Plant Communities, Forest Site Identification and Classification In
BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2006, N° 288 (2) 25 GROUPEMENTS VÉGÉTAUX / LE POINT SUR… Plant communities, forest site identification Jean Cossi Ganglo1 Bruno de Foucault2 and classification in Toffo 1 University of Benin, Faculty reserve, South-Benin of Agronomy Department of Environmental Management BP 1493 Calavi Republic of Benin 2 Department of Botany Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences BP 83, 59006 Lille Cedex France Nine plant communities in Toffo forest reserve (southern Benin) were identified by using a phytosociological approach. Within each non-pioneer plant community, site conditions and productivity levels were remarkably homogenous. The relationships between plant communities, ecological factors and plantation productivity were used to identify and map five forest sites, for which management specifications are indicated. Chromolaera odorata plant community Photo J. C. Ganglo. 26 BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2006, N° 288 (2) FOCUS / PLANT COMMUNITIES Jean Cossi Ganglo, Bruno de Foucault RÉSUMÉ ABSTRACT RESUMEN GROUPEMENTS VÉGÉTAUX, PLANT COMMUNITIES, FOREST SITE AGRUPACIONES VEGETALES, IDENTIFICATION ET CLASSEMENT IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CLASIFICACIÓN DES STATIONS FORESTIÈRES DANS IN TOFFO RESERVE, SOUTHERN BENIN DE LAS ESTACIONES EN LA RESERVA LA RÉSERVE DE TOFFO, SUD-BÉNIN DE TOFFO, SUR DE BENÍN. Des études phytosociologiques ont Phytosociological surveys were car- Se efectuaron estudios fitosociológi- été faites, entre novembre 2001 et ried out from November 2001 to cos, entre noviembre de 2001 y marzo mars 2004, dans la forêt de Toffo March 2004 in Toffo forest reserve de 2004, en el bosque de Toffo (6° 51’ - 6° 53’ latitude nord et 2° 05’ (latitude N 6° 51’ - 6° 53’ to longitude (6° 51’ - 6° 53’ N y 2° 05’ - 2° 10’ E), - 2° 10’ longitude est), au Sud-Bénin E 2° 05’ - 2° 10’) in southern Benin en el Benín meridional (África occi- (Afrique de l’Ouest), en vue d’identi- (West Africa), in order to identify and dental) para identificar y clasificar las fier et de classer les stations fores- classify forest sites.
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