Songs of a Caged Bird A Play By Christopher M. Lindsay

Draft: 11/24/2020


“It's just like the Caged Bird I sing a song.

Hoping they open up these bars and send a nigga home,

I cry when I'm alone,

I'm wondering why would God send me here?

Knowing that they hate us,

Knowing that they make us feel like we evil so we kill our people…

Like real niggas who been stripped of our humanity,

I see the judge's eyes, I know that he ain't understanding me

A Caged Bird.” - J. Cole


In honor of…

Abayama Katara Ali Bey Hassan Baba Odinga Curtis Powell Jamal Joseph Joan Bird Kwando Kinshasa Lee Berry Lee Roper Lonnie Epps Lumumba Shakur Richard Harris Robert Collier Thomas Berry Marva Kirton and everyone involved with The for Self- Defense.




LEE BERRY – 22, Black man, army vet., a bird that sings for his love, a Black Bird. The Generational Man that believes radicalism can change the system. MARVA KIRTON – 22, Black Woman, Activist. The Generational Woman that holds everyone from falling into the system. OFFICER 1– 30’s, Man, a bird that sings to protect. The Generational Man that believes conforming can change the system. OFFICER 2 – Any adult age, man. The Generational Man that believes the system is just. INMATE 1 – 22, person, a bird that sings because he’s lonely. The Generational Man that is innocent, taken advantage of by the system, and believes he is the problem. INMATE 2– Any age, Man, a bird that sings to defend what’s his. The Generational Man that has wisdom and believes nothing can change the system. DR. JOHN CORDICE – 30, Man, Doctor MRS. DEBORAH /ENSEMBLE– 30, Woman, Nurse The Generational Woman that searches for reasons to hold on. SURGEON/WARDEN– Any age, White HOSPITAL OFFICER/ PILOT / ENSEMBLE – Any Age, any race.


The Tombs – Now known as, The Manhattan House of Detention, a municipal jail in the former Five Points neighborhood of Lower Manhattan, now known as the Civic Center.




… /…….. Indicates an interruption of thought and/ or Indicates silence due to a moment being experienced by character(s).

MOMENT An opportunity for the actor to make a choice

() Indicates stage directions.

- Indicates an interruption of one Characters thought by another or by circumstance.

STRIKE Indicates a moment of physicality and/or violence.

CONVULSION Indicate a seizure is happening or upon us. Sometimes it could last a moment, other times much longer. Actors choice.

EXPERIENCE A spiritual occurrence.



(A ritual that signifies the 50-year generational gap from 1969-Present day and, how our problems are still the same. Repeat this as many times as needed for the ritual to feel complete. LEE, INMATE 1, INMATE 2, OFFICER 1, MARVA, & OFFICER 2 enter and start to build the world of the play.)

LEE: The scars on our souls are more than--

INMATE 1: Plenty, is our load, but we still feel--

INMATE 2: Empty, are our hearts when the Angels try and--

OFFICER 1: Catch me, I’m too tired to fly to--

MARVA: Safety, an illusion, but this pain is--

OFFICER 2: Deadly, is the nighttime, I try to be--

LEE: Ready, with wide-spread wings, but gravities too heavy.


(DAY 23: 6am. All the INMATES are in cells asleep while LEE BERRY, is in his cell doing his routine. Sound of birds are heard from outside.)

INMATE 1: Them Blue Jays I hear?

LEE: 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, … 82, 8… 3 ….

(MOMENT. Continues push-ups)

INMATE 2 (AWAKING): No, not yet…

LEE: “The first lesson a revolutionary must learn…

(MOMENT. Continues push-ups)


INMATE 1 (To Inmate 2): Where’d you go this time?

LEE: … is that he is a doomed man.

(MOMENT. Continues push-ups)

INMATE 2: Was lying Cape Town, while Canaries sang their blues.

LEE: Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.”

INMATE 1: Man, I wish I could dream like you.

(MOMENT. Continues push-ups)

INMATE 2: How many times do I have to tell you, they’re not dreams-

LEE: C’mon soldier… 95, … 96, … 9…7, 9……8, 99……., 100.

INMATE 2: How is he not asleep right now?

(MOMENT. A bird appears at his window. LEE talks between the BIRD and INMATES.)

LEE: What they talkin’ about? I’m tired already. Hard to sleep when they keep the lights on. Back in basic training, I had this drill sergeant… Sergeant Knox; served in World War II, was an asshole… but, we heard he himself was a P.O.W. at one point.


INMATE 2: Prisoner of war-

INMATE 1: I knew that.

LEE: He’d tell us, “rule number one if captured…” that’s how he’d say it. “rule number one if captured, create a routine for yourself.” Keep the brain busy, give it a sense of normality, because when you don’t that’s when the crazy starts.

INMATE 2: Hence the pushup.

INMATE 1: Ha, have fun with that.

LEE: Always keep the mind sharp. This is only temporary after all… I hope.

6 INMATE 1: Shit, don’t we all. How long they get you for?

LEE: They didn’t say. But its been 23 days, 6 hours, 15 minutes, and-

(OFFICER 2 enters)

OFFICER 2: Count!

(LEE & the INMATES move to the front of their cells. OFFICER 2 does a headcount.)

OFFICER 2: Inmate 0034?

INMATE 1: Morning.

OFFICER 2: Inmate 8153?

INMATE 2: Here.

OFFICER 2: (To LEE) Inmate 9649?

LEE: You going to tell me why I’m in here today-

OFFICER 2: Inmate 9649-

LEE: My name is Lee Berry. I told you yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that-

OFFICER 2: Inmate 9649-

LEE: Damn near three weeks, haven’t see no lawyer or judge, that is unconstitutional, Officer-

INMATE 2: Let’s go. I’m hungry!

LEE: Do I at least get a phone call or visitation?

OFFICER 2: Your only visitation will come from me if you don’t comply.


OFFICER 2: Inmate 9649?

INMATE 1: C’mon with this man.


7 OFFICER 2: I guess Inmate 9649 isn’t in his cell. Maybe he’s escaped? Guess I have to raise the alarm-

(OFFICER 1 enters)

OFFICER 1: Everyone should be accounted for. What is taking so long?

OFFICER 2: Soon as Inmate 9649 acknowledges himself we can move on.

LEE: Lee Berry is here and accounted for.

OFFICER 1: Thank you, let’s go. Before the Warden has both of our asses. (To INMATES) Your 10 minutes is already up, so eat fast.


OFFICER 2: (OFFSTAGE) Inmate 9649 is here. All clear!

LEE: That is not my name-

INMATE 1: Thank you! Shit.

OFFICER 1: (OFFSTAGE) Bring the plates!

LEE: Tell me why I’m in here, please?

(Food is given, LEE is only given a slice of bread and tea)

LEE: …Brotha?

OFFICER 1: (quietly) Aye, cut it! Don’t call me that around other Officers, man. I’m only doing what I’m told. Play it cool and stop aggravating people. Whatever you all did got them shook: every Officers been given the green light.

LEE: All… you mean the Panthers?

OFFICER 2: Wrap it up.

LEE: Wait, what’s the green light?

OFFICER 1: It means, don’t be seen talking to you, or be accused of aiding a Black Nationalist.

LEE: Hold on a minute!

8 (OFFICERS exit)

INMATE 1: It’s a kill switch.

LEE: Come again?

INMATE 2: The green light, is for the deadliest inmates. You so much as touch them bars without permission-

INMATE 1: And bang bang.

LEE: Good to know.

INMATE 1: You one of them Panther niggas, right?

LEE: Panther Party member. Ain’t nothing about me that describes a “nigga.”

INMATE 1: Ohhhhh, so the rumors are true!

INMATE 2: (To LEE) Don’t pay him any mind. He likes to talk shit.

INMATE 1: And I still won. You owe me a smoke, fool.

INMATE 2: Is it true you ran some pigs out of a few months back?

LEE: …You sound like a pig. Why you asking?

