoltyl: Vallejo. Cal.; Vlctortne. Mervyn (l'nlip)e): Dlekinaon. N. D.; ■ Walkori I.'« .XiiRolo* 14 20. IV.mdeville) M)Iea City, Mont.. 15 20. Snillti f*no (Orphouin): Now Orleana. I,a. VIrlana. Two (Hay market i: Chicago, Ill MU I.lltio (ilrl* A A Todily Bear (Orphoiiiii): Van Pelt. Erneat. A Co. (On-heum): New Or It Will Always Be Our Policy .SiHikHiio. Wa-ih.: (Oriihoiim) Hoattle 15-20. leana. La. S».>r Hnia. (Ol.vinr>IPt; Chlcafo, III.; (('oliim- Verona ID. H.): Homell. X. Y.; (O. H.) Corn SI. l»iiN. Mo.. 15-20. Ing 15'20. MlrlM>r I'lr- i (). H ): R.a-h.-ater. N. V.. 15 20. Make shipments in ample time to avoid delays. "i-iisi: Kanaaa Clt.r. Mo.: (Royal'a Imloor Van. Charlea A Fannie (Orpheum): Seattle, Clrnisi St. Joaeph l.'V-20. Waali. Avoid REPEATERS. SiiMuna. rrlncoaa |S<-onlr Temple!: K. Boa- Van. Cbaa. C. (Kelth'a): Boaton. Maaa. ton. Maaa.; (O. II.) Hartford. Conn.. 15 20, Violetta. Jolly (On>h<'nm); St. Paul, Minn. Sullivan Hrlllera. Five Mnalcal (Proctor'a 5th Are.): WeBa. le-w (Trent): Trenton. N. J.; (Colo¬ FILM SERVICE New York City. nial) Norfolk. Va.. 1.5'20. SiilH-ra. tiulle (.MaJ<-stlc): Clereland, 0., 15- Wllaon. Florence (Walker O. H.): Champaign. that we may convince you. 20 1 m.: (BIJ.mii Decatur 15 20. Saniiiela A Cheater (Pekin): Chicago. HI. Wolff Broa. (National); Steutvenvllle, O.; (Gal- Swan A HomlianI (Or|>heiim): Beading. Pa. efv) IndianaiMilla. Ind.. 15-20. Shtatman'a Doga (Stamford): Stamford. Conn. Waller A Maglll (Oriiheum); Bucynia, O., Write to-day. Scott A Relti (Star): Roanoke. Va.. 15 20. 8 |0; (Orpheum) Tiffin 11-15. Selhlnl A Crovinl («i. O. II.): Syracnae, N. Y. Wllllama. Cbaa, (Orand); Marion. Ind.; (Lyr¬ Sevengala. the Original, Walter C. Mack, mgr.: ic) Terre Haute 15-20. Phllaileliihia, Pa. ' Wlnaton'a Sea I.Iona (Proctor'a 5th .\ve.); New Symonda. Jack iKmpIre): Butte. Mont. 5’ork Cltv; (Proctor'a 125th St.) New Y’ork 0. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co. SImpaon. Cheridah 1 llaymarket): Chicago, III.; (O. t). II.) Indianapolla, Ind., I.%.20. ' City 15 20. Saihia Trio (Waahlngton): Spokane. Waah.; Wlllanl Eite*‘nc (Lvric): Jonealvoro. Ark.; 1401-1406 Locust St., I 421 Fourth Avenue, ! Care of Shubert Theatre, (Stan Seattle 15 20. (T.vric) Dallaa, Tex.. 1.5 20. Star Hoot iNo. 1) (PoH'a): New Ilaren. Conn.; Willard A Bond (Blloui: Bay City. Mloh.; (Rl ST. LOUIS, MO. I LOUISVILLE. KY. j NEW ORLEANS, LA. (Colonial) New York City 1.5-20. tout Sag'naw 1.5 20. Star Bmit (No. 2) (Ilathaway'al: New Bemi>aon A Cooeland (Bijou): Lan- Maaa.: I Ilathaway'al l.owell 15-20. alng. Mich.;; (Indiana) Soga A Monke.va (.\lhambra): Simma. Willard. A Co. (Oniheiim): Brooklyn, New York City: (Oreennoint) Brmvklyn 15 20. N. Y.: lAlhamhra) New Y'ork Clt.T, 15-20. Wren Trio (Majeatlc): Charleaton. S. C. Sommervllte. Mile., A Columbna (Ixva Angelea): Whi-eler A Sharpateen (Lyceum); Orand Rap- I. oa .kngela. Cal. , ANNOUNCEMENT! Ida. Mich., indef. Sunny S<«ilh (Kelth'al: Coliimbua. O.; (O. O. Wayne. J. (Start: Cleveland. Tenn. II. I Syracnae. N. Y.. 15-‘JO. Swiomey A Riamey (I.yric); Macon. Oa.; (Cri¬ Wagner A Lee (.Vvenne): Ea«t St. Loula. III. terion) Savannah 1.5-'JO. Wella A Sm Angelea. Cal. Wal/er Twina (Oraml): Peru. Ind.. .8 10; Seldoin'a Venna (Orpheum): San Franelaoo. Cal. (Rtn'a) Huntington 11 15. will be manufactured and sold under license from the Motion Sevmour, O. O., A Co. (Columbia): St. I.oaia. wiokler A Kreaa (Majeallet: Waahlngton. D. C. Swain. Frank, A Co.: Buffalo, N. Y'.; Sala¬ Wllaon SNtera )Slar); Lynchburg. Va. manca 15-20. Whittle. W. E. (Majeatlc); Mllwaiike*-. Wla Picture Patents Company. Stanb-y. Mr. A Mra. I.ew (Crown): Ttdeilo. <>. Wllaon Broa. (O. )). Hi: Indlanaiadla. Ind. Swinton (Orpheum): Manafield, O. Worthily. AbNMt A Mintliorne (Broadway): Sandwinaa. The («)r|iheum) MlnneaiMdia, .Mlun. Canid.*n, X. J. Svengall, (treat (Mlleai: Mlnneaiedia. Minn. Winter. Winona (Orpheum); St. Paul. Minn. NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY Sander's, Paul. Miniature Clniue lOrpheiimi. Wenona A Francla Co. (Loa .Vngeleai: la-a Kanaaa City. Mo. .4ng« lea. Cal. Sherman. Dan. A .Mala-I DeForeat Co. iMaJea- Walton. Chineae Harry (Orpheum): Edmont.>n. 116 Nassau Street, - - - , New York City tlc) Denver. Col. Can. Temjdeton. Roliert Itouia: Moaa A .Stoll Tour. Wentworth A Bnrna (Broadway)) Alta-rt Lea. Eng.. Indef. Minn. Tomiikina. Chaa. H.: En route with the Biaind Wllllama. Frank A Della (Newaome'a): Bir¬ Cp. See Dramatic RiHitea. mingham. .Ma.: (Ihikate'a) Biloxi. Mia*.. 15 Trueheart. Dillon A Burke (IVralca tianleni: 20. St. James Hippodrome Memphla. Tenn., Indef. Wilbur A Mlibnr (Payret); Havana. Cuba: Tarlton A Tarlton (O. H ): I.ufkin. Tei.; (O. (Majeatlc) Miul dii I.ac, Wla. .ago. III.. Sept. 7. In.lef. Wllaon. the Oroat: En route with the (.ay Till.) tstarc Hartfoial City, Ind TIplad A Kliment (Majeatlc); YVaterloo. la. Maai.neradera. S.'e Biirleaitue Routea. 25 rerls of A-1 sutjects, good T'.>na. Mile. IOr)ibeum); Denver. Col. W'IDon. M.ae (I.iilii): Butte. Mont.. Imlef. Ten Dark Knlghta (Collaeum): I.ondon. Eng., w.eala A Ralton. En nnite with .\1. O. Field a 15 20. Mlpatnda. See Mlnatrel Routi-a. condition, at 510 per reel. ^''^'fhOvn. Oeorge A. (nreen|H>lnt); Brooklyn. Weat. Rolaml. A Co. (Maj.'atlci: Cetlar Rap Ilia. la.. 15 20. Will forward subject to ex¬ Tletnaa A Hamilton (Bijou); CIo<|uet. Minn. Wllaon. Grace (Maleatle): Hou«ton. Tex. Taylor. May (Majeatlc); .\nn Arbor. Mich. Weav.-r A Wllllama. On-at F.alla. Mont.: amination. Tnivato, Signor A, .\rcaro (Orpheum): St. Films for Sale Butte 14 20. I'aul. Minn W'vnn. Beaale (O. O. H.) Imllanaitolla. Ind. Troiiliadiaira. Three (Proctor'a); Albanr, N. Y. W'iiltnian. Frink (Kelth'a): Phlladeliihla. Pa. J. FRANK HATCH SHOWS, Lewis Block, PITTSBURG, PA. Th.we Mack Hoya (.Majeatlc): Wlnntleld. Iji. Warren A Broikway (Family); llageratown. I l|'•rntllI|, .laiiiea (Colunilda): Ciui liinatl, O. Md. T' linla Trio (Coliimida); Cincinnati. O. Young. Ollle. A Three Broa. iColunihla): St SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE linnev. Frank 11. (Maleatle) lloiiaton. Tex. I.oula. Mo.: (Olympic) Chicago. HI.. 15 20. ot lypa. Block and LItho Printing for Fairs, Carnivals, Qbcus. Wid West, Mtnstrots, ' Hetty: Butte. Mont.: S|M>kai)e. Waah.. Yamamoto Broa. (Marylan.l); Baltimore, .Mil.; It). O. II. 1 PIttaburg. Pa.. 15'20. Dramatle, Ropoitoiro, Rollor Skating, lasaball, vto Ctock liihos and Posters of evoiy kanradlo, p, (I.yreum); Calgary. Alta. Ca Voutig, Ih-W'Itt, A Slater (.MaJ.-atlc): KaUma- lino ot tko amusomont buslntss. Piays with comploto line et paper. Write o$. IKur-ka) I,ethbrldge 15 20. loo. Mleh : (Bijou) Battle Creek 15 JO. an a. (leo., lm(M>rlal Mlnatrela ((1. (). II York. Cliarli'.T. Miialcal (I.ubln'at: Richmond. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO. '•rand Bapida. Mleh.; (Blloii) Ellnt 14 20 Va.; (Colonial) Waahlngton. D. C.. 15 20. SHOW PWINTERS, LITMOttWAPHEWS, ENGRAVEWS._ST. LOUIS. MO 7’"" IMaJeatlc): Slontgomery, .51 Ynle. Arthur, A Co. (Oran.D: Joliet. 111.: ).Miileatic( Birmingham 15 20. (llavmarket) Chleago 15‘20. »ai> Buren A Ckiae; Indianapolla. Ind.; P Eaxell A Vernon (.V|Mdlo): Vienna, .Vnatrla. W. $. CLEVELAND’S PRUDENTIAL VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE b) .7; Huntington 18-20. Feb. 1 2S SnitM 6S5-5S0-6J7, Kaick.rbookar Tli.str« Baildina, 1401 Broadway, NEW YORK, B. T. *i**‘m.' '***"' •')rphei))n); Tampa. Fla.; (V Zanetl.at. Tl)e (O. O. H): PIttaburg. Pa.; Book 'Ibvatrr*. L'lutm, Bark*. Fair*. Kluka, M. B. Huuava, Clrcuan. Treat all alike. UootTol SOU ■b'Vllle) Key Weat 15 20. (Poll'a) Wilke* Barre 15 20. arts. OCR EFFll'lKNT MCRVR'B INSUKBM SL'CCRSS OF YOUR RNTEKBK18K. ASK ANYBODY. * V.-<1mar (Caaino); Elkina. W. V MEW DEFARTMEVT—Tbeatraa. Bark*, boaght. told, Irated, operated. Blayo, tcenary farolabeA. (Star) Muiiesaen, Pa., iff 20. (Cont)nned on page 58.) S6 X H e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

house; go. earn your living by your muscle : Next day she almost faints for Joy when she She comes to Paris, where she writes to Ma slm-e .you seem to prefer It.” sees him coming ib>wn the aisle, sure that he rat, begging him to grant her an audience, Film News Three months later Jack dashes Into his Is seeking her—hut he passes and buys a pair and stating that she has im|>ortant information sweetheart's home with the glad tidings that of sus|>enilers at an adjoining counter. to reveal, but he would not see her. Flnall.i (Continued from ixite 14) ! he has Ix-en engaged as boxing Instnictor at the I Her mother senils her to the dressmakers. she goes to his home, and when she Is refused famous Olympic Club; his salary Is big enough The biaise, an old-fashioned tenement. Is occu- sdmiftanre, forces her way In and prwnt* the Oetrlch Fiirm. Srene S—Quincy Mekes i for two and they can be married soon. ple

p... f* KriDk’i Tlilt. She dreMet dlxirderljr, j whom he shoots In a struggle. Meanwhile. Bob agar of the Electric and the BIjon. The vocal trlli the oi«ld to bring wine and clgara. She CHICAGO, GLOBE AND ROYAL baa b«-en thrown out of the cife as a dmivk. tst at the Electric Is 'Tom Smith. ■ uti on a wig and an old wrapt*er. "Now let and Wanders al.nlessly alsmt until be reaches FILM SERVICE COS. him enter." Krank entera. "Let Ha ha»* a the home of the lloclor. just as the thug l,*aves. ❖ Jrlnk." aay* the artreaa. Frank la ahoekml. He seems drawn thither with an Irresistible liuardian of the Bank—(Cricks A Alartin)— Jake I{os,'iithaI. of l>uhu,|ue, Iowa, announces riie artrena pla.rn her part of a drunken girl ao irnwer. Entering the door left o|n-n by the l.veryhody lo\,-8 a faithful ,l,»g; especially one, the early o|>,*utiig of another moving picture I heal re In llubui|ii,*, ami has offered s prize • ell that Frank leaven her In diaguat. After (Took, he stuiiihlea and falla over the prostrate w'bich by some act of eztraurdinary sagacity, of jilo t,> the on,* s,*le<'tiiig the ansvt auproprlate be haa gone the aetresa thrown off her dW- clearly proves bliiiself to be man's best friend, form of the Doctor, where he lays with tu“ iiaiiie for It. This additional house will make giilae, buriea her face In her handa, atibblng crimk's pistol beside him until arouse,! by the as is the case with the hero of this film. This film !s>ss,.sses the peculiar merit of hold- u total of four lln-atres iimler Mr. K»s,'Dthal'l plteiiualy. Frank returned to liia Intended, wife, who enters the room. .As he slowly re¬ managi'iiieiit. rxeguizlng that hla love for the artreaa waa gains bis reason, the awful imagination of bis Injf tbt* aunl]r a paaalng paaaiun. Mailellne la happy lK*lug a murderer forces Itself u|Hm him. There It Is full of very iwcellent acting, lieautlful •gain, while the little actreaa la trying to heal he Hlaiids over the llfelesa form with pistol In K. D. -McFj-e, of Petersburg. Va., baa fitted country s,-,-ues, ami has plenty of life and up an elab,N:ate studio for the making of mov i broken heart. hand, unable to give any account of bis actions. action. THE PASS KEY.—A young a|>ort goea to hla ing picturi'S and Is im-etlng with fiatteriiig sue The wife, however, dis-sn't In-lleve him guilty, «|» ,',-ss with his ,'fforts lu that liin-ctimi. Mr. Mc- clnh. lie nullved that he forgot hla key. He and allows aim to es,‘ape. (.eavliig the city, Baby's Exciting Kl'le—(Hepw'orthI—This Is Fee will be ,m the sjaii when the Beet returna therefore writea a note to the janitor to let- lip oht tins eui|>loymeut In another town as ma- a very uidi|ue film an,l of that class which In ami will lie one of the first to be In a post him have bis paaa key. When the young S|>ort I'hliilst In a factory, hut still liauut,’il by the terests the audience, and causes them to wonder tion to offer the complete picture. leaves for lamie he la not able to diatingiilxb false sjiecter. for he Is self ane day wldle glancing over In a part of same a bah.v carriage autk all alike to him. .Alts-rt E. Frank, of the B.-tker Moore Moving the |,aiM-r. bis eye strikes an article headd. proiM'la Itself and serbmsly Interfen'S with Picture Cuiiipauy, has assnnii->l charge of that TbriHigh the paaa key he galna admission to "Tile Mystery Sidve,!." which g,H-a on to state lovers on a gate, ami ends up happily In the tiriii's liiter,'Ht iu S|,rliigtleld. III.. ao,l will ile ni.my boiiwa, but Is moat of the time rudely that the real murderer was f.Hind ilylng In a restoration of the baby safely to Its molher'a vote bis attoutlon to th,' Nickebnb-mi on East ejeeteil. until a nelghlwr shown blni the right hovel by a .Salvation Army girl, and with liN arms. uiiinjiir,*d ami none the worse for Ita .Monris' street. .Air. Frank was formerly local eventful riile. ibHir. When lying on bia bevl the keya give last breath xmft-sst-s the killing of Dr. Ban- ,',l at BI,s>mlugtoii. bill! a dreadful nightmare. kin. AVibI with J,>y, Hob hast,-ns back to cla:iii + ♦ the widow, who was n,iw free to listen to Ids «,ran,lfather's BIrtInlay—(Cricks A .Alartlnl — -Manager A'lctor- L. Brill, of the Blograph pleadings, widen were not In vain. rti.- o|n'iilug sc,-m-s ,'f this pathetic film show Theatre, Alton, 111., reis-rts business ezcelleut BIOORAPH ail arr.iy of grlzzl,*,! and time worn veterans, at Ills theatre. .Air. Brill Is showing nothing 4» gath,*re,l In full uniform. The c,Hisclousii,‘sa of ElMiAlt AI.I..\.N P»»E.—Edgar Allan Poe. ESSANAY lint high class ttliiis. aii,l In adilltlon to this. Is •eoriie 1. neglected and even villitle,! liy bis fel¬ having SI rvi'il their eiKintry well is shown by (•uttlng on vaudeville acts. T.AtS D.\Y—The riislian of yimiig w cuen "tag loe I'.aiiilry men. la now conaidered the con the •■xpr,-ssloiis of ci’ntenlment on the facet of ging” men on Mie imbllc strei-ta ion a than • lire fiiinls f.H- varbais chiritalde |iiir'|>ini,-s, of wliii-h iHie of their iiuiiilM-r Is tiebl by tli.».e near III Plainfield. N. J.. while another waa cbmi'il. the f.ith.r of that wonderful literary gem. The f,-rs many ,»i*|M,rtunltl,'s for excellent humor, and ile-ir to liini, ami. In his last gr,-at battle 'rile Park left the fielil owing to |HMir husllless, Kaven. Never waa there a man ao aubje< te«l and the fa't tb.st other manufacturers have not with the warrior, lieath, some very reniarknhle while the BIJ'Ui gave Its first pi-rforinance. Jan and iK'aet with bitter enemies as Poe. that It s,-,-ij the wonderful Purte<| biogra|>bies IS ifroven by our motto, "We lead, others fol¬ battle app,*ar to him. •V tre a series of accusations, until now the tem¬ low ." + Ab-ssrs. Park Wllltamsmi ami James Fr,s'uiau perate mliiil Is wont to consider them with ex- Til, subject should call for one contlmnsis Polly's Excursion—ICrb-ks A Martini—This are reni'sli Hug a vaeant stme riMuii <4i tbaitb treni) p.v rrlieniaui. Hr was unibaibtnily the burst of mirth, from the op,'nlng s,*,*ue iiiiiil will nil iiii'stloiiahly prove v, ry popular wher¬ FiMTtli slr,'et In Martins Feiry, O.. and will ai'i't original |H>etlral genius ever prialuie,! by the tlnish. .A matron Is se,ii handing tags t,, ever shown. oiH'ii a new nlekebsli-on as soon as the WH'k Is Ani'-rlea. and might regardeil the literary a In-v> of Is-autifiil yuiiiig lailb-s ninl they ilc- The opening scene shows a beautiful siihurban cmii|deled. lion of the universe, to which fact the luiMl'e part III seacb of spoil. .A traiiiii. after wltn,-ss home, for which F.ngIsmI Is renown,',1. ami the *5* • re iH-eoiiilng alive, hence It Is most timely lug the wiunicrfid ease with which the girN lioiisi'liobi iM't. a l-irge, while parrot, escaims J. S. Be a anxb-ty to n-stor,* the parr|H'n,',l a nickeUsleon In Patterson, La. ki-eps the tags and steals all In sight. Next ai: n of heart, and not as hl.s enemies have Ill their frantic att,'iii|its to ri-ca|>tiir,* the par * he a|>|iropriat,-s some la,li,'a' garments from a 4 pa.nled him. The story, while not biographical rot, a niiiiile-r of highly amusing scenes sre couveiiletil clothes line and a w.g from th- show¬ The .Aliiusu Moving Picture Theatre. Ga'tuula, Is foiimled on Incidents In his life, showing his cb'srly |M>rtraye,l. All of the characters sr,* case of a «a)stum,-r. and etiicleiitly disguises N. C.. has ls',-ii fitted up for vamlevllle and will levoibm to his sick wife. Virginia. l)es|s-rate high grade actors. A very liiti-ri-stlng feature he o|wii*',l on February X. .Alotlon (detures will liiuis,‘lf a gr,*t,-s,)u,» olil Ia,ly. He has many fr..ni his utter helplessness to ameliorate his of this film Is that soim-liuw the parrot Ulea ls> run also In adtlilbin to vaudeville. funny a,lveuiur,-s. securing mii.-h change. The ■Ijing wife's sulfering. owing to extreme desti away at the critical noHuent. as thiMigb It were girls anil matrons ,llscuicr the tags missing, 4* tnllon. he Is in a freniy of grief, when a ra trained for this particular act. start a search for the culprit, and find the su|>- S. P. Wallace, of K,-d Oak, la., has pur ven Is s.-cn to iM-rch on a bust of Pallas alsive + |His,-d obi lar of their cold. ch*n*rless apartment. Eccentric Burglars—I Sb,-II1,*Idi —Replete with pecting s'Hiielbiiig wrong, the laill,-s chase the F. I,. .Aiiibrsoii, of Atlantic, It. Mr. AA’allace An Insnlratlon! He seta to work, and that tbi* thillllng adventures of two acrobatic burg¬ tramp, who In Ida Bight ui>s,*ts a poliocman tis>k iMwsessimi February 1. nii-lcr|ilece. The Kaven. Is the fruit. Huring lars, and two of Englanil's finest b,d,bles. Tlie asleep at hla isist. The is.lhe >dn In luirault. 4* his work he haa divesteil himself of his ctiat. marvel,ms feats (lerfoniied l>y these actors sbimUl The tramii gain a wide lead, disiges iH-himI a The (Jem. a moving picture theatre, baa Iweu pulling It over his wife, to protect her from holsl the auilleuce In hrealbless suspenae friHU h,-ilge. disrids-s ami ap|H-ars In his proiwr |>er iM'giiining to enil. o|H'n,'il at TUT, CiKiinierclal street, .AtrhlM,m, Ike cold. The |M>em flalshed. he rushi>s coat son Just as tLe isdice ai>|K-ar. He throws them The Very comical eff,H*ts |>roduce,l on account Kansas, by .Arthur Ernst. Busliiesa ta rejairteit less and hstless to the publisher, wirere he off tile s,s*nt an,l remains In }>ossessl«>a of his of certain |M>rtluns of this film being reversed. gotal. ... with sesnt attention, tine editor, bow¬ ill-gotten gains. r,*n,|,*r it must Interesting. s'ir. thinks the work |H>ssesses some merit and BBI.vtJ .ME St)MK IPE—The almve title read f the Empire Theatre, at Atcbls,>n. Kan greatest Jewel In the diadem of fame—think of IS purely a come.ly oim-^lt. The story brl,-By Failbb'ss Frh-mis, Hepworib; Sign from Heaven, sas, and Is putting on hlgli-elasa moving pic It. Poe accepts the offer. Hastening to the tohl la aa follow a: Hepworih; IH*n of Tlilev,*s. He|>wortb: Prwltgal tur,‘S. store he procur«>s ftnal. a heavy, riunfortable •A liims,'Wife. while freezing cream, ills,'ov¬ Sou, Paul; (iauihler's AA'Ife, (irafic; Artful Dislg for the cot and metlicine. and with much Pghter er. Hepworih; Dog Diitwlts Kldlia|im*r. Hep ers she ni'eils more Ice. Calling her son, she ■A new moving picture Ihealre, the Scenic, was heart returns h Year, or She AA'ould \V,sl, Crieka A Mar¬ The lioya finds an Ice man, secures his pur¬ iiwmd by It. S. Ib njaniln and J. t'. Swafforil. raxi‘s fonilly Into her slglitlesa eyt*s. but the tin. chase and starts hiHueward by the longest rimte odd. uurcsitonslve band tella him the awful 4- he can find. His many adventuri-s are graph¬ imih. "My she Is dead." and he falls 1 The l*r,'S4','iit Theatr*' Is th,* lati'St adr. Starting with a huge TUA<«IC I^^NE.^IeOve it not in our piece of Ice, each tlim- he Is ileliyed the Ice The Virginian and I'is'kade iiiovlng picture but In mir ftfe; and wbooror loveti tbat Iovo,l parent Wagon Show; Aerial Tetma that ilo two or kin and Ills wife on the street, while they are turn,*,! th,- A'irginia liit,> a vaudeville hoiis,*. liestow's iiyKin him a deservcsl thrashing. m,,re acts, man and wife preferre,!; Ia*apera. engagejl In t violent tiff. The Doctor Is shout while the C.wkade will tontlnue with pictures. Contortioniet. Slack Wire Jugglers; Perch Dn to Mr'ke bis wife, when Bob Interferes. In Mr. Shepard also eon,lin ts the (ialety, at Daa- s,i|iiK>rtid l.ad,l,'r tJriMind Acts, and Dog and •nrrln^g the reiwntment of the Dot tor. During F. J. Reynolds and Company, of vllle. A'a. Both .Mr. Shi-panl ami son. Thomas, Pony Act; lislglng ami breakfast at hotel; stale tin* fliirr.T, Mn». Kankln dr<>i>ii bt*r carditii^. Honefidale. Pa., have purchased the hall In tbat have made many frb'iids since Iheir acuiilsltlun. lowest and all you do ami will do; tssizera and ir.im a card Inside Bob leant the address and city, te^ierly occuphni by the New Yiwk Amuse¬ Messrs. Berhiiiau and Murphy were temler,*'! ills irganlzers save slani|«. 11. kl. FKY, 611 g-s there to return It. They meet, and It Is ment m'o., ami o|H'iied It as a family theatre, a ,linner mi the ev,* of their departure from Mali; Str,*et, .Johnstown, Pa._ • case of love at Brst sight; Imt she It a wife, Fi-brWry 1. The theatre* baa a seating capa¬ Petersburg, by ailiiiiring frb-uils wbom they have matie with tln-ir fair nn-thisls and rour and iH'.tond bis reach. Disconsolate, he leaves. city of -KiO. .Alovliig pictures and vaudeville BAR SALE-J Single Trapeze Diilflt. 1 Doiibla teous treatment. Tripege Rigging, 1 Set of Flying Rings. Crayon " * neighboring cafe, where he sits constitute the program, the acta being aiipplled ami 'Iflnks a glass of In-er, bis thmights ever by tht-Verlsn-k and Farrell Circuit. + Bars, Guy. etc., 1 Set of Double Horizontal Bara, complete with Shipping Box. 1 Trick IDaise Ap of the abiisetl wife, R. H. GarlamI has r,*tlr,-,l as iiianag,*r of th- w bile thus engage,! a i-otiple of tbugs drop Electric amt th,* Bijou Tlmatres, Hiintlngilon, pai'stiis, n,'W. All lu A 1 comlltlon. Adilcsa The Bon-Ton Theatre, .\lhany. Mo., Pa., having sold liN Inti-n-st to J,din Brown, LYLE GRAHAM. Evanavllle. Wisconsin. . L" *'***• ’'^hen he Is well reoiwited January —. after Iwlng remisleied, en- who b,*come8 treasurer of the Hiiiitingdon .Am¬ ... the Inlluence of the soporBc. they secure larg,*d and reilecoratisl, with I.armer and Davld- usement Company, ois-ratliig tin-s,- two theatres. PICTURE AGENTS -Pillow t,>i>s. 3.V: Bnunldes. 1, sml one of them gets the csiM. siKi as managi-rs; B. Thomas Munson, singer: James Arthur Jones ijlmiii.v Jmn'si who sine** 'J5c; Albumens. .'!<>,•: Crayons, Stic; Pastels. 7.’ic; at Ihe.r den. after dividing the s|n>lls. the one Edna Ersptne, pianist, and Harry Martin, trap he left the Bljmi. has he,n with The AA'izsrd of new. Irti'JO 4 In. Frame, ID,'; promjd shipments; ' ••terinlm's to go to the address on the canl. ■Iriiiiis. 'T.'i,* Bon Ton la devote,! to high-class l>z Compan.T. has ri*liirn,sl to resume the po«l- estalogue sml samples free. Berlin Art Assn., "her,, be Is caught In the act by the Doctor. moving pictures amt Illustrated songs. tloD of vocalist at the Bijou, ami becomes man- Dept. 16. Chicago, III. The Chronophone T alking Pictures FOR EVERYBODY Just think of it, a complete CHRONOPHONE—not an attachment—including the famous Chrono Moving Picture Machine, giving perfect synchronism between the voice and the lips, for SGOO. Get busy and figure out what this is worth to you. Hundreds of up-to-date subjects, assuring first-class service. -■ =WE ARE INDEPENDENT-- We hold full patents on our machines. The Chrono system has NO STAR wheel, and no intermittently moving parts, and DOES NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENTS. Our CHRONO M. P. MACHINE can be used independent of the Chronophone, and costs $235. So why be bluffed, pay $2 per week or more and lose your freedom in the bargain??? TtilriK it over !_

X ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Krivolltle* of 1!M8, Desnauer & Dixon, mgrg.; Harrl* & Ilarrett’* MiiKioal ConuHly Co. (Idle ROUTES. New York City. 8-13; I’aterson, N. J., 1517; Hour): I'etersburg. Va., 25 Keb. 13; Koan S<'tieneeta(ly. N Y., 18-20. oke 15-20. PERFORltEBS KrolU-aome (Jlrla, Loiila (tberworth, mgr.: Clil- Huliert, Lee, & Co., L. K. Symona, mgr.; San- IT , eago. III..III., 8-13; InillaDapolia.Indianapolis, Ind., 15-20. dersvllle. Ga., 10; Harrison 11; Wrlghtsvllle (Continued from page 3j.) ^ Fads and Kolllea.Follies, Cbaa. It.H. Arnold, mgr.: New 12; Dublin 13; Dexter 15; Ilawkinavllle 1(1; York City. 8-13; I'biladelpbia. I’a.. 15-20. Cocbran 17; Bartlesville 18; Forsytbe 10; Ki-mo-Zemo Troupe (Unique): Dleklnaon, N. D.. 8-10; (Hljoil Hlainarek 11-1.3. | Oay Maa,,ueradera Joa. I'ettlnglll, mgr.: New Orittlu ‘20. Orleans. La., 8-13. Molnieg, Burton: I’Ittsburg, I’a., 0-10. Zeno, Jordan A Zeno ((5. <). H.(: Syracuae, I r. i "I,. .r. i v. » t N. y.; (Cook-8 (). H. R,Kheater 15 20. **’ I Golden Cror.kCrook KxtravaganxaExtravaganza Co., JaoobaJacobs & Jer- Howe’s Moving I'lctures (Eastern): Annapolis, Zeeb & Zecb (O. 11.»: Chllllcothe, O ' nion.v"“V® props.: Boston, Mass., 8-13; Brooklyn. Md.. 13. Howe's .Moving Pictures (Western): Conners Zat20 Zams, The (Lvrlc):V . ; Greensburg,“ u 6, I’a..... 1 iI (jjfjg from Happyland. ,Lon ,,Ilurtlg, ,, mgr.: vllle, Ind., 15. Sprlnglield. -Mass., 8-10; Albanv, N. Y., 11- Korak's, Dr., Wonder Co.: El Paso, Tex., In- | Z.arrow Trio; Bloomington, III. Zlska (Majestic): Streator, 111. 13; New York City, 15 20. _ def Greater New York Stars, Jacobs & Jermon. Klnnebrew’s Komedlans; Greenwich, ()., 8-13; : Zola, White (Majestic) Houston, Tex. props.: Providence, U. I., 8-13; New York Chicago Junction 15 *20. i ! City, 15 20. Lltcbheld. Nell. -Trio: Lake Charles, La., 10; . ! Girls of the Moulin Itouge. E. Dick Rider, Port Arthur, Tex., 11; Beaumoat 12; Gal- | TENT SHO^. mgr.: New York City, 8-13; Providence, R. veston 13; Port Lavaca 15; Edna 16; Isjck- i hart 17; Yoakum 18; Alice 10; Laredo 20, ; King & Tucker’s, E. H Jones, mgr.: Miami, I., 15-20. Fla., 1-10. Hastings', Harry, Big Show, Frank Freeman. ' Lawrence’s Moving Pictures: Atlanta, la., : Texas Jack’s Wild West, Jack W, King, mgr.: mgr.. New York City, 8-13; Brooklyn 15-20. 15-16. Tampa. Fla., 1-27. Irwin’s Big Show. Phil Paulscraft. mgr.: Ho- Marklc's New Sunny South. W. R. Markle, ; boken. N. J.. 8-13; New York City, 15-20.>0. mgr.: S|)OttsvlIle, Ky., 1-27. j Imperials, H. W. Sc Sim Williams, mgrs.: Bos¬Bos- , Machan, Joe N., & Ills Own Big Co., Archie I - ton, Mass., 8-13; New York City, 15-20.iO. Graehm. mgr.: Kincardine, Ont., 8-13; Llsto- BHDWAY COMPANIES. Jolly Girls, W. V. Jennings, mgr.: Detroit,etrolt, , 15 20. m i , Newniaun. the Great, Hypnotist. H. W. Keller. ■ Ailams & Stahl Shows: Nettleton, Miss., 8-13 Mich., 8-13; Chicago. HI., 15-20. g 0 ' nigr.: Mitchell, S. D., 7-10; Platte 11-13; Barkoot. K. G.. Amusement Co.: ’ Sparta Ga. I’’‘‘r,*!; Columbus, 0.. 8-13' Monroe 15 ->0 8-13: Toledo 15-20. ’ ■' I Gcldes 14-16; Wagner 17 19. T Chambers & Woodvard’s Fiblhitlon ocker8. Louis Rot>le, mgr.: Chicago.; Waco, lex.. Indef. ^13 ’ Gaffney. S. C., Cincinnati. O.. 15 20. , Prescelle. Hypnotist. F. Willard JMagoon, mgr.:

