FSICE TEN CENTS. fifty SIX PAGES. THEATRES^ CIRCUSES PARKS FAIRS REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Volume XXL No. 7. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO February 13, 1909. ISABEL D’ARMOND. BLANCHE SHIRLEY. MASTER GABRIEL. In Tbf> OIrl Quctloo * I’**** master GABRIEL. THE LYMAN TWINS CHORUS THE MERRY WIDOW WALTZ Xtie Billboard lUIBEII BALLOOIS. 5c. SHOW DON’T PATRONIZE US SOUVENIB BOOBS. if the prices that you paid before we BUBBEB 600DS, SOUVENIRS made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, CUE BACK CANES. Ja|i«ncfi<- ('hiua Wan-, |K-r Ka).$.'i.50 were satisfactory. Remember we are KNIFE BACK KNIVES. Trick Match Itox, imt aroaa .75 m Japaucac Ton Toinha, per Kroaa.75 foroinf Piano Manufacturers to estab¬ Japaucac Zlttcra, |M-r ifross .75 FOB CARNIVAL SALES. Japanese WhlutlcH. i«“r uroai- .75 lish fair prices; if you want to always Japaneae TurtU-a, In (ilaaa liox, |>cr Kroaa.. .75 Fancy colored I(elurue<l Halla, |>er Krosa.. l.(K) have them, and get music that is supe¬ ,7 f ! ■'■I Fancy colore<l tjlaaa I‘en Holders. jM-r (froaa .StO rior in all respects to what you had to Japaneae Tainlireena, (H-r Ktoaa . 1.(10 Horae Shoe Mlrrora, ja-r (trosa . 1.50 take and look pleased aL then give us Skeleton Acrohata, per groaa . 1..50 \v' Japaneae Flag I’lir.rlea, per gross . 1.00 your business. Terina—Half deposit; balance ('. (». K NEWMAN MFC. CO.. We have the largest assortment of Knife Board 641 Woodland Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. V Cl Knives west of the Mississippi River. Our ■ - 1 prices are alamlutely rock bottom. We also : 1 carry a full line of Streetmen’s (loode. Carnival j Per rcll for a dozen or more. Novelties and goods for Fairs. We are one of the MEMPHIS, TENN. oldest Streetmen’s aupply houses in the United Leas than a dozen each States. We have thousands of satisfied custo mers; we can satisfy you and want your bual ness. NO SUBSTITUTING unless you say so New Waldorf Orders shipped same day as recelvetl. Camivsl UNITED STATES MUSIC CO Whips, $8.00 i>er gross. Catalogue FREE. COE, YONGE & CO , and Hotel Cafe 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. U. S. A. 6th and St. Charles St., ST. LOUIS, MO. Slop with us—We Cater to YOl. Writ* for Catalofu*. Open Jan. 1st, liklt* Kuroiiean rates, 5()c to $i.5U; Advantages of the WALDORF; Near all theatrea; central lu<'atlon; all cars at door; all OUTSIDE ROOMS and fire protection; electric Dotilfie Yot/r Income/ lights, elevator and hells; haths and STEAM HEAT. 1‘opular price, up-to-date Cafe. 112-110 operating the quickest money maker of the century South Main, corner (Jayoao Street. lydark post^card Machine 3 PHOTO POSTAL CARDS MADE AND DELIVERED COMPENSARC ON THE SPOT IN 5 MINUTES No dark room necessary—you take, develop and print right in the That's the device that saves Moving ITt- ture Men twn-thlrds on their electric machine in plain sight of the operator. A mint for fairs, street light bills, and yet gives better light. patades, outdoor conventions, where special scenes can be taken Did yon see onr ad last week? Well, don't look it up. Just write for our to suit the customer. Woiks in or outdoors. No experience required. ^ The Circling Wave Amuseient Attraction Why fto to MMi for your heAlth? When a •mall capital Booklet 15013 Light will buy a ••CIRCLING WAVE** of your own. The ride it plcMMing. healthy and eihilaratlng Before In A. and compact. GckhI man reetlng in any other amneement write for deecriptlve /S. make from #10 to $25 a folder, or vUlt onr factory, where you can any time •ee machine teeted. The CHRCLINO WAVE la the PROFIT da> easy. nobbiest novelty and the catchleet riding device in na Up'-rated by gaaolioeengine. Ifuaic by high^laaa Department 0, Catalog and descriptive matter mailed free: organ ARMITAGE A GITI^. Springville. Erie Co- New York. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. DAYDARK SPECIALTY COMPANY 10(15 St. Ange Ave., St. Louis, Mo. CHEAP ILLER We guarantee to sell any or all of your I moving picture equipment. Sbrr it to us, and we'll do the rest. Something that will Interest the Theatrical Pro¬ Abselutily THE ROYAL THEATRE fession. Felt Applique and Embroidered Banners. Noi-Breakabli The most appropriate and most attractive Novelty Hnitalde for amalt 228 Superior Ave., N.W , CLEVELAND, 0. theatre and moving for Minstrel Shows, Wild West and Tent Shows. picture ahowa. We Will add greatly to the Grandeur of your Parade. carry theee ebaira in aiock and cao abip Write for Catalogue. Our Specialties: Embroid¬ Immediately. Wild West Beivnd hand Chalra. ShootiucGalleR'^^'SSz ered Costumes, Trunks, Table Covers, Chair Cov¬ Also seating for out of door use. ^NovEUTY BallRacks ers, etc., for Vaudeville Artists, Magicians, Jug¬ «fiDWs glers, Instrumentalists, etc. ^ Addrew. DEPT. B. r Send for our Circulars STEEL FURNITURE GO., Braid Rapids, Mich. DIAMOND NOVELTY CO. Boston Offlee, 224 Coongrost 8t., Boston, Mnst. Syracuse . N.Y. t GEO. lAUTERER, Manufacturer, 164-166 E. Madison St., Chicago, III Organ Factory WANTED NEW ORGINS Twenty-four Hour Shipment Reliable Professionals Tuning and Repairing making one-Dlght atands, to rail on • few nirr chants In tbr towns that they arc making ALEX CHRISTMAN 15,000 OPERA CHAIRS IN STOCK 0(K)d rommlssinni.. |iromt.