INMATE 2: What… please-

INMATE 1: We wouldn’t work for “The Man” in this life or the next. And they damn sure wouldn’t recruit his ass; even if they had no choice. He’s too uptight.

INMATE 2: Shut up fool.

LEE: In my experience, uptight’s the perfect description for pigs.

INMATE 2: Now hold up-

INMATE 1: All I know is, I’ve been in here 3 years cuz of them mothafuckas and I’m ready to go. Last time I was free, they were killing’ niggas… negros just for whistling at white people. Now Panthers are running’ them out of town like the big bad wolf. HOOOWWWWWLLLLLLLL! I can’t wait to see it. Ya know, I’m getting out of here soon, right?

9 INMATE 2: You’ve been saying that for years-

INMATE 1: Man, write in yo book! (To LEE): Look, I get it, new place, don’t know who to trust…. it was like that when I first got here-

LEE: Can I please have a minute too just-

INMATE 1: Ok. Ok……………………… You know, looking at you I don’t see “Black Panther”.

INMATE 2: The man just got in here.

INMATE 1: I’m just saying, I sense more of a… Aves-like spirit…. like a Blackbird.

INMATE 2: He does this to everyone who-

INMATE 1: I like birds. I listen to them in the mornings… every morning actually. Let’s me know I’m-

INMATE 1 & 2: Still alive. LEE: Still alive.?

INMATE 1: He gets it! I believe we all have an Aves spirit coursing through us? Like, I’m a Blue Jay because… well, I look so damn good, ya dig? And he’s a… Turdus migratorius.

INMATE 2: A Turd… what I tell you about being a smart ass?

LEE: It’s a Robin.

INMATE 1: Exactly! Anyway, just a little heads up friend-

LEE: I never said were-

INMATE 1: I’m sure you’ve already noticed how dark it gets at night. It’s the walls; they’ll play tricks on you if you let them. Always good to have someone to help you steer clear of the edge.

INMATE 2: He means, we’ll be here…. when you need to talk.

LEE: Yea, okay.

INMATE 1: Oooo, we got a Blackbird in our midst.

(MOMENT. LEE and INMATES go on as the day flows into the next. LEE starts ROUTINE.)



(DAY 34: 6 am. The sound of birds can be heard outside. LEE is doing his routine. A bird appears at his window. INMATE 1 awake listening to LEE teach. INMATE 2 is trying to sleep. LEE speaks to ALL.)

LEE: You know, I am not a violent person.

INMATE 2: Could’ve fooled me-

INMATE 1: Let me guess... Cameroon?

INMATE 2: How you know?

INMATE 1: You always wake up grumpy after dreaming about Cameroon-

INMATE 2: They’re not dreams.

LEE: Outside of the war, only been in two fights my entire life. Yet, everyone thinks I’m some weapon, why? They up in here calling me a “Black-Nationalist” …as if “Black Folks”, promoting a healthy identity for yourself is wrong.

INMATE 1: Talk to me.

INMATE 2 (awakes): Uhh!

LEE: The revolution isn’t violent either, it’s under attack. So naturally, like everything else, we defend it. The Black Panther Party for “Self-Defense”. Y’all get it-

INAMTE 2: We get it.

LEE: Yeah, well, one of them Pigs didn’t though; go figure. So, I asked him, why did the US join World War II? “Because they bombed Pearl Harbor.” Ok. Who is they? “The Japs.” Uh-huh. People who weren’t American right? “Right.” And so, the country felt like everything it stood for was under attack, right? “Damn right!” They felt like it was their duty to defend it, right? ……….. No answer.


LEE: Which brings me to “Rule Number 2 when captured”. The moment you start acting like a prisoner is the moment you lose.


11 LEE: The way Sergeant would say it, “State your name and your rank every chance you get so that they know you don’t belong to them.” But more importantly, so that you remember you don’t belong to them.

(MOMENT. Continues sit-ups)

OFFICER 2: Count!

INMATE 1: Todays the day we gettin’ out of here. I can feel it!

INMATE 2: Can I get a little more time please?!

(Cell doors open. LEE & the INMATES move to the front of their cells. OFFICER 2 does a headcount.)

OFFICER 2: Inmate 0034?

INMATE 1: Yep.

OFFICER 2: Inmate 8153?

INMATE 2: Right here.

OFFICER 2: (To LEE) … Inmate 9649?

LEE: Lee Berry is here.

INMATE 2: Officer, it’s too early-

OFFICER 2: Funny, my records doesn’t show a Lee Berry-

LEE: Oh, you can read, you just don’t listen?

INMATE 1: Ohhhh, get em’ Blackbird.

OFFICER 2: 9649?

INMATE 1: Officer, it’s just a name-


INMATE 1: … never mind.

LEE: Why am I-


(CONVULSIONs happen.)

OFFICER 2: Get up!

INMATE 1: Man, do something!


INMATE 2: Help him!

(CONVULSIONs continue, OFFICER 1 enters. INMATE’s start complaining)

OFFICER 1: It don’t take this long to feed… oh shit!

OFFICER 2: We’re not allowed in there-

OFFICER 1: Watch out man-

OFFICER 2: Solitary means the door only opens for phone calls, visitation or dire situations.

OFFICER 1: Fine, tell the Warden I disobeyed your orders.

OFFICER 2: You know the rule-

OFFICER 1: He can die like that!

OFFICER 2: I can’t risk one of ours going down on my block.

INMATE 2: He is a human being!

OFFICER 2: He’s one of those Black Militants-

INMATE 1: The situation sounds pretty damn dire to me-

OFFICER 2: I’m running this block and I say it’s not! (To OFFICER 1) You go in there, open that cell, and I’ll have you fired, boy.

(CONVULSION ends. LEE passes out)

OFFICER 2: See, all done. (To INMATE 2) And as for you, the Warden will see you now-

INMATE 2: Tell him he can kiss my ass.


OFFICER 2: …. You sure you want to do that?


OFFICER 2: Very well, Inmate. (OFFSTAGE) All Clear!

(OFFICER 2 exits)

OFFICER 1: What was that about?

INMATE 2: Nothing… just the fuckin Devil man.

OFFICER 1 (To LEE): Lee… Lee... if you can hear me, just hold on.

(OFFICER 1 exits and MARVA enters humming a song that eventually calms LEE down as she consoles him.)


(DAY 34: Day turns to night. LEE has been asleep since he passed out still in MARVA’s lap. MARVA isn’t really here but merely a projection of LEE’s imagination as he is somewhere between a dream-state and a memory. LEE awakes, in pain, and confused.)

MARVA: About time you woke up.

LEE: Where am I?

MARVA: Now don’t you start stressing yourself out again Lee. Just relax, I’m here.

LEE: My head hurts.

MARVA: Yeah, because you don’t sleep anymore. You’re barely home, you’ve only seen your daughter what, twice?

LEE: Jemyl… Oh GOD! How is she… Any complications? She still healthy? Are they-

MARVA: She’s fine. I swear you’re going to kill yourself. Breathe.

LEE: Marva?


14 LEE: I just-

MARVA: Just relax. When’s the last time we laid in each other’s arms?

LEE: ……

MARVA: Hmmm?

LEE: I don’t know… right before we had Jemyl maybe. I… I’ve been having these crazy ass dreams.

MARVA: That’s because you’re crazy. Any man who stands in front of a crowd, jumps in a pig’s face, screaming at the top of his lungs, and lives, that’s a man to be weary of. But that’s why I love you.

LEE: You love me huh? Not as much as I love you.

MARVA: Oh, I don’t think so sir.

LEE: No?


LEE: I beg to differ.

MARVA: Prove it?

LEE: I want to get married.

MARVA: …… Your head must really hurt.

LEE: I’m serious.

MARVA: Married… now?

LEE: Yes. Right now. We’re already making a family let’s just do it. Who’s going to stop us?