aijen*. fia.p o-j ^5.00 j Rapp. Mr. & Mr»., Augustus Rapp, mgr.: Cad PHILADELPHIA Norton Bros.’ Shows. Roy Norton, mgr.: Xay- Beauties. Andy U'wls, mgr.: St. ; IHtc- Mich., 8-13. _^ lor, Tex., 8 13. ^ Ixiuls, Mo., 8-13; Chicago. HI.. 15-20. 1 Raymond, the Great, Maurice F. Raymond. Smith, John R., Shows: LeesvUle. 8 C 8- '•‘‘"y Burlewjuers. E. W. Chlpman. mgr.: St. j Rosario. Argentina, South America. 13. ' Joseph. Mo., 11-13: Kansas City 15-20. I -—7: Mendosa March 1-5. U. S, Carnival Co.: Lufkin, Tex. S-IS. MianMias New York, Jr., E. A. Shafer, mgr.: New-New-! ! Royal.Ro.'al, Rhoila.Rhoda, Clro^:Circus: St. Joseph, Mo., 8-13;8-13: Cj-jljJ o piictnnipr A Clirrpnt SAVPF_ ark. N. J.. 8 13: Philadelphia, Pa.: 15 20. j Omaha. Neb.. 15 20 ^ „ OOIQ a CUSlOmCr a CUrrCni SdVCr Merry Maidens, Chas. Daniels, mgr; Wash- Rl«’h«rn & Granville Talking Pictures, Bert c Qfj.pollpH kinfl_PVPfl MINSTREL Ington. 1). C..C.’. 8-12:8-12:' Baltimore.Baltimore, Md..Md..' 15 20. i Granville, mgr.: Denver. Col., Indef. OOP OI IIIC SO-CaUCU KIIIU PVCn ’ New Century (lirls,(jlrls, John J. Mo.vnihan.Moynihan. mgr.: ' Sevengala. the Original Walter C. Mark, mgr.: ^ Ji ^qc itiaHp K»V A rpniltA- Coban A Harris': Utica, N. Y., 10; Syracuse Indlanaimlls,Indlana,K>lls. Ind., 8-13;8 13; I^oulsvllle,I.a)ulsvllle, Ky., 15- j Philadelphia. B«-. 8- 3. ^ ‘-‘•at 11 WaS ITiaaC Dy a TCpUia Smith & Ruston HIndo Entertainers (Skating • i 11; Auburn 12; Ithaca 13; Elmira 15; Scran- 20. ton. Pa.. 16-17; Wilkes-Barre 18; Reading 19’ NiKht Owls. Chas. Robinson’s, Louis Epstein. Rinkl: Bartlesville. Okla., 8 13; (Rlnkl DlC manUlaCtlirer. Harrisburg 20. ' nigr.: Toledo, O., 8-13; Detroit, Mich., 15- Yates Center, Kan., 15-17. i • « Coburn’s, J. A.: Hattiesburg, Miss., 11; Thlb- 20. Trip to Town, with Wllliami Sc Godshaw: I IA odaiix. La., 12. Houma 13; Franklin 16 Parisian Widows, W'eber & Rush, mgrs.: Brook- Kankakee. Ill., 8 13. HIt UIUdid notIlC do as Walden Magician Co., L. D. Walden, mgr: Dumont’s; Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 31, Imief. ! 'y“. 8 20. Dandy Dixie. John J. Nolan, mgr.: Fayette- White’s Gaiety Girls, Walter Greaves, Buford. Ga., 10; Llthonla 11; Monroe 12; | guaranteed. vllle, N. C., 10; Florence, S. C., 11; Sumter' mKt-! Bt. lyotils. Mo., 8-13. Mllledgevllle 13. ® 12; Camden’ 13;' Newberry 15; Columbia 16; j Reeves’, AI.. Beauty Show, Al. Reeves, mgr.: West’s Moving Pictures: Hsileton. Pa.. 12. The M. P. man knew Orangeburg 17; Charleston 18; Savannsh, Ok.\ CIncInnstl. O.. 8-13; Atlanta. Ga., 15 20. - 19; Bruiiswirk 2i>. I R*’**’ Hill's English Folly, Rice & Barton, ' b b « W Dockstader’s, Ls’w, Chas. D. Wilson, mgr: mgrs.: Philadelphia, Pa., 8-13; Newark, N. MUSICAL X I W ■ ■ll Brooklyn, N. Y., 8 13; Philadelphia, Pa.. 15 ' J-. 15 20. lUUOXV/Ail. ■ ■ ■ 20. Rent! Santley. Abe Leavitt, mgr: B^altlmore, I Theatre Opera Co.: San Francisco. I 11 U DeRue Bros.’: Barton. Md., 10; Lonaconlng ^ Washington D. C.. p »'• Cal.. Aug. ’23. Indef. 1 AAW A ACAAAiv vA jlC 11; Meyers

f)J^ni',r^3’'Trdmo^e''ok!."=i5".^ w:' ^^ "Til-!" 2^!' Indef"'"*'”"’"’ chloe pFoved itsclf Wanting—thc Ada 17; Coalgate 18; Muskogee 20. Ad, ,7; Coalgste 18;’ Musk^’ee ’20. ’ /Cnv.®'^. HoDo^Te:* MsTs": | 1^^^^ k>w‘O^Van^ii". ?.TrBft“ i CXhibitOF demailds an eXChangC ..... 11-13: Boston 15 30. Rouge 14; DonaldsonvlUe 16; Thlbodaux _ SkatingSk&tlUfiT RinkRlUk AttrACtinnSAttractions. Serenaders. Chas. -B. Arnold, mgr: Boston, i Houma 17: Morgan City 18; New Iberia 19: IDl a ° w. I y,ggg ^ g.jj. Spriogfleld 15 17; Albany, N. Y.. Lafayette 20. 14AI I RCPr* Buster Brown (Western). Boater Brown Am. j aI/AI^JUDEsIWA Demers. Prof. A. P. (Coliseum Blok): Lsn-I ^ .. , o wilke. Co., props.: Temple. Tex., 10; Austin 11.' , n sing. Mhh.,Mhh.. 8-10;8-10! (Rlnkl(Rink) AlbionAlMnn 11-13;11.n- rrvji.(Coli¬ 8am T. Jacks. Jer^y City. N. J.. 8-13, Wilkes 8an Antonio 12-13: Victoria 15; Houston 16 seum Rink) Buffalo, N. Y., 15-20. Barre. Pa., 15-17: Scranton 18-20. MoFC talk and tllCn tllC M, P. Star Show GIris. John T. Baker, mgr.: St. 17; Galveston 18-19; Beaumont 20. , , . ■ I-a-lght. Fannie (Holler Rink): Peru, HI., 8-13. R^'klHW lAO<''kU*9iK (HoIIm* Riakfe* *P^rti Ill P*ul, Mlno., 8'l3j Ia., 15-17. Boston Opera Ringers. Geo. 8. Sterling, mgr.: ; man plaCPd lllS OrdCF dlFCCt-SBld 8-13 Ktak). Peru, lU., 5,,^ i>e,ere’B Show. A. H. Sheldon, mgr.: Bal- Hazleton, Pa., 10; Beading 11; Lancaater 12: Skat-ODaviaSkat-U Davis (Star Roller Rl.kiRink) Ke«.(wiNeosho Mo timore. MO., 8 13: Philadelphia,Phiianeipnia, Pa..pa.. 15-20.10 20. is. „c „n ... okQK heliC UlUIldidn’t I wantWaill ailVany IllOrCmore OIof theseII1C8C 8-ri- (Pearl Kt Rlnkl 1 Strolling Players. Alex. Gorman, mgr.; New BunchRiinr-h ofnf Keya.I.era Gna Bothner,Rnthner. mgr.;mar.: Shawnee. . . f

: Tiger Lilies, Chas. E. Taylor, mgr.: Provl j dence, R. 1., 8-13: Boston, Mass., 15-‘20. UURLESQUE, l Thoroughbreds,Tn,nrn,icFh)„.,Kla FrankPrank It.irnaBurns, mnrmgr.; • MHwau\fl1«Fan ^ "'mg^s.^’HaskH^Te''x^^^^^^mgrs.: Haskell, Tex., 10; Seymour 11; This is interesting—moFC so If Americana Ted.lv qinim,vn. m.r . viinnn.n Wis.. 8-13: Minneapolis. Minn.. 15 20. Ita Falla 12; Quanab 13; Childress 15; oils Minn ^n- ’st P^it’1520 “ Travel.rs. R. D. Williamson, mgr.; Paterson., phl"phis^'m:' !«: CUren.U.ncrjretu.r'l 17;7!^Am"armr^ Amarillo 18;8!“i).Vh« 1 »»•* ^Hew IN* nam9t. Write me and Avenue GRU’ IsVv’ cL* Lr • 'Kan... Pitv N- J . « I®: Sohenectady, N. Y.. 11-13; Troy ^ 19: Trinidad. Col.. 20. i-j 'u. Grcslz, mgr.. Kansas City, | ig.op Burgomaster.Bi.Vg\HL"!.tl^The?’’w^ The, Wm. P.p. Cullen,cui^^^^ mgr.: Port I’ll givc yoli namcs, data, time Brlga’dlers. Vli’ron^ Burd^'k. mgr.: Brooklyn. «'»*• lamiOre.’71.3: ^atti^ w^h.."’""u” 14 20. placc. Ill tiic meantime drop biirg. Pa., 8-13. CAHILL, MARIE: Bee The Boye ene v. . ri;rre”l8*2(K’ Vanity Fair. Harry Hill, mgr.: Buffalo, N. Y., Betty^’Q«**wBetty. me a line for my New i ear s prop- Bohemians. AL Lubln, mgr.: Montreal, Can., 8-13; Rochester 15 20. ""“X* niouAtspi e as . World Beaters. J Herbert Mack, mgr.: Chi- CARLE, nICrIAKDt Bee IVIary» 8-13: Toronto, Ont., 15-20. 'o.sition, and specify; Broadway*oa VoltaRe at M. I’, switch, kee Prince. , (2) Cyclcs (if A. C.) Oeatore Baud, Howard Pew, mgr.: Jackson . r , vllle. Fla., Jan. 20. Indef. 1 (3) Distaoce fFoio Icos toscFcen. Chirtla Musical Comedy To.. Allen Curtis, mgr.: I r r »» vw Bon Tons. Frank Abbott, mgr.: 'Toronto, Ont., i 1 Oakland. Cal., Jan. 21. Indef. ! (4) SlZC Of fUSC 00 yOUF M. r. 8 13; Montreal, Can., 15 20. MISCELLANEOUS. I Cole & Johnson, tn The Rega 15-20. McCrackenK’acken ’l.3:”’8airna13: Sallna "f5rLlncoIn'‘?6”’*"15: Lincoln 16. |j V®/(8) CoSt Of CUrreilt pOF kilOWatt Cozy Corner Girls, Sam Robinson, mgr.: Louis-; Emerson Floating Palace: Paducah. Ky , 1-27 | I>l''TTl'’t I,eadcr, Frank J. Sardam. mgr.: Hot | U«,,_ vllle. Ky.. 8-13; Cincinnati, O.. lo-20. Earl, Albert. Travelogue & Moving Pictures: Siirlngs, Ark., 10; Pine Bluff II; Texarkana | "'■>111. Colonial Belles. Wash. MarGn. mgr.: Troy. | IKidaon, Mich., 8 10; Hillsdale 11-1.3. 12; Slireve|>ort, IJi., 13-14; Monroe 15; Alex N. Y., 8 10; Albany 11-1.3; Boeton, Mass., 15-j Foote, Commodore. A Sister Quecnle. Royal andria 16; Lake Charles 17: Orange 18; ^ .. American Llllputlans: Ft. Wayne, Ind., Jan. Champagne Girls, Mm. Pyne, mgr.: Phlladel- iuTmW.” Imk-f •'*“• Eme;7”5Sal’'c,;med; {jo^.T^^SfaTette. La.. : I ^iH tcll yOU tO thc CCOt Of CUF- phla. Pa..Pa., 8-13: Jersey City. N. J., 15-20. Flint, Mr.’Mr. A .Mrs.Mrs. nerl>ert L.,L.. Hypnotists. H. ' 9-10; New Itierla 11-12: Crawley 1.3-14; I-sike | >pn4 *R.1sothRt of VOllF U ATjL- DaintyDalnty Duchess, Weber & Rush, mgrs.:mgrs.; Cleve- L. Flint,Flint mgr.:mgr • Decatur,Decatur III.,Ill 8-13;8-13‘ Cedarciedar Charles 15-16; Beaumont, Tex., 17; Houston ' '-"cib , ItlSU llldl Ul yOUl llrtlALi land. O., 8-13; Buffalo. N. Y.. 15 20. 1 Rapids.Rapids, la..is.. 1.5-20.1.5-^. • •• . ,S-,9. RRRO POIlinmcnt Dreamland Burlesquers, Bert J. Kendrick, mgr.: Griffith H.vpnotlc Comedy Co.. O. B. Griffith. FIELDS LEW: Sea tha Girl Bahind i tviuij>uix/iiv. Schenectady. N. Y., 8-10; Paterson, N. J.. 11- mgr.; Owensboro, Ky.. 8 13; Evansville Vh- rni.nt.r B«ninC 1.3: New York City 15 20. Ind.. 15 20. _ t '_DO IT NOW_ Ducklings. Frank J. Calder, mgr.: Chicago, Georgia Troubadours. M’m. McCabe, mgr.: Ar EDDIE: Baa Mp. Hamlet 0< '' l-aWV III., 8-1.3; Milwaukee, M’la., 15-20. Ilngton. Mis.. 9 10; Rio 11; M’yocena 1.31.3; Broadway. Empire Show. Geo. F. Leonard, mgr.: Buffalo, Cambria 16; Randolph 17; Fox Lake 18; Kll Fair Co-Ed., with KIsI# Janis. Chas. Dllllng ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 111 N. Y.. 8-13: Detroit. Mich., 16-20. bourn City 19. ham. mgr.: New York CItv. Feb. 1, Indef. I H O 11 n AlFflf Follies of the Day. Barney Gerard, mgr.: To- Gllplns. The. Hypnotlsta, M. E. BnkoaU, mgr.: ' Fluffy Riiffies. with Hattie Williams. Chas. i J.• AH. A# HallbergyA ACillX/d ronto. Ont., 8-13; Buffalo, N. Y., 16 20. piper City, III., 8-10. Frobman. mgr.: Boston. Maas.. Indef. I wF Fashion Plates. Chaa. Falke, mgr.; Boston, CHirdont. The. Albert O. Gilbert, mgr.: Mad- ■ FIscher’t Musical Comedy Co.: Loa Angeles. I VI DrAAntxrinVi Axta Navxv Vrkflr Mass., 8-13: Providence, B. I., 15-20. Ison, Kan., 8-10: Eldorado 11: Baxter 12-13.; Cal., Indef. uU IjrccIlWlCIl AVC.» HcW xOlK* Fay Foster, John Grieves, mgr.: New York ; Holmes’ Travelogues. Burton Holmes, mtr.: ' Follies of 1908. F. Zlegfeld, Jr., mgr.; CM-j aev urku Dcx/nirf wx w/\ « City, 18 13; Newark. N. J., 16 20. 1 Boston. Mass., 12 18. ! csgo. III.. Feb. 8. Indef. ’ * * ! ASK FOR BOOKLET WO. 1 FEBRUARY 13, 1909. Xtic BillboaFd 39

K!!«-her & (lU Kxpoaltinn Orchestra: I.ansioK. Mr. Hamlet of Broadway, with Eddie Foy, Sam Thayer. Otia B., iu The Fascinating Widow. Mlih., HI; Rattle Creek l‘J: Kalaaiaxoo i:t S. it Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: New York M<«>re A Hoogs. mgrs.: Delaware. ()., 16; DRAMATIC. it Hattie Creek 15; (Iraml Raphls 10: Relil- Clt.v. Dec. 2.3, indef. .Mar.vrrlIIe 11; Bellefonkalne 12; Pbpia 13; iiiK 17; St. Jubns 18; LsdsIdk lU; Kalamaxuu McFadden’s Flats, Bafton A Wlssrell. mgrs.; I lTn)«« City. Ind.. 13: Rlnffton 16: Maiioa IT; ADAMS, MAUDE: See What Every Wheeling. W. Vu., S-IO; Youngstown, O., 11- Munrie 18; .Vmlerson 19: Richmond 26. Woman Knows, Klewer of the Ranch. H. II. Fraiee, prop.: Wal , 13; Toronto, Ont., 15-20. The Buys and Betty, with Marie Cahill, Dan¬ ARBUCKLE, MACLYN: See The Pi Walla. Wash.. 10: Colfax 11; Sitokane 12- Miss Petticoats. J. C. Patrick, mgr.: Peoria. iel V. Arthur, mgr.; Toledo, ()., 10: Jack Round Up. It; Wallace. ItU.. 15; Mlaaonla. Moat., IS: III.. 10; Monmouth 11; Galesburg 12: Moline. aoD, .Mlfh., 11; Grand Rapids 12 13; Chicago, .tn’aconda 17; Butte 18; Boxeman 10; U»- 13: Frerport 18; Relvidere 19; KockfonI 2u III.. 14 March 0. Aa Told In the Hills. W. F. Mann, prop.; l!i);„ton 20. Merry Widow (Westernt, 'lenry W. Savage, Time, the Place and the. Girl (Eastern). Asklu- Alex Story,'mgr.: RiK-kwell City, la.. 10; .\del fiirt.v Five Minutes from Brosdway. Cohan St mgr.: Indlxnapolia, Ind., 8-13; Cincinnati, O.. Slnger Co.. Inc., mgrs.: Boston, .Maas., 1- II; Amea 12; Ihsme 13; Marsba-lltown 14; llsrrN. niKrs.; Dover. N. II., 10: rortamoiith 1.3 20. 13: Brooklyn. N. Y.. 15'20. 'Tama IS. American Stock Co., Fred R. Willard, mgr.: II; AiiKuata, Me.. 12; Bangor 1.3; Ganllner Merry Widow (Poston Co.). Henry W. Savage, Time, the Place and the Girl (Western), Askin 1.',; Kockland 16; Bath 17; Lewiston 18; Port¬ mgr.: Kingston. Ont.. 10; London 11; Ham¬ Coshocton. »).. 8-13. Singer Co., Inc., mgrs.: St. Lotils, Mo., 7- A Bachelor’s Honeymoon. Leon Gilson, mgr.: land 10 20. ilton 12-13: Toronto 1.3-20. 13; Alton. 111.. 14; Lmilsvllle. Ky., 15-17; Marlon. Kans., 10; Peal>ocrt Neff. J. F. Bliitr 20. Jonesltoro 20. Ruffles. Pennington, mgr.: Independence, Kans., 1u. GLASER, LULU: See Mile. Miechief Mary's Lamh, with Richard Carle, Carle A Cherry vile 11; Caney 13. winning .Miss. A. Thos. J. Noonan, mgr.: Chi Arllss. George, in The Devil, Harrison Gre.v gunning, LOUISE: See Marcelle .Marks, mgr.: Terre Haute. Ind.. 10; Louis cago. Ill., Not. 21, Indef. vllle, Ky., 11.13: F^vanavllle, Ind., 1.3; Nash Flake, mgr.: Clevelaiul. ().. 8-13. Oingerliread .Man. -Nixon St Zimmerman, mgrs.; WillUma A Walker, In Bandanna Land, Jack Arrival of Kitty. C. S. Williams, mgr.: I.w-k Waco. Tex.. 10; Dallas 11; Oalnesvllle 12; . rllle, Tenn., 16; ChattaniMiga 17; Atlanta, Ga., Shoemsker, mgr.: lndlana|>olls. Ind., 8-10; 18; Montgomery. Ala., 19; Mobile 20. Haven. Pa.. 10; Bellefonte 11; Milton 13; Wichita Falls 13. Columbus. (I.. 11-13: Dayton 15-17. Ma's New- Hush ind (Northernt. Harry Scott Danville 13; Huntingdon 17. r,sv .Musician. John P. Slocum, mgr.: Cincin¬ Wine. Woman and Song (.M. .M. Thelse’a), Max Co., props.: Clay Center, Neb., lo; Fairmont .\ngel and the Ox: Trenton, N. J.. 12-14. nati. O., 7-13; St. I.a>uls. Mo., 14-27. | Armstrong, mgr.: Philadelphia. Pa.. 1-13 11: Ilastings 13; 3’ork 1.3; Strorasburg 16: Artie: Bay City, Mich., 12. OIrl at the Helm (Road Co.), AskIn-SInger. Wills’ Musical Come-17: Madison 18; Rockford. 111.. 10; Spring ark. N. J., 15 20. Bclasco A Stone Stock Co., Bclaaco A Stone cell 12: Norman 13; El Reno 1.3; Kingflsher Add 20. Yorke A Ailams, In Playing the Ponies. B. E. mgrs.: Los Angeles, Cal., Indef. Girl Behind the Counter, with Lew Fields. Sam 16; Guthrie 17; Chandler 18; Shawnee 19: Forrester, mgr.: Tolwlo, ()., 7-10: Elkhart. Bellevue Stock Co.: Opelouaas, La., Nor. 22 Holdenville 20. S. St Ia*e Shubert. Inc., mgrs.: Toronto. Ind., 11: Sonth Bend 12; Ixtganspurt 13; Chi¬ indef. Manhattan Grand Opera Co.. Oscar Ilammer- Ont.. 8-10: Pittsburg. Pa.. 15-20. cago. HI., 14-20. steln. mgr.: New 3’ork City. Nov. 9. Indef. Golden Butterlly. with Grace Van Stnddlfoial. Yama: Tarentum, Pa., 10; Beaver Falls 12. (Contlnmil on page 42.) Matlne"* Girl. J. E. Jackson, mgr.: Favette- Chas. Bradle.v. mgr.: Ixvndnn. Ont., 10; Ham vllle. Ark.. 8.10; Springdale 11: Rogers 12: lltob 11; Ottawa 12-15; Montreal, Can.. 15- Okmulgee. Okla.. 13; Saptilpa 14; Claremore 20. Golden Girl: Milwaukee, WIs., 8-13. 1.3-16; Pawhuska 17. Mile. Mischief, with Lulu Glaser. Sam S. A le'e Grand 0(M‘ra Co.. Metrofmlltan Opera Co., mgrs. Pbllrdelphla, Pa.. Nov. 17, Indef. Shiiliert. Inc., mgrs.: Chicago. III., Jan. 18 Feb. 13. Grand Oi>era Co., Metropolitan Opera Co., Marcelle. wllh Louise Gunning. Sim S. A la-r mgrs.: New York Clt.v. Nov 16. Indef. 8’'ubert. Inc., mgrs.; Providence. R. L, 8- Grand Opera Co., Oscar Hammtrsteln, mgr.: Phll.adelidila, Pa., Nor. 17. Indef. IS. Ga.v Old OIrl: Hastings, Neb., 10. Mimic World. Shut>ert A Fields, mgrs.; St Paul. Minn.. 7 10; Minneapolis 11-1.3. HELD. ANNA: See Miss Innocence. Me. Him A I (Hiirtlg A Seamon’s); Toronto. HOPPER. DeWOLF: See the Pied Ont.. 8 13. Piper. Madam Butterdy: F'Indl.iy, O.. 10; Pl-pia 12. Newlyweds. The. A Their Bahv. Lettler Brit¬ Iliirtlg St Seamon's Musical Comely Stock Co.. ton Co., proiis.: W. C. Camenm. mgr.; St. Walter D. Nealand, mgr.: New York City. If you continue to use licensed films. By doing Indef. I. ouIs. M.v. 7 13; Clnclnnitl. O., 14 ’20. ?4atlonal Opera Co., Mitt Sheeley. mgr.; Stut so, you help to place the picture business on a Iler.ild S'luare Opera Co.. Chas. Phim't. mgr.: gls, S. D.. 10; Rapid City 11 13; Hot Springs Darlington. S. C., 10; Bennettsvllle 11: Cam¬ 15-16; Edgeinont 17. solid basis—this for your own good and all others den 12; Sumter 13; Lancaster 15; Chester 16. Ne.irly u Hero, with Sim Bemird. Chas. Froh¬ concerned. Il'Uieymooners. The. Hope A Welch, mgrs.: man. mgr.; Schenectady. N. 3’.. 13. O’Mar.i. Joseph. In Peggy Machree, Brooks A Memphis. Tenn.. lO H; Jackson 12: Nashville Dingwall, mgrs.: Columbus. O., 10; Toh-do 13: Huntsville. Ala., 1.': Knoxville. Tenn.. 16: .kshevllle, N. C.. 17: Spartanburg, S. C.. II. 18: Columbia 19; Augusta, (la.. 20. POWERS. JAMES T.: See Havana. Hall. George F.. in The American Girl. W. E. Posty'a Muaie.ll Comeily Co.. Cha*. F. Posty, to the announcements of tho.se who have not Scanimon. mgr.: Molina, N. Y.. 10; Lock- mgr.: Boulder. CoL, Nov. 9. Indef. le>rt 11: Albion 12: So.lns 13. signed the contract, for "many are called hut Prince of T<> Night, Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Huntings, Four. In The Fool House. Jas. C. Chicago. Ill., Feh. 8, Indef. Sutherland, mgr.: Chicago. HI.. 7-13; Mil few are chosen." Pled Piper, with DeWolf A Hopper. Sam S. A waukee. WIs., 14 20. I.ee Shuhert. Inc., mgrs.: Boston. Mass., Ilonevmoon Trail. Princess Amuse. Co., propi.; 1 13. M'»rl H. Singer, gen. mgr.; Winona. Minn.. Prims Donna, with Frltzl Scheff. Chas. Dllling- 10: LaCmsse. WIs.. 11; Ran Claire 12; Wan hsm. mgs.: Phllsdciphla. Ps.. 1-1.3. CONSULT YOUR OWN INTERESTS sail 13: Green Bay 14: Ishpeming. Mich.. Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Tims. W. Ryley, I.': Hancock 16; Calumet 17; Marijnette 18: mgr.: New York (3ty. I*ee. 7. Indef. Do this honestly—then you will realize that by Menominee 20. Hadermann. Jennie, Chicago T.adies* Orchestra. ROGERS BROS,: See In Panama, signing the agreement and working in harmony D. H. Hadermann. mgr.: Winona, Minn.. 7- Rice. Fsnny. Co.. Geo. W. Belmont, mgr : 13: Mankato 15 20. MoutresL Csn.. 8-13. with the Motion Picture Patents Company, the Havana, with James T. Powers. Sam S. St I-ee Rsys. The. In King Casey, Stair A Nleolsl, entire proposition benefits you. Write ^ ^ anv Shnbert. lag.. Bgrs.; Pblladeipbla. Pa.. 25- mgrs.t Birmingham, Ala., 8-13; New Or- Feb. IS. ' leans. Jjt.. 15-26. Hook of nallamt. with Frank Daniels. Chas. ' Rounds* T.sdies On hesfsa A Spertslty Co.: Gre¬ further information desired. I'roUman, mgr.: Pittsburg, Pa., 8-13: To¬ nada. Miss.. 9-11: Holly Springs 12. ledo. O., 15; Ft. Wa.rne, Ind., 16; Grand : Roval fTief. H. H. Frar.ee. pron.: Chicago. Uaplds. Mich., 17; Detroit 18 20. III., 7 13: Hammond. Ind.. 14: 3tlcblgan Clt.v Ilmdlgan In New York: Orlando. Fla.. 13. 13; Valparaiso 16; Frankfort 17; Rlchmoml Isle of Spice. H. 11. Fraaee. prop.; DuQuoln. 19; .St. Marys. O.. 19: Urns 26. III.. 10; Greenup 11; Robinson 12; I'rbana 13; Rera Co., Sparks M. Berry, Conni’llsville 17: Altoona 18; Cmnberland, Md.. mgr : Victoria. B. C.. Can.. 8 10; Vancouver II 13: Seattle, Wash., 15 20, 19; Freilerlek 26. Lyman Twins In Tlie Yankee StiihlM-irn Clndt'rella. Princess .\rau«e. Co., ELECTRO-MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICE - Drummers; Day props.: Mort H. Singer, gen. mgr.: Ssn Fran bma. Fla.. 1«; Ocala 11; Gainesville 12: Lake Thia newly invented amuaement enterpriae for Parka and rieaanre Keaniia reprodncea by Cisco. (*11.. 8 21. » Ity 13: Macon. Ga.. 17; .MIllera Co.. Frank W. Hcaly. 4 l.i: Victoria. B. C.. Can.. 16; Vancouver mgr.; Seattle. Wash.. 8-13. We fumiah complete e<|ulpment. 11.'."' ^•’"It'ltham. Wash.. 19: Everett 20. School Da.vs iGus Edwards’). Jeff D. Bernstein, utile Ibdlle Dimples: Bartlesville. Okla., 13. W. F. MANCELS CO. CAROUSELL WORKS, CONEY ISLAND. N. Y. mgr.: Omaha, Neb., 7 10; I)»‘s Molnea. la.. I-Ittle Johnny Jones. J. M. Galtes. mgr: De •roll. Mich., 7-13. 11-13. Sunny Smith (J. C. Riwkwell’s); Emporium. Land of Nod H. W. Gllckauf. mgr.: Kansas Pa.. 16; Coiidersport 11: Ehlrtsl. N. Y.. 12; WANTED, SINGER , ^Bntwons. Kan.. 17. Franklin. Pi., 13. ■L.i., ’’•ol: Paris. III.. 10 GihnI combinnlion man preferred, aalary acconlliig to your ability, but you muat make g,>nd. I Talk of New York, with Victor Moore. Cohaj) have the hm-at picture abowa In the South, my houa-'a are crowdtil every day iu the week th*-re MONTGOMERY A STONE: See the A H.vrrls. mgrs.: Boston. Mass.. Feb. 127. fore I aay that ainateura aave your atauipa. I have work o a r d FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