<t remittances to rcll ; 305-7 Holme* St., able men. From $10 to $20 per week can easily If you want a GOOD CHAIR, ON TIME at a he made by giving it a few hours each day KANSAS CiTV. MO. THE CEO. H. JUHO CO., Cinoiaaati. Ohio. LOW PRICE, we have it. Inquiries answered same day received. SLOT MACHINE WANTED .\ew one again. Greatest money¬ At all times, High-Class Vaudeville Acts of all E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO., kinds. State salary aud all particulars In first maker in that line. Circulars and cummunioation. JAKE O'DONNELL, Royal The¬ CHICAGO. : : : : ILLINOIS. atre, Galveston, Texas. information on request, 5513 CLEAR PROFIT IN 51 DAYS FROM AN INVESTMENT OF 5150 FOR BALE, at a big bargain, brand-new Tbea A. J. FISHER & CO. tre and small Dark in heart of the city of O o f, la the result from the oner- Ironton, 0. Cost over $3,000. Will sell at a — ■ I American Box PITTSBURG. PA. sacrifice to quick buyer. Theatre fully equl|>ped, stage, acenery. lights and best folding opera chairs; everything ready to ring up curtain, beating capacity 2.’>0; pop. city lo.OOO. Have 4 year lease on lots at $.500 a year. Buildings comprise theatre and lobby, arcade room, space for bowling or boxball alley, shooting gallery HELLO! nickelodeon, refreshments, etc., all under roof Don't write unless you mean business. THOS. Here We sre at liberty. Something naw D. GARNER, Gen. Del., Ironton, O. erally i>atronized by the heat |>«N)ple of lH>tb sexes. DE IVEY, Oae-legfed King of ths Tight Wlra, slid Ills I’sge. De Ivey walks the wire on a W needed. Ki-eelpts are nearly all profit. Nearly .5.tK»t» peg leg. .\ddresH all letters direct to 101 M. ^ aold to date. We sr-ll on nayiiienta and onr catalog la free. Lbruat Street. Ottawa, Kansas. AMERICAN BOX BALL COMPANY, Just received a consignment of 100 reels Film Write for Catalog. Patentees, 1260 Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. aad several machiues. Gas Machines, Grapho- FOR SALE—85,000 feet Film, 1(4 to Sc par phones, etc. Biggest bargains ever offered. foot. I’art of this Film Is colored and like Write for list and prlees. Films for sale, for hew. l^tlson Exhibition Maeblue, electric lamp. rent, for trade. DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE. rhiHistst, take-up and msgsrlnes, like new, $80. Owensboro, Ky. Model R Gas tMitfit, like new, $‘2B. One fine STILES. BATTENS, STRIPS. RAD-S. Stereoptloon, $1,5. Goods sblp|>ed on deismlt or SHOES, PROFILES, STAGE FLOORING, ETO. agent's guarantee of charges. 0. J, MuRPKY, WANTED—At all times. People In the Vaude¬ Bex 171, Moadvilla, Pa. ville Profession who ran |iut on an act and Always on hand for prompt shlpmenL Write for delivered prlcoa. HhipBODts mada make It go. From two to five weeks guaranteed. in any qoantity desired. Photographs awl program must accompany each FOR SALE—TWENTY ROSENFIELD PHONO- letter. The snme will be returned. Also a THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY ORAPHS In good condition, direct carrent, $3fi Good Pnslucer for Stock. Address PALACE Lumber and Seward Atreeta, CHICAGO. ILL. each, F. O. R. New Orleans. U. riCIlTBN THEATRE. Clifton Forge, Va. BERG, 711 Canal Street. Volume XXI. No. 7. CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO MFioNS Of The Stri On ArouseroeDt bife ana ExsvSronn PRIES When Dan Fiehell, the popular manager of the Garrick Theatre, at When other sources fail. The Stroller can usually get a little amusement St. Louie, wrote a letter to Harry H. Hull, up in Illinoia, telling his long- for himself out of the quaint observations of his waiter at table or the lost brother, Mike, to be sure and take in the Four Huntings, as the show porter in the barber shop he patronizes. One day last summer he went -- was great, he did not think Mike out to the Zoo In Cincinnati, to hear -;-r-—-1 ■ ' I would be benefited to quite such an one of the Sunday afternoon concerts '^ ^ V I extent as he was financially when the given by Kryl’s Band. As everyone ?\l| Vvi* ^ ^ - / V show struck the town. As Mr. Flshell knows, Kr>’l has achieved reputation T'JI^ located in Missouri, his brother for his eccentricity both in the man- yr ^_ places all manner of confidence In his ner of directing his excellent band ^' good advice, and decided to see the and the matter of his personal attire 4 if ^ show or “bust.” As It was Impossible and the style of wearing his hair, a ' I A V~ arrange an audience with Mr.
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