Volume : 124 Issue No. : 124 Month : November, 2010

"What would be the condition of the Indian literature if the contribution of the Jains were removed? The more I study the more happy and wonder struck I am." ...... Dr. Hertel, Germany


Dr. Shiv Muni, head of the and fourth of Jain Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Shraman Sangh has announced that a congregation of saints belonging to this order shall be held in 2011. In order to make efficient arrangements for this conference, an executive committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Shri Sumati Lal Karnawat and presidentship of Kesari Mal Burad (Bangalore). Other active community members

working for this conference are Nemi Chand Chopra (Pali), Paras Chajjer (Mumbai), Mohan Lal Chopra (Nasik), Ramesh Chand Jain (Delhi), Vimal Chand Dhariwal (Arkonam), Sher Singh Jain (Delhi), Bal Chand Khakhad (Mumbai), Amit Rai Jain (Barot), R. D. Jain (Delhi), Salek Chand Jain (Delhi), Jawari Lal Kankaria (Pali), Anand Prakash Jain (Delhi), Manmohan Jain (Mujaffar Nagar), Lal Chand Jain (Delhi) and Sukhbir Jain (Delhi). A formal announcement about formation of arrangement committee is expected shortly.

Mr. Nemi Chand Chopra, a prominent leader of Sthanakwasi Sect informed Times, that this is going to be an important event for the community happening after 23 years. Last congregation was organised in 1987 at Pune. Although in that summit, it was decided to hold similar events every 5 years, but, it could not be worked out. This will be an opportunity for prominent saints to discuss many issues face to face and also to remove some of the misunderstandings prevailing for quite some time. It will give a chance to the saint community to frame rules and regulations concerning their movements, lifestyle and rituals. The issue of discipline etc. can also be discussed. The convention will benefit all concerned. According to Mr. Sher Singh, another prominent community member and office bearer of All Sthanakwasi Jain Conference, they are working on the arrangements including exact date, venue and agenda of the conference. More than five hundred saints are likely to participate in this mega event happening in Delhi. The senior prominent saints likely to be present include Acharya Shivmuni, sarvashri Saubhgya Muni (Kumud), Roop Muni (Rajat), Amar Muni, Ramesh Muni, Ravinder Muni, Jitendra Muni.


The Crime Branch of the Delhi Police has been roped in to investigate the wider conspiracy behind a case of human trafficking, wherein kids were brought into the capital by a sadhvi and her accomplices and then sold to childless couples here. A 57- year-old sadhvi along with six others was arrested for allegedly kidnapping minor children and then selling them to childless couple. Delhi Police also claimed to have rescued four children, aged between one and seven years, from their clutches. Police said the gang used to operate in Delhi, , and Rajasthan.

According to the police, the arrest came following complaints from parents of children kidnapped in past few months. Following the complaints, surveillance was mounted in Neb Sarai and Sangam Vihar areas and soon the cops tracked a woman and her husband who were trying to sell children, police said. The couple was identified as Mona (20) and her husband Afroz (21). They are in police custody and are being questioned.

Working on leads provided by the couple, police zeroed in on Sadhvi Binaji Maharaj of Khanpur. It was further revealed that the racket is spread in various parts of Delhi following which four more persons, including three women and a man, were picked up. During questioning, these four accused revealed that they used to kidnap children and took the abducted kids to the sadhvi. It was the sadhvi who struck deals with childless couples and sold the kids for anything between Rs 25,000 to Rs 1 lakh. The sadhvi used to keep a large portion of the ill-gotten money while the rest was distributed among the other gang members. Sources said the gang had been operating for the past two years and was allegedly involved in more than two dozen such cases. "We have taken them under police remand for questioning. The gang members would first conduct a recky in an area posing as salesmen, rag pickers and maids and after identifying the victim they would kidnap the child," said a senior police officer. The other accused have been identified as Afroz, Nanhi, Zuber, Khusboo, Mona and Saira — all are residents of Sangam Vihar and Khanpur. It is understood that so called Sadhvi Beenaji was disowned by the religious body of apex saints several years back. She was not participating in any known forum related with any Jain institution. She was misrepresenting to be a Jain Sadhwi.

THE JAIN RELIGION / BELIEF & .....DIGMABER JAIN SAINTS - K. S. Jain E-Mail: [email protected] - The people who get hurt after seeing the nakedness are stuck at the skin level. Problem is with their way of looking at things and not with the underlying principle of Digambaratav. A child when born is also naked, why is it that we are never hurt looking at naked kids or looking at the mother feeding the babies. In fact that seems to be so pleasant. It is because we look at it with a different point of view.

Our mother sister and daughter and wife all are females but our feelings are different for each one of these relations. It is just the drishti with which we look at it. Drishti badalne se sansar badal jaata hai. In same way these veetragi who have conquered all their passions of kaam krodh and moh and lobh should not be compared by the ones who are still in the grip of passions. Shouldn't we change our perception of the nakedness of these sadhus who are doing Aatmik saadhna? We don't need clothes when we are kids, clothes are needed when we start looking at the world with the glasses of good/bad. Digambar Jain Sadhus observe 100% non violence and veetraagtaa by giving up all physical comforts and wants and they become as pure as kids. Just spend a day with these Jain munis and then you will understand the significance of their lifestyle. You might have read about it before but without understanding the philosophy, with this you have just burdened yourself with some information but not gained anything out of it. If you see nakedness in anyone be it Jain Muni or any other being, you have not conquered your own passions, so the problem is with the perspective. Get out of this trouble of Kaam Vaasna and you will feel free and light .. just like the Digambar Jain Munis.