and J A. Alrd, dead lieat for third. Time, - Romalo Is slated for Rlngllng Brothers' Big 3:14. Circus, for the coming seasuo, and. If satis¬ Skating Rink News Second heat—F. K. Robson, first; Harry factory terms can l>g. ^graugeU, Romalo will ' Kaad. second; W. Sutphen, third. Time, 3:13. perform his great slide tto top of Madison I Third heat—A. C. G. Anderson, first; R. 8t|uare Garden to the other end of the garden, | J. T. FITZGERALD’S LETTER. Wheeler, second; Lot Roe, third. Time, 3;(X) on his ball-ltearing Wlnik>w gkate, coming down j 3 .3. the long and elevated incline on his head. Fourth heat—O. B. Bush, first; Joe Miller, , 4* FMmiinil Laiiif, the rtianiphiD amateur akater second; P. Douche, third. Time, .3:93. of the worhl, who haa iM^eu maktUK a clean Allan Blanchanl Is un tour, going over the I Three Miles.—First Heat—(>. B. Bush, first: aw-eep In the amateur ranka thia winter, la up Ice skating championship minis which are lieing Chas. Fisher, second; Joe Miller, third. Time, aKainat a praiti<>n that may coat him hla held throughout the country. President Blan¬ I(i:(i6 2-5. amateur atrullnt;. I.amy netdected to renew chard has President Marshall of the W. 8. A., { Second heat—A. C. (1. Anderson, first; I..o«‘ hla reKiatratioii rani thia aeaaon, even after with him on the tour, acquainting him with the ' Roe, secoml; It. Wheeder, third. Time. 10:31. tbeen sent him, and It waa aup Eastern as well as the Canadian ice skating sit- • Third heat—Edmund Lamy, first; W. Sutphen, (toaed by the rarInK Imard of the Amateur Skat ' uation. second; C. Granger, third. Time, 9:.31 4-3. init Aaaoelation tliat he Intendetl to follow the i The second day's racing of the International . •I* footstepa of Morrla \Voos closed Tliiirsday night with tbre‘ Prof. Ih-.Mers’ brother, Ed. DeMers, is now ; l.amy, however, went to (develand and won straight wins fur Lamy, the champion ama¬ connected with a niller rink at Manchester. N, every race but one there, and then to i’ittaburg teur skater, in the finals for 880 yanls, one H.. and. from re|Mirts, is making a great success ind tooard ordered I.amy to return the medala he '220 Yards—Final heat—O. B. Bush, first; ‘ late, getting out European orders for Fred Nall, Edmund Lamy. second. Time, 20. ' had won at Cleveland and IMttaburg nieeta, pro- | who is representing the concern In England, On the 13lh of Fehrna’-y and thereafter wa will 220 Yard Hurdles—F. J. Robson, first; A. vided be had not aeiit in hla card prior to that ^ and who has been successful In placing many release 4 snhjecis a week. date. It I' now up to I.amy to prove that Un- ' Bulmer, second; Chas. Fisher, third. Time, ; gootl orders. 27 2 3. MANY HEADLINERS COMING I cle Sam'a aervlce, and not himaelf waa to ! 4* ALL FH..MS of our usual high quality or blame for the carda not reaching the Aaaocia- : 880 Yards.—Final heat—Edmund Lamy. first; ] G. B. Rush, second; Joe Miller, third. Time, The Theatre Empire, England, has (uit on a well-s«‘l»‘cle8 ao he large skating scene, something on the order of la under auapenalon. 1:23 3 5. GREAT NORTHERN FILM CO. Backward Skating, 880 Yards—.A. Mason, The Parisian Moilel. The Mayos, an English 4* i skating tr)ai(ie. secunul the booking for the pro¬ NORDIIR FILM CO., COPERNAGEI. Canadian Curlera aeem to have the Scotchmen , Montreal, first; R. Wheeler, second; A. Bui- . mer, third. Time, 1:43 2-5. fessional skaters' siiecialth^s. 7 East 14th Straat. NEW YORK CITY at their mercy. At fllaagow, February 3, the . Awarded First Prlre—Gold Meeen winning every I One Mile Final.—Edmund Lamy, first; O. B. i 4* Rush, second; A. C. Q. Anderson, third. Time, i Honor at the Cinematograph Exhibition at Ham match aince their defeat of tlie Hrat two daya, I Prof. DeMers. who has been such a big suc¬ 2:33 2-5. liurg, ItSW. Licensee under the Blograph Pat defeattal the Upper Stratheard and S<'otland cess with his clever exhibitions throughout Wis¬ Thre.» Miles Final.—Edmund Lamy. first: Joe ents. Ail purchasers and usera of our F3Imf Ontral I’layera. Tlie acore waa 189 to 149. | consin. has accepted a return engagement for a -Miller, second; Chas. Fisher, third. 'Time, will t>e prote4’teenlng in Toronto the middle and Bingra|>h Company. E. Schencke, of the Sleipner Athletic Clul), | 9:31. of March. of Chicago, won the aki Jiiniplng contest of the | ♦ 4- Ski t'liih Norge at Humboldt Park Sunday, Jan- | 11. Buck Plain, of Sans SoucI Rink. Is getting nary .'II. Sidiencke won flrat lionora liy clearing ; to be quite a manager and handler of roller ' Jessie Darling, the graceful lady skater, has J'JS fe.-t In ihree jiimiw. I*. Janaen, of the i skaters (especially winning ones!. His two been filling many engagi ments throughout A'ir- glnia. of late, and is kept busy all the time, Ski Flub Norge, won first place in the single straight nights’ victories is saying something. i (iresentlng her clever specialMes. lump with a leap of 78 feet. After winning Anyhow, “Buck" is on the s<|uare. the event Janaen made an exhililtlon Jump of ♦ 4* S4 feci. The other winners in the three Jumps, | Mort Wolf, the hustling manager of Sans Harrj- Simmons will return next month, to ; which waa Ihe principal event of the me**t. .America. Simnums has been in England all were A. Smith. se<'ond, 217 feet; J. C. Peter- SoucI Rink, has a patent on turning out crack ' er-Jack skaters. Some of (lie other rink man¬ winter and has been, according to recent reports, , «on, third 217 feet; R. Rji»rke, fiwrth, 206 feet. quite a success, i These Jumps are regarded as fair Jumpa on ac- agers, no doubt, would like to know the diqie. '•ount of the slide not lieing built for recorla. I There is one thing the puldic likes to see any I way, and that Is the sending of skaters to the Harley Davidson, who sailtsl on the Baltic last Saturday, will repivseut thi> Richardson , Merrill BembriK-k, the crack amateur ice I different rinks to comiiete. and Mort has lieen skate during his racing tour of England. skater, waa badly Injured while working out I doing his share of late, and 1 think the lioys at the Midway Itink, February 1. Bemlirock ! have held up the re|iutatlon of their rink verv 4* , well. J. T. FITZGERALD. waa moving at a great pace when he collided Would be pleased to hear from the Gilmans with another akater gidng In the 0|>po8ite di¬ at .their earliest convenience. rection. The Impact waa so great that Bern- PROFESSIONAL STEREOPTICONB. $1$. New hrock waa knocked unconscious. Tlie Injury EARLE REYNOLDS’ LETTER. York Aiqu^ivi-d. APy slxe lens. Regular Moving will keep the young man out of competition JESSE MASON CAPTURES EVENT. Picture Idimp Houw. el«‘ctrtr or calcium laiiqi prolialdy the remainder of the season. Never built a failur«> In 23 years—that's .voiir The exislus of American skaters for Europe Jess«> Mas(Hi. of Newark. N. J., was the win¬ guarantee. 100 rxHds of Film at 2o p«-r fisd ♦ the past wi-ek or so haa been exceptionally Catalog free. We buy in large i|uantities and CHICK KEPPLER WILL RACE AGAIN ner of the two-mile professional handicap roller heavy. The foreign rinks seem to be offering skating race at the Hillside Park Rink. New¬ s»'ll cheap for cash: .'K* earbons, $1.23. Con Chick Keppler, one of the ape<-dlest skaters Inducements for a few of the good acts, while ark. January 31. Mason started from scratch doiisers, .V>c each. ."•O.ISiO Tickets, WITHOUT In the western states In 1908, and amateur a great number of the skaters have gone over and did the two miles in 6:21. I ADVERTISEMENTS, $;$..'8I. Fibre Trunk. $18. champion of Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin In on speculation. The Steamship Baltic. last (Jus Yogger. also of Newark, is raiddly be¬ for moving picture outfit. Have on hand at all 1908, will Im- seen in a race with Wm. Robin¬ Saturday, carrleil Harley Davidson to Liverpool. coming one of the fastest skaters in that lo¬ times a few old machines and gas maklng out son. the present champion. If the present plana I where he will go Immediately to Sheffield, Eng- cality and Manager W. E. Thaller, of Ihe Hill¬ fits. Will rent you 2 nods of Film, 3 changes ar*“ carried out, which we have every la-ason ' land, oiM-nIng February 8. John Davidson, Lil¬ side Rink, states that it is his opinion that it for $12 iwr week. Will also r*“nt yon Song to le-lleve they will. Keppler haa not been lian Franks and Manager Pomeroy sailed a Is only a <|uestion of time when h<' will be one Slides, Parody Slides and Is'cture Sets. We few days previous, for London, where Manager ■is'ii In competition tills season, or In fact since of the fastest men in New Jersey. Mason also carry a large assortment of Song Slides, Pansiy Pomeroy will use the team to introduce his new Slides, Comic Announcenwnt Slides ami I.ectu.-» he gained hla championships last season, and It has a s|dendid record, having met and defeated roller skate In the English rinks. Many of the Sets; colored. 2.''>c each. Slides made to order was supposed that he had given It up for goial. some of the best men in New York City. good skaters from the .Metropolitan district are wliile you wait. IValer in Moving Picture Ms but now we are assured that he Is linck In the already on the field and the American skaters, chines and Sni>plles. game, and In Keppler we have a worthy match by the fifth of February, will be well repre- L. HETZ, $02 E. 2$d Bt., Haw York City. for any of the skaters of the present. He was Bi'nted In Great Britain. always a strong sk.ater, and usually got what lie went after. His liardeat races were against + WANTED Itoblnson. and new that he will put the skates '•ne once more, we will surely s>h‘ some inatoh Ronialo. the marvel of the century. In death- race. defying feats. Is playing this week at J. Henkel Prtsent address of the De ROSAS ; Henry's roller rink, Winchester, Va. Romalo 4* Sickness in family. A’ery serious. Address GU8 UNIFORMS I idayed the Empire Roller Rink. Hartford, last A. WALLACE, care Billboard, Cincinnati, O. Madison rianldis from now i»n will l«> tlie week, to eleven hundre former, so (lacked and Jammed was the surface Marcli 2—Five mile open iiiid one mile novice. , Don't misrepresent. R. L, RUSSELL, Sylvester, \\Tille In wlnt(?r of the rink. March 9—One hmir team race. Madison (Jar- , Gesjrgia. quarters It will pay ten has one of the pnitiest and beat eiiulpped 1 * rliik to be seen in this part of Ihe country, you to look up the i The Park Stpiare Rink, of Boston. Mas.s., is and the management could not be any'lietter. uniform question. ' totally destroyed and the big stadium building -wantedII^— TIip plan of this rink has la-en to have their Start riffht by .send- will shortly be torn down. Manager L. C. Bow¬ prises on hand, so as to give them out after For No. 2 Car. Ten more Circus Rill|>nsters, en. who lost heavily on account of the big fire. and car (sirter, for s*-Rson of 1909. for the InR for our fine cat¬ tlie races, which we well know pleases the Is looking around fia* land and will shortly P.uehannan Bros. Vankw Kiddnsoii Shows. Ad alogue and blR line of skaters, who have b en compelleil to wait man.v build a large hiiqmdroine which will cater to dress W, H. Quinnett, Genl. Agent, No. S Han¬ samples—free for the weeks and perhaps months tiefore they get their bicyclists as well as roller skaters. Sitme large cock 6t., Wooster O., until March lit, then lirixps. real estate men of the Huh Clt.v will be Interest¬ Majestic Theatre, Det Moines. Iowa. asking. 1) e M o u 1 1 n 4* ed with Manager Bowen In the new venture. goods are well known A. r. O. .\ndPrson. of (idcago. the western The Park Square waa the largest roller rink ever a.s being the best amateur champion, won his thrive heats in the built, measuring four laps to the mile. It was Texas Snakes, Wild made. first day of the International Outdoor Champion* on this track that Williams, the Boston skater, In the iirellmlnar.v heats. Wednesday, broke the world's flat floor record of one mile Fetiruary 3. at tlie I’ontiac Rink, under the in two minutes and 43 4 5 seconds. Animals and Parrots De MOULIN BROS. & CO. auspices of tlie Saranac I.ake Athletic Asso¬ * Ixrwest prices All orders shliqs-d promidly. i 1030 South Fouith St.. Greenville, Ills. ciation. Eilmund I,am.v and O. B. Bush, of the The obi reliable W. ODELL LEARN. 716 W. Edmonton (.klliertai Hockey Club, also won .Allle Moors, tte champion s[>e<>d skater of the world, will l%re America within a few Commerce Street, San Antonio, Texai. lliree heats each. The question of loamy’s ell- weeks, for the othdr side, and will take part gltdllty was raised liecniise he competed In In the races at the Great Olymtila. which Is lie- r* I And Single Animals. races In Cleveland and IMttsbiirg before, it was ing promoted by Chester P. Crawford. Moore iiargeiniK>; S. A D. Sketch Team, (.arts and coo of the .Association, and therefore would be per¬ + FOB SALE OR TRADE—M*-dinm sized blark cert; slate lowest first letter. Car and tent show mitted to race. The Pittsburg race m(8*t. which is scheduled iH-ar, Ix-iutiful coat, very gentle, and |>artly (>!•'US March 6 (46 w-eks (last s<‘asoHl. 220 Tarils—First heat—(>. R, Bush. Mon¬ for the middle of Febniary, will have a good liroke. Also a fine traveling cage, witb handlea. treal, first; W. H. .lackscm, Montreal, second; entry list. Davidson mid Moore, from present Bear and cage weigh alsmt 4(Sl lbs. Will s«dl, _BROWN $c ROBERTB, Qnitmaa, Oa outiook, will not com(>ete In the races this Otto .Sinninid, A'erona I.jike, third. Time, liut would rather trade for trainerl dogs, mon¬ 20 t-.'i. year at the Rx(>osltlon Rink. However, Peters. keys or (Hinles. What have you? I have 3 Second heat—A. C. (1. .Anderson, Chicago, Bacon. Woodward, Benson and ail the good pro- first: A. E, MeCrowe, Verona Bake, second; fesslonals who have Is-en on tour, racing In other Ix-ara, smaller. Direct, J. .M. PRENTICE, T. .A. Davidson. Springhiil. third. Time, 20 I-.";. all kinds of rinks, will In ail probability be care Prentice Vaudeville ami Trained Animal FOREST PARK Third heat—W. (J. Flnlayson. Montreal, first: Starters in the events. Show, Wakefield, Gogebic Co., Michigan. F. K. Rohsoi. Toronto, second; W. Sutphen. Minneapolis. Brivoklyn, third. Time, 21. FILM BARGAINS --$18 per reel. Bad Men of Fisirth heat—Edmund I>amy, Saranac Lake, Manager Henry, of the Winchester Roller Rink. In a letter, speaks very highly of Vernon, Ihe West, Counterfeiters, Trip to Niagara Falls. will . first; J A. Alrd. Montreal, second: C. Granger, Hold'ii|) in California; are in A-1 condition. the auto skater act, which playetj foy him a few Coiiciwslona call on WM. SI'AIN on grounds, ot third. Time, 20 1 ,V weeks ago. While Vernon Is not a member of Re with order, 8.80 Varda.—First heat—O. B. Bush, first; Joe the P. E. R. 8. A.. It has lieen the policy of iminnee C. (». D. W. EKARD, $23 Bo. 4th St., adilress MOR. B. H. KAHM, 4936 Miohigan Ava. Miller, New York, second; W. H. Jackson, these columns to give due credit to any act Springfield, III. Chiiago, Ill. third. Time, 1:23. which made good In the rinks and recelvisl the Second heat—I>it Roe. Toronto, first; R. recommendations of the rink managers. Wtieeler. MontrcEl. sc-cond; T. A. Davidson, third. 'Hme, 1:28. P FOR ROLLER RINK FLOOR "I bird heat—F. K. Robson, Toronto, first; W. Miss .May Taylor, of the Taylor Twin 81s (J. Flnlayson, second; Harry Kaad. of Chicago, ters. skatorial artists, wai married last week, ANewEri in Rollerskating. and W. Sutphen. dead heat for third. Time. to Mr. Bernle Relcli. The happy pair spent a Dustless Anti-Slip 1:2.*;. few weeks in the New Hampshire mountains, Fourth heat—Edmund Lamy, first; C. Grang¬ hunting rabbits and quail, after which the Tav- Write for Book. er. second; J. A. Alrd. third. Time, 1:29. • lor 81sters will play a numls-r of weeks In vati- Manufacturers DUSTLESS ANTI-SLIP. One Mile.—First heat—E. Lamy, first: C. devllle thronghoiit the New England and Penn THE F. J. RYAN CO Granger, second; ('has. Fisher, of Milwaukee. sylvanla vaudeville circuits. •$ 604 Hodges Building, DETROIT, MICH. FEBRUARY 13- 1909. Xl\e Blllboapd 41

Yon don't know K'xhI platen 'till yon have tried the AT LIBERTY! WANTED! Kamoiia I’eerlena ® rialea. They are f\>r Med. Show; all ronnd aketrh team; alnglea Bold exolnalvely hy .till itonldea; 3 feature ronti.rtlon acta; lady ua. I'latea to III alt rannon ma 'akea piano; can Join on wire. R. F, LUKIES. Edwards Brothers’ Big Electric Way chinea. 9l» centi a too. Framea jprinyfleld, Mo., General DaliTary. New and novel paid attractions—Ferris Wheel, Merry- like ent. the neat eat and beat, pla go-round and Circle Wave or any new, up-to-date ted. $1.75 a irroa#. Ib'velopInK Holn EDWARDS’ WONTHLY Hiding Devices. tion. 15 centa a a*'t. We iilao cnf platea up to 10*14. I'lic larircat mayazinc on earth devoted to Maslc, MaiCiclin* and Myallca. Sample copy, 10 centa. WANTED AMKKICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO.. EI>\V.Mtl>S. 10 Seneca St., Kuffalo, N. Y, Three sensational free acts and band of ten pieces 2I» 277 W. Twelfth 8t.. Chleaco. HI-. O. 8. A. FOR SALE All concessions for sale, including confetti and novelties. I p to llile Picture Show; dolns e*cellent bua|. ao: flue location in town of lO.tNMi (lopulallon. Uiiiinin,; one reel and Hony. No better oppor- WILL LEASE nnll.v anywhere. Addreaa BOX tSS, Ft. Bciatt, Kinaaf t\ No. 1 Animal Show, complete, or furnish top and 713 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa

LOOK! MAGICIANS LOOK! build hand-car\ ed gold front for same or any other up- 3 Reala, Chanced Weekly.$ 7.H IHE SS CABO TRICK—I.a>t 32 |>eopIe peep at to-date show that can make good and get the money. 6 Chanrea a Week. IS.00 t card: each niemurlze, write the name and -cal In an envelope. led each (wraon keep the Caah with order; Immeillate ahtpnicnt. IjOt of -nveloiH'. Mairiclan take* the park and tella •he name of each card. 32 CAUII TRICK, SHOW OPENS WEEK MAY 3 fllnia for aale, account of buy In* new atock. $10 Price $1. MAGICIAN SUPPLY CO., ProTidenca, Auspices F. 0. E., on streets of best town in southern Ohio. to $2.5 per nad. ADDRESS DEMONSTRATORS WANTED I Will Pay a Good Price for Tu K4*ll ZIZ Haror Stiarponer. No caDvasPlDa. 4'rq I»^ In wfndowtt or on street 4^tm»*r$*. IUr pniflt. Send l^Vr for sstnple. Edwards Bros.’ Shows, 506 Wayne Ave., Dayto INDEPENDENT FILMS W, B. SCOTT k CO.. 1276 Broadway, N.T. City. RiHeaaed aince April. 190S. Muat be Rood *tulf. S<‘nd Hat Immediately aiul atre name SIS DONE ATTRACTIONS WANTED — I will of make, lenath, price. coiMlItlon and re¬ load date C. L. HORN, $17 Wabaah A*e., tlie fln).at Alrdome Theatre her,- In Tennea- Chicaao. Ill. .•••• May .3. with a aeatina capaelty of 1,200. I.M-at)*! In heart of city and the only place of .imi»i-incnl Went attrartlona of merit with *<«.! i>a;>er. 1 to 3 week.. North Brother, wire. t.Mre.. CAPT. W. D. AMENT, Jaekaen. Tenn. At Liberty WANTED -200 to flOO rhaira for Picture Show; iK'. Mnrina Picture Itachlne; aire deacrlntlon .ml l4iw,-at caah urice. Addreaa Tl. I,. ROTK- HII I.. ?«..* .535. Roanoke, Va. TRAP DRUMMER Strictly flrat-claaa; bla Hue of trap., etc; mem No. 5 Pvtwer'a Machine, complete, like new. ber of A. K. of M. Addreaa .MORHIS J. CADY. fllo; T me like new. 1 «A da to .5 eta per ft. 174 176 Wabaah Avenue. CHICAGO. -: FTLMS E'OR HEXT :- (b *.|. ahlftpod on d**p,*t|f or e*nre*« aaent'a 1161 Broadway.NSW YORK. MACHINES, ACCESSORIES cinirant'o of charae* C. J. MURPHY, Film 810 Olive Street. . ST. LOUIS. MO Broker. Meidrille, Pa. AND SUPPLIES. STAXD.AKD FILM E:XCIIAXGE -Fllme, Ijintema, “House of Quality” A. L. RIIARPE. 79 l>(-arbom St.. Chicago, Ill.

TENT WANTED- Will exchange a new Orapb- no an.l horn, everything complete, for an 'M-iiijf Hcfip^hmont Tent or s ramping Tent. R 0. rizAUI), Kamlolpfa, N. T It is not a case of how CHEAP you can get it, but how GOOD For the Campbell B'g United Shows. FOR SALE—Opera Houae. Good rental from fornierly Great Ea«t'm Carnival Co., Band Men store* and lodge riMim*. City > nf 12.000; drawing you can get it. If you want a strictly FEATURE CLASS of I’ronMifer and Advertlalng Man, one more Bal pot'iilatidii, .5o.(aai. One.third 1 caah; balance. l.v hoo Show, one Grind Show, and a few more lerma. I'lne Inrestim-iit. Adilreaa JACOB SERVICE, which includes every HEADLINER and no repeaters, MEYERS. Monetten, Pa. Cnnreaalon*. Can utte one more Free Act. Go Ing Into good terrltor.r. Bookwl for four week, take the matter up immediately with ahead. All gooil one*. Montlcello, Ark.. 8-13; MAGICIANS... , LOOK!- -For -Sale "The Magic ,„''alatea.'' "The New Spirit Trank." Warren Feb. 15 20; Croaaett 22 27. Graftera. • ■hiss Trunk." illualona and a lot of amaller save atampa. Picture Gallery would get big niaglc cheap. Plana, drawing., aecreta, etc., money. H. W. CAMPBELL, aa per rontw tor sale. Full particuixra and photo, for V.

ITHI S.XLK- 120 Randolph Street, - - - Chicago. ANIMAL PAPER Vaudeville ilouae. $t’,0i> biiT* All kinds Lltho. Paper at half price It. 'j T. SIMMONS, care The Bill- board. If. A. EILER, care Rip Van Winkle YOU can’t afford to take chances with inferior or junk films rvaota, Tez.. 13; Conroea,* 15: Somer- Sealy 18; Belleville 19; Caldwell 10; from concerns who failed to get licenses or have axes to .. Per. add., Whittmore, Iowa. grind. GET THE BEST FILM—It’s good business insurance.

OPEN TIME FOR GOOD ATTRACTIONS -Beat Wanted, Operator tln.irc lictH'cen Galcabiirg and Quincy, Ml. Live United States Film Exchange Who can lecture on jilcturca at Five Cent The Imvn. 12110 iMipnIatlon. Juat atnick idl. Have Motion Picturo Patonta Co. LIcenaee. 'te.mi heat, electric light., two tl<*>r.; capacitv ® atre. Adilrc.a JAKE ROSENTHAL, Dnbuqua. H. J. KINNEBREW, Mgr, Plymouth, Ill. J. SCHUCHAT. President. Icwa. START A FLEA CIRCUS For $7.5 I wlH aiip ply yiMi with .50 Performing Giiaranti'tsl K.iiro- 132-134 E. Lake St., - CHICAGO. (•ean lie., (ein.igh for the aca.on with card, aliKoliitely ready for yci to give jM-rform- • at lime. One. two or thr«*e ahipmenta. iviniplele outfll (except fleaal for $10ii. Or *11 .iipply any part of Flea CInna. PROF. fAI I.. care The BiniMmrd. New York.

ig Machine.. $.5 each; .Mill* P $.■> each; Mill. Puih'hlng Hag > each: Climax Peanut Mac Slot Weighing Maehinea, $10 WANTED ea in flrat cIhh. condition. J N9w Auditorium, St. Joseph, Mo., April 17 to 25, ineiusive. accHiipiiny each onler. J. E. TRAP DRUMMER . 48 River St., (Diicago. Ill. ■f Japancae Acta Single. Double a:id Family Acta; give detail of act in flrat letter: t tiKi big. Amuaemeiit ami S. IIlug CimcdHlona for aale „ W"''';'. Ilb^ Picture Show: atcadv work for right party. Ad ml other clean worthy Oriental organlzatlona. Addrea. MERCHANTS AND MANU- drvaa JAKE ROSENTHAL. Dubuque, Iowa. THE JOHN R. smith SHOWS WANT a gm.l FACTUHEAS' EXPOSITION. Boom 7, JOSEPH. MO. F'l rrla Wlii.’l and a few more Song Slid* Servite Film Sairvica to - -.V prlvllegea and conceaaloua. '•tIon I wanting • npTpr closing ]hw1' The "Wright” Kind Suit all Exhibitor* at winter aalary" write: want gmal 5 or Talephone Connectiona, 3016 Stuyveaant '■e Hand at once. KememtH>r, Ibla .bow Uev- Can we assist you in procuring license from Motion loa.'., JttllN R. SMITH. Priq,. amt Genl. WRIGHT FILM SERVICE . per route. Picture Patents Co.? SERVED RIGHT Addrees “Phono- HALE'S TOUR CAB. REOARD- WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE, UJpl;! Bcope” inquiriea 13 East 14th Street to St. Louis office Mew York City Member Film Service Associabon. | MILV/ P. H. Wegner M. F. Tobie.

FOR SALE OR TRADE—Black Top. Ilneil. ‘25x .50. compl.'te, also 2 moving picture banner*. PARTNER WANTED- ttxlB. Want to Buy Round F.nd Tent. 30x60 ct. Ground or High Bar*. Addreaa C. J. HITE FILM CO or .30X70. Addrea* KARL WEHMEYEK. 1*26 lEROR, Great Waatern Hotel. Chi- Shouteau Ave., St. laiula, .Mo. _ 439-440 Monadoock Block. CHICAGO* ILL.

-l-xm S.XLK- UIMEXCELLEO FILM SERVICE •DUKE,” High Diving Dog. with tbirty-foot l,adder. VI II bimi) for anyone. $15 takea Gaomont **Passlon Play,** Hand-colored. >01111. P. L. PUTNEY, New Hampton, In. FEBRUARY 13, 1909k

Cry Baby, Chas. N. Mercer, mgr.: Greenup, (JenHro & Biilley, In Tony the Bootblack. A. H. ! ROUTES . WihmIk. niKr.: I’ittaburg, l*a., 8-13; Buffalo. N. V.. (Continued from page 30.) OALY, ARNOLD: See the Strong OambltT of the Wcat. A. 11. Woorta. oiftr.: Cin¬ People. cinnati, ti.. 7-i:i: Mciii|ilil». Teiin.. 15-20. DRAMATIC OIXEY, HENRY E.: See Mary Jane’s (illinore. Barnev. In Klilnapia-tl In New York. Ilavlin A M<-<>lal. niicrs.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. Bowdoln 3<|iiare Theatre Stock Co., Jay Hunt, Pa. 8-i:i; l>bilalila. Ta.. 1.V20. tngr.; Bouton, Masa., indef. DORO, MARIE: See The Richest Granatark (EaKterni, A. G. Delamatcr, mgr.: Bunting, Emma, Co., Earl Burgess, prop.; Fred Girl. Baltimore. Mil.. 8 13; York. I‘a., 15; \Vil We carry a full line of trooda for Gillen, mgr.: San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 15. DREW, JOHN: See Jack Straw. niliiition. Del., 16; Lancaater. I’a., IT: Allen¬ pitch, and atiwt comer workera. Memo indef. town 18; Dover, N. J., 10; New Brunswick Burbank Stock Co., Oliver .Morosco, mgr.: Los Dalrymple Comedy Co.. W. H. Dalrymple. 20. Booka. Glaas Cutter Knivea, Scopea, Look* Angeles, Cal., Indef. mgr.: Panama Canal Zone, Jan. 11-Marcb Granatark (Central), A. G. Delamater. mgr.: tiacka. Shears, Razora, Elmery Stonea, Caa MonoiiKabi'Ia, l*a., 10: Moneaaen II: Charle¬ Burrowes, Boyd, Dramatic Co.; Fremont, Neb., Openers, Peelers, Fountain Pena, l^iu Indef. Dswn of 8 To-morrow, with Elcsnor Robson. ! roi 12; Morgantown. W. Va.. 13; Clarkabiirg Burwood Stock Co.: Omaha, Neb.« Aug. 29, LIchIcr A Co., mgrs.: New York City, Jan. 13: Elkina 16; Grafton IT; Kairmont 18: Stone Studs and Pins, Cheap Jewelry, 25, indef. 1 Indef. Cbarleatoii 10-20. Watches and Optical Goods, Knivea, Bush Temple Stoi-k Co., Kilwin Hianbouser, DeVoss. Flora. Co.. J. B. Rotnour, mgr.: Es- Granatark (Weatern). A. G. Delamater. mgr.: mgr.: Chicago, 111.. Aug. 29, Indef. canabs, Mieb., Indef. | St. Jei)h. Mo.. T-IO: Atcblaon. Kana.. 11; Canes, Whips, Novelties and Notions. Billy the Kid, Chas. Wuerz, mgr.: Lisbon. Dunlap. Gertie. Stm-k Co., Lew Vlrden, mgr.: | Crealon. la.. 12: Orinnell 13; Centerville 14; We can make up O., 10; Bellaire 11; Marietta 12; Huntington. Freino, Cal., Indef. Ottumwa 15; Burlington IT; Daven|>ort 18; W. Va.. 15: Portsmouth. O., 16; Chillleotbe DeGroote Stock Co.. Jnllan Q. Powell, mgr.; ! Moline. III.. 10. 17; (^cleville 18; Zani-sTlIle 19; Canton 20. Snartanburg. S. C.. 8-13. Grableaa of Reason, with Julia Marlowe. Sam S. ANY JEWELRY LOT OR Bishop, Chester, CJo.; Galllpolla, O., 8-10; Pt. Devil. The. Henry W. Savage, mgr.; Glovers i & l.aH> Sbnbert. Inc., nigra.: Waabington. I). Pleasant. W. Va., 11-13; Charleston 15-20. vllle, N. Y.. 10; Binghamton 12; Middletown C., 8-13: New York City. 15 2T. NOTION LOT WANTED. Big Jim. Gordinler Bros., mgrs.: Ainsworth. 1.3‘ Baltimore. .Md.. 15-’20. i Great Divide (Weaterni. Henry Miller, mgr.: Neb., 10; Wood Lake 11; Valentine 12: Riish- Devil's Auction (Cbas. H. Y'ale’a). M. Wise, I Dea Molm-a. la., 10: Et. Dialge 11; Maraball- Deposit required on all C. O. D. ordeia. mgr.: Missoula. Mont., 10; Helena II: Ana¬ town 12; Oakalooaa 1.3: Daveniiort 2o. Tllle 1.3: Hay Springs 15; Gonlon 16; O’Neill Catalogue free. Send for it to-day. 17; Orchard 18; Belden 19; Randolph 20. conda 13' Butte 14: Boieman 15; Livingston" Greet IMavera, Ben Greet, mgr.: Rochester, BennettMoulton Co., Geo. K. Robinson, mgr.: 16: Billings 17: Miles City 18; Dickinson. i, N. Y.. 10-11. Kingston, N. Y., 8-13; N. Adams, Mass., 15- N. D.. 19; Msndsn 20. ; Great Divide, with Henry Miller, Oenry Miller, DeLacy, Leigh. StiH-k Co., Monte Thompson. I mgr.: St. IxMila. Mo.. T-13. Gilmore. Paul, in The Boya of Company B. Jnlea Banker’a Child, Harry Shannon, mgr.: Alex- mgr.; Northampton. Mass., 8-13; Glens Falls, Shryock-Todd Notion Co. andrla. La., 10; Washington 11; Lafayette { N. Y.. 15-20. Murry, mgr.: I.Incoln. Neb., lo; Haatinga 11. SZ2-S24 Nortli Bill tt,, tT. LOBM. ■ 12: Jennings 1.3; Crowley 14; New Iberia 15; Dlvorcons. with Grace George, Wm. A. Brady, Graham St«’k Co., Oacar Graham, mgr.; Luf¬ Franklin 10; Patterson 17; Morgan City 18; mgr.: Lancaster, Pa.. 11. kin. Tex.. 8 1.3. Houma 19; TbllKslaux 20. Dora Thorne: Weatherford. Tex., 16. ; Girla (Eaaterni, Sam S. A la^e Shubort, Inc., Bunco In Arizona. J. L. Veronee. mgr.: South Dora Tborne; Bloomington, Ill., 12. mgrs.; Worcester. Maaa., 8-10. Girla (Weaterni. Sam S'. A Lee Shnbert. Inc., Chicago, 111.. 7-10; Chicago 14-20. EOESON, ROBERT: See Call of the Bullock's Comeily Co.: Elkins. W. Va.. 8-1.3. mgrs.: Cambridge, O., 10; New Philadelphia Brewster's Millions, with Edward Abelea, Fred- . North. eric Thompson, mgr.: Lancaster, Pa., 10: ' ELLIOTT, MAXINE: See The Chap- ! Reading 11; Allentown 12; Easton IS: Atlaii- - eron. tic (Sty. N. J.. 15; Trenton 16-17; New . Easiest Way. with Frances Starr. David Be- Brunswick 18; PlalnOeld 20. laseo. mgr.; New York City, Jan. 18, In- Brewster’s Millions, Cohan A Harris, mgrs.:; dPf. : FIRE PROOF! lOISELESS! FLICRERLESSt Vancouver. B. C.. Can.. 9-10; New Westmln- ' Empire Stock Co., Lindsay Morrison, mgr.: Wa- ster 11; Bellingham, Wash., 12; Everett 13: I terhiiry. Conn., Dec. 21, Indef. 1 10 VIBRATIOR! Ellensbiirg 15: N. Yakima 16: Pendleton, Ore.. '; English Sto. HI.. Aug. 31, Indef. ron. O.. 8-10; Elyria 11; Lima 12; So. Bend. ! Indef. April 11th. For Colonial Sto

JAMES, LOUIS: See Peer Gynt. Marlowe St«k r..,, r.a* n Marvin. mKr.: 01,1 II.,ni.-.tra,l. rnnklln Th-.mpKon, ni(cr.: le-ircrcoenN THOQ • S«

KEENAN, FRANK: See the Warren. Rro..- Co.. R. w. Marks, mkr.; Am- Price's Po|>ular Players. John R. Price, mkr.: Send for List. of Virginia. aterdam. N. Y.. 8-13. Jacksanvllle. Fla., Jan. 20 Apr. :{0. Kasaa. with Mrs. I.eslle Carter; New Y'ork Maxam it Slkbts' Cometllana, J. W. Sights, Della, Co.; Boise. City, lila., July 2. **Always Think of Mother** *if Today Were Yesterday** **Honey Dear** S5.00 per set. 10 per cent. off. MUSIC FREE. LACKAYE, WILLIAM: See The Bat¬ I FaTrburV'lD^BeatScl ^ "un^^coln 13''‘Vlchr » Ttnaniamn. mgr.; Charleston. S. C.. i tle. Kan. IT • 10-11; Jacksonville. Fla., 12-13; Savannah. I LORIMER, WRIGHT: See The Shep¬ M^'t.r^ tint hern. Il.m-e n P.ena nann . •'•■“■on Columbu* 20. herd King. LEVI COMPANY, I/fvenson YhMIsb Stock Co., David I.evenaoD Newark 12; Palmyra 13; Brockport 15; Lock . nf.^via 1 tJ-ko^rt l-l- Rwhestw *5 20 ’ 64 East 14th Street, NEW YORK, U.S. A. Digr.; Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 18, Imlef. Lola Theatre Stock Co.; Seattle. Wash., Aug Mortimer.Mortimer’ ChaaChaa., “*j’'^I*^VdI J. M. Hill,1*'m'lrr’^^t mgr.: St. MMarys. rv. (A-'t-’rCo.l, Wakenhala ft Kem 0. Imlef. Can..Can 8.13^8-13; i’ufoweViLlatowell 111*13; i i'i- ^.orh.mUurbaro 15 17; BarrlnKf.>n. Mas.., lO; Lycetim Theatre Stock Co.. I.,oal* Phillips. IlarrlatoQHarrlst^^’l8 18-2<». »t ' " " Hartford. Conn., 11-13; Brooklyn, N. Y.. Mills’ Brand Haw Coin-Oparated Crap-Shoatar There haa always been a big demand for • mgr.: Brimklyn. N. V.. Aug. 10, Imlef. “coP•l'd‘”n Full (Coast), Wagenhals ft« Kemper.n.-i.i.n-. Lytic St,Hk Co . Geo. Berry, mkr.: Ft. Wayne, Fo., mgrs.; Portland. Me., 8-13; Bangor 15 ‘ . V,,,. ' .^k lo-ll- Ft Smith ®®'*'®P*‘'‘***‘‘* Crap-Bh,s.ter. And here It Is. Ind.. N,.V. 2«, imlef. ' ’ 20. ,3. i'.% Bar There's nothing like It on tte mar Lyric Slisk Co., W. W. Wlttlg. mgr.; Mtn- McDonald Stock Co. (No. 1). O. W. McDonald. tfesvllle 16- ‘Oklahoma City 17-18' Guthrie het. Jhjo’t Jh*" *?*’*•* ^ neaiM.lls .Minn Sept 21 Imlef mgr.: Mangum. Okla.. 8-13; Anadarko 15 2<». rV ojnn ' r,*I Ihlng now. mis Crap Bh,H>ter will pay for Lyric Sto;k Co.:’ J. V'. MoStca, ’mgr.; New J®' P"" (Atlantic). Wagenhals ft Kemper, i ,i'’*„;|;’'7rel* m«tVtS3 Orleans. La., Aug. 23. Imlef. M«»hlngton. La., 7-13, Natchitoches . x'^rwalk. O.. 10; Samluskv 11; Mans « •'«>“ Little Prospector. Frank G. King, mgr.; Me wijlf?'. t kii™* a. n . O'-''! »2: Zanesville 13; Clrclevllle 15; Cbll- MTCXa nSv^T-Y CO *1 ^ Kinney, re*.. 10; Sherman 11; Bonham 12; *il“**^ * *^**^'^"'Vv 'V'1 h ° * llcotbe ifl; Portsmouth 17; Ashland. Ky.. 18; {® * *• Paris 13; Clarkavllle 15; Prescott, Ark.. 16; Amuse. Co., prop*-, L. D. Ellsworth, mgr.. Huntington. W. Va.. 19; Parkersburg 20. ■'•I*'' Chic*fo. IHinoia. Arkailelphla 17; .Malvern 18; Pine Bluff 19; „i,®''®!},*®' ’/".V' Power Stock Co., Herbert H. Power, mgr.: LitGe R,K-kRfK-k 20. I "?h .’'Tl‘’“‘s*mTemple a Telegram.^''^Th’ wUh’iV^ Rose *^-*"1Evans. ‘’F-7erWrOnL.’Peterboro. Ont., S-Ys'^St.8-13; St. "csth^Tn";Catherines 15S 20. , a|g ■■ I Lena RiversRlrcrs (Westemi, Burton Nixon, mgr.: ?***,"' *1*1* i,,*'•*'*■ Partello Slock Co. (Eastern), W. A. Partello, Fl| rWI|M||^|irO I Chicago.Chicago, HI..HI., 7-13; St. Genevieve. Mo.. U;1-4; &-ijir >* M ‘ Ph.tM'--® Kv.;;:;eadvllle. Pa.. 8 13; ITanklln 15 20 Wl| M P 1 I , H || NI. H X I Festus 15; IValogeDesloge 16; Farmington 17; Fred-Fred !;•1-. Mankato 13, Nj^ llm 14. k?iuCharle* City,if ‘ P«rtellop,r,pii„ Stockstock Co. (Western), Harry J. Spell-Spell | |L|f| I erlcktnwn 18; Bonne Terre 19. IS.’v- 'a. ' ^ ‘ • ®«n-mao. m*'-mcr.: : JMkson.Jackaon. Mich.. 8-13.8*13. Lena Rivera, with Beulah I’oynter, Burton Nix .,***• ,?.?”^1®“ A Peer Gynt. with Louis James, Wallace Munro on. mgr.: Richmond, Va., 8-13; Philadelphia, Man Who Stood Still, with I-ouls .\ sun W m. *^1niKrY^Vl'lnneapoHs.”'Mnigr: Minneapolis. Minn.. Inn™ * V1^7 10; *St".'^*Psul"’tSt. Paul tl 1- Yol km Films tkat art Nat Earalai Pa.. 15^20. A Brady, mgr.: springaeld. O. lo; Dsyt.m ,13;3*^ Red Wing 15:,5. Eaii Claire, Wis..wis.. 16; Mad-Mad Ufkw •> kmotatmm Dwiw Life of an Actress. Aubrey MIttenthsI, Inc., 11; Lexington Ky.. 12; Owenaboro 13; St. Ison 17;,7 t),bkoehOshkosh 18; Fond du I.4ICIjic 19; Sheboy maaty. Wty I AtSWar NaiB. Mgr.: Montreal. Can., 8-13. IsOiili. Mo., \A gan-jjjj 20.On _ ^ ---- Latlninre It lA-lgb Stock Co. (Weatern), Bert Mont tae stock Co.. O. C. Mont-tse, mgr.: p,%Pair ofof"(^ountry Cotintry Kids (C. J. SmithSmith’s). sI. E. J. Ks-Ks j take out the rain ami your Films will Lelgb, nigr.: Coldwater, Mich., 8-13. Sprlngfl^M. O., 8 13. ilow.dow. mrr.!mgr.: Ilen(lerfH>n.Henderson. Kt..Ky., 10:10; Morcanfl«^l

