Columbia with a view to tak- Htnmtif!tttHt mitHMM t!(Mttf H! W fiiNmMMM't'll'MMMtlMtMMiM' ;iHMtM"t'ttM MM!'! ON ENGLAND'S 'WAR BABIES' tiiiiitHmtillitililUitiHihiiiiil liirnUHiltimHiHittihiiilititMfiiiUUt iittiaittUfitiiiiiiH liiMjiiMiiiHiitltilUifihiliriMM! iiiliiifiillUiiiiilirfHiiiiiMitilMtiii' ing the wheat of the inland em- LADY WARWICK J pire to their city. Lnder legis- AN IM'i:iKMiL.M MU SIMPER. lation passed by the recent I'uhiutivd t'K'lr S"mi wwklj it Pen legislature a port sommiision is CO. 1 S.AHT Ol.lt.u.MAN l'l Ill.lMUNli authorized to own or operate TIm6 - Beifefiry steamer hm& Offliinl County Paper. lines and ? Mmher I tilted I'rwi Aiivi8tion. will work under this law. - i ( th rwwt.it fl lit I'fudletOB, ItrtoB, as wcwutl-ttiu- mil matter. Some preliminary steps have I- :3 already by Dentistry Iephoot ... 1 been taken the port and that will please YOU I i commission in commenting up- ON Ml.K IN OTHKR C1T1K8. .3 lmrrli Hotel News Stand, J'ortltBj. on which the Morning Astorian lrthvitmao Nf i, rnrtlnil. Oreson. said : HIS is the kind of dentistry I have to offer you and at moder- ON ril.K AT The Port ot Astoria bs milking the Burton, stoa Serorlty Building Chlonim right move when It sets in motion II whltwrtm. I C, Btirtu 501, lour-teeotl- i the E3 ate prices. 5' J atrwt, N. W. machinery that will establish a boat Er3 i 3 and barge line on the rivers of My painless, so 1 do lose pati- RATES the methods are not time waiting for the SUBSCRIPTION inland empire, to ply between I IN ADVANCE) this ent to stop jumping and exclaiming how badly it hurts, but am enabled IHIiy, rmt ynr, by mail S 00 city and the upper washes of the Mi to steady patient Itllj. all isootha. by mall 2 Snake river, and will construct grain work and the experiencing no pain. three months, by mall 1 25 I iHilij, on nmnlh. by mail ..0 elevators at the public docks. Time THAT IS WHY I CAN MAKE MORE MONEY i ltly, one year, by carrier 7 50 is the essence of all shipping. To AT LESS COST tal!y, mi month, by carrier , 8. 75 TO YOU. E- 3 " load quickly and clear quickly is the "5 ally, three months." by carrier 1 PS t ll!y, one month, br carrier 65 first thing uppermost In the mi nils of Kern I Weekly, one year by mall l..V those who operate big vessels. Load- 7-- No one is honest with himself who does not investigate every op- ali months, by .75 7 Li mail.... ing by Is so supe- portunity Beat Weekly, four months, by mail... .50 grain elevator far S3 for rior to loading via sack that there la no comparison. The wheat is In the If you wish perfect results, moderate prices and prompt service, 5r3: Inland Empire. It is ours to go aft- call and talk it over with me. . , er wants It. The Port '' AND and - "THE SIIAD THE of Astoria has it within its authority STKAWHEKHY." 'S to establish water transportaion lines EXAMINATIONS FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED to bring it to Astoria and to erect ele- "When the Angels made shad vators to hold It. Once we get it E 3 The I 'evil was mad I- here and in the elevators there need II seemed such a feat of , be no worry about the ocean trans- f , ports calling for It. The Morning So he ruined the scheme L. Dentistry is to see the Port DR. F. INGRAM, Astorian anxious He jumped into the stream i: go to the bat on this proposition, for t And stuck in the bones Just the time is ripe for a good Inning. for spite! 3, 4 5 They are indeed right in the 7 Suite and Schmidt Bldg. . "When the strawberry red matter and the time is ripe. First illumined its bed. The Celilo canal is now in use Lady Assistant Always in Attendance The Angels looked down and and various plans are under- were glad; perma- But the Devil, 'tis said. way for the building of Fairly pounded his head nent roads to the river so as to For he'd used all his bones in connect the farming, country a Alights It the shad! with the boat service. tlonaries contain nearly half million Auto I.lko Cat. until It landed In water. The car words, and, at the present rate of May 19. careened In half gyrations as went Fred W. Webber. is STRUl'Dsni'na. Pa.. it In connection with this it growth, of the English Janguace, It Leaping 60 feet from the roadbed tr. down. The water of the stream was essential that the service on the Is likely that the half million mark creek below, the automobile of up to the hubs. Two of the passen- river be such as to insure will be passed within a few years. George Kerat of Scott Run, carrying gers were thrown Into the creek. The present war is likely to have four passengers, turned over three WAR FOR THE SAKE OF freight handling at low costs. growth LONDON", May 19. "To my mind England's most distinguished social the effect of accelerating and finally landed upright In Frank's Hearing There must be a particularly In- Set SLAUGHTER? is Immorality, glar- worker. She continues: of the language by adopting and Pocono creek. Mrs. Kerst, wife of there more more