17 January 1983, No 1
THE AUSTRALIANA SOCIETY NEWSLETTER THE AUSTRALIANA SOCIETY NEWSLETTER ISSN 0156.8019 Published by: The Australiana Society Box A 378 1983, No 1 Sydney South NSW 2000 January, 1983 SOCIETY INFORMATION p. k AUSTRALIANA NEWS p. k LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS p.11 ARTICLES - Julieanne Moran: 19th Century Australian Jewellery p.12 The Mint p.17 Beryl Harris: Grandmother's Life p.20 Patricia McDonald: Women's Domestic & Leisure Crafts p.21 Ian Rumsey: From Here and There p.23 BOOK REVIEWS p.25 POTTERS AND POTTERIES IN SYDNEY AND NSW, 1803-1900 p.29 OUR AUTHORS p.32 MEMBERSHIP FORM p.33 All editorial correspondence should be addressed to John Wade, Editor, Australiana Society Newsletter, c/- Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. 659 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW, 2007. Copyright© 1983 The Australiana Society. All material written or illustrative, credited to an author, photographer, draftsman, or artist, is copyright. We gratefully record our thanks to James R Lawson Pty Ltd for their generous donation towards the cost of illustrations. production: P Renshaw, (02) 816 1846 4 Society Information FORTHCOMING MEETINGS The next general meeting of the Society will be on 7th April when Dr Joan Kerr, Senior Lecturer in Fine Arts at the University of Sydney, will talk on an aspect of Colonial Painting. Other meeting dates in 1983 are 2nd June, 4th August (AGM), and 6th October. The Society will be holding two special excursions. The first will be to Vaucluse House on Sunday April 10th, with a picnic in the grounds and then a special tour with the Curator, including visits to parts of the house not normally shown to the public.
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