Virtual Workshop of the Livable Roadways Committee Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Call to Order The County Center and Plan Hillsborough offices are closed to the public in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the public may access this meeting and participate via the GoToWebinar link below, or by phoning in. Technical support during the meeting may be obtained by contacting Jason Krzyzanowski at (813) 272-5940 or
[email protected]. To view presentations and participate from your computer, tablet or smartphone, go to: Register in advance to receive your personalized link which can be saved to your calendar. Dial in LISTEN-ONLY MODE: (415) 655-0060-4212 Access Code 670-174-100 Public comments are welcome and may be given in person at this teleconference meeting by logging into the website above and clicking the “raise hand” button. Comments may also be provided before the start of the meeting: • by leaving a voice message at (813) 273-3774 ext. 6. • by e-mailing
[email protected] • by visiting the event posted on the TPO Facebook page. Written comments will be read into the record, if brief, and provided in full to the committee members. I. Public Comment - 3 minutes per speaker, please II. Approval of Minutes – April 21, 2021 III. Discussion Items- As this is a non-voting workshop, members are asked to individually identify any concerns or objections to these items. A. Transportation Improvement Program Update (Johnny Wong, TPO Staff) B. McIntosh Road PD&E Study Advance Notification (Allison Yeh, TPO Staff) C.