Grid Security and Integration with Minimal Performance Degradation Sugata Sanyal Rangarajan A. Vasudevan School of Technology and Computer Science Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
[email protected] [email protected] Ajith Abraham Marcin Paprzycki Computer Science Department Computer Science Department Oklahoma State University, USA Oklahoma State University, USA
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract- Computational grids are believed to be the question of grid security, while recognized as an ultimate framework to meet the growing important issue, remains somewhat on the computational needs of the scientific community. backburner. There is a reasonable explanation for Here, the processing power of geographically this situation. Security matters only if the distributed resources working under different computational infrastructure of the grid works well ownerships, having their own access policy, cost structure and the likes, is logically coupled to make and effectively. Until the desired work is correctly them perform as a unified resource. The continuous distributed to the appropriate resources on the grid increase of availability of high-bandwidth and the problem is efficiently solved and the results communication as well as powerful computers built of returned to the originator, there is no real reason to low-cost components further enhance chances of worry if the whole process can be done in a secure computational grids becoming a reality. However, the fashion. question of grid security remains one of the important Obviously, the research devoted to security has open research issues. Here, we present some novel proceeded in the meanwhile, and currently the state ideas about how to implement grid security, without of the art suggests the use of encryption techniques appreciable performance degradation in grids.