OUR ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 TIRUCHIRAPALLI MULTIPURPOSE SOCIAL SERVICE SOCIETY 49K, Bharathiar Salai, Post Box No.12 Tiruchirapalli – 620 001 Tamilnadu, India Tel : 0091-0431-2410026 Email :
[email protected] website : www.tmsss.org 1 ORIGIN Tiruchirapalli Multipurpose Social Service Society (TMSSS) was established during the year 1975 for the promotion of justice, peace and development through integrated and integral human development initiatives and for establishing a just society. TMSSS has been registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 on 10.01.1975 under No.2/1975. Registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) 1976 on 21.08.1985 under No.076040030. Registered also under section 12A of the Income Tax Act 1961. VISION Creation and establishment of a just society based on the Gospel values of love, peace, justice, equality, fraternity, transparency and credibility. MISSION Empowement of all the target people through awareness, motivation, education, participation etc. in every field to emancipate and enable them to live with self and human dignity by the process of action-reflection and follow-up action. OBJECTIVES To organize the people through education and motivation and bring out their hidden talents and potentialities for their holistic development using the local resources efficiently and judiciously. To generate awareness on different vital issues of the people through meetings, workshops and leadership trainings and bring about visible and attitudinal changes among the people to plan and achieve their own development in a participatory manner. To take up Integrated Rural Development Programme with special emphasis on sustainable farming practices. To rehabilitate the physically and socially handicapped people based on their real socio- economic conditions, aptitudes and skills.