MARVA: You have obligations… what about the Party? When can you find the time to-

LEE: Baby, it doesn’t have to be some extravagant celebration. We can just go down to City Hall-

MARVA: Boy, my mother won’t go for that. We’re getting married in an actual church, Lee. An actual ceremony with flowers, and a preacher. My sisters will want to be involved… your family-


LEE: I just want you! I…


MARVA: Shhh. Breathe. Lee, what’s wrong?

LEE: I… I need...


MARVA: Breathe. Talk to me.

LEE: I feel like I’m losing you.

MARVA: You can’t lose what’s already yours. If it’s in God’s will it’ll happen when it needs to.

LEE: And if GOD doesn’t want it to happen?


“those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; will run and not grow weary…

LEEE: “walk and not be faint.” MARVA: “walk and not be faint.”

LEE: ……. Isaiah 40.

MARVA: Chocolate cake or lemon cake.

LEE: What?

MARVA: For the wedding?

LEE: Lemon. With 3 layers.

MARVA: There’s my man!


16 LEE: When this is all over, I getting a job somewhere nice. That, with my checks from the army, and the Party’s support, I think we can build a good life-

MARVA: one for a family-

LEE: it’ll take time but, just stick with me. Yeah? I’m going to buy us one of those nice brownstones-

MARVA: over in Bed-Stuy-

LEE: or maybe we could move out this damn city-

MARVA: Jersey, upstate maybe. Find a nice 4 bedroom-

LEE: one that needs a little work but has a backyard-

MARVA: The basement we can use as a daycare center. We’ll build one of those nice dining room tables for us-

LEE: the wood has to be right though.

MARVA: Something with a nice color-

LEE: but durable too. Mahogany wo-


MARVA & LEE: Walnut.

MARVA: Yes! A dark chocolate, walnut table for Sunday dinners, thanksgivings, community meetings. On the weekends, you, Jemyl, and I will take walks through the park.

LEE: Watch her swing on the monkey bars while we sit-

MARVA: holding hands as the leaves fall.

(INMATE 2 awakes.)

LEE: I think… I know we’ll be good parents. We just have to get past this spot… you know?

(MARVA exits. LEE notices he is alone. MOMENT.)

INMATE 2: Lee? Who you talking to?

17 LEE: Sorry… I was… I don’t know. My imagination? I think I’m going crazy.

INMATE: Breathe brother. Hey… Lee… Lee, you have to calm down.

LEE: What if dreaming right now and don’t even know it?

INMATE 2: I think about that too. That soon the nightmares will be over and… I’m safe. That’d be funny?

LEE: The dream or the waking up part?


INMATE 2: Where do you think home really is? What if we could fly over these walls and see we’re not really locked up at all?

LEE: Where are we then?

INMATE 2: Sleeping. In Timbuktu like Kings. Or on the edge of the Nile. Maybe Cleopatra was never the last Pharaoh. Slavery, Jim Crow, the Struggle, all of it, nightmares.

LEE: That would be funny.

“those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles”

What I would give to soar out this motherfucka’… excuse me, father.


I know its sinful man, but……. I hate birds. Their territory has no limits, or boundaries. Why them? I’d like to think because they follow the ways of the LORD, but what about us? Raised in church, pray every day, still… I can’t soar? It’s-

INMATE 2: It’s what?

LEE: Nothing. Forgive me Lord. I shouldn’t doubt you it’s just... thank you for letting me see another day, Father. You are merciful. I know you’re testing me Lord… like Job. I ask for protection in this place. Amen.

INMATE 2: You know I was wrong about you Lee. May the Lord forgive us both for our sins. Amen.


“those who hope… will soar on wings….”

(LEE passes out.)


(DAY 35: 6 am the next day. Birds are heard outside which awakes LEE.)

INMATE 1: Starlings……… that means good luck is comin’ our way boys!

LEE: Ouch!

INMATE 1: He’s up!

LEE: Ohhhh my mouth… what the… why am I wet…. Oh, fuck!

INMATE 2: Told you he ain’t dead.

INMATE 1: Shit.

INMATE 2: You owe me a smoke negro.

LEE: What?

INMATE 2: He thought you died.

INMATE 1: He was out the whole day. How was I supposed to know he’d rise up like Lazarus?

LEE: The whole day-

INMATE 2: I told your ass he got the shakes; that’s what it do.

INMATE 1: Sounded like the man was dying. I know dead when I hear it.

INMATE 2: Obviously you don’t know shit.

LEE: Hello.

INMATE 1: You got lucky.

INMATE 2: What I got is a smoke coming my way. Don’t try to gyp me neither.

19 LEE: Ayye! What do you mean “the whole day”? Didn’t they just take roll?

INMATE 1: You don’t remember?

INMATE 2: No. He’s episeptic.

LEE: Epileptic.

INMATE 2: Whatever... The man got the shakes like I said. His nerves mess with his head.

INMATE 1: Basically, you had another one of your… your fits. What do you call it?

LEE: Seizures.

INMATE 1: Yeah, them. I mean, we heard you moan and shake around before but, that was a whole nother level. Like a fish out of water.

OFFICER 2: Count

(Cell doors open. LEE awkwardly moves to front of his cell. The INMATEs are already there. OFFICER 2 does a headcount.)

OFFICER 2: Inmate 0034?

INMATE 1: Here.

OFFICER 2: Inmate 8153?

INMATE 2: Here.

OFFICER 2: (To LEE) Last but not least… Jesus, you pissed yourself inmate?

LEE: Sir… I need a new pair of pants-

INMATE 2: Ohhh….

(Hysterical laughter)

OFFICER 2: We got a pee-pee boy in our midst.

LEE: May I… PLEASE get a shower and some new pants?

OFFICER 2: Oooh… see, the showers are 3 floors down and we’ve been instructed to keep this door closed unless-


LEE: Please. This is a dire situation.

(OFFICER 1 enters)

OFFICER 1: No. We don’t have time for this shit this morning. Let’s go.

OFFICER 2: Hey, we need clean up on aisle 5!

INMATE 1: That’s foul.


OFFICER 1: Lee? What happened-

OFFICER 2: Tell you what, I’ll give you clean clothes. If, you promise to acknowledge your number when I call you from now on. No more hassle or smart remarks… hell, I’ll even have this boy bring you a bucket of water and soap.

OFFICER 1: It’s officer, sir-

OFFICER2: But you have to promise.


LEE: (Quietly) You’re not going to stop this?

(OFFICER 1 is silent)

OFFICER 2: Don’t get too close to him. He might throw shit on you next-

OFFICER 1: We get it man cut it out!

OFFICER 2: It was just a joke Christ. Besides with the shit he’s done, I’d say he deserves it.

LEE: I haven’t done anything.

OFFICER 2: Says the scum bag who tried to blow up Lady Liberty.

LEE: What? OFFICER 1: Huh?

OFFICER 2: (To OFFICER 1) You didn’t know? He got caught out on Liberty Island with a shit load of dynamite, 10, 12 automatic weapons, that he intended to sell-

21 LEE: I was nowhere near Liberty Island!

OFFICER 2: Shut up! I got buddies with the 35th, told me the whole thing. After he finished with the Lady, he was going to shoot up Central Park-

LEE: I was at the VA hospital getting treatment… way up in the Bronx. His ass is lying!

OFFICER 2: Watch your fuckin’ mouth!

(OFFICER 2 STRIKEs LEE with his blackjack. OFFICER 1 holds OFFICER 2 back as blood drips from LEE’s head.)

OFFICER 1: Hey… calm down.

OFFICER 2: I don’t lie motherfucker. Not my fault your ass got caught!

OFFICER 1: Officer, your violating protocol-

OFFICER 2 (To OFFICER 1): Unhand me boy.


OFFICER 2 (LEE): So, what’s it going to be huh? Fresh linens or no?

(LEE spits at the ground in front of OFFICER 2. OFFICER 2 charges at LEE but stopped by OFFICER 1)

OFFICER 1: No, no, no! You can’t go in there; solitary remember? Door doesn’t open. Leave him be.