औरंगाबाद म बना दुनया का सबसे लंबा टंग काड शुवार 15 से रववार 17 अगत 08 को एक अनोखे कायम का आयोजन मुनी तणसागरजी के तवावधान म आयोिजत कया गया। वह है- दुनया का सबसे लंबा टंग काड. लगभग 1000 फट लंबा यह काड अब तक का दुनया का सबसे लंबा टंग काड है, िजसका नाम नीज बुक ऑफ वड रकाड म दज होने क भी संभावना है। इसपर 1008 आम लोग वारा मुनी के त अपनी भावना लखीत वप म यत क गई। 17 तारख को यह काड मुनी को भट कया गया। इस काड पर अपनी भांवाजल यत करने हेतु पूव मुयमंी मनोहरराव जोशी, सासंद चंकांत खैरे, आमदार कशवचंद तनवाणी सहत पूरे देश से कई गणमाय यित पधार रहे ह इस दवसीय आयोजन म लगभग एक लाख लोग वारा भट द गई। इस आयोजन क मुय संकपना पारस जैन, नासक क है। उहने इस आयोजन के उेश के बारे म कहते हु ए कहा क, हम मुनी के वचार को एवं उनके त लोगक भावना को पूरे देश सहत पूरे दुनया म पहु चाना चाहते है तथा मुनी ने आज तक कई नये नये रकाड बनाये है। रकाड के इस बादशाह का नाम हम रकाड क गीता नीज बुक ऑफ वड रकाड म लखना चाहते है।


Speaking at a public meeting of heads of different religious organisations at Saket Shakti Nagar in Bhopal recently, Muni Shri Tarun Sagar Ji Maharaj mentioned that we should keep our friends, pictures and character clean because these three items are the basic requirements of life. Head of Madhya Pradesh Kazi Association and city Kazi, Mr. Amanullah, Mahant Baba Chandrama Das from Hindu community, Dharm Guru Sardar Gyani Dileep Singh from Sikh community and Father Anand Marangkul from Christian community were present in the meeting. Shri Narendra Tongya and Tarachand Jain representing Jain community were also present. Kazi Amanullah paid his respects and sought blessings from Muni Shri Tarun Sagar Ji.

VIDEO CLIPPING OF ACHARYA JI - From: Dr. Amit Prakash Jain, E-Mail: [email protected] - Most of us must be aware of the name "Charitra Chakravarti Acharya Sri Shantisagarji".

He was the pioneer digamber muni in the 20th century. About Acharya Shantisagarji, Mahatma Gandhi had written to then prime minister of Britain Mr. Churchill, that if he wanted to see great naked fakir or saint he can come to India to see Acharya Shantisagarji Maharaj. I felt very elated to see moving pictures of Acarya Shantisagarji on youtube. Following is the link for it. You all can have his darshan. www.youtube.com


The President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil appointed Smt Vimla Jain as Judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court. The Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh Shri Rafat Alam administered oath of office to Smt. Jain on 13th September, 2010 at in presence of the Judges and Advocates of M. P. High Court. The eminent Jurists, senior judicial officers, Advocates, media persons and representatives of people congratulated her.

Smt. Jain is the first Jain Lady to receive such honour in the judicial history of India. Therefore, all the

national Jain institutions and organizations felt proud of it and congratulated and appreciated her for her historical achievement. In her ovation, Shri R. D. Jain, Advocate General, Madhya Pradesh said that Smt. Jain has a vast and long experience of judicial working, which will prove a great asset to High Court and a guiding light to the new comers in the profession as also beneficial to the judicial institutions. Her long experience of three decades in the field of dispensation of justice will surely result in reducing pendency and heavy workload of the High Court.

SHRI MANMOHAN JAIN OF DELHI HONOURED WITH RAJIV GANDHI EXCELLENCY AWARD Shri Man Mohan Jain, prominent devotee and scholar of was honoured with 'Rajiv Gandhi Excellency Award' by the eminent institution, Global Achievers Foundation, New Delhi for his all round contribution in the field of industrial development and his professional achievements. He is state president of S. S. Jain Conference, Uttar Pradesh and adviser of All India Jain Conference, New Delhi. The award was given away by the former Chief Commissioner, Shri V. K. Moorthy and former Director of Central Bureau of Investigations, Shri Jogendra Singh.

SHRI SURESH CHANDRA BAROLIA RECEIVES AHIMSA INTERNATIONAL AWARD Shri Suresh Chandra Barolia of , a scholar of Jain religion and an eminent journalist, propagator of vegetarianism, closely connected with several social organisations at Agra was honoured with Ahimsa International Award. The award consisted of a cash amount of Rs. 11,000, shawl, a memento and a letter of eulogy. The programme was specially organised in Anuvrat Bhawan and was well-attended by prominent citizens and members of the foundation. He has contributed several articles on and related areas in different magazines for the last twenty years. He has also travelled eighteen countries to spread the message of vegetarianism and compassion.


Nissan Motor India, which has a manufacturing facility at Oragadam has appointed Dinesh Jain as CEO. He had previously served as the CEO of Zee Turner Group. He worked for international and home markets for FMCG industry for nearly 24 years in the areas of food and beverages, personal care, prestige drinks and now in the Media industry.

