Saint Angela Merici A Stewardship Parish

Rev. David Klunk Administrator Rev. Francis Ng Parochial Vicar

Deacon Benjamin Flores Mike Shaffer

Rev. Dan Mc Sweeney Sunday Ministry

Celebration of the Eucharist Monday-Friday 6:30 am & 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil, Sunday 7:45 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am 12:45 Spanish, 5:00 pm

Adoration Chapel Monday-Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 midnight

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Or by Appointment

Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Twenty-fifth Sunday in Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Ordinary Time Saturday & Sunday 8:30 am - 12:00 Noon September 23, 2018


In the book of Wisdom today, God is preparing us to understand that a person has to suffer in this life. He prepares us to understand how Jesus was persecuted and handed over to be killed.

In the letter to St. James, he reminds us, where jealous and selfishness exist, there is disorder, but the wisdom from God is pure, peaceful, gentle, compliant and full of mercy and good fruit. In order for us to sow peace and good fruit in our hearts and in our daily lives, we have to cultivate that peace. The hard part is figuring out how to do that daily. We have to allow ourselves to be guided by him and not by this world.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus shows us how he traveled with his disciples. Sometimes the best way to get to know someone is to travel with them and walk with them every step of the way. He was trying to teach them, not one but all are im- portant. All they were thinking about was who is going to be first in the kingdom. They still didn’t understand, they kept discussing amongst themselves who was going to be the best. They were physically close to Jesus but not spiritually. They had a long way to go before they really understood. Then he reached out for a child, and told them they had to be like a little child. A child doesn’t have expectations. Children trust and have unconditional love. That is what they had to do. This is what we have to do also, trust and have unconditional love for each other.

Jesus doesn’t ignore any one of us. We all eat at His table, consuming the word of God and bread of life. The world of a child is full of small things which we do not consider important, but maybe we should. Jesus lets us know the greatest and the most important, is the one who is willing to serve with humility and gen- erosity.

May God bless all of you as we travel together on this journey that God has giv- en. May we be willing to love and serve on another as He serves and loves us.

Deacon Ben Flores


Commitment to Providing a Safe Environment for our Children and Youth

These past several weeks I've preached about the reports of abuse in the Church and I'm sure we've all gone through many of the same emotions from shock, disgust and anger to grief and disappointment. So much hurt and pain that caused so many to suffer because of the horrible actions some 's committed mostly from the 1960's to 1990's. And so on be- half of priesthood of Jesus Christ, I am truly sorry. Back then the Church believed that these predators could be healed. But unfortunately today we realize that such long term healing is almost impossible. Since the early 2000's the Church put into place safe guards to keep our children and youth safe from predators. This includes, but is not limited to requiring that all , deacons, employees, volunteers, and everyone who works with children and youth: ♦ Be fingerprinted according to our diocesan procedures by the Department of Justice; ♦ Be background checked by the Department of Justice; ♦ Undergo Safe Environment training and certification; with renewal every three years; ♦ Are mandated by law as mandatory reporters. Additionally seminarians, (priests and deacons) undergo a comprehensive psychological evaluation before entering the seminary and undergo yearly human formation training and education throughout their ordained lives. Should an accusation of sexual abuse of any kind be reported, the accusation is sent to and investigated by law enforcement as well as the Diocese. Victims of sexual abuse by church staff in our Diocese are urged to report the abuse by calling the toll free number: (800) 364-3064. The Diocese of Orange has a zero tol- erance policy as it applies to sexual abuse cases regardless of the position of the offender. The safety of our children and our youth is a commitment we must all undertake. As an ex- ample of our commitment and vigilance, this past year, windows were installed on our con- fessional doors. Let there be no doubt that our obligation to protect children and young people is our highest priority and flows from the mission and example given to us by Jesus Christ himself, in whose name we serve. As a side, during my career in the Fire Service I served as the PIO, Public Information Officer, on many an incident and I hate to say that the incident we worked on scene and the story we read or heard about in the media were often 2 different stories. So we must be vigilant in our pursuit of truth. The Catholic League and Spirit Daily both have compelling reports and blogs which add a reassuring element to where the Church is today as compared to the 1960's to 90's. I have also personally found Robert Barron's comments and reflections on this issue to be of great value. You can watch his latest video at: and http:// I'm a believer.... not because of Judas but because of Jesus. What some priests and did was terribly evil, but for me leaving the Church Jesus started because of them would be like saying that evil wins.....evil finally caused me to leave Jesus in the Eucharist. All my life I've been fighting for good and so now today, how could I allow myself to leave Jesus in the Eucharist because of the horribly evil actions of a few? Yes, those who have broken laws, broken trust and broken innocent lives need to be held responsible for their crimes so that all the victims may have their day of justice and hopefully this never happens again. But for me, I just can't give into believing that the gates of hell and evil get to win. So please keep the faith and make sure that our Parish is a Safe Environment for all people, young and old! Blessings in Christ Jesus, Fr Dave