Uly and the Prince, Frank Ilollaod. mgr- FhrN'ygan 13. . Aurora. Neb., lo; Glblmn 11: Overton Folding Chaira made. We make nine dKTeMt Wtiaharhie. Tex 10 Waeo 11- Aiiatin l'»- '**" ^'’®™ (Weaterni: Anderaon. Ind.. jo. (-oxad 13; Gothenburg 15; N. Platte 16: stylet of Chairs, and ship direct from oor fae San Antonio 13; New Rraiinfela 14; San Mar- >•’: Pl<|u* (I., 19. Lexington 17; Harvard 18; Fslrtleld 19: tory to you. If you are In n.^ of Chaira.^ cos 15. "uuiri. It, amu aiar ^ M.rrieil for Money: Tarentum. P*.. 16. Kearney '20. not boy until you see our Catalogue and prleaa.

tkive Watebee. with Blllle Burke. Chaa. FToh- ford. Tex.. 17. 13: Frankfort 1.V20. FOR SALE—17 Hardesty swivel base oiiem min. mgr.; Roaton, Maaa., l-'27. Moonablner'a Daughter: Boonville, Ind.. IT. Rocky Mountain Express (Eastern), KHmt ft chair*. AV.Cg); 2 Power'a marblnes, 113.5. $160; Lyceum Comedy tx>.. Al. 8. Evans, mgr.: Or¬ Gamolo -kmuae. Co.. 1 E.llaon Exhibit .Machine. $60.00; 1 Columbia ange City. Fla.. 8 13. NETHERSOLE, OLGA: See the mgr; Bulfalo, N. Y., 8 13; Detroit. Mich., |>honograph. coat *13.5. *60; 200 Mapis Writing on the Wall. r-ena^‘®S* KlveraRivera lEattim),lEattern), Burton Nixon, mgr.:mgr.; .Vf'ilT?. ®"r. a a » -r-u-• m*15-20. lak K »wxA_ .. ..w ja.fTorafbn _ ..h.le.chilrp. Xik.4ih* I,....!.-cMch; 1 M. I>T. TheatreThcatw*, cH*city of Eaton. O.. 11: .N'ewcaatle. Ind., 12: Anderson NILLSON, CARLOTTA: See Thl«IS ‘*'^'•^.*'1^ ‘’’JT*’** 60.000, cost $2.‘200. *1.000; 1 M. P. Theatre. !»’ Fonnersvllle 18; Sbelbyvllle Woman and This Man. Penaa^mla. Fl'a'..’ 16;*-Tallahassee ’it'; Thomas lown of 5.0IK). ciait $6(St. *4.VI. Have for sale Un; R""*,cfntr.D. Burton Nixon, mgr.; NAZIMOVA,AZIMOVA, MME. ALLA (Reper- vllle Gs..’ 18; Waveross 19; Albany 2o. «n-l "-ant Amusement fVvlcea of all kind. F, B. Kans.. 10; Osage City 11; Canton toire). Sam S. A Lee Shubert, Inc., Rip Van W'lnkle. with Th.imas Jefferson. Wm. HA'vVKllfS. Box 77, Akron. Ohio, la' *l"rfon 13; Pawnee, Neb., 16; Wymore 17; Hanover, Kans.. 18. mgrs.: Detroit. Mich. 8-10; Toronto, S;„,''i‘irRe,K, r^Rhe^:?^; iTTo 9^-: -- g.ie, 14.20,. Ujirru onrf fathirmfl M tnhR mack, ANDREW: See Sergeant Nntionral KrnnoiilN Sfo< k Co.. TjiiiI Cnzt^neurp, Rifobnrn. /milth. Ourrell II. l-yaU. ni*rr.: Al- Harry and Katherine Mitchell Devil McCare. mirr.: Montrenl. (’«n.. Any. 17. Imlef. leysn. Mich.. 10; Benton Harbor 14; llowajtlac MANN. LOUm* Am* fka Man \A/kn Neill. James, Sto<-k Co.: WinnliH-g. Man.., ^3. Three Rivers 16. StnoH aVdi * Fan.. Indef. Richest Girl, with Marie Thtro. Chaa. Frohman. , *4 A DI .. Nlel!M>n. Marie, Homer E. Gllbo. mgr.; Robert mgr.; Easton. Pa.. 10; .8cranton II; Harris-, "'"“LOWE, JULIA: See The Goddess I.s>uls, bua. mgr.: .\Ivarado. Tex.. II: Whit- burg 12; I.ancaater 13; Washington. D. C.. . of Reason. ney 12; Illeo 13; Dublin 15: Stephenvllle is 20. 1 mason JOHN. Baa *ka Wltaklaa Bmwnwood 17; Killeen IS; Lampasas R.ngg.al R.diln. with Chauncey Olcott. Augustus; Homs see the Witching ,,,. -Jo ntou. mgr.; Newark. N. J.. 8 13; Middle , “V, , _ _ i National Stoik Co.: Fredericksburg, Tex., 7- town. N. Y., 15; Newhiirg 16; Pmighkeepsle ; MELVILLE, ROSE: See Sis Hop- ; 13. 17; Troy 1S; Schenectady 19; Albany ‘20. Kins. North Broa.* Comeillans. D. H. Hadermann. ■ Round Cp. with Maclyn Arbuckle, Klaw A Er- 1 Miller HPNRV. au c*— . r»- mgr.; Winona. Minn., 8 13; Mankato 15 20. langer. mgra.: St. Ixmls, .Mo.. 1-13; Kansas : . ntlXKY. See the Great Dl- xinetv and Nine, J. D. Barton, mgr.: Detroit, i ritv 1.5-20. 1 sjar. — a. Mich.. 8 13. i Rorv of the Hill. A. R. Beer, mgr.: Napanee. MANTELL, ROBERT (Repertoire), j Xo Mother to Guide Her: Chicago. HI.. 7 13. Can.. 10; Belleville 11; Colborne 12; Plcton 1

8^13’ BaKimo^r’.'YSH" if 1 m«Gh U**''"*"' R'^^t ®f ^ay. with Guy Standing and Tbe«lore |j ''sYlt''s?lt l'‘k"'’'r’l " W»'"'-dW'»"'-d Mack, mgr.: Benalre'^S-Sr'*”"’ ' OkU.1*^0;*'wTchfta.^'KanC’111 IS**".?: j u SaltD ^ Lake City. I'tah. J«n.Jan. 11. Indef.imW. ‘' Canton. U.,D.. h8 i.i.1.1. k*K. iia^oiia^e lo .ni..ii. TVnrer.TVnver. (VIo..0o!o.. I.V2o1,V2<» MrRsoMcRae Honry.Henry. St.wk Co.;Co.: Tacoma. Wash.,Waah.. . OLCOTT,OLCOTT# CHAUNCEY;CHAUNCEY: See Ragged RoMon. May,May. L. S. Sire,Hire, mgr.;mjrr.: Cleveland.Cleveland, (V.O., i Msl 'ir a Robin. 8 13: Cincinnati 15'20. nr*lnerd.''Mlnn‘'r’Feb‘’8'"nd^^^ m*™-: j ()rpheum Stock Co.. Grant^ Laferty, mg^^ SKINNER. OTIS: See the Honor of

'Isn from Home, with W'm. Hialge, Liebicr A Oiir*'»*wm"sto<-k Co..'m. E.'Rice, mgr.: Ft. Wa-: the Family. e au /»u 1 j o mgr*.; New York City, Aug. 17, In j j-g. Ind.. Sept. 7. Indef. STAHL,STAHL. ROSE: See the ChorusChorut Lady. Manhitfsi. W.V . ... ' fR'l .krkanVaw: Burr Oak. Kan*.. 1®: Foort-' cyANDING. GUY, A THEODORE >..v: T Z:r ; 'x'e"b ’Vs-^'raMYviliV K“6Y=W.^YS ROBERTS: See the Right Way. Mating Pot. with Walker Whitealde, I.lebler i7;*^'w*ahlnglon 18; Wakeneld ll); Clay Cen- STARR, FRANCES: See the Easiest Me). Chicago. Ill.. I)ee. 0. Indef. ter 20. Way. yipollten Stock Co.. Ellsworth ft Jonlan, On the Frontier. BiirgnerBurgner ft Alton,Alton m^a : B^- 50THERN. E. H. (Repertoire), Sam Oklahoma City. okl... Jan. In-| ford CIt.v.City, V.Va., 10 11; East Radford 1-. Il •>;u ;■ c A 1 »« Bhuhorl Inc mars • Seat- 24. f"rdlaaki 13; Wytheville 1.5-16; Marlon 1.: Ah g.S- A& Lee Shubert.Shubert, Inc., mgrs.:mgrs.. Seat-Seat ''^.•®.^l>l"to (Conrad’a). Wm. I.emle, mgr.;! Ingdim IS; Brlatol. Tenn., 19; Johnson City tie. Wash., 8-13: Spokane 15-16; Salt • R’: M*®"" Armory 12; | 20. „ ^ Lake City, Utah, 17-20. f*" 'F’'l*l IR* Samson with Wm. Gillette. Chas. Frohman. (Central). Brady ft Griamer, Peoria, III.. 7 10; Sprlngneld 1113; CTilcago ' n,jr.;nipr.:. NewXewN>w York City.C\ty, Oct. 19.1ft, Indef.ifnlef. Chicago. |U., 1-13; Plttahiirg, Pa., 1 14H27. 27. . v, 1.. e .k« ni—t>i.. SavovSrvot 8toi‘kStoikStoryn. •"in ^e ^'*h'Mght ®^of the I lay. Selman 8to<'kStm-k Co.: Hamilton.n.mllton. Ont.,Ont 8ept.Sept. 21. erinecrlne Mltch«*UMitchell who. In the act kn«»wnknown aaas (raay< raay :.",i Hour (New England). Brady ft , M. Oaterman. mgr:mgr,: Midland. Ont., 10, Bar Imlef. for ^a Mluute."Mluiife.** have met withwitb great|fr»*at aucceaa on .-’11 To % "‘T"'\ Ift-H: I-ow , rie 11: Folllngw.imlCoIIlngwooil 1212::_ SSt.t. Calh.jlneaCalherlnea 13;13 Shipman w-oniMcGill stockStock Co.: New HiHaven, Conn.. ■ the Sullivan Conaldine. Western Managert >2 1.3; le-wlaton. Me.. 16: Portland 16 ' Hamilton 15; Brantford 16; Galt 17; Guelph ■ "M « Vaudeville AamHlatlon. etc. Our new act by Man’of R»l'’m. Mass.. 19 20. tS; StratfmM 19; . ^ine Shlrlev. jc«sle. Stock Co.: .Spokane. Wash.. ; Billy IVRow (Pursuing a Cycleue) la a winner. 'he Monr (Weatern). Brady ft Grismer. 1 Our New Minister. Jo*. Conyer*. m^.. Mne- -"'7® ',, ami onr New Idea* for a piano act la giving ne Ta^x. '"T”,'.®"'.notiaton 12 13:' land. N. J.. R>: ”= ''®7'’ U , stindanl -ThTatre Stock Co. Fred Darcy, mgr.: some ffattering offers. At present we are fee- Austin 16; Wac® 17; Fort WInsteil. Conn.. 13; Providence, B. I.. I.XiphraV p^^^^ ‘ tured on the C. E. Hmlkln. Circuit. 11 44 Ttie Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

Sutton. I.iilii, StootnT. Cfcll, CliaH. K. ttlane.v, niKr.: .Mem Under Southern Sklea (Weatem), Harry Doel |)IiIh, Tcnu., 1 13; Atlanta. . 10; .Monl|>eller 11; Karre 12 ;lturllngtun 13; The play was verv giaal from the iH-glonin; -AND- 8ava(te Kltift, la-Comte & Kleatier, nittra.: Ox¬ St. Albana 15; Dlattaburg, N. Y., Hi; Rut- the end, and In Ita mlngletl humor ami ford. .Miaa., 10; IPdIy SpriiiKa 11; lliiiiilioldt, lanil, Vt., 17; Cranville, X. Y., IS; Saratoga comic aimply carried the audience away. The Tetin., 13; Jaekaon 13; Wynne, Ark.. t.'>: D.l; I’lHighkeepaie 30. cast w'aa aa follow a: I'oreat City 1»1; .Marianna 17: Clarkolale, nder Southern Sklea (Centrall. Harry Doel 2 DWARFS' The King . liana Marr llias., l!t; Cra-uville 30. Darker, prop. & mgr.: Xewton. la., lo; Kno.x Itoiirdier. millionaire .R. Relchera Shepherd KIuk, with Wri>:ht I-orinier, Wtn. A. vllle II; Ottumwa 13: Clinton 13; R. I'eree It. ISenton, proji Richard I'ncle Tom'a Cabin (Stetaoti’a Westerni, Win. In memory of (Irlllparzer'a birthday, hla five Koaa, hiia. tiiKr.: Newark, J., S I.3. KibbK-, mgr.: (Jreensburg. Iml., 10; Cri-en- act drama. Kin Itruilerzwlat in ilababurg. waa Sla llopkina, with Itoae Mi iville. J. It. Stirllntt. lleld II; Richmond 13: .Miincie 13. given at the CiMirt Tlieatre In .Municli. Xearly Mgr. Columbia Theatre, BROOKLYN, N. Y uiyr.: Fremont, Xeh., lo; Omaha 11-13: Kan I’ncle Tom'a Cabin iStetaon’a E.asternl, I.eon the entire atalT of the theatre waa engaged In Sj.a City. .Mo., 14 30. Waahburn. mgr.: Angnata. .Me., 10: i.ewiatou ||,p play, which la very ditlleult in many waya. StrotiK I’eople, with Arnold Italy, l.ielder & Co., 11; Manchester, X. II The cast was as follows: tnirra.: Chicatto, 111., 17 I'eli. 13. Cncle Tom’s Cabin (Stetson's Coasti. Jos. A. Solly, Daniel: Spokane. Wash., HI II. Felt*, mgr.: Drovllle, Cal., 10; Chico 11; Riididf H. Mr. LuetzenkIrcber Shore Aerea, Chaa. Miller, Ino.. mirr.: Crand ReildIng I'l; .\shland, (Ire., 16; Medford 17; Don Cesar . Mr. Rirron Junction, Colo., 10; Canon City Cuehlo Grants Pass IS. .Vrchdtike Mux . Mr. Rasil 13: Coba-ado .Spritiga 13. Cnder Two Flags: Carthage, .Mo., 15. Duke Julius of Rrunswick .....Mr. Sehroeder Sla_ Dcrklna, Kddie Delan*-.v, mgr.; Mayfield, Valeniia Stock C".: S.iii Francisco, Cal., Sept. ITEMS FROM THE AUSTRIAN CAPITAL WANTED Ky., 10; I’tiion City, Tenn., 11; liardwell, 12. Indef. Kv.. 13; Mound City. III., i:t. Vainplrr, The, .s.ini S A I.s-c Slinbert. Inc., In the Riirg Theatre the new coin"dy. The ST.'ilglit Ro.id. Ildgar Forreat. mgr.; Dliiladel- mgrs.: Xew York City. Jan. IS. Indef. Door Into the Gpen. hy Rlumcuthal and Kadel phla. Da., S 13. Virginian. The, The Kirke LaShelle Co,, props.; hiirg. was recently given Its tlrst perloriiiaiice. Salvation Xill, with .Mrs. Flake, IlaiTison Orey J. II. Falser, mgr.; Denver. Colo., 7 13; Ft. 'The play Is of a kind which always thrills the To buy 2 Lions. Flake, mgr.: ItnITalo. X. Y.. S Hi. Collins 15; Greeley Hi; Chevenne, Wyo.. 17; undleiict, hut either puts thorn into the full Stri.iiglieart: Reaver Falls, Dii., 3o. Kearney, Xeh., IS; Grand Island Hi; Lincoln light the spiiitiial iinpurtani-e of the authors Stisbiart StiK'k Co.: Portage la Dralrle, Can.. MUST BE CHEAP. S I.’!, or shows the astonishing fact that y ■isleric 'Thompson, mgr.; Phila¬ niilimitial and general phrases. In all prohahll- burg II; Memphis. Tiiin., 13 13; St. I.ouls. delphia, Da.. 'J-'i-Feb. 13. ily the eotneily will be presented liy Raiimfeld J. J. WILLIAMS, .Mo., 15 37. WALSH. BLANCHE: See The Test. Svrgeant Devil .McCare, with .4ndrew .Mack, at the Xew German Theatre In Xew Y'ork, and 461 Washing'on Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. .Maaiii; Detets. nigr.; S|irlngtlebl. .Mass.. 10; WHITESIDE. WALKER: See the may iirove a great hit. Worcester 11; .Maticliestcr. X. II., Hi. Melting Pot. Lotus Treutnann. a very good and well liked Sipiaw Man, with Dustin Farnuni: Derth Am¬ WILSON, FRANCIS: See When (omedlsn at Viennese theatres, niaved rweiitly boy. X. J.. II; Xew ItrunsHlck 13; Dlainheld Knights Were Bold. in a role whieh was m>t on the hill. It seem- 13. than Treiim.inn engaged himself to Dlreetor IT LIBERIl FOR 1909 S..r\anl in the Ilottae (Kasternl: Rochester, X. WARFIELD, DAVID (Repertoire). knrereg. of the Carl Theatre, and also made a Y.. 0 13; Dhiladciphia, Da.. 15 30. David Belasco, mgr.: New York eontrnet with Dlreetor .Mueller, of the Johann A BAR PERFORMER Servant in the House (Westerni: Louisville, . City. Jan. 11-March 6. Str.tiis- Tlealre. Roth ilirettors he hit for an K\.. s 10; Kvatisville, Ind., 13. Ward. Fannie Jos. Rnsiks, mgr.: Xew York advance of 2'i.utHi Kronen each, and liegan his Who can conic-dy or straight, donide In brass The D. itlle. witli Wllt*in I.acka.ve, I.lebler A CItv, Fch. 8, Indef. eiigagei:ient at the lattc'r theatre, whereiipoii and owns llie rigging; also would like to hear Co . mgrs.: Xew York City. I's-c. 21, Indef. Ward Co:ni-dy Co.. Hugh .1. Ward, mgr.: Sin¬ the direeti.i of the Carl Theatre entered suit from a gcssl alto saxoplioue playir lo frame u, Tlie Fighting Hope, with Hlanche Rates. Da- gapore Straits ScHlemcnt. Asia. Feb. 4‘37; for lireaeh of eontract against him. He was a ninsleal act. .Vddi'css ALFRED SEGURA. t Id Relasco, mgr.: New York City, Siuit. 21, Sh.ingliai. China. March 1 31; Ibnig Kong nrresic'il. the news spread like wlldtlre, and 1138 Lee Street, Alexandria, La. indef. .Vpril 5-;{l). all Vienna, esneelallv tiie girls, lieeame hys¬ The D.itrlot. with Wm. Collier, Chas. Frohman, Wchster Associated Players, Harry McRae. terical and declarcci the actor a martyr and mgr.: Xew York City, Xov. 23, Indef. Welis'lcr. mgr.: Dhiladelpliln. Da.. Feh. 8. the director a tvraiii and rcddicr. The prisoner Third Degree. Henry R, Harris, mgr.; Xew Indef. then arranged a fainting spell and hail to Is- York City, Feb. 1, Indef. What Every Woman Knows, with Maude .Vd r diseharged on aeconnt of endangered health. Trahern Stock Co., Al. Trahern mgr,: Cam Hills. Chas. Frohman. mgr.; New York City. ■ He is playing again at the Johann Strauss The den, X. J., Dec. 24, Indef. Dec 23, Indef. : atri'. and Director .M teller was only tis> glad ATLIBERTY Traveling Salesman (A». llenrv R. Harris. Winnipeg Dramatic Stock Co.: Wlnn.liicg. ’ to give him a few thousand Kronen as a halm mgr.: Xew York City. Aug. 10. Inilef. M.in.. Can.. Get. 12, Indef. for his alleged suffering-. Trousdale Rros.'.Slock ('o.; Cedar Rapids. la., Wolfe StCK'k Co.: Joplin. Mo.. Ang 30. In S. and D. Comedian Indef. CELEBRATION OF MENDELSSOHN'S ONE Har< gissl iilctiire machine and four reels. Three of I's. A. W. Ooss, mgr.: Chanibers- j HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY Wolfe Stock I'".• Wichita, Kan.. Indef drcM , Box 193, Valdosta. Ga. burg. Da.. 10; C.rafton, W. Va.. 13: Fairmont WisMlward StiKk Co., O. D. Woooser'4* Itlrthday. Special prop.: Kdwin Derclval, mgr.: Hawley, Da., I exercises wcie hi-Id at Hainlinrg. Rerlin, Din-s 11; Honesdale 12; Carbondale 13. Williams, Lottie, Chas. E. RIaney, mgr.; Mln Sparks Shows I seldnrf and Leipzig—those .Hies in the Father Tempest and Sunshine (Cenlrali, W. 1'. Mann, neaixdls. Minn., 7 13. Xew land with which the compiacer was most closely prop.; Richard Chapman, mgr.: Mt. Dleas- Wilson. AL 11.. Sidney R. EIIls, ingr. Identlfic-d diii'ing his lifetime. The Drussian Want first-class circus painter ant. Da., HI: Connellsville 11; Moni^sstm 12; York City. 8-13 Cnlontown 13; Grafton, W. Va., 15; Morgan Wyoming Girl. Wm, Wamslier. mgr.: Ord. Neb.. .Government had arrangisl a memorial program town 16. 16; Seotia II: fsaip City 12; Sanrent 13: at llie llerrenl'.aus. on Leinziger Sirasse, Her and letterer to paint show. Tempest and Sunshine (Westerni, W. F. Mann, .\rcndia 15: Roelns 16: Mason CItv 1 Rroken , lin. the comiioser's residence during his stay prop.; Fred Miller, mgr.: Washington. Kans.. Row 18: Lllchfleld 26 In Rerlin. and which was nureliased by the Must join on wire. CHAS. SPARKS, Valdosta. Ga.

lbs Moines, la.. 12 13; Mlnne'ap(dls.' Minn.! Co., Inc., mgrs.* Davton. (*.. 8-16; Indianap¬ There is no doubt that Germany baa contrlli- 14 17; St. Patti 18-26. olis, Ind.. 11 13; St. Ixails, Mo.. 14 26. uteil much to the nni of the w*orlrl. agd Men- 1 Wolf. The. Frank W. Xasijt mgr.: Augusta. Test, The. with Rlanche Walsh. A. H. Woods, .. delssidin has done 'um li to enrich the anisic of For Sale Me.. 16 11; Bangor 12*. Ra“ 13: Portland 1.' mgr.: Pittsburg. Kans., 10; I'arsons 11; Wi¬ -■J; I his country, and at the same time make Ger- 1 male Lion. African. 4 years old, perfect.y chita 12; Lawrence 13; Ti'pcka 15; Beatrice, Lewiston 16; Sherbrooke, Que., Can. Quetiec 18-26. ‘ ’ 1 man noisir popular throrghoiit the «hole world. sound, fine animal: 2 Prairie Wolves; 7 Ringtail Xeh., 16; Lincoln 17: lycavcnworth, Kans., Xo wo:ider, therefore, that niiisle lovers In Wolf. The. Wells. Dunne A Harlan, mgrs Monkeys; 1 Wild Cal. Will tie sold cheap If IS; Atchison 10: Sedalla, Mo.. 26. i every ellme will remember the htinilredth anni Traveling Salesman (Rl, Henrv B. Harris Jose. CaL, 10: Sto<*ktnn 11: Sacramento 12: Portland. On*.. 14-17: Ho. Wis.. 15 17; Davenport. la.. IS: Do In ltal!.an at the .Scala Theatre in Milan, Ilalj. The VI ry interesting composition xvas a gr * it Cincinnati. (>.. 7-13; Liailsvlllc. Kv.. 14 26. Moines 19-26. Wanted for siii*i-e-«. nhleli \\;*S partly due to liie sph'iid 1 The Phantom Deteetlve. Rowland A- Cllfr.»rd Wbltman’s Conusllans, .lack Roselelgh. mgr.: Amnse. Co., props.; David S<-vmonr. mgr.: Corsicana. Tex.. 7 13: IlillslMiro 14 26. work of the basso singer. Seliallapln. Hotmken. X. J.. 7-16; Bayonne il.l3. WItebIng Hour, with John Mason. Sam S. A The groat concert, arranged under the aus¬ 'Thnrsfon. Howard. Magician. Dndlcv McAdow. I. <*e Slinbert. Ine., mgrs.: Brooklyn. X. Y.. pices of the crown prince for the benefit of the Biodin*s Show 8-13; Boston. Mass.. 15 *37. mgr.; St. Rani. Minn.. 7-13; Mlnncatsdis 11 earthipiake sufferers In Italy, was one of the Baritone, donlile second violin, trap drumniei 26. t«‘rt. Inc., mgrs.: Rbpia. ().. 16; Cambridge most notable during the season. The concert clarionet, innsl la* gissl. I'. A. Edwards, write Texas (Easteml. Rroadhurst A Ciirrle, mgrs.: 12: Xew Dhiladelpbia HI. was o|M*ned with a prologue by MIsa Irene Dayton, O., 11 13; Indianapolis. Ind., 15-17; Wildfiie. with 1 illiaii Russell. .Tos. Brooks, Trlescb, whereupon a new* composition of Gsi'iir Floresville. Texas. 15; Karnes City, 16; Range n^gr.: Cincinnati. O.. 8-13; Chicago. III., 15 von Chelliis and a mimlM-r of song.s by Mnic. Akron. O.. 18-30. 17; Yoiiknm 18. I, £. BETZ, Muiical Director Texas (Westerni. Rroadhurst A Currie, mgrs,; Schiitiiiirm-Hclnk w*ere rendered. The Phllhar E. St. Louis. HI.. 7 16; Jacksonville 11; .lolb-t When Knights Were Bold, with Franeis Wi1 monic Choir sang Rrahm’s lieaiitlfnl German 12-13; So. Chicago 14-17. son. Chas. Frohman. mgr.: Dallas. Tex.. Kispiicm. with .Mrs. Kniilie Herzog and .M. Wanted For Three Y’ears In Arkansaw. IVrcp R, Renton, 9 16; SlirevPiMirf. La.. 11: Hot Springs. .\rk.. A. von Ewyk ns soloists. The concert was an prop.; Portland, Ore.. 7 13; Vancouver. Wa-di . 12: I.Kflo Rock 13: M-inphls. Tenn.. 15-16: eminent success from a social as w-ell aa financial La Mont Bros. Shows 14; Hillsboro, Ore.. 15; Corvallis 16; Grants Nashville 17; Evansville. Ind.. IS; Terre standpoint. i I'i*op|e for all dc|iartiiieiits of the (’trciia bus) Pass *36. Il'iilti" 19; Peoria, HI.. *36. ! ELEONORE DUSE’S TOURNEE. ' ness. Circiia acta of all kinda. aide allow (Hsipls That Stock Co.. D. Otto Illtner. mgr,: Michigan Wells. Raymond. C. ()«*en. mgr.; Toip<*ka. The celebrated tragedienne. Eleonore Iliise, I of all kinds, nian and wife preferrisl. .Man that City, Ind.. 8-13; Waukegan, III., 15-26. Kans.. 1-14. oiM'ned her starring engagement at the Deiita- eaii make gissl strong n|M*nliigs. Can place a real Turner. Clara. Co.. Ira W. Jackson, mgr.; Whlfeslde-Stranss Co.: I.aeonla. N. 11.. 8 13. Wolf. The. Sam S. A I.ee Slinbert. Inc., mgrs,; i chen Theatre w*lth a real winter play, John Ga- I Wagon Sliow, Rosa Hostler. Ross Caiivasmar Middletown. Conn.. 8-13; Woonsocket. R. I.. ; briel Rorkmann, liy Henrik Ibsen, 'The sk.r ami txvo Billposters. Pisiple that have had wag 15-26. Xew York City, v C!. bangs dark over this whole drama. Just like on show ex|H*rlein*e preferrisl. Address LA MONT Texas Ranger: .\lf. Carmel. III., 13. When We Were Friends. Wm. Maeaiiley. mgr.; Roldnson, HI., 1(1; Terre Haute. Ind.. 11- over the capital during the last week. Slow*l.r BROS., 8a!em, Ilhnoia. Taylor Stock Co.. H. W. Taylor, mgr.; Meriden, the northern author unravels the fate of three f’onn.. 1.5-20. 12. Whlteear, W. A.. Clay T. Vance, mgr.; Rich pr human iM-ings, who lost their Joy of life. Dr. Stisliiian'f Silver Aiitouiatical Cure for Taylor Stock Co.. Robert Tavlor. mgr.: Oil CItv, Only on Ella's head there fall some bright rays. 8 13; Cl«‘ster 15 26. mond. Ind.. 16; Connersvllle 11: Huntington I Mme. Duse, ns Ella. w*as marveloiia thriHigh This Woman and This Man: Pittsburg Da., 12: Marlon 13; .\ngola 15. Wolf, The, Sam S'. A fjoe Shutx'rf. Inc., mgrs. ■ the entire play, esia-clally In the last scene, 8 1.3. when Rorkmann diea and the two sisters are Thorns and Orange Blossoms (Easternt. Ed. W. San Francisco. CaL. 1 13. IN-GROWING TOE-NAIL ! Wolf, The; Portsmouth. O. 11; Huntington. ' reciKielled. Rowland. Jr., mgr.: Rlttsluirg. I'a.. 8-13. without pain or Imsinvenlenee. S<*iit by mall W. Va.. 12; Charleston 13; Gallipolls. O.. The general rehearsal of the farce, Cne grosse Texas Jack: Dhiladciphia. Da.. 8 13. (iffaire, tiy lleiinegiiln and Beber. at the Theatre Cireubars -ent free. R. C. 8TED.HAN A CO. Two Orphans. Will S. Nicholson, mgr.; Goliad. dvs .Xonveantes, Paris, was a tremendoua suc¬ Akron, Ohio. Tex.. 16; El Cami>o 11; Rav (’Itv 12; Whar¬ Writing on the Wall, with Olga X’ethersole. W. A. Page, mgr,: Philadelphia. I'a.. 1 13 cess. A new trick In the second act. where, ton 13. by a clever arrangement of nilrrora, the audi¬ Taliaferro. Edith. Frederic Thompsrm. mgr.* Woman of the West; Honesdale. Pa.. 16. WInnInger Bros.’ Co.: Henderson, Ky.. 11 13. ence can S4M‘, what happens in three rooms, Charleston, S. C.. toil; Jacksonville Fla.. iiiakes a great hit. WANTED 12-13. j Yl'tdisb Strs-k Co.. M. M. Thomssefskr. mgr. • Phliiiteb.hl-i Pa.. Jsn. 15. Indef. I at ell times, gissl acts for Princess Theatr* Treadxvell-Whitney Stock Co.. Ketchum A Wal ENGLISH THEATRE IN BREMEN. Covlngleii. Ky. This Is a gissl lions** ami yoor t)0um. mgrs.: Onsted, Mich.. 8-13. Young Buffalo. Ch..s. K. Planer, mgr. New ark Meta Hling. who Is arranging the opening of I act must Ih* gissl. State salary. POWELL A Thief. The. wDh K.vrle Rellew. Chas, Frohman. X. .1 , 7-13. Yen Yenson: Rig Snrlngs. Tex.. 16; Midland II: strlek English theatres throughout Germany, MOOAR. M(ti. Princess Tiieatra, Covingtoo. ingr.: Cleveland. ()., 8 13; Chicago. HI.. 15 27. has Hiiee,-eded In Interesting a niimlH>r of art Kentiioky, Thief. The (Special I. Chas. Frohman. mgr.: Swe<-twater 12; Ralnl 13. Zeke, the Ceaintry Box. Park R. Prentiss, nigr. ■ : being |H*opIe In Bremen to that end. and It Is Tro.v, N. Y.. 9-16; fv*heneetadv 11; Svraciis,. very likely that a nnnils'r of English tM*rform 12 1.3: Oswego 15; t’lh-a 16 17; Elmira 18; Clinton. Okla,. 16; Elk CItv II- Cordi-11 12* II. .l.art 13: Altiis 15: Childress. T. x.. 19. ! iinees will tie given tM'fore the end of the Voiipgslown. O.. 19-26. : presimt season. Thief, Tlie (Eastern). Chas. Frohman. mgr.: The iissfs'latlon of theatre managers In Her Van Wert. O.. 10; St. .Marvs It; Wapako- fePorco Piprcp. iKo tbeotrp ninrpircr lln will arrange a great meiiiorial celebration WANTED neta 12: Middletown 13: Hamlllmi 15: Rich and jiroprletor of Gii1f|iort. .Miss,, has leased In honor of the late author Ernst von Wllden- GismI Mi*

