-70°11’38” -70°11’38”

-40” -40”

-42” -42” (J2000) Declinationa (Ja2000) -44” -44”

h m s s s 11h33m26.0s 25.5s 25.0s 11 33 26.0 25.5 25.0 (J2000) Right Ascension (J2000)

ATNF News Issue No. 68, April 2010 ISSN 1323-6326

CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science – undertaking world leading astronomical research and operator of the Australia Telescope National Facility. An artist’s impression of the new DSS35, 34-metre Beam Wave Guide antenna to be constructed at the Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, Tidbinbilla. Credit: CDSCC/NASA

Assembly of the first ASKAP antenna at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory made rapid progress in January 2010. Credit: Carole Jackson, CSIRO.

Cover page images

See article on page 24: Resolving Structure in the HD100546 Disk—Signatures of Planet Building?

Figure 3a: HD100546 map at 94500 MHz with natural cleaning, observed with the 750A array in May 2008 with 500 minutes integration on source. The extension to the west is coincident with the HST/ACS “structure 2” of Ardila et al. (2007).

Figure 3b: HD100546 map at 94500 MHz with natural cleaning, observed with the 1.5B array in June 2008 with 125 minutes integration on source. The beam size is 1.6 x 0.3” (P.A. 58.2°), with a resolution of about 30 AU (FWHM) along the disk major axis.

2 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 Contents

Editorial...... 3 From the Chief of CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science...... 4 New Chief of CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Appointed...... 5 CDSCC Joins CASS...... 6 John O’Sullivan Awarded Top Science Award...... 7 Highlighting our History: The World’s First Solar Radiospectrograph—Penrith 1948–1949...... 8 Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP)...... 12 Technologies for Radio Astronomy...... 16 CSIRO Parkes Observatory wins Australia Day Award...... 17 Education and Outreach...... 18 ATNF Graduate Student Program...... 19 Distinguished Visitors...... 19 Discovery of Large-scale Gravitational Infall in a Massive Protostellar Cluster...... 20 Resolving Structure in the HD100546 Disk—Signatures of Planet Building?...... 24 Time Assignment Information...... 26 National Facility Operations Report...... 28 The ANDS ATNF Data Management Project: Establishing a new archive for astronomy data...... 30 Publications List...... 31


Welcome to the April issue of the University of Manchester in Prime Minister’s Prize for Science; ATNF News for 2010. The observant the United Kingdom, he will begin we report on the Canberra Deep amongst you will have noticed some his new role on 1 June 2010. We Space Communications Complex minor changes to the magazine provide a brief profile on Philip (CDSCC) as it formally transitions including its cover. These reflect the Diamond and his career to date. into CASS; we feature a paper by recent structural changes within Ronald Stewart and collaborators, On a science front, we feature CSIRO and the creation of our Highlighting Our History: The World’s several articles highlighting the great new Division—CSIRO Astronomy First Solar Radiospectrograph; and we research that is being undertaken at and Space Science (or CASS report on the Parkes Observatory ATNF observatories. Sarah Maddison as its becoming known). CASS as it wins an Australia Day Award. and collaborators report on a multi- has responsibility for operating frequency observing program of the As always, we provide our regular the Australia Telescope National enigmatic Herbig Be HD100546, update on the Australian Square Facility, as well as for other space with the Australia Telescope Kilometre Array (ASKAP) and Square tracking and space science activities Compact Array (ATCA); and Peter Kilometre Array (SKA) activity with (most notably the management Barnes and collaborators report some notable milestones achieved! of the Canberra Deep Space on the identification of a young Communications Complex). If you would like to contribute to massive star-forming cloud as it later editions of the ATNF News, As part of this restructure, a new undergoes a large-scale gravitational please contact the newsletter team. Chief of CSIRO Astronomy and collapse, utilising observations Space Science has been recently made with the Mopra telescope. Tony Crawshaw and appointed—Dr Philip Diamond. Joanne Houldsworth In other news, we talk to John Previously Director of the Jodrell The ATNF Newsletter Production Team O’Sullivan, winner of the 2009 Bank Centre for Astrophysics at ([email protected])

3 From the Chief of CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Lewis Ball Acting Chief, CASS

This newsletter marks a Raytheon Australia, accepted offers It is remarkable that this Division watershed for radio astronomy of employment from CSIRO. is now home to Visitor Centres that host more than 200,000 This has created a very exciting and space science in CSIRO. Since members of the public each year, a and dynamic environment as staff tremendous point of interaction with the last newsletter the division from CDSCC and ATNF have the Australian public. Events such has changed its name (From started to build relationships and as the Parkes Open Days provide understanding of the much broader ATNF to CASS), has more-or- a specific focus on such activities, range of people, activities, skills, and but the ongoing dedication of our less doubled in size (from around opportunities that now sit within communications and education staff 180 staff to 300 staff, and from the new Division. In February, at who are actively engaging the public the height of the transition from an annual budget of around all year are fundamentally important. Raytheon, CDSCC achieved We play a significant role in inspiring $25M to one of $50M), and has its highest ever performance in future generations in the fact that successful data capture at 99.996%, broadened its remit considerably. Australia and Australian's have a and for the first time in 40 years did leading role to play in answering The Division's new Chief, Phil not generate a single Discrepancy some of the biggest questions about Diamond, will join CSIRO soon Report. This is an outstanding our Universe, and developing some testament to the professionalism and after this newsletter is published of the technology and prompting dedication of all the people involved. and by the time of the next innovations that can change the lives Other exciting topics detailed in newsletter Phil will be starting to of millions of people as has resulted this newsletter include some of from the wireless LAN developments set the new course for CASS. the history of the Division and its featured in the article about roots in studies of our , and John O'Sullivan's well-deserved The change of name of the Division, some outstanding science results Prime Minister's Science Prize. from the Australia Telescope National from the Mopra telescope and I'd like to make special mention of Facility to CSIRO Astronomy from the Compact Array now a new arrival to CASS, Dr Douglas and Space Science occurred equipped with the amazingly capable Bock, who joined the management on 1 December 2009, bringing Compact Array Broadband Backend. team in the role of Assistant together CSIRO's radio astronomy Implementing all the planned Director: Operations in January. activities and its responsibility for capability for CABB continues to Douglas is an outstanding example the oversight of the Canberra be a challenge, but good progress of the quality of the staff that CASS Deep Space Communications is being made and a major new continues to recruit, and he is a Complex (CDSCC). Then at the mode providing 1MHz wide "zoom" tremendous addition to the group end of February 2010 the CDSCC bands is about to enter operation. activities were brought wholly of senior leaders that will continue within CSIRO, and all the staff at This newsletter highlights some to steer CSIRO's Astronomy and CDSCC who had been employed of the outreach and education Space Science activities. Many by the subcontracting company, activities that CASS is involved in. other new staff have joined since

4 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 New Chief of CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Appointed Tony Crawshaw (CASS)

the last Newsletter and it is a After an extensive international pleasure to welcome them all. search, Dr Philip Diamond has Many of the new recruits are been appointed Chief of CSIRO’s involved in the delivery of ASKAP. The registration of the Indigenous Astronomy and Space Science Land Use Agreement (ILUA) Division. He will begin his role covering the new site indicates the formally on 1 June 2010. breadth of activity currently being undertaken by CASS. The support His key area of focus will be to of the indigenous Wajarri Yamatji continue to foster Australia’s people is very important to CSIRO reputation for exceptional radio and the successful negotiation of astronomy while strengthening the the ILUA is something we are very linkages between astronomical and proud of. Another major milestone space sciences. Dr Diamond will also CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science’s for ASKAP occurred in January with work closely with Dr Brian Boyle, new Chief, Dr Philip Diamond.. the assembly of the first antenna CSIRO SKA Director to support Credit: CSIRO at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Australia’s international SKA bid. Observatory in Western Australia, In his previous position as Director providing real physical evidence at the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astronomy from Manchester that this is a new site for radio Astrophysics at the University of University, both in the UK. Since astronomy and that it is a major Manchester (UK), Dr Diamond was gaining his PhD he has worked at part of the CASS Division. The responsible for the organisation’s the Onsala Space Observatory in fact that "first light" followed so strategic research and management, Sweden, the Max-Planck Institute for quickly is a tribute to CETC54, the with his role also including the Radioastronomy in Bonn, Germany company building the antennas, and coordination of PrepSKA, the and spent 12 years in various to the expertise and dedication important Preparatory Phase study positions within the National Radio of the CSIRO staff involved. for the A$2.5billion international Astronomy Observatory in the USA. To finish, I'd like to take this Square Kilometre Array project. Lewis Ball remains Acting CASS opportunity to thank the many Prior to his appointment at Chief until 1 June 2010. people who have made the last Manchester University, Dr Diamond 17 months—during which I have was the Director of the MERLIN been responsible for CSIRO's radio and VLBI National Facility at the astronomy and space tracking Jodrell Bank Observatory. activities—so rewarding for me. While it has been a very demanding Dr Diamond holds a Bachelor of time which has seen considerable Science degree (majors in Physics change, it has been one of the most and Astrophysics) from Leeds exciting periods of my career. University, and a PhD in Radio

5 CDSCC Joins CASS Tony Crawshaw (CASS)

On 27 February 2010, the Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex (CDSCC) formally transitioned into CSIRO as part of the CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Division, or CASS. The CDSCC, located at Tidbinbilla just outside Canberra, is one of three components of NASA’s Deep Space Network, which allows for constant observation and communication with NASA spacecraft throughout the solar system.

CSIRO’s move to directly managing and operating the CDSCC is the latest step in a long relationship that has existed between NASA and CSIRO since the early 1960s. An aerial view of CDSCC. Activities common to both Credit: CDSCC organisations have taken place over the years including spacecraft tracking and expertise related to CSIRO’s astronomy activities. Recently, CSIRO and NASA that construction would begin Strategically, the new arrangement celebrated their 50 year on two new 34-m antennas at is consistent with CSIRO’s partnership, as part of the US- Tidbinbilla. The two new antennas identification of the management Australia collaboration on space known as DSS35 and DSS36 will of National Facilities and communication. A number be “beam wave guide” antennas, Collections as a core activity of special events were held and will feature improved for the organisation. The move featuring senior CSIRO, Australian flexibility over existing antennas, also aligns with Government Government and NASA officials. allowing the network to operate policy which has flagged “Space on several different frequency Science and Astronomy” as one As part of the anniversary bands within the same antenna. of three Super Science areas. celebrations, NASA announced

6 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 John O’Sullivan Awarded Top Science Award Tony Crawshaw (CASS)

On 28 October 2009 (just after the previous issue of ATNF News went to print), CSIRO’s John O’Sullivan was recognised with Australia’s pre-eminent science award —the 2009 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science. The Prize is one of the nation’s most highly regarded awards and is the premier national award for scientific achievement. It is awarded for an outstanding specific achievement or series PM Kevin Rudd and Senator Kim Carr congratulate John O’Sullivan (middle) on his achievement of related achievements in any on being awarded the 2009 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science. Photo Credit: CSIRO area of science advancing human welfare or benefiting society.