OFFICER 2: That’s going to cost you a trip to the hole, Inmate.

(OFFICER 1 & OFFICER 2 exit)

OFFICER 2: 14 days!

(MOMENT. LEE, still bleeding, rips his shirt and wraps it over the cut)

INMATE 1: Lee… did… did you really do those things he said?

INMATE 2: No… of course not dumb ass.

INMATE 1: I was just asking.

22 (MOMENT.)

INMATE 1: Don’t even sweat it Blackbird. We all innocent in here.

INAMTE 2: Speak for yourself.

INMATE 1: Shit, I tried to tell the judge I ain’t do it, and he looked at me like I cursed at em’.


INMATE 1: They say I messed up because I choose not to have a lawyer.

INMATE 2: Which is pretty damn stupid.

INMATE 1: I felt like I didn’t need one. Momma always said, anyone who needs all that probably guilty anyway. That, or he ain’t a man of the Lord. Cause only he knows the truth, see? And the truth will set you free. One of these days they gotta’ let us go. You hear me?

LEE: ….

INAME 2: Lee, you alright?

(LEE starts his routine)

LEE: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-

INMATE 1: Lee?

LEE: “The first lesson a revolutionary must learn, is that he is a doomed man.

INMATE 1: Blackbird?

INMATE 2: Man, leave him alone.

LEE: Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.” … 34, 35, 36-


INMATE 2: It’s alright Lee –

(OFFICER 1 enters conflicted. Opens LEE’s cell, hands him a tissue.)

OFFICER 1: C’mon Lee, we you have to go.



OFFICER 1: Its only 2 weeks. You’ll be ok.

(He handcuffs LEE and escorts him to the hole)


(DAY 49: 6 am, 14 days later at THE HOLE. No birds are heard. LEE is already up when OFFICER 1 enters with a fil in his hand and a sandwich.)

OFFICER 1 (READS): Leo Stanley Berry. Born January 16th 1946, Brooklyn-

LEE: I can’t see… the light!

OFFICER 1: Shhhh…


OFFICER 1: Heard from an officer that you served in the army for a couple years before discharged. I assume for medical reasons given your… condition?

LEE: What do you want?

OFFICER 1: We have a file of every inmate in here. Boring stuff, but always includes the charges against them. Only my supervisor has privilege to see these files; and after processing even he sees the obvious-

LEE: It doesn’t make sense.

OFFICER 1: None of it does. A man who has no priors, a decent job, a serious medical condition, and a newly born child, puts all that on the line to blow up a few statues and buildings? Sell a couple of automatic weapons? Arson and assassination attempts… and they just brought in two more guys this week. All with similar charges and all claiming their innocent-

LEE: Wait… Panthers?

OFFICER 1: I’m not at liberty to disclose-

LEE: Those are my brothers being thrown in cages-

OFFICER 1: I can’t-

24 LEE: You want me to fill in the blanks fine. But I need those names.

OFFICER 1: I’m risking my own freedom just by talking to you.

LEE: Guess we have nothing else to talk about then.

OFFICER 1: (READS) “Leo Stanley Berry is one of the most dangerous Nationalists the city of New York has ever known. His military background makes him a weapon capable of horrendous terrors”.

LEE: Am I on trial? Go ask the people who put me here-

OFFICER 1: I’ve asked… no one’s saying shit. And after the stunt you pulled, the Warden’s putting you on food strike for 25 days.

LEE: For what!?

OFFICER 1: Look man, we got real killers in here. Mentally deranged folks who’ve mutilated women and children… they at least get to walk outside and get some sunlight. I chose this job to help reform the guilty. Not to punish innocent men. So, before I sit by watchin this shit go down, I want you to look me in the eyes and give me the truth.

LEE: And I need those names.


OFFICER 1: Fine. They say you worked with CORE and SNCC in 67.

LEE: …. I helped with their after-school and acupuncture programs in Harlem.

OFFICER 1: Acupuncture pro-

LEE: For heroin addicts. Helps with the withdraws. Thank GOD for the Chinese.

OFFICER 1: Cops all over the city have been saying-

LEE: It wasn’t pigs that arrested me. They wear badges and uniforms; this was different. The entire day felt off. Things kept happening... Bad omens. And I should’ve known right then to be careful. Get out the city maybe. We had just brought the baby home, the house is a mess, the Party’s trying to make changes, Marva and I we’re fighting, and my seizures were happening more... more than normal. So, I went to the VA. They put me in the room, run a test, ask me if I made any dietary changes, blood work, they leave. 10 minutes later the phone rings, the “cops”. Said they were looking for me. Something about my brother’s whereabouts and wanted to ask me a few questions, nothing to fear. OK. 4 minutes later, 3 armed men in Black suits

25 march through in unison with shotguns and barricaded the door……. Everything in me said I should, hop over the bed, and make a run for it, straight out the window. I’d probably have a better chance surviving a 3-story fall then whatever they came to do but…. I froze. They ask me about Communism, do I know how to make bombs, and some other crazy stuff. They yank the IVs from my body, throw me in handcuffs, and carried me out. Told the doctor I’m going to jail. I didn’t do anything.

OFFICER 1: I know. My grandmother lives in houses on 153rd, says the Panthers around on block have been getting kids off the street, giving them books. She hasn’t felt this safe walking to the grocery store since she was a child.

(Gives LEE the sandwich newspaper. MOMENT.)

OFFICER 1: A hero deserves more than just tea and bread. It’s not much but, it’s the best I can do today.

LEE: You didn’t poison it right?

OFFICER 1: Really brotha?

LEE: Just rather not get caught blindsided, bruh.

OFFICER 1: Look, you’re due back to your cell in 30 minutes so eat fast. There’s a Curtis Powell and a Lumumba Shakur are in gen pop. These your folks?

LEE: They’re good brothers. You sure there’s no one else?

OFFICER 1: Who are you looking for?

LEE: …. Just asking

OFFICER 1: I’ll make sure I look out for them. 30 minutes...

(EXITS. LEE devours the food.)


(The next 3 weeks is summarized through overlapping dialogue, MOMENTS, lights, and bird sounds. The world is in a dream-like state as LEE has multiple seizures and, flows in and out of consciousness. This ritual should occur only once. LEE is back in his cell)

OFFICER 2: Count!

26 LEE: Lord….

INMATE 2: Uhhhhhh, 5 more minutes!

OFFICER 2: Inmate 0034?

INMATE 1: another week or two and I’m out of here, watch.

LEE: I thank you for letting me see another day Father…

OFFICER 2: Inmate 8153?

LEE: I thank you for patience.

INMATE 2: Here like always.

LEE: I thank you for strength…


OFFICER 2: Inmate 9649?

INMATE 2: Aye… Lazarus, stand up brotha.


INMATE 1: I gotta’ get home.

LEE: testing my devotion to the movement…


INMATE 1: Blackbird, I heard you all tote guns around like some military strike force. That true?

INMATE 2: I swear, some of you negros are more ignorant than them crackas.

INAMTE 1: That’s what I heard on the yard.

INAMTE 2: Only the Panthers in Cali carried their guns... in SELF-DEFENSE fool.

LEE: I ask that you protect me in this place…

INMATE 1: How am I supposed to know that?

27 LEE: Protect my family out there, Lord.

(CONVULSIONs begin.)

OFFICER 2: Count!

INMATE 1: I don’t know man… these walls are feeling really close right-

INMATE 2: Now, I was having a good dream! Please-

INMATE 1: Help me… somebody! It’s getting hard to-

INMATE 2: Remember the house on the water. The-

INMATE 1: Large windows, blue… the walls are-

INMATE 2: fuckin with my head. It’s hard to know what’s real-

OFFICER 2: Anymore more complaints?

(OFFSTAGE) All Clear!


LEE: …. Amen.

