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CoffeyI Ba1@more,MD GertrudeB.EllonI ResearchThanglePark,NC Adrian L Harris I Oxford,England EvaV.LeeI SanAntonio,TX AllenI 011ffI WestPoint,TX JeffreyU.TrentI Bethesda,MD AlexanderW.WoodI Nutley,NJ SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM KeynoteAddress BiologyandClinicalTrialsInResistance DonaldS.CoffeyI Baltimore,MD MuitidrugResistanceProteins Met Borst I Amsterdam,TheNetherlands RecentlyDescribedTargets Susan P.C. Cole! Kingston,Ontario,Canada TelorneresandTebnerase KennethD.TewI Philadelphia,PA BradfordE@WindleI SanMtonio,TX ReversingDrugResistance Jerry W.Shay I Dalas, TX WilliamS. Dalton/Tucson, AZ Fanssyl Transferase Branimir L SIkic I StanfOrd,CA AllenI OliffI WestPo@t,PA AlexanderW.WoodI Nutley,NJ GeneManipulatingStrategies GlennDranoftI Cambridge,MA Blood Vessels and Microenvironment EvaY.Lie! SanAntonio,TX An@ AdrianL HarrisI Oxford,England S.GiMEckhwdtI SanAntonio,TX Summary VictorUngI Vancouver,BritishColumbia,Canada Strategies with Previously Described Daniel D. Von Hoff! San Mtonio, TX Targets AdditionalSpeakerstobeAnnounced TopoisomeraseIinhibitor YvesG.Pommlar!Bethesda,MD Applicantsare encouragedto submit Macs L Rothenbsrg I San Antonio, TX abstractsfor posterpresentation. Selectedprofferedpapers will also be Thym@ S@se Youcsfti RustumIBuffalo,NY scheduledfor oralpresentations. NeilJ. ClendeninnI San Diego,CA JamesL AbbruusaeIHouston,TX lisA Matterof Timing infonnation and Application Forms WilliamJi&.Hrush.sltyI ALany,NY AmericanAssociationforCancerResearch PublicLedgerBuilding,Suite816 150SouthIndependenceMail West Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483 215-440-9300 215-440-9313 (FAX) AACR SPECIALCONFERENCEIN CANCER RESEARCH CancerSusceptibilityGenesand @ MolecularCarcinogenesis @ The KeystoneRe@,Keyston:, Colorado CONFERENCECHAIRPERSONS AllanBalmainI Glasgow,Scotland CurtisC.HarrIsI Bethesda,MD KennethOldenI ResearchTrianglePark,NC SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM KeynoteAddress Apoptosis HaroldE.VarmusI Bethesda,MD TonaM.GIlmerI ResearchTrianglePark,NC JudithCampisiI Berkeley,CA GeneticSusceptibilityof Animal MichaelB.KastanI Baltimore,MD Models- InbredStrains EileenWhiteI Piscataway,NJ WIlliamF.DoveI Madison,WI ScottW.LoweI Cambridge,MA NormanA.DrlnkwaterI Madison,WI CherylLynWalkerI Smithville,TX MolecularCarcinogenesisinAnimal PeterDemantI Amsterdam,TheNetherlands ModelsandHumans- Skin AllanBalmaInI Glasgow,Scotland GeneticSusceptIbilityofAnimal DouglasE.BrashI NewHaven,CT Models- TransgenicandKnockout DouglasHanahanI SanFrancisco,CA MolecularCarclnogenesisIn AnimalModelsand TylerE.JacksI Cambridge,MA Humans- LiverandBreast MichaelP.RosenbergI ResearchTrianglePark,NC KennethOldenI ResearchTrianglePark,NC HenryC.PftotI Madison,WI GeneticSusceptlbilftyof Humans- XInW.WangI Bethesda,MD XenoblotlcMetabolism RogerW.WlsemanI ResearchThanglePark,NC FrankJ.GonzalezI Bethesda,MD Mary-ClaireKingI Seattle,WA FredF.KadlubarI Jefferson,AR PeterG.ShieldsI Bethesda,MD MolecularCarclnogeneslsinAnimalModelsand C. Roland Wolf I Dundee, Scotland Humans- Brain TerryA.VanDykeI ChapelHill,NC GeneticSusceptibilftyof Humans- PaulKleihuesILyon,France DNARepair IsabelMellonI Lexington,KY JanILHoeijmakersI Rotterdam,TheNetherlands Applicantsareencouragedto submit RichardD.KolodnerI Boston,MA abstractsforposterpresentation. GeneticSusceptlbilftyof Humans- Application deadline: November 3, 1995 TumorSuppressorGenes DavidP.LaneI Dundee,Scotland InformationandApplicationForms LouiseC.StrongI Houston,TX CurtisC.HarrisI Bethesda,MD American Association for Cancer Research RiChardD.KlausnerI Bethesda,MD Public Ledger Building, Suite 816 I 50 South Independence Mall West SenescenceandTerminalDifferentiation Philadelphia,PA 19106-3483 J.CarlBarrettI ResearchTrianglePark,NC 215-440-9300 215-440-9313 (FAX) JerryW.ShayI Datlas,TX JenniferA.PletenpolI Nashville,TN HaroldL MosesI Nashville,TN.