John O’Sullivan was awarded the data. John’s role in developing a speed wireless networking. This is prize for his ground breaking work chip specifically to do Fast Fourier also a reminder of the role of pure on Wireless LAN technologies. As Transforms, while heading up the science in the innovation process Project Leader of CSIRO’s successful Signal Processing Group in CSIRO’s leading to commercial outcomes.” Wireless LAN Research Team—he Division of Radiophysics led John O’Sullivan’s latest efforts are helped develop wireless local area ultimately into the technology that directed towards the development networking technology that now we now know today as wireless LAN. of an innovative radio camera underpins wireless communication When asked to comment on the (or phased array feed) with a systems across the world. magnificent achievement, John uniquely wide field-of-view for The origins of that group’s wireless responded, “It was a great honour ASKAP, CSIRO’s next generation success can be traced all the way and a real buzz to be awarded this radio telescope, currently being back to John’s work in astronomy prize in the Great Hall of Parliament constructed in the Murchison and his application of Fourier House by the Prime Minister. The Radio-astronomy Observatory Transforms (mathematical equations) diverse backgrounds and skills of the site in Western Australia. to help think about and solve the WLAN project team working with problems posed by atmospheric me were hugely important in us seeing and dispersion in astronomical coming up with the solution to high

7 Highlighting our History: The World’s First Solar Radiospectrograph—Penrith 1948–1949 Ronald Stewart, Harry Wendt, Wayne Orchiston, Centre for Astronomy, James Cook University, Townsville, and Bruce Slee, CASS and Centre for Astronomy, James Cook University, Townsville.

Introduction for delays of the order of minutes. New equipment including a Either, this case reported earlier broadband rhombic antenna The first radio observations of the was very unusual, or the record matched to a swept-frequency Sun made by Lindsay McCready, was misinterpreted; as the relative receiver coupled to a photographic Ruby Payne-Scott and Joe Pawsey amplitudes of different portions of display had to be designed and from the CSIR’s Division of a complex burst may be different constructed before being installed Radiophysics were conducted at on different frequencies, such an at the Penrith site in 1948. 200 MHz from October 1945 interpretation of a single case is using wartime radar installations at quite possible.” (Payne-Scott, 1949). Collaroy, North Head and Dover Planning and Heights (Orchiston et al., 2006). The Clearly what was required in order Development of the earliest chart recordings showed to answer the delay question Radiospectrograph two distinct types of sporadic was a spectrum analyser that activity referred to as isolated bursts made simultaneous observations McCready began work in September and outbursts which differed in over a wide frequency range. 1947 on designing equipment to examine the frequency-time their intensity and duration. A third In this paper1 we follow the distribution of the solar bursts. He type of persistent activity, called development of the world’s first was joined soon afterwards by two noise storm bursts, was reported radiospectrograsph by examining new recruits Paul Wild and John by Cla Allen (1947a), who was early archival material and relevant Murray. In the minutes of the Solar observing at the Commonwealth publications. We were fortunate Noise Group meetings (Pawsey, Solar Observatory on Mt Stromlo. also to be able to interview John 1946) it is noted that the surplus Murray who was one of the original On 8 March 1947 John Bolton, war equipment was unsuitable for members of the team that designed Gordon Stanley and Ruby Payne- solar observations and was replaced and operated the instrument. Scott observed an intense outburst by a 70-130 MHz receiver, designed that lasted for some 15 minutes by Wild, which used semi-butterfly at 200, 100 and 60 MHz. Payne- Bowen’s Recollections tuning condensers from one of the Scott et al. (1947) speculated that In his recollections of the early days WWII P58 receivers. Murray (2007) the outburst might be caused by E.G. (“Taffy”) Bowen (1984), who was given the task of completing particles travelling outwards through was the Chief of the CSIR Division the design and construction of the the corona with sufficient speed to of Radiophysics at that time, recalled display, as well as helping Bill Rowe initiate an auroral display seen from that WWII receivers, which had assemble the receiving equipment. Sydney on the following evening. been used for surveillance of enemy In late 1947 Payne-Scott moved radio and radar transmissions, were Operation of from Dover Heights to Hornsby “quickly pressed into service” to the Penrith Valley where she conducted make spectral observations. observations of the Sun at 85, Radiospectrograph Although it is true that the 65 and 60 MHz but she was not radiospectrograph was built on The site selected for the installation able to confirm the earlier result the principles developed earlier of the radiospectrograph was within that outbursts show time delays for wartime radar, a search of easy walking distance (about 300 of several minutes. She wrote: archival records and publications metres north) of the Penrith railway “However, on the question of longer reveal Bowen’s claim was not station. The site was chosen for delays, the present author has never entirely correct because the existing its easy access from Sydney and since, in the recording of hundreds spectrum analysers were found to because it was relatively free from of bursts, obtained any evidence be unsuitable for solar observations. radio interference (Murray, 2007).

8 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 The radiospectrograph operated for about 8 hours per day from February to July 1949. Burst radiation from the Sun was collected with a broad-band rhombic aerial connected to a receiver which was rapidly tuned or ‘swept’ over the 70 to 130 MHz frequency range. The Figure 1: Photograph of the aerial and pulley system with Bill Rowe standing tuner was mechanically-driven so nearby. In the background on the RHS can be seen the railway locomotive that the frequency sweep occurred shunting sheds (Courtesy of the ATNF Historical Photographic Archive). in 0.07 second, and repeated about three times per second, giving a time resolution for recording of 4 scans per second. The spectrum The aerial was rotated about a was displayed on a cathode-ray polar axis embedded in a concrete tube in the form of a graph of footing. The principal axis was tilted received power (vertical axis) in declination every few days to versus frequency (horizontal axis), keep the Sun in the main lobe of called in radar terms an “A-scan”, the aerial. At night the aerial was and then photographed by a hand- lowered onto the supporting trestle held 8-mm Zeiss movie camera. shown in the bottom right-hand corner of Figure 1 (Murray, 2007). The antenna was designed by Wild, and was constructed with a wooden According to Wild and frame under the supervision of McCready (1950a): Keith McAlister, a mechanical and “The receiver was of conventional electrical engineer who became superheterodyne design with a well known over the years for the single stage of radio-frequency Figure 2: Dynamic spectra of Type design and construction of low-cost amplification. The local oscillator I (top left), Type III (bottom left) antennas at various Radiophysics and the input circuits of the radio- and Type II (right) bursts (after astronomy sites. Wild derived the frequency amplifier and the mixer Wild and McCready, 1950: Plate 2) theoretical affective receiving area were tuned by slit-stator (sic) or “gain” of the aerial from first condensers on a single shaft which principles with some help from W.N. was rotated by a motor at about (Chris) Christiansen (see Appendix three revolutions per second … By in Figure 2. Intensity contours were I in Wild and McCready, 1950a). using split-stator condensers, the plotted on a logarithmic scale. In During observations the aerial’s need for making electrical contacts a subsequent paper Wild (1950a) principal axis was pointed towards with rotating shafts was avoided.” referred to these diagrams as the Sun in order to receive dynamic spectra because they showed variations in intensity with time. maximum signal. This was achieved Spectral Classification by moving the aerial by hand every The most outstanding result from twenty minutes using a rope and of Solar Bursts this ground-breaking investigation pulley system. The large rhombic Wild converted the photographic was the ability to recognize three aerial can be seen in Figure 1, records by hand into time-frequency quite different types of solar bursts. along with its supporting ropes. diagrams, as shown by the examples According to Wild and McCready

9 (1950) the dynamic spectra of drift rate of the Type II bursts. He of producing a radio burst of the observed bursts were often identified the low frequency edge of short duration at the Earth, complicated by widely-different the outburst with the local plasma where the higher frequencies features, but analysis showed that frequency, f0, where the refractive would arrive before the lower many conformed to one of three index for electromagnetic waves ones, due to group retardation specific spectral types which they reduces to zero. In the absence of effects near the plasma level. named Types I, II and III. Typical a magnetic field, f is given by f 2 = 0 0 2. The outward motion, through examples of the three types are e2 N / π m where N is the electron the corona, of a localised reproduced here in Figure 2. density of the medium (cm-3), e is source that excites plasma the electronic charge (e.s.u.), and oscillations of continuously m is the electronic mass (gm). Detailed Analysis decreasing frequency (similar Values of N, obtained from an to the mechanism discussed Type I Bursts optically-derived electron density above for Type II outbursts). model for a spherically-symmetrical 3. Some mechanism in which the The Penrith dynamic spectra of Type corona by Baumbach and modified wave frequency is controlled I bursts (Figure 2) showed their by Allen (1947b), were used to by an external magnetic field. intrinsic narrow bandwidth which produce height versus time plots. explained why these bursts were Wild dismissed mechanism (3) as a Wild (1950a) concluded that Type not correlated on spaced frequency possibility because of the absence II bursts were associated with records such as those obtained by of observed circular polarization in the fast particles, known to be Payne-Scott (1949). Wild (1951) Type III bursts. To decide between emitted from the Sun at the time then investigated the possibility that (1) and (2) he analysed the decay of flares, travelling with speeds of the enhancements accompanying rate and frequency drift of the the order of 500 km/sec, causing Type I bursts was merely a simple Type III bursts observed. geomagnetic storms with sudden composite of many unresolved commencements about a day later. As noted by Wild, the time profiles bursts. He concluded that more of simple isolated bursts showed observations of noise storms were a gradual rise to a maximum value needed to resolve this question. Type III Bursts followed by slower decay which Wild (1950b) considered three appeared to be approximately Type II Bursts possible mechanisms for the exponential in form (as found rapid frequency drift of maximum Wild (1950a) analysed the frequency earlier by Payne-Scott 1949). Wild intensity towards lower frequencies drift of four of the five Type II bursts showed that the mean value of the which is characteristic of Type III recorded at Penrith. Martyn (1947) normalized decay constant for 12 bursts such as shown in Figure 2: had suggested that solar bursts Type III bursts tended to decrease were due to plasma oscillations and 1. Selective group retardation of with decreasing frequency. this suggestion had been adopted the radiation from a localized, This result could not be easily by Payne-Scott et al. (1947) in instantaneous disturbance in explained by mechanism (1) their analysis of the outburst of 8 the corona. Jaeger and Westfold above but it could be explained by March 1947. Wild used this plasma (1949) had found that such a mechanism (2) if it was accepted hypothesis to interpret the frequency disturbance may be capable that the decay constant was

