Ellsworth American : April 24, 1912
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American, )WB*r»irTio» price, 92.00 per tiai. f IF PAID IV ADPABCV. 91-80. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY APRIL 1912. | BNTBBBD All RBCOIVD CLASS MATTBB I AFTERNOON, 24, I AT THI ELLA WORTH POSTOFFICB. 1 No. 17. aobmumnititfl LOCAL AFFAIRS. Methodist church. Rev. H. B. Haskell atibm#imnu». will attend as delegate from the £ast Maine ciirsjE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WRKK. conference. Dr. Kiser goes in the financial interest of the Ellsworth church. A C Notices of Hagertby— foreclosure. his for four C I Staples—Automobile for sale. Daring absence, Sundays, the Kl! a worth Loan A Building Ass’n—House pulpit will be supplied by Rev. N. F. At- for sale. wood, of Confidence Bulck runabout for sale. Bangor. Charles C Gray —Freedom notice. Representatives of Conners of Palmer's 5 and 10c store—Grand opening. Bros., the successful bidders for his In the bank while he has Thbwtos: Lowell, Mass., The man who keeps money plenty the Notice to contractors. postoffice building extension, have a friend In the bank to whom he can torn when he has little. creates BANooai been in town during the past week; also OF ELLSWORTH. confidence In this bank begets its confidence in you, Haring Rasters Trust A Banking Co. some of the sub-contractors on the work, far on the road to success with- and we can’t, any of us. get very DttTH: taking measurements and looking over A A CAPITAL,.$ 100,000 out giving and receiving confidence. Eastman—Strawberry plants. the present building and tbe.lot. Actual Blcehill: SURPLUS and This bank has fairly earned Tour confidence through twenty- work of construction, it is nnderstood, PROPIT8, 75.000 Democratic class convention. will begin in fire years of square dealing and helpful service. Bbooklin: early May. STOCKHOLDERS’ LIABILITY, 100,000 The It will appreciate your account, check, savings or safe deposit. O L Flye—Two cooks wanted. concert and ball at Hancock hall ASSETS,. 1,400,000 Sbdowick: Monday evening, to dedicate the hand- L W Grant—Hatching eggs for sale. some new floor, was a success socially and EDBN: Absolute absolute financially. Many compliments were paid security, permanency, conservative management and service—these four form the foundation which this Notice to contractors. the contractor, A. M. Foster, who laid it painstaking upon bank Burrill National Bank has been erected. These four we guarantee to you in connection with any in record time. j The committee, of which and all business which you may place in our hands. SCHEDULE OP MAILS Harry W. Haynes was chairman, worked Your account is respectfully solicited. We are empowered by law to OF ELLSWORTH. AT BLLBWOBTH POSTOFF1C*. act as trustees for the estates of hard in behalf of the affair, and is deserv- persons deceased. The reasons why its In effect April 14, 1912. services are more desirable than those of individuals are of much many. ing credit. About |40 net was Our is more and our * experience extended, investment opportunities are MAILS BBCBIVKD. realized. better. Our relations with clients are confidential always. Trust funds Pbom West—7.18 a m; 4.14, 6.26 p m. and securities in its charge are from its commercial H. P. Carter, of West Ellsworth, has kept absolutely apart Fbom East—11.06,11.67 a m; 6.47,10.62 p m. banking assets. An additional guarantee of perfect security lies in the fact leased the store on Main street in the MAIL CLOSBS AT POSTOFFICB Joy that the transactions of this bank are under the constant supervision of the and in a week or State Ooiwo WAST—10.30,11 JO a m; 6.15, 9 pm. block, will, ten days, banking department. Your business will be welcomed whether it be small, or and Goino East—6.46 a ro; 8.46, 6 p open a general store. Mr. Carter, who is a large every n^. possible accommodation will be accorded to you that is consistent with successful farmer, has been a Registered mail should be at postoffice half conducting sound banking. an hour before mail closes, small store at his home in West Ells- YOU WE’LL HELP. SundaytrainarrivesatK.ua m; leaves 6.20 worth; this w ill be given up, and Mr. Car- SAVE; m. p Mall closes at o for 5.20 train at 4.60 m. p p ter will move his family to town about Postofllce open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. The dime* end duller* you “fritter away” May 1, and will occupy apartments over here and there had much better be laid foolishly the store. reaches the dignity of an encore, but that GREEN LAKE. to credit in our F. C. Burrill and wife returned to Port- away