Parish Life

PALS Has Begun Come on a Cursillo! Our Parish women’s group Say 'Yes" to more joy in your life PALS (Praise, Adoration, by making a Cursillo week- Learning & Sharing) is pre- end! Attendees will experience paring to begin a new ses- more hope, peace, fulfillment sion. We invite all of the and healing in their lives. Come enjoy a women of the Parish to join us for prayer grace-filled weekend, make new friends, and fellowship. PALS meet weekly. Our and deepen your relationship with Je- Morning PALS meets from 9:15 to 11:30 and sus. Applications are being accepted now evening PALS from 6:45 to 9:00PM every for the October Cursillo weekends ( Men: Tuesday. Classes will begin for the Sept 11th October 4-7; Women's October 18-21). morning and Sept 18th evening. We would For more information, or to signup, contact love to have you join our group of faith Dave Engels 714/992-1306 or 714/992-1306. filled women. For more information please You'll be very glad you did!! contact: Darlene Chavira – AM 714/928- 0421 or Donna Schafer – PM 714/990-8414. Christ’s Healing Presence Fr. Ben Tran will celebrate the Healing Eu- Women’s Silent Retreat charist on Monday, September 24, 7:15 PM. This year’s Women’s Silent Retreat will After a time of prayer and discernment, Fr. be held November 9-11 at the Sacred Ben applied to St. John’s Seminary College Heart Retreat House in Alhambra. in Camarillo, CA, where he completed his Space is limited and has almost undergraduate studies and his theological reached capacity so please sign-up soon if you degree at St. John’s Theology. He was or- are planning to participate. Flyers are availa- dained on June 10, 2006. Since then he has ble in the church or you may contact Mary served as a priest for the Diocese of Or- Palmer for more information at 714/269-7743. ange in various parishes and now is as- signed to St. Anne in Seal Beach. He is a speaker at the SCRC convention as well as In the Company of a presider. Invite a friend or neighbor to join Heaven’s Prayer Warriors you. All are welcome. Call Jan, 7/525- Please join us for an enriching teaching on 2277, for additional information. intercessory prayer by the SCRC Ministry on October 6th, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at St. Angela Merici. Fr. George Reynolds and Dominic Berardino, President of SCRC will be teaching this class. Registration for this How are we doing? st event is through The cost is $20 for 21 Sunday in Ordinary Time registering before October 1, and $25 after Income Received Weekly Goal that date. The registration fee includes $17,858.00 $ 25,793.00 lunch. Extra copies of the flyer for this event Thank you for your contribution!! will be in the Parish Center Office. For addi- tional information, call Jude 714/525-8539. 4