10 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 related to the electron-atom not available. Later observations Orchiston, W., Slee, B., and Burman, collision frequency (Westfold, from spacecraft identified the R., 2006. Journal of Astronomical 1949) which would decrease as Type III electron streams and History and Heritage, 9, 35-56. the disturbance moved outwards the Type II shock waves as they Pawsey, J.L., 1946. National through the corona (Smerd,1950). travelled out into interplanetary Archives of Australia. 972135 space. Today, radiospectrographs From the above analysis Wild – C3830 – A1/1/7 – Box 3. are still used as part of the global (1950b) concluded that: Payne-Scott, R., Yabsley, D.E., watch on space weather, because “With the assumed electron density and Bolton, J.G., 1947. of the disruptive effects massive distribution, velocities of between Nature, 160, 256-257. solar ejections can have on about 2 × 104 and 105 km./sec Payne-Scott, R., 1949. Australian communication and GPS satellites. would be required to account Journal of Scientific for the observed drift rates … The Dapto Field Station was Research, A2, 214-227. Corpuscular streams with these closed on 1 March 1964 to make Smerd, S.F., 1950. Australian Journal of velocities have not been observed way for the construction of the Scientific Research, A3, 265-273. in the solar atmosphere, but in any radioheliograph at Culgoora, Stewart, R.T. 2009. The Contribution case such streams would likely to be the present site of the Australia of the CSIRO Division of highly ionised and may consequently Telescope, at what is now known Radiophysics Penrith and Dapto escape optical detection.” as the Paul Wild Observatory. Solar Group Penrith to International Radio Astronomy. Ph.D. Prologue References Thesis, Centre for Astronomy Following its success at Penrith, a Allen, C.W., 1947a. Monthly Notices James Cook University. new radiospectrograph, extended to of the Royal Astronomical Westfold, K. C. 1957. Philosophical cover the 40–240 MHz frequency Society, 107, 386-396. Magazine. 2, 1287. range, was installed at Dapto in 1952, Allen, C.W., 1947b. Monthly Notices Wild, J.P., 1950a. Australian Journal of (Wild, Murray and Rowe, 1954). of the Royal Astronomical Scientific Research, A3, 399-408. Fundamental and second harmonic Society, 107, 426-432. Wild, J.P., 1950b. Australan Journal of structure was observed in both Type Bowen, E. G. 1984. The origins of Scientific Research, A3, 541-557. II and Type III bursts, lending support radio astronomy in Australia. Wild, J.P., 1951. Australian Journal of to the plasma hypothesis and Wild’s In Sullivan, W. T. (Ed.) The Early Scientific Research, A4, 36-50. interpretation of the frequency Years of Radio Astronomy: Wild, J.P., and McCready, L.L., 1950. drifts. Later confirmation came from Reflections Fifty Years after Jansky’s Australian Journal of Scientific direct measurement of transverse Discovery. Cambridge, Cambridge Research, 3, 387-398. velocities using the Dapto 40-70 University Press. Pp 85-111. Wild, J.P. and Sheridan, K.V., 1958. MHz swept-frequency interferometer Jaeger, J. C., and Westfold, K. C. Proceedings of the Institute of (Wild and Sheridan, 1958). (1950). Australia Journal of Radio Engineers, 46, 160-171. Thus the dynamic spectra, when Scientific Research, A3, 376. Wild, J.P., Murray, J.D., and Rowe, converted to height-versus-time Murray, J.D., 2007. personal W.C., 1954. Australian Journal plots gave an instant snapshot of communication. of Physics, 7, 439-459. coronal activity when other means Martyn, D.F. 1947. Nature. 159, 26-27. of observing the corona were

11 Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Gabby Russell (CASS)

ASKAP Antenna Receives First Signal The first of 36 antennas that will make up the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope has received its first radio signals. The antenna was assembled over the Australian summer at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) in the Mid West region of Western Australia. The first radio signals were received The first ASKAP antenna, now erected at the MRO in Western from a satellite as part of a project Australia. Photo Credit: Dave DeBoer, CSIRO. to measure the shape of the antenna’s surface using holography. This involves combining a satellite test signal reflected from the antenna’s surface with the same complete ASKAP system is expected Government of Western Australia, signal received by a small reference to be completed by 2013. Once Commonwealth Government and dish, producing an image that shows built, ASKAP will be operated by CSIRO was officially registered if the antenna’s surface deviates CSIRO as part of the Australia by the National Native Title from the “perfect” shape. The test Telescope National Facility. Tribunal on 13 November 2009. results show that the antenna is For the latest news on the Registration of the ILUA means that working beyond specifications. development and construction CSIRO’s lease over the Murchison The antenna has been designed and of ASKAP visit www.atnf. MRO has formally taken effect. It built by the 54th Research Institute csiro.au/projects/askap. also provides a range of practical of China Electronics Technology and financial benefits to the Wajarri Group Corporation (known as Indigenous Land Use Yamatji People, including education CETC54). Local contractors also and training opportunities. assisted the team. Additional CSIRO- Agreement Complete The ILUA was one of the fastest ever made components, including feeds, Before construction of ASKAP negotiated, due to the support of the receivers and data processing began at the MRO an Indigenous Wajarri Yamatji People and all levels systems, will also be installed Land Use Agreement (ILUA) was of government. It demonstrates the on the antenna’s structure. signed with traditional owners, ongoing and successful development Construction of ASKAP’s next the Wajarri Yamatji People. of ASKAP, as well as providing five antennas will proceed quickly. The ILUA between the Yamatji additional support for the Australia The first six antennas are due to Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation, – New Zealand bid to host the SKA. be operational by 2011 and the the Wajarri Yamatji People, the

12 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 Representatives of the Wajarri Yamatji People, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation and CSIRO at a special event at Parliament House in Perth on 26 November 2009 to celebrate registration of the ILUA. (Front row, from left) Elizabeth Papertalk, Ike Simpson, Ross Boddington, Ron Simpson, Malcolm Ryan. (Second row, from left) Phillip Vincent (Barrister for Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation), Pam Mongoo, Robin Boddington, Matthew Punch (Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation), Janie Ronan. (Third row, from left) David DeBoer (CSIRO), Gloria Merry, Anthony Dann, Gavin Egan, Gordon Fraser. Photo Credit: WA Department of Commerce.

MRO–Geraldton Fibre The tender period closed on 15 x 5 mm that could eventually be Tender Published March and it is expected that used in mobile phones and other installation of the fibre will be communications technologies. Australia’s Academic and Research completed by the end of 2010. Able to sample about 600 MHz Network (AARNet), CSIRO’s around a central frequency of nominated telecommunications CSIRO, Sapphicon around 1400 MHz, the chip’s first carrier for 380 km of fibre optic test will be in ASKAP’s innovative cable that will connect the MRO to Develop Receiver phased array feed (PAF) that sits and Geraldton, published a tender on a Chip at the focal centre of each dish request for installation of the cable in CSIRO and Australian company to receive incoming cosmic radio February 2010. The fibre optic cable Sapphicon Semiconductor Pty Ltd waves. The chip will minimise the will form essential data transmission have signed an agreement to jointly size and weight of the PAF, reduce infrastructure connecting ASKAP develop a complete radio receiver cost and power, and facilitate to CSIRO and its research partners on a chip measuring just 5 mm maintenance. It will be developed in Australia and around the world.

13 using Sapphicon Semiconductor’s Silicon-on-Sapphire CMOS process. The “system on a chip” device is also a potential technology for the SKA. No other group is developing a fully integrated single-chip receiver. The project will take about two years to complete and will involve a number of stages of sub-component development and testing. Following its collaboration with Sapphicon and CSIRO on earlier proof-of-concept projects, the Centre for Technology Infusion at La Trobe University in Melbourne will timing signals and internal has commenced. This will be work with Sapphicon and CSIRO in communications has continued used to assess whether this the development of the novel chip. to be refined and scripts have technology offers an efficient been developed for ethernet and cost-effective option for communications to the unit via the cooling ASKAP’s electronics Technology Update built-in digital systems control card. and reducing the telescope’s As the development of ASKAP overall demand on power. • Testing of ASKAP’s prototype progresses, the project has met phased array feed took place • Work continued with consultants several key technological milestones: at the Parkes Testbed Facility Aurecon on the design of • The mechanical design of the in early December 2009 and MRO support infrastructure ASKAP prime focus receiver measurements are ongoing at including roads, power package is almost complete and CSIRO’s Marsfield site prior to the distribution, the control building many parts have been fabricated. next phase of testing at Parkes. and its cooling system. • The initial design for ASKAP’s • Development of the ASKAP digital system has been put into testbed system at CSIRO’s Survey Science production for the first antenna Marsfield site, which includes Projects Start Design and is nearing completion. electronics and receiver systems Studies Phase • Further software versions for for a complete ASKAP antenna The ten major science project monitoring and controlling the integrated with a full-scale teams that will use ASKAP in its Parkes Testbed Facility’s 12-metre wooden model of an antenna first five years of operation (see antenna have been released. pedestal, has progressed. ATNF News October 2009) • Design of the unit for controlling • Trialling of a prototype geothermal have started their Design Studies the antennas’ local oscillator, cooling system at Marsfield phase. This stage has involved

14 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 Two images showing a simulation of a typical ASKAP observation of the broadband emission from the sky, with the centre at 1.37 GHz (the image on the right is a “zoomed in” version of the image on the left). The dark line shows the edge of the ASKAP phased array feed sensitivity. This simulation includes a number of effects including thermal noise from the receivers and wide field-of-view imaging corrections. Image Credit: Tim Cornwell, CSIRO.