ATLANTA, Ga., May 1J. Th low rate on wheat if the river "War is a monstrous Immorality corporating many words of French, the owner of the car, was seriously ing offense to the Creator in one bat- Btate board of pardons May SI as HY are newspapers of is to have business. The that seeks to destroy the world. The German and Russian origin. Of thei Injured, having two ribs broken and set 'YV the hu- the date for hearing appeal the tlefield full of dead and mangled illicit unions are but a side Issue 3500 languages and sublanguages! sustaining body bruises and scratches. for "t type al cut of 25 per cent made in the commutation of the death sentence fJ manity than has gone to the creation which I am interested In because of now spoken by the people of the J. H. Fine, of Scott Kun, was scratch- most get now Imposed upon Leo M. to HI frenzied about wheat rate by the boats in of all the unfortunate children who those who will pay the price, th world, English leads all others am- face. A Frank ed and bruised about the Imprisonment. ting this nation into the Euro operation on the upper Colum will come crying and unwelcome into mother and child, and it all Is really ong the European tongues. German hoarder from Kerst'a place, a resident pean war in some way, shape or bia is not sufficient. There our world before the a m nor immorality from which with comes second, Russian third, French of New York, who refused to reveal lorm while the newspapers of should be a further reduction year draws to an end. Those who a little care, a little loving kindness fourth, Spanish fifth, with ItPllan his Identity, also suffered face and Austrian Quit Canada, rule over Europe are responsible." foreknowledge much good a close Portuguese seventh. seri- through- is and a little sixth and body bruises. Mr. Kerst was WINNIPEG, Man., May 19 A "popular circulation and the sooner it made the So said the Countess of Warwick, much deep morality may spring.'" ously bruised. country There are, roughly, 5000 new words second army of 83 Austrian at Em- out the generally treat better. In our language every year. How The occupants of the car, with the erson was headed south for the bor- the subject more moderately? many of them do you learn? For In exception of Mrs. Kerst, remained In der and United States. This is a question of unusual The is neith- stance, do you know 100 more words How you Many peo- an pro-Englis-h. than knew last year? interest. It furnishes food for er pro-Germ- or English Language Expands is American and is why ple don't. thought As to the real cause It that Also, in everyday talk, you proba-b- ) it no enthusiasm for Am- of the European war there is a has One hundred and sixty years ago. established a record which could don't use more than 1000 differ- theory war was permitted be- erican participation in the Eu- Samuel Johnson, the English writer, scarcely be surpassed. ent words. Certainly not the 5000 COSY Theatre TONIGHT! cause it will reduce population ropean war. startled the English speaking world Johnson's dictionary remained the you are suggested to acquire every 12 three-quarte- rs months. and thus lessen the pressure of by publishing his dictionary, which supreme authority for nearly "THE OUTLAW'S REVENGE" Why not have a real cele- defined the amazing number of 50,000 of a century. Then came man's upward struggle toward Oil Port Bottled VP. In bration in Pendleton while the words! This was the first really Noah Webster an American lexicogra- the heights where royalty and great dictionary of the English lan- pher who In 1828 published a diction WASHINGTON, May 19 Advices "THE DAWN OF A NEW REPUBLIC" Liberty Bell is here? People to department declared privilege have their place in guage, and It was acclaimed as being ary In two volumes containing 160,- - the state that Four Parti young old will want to see remarkably complete. predeces- 000 words. A Joseph rommunlrntion between Panuco and the sun. and Its little later Em A Mutual Masterpiece Featuring the great historic relic. sors were left so far behind that they erson Worcester, a native of New Tamplco, Mexico, have been cut, bot The progressive movement dropped out of existence. Hampshire produced his "Comprehen tling up the British navy's sources 01 R. L WALSH, MAE MARSH, IRENE HUNT, in Europe has long been des- The weather forecast is for Bullokar was the first to attempt a sive Pronouncing and Explanatory oil supply. ROBERT HARRON. ignated by term socialism real English dictionary. He complet- English Dictioary," with IOK.000 the a fair day tomorrow ; so get out and war is checking ed his labors in 1615, and the follow- words. After that many new editions the that your working togs and join the ing year was published un- ADDED ATTRACTION by his work of both Webster and Worcester vied move the simple process of good roads brigade. der the title of "Compleat English with each other for supremacy. In I NEW SPECIAL TWQ PART KEYSTONE placing some millions of com- Dictionary." It contained 5080 words 1860 Worcester published his great CASTOR A mon people beneath the sod. Italy has been so close to the many of which are now obsolete. Al- quarto "Dictionary of the English lor Inianti and Children. though English tongue has been Language." became a standard The effect of the war on the scene of carnage that they dis- ithe which Yoa Have Alwajs Bosgfat "Ambrose's Sour Grapes" tremendously enriched since Bullo-kar- 's authority wherever the English lan VaM SPECIAL MUSIC TONIGHT social movement in Europe has like to take the plunge even day, his work was even then guage Is spoken. Webster's diction Bear Um 15c 10c been the subject ol comment though they hate Austria. far from being so "complete" as he ary was also continually enlarged and by various writers. Under the claimed In the title. Improved (following the death of the Signature of caption "The Menace of Soc- In the middle of the seventeenth founder In 1843) and became a stand ialism," the following appears century, Bullokar was eclipsed as an ard throughout America. authority by Thomas Blount, whose Toward the close of the nineteenth in The Century: CURRENT THINKING "Glossographla" contained less than century the dictionaries of the Eng For a time at least "the menace of 10,000 words. Soon afterward Blount lish language passed the 200,000 word socialism" has been laid. That dark was superceded by Edward Phillips, mark and 20 years ago an English cloud which for years has been gath- dictionary containing over 300,000 ASTORIA'S ENTERPRISE. whose dictionary, "A New World of ering over Europe, threatening the English Words," defined 13.000 wolds words was published. The latest die nations with revolution, has sudden- (From the Portland Journal.) This dictionary passed through a ly been swallowed up by a thunder- number of editions, and by the be- storm to avert which was one of' the .Steps for the development of a and barge line on the Columbia ginning of the eighteenth century it aims of socialism. Therefore, it Is a boat already been by the contained 20,000 words. -i'l .MUlUiimfc double defeat socialism has suf- river have taken fMiiu.tn that also This remained the record until JM?' fered; her dream of peace has been Port of Astoria. The project provides for the erection of elevators Samuel Johnson began his lexico a shattered, and that other dream, of graphical researches. For eight more subhtantial promise the rise of to handle grain in bulk. HILL CLIMBING CONTESTS AT The engineer of the port has been years the man who wrote "Rasselas" I f ' ' sn International working class which, fu- J I to gather data required to in a week to pay for his mother's with myriads of hands Interlocked instructed prob- determine the character and scope of neral, wrestled with the great SPOKANE AUTO SHOW across boundaries and through alien connected with the origin and such an elevator, and to consult with lems I I in tongues, was to establish brotherhood growth of the English tongue, and age, producers in the Inland Empire as to class, and bring in the new at least for tonnage when he published his dictionary of Not only winning over cars of its but it made faster the working population of Europe the probable amount of building of the eleva- 50,000 words he was thought to have this orb, too, has passed behind the available. The time than the winner of the second event for cars selling tor is In response to the demand of dark planet of war. Those elaborate are from to of capitalism, the farmers of the Cascades who $1000 $1550 plans for the overthrow un- consuming passion and Infectious resolved to rid themselves of the that necessary expense of In the SPOKESMAN-REVIEW- . for a new and better or- sacks EXTRACTS FROM grain. A director Keep Children Zm der of daily life, those mighty leaders shipment of their the Union was in con- event was for stock cars required to stand by his car, enter snd those strong lines of brave men. of the Farmers' "The first It the Asto- Bright and Happy at a signal, start the motor who with their feet upon the idea of ference with those behind costing under 1000 at the factory and and then ex- stop the car over a 100 nationality, were holding Europe to- ria elevators and boat line, and he seven entries. The Dodgo mark yards grain there were away. It required In ridges of sand caught pressed confidence that the skill starting, getherlittle be halved Happy youngsters must be and car were started first and quick acceleration and sure up as by a whirlwind and blown rate on the Columbia could brakes." and that healthy. digestive organs of the Dodge immediately showed that iway.. The German Is German still, by barge transportation, The would be secured get out of order aa readily as a hll climber It left little to be de- AUTO SALES NEAR la belle France is mightier than Jua- other great savings children by shipment of the grain