Welcome Eric! Beware of Gypsies/Panhandlers Please be aware that this past weekend we St. Angela Merici Church had Gypsies begging for money on the Church would like to congratulate grounds. Usually they just want money, often Eric Le Van in his new posi- the scam is that the money will be used to feed tion as Director of the their infant children. In my discussions with the 11:15 Chorale Choir. Eric is a world renowned local Police Departments the presence of gyp- pianist who accompanies singers at all the sies on site results in a higher rate of car's being weekend English Masses. He has performed broken into, purses being stolen at Communion at major festivals in the United States and Eu- time, pick pocketing, and false slip and fall rope, notably the Weimar Franz Liszt Festival claims against the Church. I recommend not and the Beethovenfest in Bonn, as well as the engaging them in conversation or contributing Kennedy Center and the Library of Congress money to them. Please always refer persons in in Washington D.C. He holds degrees from need to our ACT office for assistance. the University of Southern California and E.G. Hall in his article Gypsies: Kings of Con re- ports that the Gypsy crime families are directly graduate diplomas from the Musik-Akademie responsible for an estimated $15 billion dollars in in Basil, Switzerland and the University of Paris, varying forms of thievery annually in the United La Sorbonne. As a Fulbright scholar, he stud- States. ied at the Hochschule für Musik in Hannover, If you notice gypsies/panhandlers on the prem- Germany. ises please immediately advise our Church ush- He has released widely acclaimed recordings ers, Fr Dave or call the Brea Police Dept. at with many record labels as well as being the 714/990-7911. artistic director of the Franz Liszt Festival in Al- sace, France from 1997 to 2003. Afterwards, Great Marriages Don't Just Happen, he moved back to the United States. He lives in Orange County with his family and has en- Couples Make Them joyed being part of the St. Angela community The world has a way of lulling us into a sort of rut. We end up developing a habit of hitting the since then. Eric has worked with many singers snooze alarm on our marriages and rolling over throughout the years as an accompanist and for another few minutes. Years can go by and coach. We are extremely blessed to have Er- we can forget how great it feels to be fully ic and his daughters as part of our musical awake and alive, fully intimate with our spouses. family here at SAM. So please welcome and Come and snap out of it! Let a Marriage En- congratulate Eric in his new position as Music counter Weekend re-ignite the sizzle of your da- Director! ting days! The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Week- SAM is Helping the A.C. T. Office end is November 2-4. For an informational bro- This month St. Angela Merici School will help chure or to sign up, contact John & Maggie Lee collect items for the ACT office. We are in at 714/873-5136 or [email protected]. Or visit need of Pasta Sauce, hot and cold cereals, our website: www. snack sized cookies, small bags of chips, small bottles of Gatorade, small bottles of El Ministerio de La Sagrada Familia water, complete pancake mix, cooking oil, Te invita a un grande Evento syrup, diced peaches, canned soup, Jesus Eucarestia canned meats, canned fruits, toothbrushes, Octubre 6, 1:00pm - 9:00pm. toothpaste and deodorant. You may bring Todo será gratis!!! your donation to the A.C.T. office on Mon- Juan; 6:51 Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado day, Wednesday or Friday from 9:00 AM to del cielo. El que coma de este pan, vivir a para 1:00 PM. If you have further questions give siempre. El pan que yo dare es mi carne, y lo us a call at 714/529-1821 x143 5 dare para la vida del mundo.

Knights of Columbus of St. Angela Merici Presents: BBQ DINNER Featuring “BIG MIKE’S” BBQ (SAM Parishioner)

With LIVE Country Music By THE WARNER EXPRESS BAND Saturday, September 29, 2018

St. Angela Merici Olson Hall Chicken and Ribs Dinner served: 6:00 – 7:30 PM No host bar Raffle: 7:30 PM followed by more Live Music! Tickets: $22.00 Adult, Children’s plates available (under age 10)

For Tickets Contact: Franz Liem (714) 526-7914 Fred Peralta (714) 609-1837

Tickets also on sale in the Church Plaza on 9/23 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Limited Tickets Available – Advance Purchase ONLY! No Tickets will be sold at the door

Checks Payable to: Knights of Columbus 9511 and mail to: 1912 Nottingham Pl., Fullerton, CA 92835

All proceeds to benefit local charities including Habitat for Humanity and St. Angela Merici Active Christians Today (A.C.T.)