testing the projects’ source-finding series on the development of industry meetings held in New algorithms on simulated images sensitive, ultra-wideband phased Zealand in February 2010. created by the ASKAP Computing array receivers for radio astronomy. Cisco generously seconded a full- team, and (for those teams that Fifteen industry representatives time network systems engineer will supply external hardware to from ten companies participated into the ASKAP team to work with enhance ASKAP’s capabilities) in the session, which included the SKA Program Development assessing their power and space discussion on the challenges faced Office (SPDO) on issues related to in the development of receivers needs at the central ASKAP site. monitor and control, and networking, for ASKAP and the SKA, building The image simulations use a realistic while CSIRO provides logistical the world’s first “chequerboard” sky model for both spectral-line and support to the role. CSIRO has phased array feed receivers, and continuum observations, which are also signed a statement of intent the next-generation receiver—an then passed through the ASKAP to work with IBM on a prototype L-band “system on a chip”. imaging software to produce single digital backend for the SKA. output images. This initial simulation Over recent months Australian work has been made possible SKA-related News engineers, along with colleagues from by the loan of a pre-production CSIRO staff participated in SPDO and South Africa, have been computer by Intel Australia. international meetings held in working to define radio-quietness November 2009 and March specifications to inform the potential Industry Engagement 2010 in Manchester, UK, which placement of SKA array stations News aimed to progress the world- outside the SKA core site. The goal wide development of the SKA. is to produce “mask maps” of each In late October 2009 CSIRO hosted ASKAP team members also candidate site that indicate where the third in its special technical participated in SKA science and array stations could be placed. ASKAP and SKA industry discussion

15 Technologies for Radio Astronomy Graeme Carrad (CASS)

Following the installation of CABB instrumentation there is a now focus on supplying a 1-MHz zoom mode. The task of routing signals through the complex signal processing boards and sharing the data between the 16 boards is significant and the generation of the algorithms that allow the functionality envisaged is a major challenge. It is anticipated that an “engineering” mode will be available in April with a mode able to be incorporated into normal observing following soon after. The CABB web page will detail the latest progress.

The successful demonstration of components is currently new capability for the original ATCA underway to supply L/S band receivers is pleasing and an the staged replacement Photo of the retrofitted L/S receiver with new amplifier in place.Credit: Eliane Hakvoort, CSIRO exciting development in the effort of the existing systems to maintain the Compact Array’s with the next retrofit of systems at a level that allows world a receiver scheduled for June. The obvious linkages between class science to be conducted. The equally important OMT fin the activities undertaken in the replacement to provide improved Amplifiers that cover the 1-3 GHz Technologies theme and the tasks antenna beam performance band have been developed by Alex being undertaken in the three continues in parallel with this effort. Dunning and a Compact Array L/S Development projects to support receiver retrofitted with one in each As 2009 drew to a close, the pleasing the automation and remote polarisation. A perceived risk at the news that funding had been secured operation of Parkes has led to those beginning of the centimetre upgrade for the C/X component of the projects being brought under the project was that the targeted increase ATCA centimetre receiver upgrade umbrella of the Technologies theme in bandwidth (the original amplifiers was a welcome Christmas present. from the Operation theme. Progress cover 1.2-1.8 GHz and 2-2.3 GHz) Considerable astronomy community on the Parkes Drive Control is would come at the cost of increased consultation giving consideration to encouraging with the modular drive amplifier noise temperature. The a number of projects was conducted control systems that will replace wideband amplifiers allow for the in a short space of time with the the existing systems substantially removal of the passive diplexer, used C/X upgrade receiving the support complete. “Dummy” drives are near to separate the L and S signals, so it required to be nominated as a to completion and will allow testing was anticipated the noise temperature project worthy of monies being of systems prior to their deployment performance might remain at a level offered by Astronomy Australia on the Parkes telescope. A new comparable with existing systems. Limited (AAL) following a grant to Master Control Panel is taking shape The superior performance of the that organisation from the Education and may see service before years new amplifiers is such that the system Infrastructure Fund (EIF), an initiative end. A multi-week shutdown will temperature has been measured to of the Federal Government. The be required for this work so careful be approximately 25% better than funding will become available consideration of the scheduled the original systems. Production of in financial year 2011/2012. installation date will be required

16 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 CSIRO Parkes Observatory wins Australia Day Award Chris Hollingdrake (CASS)

when there is more certainty of The strong relationship the new system’s completion date. between CSIRO and the The Parkes Electronic Control and Parkes community was further Monitor Project is a conglomeration of many tasks and a number of these demonstrated as the Parkes are being undertaken in parallel. Observatory was presented An RF switching matrix, essentially with an Australia Day Award for a number of rack mountable, programmable switching modules, the “Parkes Shire Community has been ordered and will replace Event of the Year”. At a special the multitude of cables that adorn the front of the racks in the upper event hosted by the Parkes Shire, control room at Parkes. After so the Observatory was awarded CSIRO’s Chris Hollingdrake accepts the many years of fiddling with cables the honor for the success of award on behalf of the Observatory. it may be prudent to have a Credit: John Sarkissian, CSIRO “dummy” rack with cabling to allow its 2009 “Open Weekend”. the older generation of engineers and astronomers to continue their Attracting over 6,500 visitors, the The Mayor of Parkes, Councillor unplugging and plugging pretending Parkes Open Weekend showcased Ken Keith had previously presented they are reconfiguring the signal path. the achievements of the Parkes an award to Acting ATNF Director Cameras have been fitted to areas Radio Telescope as a world-leading Dr Lewis Ball during the Open around the aerial cabin and will be astronomical telescope, as well as Weekend, expressing the Council’s used sparingly to avoid corrupting its roles in supporting some of the appreciation of the work conducted data with their self generated RFI. most significant space missions in at the Observatory and CSIRO’s Receiver rationalisation is a multi- history. A particular focus of the efforts in attracting visitors to the stage project and the H-OH event was the celebration of the region to view the iconic “Dish”. receiver phase has commenced International Year of Astronomy Patronage of the Parkes Observatory th with a contract awarded to (IYA) and the 40 anniversary of Visitors Discovery Centre was BAE systems to design a new the NASA Apollo 11 moon landing. significantly improved during 2009 feed for the existing receiver. The Open Weekend, as well as with 113,000 visitors walking The delivery by the technology allowing members of the public through the centre’s doors, up company ASTROWAVE of water a rare opportunity to tour the from 92,000 in 2008. Increased vapour radiometers to the Compact Parkes telescope, is said to have media interest surrounding IYA Array has been welcomed however generated approximately one million and the moon landing anniversary, a readjustment of each instrument’s dollars in additional business to together with lower fuel prices gain is needed to fine tune their the local region, through increased are thought to have contributed performance. ASTROWAVE is accommodation, food and fuel sales. to the increased visitor count. currently undertaking this work and Chris Hollingdrake accepted the The Parkes Observatory Visitors the Front End Group in Marsfield award on behalf of CSIRO and Discovery Centre is estimated is busy completing feeds and input the Observatory and thanked the to have welcomed 2,416,000 waveguide as well as metalwork Shire and the local community visitors through its doors since that will allow a calibration ‘paddle’ for the event recognition and its opening in February 1969. to be installed on the units. their ongoing support.

17 Education and Outreach Rob Hollow (CASS)

Teacher Workshops PULSE@Parkes on specific research projects in Astrophysics under the supervision and School Events PULSE@Parkes went international of CASS staff. The ninth student in late 2009. Project Coordinator CSIRO Astronomy and Space was based at Parkes Observatory Rob Hollow presented an invited Science (CASS) Education Officer, over the summer, developing talk about the project at the Rob Hollow visited Yulga Jinna, and presenting public talks and DotAstronomy conference in Leiden Meekatharra and Cue in Western writing a new booklet that will in November. In keeping with the Australia to conduct community soon be available for the public theme of the conference his talk was viewing nights on a tour with to buy at the Visitors Centre. astronomers from Curtin University also transmitted live over the internet The students had a series of sessions in November. He then assisted in for viewers around the world to and workshops on different aspects the first weekend camp for the see and respond to. Following this of radio astronomy that culminated Follow the Dream program for gifted conference Rob went to Cardiff in a five-day observing trip to the and talented Indigenous students University for a first international Australia Telescope Compact Array at from the Mid West region. Held observing session. Students from Narrabri mid-January. Each group had at Murchison Roadhouse, students three Welsh high schools took a twelve-hour slot on the telescope took part in a range of activities control of the Parkes radio telescope for an observing project of their including two stunning viewing nights on a Monday evening, their time choice. They were capably guided in under wonderfully dark skies. when it was dawn at Parkes. Dr David Champion, former ATNF their endeavours by Dr Ángel Rafael The annual Astrophysics for staff member came across to López-Sánchez and other CASS staff. Physics Teachers workshop, held Cardiff from Bonn to assist with the The program culminated with the at Marsfield in March attracted observations. The event generated annual joint CASS/AAO/AusGO nearly 20 teachers. Speakers a lot of local interest with coverage student symposium in February. This included CASS staff members on BBC Radio Wales. The online was well attended and gave students Dr Jimi Green and Rob Hollow module for distance determination a chance to discuss their individual plus Prof Fred Watson from the went public in late March, research projects to their peers and Anglo-Australian Observatory allowing anyone to access all the CASS and AAO staff. Two of the (AAO), Dr Stuart Ryder from the observations and analyse the data. students then backed-up the next Australian Gemini Office and Geoff day to give their talks at the CSIRO Wyatt from Sydney Observatory. Big Day In and Macquarie University. Participants learned about stellar 2009/2010 ATNF evolution, observational techniques, Summer Vacation cosmology and how to effectively Program convey many of these concepts in the classroom. They also had the We welcomed nine students from chance to try several visualisation across Australia in December and online astronomical tools. Rob 2009 for the 2009/10 Summer Hollow also presented a session Vacation Program. Eight of the at the STAV/AIP Physics Teachers students were based at CASS Conference in Melbourne in February. headquarters at Marsfield working

18 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 ATNF Graduate Student Program Distinguished Visitors Baerbel Koribalski (CASS) Robert Braun (CASS)

We would like to officially welcome of Groningen PhD thesis Over the past months we have the following students into the on Diffuse Neutral Hydrogen enjoyed working visits from Paula ATNF co-supervision program. in the Local Universe, Benaglia (Instuto Argentino de Radioastronomía , Argentina), Jean- • Laura Bonavera (SISSA/ISAS, Italy): • Leith Godfrey on the successful Luc Starck (CEA Saclay, France) Planck-ATCA Coeval Observations submission of his Australian and Daniel Pfenniger (University with supervisors Prof Carlo National University PhD thesis of Geneva, Switzerland). Baccigalupi, Prof Gianfranco De on Dynamics of large-scale Zotti, and Prof Ron Ekers (ATNF). extragalactic jets: a multi-wavelength Upcoming visitors we expect study of X-ray bright jets, and include Jianping Yuan (Urumqi • Catarina Ubach (University of Observatory, China), Martin Cohen Swinburne): Observations of grain • Jamie McCallum on the (University of California, Berkeley, growth in protoplanetary disks with successful submission of his USA) and Bill Coles (University supervisors Dr Sarah Maddison University of Tasmania PhD of California, San Diego, USA). (University of Swinburne), Dr thesis on Scintillation in Circinus. Chris Wright (ADFA), and Dr The Distinguished Visitors program Dr Attila Popping is now a postdoc Baerbel Koribalski (ATNF). remains a very productive means at the University of Marseille, France. of enabling collaborative research • Meng Yu (Peking University, Dr Rebecca McFadden continues projects with local staff, adding China): Timing for Radio as a postdoc at the University of substantially to the vitality of the with supervisors Prof Guojun Melbourne, and Dr Jamie McCallum ATNF research environment. Qiao, Prof Renxin Xu (both at the University of Tasmania. Visits can be organized for periods Peking University), Prof Dick ranging from only a few weeks up Manchester and Dr George The following students recently to one year. For more information Hobbs (both ATNF). submitted their PhD Thesis. please see www.atnf.csiro.au/ • Tui Britton (Macquarie University): • Paul Hancock (University of people/distinguished_visitors.html. Methanol masers in star forming Sydney): The Australia Telescope Prospective visitors should regions with supervisors Prof Mark 20 GHz Survey and the Search contact the local staff member Wardle, Assoc Prof Orsola de for Young Radio Galaxies. with the most similar interests. Marco (both Macquarie University), • Emma Kirby (ANU): Sharing and Dr Maxim Voronkov (ATNF). the Baryons: and Gas Congratulations to in Local Volume Galaxies. • Rebecca McFadden on the • Alyson Ford (University of successful submission of her Swinburne): The HI Cloud Population University of Melbourne PhD in the Lower Halo of the Milk Way. thesis on UHE neutrino detection • Natasa Vranesevic (University using the Lunar Cerenkov technique, of Sydney): Galactic distribution • Attila Popping on the successful and evolution of pulsars. submission of his University Well done !

19 Discovery of Large-scale Gravitational Infall in a Massive Protostellar Cluster Peter Barnes (University of Florida), Yoshi Yonekura (IBaraki University), Stuart Ryder, Andrew Hopkins (Anglo- Australian Observatory), Yosuke Miyamoto, Naoko Furukawa, and Yasuo Fukui (Nagoya University.)

From Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and Mopra observations, our Galaxy (Figure1). Using the we have identified a young massive star-forming cloud as Nanten maps as 3′-resolution finder charts, we identified 209 massive, undergoing a large-scale gravitational collapse, likely on the dense molecular clumps that must way to forming a massive young . Both the size scale include all likely sites of massive star and the mass infall rate may be new records among Galactic formation in this window. We then used the ATNF’s Mopra antenna starforming regions. This object promises to be an important to zoom in, at 36″ resolution, to testbed for refining theories of massive cluster formation. the 118 brightest of these.

Massive Star Formation timescale for starcluster formation a BYF 73 and Infall in the Milky Way few (Elmegreen 2007) or many (Tan, Krumholz & McKee 2006) free-fall Modelling Compared to our understanding times? The influence of feedback in Among these clumps, we noticed of how Sun-like (“low-mass”) stars setting both the stellar initial mass very unusual spectral line profiles of form out of cold, molecular gas, the function (IMF), including its upper the HCO+ molecule in one source, formation of massive stars and star limit, and the efficiency of star the 73rd on our list. They showed clusters, which may dominate and formation in clusters, is uncertain, as the classic (Zhou et al 1994) inverse drive the Galactic ecology with their is the universality or variability of the P Cygni profile seen in lower-mass high , massive winds, IMF (Hoversten & Glazebrook 2008). protostars undergoing gravitational and chemically enriched ejecta, is collapse, but on a -wide scale not nearly so well understood. This CHaMP and over a much larger velocity enigma has three causes: the relative range than usually seen (Figures 2, rarity of massive star formation, the To address these issues, we 3). When we modelled these line rapidity of massive star evolution, designed the Census of High- and profiles with a radiative transfer and the confusing phenomenology Medium-mass Protostars as the code that allows for infall motions of the formation process itself. largest, most uniform, and least (De Vries & Myers 2005), we found biased survey of massive Galactic Because of the first two reasons, most of the ~20,000 M  clump to star-forming regions to date. the typical massive star formation have a high infall speed that implied site lies more than 10 times further We reasoned that only with an a mass infall rate that was either a –2 away than many low-mass protostars, unbiased survey could we hope new record, or close to it: 3.4×10 further limiting our ability to to construct a comprehensive M/yr. Moreover, gravitational infall in decipher the phenomena we see. paradigm for massive star- and the gas seems to be the only option cluster-formation, including the for BYF 73: it is far too massive to Thus, there is little clear consensus identification of all significant stages obtain sufficient support from any on even the basic formation in massive star formation, and their reasonable estimates of rotational, mechanism, whether through lifetimes. CHaMP was based on the thermal, or magnetic field pressure. gravitationally-powered accretion Nanten molecular cloud surveys disks (e.g. McKee & Tan 2003), (Yonekura et al 2005) of a large competitive accretion of ambient IRIS2 Images portion of the southern Milky cluster gas (Schmeja & Klessen Way in Carina, Vela, & Centaurus, By itself, the molecular data and 2004), or more radical theories. A completely covering a 20°×6° modelling would have been an vast range of parameters, such as window that samples approximately interesting result. But the clincher formation timescale or accretion 5% of the total star formation of came when we combined our Mopra rate, are debated: e.g., is the overall

20 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 Figure 1: Integrated intensity image of C18O over a 20°x6° window towards the Carina arm, observed by the Nanten telescope. Note that the C18O emission only covers ~2% of the Galactic Plane, much less than 12CO or 13CO. With Nanten maps as “finder charts”, CHaMP at Mopra has been able to efficiently map the dense gas tracers in >100 molecular clouds at high resolution and sensitivity.

Figure 2: Mopra HCO+ J=1-0 integrated intensity from BYF 73 over an 11’ field, on the Ta* scale as given by the colourbar. The integration is over the range -23.20 to -16.63 km/s or 58 channels, yielding an rms noise level 0.16 K km/s: hence the widespread low-level emission above ~0.5 K km/s is real. (Contours) Mopra H13CO+ J=1-0 integrated intensity in Ta*, levels are (grey) -0.5, -0.35, (black) 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 K km/s. The integration is from -21.94 to -17.86 km/s, giving an rms noise level 0.12 K km/s. The smoothed Mopra HPBW for both datasets (40”) is shown for reference in the lower-left corner.

Figure 3: Sample Mopra HCO+ J=1-0 spectrum of BYF 73 in black at the peak H13CO+ position. The radiative transfer model fit at this point (De Vries & Myers 2005) is shown in red, and the residual spectrum (data-model) is shown in green, offset 1 K below the HCO+ spectrum. The vertical blue line indicates the systemic velocity at V(LSR) = -19.7 km/s, also from the model fits.

21 Figure 4: RGB- pseudocolour image of BYF 73 in K-band spectral lines. Here Br-gamma is

shown as red, and H2 S(1) is shown as green (v=1-0) & blue (v=2-1). Contours are overlaid from Mopra HCO+ (gold) and H13CO+ (red) integrated intensities (levels as in Figure 2).

NB: For reference, please see the colour image published on the back page of this newsletter..

Figure 5: Sample spectra from an IRIS2 long-slit spectral image, on a relative flux scale to indicate line ratios. The upper spectrum (labelled “SE”) is close to the bright

H2 interface between the HII region and the cold molecular cloud, while the lower spectrum (labelled “NW”) is near the peak of the HII region.

22 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 data with narrowband 2μm imagery centre is the most luminous source of which are associated with bright using the AAT’s IRIS2 camera. Using of the whole cloud, and is extremely HCO+ emission. At the same time, only a few hours of Service Time red even at mid-IR wavelengths. we see stand-alone H2 emission to image BYF 73 and a few other We calculate that the release of nebulae at positions away from interesting CHaMP sources, we gravitational energy alone accounts HCO+ emission peaks. This suggests obtained snapshots of Br-γ, H2 S(1) for at least 4% of the total . some systematic evolutionary effects, v=1–0 & v=2–1, and an equivalent If the star formation in BYF 73 although we will need to perform narrowband image of line-free turns out be as efficient as in other a complete near-IR survey of our continuum near 2.3μm. When we massive, dense molecular clouds, CHaMP clumps to more precisely aligned, calibrated, and subtracted then we might expect ~6,000 M characterise these interrelationships. the continuum from the line images, of gas to be turned into stars. Even We are planning to use IRIS2 in we obtained the remarkable result in at a fraction of this efficiency, what the near future to do this, and Figure 4, where we have overlaid the we seem to have in BYF 73 is the anticipate that the AAT will make Mopra HCO+ & H13CO+ contours precursor to a massive, rich, young a major contribution to CHaMP’s with the 3-colour near-IR image. stellar cluster, before nearly all of goal of better understanding many the usual hallmarks of such a cluster aspects of massive star formation. This combined image shows, in have had time to develop. However, a very clean way, the formation the speed of the infall, ~1 km/s, is of an HII region at the edge of a References ~20× less than in a purely dynamical molecular cloud, surrounded by a collapse, and so the timescale for Barnes, P.J., et al. 2010, MNRAS, in cocoon of presumably shocked H 2 cluster formation (i.e., until the press (astro-ph/0812.1789) ahead of the ionisation front, driven infalling gas supply runs out) is quite from the already-revealed massive Elmegreen, B.G. 2007, ApJ, 668, 1064 long, ~0.6 Myr, compared to what is young stars in the Br-γ . An De Vries, C.H., & Myers, P.C. predicted by some “prompt” models IRIS2 long-slit spectrum across these 2005, ApJ, 620, 800 of massive cluster formation. These features (Figure 5) reveals several results on BYF 73 have just appeared Hoversten, E. & Glazebrook, more H lines, whose ratios indicate 2 in MNRAS (Barnes et al 2010). K. 2008, ApJ, 675, 163 a temperature in the pre-ionised molecular gas that may exceed 4000 McKee, C.F., & Tan, J.C. K. But most significant is the location Next Steps 2003, ApJ, 585, 850 of the centre of the molecular infall Schmeja, S., & Klessen, R.S. During our IRIS2 Service Time, revealed in the Mopra maps: this 2004, A&A, 419, 405 we also imaged a few other is precisely where we have a very CHaMP clumps in the same way. Tan, J.C., Krumholz, M., & McKee, deeply embedded IR nebula, and C.F. 2006, ApJ, 641, L121 stars with very unusual colours. Preliminary comparisons of these images with our Mopra data Yonekura, Y., et al. 2005, ApJ, 634, 476 Status of the Cloud contains more surprises. We see Zhou S., Evans N.J.II, Kömpe C., & several instances of cocooning, and Walmsley C.M. 1993, ApJ, 404, 232 Indeed, at mid- and far-IR sometimes filamentary, H2 emission wavelengths we can see that this infall surrounding other Br-γ nebulae, many