ises to be the largest and most elaborate apec- torlum rver constructed. Chicago Amusements Valentines are being distributed this week to the women patrona of the Bush Temple The Greater New York (Contloued from paK» 7.) atre who attend a performance of The Eternal (Continued from page fl) RIVERVIEW City. A CHILD or THE REOIMENT George Newton, president of the Oregory FAVERSHAM'S OPEHINO TOUR Thus E. Blaney’s military drama. Fireworks Co., and F. H. Camp, of VVooder 4 . Mild of the Re*lment. which It to ho «wn laml Park, MlDoeaiailla. left Chicago last week, William Faversham will, during his .1 !«■ RIJou Theatre thla week. Walter VI11 > to attend the gallierlng of fair managers at spring tonr. whleh begins In Philadelphia on EXPOSITION T. new Blaney atar, la In an Important i Coinmhna. O. From Columbus they will go to Fetirnary 1.5. appear In The World and HI* Cincinnati, and then take a hurried business Wife. He wrill Dot use The Barber of Sew Or trip tbroiigb the Hast. Mr. Newton has under lean* In his rep<-rtolre until next season. CHICAGO. the prince or bwindlers way ai>nip big things In pyrotechnlci that he AMELIA KARLE DEAD \ H. Woods’ production. The Prince will unfold aa aoua as he believes and knows that they are beyond Improvement. ,r 'iwlndlera. la the attraction at the Criterion Amelia Karle, 26 years of age, died Charlea nufllehl la still at the Chicago end Th..itre thla week. In thla thrllllnit mel.Klrama at the Harlem Hospital last Monday morning. Starts May 12th, 1909. of the Piiln Pyrotechnic Co., and la In train¬ .h, r.- are fmir acta and nineteen tcenea, all Miss Karle'* last engagement was with the ing. preiiaratory to the busy time he will soon (p1(I Weher and Fields Company, aeveral years We have a flne, large, live space left ..t which are eery eicltlna. encounter. As In the past, be will offer an ago. Shortly after she left them she became , for a modern, up-to-da'”' shooting gal¬ RTTRLESQHE entirely new line of general stuff for the an Invalid, and for the last (Iv* years haa not lery, PHELPS & CTAJHEK, Mgrs. of Fourth, In addition to the spectacles for large been able to do anything. She was with Geo. ITlvlh'ges, 143 Illinois St„ Chicago, Sid J. Etiaon’a.—Wide-awake Rlum- events. I.e<1erer In hla New York days, and waa also herlan.l and The $.1,000 Ihirae are the tlUe« of Cecil I>*an. Florence Holbrook and Eugene with Floren* Elegfeld aeveral years ago. Illinois., Tcle|ilM>iie North 1817. th. two hnrlettaa In which The World Reatera Belfeld ocmpled a box last week at a per¬ For the last year Mis* Karle has been nnder ire to he aeen at Sid Kitaon’a Theatre thla week. formance of .Mile. .Mlaclilef. the care of (he Aetora' Fund, and that organi Th.re are alao a number of novelty acta on the The American Music Hall continues to be the ration will also look after her funeral. Mia* Wll. amona which are Bohannon and Corey. | talk of the town. The excellent and untiring Karle had no relatives In thla country. MONEY IN POPCORN The Yorlte Comedy Fotir. and The Van der efforts of Messrs PIdgeon and Pnderwooil In the Small Investment Koora and their mlnd-readln* dock. publicity flebl have been the real material ARBUCKLE'8 HEW PLAT quirk sale*, Isrm Trocadero.—Roae SydelFa I.ondon Bella fur factor In Its rapid bid for pofiiilarlty, which Is Klaw and Erlanger and Joseph profit*. W* sre tn. nl-h the amnaement for the patrona of the dally growing In evidence and results. It pay* Brooks have arrange<1 with Eugene W. Pres originators of Crisp Trocadero thla week. AfBnIty Bnrean. by Tony to advertise well, and then make good. The brey for a dramatixatlon of Day'* novel. Sqnlre ette*. Frlfter-Crl*p Kennedy, la the mnalcal offerlna. people hear, aee. believe—then come back for Finn, which will he caI1eeople. more circus, more of everything le the ■ with the mnatclana from Rome, he clalma that 'I at the Illinois. Frank It well aci(ualnted In POINT MARION, PA. Chicago anyway, ami aa a crowd of boys from mie In this year's show Sporting Days shows he haa a right to nae "ereno” In the back of splendidly the games of the nation, while The hla Initial “S." So there we hare Sereno hi* home town. Cincinnati, are np here, too, Modern ami up to date. Everything new. Seal Battle In the Skies Is thrlHIngly realistic of ' lug capacity 1,200. Midway between Cnlon »)nlnn a Celtic promoter of an Italian hand. he did not overlook any beta In the way of re¬ fntnre warfare. The Ballet of Blrdland Is by town. P*., and Morgantown, \V. Va. Now book ,nd an International romblnatloo that worka newing old memorlea and comradsblp and pledg¬ far the most gorgeous ballet that any manage¬ Ing attrartiuDs for 1900 and 1010. well ing them again tn anything from buttermilk to Pemn*. ment haa ever prodneed. The Hippodrome’* U. b. l.OGCR. Mgr. Mr. Newton, of the Oregory Fireworka Co., present elrens. with the mnsleal elephants aa haa a letter from Bert Oregory. of the Mlnne- George Fox. who was formerly stage manager , for tbs Mary Shaw Company, playing The Rev¬ Its chief featnre. Is the best arenlc performance aofa State Fair, aartng that he will pnt on ever at the big playhouse. IT I IDCDTV CXPERIENCKO thla week In MInneaota a hig prodnctlon of elation, bos been engag^ for one of the new Shenandoah. Whatever Oregory atarta nanally Singer prodnctlon*. H0TE8 AI Llocn I IMPRESS AGENT The eighteen year old son of Eugene A. fnlahee well. If he haa half a chance, and aa The New York Marine Band will the conditinna are favorable we may expect to Goodrich, the well-known scenic artist, died Also experienced as manager of suddenly last week after an lllneas of a few ooep Its spring tonr at the Metropoittan Opera hear of another anceeaa from np north. House the first Snnday after the opera aeaaon The panera aay that Charlew Miirphv. prea- I days’ duration. Young Goodrich, who worked roller rink. Can deliver the goods. on the bridge with bis father, had shown great closes. The organisation will consist of 80 'dent of the Chicago National f.eagne Ball Clnh soloists. Including three ladles. William Bley la writing a play aronnd a nnmtter of hall play ' promise In bis work which was beginnlag to be i Add. M, L.V., care The Billboard. recognlaed at large aa of the beat calibre. will he the director, and John Graham the man¬ era Poea that Include the working atalT that ager. hold ont In the Com Exchange Bnlldingl If Mr. Fin, of The Girl* of Gottenberg, gave i Cincinnati, Ohio. : a birthday party at the Victoria Motel last week The Actors’ Soeletv haa Installed a play ba- ao. we may expect to aee over the footllghta rean. the dalntv frollea of Rntherford Birchard , that was one huge succeaa. The many guest*. all of whom are prominent In the theatrical { Lillian FItxgerald has joined the Mlaa Inno¬ Cook, the faahlonahle danaenae, on a bill with cence Co. Thomaa and Wllllama, an eeeentrlr dancing , world, responded to Finn's Invltatloon to “all j he brilliant," and started an evening that con Ther- Is a mmor that the Lamb* will rein¬ team. In a deeplx dramatic aketeh called We FOR SALE! I tinned well Into the a. m. with mirth and rev ! state Andrew Mark. and the College OIrla. and a “llam. let na ao- All •ort* of Fair Privileges. KRIK (X)UNTT ' elry. Finn was there with hla “Royal Robes,” Miss Oertmde Conghlan. who has been *p- Hloqnlre monologue hv See Wehh. Can yon FAIR. Sandusky, Ohio. Has proven beyond and waa aa busy as a maid at a tea party, r>earlng as Beth Elliott In The Traveling Sales¬ Imagine the ehoma with a front row of ahapea question that at no Fair In Ohio do Privlleg* , which It resembled In no rea|>ect. Those girls man. baa temporarily withdrawn from the com like those worn by Hoffman. Chance. Overall. Men make mure money. Ask Mencbea Bros.. : surely are some entertainer*. pany. hecanse of tll-health. Pflater and Slagle? The play will be een- Akron, Ohio. Addreaa F. H. ZERBE, Sec'y. Svdney Beckly. an English baritone and dra¬ Sandusky, Ohio. aored. maybe, by a committee composed of matic reader, gave his first recital In New York great llghta In the financial and chnrrhworld. CLEVELAND, O. at the Plaza on Wedneaday afternoon. Fehniary among whom will be Charlea Hryden. Dick 3. Mlaa Beatrice Fenety waa the arcompantat. Tohen. Rice. Ollmfh. Phelon. Hnghea, Enller- I Iteapite the stormy weather the paat week. The Cntler Comedy Hnb gave It* eighth *n- LAKE VIEW PARK ton awl other evangellatB. I all places of amusement have drawn well and no mtal performance at the Carnegie Lycenm laat AUGUSTA, GA. A meeting will he held March 1 and 2 at I one complains. At the Opera Ilonse, appeared ' Friday evening. Frhmary 8. the Orand Pacific Hotel by thoae who are In Flegfeld's Folllea of 1008. a musical extrava ' Henry B. Hariia appointed Valentine E. Ken Prnpualtlona wanted from Managers for Casloo. charge of the concesalon prixllegea at the Min ganza which received great attention. I nedy, late hnainea* manager of The Third !)•- fully equipped and seating BtNl, season IVOR Privileges aW for sale. AtTODSTA RAILWAY nesnta State Fair, Iowa State Fair and Inter- Over at the Colonial, which Is In ita drat I gree. manager of the Hndson Theatre. A ELECTTRIC COMFAHY, Owners. State Fair at Spokane. week under the new management of F. Ray I At the laat meeting of the Managers' Asso- Harriet Burt, whose dancing waa one of the Conistock. waa the Imperial Opera Company pre¬ ^clatlon. a resolntlon was passed that a testlmo- feature* of Algeria, will be aeen at the Co- senting San Toy to good patronage. j nial benefit be tendered the widow of I.esteT Innlal during the engagement of Marie Cahill. At Keith's Illpiiodrome was a big feature bill, I Wallack. nnder the ansplcea of the manager* the headline attraction being Mias Valerie Ber- of the city. It will he given at Wallack's The- Rev. A. C. Mellenry. paator of the People’a gere'a premiere performance of The Lion Tamer. FOR SALE! I atre. Friday afternoon. March 8. Nearlr all t'hnrch, of thla city, la to be aeen aa Anthony It Is a story of lore ami jealousy, set In the I the prom'nent star* then playing In the elty 6,000 ft. film In good condition; all ti¬ In the farce. Refoce and After, at People’a attractive atmosphere of clreoa life and enlivened Theatre. I with many eomixly lines. Miss Bergcre was most will take part. tled; make me an offer. Addreaa A Mias May Roland, who la John Orew'a lead¬ : attraetive In her cirrus garb and won mnrb ap¬ John F. Kellerd, who play* the title role In I B. C., care The Billboard. ing woman In Jack Straw, waa formerly a mem¬ plause. Another great favorite was Joseph F. i The Vampire, made a apeeeh In honor of the ber of Robert Rdeaon'a Classmatea Company. ■ memory of Cok a prolonged tour over the Keith Circuit. teotaele: W. C. Fields, eccentric juggler; usually well balanced. Harry Grant, the male A atir waa caiiaed at Power’a Theatre during ' the Trapm-ll Trio of Acrobats. Adelmann (Quar¬ I abroad than In this country. Eleanor Rnhaon ha* fonnd a warm welcome member. Is a comedian of rare ability, who al 1 iiertormance of The Call of the North by a tet and Rafayvtte'a Dogs. ways gives them a buucb of new jukes and crsiy I at the Lyceum, whleh ahe haa made her home dre Id the adjoining building, at 14.* 47 Ran The Star ami the Eiiipire have two good hnr- songs tbat are great. Harry Is a hard worker, for the rim of Mra. Frances Hodgson Bnmett’s lolph atre«-t. The audience waa handle »he revival of The OIrl I I.eft a|q>ear tin* gorg*s>iis|T atageil musical prmiuctlon tlon therein dlacnaawl to the notice of the pub ' lie tfirongh the me301 Loewis Block. PlttsOupo. F*a- 1*4 Wappen Stpeet, Sypacuse. N. Y, r I

46 Xl^e Billt>oarcl FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Very extensive preparations are being made Jos. Kenniuly, who Is connected with the box PARK FOR RENT. for the 0|H-ning of Idora Park, this season. Mr. ot!lt*e at tile Montauk Theatre, and is one of Owing to old age and poor health, I will rent (ContliiiH'<1 from page 11) J. II. B. Fitxpatrick, director of publicity, will the most isipular young showmen in Bnsiklyn, start a camiiaign of advertising that will cover my Park. One and one-half miles from the best Tba LtmbardI Urand Italian pp«‘ra season has been offeiuul a position with Frank t’. all the adjacent cities, and San Francisco, little town in the State of Michigan; '2.5,U0U In at the Central Theatre, is a positive success, Rostock’s big wild animal show at Dreamland, specially, will be billed like a circus. Special habitants; no oth«>r park near the city. With and although the weather has been verj un¬ I'oney Island, this coming season. Mr. Keiimuly transportation tickets, including admission, the pro|M>r attractions, and a live man, ran pleasant the business has been large, capacity has a wide acquaintance In the theatrical and make a barrel of money. ABRAM PEER, Man¬ houses ruling. The prices range from SO cents will l>e arranged from 'Frisco. The best of carnival business and numlnws bis friends by free attractions will b<* offered from time to ager and Owner of Thread Lake Park, FLINT, to $2.S0. The only fault to And this year is the score. GEO. 11. HAKES. MICHIGAN. that the engagement for only one week Is tcx> time. The Peerless Potters are already booked sbc>rt. for the opening. Arrangements are already Bip Van Winkle, with Thomas Jefferson In being made for a circuit to include Ogden. the title role. Is the American Theatre attrac¬ Salt Lake, Denver, S<>attle, Portland and other tion this week, but the rainy weather cut off places. $.30,01)0 will be spent renovating anci the attendance. The piece Is as enjoyable as Installing new concessions. ever to the later generation, and the matinee W. Snow, of the Gem Theatre, together with i WASHINGTON LUNA PARK was packed, showing the bold this attraction a few other circus men. are getting ready to ' has on the younger patrons. Corinne, In Lola go out with a wagon show this season. It will from Berlin, comas next week, and an excellent Ih* the best of its kind that ever was organised WASHINGTON. D. C. we«‘k is already aasurui, judging from the ad¬ out here. Some sixty head of horses, twenty vanced sale. Shetlands, a large number of trained dogs, and The revival of Bankers and Brokers, by Kolb wagons have already b«*en secured. Madam and Bill at the Princess Theatre, continues to Schell’s Lions are to be featured and other Fourth Big Season Opens Early in May. see this bouse packed at every [lerformance. acts have already been engaged. It Is over two years ago that this piece was RUBE COHEN. presented at the Davis Theatre, and now, wlHi all up-to-date songs, effects and a large stage. It BROOKLYN, N. Y. Is almost a new protiuction. One of the Few Parks that Made Money Last Year. At the Valencia Theatre, this week. When (Continued from iiag<> 111 Kntgbtbmsl Was In Klower, with Robert Homaps In the leading part. Is another creditable protec¬ Blanche Newcomb, of the Ros<> Hill Fidly Com tion by the enterprising management. A selR's pany, at the Olympic Tfteatre, is a slaughter WT A lATnnF^rx new attractions. of pMlge and sis'lety benefits, which take place of the late "Bobby Newcomb.’’ who was a at the Valencia from time to time, brings this famous minstrel for many years. She inherits bouse considerable notice and regular patrons. the dancing ability which made her father noteil. W AJN 1 LU iJ™ The tlayety Theatre, (formerly the Novelty Miss Newcomb startt-d her stage career when Theato'ei ois-netl last Sunday under the manage¬ six years old with Jay Rial's Uncle Tom’s Cabin ment of (ieorge L. (dayton, and it was indeed Company, and had one of the child parts In the a most auspicious o|H'ning. Tills bouse run down original Silver King Company. Ijiter she toured very much during the past year, and all the the country with other members of the New If you have something novel that will get money we can wise ones predicted It was impossible to get •■omb family In a dlverslOtsI program If little anything that would ever keep the bouse open, idays, farces, songs and dances. Miss Newcomb do business together. Addtess all communications to but in the face of all this, Ueorge L. Clayton makes her home at Greenlawn, L. I. changed the name of the house, painted the Cecil D«‘ .Mille. aiitltor of Sergeant Devil front and although the opening day was a M'Care, Andrew Mark’s new starring vehicle, vary miserable, rainy one, packed the bouse. which is having Its first engagement in Greater CHAS. J. GOODFELLOW, Mgr. Three times on Sunday and each succeeding New York, at the Bnstkiyn .Majestic Theatre, night big audiences attended. James F. Post Is a menil)ef of the company supiiorting the po[(- Room 607, Weigbtman Bulldlno. - PHILADELPHIA. PA. and Company was the big drawing card, and nlar Irish singer. The play is a radical de- be again proved bis impularlty and as a fun- (larture from nil the others in which Mr. Mack maker in the front ranks. All the time be is has starnsl. The central role, which he plays. OB the stage be manages to keep the bouse In Is the only Irish charaeter In the piece. The ripples of laughter. titbers on the om-ning sv-ene is laid in the Canadian Northwest, and the bill were The MacDonald Troupe of cycle ex¬ hero Is a sergeant of the mounteon which are In- I’ony Track. .Miniature Railroad, and other fimt-clan. attraetionn. Invite corre.pondence of on# The Grand Theatre still have Kelly and Vlo- ring ctrcu.es. THE JACKSON AMUSEMENT CO., Jackson. Mich. lette, their thrtrd week on the bill, together Bcrib. 1 the dates of the thr*-e engagements in with four reels of moving pictures and illus¬ which the Brmiklyn tmik part. It was as a trated songs. member of the crew of that battleship In the Schley Squadron that Mr. Ijirivlere participate)) IN OAKLAND. In the thr»<' engagements a* Santiago. At the conclusion of the war he remdved his discharge Florence Roberts, in the House of Bondage, and relumed to Providence, R. 1., which is at the Macdonough Theatre, Is repeating her his home. “I was overlooked In the distribu¬ Just a Reminder 'Frisco success at the American Theatre, which tion in some way.” he ex|ilains, “and when 1 passed the $7,000 mark. She la equally popular was idaylng In Washington recently I wrote to On our way to Winni|>eg, we work St. I'aul and Duluth, on our way hack, we make Mlnneaimlta. here as on the other side of the bay, and the the ofilcials ther»‘. asking for the mmlal. which Among State Fair contract., we have Sebra.ka, Iowa. K.ii.a. amt Oklahoma. We oix>n near public all like her new play. was promptly sent to me.” Two other medals Chicago on June 7tb. THE HERBERT A. KLINE SHOWS, Box 6$. Chicago, IlL The Wrong Mr. Wright, at Ye Liberty Thea¬ are proiiilly dlsplayiul bv I.arlvlere. One of tre, the Broadhurst farce comedy, just suited tts’se is from the slate of Rhtsle Island, and the patrtms of this beautiful theatre and did was pres<-nt<-d to all the sons of that state who VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED AT ALL TIMES. Its snare of the business. Next week Richard participated in the war. The third Is one Send In your open time Performers desiring to break their jump between Chicago and New Yerk. M. Hatallng commences an engagement of four pr.-*ented by the citizens of Brooklyn to the we would be pleased at all times to aaslat you, and can book you on abort notice. Wa control tba weeks, in a aeries of Shakespearian plays. crew of her namesake battleship. best time in this locality, and perforlbers of ability cwn always get ttoM. Furtbermora, wa only Almost all the bill from the 'Frisco Orpheum Stephen J. Mooney, the press representative book responsible bouses, and we allow tranenortatlon and charge no commission for booklw. Is over here this week. Each and every tnrn of the Fulton Theatre, Is making good In ROYER A BAL8D0N, Rooms 205-6*7 Apollo Bldg., 2$$ Fonrfn Avs,, Flttaburg, Fa- scored. great style, and Is one of the hest publicity Phone: 1117 Court. Mile. Summerville and her dancing horse, Co¬ men of Br<.., desires to lease the operation and Brown and Hodge, completed the bill. locale there this coming season. W. R. Inshaw, of said park to proper party or parties. Park now o.ntalnn large refreshment pavilion, dancing At the Novelty Theatre, World's Comedy Fonr, who Is located at 910 Avenue C. Went, Brook- ball, Japanese ball game, figure eight toboggan, circle awing, moving picture., bowling allay, Martelll and Alblni, Francisco Morrlce, Jjee l.vn. N. Y., has been sent over here by Mr. refreshment stands, shooting gallery, pony track, attractive theatre. iMiatIng, and la brilliantly Beggs and Company. King and White, and Rose Bostock and the directors to represent the lighted and ban Its own waterworka. Contain. 237 acre*, about .50 of which are parked. Address Stephens were oB the program. lAina Park. Faria, Limited "DOUBLE TRAOX." oars Tbs BillbonH. Ft RUARY 13, 1909. Xtie Billboard 47

los at Unusual Prices PHILADELPHIA, PA. he world’s largest music house H%>iitliiiii-

Every theatrical man In Philadelphia aent 1>*» you want a ”.s*>n>t-- Prank Lane one or two lettera while he was LYON & HEALY what different” attrac¬ resting at W’eat Baden, Ind., so that he would not get lonely. tion for next .season Fergus McCuaker, the popular treasurer of These pictures are tak¬ the Forrest Theatre, had to cut out all hie so¬ en from the only team cial dutlea during the engagement of The Merry Widow, as the lobby was thronger Eugene Schultx. who was formerly manager of one of Savage's Ib-vll Companies la now act¬ •saddle. Exhibition con¬ ing as manager of The .Merry Widow Company. sists of team in har- Fred Nathans, assistant treasurer of the Broad nt's.s, hitched to a bugi^y Street Theatre, la arranging for a series of and driving as a team "high Jinks.” when the treasurers of Philadel¬ of h*)r.ses, racing under phia theatres make a trlji to New York to at¬ tend the annual benefit of the New York Treas¬ ■saddle with cowboy urers’ Club. A special train will take the rider.s, etc. A gate re¬ SANOOW” THEATRICAL TRUNK boys over on their annual outing, and a vaude¬ ceipt winner—only one ville performance will be given In a baggage of it.s kind, a rain or Onr ^’’Bandow" Tbsat- car on the way over, a small stage having been constructed In one end of a car. The train shine attraction will leave after the theatres close here on Sat¬ a urday night ami will be run alow so that a good time can be enjoyetl on the trip. Twenty nine Three years old, only twice in people will make up the party and the box-of- public exhibitions. New. Will rt.-es of the various theatres will not open the come East for regular fair .sea¬ day after the benellt until noon. son of 1909. Broncho riding ex¬ yraywCT. ^llktas. Cnlque souvenirs, contiilnlng the pictures of Laferty, manager of the Chestnut Street Thea hibitions on any hor.se furnished tre. and are being given sway to regular patrons by the public. $50.00 to any man of the Orpheum Players. owning a horse that will throw In New York. rebearsee an authority upon advertising signs. Subscription price $1 change; ticket; play calliope. 127 followe*! by many other big productions. Many Huron Street, Toletlci, of the above company were formerly members per year. Sample copies 10 cents. No free copies. of the Orpheum Players, who are now In their 74lh consecutive week at the Chestnut Street Theatre, but none of them lave been playing with that organisation lately. It Is expected ALL OTHERS BEAT TO A FRAZZLE that the new cvvmuany will lengthen the season WIZARD at the Park until late In the summer. The members of the Knigbrs of Columbus, of Now on the Pacific Coast with Several fTiester, Pa., have formed a choral society of A'* voices, under the leadership of John Lewis Big Illusions. Always make good. •Address The Billboard. 1439 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal. THE GREATEST MOVING PICTURE M. P. TNUTRE FOR SALE! EVER MADE. bualiwva. No npitoaltlon. T. B. THOMl’ t'amdvn. O. Send in your order before your competitor. Write for terms and prospectus TBADE for Park Attraction, Petrlfl*^! Philippine lYee Family, S*‘a Dragt>n, cal Park, Devil JlKh, 2 steel cage* !., 1 m*>nk*y cage :ix«x6 ft., 12 large alntlng* «xl2 ft. each. an*l 1 Lubln ma OKLAHOMA NATURAL MUTOSCENE CO. Altman A Smeltxer, J«jannetta, Pa. 605 Fourteiath it., N.W,, Watblnetan, D. C. WANTED—T< _ . .‘latforni Attrac- lM>t In the South. UihhI icre. Attraction* that ill* ^ your Rtamp*. .tdilrca* Platform Shows. Fichten- New Orleans. La.

electhic and vaudeville THEATKE MUVENIRS from 1 CENT UP, rilr.K t'lrciilar and Catalog for Manager* who want to Increase their buRln*'*a—FREE. J. J. BROTT, formerly Proprietor and Manager of Brott H_C, WOOD A (X),, Center St,, Chicago, Ill. Bros.* Circus and Repertoire Attractions, SHOW BOAT—Mu*t be sold. My Floating Pal •<'c, or trail*-*! f*>r other projicrty. I am too old '^ulpiM-d for ahowing. A(Iaa '• dent. Marlon. 111.

WANTED-All kiiKl* of amall Live Animals, ri—ak*. .Miiat be eh*-ap for cash. One Working 1, Addreaa DANIEL SEIFEKT, Itskvllle. Conn.

3 anted -P*>rformera In all lin*‘a. Sketch l ama. Novelty Acta. change for week; Bana. FTrat-cIsaa c*>nill- ■a M. R. KLEIN. 14 an*l IH W*‘at Easier tSlft to aomr Kansas City, Mo.' -SOLD EVERYWHERE— _ PEIN’^ MAKE UP I

48 X ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909

book by l.iicien Metivet. Lachanme selected the old fHshloned nursery rhyme song for bla central London Letter musical theme and .Metivet wrote bis book about (be words. Accordingly, Madame Malbrough’a Releaaed Fab. 8th. (('ODtIuutKl fruni 12.) busbaud marches away to war, to war, to war, etc., iirnmlsing to return to bis pretty young • gain I doiilit whether many LoDdont-ra would wife on a certain day. And she. In a fit of tako tlio trouhlo to go far to aoe It. crying likewise makes a promise; She will be It la one of tlioae playa wbirb turn uu a let I true to him—true as the sun but ONLY until ^ jimanrA ter--a p^ot W’hlob la uaually iinaatlafactory at th" day of bis promised return shall have come No. 5874 any time, ami In thia eaae perbapa more ao and gone without him. Then she will By with A rash act. An ac^cldent. Ac¬ than Lsiial. | the very first gallant who makes his appearance. . cused of murder and convicted on Mrs. I.atimer'a buaband liaa tieen lying at the , Of course, as one must forsee, the bubby comes j clrciiinatantial evidence. Convict No. point of death with typhoid, but up till the | home, in disguise, and at the last moment and ; 5874. What became of Margery? prevloua evening there aeemed to ta- a rbance ' all that sort of thing, all of which makes up Margery at eighteen. In love at for him. The dta-tor oom< a hack In the mom i a very delightful performancs. flrat sight. Introducing Margery to ' Ills parents. Free after twenty-four tng and flnda him with but a few minutes to + live. Homething muat have happened to him. ' years. No work, no money, down and for one thing It la olivloua that he baa got At (he Winter Circus the other day, the or and out. I, too. had once a little chestra went on a strike. When a new crowd out of led. It turns out that be baa done ao to , girl like tbia. Tbe golden locket. went on duty and began to make things merry, ■ write a letter, and In ilolng ao baa virtually : United. Suffer, for the Lord la good. with music, the strikers got so busy that the LENGTH, 840 Feet. committed auUlde. The letter la addreaaed to police bad to be called In to untangle men. notes, bla oM frleml. Sir Oharlea Weyburn. and la horns and fighters. handed to the do< tor for delivery. Ogden, then ■ + aiimmoiia Weyburn to the house by telegram. Releaaed Feb. 11th. Mrs. I.stlmer, hearing of the letter, ta-ga the Some weeks ago 1 told In these columns bow doctor to give It to her. He refuaea. and to M. Jules Claretle, director of the Comedle- ; Induce him to do so and ao prevent a tremend- Krancalse refused to have anything to do with oua amount of mischief she tells him the whole the presentation of I..e Foyer, now being played story and also the events of the night before. at this classic theatre. Now it hapi*ens again, ' THE BANK It aptw-ars that Weyburn has been her lover only this time the trouble is betwean the stage for years. The evening Itefore, half distracted, manager appointed by M. Claretle to stage La Fnrie. a new (day by Jules Bous. and the author she had gone Into her husband's room and found himself. .M. Raphael Dufios. a aocletaire of the MESSENGER the nurse asleep. Her first Imimlae was to Comedle-Fraucaise, was named by the director Equipped with Improved Fire Maga¬ awake the niieae, hut then the dreadful Idea The black sheep. A daring deed. to rehearse the play, but so many and frequent zines. Automatic Fire Shutter and came Into her mind not to do so, on the chance were the differences of opinion between the The losa la dlacovereiL 'The first clue. that the neglect might lead to her husband's stage manager and the author, M. Bols, that Automatic Fire Shield (Lubln's Patent), The laundry mark. He la a thief death. ! the former sent in bla resignation. Pan-nta' aorrowa. I.«t Juatice pre¬ Tester on. when the nurse did awake, abe Asbestos-covered Wire Connections, vail. had seen the tears trickling down the Invalid's ! **■ New Improved Lamp-House. New LENGTH, 705 lEET. face. Before this be must have got up and Jean Coquelln Is well again and back in written the letter. Mrs. Latimer believes It ' harness after a slight Illness. La Dame X.. Style Fireproof Rheostat Improved la a letter denouncing her and Weyburn. And In which he Is appearing with Mme. Jane Hail¬ f>r this reason she begs and prays the doctor ing. has proved a success. This piece has been Electric Lamp. Complete with every¬ to give it to her. He refuses, although he be- : piirchasiui by Mr. Henry Savage. thing seen in the cut. including pol¬ A SECRET lievea It muat do Incalculable barm, and duly hands it to Weyburn, explaining that the writ¬ I ^ ished carrying cate for mechanism, An old maid listened at tbe door. I In some of the cities about I’arls, motion She carrlea tbe aecret to her friend. ing of it baa coat Latimer bla life. together with Adjustable Bicycle Then Olive’s entreaties are turned to Wey- pictures of Sicily and the horrors of the eartb- They both together visit their friends, liiirn. He at flrat refuses to give her the let i quake were so vividly terrible that the au¬ and so forth until tbe whole town Steel Legs, to extend over 5 ft. high. knows the aecret. A fine comedy. ter or destroy It unread, but finally gives It to thorities were called upon to take a band. her to break the seal. She reads It, and then, There were Instances of women fainting upon siso.oo I LENGTH, 888 FEET. with the Irony of fate, the letter la not a de¬ ; seeing tbe scenes reproduced on canvas as en ' acted iu the stricken city. Officials thought It nunciation, but nn apiieal to them both to live wise to step In and call a halt when tbe dead. together In peace So far any sin that bad In far stages of decomposition, were pictured been committed was bis sin for marrying a as being taken from tbe ruins. woman who from the first has said she had LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY no love for him. + Lubin Building, 926 928 Market St., Philadelphia. Pa. But the letter has Just the opposite effect to Amusement parks of the kind now so popular Licensed under the patents of tbe Motion Picture Patenta Company. what the dead man bad apparently Intended. in the Cnited States and tbe llkea of which are Instead of bringing these people together. It so few and far between In the other parts only drives them apart. Weyburn asserts that of tbe world, are going to be tbe thing over he loves Olive as much as ever, but she drives here, or (o it seems to tbe man up a tree. him away with the declaration that her place Tbe other day I talked with J. Calvin Brown, In the lutnre is by the side. In spirit, of the owner of the White City Amusement Park at husband whom she baa so cruelly wronged, but Manchester, England. He was in Paris for now sees that she has always loved. the purpose of catching a train to Nancy, where That Is the story. From the literary point . the International Exposition opens May 1. He of view It Is good, but It somehow misses dra- ' Is an American and has been Identlfit^ with a oiatlc force all through. Even at the crisis, at number of enterprises—troupes, specialties, the end. It Just falls to touch the real chord of . shows and so on—which have visited England. STATE FAIR of LOUISIANA ■emotion. And now he la going to Invade France. This Mrs. Patrick Campbell Is just as beautiful, will mark the first time that a strictly Amer¬ tragic and charming as ever, but the part does ' ican park show bas made Its way to this coun¬ FOURTH ANNUAL FAIR «iot really give the opportunity she wants. | try and naturally Mr. Brown Is highly gratified that he should be tbe man chosen to manage Her's is a fine piece of work, but all the way It. He baa been selected by tbe officials of November 1-6, 1909 through one feels that the nart Is not good tbe Naucy Exposition to manage tbe entire ■entaigh for her. Lyn Harding plays the part amusement end of tbe game. •of the lover with great force and naturalness, ”I am going to give France a real American and James Hearn gives a verv carefully drawn i show,” he said to me Just before his train sketch of the doctor. As the nurse. Miss Elsie pulled out of the station. ’’They’ve never a(H‘ii Shreveport, .... Louisiana Cheater diH*a very well, and the rest of the ! an amusement park as we Americans know minor parts are good. Rut as I have said, the ; It. so 1 am going to Install one of the most plav does not carrv conviction with It, and complete even a Yankee ever saw. There will —W ANTED— even those playing It seemed to feel this a sort j be the entire category—scenic railway, water of drag upon them throughout. chutes, figure eight, canals, river show and all To hear from all first-class free attractions that are F ASLETT WRAY. ' that sort of thing, nearly all of which are new to France.” able to make our Fair this fall. Would be pleased In addition to controlling these featnres, Mr. Brown will be the director of attractions at the to hear from Kilpatrick and Galetti. Address all exposition. Paris Letter + communications to Ttic Theatre Mevisto bas put on a brand new oser told him of his un- hurUsque, hit them hard with the Empire Bur •aiccessfiil attempts to have Just this thing done lesquers at th<‘ Star. Horne’s Zoological Arena and, being overheard by the Empress Josephine, Popular Fred Stair, of the Star. Is having a she took the matter very much to heart. She ' good time abroad and recently was at a is‘r- ■ •HI. liked the music and In December of 1807, , fonT>anee of grand oi>era In I’arls. DENVER, COLO, or KANSAS CITY, MO. ibrough her efforts, the opera was put on at I The GrKBn Amusement rnmpan.v’s vaudeville P. 0. BOX 218. 918 KEITH-PERRY BLDG. the Opera for the first time on any stage. The and picture house In St. Catherines, Ontario, Is audience forgot the war, forgot everything In doing capacity business. the beauty of the music. The composition was .TOSEPIl GIMSON a big succetw. + Most everybody everywhere, read sf the mur¬ SEND A DIME C1".C “T-Tn'irT’ der of Artist Steindell and of the arrest of P D 1. I.,” the greatest el<*ctrlc light attach¬ the wife on the charge of murdering bar hus¬ ment on the market. A chlbl can o|s*rate It. band and her mother. Songs, almost by the Eas.v money. No labor attached to the selling. “BOT” SCHAFER score, have been written about the affair, and. Takes one minute to show It—can’t get out of after the Paris fashion, sold on the streets by order—sells on sight for 2'«c. llkict prnsumers at Chicago Electrical Now France bas a play based upon the gory Show. Send 10c for samide and full deserlutlve storv. A playwright named Ia*febvre bas done iiistfer hv return mall. PREMIER NOVELTY it In five acts and given It the name L’AffaIre COMPANY. Petit. B. 42 River St.. I hlcago. III. Steindel, on La Veuve Roage, (The Steindel Featuring Some Coon Dialect Affair, or The Red Widow). The guillotine Is QUARTETS ATTEMTION—I want a good song spoken of as ’’the widow” or ’’the red widow,” ((minlcal un-ferredt for ipiartet, suitable for elec¬ and amoeg certain playgoers the piece was re¬ tions; will pay a good price; vi'iir old songs ceived with signs of great apprsbatlon. mav be new here. J. W. ALTSTOCK, 4<» East Stark. Portland. Ore. ♦ That comedian who tells that pathetic story, “Poor Bill” A new opera bouffe entitled, Madame Mal- FOR SALE-Two .1c El(a>trlc Theatres. 4 Edison t>r