He has wide knowledge of markets in Asia (India, Srilanka, Nepal, Middle East, Egypt, South East Asia, China) and ethnic markets for Indians in the UK. Nissan Motor India looks forward to Dinesh Jain's vast knowledge and expertise in enabling the company to create a strong brand equity for Nissan in India.


The Board of the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions elected Mr. Kirit Daftary from Jain community among the seven new trustees for a three-year term at its October 24-25, 2010 meeting. Earlier, Shri Kiritbhai had participated in the 2006 Montreal World Religions Conference and also had played a significant role in coordinating Jain Programs at the 2009 Melbourne Parliament. The Council is governed by a board of 35 Trustees, representing Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Jewish, Hindu, Indigenous, Pagan, Sikh,

Zoroastrian, and humanistic traditions. The roots of the Council go back to the historic 1893 World’s Parliament of Religions, when for the first time in history the traditions of east and west met for formal inter- religious dialogue, and Jainism was represented by Shri V. R. Gandhi. Chicago was the site for the centennial celebration of this event in 1993. Subsequent parliament events have been held in Cape Town, South Africa in 1999, Barcelona, Spain in 2004, and most recently, Melbourne, Australia in 2009. For more information about the Council for the World’s Religions.


The Florida International University has established the Bhagwan Mahavir Professorship in Jain Studies, the first of its kind in the western world, with a $600,000-donation received from the Jain Education and Research Foundation. Nathan Katz, FIU professor, who specializes in the religions of India, was named the first Bhagwan Mahavir Professor of the endowed professorship in the Department of Religious Studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. The endowment is part of a larger initiative by the Jain community to establish an academic education centre for Jain studies and

research at FIU. The proposed Bhagwan Mahavir Interdisciplinary Centre for Religious Pluralism would offer courses in Jainism, provide research opportunities and collaborate with universities throughout the world. The centre will link FIU with other universities globally in a number of projects, including study programmes in India. This endeavour is being led by Mr. Dipak C. Jain, renowned scholar and chairman of the Jain Education and Research Foundation. This professorship will open new horizons in teaching Jainism in USA. Founded in 1965, FIU has more than 38,000 students and has been classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as a "High Research Activity University.


Prof. Jeffery Long, Professor of Religion and Asian Studies, and Chair of the Dept. of Religious studies at Elizabethtown College, in Elizabethtown, PA has agreed to be a guest faculty at ISSJS 2011 in India. In previous years, Professors Anne Vallely ( Univ of Ottawa , Canada), Christopher Chapple ( Loyola Marymount Univ, L. A), ( University, Of California , Berkeley) and Dipak Jain (Kellogg’s School of Business, Chicago) have visited India to teach ISSJS classes. Prof. Long has recently written an excellent College level

book on Jainism. His PhD thesis at University of Chicago was on . Courtesy: Dr. Sulekh Jain, Houston, Texas.


London 18th November 2010, The Institute of Jainology received His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London to view the Jainpedia exhibition and its online digital resources. The Jainpedia project conceived by the IoJ is a first for Jain heritage as there is no other online public resource that has worked with the key holders of Jain artifacts in the UK or worldwide. The project now in its third year has exhibitions running at the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Library, and still to come at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The event began with Prince being

greeted by Mr Paul Ruddock, Chairman of the V&A and Mr Nemu Chandaria, Deputy Chairman of the Io J. Mr Nemu Chandaria thanked to His Royal Highness for visiting the Jainpedia exhibition. The Prince was guided through the V&A exhibition by curator Nick Barnard and Jainpedia expert Prof. of the University of Paris. He spent several moments discussing and 15th century manuscripts featuring the lives of the Jain teachers. His Royal Highness was then shown how the manuscripts are made available through the Jainpedia site. Over 100 members of the Jain community were invited to meet His Royal Highness during the visit as well as stakeholders from the British Library, the Wellcome Trust and the Bodleian Library. The event concluded with speeches from Beth McKillop, Deputy Director of the V&A, Mehool Sanghrajka Director of the IoJ and the Jainpedia project. To find out more about the project please visit www.jainpedia.org Courtesy: Jaysukh Mehta, e-mail: [email protected]


Brussels, the city which headquarters the EU bodies, has presented its bid to host Parliament of the World Religions in 2014, the largest inter-religious gathering in the world held once every five years in a different city. Nearly 8.000 people from around the world are expected to attend the one-week event whose objective is to promote the dialogue between the various religions, faiths and convictions. The previous gathering in Melbourne, Australia, in 2009, had

representation of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, Hinduism, , Shintoism, Jainism, Animism and Baha’i. Brussels is competing with Guadalajara, Mexico, and Dallas in the United States.

Members of the management board of the Chicago-based Parliament of the World Religions stayed in Brussels earlier this month to visit the city’s infrastructures and to appreciate their capacities. They also met representatives of religious groups and political authorities. According to Peter De Wilde, head of Flanders’s tourism bureau, which works together with Brussels International in the bidding process, this kind of event is very important for Belgium because of the economic fallouts.