23 Resolving Structure in the HD100546 Disk— Signatures of Planet Building? S T Maddison (Swinburne University), C M Wright (University of New South Wales and Australian Defence Force Academy), D Lommen (Leiden Observatory), M Burton (University of New South Wales), D Wilner (Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics), T Bourke (Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics)

In order to understand the first steps of the planet formation content of the disk was studied process, we need to determine the physical conditions of via molecular line observations. protoplanetary disks to see where, when and how grains At 3, 7 and 16 mm we have resolved the emission region, which appears begin to grow in size. Here we report on a multi-frequency to consist of a compact dust disk observing program of the enigmatic Herbig Be star HD100546 of size ~ 50-100 AU (FWHM). with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Integrating over the entire extent of the emission in the three millimetre bands, and accounting for the There are several lines of evidence the inner few 10 AU of the disk. To free-free contribution to the 16- which suggest that planet formation learn more about the processes mm emission, we found that the may well be underway within the occurring in this disk we conducted millimetre slope of the SED is α circumstellar disk of HD100546, multi-frequency observations with ∼ 2.3 (see Figure 1), suggesting a including a cleared inner cavity (Liu ATCA, with the aim of obtaining dust opacity index β ~ 0.3, where et al. 2003; Grady et al. 2005), spiral millimetre fluxes from thermal κ ∝ νβ. From spatially resolved and structure and dark lanes (Grady et al. emission to determine the spectral temporally stable emission over 2001; Ardila et al. 2007), and similar energy distribution (SED) index, several years (see Figure 2), we dust mineralogy as seen in our own which can be used to constrain conclude that the flux at 3, 7 and solar system (Malfait et al. 1998). At grain sizes in resolved disks. To 16 mm is dominated by thermal a distance of just 103 pc (van den determine the emission mechanism emission from dust grains up to Ancker et al. 1997) subarcsecond- at longer wavelengths we conducted several tens of centimetre in size. resolution observations can probe centimetre monitoring, and the gas

Figure 1: (Left) Spectral energy distribution of HD100546 from the FIR to centimetre regime. The IR data is from IRAS and ISO, the 1.3-mm from SEST (Henning et al. 1999), and all other data points from this work with ATCA. The dashed line is a composite fit to the

SED assuming thermal dust emission with αmm~2.2 dominates at 0.1 to 16 mm. There is a break in the centimetre slope, consistent with an increasing contribution from free-free emission. Figure 2: (Right) Temporal monitoring of the flux of HD100546 at 16 mm (triangles: 18.496 GHz; diamonds: 18.625 GHz), 3 cm (squares), and 6 cm (asterisks). Error bars are indicated with each symbol. The dashed line at 1.62 mJy is the average of the 16 mm data

24 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 The mm flux suggests a dust disk mass of several 10 Earth masses. At all millimetre wavelengths the peak emission is centred ≤ 0.5″ west of the optical stellar position. There is however structure in the emission, especially at 3 mm where we detect extensions to the north, east and west (which appear as discrete comps when cleaned with super-uniform weighting)—see Figure 3a. The extension to the west is coincident with features seen in HST ACS images (Ardila et al. 2007). Figure 3a: HD100546 map at 94500 MHz with natural cleaning, Subarcsecond-resolution 3 mm observed with the 750A array in May 2008 with 500 minutes images show a deficit of emission at integration on source. The extension to the west is coincident with the centre of the disk (Figure 3b), the HST/ACS “structure 2” of Ardila et al. (2007). in agreement with the inner cavity seen in infrared observations. Such an emission deficit is also seen in our 7-mm when the resolution is 0.3” or less, which is consistent with the 10-15 AU radius gap inferred from HST data of Grady et al. (2005). The longer wavelength 3.5 and 6.2 cm emission is relatively stable on the time scale of months and years (squares and asterisks in Figure 2 respectively), and the break in the slope of the SED is consistent with the centimetre emission arising from free-free processes. We find that the 3.5 cm emission is elongated orthogonal to the millimetre disk emission, suggestive of a wind, with the data indicating a wind mass loss rate of ~ 10-8 solar masses per year. Observations at 89.19 GHz detected HCO+(1→0), demonstrating the presence of dense molecular gas Figure 3b: HD100546 map at 94500 MHz with natural cleaning, in the disk, which is supported by observed with the 1.5B array in June 2008 with 125 minutes our 12CO(4→3) and 12CO(7→6) integration on source. The beam size is 1.6 x 0.3” (P.A. 58.2°), with detections with NANTEN2. The a resolution of about 30 AU (FWHM) along the disk major axis.

25 Time Assignment Information Phil Edwards and Jessica Chapman (CASS)

HCO+ line profile is double-peaked, The Time Assignment Committee that require more than 400 hours with component velocities at 3.5 and (TAC) met in early February over the lifetime of the project. 7.0 km/s, in agreement with APEX to review the proposals for the Some changes to the requirements 12CO(3→2) data. Each component 2010 April Semester (2010APRS). will be introduced from the next is coincident with the position of For this semester 220 proposals semester (2010OCTS). In particular HD100546, but with a slight spatial were received in total. The we advise that Large Project offset approximately along the disk oversubscription rate was especially proposals will be allowed up to five major axis. If interpreted as Keplerian high for the Compact Array (a pages for the science case in each rotation, the radius of the molecular factor of 3.2), reflecting the strong semester. In addition, we require gas emission is ~350 AU, with the interest in using the new Compact that the science teams for all Large south-east side approaching and the Array Broadband Backend (CABB) Projects provide a web link to north-west side receding from Earth. and the higher demand for the information about the project. For winter semester when observing at Our new results show that the further information and links to millimetre wavelengths is available. pebble-sized grains in the disk of current Large Projects please see HD100546 are amongst the largest The TAC has eight voting members www.atnf.csiro.au/observers/ yet observed, and combined with who attend the meeting. They are apply/large_projects.html. the cleared inner dust cavity might supported by 16 external Readers suggest that planet formation is who send input prior to the CABB Progress and indeed well underway, or that grain meetings. The input received for sizes are so large that they are each proposal is reviewed at the Schedules for the becoming invisible at millimetre TAC meeting and a final comment 2010APRS Semester wavelength. The detection of and grade is then returned to Schedules for 2010APRS have been a large molecular gas disk and the proposers. Most of the TAC released for Parkes and Mopra. a wind, along with ultraviolet processes are now handled through accretion signatures (Grady et Online Proposal Applications & Links The first year of ATCA observing al. 1997), would suggest that the (OPAL) and TAC meetings have with CABB has seen a lot of exciting system is still quite young. The become remarkably paper free! science enabled by the new system, evolutionary status of HD100546 as well as gradual improvements in Proposers are reminded that any remains an open question. the reliability and user-friendliness member of a proposal team can of the system. As noted in the References: update, or withdraw a proposal preface to the ATCA User Guide, that has been submitted to OPAL. Ardila et al. (2007), ApJ, 665, 512 available at www.narrabri.atnf.csiro. This caused a couple of problems au/observing/users_guide/html/atug. Grady et al. (1997), ApJ, 483, 449 recently when incorrect files and/ html, a wiki and a discussion forum Grady et al. (2005), ApJ, 620, 470 or project numbers were used have been set up to enable users to update proposal submissions. Grady et al. (2001), AJ, 122, 3396 to share their experiences and We can add some checks in OPAL Henning et al. (1998), A&A, 336, 565 discuss matters relating to CABB to try to prevent this happening Liu et al. (2003), ApJ, 59, L111 observing and data reduction. in future but ask all teams to be Contributions to these are welcome. Malfait et al. (1998), A&A, 332, L25 careful to upload the correct files van den Ancker et al. when updating a proposal that Good progress is being made toward (1997), A&A, 324, L33 has already been submitted! the introduction of the first CABB “zoom” mode and testing of this The TAC has reviewed the proposal is in progress. However, there are requirements for Large Projects