your Havings Department. Q. Porter Smith, who has been at his was the temper of the audience at Pythian H. It's an easy way to a sizeable land Monday. Capt. I Chapman has improved in acquire money home here ill for some time, is at present hall last evening, and the reason for it was board—and we liberal interest on such health since coming here. pay Harry Acborn, of Boston, was the guest confined to his bed. His son Walter, who to be found in the exceptional quality of Write or call tor of Mrs. Arthur Moore has deposits. particulars. friends in Ellsworth a few days last has been employed on a steamer running the artists, and the appeal of an admira- Mrs. Jellison, of Ellsworth week. from Key West to Havana this winter, bly selected programme. It is not of- Falls, caring for her. EASTERN TRUST & BANKING Miss Jessie Foster, who has been the arrived home yesterday. Mr. Smith’s ten Portland concert-goers hear at one Gladys Crossman passed her fifth birth- CO., Mrs. L. recital such tine singers as Miss and Bangor, Maine. guest of Mrs. J. A. Peters, has returned daughter, M. Kidder, of Lynn really day Monday, was remembered by to her home in Bar Harbor. Mass., ana his mother, Mrs. Mildred Potter and Mr. John Barnes friends from and near. Branches at Old Town. Machlas and Dexter Oreenley fa^ Smith, who has several weeks in Wells, so accomplished a violinist as Miss Miss Willa Frost, who is now teaching spent M. Quinn is making extensive altera- and but not so Massachusetts, also came Josefa Schuller, last, least, in one at Peabody, Mass., has been spending a yesterday. tions of his buildings and adding inspiring an accompanist as Mr. Chapman short recess at her home here. Class parts for the commencement exer- a piazza. It will be occupied by Station himself. But Mr. has made a cises of the Ellsworth high school have Chapman Agent Frank Trafton and w ife. The baseball team of the west side for the if been as follows: reputation “delivering goods”, school defeated the S. B. C.’s assigned Valedictory, The ice is going fast. it melted grammar we be the Sunday Erva Adelia may pardoned slang phrase last afternoon. Giles; salutatory, Barron; rapidly, and in the Friday Score, 27-11. in to and last con- Monday, southerly address to relation music, night’s undergraduates, Percival Wes- wind, it w’as broken so as to resemble lit- Mrs. F. A. who has been ill the was in line more Orcutt, of cert simply with import- cott; presentation gifts, Bryant Moore; tle islands. No doubt fishing wrill be en- past week at the home of Mrs. Mansel B. ant undertakings. On a small scale it history, Eva Gerry: prophesy, Jessie before All where sbe is joyed Sunday. boats have been Young, boards, improving. Mo was as admirable and satisfying, in its rang. The valedictory and salutatory painted and are as a music festival concert. ready. Wellington Haslam has sold the Thomas are assigned according to rank for the way, Leslie Allen and w’ife were of on Church which he guests A. house, street, bought four years of the high school course, the G. Noyes and wife from Patriot’s day over recently, to John Blood, jr., of the Blood other parts being assigned by election. SHOE FACTORY PROJECT. Knitting Mills. Sunday. Others who visited the cottages Dana Smith, son of the late Everard Q. >lr. Now It to were George H. Nutter, S. Mallard, Dr. Mrs. William who is Normandy Presenting Freeman, on.her Smith, formerly of Ellsworth, who has C. P. Thomas and WALL People of Ellsworth. wife, Capt. S. Wood- from the South to her home in Cher- PAPER way made a study of with experi- and navigation, Charles Charles Q. Normandy, who is interested bury wife, Harlow. ry field, is the guest en route of George A. ence on both steam and sailing vessels, in a proposition to establish a small shoe Parcher and wife. has steadily risen in his profession. He factory in Ellsworth, is spending a few COMING KVKX rs. New Stock Now in. A. I. Saunders and wife were called to will soon sail for Europe in the palatial Spring days in town making a personal canvass Mac bias Monday by the sudden death on Vanderbilt steam-yacht, Warrior, as sec- ELLSWORTH. to see what iinancial help the people of Sunday of Mrs. Saunders’ brother-in-law, ond officer. The yacht will cruise in Wednesday evening, April at Han- 1 Ellsworth will give such an industry. 24, George H. Foster. European waters until next December, cock hall — Conferring of decoration of Robert (i raves Co.’s exclusive designs and The committee from the Merchants’ asso- when Mr. Smith expects to visit relatives Canton The ladies' of the social circle of the j ciation thinks Mr.