INMATE 1 (SINGING): Sittin here resting my bones, And this loneliness won’t leave me alone.


(DAY 73: LEE is daydreaming in his cell. INMATE 1 continues sings Otis Redding.)

INMATE 1 (SINGING): Two-thousand miles I roam, Just to make this dock my home.

INMATE 2: Still dreaming about that house on the water?

INMATE 1: Never stopped.


28 INMATE 1: He laughin’ now Lee, but I got dreams man! When I get out, I’m getting me a small blue house. Not too big, but enough space to spread-out, ya dig? Imma’ build large windows; so I can see the sunrise every morning. Oh, and a dock…. and a paddleboat for when I wanna fish and swim and shit.

INMATE 2: What kind of blue?

INMATE 1: Blue like the sky; like I’m soaring on clouds. Ain’t no bad days when you can fly.

INAMTE 2: It sound good.

INMATE 1: Sing it with me.

INMATE 2: Absolutely not.

INMATE 1 (SINGING): Now, I’m just gon sit on a dock of a bay Watchin the tide, roll away

C’mon man? … Blackbird, I know you know this song.


(SINGING) Sitting on a dock of a bay,


It’ll help pass the time away.


LEE: Wasting time.

INMATE 1 (SINGING): Wasting time.

He knows it! Where did you learn how to sing?

LEE: You ask a lot of questions.

INMATE 2: He talks a lot too.

INMATE 1: I don’t mean any harm. There’s a lot out there I don’t know.

29 LEE: Well, what do you know?

INMATE 2: Not a damn thing.

INMATE 1: I know Shakur and Powell aren’t the only ones the Pigs arrested.

INMATE 2: Are you fuckin’ serious right now?

INMATE 1: What? LEE: … what?

INMATE 2: We said we wouldn’t say-

INMATE 1: He deserves to know.

LEE: Tell me!

INMATE 1: They got a handful of Panthers in cages from here to Rikers-

INMATE 2: So they say.

INMATE 1: Two of the Officers was talking on the yard, guys have been going crazy about it for the past 2 days.

LEE: What else did you hear?

INMATE 2: Don’t get him started. It will just get you more upset.

LEE: I need to know what’s going on.

INMATE 2: Nobody knows what is true or not true. You going to get yourself riled up over hear- say?

INMATE 1: Oh, it’s true.

LEE: Tell me.

INMATE 1: They rounded you all up from every corner of the city. Raided homes, bars, rec. centers. Over 15 of you… or was it 16?

LEE: Names man, names.

INAMTE 1: He didn’t say who. Some men, some women… it was 20 of you all, that’s it… well 21, including you. They say you murdered someone.

30 INMATE 2: Tried to-

LEE: We didn’t try anything.

INMATE 2: That’s the story that’s being told.

LEE: If I give you a name could you find out if they are in here?

INMATE 1: Who you looking for?

LEE: My older brother, Thomas. Thomas Berry.

INMATE 1: We can ask around.

INMATE 2: No problem.


INMATE 1: Lee, you alright.

LEE: … Fine.

(OFFICER 2 enters)

OFFICER 2: Lets go.

LEE: Where?

INMATE 1: Where are you taking him.

OFFICER 2: You got a visitor.

(LEE coughs as OFFICER 2 hand cuffs LEE and directs him to a room where MARVA is waiting.)


(4 minutes later)

OFFICER 2: 10 minutes.


OFFICER 2: No touching.


MARVA: Can you at least uncuff him?

OFFICER 2: I can, but I won’t.

LEE: Marva its fine-

MARVA: No, it’s not… why are they so tight on you? You why do you look like you haven’t eaten in days-

LEE: Hey, it’s fine. I’m fine. Okay? Talk to me about Jemyl. How is she?

MARVA: A lot! Beautiful but… and she’s not even a year old yet.


MARVA: It’s not funny. She kept me up until 4 am.

LEE: When you were pregnant you kept me up til 4 am.

MARVA: Ok you know that’s not the same-

LEE: Only to wake me up at 3 hours later so we can go for your walk.

MARVA: The doctor said it would be good for the baby-

LEE (mocking): I’m ready for my walk… and can you rub my feet when we-

(MARVA throws a playful STRIKE)

OFFICER 2: No touching!


LEE: Is it true-

MARVA: About Shakur and Powell? Yes, and not just them. Afeni, Odinga, Sundiata, Jamal –

LEE: Jamal? The kid from Harlem?

MARVA: Such a shame. Pulled him out of his home in front of his grandmother… he’s only 16.

LEE: What about Tom?

32 MARVA: Missing. Your mom thinks he’s hiding out somewhere, but no one can be sure.


LEE: It’s ok Marva. You know, I dreamed about you the other night? It’s a good sign. Means I’m going to be fine. They can’t keep me here this long with no trial.

MARVA: I dream about you too. Mostly nightmares of what happens in here.

LEE: Mine aren’t. They give me hope… keep me moving. You keep me moving Marva.

MARVA: That was sweet. If you weren’t so pale, I might kiss you.

LEE: You mean you don’t like this look? I did for you baby.

MARVA: Seriously you look sick. You sure-

LEE: Woman, I look good. If anything, I’m a little love-sick-

MARVA: Oh God!

LEE: And if that Officer wasn’t here-

MARVA: You’d take a damn shower that’s what you’d do.

(THEY LAUGH. CONVULSIONS start. MARVA tries to help him)

MARVA: It’s okay-

OFFICER 2: No touching!

MARVA: Someone needs to hold his head.

(OFFICER 2 moves him back to his cell as CONVULSIONS continue.)

MARVA: You can’t move him until he stops-

OFFICER 2: Ma’am-

MARVA: I swear, if you so much as touch him right now, I will raise all types of hell in this place!

(MOMENT. OFFICER 1 backs up, MARVA holds LEE head until CONVULSIONS stop and he passes out. She sings.)

33 MARVA: I love you.

(OFFICER 1 exits with LEE.)


SONG 8: “BROTHER, BROTHER!” (DAY 94: The INMATES are asleep. LEE is laying on the floor as OFFICER 1 tries to wake him up. But his mind is still in the dream-state as he awakes.)



OFFICER 1: Hey man, I brought you food.

(LEE awakes coughing in slight panic)

LEE. Thomas?

OFFICER 1: What?

LEE: Thomas, what are you doing here?

OFFICER 1: I’m not Thomas-

LEE: Does mom know you are here?


OFFICER 1: Your brother is not here-

LEE: Listen, we got to move fast and get out of here before they catch you.


LEE: What’s the plan? Tell me you got a plan?


OFFICER 1: Lee, take a moment you’re not well-

LEE: We can do all that later, tell me about the plan-

34 OFFICER 1: There is no plan because I’m not-

LEE: Hold on... you mean you got no damn plan?

OFFICER 1: You’re not well-

LEE: The hell do you mean… man we need to leave now.

OFFICER 1: Wake up Lee.

LEE: Thomas please! Please, just listen to me!


LEE: I’m dying…. I’m dying here.

OFFICER 1: ……I know.

(MOMENT. OFFICER 1 gives in)

OFFICER 1: The world will change. It is just going to take more time.

LEE: I’m not taking about the world, Thomas. I’m talking about this prison.

OFFICER 1: Aren’t they the same? Name a place where black people don’t feel like prisoners?

LEE: I… I just want out.


LEE: I need to get out.

OFFICER 1: There is no out for us.

LEE: Do you hear yourself right now?

OFFICER 1: Our way out the struggle, is through the struggle. You told me that.

LEE: I was wrong! Please…


OFFICER 1: I can’t. Only the LORD can do that.

35 LEE: Let me out!

(LEE’s coughing turns to suffocating)


(LEE passes out on the floor.)

OFFICER 1: (OFF STAGE) Call the Hospital Wing and let them know we’re coming with an inmate… Level 3!