El Comité de Justicia Social de la parroquia de Santa Angela Merici invita a todos los feligreses a interrumpir sus vidas con un llamado de Jesús a un dis- cipulado más intencional, sabiendo que nuestro SÍ a este llamado permitirá a nuestra comunidad reflejar mejor el mensaje del Evangelio. Al promover la misión social Católica, este comité permitirá a nuestra parro- quia enriquecer la vida espiritual de sus miembros y servir a la comunidad en general hacien- do lo que es correcto, amando lo que es bueno y caminando humildemente con nuestro Dios. Empezaremos ayudando a nuestra comunidad a aprender más completamente la Enseñan- za Social Católica. “La Enseñanza Social Católica es un elemento central y esenciál de nuestra fe. Sus raíces están arraigadas en los profetas Hebreos quienes anunciaron el amor especiál de nuestro Diós por los pobres y quienes llamaron a la gente de Diós a un convenio de amor y justicia. Es una enseñanza fundada en la vida y palabra de Jesucristo, … La Enseñanza Social Católica se basa en un compromiso con los pobres. Este compromiso surge de nuestras experiencias con Cristo en la Eucaristía.” (Conferencía de los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, Compartiendo la Enseñanza Católica: Desafíos y Direcciones) Los Siete Pilares de la Enseñanza Social Católica representan los temas clave que los Obispos han indentificado. Estos temas captan el corazón de la Tradición Social Católica. Los invitamos a que esperen con ansias aprender más sobre estos temas durante todo el año. En particular, encontrarán oportunidades para ayudarnos a expresar estos temas a lo largo de la vida de nuestra comunidád Católica.

Padre Jose Arredondo

Padre Jose Arredondo nacido en un pueblo llamado Arroyo de la Pla- ta en el estado de Guanajuato Mexico. De una Familia de 5 hermanos tienen que emigrar al estado de Naya- rit Mexico donde vivio hasta los 16 años, el Padre Jose decide emigrar a los Estados Unidos buscando un mejor futuro. Llega a California y comienza a trabajar en un restaurante de comida italiana por 5 años y ahí es donde un amigo de trabajo Luis Cabrera le hace una invi- tación a un grupo de jóvenes llamado Guerreros de Yavhe en la Igle- sia de St Angela Merici en la ciudad de Brea Ca. Padre Jose rechaza la invitación pero la insistencia de su amigo sigue hasta que un día Padre Jose decide ir al grupo de jóvenes Guerreros de Yavhe y es ahí donde el comienza a sentir el llamado de Dios, en su primer retiro de iniciación “Nueva Vida” con Guerreros de Yavhe y comienza a servir en el min- isterio. Su llamado sigue siendo más fuerte al grado de que en un congreso catolico conoce al- gunos religiosos de la orden de los Agustinos Recolectos y pide información y es ahí donde el de- cide irse al seminario en la ciudad de Oxnard CA. Despues de 3 años lo mandan a la ciudad de New Jersey, y luego a España regresa nueva mente a California para después ser ordenado Diácono y el pasado 26 de Agosto fue ordenado Sacerdote en la ciudad de Querétaro Mexico por el obispo de nuestra Diócesis de Orange Kevin W. Vann. El domingo pasado padre Jose celebro dos misas en nuestra Iglesia de St Angela Merici, donde lo recibimos con gran alegria, an- tes de ser enviado a misionar al país de Brazil.


Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

NEW!! Join us for our first book and DVD series:

Not self-help or psychology, this book/DVD looks first and foremost at the Bible for answers to the problems of anger.* • Use anger constructively* • Use scripture to discipline anger* • Let anger help you overcome obstacles* *excerpts from website

Our discussion begins Wednesday October 3rd from 7:00-8:30PM in St. Paul room. Limited number of copies available at a discount price of $15.00 (retail $19.99).