26 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 still technical issues to be resolved During 2010APRS it is expected modes. DFB3 for example can and time required to complete the that additional 20/13 cm receivers be used as a two-frequency, dual- installation is somewhat uncertain. will be removed from antennas and polarisation spectrometer with For this reason the 2010APRS modified with installation of the 8192 spectral channels over two schedule will be released in stages, to new receivers. This may result in 256-MHz bandwidth bands. make most effective use of the CABB periods when the array has only five As noted in the call for proposals, modes as they become available. antennas available for observations the pulsar baseband recorder CPSR2 in the band. It is anticipated that the For information about CABB and (Caltech-Parkes-Swinburne Recorder first production 20/13 cm receiver a description of the zoom modes, Mark 2) is planned to be phased out will be installed in June. Thus from please see www.narrabri.atnf.csiro. in 2010, once the APSR (ATNF Parkes mid-June until early next year, it is au/observing/CABB.html. The first Swinburne Recorder) baseband likely that only five antennas will be six-week portion of the ATCA system has been commissioned and available at 20/13 cm. This process schedule, comprising projects that has been run in parallel with CPSR2 will also see the remainder of the do not require CABB zoom modes, for a suitable overlap period. APSR 20/13 cm receivers outfitted with was released in early March. We uses DFB3 as a front-end to sample a improved ortho-mode transducers, are committed to scheduling the single pair of inputs (two polarisations, improving the polarisation purity, rest of the semester at least one single frequency) of up to 1 GHz particularly in the 13-cm band. month in advance of observations bandwidth and record the baseband as per normal practice. data at an aggregate rate of up to 8 Gbit/s. It has been found that APSR After the CFB 1M–0.5k zoom Parkes Backends data contains a subtle artefact, visible mode has been implemented, it is With the older digital filterbanks most clearly in observations of the expected that either CFB 64M–32k (DFBs) DFB1 and DFB2 effectively 1.6 ms pulsar, which is currently being or CFB 16M–8k will follow. The decommissioned, DFB3 and DFB4 addressed. It is currently expected decision on which of these modes have become the digital workhorses. that, pending timely resolution of this will be implemented first will be DFB4 contains one CABB processor issue, CPSR2 will be decommissioned based on the experience gained and one digitiser rather than the dual around the end of June. from the implementation of the digitisers and processors in DFB3. CFB 1M–0.5k mode as well as the DFB4 has similar characteristics The new 13-beam digital filterbank, scientific requirements. In either and performance to DFB3 for the Berkeley-Parkes-Swinburne case, the fine resolution will be normal pulsar timing, except for Recorder (BPSR) will be available available initially with up to four short period pulsars, where DFB3 during 2010APRS on a shared- “zoom” bands in each IF band. has an advantage owing to the risk basis. The system allows higher extra processing power. DFB3 can time resolution, and much greater The ATCA 20/13 be used in time-binning mode for spectral resolution than the analogue time resolutions down to 0.25 13-beam filterbanks (400 kHz cm Upgrade seconds with up to 8192 (single versus 3 MHz) and also provides In November 2009, a prototype IF) or 4096 (dual IF) channels. more bits of precision in sampling. for the new 20/13 cm (“L/S”) Both spectral line and continuum Efforts are underway to increase receiver was installed on CA03. This observers are encouraged to use the flexibility of BPSR and broaden provides an instantaneous frequency the digital filter banks for their the support for this instrument so it coverage of 1.1 to 3.0 GHz, and an observations: DFB3 and DFB4 can be offered as a fully supported improved sensitivity over the existing, can be used as spectrometers National Facility instrument. separate, 20- and 13-cm receivers. in both simple and time-binning

27 National Facility Operations Report Douglas Bock (CASS)

This is my first report as head of News. In the coming months we will called serpens has been installed National Facility Operations. My first be implementing a high quality video at Marsfield. It has two quad-core few months have been a whirlwind and voice link between Marsfield and processors and 16GB of RAM of activity as I’ve met CASS staff the Mopra control desk at Narrabri running a 64-bit version of the and learned (or re-learned) about to support remote observing of a LINUX operating system. This has led the ATNF telescopes and other large survey project this semester. to the milestone of decommissioning CASS activities. I look forward to the last Solaris data processing server. A number of development projects meeting or seeing again many of are underway to enhance observing A new server with much higher you in the coming months, and to capabilities: the main ones are the performance is also expected to hearing your ideas and suggestions Compact Array Broadband Backend take over the Australia Telescope for future ATNF operations. (CABB) and the ATCA 20/13- On-line Archive (ATOA) and OPAL Over the last six months, operations cm receiver upgrade. The 6/3-cm tasks before the next call for staff have begun detailed planning receiver upgrade has also just been proposals. As well, additional disk for ATNF operations in the ASKAP funded and will begin in the new storage has been added to the era, and this will be a key activity for financial year. A new H-OH receiver ATOA to allow for the increasing me as well. As part of the planning, for Parkes is being designed as part volume of CABB and Mopra data. Jessica Chapman (Operations of the Parkes receiver rationalisation The remote observing area in Research Program Leader), Erik project. The status of these projects Marsfield (rm 23) has been upgraded Lensson (Head of Engineering is also described elsewhere in the and expanded. A new machine Operations) and I visited the ATNF News. However, as we go to with improved screen “real estate” ASKAP site (the Murchison Radio- press, test observations with the first was set-up for the ATCA and, astronomy Observatory), Boolardy 1-MHz zoom modes (4 zoom bands, recognizing the increased Sydney- Homestead and the future MRO each of 2048 channels across 1-MHz, based observing with Mopra, a support facility site Geraldton. for both IF bands) have been made. separate machine was prepared Erik and Jessica also spent a day There are currently still some issues for that. Remote observing for in Perth, where the ASKAP image to be resolved with reconfiguring both facilities is conducted via VNC pipeline and archive will be located. CABB to and from zoom modes, sessions, simplifying the hand over It was striking to experience the and with performance of all baselines between observers and assisting remoteness first hand. Our trip in all zoom bands, and work is in trouble-shooting during remote helped has us place the planning progressing on these. We plan to observing, as observers and local staff for remote operations in context. release the 64-MHz mode next. are able to view the same displays This semester, the ATCA schedule One aspect of preparing for the simultaneously. The experience is being released in stages to align ASKAP era is the continuation of our gained with Marsfield remote with the release of CABB zoom planning for a Science Operations observing is helping guide planning modes. More details may be found Centre in Sydney. This centre will for the Science Operations Centre. in the Time Assignment Report. support users of all ATNF telescopes. Preparations are underway at all sites Parkes in particular requires some for the move to the latest version substantial upgrades to support User facilities of MoniCA. The new version does routine remote observing, and the To help users handle the higher control as well as monitoring and status of these is reported on in the volumes of data from CABB, a will let us integrate a lot of the small Technologies section of the ATNF new data processing machine helper programs littering our on-line

28 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 Douglas Bock Credit:Tony Crawshaw, CSIRO First operations visit to the MRO. Credit: Douglas Bock, CSIRO systems into MoniCA. Improvements homepage, http://www.atnf.csiro. Western Australia. Some of you have been made to TCS and au/observers/visit/feedback.html. may have met Barry during his MultibeamVis to better support time (1995–2008) at Parkes. pulsar and fast binning modes. Staff notes The ATOA includes essentially all Douglas Bock Phil Edwards and Euan Troup ATCA data, and Mopra data from have moved from Narrabri to At the beginning of January, mid-2006. Recently, the Parkes the Marsfield site. As part of the Douglas Bock took up his role spectral line data archive has been restructure of ATNF operations in as CASS Assistant Director – copied to Marsfield for inclusion in 2008, Phil took on the position of Operations, with responsibility ATOA. Elsewhere in this issue you will Head of Science Operations. Phil for ATNF operations. He joins us find a report on the ANDS ATNF was previously Officer in Charge from the University of California, Data Management Project. Selected at Narrabri. Phil’s move to Sydney Berkeley, where he was Project Parkes pulsar datasets are currently is a key part of the strategy to Manager and Assistant Director being readied for community access consolidate science operations for Operations for CARMA (the under this project. Our intention is for all sites from Sydney. Euan will Combined Array for Research to provide a single port of call for continue his work on ASKAP and in in Millimeter-wave Astronomy). all ATNF data, including ASKAP. operations science computing. Euan’s Prior to CARMA, he was a Visitors to Parkes should note major achievement during his time at postdoc at Berkeley, and System that the Quarters staff hours have Narrabri was moving us out of the Scientist for the Allen Telescope changed to 8:00-4:30pm. This change VMS era and into the world of Linux. Array. Douglas has worked on means that dinners are now left instrumentation and system design Barry Turner has just started work in the fridge for re-heating, as at for millimeter and centimeter- (initially in Sydney) as the Geraldton/ Narrabri. The Narrabri Lodge now wave interferometers. His recent Murchison Radio Observatory has individual air-conditioning units observational interests have site manager. He will be moving in each bedroom, and an upgraded included variable and transient to Geraldton in early July. While air conditioner in the dining room. sources at millimeter wavelengths. Barry’s efforts will initially focus The visitors’ questionnaire form Douglas obtained his PhD (Physics) on ASKAP construction, his is now online. Comments and and undergraduate degrees in appointment is a key milestone suggestions are encouraged! The Science and Electrical Engineering in the startup of operations in form can be found on the visitors’ from the University of Sydney.

29 The ANDS ATNF Data Management Project: Establishing a new archive for pulsar astronomy data Jessica Chapman, George Hobbs and Arkadi Kosmynin (CASS), Cynthia Love and Dan Miller (CSIRO Information Management and Technology)

In this news item we discuss a any professional astronomer. For to include other Parkes data project that is underway to establish the Compact Array and Mopra, and data from other facilities. In a new archive for radio astronomy data are provided through the principle, any astronomy data set data. This will include data recorded Australia Telescope Online Archive could be potentially considered. during pulsar observations with (ATOA) and this will be extended the Parkes 64-m radio telescope in 2010 to include the spectral line • Provide an easy-to-use user and will allow for the later addition “non-pulsar” Parkes observations. interface to the archived data. This of data sets from other facilities. A different approach is now interface is likely to be similar to Approximately 60 per cent of underway to provide an archive the simple form interface in use observing time with the Parkes of the Parkes pulsar observations. by the ATOA but with additional 64-m radio telescope is allocated CSIRO IM&T and ATNF are being fields required for pulsar searches. to observing programs that involve funded by the Australian National observations of pulsars. These Data Services (ANDS) to establish • Provide metadata for a CSIRO include extensive surveys for an archive that initially includes Parkes registry that will be used with previously unknown pulsars, and pulsar observations and can be the “Australian Research Data timing observations that require extended at a later stage to include Commons” (see below). monitoring known pulsars over an data from other telescope facilities. extended period of time. These The ANDS ATNF Data Management Once the archive has been Parkes observations have led to Project is funded as a nine-month established it will be maintained many outstanding astronomical by the ATNF and will be extended project. The project goals are to: results including the discovery of to include data from other Parkes more than half of all known pulsars, pulsar projects. A significant • Provide metadata and data from the discovery of the first double- problem associated with this is that, a subset of Parkes pulsar projects pulsar system, and have even unlike Mopra and the Compact to the astronomy community. For provided constraints on the black Array, Parkes pulsar data have not the initial release the archive will hole mass function. The other 40 been routinely kept by the ATNF. be restricted to a subset of around per cent of Parkes telescope time However, for many projects, the five projects that have been chosen is used, also very successfully, for data are expected to be recoverable to be of high scientific importance spectral line observations for a range on request to the Australian and and/or to represent different of science goals that include studies overseas science teams who took observing modes and data formats. of stars and the interstellar medium the observations. In the near future in our Galaxy and other galaxies. we will begin contacting observing • Establish that the archive software teams to request transferring data The ATNF has a general policy that can handle all of the different data are “restricted” for a period back to the ATNF for inclusion data formats used for Parkes in the pulsar data archive. of 18 months from the date of pulsar data taken since 1990. observation. During this embargo Looking at the bigger picture, the period, the data are available to provision of national data archives • Demonstrate that the archive the science team responsible for is of increasing importance in is extensible. The software will the observing program. After 18 the “Super Science” era. For the be developed in a modular way months the data are “public access” next generation of major facilities so that it can later be extended and in principle are available to such as ASKAP and the SKA,