in bulk. as. do those of their elders, and the sired by slipping up the grade in HECOIID FOR WEEK rez, the troops that England is send won An auto truck Is equally distressing. When 49 6 seconds. D. It. Riegel who ing are landing not This is evolution. result ! to the continent clogged an ac- - I j events with the DODGES SELL soldiers. Once with trailers carrying wheat in bulk the bowels are with two of the stadium HAPIDLT m Koi'lallsts. but as - u Dodge .. j .... i .v... tiurA surface roads to ware- cumulation of refuse from the Dodge laBt Thursday drove the more it is moot-- .i...lhm uic wiu . j uivf naturally be- got away In lightning style. He Chllda & Duffy Dispose of stronger the new, tbst a passion houses on the banks of the Columbia, stomach the child and H In IS than fretful from the no more than held his own on the Mlnntra. had its home In the human with a transfer by modern methods comes cross and that has to discomfort, Is often punished level, but when the Dodge hit the "That the first Kpokane Automobile for a thousand years will out-- ; of the grain still In bulk boats and heart process In medical attention grade It quickly drew away and fin- Show is bound to boost the number of lrjt the passion of Jtsterday. and barges, is a coming for temper when EDWARD CONNELLY iff'THE DEVIL to tlde-UO- Is really needed. ished five seconds in front." The sales far beyond the highest expecta- why getting Inland Empire wheat what is TIVE PkHT MVTUM WMTFRHrTUHf FWUMt this explain our BY YORK MOTION PICTVRC CORPORATION 6 sec- tions is opinion Latf.r. The possibilities for economy The next time your child is cross' NtW nearest rival's time was 54 the of the majority willing to Bee - won Washing- of local dealers. tory press is so ,nd vrolit to t!ie producer are enor- and unhappy, without apparent, onds. The Dodge the The method of hav- iaxa-- Cup. ing their cars side by IhiS country get into needless ;lnoUg in comparison with the ancient reason, try giving It a mild ( "THE DEVIL" ton Trust Company side gave a fine Dodge chance comparison Do thev believe the Mal-- i method now in use. tive. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin In 5 parts, with "After the regular .events the for and bringing war? - combl-- ! taking second place went out the fine points of DODulation It is a splendid fact when we bc- Is a mild, pleasant tasting and the car each car." 4r,..u,n rmtirin that $26 "To the Dodge hold the farmers themselves outlln nation of somple laxative herbs Edward Cinnelly and Besaie up the hill In a special race for Brothers car, long produc- Dodge won again termed the "car of increases faster than Ing the process, and another splendid with pepsin, and Is especially, Barrisc&le side bet and the mystery" goes the is margin over Its banner for quick tion and that wholesale mur fact when we also witness the fore- recommended for children because, having a five second sales. Fifteen mln. money changed hands utes the show opened Wednes-da- y is necessary to insure the sight of Astoria In Joining with them of Its freedom from all opiate on COMING TO THE COSY rival." Much after der ac-- cars had many morning Hal Chllds who sit at the to bring the plan to a fruition. narcotic drugs and Its gentle TOMORROW AND on the result, as both sates man. safety of those every-- 1 THEATER ager, and W. L. Duffy Is a part of the changed oraer Hon. It Is sold in flrug store willing backers. had closed con-trac- ts pile? It D. for cars. top of the Is to from Celilo. where. A free trial bottl can be FRIDAY. , "The 100 yard dash was won by fourteen To make the that result Riegel taking If so why do not those brave, Obtained by writing to Dr. W. B.i n. RIcgcl In a Dodge car. Mr. of orders more difficult the Masterpicture (as dealers could swallowing journals LANGUAGE. .aldwell. 452 Washington Bt--, Mon- -' A Mutual was compelled to compete In flva not promise delivery cannon BAD prior to July. courage of their con- ticello. Ills. advertised in the Saturday heats, but each time he had a safe The Dodge car Is one have the sec- of the centers of they Thomas A. Edison on his sixty, Evening Post.) margin, his best time being It attraction at the victions and frankly admit reporter: this event the driver was .show.'' of eighth birthday said to a onds. In you want war for the sake The result of this war will be a LET I'S BIIOW wmr. slaughter? German republic that In 1 years will forge ahead of us all." REDUCE THE RIVER RATES The reporter, Impressed by Mr. HOODIES, CHOP SUEY, CHIMA DISHES Edison's war knowledge, asked: Pendleton Auto Co. rrv F.TORIA people are evi "What language do the Belgians LOW proceed use Walloon, French, tjerman?" KWONG HONG Phone 541 812 Johnson Street dentlv going to "Humph," Edison, "I n. Vl said Mr. mPY'QW 116 Weit AltaSt., Upitsiri.-Pho- 433 with the establishment of know well what language I'd use H UVJul a boat or barge service on the j were a Belgian."