For more information please contact: Andrea Draper at 714/529-1821 ext 136 OR [email protected]

Ignite Ministry Events Confirmation

Ignite Ministries would like to invite Fall Confirmation 1 is beginning! The any high school youth interested in first class will be Wednesday, Sep- deepening their relationship with tember 26 from 7:15-8:45 in Olson God to come to our Youth Night - Hall. See you soon! every Thursday at 7 PM in the Youth Room. Confirmation 2 is getting started! The sec- Come spend a fun night with friends! ond class will be this week, September 30. Classes are from 7-8:30 pm. If you have RCIYA-Young Adult Faith Formation any questions regarding the Confirmation program, please contact Danny at (714) If you are a young adult (18-26) and would 529-1821x117. like to receive your sacraments please call Parent Retreat Meeting - Sunday Septem- Shannon at 714/529-1821 x115. Classes are ber 23, 7-8 pm. Parents MUST attend, thank Sundays from 4-4:45 in the Youth Room, fol- you!! - And no kids - we’re keeping secrets lowed by mass at 5pm. See you there! from them!


If you are a high school teen who has not been baptized or received First Commun- ion and would like to receive your sacra- ments please call Shannon at 714/529-1821 x115. Classes start again November 14th. 8

Liturgy and Worship

St. Angela Merici Community extends its prayers and care for the fol- lowing intentions:

The Sick, Homebound, and those in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Hanny Luyt, Irene Hubert, Ubaldo Perez, , John Treish, Alfredo Bernal, Guadalupe Flores and Leonard Olguin.

The Deceased of our Community: Agustin Orozco, John Lee, Salvador Garcia, Lizbeth Cisneros, Gloria Justiniani, Albert Mar- tinez, Mary Lou Esposito, Thomas Gayette and Julie McDermott. Our Community Eucharist Intentions for the Week

Monday 09/24 Friday 09/28 6:30 AM Elvira Valdez (L) 6:30 AM Doris Dinsmore (D) 8:00 AM Russ Peterson (D) 8:00 AM Russ Pererson (D) Tuesday 09/25 Saturday 09/29 6:30 AM Elizabeth Huhn (D) 8:00 AM Tom Salamango (D) 8:00 AM Marzia Niccolai (D) 5:00 PM The Community of St. Angela Wednesday 09/26 Sunday 09/30 6:30 AM Jeff Vail (D) 7:45 AM Mike Figueroa (L) 8:00 AM Kenny & Catilin Palmer (L) 9:30 AM Kate & Dana’s Parents (L) Thursday 09/27 11:15 AM Alexander Dorantes (L) 6:30 AM Wally Ibrahim (D) 12:45 PM Rosa Medina (D) 8:00 AM William Malloy(D) 5:00 PM Gregory Roo & Kathleen Forrest (D)

Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Open Monday - Saturday, in Church following the 8:00 AM Mass.

Connecting - Welcome!

New? Visiting? Interested? Are you visiting for the first time? Are you interested in knowing more about the ministries and activities at Saint Angela Merici Parish and Parish School? Please check our Parish and School Website: Register! Are you a Catholic or non-Catholic attending Eucharist at Saint Angela Merici, yet have not registered? Join us! Why Register? Saint Angela Merici is a vibrant parish offering many avenues for ministry, connecting with other parishioners and personal and community spiritual growth opportunities. We would love to get to know you and inform you of our various activities, groups, and events going on at our parish and school. Please pick up a Registration Form by the Baptismal Font or go online to register at We look forward to connecting with you! 9

