FACE TOUR DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1015. EIGHT PAGES Columbia with a view to tak- Htnmtif!tttHt mitHMM t!(Mttf H! W fiiNmMMM't'll'MMMtlMtMMiM' ;iHMtM"t'ttM MM!'! ON ENGLAND'S 'WAR BABIES' tiiiiitHmtillitililUitiHihiiiiil liirnUHiltimHiHittihiiilititMfiiiUUt iittiaittUfitiiiiiiH liiMjiiMiiiHiitltilUifihiliriMM! iiiliiifiillUiiiiilirfHiiiiiMitilMtiii' ing the wheat of the inland em- LADY WARWICK J pire to their city. Lnder legis- AN IM'i:iKMiL.M MU SIMPER. lation passed by the recent I'uhiutivd t'K'lr S"mi wwklj it Pen legislature a port sommiision is CO. 1 S.AHT Ol.lt.u.MAN l'l Ill.lMUNli authorized to own or operate TIm6 - Beifefiry steamer hm& Offliinl County Paper. lines and the Astorian? Mmher I tilted I'rwi Aiivi8tion. will work under this law. - i ( th rwwt.it fl lit I'fudletOB, ItrtoB, as wcwutl-ttiu- mil matter. Some preliminary steps have I- :3 already by Dentistry Iephoot ... 1 been taken the port and that will please YOU I i commission in commenting up- ON Ml.K IN OTHKR C1T1K8. .3 lmrrli Hotel News Stand, J'ortltBj. on which the Morning Astorian lrthvitmao Nf i, rnrtlnil. Oreson. said : HIS is the kind of dentistry I have to offer you and at moder- ON ril.K AT The Port ot Astoria bs milking the Burton, stoa Serorlty Building Chlonim right move when It sets in motion II whltwrtm. I C, Btirtu 501, lour-teeotl- i the E3 ate prices. 5' J atrwt, N. W. machinery that will establish a boat Er3 i 3 and barge line on the rivers of My painless, so 1 do lose pati- RATES the methods are not time waiting for the SUBSCRIPTION inland empire, to ply between I IN ADVANCE) this ent to stop jumping and exclaiming how badly it hurts, but am enabled IHIiy, rmt ynr, by mail S 00 city and the upper washes of the Mi to steady patient Itllj. all isootha. by mall 2 Snake river, and will construct grain work and the experiencing no pain. three months, by mall 1 25 I iHilij, on nmnlh. by mail ..0 elevators at the public docks. Time THAT IS WHY I CAN MAKE MORE MONEY i ltly, one year, by carrier 7 50 is the essence of all shipping. To AT LESS COST tal!y, mi month, by carrier , 8. 75 TO YOU. E- 3 " load quickly and clear quickly is the "5 ally, three months." by carrier 1 PS t ll!y, one month, br carrier 65 first thing uppermost In the mi nils of Kern I Weekly, one year by mall l..V those who operate big vessels. Load- 7-- No one is honest with himself who does not investigate every op- ali months, by .75 7 Li mail.... ing by Is so supe- portunity Beat Weekly, four months, by mail... .50 grain elevator far S3 for rior to loading via sack that there la no comparison. The wheat is In the If you wish perfect results, moderate prices and prompt service, 5r3: Inland Empire. It is ours to go aft- call and talk it over with me. , er wants It. The Port '' AND and the world - "THE SIIAD THE of Astoria has it within its authority STKAWHEKHY." 'S to establish water transportaion lines EXAMINATIONS FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED to bring it to Astoria and to erect ele- "When the Angels made shad vators to hold It. Once we get it E 3 The I 'evil was mad I- here and in the elevators there need II seemed such a feat of , be no worry about the ocean trans- f , ports calling for It. The Morning So he ruined the scheme L. Dentistry is to see the Port DR. F. INGRAM, Astorian anxious He jumped into the stream i: go to the bat on this proposition, for t And stuck in the bones Just the time is ripe for a good Inning. for spite! 3, 4 5 They are indeed right in the 7 Suite and Schmidt Bldg. "When the strawberry red matter and the time is ripe. First illumined its bed. The Celilo canal is now in use Lady Assistant Always in Attendance The Angels looked down and and various plans are under- were glad; perma- But the Devil, 'tis said. way for the building of Fairly pounded his head nent roads to the river so as to For he'd used all his bones in connect the farming, country a Alights It the shad! with the boat service. tlonaries contain nearly half million Auto I.lko Cat. until It landed In water. The car words, and, at the present rate of May 19. careened In half gyrations as went Fred W. Webber. is STRUl'Dsni'na. Pa.. it In connection with this it growth, of the English Janguace, It Leaping 60 feet from the roadbed tr. down. The water of the stream was essential that the service on the Is likely that the half million mark creek below, the automobile of up to the hubs. Two of the passen- river be such as to insure will be