I.iK'ky Hlir» Show, Qiiod.'Iiju, Kid*. Sutton k Hudspeth Amusement Co., 2u32 Divi¬ MukijH Eur(i|H.|in Clrcuii. OBtiv, K.mm* .'I sion at., St. Louis, Mo. «Jr«u<1 Oiora lluum* Kluck. IVindt, Mich List of Tent Show Win Westlake's Carnival of .Novelties. 222 W. 128lh WANTED TO BUY Main, Waller L., Sbuna, Ueneva, O. st., .New York City. Malloy’a Ihig and I'liDy Show, UulTalo < mier. Siiiull (it O' Diitnt or Elephant Act; .Menage Iowa. Williams. ’ 'Lam H.. Electric Showa, Fair ter Quarters Grounds, itiHiouke, Va. Horse and Puny Driil. Will horse a wagos MaOHllcld’a, W. J., Great Eaatern Show*. Tl.l Wllvert’s Indian Show, Terre Haute. Ind. loutc, Ta. show on (•e'-centagr. t'HAS. IIAUKIS. S4-lioy Wonderland Tent Showa. Ellenaboro, W. Va. Mauallt-ld’t Trained Animal Show, Nura Springa. lervllle. N Y albert > .Musical Dogs and Ponies, Cbaa. '.Vood- luwa. f..-l uigr.. Falconer, N. Y. McElwee Broa.* Meixj Go-Rounil. Keia^rea, l*a. Ill (merican Show, Little Falls, W. Va. McFall'a, I'rof., Uik Clrcua, Haltlinore, O. tliiioiid's. Jethro, Bible Show, Albemarle, N. C. Mcrieary’a U. T, S., Norlhweaicrn Ohio Z.t. Conn.; Western Offices, 140 Uunrua at., Indiana. Stock Tickets Chicago, 111. Myers. F. M., Tipton, Iowa. Hariies, Al. Q., Wild Animal Circus, Portland, Navajo Ned's Indian Congress Wild West. C. F. Oregon. Rhodes, mgr., Lexington, Va. Bartlae's, Cbaa., New Showa, Otnneravllle, Ind. Nelson’s, Billy, Show, North Cambridge. Maaa. Bennett's, Billy, Big Shows, Mllaca, Minn. Noble’s Tent Show, Greenville, S. C. Big Otto Trained Wild Animal Show, 828 Mil¬ Cash with the order. Norris k Moore Shows, St. LmIs, Mo. waukee ave., Chicago, HI. Norris k Rowe Circus, Santa Crux. Cal. Boiler's, Will F., Palaceum Shows, 324 South Orentt. A. C., Shows, New Rochelle, N. Y. Lawndale ave., Kansas City, Mo. Orton Bros.’ Show, Ortonville, la. Bonbeiir Bros.’ Advance Gulden Mascot Show, Palace of Anatomy, 2220 Euganla street. St Carmen, Okla. Louis, Mo. Bongbtun's, Billie. Overland Shows, Ambla, Ind. Parker, Great, Shows, Abilene, Kana. Boyer, J. H., Shown, East bt. Louis, III. Special Tickets Pawnee Bill's Wild West. Pawnee, Okla. Buckskin Ben’s Wild Weat, Cambridge City, Perrlne, Dave W., Eaton Raplda, Mich. ladlaiia. Our prices on special tickets are correspondingly low. Let us quote you. Buffalo Bill's Wild Weat, Bridgeport, Conn. Pursell's New Modem Showa, Missouri Valley, Iowa. Burk's Big Combined B. R. Showa, Guthrie, Raders Bros.’ Wild West Show, Crooksvllle, O. Oklahoma. Rbodns Wbitely Shows, Bethany, Mo. Bnaby's, J. M., Pans, III. Buller Shows, Kane, Pa. Richards Bros.' Trained Animal Show (Home THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO Offlee, Manitowoc, Wla) Medford. WIs. California Frank's Wild West, Forest Park High¬ lands. St. Louis, Mo. Riggs' Wild West Shows, Parkin. Ark. Campbell Bros.’ CIrens, Falrbury, Neb. RInglIng Bros.’ Circus (Cblcsgo Offlee, 140 Mon Cauada Frank's, Tipton, la. roe St.). Baraboo. WIs. Carlin Bros.’ New Modern Shows, 1316 8. 64tb RIppel's Show, P. O. Box 06. Frankfort, Ind. Humpty at., I'blladeipbla, Pa. Robbins', Frank A., Jersey City, N. J. Carliale'a Historical Wild West. 308 W. 43rd Robinson, John, Ten Big Shows. Terrace Park, at.. New York City. Ohio. Caatello and Graves, (^rtland, N. Y. Rocky Mountain Nell’s Omy Wild West and R. Dumpty Cboat and Herbert, Mulkeytown, ill. R. Show, Acton, Mass. Cbunn's, J. D., Shows, Carrollton, Mo. Rollins. Geo. W., Show, Piedmont Park, At¬ Clark k bona, M. L., (Combined Shows. Alex¬ lanta, Ga. Wrestlers andria. La. Rogers', F. J., Model Shows. Edmond. Okla. (\>le Broa.' bbows. Harbour Creek, Pa. Rolls Fox Show. Calumet, Mich. Ooie k Cooper's Show, J. Augustiu Jones, mgr., Sparks Show, Taldoata, Oa. Tbomasville, Ga. Schepp's Dog. Pony and Monkey Cirrus. Cres¬ Colorado Grant, Sparta. Ky. cent Hill, Louisville, Ky. Cooke's City nf Jerusalem, U. Cooke, mgr., 1043 Selbel Bros.’ Show, Watertown. Wls 3. Grand ave., I.os Angeles, Cal. Sella-Fl«to. Denver, Colo. Crawford's, Col., Show, Tvm Haute, Ind. Sibley, W. K., Shows, Paterson. N. J. Curry Howard's Tented Minstrels, Dubogne, la. Silver Family Clrcua, Bert Silver, mgr.: Crys Cummins’ Wild West and Indian Congress, Bel¬ tal, Mich. Write us for prii'ee on llechaaical Toys, Paper Bells snd Holiday Goods Orders filled sane day aa received fast, Ireland. Skerbeck’s Great Shows. Dorchester. Wls. Dawson Bros.’ Wild West Show, Connersvllle, Smith’s. Prof. Hairy. Shows, Orats. Pa. Indiana. Snyder Bros.’ Wild West, Pearl, Ill. UeI.aFuntalne Gulden Ghost and R. R. Show, Sorcbo’s. Capt. Lewis. Deep Sea Divers, Charles¬ winter gnarters, Alexandria, Minn.; Main Of¬ ton. S. C. fice, Box 390, Redwood Falls. Minn. S|>ellman. Frank P.. Shows. Cincinnati. Ohio. Dickey's Circle D Ranch Wild West, Will A. Starrett’s Clrctia. 117 CHermont are.. Brooklyn, Dickey, mgr,, I^ebanon, Mo. New York. Money Dorward’a, John A., Great Ixindon Shows, Read¬ Steele Family Show, Wayne. Mich. ing. Pa. Steele’s. Al.. Big Show. Vandergrift Heights. In Our. Downle’s, Andrew, Shows, Medina, N. Y. Pa. Dulaney’s Showa, S. J. Dulaney, mgr.. Pine Stewart’s, Capt., Big City Circus. Fort Wayne, Get onr pricca on Snap and Toilet Articles. They will Interest you. Our advertising assorteil Grove, W. Va. Indiana. psekages with valnable Premtnms have the flash and value that get the moin-v. Evnytmdy uses Bdwards' Zoological Exhibition J. 8. Edwards. Stlmmel's Society Circus, Springfield. Ohio. tlieiii. Money getters for canvassers and fakers. MAKE GREAT SOtTVEKIRB FOR SHOWS. mgr.. 207 Wabash ave., Chicago, HI. Swain. W. I.. Show, Hattiesburg. Miss. CARNIVALS, ETC. One young man cleared f947.56 In six months straight on a house to house Klaenbartb Floating Theatre, .Marietta, Ohio. Swift’s, Jack. Great AIrdome Shows, Gloden canvass. Are yon doing as well? If not, send postal to-day. We will teach you how. ClUa. J., New Union Show, 317 Mulberry st., Gate. Ill. Reading, Pa. Sup Bros.’ Shows. Macon. Oa. Blatun Bros.’ United Shows, Kansas City, Kana. ■reTTy’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Tent Show. W. G E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Courty Chicago By, Geo. 8., Circus, Bering, Texas. Dickey, mgr.. Little Sioux. Iowa. Fetxer, Adam, Show, Hope, Ark. Texas Bnd’s Wild West, Tulsa. Okla. Fred’s, H. W., New Show, 606 Grand street, Texas Wonder Shows. Jo|>lin. Mo. Mies, Mich. Todd’s. A. L.. Minstrels. Hobart. Okla Moving Picture Machines, Zeeman Bros.’ Rig Tented Shows. Nellgb, Neb. Turner. Doc. Wild Rose. Chicago, III. *• Great Combined Shows, Wonewoc, Tuttle’s Olympic Show. LinesvHle. Pa. Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. FILMS RENTED. Wisconsin. Uden’s, Col. W. J., Illppoatrome and Trainee! Borlda k Biel’s Big Show. Catskill, N. Y. Aniaaals. Flanagan. III. Fowler k Higgins' CIrens. Toledo. Ohio. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Hoosic Falls. N. Y. CHAS. M. STEBBINS, Frank k Hermann's Vandevllle Show. James J. Van Amhiirg Show, Atlanta. Ga. Frank, mgr., Wapakoneta. Ohio. Van’s. J. H.. Hippodrome and Circus. Scott. O. 1028 MAIN STREET, - - KANSAS CITY, MO Gentry Bros.' Show, Bloomington, Ind. Welsh Bros.’ Newest Great Shows. Inc.. John llms. Geyer's R. R. Show and Tent Theatre. T. Welsh, mgr., 70.1 N. Sth st., Philadel¬ Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. ban Antonio. Texas. phia. Pa. Gibbs' Olympic, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Wagner, Great, Show, Milwaukee. Wls. I^eli Shows. Cairo, HI. Wallace Bros ’ Trains Animal. Red Oak, la. winiar Bros. Shows. Baraboo. Wla. Washbora’s. I.«on. Circus. Round Brook. N. J. Great American Shows. H. A. Phillips, mgr., Weiss k Sanger's Greater New York Shows, For Sale or Lease—Cars Roseburg, Ole. Buffalo. N. Y. Great Electric Tent Show. Warren, .’a. Wheider, AI. F.. Oxfonl. Pa. RENT APPLIES ON PURCHASE PRICE HI** Shows, 4314 Harrison ave., Wlntermnte Bros.’ R. R. No. 2. Ft. Atkinson. Sioux City, la. Wit. Great Miller Show. Swanwlck. HI. WIxom Bros.’ Bancroft. Mich. INDIANA CAR AND EQUIPMENT CO. Great Biy State Shows. Resiling. Mass Womlford's Educated Animals, (iiaa. Woodford, nlT* **“' Wild West. lUwne. la. mgr.. Falconer, N. Y. (Not incorporated) Peru, Indiana u r lamdiin Shows. Vandergrift WoimI's. j. L., Carouael Co.. Augusta, Ga. Heights, Pa. Wonderland Floating Palace, Cooley k Thom, ‘“G Darla. Theo.. Show, Jacksonville, mgrs.. Point Pleasant. W. Va. riorlda. Wiiody. Robert. Shows. Afton. Okla. aageiiioH-k. Cari. and Great Wallace Showa World’s Famous Dog. Pony and Goat Show, 460 Musicians Wanted Hagenbeck & Wallace Circus Shelby at., Memphis, Tenn. Wright’s, H. W.. Circus. Memphis. Tenn. Eb CLARINET TO DOUBLE lit VIOLIN, TROMBONES, BASS Wright's. lAwrence, Shows, Shepherdstown. W. Va. DRUMMER, ETC. OTHERS WRITE. SAM E fTINGER WRITE. Wnrster, I’rof. Wm.. and Sons. Dog and Pony Show, Phllailelphia, Pa. Yankee American Show, 161.1 S'. 14th st.. She W. N. MERRICKy care of ColiseniTy LOUISVILLEy KY. boygan. Wls. Yankee Robinson Show, Des Mnines. la. Midway Companies. Help secured for managers, FREE! Pssitlons secured for employes. Advertising Amusement Event. 1837 Champa street. Denver. Colo. QUICK SERVICE! Arnold's Amusement Co.. F. J. Arnold, mgr.. ^x 4DS. Portland. Ore. Bl.-ster A Andrews Midway. Co.. Wllllamsi>ort M. P. LYCEUM BUREAU, Tel. Canal 262, 146 W.5th St., CINCINNATI, 0. Ps. Burrell Amusement Co.. Klamath Falls, Ore. College of Anatomy, I’ittmsn. Fla. Grsvblll Aniiixement Co.. Norristown. Ps. Attention! Park Managers! Attention! Great Martin Carnival Co.. 1«;4 S. Brosdwsv. St. I..OI1IS. M«. CURENCE POWELL’S REAL NEGRO MINSTRELS Great Parker Show. Abilene. Kans. Imperial Carnival Co., Capt. F. A. Hous* . 1 the show yonr patrons have been looking for, one of the old-time sort, with a Band ami mgr., .\voea. N. Y. Uealra that’s a "beaut.” Guarantee or isTcent—don’t care which. I will get the money and Junes. Johnny J.. Exposition Showa. en route eumidete satlsfaetlon. Aiblreas CLAREHCX POWELL, aa per route Richard-Pringle'a Mm- all winter Is, or Home Addrets, &S Central Place, Orange. N. J. Route: Maakogee. Okla., Fab. SO; Kline, Herbert A.. Showa. Flint. Mich. Mates. Arthur W.. Concessions. Ihmora. Pa. Parker. C. W. Amusement Co., Atdiene. Kan« Patterson. Great. Showa. Jnngle Theatre. Ilou* ton, Texas. TER MONROE Pllheam Amnaerocnt Co.. MIddlevllle. Mich. Power’s Exi>oeltlon Showa. McCormick Block. Saginaw, Mich. iSOS-EARLV OCTOBER-1909 Famous Rolilnaon Show, operated by Robinson Big Fair of the State In tbs heart of The Bleb Ouebita Valley Country. 18,560 imtoiiIs Amiiaeinent Co.. Inc., Cincinnati. G. w”e want to hmik guile a lot of high-grade attraetkma; gissl shows of every kind. If Roxell. T. A.. Araiiaenient Co., McAleater. Okla. not higli-class we do mrt want you. Are o,ieu for high-grade free attractions. Want Ruick'a. Dan, Amnaement Co., I/H-k Box 9.'>. go-round, hiiniaii rnileiie wheel. Ferris wheel, shoot the ebntea amt miniature railroad. Lagrange. Ind. . . „ , MONBOE FAIB AS80CIATI0V. Olen Flaming secy.. Hoaros. La. Spann's Byron. Carnival Co.. Florence. S J X ti e Billboard FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

MASSACHUSETTS. SOUTH DAKOTA Biwton—State H(>ineoi)athlo Society. Ai>rll 14. I’arker—State Sunday-School .\aan.\aan. April 13- Tli(ai. K. Chamller, Beacon at., Boston. 15. Rev. I*. F. Reach. Slmiv Falla. S. D. Gut Rapid City—Weatern Stock Growers’ Aaan. Apr. Boaton--t». I'. A. M. State Council. Eeb. 22. CONVENTIONS A. Blaki-Iy. ;{4;i fiiioii at. l.ynn. Mass. TENNESSEE Boston—Wonieii'a Belief (’(iri«a State Conven- Price Reunions^ tion. Keh. I.MT. Mra. H. .M. Tuttle, 657 , Chatlat«’a>ka-Boyal Arcanum Conclaves, Assemblies WaahliKttoii st.. Boaton, Maas. Block, Sprintctield—.\iiclent Order I'nlted Workmen V***^C,, v ii • i*r inaire Aaan Gran,I IshIkc. April —. Chaa. C. Fearing. M,-mphja-Mlasl«sippl Valley- l*"*"**^. Aa*n. Opera 12 Walnut st.. Boston. .Mass. i*'"'''** -I -'- "»rr‘n Memphis. Tenn. NOTICE.—Only aucb dates as have not been publilhed in thla list before anoear under the C. H. Ki'lnhaw. lliTi Oakland ave. TEXAS. feneral headins, ’’CONVENTIONS.” Back Metheun. Mass. » Galveston—I.Galveston-1. O G. F. Grand I.odge. .March Chairs numbers containing previous instalments can al¬ Sprlneflcld—State Travelers’ I’rotectlve Assn. j.414. W. nII. w’alker.Walker. Dallas, Texas. ways be obtained by addressing the publishers, April .Mt. F. R. Hutchinson. Box 641, Spring , n.Miston—National .Mo,lern Gnier of Praetorians. if they are not to be had from newsdealers. fleld. Mass. I •April 20. M. Auguat, Ruling, Texas. ROYAL MHAL Springfli-Iil—X. F. G. P. Grand lAHlge. March Under the caption. ’’Corrections and Changes,” UTAH UFA. CO. errors will be emendated and changes indicated. 10. Els-n S. Iliniklcy, 'rreraont st.. Boston, Mass. Salt Rake City—1. O. O. F. Grand Ixidge. 1821 DeArborn8t Those who with to collect copies of the Con¬ CHICAGO. vention comnlete list are advised to preserve MICHIGAN April -JO ’.ej. P. A. Stmpkln, IV.x 1699, Salt Rake City, Utah. their copies of The Billboard from week to |>(.tridt—Royal Arcanum Michigan Grand Coun- 1402 Brondway. NEW YORK. cll. Mav 12-15. W. .A. Price, Ranstng, YIROINIA. Mich. East Radford—A. O. K. of M. C. Select Cas¬ ALABAMA Flint—.Michigan Reague of .Municipalities. May tle. April 13. R. E. F. Heckman, 1014 —. E. R. Schrelter, Detroit, Mich. Stewart ave., Roanoke, Vs. HEADQUARTERS FOR CANES, Mohlle--Slate Federation of Rahor. .tprll 20. Flint—.Michigan .Associated Dallies. Feb. 25 .lames B. Drake, Box 207, Birmingham, Ala. WASHINGTON 20. Martin E. Brown, Battle Creek, Mich. Pensaslt A Slrtalmes’t Rtvellltt Elint-State Press .Assn.’ Feb. 22 27. ’ H. a'. B.Bellingham lllnghsm -— Royal Arcanum Grand ^nclRCouncil. April 20. R. R. t shill, .Mobile, Ala. Hotiklna St ClaR- Mich March IS. Thomas A. Parish, 4115 Twelfth Send for our new Cntnloc, Inat oat. M.mtgomery--State Funeral Directors’ Assn. R»pids-Mlchigan State Firemen’s Assn. avo., Seattle,Seattle. Wash.Wash-. „ Ajirll — Isbani J. Dorsey. G|,ellka. Ala. June A. P. Rane Ithaca, Mich. Sherman—State Women’sWomen s Relief Corps. April —. .Mrs. Beuber Boyd. Dallas. Texts. ARKANSAS Kslamaioo—Michigan United Commercial Trav- ; ■ '•t*- Bcuber Boyd. Dallas. Texts. . ... u. . „ . .... ■ elers. June —. Jas. Conk, Jackson, Mich. ' WISCONSIN Fort Worth—State Federation of Woman’s Woman’s Kslamaioo — \Rchigan Music Teachers’ Assn. p„,„, Rac—T. P. A. State Assn. April 23- Clut,>. April ‘202.1. Jas. H. Bell, Detroit, Mich. Hot!>t Surlmrs_SouthernS|>rlngs—Southern Wholesale GriK-ers’Cria-era’ As- . ‘ *4. Walter S. Denning. Milwaukee, Wla. ■ The■ iiw Surprisewui ui iws» Fountain• wssiimsiii Pens socla'thm* ^pril -. k“ Mn.. 191?% ''^^rs j";;^. 1 Wm ^ Bums IletroU 'Rlwf'kee-State Retail Lumber l^alers’ Aa^ (NON-LCAKABLK)(NON-LEAKABLK) First ave Birminirham Ala >Vm. Burns, ttetrolt, soclatlon. Feb. 23-25. P. Ruckmsnd. 818 ■• * ’ Mlj'h. Goldsmith Bldg., Milwaukee, Wls. A good premiumpromlom for 6c Andand 10c theAtree.theatrM. S393 petPW CALIFORNIA Pontiac—(ourtPontiac—tourt ofot .Michigan.MIcDIgaii Forresters ofor Amer Waupaca — Roval Arcanum Grand Council. I gross. SpeclAl discount In lArge QUAntltles , Angeles—Roval, 1 i> , Arcanum, Grand i\Hincll Ip*- June T;.—- Henry PaiilR Pontiac. ^Mich. April C. Simones. Milwaukee, Wla. SAmple. '"a.s. V.o"^tL*** Arcanum Gr*»d ‘t ouncii.>Hincil. Huron—Michigan MWomen’a omen a Press .\ssn. 2.«. P. Bend 6 oenU for April 16. D. H. Maloon, 349 Rlancbard May—.yjay —. CANADA i CUg«.*g|B ft Ps AIIabII lew T irk IT Khtg.. L^ Angeles CaR Traverse . Mich.Mich Que. Ings Bank Bldg., San Francisco. Cal. wtootootwwtMISSISSIPPI London, Gut.—Ko.val Arcanum Grand Council. San F’ranclsco—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chap : mitioiaoirri. ,,,, , T Cl 1 .1 M- 1 • .April 7-8. Harry Brown. 17 Main at.. East ter. April 20-21. W. A. Davies. Savings Biloxi—FiitwurthBiloxi—Fiiiw'urth ReagueLeague Christian Workers’Workers Hamilton Ont SCENERY Bank Bldg.. San Francisco, Cal. Seashore Assemhly. July 22-Aug. 1. C. D. Seashore Assemhly. -July — Aug. 1. C. D. Xapasae,ipasse, unt.—Ont.—(Jrandi«ranu vtrangeOrange xAaigeLodge uiof Ont. mi j Oi. TX i • i. L _ . __ Atkinson. 7-24.24 NashvilleNaabTille ave.. New Orleans.Orleans, peamond, Ont. CONNECTICUT La. March 16-18. Alf. M. Bell, Desmond, Ont. 1 rUnkS 90(1 btagC rFOpertieS tO Df , , ■ , u 1 .3 i. 1 . . n oo I’. La Prairie, Man.—Knlgbta of Pythias Grand Bridgeport—Royal Arcanum Grand ('ounclR ' Ja< ks<>n—State Sunday-School Aaan. April 20-“ IsOdge. June 7. John luiton. P.?f'ti"pr°"rS La Prairie, sold cheap for storage charges. .\prll 21. Carleton FR Hoadley, Box 357.57 Xu»-NnJohn TT. Cornell.Cornell, Gulfport, Mias. jI., Can. 225 Dtarborn ttrtat, Chleaftb, ilia. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1 MISSOURI St. TbomaB. Ont.—Grand Orange Lodge of Ont. Beet of Btoinge Mid TrMufer PMilltleA Jopllii—Royal Arch Masons. April 27. Rob March 10-11. W. M. Fltigerald, 142 Morse Washingt.«-Roy«l BeueOt Society. Feb. 16. ‘ V‘sTe“ve„‘soa‘‘ 3^fl'*VTne fit.l. Mo J. 'ilcK. Berry. Washington Ix.an & Trust ert* F'. Stevenson, •>'<’510 ‘I"**PineI'lne *'•,81.,at., St.ot. Louis,Louis.i,ouia. Mo..vio. st-. Toronto, Ont., Can. ___ Toronto. Wiit.—CanadianMiit.—Canadian Fraternal Aaan. April TUP ft TDI/'A I Bldg., Wasbingtitn, D. C. MONTANA.aaunxAna. 13-li.13-U. s.S. F. Montague, Drawer 349, Hamll- 1 llILA 1 Kl^Ala V\/dlUniEiM Washington—Presidential Inauguration Ceremo- HelenaHeleiia —State Optical Society. .AprilApril 12. A. , ton. Ont., Can. lUes. March 4, Edward J. Stetlwagen, C. Hoose. Billings, Mont.[ont. Winnipeg. Man.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. -'• MADE TO ORDER : -- Washington, D. C. NEBRASKAASKA F'elfFelr 16-18. Mrs. G. Buasson. 564 Victor at., OUR SPECIAI^TY—Machine Embroidered COS FLORIDA BeatriceBcatrii-e — State Travelers’ders' Protective AssnAssn. Winnipeg^ Man., L'an.Can. .. . TUMES. Pricra to ault. BEARDS. WIOS. lackhonville—Southern It. R. .Surgeons' .Vasn. I iiftft, -tie nTft^n ' Winnipeg. Man.—Grand Orange I/Odge. March GRBAbB PAINTS. Cataloguea for the aaklM April 6-8. J. W. Ray. Wiaslatock,i. Ala. Blor'k, Omaha. Neb. 10. Wm. Conally. Box 397, Winnipeg, Man., GEORGE LALTERER, Orlando—State Elks’ .tssri. April —. S. D. Norfolk—North Nebraskaa Tcaehera'Teachers’ Assn. April ( 164-ld6 East Madison St. OHIOAOO. OI. .\ckerly. Jacksonville. F'la. 1. K. M. Campbell. West Point,Point. Neb. i - SI AuL'ustlne—State Bar Assn. F'eh. 19 20. Omaha—F^ast Central Nebraskaehraska Teachers’ Assn. ) ^ , 1 /X| George Couper Gildts. Jacksonville.I'. F'la. April 1-3. M. M. Graham, South Omaha, Graham. South Omaha, Neb. ; . | torrectioos Httd thaDges. A fX ¥ Y'OlT'OrTi'V GEORGIA Omaha—Royal .Arcaiiuiii. Ai>rllApril 27. Geo. S. - /A A fijJUDHjKJi. 1 vll.aiiy—P. G. S. of A. State Camp, .tprll 28. ' Powell. 636 Paxton Block.lock. Omaha. Neb. A m .m. a B. F'. Brlnnberry. .Mbany, Ga. T’WR'PV 1 FLORIDA Vandevllle and M. P. Theatre Manager, with Aiiierlcus—OrderAmerlcus—Order of Flaatern Star. May 18-19. NEW JERSEY. I jjignii—PythianMiami—Pythian Slaters Grand Temple. March Power'sPower’s No. 5 (N. Y. Approved), eqnlpp^ ma Mrs. Mamie R. Nelli. .311 N. Jackson at., i Ashiiry I’ark—American National Assn. Masters 10-12. Mrs. Hawks, Tampa, Fla. chine. College man.man, gorago<^ appearance. Would Atlanta. Ga. ' of Dancing. June 14-19.14-19. Geo. W. Smith, tvtitanaTVTITANA accept position as operator with any flrat-claaa tihena—Royal .Arcanum Grand Council. .April Keith's Theatre Building,ling. Columbus. O. *1 uiA ^a ■ show In the South or Southwest and furnish 21. R. P. Lester, Covington. Ga. Indianapolis—State Republican Editorial Aaan. machine.macblne. Beat of references. Cheap frame-upa ttlanta—Fraternal .Mystic Circle. .Ai>rll —. S. NEW YORK. Feb. 25 26. Ed. A. Remy, Seymour, Ind. save (loatage.iwatage. O. C., care "rhe Billboard, Cln J Pridgen. Atlanta, Ga. .Alliaiiy—Alpha Delta Phi111 F'raternlty. F'eh. 18- LOUISIANA cinnatl, Ohio. 20. It. A. Gunn, 136 W 44th at.. New York ,, i,ft, P|,_ ’ New Orleans—Independent Order of Beavers Chicago—Central & Weatern Aaan. Car Service Buffalo—A A S R M Northern Maaonlc Jii- National Convention. Feb. 19-22. S. M. ^fllvmmdAir Men. Feb. 18. W. E.E Beecham. C. M. &A St. "“rUd{^?n.rladictlon. Va^vValley o'^of Buffalo.Du^ April 12-16. Robertson. :t59.'t59 South Third at..at., Memphla,Memphis, -^rOOme OT OUmmCr P. R. R., Chicago. III. Tenu. Phift.ift—v’.’fift I i> 1 • Chaa. E. Markham, Anchor Line Docks.Docks, Buf-Buf¬ Tenu. 'I'l . Chicago—National Educational Press Assn, of falo, fj.N. y.Y. MICHIGAN 1 IlCcLirC ft lOpriClOro Hdirn St.. ^ndisMimila ^ ln7‘ ^ CDy-Loj al Aaan. Grand Council, port Huron-Woodmen of the World Head SuccessSucceaa depends upon your manager’s expertexp. Chicago—Roval I>*ague ’ Vprll — Chaa E v *v ’t cw ‘ i*h '“a*' Camp. Jurisdiction D. .March 9. Carl Snow, enpe.enpe, tact, and ability. Also upon bis prprofl PI A. “601 mS^odIc' Tem^^le Chicago III ’ B Frankir - deucy In advertising. JI will be at liberty April Diiipiolne—SouthernDiiimolne—Southern IlllnolKIllinois Te.cher.’Teachers’ Asan.a..n Third are. New.F" YorkI.” " ■ Cltv. franklin, 95d NEBRASKA«i.x»n.aoxx* 1.1, and can furnish the bestbeat of reference, am)i make good afterwards. Am a college man, good F'Irst week In April. City—American Newspaper Publish- Lincoln—State Optical Society. F'eh. 2;i 24. apiH-arance, and a biiatler. Address D. IL, care INDIANA era’ Aaan. .Vpril 21-23. I.. P. Palmer, New H Hunkill, Burlington Block,Block. Liocoln,Liocoln. [Neb. xbe Billboard, ('tuclunatl, Ohio. Indianapolis—Indiana Ice Dealers’ Asan. Feb. Vork City. ’->.'1-24. W. H. Slddona. Marlon. Ind. ' Clt.v—National Conference of Church _ ^ Terre Haute—King’s Daughters. .March —. Uluha. April 27-28. Chaa. F. Chase, New jk f ■ 1W jk Mias Nellie Fllbeck. Fllbeck Hotel. Terre i Britain. Conn. . ^ I Ml I tC I t iJk. Haute, Ind. ' Lork Clt.v—Ancient Order of Good Temp- A A A A IOWA ■*•’*'** Henry F. Raabe, 223 Elder THEATRICAL STREETMEN Council Bluffs—Western Iowa F'ditorlal Aaan. , New York City—National Manufacturing Per- gJ I |\| ^ BI ''tI f _ A handy, convenient knife thkrpaaer,thkrpeaer, tksttkat UetUat F'ebr. 19. E. A. Stevens. Silver City, la. ftimera’ Aaan. April —. W. H. Hyde, Sta- | M MA. M. 1 ¥ M M I ¥ A M. Ih-a Molna—Railway Mall Clerks.Clerks.' April 2727-28. 28. tlon B. Box 53. Cleveland, O. A —A AAX w ^A AM w Uatflat lain vestveet pocket.Docket. A sureenre sellar,eallar. eattrelyenttiwlv aew.kew. IVa Molnea—Protestant Churches of Iowa. New York City—Travelers’ Protective Assn. ■■' $>.76 a groee—PROFIT FOR YOU., laa March 26 28. April —. L. C. Gosselin, 125 Wotta at.. New -iii- pie by maU for 6o. H. A. DOftlK. ITT Oaatei Morgan City—1. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. March York City. ||| M. M. Dickinson, 632 Camp at.. New SvtaciiEe—State Glnaing Growers’ Aaan. St., Chicago, m. it>». La. 28. Frank P. Hakes, Cortland. N. Y. LETTER-HEADS KENTUCKY NORTH CAROLINA ENVELOPES Barlow—C. <). O. C. Grand Commandery, April ■ Concord—North Carolina Sunday-School Aaan. 15. W. B. Moore,Joore, 2415 Broadway, Ixmlsvllle,Ix>ulBvlIle, . April 6-8. Miss Maud Red, Raleigh, N. C. CIRCULARS WANTED Ky. Greenalmro—D. of L. State Cmincll. April 27.i r/WTix ar>'rc Damaon Springs—StateT*—State Hotel Keepers’ Aaan. ' W. \. Fogelman. Salisbury, N. C. LUIviKAt^ia LOW PRICES April 21. W. D. Glaybrooke, Springfleld, New Bern—Royal Arcanum Grand Council. Apr. PARDS For Gentry Bros. Show Ky. 15. Dr. J. Howellway, Wayneavlllc, N. C. GOOD WORK lamlaville—Royal Arcanum Grand Council. Winston Salem—Y. P. S. C. E. State C-wiven- TICKETS ...... April 20. Alex M. Wer. Elon cv. QUICK SERVICE UNkLIUTKCALLIORE rLHlCRanHPLtYERaad STEWARD9IKItRnif Louisville, Ky. College, N. C. POST-CARDS l.aMiiaTille—National Master Roller Makers’ OHIO. nnircc iarkXTr>i7c I Wrilfl,Wrilt, GENTRY BROS., • Bloomington, Ind. PRESS NOTICES .4san. April 27-30. Columbua—Rebekah State AeeemhlyAssembly April 14- ______1^ LOUISIANA 15. Mrs. Flmma M. Bell, 392 W. 4th at., STICKERS MfTIUCVI MnAIC VI IVrialdsonvllle—I. O. R. M. Great Council. Columbua.Columbus, O. K ItIUIiLI!MONEY! MONEY!lYlUnLlI April 12. R. G. Dubroca, 6319 Patton at., Coliimhua—Royal Arcanum Grand Council. April -a New Orleans La 21-22. T. Butterworth. 701 Fourth National Ill Made with the Eclipse S-ln-one Photo Post tardCard New Orleans-Mardl Gras Festivities. F'eh. 18- Bunk Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. g-gg—_3» •Machine. Makes Pbntn Post Cards, Tin Tyia^. 22 Toledo—Photographers’ Aaan. of Ohio. March IPhoto hoto Buttons. IPrice, rice, $.30, complete for opera New <»rlean*—ainha Kanna FYaternltv March 2.3 23. To InaureInsure prompt attention, avoid delay anC tlon, less aiippllea.aii|>pllea. Write for circular and sainwm _ EL ileintx M D 6C4 w" Chicago Toledo—Ohio Typographical Union. April 11. unnecessary wireai^ndence, always anhmit copj PHOTO POST CARR ave Chicago II ’ unicago ^ Hlckllng, Zanesville. O. "*■ ••‘•’“’h- We can not quote prlcea untl CAMERA WORKS, Athena. Ala. V- ■/, , ..... ft . „ 're know what you want. New?w Orleans—KingOrleans—King’s a Daughters A Sons. April OREGON know what you want. 23-25. Mlaa D’. B. Wright. 1440 Champ at., McMlnvIlle—Oregon State Grange P. of H. May CHURCH PRINTING CO New Orleans, La. j,.,4 „„ MaryS. Howard, Mullne, Ore. V^IIWIVVII IXlil 1 IHU FOR SALE! PENNSYL'FANiA ^16 Elm Street Brand new Symphony Band Organ; equal to 2V .Augusta State Weekly Net^pai^r Publl^ere Philadelphia—National Wholesale Lumber Deal- CINCINNATI, - - OHIO mualclaua; 58 note; atandani roll pa|ier; with Asan. Af»rll 12. i>«uiaLonla O.v. Haskell,naaae.i, Pittafiiia ^aan. March 2 3. E. T. Perry, 66 Broad druins and cymhals, attachmenta. Coat |83*’; Deid, Me. WAV New York City. UTIPirDtC Itih Street Muaenm. New York will a<>ll for $6.5(1. Addreae M. B. KLEIN. 14 o It- Pittahiirg—Amerlean Bowling Congress. F'eh. ElUUr S. Norton, 75 Wllmont at., Portland, 18-23. J. P. C. Pulver, Newark, N. J. Freaks of Nature, Contests, anything New and — Me. RHODE ISLAND. Novel. Address J. H. ANDERSON. Manager faRFOB SALE—MovingSALE-MovIng Picture and Taudevlll*Taudevllla MARYLAND. lloiiee In Henderson, Ky. (18.6001. Only vaude Providence—Eastern Commercial Teachers’ Aa- —SOLO EVERY ville In town. Good stage, etc.; opera chairs Baltimore—^K. of P. Grand Lodge. April —. soclatlon. April 10. James Whitehead, Baltimore, Md. l.oiig or abort term lease on building. $’250 buy Westminster—Fraternal Mystic Circle Grand SOUTH CAROLINA. MAKE UF enough, with your marhinee and piano, to g<> Unllng Jurisdiction. April —. Dr. C. F. Jones, Spartanburg—I. O. R. M. Great Council. Apr. ahead. Owner has other bualneaa. cor. North and Fulton avea., Baltimore, Md. 13. B. C. Wallace, Box 57, Sumter. 8. C. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. M. IKIERINO, BTanavIllo, Ivl FEBRUARY 13, 1909.