FIRST MIDDLE EAST VEGETARIAN CONGRESS Dubai is holding the first Vegetarian Congress on 6th & 7th December. The event is also endorsed by Dubai Health Authorities. The event program includes interactive seminars, engaging workshops, MENOPE exhibition & a variety of vegetarian cuisines. This will be a good opportunity to listen, talk and interact with leading educationists, researchers, health experts, naturalists, environmentalists, agriculturists, organic and local farmers and herbologists. The two days are packed with seminars and workshops and includes rejuvenating breaks and lunch concurrently with the Middle East Natural & Organic Products Exhibition www.naturalproductme.com. The conference is organized by OK Middle East Productions. The MEVEG Congress is open to industry delegates, students, teachers and individuals. Reserve your space today. MEVEG (Middle East Veg Group) is a focus group promoting increased consumption of plant based foods for green, light and healthy living. www.mevegcongress.com E-Mail - [email protected], Sign up now Information courtesy: Sandhya Prakash, E- Mail: [email protected]

SEMINAR ON MANUSCRIPTOLOGY ORGANIZED BY INSTITUTE OF JAINOLOGY & BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE - REPORT Courtesy: Kumarpal Desai, Institute of Jainology, B/101 Samay Apartments, Near Azad Society, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380015, Ph: 091-79-26762082, Fax: 091-79-26761091, E-Mail: [email protected] ( CLICK HERE TO READ REPORT )


October 29, 2010, the Houston-based International School for Jain Studies and Atlanta Jain Sangh hosted the first meet and greet event in Atlanta of nearly 40 Jain academics (representing a large number of universities in North America) who were in town to attend the AAR (American Academy of Religions) and DANAM ( Academy of North America) conferences. The guests were invited to Atlanta , where they were received by Madhuben Sheth, President, Atlanta Jain Sangh and several prominent members of the Jain community. Dr. Sulekh Jain of Houston and Chairman of ISJS Governing Council, and Prof. Christopher Chapple of Loyola Mary Mount University and a member of the ISJS Academic Council explained the significance of ISJS program and how this program during its short span of six years has been instrumental in providing Jain academic education to nearly 190 students and faculty from 22 universities. Dr. Pankaj Jain (University of North Texas), Prof. Subhash Jain (University of Iowa) and Mr. Dilip (Past JAINA President) also addressed the gathering. From Dr. Sulekh C. Jain, Houston, Texas.


Dharmasthala Oct 31: Two days Zonal convention of Bharatiya Jain Milan Zone 8 concluded here. The speakers at the convention elaborately discussed on Jain Philosophy - pathway to lead a truthful life. Dr. S. P. Padmini Nagaraj, Rajarshree, Jain spoke on the changing attitude of women in globalization, Education, and in their professional career. In another session Dr. Udayakumar Irvathhur, Vrishabharaj Jain, and Sujatha Mudradi spoke on duties of younger generation, Vimala Sumathi Kumar, Padmaprasad Hegde Presided over the sessions. Anitha Surendra Kumar felicitated the guests. The pontiff of Karkala Jain Mutt Swastisri Laliha Swamiji blessed the

convention and called on the audience to preserve the values of Jainism, its religious rituals and spirit which will guide us to lead a peaceful life. He further said that Jainism teaches right way of living and protecting other living animals, and plants around us. He appreciated the organizers for convening Jain Milan which brings intellectuals and speakers on a common platform to share their knowledge. “Let jain Milan continue to preserve the values of life,” he said. Rahul Kapoor gave a lecture on individual development to youths. D. Surendra Kumar, Dr. Yashovarma, Prasanna Kumar and others were also present on the occasion. National Working president D. Surendra Kumat presided over the function and gave a valedictory speech. D. Harshendra Kumar was honoured for his co-operation and support for the success of this convention. Chief Guest, M. M. Rajendra Kumar President of DCC Bank also spoke on this occasion. State working president K. Prasanna Kumar, Pushparaj Jain, M. S. Mrutyunjaya and other dignitaries distributed the awards to various Milan Units for their service to the society.


A group of Jain scholars have organised a national seminar on Jainism with the aim of reviving a 36-year- old book that seeks to unite all the of the religion. The seminar involves 15 academic presentations on various facets of Saman Suttam, a book compiled from other Agamas (religious scriptures) by 300 Jain and scholars from both the Digambar and Shwetambar Sects. The book, commissioned by freedom fighter and human rights advocate Vinoba Bhave, was completed in 1974. "Bhave's aim was to create a single text that explained the essence of Jain philosophy common to all sects," said Dr Geeta Mehta, a Jainology professor at K. J. Somaiya Centre for Studies in Jainism, which has organised this seminar at its campus. Written in the form of 756 Prakrit verses, the book has been translated into English,

Hindi and Gujarati. But it did not bring about the much-desired unity and unification between sects as it had intended. "Each sect preferred to refer to its own texts rather than one which belongs to all," said Dayanand Bhargava, a based professor of Vedic religion. According to Acharya Sushil Muni, an eminent Jain Saint, "on the eve of 25th Centenary of Lord , whatever works have been contributed on national and international level, Saman Suttam is definitely the cream of the whole. I regard it as the greatest achievement. It is an orderly and brief compilation of the essential principles of Jaina's religion and philosophy. The book was compiled by Sri Jinendra Varni, edited by Prof. Sagar Mal Jain and translated into English by Justice T. K. Tukol and Dr. K. K. Dixit. Its first edition was brought out in the year 1993 by Bhagwan Mahavir Memorial Samiti, New Delhi.