30 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 Publications List

astronomers will interact with data Publication lists for papers which include BEUTHER, H., WALSH, A.J. & LONGMORE, and data products entirely through ATNF data or CASS authors are available S.N. “Hot high-mass accretion disk candidates”. ApJS, 184, 366-386 (2009). such archives. ANDS is funded on the Web at www.atnf.csiro.au/research/ publications. Please email any updates by the Australian Government’s or corrections to this list to christine. *BREEN, S.L., ELLINGSEN, S.P., CASWELL, J.L. Department of Innovation, Industry, [email protected] & LEWIS, B.E. “12.2-GHz methanol masers Science and Research (DIISR) to towards 1.2-mm dust clumps: quantifying high- provide resources for research This list includes published refereed mass star formation evolutionary schemes”. papers compiled since the October 2009 MNRAS, 401, 2219-2244 (2010). archives of national significance. It newsletter. Papers which include CASS also aims to establish an Australian staff are indicated by an asterisk. *BURKE-SPOLAOR, S. & BAILES, M. “The Research Data Commons (ARDC) millisecond radio sky: transients from a blind infrastructure that will be used to *ABDO, A.A. ..., HOBBS, G. ..., JOHNSTON, S. single-pulse search”. MNRAS, 402, 855-866 ...., MANCHESTER, R.N. ...., WELTEVREDE, P. (2010). provide a cohesive collection of et al. “Fermi Large Area Telescope detection national data archives. We anticipate of pulsed g-rays from the Vela-like pulsars PSR CAJKO, K.O., CRAWFORD, E.J. & FILIPOVIC, that CSIRO will continue to seek J1048-5832 and PSR J2229+6114”. ApJ, 706, M.D. “Multifrequency observations of one of collaborations through ANDS 1331-1340 (2009). the largest supernova remnants in the Local Group of galaxies, LMC - SNR J0450-709”. and other Government funded *ABDO, A.A. ..., JOHNSTON, S. et al. “Fermi Serb. AJ, 179, 55-60 (2009). programs to further develop Large Area Telescope observations of the our data management services. Crab Pulsar and Nebula”. ApJ, 708, 1254-1267 CAMILO, F., RANSOM, S.M., GAENSLER, B.M. Ultimately we envisage an integrated (2010). & LORIMER, D.R. “Discovery of the energetic pulsar J1747-2809 in the supernova remnant facility that provides access to all *ABDO, A.A. ..., JOHNSTON, S. et al. “PSR G0.9+0.1”. ApJ, 700, L34-L38 (2009). ATNF facilities, including ASKAP, J1907+0602: A radio-faint gamma-ray pulsar and also includes data archives powering a bright TeV pulsar wind nebula”. ApJ, *CAMILO, F., RAY, P.S., RANSOM, S.M., from other parts of CSIRO. The 711, 64-74 (2010). BURGAY, M., JOHNSTON, T.J., KERR, M., experience gained through this GOTTHELF, E.V., HALPERN, J.P., REYNOLDS, *ABDO, A.A. ,..., PHILLIPS, C., ..., TZIOUMIS, J. ..., JOHNSTON, S. ..., WELTEVREDE, P., project is a step on the way! A.K.. et al. “Multiwavelength monitoring of WOOOD, K.S. “Radio detection of LAT PSRs For further information please see: the enigmatic narrow-line Seyfert 1 PMN J1741-2054 and J2032+4127: no longer just J0948+0022 in 2009 March-July”. ApJ, 707, gamma-ray pulsars”. ApJ, 705, 1-13 (2009). ANDS: 727-737 (2009). CAPPA, C.E, RUBIO, M., MARTIN, M.C. & www.ands.org.au ACERO, F. et al. “A joint spectro-imaging ROMERO, G.A. “Unveiling the molecular analysis of the XMM-Newton and HESS environment of the ring nebula RCW 78”. Research Data Australia: observations of the supernova remnant RX A&A, 508, 759-771 (2009). services.ands.org.au/home/ J1713.7-3946”. A&A, 505, 157-167 (2009). CAROLAN, P.B. et al. “Supersonic turbulence orca/rda/index.php ANDERSON, M. & FILIPOVIC, M.D. “Radio in the cold massive core JCMT 18354-0649S detection of 18 RASS BL-Lac objects”. Serb. AJ, star”. MNRAS, 400, 78-89 (2009). 179, 7 (2009). *CARRETTI, E., HAVERKORN, M., BARNES, P.J. et al. “Discovery of large-scale McCONNELL, D., BERNARDI, G., gravitational infall in a massive protostellar CORTIGLIONI, S., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, cluster”. MNRAS, 402, 73-86 (2010). N.M. & POPPI, S. “PGMS: to study the Galactic magnetism out of the Galactic plane”. In: *BEN BEKHTI, N., RICHTER, P., WINKEL, B., Magnetic Fields in the Universe II: From KENN, F. & WESTMEIER, T. “High-resolution Laboratory and Stars to the Primordial 21-cm observations of low-column density gas Universe, Cozumel, Mexico, 28 January -1 clumps in the Milky Way halo”. A&A, 503, 483- February 2008, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. Ser. 493 (2009). Conf., 36, 9-16 (2009).

31 *CASWELL, J.L. “Precise positions of methanol R.P., CORNWELL, T.J., JOHNSTON-HOLLlTT, proper motion for the pulsar wind nebula masers”. PASA, 26, 454-467 (2009). M., OTT, J. & MIDDELBERG, E. “Faraday G359.23-0.82, the “Mouse”, associated with rotation structure on kiloparsec scales in the the energetic radio pulsar J1747-2958”. ApJ, COURTOIS, H.M. et al. “The Extragalactic radio lobes of Centaurus A”. ApJ, 707, 114-125 706, 1316-1322 (2009). Distance Database: All Digital H I Profile (2009). Catalog”. AJ, 138, 1938-1956 (2009). *HAY, S.G., COORAY, F., O’SULLIVAN, J.D., *FILIPOVIC, M.D., COHEN, M., REID, W.A., HUANG, N.-T. & MITTRA, R. “Numerical and *CROCKER, R.M., JONES, D.I., MELIA. F., OTT, PAYNE, J.L., PARKER, Q.A., CRAWFORD, E.J., experimental studies of a dual-polarized planar J. & PROTHEROE, R.J. “A lower limit of 50 BOJICIC, I.S., DE HORTA, A.Y., HUGHES, A., connected-array antenna for the Australian microgauss for the magnetic field near the DICKEL, J. & STOOTMAN, F. “Radio planetary Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder”. In: IEEE Galactic Centre”. Nature, 463, 65-67 (2010). nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds”. MNRAS, International Symposium on Antennas and 399, 769-777 (2009). Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio *CURRAN, S.J., TZANAVARIS, P., DARLING, Science Meeting (APSURSI 2009), Charleston, J.K., WHITING, M.T., WEBB, J.K., BIGNELL, C., FRIESEN, R.K. et al. “The initial conditions SC, 1-5 June, (2009). ATHREYA, R. & MURPHY, M.T. “New searches of clustered star formation. II. N2H+ for H I 21 cm in damped Lyman a absorption observations of the Ophiuchus B core”. ApJ, *HAYASHI, S., KAJINO, F., NAITO, T., systems”. MNRAS, 402, 35-45 (2010). 708, 1002-1024 (2010). ASAHARA, A., BICKNELL, G.V., CLAY, R.W., DOI, Y., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. “Search for DELLER, A.T., TINGAY, S.J. & BRISKEN, W. *FUKUI, Y., FURUKAWA, N., DAME, T.M., VHE gamma rays from SS433/W50 with the “Precision southern hemisphere VLBI pulsar DAWSON, J.R. et al. “A peculiar jet and arc CANGAROO-II telescope”. Astropart. Phys., : techniques and results for PSR of molecular gas toward the rich and young 32, 112-119 (2009). J1559-4438”. ApJ, 690, 198-209 (2009). stellar cluster Westerlund 2 and a TeV gamma ray source”. PASJ, 61, L23-L27 (2009). *HEALD, G., BRAUN, R. & EDMONDS, R. *DENEVA, J.S., CORDES, J.M., McLAUGHLIN, “The Westerbork SINGS survey. II. Polarization, M.A., NICE, D.J., LORIMER, D.R., CRAWFORD, *FUKUI, Y., KAWAMURA, A., WONG, T., Faraday rotation, and magnetic fields”. A&A, F., BHAT, N.D.R., CAMILO, F., CHAMPION, MURAI, M., IRITANI, H.M., MIZUNO, N., 503, 409-435 (2009). D.J. et al. “Arecibo Pulsar Survey using ALFA: MIZUNO, Y., ONISHI, T., HUGHES, A., OTT, probing radio pulsar intermittency and J., MULLER, E., STAVELEY-SMITH, L. & KIM, *HOBBS, G., HOLLOW, R., CHAMPION, D., transients”. ApJ, 703, 2259-2274 (2009). S. “Molecular and atomic gas in the Large KHOO, J., YARDLEY, D., CARR, M., KEITH, Magellanic Cloud. II. Three-dimensional M., JENET, F., AMY, S., BURGAY, M., BURKE- ELSON, E.C., DE BLOK, W.J.G. & KRAAN- correlation between CO and H I”. ApJ, 705, SPOLAOR, S., CHAPMAN, J. et al. “The KORTEWEG, R.C. “Our changing view of 144-155 (2009). PULSE@Parkes project: a new observing the blue compact dwarf NGC 2915”. In: technique for long-term pulsar monitoring”. 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34 ATNF News, Issue 68, April 2010 ASKAP Antenna #1 Construction Images

Ben Lauter from the main workshop tightening the last bolts, 17m in the air in the basket of the telehandler.. Credit: R Forsyth, CSIRO

The completed feed installation. Credit: R Forsyth, CSIRO

First ASKAP antenna is up! Credit: Phil Dawson, CSIRO

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+0.14 286.22° 286.20° 286.18° 286.16° Galactic Longitude Discovery of Large-scale Gravitational Infall in a Massive Protostellar Cluster. See page 20, Figure 4..