29th Evening Adoration: Guerreros de Yahve: Spanish Ministries (714)529-1821 x 134 Eloy Cabrera (562)340-3599 Active Christians Today (A.C.T.): Grupo de Oración: Maria Fulton, Coordinator (714)529-6776 x 142 John Garcia (714)529-1592 Yarmniz Garcia (714)529-6776 x 144 Healing Eucharist / Charismatic Prayer Group: Adoration Ministry: Jude Catania (714)525-8539 Dave Engels (714)992-1306 Ignite Advisor: Administrative Assistant / SP-Weddings Kelly Spies (714)529-1821 x 169 Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x 110 Eucaristía de Jóvenes Adult Faith Formation & RCIA Sonia Villanueva (562)612-5622 Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Junior High Faith Formation Altar Server Ministry: Lety Garcia (714)529-1821 x 147 Amy Hinz (562)253-8901 Knights of Columbus: Audio / Visual Ministry: Hector Morales (714)397-3781 Ron Sled (714)803-1224 Las Posadas: Baptism Preparation: Gloria Wade (714)529-5513 Andrea Draper - English (714)529-1821 x 136 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Jose Lopez - Spanish (562)697-0650 Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Susie Beas (714)356-5004 Liturgy Planning: Bereavement Support Group: Deacon Mike Schafer (714)309-2933 Mike & Rachel Schafer (714)309-2933 Marian Rosary / Sacred Heart Hour : Bible Study: Joan Hosek (714)801-5317 Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Marriage Encounter: Bodas Comunitarias: John & Maggie Lee (714)873-5136 Deacon Benjamin Flores (714)240-1289 Men’s Group: Boy Scouts : John Cushing - Fellowship (714)213-1953 Paul Hinz (562)253-8902 Ministerio de Hospitalidad: - Bread of Angels Ministry (Saturday Hospitality): Tano Gonzales (714)589-3205 Bob Duffy (714)871-0218 Ministerio Liturgico Centering Prayer Maria Figueroa (714)255-8365 Terry Saenz (657)278-3823 Monaguillos / Grupo Mikael: Children’s Faith Formation/ High School RCIA: Jose & Teresa Macias (714)255-0928 Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x134 Music Ministry: (714)529-1821 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Parish Life: Nita Causey (714)321-2925 Sue de Grasse (714)529-1821 x 126 Debbie Kistler (714)743-2978 Parish Bulletin: Church Sacristan Ministry: [email protected] Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Parish Website & Parish Apps: Carolyn Lamka (714)441-1278 [email protected] Gloria Pena (714)879-0639 Pastoral Council: Chrissy Spittell (714)529-8893 Nick Pulone (714)674-0650 Confirmation Faith Formation: Quinceañeras: Danny Serna (714)529-1821 x 117 Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x 110 Ministerio Hispano - (Spanish Worship) : Restorative Justice (Detention Ministries): Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Jan Urban (714)423-5802 Coros Unidos: Sagrada Familia: Rafael Bucio (714)529-1821 Jesus Flores (562)753-4659 Cub Scouts: Parish School (Principal): Greg Marick (714)317-6060 Juliana Tapia (714)529-6372 Couples for Christ Sick, Elderly, & Homebound: John Siazon (714)397-2275 Bob Lanphar (714)809-8753 Felicia Siazon (714)858-6277 Social Justice: Cursillo: Dena Lordi [email protected] Dave Engels (714)992-1306 Spiritual Direction Ejercito Azul (Spanish Rosary): Mrs. Ceci Witchey, OP (714)993-6117 Lola Flores (562)694-5878 Stewardship / Travel Club Emergency Resource Response Ministry: Gene Passafiume (714)524-2874 George Ullrich (714)267-6132 Ushers: Empezar de Nuevo Rick Ritter (714)310-6492 Carmela Gutierrez (714)770-7770 Virgen Peregrina: Encuentro Matrimonial: Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Guillermo & Rosaelia Martinez (562)697-1321 Weddings: Environment: Gloria Knapp (714)990-2483 Irma Gonzalez (714)612-2853 Yolanda Orozco (323)350-4310 Dinora Cardenas (562)500-7000 Welcome, Fellowship & Hospitality: Corina Pineda (562)972-2165 Peter Toller (714)528-4305 Evangelization / Apologetics Women’s Group P.A.L.S.: Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Darlene Chavira - AM (714)928-0421 Facilities - Master Calendar: Donna Schafer - PM (714)990-8414 Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x. 113 Young Adults RCIA - Spanish: (714)529-1829 x134 Finance: Youth, Young Adult, Jr. Hgh & S.A.M. School: Luz Mendez (714)529-1821 x. 111 Shannon Trott (714)529-1821 x 115 Formación de Fe para Niños: Youth High School RCIA– English: Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Shannon Trott (562)217-5239 Girl Scouts: Claudia Hinman (562)805-8149



BULLETIN #: 513914

PHONE #: (949)922-6450

MODEM #: (714) 529-0569



For any concerned issue please call Noel Ross at 949- 922-6450 or email: [email protected].

Thank you.