1. DR. ABDUL KALAM RELEASES RESEARCH VOLUME "ENIGMA OF THE UNIVERSE" WRITTEN BY MUNI SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR - Former President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam released a voluminous book named 'Enigma of the universe' authored by eminent Shwetambar Terapanth Jain saint, Muni Shri Mahendra Kumar Ji, on the occasion of a scientists meet, specially arranged at his residence in New Delhi on the 14th November,2010. Dr. Kalam praised the book for its rich content, starting from questions like What is universe? How big is the universe? What is the shape and form of universe? What is the age of universe? etc. Different philosophers and scientists have

attempted to answer these questions in the past and this research work carried out assiduously by Muni Shri is a fresh attempt in this direction, presenting a comparative study of science and philosophy. He suggested that Muni Shri Mahendra Kumar and noble laurate Steven Winsberg should meet and work together in the unified field theory. Shri T. K. Jain, President, Anuvrat Vishwa Bharati welcomed the guests and shri Vimal Surana, Director of Delhi Anuvibha proposed a vote of thanks. The entire programme was efficiently conducted by Muni Shri Abhijit kumar.

2. JAINISM, HISTORY, SOCIETY, PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE - By Agustin Paniker, First published in Spanish in 2001 as El. Jainism, First published in English in 2010, English translation by David Sutcliffe,2010 Hardcover Rs. 1395. Modern scholars on Jainism have shown a tendency of throwing up one masterpiece in two decades. In the 1970's, we had Prof. Padmanabh Jaini's THE JAINA PATH OF PURIFICATION. In 1992, we had ' THE JAINS. And in 2010 we have Agustin Paniker's JAINISM. The book is a must read for anyone who wishes to know something about Jainism. Padmanabh Jaini and Paul Dundas occupy the highest echelons of scholarship, and their books enjoy almost cult status in Jain circles. Agustin Paniker has written a book that can be placed alongside their masterpieces. It is a book that covers all possible aspects that a scholar or a casual reader might want to know about the Jain religion. It is probably a first, that all these aspects of Jainism have been dealt with in one book. What makes the achievement more special, is that each aspect has been given the attention it deserves. Without compromising on scholarly exactitude, the author has succeeded in drawing a very clear and lucid picture of Jainism in its various aspects while engaging the reader and remaining highly readable throughout. Perhaps the one criticism that could be leveled against this book - apart from its high price - is that the print quality and font size are both not conducive to easy reading. A book of this prestige (and price!) ought to have been set in a more reader-friendly font. Book is available at , 9 Hirabaug, C. P. Tank, Mumbai 400004, India, E-Mail: [email protected]


According to a national survey recently conducted for the first time by the Ministry of Health, Government of India, on the use of tobacco products, it has been revealed that every second person from amongst the adult population is a tobacco-adict consuming tobacco in one form or other. The central Health Minister, Shri Gulam Nabi Azad has shown an urgent need for changing the priorities in the health programmes. The figures coming out from this survey are highly astounding and shocking.

THEFT OF IDOLS FROM JAIN TEMPLE IN HOWRAH KOLKATA, November 1, 2010: More than 250-year-old Digambar Jain temple in Howrah was looted and a large number of idols, silver umbrellas and jewellery were burgled, leaving the community members shocked. Investigators said the burglars were fully familiar with the temple. The Digambar Jain temple is located right off Jetia Ghat Road, not too far from Bally police station. The lone security guard noticed that the gate of the temple had been broken and idols, silver umbrellas and jewellery were missing. The temple also has a 12-ft-high wall around it. The missing articles include six ashtadhatu idols, 13 silver umbrellas, six chakras and chandmalas and gold and silver jewellery. The burglars took only the smaller idols, with the bigger ones and their thrones left untouched. Some of the idols were installed of late. It was a major blow to the sentiments of Jain community of Howrah. Appalled by the spate of robberies in the Jain temples in many parts of the country, trustees of prominent Jain temples in Mumbai held a meeting recently to review security measures. They discovered that most temples were largely guarded by unarmed security constables. Jain temples are prone to thefts due to the presence of jewellery, cash, and, above all, the idols of deities, which are carved out of precious stones. The trustees meeting was followed by a meeting with home minister R. R. Patil and Mangal Prabhat Lodha, a well-known MLA in the community. Many temples are now increasing the guards and CCTV's are also being installed.


Udupi: 500 year old panchaloha statue of Sri Adinatha estimated to cost around Rs. 10 lakh was stolen from Sri Nemeshwara Adinatha Swamy Jain Basadi at Hiriyangadi near Karkala. However, the police succeeded in finding the idol, but could catch hold of only one culprit among the three who were allegedly involved in the crime. The incident was reportedly occurred at on 28th of October. The secretary of Sri Jain Dharma Jeernodhara Samiti, Vidyakumar Bunnal registered a complaint stating that some culprits broke open the main door of Sri Nemeshwara Adinatha Swamy Jain Basadi at Hiriyangadi on October 28 between

8 p.m. and 9 a.m. and stole the idol of Sri Adinatha Swamy. The idol weighed 140 kg and was 4.5-foot tall. While the investigation was on, the police was informed by a class eight student about a tempo suspiciously present near the temple. The boy had also noted its registration number. This information helped the police in catching the culprits

EMAILS CAUGHT IN CIRCULATION OR SANTHARA - From: "Anish Shah", E-Mail: [email protected] - One of our valuable list member Rishabh Sancheti pointed out one article in DNA which tries to equate Sallekhana or Santhara with Suicide and Sati. The link is attached here: www.dnaindia.com