passed within a few years. George Kerat of Scott Run, carrying gers were thrown Into the creek. The present war is likely to have four passengers, turned over three WAR FOR THE SAKE OF freight handling at low costs. growth LONDON", May 19. "To my mind England's most distinguished social the effect of accelerating the times and finally landed upright In Frank's Hearing There must be a particularly In- Set SLAUGHTER? is Immorality, glar- worker. She continues: of the language by adopting and Pocono creek. Mrs. Kerst, wife of there more more ATLANTA, Ga., May 1J. Th low rate on wheat if the river "War is a monstrous Immorality corporating many words of French, the owner of the car, was seriously ing offense to the Creator in one bat- Btate board of pardons May SI as HY are newspapers of is to have business. The that seeks to destroy the world. The German and Russian origin. Of thei Injured, having two ribs broken and set 'YV the hu- the date for hearing appeal the tlefield full of dead and mangled illicit unions are but a side Issue 3500 languages and sublanguages! sustaining body bruises and scratches. for "t the Oregonian type al cut of 25 per cent made in the commutation of the death sentence fJ manity than has gone to the creation which I am interested In because of now spoken by the people of the J. H. Fine, of Scott Kun, was scratch- most get now Imposed upon Leo M. to HI frenzied about wheat rate by the boats in of all the unfortunate children who those who will pay the price, th world, English leads all others am- face. A Frank ed and bruised about the Imprisonment. ting this nation into the Euro operation on the upper Colum will come crying and unwelcome into mother and child, and it all Is really ong the European tongues. German hoarder from Kerst'a place, a resident pean war in some way, shape or bia is not sufficient. There our world before the a m nor immorality from which with comes second, Russian third, French of New York, who refused to reveal lorm while the newspapers of should be a further reduction year draws to an end. Those who a little care, a little loving kindness fourth, Spanish fifth, with ItPllan his Identity, also suffered face and Austrian Quit Canada, rule over Europe are responsible." foreknowledge much good a close Portuguese seventh. seri- through- is and a little sixth and body bruises. Mr. Kerst was WINNIPEG, Man., May 19 A "popular circulation and the sooner it made the So said the Countess of Warwick, much deep morality may spring.'" ously bruised. country There are, roughly, 5000 new words second army of 83 Austrian at Em- out the generally treat better. In our language every year. How The occupants of the car, with the erson was headed south for the bor- the subject more moderately? many of them do you learn? For In exception of Mrs. Kerst, remained In der and United States. This is a question of unusual The East Oregonian is neith- stance, do you know 100 more words How you Many peo- an pro-Englis-h. than knew last year? interest. It furnishes food for er pro-Germ- or English Language Expands is American and is why ple don't. thought As to the real cause It that Also, in everyday talk, you proba-b- ) it no enthusiasm for Am- of the European war there is a has One hundred and sixty years ago. established a record which could don't use more than 1000 differ- theory war was permitted be- erican participation in the Eu- Samuel Johnson, the English writer, scarcely be surpassed. ent words. Certainly not the 5000 COSY Theatre TONIGHT! cause it will reduce population ropean war. startled the English speaking world Johnson's dictionary remained the you are suggested to acquire every 12 three-quarte- rs months. and thus lessen the pressure of by publishing his dictionary, which supreme authority for nearly "THE OUTLAW'S REVENGE" Why not have a real cele- defined the amazing number of 50,000 of a century. Then came man's upward struggle toward Oil Port Bottled VP. In bration in Pendleton while the words! This was the first really Noah Webster an American lexicogra- the heights where royalty and great dictionary of the English lan- pher who In 1828 published a diction WASHINGTON, May 19 Advices "THE DAWN OF A NEW REPUBLIC" Liberty Bell is here? People to department declared privilege have their place in guage, and It was acclaimed as being ary In two volumes containing 160,- - the state that Four Parti young old will want to see remarkably complete.
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