(DAY 110: Bellevue Hospital. LEE’s body is on a table a DOCTOR operates on him as DEB watches. OFFICER 3 is reading. LEE’s spirit lingers outside his body.)

DOCTOR: Knife.

DEB: Doctor, I don’t think this is right-

LEE’s SPIRIT: I knew love once. In the primordial days of conception, there I was rocking back and forth….

DOCTOR (To DEB): Make sure he doesn’t move, or I’ll get someone else.

LEE’s SPIRIT: In her womb, I moved…. back and forth……

DOCTOR: Scalpel.

LEE’s SPIRIT: Back, mamas pacing steps calmed my spirit…. Forth in adolescence, when scrapes n bruises left me disenfranchised… Back, her embrace, her touch cured the deepest wounds……..

DEB: Sir, his fever is now 105 degrees, he can’t go on like this-

DOCTOR: I’m the doctor, yes?


LEE’s SPIRIT: Forth, touch transformed, from the comforts of youth, to the clash of The White Lion rip-tiding past Atlantis to lands foreign and stolen…. Forth, shifting to perpetuous rhythms of gangs, chains, and hammer swings…. Back, wrapped in arms as we flee from the bloodbath of Ocoee…. Back, being closed in on Pettus Bridge-

DOCTOR: His life depends on me.

LEE’s SPIRIT: Oh, how I long for that love again…


DEB: We’re losing him!

DOCTOR: I know!

LEE’s SPIRIT: The rocking…..

DEB: Please, stop!

DOCTOR: Almost ……

LEE’s SPIRIT: The back and forth……

(LEE sleeps)

DOCTOR: There we go!

(The DOCTOR pulls out LEE’s appendix)



CORDICE: The hell are you doing?

DOCTOR (To CORDICE): It’s alright son, everything is under control.

CORDICE: Back away from my patient, now!


DOCTOR: Y…. your patient?

CORDICE: I can have you disbarred for this-

DOCTOR: Relax son-

CORDICE: It’s Doctor, when addressing me.

DOCTOR: His epilepsy was in question; tests needed to be run as a result-

DEB: There was no disputing this man’s condition after he was examined-

DOCTOR: Well, it was ordered by the courts. And thank GOD it was, as we found his appendix had to be removed.


DOCTOR: … you question my integrity as a Doctor-

CORDICE: Show me the paperwork. You had the patient’s consent for an exploratory procedure and surgery, right?

DOCTOR: We… we felt-

DEB: No consent was granted, Doctor.


CORDICE: Get out.

(DOCTOR exits and DEB follows)

CORDICE (To NURSE): Deb, you stay.


CORDICE: Jesus...

DEB: Dr. Cordice, I tried to stall for as long as I could before-

CORDICE: It’s alright-

DEB: I got a message out to you as soon as I could-


CORDICE: Nevermind that now he’s running out of time. Help me stitch him up please.

(THEY stitch up LEE’s body)


(DAY: 121: It’s 8 am. Birds are heard as LEE, cuffed to the bed awakes, barely conscious. OFFICER 3 is in the room asleep.)

LEE Water….

(OFFICER 3 startled, awakes.)

LEE: …Water

(OFFICER starts reading the paper.)

LEE: Brother… please?

(CORDICE enters with DEB)

CORDICE: Good Morning Mr. Berry. Officer. Let’s get some light in this room for you, shall we?


CORDICE: There we go.


LEE: …please?


CORDICE: Officer, can you give me and my patient a moment to talk, privately?

OFFICER: I’ve been instructed-

CORDICE: 24-hour watch, I’m aware. Which means you can observe from the window, yes? I’m afraid, it’s more a legal matter; a “Doctor-patient confidentiality” sort-of-thing.

(OFFICER leaves. CORDICE gives LEE as much water as he can handle as the DEB tries to make him more comfortable. LEE, more alive.)

39 CORDICE: (To NURSE) Pulse?

DEB: He’s alive. Jesus, what were they feeding him?

CORDICE: Nothing for 25 days. Torture tactic, they use on prisoners of war.

LEE: Thank you.

CORDICE: No need to be alarmed, you’re safe here.

LEE: Where am I? Uhhh!

CORDICE: Easy, easy, easy… you’ve been out for while Mr. Berry. Your body-

LEE: It hurts….

DEB: He needs an analgesic, now. I’ll grab one while you calm him down.

(DEB exits)

LEE: Marva? …Thomas. Where’s-

CORDICE: Mr. Berry… Berry… Leo? Look at me. What’s your name?

LEE: Lee…

CORDICE: Leo Berry, that’s right. I’m Dr. John Cordice and that was Mrs. Deborah, your nurse. Your wife and your lawyer, Mr. Kunstler petitioned with the court for me to look into your case with the hope of become your permanent doctor-

LEE: What day is it?

CORDICE: We’re in January Mr. Berry. You’ve been recovering the past 3 weeks…. what’s the last thing you remember?

LEE: … I died.

CORDICE: Almost, well… another 24 hours and you would’ve died from deprivation. However, upon your arrival, doctors claimed they couldn’t find what was wrong with you and… well-

LEE: Feels like someone stabbed me in the stomach.

CORDICE: Lee, I need you to listen very carefully, some damage was done…. I got to you as quick as I could.



CORDICE: I’m… I could sit here and apologize… but army men aren’t ones for apologies, are we? In 15 minutes-

LEE: You said, “We”?

CORDICE: Enlisted in ’43; was a medic for the “Red Tails” in France, discharged in ’47, thank God.

LEE: Spit Fire.


CORDICE: In 15 minutes, I have a meeting with the hospital board to make you my patient permanently. That means keeping you here at Bellevue until you can be seen by a judge and released. That’s just the beginning. We have to work on treatment, getting rid of the armed guards and visitation, but one battle at a time.

(OFFICER 3 enters)

(DEB enters. CORDICE motions to give sedative)

DEB: I can take it from here John.

CORDICE: Now, Mrs. Deborah is going to give you something for the pain that will put you to sleep for a few hours.

(MOMENT. THEY shake hands. LEE passes out. CORDICE exits)


(LEE is in a dream-state. CORDICE, enters an office, addresses the board. A group of birds are heard)

LEE: February, ’65.

The clouds, bleak My hands, sweaty The sun, weak My heart, heavy. The pilot said, on command-

41 PILOT: Please fasten up, sit back, and-

LEE: A pool of thoughts cloud my mind. Has this all been by design?

PILOT: (SINGS) Why you wanna fly….

LEE: We meant for the ground. Where our screams & hollers drown.

PILOT: (SINGS) Blackbird….

LEE: They say angels dwell in the sky. So, if here I die-

PILOT: (SINGS) You ain’t never gonna….

LEE: Just once, lets-

PILOT: (SINGS): Fly… LEE: Fly…

(MOMENT. LEE is taking off)

LEE: To heaven we climb, My heart, flush,

PILOT: (SINGS) You ain’t got no one to hold you….

LEE: No pause, rewind, Unexpected’s the rush-

PILOT: (SINGS) You ain’t got no one to care…

42 LEE: Gasping, Grasping, to a life I hate, Praying, saying, Peter, see me through the gate-

PILOT: (SINGS) If you only understand dear…

LEE: Turn us around, Turn us around-

PILOT: (SINGS) Nobody wants you anywhere…

(MOMENT. THEY are flying.)

LEE: February, ‘65

The clouds, white My hands, release The sun, bright My heart, at peace. I see angels glide, cloud to cloud. Wowed, marveled, My gaze, unbowed, What a sight my GOD has allowed. The impossible has now been avowed.

(OFFICER 2 enters)

OFFICER 2: But where light is aroused, Darkness will soon enshroud.

(MOMENT. OFFICER 2 pulls LEE down from grace. Limping to escape but OFFICER 2 won’t let him leave. MARVA hold onto him)

OFFICER 2: Proverbs 24:16 For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity and sin.

MARVA: The power to break these binds can only be found within…

43 PILOT: (SINGS) So, why you wanna fly….

CORDICE: Gentlemen of the Board, we stand at an unprecedented time in history.