1. Santhara (Sallekhana) and Sati cannot be equated because of two fundamental differences: a. Sati is only for women and that too who are widowed. On the other santhara can be practiced by both men and women, regardless of their marital status. b. Sati is forced, Santhara is optional. 2. Santhara and Suicide cannot be equated because of the two fundamental difference: a. Suicide is due to inflamed passions like anger, depression etc. On the other hand Santhara is a well thought out decision in calm and composed manner. b. Suicide is done privately; Santhara is done after taking permission of the family members and under supervision of a guru. 3. Santhara and "Fast unto death" cannot be equated because of the following fundamental differences: a. "Fast unto death" are political or social in nature. Santhara is for a personal and spiritual reason. b. "Fast unto death" are to coerce or force opposing other parties to submit to their demands. In Santhara there is no coercion or demands. 4. Santhara and "Euthanasia" cannot be equated because of the following fundamental differences: a. In euthanasia, the life is forcefully brought to an end by giving injections etc on compassionate grounds. In Santhara there is no sudden or forceful end of life.

As such, Santhara is so fundamentally different from the above mentioned activities that under no circumstances it can be equated with it. Here the important criteria is fundamental difference. Also the view that Santhara is undertaken by only women is totally false. Examples of Santhara taken by men:

1. Jain muni Amarchand Kasawan www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com 2. Jethalal Zaveri, founder director of Bharat Bijlee and Walchand Hirachand group. www.jzaveri.com There are innumerable examples of men undertaking santhara. As Manishbhai has pointed out before, two high profile non-Jains who took sallekhana in the 20th century are Dharmanand Koshambi and Vinoba Bhave.

But number of cases may be more by women. This is not surprising as women are more spiritually inclined than men eg there are more nuns than . Similarly go to any temple or Upashraya, there will be more women than men. etc. is also undertaken more by women than men. And finally, Santhara is an ideal of each and every Jain. Every Jain who undertakes Pratikraman wishes for a spiritual and equanimous death in by santhara by reciting chapter 18 of Sutra. Unfortunately, the effort to ban Sallekhana is an assault on right to practice religion peacefully. As long as we do not obtain minority rights, these things are going to happen.

What are jain munis doing on facebook? PC Jain, E-Mail: [email protected] We agree with Hamendra Bhai in totality. Jain Munis should change themselves to become international figures. Think of other saints like Sudhanshuji Maharaj or Bapuji or Nirankari Santji, etc. etc. The world should know the existence and principles of Jainism.

Hemendra Jain, E-Mail: [email protected] - I do agree with your views but it is a very minor thing while Munis are having bank accounts & their rooms are equipped with Refrigerators, AC, Coolers, cordless phones etc and what ever you are thinking it is an old phenomena, even more when we have changed our life style then they have a right to do so. Wait &see the amazing things daily. Muni diksha is very difficult but now a days you will find a flood of Munis in all sections of Jains. you are requested to kindly think on the subject.

Amit Prakash Jain, E-Mail: [email protected] - This is really embarrassing to see our jain munis having accounts on facebook.I never uses strong words on net and that too for jain groups,but I can't avoid saying this as disgusting. Jina dharam is aparigrahi and our sadhus have got specific code of conduct.How can muni have laptops? These cannot be called as sadhus or else we are insulting the great Jina dharma. I don't have words to express my feelings on this topic. Oh Mahavir you are seeing what is happening???

JAIN WEBSITE & YOUTUBE LOCATIONS www.jainuniversity.org - Here is the website you will enjoy for days. It has Jain: songs, literature, calendar for new year, vidhis, tirths and tirthankers etc...and other information in Gujarati and other languages - Hasmukh and Mina Shah, E-Mail: [email protected]

JAIN BHAJANS BY ANUP JALOTA ON YOUTUBE - Here are the two links to see jain bhajans sung by famous bhajan singer Anup Jalota. You can find more parts of jain bhajans by him at the same site. you can download it in mp3 format from www.youtube-mp3.org source : Amit Prakash Jain, E-Mail: [email protected] www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWbi33Gfeoo www.youtube.com/watch?v=XytfRkFlARM

MAIL TO EDITOR AHIMSA DAY CELEBRATIONS BY BRITISH PARLIAMENT - From: Jaysukh Mehta UK, E-Mail: [email protected] I have attached a cutting from local Indian paper, Asian Voice with an article on Ahimsa Day by the Attorney General of the British Parliament. This will give you an idea of how seriously the Ahimsa Day is taken by many senior Government members. Click here to view and read the report.

FEATURE FILM "VARDHAMAN MAHAVEER" - From: Prakash Katariya, E-Mail: [email protected] I am making a feature film of 120 minutes on Vardhaman Mahaveer. The plan is to produce a perfect award winning film. The main purpose is to represent Vardhaman Mahaveer correctly to the world and his global appeals and actions important to universe. Film will be TRILINGUAL : Main Version in Marathi which is simultaneously and very effectively to be dubbed in Hindi and sub titled in English . The movie will try to be very realistic ( based on history , philosophy and facts deleting imaginary mythological events) It will be shooted in historical places as well as RFC. At RFC we will complete camera, shooting editing & final dubbing. Cameraman will be PRK Raju ( multiple award winner) . Production Designer will be Girish Kemkar from Pune ( experience of 30 years in the line) .