OHIO nUn<-hPiit<>r—Blinrbpiter Fair. Aus. 17-20. B. K. riiHUpy. iiwy. Carnillton—('amill County Fair. Oct. 8-8. P. B. Kontlehii^li, accy. FAIRS ColuDibua—Ohio State Fair. Aug. SO-Sept. 3. A. I*. .Sand'ea, aecy. OKLAHOMA Thania*—AnnlTcrsary. Aug. 22-24. A. C. BIga by, acoy. PENNSYLVANIA tiugbetTlIIe—Muncy Valley Farmers’ Club. Oct. 12-18. Cbaa. E. Morse, aecy. LONDON 1909 TENNESSEE Lewlsburg—-Mamball County Fair Aaan. Dates 01 Ibe ChoicesI Products oi Ike World nut set. W. T. Cbcatbam. aecr. -AT THE- TEXAS ALABAMA Fredericksburg—Ullleapie County Fair and Im provenient Ca Sept. —. Henry UIrscb, GREAT WHITE CITY, SHEPHERD’S BUSH Ssmsun—Geneva County Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-16. aeiy. W. C. Pryor, mgr. (Within Fifteen Minute* of the Centre of London) UTAH ARKANSAS Salt Like—Utah State Fair Assn. O- c. 1-9. Camden—Onachita County Harvest Fair. Dates Horace S. Ensign, secy. IVlay to October aot set. Harry F. Knapp, aecy. CAUFORNIA VERMONT Fresno—Freano County Agrlcultnral Aaan. Oct. NorthBeld—Dog River Valley Fair A««n. Dates Fifty Exhibition Palaces, covering fifty acres, and one hun¬ —. R. A. Powell, aecy. not dellnitely decided, probably Sept. 7 9. F. A. Juselyn, gen. supt. FLORIDA dred and forty acres of magnificent grounds, beautiful gar¬ llliml—Dade County Fair Assn. March 11-14. WISCONSIN dens, charming lakes and waterways. Displays of famous E. C. Blarkbnrn, aecy. Cblltoo—Calumet County Agricultural Assn. IDAHO Sept. 23 24. Gregory Deracbel. secy. health and pleasure resorts of European and American cities. Boise—Idaho Intermountaln Fair Assn. Oct. Elkhorn—Walworth Co. Agricultural Society. Sept. 21-24. F. M. Porter, secy. 11-16. Will H. Glbaun, aecy. Concerts by the finest British and Foreign Military Bunds. Paris-Rear Lake County Fair Aaan. Sept. 22- CANADA 28. W. R. Holmes, secy. Beacliburg, Ont.—North Renfrow Fair. Oct. Pocatello—Pocatello Fair A Driving Assn. Sept. SUPERB ILLUMINATIONS 7-8. Wm. Headrick, aecy. 6-11. I.ec H. Walker, secy. Brandon. Mac.—Western Agricultural and Arts ILLINOIS Assn, of Manitoba. July 19-23. Cbaa. Fraser, together with THE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS EVER Alado—Mercer County Agricultural Society. secy. Sept. 21-24. W’. D. Emerson, aecy. Calgary, Alta.—Calgary Industrial Exhibition. BROUGHT TOGETHER, including the World’s Famous Anna—Fair. Aug 31-Sept. 3. July 6-10. E. L. Richardson, secy. Marlon—Williamson County Agricultural Botird. London. Ont.—W’estern Fair Assn. Sept. 10-lS. Flip-F!."p. The Great Stadium, accommodating over one Sept. 21-24. Geo. C. Campbell, secy. A. M. Hunt, secy. Ut. Carroll—Carroll County Fair Aaan. Sept. Victoria B. C.—Provincial Exhibition. Sept. hundred thousand persons, available for International gath¬ 14-17. Cal M. Feeier, aecy. 20-2.1. J. E. Smart, P. O. Drawer 761, Victo¬ Mt Vetnon—Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. ria. B. C. erings, sports and other meetings. Pinckney vllle—Fair. Sept. 14-17. Wyoming, Out.—Plympton A Wyoming Agri¬ Warren—I'nlon Agricultural Society. Sept. 14- cultural Su< iety. Oct. 12. D. S. Robertson, 17. Ralph R. Russell, aecy. Box bS, Wyoming, Ont., Can. INDIANA Contractors of American Devices are reqnesled to send Oorydon—Harrison County Agricultural Soci¬ Terms for Supplying Plans and Erecting Attractions. ety. Aug. 30-Seot. 3. C. G. Watson, secy. Corrections and Changes IOWA Anamosa—Anamosa Fair Assn. Ang. 23-27. Dr. MICHIGAN L W. Rnsaell, secy. Owners of Attractions Desiring to Secure and Operate SarllDgton—Fair. Aug. 9-13. Detroit—MIebIgin State Fair. OlarlDila—Clarinda Fair Assn. Sept. 6-10. J. H. Butterfivld, aecy. Concessions on Sharing Terms should make application to C. Beckner, aecy. NEW JERSEY Colnmlxis Junction—Fair. Sept. 7-10. DonnelUoa-Fair. Sept. 7-10. Trenton—Inter-State Fair Aaan. Orlnnell—Fair. Sept. 6-8. I. S. Bailey, Jr., I. M. R. Margvrum, aecy. THE SECRETARY. aecy. Maiiuuketa—Jackson Connty Fair. Aug. 31- Sept. 3. B. D. Ely. secy. Exhibition Grounds. Shepherd’s Bush, London. W. Mirahalltown—Marshall County Fair Aaan. Sept 6 10. Wm. Clark, aecy. BUCKENSDERFER National—Clayton Co. Agrtcnitnral Society. Sept. 7-9. Henry Luebaen, Garnavlllo, la. Sac City—Sac County Fair Aaan. Aug. 10-13. 8. L. Watt, aecy. TYPEWRITERS Sioux City—Interstate Live Stock Fair Aaan. Sept. 20-25. John R. Sbaffer, aecy. S1M.SO and S17.80 Wapello—Fair. Aug. 31 Sept. 3. We»t Liberty—Fair. Aug. 24 27. YOy NEED ONE We«t Ptdnt—Fair. Aug. 24 26. Carrv One In Your Suit Caio* West I'nlon—Fayette Count? Agricnltnral So clety Sept. 7-10. E. A. Mcllree, aecy. And handle yonr correepondence In PRIVILEGES Winfield-Fair. Sept. 14-17. a bUBincsa-llke manner. We offer to r-adera of THE BIUNOARD thla exceptional opixirtunlty to aecnre a Barper—Harper $.10 TYI’EWRITEB at SACKIFICR Date* not aet. I’RICES. UUU'K ACTION MEANS BEST BARGAINS. Write for Ufor matlon. y«

ACTRESS o" 0RAT0R4k'^ 9*m to SffOO Wookly^^^ w TlMiiKwtfaariDsbBaand hMtiwylnxpmtMlaaln • The atrongeet trunk in America. b the vrwrid. Our ct»oipl*t«and r.»raprehvniiblec«*urve J Ib •bvatkie and dramatic art hy mail will In a .hurt Has oo weakneases. Our catalogue Mm* prapara yuo for tha .tacaor apaakar’a platform Sne* will tell you why. raaaful atud.nia avarywhera. Ili.*klat fraa. Chlcage Ironclad, 32 Inch, $10.00 “ 34 “ 10.78 36 •• 11,50 American Film Exchange, •• 38 '* 12.25 630 Halsay Straet. SPOOKLYN. N. Y. Moving IMctnre Macblnea and rilm bsngbt. aold •• 40 •• 13.00 and rented _ THE BELBER TRUIK asd BI6 CO For Carouaela No. 1641 N. Hancock Straat. New Moslc Philadelphia. Pa. I HAVE LOTS OF GOOD ACTS Suitable for I’arka, Carnlvala and Vaudeville. Tell me what you want and I can furnish you ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. from my big Hat. BERT LEVEY, That Independent Agent. *063 Sntter St., San Franelaee. T ti e B i 11 t> o a r d FEBRUARY IS, 1009.

DIRECTORYM J [ rj% ^ 1 I Sh^wk Tortrt Manuffcctur*™, DMlert in ud Rental Bureaus. T’. S. Film Kx., i:W Lake it., CUcafo. _ ainfeV ’"U Bowery, New Vork City. Acme Film Ezcbanse, flt» Smlthlleld at.. HtU- WtiKnor Him Amuac. Co., 120 N. 3d at., 8i

Of Agent. Hotel., Mu.ic. Publi.her. AcTo^t.pb'co., «) Union 8^., New York City. "•«£>ilm Fxcb*n,e, «« Weatory Bid. . i:i grrr'sulTplil.^'^'iVp^h^lbefi'c^li; ^ , , carbons ---- m. ontur. Bid,.. _ CARBoSs AND EXHTuSTERr- ^‘Tez" ’ William*." n--. , BrowneHn.w„e &a Earle.U.rle, 918«t. CheetnutCbeatnnt at.,at.. le Ban Philadelphia, i'a. Advertiaementa not exceedin. one line in > » Ballberg 30 Oreenwleb are.. N. Y. City. Alamo Film Ezcbange, 204 Conroy Bid.., San World Film Co.. 117 I'nlreralty Place, j,,,New length will be publiahed, properly claaaifled in CARS (R. R.) AmeVl^n' ^1*^' Serrlce American Tniatt Bldg..Bldg., nrleana.<'rleana. La. thin directory, at the rate of $10 for one year ClpcuaCircua and Theatrical. iii ‘ • FIREWORKS..e. e. .r wo rtuir’pricrricrude?*one^^^ Amerte.u^0.ri”^^^ AmX?^ Him Kzchange. Waha.h Bldg.,., PittaPitt. Charle*Chari.;. Crowell,Crowell,' 1»I'p 'p.rkPark ' Place, New YorkYor. Clt.v. m «ce.®‘of“$50-. worth'of'wr^ *annulue ul Palace Horae Car Co., Monadnock Bldg., Amerfc.n Vllm Serrlce. 168 N. Main at., Mem Cona.'li.late,l Firework. Co., Reading, O. ent.•u^to°^^^nr?rVV"^^^^^ Kan . '“‘“vl o. . lain .r N V „ j The .Ireg.ir.v Firework. Co., Franklin P.rk, Ill Wty dollar, or faction thereof, covert by nic^'Loc„n,ot’l»e * cir Work.. 227 Dearborn AmerlX^ VMt.gripd^ Co Tl« Nawin FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS, their contracta Thia directory la reeiaed and „ Chicago. American v Itagrapo CO.. no naasau at.. Wabaah are.. Chicago Y. c. corrected weekly, change, in firm nainoa and yit. ’Vernon Car Mfg. Co.. Mt. Vernon, 111. addreaaea being recorded a* loon a* they are Conaolldated Film Co.. 143 E. 2.'ld at., N.Y.C. receiyed. The Ttsnlce TrMaportatlon Co., Third National |i.|jm Exchange, 120 E. Randolph at., Annin A Co., 1»0 Fnllon at.. New York City. nanaBank Bldg.,tr.ag., ot.oi. Loula,liouib, Mo.mo. Chicago.— . 111. Tin- Murray Co..^ .59 W. Waahington. Chicago cuctA/IKirs ftllM M AKillPArTlIRFRS Chicago Film Ezcbange, Brendela Bldg., Dm- c y Clag Co.. 2242 Gilbert are., Cincinnati ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. CHLWINbwi-iasTeiiau aawiaibUM i..MANUPAUI rs,, w , „w . wUKtKO .. s.. .s, ada. Neb. Cnltcd State* Tent A Awning Co.. 47 63 8 linger Bros.. 82 Bower.v, New Y'ork City. U. 8. Chicle Co., 6tb A Brighton. Newport. Ky. Chicago Projecting Co., 235 Dearborn. Chicago. Deaplalne* at.. Chicago. V. Sliiire Co., 2211 Madiwon at., Chicago. CHUTE BUILDERS. ! ^"D?n*%.''c“.'^‘‘D?n*"r''‘**'“.• FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. ADVERTISING STICKERS. American Amuaement Co., Ludlow, Ky. Chicago Film Exchange.Exchange, Weatory Bldg., Waah- M. L. Schliieter. 3S S. Canal at., Chicago, III HI I..onla Sticker Co.. 105 Pine at.. St. Ixmla. ■ CoaaterCoaatar Conetnictlon Co..Co., 6244 S. Park. Ch’go. i„^un, D. C. Mo FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. AERIAL ADVERTISERS. CIGARS. Chicago Film Exchange, Dooly Bldg., Salt Lake „„rtell Floaa Machine Co.. 31 Frankfort at . Silas J Coii.vne. 401 .MclyCan ave.. Chicago L Deneoein * ^ Cl^^- ChVcIgo Vum Exchange. Coleman Bldg.. Lou a.''t'' DIefll. Sct Michigan at.. Toledo. O. AERONAUTS. CIRCUS SEATS. lavllle, Ky, c/sdtiikic TCI I IKIfs nc\/ICCft Sew and Second-Hand. Chicago Film Exchange, Stahlman Bldg., Naah FORTUNE TELLINGTELLIN« DEVICES.iyEVIkklyn. N. i Mis* Dorothy De Vonda. Box 796. Otaego. Mich. ' ®- Tent A Awn. Co.. 47-53 South Deiiaplalnea Cincinnati Film Exchange, 214 W. 6tb at., Cln- Nclaon Broa.’ Co., 6;t0-218 LaSalle at., Chicago *t.. Chicago. ciniiatl, O. GAMING DEVICES. AMERICAN TAILORS. Crawford. O. T., Him Exchange, 1401-6 Ixicuat Spindlea. Club House Furniture, Etc. '•'leiiage Bros., 166 Bay at.. Toronto. Can CIRCUS WAGONS. I at., .St. Loula, Mo. Deane, la'iT Central ave.. Cincinnati, O. Cagea, Dena and Band Chariota. Cut Rate Film Exchange, 120 Randolph at.. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. . Sullivan A Eagle, 16 Canal at., Peru, Ind H 0. Evana A Co., 125 Clark at.. Chicago III D .S, Miiaic Co.. Milwaukee and Weatem ave* Chicago, Ill. H. Darla, W’atertown, Wla. GASOLINE BURNERS. Cbl< ago, HI. I CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. W. Z. Uuig. TT2 High at.. Si.rlngfl.-ld, O I A. T. Dleti, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O. Dixie Film Exchange, Owenaboro, Ky. ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co.. 216 Hltnoia at.. Ch’go. Eaatern Film Exchange. W’abaah ’Terminal GRASS MATS. I.evl Co , 64 E. 14th *t..at.. New York. N. Y Jap. Novelty Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Bldg., PIttaburg, Pa. American Hug Co.. 310 E. 96th at., N. Y. City ANIMAL nCAl PRQ Klngery Co., Pearl A Walnut, Cincinnati, U. EdlKon Mfg. Co.. 10 5tb are.. New York City, w... u .7ANIMAL .7 DEALERS. Lanier A Drleebach. 316 John at.. Cincinnati, O. and Orange. N. J. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. mT**"* '’.‘l "V’ ^ ! W. Z. Ixmg. 172 High at.. Springfield, O. Electograph Co., 199 Third are.. N. Y. C. Make-up Bozea. Cold Cream. Etc. i atindard Mfg. A Supply ’Co.. Drawer O. Me* Eugene Cline A Co.. 59 Dearborn at., tnilcago; Chicago C.».lume A rotllllon Work*. «* Dear UnwtKHl H._ Flinty North W’aterford Me 1 nongahela, Pa. 10 E. II4th4th «t..et.. New York Cltv.City. h..rn at . Chicago, Ill. C»1 CONSTRUCTORS, ELECTRIC *ND ni«m >■ X'H. B'.,,. B. T. c ron, O. HARNESS. Bc. w. Frank’s Film House, 347 Oth ave.. PIttaburg, piumeaPNm« and... TrappingsT,.p,i.n- — fFor.,' oCircusi».. and Adu Pa- vertising TJae. Wenx A Macken^n. Yardlpy, Pa CONSTRUCTORS ’ OF PARK OE- French Him Reatorlng Co., 601 Relbold Bldg., Sehai mt«« Plume Co.* 612 Metropolitan ave ARCHITECTS. VICES. Dayton. O. Bn-tklyn. N. Y For Summer Amusement Parks and Theatres. J. E. Chambers, ’223 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. T. Globe Film Service, 79 Dearborn at.. Chicago. lNniAN«» INfYIAN CORTUMPR AND lohn H Stem, 818 Singer bldg.. N Y City, /'rreTMMPe M. TUPATDirAI Ar Great Northern Film Co.. 7 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C. INDIANS. IN Dl AN CDS I U M tS AND COSTUMES & THEATRICAL AC¬ Greater New Y'ork Film Rental Co., 24 Union RELICS. ARC LIGHTS. CESSORIES. Stj., New Y'ork City. \V. H Barton. Gordon, Neb. f-lamlng .4rc Lamp Co,, 30 Greenwich avenue. Chicago Coetume A Cotillion Works. 69 Dear C. J. Hite A Co., 441 Monadnock Blk.. Chicago. ILLUSIONS. C. L. Hull A Co., 209 E. 57th at.. Chicago. 4 H. Hallberg. .30 Greenwich ave., N. Y C. ** ’ ^p|*oWN WHITP Curiosities and Side Show Goods (Maaafactnr Independent Film Exchange, 1609 Masonic Tem¬ era of and Dealen in.) blowers. M Stein Coemetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C. ple, Chicago. G. W .Vilen. 26r> Bowery. New Y'ork City t>**»’(irAtlvp Plsnt C<>., R'12 Hroadway, N. V C. COLD CREAIVI Ideal Him Exchange. 112 B. Randolph at.. r. W Parker. .Vhllene, Kan. Chicago. ASBESTOS CURTAINS, M stein Coemetlc Co., 1392 B w’ay. N. Y. C. Thnn-ton .Vmtiwment Co.. St. James Bldg., New Inter-Uceao Him Exchange. 99 E. Madlaoo at., Vork Clt.v. W. Trainer. 80 Pearl at., Boston. Mas*. COM PENS ARC Chicago. automatic electric ECONO- Fort Wayne Electric Work*. Ft. Wayne. Ind. Kalem Co.. 131 W. 24th at.. New York C'ty. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS MIZERS. CONES. Laemmie Film Service, 196 Ljike at., Chicago. W. A Mentaer. 92 Lake at.. Chicago. HI 1 H. IlsIIberg. 30 Greenwich ive.. N. V. C. JEWELRY. A. T. IMeU, 127 Michigan at., Toledo. O. Laemmie Him Service. Main and Sixth sta., For Stage Use. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU¬ Lanier A Drleabach, 315 John at., Cincinnati, O Evanaville. Ind. MENTS. r. ... C. 21. inBK,,. C.-., L.™.,, FB- .. . F,o., g, Lyon A Heaiy. 2o5 Wabaah ave.. Chicago. III. CONE OVENS. pnia, lenn. a,.a n .. i di w N- Shtire Co.. 220 Madlann at.. Chicago. Rudolph Wurlltxer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. A T. Diets, 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. O. Laemmie Film Service, 8f« Brandel. Block. .shry.« k Todd Co. S24 N. 8th at.. St. lSuI.. Mo K. Knglehardt A Son*. 2 E. 47th «t.. N. Y. C. Lanier A Drleabach, 315 John'st.. Cincinnati. O. Omaha,( maha, Neb.. eb. . e i. i t Roger*. Thurman A Co.. 156 Waba«b avenne S Music Co.. Milwaukee and Weatern *ve*.. standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer O. Mo- Laemmie Film Service, 151 Main at.. Salt Lake „ .u '’hicago. HI. OQncahPla* Pa. City, UtahUtah, K- - Slng.7Wo.. 82 Bower.v. N. Y C BALLOONS. r L. Tarhell Co.. 216 IIHdoU at.. Ch'fo Laemmie FilmHim Serrlce,Service. 100101100-101 Lumber Kx-Ex- e-nA. VitNKals Brother*. 2’23 Commen-lal .t.. Rn«tnn. CORN POPPPR^ cbaDice.ebauge. MinneapoUa..VlinneaDOlla.MinneapoUa, Minn. JUGGLERSJUVaol-tria GOODS.VaDDUo. M a**. A T. Diet.. Michigan at. ¥oi;do. O Imemmle Film Service, 214 Well.Wella Fargo BM,..Bldg., Edw. VanWyck. 166' Pullen ave.. Cincinnati. •* Vorthweatem Balloon Co. Nsii Clylmm ave.. Portland, Ore. Chicago. HI, W. Z. I.onK. 172 High *t_^ Springfield. O Laemmre Film* Service. Casino Theatre Bldg., KNIVES. Laemmie Film Service, Casino Theatre Bldg., singer Bros.. S2 Bowerr. New Y'ork City. Geo, .V. Paturel. 41 Warren *t.. New Y'ork City. • «. Montreal,Montreal. Que.,Que,. Canada. Rubtwr Ralloi.n Mfg. Co., Akron. O. Harrv L. Welsbaum. 242 E. Madl*on. Chicar’ Half-Tonea. Engrannca. Etc. Laemmie Film sierrice.Service, Chamber of Commerce X. Shtire Co.. 2’JO Madl*.m »t.. Chicago. III. Queen City Engraving Co. Rlymer Bldg., Cln- Bldg.. Winnipeg. Man.. Canada. BAND INSTRUMENTS. Bldg., Winnipeg, Man.. Canada. Shr.vo< k T<«hl Co., 824 N. 8th »t.. St, Ixml*. Mo clnatl. O. f.akeLake Shore Film aniland StinnivSupply Co.,Ca.. S14 SuperiorHiitherlnr LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. r,yo:‘‘A"Hea"y* w^iorS'^Cui”'' '**■ *’" “• ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Rudolph Wurlltxer Co nncinnatl and Chicago. : J.',a The H. Lleber Co., 24 W. Washington St., J. M. Naiighton Co., Hotel Mayer Bldg., P» BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. DANCING SCHOOLS. Indianapolis, Ind. > orla. HI prof. P. J. Ridge, 127 LaSalle at.. Chicago S Lubln, 926 Market et., Philadelphia, Pa. Ha*tlan Bro*., R bum 1.V> Naa«au «f LECTURER. 8. Lnhln, 140 W. 5th at., Cincinnati. O. W S Bu«h. 155 N. Conestoga »t.. Phlla.. Pa York City. DECORATIONS. Mile* Bros., 2.59 Sixth ave.. New York City. Western Badge A Novelty Co.. St Caul. Minn. And Dealers in Flags. Bunting, Festooning, Etc. Mile* Bros.. 790 Turk et.. San Franeteco, Cal LIGHTS. BANNERS. r S Hag Co.. 2242 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati. Mile* Bm*., Hub Theatre Bldg.. Boeton. Mas*. Beacons. Torrhea for Circuaea and Tont Shows The Mitree.v Co . .59 W. Washington *1.. Chl’go. Monarch Him Exchange. 201 Thompson Bhlg., n"'!** * Weyer. 223’225 Michigan at.. Chicago DECORATORS. C. S. Tent A Awiitiig Co., t.56 W. Randolph »l n, S. Tent A Awning Co., 47 .5.3 S. Deaplain*-* Buildings, Faiiw. Booths. Oklahoma City, Okla. “f . Chicago, Ill. Beck A Son* Co.. 10 Garfield Place. -National Film Co.. 1(10 Griswold at. Detroittrolt Chicago. HI. Wlndhoml A Co.. |(V4 N 12th *t.. St Ixml* Cincinnati, O. Mich. BOOKING AGENTS. National Him Renting Co., 62 N. Clark at.. C. .V Burt, Broadway Theatre Bldg., N. Y. C. DIAMONDS. HAWAIIAN. Chicago. Ill. MAGIC LANTERNS. W. S. Cleveland. 5.3.5 Knickerbocker Theatre W. H. Hollister A Co., 42-44 River at., Cb’go. York Film Ex 7 E 14th at N Y C Stereopticons. Etc. rJTfli'’*' '* „ ^ _ DIAMONDS AND WATCHES ON Nolan Film Exchange, II Fountain Sqnare. CCln- .\mcr. Vltsgraph CO., 116 Nassau *t.. N. Y. C (.riffln Amusement Co.. 94 Que4>n «».. Toronto, j CREDIT. clnnatl. O. Chicago Stereoptlcon Co., 56 5th ave.. Chicago VatlonO P.rk M.n.c-cn. ixrto ha, h., ' I.eftl* Broe.. 92 State St.. Chicago. III. Okla. Natural Mutoecene Os.. 005 14th at.. N. GIoIm- Film Service.Service, 79 Dearborn *1.. Chicago Na^ma! I ark Manager* .\**n.. 1402 Broadway. | p*mq* W., Washington, D. C. Nolan FilmHim Exchange.Exchange, 11 Fountain Square, Cln ■, "T* ‘ „ I 1 u XF r..*- Pacific Coast Film Exchange, 1724 Fillmore et..et., clnnatl. O.i). Jjsrt Booking Circuit I4irj Broadway. New I -L M Hall^rg. W Greenwich ave., San Francluco. Cal. Temple Klim Co.. .59 Dearborn at.,at.. Chicago.Chicago CaTiAda RkIn^ RurHaii. Ilr*w**r I6R0. i INHALTERS AND Pathe cinematograph Co.. 41 W. 25th .t.. New ^FPS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT Calgary. Alta., Can. Calgary Alta., Can. \ Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan. PIttaburgPittsburg Calcium Light A Him Co.. Pitta DEVICES. BURNT CORK. burg. Pa. American Amusement Co., Luillow, Ky. M Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way. N. Y. C. ELECTRIC SIGNS. PIttaburg Cut Bate Film Exchange, 300 Lewis -Aoierlcan Box Hall Co., 1200 Van Bnren street AtUniic Electric Sign Co., 15.33 Atlantic ave., Block, PIttaburg. Pa. Indianapolis. Ind. Atlantic City, N. J BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. PIttaburg Calcium Light A Film Co.,Co DeiDea Armlt.ige A Guinn. Springville. N. T. K. il. ElsCelder. .583 McAllister »t.. San Fran- ELECTRICAL DECORATORS. Motnea, la. Cagney I/Oemnotive Worka. 72 Broadway, New .q«e.. Cal I— R,w,i,„. Y’ork City. Elbllght Co. of America. .39 E. 23d at., N. Pittsburg Calcium Light A Himim Co.,AfO., RuchesKuenes p|np|n„„,| v„vrliy Co.. 206 W 15th at.. Hn CALCIUM LIGHT. Y City. ter. N. Y'. Oz-Hydrogen Gaa Manufacturers. _ rv, r 1-^ I- clnnatl. «>. American Calcium Light Work*. .56 Fifth ave., ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. PIHaburg Calcium Light A Film Co.. Lincoln. Wb.o-I Swing <'o.. P. D. Box 1241 Chicago. Aetna Electrical Stage Light Co.. 305 Division p,Calcium Light A Him Co.. Clncln CIn’tl Calcium Light Co.. 108 4th at., Cln’tl. Pt.. LDlCftlTO. '’na*t‘ro TheToaa'ter Ponatructlon Co., e’244 E. Park indlwnapolls Calcium Light r«.. 116 S. Capitol 1 Uiriveraal Electric Stage Lighting Co.. 1.302 Co.. 717 Superior ave.. Oleve ave,. Indianapolis. Ind. Broadway. New York Olty. ' 8uP«’r>'>'' «»•’.. Oleve imlta 'Ba*ae''i(all c'llme, 137 32«1 at.. N. V. City Plti-tMirg Calcium I.lght A Film Co.. Pltts- IftDG* O. c»ii Rrlififfk P|> RofMlhoiiA^ 111 •iirg. I’a EXTRACT. SteMiina. Chas. M.. 1028 Main at.. Kansas City, olfford A Son.’ New Ytwk'Llfe Bldg.. Kansa* Pittsburg Calcluni I.ighf A Film Co.. Oes For Making Pineapple Cider. Moines. la. i Columbia Mfg Co.. 1150 Harrlaou at.. Chi ! Sellg Polyscope Co.. 45 E. Randolph at., Chi- Herat'lieli Spillman A Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y Pittsburg Calelum Light A Film Co.. Roches¬ ! cago. HI. cago. HI \V v. Mangtl’s Carousel Work*. C-onev Island ter. N. Y. EYE BROW PENCILS. Southern Him Exchange. 146 W. Fifth at.. Cln X Y. clnnatl, O. C. W. Parker. Abilene, Kan. Pittsburg Calcium Light A Film Co., Lincoln. I M Stein Cosmetic Co., 1.392 B’way, N. Y C. Neb. .Stsithern Film Exchange, 245 Main at.. Nor- Sensational Amusement Co.. 511 21iW at.. New Pittsburg Calcium Light A Film Po . rineln- FACE POWDER. folk. Va. York City. nati () I M Stein Cosmetic Co., 1.392 B’way, N. Y C. Standard Film Exchange, 79 Dearborn at.. Chi- Eugene J. Stern. 1462 Broadway, N. Y. C. CALLIOPES. FEATHER FLOWERS. cago, HI. L. A. Thompaoii Scenic Railway Cst., 329 Broad (Je.i Krsta Evansville. Ind. Swanson. Wm. H., A Co., cor. Lake A LaSalle way. New Y'ork City. DeWItt Slater*. 237 W. 46tb *t.. Chicago. ata. Chicago. HI. Thurston Amuae. Co., St. Jamee Bldg., Ne* CAMERASCOPES. T. O. Mott. 415 Dearborn at., Clilcago. Society Italian “CInea.” 143 B. 23.1 at.. New Y’ork City. W S Moiintford. ICO Malden Lane. New York. FELT PENNANTS. Y'ork City. World’s Scenic R. It. Co.. 269 I5th et., Cln CANES AND WHIPS. Holliday Novelty Mfg. Co., .37 Great Jooea st.. Sfioor, Geo. K., 62 N. Clark at., Chicago. clnnall. O. Cleteland Cane Co., Cleveland. O. New York City. Talking Machine Co.. 97 Main at.. Rocheater. MFRS. OF CIRCUS PROPERTIES- I. Eisenateln. 44 Ann at.. N. Y. City. C. 8. Hag Co.. 2242 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati. ‘ 1. , -A McHugh. ('leveland, O- Nadel A Shlmrael. 45 Pulton at., N. Y. City. Temple Film Co.. 59 Dearborn at., Chicago. ,,nr*..*..** *%»*>>**. a air Naasala Broa.. 223 Commercial »t.. Boston, FESTOONING. Toledo Him Exchange, Spitser Ridg., Toledo. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND Mass. National Tissue Mfg. Co., 5.3 Rockwell Place, Ohio. ORCHESTRIONS. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woralland ave.. Cleve¬ Brooklyn. N. Y’. Turner A Dabnkeu. 136 Eddy at.. Ran Fran Lyon A Heaiy. 265 Wahaah ave.. Chicago. Ill- land. O. n. S Hag Co.. 2242 Gllliert ave.. CIncIniiatl. claco. Cal. Rudolph Wurlltaer Co.. ClDrlnnatl and Ohleag- BHUARY 13. 1909. rtifi Bllil>oarcl 53