PILOT: (SINGS) Blackbird….

OFFICER 2: Isaiah 28:13 And the word of the Lord will be to them precept upon precept…

MARVA: You can’t lose when you can soar, this you must accept.

CORDICE: Here, we have a patient who has been degraded, mistreated, castrated by our government, our justice system, and this institution we call a hospital.

PILOT: (SINGS) You ain’t never gonna fly….

OFFICER 2: precept upon precept… line upon line…

MARVA: Your angel on a vine, I’m yours and your mine.

CORDICE: What has happened to Mr. Berry, inconceivable. The man is in every meaning of the word, fighting for his life-

OFFICER 2: here a little, there a little, that they may go, and fall backward,

MARVA: The devils just a pawn, move past this detractor.

CORDICE: I demand the termination of said doctor not only from this hospital, but from practicing in the State of New York.

OFFICER 2: and be broken, and snared, and taken.

44 CORDICE: and if full custody of Mr. Berry isn’t granted while he remains in this hospital, I will write to the mayor, the governor, the Senate, every newspaper, magazine, & radio station calling for an audit due to the malpractices this institution has partaken.

MARVA: Stay with the Lord and thou shall not be forsaken.

LEE: They’re too tight….


LEE: Too tight to break…

MARVA: It’s time to awake!

LEE: My leg…


(DAY 119: LEE awakes from a nightmare. MARVA at the door blocked by OFFICER.)

LEE: Ahh!

OFFICER 3: Authorized personnel only-

MARVA: Let me through… Lee!

DEB: Dr. Cordice is on his way to settle-

MARVA: I am not waiting anymore.

(MARVA moves past OFFICER 3)


OFFICER 3: Ma’am!

(CORDICE enters)

CORDICE: Let her go! I approved her clearance this morning!

LEE: Marva…

MARVA: Are you ok?


LEE: It hurts-

MARVA: I heard about the surgery, I know, I know. I’m here…

LEE: I can’t-

MARVA: Shhh. Shhh… Hey, I found Thomas; he’s ok.

CORDICE: Mrs. Berry, I was just granted sole custody of Mr. Berry for the remainder of his time here-

MARVA: What about his medication?

DEB: The pharmacy notified it be available when they get around to it.

LEE: Not the surgery….

(MOMENT. DEB lifts up LEE’s pants revealing an injury.)

MARVA: Oh my god.

DEB: John, come look at this.


CORDICE: How long has he been chained to the bed?

DEB: Almost 3 weeks.

MARVA: His entire legs swollen…

CORDICE: It’s clotting. The chains cutting through his skin-

LEE: Doc, please.


DEB: John be careful-

CORDICE: It’s alright Deb.

OFFICER 3: Can I help you-

46 CORDICE: Your keys.


CORDICE: Think before you do, son because, what happens next determines your future on the force. Keys, now!

(OFFICER gives the key)

CORDICE: You’re relieved of your duty. Tell your captain he’ll will be notified within the hour.


CORDICE (To DEB): Hold his leg up. Mrs. Berry you might want to step out for this-

MARVA: I’m staying. LEE: She stays.

CORDICE: Very well. Lee, once they’re un-locked I have to pull them off your skin… I’m sorry-

LEE: Just take it off.

(CORDICE begins removing the cuffs. LEE screams.)


(DAY 125: CORDICE is repairing LEE’s leg. MARVA sits by LEE’s bedside writing, praying. DEB enters.)

MARVA (PRAYING): Ye’ thou I walk through the...

DEB: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-

MARVA: No, no you’re fine.

DEB: I can come back-

MARVA: Honestly, with the amount of praying I’ve been doing, I think God can use a break.

DEB: May I sit?

MARVA: Please.


47 DEB: I… have good news and not-so good news.


DEB: In a few hours his surgery will be complete with a full recovery to be expected.

MARVA: I’m guessing that’s the good news.

DEB: But…. due to the… injury, an ulcer has developed in his leg and-

MARVA: Just say what’s-

DEB: He won’t be able to walk. Not for some time at least. Physical therapy will be required in the upcoming weeks. It may take months… maybe a full year before he can walk on his own.

MARVA: …. and the tide keeps changing. At least he’ll live.

DEB: I read your letter; the one the Panther’s posted in their news article. It’s a powerful piece. I can’t imagine what you’re going through… if it was my husband I… sorry, that’s insensitive.

MARVA: It’s alright. We never know what we can do until things are presented in front of us.

DEB: How, do you do it? Find the power to write… or… fight back and still remain calm. I mean, aren’t you scared?

MARVA: Of course! ...… I’m terrified.


MARVA: Most night, I don’t sleep.... I’m afraid pigs will bust down the door while…... I don’t even walk down the street by myself now, day or night. And my baby… my beautiful baby girl… I barely got the chance to hold her before sending her away. And I thought that if I fought hard enough… I could keep them close to me… but, I’m losing him, I can feel it.

DEB: Everything will work for the better-

MARVA: Please… its ok.

DEB: What I mean is… from one married woman to another, years from now this will all be a story for your children; a memory.

MARVA: Deb, you’re a nurse, you know what trauma does to people.

DEB: … Yes.


MARVA: Like Odysseus, after the War, coming home different than how you left… the casualties, the ruptures of self, and… And I know what Lee is going through… the war for his life… I could never withstand that amount of torture, but I’m at war too. Fighting battles he can never… But suffering is suffering no matter how you slice it, and I just hope he sees that. I remember how he used to smile... I’m afraid he won’t smile like that anymore.

DEB: He probably won’t…. most men can never see past themselves. Though if he’s a good man, it might take years, but he’ll come around. Let’s not fret over things that have yet come to pass. Right now, reuniting your family is our only goal.

MARVA: Thank you.

DEB: That means more of those letters. It’s been a long time since I heard a woman step up to the man that way. Gives me hope that I can come in here every day and make a difference.

MARVA: Trust me this is only the beginning.

(MOMENT. A crowd is heard outside chanting LEE’s name. CORDICE finishes up LEE’s surgery. There is a transition that happens here)


(DAY 223: Morning. A crowd is faintly heard in the background. LEE & CORDICE are attempting to walk, as MARVA is in the room writing.)

CORDICE: Be patient with yourself…. One step at a time.

(LEE attempts to walk. MOMENT.)

CORDICE: You can’t be too hard- on yourself-

LEE: I know, but I can do it……..uhhhh!

CORDICE: World wasn’t built in a day-

LEE: I got it… just let me catch my breath.

(MARVA tries to help)

MARVA: Baby, let me help you-

LEE: Said I got it.

49 MARVA: Yes, you’ll get it. But for now, I’m helping you.

LEE: Sorry… I need to use the bathroom.

DEB: I’ll take him; you write.

(DEB & LEE exit)

MARVA: His body seems to be healing well. Doesn’t look as sickly anymore.

CORDICE: Yes, but his spirit is…. fractured. It’s a blessing he’s still alive. They prepared him for this when he enlisted, you know? It’s ironic really.


CORDICE: How are you doing?

MARVA: Well, Lee’s bail has been reduced due his conditions, Mr. Kunsler, our lawyer, he’s is confident he can get him in front of a judge soon, newspapers are now calling-

CORDICE: I asked how, Mrs. Berry; not what.

MARVA: Hopeful…. You?

CORDICE: …Worried. I feel like your husband isn’t get everything he needs here.

MARVA: I thought you were doing everything you can?

CORDICE: Trust me, I am. Mrs. Berry, as much as I would like to believe that our sheer will and determination can make up for all that has occurred, I know better. After battle, the Maasai warriors go through a “spiritual cleansings” of sorts. It’s mandatory; they can’t re-enter the village until then. It takes months… years even, before the body & spirit are cleansed. There are limits to what I can do here. Lee’s still considered a prisoner. Any treatment given must be deemed necessary by both the Hospital Board and the court of law.