Content designer , Story Board , Screenplay basically by Dr Prakash Katariya Script: . Script is cinematically excellent and got approved from Jain Chair Professor & . Basically story of the film has UNIVERSAL appeal. .. Philosophy Head in Univ. Set Designer may be Mr Dandekar or Nitin Desai.

Script is written by me after in depth study of history and facts. I have explored and presented many unknown facets of Vardhaman Mahaveer. Soon I am planning to go for production. At the moment collecting team , and half the team is ready. Rest half will be finalized within few more weeks. For this purpose of making this film, Although I have completed a course of Movie Production, I shall be assigning all jobs to highly experienced and famous people in their respective field. .. Making profits is really not the goal , but I am sure it will follow , the great artistic work. Moreover income from video cassettes ,satellite rights , etc. I shall be thoroughly involved as a master mind. Please let me know , if you desire to participate this event . You may call me on 09422318411 to know more details about it.


Magsaysay award winner and renowned Gandhian L C Jain passed away on Sunday, he left behind a legacy that would stay on for ages to come. Hundreds of people gathered at the Gandhi Peace Foundation on Deen Dayal Upadyaya Marg on Tuesday to condole the death of Jain, who passed away after a protracted battle with cancer. He was 85.

While friends, colleagues and family members paid glowing tributes to the “extraordinary” person, Gandhi Peace Foundation director Radha Ben said, “He was our soul. He was a great follower of the Gandhian philosophy. He also worked for many artistes.” In recent times, Jain had been worried about the Kashmir situation, she added.

Mr. L C Jain was a leading Gandhian and had played an active part in India's independence movement. He was also a highly respected economist and was with the Planning Commission of India. When South Africa achieved liberation from apartheid and the new government of Nelson Mandela was sworn in, Mr. Jain was appointed by the Government of India as our first High Commissioner to South Africa. He is a prolific writer, author of several books and articles and widely respected in civil society circles. He is also a Magsaysay Award winner.

Soon after independence, he worked to organize relief for refugees of the partition. He helped introduce cottage industries into rehabilitation camps. He later campaigned for farm cooperative societies and became a volunteer with the Indian Cooperative Union (ICU), As Secretary of the All-India Handicrafts Board, he promoted decentralized production, introduced direct training and loans to self employed weavers and carpenters, and organized the Central Cottage Industries Emporium. As a Member of the Planning Commission, he took interest in the development of the North Eastern Region and Khadi and Village Industries. Dr. Lakshmi Chand Jain was known as a fierce opponent of overwhelming state control, and an equally fierce advocate for social action. His efforts to keep alive the legacy of the freedom struggle through the intervention of civil society led to him being awarded the Magsaysay Award in 1988. He subsequently became a member of the Planning Commission where he served from 1989 to 1990. The last years of his life were spent in documenting some of the struggles he had been associated with in a book called 'Civil Disobedience', which will be released on comming December 13.

Speaking on his book ‘Civil Disobedience’, to be released on December 13, an acquaintance said, “Spanning some of the most eventful decades in India’s public life, the book dwells on his early years in Chandni Chowk and growing up in a family of freedom fighters to his role as a member of the underground wing of the Quit India movement and the turbulent years of the Emergency.”

The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh in condolence message to Devaki Jain, wife of the departed leader said " He had lost a dear friend and a valued colleague and said his ideas left a lasting imprint on formulation of public policy in our country. It is with a sense of profound sadness and loss that I learnt about the passing away of your husband Dr. Lakshmi Chand Jain. I had the privilege of knowing Lakshmi for a very long time. He was a great patriot, and a strong believer in Gandhian values and decentralization of power. His ideas left a lasting imprint on formulation of public policy in our country".


S.No. Date Parv

1. 4,10, 14, 16, 17,20, 23,28, 30, 31 Auspicious Days

2. 1, 5, 8, 24, 25, 26, 27 Not so Auspicious Days

3. 20th December, 2010 Amrit Siddhi Yog

4. 23th December, 2010 Pushp Nakshtra 5. 11th December to 16th December, 2010 Panchak

6. 16th December, 2010 Sankranti

7. 5th December & 20th December, 2010 Pakshik Parva

8 16th December, 2010 Arah Nath Janm & Moksh Kalyanak

9. 17th December, 2010 Arah Nath Diksha Kalyanak 10. 17th December, 2010 Mali Nath Janm Diksha Kewal Kalyanak

11. 17th December, 2010 Nemi Nath Kewal Kalyanak 12. 20th December, 2010 Sambhav Nath Janm Kalyanak 13. 21th December, 2010 Sambhav Nath Diksha Kalyanak

14. 30th December, 2010 Pashrva Nath Kalyanak 15. 31th December, 2010 Pashrva Nath Diksha Kalyanak