merry widow hats. OPERA CHAIRS. l^yor .Mfg. Co.. '2.5 S. Jefferaon at., Chicago. STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. } Widow Hal To.. a">« Broadway. N. Y. f. Auierl.an Seating Co.. o*» Wahatb ave. Chi Chicago Boiler Skate Co., 285 E. Madlaon at.. cago. Uhi.’ago. 111. For Fair Followars. military goods from govern¬ A. H. Aodrewa Co., 174 Wabaab ave.. Cbltago Uyile Sk.xfe Co., .'{7 Park at.. .New York City. Coe, Y’unge A .Co.. 612 St. Charles at.. Si ment AUCTION. H. 8. Analey. 14ule- L .nil. hannoruiau, 501 Broadway. N. Y. C. E. .M. Dav la Soap Co., 32 Union Pr. Place, Chi Royal Met.xl Mfg. Co.. 1821 llearborn, Chicago KIchardaon Kali Bearing Skate Co. 501 Welle cago. III. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. E. H. SlalTord Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111 at., Chicago. Ill K. K. Ibalge A Co., 42 River at., Chicago, lU Steel Furniture Co., (irand Uapldt. Mich. The Samuel WInalow Skate .Mfg Co.. Worcea I. Klaenateln. 44 Ann at.. New Y'ork City. I t:ra|.b *'o.. 50 Union Sg.. Now York City. ter. .Maaa. I'raucia Flake, 1778 Piwt at., San Franclaco. .iiraiih Co., Harmony Hall Bldtt.. Troy. N. Y. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. Cal. 4.,I Miito. A Bio. Co., n K nth at., N. Y. C. Bllhorn Broo. 152 E. Lake at.. Chicago. lU. SHOOTING GALLERIES. •M. Gertmr, 720 South st., Philadelphia, Pa. vru.rl.an Vltaiirai.h I'o.. Iltl Naaaau at.. N. '•avion A Co.. 31 Bond at.. New Y'ork City. DIamonil .Novelty Co.. S}racuae, .N. 1 tioldlHTg Jewelry Co., Ill W. Sixth at., Kansas Jobannea 8. Gehhardt. 3**24 Lawrence at Phila¬ E. E. Hippie. 8*19 Vine at., Philadelphia Pa. City. Mo. tni.rUaB Ytlm StTvIco. .imorlt-an Tniat Bldit.. delphia, Pa. K. K. Hoffman A Sona. 71 W. Jackaon Bird., Gordon A .Ma State at.. Chicago. W. F. .Miller. 144 Paik Row, New York City Cbl.aco Film Exrhanice. Weatory Bid*.. Waah- C. W Parker, Abilene, Kan. A. J. Smith. 15**0 W Van Buren at., Chicago. Newman .Mfg. C<8, 81 Wtaalland are.. Cleveland Iritton, II. C. Riiitolpli Wiirlltxer Co., Clnclnnarl and Chicago. Win WurOletn, 2*18 N. 2d at., Pblladelplila. Pa. •Nadel A .Shinimel, 45 Fulton at., N. Y. C. Ctih-Kiro I'llm Exchange. Ry. Flxchange Bldg., **tto Supply Co.. 27** W. 3:>th at.. N. Y. C. llenver, Colo. ORANGEADE. SLOT MACHINES. Geo. .Y. Paturcl. 41 Warren at.. New York City Chl< ago Film Exchange, Ilooly Bldg., Salt Lake The Corner Co.. 3**3 Maryland at., Buffalo. N.Y. Manufacturera of and Dealeri in. "Rich." the .Yirahip .Man. Girard, Kana. Cltv, Utah. Columbia Mfg. Co., 1150 Harriaon at.. Chicago. .Yiiierlcan .Mutoacopc Ca>., II E. I4tb at.. N.Y.C. Riatera, Th*trman A Co., 156 Wahaah are.. Cbl t'bicago Film Exchange, Coleman Bldg., Loula- Automatic Drink Machine Co., Syraciiae, N. Y. cago. 111. vllle. Ky. PATENTS SECURED. Coin Automatic Co.. 451 Kane ave.. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co., Drawer O. M«« W. 12th at. ata.. Chicago. 111. Whltcaon Co.. 21** E. Madlaon at.. Chicago. at., St. lamia. Mo. Chicago, III. Cnited Statea .Mualc Co., Milwaukee and Weat - Eugene Cline & Co., 50 Dearltorn at., Chicago; Y<8it A Co.. 0*8* Filbert at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Chicago Ferrotype Co., mm New Era Bldg.. era avea., Chicago. III. in E. nth at.. New York City. Chicago, HI. United Statea Coin Lo<-k Co.. 220 W. 47tb at., Chaa. E. Dreaaler, 145 E. 23d at., N Y. C. TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. •New Y'ork City. Ganinont Co.. 124 E. 2.5th at.. New Yurk. N. Y . edi'on Mfg. Co.. 10 5th are.. New York City, PHOTO. POST CARD MACHINES. Rii.lolph Wurlltxer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. and tlrange. N. J. "Daydark" Specialty Co., IINM St. Ange ave.. TENTS. Elect.>graiih Co.. 109 Third are., N. Y. C. St. laeiix. Mo. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. Baker A Lia-kwood. 7th A Wyandotte ata. (Jlolie Film Service, 70 iK-arborn at.. Chicago. PIANOS. Glaba Co., 1022 Main St., Anderaon, Ind. Kana.ia City. Mo. L Hetx. :h<2 E. 2:td at.. New York. N. Y. Coluuibua Plano Co., Coluuihua. u Coliimhna Tent A .\wulng Co.. Columbus. O. C. J. Hite A Co., 441 Mimadnock BIk.. Chl'go. SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. P.^Pomero A Co., soo Federal at.. Phlladelptila. Exhibit Su ply Co.. 3.58 De.xrborn at.. Chicago. Carnie titaidie .Mfg. Co.. 3**7 Delaware at.. Harbach ^ Co., SOO Filbert. Philadelphia, Pa. Kanaaa City. .Mo. Inter <>'etrolt. Mich. I.aemmie Film Service, 106 Lake at.. Chicago, David Belaaco, Stuyieaant rheatre. N. Y. C. SONG BOOKS. Whltioion Co 24*4 E. Madlaon at.. Chicago. 111. D. M. Kerr Mfg. Co.. 278 W. Madlaon, Cb’go 111. Dirk A FItxgerald. 23 Ann 8t.. New York City. YY’. H. Liiahbaugb. Covington, Ky. I.aemmie Film Serrlce. Main and Sixth atrecta. POP CORN. SONG SLIDES. .M. Magee A Son. 147 Fulton at., N. Y'. C. For Illuatrated Songa. Evanavllle. Ind. Uariien City Pop Corn Co.. 40 State, Chicago. The Murray Co., .50 W. Washington at., Cb'ga I.armmle min Service. 78 K. Front at.. Metn- IHrnbcrger Pop Com Co., 185 S.ueca at . Buf .Ymerlcan Filin Service. American Trual Bldg., Murray Tent A Awning Co.. 1-5 S. Union at., phla. Tenn. falo. N. Y Chicago. III. Chicago. HI. Laemmle Film Service, 800 Brandela Block, .American Film Service. 1.5.8 N Main at.. Mem- Schaefer Tent A .Ywnlitg Co., 1421 lairlmer at.. Omaha. Neb. POPCORN MACHINES. pbta. Teen. Denver. Colo. I.aemmie Film Service. IM Main at.. Salt Lake W / Ixing, 172 High at.. Spring:' M, ti .Amerb'xn Y'ltagiaph Co.. 116 Naaaau at.. N. Sun Tent A .Awning (V>., 0 Beale at.. San Fraa City. Utah. Y. C Cisco, Cal. I.aemmie Klim Service. 100 101 Lumber Ex¬ PORCUPINES. Chicago Film Ex<'bange. I'20 E. Randolph at.. The B. Tenueaon Co.. 11 Dock at., Pblladel LInwuod Flint, North Waterford. Maine change, Mlnne«|>nlla. Minn. Chli'.igu III phla. Pa. I.aemmie Film Service. 214 Wella Fargo Bldg.. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS. Chicago film Exchange, Brendela Bldg.. t*m i Thoniaon A Y'andiveer. 816 Pearl at., ClncltmaU. I’lrtland. f>re. iKmald C. Price, 115 Dearborn at.. Chicago. HI. aba. Neb. U. .S. Tent A .Awning Co., 47 53 S. Iteaplalnes I.aemmie Film Service. Caaino Theatre Bldg.. Chicago Film Exchange. Weatoy Bldg., Waab- , at.. Cbleago. III. Montreal. Qiie., Can. POST CARDS FOR SLOT MA¬ ingtun. D. C. i THEATRICAL AGENCIES. I.aemmie Film Service. Chamber of Cmnmerce CHINES. Chicago Film Exchange Ky Exchange Bldg . Bldg.. Wlnnl|ieg. Man., Can. Exhibit Supply Co., .'{58 Dearborn at., Chicago. Cincinnati Theatrical Agency, 136 E. Fourth at., Denver. Col. CliH'Innatt. O. t.ake Shiwe Film and Supply Co.. 314 Superior Rrmingtoo Supply Co., 710 Sanaom td.. Phila Cl Icago Film Exchange. Dmdy Bldg.. Salt l.ake ave., Cleveland. I*. delphla. Pa. City. I'tah. THEATRICAL COSTUMES. a l.nbln. 026 Market at., Philadelphia. Pa Chicago Film Exchange. (Vdeman Bldg., Ixaila- The Wm. Beck A Sous Co.. 10-12 Garfleld Plac*. S l.obln. no W. 5th at.. Cincinnati. O. PRINTERS. Of Pictoriwl Poatara and Big Type SUnda. Cincinnati. I*. Mllea Bbia.. 250 Sixth are.. New York City. vlUe. Ky. Streamera, Etc. Chicago Film Exchange. Stablman Bblg.. Naab Geo. I.auterer, DVt Madlaon at., Chicago. Ill. Milea Bnw.. 700 Ttirk at.. San Franclaco. Cal. A< kennann Quigley LItbo. Co.. Kanaaa City, Root. Warring. 467 W. 34th at.. New York City. Mllea Broa.. Hub Theatre Bldg., Boaton. Maaa. vllle, 'Tenn. Mo. Chicago Projecting Co.. '225 Dearlwrn. Chicago. N'olan Film Exchange. 11 Fountain S0 Railroad ave.. Beverly. Chicago Song Slide Film Exchange. Maaonic cinnatl. C*. Amerh-an Curtain Co., ibami 031, 14**2 Broad .Maaa. Temple. Chicago, 111. Mrbolaa Power Co.. 115 Naaaau at.. N. Y. C. way. New York City. N’ov*lfy Moving Picture Co.. 418 Turk at.. San American Snow Print Co.. Milwaukee. Wla Crawfor*!. O. T. Film Exchange. 1401 5 Locnat Franclaco. Cal. Donaldaou LItbo Co.. Newport. Ky. at.. St.' Loula, Mo. THEATRICAL LUMBER. Pifhe Cinematograph Co.. 41 W 25th at.. New Fergiiaon Show Print Co.. I>ea Molnea, la. Eugene Cline A Co.. 50 Deartnirn at.. Chicago; John Gillespie Luniher Co., Lumber A Seward York City. tSreat W. Prtg. Co.. 513 Elm at., St. lx>ula. Mo. 10 E. 14th at.. New York City. ata.. Chicago, III. Plftatmrg Calcinm Light A Film Co.. Pittahurg. tlille Printing Co., 2257 Miaalon at., San Fran¬ Globe Film Service, 70 llearborn at.. Chicago. claco. Cal. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Pa. L. Heti, 302 E. 23rd St., New York. N. Y. Slegnian A Well. 78 Wooster st., N. Y'. C Plffafairg Calcium Light A Film Co.. Dea Ilennegan A Co.. 8th near Main. Ctoclnnatl, C. J. Hite A Co.. 441 Moiiadnock Bblg., Chicago Molnea. la. Ohio. Inter-t>cean Film Exchange. 00 E. Madlaon at.. TICKET PRINTERS. Ptftldiiirc Caleliim Light A Film (\>.. Rocbea Franria Valentine Co . 28,5 I3tb at.. San Fran¬ Chicago. .V< k<-rmann Quigley Co.. Kansas City, Mu ter. N. Y claco. Cal Laemmle Film Servl<*e. 106 l.ake at., Chicago, .American Ticket Co.. 'Tolefb*. t*. tarter I'ress. pealaaly. Ylaas. '•Ittaburg Calcium l.ight A Film Co Lincoln. PRINTERS. 'll- .. . ■ .National Ticket Co., Sbauiokln, Pa. Neb. Of Theatrical Letterbeada, Contracta and Pro- I,aemmle Film Servli-e. Main and Sixth ata.. PlimeiT Ticket Co.. 722 Broadway. N. Y. City flttabiirg Calcium l.ight A Film Co.. CIncIn grama. Evanavllle, Ind. Rand. McNally A Co.. 166 Adams at., Chicago natl. «>. Church Printing Co.. 416 Elm at., Cincinnati. O. Laemnie Film Service. .18 S Front at.. Mem Keca Printing Co.. lOth A Harney ata., *>maba. PltlHbiirg tYit Kate Film Exchange .3t» n-wla Ilennegan A Co., Eighth near Main *it. Cln- phla, Tenn. __ Block. Plttabiirg. Pa. Laemmle Film Service, xial Brandela Bl*>ck. **in Neb. cinnafl. <> Standard Roll TIcketa. 181 Pearl at.. N YC Hellahle Film Co.. 717 Superior ave., Cleveland. aha. Neb. Fte-rhawl Sthnelder loO E. 12th at.. New York ROLL TICKETS. Laemmle Film Service. 151 Main at.. Salt Lake Sun I'rInting Co. line.*. I*Tovl(lence, R. I. Pity. Baker.Byrou Co.. Eighth and Sycamore ata.. AA’eldon. Wlillama A Lick. Ft. Smith. Ark Sellg Polvaeop, 4.-, K Rand2 B’way. N. Y C. TRUNKS. lAke Shore Film and Supply Co.. 314 Superior S.aitben) Film Exchange, 146 W. 5th at Cln “SAYSO" CONE BAKERS. Wm Bal. 21** 42nd at.. New Y'ork City. cinnatl. (» are., Cleveland. Ohio. BellsT Trunk A Bag Co.. 1.52 Columbia ave., A T DIefi. 127 .Michigan at.. Toledo. *> I. evl A Co.. 64 E. I4th at.. New York City. Temple Flhn Co , 59 D. arlMvm at.. Chicago. Ill. Pbiladelidila. I*a. SCENIC PAINTERS. S Lubln 026 Market at.. Philadelphia.. Pa. K. B. A B Tnink Co.. 62r. Hmltbneld st.. Pitta Tw..ntleth Century ttptiM-ope Co.. .50 IVarbom S. Lubln. 140 W. 5rh at., ClnclnnatL O. at . Chicago. Ill And Dealari in Scenery, Etc. burg. Pa Danlele Scenic Studio, Chli'ago Itpera Houae Mllea Broe.. '250 Sixth ave.. New York City. Tob-do Film Exchange. Spltlcr Bldg.. Toledo. UNIFORMS. onl4». Block. Chicago. III. Mllea Broa.. 790 Turk at.. San Franclaco. Cal. DeM'silin line A Co.. ]**:<*• S. 4th st.. Green Eugene Cox, 540 Van Buren at.. Chicago. Mllea Broa.. Hub Theatre Bldg.. Boatoo. Maaa. Tllle. HI. ^ Exchange 1.32 Lake at.. Chicago. Nolan Film Exchange. 11 Fountain Sne at., Cincinnati. O Pittahurg Ctit Kate Film Exchange. :pi0 Lewla New Y’ork Clt.v. Scbell'a Scenic Studio. XtO Sycamore at. Co- Block. Pittahurg. Pa. Wm. D. Hall. Kleth'a Theatre Bldg.. Phlladel MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Inmbiia, <>. S^ll^ PolvDcop^ 47V R. RsTMlolph st.. i.Di phla. Pa. A Healy. 205 Wahaah are.. Chicago. HI J. A. Slegried. Nixon Tlieatre, Pittahurg. Pa. cago. 111. H. B. Marlnelll. Il.'t8 Broadway. N. Y. C. M'ldolph Wiirlltxer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago Sneinau A Landia, 2.'tlt S. Clinton at., Chicago, Standard Film Exchange. 70 Dearborn at.. Cbl Wm. Morrla, 144** Broadway, .N Y. C. PaclOc Coast .Amusement t'o.. American Hank MUSIC PUBLISHERS. HI. exgo, HI . „ Tomy A Voland Scenic Co.. 2:114 Market at.. Swanaim, Wni H., A Co., cor Lake A LaSalle Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. The Followlnr Firma will be glad to aend Prmlentlal Vaudeville Exchange. 144/2 Broad ^ coptAt of Dew toDft to recornited member* St' Loula, Mo. »ta.. Chicago. 111. Twentieth Century *>ptlaco4>e Co.. .50 Itearhnrn way. New York City. W. P. Ready V.xudevllle Exchange. Creaceal it ttx .a- - PtofeMion. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. at.. Chicago. .y" * MiiRle To.. 1020 Ttirk M.. Sjin Berry Wood Plano Pl.xyer Co.. Kanaaa City. .Mo. Theatre Bldg., .Nashville, Tenn. f r mrlHOo. C'bI Temple Film Co.. 51* I»earhora at.. Chicago Lyon A llealy 2><6 Wabaab ave.. Chicago. Hus Sun. Orpheiim Theatre BUlg., Sprtngffeld ''■Vnn'vM Nevada Bldg.. Cln- Planovx Co.. 117 Cypreaa ave.. New Y'ork City. SPANGLES. Ghio. Rudolph Wurlltaer Co., t'lnclnnatl and Chicago, Mlllot Broa.. 47 W. 3d at.. New York City ' ~ W Stern A Co., 132 3Sth af..N. Y.CIty. VENDING MACHINES. U. S. .Yliialc Co., AHIwaiikee and Weatern av.>a.. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Crystal Amending Machine Co.. Columbus. *• MUSICAL GLASSES. Chilcago. HI. Low Priced. WATCHES. V !rk'""***" Flathiiah ave., Brooklyn. New SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery. New Y'ork City N. Shure Co.. '22** Ma A. W. Millard A Co.. 117 .'hi ave.. New York. Joa. Meucbeii Elec. Co., 354 W. SOth St., New K. W Hadley Whip Co.. Weatdeld. Maas o York City. The Murray Co.. .50 W. Waahington. Chicago, WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. ’ ^go B8*-■'•1 E Madlaon at.. Chi- j r. S. Tent A .Ywn. Co . 47 .5:1 S. Deaplalnea. STAGE PROPERTIES AND ACCES¬ Chicago. SORIES. INitnani's Pet and Wild .Animal Store. 418* Wash ington st., Buffalo. N V jj Reach. 1IR) Frlendahlp at.. Providence, SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. J. M. UavUt Co.. 312 W. 4:1.1 at.. N Y C WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. ’ Vt '*‘*«Thorn at.. Chicago. HI. Wm. N'elaon 8 Cocawell IMace. North Camtiridge’ STANDARD CONE BAKERS. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer **.. Mo- Bennett Jewelry Co . lt’>4.5 N l*>th at., Phlla .ah?"" ‘J. •’•'•Tl Cincinnati. D. .Ma«a nilcago. Ill. SIGNS. nongahela. Pa. delphla. Pa. R. E. I><«lge A Co.. 42 River st.. Chicago. III. Ailtolwtric- Sign Co.. 134 K Van Buren at.. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Jnergens Jewelry Co.. S.3 l'liaml>ers at.. N. Y. C. Chicago. Ill Climax View Co.. 133 137 W. 23d at., S. Y. C. neer Br

BIG OPEN AIR ATTRACTION Flying Baldwins CAROUSELS Aerial Betuni and Caatlnf Act. T. W. OREENLEAF, MOR.. 814 N. 3rd St.. Qulncj, Ill. Merry-Go-Rounds, Riding Galleries, Razzle Dazzles, Striking Machines, Dolt ETI71M1VIT17DC AMERICA’S PREMIER Racks for Parks, Picnics, Fairs and J Edll iH lEdlxO AERIALISTS Carnivals, Amusement Outfitters. -IN THEIR- HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO., 20th CENTURY DOUBLE TRAPEZE ACT. Sweeney Street, Per. Address, BILLBOARD, Cincinnati NORTH TON A WAND A, N. Y., U. S. A. P. 8.—Now conaiderlns offers for anmmer—Clrcos, Parka or Camlrals.

OPEN FOR COMING SUMMER 2x3 HALF-TONE .75c 3x4 HALF-TONE .11.00 Sp H-ial Dexisoed Letterheads onr Specialty. Japanese Troupe —SKETCHES FBEH.— 4-WJIKAHAMA-4 and OTORA TRIO Knoxville Engraving Co. Address 0. NAHBA, 926 East Seventy first Street, - - CHICAGl B.ile Street, KNOXVILLE, TENN AT LIBERTY -MOVELTV A.CROBAXS- FEATURED. ALWAYS OFFERED RETURN DATES. ASK ANYBODY. DY.. Addreii 217 Wi 25th Street, New York City, New York.

AlSWaH ^ l^h St.. ChlCf New WIrk The Brown E35AJ?h TOFnanklin St/ Phila. boston

Twenty-four minutes in refined comedy, Doex dve acts as follows: Breakaway Laddtr. by Frank and Lena; Doable Contortion Act, by replete with the best of singing and danc¬ Mrs. and Mias Fay, leas than fire yean old; Comedy Slack Wire, way from all ©then, by FILMS ing. One of the strongest drawing cards Frank; Small Troupe of Performing Dogs, fea¬ turing the Wire Walking Dog: Balancing Tra in the South. Southern and Texas mana¬ pexe. Loops and Web. Unparalleled Combina¬ SONGS tion of Aerial Sensation, by Frank and Lena. gers looking for a box office attraction, THE BROWN FAMILY, 1511 Michigan An.. Chicago, ni. No repeaters. address any ot the Southern agents or Prompt shipment. All ol the latest prodnctlons. THE H. LIEBER COMPANY FILM SERVICE^ Alimo Theatre, Vaudeville Acts U W.WutlaftOB ladlaupslli, laA Dearest Earl, our Soubrette, Wanted First-Class, A-1 Vaudeville ■III 01 laDirnonT phoxe. sod. Act.s; Novelty Acts preferred. In first letter state length of net; describe fully, lowest salary, etc. Only box- Marvelous offlee attractions wanted. KURELLO WHAT’S IT TO YOU? W. P. READY'S VAUDEVILLE EXCNAN6E ...Flexible Gymnast... One of our customers said to us: “ You have saved me thousands of dollars.” We Psr. Address, 286 Buena Vitta can do it for you, by rem >ving all Dirt, Oil, Grease and Rain from your films. Our Street, Newark, Ohio. tinting process makes old bia^ and white ffim new. Our customers are among the largest film exchanges in the World, We refer you to, Laemmle Film Service, THE RREAT CALVERT W. H. Swanson & Co., Theatre Film Service, The Standard Film Exchange, of Chicago, Tbe greatest High Wire ex¬ Yale Film Exchange, of Kansas City, Mo., and m^ny others too numerous to men¬ pert the world baa ever tion. Write for others. Send us a Rain Storm—we will restore it free of charge known. For Parka, address National Park Managers’ FRENCH FILM RESTORING CO.. Association, John C. Jackel, We are headquarters for all Booking Mgr.; for Fairs, 601 2 Reibold Building,.DAYTON, OHIO. address Mlaa Zne McClary, the latest Novelties. Send for both 1402 Broadway, New Largest factory of ita kind In the World. York City, Knickerbocker our catalogue on Confetti, Bnilding. Pernnnent ad¬ dress, Rochester, N. Y. THE LONDON Canes,Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. MUSIC HALL THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO. AND HIS BAND Is tbe recognlaed organ of VaodeTlIle Arttata throughont tbe world. Americans Tlsltlai In London Worth $4,000 to $8,000 at will And • friendly welcome at 14 Leicester Street, W. C. NEW YORK OFFICES: IS r. Twenty- 122 E. Fourth St., CINCINNATI, 0 box office. Write your offers fourth Street; Telephone 1772, Madison Square. a nick to HOWARD PEW, [gr., 121 W. 42nt: St., New York. AL. G. BARNES’ Sketches, Monologues Songs. Pomedles and Dramas written to order AERIAL LaPORTS WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS for Profexxionai use. All work guaranteed tr WANTS A No. 1 EIEPHANT 5tAN that can work three young Elepbantx; must be able to work make a bit. Real VaudeTllle Hits that will comedy act. L'nlexx you are xolx-r and can (lellver the gooer th

I6ENTS FOR BOTH WINTEO. ASK THE HILLHOIRD IF WE HRE HOOD. Queen City Engraving Co., Cincinnati, Ohio NOVELTIES Fancy Goods and Jewelry. Most Proittable Business SINGER BROS.’ New Book of Specialties On Earth! It l« lariter than erer. and contains more tbI- uabic lufurmatlon to Streetinen, Knife-board Men. Yank>>e Notion Workers, Mail Order Men, Establish Denatured Alcohol Distilleries i’reniiuni Uoiimh, Jeweiers, Novelty Dealers, etc., than sny other catalogue iaaiied. Every lor heat, light and power purposes, from natural gas, thlna new in real novelties. Carnival Cooda. Jewelry, Watches. Silverware, Cutlery, Optical sawdust, wood pulp and vegetable waste matter. Goods, etc. IValers. mail us your permanent address, and we will be pleased to send this hook to you. Send for it to day. Tou can not • ITord to be without It. We are ready to negotiate with commercial associations or individuals. *2*0 Nirf Aillsts Supplies SiNfiKK iilUnilKHS, No specuiative^features. The’market demands the product. U Bowery,.NEW YORK Ftaner Flowett

Unquestionable References. T. D. MOTT, m-ll HAtlutW ST..CIIC4M.IU *i ORGANS y..r MERRY 00-K0UND8. SKATING RINKS, T*** Continental Natural Gas Alcohol Co. AUTOMATIC MOVING TENT SHOWS, ETC. A few medium slse re- lialred and rebuilt with NEW. CP TO DATE SHOOTING GALLERY MUSIC, offered at a LOW PRICE. We MANC- WHEELING, W, VA. FACTCRE. REPAIR and put NEW MUSIC on ALI. KINDS OF ORGANS. State your wants folly Established IspT. JOHANNES 8. OEBHARDT CO.. S0S4 Law- rsaoe St., and 8087 Orkney Bt.,>^hiladelphia, Pa. A Live Manager Who Has Done Things and Do you wAnt to be » GOOD FELLOW with your trade and add S20 to your Can Do More Wants A Position At Once. weekly income without extra work ? I am a promoter and press agent of experience and ability. Then write today to My reputation will back me up, and my former employers TEDDY’S LABDRATORY recommend me. I can manage and develop a park, carnival Wbetllsg, Wtti VIrtInIa, U. S. I. or exposition. A letter to me will be to our mutual advantage. AND BASEBALL NOVELTIES, Address at Chicago Office of The Biiiboardt write for Price List. WM. WITRFTLEIN, Mgr., FOR SALE! 808 N. Second St., Philadslphia, Pa., U. B. A B^l Movlnit 1‘icturc and Vaudeville Ilonas In Great Handcuff Trick ntj of 2.10,000 ; 400 o|M>ra chairs snd goiMi sfsKc; How la It done? Befectlvea and Secret Service lna good business. Don't write unless yon ™ men have been dumfonnded. At a great coat aiesn busliiemt. J. E. MUNAL. .Mempbls, TVnn. we obtained the full aecret directlona for doing WANTED this marvelous trick. Anyone with tbesa dlrsc tions can be handcuffed and locked in a cell snd escape in leaa than fonr minutes. Many are Independent Vaudeville To hear from party who solicited advertising with making a fortune with it. Wh.v not Tout Pnll secret directions for $1.00. OAKS NOVELTY We hm>k all our own acts independent. Are CO.. Dept. 84. Oshkosh. Wit._ acts. Only those that can make WH NAT REES^ARNIVAL CO-:zSeason 1908. ^ P>"d need sjiply. Salary wcoinlarv consldera- Oon for drawing cards. RUBY AKUSE CO., THEATRICAL LAWYER ■amphii. Tena. J. 0. TALBOT, 1026 Broadway, Denver, Polo. MAURICE HAROLD ROSE, 140 Nassau Stroot, NEW YOBX Film & Song Slides | Sale Pacific Coast Amusement Company Reduced Rates to the Profession. SlT *'*• of Film, Sc per foot, elegant condition; t>. D. subject to examination, uikjd Mrnlng and Oparatlng 30 Flrat-Claaa Vaudavilla Thaatraa Eaat. Northwaat and Waat of expresa charges. .Song Slides. ».t a ■OR m"* P- 0. BOX TXT A W 'P 1? TT 1 AX ALL TUCBS. PlMg^CLABB Axrl'I OP AU Theatre For Sale •0^ New Orleans, La. W A n 1 He LI I KINDS THAT CAN ^KLTVXK THX OOODS In Oklahoma town of 8.000 popnlatloa. Paying -SOLE BOOKING AGKNTS- Investment. Seating capacity, about oiw thou C. W .MOROANSTERN. D. A. IIABRIS. •and. Modem throughout. Address E. C., cars IBOWN A BSKN8TKIN PAUL OOUDHON AHCHII LEVY H. L. LEAVITT, Mg^ - tkis paper. __ SM B'way. taitaa •-9-10 87 A CTark Bt. 1117-M lUrkat BL Coaat Am. A^. Associated Booking Agency Kww York Ofty. Ckiooco. S^n Fraaoiooo, Owl. Contidinw Bide., BwwttU. WM. OF PITTSBURG, PA. >ttr«ctlop» for Family Vauderllle llouaea. *^Miror V itae” P roducts Patents or fee return- SCENERY Froltolora and Film Making Maeklnary. •III.Kill.. ... *'*'• rejiort aa to pat¬ >on IT NOT fcTAND TO REASON that wa, with our TWO LARGE STUDIOS and enr io.*..! ^ Illustrated (iulde Book and Hat of pSndID FACILITIES and EXPERIENCE of thirty years In the ^ne Pejntlng buali^. can EBERHARO SCHREIDER, nvi iilliiiis wanti.jl ^nt free. EVANS. WILKINS A vAtiv wAPk WAR BR!TTER and iuat at CIlBAPLTa all thtnga conaidered. than tba anaallar coo •00^888 -r' Bt.. Washington. D. C. MOBMON’S TBIXND—Agents make ov«.V000% Dd BESI^ONSIBlLlTT aa a firm art an aaaoranct to you of good work and aqoart dtaling. proct Send for Wholesale price list of Elec trie Belts, Electric Insolee. Inhalers. Hypo-Cocoa Slot IVfactilnos Soep, $2..‘I0 gross. Our goods are the cheapeat ll- ailquartera for Pin Gum Machines. SOSMAN & LANDIS, Great Scene Painting Studios, and beat selling In the I'. S Established 1879. Incorporated. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE Ms loia n HAHN. XANUFACTUREK. Mala Ottea, 888-888 Be. ainten Street. CHICAGO. ILL. _» 1019 Germantown Ave., PhiladslphU, Pa CO., Batliagton, Bans.__

Deweys. A1-'>-00 SLOT MACHINES-8.'>.00n Stock used Slot Me rblnea. all makes and atylea. Address 8. H. DN '“e •Mil’s *’'**‘1' Exchanges. 818.t)U PARTMENT. Boom 822. Heed Building. PhUa- 01. . .L 'M*'’ one-half the coat. 1 deipbla. Pa. _ I.V ■ N ui.'. “ J. R. KELLY N. Sixth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Indiana Amusement Co. FOB BALE -Carousel, 36 ft. In diameter; 88 as¬ Wants Showa and Prlvllegea of all kinds; everything sold excluelve. A new pm^ltlnn in the sorted aniaials such as horses, miilea, goats, v”' VALLEY CITY BOOKINC t^rolval business. We carry all baggage free. Write for explanation. If Interest^. •leers. Ilona, elephants; run by 3 **•!*• **“>H®* y 101 N. Ottawa St.. Grand Rapids March 22. Doc White, Dad Vinson and all the other old boys, write quick. O. M. HUDSPETH, engine, wals 42; large organ. FBED POPP, N. Manager. No, 84 North Socond Stroot, VINCENNES, IND. E. Cor. S6th and Duncan Sta, LoaisrlUa, Xy. FEBRUARY 13, 1909. THE BILLBOARD FEBRUARY 13, 1909 MOTION PICniRE PATENTS CO. 10 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY

THE FOLLOWING MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF FILMS HAVE BEEN LICENSED BY THIS COMPANY: American Mutoscope and Biograph Company I.ubin Manufacturing Company Edison Manufacturing Company Pathe Freres Essanay Film Manufacturing Company Selig Polyscope Company Kalem Company Vitagraph Company of America George Kleine

LICENSED EXCHANGES The following exchanges have been licensed, and at the present time are the only exchanges that are authorized to handle licensed films:

Acto^aph Company.60 Union Square, New York City Lubin Film Service.610 Paul-Gale-Greenwood Bldg., Norfolk. Va. Actograph Company.Troy, N. Y. Lubln Film Service.140 W'est Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Alamo Film Exchange.406 Main Street, Dallas, Texas. Michigan Film and Supply Co.82 Griswold Street, Detroit, Mich. Alamo Film Exchange.30^ Conroy Building, San Antonio, Texas. Miles Bros., Inc.269 Sixth Avenue, New York, N. Y. American Film Exchange.646 Wabash Building, Pittsburg, Pa. Miles Bros., Inc.Washington and Dover Streets, Boston, Mass. American Film Service.126 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. Miles Bros., Inc.790 Turk Street, San Francisco, Cal. American Film Service.168 North Main Stivet, Memphis, Tenn. Mitchell Film Exchange.120V4 Main Street, Little Rock, Ark. American Vitagraph Company.116 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. Monarch Film Exchange.... 201 Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. George Breck .70 Turk Street, San FVancisco, Cal. Montana Film Exchange.41 North Main Street, Butte, Mont. Buffalo Film Exchange.13^4 Qenqpee Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Morton Film Exchange.107 Sixth Street, Portland, Ore. C. A. Calehuff.Fourth and Greei^ Streets, Philadelphia Pa. National Film Company.100 Griswold Street, Detroit, Mich. Calumet Film Exchange.Masonic Temple, Chicago, Ill. National Film Renting Company.Spokane, Wash. Eugene ^ne & Co.69 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Novelty Moving Picture Co.418 Turk Street, San Francisco, Cal, Eugene Cline.268 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Ohio Film Exchange.16 East Broad Street, Qjplumbus, Ohio. Clune Film Exchange.727 South Main Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Pearce & Scheck.223 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. Colorado Film Exchange Co.320 Charles Building, Denver, Colo. Penn.sylvania Film Exchange.403 Lewis Block, Pittsburg, Pa. Columbia Film Exchange.414 Ferguson Building, Pittsburg, Pa. People’s Film Exchange.126 University Place, New York City. O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co. .Gayety Theatre Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Philadelphia Film Exchange.... 1229 North 7th Street, Philadelphia Pa. O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co... .Crawford Theatre, El Pa.so, Texas. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co.. 121 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co.Hopkins’ Theatre, Louisville, Ky. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co.Wllkea-Barre, Pa. O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co... .Shubert Theatre, New Orleans, La. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co. .501-3 Central Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Harry Davis.347 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co.Neave Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harry Davis.Buffalo, N. Y. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co... 421 Walnut Street, Des Moines, la. Harry Davis.1311 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co. .60-62 Brownell Block, Lincoln, Neb. Denver Film Exchange.713 Lincoln Avenue, Denver, Colo. Schiller Film Exchange.103 Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Dixie Film Company.620 Commercial Place, New Orleans, La Southeri. Film Exchange.1822 Fourth Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. Duquesne Amusement Supply Co.. 104-5 Bakewell Bldg, Pittsburg, Pa. Southern Film Exchange.148 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Duqiiesne Amusement Sup. Co., 236 Montlcello Arcade Bldg., Norfolk. Va. George K. Spoor & Co.62 North Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. Edison Display Co.1116 Third Avenue. Seattle. Wash. Standard Film Exchange.79 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Edison Display Co.166V4 Fourth Street, Portland, Ore Star Film Exchange.120 Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Electric Theatre Supply Co....47 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Superior Film Supply Co.621 Nasby Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Greater New York Film Rental Co... .24 Union Square, New York City. Swaab Film Service Co.338 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. C. J. Hite Company.Monadnock Block, Chicago, III Wm. H. Swanson & Co.160 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. Howard Moving Picture Co.664 Washington Street, Boston, Mas.s. Wm. H. Swanson Co. of Omaha.405 Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. Imperial Film Exchange.44 West 28th Street, New York City. W’m. H. Swanson St. Louis Film Co....200 N. 7th Street, St. Louis Mo. Imperial Film Exchange.299 River Street, Troy, N. Y The Talking Machine Co.97 Main Street, East, Rochester, N. Y. Imperial Film Exchange... .803 Ninth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Tally’s Film Exchange.554 South Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Imported Film and Supply Co.708 Union Street. New Orleans, La. Theatre Film Supply Co.202 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Kent Film Service.218 Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Theatre Film Supply Co.2007 Second Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. Kleine Optical Company.2008^ Third Avenue. Birmingham, Ala. Theatre Film Service Co.86 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Kleine Optical Company.657 W’ashlngton Street. Boston, Mass. Theatre Film Service Co.... 1038 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Kleine Optical Company.52 State Street. Chicago, Ill Trent & Wilson.63 East Third Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Kleine Optical Company.302 Boston Bldg., Denver, Colo 20th Century Optlscope Co.69 Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI. Kleine Optical Company.229 Commercial Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 20th Century Optl.scope Co.Shukert Bldg., Kan.sas City, Mo. Kleine Optical Company.214 Traction Bldg., Indianapoli.s, Ind 20th Century Optlscope Co.408 Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah. Kleine Optical Co. of California. .369 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles Turner & Dahnken.1650 Ellis Street, San Francisco, Cal. Kleine Optical Company.662 Sixth Avenue, New York, N. Y Kleine Optical Company.309 Melhorn Bldg., Seattle, Wa.sh Twin City Calcium & Stereoptlcon Co., 709 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis. Kleine Optical Company of Missouri. .623 Commercial Bldg., St. Louis United Film Exchange... .717 Superior Avenue, N. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Lake Shore Film and Supply Co. .314 Superior Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O U. S. Film Exchange.132 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. H. Lleber Co.24 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Ind Vaudette Film Exchange Co. . . .103 Monroe Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Laemmle Film Service.196 Lake Street, Chicago, 111 P. L. Waters.....41 East 21st Street, New York City. Laemmle Film Service.Main and Sixth Streets, Evansville, Ind Alfred Weiss’ Film Exchange.219 Sixth Avenue, New York City. Laemmle Film Service.78 South Front Street, Memphis, Tenn Western Film Exchange.949 Century Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Laemmle Film Service.. 1121-23 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn Western Film Exchange.307 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wls. Laemmle Film Service.800 Brandeis Block, Omaha. Neb Wdstern Film Exchange .201 Miners’ Bank Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Laemmle Film Service....419-20 Marquam Grand Bldg., Portland, Ore Wonderland Film Exchange. .Seventh St. & Liberty Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. Laemmle Film Service.151 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Wheelan-Loper Film Co.339 Main Street, Dallas, Texas. Lubln Film Service.21 South 8th Street, Philadelphia, Pa Yale Film Renting Co.622 Main Street. Kansas City, Mo.