MARVA: The mental state of black people isn’t worth treating?

CORDICE: Some would argue that this country is far behind in terms of holistic healing practices.

MARVA: And you say?

CORDICE: Personally, I think it’s intentional. Richest country in the world, yet we still pay for healthcare. I don’t know how much more time I will be granted with him now that he can at least stand. What I can tell you, is that Lee’s inability to walk has nothing to do with his body.

50 And if I can be frank with you, I can get him to walk again, but I’m not equipped to heal what’s inside. And neither can you, Mrs. Berry. Not even the Lord Almighty can do what needs to be done.

MARVA: Why are you telling me this?

CORDICE: I’m speaking from experience. I was a soldier; I lived that life. Once war is over, the nightmares follow, and it’s usually the ones closet we do the most damage too. Don’t be a victim. Trust me. Once he’s out, it will be up to him to heal himself. Try… try until the cows comes home, it’ll will be on him.

(MOMENT. DEB & LEE exit)

LEE: What are you two talking about?

CORDICE: How funny it is watching you fall flat on your ass.

LEE: Ha, negros become doctors and thinks they’re funny.

DEB: Trust me it gets worse.

CORDICE: Alright, alright, let’s try again when you’re ready.

(LEE attempts to walk. Fails. MOMENT.)

CORDICE: Let’s try again tomorrow-

MARVA: Lee, you hear that’s noise.

LEE: Yea it’s people outside shouting.

MARVA: Listen to what they are saying.

(MOMENT. Sounds of the crowd outside intensify. A cacophony of screams asking for Lee to be freed and justice to be served.)

MARVA: They’re shouting for you. The past month rain or shine, they’ve been out there. They believe in you… we believe in you. You can do this baby; only you can.

(Sounds of the crowd outside intensify as LEE attempts to walk again. After some time, his foot begins to move.)


51 (LEE continues walking step by step as we forward to DAY 324. His walk will get easier as the scene progresses, but he never fully recovers, reaching his cell in the Tombs by the end of the scene. The crowd fades out as birds are heard. It’s 6 am and the space is empty. MOMENT.)

LEE: How do I find my wings after all this? The weight of this experience can’t be dismissed.

INMATE 1: Lazuras…

OFFICER 1: Brother man…

INMATE 1: Blackbird…

OFFICER 2: Terrorist…

DEB: Black man…

MARVA Black man, gentle and kind.

LEE: Every step ahead feels two steps behind. A pollution of memories cloud my state of mind.

CORDICE: You’ll be fine. Healing comes one step at a time.

MARVA: Time, the most unforgiving factor. Can we ever makeup the stories lost in our chapter?

CORDICE: Step by Step.

LEE: Hoping for the best

52 Step by step, heart close to my chest.

MARVA: Step by step God will handle the rest.

CORDICE: Learning to open up, that is your first test.

LEE: And just when I start to find a moment of peace-

CORDICE: They’re sending you back to the Tombs until your release.


MARVA: Step…


DEB: Step…

INMATE 1: Step….

(LEE’s continues walking.)

LEE: Back and forth. One day at a time…

(LEE is freed)

MARVA: Time will always be on our side….


(DAY 998: It’s 5 am. Birds are heard, INMATE 1, struggling as the walls close in on him. INMATE 2 is having a nightmare)


INMATE 1: Large….. windows….. red… blue… large windows…. Uhhhhhhh! Large windows…… bl-

(INMATE 2 awakes)



INMATE 2: Still having nightmares?

INMATE 1: They don’t stop: where’d you go this time?

INMATE 2: Not sure.… I was in village… all of us were dancing around a fire. Same dance we did in Nigeria. But… I don’t know… it seemed like it was America… older though. Prehistoric almost…. And my wife… telling me “we’re home, we’re home, Ọbara anyị dị ebe a”, “Our blood is here.”

INMATE 1: I wish I could’ve said goodbye to Lee.

INMATE 2: Told you it wasn’t going to happen. You-

INMATE 1: I owe you a smoke... I know.

INMATE 2: Glad one of us got out though.

INMATE 1: Must be nice, to walk and not be surrounded by walls.

INMATE 2: Trust me, the walls out there are worse than in here.

INMATE 1: I’m forgetting again… simple things keep slipping away-

INMATE 2: Calm down-

INMATE 1: The walls are craving-

INMATE 2: Breathe-

INMARTE 1: It’s worse this time-

INMATE 2: Remember the house?

INMATE 1: Large windows…. Blue… Large…

54 INMATE 2: You can do this-

INMATE 1: No… I can’t….

INMATE 2: I need you to do this.


INMATE 1: Every night, the walls close in and every night we fight it. What if we just stopped?

INMATE 2: Stopped?

INMATE 1: It’s hurts to keep fighting man. Maybe the darkness isn’t as bad as we think-

INMATE 2: Then we become what they say we are and I can’t do that-

INMATE 1: We’re already in a cage man. You gon sit here and act like this shit don’t hurt?


INMATE 2 You know Job, right? Man loses his family, land, all of it gone… twice? Yet, not once did he speak against God. Amazing right? All that suffering and still have faith. You remind me of Job?

INMATE 1: I didn’t want to be Job, I just wanted to go home.

INMATE 2: Please.

(EXPERIENCE begins. The walls around INMATE 1 close in. MOMENT.)

INMATE 1: I left my home in Georgia Headed for the Frisco Bay 'Cause I've got nothin' to live for Looks like nothin's gonna come my way.

(EXPERIENCE continues. The walls get closer.)

INMATE 1: Now, I’m just gon sit on a dock of a bay Watchin’ the tide, roll away Sitting on a dock of a bay…. Wastin’….


(EXPERIENCE ends. INMATE 1 is now institutionalized. MOMENT)

INMATE 2: Officer... Officer!

(OFFICER 2 enters)

OFFICER 2: This better be good Inmate.

INMATE 2: I need to speak to the Warden.

OFFICER2: It’s late-

INMATE 2: C’mon!

(OFFICER 2 exits. MOMENT. The WARDEN enters.)

WARDEN: This couldn’t wait til’ the morning, Calvin?

INMATE 2: I want out of here, now-

WARDEN: Funny, last time I tried to help you… I believe your words were: “kiss my-

INMATE 2: I know what I said, but I wanna be of service again.


WARDEN: Oh, I see, don’t want to end up like 0049 over here, huh? Yeah, these walls did a number on him.

INMATE 2: I already did what you asked… please!

WARDEN: Ok. What intel have you gathered? An incentive is still required.

INMATE 2: …. Nothing.

WARDEN: Not even a hiccup? A hidden stash of guns somewhere, a mention of illegal drug use, plots to launch an assault of some kind-

INMATE 2: The Panthers are clean sir, I swear.

WARDEN: …. so it seems. Hell, every charge we pinned on them, dropped. No matter, we’ll find something… There is one thing-

56 INMATE 2: Anything.

WARDEN: But once you do this, you belong to us; forever.

INMATE 2: Us, like the C.I.-

WARDEN: Us like America, son.

(Cell door opens)

WARDEN: Word of advice, don’t ever say those 3 letters together again. “The Alphabet boys” hate to be singled them out individually: people usually go missing.

INMATE 2: What do I have to do?

WARDEN: Not for me to say. You’ll get your assignment in a few days I’m sure. Enjoy your freedom in the meantime.

INMATE 2: … Just like that?

WARDEN: Your sentence isn’t over. We’re just changing the way you serve. A package will be at your door when you get home. I’d follow the instructions to the letter if I were you.

(INMATE 2 begins to exit)

WARDEN: Oh… and Calvin, if you try to run, start to have second thoughts, or fail at whatever assignment you’re given, I’ll put you in a hole so small you’ll rot like “0049” here. No amount of dreams will save you this time.

INMATE 1: Your names…. Calvin?


INAMTE 2: I’m sorry.

(INMATE 2 exits)