16. 10th December, 2010 Gyan Panchmi

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1. Ashok Bakliwal,Digambar,,Madhya Pradesh,Business 2. Jinendra Chourdiya,Digambar,Rajnand Gaon,Chhattisgarh,Student 3. Naresh Chand Jain,Swetambar,Lenexa,Usa,Business 4. Prem Singh Jain,Swetambar,Ajmer,Rajasthan.Others 5. Ravindra Lunia,Swetambar,Indore,Madhya Pradesh,Industrialist 6. Sanjay Jain,Digambar,Lajpat Nagar-2,Delhi,Business 7. Manoj Kumar Jain,Digambar,Bharatpur,Rajasthan,Service 8. Dilip Kumar Daga,Swetambar,Erode,Tamil Nadu,Service 9. Paras Jain,Digambar,Katni,Madhya Pradesh,Management 10. Dr. Subodh Kumar Jain,Digambar,Sagar,Madhya Pradesh,Academics 11. Ashish Bhandari,Swetambar,Boheda,Rajasthan,Management 12. Kalpesh Baphana,Swetambar,Ahmednagar,,Medical 13. Mahaveer Jain,Banda Mutha,Swetambar,Madurai,Tamil Nadu,Marketing 14. Anand Shah,Swetambar,Thara,,Engineer 15. Yashwant Mehta,Swetambar,Jodhpur,Rajasthan,Law 16. Pramod Kumar Banthiya,Swetambar,Kolkata,West Bengal,Law 17. Anil Bhandari,Swetambar,Jodhpur,Rajasthan,Others 18. Mahaveer Kumar Jain,Digambar,Bhilwara,Rajasthan,Management 19. Mahaveer Chand Bangani,Swetambar,Nagaur,Rajasthan,Business 20. Manoj Kumar Mehta,Swetambar,Chennai,Tamil Nadu,Business 21. Seema Bhandari,Swetambar,,Rajasthan,Consultancy 22. Anupam Patni,Digambar,Jaipur,Rajasthan,Business 23. Rajendra Kumar Patni,Digambar,Jaipur,Rajasthan,Engineer 24. Vishal Kothari,Swetambar,Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh,Business 25. Devesh Shah,Swetambar,Raipur,Chhattisgarh,Finance 26. Nitin Jain,Digambar,Shalimar Bagh,Delhi,Engineer 27. Dr. Prakash Katariya,Swetambar,Pune,Maharashtra,Medical 28. Dilip Kumar Gandhi,Swetambar,Chittorgarh,Rajasthan,Engineer 29. Pradip Kumar Kochar,Swetambar,Howrah,West Bengal,Consultancy 30. Alok Ratan Bhansali,Swetambar,Sandwa,Rajasthan,Service 31. Rajesh Jain,Digambar,Jaipur,Rajasthan,Finance 32. ,Digambar,Dehradun,Uttarakhand,Law 33. Pankaj Bhalgat,Swetambar,Pune,Maharashtra,Others 34. Prashant Gade,Digambar,,Maharashtra,Others 35. Paurin Shah,Swetambar,Ahmedabad,Gujarat,I.T. 36. Tarun Kumar Jain,Swetambar,Ludhiana,Punjab,Others 37. Shripal Jain,Swetambar,Jalore,Rajasthan,Marketing 38. Chandu Jain,Swetambar,Bangalore,,Academics 39. Roshan Lal Kothari,Swetambar,Bangalore,Karnataka,Business 40. Nirmal Kumar Chordiya,Swetambar,Kupwad Sangli,Maharashtra,Business 41. Dinesh Kumar Surana,Swetambar,Chennai,Tamil Nadu,Finance 42. Pramendra Kumar Jain,Digambar,Agra,Uttar Pradesh,Business 43. Mukesh Kumar Vadera,Swetambar,Barmer,Rajasthan,Industrialist 44. Aseem Kumar Singhvi,Swetambar,Udaipur,Rajasthan,Business 45. Suresh Kumar Lunawat,Swetambar,Chennai,Tamil Nadu,Finance 46. Sachin Jain,Digambar,Faridabad,Haryana,Service 47. Suresh Kumar Jain,Swetambar,Barmer,Rajasthan,Service 48. Bharat Kumar Vadera,Swetambar,Barmer,Rajasthan,Arts World Jain Directory 49. Suraj Mal Vadera,Swetambar,Barmer,Rajasthan,Business Place request to add your free 50. Sanmati Thole,Digambar,Deogaon,Maharashtra,Business 51. Yashvant Kumar Shah,Swetambar,Ahmedabad,Gujarat,Business listing in 52. Surendra Kumar Mehta,Swetambar,Barmer,Rajasthan,Law World's largest Jain Directory 53. Mahaveer Gang,Swetambar,Bari Sadri,Rajasthan,I.T. 54. Shrenik Shah,Swetambar,Ahmedabad,Gujarat,Law on 55. Kunal Jain,Swetambar,Daman,Daman & Diu,I.T. www.jainsamaj.org 56. Narendra Bahadur Jain,Digambar,Green Park,Delhi,Engineer 57. Ravi Kumar Jain,Digambar,Alwar,Rajasthan,Medical Click here to submit 58. Ashish Jain,Swetambar,Rohini,Delhi,Business FORM 59. Pushparaj Bhandari,Swetambar,Raichur,Karnataka,Consultancy 60. Alok Nath Majee,Swetambar,Purulia,West Bengal,Academics 61. Ashish Shah,Swetambar,Surat,Gujarat,Business 62. Jain,Swetambar,Bangalore,Karnataka,Industrialist 63. Dr Ravi Kumar Jain,Digambar,Alwar,Rajasthan,Medical 64. Deekshita Jain,Swetambar,Hiriyur,Karnataka,Others 65. Dilip Jain,Digambar,Pusad,Maharashtra,Business 66. Nem Chand Jain,Digambar,I.P. Extensi,Delhi,Service

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